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Posted by: Renee Nov 3 2016, 10:20 PM

GAME (Platform):








In-game Birthday: (Use to determine which month the Bday falls)



Home Country:

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living):

Faction Description:


Class Description:

Major Skills:

Minor Skills:

Tabletop Skills:

Magic abilities or powers:

Physical Appearance:



Weapons of preference:



Mental Profile/Personality:

Biography/Life History:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Renee, TES 1: Arena) (Lopov, TES 3: Morrowind) ... (Renee, TES 2: Daggerfall) ... (mirocu, TES 1: Arena) ... (ghastley, TES 2: Daggerfall) ... (ghastley, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim) ... (ghastley, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim) (Decrepit, TES 2: Daggerfall) (Renee, TES 3: Morrowind) (ghastley, TES 3: Morrowind) (Renee, TES 3: Morrowind) (ghastley, TES 3: Morrowind) (ghastley, TES 3: Morrowind) (Renee, TES 3: Morrowind) (Renee, TES 3: Morrowind) (Renee, TES 3: Morrowind) (ghastley, TES 3: Morrowind) (Renee, TES 3: Morrowind) (Renee, TES 3: Morrowind) (Renee, TES 3: Morrowind) (Renee, TES 3: Morrowind) (Renee, TES 1: Arena) (TheCheshireKhajiit, TES 3: Morrowind) (Renee, TES 1: Arena) (Renee, TES 3: Morrowind) (Renee, TES 3: Morrowind) (Renee, TES 3: Morrowind) (Rnee, TES 3: Morrowind) ... Renee, TES 3: Morrowind

Posted by: Renee Nov 3 2016, 11:10 PM

GAME (Platform): TES 1: Arena, (PC)

Name: Renee Gade I

Status: Retired

Dead-is-Dead?: No!

Race: Nord

Gender: Female

Age: mid 20s


Alignment: Chaotic Good


Home Country: Skyrim, town of Amol

Faction and Rank or Guilds Arena has no joinable guilds, but I like to imagine she'd be part of Fighters Guild, and would maybe join Mages Guild just for their resources.

Faction Description:

Class: Battlemage

Class Description: In the first Elder Scrolls game, being a Battlemange meant being a fighter who specializes in magic on the side, and only wears Light Armor.

Major Skills:

Minor Skills:

Tabletop Skills: Axe/Mace (2), Horsemanship (1), Literacy (1), Shield (1), Swimming (2), Sword (2), Warrior (2)

Magic abilities or powers: Create / Destroy Wall, Heal Self, Invisibility, Shield

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: dark

Build: Athletic (like I wish I still was)

Weapons of preference: Swords (one-handed)

Armor & Clothing: She'd wear leather armor constantly while out questing (because that's some of the only light armor Arena allows). In towns she'd often switch to ordinary clothes, and had a habit of leaving her old armor sets behind in various blacksmith establishments as her fame became prominent, instead of getting this apparel repaired.

Miscellaneous: Renee Gade I is my character who completed Arena's Main Quest. I gamed with her from 2014 until 2016, yet only now realized I hadn't dedicated a post for her. Renee Gade the first is the mother of (my first serious roleplay in Oblivion), and grandmother of Lucitia (, my long-lasting PC character).

Mental Profile/Personality: Cold and dedicated.

Biography/Life History: Renee was a battlemage for Uriel Septim VII's court. Though details are scarce, she eventually became imprisoned after Jagar Tharn immobilized Uriel in the year 389 of the 3rd Era. Jagar had the Empire in his hands, and it was up to lowly Renee to conquer him. Eventually she did so. Control of the lands some time in 391 or 392, after much questing and righteous plundering.

Posted by: Lopov Nov 6 2016, 02:05 PM

I'm adding Haryon to this thread, he was my Morrowind Nerevarine whose saves got lost when my disk crashed. I don't recall everything about him, though.

GAME: Morrowind

Name: Haryon (sometimes referred to as Brother Haryon)

Race: Nord

Gender: male

Age: 30-35

Sign: I think it was the Atronach but I'm not sure

Home Country: Cyrodiil

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living): he was a Primate of the Imperial Cult and an Operative of the Blades on Vvardenfell

Faction Description:

The Imperial Cult: "The missionary arm of the great faiths, the Imperial Cult brings divine inspiration and consolation to the Empire's remote provinces. The cults combine the worship of the Nine Divines: the Aedra Akatosh, Dibella, Arkay, Zenithar, Mara, Stendarr, Kynareth, and Julianos, and the Talos Cult, veneration of the divine god-hero Tiber Septim, founder and patron of the Empire. Imperial Cult priests provide worship and services for all these gods at the Imperial Cult shrines in settlements throughout Vvardenfell." -- Morrowind Prophecies

The Blades: The Blades are members of an elite Imperial order dedicated to the protection and service of the Dragonborn emperors of Tamriel. Descended from the Akaviri Dragonguard, who became the personal bodyguard of Emperor Reman I, the Blades have since diversified into many areas of Imperial espionage, military, and diplomacy. Indeed, while a select few are appointed by the emperor to serve openly as diplomats or bodyguards, the majority of Blades agents act covertly as couriers and spies. Serving as the emperor's eyes and ears, a vast network of Blades have influenced many critical events across Tamriel, such as reassembling the golem Numidium and defeating Dagoth Ur.

Class: Monk

Class Description: Monks are students of the ancient martial arts of hand-to-hand combat and unarmored self defense. Monks avoid detection by stealth, mobility, and Agility, and are skilled with a variety of ranged and close-combat weapons.

Specialization: Stealth
Attributes: Agility, Willpower

Skills and talents: Major Skills: Hand-to-hand, Unarmored, Athletics, Acrobatics, Sneak

Minor Skills: Block, Marksman, Light Armor, Restoration, Blunt Weapon

Physical Appearance: while a few pics of Haryon should be somwhere on my PC, I can't find them now. If (and that's one big if) I find them, I'll add one here.

Eyes: dark

Build: muscular

Weapons of preference: bare fists, Dreugh Club

Clothing: robes

Mental Profile/Personality: good-natured

Biography/Life History: Haryon was a priest of the Nine Divines living a peaceful life in Cyrodiil. By some odd twist of fate he was branded a prisoner and sent to Vvardenfell. As it later turned out, it was just a trick to get him on the island because he was supposed to be the prophesized Nerevar reborn. Though he at first didn't want anything to do with the prophecy, Haryon later followed in the steps of Nerevar, cast down the False Gods (except Vivec) and saved Vvardenfell. After the prophecy was fulfilled, Haryon was seen as savior by some and as a traitor by others. As such, he moved to Solstheim and intended to permanently stay there. At that time his creator's disk crashed and his adventures on Solstheim were never realized.

Posted by: Renee Nov 8 2016, 04:20 AM

GAME: Daggerfall

Name: Sheeza Hawty

Race: dark elf

Gender: hottie

Age: Hmm. 36 in human years. She's supposed to be older, with a bit of wisdom that Mann Buubz doesn't have.


Home Country: Morrowind

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living):

Faction Description:

Class: Sorcerer

Class Description: Daggerfall is like Oblivion. Both games have preset classes, and the option to make our own In this case, I used the game's pre-made Sorcerer class. Sorcerers are magical, but they cannot generate their own magicka, not even through resting. They must absorb incoming spells during combat to regain this stat.

Skills and talents:: She is going to focus on Mysticism, Alteration, and Thaumaturgy as primary skills, with Destruction, Restoration, and Illusion as majors.

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: red

Build: slender

Weapons of preference: ebony daggar

Clothing: light armor so far. She just left the opening dungeon.

Miscellaneous: I plan on having Sheeza Hawty join one of the guilds, but I'm not sure which one yet.

Magic abilities or powers:

Mental Profile/Personality:

Biography/Life History: Sheeza came to Iliac Bay by ship from Morrowind. I get the sense that she has no family here, and no friends, and that she could be here for some sort of training / schooling.

Posted by: mirocu Nov 18 2016, 10:50 PM

GAME: Arena

Name: Thor of Valhalla
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Age: No idea. Around 25?
Sign: N/A
Home Country: Skyrim
Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living): Mostly do odd jobs from any ruler to get experience and gold. Not that he needs more of either at this point.
Class: Battlemage

Physical Appearance: [Unable to take pic]

Weapons of preference: Sword
Clothing: Regular
Miscellaneous: Carries items that boost his Strength, Intelligence and Willpower to 100.
Magic abilities or powers: Has a spell for any circumstance he may encounter, including shield and absorb spells that render him practically invulnerable.

Posted by: ghastley Nov 19 2016, 05:07 PM

Game: Daggerfall

Name: Blossom

Race: Orc (mod)

Gender: Female

Age: Don't ask

Sign: Rude

Home Country: Orsinium

Faction and Rank or Guilds: Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, Dibella, Prostitutes (mod)

Class: Lack of would be more the case.

Class Description: Big weapons, 'nuff said.

Skills and talents: Long Sword, Axe, Archery, ...

Physical Appearance: Green, with tusks, what did you expect? Red hair, in a tuft that grows long and hangs over her shoulder.

Eyes: Yellow

Build: Like a brick outhouse.

Weapons of preference: Chrysamere, or a Daedric longsword

Clothing: Orcish armour, but not so much that it hides her assets.

Miscellaneous: Learned the spells she needed to supplement her mainly physical fighting style, i.e. levitation, water walking and breathing, some self-healing.

Magic abilities or powers: Little to none. She's definitely the physical type. Gets some help from enchantments.

Mental Profile/Personality: Orcish. That ain't easy in Daggerfall, where evryone thinks you're the enemy.

Biography/Life History: Grew up in Orsinium, but took to the adventuring life, and never really settled anywhere else until she got rich from dungeon-delving. She now has a ship, and a large house in a provincial town, mainly to stash her loot.

IPB Image

Posted by: ghastley Nov 28 2016, 07:54 PM

Games: Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim

Name: Silanu (Hlaalu)

Race: Dunmer

Gender: Female

Age: Various - a Dunmer should be able to live through all four games, especially one with a magical inclination.

Sign: Mage

Home Country: Morrowind

Faction and Rank or Guilds: Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, Dibella, and others

Class: Varies by game, mostly custom - Dominatrix

Class Description: Destruction magic, with a one-handed/long blade skill, too. Unarmoured where that skill exists. Has both Heavy and Light as majors in Oblivion as unused ones for level limiting.

Skills and talents: Long Sword, Destruction are combined to use a Riding Crop enchanted with shock (where the game allows) and used separately where it doesn't. If the game allows, she also carries a no-damage variety just for having fun.

Physical Appearance: Silanu has the largest breasts in Tamriel, due to magical help before natural growth that would have been exceptional anyway. At least they have included feather, so they're not heavy. Medium blue/grey skin, with white hair, styled according to game, but showing her ears. She has had a mod-added body in each of the games, including the 2D one for Daggerfall.

Eyes: Dunmer red.

Build: Top-heavy, but not too unbalanced. She's chunky enough for the big ones not to look too ridiculous.

Weapons of preference: Enchanted Riding Crop or Long Sword - generally one-handed. Daedric in Daggerfall, hoping for custom in Morrowind, too.

Clothing: Unarmoured - with tall black boots in all but Morrowind, where all boots are armour, until I mod that. Various other scraps of leather depending on game.

Miscellaneous: She's an NPC in the Gweden Brothel mod, and sister to Falanu Hlaalu at the All Things Alchemical shop in Skingrad. Her cousin Miranu is also in that mod.

Magic abilities or powers: Nothing unusual, except for the preferred method of delivery. Fire spells are her backup for anything shock-resistant.

Mental Profile/Personality: Dominatrix - but that's more a professional persona than her real one.

Biography/Life History: Her elder sister Falanu was getting all the boys, because she'd developed sooner. So Silanu cheated, with the help of a mage she'd blackmailed, and got a pair of her own. Then her natural growth kicked in, and doubled everything, at least. She learned to say "no" forcefully, (well, she was younger than she looked, and had to) and discovered that some guys like being told what to do. The rest is history, which can be read

Posted by: ghastley Mar 7 2017, 10:52 PM

Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim

Name: Diablita

Race: Unknown. Certainly not any of the usual ones. She does have elf-like ears.

Gender: Female

Age: Varies by game: She was about 19 in TES IV

Sign: ???

Home Country: Nominally Valenwood - born on a volcanic island well out to sea. First landed at the Imperial City, and hid with her sister in Clark's basement, where he found them.

Faction and Rank or Guilds: Various - was the Dragonborn in Clark's tale of Skyrim.

Class: Custom wicked

Class Description: Since she uses a pitchfork as her primary weapon, that guides the skills that go with it. Morrowind lets her use Unarmoured and Spear, the later games don't. In Oblivion her fork was a mage's staff shooting fireballs. In Skyrim she used Alteration spells to let her run around wearing just chains, and threw the fireballs by hand using her Destruction.

Skills and talents: As a companion, she's balanced to the player, and complements her sister's skills, so they can do a bit of everything between them. She tends to the Destruction, Two-handed side, and Angeline will do Archery, Restoration, One-Handed.

Physical Appearance: Red skin, cloven hooves, and a spear-pointed tail. In Skyrim, she learned to sprout wings, which weren't enough to fly, but could let her fall safely.

Eyes: Yellow

Build: A little shorter in height than a Breton, but her horns add a bit. Generous handfull.

Weapons of preference: Pitchfork, which may be a spear, mage's staff, or whatever according to the game's capabilities. Knows other spells, and can handle two-handers well enough.

Clothing: None, unless you count piercings and chains. She may don bracers or similar when appropriate (e.g. for archery).

Miscellaneous: Sister of Angeline, and paired with her in companion mods when not be played as the PC.

Magic abilities or powers: When her pitchfork isn't being used to cast fireballs for her, she usually does those by hand. In Skyrim, where unarmoured characters need to use Alteration spells for defence, she does so.

Mental Profile/Personality: Sweet but wicked. Beware of practical jokes.

Biography/Life History: Created with her sister for a TES IV mod that was never published. It had quests, and dialogue between the sisters as well as the usual companion stuff. Most of that went into Clark's tale, and since she was the elven one of the pair, she turned up in his Skyrim adventures, too, as the Dragonborn. Also being played (and made into a companion mod) in Morrowind, but it's possible that it's really her mother Diabla there.

Posted by: Decrepit Mar 28 2017, 01:06 AM

GAME: Daggerfall

Name: Decrepit (As with all my characters who go by Decrepit, it's not his birth-name.)

Race: Nord

Gender: Male

Age: oldish, but not as old as my TES4:Oblivion Decrepit. More middle-aged, I'd say.

Home Country: Skyrim so far as I know.

Faction and Rank or Guilds Fighters Guild, highest rank; Temple of Kynareth, highest rank; Mages Guild, unsure by not far from highest rank; Knights of the Dragon, unsure but either highest rank or one down. He of course works for the Emperor.

Class: Custom, a combo of warrior, some sleath-type skills, and piss poor magic.

Skills and talents: melee specialty is blunt, though these days he wields sword & board almost exclusively, due to the best Daedric blades holding stronger enchantments than their blunt counterparts. Has become good at enchanting gear, which largely compensates for his lack of raw magicka.

Physical Appearance: He looks like a Nord.

Eyes: Two

Weapons of preference: As mentioned above, he is a blunt specialist. Huge two-handed warhammer was his weapon of choice for quite some time. These days his sports a katana and kite shield, both decently enchanted. He is a middling archer, but tends to use his bow only in rare specialized situations.

Clothing: Daedric Plate (red), several pieces with decent self-enchantments.

Magic abilities or powers: Weak in magicka. Unaided he can't cast more than the most basic of spells. That didn't stop him for advancing in the Mages Guild to the point where he can enchant items. This allows him to enchant pieces that boost his magicka pool sufficiently high to cast a good many worthwhile spells. Enchantments also insure that his weapons and magic items remain in tip-top condition. They allow him to survive several situations that he would otherwise struggle with.

Mental Profile/Personality: Fairly similar to my Cyrodiilic Decrepit avatar in that he is dedicated to his main missions as assigned by the Emperor, as well as perform tasks for the various organizations of which he is a member.

Biography/Life History: Unlike my Cyrodiilic avatar I know practically nothing about this Decrepit's life before I met up with him.[/quote]

Posted by: Renee Aug 13 2017, 01:45 AM

GAME: TES III: Morrowind

Name: Yor Azzizmyyn

Status: Deceased

Race: Dunmer (Dark Elf)

Gender: Man

Age: Hmm. 25-ish?

Sign: Apprentice / Leo

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Home Country: Cyrodiil (yeah I know, real creative...)

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living: Adventurer.

Faction Description: No real faction for Yor, yet.

Class: Knight (this is after choosing to answer questions in Sedya Neen, he'll probably become more of a Battlemange over time).

Class Description: From the game's description, with my comments in parenthesis: Of noble birth (no), or distinguished in battle or tourney (yes), knights are civilized warriors. Schooled in letters and courtesy, governed by codes of chivalry. In addition to the arts of war, knights study the lore of healing and enchantment. (Yor is a 'civilized' warrior I guess. And he is courteous. And he's picked up Restoration spells. But he is also not the typical shining knight, who only does good things).

Specialization: Combat

Skills and talents: Majors = Long Blade, Axe, Speechcraft, Heavy Armor, Block
.................................. Minors = Restoration, Mercantile, Med. Armor, Enchant, Armorer

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: red and cunning.

Build: slender, muscular.

Weapons of preference: longswords, thrown weapons.

Clothing: he seems to prefer ordinary clothes. Though this may change over time.

Miscellaneous: Yor Azzizmyyn is my very first Morrowind character! hehe.gif I started his game on Xbox, even though I have the PC version of the game already, I wanted to see the console version first.

Magic abilities or powers: Restoration. Healing spells, mostly ones he can cast after combat is over. He's fails too many times with magic during combat!

Mental Profile/Personality: Yor straddles the line between do-gooder and roguish thief. He's in it for the money basically, meaning that if he can save a few gold on an armor and other gear set by stealing, he'll go ahead and steal. But he's also somewhat of a charmer. He likes most people, and is willing to help them out at times.

Biography/Life History: Yor shows up in Seyda Neen with me knowing absolutely nothing about the guy, or much of the gameworld. I get the feeling that when he lived in Cyrodiil, he became somewhat of an adventurer. Now he's arrived in Morrowind, and seems to have the supreme goal of attaining as much wealth as possible, and seeing as many sights as he can.

He joined the Fighters Guild, found a girlfriend (a Dunmer he met along some road) and was generally a badass at combat. But it all fell apart one day as he was headed to Ald'ruhn. He found a cave and was exploring it. Killed two of its bandits, but the third one (a woman) proved to be too tough. Yor's health got decimated nearly all the way, so he left the cave. Healed up, and went back inside. The lady's health fell this time, but Yor's fell farther faster. sad.gif

Posted by: ghastley Aug 14 2017, 09:58 PM

GAME: TES III: Morrowind

Name: Clark

Race: Imperial

Gender: Male

Age: He was only 25 or so in Oblivion, so why does he look older here?

Sign: Lover

Home Country: Cyrodiil

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living): Imperial Dragon Knight

Faction Description: Imperial Legion

Class: Pimp

Class Description: ???

Skills and talents: Majors = Long Blade, Medium Armor, Speechcraft, Mercantile, Restoration
.................................. Minors = Restoration, Armorer, Marksman, Enchant, Hand to Hand

Physical Appearance: Changeable (but not until Oblivion, when Taminwe/Ocato get hold of him).

Eyes: Yes

Build: Average (ish)

Weapons of preference: Chrysamere.

Clothing: Tasteless, but expensive. Likes to be underestimated by merchants. Wears Legion Armor over it, as that's required by regulations.

Miscellaneous: Companion of Diablita and Angeline. His high strength comes from carrying their bags when they go shopping.

Magic abilities or powers: Can just about manage to heal himself if he has an enchanted item to help.

Mental Profile/Personality: Dedicated test character for the twins. Devoted to them, as they are to him. He has maxed out Personality and Endurance in that pursuit.

Biography/Life History: See other threads.

Posted by: Renee Sep 6 2017, 01:08 PM

GAME (Platform): TES III: Morrowind (Xbox)

Name: Miss Terri

Status: Active

Race: Breton

Gender: Vixen

Age: 30-ish

Sign: The Shadow / Virgo


Home Country: Cyrodiil

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living): Don't know yet. I get the sense Terri is mildly evil though.

Faction Description:

Class: Sorcerer

Class Description:

Skills and talents:

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: devious and cold


Weapons of preference: don't know yet. Probably will be daggars, shortswords, and staffs.

Clothing: robes, hoods, light armor boots.


Magic abilities or powers:

Mental Profile/Personality:

Biography/Life History:

Posted by: ghastley Sep 6 2017, 02:09 PM

GAME: TES III: Morrowind

Name: Vampirella

Race: Imperial apparently. She has their racial powers.

Gender: FEMALE!!!!! (or she could never wear that outfit convincingly).

Age: Late twenties

Sign: The Lady

Alignment: Kinky

Home Country: N/A - she's from another realm (Drakulon)

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living): Fighters Guild and Mages Guild, at entry rank, Blades Operative, Imperial Cult.

Faction Description: Joined the Blades by default, but found it useful, as she's developed immunity to disease, including the one that causes vampirism. The Guilds are useful for training, and the Imperial Cult membership got her the Ring of the Wind, which really helps her Agility.

Class: Vampire Hunter

Class Description: What it says on the package.

Skills and talents: Unarmoured, Hand-to-Hand at max, as is Endurance; Strength, Agility, and Personality also high.

Physical Appearance: Fit and firm, and not afraid to show it. Long black hair, with bangs that part slightly.

Eyes: Yes

Build: Fits her outfit nicely.

Weapons of preference: Fists (or a Spear or Bow when needed).

Clothing: Unique

Miscellaneous: Has had to train a number of skills she doesn't actually use in order to raise the right attributes. So she has quite decent levels in Heavy and Medium armour that she never wears.

Magic abilities or powers: She can Absorb Health like a Vampire, but rarely does.

Mental Profile/Personality: Hates Vampires, wants to exterminate them all.

Biography/Life History: Found herself on a prison ship with no idea how she got there. Once she understood that there were vampires in this strange land she'd arrived in, her path was clear. Once she's eliminated all of those, she might turn to Cliff Racers next.

Posted by: ghastley Sep 6 2017, 02:27 PM

GAME: TES III: Morrowind

Name: Anne Bonnie

Race: Breton

Gender: Female

Age: Late twenties

Sign: The Lady

Alignment: Lawful evil (she's a pirate)

Home Country: High Rock - Illiac Bay side.

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living): Fighters Guild - Grand Master. She also joined the Mages guild, but never went anywhere with that. She hasn't met Caius Cossaides.

Faction Description: She joined the FG for the experience, but ended up sorting its internal corruption issues. A pirate knows all about proper discipline and fairness, or she wouldn't survive on ship, so she fit in well to what is basically a band of mercenaries.

Class: Pirate (Yaarr!)

Class Description: Nautical Fighter.

Skills and talents: Unarmoured, Long Blade. - knows a bit of ranged stuff, spells and archery, but prefers to get close.

Physical Appearance: Nice shape, and dresses to flaunt it. Wears a tricorn, as she has her own ship now.

Eyes: Brown

Build: !!!

Weapons of preference: Cutlass (she's still looking for a belaying pin).

Clothing: Pants, boots, a tied blouse and a tricorn hat.

Miscellaneous: She found a ship near Hla Oad that was smuggling drugs and other unpleasant stuff, so she offed the crew and seized it for herself. She's now Captain of the Grytewake, and lives there.

Magic abilities or powers: Doesn't need anything but awesomeness.

Mental Profile/Personality: Pirate - has a strong sense of fairness, especially when it benefits her.

Biography/Life History: Woke up on a ship with no memory of having been taken from her own. Bought a sabre and a change of clothes and set about becoming a proper pirate again. She's upgraded her weapon a bit, and her current cutlass is equivalent to an ebony longsword. Her skills have grown accordingly. She'd probably have turned the Fighters' Guild into a crew of pirates, but it seems that most of them get sea-sick.

Posted by: Renee Sep 6 2017, 06:30 PM

GAME (Platform): TES III: Morrowind (Xbox)

Name: Tierre N. Bonaparte

Status: uncreated.


Gender: he-man



Home Country:

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living):

Faction Description:


Class Description:

Skills and talents:

Physical Appearance:



Weapons of preference:


Miscellaneous: I haven't rolled this guy yet, but i just thought of his name. smile.gif Wanted to save it before I forget!

Magic abilities or powers:

Mental Profile/Personality:

Biography/Life History:

Posted by: Renee Feb 24 2018, 07:10 PM

GAME (Platform): Morrowind (Xbox 360)

Name: Luci Pheria

Status: On Hold!

Dead is Dead?: Nope.

Race: Dark Elf

Gender: F


Sign: The Serpent / Leo

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Home Country: Morrowind

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living): Mages Guild

Faction Description:

Class: Alchemist

Class Description: This is a custom class. ph34r.gif She got "Spellsword" when I tried to auto-generate her, but Spellsword doesn't really fit what Luci is supposed to be, in her backstory. Luci is rather non-confrontational, and will rely heavily on her Major Skills below to stay this way.

Major Skills: Alchemy, Illusion, Conjuration, Sneak, Athletics

Minor Skills: Blunt, Short Blade, Security, Mysticism, Unarmored.

Tabletop Skills: Literacy (1), Cooking (2), Alertness (2), Silent Movement (1), Blunt (1), Knife (1), Naturalist* (2), Swimming (2)

* Naturalist is from one of my old gaming books. As a Naturalist, this means Luci knows all about the various fauna and flora in her environment. Which gives ME the ability to look up anything she encounters, any plant or creature, on UESP or some other ES-related website. I can basically get into her head, to know what she knows.

Magic abilities or powers: Bound Daggar, Chameleon, Sanctuary, Summon Ghost

Physical Appearance:

Eyes:: Dunmer

Build: slender

Weapons of preference:: daggars and short blades (such as tantos).

Clothing: Luci's style of dress includes everything from peasant-type clothes, to something closer to middle-class. She prefers robes, and occasional light armor pieces (such as boots), but does not wear full armor suits.

Miscellaneous: Luci Pheria was originally an evil witch character I created way back on August 5th, 2010, and for Oblivion! Because of this, her current game here in 2018 is not dead-is-dead, since the time of Morrowind takes place several years before the events we see in Oblivion.

Luci was one of my questless characters in Oblivion; she never did any quests at all. Her entire roleplay was therefore from imagination, which was pretty neat back then.

Mental Profile/Personality: Luci (as she appeared originally in 2010) was an evil witch type of character, literally the storybook witch we all heard about when we were kids. But she was only this way because she had spent a massive amount of time in jail, and went insane.

But she was not always this way. As she appears in 2018/Morrowind, she is just a woman on her own, trying to get by. Not good, nor evil, though this might change over time (hee hee hee!)

Biography/Life History: Luci's original backstory in 2010 (the reason she was in jail at the beginning of TES IV: Oblivion) was as follows: she went to jail after murdering her husband. During her time in jail, she got accused of being some sort of witch, and was seen as no good to society. There'd be no rehabilitation for her not for a long time. In fact, she got moved between several jails in Morrowind, before being transferred to the Imperial City in the year 433.

Why did they keep her in so long? I don't really know yet.

When Luci got out of jail, first thing she spent three days in the Imperial City's tutorial sewer sections. And what was she doing? Eating raw rat meat, making foul poisons (once she got her hands on that mortal & pestle) and in fact I was shocked to learn that she would often eat poisonous ingredients. ohmy.gif She downed several of the wisp stalks she found in the TES IV tutorial dungeon. indifferent.gif She eventually found a home deep in the Great Forest, staying at Weatherleah, and would often have a bounty on her head. Rather than give in to her constant bounty, she would steal a horse, and flee to Weatherleah, while any guards chasing her would quickly get lost in the Imperial Reserve.

As I said earlier, she was not always this way. Luci (as she appears in Morrowind) is a serious person who knows how to stay self-sufficient, and usually puts herself first, rather than the law, or some other person's wishes. But she's not dastardly at all. She doesn't try to assault or frighten people, the way she did in TES IV: Oblivion.

She got off the boat to Seyda Neen not because she was a prisoner, but because she's returning from Cyrodiil after becoming a Mages Guild member there. Therefore, this explains how she already knows a few spells, and already is at the Apprentice level in Morrowind. She tends to make lots of potions and poisons, and spends a lot of time wandering around looking for ingredients. That is how her roleplay begins. Whether or not she'll join any guilds or clans in Morrowind, that's what we're going to find out as her story commences.

05/31/2018: Luci's game is going to be put aside for awhile. I had plans of her becoming some sort of poison specialist, but we can't equip poison on weapons in this game, so that's that. sad.gif

Posted by: mirocu Feb 25 2018, 05:04 PM

Renee; cranking out characters like it's 1999!

Or sumthn tongue.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Feb 25 2018, 05:43 PM

It is cool that you are going back in time and playing Lucifer Luci before she went evil.

Posted by: Renee Feb 28 2018, 11:07 PM

Aww, thanks Miss Rosa.

QUOTE(mirocu @ Feb 25 2018, 11:04 AM) *

Renee; cranking out characters like it's 1999!

And you too can perform this same magic, mirocu. Want to know how? It all begins after you boot up your game, and the opening menu screen shows up. smile.gif Now, notice there's several choices here we can click on. Usually, you'd click on the Load button, right? Today we're going to try something new.

Okay, try clicking on the button at the very top. Yes, that's right: the New button. There you go. Now, you too can create character after character. as your heart desires! wub.gif See, wasn't that fun??

laugh.gif rollinglaugh.gif Sorry! rollinglaugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: mirocu Mar 1 2018, 06:02 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Feb 28 2018, 11:07 PM) *

laugh.gif rollinglaugh.gif Sorry! rollinglaugh.gif laugh.gif

IPB Image

Posted by: Renee Jun 1 2018, 01:23 AM

GAME (Platform): Morrowind (Xbox 360)

Name: Igodah Gopei

Status: Active

Dead-is-Dead?: No. Since she lived long enough to see the Oblivion Crisis. nono.gif

Race: high elf

Gender: Vixen

Age: young adult

Sign: The Lover (Leo)

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Home: Though she's a member of Mages Guild, she prefers sleeping in caves she's cleared (like Adamamuran). She has a habit of leaving unused items and even thousands of gold in these caves.

Home Country: Summerset Isles

Faction and Rank or Guilds: Mages Guild, Thieves Guild

Faction Description: Mages Guild is self-explanatory, but Igodah quickly rushed through most of their available quests. She joined the Thieves Guild, looking for extra things she can do with all her magical talents, but there are times when actual tasks are needed which an actual thief is better at (picking pockets for instance), and she's not very good at this sort of stuff.

Class: Mage

Class Description: I actually chose Mage (the standard Beth class) because it fits Igodah so well.

Major Skills: Mysticism, Destruction, Alteration, Illusion, Restoration

Minor Skills: Enchant, Alchemy, Unarmored, Short Blade, Conjuration

Tabletop Skills: Knife, Literacy, Scholar, Cooking, Alchemy

Magic abilities or powers: Igodah concentrates on Alchemy, Destruction, and Enchanting the most. Alteration and Illusion are secondary, and she barely uses anything else. She uses Mysticism almost exclusively to walk on water, especially if she needs to get away from surprise attacks which happen near aqua. As she's gained rare items here and there, her talent for Conjuration (which she studied and practiced for months) has fallen aside, because now she's got a couple of items which can summon undead. indifferent.gif

Her usual go-to magics are her Ghost Charm (an amulet which summons an Ancestral Ghost) Amulet of Skeletal Warrior, Damage Strength, Damage Willpower, Fire and Ice spells. She uses Invisibility and Water Walking defensively, and does plenty of experimenting with Alchemy too.

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: gold

Build: goldenrod wink.gif

Weapons of preference: daggars and shortswords. Her fave is a blade which o paralyzes foes for 10 seconds.

Clothing: robes mostly, though she's the type who also dolls herself in upper-class clothes, sometimes.

Miscellaneous: Luci Pheria's roleplay isn't gonna work on Xbox, so I began to think what other of my older characters would be appropriate for Morrowind? Igodan definitely is. Her backstory from my PS3 days is pretty open and weak; I don't have any notes about her from 2009-2010 at all.

So why not? smile.gif Igodan's a lot more action-oriented than Luci is. She was in the Mages Guild when I was playing Oblivion, and got to be somewhat of an uber. About 90% pure mage, with some swordplay as backup. bluewizardsmile.gif

Mental Profile/Personality: Igodah's got somewhat of a devious streak. She was technically evil when I gamed with her years ago in Oblivion, yet she wasn't blindly sadistic about this. She likes blending into society. She is somewhat of a snob. Aloof and uppity, yet also quiet.

Biography/Life History: Igodah was born in the Summerset Isles, and grew up Alinor. By the time she was teenage, she was one of many hundreds of other students who were proficient at magic. And it looked like she'd have a great (yet ultimately forgettable) career ahead of her, right in the Isles.

But she did not want to be just another magic-user, one of many in her homeland. She wanted to see the world first. And maybe learn some other forms of magic. As a young scholar, Igodah wanted more. And what better place to learn about the world-at-large but Tamriel's center?

She moved to Cyrodiil in the year 427, and joined up with the Mages Guild. For whatever reason, Igodah chose not to stay in Cyrodiil. She wanted to move on.

In the year 429 she arrived in Vvardenfell, already knowledgeable in all schools of magic. She arrived with a variety of spells already packed within her spell book. Her goal in Vvardenfell is simple: to become the most powerful mage in all the land. bluewizardsmile.gif Power and riches!

Posted by: mirocu Jun 1 2018, 03:23 PM

Igodah Gopei sees new light!

Posted by: SubRosa Jun 1 2018, 03:40 PM

If I played her, the name would make me constantly go to the bathroom.

Posted by: ghastley Jun 1 2018, 05:40 PM

GAME (Platform): Morrowind (PC)

Name: Lwanda

Status: Retired from general adventuring, now she just hunts.

Dead-is-Dead?: No

Race: Redguard

Gender: Female

Age: Youngish

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living): Daedra Hunter

Major Skills: (Short) Spear, Block, Unarmoured, Archery, Restoration

Magic abilities or powers: None

Physical Appearance: As seen

Eyes: Dark brown

Build: Yeah!

Weapons of preference: Short spear and shield, will also use a bow when range is needed.

Clothing: Minimal, made of leopard skin.

Miscellaneous: Lives in a in the Grazelands.

Mental Profile/Personality: Loves to hunt Daedra, as they're definitely not an endangered species.

Biography/Life History: She's not sure how she got to Vvardenfell, but the hunting's good, so she stayed.

Created because I wanted to make a short spear mod. I never got around to publishing it, but it all works - outfit, weapons, shield, hut. The hardest part was scripting the shield to cooperate with the unarmoured skill, so she didn't actually lose defence by equipping it.

Posted by: Renee Jun 2 2018, 03:02 PM

Cool! A daedra hunter! That sounds like wicked fun. Really advanced stuff! It implies she's actually going to be aggressive, raid those lairs and such.

I'm just mentioning this because I'm nowhere near to being that confident with this game.

Posted by: ghastley Jun 2 2018, 09:21 PM

The Grazelands are has single Daedra wandering around it, which makes them relatively easy. If you venture into the Daedric ruins, you're likely to meet them in numbers, and that's not as much fun. They're also the tougher ones, like Golden Saints, which are rarely found far outside the ruins.

Posted by: Renee Sep 2 2018, 12:56 AM

GAME (Platform): Morrowind (Xbox 360)

Name: Armand Hammer

Status: Pwned. sad.gif

Dead-is-Dead?: Within reason.

Race: Redguard

Gender: Man

Age: young adult

Sign: The Lord (Virgo)

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Home: None yet. He tended to stay in Fighters Guilds and Imperial forts.

Home Country:

Faction and Rank or Guilds: Fighters Guild, Imperial Legion, Imperial Cult

Faction Description: Armand spent most of his time doing Fighters Guild stuff, which are slightly easier than Imperial Legion quests. He joined the Imperial Cult too, and did some occasional random quests for them. Funny thing is, Armand met only one of the Cult's requirements to join: he was good with Blunt Weapons!

Class: Fighter (Barbarian)

Class Description: I chose the standard Bethesda class Barbarian. It's got Blunt Weapons as a Major, which is pretty much what we're interested in. viking.gif

Major Skills: Blunt Weapons, Medium Armor, Axe, Athletics, Block

Minor Skills: Acrobatics, Light Amor, Armorer, Marksman, Unarmored

Tabletop Skills: Axe/Mace, Shield, Warrior, Running, Literacy

Magic abilities or powers: Adrenaline Rush (Redguard stuff), Blood of the North (from the Lord class). Armand also carries some specific magic items at all time: his belt casts a Shield spell, an Amulet of Opening, and he's got a ring which heals his health.

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: two of them, yes.

Build: sturdy, solid, lots of muscle

Weapons of preference: warhammers, sometimes a mace & shield combination.

Clothing: Most of the time, Armand wore armor. Around areas where he didn't have to fight (in theory) he'll switch to common clothes.


Mental Profile/Personality: Armand was even-tempered, but he had his limits. After killing an orc during the first Fighters Guild quest he accomplished, Armand took a hard look at doing things that don't just involve bashing malcontents. But he had his limits. Eventually, the hammer must come out.

Biography/Life History: Armand moved to Morrowind to join the Imperial legion, and also the Fighters Guild. He was doing okay with his early quests except for one thing: he was not good at talking to people. Over and over, he hit a bunch of snags during quests, because he'd be unable to convince other people to see things his way. viking.gif

Armand got pwned though, while doing a Fighters Guild quest. The quest sent him to his first daedric shrine. The boss there used some kind of magic on Armand, and health just plummeted. Even with his best healing magic, he was unable to combat the boss. That was the end of Armand Hammer.

Posted by: Lopov Sep 2 2018, 01:31 PM

Some rules are meant to be broken, else there wouldn't be Armand now. I'm glad you don't live in some place where it never rains else you'd need to travel to another place to create new t00ns. tongue.gif

BTW, Imperial Cult and Imperial Legion are two different factions and questlines, just saying, because the cult is more religious-like whereas the legion is more suitable for warriors.

Posted by: mirocu Sep 2 2018, 03:07 PM

A new t00n for Renee, and it's not raining? blink.gif

Reckon he must be very impatient to pwn some foes biggrin.gif

Posted by: Renee Sep 2 2018, 03:54 PM

Neither of you guys knows what Armand Hammer refers to, do you? biggrin.gif I'm waiting for somebody to get that play on words. Then again, you're both European. Perhaps you don't have where you live.

Posted by: mirocu Sep 2 2018, 04:00 PM

As a Scandinavian, no we don't have that here wink.gif

Like the reference though. Thought you'd lost your touch there for a moment biggrin.gif

Posted by: Acadian Sep 2 2018, 04:21 PM

'Armand Hammer' - wonderfully clever, Renee! As always. smile.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Sep 2 2018, 04:28 PM

I have Renee's new character in my fridge, and in my cat's litter box! ohmy.gif

Posted by: Renee Oct 7 2018, 02:44 AM

GAME (Platform): Morrowind (Xbox)

Name: Miss Chevuus

Status: Sneaky emot-ninja1.gif

Dead-is-Dead?: Yes

Race: dark elf

Gender: female

Age: adult

Sign: The Steed (Leo)

Alignment: probably NE

Home: Any Thieves Guild hideout

Home Country: Morrowind, town of Balmora

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living): Thieves Guild

Faction Description:

Class: Thief

Class Description: the standard Beth class

Major Skills: Acrobat, Light Armor, Security, Short Blade, Sneak

Minor Skills: Athletics, Hand 2 Hand, Marksman, Mercantile, Speechcraft

Tabletop Skills: Bow (2), Knife (1), Literacy (1), Running (1), Silent Movement, Swimming (1), Thief (2)

Magic abilities or powers: some Illusion

Physical Appearance:

Eyes:: red and hypnotic

Build: slender

Weapons of preference: short bows, short blades, daggers, thrown weapons

Clothing: anything which helps her blend in, to darkness, or society

Miscellaneous: Miss Chevuus is not her real name, it's more of a nickname. Her real Dunmer given name is not known to me yet.

She has a habit of breaking & entering into Imperial forts and sometimes the homes / manors of richer folk (assuming these richer folk are not Dunmer, especially).

Mental Profile/Personality: Mischievous, obviously. Of all my characters, this Dunmer is one of the more innocuous ones I've rolled. Nothing about her really obvious about her. She would not stand out in a crowd (especially a crowd of other Dunmer). But that's her strategy. She has a habit of dressing rather plainly. Sneaking in and out of various locations, while leaving no trace of her deviousness.

Biography/Life History: Miss Chevuus moves to Vvardenfll after being released early from some sort of incarceration. She gets shipped back to her homeland. After arriving in Balmora, she wasted no time sussing around to see if the Thieves Guild is still in operation.

I get the feeling that she was not Thieves Guild in the past, though. She was more of an independent thief, who got caught. Now that she's part of the TG, she is hoping they'll offer her more protection, so that she can live the life she really desires.

Posted by: Lopov Oct 7 2018, 07:52 AM

She's coming...

It's over by now, right? biggrin.gif

Posted by: Renee May 8 2019, 10:10 PM

GAME (Platform): Morrowind (Xbox)

Name: Sir Galarad

Status: Active

Dead-is-Dead?: within reason

Race: Breton

Gender: lad

Age: mid 20s

Sign: The Lord (Scorpio)

Alignment: Lawful Good

Home:, Caldera. Galarad did some quest involving Nedhela (who never enters his own home). Galarad pays occasional gold to Nedhela to stay in Nedhela's home, and store items there, too. Other than this, Galarad often sleeps in whatever local Imperial fort or Fighter's Guild is nearest.

Home Country: Cyrodiil

Faction and Rank or Guilds: Fighters Guild, Imperial Cult, Imperial Legion.

Faction Description:

Class: Knight (custom)

Class Description: similar to the standard Knight class, with some changes, so that he's got certain Majors that fit his profile.

Major Skills: Block, Heavy Armor, Long Blade, Restoration, Speechcraft

Minor Skills:

Tabletop Skills: Charisma, Shield, Sword, Warrior

Magic abilities or powers: Heal Self, Shield

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: blue

Build: chiseled and epic

Weapons of preference: Longswords, preferably silver, or enchanted with Fire.

Clothing: Rarely. He mostly appears in his shiny armor. When he wears ordinary clothes they can range from Lower to Upper class, depending on the situation.

Miscellaneous: I rolled Galarad just after my birthday, in a matter of minutes. My Redguard hammer guy had gotten killed in some Dwemer ruin, and it was raining. I had to roll somebody right then and there, all I needed was a name. "Galarad" is a play on Galahad of course, except he's more "rad." viking.gif

When he is desperate for money, Galarad picks flowers by the side of the road. He has no idea that these flowers mostly will get used to make potions and poisons, no, he sells these flowers because he thinks most of them will become gifts or air-fresheners in homes Galarad rarely is desperate for money, now that he's done many deeds and plundered many lairs.

Mental Profile/Personality: Sir Galarad seems both stubborn and open-minded. He's single-minded toward the idea of completing whatever quest he's been assigned, but tends to keep his eyes open, following his spiritual beliefs FIRST, before just doing whatever he's been told by morals. Despite this, he is more of a Knight than a Paladin. Performing good works in the lands and caves often means improvising his beliefs.

Biography/Life History: Devoted to The Nine like many other typical youths, Sir Galarad originally followed the path of lots of my other "good" characters. Plenty of time in chapels getting educated as a youth, followed by a stint in the military. It's that blend of saints and soldiers that brought Galarad to where he is today.

Of the Nine, he finds himself devoted mostly to Stendarr, Mara, and Julianos.

Posted by: Lopov May 13 2019, 09:51 AM

Galarad is the Haaf-Mersey of Morrowind. viking.gif

Posted by: SubRosa May 13 2019, 04:44 PM

QUOTE(Lopov @ May 13 2019, 04:51 AM) *

Galarad is the Haaf-Mersey of Morrowind. viking.gif

He is!

Posted by: Renee Sep 2 2019, 03:21 PM

GAME (Platform): Morrowind (Xbox 360)

Name: Graagyn Tankaard

Status: Deceased

Dead-is-Dead?: Kyllä (yes)

Race: Nord

Gender: He-man

Age: young adult

Sign: The Serpent

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Home: Outdoors

Home Country: Skyrim

Faction and Rank or Guilds: None!

Faction Description:

Class: Barbarian viking.gif

Class Description:

Major Skills: Block, Medium Armor, Spear, Acrobatics, Blunt Weapons

Minor Skills: Marksman, Axe, Athletics, Heavy Armor, Unarmored

Tabletop Skills: Axe / Mace (), Pole Weapons, Running (1), Swimming (2)

Magic abilities or powers: Lol

Physical Appearance:


Build: bulky and athletic

Weapons of preference: BIG ones

Clothing: Graagyn was interesting as he was my first character who prefered not wearing much. He was running around shirtless when he got pwned, for instance.

Miscellaneous: A few months ago I became almost bored with Sir Galarad's game, mostly because he sticks to all the rules, always travels by roads, boats, or stilt striders, and is heavily quest-oriented. Graagyn was a breath of fresh air.

Other than food, Graagyn DID NOT care for all the usual things and comforts. He hated being indoors, had no concept of how to use money. If he wanted something and it was in somebody's house, he'd simply take it.

One time he was in a shop in Vivec (going crazy because he couldn't figure out how to get outside) and found a daedric cuirass. This thing was worth a whole lot of money, over 5,000 gold. But Graagyn only picked it up because he liked the feel of its magic. After stealing it and then wearing it for a half-hour, he simply dropped this expensive armor on the ground, because he wanted to feel fresh air on his bare skin again.

Mental Profile/Personality: pretty much an oaf.

Biography/Life History: There's not much of one, I didn't game with him for more than 4 hours! It was fun running around with somebody who has absolutely NO care about where he goes. I explored a lot with the guy, and he found some pretty interesting stuff Galarad and Igodah will probably never find. laugh.gif

But he eventually wound up somewhere in the Molag Amur area, with two skeletons, a rat, and a cliff racer chasing him all at the same time, in an ash storm. panic.gif

Posted by: Renee Jan 31 2020, 03:07 PM

GAME (Platform): TES 1: Arena, (PC)

Name: Renee Gade I

Status: Retired

Dead-is-Dead?: No!

Race: Nord

Gender: Female

Age: mid 20s


Alignment: Chaotic Good


Home Country: Skyrim, town of Amol

Faction and Rank or Guilds Arena has no joinable guilds, but I like to imagine she'd be part of Fighters Guild, and would maybe join Mages Guild just for their resources.

Faction Description:

Class: Battlemage

Class Description: In the first Elder Scrolls game, being a Battlemange meant being a fighter who specializes in magic on the side, and only wears Light Armor.

Major Skills:

Minor Skills:

Tabletop Skills: Axe/Mace (2), Horsemanship (1), Literacy (1), Shield (1), Swimming (2), Sword (2), Warrior (2)

Magic abilities or powers: Create / Destroy Wall, Heal Self, Invisibility, Shield

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: dark

Build: Athletic (like I wish I still was)

Weapons of preference: Swords (one-handed)

Armor & Clothing: She'd wear leather armor constantly while out questing (because that's some of the only light armor Arena allows). In towns she'd often switch to ordinary clothes, and had a habit of leaving her old armor sets behind in various blacksmith establishments as her fame became prominent, instead of getting this apparel repaired.

Miscellaneous: Renee Gade I is my character who completed Arena's Main Quest. I gamed with her from 2014 until 2016, yet only now realized I hadn't dedicated a post for her. Renee Gade the first is the mother of (my first serious roleplay in Oblivion), and grandmother of Lucitia (, my long-lasting PC character).

Mental Profile/Personality: Cold and dedicated.

Biography/Life History: Renee was a battlemage for Uriel Septim VII's court. Though details are scarce, she eventually became imprisoned after Jagar Tharn immobilized Uriel in the year 389 of the 3rd Era. Jagar had the Empire in his hands, and it was up to lowly Renee to conquer him. Eventually she did so. Control of the lands some time in 391 or 392, after much questing and righteous plundering.

Posted by: macole Jan 31 2020, 07:20 PM

These are fun to read.

Renee: Arena battlemage is a good set to play. I chose the knight class for the free arms & armor repair. Only problem was can't cast spells. Had to scour the shops for magical equipment.

Posted by: Renee Jan 31 2020, 07:43 PM

Absolutely, Battlemage is the way to go for a newb player, like I was in 2014. smile.gif This way we get the benefits of magic (healing and shield spells, especially) in real-time, while also being able to use weapons.

My original character was a Knight, too. The thing about Arena (regarding magic equipment) is after while we find so much magical loot, you'll be able to sell most of it over time, make tens of thousands, and still be able to keep a few pieces which are perfect for our character.

Posted by: mirocu Jan 31 2020, 08:52 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Jan 31 2020, 07:43 PM) *

The thing about Arena (regarding magic equipment) is after while we find so much magical loot, you'll be able to sell most of it over time, make tens of thousands, and still be able to keep a few pieces which are perfect for our character.

QFT biggrin.gif

Battlemage here too btw. I could never play a TES game and not use magic. Or regular weapons. I WANT IT ALL! My character is now OP provided I keep an eye out on his magical shields/reflect spells so they don't get used up. Wish there was an icon for that or something. But it's not that much of a pain to keep track of so, eh.

Posted by: Renee Dec 18 2020, 08:37 PM

I cannot believe this.

QUOTE(Renee @ Sep 1 2018, 06:56 PM) *

Name: Armand Hammer blink.gif According to that wiki page, it seems Armand Hammer may have been named after the Arm and Hammer symbol used by the Socialist Labor Party of America. My character of course, was named after the versatile powder a lot of us are familiar with as we cook, clean, and cut.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Jan 16 2021, 11:12 AM

GAME (Platform): The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind GotY Edition, PC

Name: Brenna


Dead-is-Dead?: Cannot be killed. Brenna receives visions of events that could end in her demise and she can therefore avoid death.

Race: Breton

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Sign: Apprentice

Alignment: neutral

Home Country: The Reach, Skyrim

Faction and Rank or Guilds: Brenna is currently a base member in the Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, and the Blades. Her boss for the Blades tasked her with gaining more experience before he would give her more orders, so when she’s not doing jobs for the fighters and mages, she just explores the strange new island she has found herself.

Class: War Witch

Class Description: While primarily spellcasters, the War Witches of The Reach train with spears and short blades for offense. They normally wear no armor, preferring to use their magic to protect themselves, but they also train in the use of medium grade armor and blocking with shields for those times during the heat of battle when casting may not be as viable. Besides their skill in the colleges of Illusion, Mysticism, Destruction, and Alteration, War Witches are well versed in the skills of creating potions, poisons, and enchantments.

Major Skills: Spear, Medium Armor, Alchemy, Illusion, Mysticism

Minor Skills: Short Blade, Block, Alteration, Destruction, Enchant

Magic abilities or powers: Gift of foresight, standard Breton racial traits

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: Grey

Build: short and fit

Weapons of preference: Spear, short blade and shield

Clothing: animal hides, wool garments, ringmail armor

Mental Profile/Personality: Brenna is moderately outgoing, and strong willed. She is independent but not afraid to rely on others for help when necessary. Her sense of humor is dry, and at times, a bit morbid.

Biography/Life History: Brenna was born in The Reach and spent her childhood learning the ways of her clan from her guardian, who was a wise woman of her people. She lost both of her parents when she was still an infant; her mother disappeared while hunting and her father died soon after of a mysterious malady that the healer couldn’t cure. Brenna did not remember them and the wise woman never spoke of them. Her guardian had her begin training to become one of the War Witches of her clan, training of which consisted both of physical combat with spears, short blades, medium armor, and shields, as well as spellcasting. One day, when she was around the age of 10, her clan was attacked and destroyed by a rival Reachclan, and she was hit over the head and left for dead despite putting up a fiercer resistance than would be expected of one so young. The next day, an Imperial expeditionary force came along and investigated the ruins of the village and found Brenna still alive, but barely clinging to life. They had their healer stabilize her and brought her back to their camp. From there, the Imperials bundled Brenna up in a wagon and sent her south into Cyrodiil.

She was placed in the home of a noble in Bruma where she worked as a servant. In her spare time she also attended some lessons studying the arcane arts from the local Mages Guild, since she had shown some ability with the colleges of Illusion, Mysticism, Alteration, and Destruction. She learned a good bit about alchemy as well, and even showed some promise at the creation of enchantments. Socially, Brenna fell in with a bad crowd, and that coupled with the wild tendencies that seem to run hot within the blood of her people often got her into trouble with the law. Eventually, the Bruma officials had enough of her antics and when she was 20, they sentenced her to prison in the Imperial City due to her status as a repeat offender. “Two years in that hole will set you right”, they claimed. Not wanting to go without a fight, she used her skills in Magicka to escape during her transportation to the Imperial City, and spent a few years as a bandit until she was finally recaptured. This time they managed to get her to the prison where she stayed and repented for her past crimes, until the fateful day that they told her she was being taken to the island of Vvardenfell in Morrowind...

Posted by: Acadian Jan 16 2021, 01:05 PM

Welcome to Vvardenfell, Brenna!

Posted by: SubRosa Jan 16 2021, 10:11 PM

Brenna is definitely looking witchy!

Posted by: Renee Jan 31 2021, 08:45 PM

Yes, Brenna is welcome here. bluewizardsmile.gif I enjoy her backstory and goals. I've also rolled a couple characters who can see into the future. I'll probably start playing some Morrowind in May or June.


“Two years in that hole will set you right”, they claimed.

Ha! Guess that didn't come true.

GAME (Platform): TES 1: Arena / PC

Name: Sir Tanley

Status: Righting wrongs

Dead-is-Dead?: Ha.

Race: Breton

Gender: Gentleman

Age: 25 or so


Alignment: Chaotic Good

Home: Town of Evermore

Home Country: High Rock

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living): No guilds in this game (other than Mages Guild, which cannot be joined), but I like to pretend he's in the equivalent of the Fighters Guild.

Faction Description:

Class: Knight

Class Description: Knights in Arena are pure fighters, with no Magicka at all! They must rely on scrolls and potions for magical effects. But they also never have to worry about weapon / armor repair. All their gear automatically remains 100% condition.

Major Skills:

Minor Skills:

Tabletop Skills: Axe/Mace (2), Running (1), Sword (2), Shield (1), Warrior (2)

Magic abilities or powers: None

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: Hazel, I think.

Build: Muscles

Weapons of preference:

Clothing: Sometimes, when he's not wearing armor.

Miscellaneous: I just can't move on to Daggerfall after many years, maybe it's because I haven't gotten Arena totally out of my system. I get curious about rolling different classes. Igodah (a Mage I rolled last year) is too difficult to play.

Mental Profile/Personality: Sir Tanley is a typical knightly do-gooder. Not much is really going into his roleplay at the moment, just me wanting to pwn some mobs with my tank, in the crayon-like world of the first Elder Scrolls game. laugh.gif

Biography/Life History:

Posted by: macole Jan 31 2021, 09:10 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Jan 31 2021, 01:45 PM) *

Class: Knight

Class Description: Knights in Arena are pure fighters, with no Magicka at all! They must rely on scrolls and potions for magical effects. But they also never have to worry about weapon / armor repair. All their gear automatically remains 100% condition.

Exactly the reason I chose Knight for my Arena play through.

Posted by: Renee Feb 1 2021, 05:13 PM

Yah, that pretty much rocks, right? One less thing to worry about. Another cool thing about being a Knight is you can pretty much roll through some mobs with your tank right away, as long as nothing too tough shows up. viking.gif Sir Tanley has already gained from Level 1 to 4 in just a couple hours!

Posted by: RaderOfTheLostArk Feb 1 2021, 06:32 PM

On the other hand, IIRC, Knights can't wear plate armor. The repairing weapons and armor didn't bother me too much. I'd just travel to a nearby town and come right back. I played as a Warrior. Disappointing that I could not cast spells naturally, but I got some pretty sweet enchanted gear later on even though I can't remember what it was anymore. And I didn't have to worry about not being able to wear certain types of armor or wield certain types of weapons because all were available to me.

On your category for whether you are playing "Dead is dead" - LOL, yeah, I'd like to see somebody try that for Arena. No one would even make it through the Imperial Sewers if they were playing that way. Arena is so unforgiving. I believe I've heard that playing a Ranger is the worst, but you get rocked in the very first dungeon no matter what you play as. Makes me kind of curious about playing the game a 2nd time to see how much less I die, but it was at least 15-20 times there alone on my 1st time ever playing through the game.

Posted by: Renee Feb 1 2021, 08:04 PM

Oh, Sir Tanley has already gotten killed once! ... But only because he could not find a place to rest in the tutorial dungeon in this one spot (enemies kept showing up). Other than that, he's mostly been facing rats and goblins, which he pretty much mows down easily. viking.gif

Interesting that playing a Warrior is different from a Knight, I wonder how. What classes have you all played in this game? I've done Battlemage, Mage, and Knight so far.

Posted by: mirocu Feb 1 2021, 08:11 PM

Another classic Renee t00n name! Me likey!

But... no magic at all? Is that RP on your part Renee or is it actually because of his class?

Posted by: Renee Feb 1 2021, 08:25 PM

That's due to class! Arena's hardcore, right?

Really the no magicka thing is no big deal. Just carry a lot of potions, Potions cost money, but there's lots of money to be made in this game, assuming some dungeoneering has begun.

Posted by: macole Feb 2 2021, 05:39 AM

In Arena, some interesting facts about Knights and Warrior classes.

Knights can wear plate armor, they cannot wear leather armor. Knights also are immune to paralysis and automatically repair any weapons or pieces of armor in their inventory.

Warriors, Knights, and Rangers are the only classes allowed to wear plate and therefore the only classes able to wear enchanted armor.

Warriors have no armor, shield, or weapon restrictions.

Warriors are the second fastest after thieves to rise in experience

Posted by: Renee Feb 2 2021, 03:59 PM

I'm okay with the 'no leather armor' thing. smile.gif My Battlemage wore plenty of leather back when she was doing the MQ. In fact I think that's all she could wear, armor-wise.

Nice, I forgot about Immunity to Paralysis. That means we won't have to stock any Free Paralysis potions.

Posted by: Renee Mar 28 2021, 06:30 PM

GAME (Platform): Morrowind (PC)

Name: Yor Azzizgrazz

Status: Testing

Dead-is-Dead?: Sure.

Race: Dark Elf

Gender: Dude-mar.


Star Sign: The Apprentice

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Home Country: Vvardenfell

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living):

Faction Description:

Class: Pilgrim

Class Description: I used Morrowind's Class Generator to answer questions this time, and it chose Pilgrim for my new Dark Elf.

Major Skills: Speechcraft, Mercantile, Marksman, Restoration, Medium Armor

Minor Skills: Illusion, Hand-to-hand, Short Blade, Block, Alchemy

Tabletop Skills:

Magic abilities or powers:

Physical Appearance: He is the default Dunmer which starts the game. I'll get a pic up later.

Eyes: Yes, two of them.

Build: Muscular & slender

Weapons of preference:


Miscellaneous: Yor Azzizmyne was my first Morrowind character on Xbox. Now I'm rolling Yor Azzizgrazz as my first for PC.

Mental Profile/Personality:

Biography/Life History:

Posted by: Acadian Mar 28 2021, 07:52 PM

Another clever Renee name! goodjob.gif

Mer-dude. . . well I guess that works. After all, I've certainly referred to Buffy as a mermaid several times. wink.gif

Posted by: mirocu Apr 3 2021, 03:00 PM

Renee is rocking the good ole games!

QUOTE(Acadian @ Mar 28 2021, 08:52 PM) *

Mer-dude. . . well I guess that works. After all, I've certainly referred to Buffy as a mermaid several times. wink.gif


Posted by: SubRosa Apr 3 2021, 06:40 PM

I imagine your Dude - Mar wearing a bathrobe, slippers, and sunglasses while he shops at Arielle's Tradehouse at 3am.

Posted by: Renee Apr 9 2021, 11:38 PM

Uh.. dude-mar is being pushed aside. Can't think of anything for him to do. THIS character idea below is what's gripping my soul at the moment...

GAME (Platform): Morrowind (PC)

Name: Ana Khannda


Status: Deadly

Dead-is-Dead?: Within reason

Race: Dark Elf

Gender: F

Age: Young adult.

Sign: The Serpent (hisssss)

In-game Birthday: ? Even she doesn't know.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral with Evil tendencies.

Home: Hlaalo Manor in Balmora. She also lives in a few Thieves Guild hideouts and House Hlaalu chapters, occasional mines and caves (such as Addamasartus).

Home Country: Vvardenfell

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living): House Hlaalu, Thieves Guild, Tribunal Temple

Faction Description: Ana started out as a thief; it's just something she's talented at since being a child. Later on she joined Hlaalu, for no other reason than she wanted to stay busy. Finally, she got interested in Temple, and has been following the Pilgramage of the Seven Graces.

After several months of living in Vvardenfell Ana's starting to run out of quests. Most of the Thieves Guild and Hlaalu are done. Once she's accomplished the Seven Graces she'll become more of a pure adventurer, exploring the land for new dungeons to invade! emot-ninja1.gif

Class: Acrobat

Class Description: I simply chose the standard Acrobat class for her. She uses all her Majors regularly, but of the Minor skills, only Light Amor gets used. I figure she'd had some magical training in Alteration at some point, but did not follow through. Same goes for hand combat, use of spears (doesn't need a spear, she's an excellent markswoman), and charisma.

Major Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Marksman, Sneak, Unarmored

Minor Skills: Alteration, Hand-to-Hand, Light Armor, Spear, Speechcraft

Tabletop Skills: Alchemy (2), Alertness (2), Bow (2), Cartographer (2), Crossbow (1), Knife (1), Running (1), Silent Movement (1), Swimming (1)

Magic abilities or powers: Star Curse (a poison spell which comes with her being born under the Serpent). She also has several magical trinkets: an amulet which summons skeletons, a Ring of Aversion, which allows her to go invisible for 10 seconds. She also found an Amulet of Almsivi Intervention (wow) at some point and uses a Mother's Ring for quick healing.

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: red and beady.

Build: Wiry. Over time she's become almost man-like.

Weapons of preference: Bonemold Bow and occasionally throwing stars. She also found a paralyzation daggar at some point.

Clothing: She mostly sticks to light armor pieces, and mostly chitin. She's almost insectoid. In towns she prefers common clothes, lower to middle class stuff, since she's all about blending in.

Miscellaneous: Ana Khanda was my first character in Elder Scrolls Online. She was really sort of weird and antisocial in this totally social game. Despite this, she was also really fun to play! Other gamers who met her did not always know what to make of her in ESO. An example: she had a habit of hiding in the tall grass around Seyda Neen. Occasionally players would be running by but then STOP what they were doing. They'd be looking into the grass, unsure if they were seeing an enemy, or another player. bigsmile.gif

So this is merely the same idea, except she'll be in TES III instead. Not the same person, but she has the same name.

Ana, unlike a lot of my other MW characters, really likes to use terrain to her advantage. Rather than simply walking along some road, she has a tendency to climb any nearby hills, and travel up there (jumping sometimes on top of boulders) looking for opportunities to surprise enemies.

Mental Profile/Personality: Clever & cunning.

Biography/Life History: Ana Khannda once lived in Vvardenfell, but moved away to Cyrodiil for awhile. She comes back as a young adult, looking for something to do. She previously lived in Balmora, and knows the Bitter Coast / West Gash area fairly well.

After living in Vvardenfell for 6 months or so, she's really getting sick of being called an outlander.

Posted by: SubRosa Apr 10 2021, 02:19 AM

Welcome Snake Lady!

Posted by: macole Apr 10 2021, 03:46 AM

A dark elf, huh? Read the name and thought Argonian for sure.

Posted by: Renee Apr 18 2021, 10:06 PM

Snake Lady, ha! Ana likes this nickname.

Argonian makes sense, but I have no idea how to roleplay either of the beastfolk properly!

Well one of my habits with Morrowind on Xbox is I had three characters going at once: Miss Terri, Igodah Go^Pei, and Sir Galarad. I would switch from one character to the next every time I played. These three were archer, magic-user, and paladin, respectively. I'm going to do the same with Morrowind, and here's my second toon er character for this game on PC, Hera Tich. Hera is the magic-user. redwizardsmile.gif

GAME (Platform): Morrowind (PC)

Name: Hera Tyych


Dead-is-Dead?: Yes

Race: Breton

Gender: Seldultress embarrased.gif

Age: 25

Sign: The Atronach / Aries

Alignment: Lawful Evil, Chaotic tendencies

Home: None. Back in Cyrodiil she lived in several places.

Home Country: Cyrodiil

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living): Morag Tong, Mages Guild

Faction Description: She's my first to join the Morag Tong, after accidentally discovering its headquarters in Balmora. Mostly she does assassin work for them. Her involvement with Mages Guild is way on the back-burner so far as quests go. She mostly joined MG for their facilities, Spellmaking, and additional places to crash.

Class: Sorcerer redwizardsmile.gif

Class Description: She's the standard Sorcerer class. Though spellcasters by vocation, sorcerers rely most on summonings and enchantments. They are greedy for magic scrolls, rings, armor, and weapons, and commanding undead and Daedric servants gratifies their egos.

Class Specialization: Magic

Major Skills: Alteration, Conjuration, Enchant, Destruction, Mysticism

Minor Skills: Heavy Armor, Illusion, Marksman, Medium Armor, Short Blade

Tabletop Skills: Alchemy (3), Cooking (1), Knife (1), Literacy (1), Scholar (3)

Magic abilities or powers: Damage Attribute, Fire/Cold, Invisibility, Jump, Shield, Shock, Summon Bonewalker, Summon Ghost, Water Walking

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: pretty sure they're brown.

Build: Feminine. In my imagination Hera is not a super-athletic person, relying much on magic throughout her life so far, though she is slender.

Weapons of preference: Daggars & short blades

Clothing: Like Igodah, Hera has a love of upper-class clothes, or anything which makes her stand out. Unlike Igodah, Hera does not wear robes.

Miscellaneous: Hera shall be my first born under The Atronach, which should be a challenge for me. redwizardsmile.gif

Mental Profile/Personality: She seems angry. Lost. It's odd how true this is. She's always sort of pissed-off about something.

Biography/Life History: Hera Tyych lives up to her name, of course. She's got some sort of a heretical background. She was raised under religious conditions as an orphan, but rebelled through much of her childhood. Eventually she was ousted from the chapels, banished from worship of the Nine (as if she cared), and somehow wound up in Imperial prison. Hera wanted to join Cyrodiil's Mages Guild but was refused. Hence, here she is in Vvardenfell where her background does not matter.

Hera got killed as she was down the road from Dagoth Fel by an ordinary, mod-added bandit. sad.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Apr 18 2021, 11:14 PM

Wow, an Atronach in Morrowind. I imagine that will be really challenging.

Posted by: Renee Apr 19 2021, 02:33 PM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Apr 18 2021, 06:14 PM) *

Wow, an Atronach in Morrowind. I imagine that will be really challenging.

Nice. I've always loved Soundgarden, yet I haven't heard this song. cool.gif

I actually freaked out about the Atronach thing. Magicka does not refill, even after sleeping! sleep.gif Should I reroll her stats? But then I realized it's not so bad. Hera can summon a ghost, attack it for awhile, and when the ghost hits her with one of its spells, voila, most of her Magicka gets filled back up. This is actually a better solution than the way Igodah had to roll, which was... she had to pretty much find a bed, or somewhere safe to rest if she was outside (and then hope her sleep didn't get interrupted). Magicka Potions are near-impossible to find or buy, and even as an Alchemist it was awhile before Igodah got good enough to make dozens of these potions. redwizardsmile.gif

I barely recognize this song as Soundgarden! Wow it's pretty deep. I still don't get why he had to kill himself. sad.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Apr 19 2021, 10:09 PM

That song is on the Pump Up The Volume soundtrack, which is how I know it. Back in the day I used to listen to that soundtrack a lot.

I have never had the nerve to play an Atronach in Morrowind or Oblivion. I only gave it a try in Skyrim, where it just means your magicka refills more slowly, and can be countered with enchantments that increase your magicka regeneration.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Apr 22 2021, 04:02 AM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Apr 19 2021, 04:09 PM) *

That song is on the Pump Up The Volume soundtrack, which is how I know it. Back in the day I used to listen to that soundtrack a lot.

I have never had the nerve to play an Atronach in Morrowind or Oblivion. I only gave it a try in Skyrim, where it just means your magicka refills more slowly, and can be countered with enchantments that increase your magicka regeneration.

One of my characters in Morrowind long, long ago was Atronach. I don’t remember it being especially bad, but then it might’ve been and I just blocked it out of my mind. unsure.gif

Posted by: mirocu Apr 25 2021, 10:39 AM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Apr 19 2021, 12:14 AM) *

Wow, an Atronach in Morrowind. I imagine that will be really challenging.

My Nord is Atronach but I honestly never had much problems with it. A bit initially, yes, but you learn to deal with it. Haven't played in a long time now but he always carries lots of Restore Magicka potions and of course he takes advantage of magickal attacks.

Posted by: Renee Apr 25 2021, 02:54 PM

QUOTE(mirocu @ Apr 25 2021, 05:39 AM) *

but he always carries lots of Restore Magicka potions

How do you find/buy these? They're incredibly rare in the vanilla game, and I know you like to play close to vanilla.

Posted by: mirocu Apr 25 2021, 06:48 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Apr 25 2021, 03:54 PM) *

QUOTE(mirocu @ Apr 25 2021, 05:39 AM) *

but he always carries lots of Restore Magicka potions

How do you find/buy these? They're incredibly rare in the vanilla game, and I know you like to play close to vanilla.

He makes them via his Alchemy skills and apparatuses iirc. Also he doesn't use a lot of spells, rather he's opted for enchanted items.

Posted by: RaderOfTheLostArk Apr 27 2021, 08:34 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Apr 25 2021, 09:54 AM) *

QUOTE(mirocu @ Apr 25 2021, 05:39 AM) *

but he always carries lots of Restore Magicka potions

How do you find/buy these? They're incredibly rare in the vanilla game, and I know you like to play close to vanilla.

For some reason, it seemed significantly easier for me to get potions in general this second playthrough of mine, even restore magicka ones. Granted, I still tried to using the rest function as much as possible, but it does kind of take me out of it when I have to rest a whole 20 HOURS to get it to full.

There are a few potion sellers and apothecaries that have them, though I can't remember off the top of my head. But you can make some stupidly powerful potions with Alchemy, and to make them even better they always (or almost always) weigh less than the normal counterparts. Hell, with my second playthrough, some of the potions I had been making were 0.0 units of weight.

Comberries and void salts give you magicka back. I think frost salts do, too, in both Morrowind and Oblivion. The others from the base game escape me at the moment.

Posted by: Renee Apr 27 2021, 10:33 PM

QUOTE(RaderOfTheLostArk @ Apr 27 2021, 03:34 PM) *

But you can make some stupidly powerful potions with Alchemy,

Oh I know about this! redwizardsmile.gif I read some thread on Reddit about how Alchemy can be boosted to insane levels. Next thing you know, my Altmer was making potions which were just stoopid power... Heal Self 55 points for 764 seconds. Restore Magicka 44 points for 540 seconds on Self. Stuff like this! She became a minor God. redwizardsmile.gif

Posted by: RaderOfTheLostArk Apr 28 2021, 04:23 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Apr 27 2021, 05:33 PM) *

QUOTE(RaderOfTheLostArk @ Apr 27 2021, 03:34 PM) *

But you can make some stupidly powerful potions with Alchemy,

Oh I know about this! redwizardsmile.gif I read some thread on Reddit about how Alchemy can be boosted to insane levels. Next thing you know, my Altmer was making potions which were just stoopid power... Heal Self 55 points for 764 seconds. Restore Magicka 44 points for 540 seconds on Self. Stuff like this! She became a minor God. redwizardsmile.gif

I didn't quite try to break the Alchemy system, but even without doing so it can be seriously potent. Especially the Restore Fatigue potions, which Evelona didn't need too much because she was primarily magicka and even when she did start training Long Blade she already had plenty of Fatigue from leveling.

Posted by: Renee May 16 2021, 11:50 PM

It may seem like I have a lot of Morrowind characters by now but I'm "only" gaming with three at the moment, and I'll stick with these three for the rest of the summer and into fall. Probably.

It's raining lightly and so I need to take advantage...


GAME (Platform): Morrowind (PC)

Name: Joan Marie of Cyrodiil (eventually Joan of Arkay)

Nickname: Joanie

Creation Date: May 19, 2013 3:40 PM

Status: Awoken

Dead-is-Dead?: Nein, danke. nono.gif (her story carries into the 3rd and 4th Era of TES 4)

Race: Breton

Gender: Lady

Age: started at 18, currently 19.

Sign: The Ritual

In-game Birthday: Morningstar 23, Year 409

Alignment: Lawful Good

Home: Any local Fighters Guild chapter, Imperial Cult, or Imperial Legion. She has no "real" home, in other words.

Home Country: Cyrodiil, Cheydinhal

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living): The Blades, Imperial Cult, Imperial Legion, Fighters Guild, Mages Guild

Faction Description: She is doing the Main Quest, so Blades is a given. Also, primarily focusing on the Imperial guilds, with Fighters Guild being secondary. viking.gif Some FG quests bother her, as she tries to be as much of a pacifist as can, which is often not possible with the FG. She joined the Mages Guild to have access to their spells & free potions, but never does any MG quests.

Class: Holy Knight (custom)

Class Description: I tried to choose Majors and Minor magics and Specialization according to somebody who will be relying mostly on buffing and healing-type magics which are beneficial. She also has the ability to influence other people, and has some military training.

Class Specialization: Magic

Major Skills: Block, Heavy Armor, Restoration, Short Blade, Speechcraft

Minor Skills: Athletics, Blunt Weapons, Conjuration, Destruction, Mysticism

Attributes: Endurance, Willpower

Tabletop Skills: Alertness (2), Axe/Mace (2), Charisma (2), Literacy (1), Sword (2), Shield (1), Warrior (2)

Magic abilities or powers: Detect Life (1), Fire/Frost (1), Heal (0), Light (0), Turn Undead (0)

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: chestnut-colored, kind, yet perceptive.

Build: Slender, yet muscular.

Weapons of preference: Maces and short blades.

Clothing: Like a lot of my holy-type characters, Joan demures herself when standing amongst the common populaces, by wearing common-class clothing. When appropriate, she'll dress in robes occasionally, especially when dealing with Temple folk.

Miscellaneous: Joan will be my first character to do the Morrowind Main Quest. Her story continues later into Elder Scrolls 4, though in that game she mostly does mod-added quests, as I like to RP all the main stuff has already been done by my earlier characters on Playstation & Xbox.

Mental Profile/Personality: Devout and holy. Joan always looks for ways she can give herself to help the causes of (some) others.

Biography/Life History: Joan grew up in Cheydinhal, receiving training as a knight, scholar, and an acolyte of the Chapel of Arkay in her home town. It is due to this worldly combination of training that she eventually becomes to be known as Joan of Arkay some time in the Year 428.

Posted by: SubRosa May 17 2021, 12:44 AM

Cool to see Joan again! Now she is moving to the east.

btw. The Our Fake History podcast did a 3 parter on that was really good. You should check it out.

Posted by: Renee May 17 2021, 12:48 PM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ May 16 2021, 07:44 PM) *

Cool to see Joan again! Now she is moving to the east.

This may seem a bit convoluted, but in my roleplay with her in Oblivion, she's the one who owns Battlehorn Castle. The in-game explanation of how we get this place (willed to us from a dead uncle or whatever) is pretty weak, so I began thinking of the real reason she gets this DLC. One day it struck me that she has some sort of history in Vvardenfell. I don't know if she'll become Nerervarine, but she's gonna try to at least do some missionary work in the province with Temple and maybe join Fighters Guild, too. We'll see how that goes.


btw. The Our Fake History podcast did a 3 parter on that was really good. You should check it out.

Awesome, yah, I have something new to listen to! cake.gif

Posted by: Renee Mar 23 2022, 07:19 PM

I am bored, stuck at work today (we're overstaffed) but can't just leave yet.

So to keep busy, I have organized ALL of our characters into Post 1 of this thread, underneath the template which we have been using to copy/paste our character info. Find your character, click on the link, and voila. You won't have to dig through all these pages.


Posted by: Renee Dec 3 2022, 07:37 PM

GAME (Platform): Morrowind (PC)

Name: Fay Daway


Creation Date: April 28, 2023 (9:45 PM)
Birth Date: Rain's Hand 7, 407

Status: New

Dead-is-Dead?: Yes

Race: Wood Elf

Gender: Femme

Age: 20

Star Sign: The Mage

In-game Birthday: Rain's Hand 3, Year 407

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Home: Whichever Mages Guild is nearest. bluewizardsmile.gif

Home Country: Cyrodiil

Faction and Rank or Guilds (if none, tell us what they do for a living): Mages Guild

Faction Description:

Class: Illusionist

Class Description: A custom-made class which includes Illusion of course, along with Sneak as a Minor. The idea here is for her to have total control over her ability to evade if she needs to.

Class Specialization: Magic

Major Skills: Alchemy, Axe, Conjuration, Illusion, Mysticism

Minor Skills: Alteration, Light Armor, Restoration, Sneak, Unarmored

Attributes: Agility, Intelligence

Tabletop Skills: Axe/Mace (2), Chemist (2), Cooking (1), Knife (0), Literacy (1)

Magic abilities or powers: Absorb (1), Calm (1), Chameleon/Invisibility (1), Detect Life (1), Heal Self (1), Light (1), Open/Lock (1), Summon Ghost (1), Teleport, Water Walking (1)

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: amber

Build: 34-28-32, perhaps. I use Robert's Female for her.

Weapons of preference: Axes

Clothing: Fay Daway is a Quinn. A mall princess. Loves dolling herself in the finest. Could be expensive or exquisite threads she's got on, though she'll sometimes buy a common blouse or a skirt if it looks cute enough. In addition to this (ahem) she also wears fine Imperial leather boots, and a rather unique Newtscale Cuirass.

Miscellaneous: Hera Tycch, my evil Atronach Sorceress from Cyrodiil, died recently. Since I've had two evil magic-users in a row, I wanted to roll somebody who's more of a good person. A student, in fact.

Fay is the first character I've rolled who comes to Morrowind from an alternate start mod. Her game started in Ebonheart instead of Seyda Neen. I like to think she's from Cyrodiil, and traveled to Ebonheart on a boat.

Fay is semi-vegetarian, which boils down to "no red meat" in our society. So no Hound Meat. She'll only eat Crab Meat if there's nothing else available.

She mostly travels with a companion; usually someone who compliments her magical abilities with melee skillz. viking.gif And if she has no one to travel with, she uses silt striders, Mage Teleport devices, and so on. She is also my only toon who uses mark & recall. All of this is because she loathes getting dirty, and doesn't like dealing with up-close combat (unless she's absorbing health).

Mental Profile/Personality: She's a sneaky-looking sort. Devious. But in the end tries to do the right things.

Biography/Life History: Fay Daway comes to Ebonheart from Cyrodiil. As a practitioner of magical pursuits, her aim is to join the Mages Guild, of course.

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