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Posted by: Diamandis Jun 26 2013, 07:03 PM

Love. Is it worth the effort? 5 times out of ten you'll just have your heart broken, right?

Or maybe, after a dozen failed relationships you'll find your perfect partner and live happily ever after with five children and a garden full of dogs.

Maybe you'll stay with you're childhood sweetheart until your golden years.

Me, personally, I've never had much luck with love. My last relationship ended miserably (most of you know all about THAT drama!).

My boyfriend before him moved away after a strong three year relationship. He was pretty great. He was my best friend for a number of years and after asking me to my end of school prom as a date, he successfully broke out of the friendzone.

So I want to hear about your love related stories, because I am in that kind of mood. Good or bad, romantic or cringeworthy...

Let's spread the LOVE smile.gif

Posted by: ThatSkyrimGuy Jun 27 2013, 12:50 AM

If you start counting on the day of my birth, it took over 46 years for me to find it...but find it I did. She is the best! biggrin.gif We will grow old together in happiness. What more can a man ask for?

Posted by: Elisabeth Hollow Jun 27 2013, 01:05 AM


Posted by: Black Hand Jun 27 2013, 01:46 AM

I think we're done here.

Posted by: Kiln Jun 27 2013, 08:10 AM

That is a very deep and thoughtful post Black Hand. It is almost poetic.

I'm a very logical person by nature and I have trouble seeing love as anything more than a word that describes the complex nature of human beings who need companionship and loyalty.

Love and obsession are synonymous in my opinion. People become obsessed with one another and become reliant on the other person's company. This leads to jealousy, much like when your dog becomes upset when you show attention to another person or animal. It is a common saying that people are creatures of habit. Most humans do not like changes and covet people or items that they believe that only they should possess.

That is my take.

Posted by: mirocu Jun 27 2013, 12:08 PM

QUOTE(Diamandis @ Jun 26 2013, 08:03 PM) *

Love. Is it worth the effort? 5 times out of ten you'll just have your heart broken, right?

Ten out of ten times for me. Never had a girl I truly loved, in fact no one has ever really shown any interest in me. It´s usually fine though as I am a gamer by heart and have always preferred to stay at home and play an awesome game alone.

Every now and then though I accidently connect with the human part of me and gets a serious crush on a girl far beyond what I could possibly ever hope for. And just now in fact I have re-connected with my last crush, but I´m thankfully seeing the end of it. For now.

So in short, love has only given me sadness in the long run and laughable, hopeless happines in the short run. I think one of my friends over at Bethsoft hit the bullseye a few months back when he said that I´m not as loveable as another member. He said it of course with a grin, but I seriously think he was more right than he thought.
I used to have a real-life friend who was the exact opposite; he could get whatever girl he wanted. He simply had that charisma I would need. Too bad it didn´t rub off on me tongue.gif

Oh but no need for pity, guys. It will only make me look bad after this biggrin.gif

Posted by: McBadgere Jun 27 2013, 01:01 PM

I met my wife almost exactly 18 years ago...1st of July 1995 to be precise...And it was love at second meeting...Absolute complete and utter love...And lust...Red hair, green eyes, legs up to her armpits...Which considering how short she is, is a hell of an achievement... tongue.gif ...Stunningly gorgeous and an I.Q. completely beyond anything I'd met before...

She was, in fact, perfect...

So, we became friends...Took it slowly...Didn't do anything about the attraction we both felt (and made obvious) until it got to a point where we were both hugely unhappy around each other's company...It was simply too painful anymore...

So once she'd dumped her boyfriend, we were together within hours and have barely spent any time apart since... biggrin.gif ...

Has she always made it easy to love her?...No, she can be...Difficult sometimes...

Have I always made it easy for her?...Really?...What do you think?... biggrin.gif ...

But, put simply...She is the absolute perfect woman and the love I have for her would fill several universes a billion times over...

I believe in love...And I've always found it easy to fall in love...Either with a person, a view, a colour, a piece of music...My heart will go out to something...I always give all of me to whatever...Yes, it may be a bad thing...

But I'm always there on show...Heart fully on my sleeve...

As I always say, I have no hidden depths...Just slower moving shallows... wink.gif ...

The song below sums up my life around the time I met McWifey...We met the night two members of my absolute fave band came to do a signing at the local nightclub...So it was that this song by them perfectly encapsulated my feelings for her...

I love you McWifey...

There, now everybody knows... smile.gif ...

Posted by: mirocu Jun 27 2013, 01:02 PM

Long live McWifey! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Posted by: ImperialSnob Jun 27 2013, 04:19 PM

I.....I just really love cars.

I'm just worried the seats don't look real enough.

Posted by: PhonAntiPhon Jul 12 2013, 09:53 PM

I am, I freely admit, a soppy so and so and I Love - LOVE - my wife. She is an awesome woman and I cannot imagine my life without her. smile.gif
Equally, Dylan our house bunny is also a little creature who features extremely highly in my softly-focused view of the world.

Seriously, it took a while but when I found it, yeah, it was The Best Thing. biggrin.gif

Posted by: mirocu Jan 7 2015, 10:27 AM

*bump* biggrin.gif

I think it´s important to remember that love isn´t just a romantic thing that happens between two persons. It´s about that too but not only. It´s about being genuinely nice to one another, helping out where needed if it doesn´t "cost" you too much and accepting each other´s differences and maybe even embracing them.

But it can very well be enough to just give someone a friendly smile smile.gif

Posted by: Destri Melarg Jan 7 2015, 10:24 PM sums it up for me.

Posted by: mirocu Mar 22 2016, 05:06 PM

We need much more love, peace and friendliness in this world.

That´s all I gotta say about that.

Posted by: Callidus Thorn Mar 22 2016, 05:26 PM

I think less hatred, ignorance, fear, and greed would go further, but that's asking a lot.

Posted by: Uleni Athram Mar 23 2016, 12:06 AM

I am afraid to Love. I got wounded. So, so bad. It still hurts. To this day. But that does not mean I will not Love again. Because it's true what they say. Love is the most heavenly and hellish thing one can experience. I'm young. I'm not even twenty yet, for chrissakes. So maybe I'm not sure what I'm talking about here.

But I know what I felt during those times when I was in Love.

I know what I felt when I was with ... Her. For a brief moment of time anyway.

It was ... IS a slow poison that I do not wish to be cured of.

It is fire that I'll gladly burn myself with, over and over and over again. I'll burn the whole world with it if I could.

Love is painful. So painful. Love anyway. To be afraid of pain in Love is to be afraid of the arrows in a battlefield. It can and will happen. Love anyway. Like Truth, Love can set you free. Sappy much? It's true. It's damn true. You haven't lived life if you haven't been in love to the point, that you can't possibly damn sleep. Because your waking hours have become dreams.

Love is also understanding. And I understood, from the very moment I realized I was madly in love with Her, that I cannot be with Her. I loved Her anyway. It cannot be denied. No matter how much I tried to resist it, to prevent myself from diving in too deep, I still... F#%^ing loved her. Because Her happiness became MY happiness.

I made all kinds of ridiculous and sometimes awkward gestures JUST to see a smile on Her face. And, at least for a little while, I was the reason behind her smile. It was enough. It is enough.

This is why love can be so painful. Just because you love someone with all the fibers in your being.. Doesn't mean you're meant to be. The most bitter thing in this world is to be so close... AND YET SO FAR.

Grateful for it anyway.

Because I know now what Love truly is.

Oh, Chocolate Chip and Mint Ice Cream.

I still love you.

Even if you and me aren't compatible for each other.

I still love you.

*Uleni Rides Off Into The Sunset*

Posted by: hazmick Mar 23 2016, 01:26 AM

IPB Image

Posted by: stargelman Mar 23 2016, 08:26 PM

Oh yes, it can wreck you good. There's a lovely little by Udo Lindenberg. It's in German. It starts with the line

Ein Herz kann man nicht reparier'n
Ist es einmal entzwei, dann ist alles vorbei

(You can't repair a heart
If if's broken once, it's all over)

So, very sad and pessimistic and.. well.. heart-broken, obviously.

But then the song goes on and the artist discovers that no matter how horrible you've been wounded...:

ein Herz das kann man reparier'n
und gehts mal entzweih, ist es längst nicht vorbei,...
ein Herz das kann man reparier'n...
Ich weiß wie das geht, es ist niemals zu spät.
Ein Herz das kann man reparier'n
Ich kenn da'ne Kur, da hilft küssen nur
Ein Herz das kann man reparier'n, ist doch gar nicht schwer,
und 'n Arzt brauchen wir nicht mehr

(You CAN repair a heart
and if it's broken, it ain't over by a long shot,
you can repair a heart
I know how it works, it is never too late
you can repair a heart
I know a cure, only kissing helps
You can repair a heart, it's not that difficult
and you won't need the doctor anymore)

Needless to say, the last few lines of the song Udo sings in a duet (with Inga Humpe).

This sums it up pretty well I think. Sure there's an immense risk, but if you never try it, all you'll have is regrets for never trying, and wondering what it might have been like... and loneliness.. longing...boredom...

In my opinion, now other thing in the world is worth such a high risk.

Size the day. Dare to love. Dare to lose. Dare to live!

Edit: as I'm writing this, I've been with the love of my life for over seven years. I had almost given up on love when I met her. We don't have a garden full of puppies, but we're thinking about getting cats wink.gif

Posted by: Darkness Eternal Mar 23 2016, 08:37 PM





Posted by: bobg Mar 27 2016, 09:14 AM

The other day, my wife of 53 years told me of a dream she had. She dreamed that she was in prison. That's understandable since the stroke she suffered 12 years ago left her semi paralyzed on the left side. She can't use her left arm and has difficulty walking because of stricture in her left foot.

In her dream, she was first told that she was there to be killed. Then she was asked "why don't you just leave?" with that, she walked out the door and stepped onto an escalator. As she was going down the escalator, she saw me going up the other escalator. She told me it was only after waking and thinking about it that she realized I was going up to take her place.

Posted by: mirocu Mar 27 2016, 09:20 AM

That´s eerie blink.gif

Posted by: bobg Mar 27 2016, 09:27 AM

QUOTE(mirocu @ Mar 27 2016, 04:20 AM) *

That´s eerie blink.gif

No. That's love.

Posted by: mirocu Mar 27 2016, 09:08 PM

Haeryung wub.gif

Posted by: Acadian Mar 27 2016, 09:19 PM

Beautifully poignant dream there, bobg. It reminds me a touch of Gift of the Magi. wub.gif

Posted by: mALX Apr 27 2016, 05:12 PM

QUOTE(stargelman @ Mar 23 2016, 03:26 PM) *

Oh yes, it can wreck you good. There's a lovely little by Udo Lindenberg. It's in German. It starts with the line

Ein Herz kann man nicht reparier'n
Ist es einmal entzwei, dann ist alles vorbei

(You can't repair a heart
If if's broken once, it's all over)

So, very sad and pessimistic and.. well.. heart-broken, obviously.

But then the song goes on and the artist discovers that no matter how horrible you've been wounded...:

ein Herz das kann man reparier'n
und gehts mal entzweih, ist es längst nicht vorbei,...
ein Herz das kann man reparier'n...
Ich weiß wie das geht, es ist niemals zu spät.
Ein Herz das kann man reparier'n
Ich kenn da'ne Kur, da hilft küssen nur
Ein Herz das kann man reparier'n, ist doch gar nicht schwer,
und 'n Arzt brauchen wir nicht mehr

(You CAN repair a heart
and if it's broken, it ain't over by a long shot,
you can repair a heart
I know how it works, it is never too late
you can repair a heart
I know a cure, only kissing helps
You can repair a heart, it's not that difficult
and you won't need the doctor anymore)

Needless to say, the last few lines of the song Udo sings in a duet (with Inga Humpe).

This sums it up pretty well I think. Sure there's an immense risk, but if you never try it, all you'll have is regrets for never trying, and wondering what it might have been like... and loneliness.. longing...boredom...

In my opinion, now other thing in the world is worth such a high risk.

Size the day. Dare to love. Dare to lose. Dare to live!

Edit: as I'm writing this, I've been with the love of my life for over seven years. I had almost given up on love when I met her. We don't have a garden full of puppies, but we're thinking about getting cats wink.gif

This is Awesome! Thanks for sharing that, Starge, it was inspiring!

QUOTE(Acadian @ Mar 27 2016, 04:19 PM) *

Beautifully poignant dream there, bobg. It reminds me a touch of Gift of the Magi. wub.gif

One of my favorite stories growing up!

Posted by: ImperialSnob Jul 13 2016, 08:22 PM

My boyfriend liked the playlist I made for him! wub.gif

Posted by: mALX Jul 13 2016, 08:27 PM

QUOTE(ImperialSnob @ Jul 13 2016, 03:22 PM) *

My boyfriend liked the playlist I made for him! wub.gif


Posted by: mirocu Sep 3 2016, 04:32 PM

Just wanted to say I love this forum and the members who dwell inside its nasty, wasp-infested hallways! IPB Image

Posted by: Acadian Sep 3 2016, 04:49 PM


Whut he said. wub.gif

Posted by: Grits Sep 3 2016, 06:23 PM

Hug_emoticon.gif group hug! Hug_emoticon.gif

Posted by: mALX Sep 3 2016, 08:22 PM

Me too!!! Hug_emoticon.gif wub.gif

Posted by: Uleni Athram Sep 4 2016, 01:14 AM

Love is chocolate chip mint ice cream. Never forget, always remember.

Posted by: mALX Sep 4 2016, 04:28 AM

QUOTE(Uleni Athram @ Sep 3 2016, 08:14 PM) *

Love is chocolate chip mint ice cream. Never forget, always remember.

She is your mistress, your master, your lover, thief, and assassin!!!!


Posted by: Uleni Athram Sep 4 2016, 04:33 AM

QUOTE(mALX @ Sep 4 2016, 12:28 PM) *

QUOTE(Uleni Athram @ Sep 3 2016, 08:14 PM) *

Love is chocolate chip mint ice cream. Never forget, always remember.

She is your mistress, your master, your lover, thief, and assassin!!!!




Posted by: mALX Sep 4 2016, 04:49 AM

QUOTE(Uleni Athram @ Sep 3 2016, 11:33 PM) *

QUOTE(mALX @ Sep 4 2016, 12:28 PM) *

QUOTE(Uleni Athram @ Sep 3 2016, 08:14 PM) *

Love is chocolate chip mint ice cream. Never forget, always remember.

She is your mistress, your master, your lover, thief, and assassin!!!!




IPB Image

Posted by: Dark Reaper Oct 31 2016, 09:56 PM

As far as being love in relationships go this picture is pretty accurate:
Now as far as food and other things goes I love:
My Dogs Loki, Frankie, Keeta and Molly.
Fried Chicken.
Steaks (specially the ones I make tongue.gif.
And my remaining family members.

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