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Posted by: sins_to_dark Feb 16 2006, 05:52 PM

I read somewhere or heard it i think it might have been on one of the trailers that if you use armory to fix your weapons/armor unlike MW it doesnt just make a sound and succeed or fail its a complete mini game, maybe its the same for alchemy?

Has anyone else heard?

And what type of mini-games would you like to be involved in the game if they confirm they are differently going to use them?

Posted by: Curly_G_ Feb 16 2006, 08:55 PM

Aint heard anything about Armour, but Alchemy and Lockpicking are mini games.

Posted by: mirocu Feb 24 2013, 04:47 PM

Instead of making a new thread (unless someone high up says itīs a better idea) I decided to leech on this tongue.gif

I like the minigames in Oblivion. I even like the by many hated Speech minigame. Just to tinker around with something else for awhile is fun to me. They may be "unrealistic" or whatever, but itīs a game and I donīt see the issue. My favorite minigame actually is the Speech one, no joke smile.gif

Bee-tee-dubb, is Spellmaking and Enchanting considered minigames?

Posted by: Acadian Feb 24 2013, 05:55 PM

This thread wasn't doing anything anyway. I think speechcraft and lockpicking are mingames. I don't think that spellmaking or enchanting are - not much more than the sleep menu, lol.

I've never done more than tinker with speechcraft. It makes a wonderful 'never touch' skill. In fact I think it was included for just that purpose (illusionist speaking here tongue.gif ).

I enjoyed the lockpicking game but haven't touched it since BB (before Buffy). She of course used spells to open everything (and Acadian magic to open stuff underwater).

Posted by: mirocu Feb 24 2013, 06:20 PM

QUOTE(Acadian @ Feb 24 2013, 05:55 PM) *

I think speechcraft and lockpicking are mingames. I don't think that spellmaking or enchanting are - not much more than the sleep menu, lol.

They may not be minigames like the others, but I like to think of them as such anyway biggrin.gif

Posted by: Acadian Feb 24 2013, 06:38 PM

Then so be it! biggrin.gif

After all, Buffy thinks of the 'haggling' feature as a shopping minigame. happy.gif

Posted by: Grits Feb 24 2013, 07:07 PM

I haven't tried it yet, but is it possible to annoy someone into a low enough disposition to attack you in the speech mini game? I use it to let my orc lady piss off people in taverns, but she's just awkward instead of deliberately taunting them. Hmm...

Posted by: King Of Beasts Feb 24 2013, 07:09 PM

QUOTE(Grits @ Feb 24 2013, 10:07 AM) *

I haven't tried it yet, but is it possible to annoy someone into a low enough disposition to attack you in the speech mini game? I use it to let my orc lady piss off people in taverns, but she's just awkward instead of deliberately taunting them. Hmm...

With some NPC's it's possible to get their disposition low enough that they'll attack you.

Posted by: Acadian Feb 24 2013, 07:17 PM

I think KoB's right. An NPC attacking is related to their aggression and disposition toward you. NPC's with a higher aggression are easier to provoke by lowering their disposition toward you.

More info here:

Posted by: King Of Beasts Feb 24 2013, 07:24 PM

Wait, I know this!

If an NPC's aggression is at least 6, dropping their disposition 5 points below the NPC's agression will cause it to attack.


A random NPC's agression is 30.

If you drop their disposition 5 points below 30, they will attack you.

An NPC with an aggression of 5 or less wont attack you. Not even in self-defense.

An NPC with an aggression with 0 will never fight. Only flee.

NPC's with an agression of 106 or higher will always attack you.

Posted by: Lady Saga Feb 25 2013, 12:35 AM

I myself like the mini-games, and (depending on the character) I will either do the Speechcraft one or bribe the NPC with gold, sometimes both will happen. Some characters (like Kahreem of Weet and Luci Pheria) will even do a 'negative' Speechcraft, intentionally insulting an NPC, making them hate my character!

On the subject of gold: I don't always see "bribes" as bribes. "Bribe has sort of a negative connotation, as though something underhanded is happening, and this is not always the case. Depending on the situation there are times I see giving gold to an NPC as a tip (like with stablehands who watch over our horses), instead of an underhanded bribe.

My problem with Speechcraft is that it always gives us two negative comments and two positive ones during each turn. This is not how I would speak to somebody in real-life, and even though I sometimes put the Speechcraft game into my stories, I would prefer a little more realism here.

In Sims, it is possible to make an NPC like or dislike our character. You get them to like the character by only saying positive things (or only negative ones if you don't mind the NPC being a hater), which is how a real person would handle it. If there were a "Sims mod" for the Speechcraft game, I'd probably get that, unless it was horrible or something.

Posted by: Lopov Feb 25 2013, 07:54 PM

QUOTE(King Of Beasts @ Feb 24 2013, 07:24 PM) *

Wait, I know this!

If an NPC's aggression is at least 6, dropping their disposition 5 points below the NPC's agression will cause it to attack.

That's correct, at the beginning I thought that nobody will attack you if you provoke them because one of my previous characters (snobby Altmer BTW) insulted almost everyone he met and their disposition dropped to 0. Yet none attacked him. Then he insulted Eugal Belette (that guy from Chorrol who has a dark secret) and he attacked him - I was curious what was the reason and checked in the CS - he had aggresion set to 10 while all previous insulted characters hd 5 or less.

Some characters (like Kahreem of Weet and Luci Pheria) will even do a 'negative' Speechcraft, intentionally insulting an NPC, making them hate my character!

Falador doesn't need to do that, his high infamy makes him hear comments like "This scent is foul", "Go away", "What do you want, treehugger?" et cetera all the time. evillol.gif

Posted by: Lady Saga Feb 25 2013, 10:51 PM

QUOTE(Lopov @ Feb 25 2013, 01:54 PM) *

Falador doesn't need to do that, his high infamy makes him hear comments like "This scent is foul", "Go away", "What do you want, treehugger?"

laugh.gif What do you want treehugger? That's awesome!

Posted by: mirocu Mar 1 2013, 03:44 PM

Iīve never used the speech minigame to make someone attack. Maybe I should try that tonight, when something big is about to happen. For me and Lothran anyway wink.gif

Posted by: Grits Mar 1 2013, 03:51 PM

Oooo, intriguing! smile.gif

Posted by: mirocu Mar 1 2013, 03:53 PM

Itīs nothing major, just ... Ah, Iīll wait till later wink.gif

Posted by: Lopov Mar 1 2013, 04:54 PM

Now you got me there... I'm really curious what's going to happen - will he perhaps leave Bruma?

Posted by: mirocu Jul 8 2013, 08:29 AM

I find that I miss doing the Speech mini-game. Iīve smooth-talked every citizen in Cyrodiil by now and the only way to play it again is to make another character draw a weapon so their disposition lowers ten points, and then I can do it again happy.gif

Posted by: Acadian Jul 8 2013, 12:33 PM

QUOTE(mirocu @ Jul 8 2013, 12:29 AM) *

I find that I miss doing the Speech mini-game. Iīve smooth-talked every citizen in Cyrodiil by now and the only way to play it again is to make another character draw a weapon so their disposition lowers ten points, and then I can do it again happy.gif

Buffy has never touched the speechcraft game. She uses a charm spell to temporarily raise disposition. If she wants to permanently raise disposition (like for her fave merchants) and all the stablehands that take care of Superian, she bribes them. Often, however, the game won't let you bribe someone all the way up to 100. If she can't bribe them to 100, she pulls her bow to temporarily lower their disposition so she can raise it some more. If that's not enough, she casts a custom spell: Drain Personality 90 x 5 sec on self. Then she can bribe them some more. Once she stows her bow and the spell wears off, they are forever 100. Note that drain personality 90 does not drop someone's disposition by 90; rather it drops it by 30 or so.

Drain personality is available for spellmaking if you know Drain Attribute. Getting drain attribute, if desired, cannot be bought. Buffy gained access to the effect by completing the Orrery DLC. UESP wiki details the other quirky ways of getting the effect into your spellbook.

Posted by: Pseron Wyrd Jul 18 2013, 12:46 AM

Creating new characters is my favorite mini-game. smile.gif

Posted by: mirocu Jul 18 2013, 11:14 AM

QUOTE(Pseron Wyrd @ Jul 18 2013, 01:46 AM) *

Creating new characters is my favorite mini-game. smile.gif

tongue.gif !

Posted by: Callidus Thorn Oct 3 2013, 08:52 AM

QUOTE(mirocu @ Jul 8 2013, 08:29 AM) *

I find that I miss doing the Speech mini-game. Iīve smooth-talked every citizen in Cyrodiil by now and the only way to play it again is to make another character draw a weapon so their disposition lowers ten points, and then I can do it again happy.gif

Late to the party yet again, but command spells also lower disposition, but you probably already knew that.*Shrugs*

And as for the mini games, I can't say I'm a fan of them.

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