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Posted by: Hukai The Wandering May 22 2005, 05:05 PM

Well, i figured a refresher is a good thing to have every once in a while. I've read to forum rules for Obivion and this doesn't seem to be a bad topic so....If youu post, please make sure that your information came directly from the dev's bagel eating mouths, thanks.

What we know about Oblivion:
1) It will be shipped at the end of this year. No precise date yet.
2) It will be live aware for Xbox 360 users.
3) It will have HD for both versions. (PC and Xbox 360)
4) It will not be multiplayer.
5) It will feature acutal trap and not just spell-traps.
6) It contains over 400 books.
7) The land-mass is larger than Morrowind's.
8) It will have over 200 dugeons.
9) You can puchase houses.

Did I leaving anything out?

Edit this, don't re-post every time. Thanks.
edited by Epy

Posted by: Azura's Star May 22 2005, 06:54 PM

-It will have more than 200 dungeons
-The main quest will be approximately 30 hours
-Houses will be purchasable

-(conjecture) It will take place 26 years after Morrowind

For the basis on that last one, check out the Uriel took the throne in 3E388. Add 65 years to that and it's 3E453 when the Emperor gives that speech in the trailer. 453-427=26.

Posted by: Rane May 22 2005, 07:18 PM

Ahem, the mainquest will take about 30 hours if you rush through it.

So in other words, expect it to last for at least 30 hours.

Posted by: DoomedOne May 22 2005, 08:36 PM

1) There will be vampires
2) It's apporixmately 16 square miles
3) Half of it is forest
4) There will be no romance
5) There are 5 main factions: Thieves Guild, Fighters guild, mage's guild, Dark-brotherhood and Arena
6) There are 50 hours of recorded voice
7) There is no dismemberment

Posted by: minque May 22 2005, 08:38 PM

4) There will be no romance

Hopefully that can be modded.... tongue.gif

Posted by: jonajosa May 22 2005, 09:05 PM

5) There are 5 main factions: Thieves Guild, Fighters guild, mage's guild, Dark-brotherhood and Arena

That we know of right now.

Posted by: Rane May 22 2005, 09:06 PM

And the Nine Divines...

6 factions.

Posted by: Ambberfox May 22 2005, 09:16 PM

[quote=minque]Hopefully that can be modded.... tongue.gif[/quote]

I guess that will be possible... biggrin.gif

Posted by: DoomedOne May 22 2005, 09:44 PM

[quote=Rane]And the Nine Divines...

6 factions.[/quote]

Show me a quote I don't think that has been confirmed. It said in an interview there would be 5 main factions, that doesn't mean only 5 factions.

Posted by: Rane May 22 2005, 09:46 PM

Show me a quote I don't think that has been confirmed. It said in an interview there would be 5 main factions, that doesn't mean only 5 factions.[/quote]
[quote]The team is also focused on creating a world that's interesting enough that the player would want to take sides. The game's factions are much more polarized this time around and they include options as diverse as the Fighters' and Mages' Guild who are generally good, the Thieves Guild, which is generally bad, and the Dark Brotherhood, which is really evil. The Nine Divines lets the player become a monk, while the Arena Guild obviously focuses on gladiatorial combat. All of these factions have their own stories and intrigues and contain enough stuff to do that by themselves they'd probably fill a whole separate game. Putting them together ensures that no matter how much time the player spends in the game, there will always be some choices passing by that they'll want to come back and try later.

Edit: And Hukai, instead of posting the list again everytime just edit the first post as Epy suggested.

Posted by: the_boss May 23 2005, 09:41 PM

[quote=Hukai The Wandering]

What we know about Oblivion:
2) It will be live aware for Xbox 360 users.

what does this mean? we will be able to play it on XBox Live?

Posted by: Rane May 23 2005, 09:47 PM

what does this mean? we will be able to play it on XBox Live?[/quote]

No, it means that there will be downloadable content for the X-Box 360 version.

Probably meaning official mods and patches.

Posted by: the_boss May 23 2005, 09:50 PM

what does this mean? we will be able to play it on XBox Live?[/quote]

No, it means that there will be downloadable content for the X-Box 360 version.

Probably meaning official mods and patches.[/quote]

oh i get it..that will be a really good improvement, being able to download patches and such, hopefully the xbox360 wont have the same problem as the old one whenever the game got too many blocks (i dont think it will)

Posted by: Lucidarius Jun 12 2005, 12:58 AM

1) Radiant AI (with NPCs remembering you and your actions when you return, and with fame rating influencing prices and quests)
2) Killing NPCs important to MQ results in forcing you to reload last save
3) Armor weakens spells
4) One (1) ending to MQ regardless of how you play

Posted by: vaanic~one Jun 12 2005, 04:08 PM

also, long blade and short blade skills will now only be one skill. Thank God.

Posted by: Corn Flakes Jun 22 2005, 02:49 AM

[quote=Lucidarius]2) Killing NPCs important to MQ results in forcing you to reload last save

Crap. No more stealing. Maybe with disintegrate armor/weapon, if that spell exists in Oblivion............

Posted by: Leraje Jul 1 2005, 01:20 AM

-- you will only be able to have a limited number of potion effects at a time depending on your alchemy skill
-- no more die roll for melee combat (thank God!!)
-- you'll be able to quick-travel to places you've been before (though I don't recommend skipping the beautiful scenery wink.gif )

Posted by: Thanatos522 Jul 1 2005, 05:55 PM

The game will take place 6 years after MW.

Posted by: graygod44 Jul 1 2005, 05:59 PM

- Block is manually controlled this time
- Effective block can disarm opponent

Posted by: Thanatos522 Jul 1 2005, 06:01 PM

Magic will have it's own button so there is no more ready magic and will be casted with a free hand orr weapon hand if both hands are used.

Posted by: Kuukulgur Jul 1 2005, 07:01 PM

[quote=Thanatos522]Magic will have it's own button so there is no more ready magic and will be casted with a free hand orr weapon hand if both hands are used.[/quote]

This leads to the question, will we be able to hit and cast magic at the same time? Pressing the two different buttons at the same time, this means. It sounds unbalancing though, maybe they won't allow it...

Posted by: MerGirl Jul 2 2005, 03:27 PM

This leads to the question, will we be able to hit and cast magic at the same time? Pressing the two different buttons at the same time, this means. It sounds unbalancing though, maybe they won't allow it...[/quote]

I do not think they should let you do this, because that would be a little... unfair, wouldn't it? I would not want NPC's doing that to me, either.

Posted by: sknnywhytboi Jul 9 2005, 12:23 AM

Very surprised it hasn't been said yet, but maybe its too obvious so noone wrote it down, so i will cause im CAPT. OBVIOUS!!!

We know:
Horses will be in the game...

Posted by: Intestinal Chaos Jul 12 2005, 01:05 AM

-Poisonous potions made be added to weapons and arrows for a one time effect attack
-Items may be thrown and affected by movement
-Shops actually close

Posted by: lifeishell91 Jul 17 2005, 12:55 PM

-You can mount horses for trvael purposes only, no mounted combat.
-People can steal from you.
-We will have the same races as in Morrowind.
-Stealth will be renovated in the sense that, shadow, visibility and sound will factor into whether NPC's can hear you.
-Arrows stick into soft materials (flesh, wood) and bounce of hard (stone, armour?)
-You can manipulate the age of the PC, but the PC will not age afterwards.
-There will be a navigating compass sad.gif
-Telkenisis has been redone, in the sense that it will be a more realistic spell than in Morrowind.
-Still no children.
-12-+ main cities, several smaller settlements.
-Elven Armour is introduced.
-Seen by a 3rd party that are being associated with the Dark Brotherhood will trigger city Guards, and create a bounty on your head.
-Trespassing is also illegal.
-You willl notice the idiosyncracies of each NPC.
-You, or your opponent, can have the choice to yeild, and depending on your dispostion, the NPC, or you can choose to accept the yeild request, or not.
-Many new creatures, inc. Zombies blink.gif
-You will level according to your skill levels, not XP.
-You start out the game in a prison, and witness the emporer being assasinated and you make an attempt to escape.

I am so looking forward to this tongue.gif

Posted by: Rane Jul 17 2005, 01:11 PM

QUOTE(lifeishell91 @ Jul 17 2005, 02:55 PM)
-12-+ main cities

9 main cities. And Elven armor has already been seen in a TES game so it's not introduced. Same for Zombies, so they're not really new creatures to TES.

Posted by: lifeishell91 Jul 17 2005, 03:40 PM

Well, Morrowind was the only part of the TES series I played, I didn't know that Elven Armour and Zombies wasn't new, sorry!

Posted by: Rane Jul 17 2005, 03:45 PM

QUOTE(lifeishell91 @ Jul 17 2005, 05:40 PM)
Well, Morrowind was the only part of the TES series I played, I didn't know that Elven Armour and Zombies wasn't new, sorry!

If you'd like to find out more about the previous games and what could be found in them then you might want to take a look at

Posted by: Red Jul 17 2005, 03:51 PM

-The compass will only show places of interest that are near you, it isn't a guide arrow
-Cave rats may come in a new size, enormous.magick can be casted while using your weapon.
-We will enjoy Oblivion.

Posted by: MiniCactuar Jul 24 2005, 08:23 PM

This is just a bit of speculation to add. I read in OXM (I think it was that publication) that mentioned Oblivion being a day one or launch title for the Xbox 360. Of course that hasn't been confirmed (that I know of) but it's an exciting prospect.

Posted by: Kiln Jul 25 2005, 12:11 AM

All of the interviews say "Holiday season." or "Near launch." for the X360 so possibly at launch or shortly after. But if the X360 is delayed as much as some expect then it will most likely be a launch game.

Posted by: MiniCactuar Jul 25 2005, 08:09 PM

True enough there Kiln. Hopefully the Xbox 360 won't be delayed too much. Then the jump they want on the PS3 would be considered null and void.

Posted by: MerGirl Jul 28 2005, 09:28 PM

Ooh, ooh! Me happy with this Tee hee! biggrin.gif
Here are some info and some quotes from the interview:

--NPC's in combat can use normal attacks or use power attacks based on their stats.
--NPCs in combat can dynamically switch between melee weapons, bows and magic based on their skills, as well as use the information of their surroundings to determine their actions (ex: get better weapon or running away)

--In terms of stealing, stealing is still a crime, but this time there are minor penalties for the minor crimes.

--Some less-than-upstanding-citizen-NPCs will not really care if you steal stuff.

--Lockpicking will be a minigame of some sort.

--No "magic mode"=magic wielding whenever you want.

--"All weapon types have their own stealth attack".

--Ending is 'BIG'.

--Infamous and famous system will have effects on what different quests/solutions/paths you can get.

--No NPCs will directly steal from you. Your house is also a safe haven, so supposedly no NPCs will infiltrate it.

--Equipping clothes/armor will be the same in Morrowind, except rings and amulets will now be visible on your character.

--"Shopkeepers will still not accept stolen goods. Luckily for compulsive stealers, the Thieves Guild has fences who have no such scruples."

--In terms of factions, "there will be ongoing rewards and some gameplay for those who advance to the head of a faction." All factions will have individual storylines, sort of like subquests.

--In this game, the landscape is BIG, supposedly bigger than Morrowind. Also, the day/night cycle is 48 minutes, same as Morrowind.

--In terms of damage of stuff--"The damage won’t be visual, but it has a damage rating. The more damaged it is, the less protection it provides. If it hits zero, the armor or weapon breaks and becomes unusable. NPCs will drop their broken weapons and shields. It’s pretty cool to fight an NPC and see him toss away his broken shield."

--Stealth skills and armor-"Yes, your armor factors into your stealth rating. Unless you’re at the absolute pinnacle of thieving skills, wearing heavy, clunky armor is going to alert people to your presence very quickly."

--Not all of the '200 hand-crafted, trap-laden'dungeons are are tied to quests. A lot of them you can just stumble across. "The percentage involved in quests is higher than what it was in Morrowind, however."

--This game will not involve the typical "run-behind-me-and-attack-guys" mercenaries. There will be interesting ways that they will be used within the context of quests.

--Oblivion will be on DVD for Xbox 360. PC--unknown for the moment. Most likely will be on DVD for PC as well.

--Construction Set has been improved alot! "We’ve talked previously about our procedural content generation tools to create landscape and environments very quickly. The quest and dialog system is completely new, and much better organized than it was in Morrowind. The physics properties of objects are set in the art file, but we do have manipulation tools in the editor so you can stack or lean objects with physics active – so you’ll know exactly how they’ll act in the game. The program lip-synchs new files automatically."

--21 skills in total, and there are 7 skills in each major category (stealth, combat, magic). Long Blade and short blade are now one skill.

--Every category will have perks, such as special ablities or bonuses as you advance in skill.

--And (magic users be happy!), some useless spells have been taken out, and now some new ones have been added.

Oooh, ooh! *swoons*

***--New effect called 'Reanimate', which allows you to resurrect a dead NPC and he/she can follow you. Playable necromancer class, anyone? (Hopefully?!) wub.gif

cake.gif cake.gif cake.gif to the devs/Gavin for this interview (especially for that last tidbit!)!

I may be missing some stuff, so correct me if I messed something up.

EDIT: Oh! Is the Nine Divines still a joinable faction for the PC? I really hope it is. They didn't take that out, did they? kvright.gif I know it's just rumours, but I haven't seen the interviews mention the 9 Divines in awhile now...

EDIT2: Ay Dios mio! What is up with me and the double negatives? *slaps forehead*

Posted by: Dantrag Jul 29 2005, 12:38 AM


thanks for the info MerGirl, however, now my fears of a not-good-enough-computer are multiplied.

Posted by: MerGirl Jul 29 2005, 12:46 AM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Jul 28 2005, 07:38 PM)

thanks for the info MerGirl, however, now my fears of a not-good-enough-computer are multiplied.

It's the bigger landscape and 200 dungeons, isn't it? wink.gif I'm scared, too, but the devs said (or somebody official) that the game should be able to played on a less-than-spectacular computer, unlike Morrowind. (Hopefully, if perhaps I put the settings down low enough, my computer will run Oblivion. *crosses fingers*)

Actually, what I'm really, really worried about is the lagging framerate that the abundant NPCs (in combat it looks like from the trailer) will cause. mad.gif

Posted by: Dantrag Jul 29 2005, 12:50 AM

I'm just worried my computer will start flaming and the Oblivion CD will be stuck in the drive.

Then I will be Oblivion-less and computer-less. *crys*

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Jul 29 2005, 01:21 AM

They make manual eject slots for such an occasion dantrag.

also very informative mergirl O.o makes me want it even more. Though i think i'll have to add some cooling to my comp, before then.

Posted by: Dantrag Jul 29 2005, 01:30 AM

QUOTE(Megil Tel-Zeke @ Jul 28 2005, 08:21 PM)
Though i think i'll have to add some cooling to my comp, before then.

hmmm overclocking....

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Jul 29 2005, 01:45 AM

hmm could do, If i decide to go with thermal electric cooling for the cpu. Just thinking that the cpu runs at 120F when playing morrowind.

3.8GHz P4
radeon 9800 pro 256MB
and a gig of ram(for now)

Posted by: Kiln Jul 29 2005, 01:57 AM

Thats alot of info Mergirl, so much I won't even attempt to quote it thanks. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Konradude Aug 1 2005, 10:20 PM

QUOTE(MerGirl @ Jul 28 2005, 09:28 PM)
--No NPCs will directly steal from you. Your house is also a safe haven, so no NPCs will not infiltrate it.

No NPCs will not infiltrate it? Jesus, if I'm getting a thousand thieves at my door I'm preparing the pitchfork...

Posted by: Aki Aug 2 2005, 04:10 AM

--Equipping clothes/armor will be the same in Morrowind, except rings and amulets will now be visible on your character.


Now i must port Hircine's ring into oblivion. A ring llike that is too cool to not be worn.

Posted by: Konradude Aug 3 2005, 10:12 AM

What does Hircine's ring look like?

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 3 2005, 03:04 PM

a thick silver ring (yes silver colored ironic i think) with a little wolf head on it.

Posted by: Red Aug 3 2005, 03:35 PM

Do we have Vampires are included down yet?

Posted by: Aki Aug 6 2005, 11:16 AM

QUOTE(Soulseeker3.0 @ Aug 3 2005, 10:04 AM)
a thick silver ring (yes silver colored ironic i think) with a little wolf head on it.

Yep. which is wwwhhhhhyyy i want it... cool.gif

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