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Posted by: Taillus Apr 6 2006, 09:58 PM

What is the craziest thing you have ever seen in game?
- Did it have to do with the AI?
- Was it the way a wolf rolled down a hill at rediculous speeds due to the Havoc Engine?

Share it all with us, what has made you burst out laughing?

Posted by: ThePerson98 Apr 6 2006, 10:05 PM

In big ol' tough oblivion. I find two strong dremoras. Im trying to practice my marksman skill. When I notice that I'm gonna die I pull at my sword and charge at them. They both back up into the lava and die. I cracked up laughing when I looked off the edge of the bridge and saw two dremoras floating there.

Posted by: ThanadoS Apr 6 2006, 10:35 PM

on some kind of hill.. i killed one of those bandits with, with their typical lvl 20 glass dagger. Well the guy fell, i wanted to grab the dagger and as it was sliding down the hill, i ran after it. The dagger went up to such an incredible speed that it travelled faster than the concorde an overall distance of about... 2 km(?) smile.gif Then it stopped at a small stone's steadfastness smile.gif

Posted by: Remux Dreadfire Apr 6 2006, 11:37 PM

Hahaha i foiund a glitch in the game were i tried to get on my horse and m legs got stuck in the ground so i was halfway underground in solid earth

Posted by: Loki Apr 7 2006, 12:20 AM

I was over encumbered becasue of too many heavy daedric warhammers one time, so i dropped one, picked it up with the grab feature, and ran to my house. The game loaded an area, i got to my house, i added it to my inventory, and entered my house. When i got inside the sword was hovering in front of me, and in my inventory. But the funny part is, when i equipped another sword and attacked, they both swung in unison.

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Apr 7 2006, 01:09 AM

My incedent is when I killed some rat it just kept rolling down the hill so I walked by it... funny

Posted by: Sam Apr 7 2006, 05:58 AM

My funniest Oblivion moment... hmmm....

Oh. Alright:

So, I was in this elven ruin, and it had one of those traps where the floor flies up and sends you into a cealing full of spikes when you walk onto it. So what happened was there was this glitch that when I activated the trap, silver arrows would begin bombarding me from the patch of spikes in the cealing. So I would be running around this big elven hall getting harassed by some unseen, unkillable creature with a bow. I went into my inventory to equip my shield, and saw the hillarious image of my character with about 17 arrows stuck vertically into the top of his shoulders. I thought that was pretty funny...

Posted by: itsupthere Apr 7 2006, 12:57 PM

A rat jumped at me, I shot an arrow at it and I pinned it to a wall.

Posted by: sins_to_dark Apr 7 2006, 01:11 PM

one of my funniest moments was when i was in oblivion I had little health and was getting attcked by a dremora with a mace and so with shiled up i gradiually started moving forward eventually pushing him off as i looked down there he was dead on the spike floor

Posted by: kitty_dust Apr 7 2006, 03:10 PM


my funnest moment in oblivion was when i went to get my horse i found it stuck in another horse but the funny part was when i tryed to ride it he other horse was still stuck and sent my flying up in the air and i got stuck in the air xD laugh.gif

Posted by: Taillus Apr 7 2006, 03:21 PM

LOL I cant wait to find some funny glitches of my own. This thread ended up being a riot to read. I keep almost losing my drink. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Apr 7 2006, 06:01 PM

Sent a NPC straight into a table near some stairs and he started shaking like hell due the engine and it looked like he had the worst death cramp ever pluss the annoying noise laugh.gif

Posted by: Blitz Apr 7 2006, 06:11 PM

My funniest thing so far is I took Martin Septim (Horrible Name) up to Dive Rock (The Highest Point in the game Farthest N.E.) and got him to the ledge and smacked him with my daedric claymore and he went flying off down the hill which is like an 800 foot steep hill and he tumbled down it and he got up half way through and he just died again biggrin.gif Also there is a guy in the lighthouse in Anvil at night I shot him in the neck with an arrow and he flew right over the edge but popped right up again like flew up.

Posted by: Herne Apr 8 2006, 12:51 AM

For me its (apart from the floppy corpses rolling down hill) when i was asked to eliminate 4 bandits, all in seperate caves withing a mine complex. I get to the 3rd, a woman with a henchbod, only as i am advancing up the corridor she charges at me over the top of a huge pile of logs. A trap of a sort i assume. But she forgot to secure the logs properly. So as she charges at me shouting 'It ends here!' she goes through the mangle as a dozen tree trunks gently reduce her (and said henchbod) to a pulp as i stand by the side and watch. laugh.gif

Posted by: strra Apr 8 2006, 02:06 AM

i was in a cave full of vampires... kinda on edge already
i just killed a female vampire and she landed in the doorway... i was sneaking around when all of a sudden there was a loud WHAM!... i spin around and the vampire got stuck inside the door somehow and was seizing like crazy...
i had to pause the game for a minute and relax as my heart went back to normal speed biggrin.gif was pretty humorous also...

Posted by: bloodyfish Apr 8 2006, 03:37 AM

I had a post on this but it was moved to cheats. One of mine was when I found a gate to oblivion. I ran away because I had low health. Fearing fire antronarches I hid in a house and used magic to level myself by about 7. I go out and find 1 scamp who dies in two hits. I go there and get ambused by fire antronarches. I killed them but it was still annoying.

Posted by: ThePerson98 Apr 8 2006, 06:09 AM

I killed someone important in the game with console. Cause I wanted his armor, well right as he was coming back I stole his gold, he came up all of the sudden, like within quarter second, and was all mad XD It was as if some dead guy just noticed he was being stolen from. Also, tgm, then when you have ALL the guards attacking, player.payfine Fun to watch them all walk away all of the sudden.

Posted by: Taillus Apr 8 2006, 02:32 PM

I am only 45 mins to an hour into the game and the funniest thing I have seen so far is in the sewers at the beginning of the game a rat ran up a set of stairs to try biting me and I cast a flare at it. It stopped in mid-air and landed on the steps hard. Then it slinked butt first down the steps with his teeth hitting each step on the way down.

There was also a trap with three wierd heavy metal spiked things on chains that were held against the ceiling in the beginning of the game. I was fighting off two goblins and when I look back, the three traps were lined up perfectly to take the three of us out. Two of the spiked things swung down from the ceiling when I crossed this rope trap but the one that should have taken me out didn't move. Lucky me although the same can't be said for those two goblins.... LOL

Posted by: sins_to_dark Apr 8 2006, 03:51 PM

Just thought of a funnier moment but it might be considered a spoiler cause its based on a quest ill put a warning in just to be on the safe side



On the DB quest where you have to kill all the house guests i was doing a great job killed three of them leaving two guests left a drunken Nord and an old woman who was wondering in the basement at the time. When i went to speak to the nord he goes theres three of us left and i know we arent murderers that leaves one person ran to this shelf picked up a sword and legged it down to the basement . I soon follwed and entered the basement to see him sheathing his sword the the old women face down on the table, guess she was eating, the nord looked so happy i couldnt help laugh so much when his moment of triumph was ended with a arrow to the back of the head biggrin.gif This is one of my favourtie quests to date

Posted by: Duncan Frost Apr 8 2006, 08:06 PM

When I was at the Cloud Ruler Fortress and I knocked the captain of the edge, he woke up and he was at the bottom of this like 500 foot cliff... then he got pwned by a wolf biggrin.gif

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Apr 8 2006, 08:31 PM

I made a really ugly Orc for fun today and took on TGM and started killing guards with Heat Blast, and I attack a mounted guard and kill the mount and he got stuck to the horse, half his body was under ground and he looked pretty dead but kept attacking me face down... laugh.gif

Posted by: softwhisper Apr 8 2006, 09:15 PM

okay, so at lvl 20 something, i was fighting several bandits and a spider daedra on the "old bridge". after killing all of them, i did a jump of victory. due to acrobatics, the jump took me 15 feet into the air and completely over the bridge. nothing strange there. however, when i landed, there was no player model at all. what i mean is, in third person view, there simply was no character. got on the horse, same thing. it looked like the horse was running without a rider.
so i go back to the bridge, and behold!! my character model is stuck in mid-air, right over the center of the bridge, sword raised to the sky...
luckily, when i saved, quit, and started up the game again, everything was back to normal.

edit: almost forgot, i like it when clannfears jump *into* walls. then they get stuck and you can see them running in places inside the wall section biggrin.gif

Posted by: HyPN0 Apr 8 2006, 11:36 PM

user posted image


Posted by: D3TOX Apr 9 2006, 01:39 AM

QUOTE(Duncan Frost @ Apr 8 2006, 08:06 PM)
When I was at the Cloud Ruler Fortress and I knocked the captain of the edge, he woke up and he was at the bottom of this like 500 foot cliff... then he got pwned by a wolf  biggrin.gif

Lmfao, try do it again with screenshots or a video haha.

Posted by: Agent Griff Apr 9 2006, 07:24 PM

Congratulations for having the game Taillus! Now let's see a funny moment. I was once on my way to Chorrol to deliver something. Well, I was walking along and suddenly a highwayman approaches me. The gold or your life he says. I say come and get it so we fight. After a few minutes of hard fighting he starts kicking my butt. All of a sudden I hear someone draw a sword then turn around to see an Imperial Legion soldier who dismounted off his horse to kill the highwayman. I figure I could use some faster transportation so I mount his horse while he's fighting the highwayman then ride off. I leave him fighting the highwayman and on foot. When I pass by on the same road I meet a Legion Soldier on foot who arrests me for stealing his horse. The damn soldier stood there on the road waiting to catch me next time I came around. How Radiant of him.

Posted by: Duncan Frost Apr 10 2006, 02:55 PM

QUOTE(Agent Griff @ Apr 9 2006, 06:24 PM)
Congratulations for having the game Taillus! Now let's see a funny moment. I was once on my way to Chorrol to deliver something. Well, I was walking along and suddenly a highwayman approaches me. The gold or your life he says. I say come and get it so we fight. After a few minutes of hard fighting he starts kicking my butt. All of a sudden I hear someone draw a sword then turn around to see an Imperial Legion soldier who dismounted off his horse to kill the highwayman. I figure I could use some faster transportation so I mount his horse while he's fighting the highwayman then ride off. I leave him fighting the highwayman and on foot. When I pass by on the same road I meet a Legion Soldier on foot who arrests me for stealing his horse. The damn soldier stood there on the road waiting to catch me next time I came around. How Radiant of him.


Posted by: DarkHunter Apr 10 2006, 06:03 PM

Lol my funniest was shooting arrows at some bandit (townsperson *cough cough)
when an arrow bounced off a wall and stuck in my face... i got the bandit in the $@%# as revenge smile.gif

Posted by: HyPN0 Apr 10 2006, 07:12 PM


user posted image

You will encounter this guy in a task for Fighters Guild.You will find his vocabulary.......intresting at least laugh.gif
Here's a sample:
user posted image

user posted image
Heh that Traven......Wait damn it you're Traven!!!

user posted image
NO WAY!!!!

user posted image


Posted by: Fethenwen Apr 11 2006, 09:12 AM

HEHEEE biggrin.gif

I just think that this fits very well with this thread, Oblivion crazy music video:

Love the song, it's just makes me ROFL.

Posted by: Frostblade10 Apr 11 2006, 10:16 AM

My most memorable one was when i was in some house in Bruma and i quicksaved to murder someone for fun laugh.gif I stealth smacked him with my 25 shockdamage 28 damage two-hander deadra sword and he flew up REALLY FAST and collided with some vases and stuff on the shelf and the physics engine (being really spiratic(sp?)) went WHAAAM!!! and the body was seiszuring in the ceiling and every kind of silverware and tupperware blew away like a bomb went off. haha it was great. laugh.gif

Posted by: Elidor Apr 11 2006, 12:41 PM

Mine would have to be when I was exploring an aelid ruin and theres these traps that are like a big razor that slams down across a narrow bridge and then slowly goes back up then slams down constantly, and theres this minotaur on the other side of the trap. comes racing at me only to get slammed by this totally obvious trap, i go back to looting the place and on my way out i see his body still laying at the base of the trap and as the big razor comes up i finally notice his horn is stuck on it and for the past 10mins hes been getting lifted up and down and up and down.

Posted by: Taillus Apr 11 2006, 02:20 PM

This may be a spoiler for those that have yet to run headlong into a portal but here we go.

I was scurrying around in an Oblivion portal using some good old fashioned shock touch magic and ending Stunted Scamps like there was no tomorrow when I find a tower that had a huge bed of spikes on the bottom floor. I noticed a lever so I gave it a pull. Suddenly, a circular part of the floor that was around the spikes lifts up revealing a trap of sorts. I guess this platform raises up to another floor and when it comes back down it skewers who/whatever is on said platform.

So after a few minutes of inspecting the bottom floor I decide to give the lever a good pull once again. I could hear the platform coming back down and I could see something running around through the holes in the platform. To my surprise, a little scamp had made his way onto the platform and the poor guy was violated by a handful of spikes that were taller then my character.

The look on his face when the spikes came through the bottom of the platform was absolutely priceless....

Posted by: Zelda_Zealot Apr 11 2006, 05:06 PM

When I was doing the last Thieves guild quest I found one of those swinging mace traps, so with these two rats coming at me I decide to have some fun. I activate the trap thus killing the rats, but one of the maces was swinging everywhere! It was streching across the room! After watching this for a few I decided to continue the quest... kvright.gif

Another time I was just wandering around Bruma (The outside of it, not in the town.) and I come across these two Forest Rangers shooting something. I walk over to the other side of the battlefield and find another Ranger. huh.gif

So now I am a bit confuzzeld, so I walk back to the other two to see if there was somthing between them, nothing. After a few seconds "the lone Ranger" died. I guess nothing can quench these Rangers blood lust as they instantly turned on each other... yeah... lets stay away from Bruma... blink.gif

Posted by: xycolian Apr 12 2006, 07:17 AM

QUOTE(Fethenwen @ Apr 11 2006, 01:12 AM)
HEHEEE  biggrin.gif

I just think that this fits very well with this thread, Oblivion crazy music video:

Love the song, it's just makes me ROFL.

WTF? that video is messed up lol.

Oblivion has gotten kinda boring for me, so I might be more like the guy in the vid smile.gif living a wonderful, naked, acrobatic lifestyle smile.gif

Posted by: Furious_George Apr 12 2006, 02:12 PM

QUOTE(xycolian @ Apr 12 2006, 02:17 AM)

Oblivion has gotten kinda boring for me, so I might be more like the guy in the vid smile.gif living a wonderful, naked, acrobatic lifestyle smile.gif

Start over - try a different style of gameplay...

Posted by: HyPN0 Apr 20 2006, 12:57 PM


Posted by: Konradude Apr 20 2006, 06:30 PM

Posted by: ThePerson98 Apr 20 2006, 10:43 PM

QUOTE(xycolian @ Apr 12 2006, 12:17 AM)
WTF? that video is messed up lol.

Oblivion has gotten kinda boring for me, so I might be more like the guy in the vid smile.gif living a wonderful, naked, acrobatic lifestyle smile.gif

Be stealth, just choose the assassin class. Much more fun. Get a bow and sneak around. I got bored of the big guy in armor type fast. I dont like using big slow warhammers to smash things, I perfer watching them wonder what hit them biggrin.gif

Posted by: HyPN0 Apr 20 2006, 10:43 PM

QUOTE(Konradude @ Apr 20 2006, 07:30 PM)

I literaly choked on my beer!!! ROFL
BTW is that Benny Hill music i'm hearing? laugh.gif

Posted by: xycolian Apr 20 2006, 10:46 PM

QUOTE(HyPN0 @ Apr 20 2006, 02:43 PM)
I literaly choked on my bear!!! ROFL
BTW is that Benny Hill music i'm hearing? laugh.gif

choked on your...what?

anyways... I think that movie is funnier

Posted by: HyPN0 Apr 20 2006, 10:52 PM

QUOTE(xycolian @ Apr 20 2006, 11:46 PM)
choked on your...what?

Sorry,it's a typo for beer laugh.gif
''I better lay of the ale.Starting to see things i am.'' laugh.gif

Posted by: Konradude Apr 20 2006, 11:03 PM

The wondrous yakety sax. smile.gif This is the only Oblivion movie I've ever laughed out loud to. I smiled at the swimming on land one though. smile.gif

Posted by: xycolian Apr 20 2006, 11:23 PM

QUOTE(Konradude @ Apr 20 2006, 03:03 PM)
The wondrous yakety sax. smile.gif This is the only Oblivion movie I've ever laughed out loud to.

Well, here's a bunch that you may 'LOL' to

Posted by: Konradude Apr 20 2006, 11:30 PM

5 was very funny but the rest just kinda seemed like watching a real brutal murder. They just looked like they were trying to get the job done.

Posted by: bloodyfish Apr 21 2006, 05:10 PM

I was attacked by a person who randomly attacks you because of a quest in oblivion. I accidently impaled him on a spike machine. I also was going through oblivion and saw one of those human cages. I released the human from the cage and he fell down in what seemed like slow motion. I followed him down the tower and saw he was completely impaled on a huge spike right next to the random quest person.

Posted by: Konradude Apr 21 2006, 06:12 PM

Ah yes, the cage. I thought I was being kind. smile.gif

I didn't bother goinbg down to watch him die.

Posted by: mikewww Apr 21 2006, 07:48 PM

i just was outside bruma,
when i saw 2 imperial guard foreigers,
there where , just running after a deer, so funny,
1 of the foregiers hit the other:P,
and the started shooting on eachother,
quite funny

Posted by: Taillus Apr 22 2006, 12:26 AM

OMG this morning I was doing a certain quest that involved the slaughter of a village load of Goblins and when I was in one house I managed to creep inside while the little green bugger was turned around and I readied my brand new axe with a pretty heavy fire magic embued in it. With one power swing I sent the little guy straight into the ceiling and down onto the back of his neck.

It looked quite painful and I did manage to get a screenshot but im at work so I can't post it now.... expect to see it tomorrow biggrin.gif

Posted by: Ibis Apr 22 2006, 09:56 AM

I thought The Adoring Fan Goes Bowling was hilareous! And very well done, even down to the credits. Very funny. It actually gave me the feeling of what it must be like to be male ... all the pent up rage ... kinda cool in a gruesome way.
lol tongue.gif

Posted by: Konradude Apr 22 2006, 11:18 AM

Oh Taillus! Did you notice the goblins weren't agressive at all?

Posted by: Taillus Apr 22 2006, 02:36 PM

Ummm I don't want to post a spoiler or anything but anyone who has done that mission in question knows what happens next.... sad.gif I was crushed. I know now why I was able to sneak by him with a very low sneak lv and wearing blackwood armor..... Such a tragedy!!!! verysad.gif

Posted by: bloodyfish Apr 24 2006, 02:36 AM

You can get blackwood armor? I just have the sheild(sold it anywat now)

Posted by: Khaan Apr 28 2006, 09:37 AM

user posted image


Posted by: HyPN0 Apr 28 2006, 11:02 AM

QUOTE(Khaan @ Apr 28 2006, 10:37 AM)

Hmmm,reading on the rain.....Gotta try that laugh.gif

Posted by: Taillus Apr 30 2006, 06:08 PM

So here's the pic of the poor "goblin" that I send headfirst into the floor. I hope the picture isn't too dark for anyone. It looks fine on my monitor but I guess we will have to see.

user posted image

Posted by: Olav Apr 30 2006, 10:31 PM

Well this is not so very funny, but I must admit I chuckled when I saw in one of the caves related to a quest involving Scamps... biggrin.gif I think it was supposed to be Sheogorath?

Posted by: Elendil May 4 2006, 10:17 PM

Outside Leyawiin:
And don't forget to close the gate behind you... laugh.gif

WARNING: Large D/L...11MB. My digital camera makes enourmous .mov-files... sad.gif

Posted by: Neela May 6 2006, 04:48 AM

Well I just had a funny moment today...

I was carefully hopskipping down a pretty steep mountainside. Taking care not to jump too far so as to end up dead at the end of the fall. I took one small leap after the other when suddenly just as I start my fall, I notice a wolf who must have been following me go slowly sailing over my head. He turned around to face me mid-air and I swear he had the "what did I just do?" look on his face as he flew way out into the air. I landed and looked down the hill just to see him hit hard and go rolling down the hill.

Posted by: HyPN0 May 8 2006, 09:16 PM

user posted image


Posted by: Konradude May 8 2006, 09:42 PM

Woah - i only ever met him in the quest where he gets killed.

Posted by: Fethenwen May 8 2006, 10:03 PM

QUOTE(Neela @ May 6 2006, 05:48 AM)
Well I just had a funny moment today...

I was carefully hopskipping down a pretty steep mountainside.  Taking care not to jump too far so as to end up dead at the end of the fall.  I took one small leap after the other when suddenly just as I start my fall, I notice a wolf who must have been following me go slowly sailing over my head.  He turned around to face me mid-air and I swear he had the "what did I just do?" look on his face as he flew way out into the air.  I landed and looked down the hill just to see him hit hard and go rolling down the hill.

Ahhahahah! ROFL! This is just funny.

QUOTE(HyPN0 @ May 8 2006, 10:16 PM)


Lol! I have talked to this guy but never heard him say anything like that tongue.gif
The only funny thing I've seen so far was a zombie that I killed and it layed in a very awkard positition, lol, it had it's one leg up towards the cealing, looked really goofy, made me wonder if it was dead or just pretending to be dead tongue.gif

Posted by: HyPN0 May 8 2006, 11:54 PM

QUOTE(Konradude @ May 8 2006, 10:42 PM)
Woah - i only ever met him in the quest where he gets killed.

QUOTE(Fethenwen @ May 8 2006, 11:03 PM)
Lol! I have talked to this guy but never heard him say anything like that tongue.gif

Yeah well,when you stand in front of him (just stand,don't talk) he starts singing this laugh.gif

Posted by: Fethenwen May 9 2006, 03:06 AM

QUOTE(HyPN0 @ May 9 2006, 12:54 AM)
Yeah well,when you stand in front of him (just stand,don't talk) he starts singing this :lol:

That I shall :)

Posted by: Agent Griff May 9 2006, 06:07 PM

I remember when I first saw him singing his weird song. I went "Ok, see you later" and quietly moved on trying to avoid this guy. He was too strange for my preferences.

Posted by: Wolven May 11 2006, 09:45 AM

My fav one was the silly khajiit I taped swinging around on the roof by his tail, dont believe me? See for your self:

Posted by: Sanirius May 12 2006, 02:19 PM

I was doing the Dark Brotherhood Quest... the one where you have to kill everybody in a house... so I entered and talked to this old lady... i said my baby was sick biggrin.gif ... so i went up the stairs and sneaked to see if i was being seen...
then this dark elf women sat down with a book in her hands. next to her chair was a small table... with a LOT of ale bottles.. so she was reading... and eeh... i shot an arrow right between her eyes ( no really I DID !! blink.gif ) so the book fell on the floor and then her head and arms fell on the table... so she´s there with an arrow in her head, I remove it and she´s got all these bottles around her head and in her hand... it was like she was drunk! biggrin.gif

Then the old lady, who I was talking to earlier, walked towards her.. so and she looked at it for a few seconds. Meanwhile i went up the stairs again, so she wouldn´t see me. The moment she turned around... i shot an arrow in her head.... welll..... actually .. in her mouth laugh.gif so she´s laying there being dead with an arrow in her throat... wacko.gif


Posted by: The Klise May 14 2006, 08:38 PM

This happened this morning while I was working on the last few quests for the Thieves Guild.


Anyway, I was working on the quest where you go to retrieve the Arrow of Extrication from the mage in Bravil. Unfortunately, he kept catching me whenever I tried to sneak around in his tower. I couldn't kill him, because I was a member of the Mages Guild, and I would get kicked out.

So, instead, I creatively 'assisted' him in committing suicide. I lured him to the top of his tower and dodged around as he wasted his staff charges and blew all his magicka, and eventually went to melee me. I was very particular about not striking him. Getting him with his back to the three-story drop in the middle of the tower, I simply gave him a few gentle nudges until he slipped over the side. Ahhhhh.. Radiant.

Posted by: The Klise May 15 2006, 02:55 PM

Oh, I almost forgot. I came across another rather amusing sight at the Skingrad Mages guild. I was going there for my recommendation quest, and I just happened to come across a bed with a sleeping mage on it.. only.. he wasn't alone! No! Right there in bed with him.. was another sleeping man! I nearly choked on my Mountain Dew.

Now I regret getting the game for Xbox 360, rather than upgrading my PC for it. I would have liked nothing more than to take a few screenshots and send them to Jack Thompson in an e-mail under the subject line, "Oblivion - Secret Gay Content!!1!"

And yes, the 1 is intentional.

I wonder if he'd sue.

Posted by: Deathadder May 17 2006, 05:22 AM

Know whats both sad and funny at the same time?

I was about level two on one of my non-main characters, and i had 100 conjuration so i could kill anything with a lich (conjuration = not main skill)
I was standing in back of a bandit, and the lich shot an ice ball at the bandit, so the bandit moves and i die and keep rolling down a hill, and the lich is chasing after me, so the bandit runs after the lich and jumps over it only to die right on top of me.

Posted by: The Wolf May 21 2006, 07:01 PM

*spoiler alert*

I'm just a common 3-leveled hand-to-hand guy. I was in Anvil's lighthouse, and was soon going to end the game. So, I decided to have some fun. I setted difficulty to 0 and saved. Then I cunningly sneaked to the lighthousemaster, stole some kind of a key to the cellar.

And so, me in all my innocence walked down and opened the door. And what do I see? A dead dog. Interesting? Yes. Creepy? Yes. And so I walked in. There I encountered several dead bodies (including a sheep). That was when I realized that I was dealing with a multiple homicide. I decided to take the law in my own hands.

So, I headed back up. There he was, the evil honoured user. I decided to execute him slowly by my fists. I beat him down. He went unconcious. He woke up again. Beat him again. And again. And again. I ended up chopping him with my cutlass and mumbling: "Why... Can't... You... Die... You... Son... Of... A umbrella seller!" On the last one I powerstriked.

Finally, I gave up, deciding he was immortal and worthy of my worship. He didn't even mind speaking with me afterwards!


Posted by: Mazelure May 22 2006, 02:02 AM

When I went to my friends house to play oblivion I stole this horse accidently... and it just happened to be that a guard was walking like two feet away from me so as a result I ended up in jail... and inside my cage was another convic... so I said what the hell... so I punched him... and then all of the sudden a guard comes running in and he starts attacking the dude I just punched and he had just left the door open... so I ran out... and then I start looking for a evidence chest to get my gear back so I go through this one door and it lead me to a huge dining room filled with guards... and withing the second they were all over me... so I said... damn... and they threw me back in the same cage I was in before only that this time there was corpse in it...and thats the funniest thing that has happened to me in Oblivion...

Posted by: Olav May 22 2006, 08:20 AM

LOL Mazelure! laugh.gif

Posted by: Ibis May 22 2006, 09:59 AM

Yeh, I thought that was pretty hilarious too and somehow sounds just like Mazelure!

If they had any sense they'd just let him outa jail for good conduct before he assasinates all his cell mates out of boredom ... laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: bloodyfish May 22 2006, 10:55 PM

I once wore the dark brotherhood gloves that give chameleon and walked around outside. Then, my hhealth went down to half in a very short time. It took me a while to realize the gloves gave burning damage. I spent the time healing, jumping around, and expressing my hate of glitches.

Posted by: Olav May 22 2006, 11:03 PM

user posted image

It appears he's using his finger to read 'blind font', but it still made me chuckle...

Posted by: Kayla May 23 2006, 03:39 AM

Lol. I've seen them read before as well... Kinda defeats the purpose. biggrin.gif Still great though.

Posted by: mritchey May 23 2006, 02:14 PM

I think the things the blind moth priest say are funny. Like, when you're sneaking around them and they say, "It must be my eyes playing tricks on me."

Posted by: Ice May 23 2006, 03:15 PM

My funniest incident would have to be in Anvil.... I think.... But it may inquire as to a small spoiler.....


I was on th "Save the rats" quest, that you get in the Fighters guild. I did the quest and when I returned the lady is still freaking out that there is another lion in her basement. I sneak into the basement, take out my bow and fire. (I am currently using a daedric bow atk: 19) I was a little off target and the arrow sticks into the lions tail. He rears up and then falls over, landing on top of one of the rats. I check it to get my arrow back and when I view the lion all four of his legs are twitching wildly....... as a rat is under him, looking at me..........

Posted by: The Wolf May 23 2006, 05:26 PM

QUOTE(Ice @ May 23 2006, 05:15 PM)
My funniest incident would have to be in Anvil.... I think.... But it may inquire as to a small spoiler.....
I was on th "Save the rats" quest, that you get in the Fighters guild. I did the quest and when I returned the lady is still freaking out that there is another lion in her basement. I sneak into the basement, take out my bow and fire. (I am currently using a daedric bow atk: 19) I was a little off target and the arrow sticks into the lions tail. He rears up and then falls over, landing on top of one of the rats. I check it to get my arrow back and when I view the lion all four of his legs are twitching wildly....... as a rat is under him, looking at me..........

I think it's a bug or something. When I did the quest, both of the lions stayed there, twitching and moving. It was rather sad, actually. kvright.gif

Posted by: Duncan Frost May 23 2006, 09:27 PM

QUOTE(Neela @ May 6 2006, 03:48 AM)
Well I just had a funny moment today...

I was carefully hopskipping down a pretty steep mountainside.  Taking care not to jump too far so as to end up dead at the end of the fall.   I took one small leap after the other when suddenly just as I start my fall, I notice a wolf who must have been following me go slowly sailing over my head.  He turned around to face me mid-air and I swear he had the "what did I just do?" look on his face as he flew way out into the air.   I landed and looked down the hill just to see him hit hard and go rolling down the hill.

Rofl. I had a moment like this
I was playing my Ranger character with the Complete Ranger mod on, and I go to dive rock. I jumped off the edge and called for my pet wolf to come, and he leapt right over my head and sailed about 100 foot down a cliff biggrin.gif

oh and btw mazelure, which town did you get imprisoned in? ive been trying to find one with another prisoner is for ages.

Posted by: Lord DoomsDay May 24 2006, 09:37 PM

A funny thing happend to me that I was'nt happy about at that time.

I was cruising along on my new horse taking in the sites when a minathor charged down on me. "O' well" I mutterd wile dismounting and geting preped and ready.

Just as I take a swing he sails past me and starts beating the crap out of my horse. My horse goes "Hell no" and runs off with the minator after. Also picking up a Mountin lion and wolf long the way, thru a village, the village men started atacking the minator who's still after my hores that doubled back past an oblivion gate and picked up a couple of deadra for good measure.

Watching my horse with a trail of deadra, villagers and random forest creathers, I whent on my way not wanting to sort that mess out.

Posted by: Duncan Frost May 25 2006, 07:47 PM

QUOTE(Lord DoomsDay @ May 24 2006, 08:37 PM)
A funny thing happend to me that I was'nt happy about at that time.

I was cruising along on my new horse taking in the sites when a minathor charged down on me. "O' well" I mutterd wile dismounting and geting preped and ready.

Just as I take a swing he sails past me and starts beating the crap out of my horse. My horse goes "Hell no" and runs off with the minator after. Also picking up a Mountin lion and wolf long the way, thru a village, the village men started atacking the minator who's still after my hores that doubled back past an oblivion gate and picked up a couple of deadra for good measure.

Watching my horse with a trail of deadra, villagers and random forest creathers, I whent on my way not wanting to sort that mess out.

wahhahahahahahaha thats the best one ive heard so far biggrin.gif

Posted by: Kayla May 26 2006, 02:48 PM

QUOTE(Lord DoomsDay @ May 24 2006, 02:37 PM)
A funny thing happend to me that I was'nt happy about at that time.

I was cruising along on my new horse taking in the sites when a minathor charged down on me. "O' well" I mutterd wile dismounting and geting preped and ready.

Just as I take a swing he sails past me and starts beating the crap out of my horse. My horse goes "Hell no" and runs off with the minator after. Also picking up a Mountin lion and wolf long the way, thru a village, the village men started atacking the minator who's still after my hores that doubled back past an oblivion gate and picked up a couple of deadra for good measure.

Watching my horse with a trail of deadra, villagers and random forest creathers, I whent on my way not wanting to sort that mess out.

That's really sad. sad.gif

Posted by: Lord DoomsDay May 26 2006, 08:15 PM

You have no idea.

Posted by: Elendil May 30 2006, 05:58 AM

Glitch? Paintbrushes? Tell me more...

Posted by: Malak Jun 9 2006, 04:53 PM


These stories are a blast! Heres one of my own...

I was doing the Dark brotherhood quests, first one you get, where you have to board the ship to kill the captain (let's see if i can avoid spoilers on this one)
So her I am, all prepped to have to sneak/fight pirates to get onto ship. I arrive at the docks and lo and behold, that glorious combat sounds kicks in. My hear skips a beat and I wonder who is attacking me... No one, its just the captain of the imperial guard making it his personal mission to eliminate every pirate on the docks biggrin.gif

During this festive bloodfest, they all happen to fall into the water...Or shoudl i say the captain falls and the priates jump in after him. I happily scamper onto the ship, no pirates in sight, andhead towards the captains cabin with the soothing sound of battle and insults behind me...problem solved by the AI

Posted by: Lord DoomsDay Jun 10 2006, 11:31 PM

I was also bussy with a DB quest when a old lady was rather tough and couldn't be killed with the tride and trusted sneak and whack methad cuz after the first whack shell just run to the nearby patrol.
So mission off to the nearist Aelyed ruin and get the attention of 2 brown bears and lead them back to her cabin.
She see's me with 2 brown bears on my tail and thinks "Oh goody. A FIGHT!" and starts a fist fight with the bears, I jump on her cabins roof and watch the show.

She starts thinking that the fight idea sounded better in her head and runs of to the near by patrol, who promtly gets his boat handed to him on a sillver platter, she heads off to the second patrol that made a brave effot but got ripped a new one, she runs stupidly into a cave and sees its full off bandits and heads back out bang into the bears that rips her to srheds. laugh.gif

I step in and finnish off 2 weakend bears and head of to my next mark.

O' well, Job done! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Chalur Jun 11 2006, 01:21 AM

This happened to me when we closed the gate outside Bruma. The one where you teach the guard how to close it. We walked outside. I staid a little bit to loot the bodies of the fallen Dremora. When I arrived in Bruma, I saw a guard fight of the captain of the guard. The battle whent all around Bruma. The normal Guard won adn the captain was knocked out. He stood up and said "Good morning" and just walked away.

I just burst into laughter. Because not only did a normal guard randomly started the fight against the captain AND won. But the captain stoodup and said Good mornig, and jsut went on with his life. laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: Panxter Jun 21 2006, 08:56 AM

back in the start... the goblin after a trap... let him see you and he will run to you... sometimes he gets killed by his own trap! looks SO funny when fe flies head first to you! winkgrin.gif

Posted by: mplantinga Jun 21 2006, 06:27 PM

This probably qualifies more as a glitch, but here goes:

I was riding on my horse toward Anvil, and I arrived where the stables were supposed to be. Then, while I was standing there wondering where they were, the game rendered them around me. My horse and I got stuck in a wall. I had to use the console to free myself from the too-late rendered stables. I hope that doesn't happen again.

Posted by: Pisces Jun 22 2006, 07:35 AM

hmm...can't think of any funny stories now. But here is a glitch you get when you sleep on someone's bed just before they get in.
user posted image
They stay like that for about 5 or so seconds before suddenly popping back into a normal position.

Posted by: Cadaver Jun 24 2006, 02:20 AM

In reply to Panxter, you can also use your bow to trigger the trap when he is standing there. I imagine its quite a surprise to him....


Posted by: Pisces Jul 15 2006, 11:36 AM

NPCs getting hit by their own traps is awesome, I love when I was fighting a bandit, she decided she was getting wasted so ran away, straight into a ball and chain trap, first one knocked her back so the second one could send her corpse flying into the wall. But the funniest sight has to be this:
IPB Image
Can't remember where it was, but I just walked in and found a dead goblin laying in a pool of water with his mouth underneath the tap of a keg, of course his body started floating off so I had to put him back for the screenshot. It seems like the developers did it on purpose because he was dead with no signs of a fight or any other creatures near him, but he was floating around so perhaps it was just luck that his mouth was underneath the tap when I walked in.
Oh and this Morrowind character generation referance made me laugh for ages, had to take a screenshot!
IPB Image
Hope nobody minds me not using links, they are piddly files, load in a second even for 56kers.

Posted by: bloodyfish Jul 21 2006, 01:52 PM

That sweetroll thing is hilarious. I cant give screenshots since im on xbox but the funniest thing I saw was when the count of Skingrad was walking around the garden during the day. He turned completely red and it looked like smoke ws coming from his ears. Ironically I was also burning in the sun.

Posted by: Wurlon Jul 24 2006, 02:26 PM

I saw a deer the other day in the KING AND QUEEN TAVERN! It was prancing about like it owned the place, and no one was paying attention to it!

Posted by: DungeonHunter Aug 14 2006, 12:30 AM

hahhaha tahts a good one lol. one time i was making a new character
and i was fighting goblins and i knocked one back into a sewer pit and he landed on his back with his legs folded over his face....questionable content removed....

Posted by: Abu the Cat Aug 25 2006, 01:25 AM

Ahhh... lets see here... ah, yes:

I was in Oblivion once, and was being assulted by a Dremora battlemage (their robes are armor!). I ran toward him (or her?), and he/she walked backwards. It was on one of those bridges that lead to the citadel, often blocked by war gates. Anyway, it (?) walked back right into the lava!

I killed a bandit, and took all of his stuff. But, when he landed, one of his hands were in fists, and it looked like he was whacking off. His hand was going... what was it... like 8 inches into the air! He was a Redguard, too. Guess the rumors are true... like I needed to know that anyway!

Ha ha ha, Dungeon Hunter, I get it!

I once let Umbra into the ruins that she's in (Vindasel, just go to Pell's Gate, and take the road west until you stumble upon an Ayleid ruin with 2 Storm Atronachs around it), and led her through the traps. The first sight on our little trip was the poison trap, which lowered her health about 25%. Then, I led her through the pit a couple of times, and she was dead. Had a hard time with Clavicus Vile's quest, though...

Posted by: Intestinal Chaos Aug 26 2006, 05:50 AM

QUOTE(Pisces @ Jul 15 2006, 03:36 AM) *

Oh and this Morrowind character generation referance made me laugh for ages, had to take a screenshot!
IPB Image
Hope nobody minds me not using links, they are piddly files, load in a second even for 56kers.

That actually goes way back to Daggerfall. I've seen many interesting things, but I'll just do an easy one. I once walked in on two guards in the wilderness duking it out with bows. Not knowing who to root for (and certainly not getting two forresters on my boat) I just sat there and watched them murder eachother. I also.. happened to be playing my DB character.. soooo.. no healing magic for the guardsmen I'm afraid.

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 27 2006, 03:08 AM

not really much but I put ongod mode on and maked an uber lighning spell.... I went around The inperial city and killed everyone I could find... but when you go into shops and stuff and shoot the items, well they fly all over. Its great.

Posted by: Franavu Aug 31 2006, 12:08 AM

I was in a camp somewhere north of cheydinhal with two camonna thong thugs. I talked to one of them and he said something like "Have you ever seen a land Dreugh, we call them Billies, I'm not sure why though"
Now that had me grinning.

Posted by: 1234king Sep 2 2006, 07:10 AM

I killed a timeber wolf up on a mountain and my spell lifted it in the air, when i come back down to see it's body it glitched and it's body wen through a rock and there was blood everywhere on the rock it was pretty gruesome but kept me laughing the way back down to bruma.

Posted by: TheImperialDragon Sep 3 2006, 05:55 AM

When I discovered to never leave loot just outside an OB gate. biggrin.gif I was very sad, I never really found that valuable helm, or the rest of it for that matter after the gate exploded...

Posted by: Abu the Cat Sep 12 2006, 12:26 AM

I remember one. I was killing Rufio, and when I slashed him w/ my blade, he was stuck in a dieing fall. I showed my dad, then slashed him again, and he completed his fall of shame. Then (w/ the actors in charge mod), I made the Nord act gay (like the hooker/bandits from that FG quest in Anvil), with his hips going back and forth. I made the Redguard there be drunk, like the Nord should be. And, finally, I made the Forester suck (vampire) like the MJ he is!

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Sep 12 2006, 03:54 AM

wow.... quite excelent there Abu biggrin.gif

Posted by: Rane Sep 14 2006, 11:40 AM

I present to you; She got an arrow in her head and that's the result.

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 17 2006, 01:49 AM

I was doing the Anvil recommendation quest, and when the High Elf attacked me, bothe the Battle Mages killed her. BUt a guard came by and killed both of them for 'murder'....... It was hilarious laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: ThePerson98 Sep 17 2006, 04:09 AM

I got the cats mod awhile back. And then I was walking around town, and there is this lady with a dagger killing cats..She was chasing them around yelling things like "DIE BEAST" and whatever they yell. Then a guard starts chasing after her. Eventually it's this huge line of people chasing each other..Good times. biggrin.gif

Posted by: deemu Oct 1 2006, 08:54 PM

my funniest site in the game was when i was going down a hill and a person riding a horse aproached me and i shot him with one of my arrows and the horse ran with the corpse of the dead person still on it!!! laugh.gif

Posted by: Pisces Nov 19 2006, 02:03 AM

IPB Image
A little something I pickpocketed from one of those sneaky mage's, they always have the coolest stuff. Once I drop it I can't pick it up again but I can drop it anywhere and its etheral

Posted by: Hi'Draco Jan 9 2008, 09:47 PM

Yes the strange body movements after the enemy dies has happened often enough, but one I fou nd strange is that I had killed a bunch of people be fore joining the assassains guild and on my way to rufio, there they are standing like scarecrows. I came back later to find them back on the ground. Also my brother took advantage of the falling rocks in the Kvatch oblivion gate and watched a Stunted scamp fall with the rocks into lava, also a collapsable cieling in an Aylied ruin crushed another scamp.

Posted by: the listener Jan 22 2008, 09:08 PM

QUOTE(Duncan Frost @ Apr 8 2006, 09:06 PM) *

When I was at the Cloud Ruler Fortress and I knocked the captain of the edge, he woke up and he was at the bottom of this like 500 foot cliff... then he got pwned by a wolf biggrin.gif

It is so cool when that happens i enchanted a elvern longsword so it has nearly full lightning and hit him he flew a long way later that day i saw him walking back from near bravil i think it was a glitch becouse i never knew it was possible to hit someone that far but it was amazing

Posted by: Hypedupturtle Mar 8 2008, 08:35 PM

I had a horse hoevering in mid air, frozen in a jump position, with a rider on top, right next to a rock. It stayed there for ages, until it disappeared.

Posted by: Azagthoth May 1 2008, 06:09 PM

Funniest sight...I'd have to say when I was on the Dark Brotherhood quest to assassinate the captain of that ship. After I killed the captain, I escaped and turned in the quest. Just for fun, I went back to kill the remaining crew members as well. After a few fights with them, I got them down to just one Argonian. When I killed him, he flew into the wall and his hand got stuck inside. Since his hand was stuck, he just kept rolling around and shaking on the floor while making loud noises by continuously hitting the wall. On the other side you could see his hand, too...

Posted by: drakkenfan May 2 2008, 06:55 PM

I once saw a slaughterfish flopping around on the ground in the middle of nowhere, not near any water.

But the funniest thing that happened to me- I have Oblivion on my PS3, and I sit on the floor right in front of a huge high-definition TV, so it really looks like I'm there when I'm in first-person mode. I turned my character around, and suddenly a mountain lion jumps right at the screen. It looked so real, I screamed at the top of my lungs (in real life), and my daughter who was 3 at the time and sitting next to me just looked at me like, What the heck was that for?

Posted by: gothdayks3 Aug 15 2008, 04:38 PM

the funniest thing i saw in the game was when i was in an ayleid ruin and there was a trap (it was the one with a metal square with spikes in it and it runs across the floor upright). Anyway i was being chased by some skeletons (but i didnt know i was) and the trap came right at me but i jumped out the way and it smashed right into the skeletons. rollinglaugh.gif

Posted by: Daedroth Aug 20 2008, 09:31 PM . And yeah, that's my youtube account.

Posted by: chaoz2363 Jan 28 2009, 11:17 PM

when i was doing the part where u hav to get the stone for the protel on the main quest i skiped all the enemies and when i fast traveled they did to! and they started chasing me then people started killing them. it was funny. (PS sorry for the spelling im not the best) biggrin.gif

Posted by: Illydoor Mar 5 2009, 12:44 AM

Not the funniest thing that's ever happened to me but the only one I can remember. If you go near Bruma and in the Jerall Mountains there should be two Imperial Legion Foresters trying to hunt some deer. Well one time when I was around that area two of these guards were aiming for the same deer and shot each other, and then they started to have this epic archer fight with me just in the middle. I then went to talk to one of the guards and he just stopped fighting all of a sudden to look at me saying 'aren't you the grand champion of the arena' while arrows just kept flying into him lol.

Another of my favourite is maglir the brave "I've fought goblins better than you!" and then immediately getting knocked out by an ogre.

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 9 2009, 04:06 PM

I don't know what caused this glitch, but I found it rather amusing.
IPB Image

And then there is this one. Although I have to admit, I used the console to get this scene so I'm a dirty cheater.
IPB Image
Ever since the eyesight test had been marked as 'optional', the quality of the Emperor's bodyguards has seen a worrying decline.

Posted by: ureniashtram Oct 17 2009, 02:30 AM

The Funniest thing i ever saw was this,,,i was with them Jemane brothers in some kind of cave just outside of chorrol<dont remember the name sorry>,,inhabbited with them no good bandits,,,in the final room a trap of some kind activated when the brothers and a couple of bandits murdering each other,,,and guess what..a dozens of logs fell on them!,,,, killed the bandits,but the brothers were thrown like crazy,,and get this..when i approached them to see if they are ok,,,Guilbert says "all you have to do is lead us to weatherly",,,I almost choked so hard. laugh.gif

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