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Posted by: Konradude Aug 5 2005, 07:34 PM

I was just wondering how old everyone is at this forum. I don't think this thread has been done before but a lot of new people have come so here it is. Of course, we won't know how old you are by the poll personally, so if you are brave enough....(Or have the ability to take 10 years off...) then you can post it underneath.

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 5 2005, 07:36 PM

18 here O.o

as to avoid creating an off topic post i will address konrads comment here.

Thank you ^.^

Posted by: Konradude Aug 5 2005, 07:41 PM

Knew that from your blog. Cool blog by the way.

Posted by: Mazuk Aug 5 2005, 07:51 PM

Humm, well this is interesting thread. I am 26. If you are a member of the Official Forums you would of seen that on the 3rd. He he.

Posted by: Moth Aug 5 2005, 08:23 PM

I'm fifteen. I used to think 13-17 was the average age of the TES community though, but most of the polls on the official forums had from 20 - 36 as the most common, which is a good thing of course.

Posted by: Konradude Aug 5 2005, 08:35 PM

You're one damn good artist for 15...

Posted by: gamer10 Aug 5 2005, 08:37 PM

I am 13.

As several of you already know. tongue.gif

I was tempted to select other and post "I do not age" but decided that it would have probably been considered spam. tongue.gif

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 5 2005, 08:40 PM

I am diesiseis(16) years old. And I now have my license. And I am very happy, even though I have no car to drive. laugh.gif

Posted by: gamer10 Aug 5 2005, 08:41 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 5 2005, 02:40 PM)
I am diesiseis(16) years old. And I now have my license. And I am very happy, even though I have no car to drive.  laugh.gif

Run through the street in a cardboard box with a frisbee as a steering wheel.


No, don't.

Posted by: Kell-Reevor Aug 5 2005, 08:42 PM

19 here.

No license, no car, no job. I win biggrin.gif

Posted by: gamer10 Aug 5 2005, 08:47 PM

QUOTE(Kell-Reevor @ Aug 5 2005, 02:42 PM)
No license, no car, no job.  I win  biggrin.gif

No license, no car, no job, no money, no ice cream (hehe . .)

I win.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 5 2005, 08:48 PM

No, you guys lose, just for not having any of those things. tongue.gif

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 5 2005, 08:49 PM

no license or car here either O.o

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 5 2005, 08:49 PM

shabam! 15!

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Aug 5 2005, 09:09 PM

I just turned half way to 30... tongue.gif

Posted by: Alexander Aug 5 2005, 09:26 PM

I'm 21 myself smile.gif

Posted by: Intestinal Chaos Aug 5 2005, 09:33 PM

16 by october, also known as 15.

Posted by: Zelda_Zealot Aug 5 2005, 10:05 PM

16 and proud of it! I dont have my license, I have a non working car, have almost no friends, no Girlfriend, no job, -8 of a life, but over 100$ right in front of me. Tell me, just how sad is that?

Posted by: Konradude Aug 6 2005, 12:10 AM

Uh...welcome to the forums?

Posted by: Red Aug 6 2005, 12:11 AM

16, no liscense, no car, no girlfriend (Don't really care about it right now though), no money, only one can of tuna, no video-phone, no lightsabre, belong to no clubs or groups outside of school and the internet, no super secret samurai team or even a yacht.

Posted by: Konradude Aug 6 2005, 12:16 AM

No yacht?!

Damn that's poor.

Posted by: Intestinal Chaos Aug 6 2005, 12:20 AM

15, no computer.... This must confuse you. I have to resort to public computers because my old computer died and my greedy parents won't share theirs.... and they have 2. "Sure we'll get you a new computer, I want you to have one trust me"
1 year later and I still haven't gotten one (its not just for me I have siblings too) and yet my dad has gotten another one my mom got a new one, her's broke and then she got ANOTHER for FREE and STILL won't SHARE IT.

Posted by: Mazuk Aug 6 2005, 12:44 AM

I think i should withdraw my vote. yall are making me feel old here. And I am sorry to hear that Intestinal Chaos.

Posted by: Red Aug 6 2005, 01:12 AM

QUOTE(Intestinal Chaos @ Aug 6 2005, 12:20 AM)
15, no computer.... This must confuse you. I have to resort to public computers because my old computer died and my greedy parents won't share theirs.... and they have 2. "Sure we'll get you a new computer, I want you to have one trust me"
1 year later and I still haven't gotten one (its not just for me I have siblings too) and yet my dad has gotten another one my mom got a new one, her's broke and then she got ANOTHER for FREE and STILL won't SHARE IT.

Yeah, that sucks. I suggest becoming a diamond theif and then buyng one. Sorry, had to say that.

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 6 2005, 02:24 AM

QUOTE(Zelda_Zealot @ Aug 5 2005, 10:05 PM)
16 and proud of it! I dont have my license, I have a non working car, have almost no friends, no Girlfriend, no job, -8 of a life, but over 100$ right in front of me. Tell me, just how sad is that?

QUOTE(Red @ Aug 6 2005, 12:11 AM)
16, no liscense, no car, no girlfriend (Don't really care about it right now though), no money, only one can of tuna, no video-phone, no lightsabre, belong to no clubs or groups outside of school and the internet, no super secret samurai team or even a yacht.

well put these together and you just about have me. except I have 3 or 4 cans of tuna and don't have $100.... I have less then 10 tongue.gif

Posted by: Kiln Aug 6 2005, 03:54 AM

Why is there no age six option? How am I supposed to vote? wink.gif
Seriously though, I voted eighteen...not exactly poor but definately not rich...

Posted by: Zelda_Zealot Aug 6 2005, 04:05 AM

QUOTE(Soulseeker3.0 @ Aug 5 2005, 09:24 PM)
well put these together and you just about have me. except I have 3 or 4 cans of tuna and don't have $100.... I have less then 10 tongue.gif

I only have 100$ from a combo of Birthday checks and missed allowences that come back all at once. So I am just as poor as you... I need a job... and a working car to get to my job...

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 6 2005, 04:25 AM

O.o i have no car but have several hundred dollars -.- that i can spend from working, birthday, graduation, etc.

Posted by: Channler Aug 6 2005, 05:11 AM

I am 16, single yet not at the same time, I have a job, I have a car, I have a liscence(SP), about 2 cans of tuna in the drawer...

Ahh.. What else, I cant write, draw, thing (thats beside the point0 and I am damn sexy +)

I should also tell you that I am a bit of a prep O_o Rainbows anyone?!?

Also on the money wise, i got 3 dollars in my checking account =\

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 6 2005, 06:25 AM

*points at Chanler* Preppy guy!

just kidding - I don't really care. I hang out with all sorts of people.

The only thing I have that Channler doesn't is the writing skills and that third can of tuna.

And he can keep those rainbows. (i hate sandals of all kinds)

Posted by: burntsierra Aug 6 2005, 09:24 AM

QUOTE(Mazuk @ Aug 6 2005, 12:44 AM)
I think i should withdraw my vote.  yall are making me feel old here. 

Aah, don't worry. There are a few of us poor saps older than you tongue.gif

Posted by: Aki Aug 6 2005, 11:06 AM

15 here.... tongue.gif

*dances on all the old-peoples lawns and rides off into the sunset*


Posted by: Sinder Velvin Aug 6 2005, 02:42 PM

During my examinations, explorations and investigations of the divisions of this medium of colloquium and confabulation, I have encountered this alloggiamento dealing with the dilemma of the average length of nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future that the members of this medium have existed.

Desiring to be sufficiently informative to the myriad of visitors here, I have selected to report to you the time that I have so far functioned on this planet as a sentient entity.

That interval is equal to 0,024 millenia.

Should you desire an account of this interval, it would be entirely feasible for you to ask me to submit it.

Posted by: gamer10 Aug 6 2005, 02:48 PM

. . . .


Ummm . . .I don't have any tuna . . .

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 6 2005, 06:16 PM

what Sinder?

Posted by: Konradude Aug 6 2005, 06:23 PM

He's 24...and <snip>. Though he IS a clever <snip>

hey hey hey,

no calling Sinder <snip>

it's not allowed here nono.gif

~ Alexander ~

Posted by: DoomedOne Aug 6 2005, 08:25 PM

You guys drive a hard bargain on who has less.

I'm 16 (and a half)

I have...

No License

No Car

No Money

No Girlfriend

No Chocolate Factory

No relative named Tito

No Cancer

No TV (except for the one in my room)

No Computer (same as statement above)

And NO WAY OUT! (bud bum chiga doodledo)

Posted by: gamer10 Aug 6 2005, 08:52 PM

QUOTE(DoomedOne @ Aug 6 2005, 02:25 PM)
No Chocolate Factory


Oh come on, everyone has one of those! biggrin.gif tongue.gif

Posted by: Neck' Thall Aug 6 2005, 11:09 PM

Hi Umm...... Im 14 with......

No Lisense(sp)

No Car

No Girl Friend

5 bucks


A Computer ( With A New Vid Card WHich I Spent my previous 100 on)

And no Job......

I Suck.....( Except for the Computer)

Posted by: Konradude Aug 6 2005, 11:12 PM

Hmm..13 with no license, car, girlfriend, or job. Can't think of anything else everyday that I don't have....

Posted by: DoomedOne Aug 7 2005, 12:26 AM

13 and 14 don't count.

See, my last girlfriend had to pick ME up to go out, that is the ultimate sad. You do not get sadder than that. I saw a homeless guy on the street with no legs outside my house watch her pick me up and whistle through his toothless mouth, "Oh now that's just pathetic."

Posted by: Mazuk Aug 7 2005, 12:48 AM

QUOTE(burntsierra @ Aug 6 2005, 05:24 AM)
Aah, don't worry. There are a few of us poor saps older than you tongue.gif

Yeah i know but they haven't posted or voted and probably won't but hey its all in fun.

Oh yeah about the poor thing. We all can show how poor we are and all but can you show pride in it.

Posted by: King Death Aug 7 2005, 02:56 AM

I'm 15, no girlfriend (although I should and in some ways do, and I get along with her better than her boyfriend does. anyway it's a long story and if for some reason you want to hear pm me).

But here are some things I do have

a secret samuri team (well, more of a secret ninja team), it's called the 6 for fighting.



About 7 other diseases

a nephew (as of the 29th)

a mortal enemy

hazel eyes

a computer

an absense of a job (and life)

Posted by: Channler Aug 7 2005, 03:25 AM

QUOTE(King Death @ Aug 6 2005, 09:56 PM)
I'm 15, no girlfriend (although I should and in some ways do, and I get along with her better than her boyfriend does. anyway it's a long story and if for some reason you want to hear pm me).

But here are some things I do have

a secret samuri team (well, more of a secret ninja team), it's called the 6 for fighting.



About 7 other diseases

a nephew (as of the 29th)

a mortal enemy

hazel eyes

a computer

an absense of a job (and life)


Lemme update my status, I have a GF now biggrin.gif

Posted by: Red Aug 7 2005, 04:04 AM

Congrats Channler. I kinda have a girlfriend, but that doesn't qualify to change my prevois post. Anyways, a question about forum age. Has anyone seen a forumite who qualifies as a senior citizen?

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 7 2005, 04:38 PM

Girlfriend (yay)
no car
$100 some odd dollars
above average cpu
a futon (yay)
a flatscreen tv (yay)
LVL 32 dunmer crusader (yay)
1 Tanto
2 Wakizashis
1 Katana

so i am kinda a samurai, but i don't have a secret samurai team....

Posted by: DoomedOne Aug 7 2005, 07:10 PM

I'd like to update my status, I still have no girlfriend, no license, no car, no money

Posted by: treydog Aug 7 2005, 08:04 PM

Let's see:

I am an OLD gamer. (First computer was an Apple IIe)

No girlfriend- and my wife appreciates that.

Two grandchildren

Drivers License- If I can find my wallet....

4 computers- including the aforementioned Apple IIe

Job- sorta, kinda, not really one that I care for.

But mostly, I have the great W4O folks to keep me happy- and you do!

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 7 2005, 08:39 PM

so Trey you are the 40+? tongue.gif

Posted by: minque Aug 7 2005, 09:51 PM

Like trey..I am OLD, ( the other one 40+)

like trey I have no girlfriend......and no boyfriend, and my hubbie appreciates that

i have 6 computers; one old compaq with a 486-processor, one win95, 3 pretty good ones and a really good lappy

i have 3 children, 2 girls and a boy

i have a job, that i am fond of, in a NPP

i have a nice house

a Volvo...(of course)

a driving-licence, my eldest daughter als have one

a very sweet and cuddly cat ( my sig)

not so much money unfortunately, because i travel too much....

i have a whole bunch of great friends here at w4o.......

so.....i am content with my life really..... smile.gif

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 8 2005, 12:03 AM

I have a girlfriend (YAY smile.gif)
No drivers License
Moderate amount of cash
Decent pc, except the D Drive has screwed up and wont open or do anything for that matter

Posted by: Konradude Aug 8 2005, 11:07 AM

Awww for your D drive. Though our modem's gone wonky so we need a new one.

Posted by: Ze Milanio Aug 8 2005, 11:19 PM

Well, well... look at ye all happy puppies mellow.gif
I'm 26-35, have car but no gas and no money for repairs, have a job, but don't have my paycheck (8 of them, actually), have a wonderful mom & dad who are too old and too sick, have lots of 'buddies' and (possibly) no real friends, have... meh, I have not. I win (yeah, wictory... right).

Posted by: Zelda_Zealot Aug 9 2005, 04:08 AM

I can only see two things in commen with most of us forumites(Not counting the love of TES).

1: We are almost all between the ages of 13-17.
2: We dont have a GF.

How do I know we all arnt clones of each other... wink.gif

Posted by: Channler Aug 9 2005, 04:23 AM

QUOTE(Zelda_Zealot @ Aug 8 2005, 11:08 PM)
I can onlu see two things in commen with most of us forumites(Not counting the love of TES).

1: We are almost all between the ages of 13-17.
2: We dont have a GF.

How do I know we all arnt clones of each other...  wink.gif

1: I am between the age of 16-17 not 13-17 =P
2: I have a girlfriend smile.gif

Posted by: DoomedOne Aug 9 2005, 06:48 AM

In 8 months (at most) I will be up to par with Channler, except I'll also be 4 months into the ages of 17-18.

Posted by: Fade2gray Aug 9 2005, 06:57 AM

I, the annoying and opinionated one whom, as if you post in or read the parliament thread you've likely guessed by now, generally disagrees with most liberalism on principle, am less than one month shy of 21.

Sheez, you guys are making me feel old and rich! Well, I supose we all need a little bucking up some how every now and then. Mmmm, I love roling in tuna, even if half of it is in my head. wink.gif

Posted by: Zelda_Zealot Aug 9 2005, 02:05 PM

QUOTE(Channler @ Aug 8 2005, 11:23 PM)
1: I am between the age of 16-17 not 13-17 =P
2: I have a girlfriend smile.gif

You betrayed us so you dont count wink.gif .

P.S. You are between the age of 13-17 so that is right tongue.gif .

Posted by: Ryuku Walker Aug 9 2005, 02:38 PM

Just turned 14. I'm a nice guy, yes I am.

Posted by: darkcootie Aug 9 2005, 06:40 PM

Just yesterday I turned 16. Hurrah for me

Posted by: Aki Aug 12 2005, 07:41 AM

QUOTE(Zelda_Zealot @ Aug 8 2005, 11:08 PM)
I can only see two things in commen with most of us forumites(Not counting the love of TES).

1: We are almost all between the ages of 13-17.
2: We dont have a GF.

How do I know we all arnt clones of each other...  wink.gif

Because unlike you lot, i have a GF.

I just don't advertise the fact. tongue.gif

You got me #1 though. *shakes fist*


Posted by: Kell-Reevor Aug 12 2005, 07:50 AM

I don't need a GF, I have a computer. biggrin.gif

.... god I'm lonely

Posted by: BobV Aug 12 2005, 11:41 AM

This one is somewhere in the 13-17 line. Oh, and he doesn't have a girlfriend, or car, or license, or stereo installation in his bathroom, or bathroom in his stereo installation...

Posted by: minque Aug 12 2005, 03:41 PM

yayyy 3 ppl in the 40+ section.....see, we oldies are still going strong....(now I wonder who the 3rd is.... biggrin.gif )

Posted by: King Death Aug 12 2005, 03:59 PM

Ya but you're gonna konk over dead any minute. Oh that reminds me, I almost had a heart attack in feburary. Yep, blood-clot in my liver.

Posted by: minque Aug 12 2005, 04:01 PM

QUOTE(King Death @ Aug 12 2005, 04:59 PM)
Ya but you're gonna konk over dead any minute. Oh that reminds me, I almost had a heart attack in feburary. Yep, blood-clot in my liver.

We are??? No way..I´m not I promise...YOU almost had a heart-attack?? oh are not the third 40+ are you???

Posted by: King Death Aug 12 2005, 04:18 PM

Nope, I'm fifteen. YAY FOR HIGH CHOLESTEROL!!!

It's really wierd, my dad's cholesterol is half of the low-risk catagory for his age, and I'm 15 with blood-clots and gaul stones(I left that out too)

Posted by: minque Aug 12 2005, 04:26 PM

QUOTE(King Death @ Aug 12 2005, 05:18 PM)
Nope, I'm fifteen. YAY FOR HIGH CHOLESTEROL!!!

It's really wierd, my dad's cholesterol is half of the low-risk catagory for his age, and I'm 15 with blood-clots and gaul stones(I left that out too)

YOU should be more careful with your diet my dear King Death!...I am way over 40 and has really low cholesterol.....gallstones I had but they are since long removed....

Posted by: King Death Aug 12 2005, 04:44 PM

I am careful with my diet. Actually I was anarexic a couple of years ago. I don't look like I'd have heart trouble. I'm constantly playing sports, in fact I play both 1st and 2nd string linebacker in football. I just got my mom's heart gene's instead of my dad's. It's really wierd.

Posted by: minque Aug 12 2005, 05:02 PM

QUOTE(King Death @ Aug 12 2005, 05:44 PM)
I am careful with my diet. Actually I was anarexic a couple of years ago. I don't look like I'd have heart trouble. I'm constantly playing sports, in fact I play both 1st and 2nd string linebacker in football. I just got my mom's heart gene's instead of my dad's. It's really wierd.

Aww that is bad luck really...take care then......ya hear!

Posted by: Ambberfox Aug 12 2005, 05:22 PM

<--- is 19 biggrin.gif

Posted by: Konradude Aug 12 2005, 05:49 PM

Have you been drawing since you were -5 then?

Posted by: Ambberfox Aug 15 2005, 08:00 PM

QUOTE(Konradude @ Aug 12 2005, 07:49 PM)
Have you been drawing since you were -5 then?

umm, no... I think I started when I was 6 or 7 smile.gif

Posted by: DoomedOne Aug 16 2005, 02:52 AM

Did you enter a time-warp for the 11 extra years necessary to become as good a drawer as you are?

Posted by: Konradude Aug 16 2005, 10:07 AM

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Though 11 years is a bit small...

Posted by: Intestinal Chaos Aug 17 2005, 02:00 AM

King Death, your quite appropietly named if you already almost had a heart attack!

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 17 2005, 04:04 PM

I've got an update... I can now drive biggrin.gif

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 17 2005, 04:15 PM


i'm now nearly broke (only $108 on me) thanks to college text books.

i'm at college

still no gf, and still can't drive though i do have a learner's permit(lol)

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 17 2005, 04:18 PM

If you're in college, I'm guessing you're can just go to the DMV with your parent's car and get a license. You didn't even need your permit.

And since you live in NC I know this is correct. tongue.gif

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 17 2005, 04:19 PM

yep i can, but i'm too lazy lol ^ ^.

i'll probly d it during fall break o somethng.

btw love the sig.

Posted by: Konradude Aug 17 2005, 04:21 PM

Fall break...that doesn't sound like a luck y time to do it.

Posted by: Intestinal Chaos Sep 22 2005, 04:24 PM

I'll be turning 16 next month. The 23rd biggrin.gif

Posted by: Darkwing Sep 22 2005, 05:45 PM

I'm 25.

And i have no clue.

for the win

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Sep 22 2005, 06:09 PM

Half way to 30... kvright.gif

Posted by: burntsierra Sep 22 2005, 08:49 PM

31, more's the shame. Job? Yep, and again, more's the shame. Girlfriend? Hm, kinda. Ish. Though I aint complaining about that one.

Posted by: King Death Sep 22 2005, 09:50 PM

QUOTE(Intestinal Chaos @ Aug 16 2005, 08:00 PM)
King Death, your quite appropietly named if you already almost had a heart attack!

You know I'm appropietly named.

Uhh.... must... get ... on-topic....

I'm still fifteen. I'm turnin' 16 on april 13th. hehe, oh yah, I was born on friday the 13th, so maby that has something to do with all the health issues. tongue.gif

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Sep 22 2005, 11:17 PM

i'm turing 16 on April 23.... WOO HOOO!

Posted by: Neck' Thall Sep 25 2005, 01:41 AM

15 on Oct 15! you know whats funny? me and mt bro are EXACTLY 5 1/2 years apart. I'll give sumone a cake if they can guess his age/Birthday. (Yeah i know it;s stupid, Humor me)

Posted by: Haw Sep 27 2005, 10:28 PM

13 and 14 in November. Random woo!

Have €100 to €200

What more is there to say? Oh. I'm female. That's it really. Yay!

Posted by: HardCode Sep 28 2005, 12:36 AM

33 here. I'm in the upper eschelon of ages.

Posted by: Argo Sep 28 2005, 07:46 AM

26, and 27 soon to go ... wink.gif close behind you.

Posted by: Channler Sep 30 2005, 02:48 AM

QUOTE(Haw @ Sep 27 2005, 05:28 PM)
13 and 14 in November. Random woo!

Have €100 to €200

What more is there to say? Oh. I'm female. That's it really. Yay!

OMG, there are girls here?! Oh yea, and minque too I guess biggrin.gif

Posted by: Wurlon Sep 30 2005, 04:37 AM

I'm 13, and I'll be 14 in January.

Posted by: minque Sep 30 2005, 06:59 PM

QUOTE(Channler @ Sep 30 2005, 03:48 AM)
OMG, there are girls here?! Oh yea, and minque too I guess  biggrin.gif

Yes....hmm we are in splendid minority here I´d say.... tongue.gif we females that is...

Posted by: King Death Oct 1 2005, 02:55 PM

QUOTE(minque @ Sep 30 2005, 12:59 PM)
Yes....hmm we are in splendid minority here I´d say.... tongue.gif we females that is...

Perhaps that's because this is an rpg fan-site. ph34r.gif

Posted by: minque Oct 1 2005, 07:48 PM

Hmm but females play rpg:s! I mean I do.....and my daughters used huh.gif

Posted by: Haw Oct 1 2005, 08:23 PM

'Used to' being the key word tongue.gif
Are Minque and I really the only females here? I think I could get used to being in a minority. It makes me special.

Posted by: minque Oct 1 2005, 08:29 PM

QUOTE(Haw @ Oct 1 2005, 09:23 PM)
'Used to' being the key word  tongue.gif
Are Minque and I really the only females here? I think I could get used to being in a minority. It makes me special.

Well yeah my daughters are moving on with their lives sorta! But mom still stick to MW and things.....

Ehh no Haw we are not the only females that are members there are MerGirl...who´s posting.but we are special anyways! We are so few....there are a few more female ones but they hardly ever go for it Haw!!!! goodjob.gif

Posted by: Channler Oct 2 2005, 04:45 AM

Well, I love the feminine companionship regaurdless.. It brings an unbridled clearity to our (us Boyz to Men) chaos.

Simply put, welcome! The more the merrier!

Posted by: King Death Oct 6 2005, 06:25 PM

Yes it always reminds me to censor(sp?) myself. tongue.gif

Posted by: Red Oct 6 2005, 10:22 PM

<-------Is Seventeen. Anyone remember how lame sixteen was? Sweet sixteen and I went out like, three time every month. Not saying it wasn't fun, but those sweet 16 movies are increadibly misleading (where's my awesome road trip full of money, girls, fun and trouble? You owe me!). Anyways, Seventeen is cool, school is ok, and I'm probably going out later, for downtown calls my name.

Posted by: Kindred Spirit Oct 12 2005, 03:57 AM

I'm 14 right now, I'll be 15 not long after Christmas. I currently have no job, although that may change. I am thinking about applying to be either a bagboy or a stockboy at one of two large supermarket stores, both of which are fairly nearby my house. One is only a half hour bike ride, while the other is a 45 minute bike ride. The second one pays $1.25 more than the first, so I think I'll probably go there first. I am currently single, and I actually prefer it that way. I am a deeply private person. (private enough that I don't go to one of my parent's homes anymore unless I am forced to because I have to share a room with an obnoxious melodramatic younger brother) Girlfriends generally want to know something about you other than your name. (Hehe) I do have a few female friends, but nobody I go out with. I currently have 5 dollars and small change. I own a computer, but it is made of random parts my dad collected over the years. All of my clothes are either from Goodwill/thriftstore, too small, or are closeout sales from a decent store. I will maybe be able to drive when I turn 16, I figure I'll start dating more when I have a car. Cars are cool, and I'll get my liscense before any of my friends do, so I may have to at least be a chaufuer(sp) for a while.

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Oct 12 2005, 04:01 AM

hmm since everyone does updates I guess i should to. I'm still single and can't complain since i ahve college to pay for. and i just had a $275 doller reduction in my bank accounts. sigh, you gotta love addictive hobbies. I'm sure I will wuv my shrimpies ^ ^ all 57 of them.

Posted by: RobRendell Oct 12 2005, 05:40 AM

Wow, you're all so young! So many teenagers!

I'm 36, turning 37 late November. I'm the first vote in my age range smile.gif

I'm happily married, have two children (who are 4 and almost 6), mainly good health, a job which I enjoy more often than not, and many good friends who we catch up with regularly. So, I'm pretty happy with my lot (if not the state of the world at large).

Oh, and being a vegetarian, I have no tuna either smile.gif

Posted by: Intestinal Chaos Oct 12 2005, 03:54 PM

As of now it is almost my 16th birthday (the 23rd) and I just might finally get the computer I've obsessed over getting for two years. (I have to use public ones...). Though it is still unlikely.....

I just might get WoW and no computer though...

Posted by: Finch Oct 12 2005, 04:04 PM

Im 16 and also have no gf... sad.gif Come from the UK!! which makes a change from most of u americans tongue.gif. I dont understand have some of u have barely any friends, i have loads!, not boasting or anything. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Kindred Spirit Oct 17 2005, 05:48 AM

QUOTE(Finch @ Oct 12 2005, 12:04 PM)
Im 16 and also have no gf...  sad.gif  Come from the UK!! which makes a change from most of u americans tongue.gif. I dont understand have some of u have barely any friends, i have loads!, not boasting or anything.  biggrin.gif

It's because we're Americans. See, even we don't want to hang out with ourselves. happy.gif

I might be getting a job soon. There's a place that will hire me a few weeks before my birthday, if they still need help. I know when I'll be old enough to work there because my mom's boyfriend works there, (he has two jobs, one of them is there) and he asked for me.

Posted by: Intestinal Chaos Nov 8 2005, 04:52 AM

Huzzah! All gather around and rejoice!, for I have been gifted my new computer!

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Nov 8 2005, 04:58 AM

Woot! congrats

Posted by: Kindred Spirit Nov 8 2005, 05:20 AM

Congrats on the computer. Is it a good one?

I still have no job. (Damn those strict child labor laws! They're meant for people who don't live on three hours of sleep a day anyways, they shouldn't apply to me!)

My computer is painted <autocensor, not actually painted> up. It hates me. Every forty minutes or so, or whenever I leave my computer, and it isn't actually opening a new page, it dissconnects from the internet. I found a way around needing to restart my computer to regain my internet connection. Now I just have to run MSN messenger, it tells me I can't connect, and they can try to repair it, and so far, it almost always works.

And as for your new slogan, no thank you.

Posted by: Intestinal Chaos Nov 8 2005, 05:23 AM

Well It is somewhat good, I lag on WoW extremely in IronForge (lags beyond the ability to function). The internet is good and it is much better than I suspected. I have no job as well, this was a family gift (we recived cash from the goverment over some obscure thing) and they bought all 9 kids this one computer. As you might guess it is highly contested.

Posted by: Kindred Spirit Nov 8 2005, 07:50 AM

Ah. So, it's decent, but not top-of-the-line.

Te way I explained my computer to my friends is like this: "When it works, it's better than the Pentagon. When it crashes, it brings down the economies of small countries with it." That's a bit of an exxaggeration, naturally. If I had a computer better than the Pentagon, they'd kill me and take it. If I brought down the economy of a small country, they'd hire an assassin as soon as their economy was up again. I seem fairly alive to me, so obviously I exaggerated a bit.

My mom and dad live sepparately, and they each have a computer at their house. My mother's computer gets about one frame an hour on Morrowind, to give you an idea of how bad it is. It has internet, broadband in fact, because it's only a bit more expensive than AOL, and we can use our phone and it's much faster. At my dad's house, we have three computers. One is my dad's, the other two are mine. Kind of. The one is for everyone, but I'm the only one who uses it, partially because I'm the only one who ever gets a chance to. My two younger siblings are only here mornings and nights. I don't sleep nights, and I'm here for a few hours after school. The other computer, the one that really is mine, is a gift from my dad, his old computer which he totally destroyed, and bought a new one and gave this one to me rather than fix it. He managed to total the power source. How he did that is beyond me, he is an IT guy, and has worked with computers his whole life, but he managed to wreck this one prettty well. I did manage to get it working, after wrestling with getting all the parts back inside, installing Windows XP Pro, getting all that stuff set up, and the power core blew again. It works every now and then, if I'm really careful to jiggle the switched just right, but mostly it sits there.

Oh, and we also have a Commodore 64, which is currently being used as my doorstop, because my idiot brother broke my door by running into it repeatedly untill the doorknob broke off on both sides, as well as the lock and everything else. I think I had it locked, and I wasn't home, and he didn't know that, and he wanted to ask me something. Or something like that. Or maybe I was home, and he ran into it repeatedly because he has ADHD and seventeen different mental issues. Either one works.

My mother's computer, I never use. That's the kiddies' computer. I never touch it. The only thing I do at my mother's house is sleep (I'm there from 5 pm-9 pm, I don't sleep much at night) eat dinner, and wash dishes every other day or so, when it's my turn.

I can see how having nine kids and one computer can be a problem. We don't have that problem at my house, because at any given time, we have one computer that works, and only three kids, instead of one. If we're at my mother's house, I'm sleeping, my sister is on the computer, and my brother is playing violent bloody horrible games. Or my brother and sister switch places, I don't care, I'm asleep. Or my mother plays solitaire and the two of them fight over that is cheap is a multiplayer game. If we're at my dad's house, I'm on the computer, and they're sleeping, or they are watching the TV.

How do you manage schedules with the nine kids? I mean, for me, I can manage this as a schedule because we never have more than two people fighting over a computer, but with nine? The way we used to run it was we each got half hour turns, but that sucks. I mean, what can you do in half an hour? Not much. Much longer than that, though, and you have people using the computer all the time, and some parents don't like that.

Posted by: King Death Nov 9 2005, 03:36 PM

QUOTE(Kindred Spirit @ Nov 8 2005, 12:50 AM)
How do you manage schedules with the nine kids? I mean, for me, I can manage this as a schedule because we never have more than two people fighting over a computer, but with nine? The way we used to run it was we each got half hour turns, but that sucks. I mean, what can you do in half an hour? Not much. Much longer than that, though, and you have people using the computer all the time, and some parents don't like that.

My family used to use half hour turns, but now we've switched to an hour.

Anyways (back on topic), I am indeed still 15, I do however (as of yesterday) have Ninja Gaiden Black. 'Tis super awesome.

Posted by: Bofra Nov 9 2005, 04:12 PM

I thought the forums were a bit older being so mature, seems like 13-17 is winning, but then I have huge prejudice on all 13 - 15 years old people smile.gif

I'm 19 myself.

no car, no license and especially no girlfriend sad.gif

but then I have a job, I have money and especially a good computer smile.gif

Edit: Man, that sounds pathetic.. blink.gif poor me...

Posted by: King Death Nov 11 2005, 05:03 AM

QUOTE(Bofra @ Nov 9 2005, 09:12 AM)
I thought the forums were a bit older being so mature, seems like 13-17 is winning, but then I have huge prejudice on all 13 - 15 years old people smile.gif

Yeah, I know how you feel. Most of my friends are about 20. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Freaky Freddy Nov 11 2005, 12:56 PM

Im 18... Im starting to feel old here tongue.gif

Posted by: King Death Nov 11 2005, 03:09 PM

QUOTE(Freaky Freddy @ Nov 11 2005, 05:56 AM)
Im 18... Im starting to feel old here  tongue.gif

As well you should.

Posted by: minque Nov 11 2005, 04:49 PM

QUOTE(Freaky Freddy @ Nov 11 2005, 12:56 PM)
Im 18... Im starting to feel old here  tongue.gif

Oh dear oh dear..if YOU feel old...hmmm..what shall I feel then....?? blink.gif....Ancient Methusalem?

Posted by: Jonajosa Nov 11 2005, 07:13 PM

QUOTE(minque @ Nov 11 2005, 10:49 AM)
Oh dear oh dear..if YOU feel old...hmmm..what shall I feel then....??  blink.gif....Ancient  Methusalem?

We should feel... dead. wacko.gif

Posted by: King Death Nov 11 2005, 08:16 PM

QUOTE(Jonajosa @ Nov 11 2005, 12:13 PM)
We should feel... dead.    wacko.gif

Well said. tongue.gif

No, you should just feel... mature. smile.gif

Posted by: Scrooluse Nov 11 2005, 10:27 PM

Well lets see here..

I'm 25, no girlfriend (by my choice. I'd rather be single than end up with an airhead), I keep my time happily occupied with writing, gaming of kinds, tending my garden (though it's coming into the season where I need to start preparing seedlings for next year), and keeping general tabs on the forums here at W4O

Posted by: Kindred Spirit Nov 11 2005, 10:39 PM

QUOTE(Scrooluse @ Nov 11 2005, 05:27 PM)
Well lets see here..

I'm 25, no girlfriend (by my choice. I'd rather be single than end up with an airhead), I keep my time happily occupied with writing, gaming of kinds, tending my garden (though it's coming into the season where I need to start preparing seedlings for next year), and keeping general tabs on the forums here at W4O

You know, I've met girls who weren't airheads. Many of them. I have met many airheads as well, but a great deal of girls that I've met are deep, pkilosopphical, even. I guess it just depends on where you look. It's harder to find them, as they are (often) the ones who are either already married or dating or men haters. A couple of my friends are girls like that.

I still have no girlfriend, although I hang out with a couple of girls. I don't go out because I have no job, and can't afford to go anywhere. Neither can they. Once I get a job, and maybe a car, I'll start going out more. The girls I hang out with are pretty deep thinkers, as deep as I am, sometimes more. I don't hang out with people for being pretty (beautiful, whatever) but I'd say they look nice as well. Not the most beasutiful girls in the school, perhaps, but they are kind and smart and share my sense of humor and look pretty as well. I also hang out with a couple of guys, all of whom are also broke. I hang out with everybody in small groups, rarely more than two at a time, because I dislike social interaction in large groups.

I'll be getting a job in a couple weeks! (maybe)

Posted by: minque Nov 11 2005, 11:08 PM

QUOTE(Scrooluse @ Nov 11 2005, 10:27 PM)
Well lets see here..

I'm 25, no girlfriend (by my choice. I'd rather be single than end up with an airhead), I keep my time happily occupied with writing, gaming of kinds, tending my garden (though it's coming into the season where I need to start preparing seedlings for next year), and keeping general tabs on the forums here at W4O

You have a garden? That is very nice....I like plants but my so called garden doesn´t have enough soil to grow anything but heather and some succulents that don´t need so much..... sad.gif

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Nov 11 2005, 11:42 PM

Minque you could try the wonderfl, though not as handy world of aquatic gardening ^ ^. Though thre are a few aquatic plants out there that are edible. though don't ask me what they are. Still aquatic gardening is amazing, you would not believe how many species of plants there are out there.

Posted by: minque Nov 12 2005, 12:02 AM

QUOTE(Megil Tel-Zeke @ Nov 11 2005, 11:42 PM)
Minque you could try the wonderfl, though not as handy world of aquatic gardening ^ ^.  Though thre are a few aquatic plants out there that are edible.  though don't ask me what they are.  Still aquatic gardening is amazing,  you would not believe how many species of plants there are out there.

Yes....I actually could, since I do have a small aquarium...with two big tiger-coloured flat fishes ..we call them scalares....thay just had kids so the pot is crowded at the moment..

Now you are right..there are a lot of beautiful plants to grow in water!

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Nov 12 2005, 12:06 AM

scalares or Pterophylum scalare are most commonly called angelfish wink.gif. What size is the aquarium?

As for plants, well the angelfish will love them, especial broad leavedplants since they can lay their eggs on the surface.

Posted by: Scrooluse Nov 12 2005, 12:15 AM

QUOTE(Kindred Spirit @ Nov 11 2005, 01:39 PM)
You know, I've met girls who weren't airheads. Many of them. I have met many airheads as well, but a great deal of girls that I've met are deep, pkilosopphical, even. I guess it just depends on where you look. It's harder to find them, as they are (often) the ones who are either already married or dating or men haters. A couple of my friends are girls like that.

I am not proclaiming ALL women airheads, but the ones I have run across feign interest in my favored topics and offer more or less a vague, fuzzy reply that strongly hints they have no idea whatsoever what I'm talking about. Given my area, the intellectual and adorably smart ones are quite taken, what is usually left are the "party girls" who tend to objectify themselves and seem to have bacteria as the only culture in them. As such, I can't stomach them whatsoever. I'd rather have my skull caved in with a 10 pound sledgehammer than end up with your average Sacramento party girl. Given rather restrictive options, I'd rather continue on with my own thing.

Posted by: minque Nov 12 2005, 12:16 AM

the aquarium is small about 50-60 litres i think..and they certainly laid eggs on my juicy green leaved plants because there are a lot of children now in various sizes....

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Nov 12 2005, 12:19 AM

That's a bit small for angelfish >.< ut we are deviating of topic, we can continue through PMag e if you wish.

Posted by: Sir Radont Dec 1 2005, 04:41 PM

I am 24 years old, I'll be 25 on January 30. I have been married for 4 and a half years now with my first child on the way. I've been playing games for as long as I can remember, way back to the atari 2600 and Apple II+. I have a job which I enjoy, I guess. I will make writing my career when I get around to it. If you REALLY want to know more than visit my page. I'm going to bed now (it's 10:45am but I work the dreaded third shift, I'm a vampire).

Posted by: minque Dec 1 2005, 07:54 PM

To Sir Radont: First I wish you all the best for your child to come! It´s a big occasion to have your first child! (I´ve 3, btw). Then I have visited your "space" and I liked what I read.

Another thing!

In the poll I read that we have 1 member under 13...... blink.gif hmmmm could it be a typo? ohmy.gif

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Dec 1 2005, 08:29 PM

They could have parental permission minque

Posted by: King Death Dec 2 2005, 06:34 PM

Hmm... who could this mysterious youngster be.... dry.gif

Posted by: vaanic~one Dec 15 2005, 07:55 PM

QUOTE(Fuzzy Knight @ Aug 5 2005, 08:09 PM)
I just turned half way to 30... tongue.gif

15? wow, you sure don't look it in your photo' look old for your age...

Me? I'm a happy 16. (you know it's a great age when they start giving you sexual health talks. proper ones. biggrin.gif)

Posted by: zalinanaruto Dec 23 2005, 05:40 AM

20 years old, turning 21 in 3 months.
Has 2 jobs, waiter + financial advisor , i enjoy them both to a certain degree
has a car -> Audi A4 which my dad got me so I can go to university easier and faster. and we live in canada, u know how its covered in snow for 5-6 months.
has a gf -> which is in hong kong right now to be with her family for the holiday til jan 8 2006. and i miss her a lot
has a good computer that i paid for myself
also have a notebook that i paid for myself
studies economics in university
hmm what else...
i was wasted last nite, and i plan to get wasted again on the 24th!
thats about it, im out~

Posted by: Razorwing Dec 31 2005, 02:35 PM

A whopping 28 here. Old by most standards I imagine. We have several people in our team who are 40 or older though, which feels great. Means that gaming will probably be fun for the rest of my life. smile.gif

Posted by: Kindred Spirit Jan 1 2006, 07:21 AM

Update on myself, I guess.

I'm now fifteen with a girlfriend, but still no car (have to be 16 to drive here anyways, so no big loss) or job as of yet, although I'm looking for a job. There are two supermarket chains near here, no more than an hour bikeride away, so I'll be trying to get a job as a stockboy or bagboy in one of those two places as the first places I look for work.

My girlfriend is a girl I've known for a couple of years, maybe four or five, although we were just aquaintances untill this year. We've been pretty good friends for a couple of months now, and I finally got the courage to ask her out.

Posted by: Intestinal Chaos Jan 6 2006, 05:46 PM

As long as Kindred is, I might as well update as well.

I'm sixteen and still have no job, permit, or license. I'm confined to my home most days when I'm not at school. I'd like a job, and the only thing that is keeping me away is the forced human interaction, which won't stop me for long until I desperately need the money and job experience.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Jan 6 2006, 10:48 PM

I am fifteen with a girl friend, no job, and legally i can't drive here. (Stupid connecticut) Though i heard in some states you can drive at fifteen, or at least get your permit.

Posted by: King Death Jan 8 2006, 01:46 AM

QUOTE(Florodine of Hlaalu @ Jan 6 2006, 03:48 PM)
...Though i heard in some states you can drive at fifteen, or at least get your permit.

Yep, like good ol' Missouri.

I'm still fifteen, no girlfriend (although both closer and farther away from it), I do have a car (I have four months to fix it up before I turn 16), and I have been shunned by society.

Posted by: Intestinal Chaos Jan 8 2006, 01:58 AM

I might as well add the girlfriend part, but trust me, it's pretty confusing.

There was this girl I met (the first person I met) upon moving to a new town. We instantly became friends, but you could just tell there was something more going on. I liked her very much, but being the coward I am, never told her (though I was certain she felt the same). Unfortunatly a year later I moved again, never telling her how I felt.

We stayed in contact over AIM, and so the friendship remained intact. Another year later through the urgings and mediation of a friend in common we admitted our feelings for eachother. We decided we aren't quite dating YET, but as soon as we meet again, which will be constantly over the course of several months, we will cement the relationship. In the meantime we won't be persuing anyone else and like I said... are not quite dating.

It isn't permanently a visiting relationship, I've learned I'm moving back there (completly not my decision, yet I bless it) and that's when things will be a bit more normal.

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Jan 9 2006, 08:20 PM

the update:

still single. no girlfriend nor will I have one. I am gay.

there are a few prospective guys though cool.gif

and I am broke -_- going to work 20 hours this semester and save up some money.

Posted by: mplantinga Jan 10 2006, 01:53 AM

I am curious when this thread switched from being forumite ages to personal life updates. Regardless, I just realized I voted in the poll but never posted in the thread.

I am 28 years old, and like the very brave Megil Tel-Zeke, I am gay. My boyfriend and I have been together for just over three years. He doesn't understand my obsession with TES, but that's his loss. Right now, I'm trying to save up money for a new computer so that I can actually play Oblivion when it comes out.

Posted by: Channler Jan 10 2006, 04:53 AM

Hmmm.. well...

I'm not gay biggrin.gif

Sorry guys I'm off the market. cool.gif

Anyways, the other day I met this awesome girl.. Good god.. she blew my mind to say the least. We've been talking on the phone in-stuff, and I just found out that she goes to my school.. but I didn't know that.. I've been there for 3 years to, go figure.. Anyways.

I don't plan to ask her out, because, if I have a any fear, then that fear is the fear of commitment. Me and relationships just don't work out.. I can't figure it out, I mean, as long as the girl and I are just close friends I'm cool and I can play my pimp game cool.gif, but if we make things official, I sweat all the small stuff.

Eeek, marriage is going to be horrible... kvleft.gif

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Jan 10 2006, 05:12 AM

Alright i may sound like some idiot, however if you really like the girl, and don't feel uncomfortable around her, then you'll know if you should really go out with her. Just make sure nothing changes if you go out. Like me and chelsea (my gf) we were friends and then stayed the same once we started going out (only now we can be that much closer, sexually of course not, because not before marriage)

Posted by: Channler Jan 10 2006, 05:21 AM

QUOTE(Florodine of Hlaalu @ Jan 9 2006, 11:12 PM)
Alright i may sound like some idiot, however if you really like the girl, and don't feel uncomfortable around her, then you'll know if you should really go out with her. Just make sure nothing changes if you go out. Like me and chelsea (my gf) we were friends and then stayed the same once we started going out (only now we can be that much closer, sexually of course not, because not before marriage)

This is were my problem lies.. I am a extremely out going guy. So, while I don't really feel uncomfortable around her, I'm just not built for a relationship (maybe atm, I'm not sure). Something holds me back, but I can't find what that is.

I've upset a few girls because of my problem.... smile.gif

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