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Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 5 2007, 09:59 PM

Alas, I couldn't wait for Agent to finish before I began my next story. Oh, curse me, all of you whose blood shall be spilled before this story comes to an end.

Ahem, I don't expect my loyal readers to complain though. Heh, I hope I managed to portray the first of my main characters nicely. And one last thing that might be interesting to know. This story takes place before the birth of Luper. So yes, that means at least 23 years before any of my other stories. Now, without further stalling I present:

Corrupted heart.

Chapter 1: Among the cold dirt, the fallen lie.

Consciousness flickered, remaining just out of reach. His senses delivered their messages to his clouded mind, broken fragments of a greater whole. The sound of heavy boots hammering cold rock, the smell of dust in his nose, the feeling of being carried in a boneshattering grip. A taste, plaguing the tip of his tongue. Blood, his blood.

The feeling of movement stopped. Words now echoed in his ears, words he did not comprehend.
,,This looks good enough. Open the door.” The shriek of rusted metal being moved ripped through the haze clouding his mind. Now consciousness returned fully and with it, a chance. For a moment, he continued to feign unconsciousness. Long enough to hear more words, words not meant for him.
,,You, don’t move unless you want even greater problems.” The hands holding him pushed him along. His tail brushed against iron bars. Now was the time.

With the frightening grace of a natural killer, his muscles sprang back to full readiness. He used the body of his captor to swing around, somersaulting into the air and landing on the unfortunate man’s back. With a quick swipe, claws ripped out the man’s throat and crushed his neck. Even before the man began to lose his signs of life, the killer had leapt away. The next guard found himself smashed against the iron bars of the cell. Claws leaving a trail of blood in the air where the last thing the man saw before his eyes were removed. He too died soon afterwards. The whole event had taken less than a second from start to finish.

Breathing heavily from both his exertion and the rough treatment he’d received earlier, the killer stared down at his latest victims. In a slow symbolic movement, he raised his claws and licked them clean of blood, savouring the taste. His ears began to pick up the sound of distant boots coming steadily closer. A standard patrol. His hand snatched the nearby torch from the wall and he slammed the piece of wood into a dusty pool of water. There was a large cloud of smoke and then, darkness.

Even though there was practically no light left, his eyes still saw as good as if he was standing outside on a clear day. He quickly scanned the nearby cells. The one which had been destined for him was already occupied by the short stature of a Bosmer. The one directly on the opposite side of the tunnel was occupied by a muscular Dunmer who looked around warily, not seeing a thing. The killer took a double take on the two beings. While the Dunmer displayed all the expected signs of fear, the Bosmer surprisingly acted as if she hadn’t noticed the massacre at all. She just looked at the ground in front of her bare feet with a blank stare.
,,Must have lost its mind so deep underground.” The Killer concluded. He knew from experience that many Bosmer were extremely claustrophobic and hated being in a room without any windows or underground. A natural result from living in the treetops of Valenwood.

The boots had now gotten close. Soon, the owner of these boots would see the darkness ahead and know that something was wrong. By then though, it would be too late. The Killer crouched at the edge of the darkness, confident in the natural camouflage he had. Now the guard ventured into view and the killer’s heart skipped a beat. This was no guard. The fingers of fear reached out for him, embracing him with their cold touch. It was a feeling he hadn’t felt since childhood. The darkness in the tunnel was vanquished by a bright burst of light. With that same burst, the light in his eyes faded and he slipped into unconsciousness once more.

An armoured boot stomped on the ground beside his head.
,,You’ve missed your chance. Enjoy the blood you’ve claimed. They were your last kill.” A gruff voice said as the killer was picked up and taken to his cell.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 5 2007, 10:56 PM

Nice beginning Jack, that sounds a lot like the Imperial Prison....... I would be right to assume the main character is a Khajiit? Anyway, can't wait for more, Cloudy! biggrin.gif

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 6 2007, 12:50 AM

Wow, your use of description has left me stunned, jack. The viscious intent by our Killer here could certainly give a crazed Simion a run for his money. I have a feeling this story is going to be a bit darker than your previous work.

I look forward to seeing more of this. Most definitely!

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 6 2007, 05:03 PM

Yup, it's the Imperial prison alright. Hey, I'm just following TES tradition here. Start in jail. It's a good place for our Killer to develop a serious grudge against the ones who imprisoned him. As if he wasn't bad enough without one. evillol.gif

Let's just say that I wanted to play around with a character for once who wasn't a loud, happy grinning good guy. I want to play with a nastier character for once. Really nasty. I do have to admit though, Simion has been good inspiration so I thank you for that, Mallet. smile.gif

The cell was silent safe for his own loud breathing. A sharp pain stabbed into his chest every time he inhaled the damp air. The pain was distracting and he tried to bend over. He failed, having been chained to the wall like a trophy. He took smaller breaths now, keeping the movements of his chest to a minimum.
,,Broken rib, not serious.” He noted and began the painful task of checking each limb for injury.
,,Left arm, scraped against a rough surface. Some damage to the skin and fur. Right arm is fine. Right leg, a sprained ankle. Left leg, multiple fractures. That one needs to be set.”

He opened his eyes slowly. The torch had been replaced and its flickering light cast dark shadows on the walls. Even though he did not like the thought, he knew he needed help in his current condition. The bones in his left leg needed to be set and locked into place somehow or he would never walk again, not without a limp. There was only one person around who could help him. He tried moving his head, only to find out that even his neck had been chained to the wall. Clearly, the guards were no longer willing to take any chances with him. He had to admit to himself that he gave them plenty of reason to fear.
,,First, breaking into one of the most secure locations in the whole Empire. Then, my first escape which resulted in the death of five guards. My second escape, two more. When I get out of here, I need to find myself a new identity, a change of face. I’ll have the greatest death warrant in the century on me and that says quite a bit.”

His chest no longer hurt, only feeling numb. It was as they said, a man could get used to anything. Even pain.
,,Elf!” He hissed and squeezed his eyes shut when the pain returned for a short moment.
,,Elf!” He tried again. It was then that he realized that he wasn’t sure he was still in the same cell. Prisons all looked alike to a newcomer and had never gotten a chance to find any unique features in the walls like a peculiar crack in the stone. Finally, after what felt like eternity, a dirtcovered face appeared before him.
,,What?” The Bosmer whispered slowly, a hint of barely suppressed panic in her voice. Claustrophobia indeed.

The two stared at each other in a long moment of silence. Khajiit and Bosmer, both mortal enemies if they had met anywhere else.
,,My leg needs to be set.” The Khajiit explained slowly, trying to make his words get through the barrier of fear.
,,Why?” He bit back an angry retort. Even in this place, he needed to remember the distrust and outright hate between the Bosmer and the Khajiit.
,,Because I need it when I escape. If you do it, I’ll lead you out as well. Just set the leg already.” He offered, knowing that any promise he made was empty of meaning. He would escape, but he would not offer any help to his fellow prisoner. It was not in his nature to aid people.

He didn’t utter a sound during the whole process, not even when his bones were twisted around back into their natural position or when a sleeve of his prison uniform was tied around the leg so tight it nearly cut off the bloodflow. He had been wounded before. He was used to painful treatments.
,,So, how exactly do you plan on getting out of here?” The Bosmer asked him once she was done. Her voice was calmer now that she had a companion who was not frightened by the walls that appeared to move closer in the dancing shadows.
,,When three weeks and two days have passed, I will make my move.” He answered.
,,Mark my words and count the days till my escape. You will die then, elf. No one ever escapes from me, especially not then.”

He appreciated the silence between them. It allowed him to ease his mind and prepare for the coming ordeal. He’d been trapped before, he’d been chained before, he’d even been impaled upon a spear for a full day once. He’d never been chained for three weeks. It would be a test of patience as well as a test of trust. He still needed the Bosmer. She was the only one who could feed now that he couldn’t feed himself.
,,Next time, I’ll avoid all confrontations. No more killing of guards even though that is the easy path. I must not raise any alarm till I’m gone. When the time comes, I need to be alert and prepared to deal with any unknown factor. Like the Dunmer in the opposite cell. He might shout for help when I escape. I’ll have to silence him.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 6 2007, 05:38 PM

QUOTE(jack cloudy @ Jan 6 2007, 11:03 AM) *

Let's just say that I wanted to play around with a character for once who wasn't a loud, happy grinning good guy. I want to play with a nastier character for once. Really nasty. I do have to admit though, Simion has been good inspiration so I thank you for that, Mallet. smile.gif

Hey! No problem! biggrin.gif The character you have here does seem quite nasty so far, all ready revealing that he's just using the Bosmer to further his escape plan. I'm digging it so far.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 6 2007, 10:22 PM

Wow, I just can't stop. I promise I'll get an Agent update tomorrow but today I'm going to postmachine the heart. Enjoy.

The first few days passed agonizingly slow though he soon got used to his situation. Every day, the Bosmer would feed him his portion of what was called food here. The grey substance filled his stomach but left a gruesome taste in his mouth. With little to do but wait, he spent his time with observing the times between patrols. He also struggled against his shackles for several hours each day. Not because he had the vain hope of actually breaking free from the wall, but because he needed to keep himself into shape.

All this time, he heard not a single word from the Dunmer in the opposite cell which was cause for some slight frustration. How could he analyze the man if he couldn’t hear or see the him? What was more worrying though, was the Bosmer. She’d slowly but surely recovered from a mental wreck back into a living being. With that came awareness. With awareness, came questions he couldn’t answer.
,,Why thirteen days? What’s so special then?” She asked him one day. That was his first clue that keeping the elf on a leash would not be as easy as he’d thought.
,,The two eyes are in the right position then. It brings good luck if you make your daring escape at that moment.” He answered slyly, hiding the truth behind a slight lie. It would bring luck if he escaped then, though not in a way she would expect.

The Bosmer concluded it was some strange religious Khajiit thing and didn’t probe any further, much to his relief. He managed to escape from other questions in the same way though his worries increased each time. He needed to keep her from knowing for eleven more days.

Six days before his escape, the routine was broken. The servant who brought their food each day also left a note and a bottle filled with a brown liquid. Even though the bottle was still sealed, the Khajiit’s nose picked up the scent of its contents. His ears reared back and he bared his fangs. Poison. The Bosmer did not know it yet. She picked up the note and began to read. Then she began to sob and a few tears rolled down her cheeks. When she looked at him, he saw sadness, despair and most important of all, anger. He’d lost his grip on the elf.
,,You didn’t told me you were a murderer!” She screamed at him. The loud sound caused the rats to flee. The Khajiit looked at her with emotionless eyes.
,,If you’d bothered to actually look around you instead of sheltering in your own nightmare, you would have seen how I’d slain two guards just a few steps away from your feet.” He sneered.
,,Now, I suppose they’ve decided to kill me by letting you shove that poison down my throat?” He growled. To his surprise, the Bosmer shook her head.
,,No, the poison is for me.” She said slowly in a slightly surprised tone.
,,This is a disgrace! I refuse to die by poison. I will not suffer a coward’s death!” It was the first time he’d heard the Dunmer though he’d lost all interest in the man.

,,For you?” The Khajiit blurted out.
,,Yes, for me and for the Dunmer. They don’t want to take any chances with you so the whole cellblock is being abandoned and forgotten. With the poison, we won’t have to starve to death. That’s your fate.” She told him with a trembling voice. The panic was about to return.
,,I wasn’t supposed to die in here! I was supposed to get out in two months and return home to Valenwood! I hate you furballs!” The khajiit hissed slightly when a fist was driven into his stomach.
,,You’re going to pay for that. I’ll tear out your guts and force you to eat them. No one escapes me.” He threatened.

The Bosmer laughed.
,,How are you going to do that, you’re tied to the wall? Oh, since we’re all going to die, I’m going to have some fun first.” She threatened him in return. She then reached out and with a vicious yank, she pulled out one of his whiskers.
,,That’s one. Five more. And after that, who knows?”

Half an hour later, he felt as if an Orc had danced on him. The Bosmer wasn’t strong but given enough time and no way to fight back, even she could totally beat him into a pulp. Fortunately she wasn’t strong enough to break his bones. The torture had altered his plans, turning them into a more gruesome form. He’d been tortured before and the only thing his torturers had gained was a less pleasant death than he’d initially planned. This would be no different.

She was now sitting on the ground somewhere out of sight. There were sounds of an unknown activity.
,,What are you doing, making a new tool of torture? With each strike, you only make sure your fate gets more painful.” He warned ominously.
,,Oh, shut up before I decide to use you as target practice.” The Bosmer snapped back.
,,I’m not going to poison myself until I’m absolutely sure there is no way to get out of here. In the meantime, I’m building what’s got to be the crappiest bow ever so I can hunt those rats. The ingredients, some guy’s rib and six whiskers.” She continued, emphasizing the word 'whiskers'.

When she was done, she crouched down near the bars. She began to make strange squeaking sounds. The Khajiit pressed his ears flat against his head.
,,Stop that, it’s annoying.” He growled. The squeaking changed tone. He was about to give another warning when he realized it was no longer the Bosmer who was squeaking. At least half a dozen rats had gathered around her. They all sat as if hypnotized, calmly awaiting their fate.
,,Sorry, but a girl’s gotta eat, you know?” She whispered as she pierced one of the rats with a fork used as an improvised arrow. The other rats didn’t move but waited till it was their turn to die. The Khajiit stared at the scene, his anger forgotten.
,,So the stories are true. Those wood elves can talk to animals.”

The anger returned when he saw how she threw three of the rats to the Dunmer’s cell and kept the other three for herself. She wouldn’t give anything to him. He bared his fangs but did not utter a sound.
,,Let her think I’m beaten. I’ll escape and when I do, no quick painless death for her!”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 6 2007, 11:02 PM

You would think they would just relocate the prisoners that are in the same block as our assassin instead of allowing them to poison themselves. I guess it's that full in the Imperial Prison.

Hopefully our kitty is a plump one or else he's going to be quite weak when he makes his escape attempt. I fear for those around him when he does escape (surely he will, he is a main character, right?).

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 6 2007, 11:20 PM

The point is, they would relocate. Only, the prison has recently come under new management. biggrin.gif
And someone asked for an escape? wink.gif

Six more days passed. The Khajiit realized that within a few hours, he would put his plans into action. He felt excited at the idea of spilling the blood of his victims. Vengeance would be his. He felt weak from lack of food, but that would not matter. Soon, he could feed as much as he liked. The lone torch had long since burned out, allowing darkness to claim his world. He licked his teeth in anticipation of what was to come. Then, he heard it. Bad fitting boots, running, coming closer. Light returned, coming from a moving torch that rapidly drew closer. He looked expectantly at the celldoor. Who would come here?

It was a young man, dressed in a mismatched set of Iron plates. He held a torch in one hand and a sword in the other. Wet blood dripped from the rusty blade. He stopped, and looked at the two cells in turn.
,,Who are you? Were you thrown in here by the traitor as well?” He asked, his face revealing his anger.
,,The Bosmer and I have fallen victim of bad people. Are you here to free us?” The Dunmer asked. As he approached the bars of his cell, the torchlight revealed countless scars on his bare chest. The young man peered into his crimson eyes where they found the truth.
,,Fine, I’ll free you. What about the Khajiit?”

,,That furball from Oblivion? He’s the whole cause of our current trouble. He kills people for fun! Let him rot.” The Bosmer shouted. The man winced.
,,Shh! Not so loud, they’ll hear!” He whispered urgently, looking around nervously. The Khajiit growled.
,,So you all plan to leave me here? Well, I suppose there is no harm in telling you now.” He snarled, looking at the Bosmer.
,,I never planned on letting you live. Right from the first moment, your fate had been sealed together with the other elf. Now though, it will be much worse than I’d initially planned. And you, Imperial. You’ll join them.”

The Imperial ignored the threats. He pressed his hand against the lock. There was a purple light and then a click after which the door slid open. He repeated the spell at the other cell. Both elves walked out quickly after which the man locked the cell that still contained the Khajiit.
,,Your threats are without power.” He claimed. All three of them walked out of his sight. Darkness filled his cell again. Within it, he laughed. It was a loud laugh, the laugh of someone who knew that he had everything under control.

Where the three escapees were walking, the laugh had died down to a faint whisper in the air.
,,We haven’t been properly introduced. May I have your names?” The Imperial whispered as he cautiously looked around a corner.
,,Rajn Treesap, Valenwood guide.” The Bosmer whispered back.
,,Aran Geydar, Urshilaku.” The Dunmer replied with a voice like gravel. The Imperial nodded with a wry grin.
,,I’m sorry about this but it is for your own safety that you should not know my name. You may call me the Champion. I am a loyal battlemage in the service of Uriel Septim VII. It is because of him that I’m here with you now.” He said as they moved on further till the tunnel branched into two directions.
,,And here is where we must part. There are multiple ways to the surface, try to find one. I’m their main target, so the resistance you’ll encounter should be light.” He explained as he looked in both directions.
,,Here, sir Geydar. Take my blade. Use it to defend yourselves. I’ll use my Magicka till I can claim a new blade from the foul beasts that inhabit this place. Now, farewell. May Stendarr protect you.” With those words, the battlemage walked away.

Aran and Rajn watched him go. Then, Aran pointed at the other corridor with his new blade.
,,Shall we? Long have I missed the sun. I shall do anything to see the light again.”

Back at the Khajiit’s cell, the laughing had stopped. Now he was merely waiting. He could feel it, the itching of his skin. His eyes shot open, staring blankly into the darkness. His mouth opened, letting out a roar. His muscles swelled, his bones grew. His face grew a long snout with razorsharp fangs. His claws doubled in length, digging deep into the stone wall he was chained to. His tail became like a brush, his once smooth fur taking on a spiked appearance. Then, the transformation was complete. He sniffed the air, smelling more than ever before.

He began to pull against his shackles. Slowly, the iron began to deform under his newfound strength. With a loud clang of snapping metal, he pulled his right arm free from his prison. He reached up and tore away the ring around his neck. One by one, his chains were torn out of the wall and removed. Now he was free and walked over towards the celldoor. Seemingly without any effort, he bent the bars and opened a gap wide enough for him to pass.
,,The Hunter has called his minion to this world. Let the hunt begin.” He thought as he rushed through the tunnels at incredible speeds. Sometimes he paused to sniff the air like an animal. Then he would rush off again, following the trail.

The Champion stopped when he heard the sound of padded feet rumbling on the floor. Cold sweat broke out when a terrifying howl echoed in his ears. He turned around, raising his hand to ward off his foe. Before him, a monster nearly as big as the corridor stood on all fours. Two golden eyes looked out over a large snout covered in fur as black as the night that spawned the creature.
,,Werewolf! Cursed abomination! Leave quickly or suffer death!” The champion shouted as a mighty spell of destruction charged in his hand. The Werewolf threw back its head and laughed.
,,What makes you think you will survive this encounter?” It asked with a malicious voice. The Champion swallowed back his fear and gave a silent prayer to the Nine for protection.
,,It has been prophesized. I can’t die here.” He answered. The Werewolf looked at the man in silent contemplation.

,,Why do you need to live?” It asked next, watching the still growing spell closely.
,,I am to travel Tamriel, collect the eight…” The Champion was cut off when a descending gate crushed his skull. With his death, the spell erupted, wrapping his corpse in hot flames.
,,The eight what? Your eight last words? Travel no more, you’ve found them.” The Werewolf snickered as it removed its paw from the lever controlling the gate.
,,Stupid self-proclaimed heroes. They never pay attention to their surroundings. At least they’re filling.” After having said those words, the Werewolf stepped up to the corpse and sank its fangs into the charred flesh.

Note: If you actually decided to count, the Champion did say eight final words! And yes, I'm poking a bit of fun at the hero escaping out of jail thing. I mean, do they really expect a hero to escape like that? That's probably why I like Morrowind's start. You can become a hero, but no one expects you fight your way out of a dungeon filled with monsters right from the start.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 7 2007, 12:03 AM

Haha! What delcious update, jack. So it looks like our assassin is a Were... wolf?.... cat? Werecreature! There we go! I'll go with that one.

Anyways, so it seems that our assassin is a Werecreature, and quite a powerful, and cunning one at that. I also liked how the hero convieneantly cooked himself as well. That was great!

Posted by: canis216 Jan 7 2007, 12:19 AM

I don't want to ruin anything, but I must ask; is this set during the Imperial Simulacrum (aka Jagar Tharn time)?

Excellent update, Jack. That khajiit is crazy dangerous...

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 7 2007, 08:43 AM

Excellent! Yes, I likie the story already, and will be following this quite closely. I dunno, i'm pretty light in RL, so my interests are pretty dark in, I just had a Mallet Moment...

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 7 2007, 10:32 PM

I won't have much time tomorrow but I'll try to work on Agent then if possible and hopefully make a better update. The last one was a bit short and crappy in my opinion. Ok, more Corrupted Heart stuff.

The two elves heard the Werewolf’s howl. Aran waited while the Bosmer stared at the wall.
,,You can see through walls?” He asked curiously. Rajn shrugged.
,,I’m a Tower so, a bit. It’s all blurry to be honest, I wouldn’t trust myself with an arrow if I could only use this mental vision. Umm, lots of stuff moving around. One big….dog? It’s eating.” She said while watching the scene beyond the wall. Aran frowned.
,,Big dog? Who keeps dogs in a prison?” He wondered aloud.
,,Oh, not just dogs. Giant rats, goblins, big worms, living skeletons and other stuff that scares me. Exactly what happened since I got thrown in here? There were only little rats and guards when I arrived. I’m quite sure of that. It was before I went completely wacko.”

The Dunmer’s frown grew bigger.
,,Necromancy. Dark powers are at play here. We must hurry.” He urged and began to move again, faster this time.
,,If you can see through walls, then do you see the exit?” He asked with the calm voice of someone who was used to danger.
,,Take the first corridor on your right.” Rajn answered, struggling to keep up with the man.

The Werewolf slowed down as he rounded another corner. The path to his prey was blocked by a pack of small green humanoids.
,,Goblins. A Stinking nuisance.” The werewolf let out a roar and watched with satisfaction how the creatures ran away. Suddenly, an arm lashed out from the shadows and gripped one of the little green monsters. There was a scream and then the goblin’s neck was snapped like a twig by its killer. When it stepped into view, the Werewolf stepped back and growled.
,,Zombie. This is not your average prison. Not at all. I’ll be slowed down like this.”The black beast lunged at its undead foe, throwing it into a wall with its great strength. When the undead construct finally managed to crawl back onto its feet, the Werewolf was already out of sight.
,,I would love to stay around and tear that thing into little pieces but I’ve got work to do. No one can pull out my whiskers without paying in blood.”

Both elves were stopped death in their tracks by another group of Goblins. Aran took a short glance at the improvised bow the Bosmer was wielding.
,,Can you shoot bigger prey than rats with that thing?” He asked with a sour grin.
,,No, but I can club them over the head when they’re not looking.” The two looked at each other and nodded simultaneously.

,,I am Aran Geydar, Urshilaku! Fear my blade!” The Dunmer shouted as he waded in. He stabbed his sword into a goblin’s chest and used his foot to pull the blade free. Already, the other Goblins had begun to surround him. He grit his teeth when the first club descended on his unprotected back. He had three Goblins in front of him so he couldn’t afford to deal with the one behind him. In an attempt to finish the fight quickly, he jumped forward and tackled the three Goblins to the ground. A few quick stabs later, and he was sitting on a pile of stinking Goblin corpses.

,,Now the one behind me.” Aran thought and scrambled back on his heels to deal with the remaining Goblin. A hard hit on his leg sent him to the floor and another against the back of his head caused him to black out for a short moment. He rolled over on his back and spat the Goblin in the face. The dumb creature stared at the Dunmer in surprise for a second before raising its club high above its head with an angry snarl. Aran couldn’t help but chuckle at seeing the Goblin’s eyes grow big with confusion. The chuckle turned into full laughter when the Goblin turned around to see where its club had suddenly gone.
,,Go, doggy. Fetch the stick!” Rajn yelled and swung the club into the Goblin’s face. The critter fell on the floor, unconscious.

Aran got up carefully and examined his fresh bruises. It hurt a lot but he failed to discover any serious damage.
,,That was that. Let’s get going again. Any longer in this Goblininfested pit and I’ll kill myself.” He said a bit annoyed.
,,And what about me? How am I supposed to get out of here without my strong bodyguard?” The Bosmer replied sarcastically.
,,Just what kind of Emperor lets Goblins into his prison?” She asked herself a moment later.
,,Either a bad one or one who doesn’t know of the Goblins. Probably the latter.” Aran answered.
,,Now be quiet, girl. I want to avoid any further confrontations with who knows what is down here.” He added. There were lit torches on the walls yet the dust and cobwebs told him that no guard had been down here in years. The whole environment gave him a bad feeling like he’d never had before.

The Werewolf sniffed the Goblin corpses he found half an hour later.
,,Their death is recent. So, that means my prey came by here not too long ago. Good, let them fear the hunt.” He let out a howl that echoed throughout the entire prison.
,,I am coming, prepare to die.”

Posted by: canis216 Jan 7 2007, 10:41 PM

Ah, this prison just gets worse and worse--feels claustrophobic. Very nice.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 8 2007, 12:45 AM

I hereby rename this prison The Labrithyn of Doom! Beware all those who dare enter!

Looks like our two elves are going to have a tough time ahead of them in escaping....

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 12 2007, 11:01 PM

Yeah, I think I went a bit overboard here. Would the Emperor really have a prison like that? On the other hand, it is the prison for highly dangerous criminals. The Khajiit tried to assassinate the Emperor and even made it inside the bedroom. (as shown by the teaser) Then, he nearly escaped twice, requiring Magicka to be put down. So I'd say he qualifies as dangerous criminal.

Aran never slowed his step when the ghostly sound echoed around them.
,,I don’t think it’s just a big dog.” He said simply. The Bosmer chose not to respond and instead turned her eyes towards where they came from, still running alongside the Dunmer. To her eyes, the walls seemed to become transparent, like glass. She silently looked around till she found what she was looking for.

The dog, or whatever it was, was clearly following them. It didn’t rush but wasn’t slow either. It moved at a constant pace that rivalled theirs, stopping only to sniff the air. What was most worrying to her were how the creature moved. It was almost as if it was….intelligent.
,,I think you’re right. That’s not a dog.” Suddenly she felt a hand on her chest that pushed her back.
,,Didn’t you ever learn to look where you’re walking?” Aran spat at her.
,,I was looking at the dog that’s following us. Why?” She spat back using exactly the same tone.

Aran said nothing but simply pointed at the obstacle in front of them.
,,Whoever thought that placing a bottomless pit with a small bridge in this so-called ‘prison’ would be fun, deserves to die! Is there another way out?” He complained. Rajn calmly moved to the edge and gazed down into the depths.
,,I never quite understand how a bottomless pit is even possible but it is there. You drop and, splat. Don’t tell me you’re afraid of heights, tough guy.” She teased the former prisoner. Aran scowled.
,,Don’t tell me that you suffer from claustrophobia.” He countered.

,,Hey, that’s mean! You’ll just have to cross that bridge. It’s the only way out and I’m not going to wait for that dog to come and eat us!” Aran did feel a bit bad about the low blow he’d just delivered though he was too proud to admit it.
,,Then you go first.” He merely said. He realized that he was stalling, waiting for some sudden surge of courage.

The Bosmer smiled weakly.
,,I grew up in trees. So I actually feel better about having a bridge in this place. Just you watch.” She said to him and stepped on the bridge. Even for someone of her small stature, the bridge was barely wide enough to stand comfortably. She moved to the center of the bridge where she spun around on one foot and made a few small jumps.
,,Look, it’s not that bad. I can even dance here!”
Aran looked uneasily at the bridge. If the girl’s intention had been to reassure him, she’d failed. In fact, just seeing her do her crazy dance made him feel even worse.

Rajn stopped her dancing and looked at the Dunmer who was staring at the pit. Sweat glistened on his skin. He was frightened as if he’d seen Oblivion itself.
,,Is this how I was?” She asked herself and admitted to herself that that had indeed been the case.
,,Close your eyes and give me your hand, I’ll help you. Trust me.” She finally offered, extending her hand.

Aran swallowed back the lump in his throat.
,,I have to get across. I’m a disgrace for the Urshilaku, showing fear where even a girl shows none. And she’s the one who is nervous just by being underground. Come on Aran, show to your ancestors that like her, you can overcome your fear.” He ordered himself. Closing his eyes, he took the Bosmer’s hand.
,,Good, now take a step forward. Then, once you’ve placed it securely on the floor, you take another one. Nice and easy. There is no pit, no bridge. Just the stone under your feet. And another step please. Good, now open your eyes.” She whispered softly.

Instantly, the fear came back.
,,What, she wants me to open my eyes on the middle of the bridge? I’ll fall if I do that!” He shouted mentally. Then he remembered how she’d asked for him to trust her. He’d already put his trust into her by letting her lead him with his eyes closed. A bit trembling, he opened his eyes and looked around. He’d crossed the bridge and was now standing on the other side.
,,See? Heights are nothing as long as you don’t panic.” Rajn explained to him but ignored her own advise when her eyes widened in panic.
,,Good evening. Can you feel it, the fear? The fear of your death? It will be the last thing you’ll feel. Pray to your gods for mercy if you like. They won’t hear you.” The Werewolf said maliciously from the other side of the bridge.

He raised himself on his hind legs to his full height. Now, he even towered above the Dunmer. Then, in one tremendous leap, he cleared the gap.
,,I’ll enjoy the taste of your blood.” He whispered, baring his teeth.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 12 2007, 11:48 PM

Uh oh, they're in trouble now. If only our Dunmer friend wasn't afraid of heights. Ohwell, we'll see if they can make it out of this situation.

By the way, I really like the building of the relationship between our two escapees. Very nicely done.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 13 2007, 08:02 PM

The Werewolf grinned in anticipation. Finally, he would receive revenge for the humiliation he suffered. The two elves he was going to kill here would just mark the beginning of a new day, a day where Cyrodiil would drown in the blood of his enemies.
,,Next time, I won’t fail. I will rip out the foundations of your power and crush it with my bare hands. Then, when fear and despair have filled your soul, I’ll come. I’ll walk into your room, slowly, to feed on your fear. Then, with one swift strike, I’ll cut open your stinking corpse and spread your organs on the floor. I’ll squeeze your heart dry of blood, as the last thing you’ll see in this world.” He gloated. A powerful kick hit him under his snout and threw him backwards, over the edge.
,,Focus! You are not worthy as an opponent!” The Dunmer taunted.

He dug his claws into the walls and came to a screeching halt several metres below the ledge.
,,Fool! Don’t gloat before the kill! If my master had seen this, he would kill me.” He scolded himself. He released his grip on the smooth with one hand and slammed his claws into the rock a bit higher. Repeating the process with his other limbs, he began to ascend.

,,Is it death?” Rajn asked as she moved closer to the ledge to take a look. Aran grabbed her by the arm and dragged her along.
,,No, I don’t think so. So don’t go stare down the ledge unless you want to die.” He grumbled. He stopped upon seeing a grate mounted in the wall. The Dunmer dropped to his knees and looked into it. The grate covered the entrance to a small tunnel. He concluded that he could fit through, barely.
,,This tunnel, is it a shortcut?” He asked his Bosmer companion. Rajn looked at the grate nervously.
,,Yeah, but do we really have to go through there? It’s so cramped!”

Aran took a single look at the ledge which gave him his answer. He grabbed the rusted grate and with an effort of all his strength, he pulled it free.
,,Yes we have to. That furry monster is too big to fit through. Now get in.” He urged as he pushed himself inside. His shoulders scraped agains the walls but he managed to crawl.
,,I won’t have any skin left on my shoulders once we reach the other side.”There wasn’t enough room for him to turn his head around but he knew that he hadn’t been followed.
,,Don’t give in to your fear. Now it is your turn to trust me! Come!” He shouted.

The Bosmer looked at the grate and then at the ledge. A black head came up and bared its teeth as it saw her.
,,Oh, alright.” She squeezed her eyes shut and began to crawl into the tunnel. Aran smiled as he heard the noise behind him. That smile vanished instantly when the girl screamed.
,,What’s wrong?!” He asked with a worried voice.

The Werewolf growled in frustration. His prey had escaped. He reached in with his arm again but failed to reach them. He growled again.
,,So close yet so far. Curse them!” He slammed his shoulder into the wall, sending clouds of dust into the air. A few cracks formed into the rock but it did not fall under his might. He held up his hand and looked at the red liquid dripping from his claws and wetting his fur. His efforts hadn’t been completely without success.
,,I’ll find another path. Next time, I’ll finish the job quickly and efficiently.” He turned away from the small tunnel and was about to renew the chase when a dark figure seemed to materialize out of thin air.
,,So the cat has become a dog of war. An unexpected development, I must say. Still, I can’t allow you to leave this place alive.” The figure spoke with a gruff voice the Werewolf recognized instantly.
,,You!” He howled.

Aran got up on his feet. He felt a bit stiff after his crawl through that cramped tunnel but aside from this stiffness and a few scrapes, he was as healthy as was possible here. He reached down and helped his companion get out herself. At first he was relieved to see that the scream he’d heard was not a sign of death but his worry came back instantly when she collapsed to the floor.
,,What’s wrong, Treesap?” He asked. He received no answer. He didn’t need one. The dark blood covering her leg and the pale bones glistening in the torchlight said more than a thousand words could.
,,Damn that thing and its claws. I need to get her to Erinus, she’ll be able to help.” The Dunmer thought. He tore his shirt to pieces and used the fabric as an improvised bandage to help stop the bleeding. She’d already lost too much blood and couldn’t afford to lose any more. Once he was sure he’d done all he could, he heaved the unconscious Bosmer on his shoulder. The load was lighter than expected.
,,A serious wound while being seriously underfed, not good. Hang in there, you’ll be fine. I promise.”

Posted by: canis216 Jan 13 2007, 08:14 PM

Temporary refuge from the werewolf. Sounds like they need it. But that wound could be bad, really bad. Hope she doesn't get Sanies Lupinus...

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 13 2007, 09:36 PM

Hmm I'm curious of who this new "mystery" person is. Seems like he holds some sway over our Werewolf, but we'll see.

It also seems that our escapees are getting into more serious problems. Hopefully the Bosmer survives.

Oh yes, and I found that first paragraph to be deliciously descriptive jack. Excellent work!

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 13 2007, 10:31 PM

And a quickie to end today's update.

,,Yes, me.” The figure answered. The Werewolf crouched down and held out his arms. His claws shone in the light of a torch.
,,I won’t let you stop me. Now tell me what you are!” He shouted. The figure chuckled.
,,That’s the right question. Not who, but what. You must have been surprised when I defeated you so easily last time. The answer is simple. I am not from this world and so I do not share your limits.” He replied.

The Werewolf looked at the man. His armour definitely gave him a demonic appearance fitting for a being from another world.
,,Then how about this? No spells. I’ll show you just what my limits are.” The Werewolf challenged. The figure chuckled again.
,,You want to make this more interesting? You do have courage to face me without fear. I will reward you with the honour of knowing my name Ra’trith, embodiment of darkness. Few mortals ever receive this honour. I am Merdrar, a Markynaz.” He spoke and drew a large claymore that looked as demonic as his armour.
,,Now, let us begin. No spells as promised.”

Ra’trith lunged at the man, scraping his claws over the chestplate. The man jumped back surprisingly fast considering the weight of his armour. He swung the claymore in a low arc and forced the Werewolf to retreat towards the bridge.
,,What does a being from another world seek here?” He asked as they both swung at each other once more.
,,My lord has given my strength to a mortal. This mortal is intrigued by your skills and wants to keep you from interfering with his plans. You’ll have to die here, Werewolf.” Merdrar said and stabbed at the black head.

The Werewolf jumped back, landing on the bridge. He grinned upon seeing his opponent’s hesitation.
,,What’s the matter? Are you afraid to fall?” He taunted. The man cut a large gash into the wall.
,,My strength is greater than that of any mere mortal. Yes, but this strength won’t protect me if I came to fall. I’ve made a promise. We Dremora do not break our promises, ever. Fine then, I’ll fight you on the bridge. No spells, so no levitation! One false move, and we’ll plummet into the depths. Prepare yourself!”

The Dremora lunged at Ra’trith. The Werewolf leaned away from the blow and clenched his teeth when the demonic blade cut through his skin. At the same time, he struck out with his claws, tearing off Merdrar’s helmet and carving a long cut across his cheek. The Dremora took a step back and laughed.
,,Good! You’ve challenged me well. Unfortunately, you are weakening.” He said, not showing any pain from his wound. The Werewolf took a step back as well.
,,That face, it looks so similar to an elf or a human. No matter where it’s from, I’ll sent it to Oblivion. I’ll have to do it quick. It won’t last much longer.” He thought to himself.
,,This wound is nothing! It takes more than that to weaken me! Now get ready!” He shouted, his voice echoing around them. To his surprise, the Dremora sheathed his sword and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
,,No, the wound won’t slow you at all. You’ve been quite busy and so you’ve spent Hircine’s gift. The power of the hunter is fading. I can feel it better than you do.” He spoke solemnly.

Just a moment after the Dremora had said that, Ra’trith fell to his knees. His body shrunk, his claws retreated within his paws. The effects of his exertion hit him fully, draining all of his strength.
,,And so, the dog of war turns back into a miserable cat.” Merdrar gloated. The Khajiit glared at him.
,,A cat is a hunter as well, a hunter of a different kind.” He whispered. Using all of his remaining energy, he leaped up into the air with an agility his Werewolf form did not possess. He wrapped his tail around the Dremora’s throat and used his momentum to bring the being out of balance. He landed behind Merdrar and kicked at his legs. The man tripped and fell from the bridge. For a timeless moment, the two looked each other in the eyes.
,,I salute you! You have been a worthy challenge! Perhaps we shall meet again!” Were the last words the being from Oblivion said as it vanished into the depths. Ra’trith crawled across the bridge and lay down on the floor, exhausted like he’d never been before.
,,Odd creature, to congratulate the one who beat it. And why did it raise the possibility of another meeting? Nothing can survive a fall that great. Wait, it must be hiding out of sight, levitating. I must hide and recover my strength for when we clash again. The hunt has come to an end, for now.”

Aran bowed his head when he saw the sun for the first time since his imprisonment. Already, the memory of the dark tunnels began to fade. He would think about the dark powers whose actions he’d witnessed. Though that would be later, not now.
,,We made it. I never thought I would see the sun again. Yes, death will not be our fate. Do you hear me? I’ll take you to a friend of mine. She’s taken care of my wounds countless times before. She’ll take care of yours.” He whispered and set off towards the spectacular tower marking the capital of Tamriel.

In a dark chamber, far away from the prison, a man awoke. He shook his head to clear the fogginess of his sleep. He then frowned.
,,So, it appears that Merdrar has fallen. Who did it? That young fool, Talin? That assassin I put on the other side of the complex? Perhaps the Bosmer who saw too much? No, not her. She would try to run rather than fight, if she could run at all. Maybe one of the few other prisoners?” He rang a bell and waited till his servant entered the room.
,,Gather the Blades. I have a mission for them.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 14 2007, 03:02 AM

Hmm so it seems that higher up beings are taking interest in a certain someone. Must be one of the escapees since this dremora decided to stop the Khajiit.

I'm very intrigued jack. Gimme some more!

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 15 2007, 08:37 PM

The sun cast its merciless rays down on the roofs, raising the temperature to nearly unbearable heights. Erinus Codius was sitting on the only chair in her small shack at the Plaza district. The sun shone through the window where it fell on a lonely Nirnroot plant. All of a sudden, some unseen person knocked on the door. The woman put away her book and went to open the door. The visitor turned out to be one of the stable boys from just outside the city.

,,Yes, what is it?” She asked in a friendly yet impatient tone. The Poems of Ash proved to be interesting reading and even after months she still discovered new details in each passage. She really preferred to remain alone with the book. The stableboy fidgeted around nervously for a bit.
,,There’s a man outside the gate. He told me to go get you. He claims it’s urgent.” The boy said.
,,When I asked for a reward he said that ‘people who claim rewards for helping those in need are unworthy of their ancestor’s grace.” He added when the healer chose to simply look at him without responding. When he looked up again, he saw a faint smile tugging at the corner’s of the Imperial’s lips.
,,Only one man would say something like that.”

With an enthusiasm she didn’t recognize of herself, she slipped on her shoes and fled the cramped confines of her house, having to run back once because she forgot to lock the door. The stableboy found that he could barely keep up with the woman. She passed the open gates and scanned the surrounding countryside.

There he was, a tall Dunmer who leaned against the side of the bridge with his arms crossed in front of his chest. His eyes were closed, making it appear as if he was meditating. When Erinus drew closer, his eyes shot open and peered into her’s.
,,Aran! Did they rele….” She shouted but the silent warning he gave her made her walk forward before repeating at a softer tone that couldn’t be heard by the guards at the gate.
,,Did they release you?”
Aran shrugged.
,,Something like that.” Was the flat response he was willing to give. He wasted no time in getting down to business.
,,Can you help her?” He asked, motioning with his head to the Bosmer who he’d put down in a sitting position. To any passerby, it appeared as if she was merely sleeping. Till an observant individual would notice the unnatural pale colour of her skin.

Erinus looked at the Bosmer.
,,I didn’t knew you were into Wood Elves.” She joked.
,,Silence! Don’t mock the injured!” He chastised her. Erinus shuddered but knew that he didn’t mean to do her any harm. In fact, she was more pleased than hurt by his response. It proved that he was still the same spirited Aran Geydar she’d known for many years.
,,And you know that Bosmer are not my type. It’s her leg. Some giant dog or something tore it to pieces.” He continued, the calm statement was the closest thing to an apology he would ever make.

The healer leaned down to inspect the mentioned limb more closely.
,,Let’s see. Pale skin, evidence of severe bloodloss. What’s a dirty rag doing around there? Don’t tell me you didn’t had anything better. I’ll have to take her to my place and get something decent around it. Just why didn’t you take her to my home directly?” Now it was her turn to critiscize the Dunmer.
,,How would the guards respond if I carried a half-dead girl on my shoulder? She doesn’t look like a noble or even a rich person. Then they would see me, the scars of my life. They would try to stop me. They won’t stop a healer with a patient.” He explained as he picked up the escapee.
,,Now take us past the guards please.”

The man sat at the head of a large table. He looked at each of the men and women seated in turn. After he’d concluded that everyone was present and that no doppelgangers were around, he nodded to his servant who began to pass out leaflets.
,,This night, there was a jailbreak in our maximum security jail. Now I suppose that some questions regarding our ‘maximum security’ are in order.” He started with a serious frown.
,,There were a total of four escapees. Due to certain….circumstances, one of them died. His body has been given all the funeral rites he deserved, which wasn’t much.” He continued, looking at the Blades who were all examining the sketch he’d provided. They all had a clue of what was to come next but it didn’t hurt to ask.

,,Milord, what were the affiliations of the death person? Can we expect repercussions from those loyal to him?” One of the blades asked. The man took a moment of silence before answering.
,,There were no affiliations. He was a man who stood alone. No one will seek revenge for his death. If that was all, I would like to continue.”
,,You’ve failed, Talin. You’ve failed at the start of your great quest.”

,,There are three surviving escapees. Two of them, a Dunmer and Bosmer who are reported to be travelling together, are of no consequence. Let them enjoy their freedom, they won’t be able to harm anyone but themselves. The third one though, is a different story. Now, please pay attention to the sketch.” The man spoke. He looked at his own sketch and trailed the features with a finger.
,,The Khajiit you see here is a criminal of the most dangerous kind. His name is Ra’trith, though he also lays claim on the title ‘embodiment of darkness’. Quite a fitting title, considering his trade and the dark shade of his fur. This Khajiit is an assassin, most likely a member of the Dark Brotherhood. So far, we have confirmed the death of over thirty Imperial officers all around the province as well as a nearly successful assassination on me. I believe he might try to finish the job though even if he won’t, he must be stopped. I will not allow this killer to drench my Empire in blood once more.”

He looked at his Blades coldly.
,,Protect the Empire. As servants of the Nine this is your duty. But be warned, do not take your enemy lightly. He is an expert in unarmed combat. Don’t let your guard down just because he does not hold any steel in his hands. Dismissed.”

Note: Actually, he was alerted by Merdrar's 'death' at the Khajiit's claws. He wants to go after the most dangerous escapee first.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 15 2007, 11:02 PM

Our healer seems to have a bit of humour to her, which is an interesting quality. I guess making a patient smile and laugh works wonders on their pysche.

And now the emporer is going out head hunting for Ra'trith. It'll be interesting to see how well that goes. My thoughts are that many more bodies are going to be sacrificed before that one is defeated.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 16 2007, 08:05 PM

Hmm, I just realized. Ra'trith alone has murdered more people in what's still the beginning of the story than some main characters in an entire story. Creepy. Maybe I should call it 'Bloodlust: The prequel?' wink.gif
I won't try to lay claim on that title. It still lacks what Bloodlust does so well, plot and characters who do more than just killing. I never knew that writing a killing machine could be so hard. There's more to it than just dropping corpses everywhere. So another compliment to Simion, who is probably the most interesting killer I ever read about. Anyway, on to the story.

The Bosmer had been lowered onto the healer’s bed. Erinus carefully removed the makeshift bandage while Aran watched. She didn’t utter a sound when she saw the damage for the first time though she did frown.
,,Two claws that have run quite deep, a third wound which is fortunately little more than a minor scrape. Lots of dirt.” She muttered to herself.
,,Get me the bottle of alcohol, I’ll need to disinfect this mess first. It is no use to regrow flesh and muscle when it means that you’ll get dust and mud trapped inside.” She ordered while her eyes still surveyed the Werewolf’s gift.

Aran opened the cupboard which contained all of Erinus’ medical items. He’d seen her take something from that cupboard countless times before and had a nearly photographic memory of its contents. His hand had already reached for the bottle before his eyes had found it.
,,Why is the cupboard so empty?” He asked while handing over the bottle. This time, the healer did utter a long and hard sigh.
,,Emperor’s orders. He decided that we charge too much and forced us to lower our prices. Like this, I can barely buy the food I need to feed myself, let stand buy the ingredients I need for my practice.” The door clicked as it was closed. Erinus looked up and then returned to her patient.
,,You’re as stubborn as ever, Aran Geydar. Just make sure I won’t have to heal you as well.”

Derin Horse-Mouth raised his hand.
,,Another one.” He shouted and burped. The bartender went over and refilled the Nord’s mug. He snatched the coin on the table and returned to cleaning his bar. Derin took a large swig of the liquid, burped again and layed down his remaining coins on the table. After some counting, he concluded he could have five more rounds. Then, he really had to find himself a job.

A cloaked figure entered the tavern, his form hunched over slightly like a beast. The tip of a black tail reached out underneath his cloak. The figure dropped a single coin on the tap.
,,Brandy.” He said with a deep growling voice. He then moved directly to the table occupied by Derin and sat down.
,,It’s too early to get drunk, Derin Horse-Mouth.” He whispered at the drunken Nord. The Nord raised his head and found himself looking into a pair of intense yellow eyes surrounded by a black face. He forced a smile on his wet lips.
,,I can’t believe it. Ra’trith, the embodiment of darkness. What can I do for you, brother?” He howled across the room.
,,You could start by keeping your voice down. I have no patience for dealing with drunk fools.”

Normally, this would have sparked a flame in the Nord’s hot temper but this time, he took the insult in silence. He knew the skill the assassin possessed and more importantly, his willingness to use this skill at the slightest provocation.
,,It’s good to see you alive. We were worried. They said you had been dragged off to prison to the south of the city.” He slurred, somehow finding the strength to keep his voice down. He grinned.
,,So, I assume you want the usual? Tell you what, I’ll give you a discount for your information. To celebrate your freedom? I’m sure we can work out a deal.” The Khajiit jumped on top of the table and delivered a powerful kick into the Nord’s face, sending him flying backwards till he hit a wall. The whole building shook from the impact.

The pain instantly sobered Derin, or at least down to the point where he realized the danger he was in.
,,No one said a thing. The Emperor would never admit that an assassin managed to reach his bedroom and nearly killed him. You lied to me, you traitor!” Ra’trith hissed in the Nord’s ear. His claw pressed into Derin’s throat, causing a trickle of blood to flow down.
,,You want a deal, here’s one. You tell me what I want to know and I’ll pay you with your life.”

A not so drunk patron rushed out of the door, most likely to warn the guards. Derin followed the man with his eyes. Those who remained behind didn’t dare to move or make a sound, unwilling to bring the Khajiit’s fury down on them.
,,What do you think you’re doing, Ra’trith? When the guards come, they won’t show you any mercy. What do you think you’ll achieve with your death?” He spoke with a trembling voice. In reality, he knew that even five guards would be no match for the assassin. Even in a straight-up fight, the Khajiit was a force to be reckoned with. All he could do now was to please the monster in any way he could.
,,Twenty seconds to get to them, ten to explain, thirty to return. That makes sixty seconds. If you don’t give me the information I want by then, you’ll die. Fifty seconds left, start talking.”

For a moment, Derin only managed to speak gibberish. He soon managed to regain his voice and shouted at the top of his lungs, tripping over his own tongue in his hurry to speak.
,,They came before you did! If I kept the vital detail for myself, I would be rewarded with a fortune. If I told you, they would kill me!” Ra’trith’s eyes narrowed.
,,Who? Thirty seconds.” He growled.
,,I shouldn’t tell you. If they find out, not only will they kill me, but the whole Brotherhood. Don’t your brothers and sisters mean anything to you?” Derin objected.
,,The only life I care about is my own. Who?” The Khajiit pressed on despite the danger he was bringing his people into.

,,That royal battlemage and some of his people. Jagatha…..something like that, I swear! ” The Nord answered. Ra’trith dropped the man who slumped down to the floor.
,,Jagar Tharn?” He asked, so surprised that even he could not hide it. Derin simply nodded. The sound of armoured boots battering the cobblestones drew nearer.
,,I told you everything I know, now please let me live.” The Nord pleaded. Ra’trith swiped his mug of brandy from the table.
,,You betrayed me before. I won’t give you the chance to betray me again.” With a single swift motion, he drew his claw across Derin’s throat. He then calmly drank his brandy and dropped the mug into the pool of blood gathering around his toes.
,,This is good brandy, perhaps I should come here more often.” He noted as if nothing had happened.

A panting guard burst through the room. The sight was one he would remember his entire life. Everyone, frozen in fear. A corpse, with blood still streaming onto the floor like a river. The tip of a black tail vanishing up the stairs.
,,Ahem…….Everyone, don’t move. The Imperial guards will investigate this matter. Please form up in lines and prepare for your interrogation.” He said with an uneasy voice before turning to the patron who had warned him.
,,Go get some more help.”

Ra’trith easily eluded the guards. He ditched the now bloodsoaked cloak into the lake surrounding the city.
,,So they came before me? Then Derin wasn’t the only traitor. And Jagar Tharn, why would the royal battlemage himself show interest in me? I hate dealing with trouble like this. At least this Merdrac fellow kept his word. No spells, even if he would die without them. Honourable fool.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 17 2007, 01:05 AM

Well not all killers have character development, just look at most horror movie monsters. All they really do is rack up body counts over sequel after sequel. But hey, it's cool that you like Simion; I like him too! tongue.gif

Ra'trith is quite the character himself, he certainly has that nice sinister edge to him. And now the Imperial Battlemage himself is looking for him. Sounds like Ra'trith will have many enemies to go through to get some answers.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 17 2007, 04:25 AM

Whoa. I stand in awe of your post machineiness Jack! As well as your story. I like this Khajiit, and Aran Geydar sounds like a One Bad ..**Shutyomouth!** too...

Posted by: Malpense the Dark Jan 17 2007, 12:15 PM

Wow, I'm really loving this series! As a newbie to these forums I came specifically looking for some Elder Scrolls Fanfiction and the first thing I read is this great looking series. I like the fact that the Kajit is a werewolf, didn't see that one comming at all. I like the way you made the atmosphere in the dungeon feel really creepy and scary, really got me in to the story. The relationship the two escaped prisinors have is pretty interesting too. Can't wait for more! smile.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 17 2007, 11:00 PM

Thank you and welcome. Please have a look at the other stories as well. On the whole, the quality is quite high here in my opinion.
Oh, and is that Ethan from ctrl-alt-delete? I read that comic from time to time, it's funny. laugh.gif

Now without further ado, meet the next chapter.

Chapter 2: Pit of sand, well of memories.

Aran walked through the Imperial city at a brisk pace. Those who were walking outside as well had to move aside when he came through.
,,Lower the price? What is the Emperor thinking? Did he lose all sense of finance? And doesn’t he realize the importance of healers? When the healers can no longer support themselves, then who treats the wounded, or the sick?”
He came past the Black Horse courier. The latest edition had been pinned to the wall. Aran stopped to read the headlines.

EMPEROR SENDS HEIR AWAY. ‘A school in Hammerfell. Is the next emperor being trained to be a new conqueror?’

TENSIONS RISE ON ELSWEYR-VALENWOOD BORDER ‘The latest chapter in the neverending conflict’

QUEEN OF MORROWIND FLEES TO HIGH ROCK ‘Local nobles claim to be pleased to be rid of the Dark Elven queen.’

DARK BROTHERHOOD STRIKES AGAIN ‘An ancient guild of assassins plague our lands. Will the Legion do something?’

With each headline, his frown got deeper. Unlike most Dunmer, the hate towards queen Barenziah meant nothing to him. Where he was born, her rule was as strong as the morning breeze. The queen had never been an influence on his life, nor would she ever be.

What bothered him was that there seemed to be only tales of violence. War, a conqueror in training. As if Tamriel hadn’t seen enough blood in the past.
,,I make no sense. I protest against war whereas my life has been nothing but one great battle, fuelled by the blood of my opponents and I.”
Silently, he continued walking till he reached his destination. The Arena.

The Arena looked from the outside like the city on a smaller scale. Only the great tower was missing. He took the fighter’s entrance, where he moved through the training area. Gladiators where demolishing bags, putting holes into wooden boards or simply breaking each other’s noses. In here, it seemed as if time did not exist. The only sign of time passing would be the replacement of old gladiators with new ones.

Aran walked up to the desk at the far end of the room. An old Orc sat behind it, his face disfigured from his own career in the arena. The Dunmer waited patiently to be noticed. When the Orc looked up, his eyes shone with recognition.
,,I don’t believe my eyes! Aran Geydar, the spearwielder! What can I do for you?” He asked and took the Dunmer into a crushing embrace.
,,I need money. Let me enter the arena.” Aran answered. Instantly, the Orc let go and took a step back. He tried to keep his eyes focussed on the man’s face yet couldn’t stop himself from glancing down at his left hand.

,,Can’t you find a different way to make money? Face it, my friend. You’ve had your days of glory. Now they’re gone, they fled when you lost your hand.” He complained.
,,You’re a cripple, Aran Geydar. I understand that a warrior’s true wish is to die by the sword. But you’re too young. You should find a woman first, pass on your blood to a new generation of warriors. Don’t throw your life away.”

Aran looked down at the cloth covering the stump. His hand had been severed at the wrist by Erinus, after an axe had turned it into a bloody pulp of flesh and bone. With his hand, most of his skill had vanished. He pressed his remaining hand into a fist. He would not give up, even if injured.
,,As long as I have a spear. I can still fight! Let me do this, Ghorak! Let me.” He demanded. Ghorak sighed, an unusual thing for an Orc to do. Then again, just being a respected citizen was a miracle for an Orc.
,,You have courage. I respect that. Very well, follow me.” He said and moved away from behind the desk. The Orc’s stomach bulged over his belt, yet the muscles underneath his skin remained strong.

He led the Dunmer into the trophy room. There, he moved to an exhibit composed of an axe and a spear. Both were stunning examples of workmanship. Steel mixed with gold, emeralds embedded into the hilt of the axe and the shaft of the spear. Runes engraved into the blades. Ghorak removed the spear from the wall and held it out.
,,I made this spear before your last battle. If you became the champion, I would give it to you. Alas, you did. Only to get dragged off to prison. Here, take it. It’s yours.” He said with his rough voice. Aran didn’t take the spear outright but instead looked at the axe.
,,The axe?”

The Orc looked as well and shrugged.
,,I can’t play favourites. I worked on that axe as long as I worked on your spear. If he had won, he would have received it.” He explained.
,,He was a worthy opponent.” Aran claimed and reached out to take the spear. With a sudden movement, Ghorak pulled the weapon out of reach.
,,Just promise me one thing.” He said.

Aran looked intensely at the Orc. He had never asked for a promise before.
,,What?” The Dunmer asked warily. Ghorak forced a grin.
,,Don’t kill your sponsor.” Now Aran grinned as well.
,,You have my word.” He said and received his spear. His first impression was that the weapon was remarkably light and exceptionally well-balanced. Truly, with this weapon the loss of his hand did not matter.

,,Just why did you kill your sponsor after that battle?” Ghorak asked as they walked up to the gates. Just a moment earlier, the Orc had shouted at one of the gladiators to get ready for a match.
,,That man slaughtered most of my tribe, tried to take our land. I vowed to avenge the Urshilaku who had been slaughtered and then left for the Nix-Hounds to feed on. I followed him all the way here and fought in the arena for eleven years before I got my chance. He sponsored me, so then I could get close enough to kill him. What happened to me after that was not important. He’s death now, and the souls of my ancestors have found peace.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 17 2007, 11:26 PM

Well you can certainly tell that Aran is a prideful mer. He was willing to go to prison to avenge his tribe. That takes a lot of heart. And it seems you've been hiding the fact that Aran is a cripple as well. That certainly brings a twist to things. Hopefully he'll manage to adapt his style so that his spear skills can be put to use with one arm.

Great work Jack. Looking forward to the Arena Battle, which I'm assuming will be the next update. I could be wrong though... tongue.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 21 2007, 09:55 PM

Well, I've been following the teasers quite closely. Ra'trith is the one who tried to assassinate the emperor, Rajn is that guide in Valenwood and Aran is the Ashlander who stopped a Nord's axe with his hand and then killed his sponsor a minute after the battle.

Aran watched as the gates were lowered. He stepped into the arena, carefully avoiding the sharp tips at the top of the gate which had now sunk into the ground. Ghorak walked to the center of the arena.
,,Listen, this match is private! There is no crowd! The winner receives a thousand septims, paid in solid coins. First one to admit defeat loses! Try not to kill. Begin!”

The Dunmer did not move as the Orc retreated to the edge of the pit. He let his eyes wander over the Redguard who was his opponent, analyzing his strengths and weaknesses. He began with the man’s race, a Redguard. Then, his eyes wandered down to the weapon, a katana held loosely in his right hand. Next, the armour, a suit of overlapping Bronze scales.

The Redguard was getting impatient. He’d moved to the center of the arena, expecting Aran to do the same thing. Yet, Aran was still standing at the gate.
,,What’s the matter with you? Lost your guts? If you’re afraid to fight me, you shouldn’t have stepped into the ring.” The man shouted across the distance.
,,I can’t blame you though. A spear is a two-handed weapon, impossible to use with just one. Come on, why don’t you step out while you have the chance? I won’t tell your girl about it. If you have one. Not much chance with such an ugly face.” He continued.

Aran’s eyes narrowed.
,,Overconfident, impatient and jumps to conclusions. Furthermore, he tries to bolster his own courage by insulting the opponent. Pathethic.”
He continued to wait till the Redguard had lost all patience and charged him.
,,Stupid fool! If you don’t want to admit your defeat, I’ll make you!” That comment brought a smile on the Dunmer’s lips. The Redguard looked surprised by this reaction and slowed down a little.
,,As planned. Now, to make my move.”
Aran stepped aside and swung his spear around above his head. At the last moment, he flicked the shaft around with his fingers till the spear was pointing down. A loud ringing sound echoed across the arena when the katana bounced off the weapon. He brought the spear back into an horizontal position and trust the butt into the Redguard’s stomach, sending him down on his knees.

Aran brought his spear’s blade down to the man’s throat.
,,A warrior hides his strength with an illusion of weakness. Remember this, or you’ll never win a battle.” He spoke solemnly. He pressed the blade against the Redguard’s throat.
,,Do you admit defeat?” Aran asked.

Erinus was humming an old tune. Her patient was still unconscious but she knew from experience that it wouldn’t last much longer. When the Bosmer woke up, she would have to explain the situation. She heard someone knocking on the door and got out of her chair to see who it was this time.
,,I hope it’s Aran. He’d better not come back in pieces.”

The visitor was not Aran. Rather, he was an Argonian whose red scales matched his red clothes.
,,Good day to you. I hope I do not disturb you?” It spoke in an odd hissing accent. Its expressionless eyes glanced at the Bosmer lying in the hut’s only bed. Erinus looked at her patient as well.
,,No, you don’t disturb. How may I help you?”

Without a word, the Argonian took the woman by the arm and led her out of her home.
,,It’s not safe to talk here. We’ll talk there, behind the bushes. It is an important matter that concerns all of us.” He spoke. While Erinus could not read the strange creature’s expressions, she felt that it meant her no harm. So she followed, although she was slightly concerned about leaving her patient.
,,I believe that this is far enough. No one will hear us here, as long as we keep our voices down.” She finally whispered.

The Argonian turned to her.
,,I am known as Marsh-Speaker. You may call me Marsh. I need your help, lady Codius. The matter concerns the Emperor, whose health I fear.” He whispered, still in his peculiar accent. Now Erinus knew what caused this accent.
,,Its mouth is not shaped for our kind of speech. Just that it can speak comprehensible words is an achievement. To speak this well, he must have lived among us for a long time.”
,,I heard nothing about his health and even if there were problems, he has his own private healer for that.” She answered, hiding her own doubts with a confident voice. He’d made some odd decisions lately.
,,I know, but his own healer would not speak to me. Lady Codius, I do not ask of you to cure him or even to get involved. All I want to know is this, has the Emperor done strange things in your opinion?”

The healer shrugged.
,,I suppose he does. But I’m a healer, not a politician. How can I judge his decisions?” She asked Marsh-Speaker in return. The Argonian nodded, another habit he’d learned from the humans and elves that surrounded him.
,,True, but I am a politician so I can judge him. I’m telling you, the Emperor acts as if he is an entirely different person. I don’t know the soul of a man. Therefore I came to you, for advice.”

Back at the shack, a pair of pitchblack eyes opened. They squinted as they tried to make sense of the blurry image. The image cleared, revealing a wooden ceiling.
,,Cut up trees, barbaric.” Rajn thought to herself and managed a weak chuckle.
,,They probably think the same thing of me. The city people call the forest people barbarians, the forest people call the city people barbarians as well.”
Her eyes shot wide open and her mouth formed a soundless ‘oh’.
,,This isn’t that stupid jail. There’s a window, air! I’m above ground! I feel so happy, I could hug a tree.”

She tried to sit upright but fell down before she’d even managed to lift her head above the pillow.
,,My leg hurts. Next time I meet a dog, I’m going to kick it so hard, it thinks its ribs are floating above its head. I wonder where the Dunmer is? Or where I am, for that matter.”
She yawned.
,,Who cares, not my problem. Maybe I’ll worry about it tomorrow, or next week, or next month. Maybe never.” Already, she’d used up her strength. She drifted off into sleep before she’d even realized.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 21 2007, 10:18 PM

One Handed Spear Weilding at its best! Keep it up jack, you're outdoing yourself with this one! I am liking this story very much.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 21 2007, 10:55 PM

Each character and getting more steadily defined as you continue. I love it, jack! Keep it up, or else... well I don't think I can really do anything to you. You're like on the other side of the ocean and I don't think I'm travelling to that side again anytime soon.

Let's just say I would be a bit down. You don't wanna make a loyal reader sad would you!?

Posted by: canis216 Jan 21 2007, 11:23 PM

Wow, a lot's happened here since I last perused this story. This is really excellent!

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 24 2007, 10:29 PM

A shadow walked into Cheydinhall, unseen by any of the guards. The shadow dropped down from the wall and moved quickly towards what looked like an abandoned building. He knocked three times on the door. After a long waiting period, a small hatch opened at eyelevel and two red eyes peered at him.
,,What’s the colour of the night?” The eyes asked.

The door opened, allowing the shadow to enter.
,,Ah, it’s you, Ra’trith. How did the hunt…..” The doorkeeper slumped to the floor, blood dripping out of the hole where his heart used to be. Ra’trith squeezed the still beating organ dry of blood before placing it back in the gap.
,,The night is coloured sanguine with your blood, Brother.” He whispered.

Without warning, a dagger stabbed into his shoulder, releasing its vile poison into his blood.
,,Ra’trith, what do you think you’re doing?” A stern voice asked him. The Khajiit backed up into the doorframe where he could keep his opponent in front of him.
,,Taking care of business.” He snarled. The man who’d attacked him put away his dagger.
,,You mean the traitor? I’ve already met him days ago and taken my measures. There’s no need to kill the whole sanctuary. Sheath your claws.” He said, revealing unnatural fangs in a mad grin.
Ra’trith refused to sheath his claws. Not because he didn’t trust the vampire, but because he never sheathed them no matter what the situation was.

,,You did kill one of your Brothers though. That cannot go unpunished. Normally, you would be marked for death. You’re a rare asset though so I’ll have you redeem yourself through the spilling of blood. The details of your mission are pinned to the wall in the armory. Get yourself prepared.” The man continued and turned his back to the assassin, becoming one with the shadows once more. Ra’trith watched the vampire’s back.
,,As you wish…..master.”

He walked into the armory and wasted no time getting ready. He took a small chest from a rack and opened it. Inside, an Ebony dagger of sublime workmanship lay wrapped in the finest red silk. The Khajiit eased his fingers around the hilt and let the torchlight reflect on the blade. A Blade of Woe was a weapon unique to the Dark Brotherhood. It came in multiple sizes and a variety of shapes, each individual weapon was tailored to fit its owner’s hand perfectly. With a keen edge and a care that bordered on religion, the Blade of Woe was always ready to kill any victim efficiently. Most blades were unenchanted, and only the highest ranking members of the Dark Brotherhood and a few exceptional assassins had theirs enchanted by the Night Mother herself. Ra’trith’s blade belonged to those few that were enchanted.

He rarely used it, preferring to rip his victims apart with his claws instead. Some people had called him a mad beast before because of this habit. They’d all paid for that insult with their lives. This time however, the vampire would not forgive him if he didn’t take to the job like a real Dark Brotherhood assassin. Apart from the dagger, he also picked up a new outfit of light armour and a cloak, all coloured a pitch black that matched his fur. He’d lost his own set when he got dragged off to jail after his failed attempt at assassinating the emperor.
,,Next time will be different.” He vowed.

He made a quick stop at the dining hall to grab an apple from a basket. He hadn’t been able to eat since killing Derin Horse-Mouth. He brought the fruit up to his mouth and sniffed. With a swift movement similar to the ones he used to kill, he threw the fruit at the cook’s face. The apple hit with a wet smack.
,,I’ll let it slip this time. Next time you try to poison my food though, you won’t live to see the next day.” Ra’trith warned and headed out of the door.

The doorkeeper had already been replaced. The new one was quick to open the door for the one who killed his predecessor. Outside the sanctuary, the Khajiit scaled the wall and sat down on the roof of the building it was located in. There, he unwrapped the notice.
,,Target: Revarim Kendri. A Redguard of around 60 years in age. Wears a worn robe of a brown colour. Target can be found at Cyrodiil, Plaza district. Sells carved statues made out of wood. Target is unarmed. Payment for execution is 5000 septims.”He frowned as he tore up the piece of paper and let it be carried away by the wind.
,,5000 for an old man who can’t even defend himself against a fly? That no one else has already taken the job. There is a bad smell about this. I’ll have to be careful.”

Posted by: Malpense the Dark Jan 24 2007, 11:04 PM

Nice stuff Jack, very enjoyable. I like how the character of Ra’trith is progressing, they way you've described him makes it pretty easy to picture how bloodthirsty he is. Can't wait for more!

And yeah my pic is Ethan. Love Ctrl+Alt+Delete

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 25 2007, 12:21 AM

I would be suspicious too given the information on our Redguard target. I'm sure Ra'trith's Khajiit nose can spell a trap pretty easily.

I have a feeling the next update is going to be quite bloody. I'm looking forward to it! tongue.gif

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 25 2007, 05:41 AM

My my my Jack! You're now officially inducted into the Assassiny Writers Sub-Guild! Joining those such as Metal, Canis, and I hope myself!

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 25 2007, 05:20 PM

We have such a guild!!!? Sweet!! Oh yea, you'll definitely be in this Sub-Guild if I'm allowed in. Heck, my assassin isn't even the prevalent main character in my story! tongue.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 25 2007, 07:08 PM

It's obvious, isn't it? When you pay money for some old guy, expect TROUBLE in capital letters. biggrin.gif

Assassiny writers sub-guild? Sounds nice, though I don't know if we can call Ra'trith an assassin. His killings so far have been much too open. No sneaking around.

And now, we continue with the others.

Several minutes later, the Khajiit was sitting on the lower branches of a tree, hidden from view by the many leaves. A coach came along. Ra’trith took in the vehicle and made his decision quickly. When it passed underneath him, he dropped down and landed on the roof without making a sound or causing a vibration. He slid down to the back where he was perfectly hidden from both the Imperial in controlling the horses and its passengers. He sat on top of a large suitcase, his legs dangling in the air. He absentmindedly scratched his wounded shoulder.
,,Damn poison. It itches. I hate that vampire. Hmph, I’ll break free from him someday. No one lives forever, not even those who have sacrificed their soul for an illusion of immortality.”

A Breton moved around the tables with a plate held above high above his head. He arrived at his destination, lowered the plate and put two large jugs of Mazte on the dirty table. He then left as swiftly as he’d arrived. A grey hand reached out and opened the two jugs. Another hand, a green one, was dropping coins in a leather pouch.
,,980…990…1000, it’s all there.” The Orc said with his rumbling voice and slid the now filled pouch across the table. Aran picked it up and deposited the fortune in his pocket where it would be quite safe.
,,I do have a question for you.” The Dunmer stated before taking a swig of the Mazte.
,,That’s fine but I have a question for you as well.”

Aran shrugged.
,,You can ask anything you want. Now for my question, why did you make me promise not to kill my sponsor? It’s not like you to worry about such things. In fact, I must have caused quite some publicity with that act. Don’t you always grab every chance at publicity you can get?” He asked. Ghorak laughed, managing to make more noise than everyone else in the tavern combined.
,,I know, I love publicity. Publicity is good for business. But what good is publicity for me if I’m death? It took us hours to find and clean up every little bit of the guy’s head. I sponsored you this time. Forgive an old man his self-protecting behaviour, please.” He explained once he’d finally stopped laughing.
,,Now as for my question, why do you need the money so much?”

Aran casually leaned back in his chair.
,,It’s not for me. It’s for Erinus Codius. With the new law that forces the healers to lower their price, she can no longer sustain herself.” He told the Orc. Ghorak slammed on the table with a fist, causing a large wave of his Mazte to fly up into the air and splatter down on the table again, making it even messier than it already was.
,,That woman?! Why didn’t you just say so instead of going out and teaching that fool who’s boss? Do you have any idea how many corpses we would have if she wasn’t there to fix up the survivors? I know about that law but I’d completely forgotten about it. Curse the Emperor and his name!” He raged. The Dunmer looked around the tavern calmly. While he did see a number of angry faces, none of those faces had violence in their eyes. Still, violence could occur if his friend continued to slander the Emperor.
,,You might want to tone it down a bit, Ghorak. Getting killed in a bar brawl is bad for business as well.” He warned.

The Orc calmed down though he did utter a few more threats under his breath.
,,Keep the money and don’t give it to her. Let me deal with it. Since the Emperor has forbidden us to pay her a fair price, I just thought of something different. What if we give her a weekly bonus for ‘outstanding service quality’? I bet that we could slip the money she deserves past that bloody law with this.” He whispered, grinning savagely. Aran grinned as well.
,,They may say that all Orcs are barbarians with less intelligence than a rock. You, my friend, have a common sense and wit an Altmer would be jealous of. A bonus for outstanding service quality, that definitely sounds like something she deserves.”

Erinus closed the door quietly.
,,We might meet again someday. Till then, may the Divines watch over you.” Marsh-Speaker spoke to the closed door and moved out on the street, soon vanishing within the mass.

With her visitor gone, the healer had all the time she needed to take care of her patient. She hadn’t been able to do much about the wound yet. Now though, she would be able to mend most of the flesh with the potions she’d freshly bought during her conversation with the Argonian. She began to remove the bandage she’d applied and inspected the wound closely to see if there had been any unexpected changes.

,,It hurts.” A voice whispered. When Erinus looked up, she found the Bosmer’s eyes staring at her.
,,Well, of course it hurts. Any further, and there would be no way to save your leg. You’re quite lucky the wound wasn’t infected. Not only was it dirty, but your resistance to disease has been seriously undermined with your starvation. At least you’re awake now, that’s a good sign.” Erinus said calmly.
,,Raw rat meat isn’t exactly a delicacy. There aren’t many edible bits on a rat either.” Rajn smiled weakly.

The woman ignored any further comments as she focussed on her task. She carefully administered the potion’s contents directly to the wound, making sure not to overdo the dosage. If drank as was usually the case, the potion would have never been strong enough to deal with a wound only half as bad since the liquid spread evenly and wasted itself on fixing inconsequential damage all over the body. If applied directly to the wound though, its effects were effectively concentrated where it mattered most. If too much was applied at one place though, the flesh would drown and the medicine would do more damage than it healed.

Before her eyes, the torn flesh reassembled and flowed back into its proper shape. It was a painful process, as evident by a few gasps and the tears that shone in the Bosmer’s eyes. When the miraculous healing was done, most of the wound had vanished as if it never existed, replaced by new flesh that had not yet taken on the signs of regular usage.
,,I don’t fix the skin normally as it is quite a bit more complex than it might seem. You’ll keep a few scars I’m afraid. Those can be removed at a later date by any healer though.” Erinus explained as she put the now empty vial on the table. It could always be filled with a different substance later.

,,Nah, that’s ok. I think I’ll keep them. As a reminder not to mess with really big dogs. Say, where’s the Dunm….” Rajn began but fell silent when her leg started twitching uncontrollably. Erinus smiled reassuringly.
,,Don’t worry about the twitching. There’s some new muscle tissue in there. It hasn’t yet learned how to respond properly. For the first few days, expect some odd movements like those while it learns how to function. Try to bend and stretch your leg as often as you can to help speed up the learning process.” She said, then got up and lit up the fire of the oven.
,,You’re probably hungry so I’ll make you something to eat.” She said over her shoulder.

To her surprise, the Bosmer was now staring at her still twitching leg with something that resembled sadness.
,,She should be happy to be still alive. I wonder what’s wrong?” The healer thought.
,,How do I pay? I don’t have any money. Neither does the other guy.” Rajn muttered, more to herself than to the Imperial.
,,So that’s it.”
,,Don’t worry about it. Aran is a good friend of mine and I’m happy to help out. His friend is my friend.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 25 2007, 08:10 PM

Ra'trith nears the Imperial City! Beware all who get in his way! Hehe, cool.

Great update as usual Jack, you're characters are developing nicely.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 25 2007, 10:55 PM

A short one. Enjoy!

That night, Aran returned. When he arrived, he found an unexpected scene. Pots, plates and cutlery were littered all over the small cabin. At the table, the Bosmer he’d brought in was stuffing herself full with what looked like enough food to feed a whole garrison of Legionnaires. Erinus rushed over to him when he clutched his head.
,,Aran! What did you get yourself into?” She chided the Dunmer. He waved off her attempts to help.
,,There’s nothing wrong with me. I just tried to keep up with Ghorak in drinking. Bad idea.” He grumbled. Rajn snickered.
,,Enough is enough. Don’t overdo it.” She joked.
,,Look who’s talking. This must be like your fifth serving. Finish it up already.” Erinus chided the girl as well.

Aran took the healer by the arm and led her outside.
,,About the payment.” He began but Erinus interrupted him before he could finish his obvious question.
,,Don’t worry, I know you don’t have any money. It’s fine, even though she just managed to go through a week worth of food. I’ll have to turn over each coin twice, but I’ll manage.” She told him. Without making any more futile attempts at talking, the Dunmer simply pulled out the pouch containing a thousand septims and pressed it into her hand.
,,Here.” He said.

The woman didn’t dare to open it, afraid that the illusion would be shattered. The hard coins in her hands felt real, very real.
,,Aran, how can I ever thank you?” She asked with tears of joy in her eyes.
,,Don’t thank me. This is the payment Ghorak owes you. He also insisted on giving you a weekly bonus for outstanding service quality. In other words, he found a way to sneak past that stupid law. Now let’s go in, it’s cold outside.”

,,Done! I’ll do the dishes!” Rajn exclaimed and was about to jump out of her seat when Erinus pushed her back down.
,,No walking for you yet. I don’t want you to trip and break everything. Now get back in the bed.” She ordered the Bosmer and then turned back to her old friend.
,,Would you mind?” She asked, gesturing towards the sink. Aran shrugged.
,,There is more to life than war. I’ll help you with cleaning the dishes.” He answered the unspoken question.
,,Good, I’ll stuff the vegetables first. Turns out our little lady here is a religious carnivore.”

Deep in the night, a coach arrived at the gates.
,,Please open! It is Mannimarco!” A voice shouted. Out of sight, sitting on a large suitcase, a slumbering shadow woke up. He dropped from the coach and clung to its underside. The gates opened and the coach entered the city, carrying an unwelcome guest.
,,Now, let’s find that man. We’ll see what this is all about.”

Ra’trith let go of the coach and rolled over the street till he reached a dark alley where he pressed himself against the wall. He checked his surroundings for any potential witnesses before ascending the wall towards the roof. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, he made his way to the Plaza district. There, he gazed over the roof’s edge in the hope of seeing his target. There he was, a Redguard with hair as white as snow, a body bent over with age and a robe that had seen its better days.

The Khajiit resisted his urge to kill the man. First, he needed to assess the safety of this place. He looked at every roof, every shadow, every window. Nothing, no one was there.
,,This can’t be. It has to be a trap so why isn’t there one? No matter, then I’ll just kill him here and now.” He thought and licked his teeth. He moved across the roof till he was directly above the Redguard. Then, he dropped down. His claws shone in the moonlight, his eyes were blazing with a thirst for blood that knew no bounds.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 25 2007, 11:15 PM

.... And then the trap reveals itself!!

Oops, sorry, I'm not jack so I can't start the next post. Darn! Ohwell, looks like I'll have to be patient.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 26 2007, 11:40 PM

No need to be patient any longer. The trap reveals itself! Ok, just weirdness. Lorefreaks might recognise it though. wink.gif

He landed on the street, dropping to all fours to cushion the impact. He looked in all directions, trying to find out where his target had gone so sudden. He’d expected to land on the man’s back, not on the ground.

The air moved behind him. He spun around, stretching his leg to deliver a bonecrushing blow to the old man. The blow never came. Instead, he found himself flying through the air towards the nearest wall. Only his reflexes that had been honed by years of hard training allowed him to turn around in midair and catch the force of impact with his legs instead of his face. He dropped down to the ground again and watched the Redguard warily.
,,I should’ve known. Either there was a trap or the target was not helpless in the end. He moves quite fast for someone that old. Not fast enough.”

Slowly, the Khajiit unsheathed the Blade of Woe. He then approached rapidly, a shadow of death catapulting itself through the air. He passed the old man like an arrow and then used a crate to slow down and strike from behind. The man had turned to face his assailant though and met the deathly dagger with an opened hand.

A sound like ringing bells echoed across the streets. Ra’trith jumped back, completely stunned by his foe’s resistance. The man’s hand was no longer empty. A sparkling mist as bright as the sun was nestled within the grip of his weathered hands. The Khajiit had no idea what to make out of it.
,,Now now, let’s not ruin this lovely night with violence, shall we?” The Redguard spoke for the first time. His voice carried no anger about the sudden attack. With a loud growl, the enraged assassin struck with all his fury.

Laughing softly, the Redguard danced around the blurred chaos of claws and Ebony. Then, he made a single downwards cut with the mist. Ra’trith jumped back and stared at the man, gasping for breath after his exertion. His hand went up to the wound. Where the mist had struck, his armour had been cut and so had his skin. It wasn’t any normal cut. There was no parting of leather and flesh. Instead, everything which had been touched by the light had simply vanished.
,,You are a marked man, why?” Ra’trith asked, stalling for time. It was a tactic he preferred not to use but in this case, he had no choice. The man had proven himself to be more than a match for him and worst of all, he wasn’t even sweating or breathing any harder than when he’d just taken a nap.

,,A matter that interests you, I presume. Of course, it is only natural to desire knowledge about that which you cannot defeat. That’s the Dark Brotherhood’s interest. I’ve had a few encounters with a certain member of your order. A Vicente Valtieri. I believe it’d suffice to say that he failed to kill me just as how you have failed yourself. Perhaps you have heard of him?” The old man answered the question with a question.
,,I’ve met him.” Ra’trith snarled in return.
,,Valtieri, so that’s why. You never expected me to win did you? So you’ve spoken with the traitor and dealt with him. Of course, you speak with yourself every day. You’re death, traitor! Mark my words!”
,,If this is personal, then perhaps you two should deal with it yourselves.” He told the old man.
,,I’d love to spill your blood but there is a certain satisfaction in making two enemies fight each other while I watch from a distance.”

The Redguard shooed him away.
,,I am a man of life, not of death. You however, are the chosen bringer of death in this world. I can see it in your eyes. Death has been around you from the day you were born and if you’re not careful, it will be with you till the day you die. I have no intention of killing anyone.” He explained and turned his back on the Khajiit.
,,If you don’t desire to harm people as you say, than why carry a weapon? Do not convict my actions if you ignore yours.” Ra’trith accused the man. He’d caught his breath by now and was ready for a second round. The disastrous results of their first battle restrained him though.

The Redguard turned around and faced the assassin with a calculating look.
,,I do not carry a weapon. As long as I do not fear and as long as my will remains absolute, I am invincible. You have some impressive skills but you show some great flaws. You rely too much on the strength of your body and too little on the strength of your soul. These are the words of Revarim Kendri, remember them. You’ve piqued my interest, ender of lives, embodiment of darkness.”

Ra’trith visibly recoiled.
,,Embodiment of Darkness? How does he know my title? Was it a mere coincidence or perhaps not?” He thought, getting increasingly worried. He did not like people he could not comprehend and this Revarim Kendri was getting more incomprehensible with each passing moment.
,,The cook, two prisoners, several guardsmen, Jagar Tharn, Vicente Valtieri, you, the Emperor.” He admitted reluctantly. Kendri clapped his hands.

,,Ah yes, the Emperor. Who doesn’t want to kill him, with what he’s been doing lately?” He murmured and brought his face down to Ra’trith’s eyelevel.
,,The Emperor is no mere man you know. If you truly desire to kill him, you must prepare for an incredible challenge. To face this challenge, your will must be absolute. You must learn how to sing, how to be a champion of justice as opposed to a champion of evil. Perhaps then, you’ll stand a chance. Also, you might find Jagar Tharn in your way when you make your move. You must fight two men, a powerful mage and the ruler of an empire. Now then, good night.” Ra’trith blinked. That short moment of blindness was enough for Kendri to vanish. The Khajiit shrugged and walked away in the night.
,,Everything at its time. First, I must build my strength so I can face Valtieri. After that, I’ll start my quest to destroy the empire. And just what has singing to do with killing? Strange old man, I’ll kill you as well someday. No one escapes me. They can run but in the end, there’s only one fate that awaits all of us. Death.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 27 2007, 01:37 AM

Hmmm, that Redguard was rather peculiar. Seems to me like Ra'trith is getting involved in something that goes beyond himself. We'll see how this all turns out I guess.

Posted by: canis216 Jan 27 2007, 03:48 AM

Hah! Ansei, shehai, all that good stuff! Brilliant!

OK, so I am a bit of a lore-freak. But just a little.

But again, brilliant!

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 30 2007, 08:22 PM

Hey, I don't mind if you are a bit of a lore-freak. I tell you, it's easier to know such things than having to search the UESP all the time for information. (Imperial library gets blocked by my provider, unfortunately.)
Ah, the glories of updates and cameos. Enjoy.

The next morning, the city picked up its pace once more and its inhabitants were out on the streets. Two of them were standing near the wall of a random building. One of them was pinning a notice to said wall with the help of a small hammer and a few nails. The other eyed the streets and shifted in his armour nervously.
,,Calm down, Caius. You’re giving us a bad name like this.” The man with the hammer told his younger companion. Caius watched a passing Khajiit intensely for a moment.
,,I’m not sure if this is such a good idea, Berius.” He replied, pointing at the notice.

Berius had finished his work and now leaned casually against the wall.
,,Why not?” He asked with an interested voice.
,,Just read it.” Caius answered. The two looked at the notice they’d hung up together. Underneath the sketch of a random Khajiit’s face painted black was a message written in bold letters.

To all citizens of Cyrodiil. The person depicted on this notice is known as Ra’trith, who goes under the title ‘Embodiment of Darkness’. Said person is wanted by the Empire on the charges of: Treason, membership of the Dark Brotherhood, killing of guards, an attempted murder on a high-ranking member of the palace, the murder of a large number of loyal citizens, jailbreak and other charges which may come apparent at a later date.

If you see this person, warn the nearest guard officer so that this criminal can be brought to justice. Do not approach said person. Said person is known to be armed and extremely dangerous.

Signed: Jauffre, Blade.

Berius grumbled something under his breath.
,,Ah, he isn’t the most pleasant being I’m afraid.” He spoke more clearly. Caius nodded.
,,Which is exactly why I feel uncomfortable walking around like this. I’ve heard the rumours. This….monster has already slaughtered at least five of our comrades like sheep. He might also be responsible for a large number of killings all over the province. I feel as if I’m wearing a huge sign saying: I’m a Blade, come and kill me!” He exclaimed. Berius shook his head and brought a finger up to his lips.
,,Not so loud, you’re scaring everyone. Remember, as a Blade you have to assure the people that everything is right. The moment you start showing signs of fear, everyone else will start to panic.” He warned.

Caius pointed at the park where a Dunmer was telling a story to a Bosmer and an Imperial.
,,Say that those three will meet this Ra’trith. If he finds out they’ve been talking about him, how will we protect them from his wrath? If we can’t protect ourselves, then how can we protect anyone else?” He whispered. Berius shrugged.
,,That’s a hard question. Anyway, our job is done here. Let’s return to the barracks and get our scheduled task assignment for this week.” He offered. After a last look at the notice, they walked away.

,,And so the Tribunal claimed power over the House Dunmer. But it has been prophesized by Azura that one day, Nerevar shall return. He shall Slay the Devil in his lair and cast down the false gods who betrayed him. Then, Vvardenfell shall become fertile once more, the ash replaced by rain, the sand by grass. But when that will happen, no one knows.” Aran finished his story and sat down on the grass. Erinus handed him an apple and he took a bite from it.
,,What?” He asked when he noticed Rajn staring at him. The Bosmer frowned for a bit before answering.
,,Nothing. I’m just not used to vegetarians.”

,,Plants are a great source of strength, perhaps more so than the flesh of the creatures you kill. I have no qualms about taking an apple from a tree. The apple I take provides me with nutrition, while I spread its seeds to thank the tree that has fed me. What is so bad about my view? The tree won’t be harmed and I simply use that which would otherwise go to waste. Birds eat fruits, Deers graze on the grass. It is nothing unnatural.” Aran finished his explanation with another bite from the apple.
,,You’re not in Valenwood anymore. The customs here are different.” He added.

Rajn stretched and bent her leg a few times. The twitches had diminished greatly though they still returned from time to time.
,,Speaking of Valenwood, I want to go back there. I miss my home. As soon as I can walk, I’m out of here. Screw Cyrodiil, I’ve found nothing but trouble here.” She said unamused.
,,You did met us.” Erinus interjected.
,,I suppose. But still, I want to go home.”

The healer plucked a handful of grass and played with the green leaves absentmindedly, much to Rajn’s dismay.
,,They say that the war between Elsweyr and Valenwood has flared up again. I won’t stop you, but be careful if you go.” She advised.

,,Those stupid furbals with sand between their toes! Can’t they ever leave us alone? They’re always burning our forest and chopping our trees to pieces!” The Bosmer girl complained loudly. A Khajiit who passed the park at just that moment reared back his teeth in anger.
,,Shut up. Can’t you treehuggers leave us alone? You always have to expand your precious forest into our lands.” He hissed. Aran stepped between the two before a fight could erupt.
,,Bring peace into your hearts and souls! I will not let violence and bloodshed taint this garden!” He spoke with an voice that would not tolerate any protests. The Khajiit bared his fangs at the man who’d dared to interfere but chose to heed his advice when the man looked at him without fear.

The moment the Khajiit was out of earshot, Aran turned towards the still fuming Bosmer.
,,You’ll see that in this world, there are always two sides to a story. You lay the blame on the Khajiit, the Khajiit lay the blame on the Bosmer. If two sides blame each other, then who has right and justice on their side? No one. Remember that.” Having said his lesson, he sat down again and continued eating his apple as if nothing had happened. Rajn sat down after a moment as well and continued her own lunch which consisted of fish and bacon.
,,Two sides? I wonder where he learned that nonsense.”

Posted by: Malpense the Dark Jan 31 2007, 12:46 AM

Great update man, really good. Enter the Blades, as if the water wern't already murky enough for our heroes

Posted by: Malpense the Dark Jan 31 2007, 01:54 AM

I really hate to double post, particularly when this topic isn't about your story Jack, and when the question itself is entirley n00by but my post did have the edit button so...

Having gone through these forums I think I'm comfotable enough to start posting my own story. However when I go to start a new topic in the Fan Fiction section, it just says that I don't have permission to start a new topic. If any of you guys could tell the n00b what he's doin wrong, I'd appreciate it.

Can't wait for the next update Jack, keep em' commin"

Posted by: canis216 Jan 31 2007, 04:33 AM

Forum rules: You can't start a new topic until you've got enough posts under your belt. I'm not sure what the number is--it's not too high. I'd suggest commenting on a few other stories. That would be the easiest and best way to roll up a few more posts. Have you voted in the most recent Clash of the Titans thread? We could use a tie-breaker.

Edit: Oh, and my compliments on the continued postings Jack. The little details (like the discussion on cross-cultural dietary customs) are nice.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 31 2007, 10:40 PM

Yeah, it's a relatively new rule. Ever since we had an invasion of certain unwanted elements who wanted a datingsite or something. Anyway, you've got the required number of posts now and I've seen that you make good use of your topic starting powers.

Anyway, back to the story. This update marks the end of chapter 2. I noticed that the chapters are a bit short here but I don't mind. Normally I totally forget to change chapters which gets kind of annoying after a while. Well then, enjoy.

Dust floated through the air in the attic, lit by a few rays of light that passed through the various cracks in the roof. A soft squeaking was the only sound that originated from inside the attic. It was nearly drowned out by the noise from the streets outside. A new sound, one of parting air. Then, the squeeking was abruptly cut off by a loud thump.

Ra’trith opened his eyes as he woke up. He looked at the death rat he held in his paw.
,,Breakfast is served.” He thought slightly amused and ate the rat raw, skin and all. He licked the blood off of his claws and leaned against a wooden beam as he replaced his sleep with a light nap. Those who knew him might have noticed that the snarl on his face was one of his more rare ones. This snarl was not one of anger, or bloodlust, or savage pleasure. This was one of worry.
,,Vincente. Out of all people, why you?”

The tiny hut was covered in darkness, shadow upon shadow. A heavy smell filled the air, a smell that had a profound effect on the two sole living inhabitants. To one of them, this smell was a part of his everyday life. To the other, it was a new smell. Full of mystery and hidden promise. To him, this smell was unknown though he would become intricately familiar with it over the following years. It was the smell of blood.

The one who knew this smell bent down over a still form in the middle of the room. With a pale hand that shone in the moonlight, he gripped the hilt of a cruel dagger and wrenched it free from its victim. There was a soft wheeze when the blade was withdrawn from the Khajiit’s lung. Then, the Khajiit abandoned this world forever. The pale hand stabbed the dagger into the other forms systematically till its owner had assured himself that the entire Khajiit family had died.

The dagger was brought up to a mouth. A tongue, as pale as the hand, licked the blade clean of blood.
,,Fresh blood, delicious.” The man spoke. He looked upon the gruesome scene and smiled, proud of a job well done.
,,Sithis will be pleased. Well then, it’s time to leave. I want to be out of this forsaken desert before the sun rises.” He whispered to himself, sheathed his dagger and stepped over the pile of corpses towards the entrance.

Unexpectedly, a sharp pain stabbed through his ankle. Annoyed, he looked down. There was nothing visible in the darkness of the hut. Only a row of tiny white teeth glistened as they dug deeper into his flesh. A pair of bright yellow eyes opened and bore into his. The man reached for his dagger again to kill the young Khajiit when something else caught his eye. Numerous little sparks of light danced around the small creature’s claws. When one spark touched the man’s foot, he screamed out in pain.

Instantly, the silence outside was ripped apart. Voices shouted, rusty iron was drawn out of leather scabbards. The man bent down and grabbed the Khajiit around the neck. He pulled the child away from his foot and held it up in front of his face.
,,Now look what you’ve done. I’d hoped to do this without being discovered.” He whispered hatefully. His expression softened somewhat, turning into a calculating one.
,,Hmm, your will is unusual. A child, barely a few months old and already you’ve achieved a level most Redguards can only dream about. And your fur, it’s the perfect camouflage during the night. Finally, you show the desire to kill.” He wrapped his cloak around the little bundle of fur.
,,Yes, I think that training you will be very profitable.” He spoke, louder this time. He then burst out of the hut and vanished into the night, dashing past the confused Khajiit before they knew what was among them.

Ra’trith awoke from his nap.
,,You took me with you to Cheydinhall and taught me every trick you know.” He spoke without a sound. He looked at his claws.
,,Yet somewhere during your training, I lost the ability to form the sparks that caused you so much pain. Was this a deliberate action on your part? I was more dangerous to you then than I am now. Did you make me lose that talent so I would be unable to hurt you?”

He got up and stretched his muscles.
,,I’ll relearn it. Only better this time. You will die Vincente, and I will be the bringer of your doom.” He promised. Ra’trith then wrapped his black cloak around him and climbed onto the roof from where he could lower himself into an alley. He walked swiftly across the street. His plan was to leave the city as soon as possible. It would really surprise him if he wasn’t a wanted man yet, especially in the city where he nearly claimed the Emperor’s life.

A large group of people had gathered in front of one particular wall. The Khajiit walked over to join them and looked at the large Wanted notice pinned to the wall. He grinned in amusement.
,,Why did they drew my ears so big? What do they think I am, a rabbit?” He stopped grinning when a pair of Bretons pointed at him and began to whisper amongst themselves, obviously under the illusion that he hadn’t noticed them. Ra’trith calmly walked over to them.
,,Is something the matter?” He asked with his most pleasant voice. The effect was still better suited to instil fear than to cause a feeling of friendliness.

,,Oh no, not at all. We were just looking at the picture up there and noticed that your fur colour shows some resemblance. Just a coincidence, we’re sure.” The couple told him nervously. Around them, a gap was created which made the Bretons even more nervous. Ra’trith gave them one of his favourite snarls.
,,Just a coincidence indeed. That sketch is so wrong. The ears are to big for one thing and those eyes, much too far apart. The information they’ve put underneath is far from sufficient as well. They forgot the destruction of the shrine of Talos.” He told them, looking them in the face. His nose caught the heavy smell of their fear.

He leaned in closer.
,,Now I would be more than willing to kill you. However, I am on a tight schedule and don’t have time to loiter and enjoy the simple pleasures of murder. If you value the life of your guardsmen, you won’t send them after me. Have a nice day.” He whispered in their ear and walked away through the crowd.

,,And here’s the Roseworks office. From here, you should be able to get a ride with a caravan to Valenwood.” Erinus said and hugged the little Bosmer.
,,Good luck.” She added.
,,Sure, thanks for the leg again. Bye.” Rajn replied and went inside.

The Roseworks office was dimly lit by only a few candles, creating large and deep shadows. Rajn closed her eyes and counted to ten slowly, still standing in the doorframe. While she wasn’t on the verge of panicking anymore, she still suffered from claustrophobia. Having calmed her mind, she walked over to the counter and leaned heavily on the wood. The girl wrinkled her nose as she caught sight of the large amount of wood that had been used in the interior.

An aging Imperial with a really big nose looked up from his notebook.
,,Can I help you?” He asked with the bored voice of a man who only offered to help because he got paid for it.
,,I want to book passage to Valenwood.” The Bosmer replied uneasily. The bored tone combined with the dark shadows and the heavy use of wood made her nervous.

With deliberately slowed movements, the clerk retrieved a map of Valenwood from the rack behind him.
,,Where exactly in Valenwood?” He inquired.
,,Anywhere, though Fallinesti would be best.” Rajn answered with a shrug. Now the Imperial picked up a quill and began to fill in a form.
,,This form will grant you permission to join our caravans. Just show it to the caravan master and you’ll be on your way before you know it. What’s your name?”

,,Rajn Treesap.” The clerk retreated into a back room, muttering something about placing a stamp on the form. From one of the shadows behind the Bosmer came an Argonian whose red scales matched his red clothes.
,,Step outside.” He ordered the girl. When she didn’t respond immediately, he revealed a dagger and pressed the tip against her back.
,,Now.” He hissed with a heavy accent.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 1 2007, 01:14 AM

Ahhh, our Khajiit has a history with Vincente. It definitely doesn't seem to be the happy type either. Way to take the advice you mentioned in Malpense's story about slowly revealing tidbits about the character.

Excellent work!

Posted by: Malpense the Dark Feb 1 2007, 03:36 AM

Great stuff Jack. Can't wait for more!

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 1 2007, 07:59 PM

Chapter 3: Threads rebound.

With the dagger pressing into her back, there was little she could do but to go outside as he’d told her.
,,What’s go…” Her question was rudely interrupted by the dagger which pressed a bit harder, nearly penetrating her clothes.
,,Silence!” The Argonian hissed in her ear. He led her into one of Cyrodiil’s many alleys. When the pressure of the dagger onto her back ceased, she turned around. The scaled creature was comfortably leaning against the dirty wall, still holding the dagger loosely.
,,Now, we’ll wait for a while. Don’t speak if you value your life.” He warned her.

After a few tense and silent minutes that seemed to drag on with each heartbeat lasting an age, the distinct sound of heavy boots hitting cobblestones drew closer. Moving faster than she’d ever expected, the Argonian pressed his hand against her forehead and spoke an incantation.
,,Ocsdros, Jike bei.” A greenish cloud of smoke poured from the hand and engulfed the Bosmer. Rajn coughed loudly when she inhaled some of the smoke in her surprise.
,,What was that? Stay here, I’m going to take a look.” A deep voice spoke from somewhere on the streets.

The Argonian placed himself against the wall again.
,,No matter what happens, don’t move, talk or touch anything. If you disobey, you die.” He told his captive and scraped some dirt from between his claws with the dagger. Just a moment later, a heavily armed Legionnaire entered the dark alley. His eyes instantly shot to the Argonian who looked back at the Imperial with a blank expression.
,,You there, Argonian. What are you doing here?” The man asked sharply. The Argonian tucked the dagger between his belt and shrugged.
,,Shade-Sitter just trying to stay out of the hot sun. Sun hot, yes. Very hot.” He answered with an even heavier accent than before.

The Legionnaire was obviously not used to dealing with the lizard-like creature.
,,Right. Anyway, we’re looking for someone. Nothing important but did something come through here recently? Something that came out of the Roseworks office just down the street over there?” The Imperial soldier looked down the alley, incidentally locking eyes with Rajn who held her breath, feeling cold sweat of fear trickle down her neck. Somehow, the man failed to see her, even though she was standing right in front of him and so nearby that he only had to reach out with his hand to touch her nose.

The Argonian positioned himself between them, hiding her small frame with his own considerably larger mass. It was now that Rajn got a glimpse of the heavy muscles that hid underneath his robe. This only made her even more frightened. He could easily realize his threats.
,,Just arrest the guy, please. He wants to kill me!” She thought.

,,Shade-Sitter saw a few rats here. Big rats. Shade-Sitter hungry so he ate them. Shade-Sitter hopes that iron man is not angry with him.” The Argonian said. The man obviously thought that he was dealing with some incredibly dumb creature now.
,,Rats are bad umm…..Shade-Sitter can eat rats anytime he likes.” Having said those awkward words, the Legionnaire turned on his heels and fled the alley. His voice could be heard one more time.
,,Nothing, just a dumb lizard. Looks like the old guy won’t get his reward then. Let’s move on.” The sound of heavy boots hitting cobblestones became progressively weaker as the two Legionnaires walked away from the alley.

Shade-Sitter turned around, grabbed his captive by the arm and dragged her towards the end of the alley. There, he knocked on a door three times.
,,Who bothers a poor fisherman?” A rasping voice asked from the other side of the wooden door.
,,Someone who fishes in the dark and murky waters for odd fish.” The Argonian replied. The door creaked loudly as it was opened. The owner of the rasping voice stood in the doorframe. His body was clearly not that of a fisherman. Countless scars marred his arms and the Waraxe in his hand had seen its fair share of use as well.
,,Marsh, get in quickly.” He whispered and stepped out of the way. The Argonian entered the small room, pushing Rajn out in front of him.

He didn’t speak till the door had been closed again. Once again, he pressed his hand against the Bosmer’s forehead. This time, a soothing mist covered her. The fisherman’s eyes shot towards the unexpected guest.
,,Explain.” He ordered the Argonian while still looking at the girl.
,,I will. Please, take a seat.” The creature offered and sat down himself. Once everyone was seated, he began his explanation.

,,I am Marsh-Speaker, though you may call me Marsh. Miss Treesap, I am simply stunned by your complete lack of common sense.” He hissed sharply.
,,What common sense?” The Bosmer snapped back. She’d just come to the conclusion that she wouldn’t be killed in the end. With the reason for her fear gone, anger took its place. The man and the Argonian glanced at the door nervously.
,,Shh, keep your voice down. There are many unwanted ears in this place.” The scarred giant warned. Rajn jumped up out of her seat and slammed her fists down on the table.
,,In the last few days, I’ve been forced to crawl out of a pit in the ground! I’ve been humiliated, intimidated and I even nearly got eaten! Then, just when I was about to go home, you come along! Now I’ve been poked, threatened and nearly choked with some greenish smoke! And now you try to make nasty comments about my common sense? I’ll let you know that I’m seriously pissed right now!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Her captors glanced at the door again.
,,Maybe we should gag her.” The fisherman whispered. Marsh held up his hand, both to stop the Bosmer’s tirade as to dissuade his friend from his plan.
,,I apologize if I hurt your feelings. Allow me to explain my actions. Miss Treesap, you have been put on the Emperor’s black list after escaping from his supposedly escape-proof prison. As such, he’s put a price on your head and spread your name among those who might get in touch with you. The clerk was one of these people. When he learned of your name, he went out to call the nearest guard in the hope of getting the reward for your capture. If I let things play out, you would’ve been arrested and most likely, executed.” Marsh leaned back in his seat, the Argonian equivalent of a smug expression on his face.

,,Since you were unwilling to save yourself, I forced to come with me. In the alley, I cast an invisibility spell on you so that the guard was unable to see you. Now, you’re here in what is probably one of the safest places this city has to offer.” He looked amused at seeing her anger diminish and turning into regret and shame.
,,Ah, sorry. So, I owe you my life? Thanks.” Rajn apologized and sat down again.
,,All I wanted was to go home. Is that too much to ask?” She complained to no one in particular.

,,The borders with Valenwood and Elsweyr have been sealed off. The only way to get to Valenwood now is through Argonia. A perilous undertaking, I may add. In short, Valenwood is out of your reach for the moment. Perhaps in a few months, you can return. Till then, you’ll have to hide.” The fisherman commented. He then turned to his Argonian companion.
,,That prison, is it the same one as?” He asked with a frown. Marsh nodded.
,,Yes, the same prison where Tamriel’s champion was locked. Excuse me for asking, miss Treesap, but did you perhaps meet an Imperial, quite young?”

Rajn thought about the question for a moment.
,,Call me Rajn, please. The Treesap part was just because I needed a last name for dealing with the Empire. Well, I never manage to tell one of the manraces from the next but yes, I did meet a young man. In fact, he’s the one who opened the door. Called himself the Champion. He left along a different path. That was a few days ago.” She answered meekly. The Argonian bared his teeth.
,,Days, it is as we feared. His escape began not days, but weeks ago. I have to find out what happened to him.” He whispered.
,,I’m going to the sewers tonight. And I’m taking Rajn with me.” He informed the fisherman. The large man nodded and withdrew a curtain that hung in a corner. A crack was visible, leading underground.
,,Get in there.” He said resolutely.

Rajn looked at the small crack.
,,In there? I don’t like being underground. It’s so cramped and I just can’t stand it. Sitting in this room is hard enough.” She stammered, her claustrophobia striking hard. Marsh’s tail wagged from side to side.
,,Don’t worry, the basement is actually quite large. The ceiling is higher as well.”

As he’d already predicted, the basement was much larger than the small room upstairs. The interior also formed a stark contrast with the fisherman’s hut. Not a single septim was spared in filling the room. Countless racks stood among the walls, alcoves were filled with various suits of armour.
,,The Emperor is not the only one with access to hidden resources. Unlike him though, we can’t afford anything really expensive such as Ebony. Everything you find here can be bought at the smith in the city though here, no one will know of your ‘purchase’.” Marsh spoke with pride. He gestured at a sturdy bow placed on a table, next to a quiver of arrows.

,,I assume that this item will be of the most interest to you. You can practise on the target at the far side of the room. I suggest you get your marksmanship back while you still can. Tonight’s trip will be fraught with danger.” He advised as he browsed through the large selection of weaponry. In the end, he settled for a simple wooden staff lined with silver. He procured a blueish orb from a chest and mounted it on the staff to form the headpiece. He held out the staff and the orb began to glow. When he gestured with his hand, a lone dagger lifted up into the air. Satisfied, he lowered the dagger and put his staff against the wall. A moment later, the room was filled with the sound of loud snoring, with the occasional twang of a bowstring.

Posted by: Malpense the Dark Feb 1 2007, 10:19 PM

Ahh, the plot thickens! Who are these people who wish to help our escapees? And where does the Champion of the Empire fit into it all? Good to hear from you Jack, keep up the good work!

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 1 2007, 11:40 PM

Well if I remember correctly, the Champion of Tamriel is now a corpse, so I'm sure these Argonians aren't going to be too happy once they discover this. Here's hoping they don't get into too much trouble. But then, how would that make the next update any good? tongue.gif

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 2 2007, 12:33 AM

Oh, he's a lot less than a corpse, remember MM? That Khajiit turned into a werewolf and ate him! evillol.gif

Posted by: canis216 Feb 2 2007, 12:34 AM

Indeed, the plots do thicken. There is so very much going on here--it's great!

Posted by: minque Feb 2 2007, 11:51 PM

Jackie! You´re a post-machine as well.....oh yeah...great work you have here......great work!

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 3 2007, 12:01 AM

Hmm, I don't hold the record at postmachining though. (Heh, it has evolved into a word of its own. Cool.)
Anyway, it's time for some fun!

The day had ended and now the moons dominated the skies. As the warmth of the day fled the land, the night reached out with its cold fingers. Cyrodiil’s citizens had fled into their homes. Where during the day one had to shout to get over the chorus of countless voices, now one could hear the rustle of a leaf falling. Guards patrolled the empty streets with torches in their hand.

The guards were not the only ones out on the streets. A cloaked man moved carefully from shadow to shadow, a spear tied to his back. The light of a torch gave away the approach of a guard. The man made himself as small as possible and waited till the guard had passed. After that, he dashed across the plaza and jumped down the well, using the hanging rope to control his descent.

Ra’trith stood on the walls of an abandoned fort. Beneath him, the corpses of a goblin tribe were littered around the courtyard. He was facing west, towards Cheydinhall.
,,Vincente.” He breathed into the wind. He turned to the east. He could just see the walls of Chorrol on the horizon.
,,I’ll go east, far away from here. Perhaps to Hammerfell. The Dark Brotherhood must be willing to take me in. My skills are too valuable for them to let go.”

On the southern side of the city, a rope fell down from the city wall. Marsh looked around.
,,The coast is clear. Get down there.” He told his Bosmer companion. Rajn wasted no time in sliding down the rope. Marsh followed once she was clear. He left the rope hanging from the walls and led the way to the sewer entrance. The entrance itself was a large circular opening in the rocky island with a grating to keep out any unwanted guests. Trash, organic waste and a few fish completed the scene. Beyond the opening, there was only darkness.

The Argonian retrieved a small key from his pocket and removed the lock on the grating, making sure he didn’t cause any noise. With his care to remain silent, it took over a minute before he’d swung the grating open far enough to pass through. He slipped through and waited on the other side for Rajn. The Bosmer took a step back and fiddled nervously with an arrow.
,,I don’t want to go in there. Last time I nearly got killed.” She said with a quivering voice. Marsh stood motionless for a moment, his eyes lighting up red in the darkness. He then nodded.
,,As you wish. Stay outside then and make sure that no one enters the sewers.” He whispered and was about to venture into the darkness when he felt a hand tugging at his sleeve.
,,Just why do you keep me around?” Rajn asked. She felt much more confident now that she didn’t had to face the sewers.

,,To tell you the truth, I don’t know. It simply….felt like the best plan at the time. Now be quiet, I might be gone for a while.” He pulled himself free and vanished. Behind him, the circle of light that was the exit shrank rapidly and soon it vanished completely when he rounded a corner.

Marsh slowed down. He strained his ears, trying to catch another sound beyond the slow dripping of water. Nothing. He brought his hands in front of his face.
,,Ocsdros, Jike bei.” He chanted softly. After the dark smoke had evaporated, he was truly invisible in the darkness. He gently lowered himself into the water till he was completely submerged.
,,Second passage, right. Continue till the waterflow reverses. Take the first passage to the left three times.” He had memorized the directions from his earlier visit and could quite literally find his destination with his eyes closed. His tail swept from side to side and propelled him forwards underwater.

After a short swim, the tunnel appeared to come to an abrupt end. He rose out of the water as slow as he entered it, to prevent any sound. This far away from the entrance, the only source of light would be an artificial one. Marsh took out his staff and held it above his head. As the orb at the tip began to glow, his eyes began to see. He was standing in front of a solid wall. Or rather, what looked like a solid wall. The Argonian stepped forward till his snout nearly touched the bricks. Then, he stepped through the illusion, feeling a tingling sensation run down his spine.

The light from his staff filled the small tomblike chamber. This was exactly what this place was. A tomb. On a crude altar lay the rotten corpse of someone. The flesh had been effected so much by the process of decay that it was impossible to tell race or even gender. With a slight snort of revulsion, the Argonian put laid a hand on the corpse’s heart. His hand and his entire body appeared to gleam with a white light as he chanted his spell.
,,Mertar, Bile hert, gert, oise.” The light focussed under his hand. He stepped back and watched how the shining sphere began to grow and change shape.

Arms grew from its sides, its lower side became a pair of delicate feet hidden by a swirling translucent dress. Finally, a head formed on top. What was first a sphere of Magicka was now the ghostly illusion of a beautiful yet troubled woman. Marsh knelt in front of the altar.
,,Lady Silmane, I apologize for this disturbance. I know that your powers are limited.” He apologized to the unearthly being. The woman gave him a friendly smile.
,,Don’t worry yourself. I know you would never come without a good reason. I believe I know your reason for coming and disturbing my slumber.”

Her face grew sad.
,,It has been weeks since we opened the door to the Champion’s cell. It saddens me to tell you, but he no longer walks this world. Talin, my old friend, died. With his death, the threads of prophecy have been severed. Now Tamriel is truly lost.” A tear ran down her ethereal face. Marsh didn’t notice. He was shocked by the news and simply stared ahead with blank eyes.
,,The Champion, the chosen one. Death? Now who will destroy the traitor? If the hero is gone, then who can take his place?”

Only after a long time did he regain knowledge of his surroundings. With a brusque motion, he picked up his staff which he’d put against the wall earlier.
,,I’ve been here for too long. Just tell me, quickly, is there another way? Another man to take his role, another Champion to finish what he started? Please, lady Silmane. Tell me.” He whispered urgently. Silmane shook her head.

,,I don’t know everything. How would that be possible, if it was I who was foolish enough to be in love with the traitor till the moment he struck me down? I only know of one way to find your answer.” She held out a hand. In her palm, a key took form, a key inscribed with runes in a language that was no longer used by the living. Marsh held out his own scaly hand and caught it the moment it became solid enough to fall through the ghost’s hand.
,,There is an old passage into the palace. You must remember it from our explorations when we were children. You must go there and find a way to the blind monks. They have not yet been corrupted. They’ll help you. Ask them your question. Perhaps the scrolls will reveal your path. Farewell, I hope you’ll remain safe.” The ghost of Silmane dissolved. Marsh looked at the key in his hand and placed it inside his pocket.
,,I will succeed, lady. I will, for the sake of Tamriel.”

He turned around and stepped through the illusion once more. The light cast by his staff reflected on polished steel. A black hand flashed into his sight before hitting him on the snout. As he fell backwards through the illusionary wall, he dropped his staff and the orb shattered on the hard floor, thereby removing the only source of light. Marsh saw nothing. With one hand, he clutched his bruised head. The other, he held outstretched in a useless attempt to ward of his assailant.
,,I’ve gotten careless. This might end with my death. No, I can’t!” He thought frantically, trying to find a way to escape. He heard the sound of a sword leaving its scabbard.

Posted by: canis216 Feb 3 2007, 03:15 AM

This is getting quite exciting... 'tis a bit of a cliffhanger, but it's a wonderful cliffhanger.

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 3 2007, 10:33 PM

End of the Cliffhanger and the start of a new one! Yeah, I'm getting good at these things. Feels like a soap series. Every episode ends with a frightened face looking at something unseen. Anway, sorry I'm late tonight. Arena is too damn addictive. Curse Bethesda! tongue.gif

Marsh laid on the floor, his head resting against the cold altar. His imminent death refused to come. Instead, he heard a cold voice filled with evil intent.
,,So this is where you dragged her corpse. An unpleasant fate, to be hidden in the sewers were an amateurish necromancer can call upon your spirit whenever he pleases. Oh, who would ever wish for such a fait? Ah, I forgot. It was the great Ria Silmane herself who made the request. To bad for her, but she’ll have to go back to Tharn. Or rather, her soul will have to go back and her body can rot wherever it pleases.” Whoever had attacked him said and chuckled. The voice sent shivers down the Argonian’s spine. Yet, with his fear came the determination to survive.

He formed his hands into a cup.
,,Ukil, ukil, ukil.” He chanted softly with his eyes closed, bringing his mind into a state of pure focus. The hidden man had stopped chuckling.
,,What is that, little mortal? Are you praying for your life? You should’ve stayed in the swamps were you were born.” He taunted. With his current state of mind, Marsh did not even hear it.
,,Groht Heyat!” A pale blue light shimmered in the Argonian’s hands. He opened his eyes, which had received the same blue colour as the light in his hands. In the light he saw the face of a mundane looking Imperial. However, due to the warped Magicka in the argonian’s hands, his face became distorted, turning into a pure nightmarish visage with a elongated snout that breathed flickering tongues of fire.

,,As I thought. Even the guards have been infiltrated.” Marsh spoke with an oddly echoing voice. He released the spell which pierced through the demon’s chest and then exploded. The light spread throughout the entire system of canals in the sewers, even lighting up the exits like a miniature sun. The Imperial city bathed in light as if it was day, only with the sun shining from under the ground rather than in the sky. The creature staggered forward but was death before it could reach the Argonian. The light faded from Marsh’s eyes and he dropped to his knees. He couldn’t see a thing though he wasn’t sure if it was because he was dying or if it was simply because there was no light.
,,Marsh, you must hurry. More demons are coming to this place. You can’t fight them, not yet. I’ll pay the price for the spell you just cast. You must survive. Farewell, Marsh.”

He could hear his own strained breathing again. He could feel the stone under his body again. His body and spirit were drained and more tired than he’d ever considered possible. He realized that he should’ve died after casting the spell and he did. Yet somehow, he’d returned from the death. But someone else had been left behind. He remembered the voice that spoke to him during his death. This memory itself was nearly enough to make him die again.
,,Lady Silmane. No, Ria. I am sorry. While your spirit is now truly gone, your will is not. Farewell.” He whispered into the air. There was no response, no feeling of an ethereal presence nearby. There couldn’t be one, for Silmane’s spirit had been destroyed by the spell’s demands.

He forced himself to get up even though his legs could barely support the weight. He remembered the warning his friend had given. He had to leave, now. His hand wrapped itself around the key he’d been given.
,,We’ve gone too far to give up now. Tamriel must be saved at all costs.”

Near the top of the Imperial palace, a lone man stood on his balcony and watched the city below.
,,Such a glorious yet ultimately wasted display of Magicka. Whoever cast this must be death by now. Nothing can use such power without succumbing to it. Fools, to think they can overthrow me. All they’ve so far managed to do was disturbing my sleep.” He spoke to himself with a smirk.

Marsh stumbled through the tunnels, willing himself to move on. He knew that if he ran into another of those demons, he would die. And this time, there would be no one willing to sacrifice herself for him. Footsteps met him from behind, and in front of him. He stopped, weighing his options. The maze made it hard to judge a sound’s origin. The footsteps sounded like they were approaching, but they might be moving away. It was a risk, but he had to be sure he wasn’t surrounded.

The light in his hand weakened him even further. It flickered and nearly died a few times. His worst expectations were revealed as another of the demons blocked his path. This one had cast away its illusion of a mortal man and looked completely like the monster it was. Behind it, the grating of the exit gleamed in the moonlight. Just a hundred more steps, and he would’ve made it out of the sewer.

The demon approached him slowly. Its hooves carved into the stone and left fiery footprints behind. Marsh leaned against the wall. He was too tired to fight and even if he did, his only way to win was to kill himself by pouring all of his essence into a single spell like he’d done before. But how would he be able to explain his task to someone else so that the fight could be continued and ultimately won?
,,Good, good. Just stand still and it won’t be long.” The demon gloated, raising a barbed axe above its head. To the Argonian’s surprise, its movements stopped. Instead of striking down and finishing off its helpless victim, its bloodred eyes simply looked over Marsh’s head. If the Argonian didn’t knew better, he would’ve thought to see disbelief etched into its ugly head.

,,You, why don’t you run?!” It roared. Not at Marsh, who was too weak to run but at someone else.
,,You must think you’re brave, to kill a defenceless being. I don’t run away from cowards.” A gravely voice answered. Marsh turned his weary head to see a cloaked man stand behind him. A finely crafted spear was gripped with one hand while the other hung loosely at the man’s side.
,,I am Aran Geydar! I challenge you!” The man shouted and rushed forward. The demon couldn’t believe its eyes. Not only did the mortal refuse to flee, it actually dared to attack!

Note: Here's a pic of the demon I'm talking about. Much of thanks to the UESP.
IPB Image
This is actually one of the more powerful monsters, similar to a Dremora Lord in Morrowind or a high ranking Dremora in Oblivion. (Kylvan, Markynaz or something?)

Posted by: canis216 Feb 3 2007, 10:39 PM

Wow... maybe I should try to play Arena sometime. I got it to run on my PC once, but I couldn't quite figure out what I was doing at the beginning. Once I have some free time I should try again.

Posted by: minque Feb 3 2007, 11:01 PM

Yeah! It´s awesome....I also have Arena but never tried it...Hmmm your story inspires me to do so..

Great work Jackie!

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 4 2007, 12:33 AM

Oooo creepy monster. I wonder want to be trapped in a sewer with one of those. Let's hop Aran knows what he's doing.

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 4 2007, 05:46 AM

The highest rank of dremora is a Valkynaz, one of Mehrunes Dagon's councilmen.

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 4 2007, 10:26 PM

I can tell you one thing about Arena, it's damn hard. My level 4 Redguard knight has to rely on the retreat-slash-retreat-slash technique to survive. Goblins are swordfodder now but everything else simply slaughters me. And that in full plate armour and a mithril saber.
Another hard point is navigation. You thought Vivec was a pain in the behind to navigate? Wait till you see any of the cities in Arena. No recognizable features and no civilians to ask for directions after 6:00 pm.

The demon moved sluggish, still not willing to believe what was happening. The spear stabbed like lightning, tearing through the monster’s hand so that it was forced to drop its axe. Fire burst out of the minor wound. Again the spear struck, wedging itself into the knee.
,,What are you waiting for?! Get out of here!” The Dunmer shouted to Marsh as he ducked under a clumsy blow from the confused creature. He retaliated by hitting an armpit.

Marsh took the advice and dropped himself into the water, letting the flow carry him towards the exit. With his last remaining strength, he pulled the grating away and drifted out of the sewer into the lake surrounding the Imperial city.

Aran evaded another blow and fell back. The demon’s surprise had faded. Now it was fully devoted to taking him down. So far, the Dunmer’s spear had struck at vulnerable areas like the joints at least a dozen times. Yet the steel tip only seemed to form a minor nuisance for it. Still, it moved a bit awkward which hinted at some damage to the muscles. Aran exploited another opening and aimed to hit between the ribs. His spear failed to penetrate the thick skin around the chest and made only a barely visible scratch.
,,Not every area appears to be soft.”

He retreated even further. Behind him, he could hear the stones crack under the weight of another demon. On pure instinct, he dove for the floor. A heavy blade sliced through the air, taking the Dunmer’s hood with it.
,,Two against one. Not much sense of honour with these.” He thought and got back onto his feet just in time to pin the first demon’s tail to the wall.
,,Ten seconds, that’s my estimation for my continued survival.”

In his current position, he could not release the first demon for it would promptly bite his head of. Likewise, he had to release it for otherwise the second demon would hack his head of with the cursed axe. He was facing a hard dilemma and needed a way out. Preferably within the next five seconds.

Two seconds before his death and one second before he was going to release the tail, the second demon snorted. Aran looked up, ready to duck away in any direction. If the situation wasn’t so serious, he would’ve laughed at the sight. The demon was clawing frantically at its face, trying to pull a small arrow out of its nose with claws that weren’t designed for it. Aran took his chance and pulled his spear out of the tail. Instantly, the trapped demon spun around on its hooves and opened its mouth to reveal a collection of obscenely sharp teeth. While it had hoped for a head to chew on, it instead received a foot in the throat. It trashed against the wall, wheezing for breath and clutching its throat. By the time either of the two had recovered, their intended snack was already past the grating.

Marsh breathed weakly. His vision was blurred from exhaustion but he believed that it was still night. So he hadn’t been unconscious for that long. He turned his head utterly slow. Sitting next to him were two blurs. Judging by their length, he concluded that the shortest of the two was the Bosmer he’d left behind to guard the exit. The other was likely the Dunmer who’d come to his rescue.
,,To defeat one of those things without dying is quite a feat. Who is this man?” He thought but instead of asking the man’s name he chose to berate the girl.’
,,You were supposed to keep everything out.” He spoke as sharply as he could in his weakened condition.

,,I tried! But this guy came, completely normal looking. Only, he wasn’t normal! I could see!” Rajn squealed and began to sob. The Argonian blinked. He hadn’t been that angry. After all, he knew that if she’d tried to hold back a demon, she would be dead now.
,,Don’t cry, it doesn’t matter. I’m still alive.” He spoke with a friendly tone. He now saw the time right to involve the Dunmer into the conversation.
,,Thanks to you. I don’t know how you did it, but the fact that you stand here means you defeated that wretched thing.”

Aran scowled.
,,Only a fool would continue a battle he can’t win. Most people would say I ran, I call it a considered retreat. There were two of them. Rajn hit one of them in the nose. A stupid target.” He answered.
,,Hey! I was aiming for the eye, I swear! It’s that lousy bow’s fault that the arrow landed a bit lower. Why are you all so mad at me?” The Bosmer complained.
,,I’m not mad at you. It was a stupid target, but it did give me the chance to escape.” He sighed and then spoke the words he had never dreamt he would speak.
,,I owe you my life. By tradition, that means I must defend you till you consider my debt repaid. I was planning to return home to my tribe but I cannot abandon you for that would mean forsaking my honour.”

Rajn looked up at the Dunmer.
,,What? Oh, you don’t have…..” She was interrupted by a scaly hand covering her mouth. Marsh sank back on the ground after his sudden movement, still tired.
,,I appreciate your honesty but it would be wiser for the moment to accept his offer. No doubt you’ll face foes in the nearby future you can’t fight on your own. Any help could be crucial.” He advised, earning him a stern glance from the Dunmer.
,,Your counsel was not requested.” He noted.
,,But he is right. You shouldn’t dismiss me so soon, even though you think we’re even. I can see that something is wrong when demons hide underneath the city, disguised as guards. Please accept my offer. I, Aran Geydar, promise that my hand will forever be at your side to smite those who wish you harm.” He pleaded and lied his face on the cool earth.

He felt a pair of hands touch the back of his head.
,,Oh, just get up and stop kissing the ground. Alright, I’ll accept it but only for as long as is necessary.” Rajn decided. Next to her, the Argonian let out a relieved hiss.
,,So it has been decided. Welcome, sir Geydar. I am Marsh-Speaker though I would prefer it if you simply called me Marsh. Now I’ll explain our next course of action.”

He waited till he had everyone’s attention before he withdrew the key from his pocket. The glint of rubies shone in the moonlight.
,,As soon as I’ve rested, we’ll enter the city.” He explained. Rajn threw her hands up into the air.
,,I don’t believe it! Have you lost your mind?! After all that trouble to get out, you want to get back in?!” She shouted, taken by surprise. Aran crossed his arms in front of his chest and responded much calmer.
,,Be quiet or the wrong ears will hear you. Where exactly in the city, Marsh, do you want to be?” He inquired.

,,The Imperial palace.” Marsh replied with a blank expression.
,,Miss Treesap, if you wish to voice your objections, please make sure not to raise your voice.” He added, half-jokingly. The girl glared at him.
,,Yeah, I freely admit that I think your plan is complete suicide.” She whispered.

The Argonian shrugged.
,,I would think the same thing under normal circumstances. But right now, my duty demands that I go to the palace and make contact with the blind monks. As if breaking into the palace isn’t bad enough, we also have to evade the patrols and find a path to a location I have only been before a single time. That time, I was blindfolded.” He elaborated. His breathing was stronger now and he felt his strength beginning to return.
,,It is not as bad as you might think. Rajn here is a Tower.” Aran interjected. Marsh made a perfect imitation of a frown.
,,And how is that supposed to help us?” He asked.

Rajn muttered something under her breath.
,,Alright, I’ll just come out with it. I’m a tower yes, but not a normal one. I’m the rare version of the tower, the more extreme one. Five words: I CAN SEE THROUGH WALLS. Thanks to that I was always considered a freak back home and treated as trash. On second thought, maybe I don’t want to go home.” She reluctantly admitted.
,,Ah, now I understand. I read a paragraph on this during my studies. Only a dozen words at most. I can see how that might help us. Fine then, we’ll rest here and come up with a detailed plan in the morning.” Marsh nodded to both of his companions and closed his eyes. Soon, he’d drifted off into sleep.

Posted by: canis216 Feb 4 2007, 11:16 PM


And yes, Arena is really hard. I got it up and running again today and it took me about 4 attempts to figure things out enough so I could get out of the sewers. I ended up in Windhelm (after rising to level 3 down in the sewers) and it's bloody difficult to get around. Now I just need to make some money to get decent gear...

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 4 2007, 11:45 PM

Lovely update Jack! Looks like things are going to get more and more difficult for our heroes. Hopefully they'll formulate an excellent plan. Keep it up!

Posted by: Black Hand Feb 5 2007, 04:47 PM thats what its like to read one of my stories....miss a day, miss five updates! Nice work Jack! SGM, keep it up!!

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 5 2007, 11:11 PM

I love Arena. It has such a creepy atmosphere.
Some good moments was my duel against three mages. First fireball knocked out half of my health, the next two dagger hits got me into critical. I finished them only to find out that there was a third one behind me. Less than 10 hp left in the end. I really felt like I'd claimed a hard victory.

Or the castle outside Vulnim gate in Hammerfell. Inside it is really creepy. Monsters seem to actually respawn constantly. And the sound of doors closing and opening somewhere out of sight. Man, that's scary. I grabbed everything I saw, beated up a rogue and a Spellsword, two goblins and a bunch of rats. After that, I ran because my nerves couldn't handle it. Two thieves had surrounded me just outside. Another battle finished in critical condition. But the rewards was worth it. 700 septims at least! Woot!

Anyway, back to your daily corruption. A really short one. I need to focus on an Agent update really.

The next day came with a dull start, the sun hidden behind a thick blanket of clouds.
,,Ugh, looks like the whole world shares my mood. I just don’t get it.” Rajn complained. Her two companions had their eyes fixed on the gate.
,,Guards? What is there you don’t understand?” Marsh hissed. He was still a bit tired but he refused to rest any longer. With the stakes so high, personal comfort was not among his priorities. Besides, he had been raised in the Black Marsh. Comfort was hard to find there so he was used to a slight muscle cramp.

,,Human. Anyway, I was saying something. Why are we going to walk through the front gate? If it was up to me, I would wait till night and climb over the wall.” She continued after answering the Argonian’s question. Marsh blinked and gave a sheepish grin.
,,Alright, I’ll try to explain it with a simple question. Finding the answer yourself is more rewarding than having someone tell you. So answer me. If you were looking for three wanted people who are about to break into the most heavily secured building of the Empire, when would you expect them to come?” He asked and looked expectantly.
,,Well, during the night of course. It’s dark then, everyone is sleeping and….oh.” Rajn answered without hesitation.
,,I get it now. During the day, no one would expect us to do it.”

Aran held up his hand and made a few quick gestures.
,,We split up here. Remember the plan. Rajn leads and avoids any disguised demons. We follow separately from a distance. We’ll only join up again when we either reach our destination or if one of us meets trouble.” He moved his lips without a sound. They all nodded at each other and soon slipped into the mass of farmers willing to sell their wares on the market.

The guards looked at each of the farmers as they passed through the gate. Especially the one on the left side of the gate seemed rather attentive. With this level of awareness, it all came down to whether or not they’d received a description of the soon-to-be burglars. Rajn took a deep breath before stepping through the gate. When the guard looked at her for an exceptional long time, she felt her cheeks burning and feared that she’d been caught.
,,Hey there, pretty lady. No need to be shy. Why don’t you come over to the barracks later, eh?” The guard said in a tone she certainly did not appreciate even though she was slightly relieved. He hadn’t been staring at her for so long because he recognized her from a certain wanted list. The guard standing on the other side of the gate laughed.
,,Stop hitting on the women!” He shouted at his colleague and winked at Rajn in a way she didn’t appreciate either. The Bosmer glared at both of them and wiped some imaginary dust off her sleeve.
,,Guess the standing outside all day in rusting armour must have caused something else to rust as well.” She said out loud which managed to shut up the two lecherous guards.

She stepped through the gate as fast as she dared.
,,Hey, we only do this because it pays well, really! And it’s not rusted!” The first guard shouted after her. He’d taken the insult rather hard it seemed. Rajn turned around just long enough to stick out her tongue and passed between a group of priests. Once she was out of earshot, she glanced behind her to see if the Dunmer and the Argonian had made it past as well. The tip of a spear rising up over the heads and the end of a tail told her they had. She looked towards each side of the street and made her decision. The encounter with the guards had given her an idea. She joined up with a group of young yet rich-looking people. They should be able to get her and her companions inside the palace without any sneaking through secret passages filled with traps. All they required was a little persuasion. And a good kick between the legs afterwards.

Note: Don't mess with the females. biggrin.gif

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 5 2007, 11:36 PM

Hehehe... I think I know where this is going wink.gif

Excellent update.

Posted by: Black Hand Feb 6 2007, 01:25 AM

Oh Man jack,..see what you've started!! Even I couldnt resist using the idae in my stories!! Not your fault, its the injuries fault for being so funny!

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 6 2007, 04:28 AM

Tsk, tsk, tsk, what is the word coming to? It seems that ball-kicking is the most popular underhanded trick. What happened to the classic back-stab?

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 6 2007, 07:28 AM

Back-stab? Bah, waste of arrows and they can't learn from their mistake when they're death.

And I'm quite sure I have some surprises in store for all of you. Anyway, gotta run. School's waiting.

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 7 2007, 10:57 PM

Marsh shook his head when he saw the Bosmer girl strike up a conversation with a few young nobles.
,,Silly girl. Do you really believe that is going to work? They’ve been told from birth to watch out for such tricks.” He thought and quickened his pace for a moment. He decided however that while it wouldn’t help their task at all, the only damage in the end would be her pride. Under normal circumstances, the young men might actually do her physical harm but only a drunk fool would mess with a bow-wielding Bosmer. So she was quite safe as long as she didn’t go too far. Reassured, he fell back again.

Aran looked at the scene up ahead and moved as close as he could without drawing attention to himself.
,,She’s acting like a fool. Not all men fall easily to a woman’s charmes. This is even more true when said woman does not know how to use her charms. It looks like fulfilling my debt will be a hard task. She just seems to run headfirst into trouble at the first opportunity.”

Rajn followed the group calmly. For the first two streets, the men did their best to act as if they hadn’t seen her. Only when they were about to pass through a gate did the one in the rear acknowledge her presence.
,,Can I help you?” He asked in a friendly yet slightly impatient tone. Rajn came to a full stop and now found the whole group fixing their stares at her. She blushed under all the attention.
,,Drat! I hadn’t thought of what to say! I need something, quick!” She thought in a slight panic.
,,Umm, where can I find the palace?” She asked and gave the group what she thought was her cutest smile.

The man who’d spoken to her, a Breton somewhere in his early twenties, returned her smile.
,,Oh, that’s simple. The palace is the big tower right in the middle of the city. You can’t miss it. To get inside though, you need an invitation.” He explained. Now that she’d something to work with, Rajn had a much easier time finding her words. She faked an extremely disappointing look, including widened eyes.
,,Aww, but I travelled all the way from Fallinesti to see it. I wanted to see the throne room, the old men in their fancy robes, the library, the Emperor’s bedroom, the kitchen. Now what am I going to do?” She pouted. The whole group turned away in disgust but the Breton didn’t move.

,,Come on, Lucius, don’t waste your time with that low-class elf.” One of them told. Lucius held up a hand.
,,No, it’s alright. You can go on ahead without me. I’ll come over later.” He replied and watched them walk away. Once they were out of earshot, he laughed.
,,Quite the tourist, aren’t we? I would’ve expected the treasury to be in your list though. Aren’t Bosmer known as thieves?” He said in jest.
,,Yup, and we sure are proud of our reputation. Robbing the treasury would be great fun, but how would I ever walk away with all that heavy stuff?” Rajn shot back, laughing as well.

The Breton scratched his chin for a moment, his mind elsewhere.
,,Do you know how to use that bow?” He asked with an absent voice.
,,Hey, I am a Bosmer. Of course I’m good, better than anyone else in the province.” Rajn said, beaming with pride.
,,Bosmer, stupid I asked. Well I would hate to see your journey turn out to be useless. Though I heard that the Emperor is holding an archery competition. If you decide to take part, you will actually get to see the inside of the palace. You and whoever you hire to look after the occasion, that is.” He offered after some more thinking.
,,Great! Where do I sign up?” Rajn shouted, falling completely out of her role for the moment. It didn’t matter, for a display of boundless enthusiasm was just what she needed.
,,In the palace of course, follow me.”

The two continued their walk towards the palace, chattering away. Aran still followed within the crowd. He shook his head a few times.
,,Unbelievable, just unbelievable.”

Lucius waved at the guards who held the doors to the palace.
,,Hi!” He greeted and gestured to the Bosmer that she should be quiet.
The guards nodded.
,,Good morning, young sir Stoneleaf. Who is that behind you?” They greeted in return, going straight to the point.
,,Ah, that’s Rajn Treesap. A friend of the family. She’s quite accomplished as a hunter so I thought that she might enter the archery competition?” While the Breton was talking with the guards, Rajn slipped around whenever they weren’t looking till she could reach one of the guards. When the three were fully focussed on their conversation, she put a hand on the guard’s belt and retrieved a surprisingly small set of keys which she quickly put into her pocket without any rinkling. The doors were opened by the other guard and she was allowed inside.
,,Wow, I actually did it.” She thought to herself, surprised at her own success.

Aran shook his head again as he saw the doors close.
,,Unbelievable, truly unbelievable.” He repeated to himself. She was now out of his reach and the best he could do was pray for her safety. He felt a scaly hand on his shoulder and turned to see who’d touched him.
,,Excuse me, dark-skin. You are blocking the road.” Marsh hissed loudly with a hateful voice.
,,I’m a noble and they’ll let me in. I’ll keep an eye on her. Wait at the nearest tavern.” He whispered, without any trace of the hate he’d just displayed. He then left the Ashlander behind and walked confidently up to the stairs.

,,Ah, Marsh-Speaker. My, what happened to you?” The guards asked him. The Argonian looked at his dirty robe and growled.
,,Bandits. It’s impossible to even travel the roads in safety these days. I’m going to file a formal complaint.” He answered. The guards shrugged and opened the gate.
,,Hey, I can’t find my keys. I must have left them at the barracks. Anyway, try to keep it calm, Marsh. We don’t want a repeat of your last complaint which had us buy a new table. The Emperor was not pleased.” The one who’d been robbed by Rajn warned.

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 7 2007, 11:23 PM

So far so good, wonder how long their luck will last. Seems Aran is high and dry as of the moment; it must suck being in a foreign land without any prestige........ and having your life endebted to a bosmer who jumps head-first into uncertainty. smile.gif

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 8 2007, 12:13 AM

Lovely update! I also hope this plan works without any incidents.

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 10 2007, 10:04 PM

Say, does anyone know what the Imperial palace looks like on the inside? Honestly, I'm improvising here. Ah well, I bet that it has a character like the one in this update. Or it should have.

Once inside, Marsh looked around, looking completely disinterested with those around him. In reality though, he was fully alert to any change in the situation. Once he’d spotted Rajn and the Breton, he followed them, stopping to gaze at the various paintings on the way. The two had apparently picked up their conversation again which annoyed the Argonian ceaselessly.
,,She’s going to mess up all of my plans single-handedly like this.”

,,The palace can be seen as the heart of the Empire in more ways than one. Of course the Emperor is seated here but that’s not all. All provinces have had an influence on the interior of the palace. We’ve got Glass relief’s from Morrowind, Silver statues from High Rock, Lanterns from the Summerset Isles, Carpets from Argonian silk, furniture from Valenwood and I forgot what Skyrim offered.” Lucius pointed all over the place like a tour guide. To complement the scene, Rajn was staring everywhere in wonder like a tourist. That was till she saw the furniture.
,,What?! They cut down trees back home and turned them into tables?!” She blurted out.
,,I know, different cultural values. I still don’t like it.” She added, doing her best to calm down. From the other side of the hall, Marsh sighed and left the hall.

He couldn’t keep an eye out on her any longer. The moment he’d entered the palace, he’d entered the endless game of politics. Any lingering in the hall with his current clothing would raise suspicion. Naturally, the attention would then shift to the other strangers in the hall. It wouldn’t take long for an observant eye to reveal the connection he had with eh Bosmer. He wasn’t without options though. Like everyone else, he secretly paid several of the servants to be his hidden ears and eyes. As such he approached one of the servants on his payroll and requested a glass of whine.
,,Keep an eye on those two, especially the Bosmer with the bow.” He whispered and left, knowing that he would receive a report in less than an hour. Though he also knew that he wasn’t the only one who was watching them and he was being watched himself. That was the life of a politician in Cyrodiil.

,,Well, I can’t honestly say it ever bothered me. Then again, I’m from High Rock and we look different at things there. As you said, cultural values. But then again, there is something called respecting another person’s culture. So since your people view plantlife as sacred, we should’ve taken the wood from somewhere else.” Lucius said by way of an apology. Rajn waved him off.
,,Don’t go kiss the floor because of my feelings. I’m getting used to seeing strange things that would have you hung back home.”

Before either of them could continue their discussion on the furniture, they were addressed by an exquisitively dressed Altmer.
,,Good morning, sir Stoneleaf. Perhaps you might grant me the honour of introducing me to your companion?” He asked with a rather snobbish sounding voice which caused Rajn to immediately dislike him. The fact that he was easily twice as tall as her didn’t quite help break the ice either. Lucius showed none of his feelings.
,,Ah, forgive me. Housemaster Alvuis, I’d like to introduce Rajn Treesap to you. She’s a recent addition to the ones my family are happy to count as friends. Rajn Treesap, it is my pleasure and most distinct honour to introduce to you Housemaster Alvuis. He makes sure that the household of the palace is always conducted orderly.” The Breton said, making a deep bow to his listeners.

Rajn blinked a few times.
,,Ok, so basically you just told our names? What’s up with all the cryptic mumbling?” She asked, which brought out a most displeased expression on Alvuis’ face. This expression became even worse when he looked at the floor.
,,Perhaps lady Treesap would be pleased to alter her attire for her stay in the palace?” He asked, sounding even more snobbish than before. Rajn blinked again. Lucius leaned over to her ear once he saw her confusion.
,,He asks if you want to change your clothes. He doesn’t like the muddy footprints.” He whispered politely.

The Bosmer looked down at hr feet. Indeed, a trail of wet mud clearly showed where she’d set her feet.
,,I can’t believe it. I’ve walked through the whole city and I’m still trailing mud.” She imitated the Altmer’s snobbish tone.
,,I don’t have any other clothes though.” She whispered back to the Breton after her fun with the Housemaster.

Lucius thought about it for a second before snapping his fingers.
,,Ah, that should be no difficulty. Housemaster, please give her a room for the night. I’ll send over one of my servants with a more proper choice of clothing.” He said to Alvuis and turned away.
,,Just follow the Housemaster. I’ll take care of everything else then.” He told Rajn before whispering into her ear again.
,,You might want to take a bad while you have the chance. To be honest, you reek as if you’ve spent times near the sewer exit.” When he tried to walk away, he felt a hand tugging his sleeve.
,,Wait just a minute. I can’t go and accept that. You’ve done too much already.” Rajn complained.
,,Besides, I already pilfered the keys I need and I don’t want to take this too far. If you keep being so nice to me, I’ll actually feel bad about ditching you like a broken lockpick.”

,,No, no. I insist. You should take advantage of the situation whenever you can. Now, I’ll see you later.” Since he had his back turned to her, he did not see the girl’s irritated expression.
,,Damn, he’s simply too cute. This will be harder than I thought.”
Alvuis looked down on the Bosmer. Now that the noble had left, he had no reason to continue his polite manners. She wasn’t a noble and as such held no real rank here.
,,I suppose it is my duty to help those less fortunate than myself.” He said, his disgust now unmasked.

Rajn stabbed a finger at his stomach, the highest she could reach.
,,Now you stop this whole ‘I’m better than you’ nonsense! Less fortunate than myself, phah! At least I’m not the one who always has to talk in sentences that make my tongue twist into a knot. I’d like to see you walk outside with that attitude. Those fancy robes aren’t going to stop the wolves.” The Altmer gave her a scorching stare and then walked out of the hall, his robe swishing in his wake. After a few seconds, Rajn figured she was supposed to follow him and somewhat reluctantly, she did.

The two kept a cool silence during their walk through several halls and up several stairs. Alvuis finally stopped at one of the countless doors that were indistinguishable from their brethren.
,,Consider this chamber to be your home during your sojourn in Cyrodiil. Inside you’ll find all the necessities. I’ll have a servant sent to you.” He spoke and left without giving the required bow. Rajn glared at his back till he was out of her sight.
,,I should’ve tried to hit on him. At least then I wouldn’t feel any regrets about the betrayal later on.” She muttered to herself and opened the door.

Posted by: canis216 Feb 10 2007, 10:09 PM

Heh, quite the saucy one, that Bosmer...

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 10 2007, 11:38 PM

Well it seems that they've gotten inside easily enough. I have a feeling getting out might be a bit more difficult than getting in. I guess we'll find out. Great work as usual Jack.

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 11 2007, 07:20 PM

Ok, after our scene of breaking and entering. (little breaking, much entering.) It's time to switch to a scene with less action or tension.

The sight that greeted her was worthy of the Emperor himself. The room was the epitome of decadent luxury and decoration. Life-sized marble statues of past Emperors and heroes guarded the door leading to the bathroom as well as the door she came in through. Paintings and woven carpets showing scenes of Septim glory covered every bare part of the walls. A bed as large as her house back in Valenwood took up one side of the room, with small golden statues of Akatosh at each corner. Closets large enough to stand in were placed at either side of the bed. Finally, several chairs with soft pillows completed the interior.

Rajn looked at everything, both impressed and unnerved.
,,I don’t think I’ll get much sleep with all those eyes staring at me. Not to mention the heavy usage of wood. At least there is a window.” She concluded after her examination of the first room. With a slight hesitation, she turned the handle on the second door and looked into the bathroom. The exaggerated need for luxury was present here as well. The bath itself was a large bowl shaped out of blue glass, with a pair of copper tubes hanging over the edge. Rajn leaned over the edge and peered at her own reflection in the bowl. She also noticed a silver plug in the center.
,,Wow, I can swim in this thing. If there was any water in it.”

She stepped back and made a mental list of all the objects in the room, paying particular attention to those she could easily hide in her pockets. Before she had a chance to plan any thievery though, there was a polite knock at the door followed by said door opening. The Bosmer swiftly spun on her heels, her bow already out with an arrow on the string before she’d completed her turn. The servant dressed in his wide robe made a few trembling steps backwards till the wall prevented him from going any further. Clearly he’d never met a guest who was easily agitated. His eyes were wide with fear and he held up the greenish bundle in his hands as if it could protect him from the arrow.

Rajn held her bow out for a few more seconds just to show who was in charge before lowering it and easing her pressure on the string.
,,Next time, ask before you come in here.” She scolded him, showing delight in the power she held over the much taller person. The still shivering servant nodded a few times.
,,I had been charged with the duty of delivery.” He explained after his nerves had calmed down a bit. Rajn looked at the bundle in his hands and then picked it up. She unfolded it and found herself holding an incredibly light robe.

It was of a light green colour and while not transparent, it did allow some of the candlelight to pass through. In its design, it had some intricate weaving resembling various kinds of leaves and flowers.
,,Nice robe, but it’ll rip on the first treebranch.” She commented.

,,It’s a dress meant for indoors.” The servant corrected her and then looked over her shoulder at the bath.
,,Is there any way I can be of assistance during your endeavour into personal hygiene?” He asked humbly. Rajn blinked as she always did when she was confused. This time, there was no Lucius around to explain the weird choice of words. She had to look over her own shoulder before she knew what exactly he’d meant.
,,How about this? I would be most pleased……If you were willing…To move…..Ah, screw this! It’s like I’m trying to talk in a whole different language or something. Out, I want you to get out of here. It’s best to give a girl some privacy unless you want to gain a few holes in your body.”

The servant left faster than she’d expected, after putting a pair of shoes on the floor. Apparently, the language barrier only went one way. She turned to the bath again while still holding her new dress.
,,This is so annoying. It’s as if everyone wants to make sure I’m being watched all the time.” She frowned at her own remark. Half a second later, she had dropped underneath the sink, letting her fingers run over the wall.

Two hours later, she sat on the edge of the bowl and admired her handiwork. Half a dozen of tiny peepholes had been plugged with a towel she’d torn to pieces.
,,Finally, some privacy. Now for the next crisis. Where does the water come from?” Back in Valenwood, whenever she needed a bath, she would just empty a bucket over her head or jump into the nearest river, whatever was closer at the time. There were no buckets here and a river was slightly too big to fit in the room. After some long thinking, she concluded that the copper tubes had something to do with them. There was a little wheel on top of each tube.

She turned the left wheel out of curiosity. After a few seconds of burping sounds, a constant stream of water shot out of the tube and into the bath.
,,Wee! This is fun!” Rajn clapped her hands excitedly and then held a finger under the stream of water.
,,Ouch, hot!”

After some experimentation, she’d discovered that while the left tube spewed boiling water, the right tube brought cold water. From that point, it was a simple matter of mixing the two till she had the right temperature. While the bath was being filled with a steady stream of water, she had the time to give her dress a closer inspection.
,,Drat, I didn’t knew Lucius had been able to guess my size that accurately. It’s perfect. And just how did he manage to get the size of my feet right? Hmm, looks like he wants me to look like a noble now. That’s fine with me, makes it easier to blend in.” She reached out behind her head with a hand and pulled a clasp of bleached bone out of her hair.
,,Ok, then I guess I’ll wear the dress, put on those little shoes and maybe I should try to tie my hair into a ponytail or something. I should include my clasp though, I can’t live without it.”

Once the bath was filled, she played around for a while with the countless bottles of perfume she’d found during her hunt for the peepholes before finally stepping into the bowl.

Two floors lower and on the other side of the tower, Marsh sat in his own room, reading a book. There was a knock on his door and when he looked up, the servant he’d hired to do some spying stood in the doorway.
,,And?” The Argonian simply asked.
,,Lord, the Bosmer has retreated into a room. I lost sight of her then. She’s been quite thorough in blocking all the peepholes in the bathroom.” The servant reported, a bit annoyed at his inability to continue his observation. Marsh chuckled.
,,Well, I do suspect that she’s done her fair share of burglary in the past. It’s hard to sneak up on a thief. Well then, I guess I’ll just give you your payment then.” He spoke and brought out a pouch that rinkled heavily with coins. He slipped it into the servant’s hands who hid it under his robe.
,,Oh, and one more thing. Could you be so kind and slip this letter under the door leading to her room?”

(No, I'm not going to write a bathing scene. Apart from the fact that nothing interesting would happen, I'm trying to keep the PG-rating down here. Though with all the brutal murders Ra'trith did earlier, I don't think there's much I can do to keep the rating down. I should bring back the furry killer again somewhere. wink.gif )

Posted by: canis216 Feb 11 2007, 08:53 PM

Yeah, Ra'Trith hasn't reared his head in a little while. Wonder where he could be?

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 11 2007, 09:11 PM

I really enjoyed reading the description of the rooms. I could easily picture it in my head. Good work!

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 11 2007, 10:01 PM

Ok, just a quickie with no real influence on the plot. I wanted to show what a certain character has been doing since the last time we saw him.

Far to the west of the Imperial city, a caravan slowly made its way across the path. The only wagon creaked and rumbled loudly and the horses looked like they’d seen their best days. The men and women who travelled with the caravan didn’t appear to be well off either. The clothes they wore were little more than rags and the weapons they carried for their own protection were little more than branches broken off trees.

They all stared into the darkness of the forest around them wearily. Bandits frequented this area of Tamriel and unlike most travellers, they had nothing with which to pay them off. If bandits chose to attack and managed to claim victory, they might very well slaughter everyone out of disappointment when they failed to find any loot.

A nearby branch snapped. All heads turned in the direction of the sound. As if the snapping branch had been a signal a trio of Orcs roared a battlecry and stormed out of the bushes, waving their axes. The travellers drew into a tight circle around the wagon. The Orcs stopped just outside the range of the simple clubs. They knew that they’d already won the battle before it had began.
,,Your stuff, or your lives.” The leader of the Orcs grumbled loudly. The travellers looked at each other, the wagon and then the bandits. Their eyes betrayed the fear yet for some reason, they still prepared themselves for battle.

What both the Orcs and the travellers didn’t know, was the fact that they weren’t alone in the woods. Another being was nearby, one who was sitting high up a tree. His golden eyes scanned the wagon below him. Suddenly, a loud crying could be heard. The eyes shot across the wagon till they gazed upon a squirming bundle of dirty rags. Amidst the rags, he could see a pair of deep brown eyes which were fixed upon his. The baby was the only one aware of the hidden watcher.

The Orcs gripped their axes tighter.
,,Your stuff, now. Or else we…..” The Orc cut himself off. He thought he’d seen something move, something which dropped out of a tree and landed on the wagon without a sound. He couldn’t be sure though, for it looked most like a shadow within a shadow. He looked at the wagon in silence for several long seconds, which caused everyone else present to look at him with confusion etched into their faces. Just when the Orc had convinced himself that he was imagining things, two gold spots of light appeared within the shadow.

,,You there. Your stuff or you life.” The Orc tried for the third time. Everyone followed his eyes till they also saw the Khajiit standing on the wagon. The Orc made a few threatening motions with his axe but did not attack. Something about the Khajiit was making him nervous. The furred creature had a certain feeling around him, a feeling of extreme deathliness.
,,All they have is a newborn child. You’ll find no stuff here, only death.” The Khajiit whispered.

The greenskinned Orc’s eyes blazed with fury.
,,Are you threatening us?” He bellowed. The Khajiit did not answer. His eyes closed, thereby robbing those around him of their only clue to his location. A moment later, one of the Orcs dropped heavily to the ground while letting out gurgling sounds. He grabbed for his throat, trying to seal the hole in his windpipe.

The Orc on the other side of the wagon knew he was next. Already, he swung his axe over the wagon, right where his invisible enemy should be. But the Khajiit wasn’t there. The Orc felt something hit his lower leg, snapping bone and throwing him to the floor. The last he saw were two golden eyes that looked at him with malicious glee.
,,Going under the wagon is an option you forgot.” The Khajiit gloated and hit the Orc on the forehead with an open palm. The Orc’s face pushed inwards as his skull cracked.

With one Orc death and the other slowly suffocating, the Khajiit calmly walked towards the last one, transfixing him with his stare.
,,I don’t threaten, I only tell the truth.” He hissed. His claws flashed out, into the Orc’s eyes and digging into his brains. He was death before his heart stopped beating.

As the last Orc fell on the muddy ground with a loud thud, the Khajiit turned towards the travellers. They all drew even tighter around the wagon, not knowing whether they should thank him or fear for their lives.
,,Don’t think I did this because I’m a hero. All I want are directions to Rihad. I could’ve let the Orcs kill you and then ask them but they would’ve likely attacked and forced me to do the same thing I just did. Either you answer me, or you die.” The Khajiit informed them.

The leader of the caravan, an old man who was barely capable of supporting his own weight, sat down heavily on the ground.
,,Go west till you reach a river. Follow it north and you’ll find Rihad. It’s two days away from here.” He explained, drawing a crude map in the mud. The Khajiit nodded and vanished into the darkness.
,,A final bit of advice. Take the equipment of those bandits. Either use it yourself or sell it.”

Ten minutes later and far away from the caravan, Ra’trith stopped running.
,,Why did I do that? I already knew where to find Rihad. Why?”

Posted by: canis216 Feb 11 2007, 10:12 PM

No real influence on the plot, eh? We'll just see about that...

Well done, again, Jack!

Posted by: Black Hand Feb 11 2007, 11:43 PM

Not all evil is wholly evil. Not all good is wholly good.

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 17 2007, 10:59 PM

A short one. I want to write a bit more but it's already late so I don't know if I'll be able to finish a full length update tonight.

Back at the Imperial palace in Cyrodiil, after two hours of civilized decadence, the last few drops of now cool water gurgled through the unplugged hole in the center of the bath. Rajn was at the other side of the room, trying to do something new with her hair with one hand while performing another task with the other at the same time.
,,Five….six……….that makes eight bottles of hideously rare perfume. Now all I need is to find a way to smuggle them out and I’ll be quite a bit richer.” Her eyes sparkled with authentic Bosmeri excitement. If there was something that revealed her ancestry even better than her short stature or her skill with the bow, it was the enjoyment she got from thieving.

Her search for a smuggling method led her back to the first room where she found her bow, arrows and her boots all thrown haphazardly on the bed, drenching the royal silk with a large amount of mud.
,,Hmm, I could hide them within my quiver. If I rip up that pillow and use the feathers to dampen the sound of rinkling glass, no one will know a thing.” As she formed a plan, her eyes wandered across all the faces on the statues, the paintings and the weavings that looked down upon her with a variety of stern expressions. It was as if they already knew what she was going to do and showed their objections in the only way they could. By pure chance, her eyes also caught the neatly folded envelope that had been slipped under the door.

She fell to her knees and snatched the paper from the floor, unfolding it so fast she nearly ripped it in half.
,,Oh, a message. From who? Oh, it’s written in a riddle…………What?! He wants me to do what?!” She looked at the faces apologetically after her outburst.
,,Sorry about the noise. What are you looking at? Can’t you see that this is private?” She’d walked over to a statue of Tiber Septim and stuck out her tongue at it.
,,If you’re so interested in my business, I’ll just have to tell you, right? Too bad for you, cause I won’t. All I’m going to say is that it sure beats what I did back home.” She pinched the statue’s nose and then left the room, giggling.

She’d barely taken a step outside, or the servant from earlier was already in her way.
,,Any way I can help?” He spoke, somehow managing to remain within the limits of her vocabulary. Rajn’s annoyance at the man’s constant interference was washed away by her excitement about her plans. As such, she simply tapped him on the shoulder and brushed past him.
,,Yeah, the bed is dirty. Go clean it. But don’t you dare touch my stuff. And one more thing. Ignore Tiber, he likes to poke his nose in other people’s business. Like a little child.” She snickered. The dumbfounded expression on the servant’s face was priceless.
,,He’s so dumb, it’s hilarious. I wonder if they’re all that dumb. I hope he touches my bow. Then I’ll say he broke it and demand a new one. A better one.”

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 17 2007, 11:40 PM

She walked back to the entrance hall where she saw Alvuis running around with a long roll of parchment in one hand and a quill in the other. Apparently, the Altmer was making his daily report. Without a conscious decision to do so, Rajn’s own hand reached out and plucked the feather out of Alvuis’ delicate grip.
,,Thank you, that was just what I needed.” She said with a cold smile. The Altmer looked down upon her. His thoughts were pretty much written on his face. He was fighting an internal conflict that presented him with three choices. Taking the quill back, frying the annoying girl to a crisp or simply walk away and avoid any unpleasant consequencec. He picked the last option though he nearly came back on his decision as Rajn grinned victoriously when the Housemaster conceded defeat. He ran off to get himself a new quill, happier than he would ever admit with being away from the crowded hall.

With all her preparations set, she took out the letter she’d received earlier, turned it over to its blank side for her own scribbles and then looked straight up at the ceiling. Her grin was replaced with a thoughtful look which was soon replaced with an extremely angry expression. If looks carried physical power, the tower would have to be evacuated before it collapsed.
,,No way, you’ve got to be kidding me. Not that guy. Someone should feed him to the rats, alive.” She grumbled, seething with barely contained hate. If anyone in the hall had realized that she did not have the self-restraint of a noble, he or she would thank fate for making her leave her bow on the bed.

She was so caught up in herself that she didn’t notice Lucius till he was breathing down her neck.
,,Hmm, you smell nice. Let me guess, gold kanet, stonepetal and willow anther. The standard combination of those who think that more is always better. Can’t say I disagree.” He greeted her with a charming smile. Rajn responded a bit slow, still half-focussed on other things.
,,Oh, hi. It’s my first experience with perfume. Anyway, I wanted to ask you something. How in the name of whatever deity you worship did you manage to get my size?” She asked him, quickly pulling her scribbling out of his sight.

The Breton wandered around slowly, subtly forcing her to follow him.
,,Ah, that. It’s a talent I kind of developed. You see, I steal clothes from my sister’s wardrobe all the time. She was about your size a few years back.” He explained casually.
,,Ok, that you steal clothes is fine with me. As we’ve agreed on earlier, I am a Bosmer. But stealing from your own sister? That’s just stupid.” Rajn objected. The young noble simply shrugged.
,,It’s not that big of a deal. I got caught doing it long ago and we put down a few rules. Any piece of clothing newer than two months is hers. You see, she loves buying clothes but never gets rid of the old ones. If I don’t clean out her wardrobe from time to time by giving her old clothes to those with less money, we’d end up filling two wagons.”

They’d left the hall and were now in an empty corner. In an instant, the expression on Lucius’ face changed from friendly into an emotionless calculating one. He wiggled with his fingers for a second and the piece of paper the Bosmer clung to flew out of her hands and into his.
,,Now let’s see why you’re really here.” He spoke.

For a few heartbeats, Rajn was speechless and unsure of what had happened. Once she did figure out, she began to jump up and down, trying to take back the paper he held up high.
,,Hey, give that back! You, cheater!” She yelled angrily. Lucius chuckled and held the letter even higher.
,,Now look who’s calling who a cheater. Did you really think that your amateurish technique would work on me. Hah, I bet you did. Sorry girl, but that’s not how it works in real life. Now let me read this.” His head craned upwards till he could see the barely readable scribbles. He frowned, able to read it but unable to comprehend.
,,2L, 3S, 4R….and it goes on like that for a while. What is this?” He looked down at Rajn but where she’d stood earlier was now empty space. The paper in his hands rustled when it was torn free from his hand. He looked up at his empty hand in surprise and then down the corridor. Rajn had just taken a decorative sword from the wall and now pointed it at his heart.

The Breton shook his head a few times.
,,Oh, just stop this nonsense and tell me already. Why are you here? I swear, if you plan to harm the Emperor in any way, I’ll just have to stop you.” He threatened above the crackle of a fireball forming above his head.
,,I didn’t tell you, but I’m also a battlemage in training.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 18 2007, 01:00 AM

Ahhh the sneaky battlemage, just when you think you've disarmed a simple warrior, they huck a fireball at you and take back their sword. They then proceed to hack and slash you up... Battlemages!

Anyways, wonderful updates jack. You're developing Rajn really well.

Posted by: Black Hand Feb 18 2007, 07:54 AM

Battlemage?! BATTLEMAGE?!

I freaking hate Battlemages! I hate them as much I love this story! Please..keep the good stuff up Jack! (Where is Aran? Go Urshilaku!)

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 18 2007, 09:50 PM

In a swirling cloud of Magicka, two forms wavered into view, solidifying like mist turning to water and water turning to ice. Marsh-Speaker looked both ways of the corridor they’d appeared in before nodding to himself.
,,And here we are. Now remember that you’re not supposed to be here. So please hold your breath for a moment, this might itch.” He whispered and raised a scaly hand to touch the Dunmer’s forehead.
,,Ocsdros, Jike bei.” He chanted and the familiar green mist enveloped Aran before it vanished, along with the man. Still, Marsh saw an involuntary shudder before the Dunmer had turned completely invisible.

,,You don’t like Magicka? That’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Now don’t try to speak, for you might weaken the spell. Just follow me silently. We’ll meet up with Rajn in the main hall.” He explained to his invisible companion and set off on the short trip. Upon reaching the main hall, the first thing he did was to dip his hands into a potted plant, searching around its roots. His search proved to be fruitless, which was the first sign of trouble.
,,Probably hasn’t finished yet.” He concluded and his eyes proceeded to scan the hall.

Again, he failed to find what he was looking for. Now, he felt a tinge of worry. He stood there, analyzing the clues he’d received. An invisible finger tapped his shoulder. Marsh nodded and retreated behind a pillar.
,,Think that Breton had something to do with it?” Aran whispered, becoming vaguely visible as he did so. Marsh forced himself not to bare his teeth and instead recast the spell of invisibility.
,,Of course. That fanatic battlemage in training must have caught on. Knowing him, he’ll go to his favourite empty spot before asking whatever he wants to know this time. The kid can be so paranoid at times which is not good for us, or her. Come on, I know where to look. He’s down that corridor over there.”

The Argonian crossed the hall at a casual pace, exchanging some pointless gossip with whoever he came across. Inwardly, he felt a need to hurry but he forced himself to go slow. Raising suspicion now would be worse than stalling. He instinctively felt that Aran had gone ahead, as his current state of invisibility conveniently allowed him to move as fast as he needed.

As Marsh had guessed, Aran had already passed the hall. With no one in sight, he broke into a run. His feet echoed softly on the marble floor. After a seemingly endless dash through empty corridors, past stairways and doors, he finally saw someone. The sight did not please him. He ran even faster, his steps now sounding like approaching thunder. Which was exactly the comparison Lucius drew as he turned around. An invisible boot caught him square on the chest and sent him tumbling on the floor. A loud snap indicated damage to his ribs.
,,As long as she’s under my protection, no one may harm her!” He shouted, placing the tip of his spear on the Breton’s throat.
,,Now you see what happens when you make your own plans. Stick to the plans drawn out for you in the future.” He told Rajn, not letting the battlemage out of his sight.

With a loud clatter, the purely decorative sword fell on the floor.
,,Well, sorry. I just thought it could make getting inside easier, that’s all.” The Bosmer spoke in her defence.
,,Marsh had it all figured out. I got in here through teleportation. Something about mark and recall.”

Lucius let out a very unnoblelish curse, still with the spear pressed against his throat.
,,That lizard! I knew he was up to something.” He spat, and pressed a hand against the spear’s bladed tip, apparently to ease the pressure on his throat. Instead though, the spear’s tip vaporised into a silvery smoke. Using the obvious confusion of the Dunmer, he crawled back to his feet and formed a new fireball. Not one, but two this time.
,,Now where were we?” He asked himself, grinning devilishly.

With another snapping sound, this time from his jaw being broken, he was sent to the floor for the second time.
,,A blunt weapon in the right hands is as lethal as a sharp one!” Aran shouted at him, raising the tipless spear above his head. He was frozen in place before he could complete his strike. With a slight flare around the affected areas, Lucius’ wounds healed.
,,But magicka can beat any weapon, sharp or blunt.” He replied.

,,Heyat!” The noble crossed his arms in front of him, conjuring a barrier of magicka to stop the orb of light that sped across the hallway. A ripple spread over the barrier as the bolt exploded. Lucius lowered his arms and launched a fireball back in retaliation at Marsh who’d finally arrived. Now it was the Argonian’s turn to protect himself, though he had other ideas about a proper defence. As his instructor once told him, the best defence was a good offence.
,,Heyat!” Another orb of light shot out of his hands. The two spells met each other between the two spellcasters and the fireball exploded. The orb of light continued along its path, bearing down upon the Breton who had to raise a new barrier to stop it.

Before he could though, something hit him between the legs. Apart from being rather painful, it also distracted him long enough for the spell to hit him in the face.
,,Gah! Damn you, Marsh! Do you have any idea how much that burns?!” He yelled, lying on the floor once again and clutching his face. The Argonian shrugged.
,,Of course I know. That’s why I call it Heyat. It’s your own fault for not knowing the Argonian dialect I speak.” He replied as if talking about the weather.
,,Well, this is definitely your own fault! I’d just decided not to kick you but then you had to turn out to be as bad as that damn fake who pretends to be the emperor!” Rajn added to the verbal barrage.

Everyone fell silent, even Aran who’d recovered from his paralyzation by now.
,,You know?” Marsh finally asked.
,,Duh. Don’t forget what I am. I saw him when I looked up through the ceiling. I know that guy, he’s my last escort job back home at Valenwood. He owns me like a hundred shiny coins. But instead of paying me, the rotten rat threw me in jail on the charge of aiding a conspiracy against the emperor!” Rajn’s voice became increasingly higher during her rant.
,,He always had a way with words. Aiding a conspiracy, that’s so like him.” Marsh replied using a neutral tone. With Aran’s help, he proceeded to tie up Lucius. After locking him inside a closet, they continued with their plan.

,,Did you get the directions to the library on paper?” Marsh asked, holding out his hand. Without a word, the girl pressed the piece of paper into it. Marsh brought it in front of his eyes and began to read.
,,2L, 3s, 4R…..second passage to the left, third stair, fourth passage to the right.” His words declined into a soft mumbling. Aran inspected the now blunt tip of his spear as he walked along. His annoyance was etched into his face. He’d just received the spear and already he’d managed to damage it. Still, the damage could be repaired easily enough by attaching a new blade at the end. His examination concluded, he lowered the weapon and quickened his pace to catch up with the Argonian.

,,I don’t like magicka but it could be vital to know. I noticed something during your duel back there. The boy didn’t utter a word yet you always say something when casting your spells. Does that mean your form of magicka is different than his?” He asked. Marsh looked up from the paper and blinked once.
,,While the spells we use are unique and therefore different, the magicka we use to form these spells is the same. It’s all a matter of concentration. I’ve found that actually chanting the name of the spell helps me focus. Most mages I know are opposed to my point of view and call it the sign of an amateur. That’s why Lucius always has to show that he’s a true mage by casting spells silently and as quick as possible. This need to show off weakens his concentration and therefore, it weakens his spells.”

Note: It's funny how a story changes while writing. Originally I had Lucius planned as a good guy who kinda helped the heroes by causing a distraction and stuff. Now, he's turned into a fanatic emperor-lover. Not a bad change though, it gives me reason to bring the glory back to the two males in the party. I loved writing that duel between the mages just then.

Posted by: Black Hand Feb 19 2007, 07:49 AM

Well I hope you enjoy writing this, as much as I do reading it Jack! Please keep it up~!

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 24 2007, 04:36 PM

I'll try to get the Elder scroll part done tonight though I can't make any promises. Till then though, enjoy this little update.

Most of their walk through the palace was done in silence. Aran didn’t feel like talking, Marsh was too focussed on the paper and the preparation of his spells in case something went wrong and Rajn, she soon stopped talking when no one replied. That was till she suddenly held up her hand to stop the two men. It had been ten minutes since they last saw someone else walking the corridors.
,,Just beyond the corner is the door you need. There are two guards……..not human.” She whispered nervously. She still remembered their encounter with the demons in the sewers. She did not feel good at the thought of having to meet them again.

Marsh leaned against the wall, his eyes closed. It appeared that he’d fallen asleep while in reality, he was thinking. He knew a spell that could take them out but as he’d found out before, it would mean his death and alert everything else about their presence. There had to be another way.
,,Their disguised form is smaller than their true form. As such, it is more than just an optical illusion. This is more like…….shapeshifting. There is a very good possibility that while disguised as a human, they have all of a human’s weaknesses. That makes them killable.” He mumbled, more to himself than to the others. His eyes opened and he looked up.
,,Rajn goes in and distracts them. Then while they’re distracted, Aran and I take them out before they can revert to their true form.” He explained and focussed his gaze upon the Dunmer.
,,Or do you object to the danger I’m putting her in?” He asked. Aran frowned heavily but in the end, he nodded.
,,Fine, that’s how we do it.”

Marsh nodded as well.
,,Good, now get going.” He ordered, forming his hands into a cup and beginning his spell. Rajn sputtered for a bit, claiming she had no idea how to distract them but a grey hand shoved her into the guard’s sight. Instantly, two pairs of eyes were levelled upon her. Taking a deep breath, the Bosmer walked up to them.
,,Hi, is this the way to the bathroom?” She asked with the most innocent voice she could muster. The two guards looked at each other in a confused way and then turned their heads back to her.
,,No, it’s not. Now go away, you’re not supposed to be here.” One of them barked.

,,Ah, but I really need a bathroom now! Can’t you at least tell me where to find one?” Rajn squeeled. By now, the two demons were feeling rather awkward. Under normal circumstances, they’d simply kill the Bosmer and forget about it but these were not normal circumstances. They’d been ordered not to kill unless there was absolutely no other way to protect the door they guarded. Showing a great deal of reluctance, the guard who’d spoken lowered himself down to her height.
,,Look, you go back the way you came till you reach the stairs going down. Go down one floor and take the first passage on…..”

Marsh and the Dunmer nodded to each other. Both leaped out from behind the corner.
,,Heyat!” One of the Argonian’s scorching light spells flashed across the distance, curving around the Bosmer before plunging into the crouching guard’s face. He was thrown back by the impact and clawed at the steaming mass. His body began to shift, growing and losing all signs of humanity. When the shapeshifting had ended, he was in his demonic form, minus the head which had already been burned away by the spell before the transformation could be completed.

Even as Marsh’s spell struck the first guard, Aran had thrown his spear at the other. This guard brought up his shield to protect himself from the shaft which was quite lethal if it hit him with that speed. The spear bounced off the shield and the guard brought his hand down to the hilt of his sword. Before he had a chance to draw though, Aran was already on top of him. The Dunmer lodged the nose of his boot under his foe’s chin while his hand picked up the spear. As the guard’s head snapped back from the hit, the blunt end of the spear slammed down on his now exposed windpipe, crushing this vital supply line of fresh air. He too shifted back to his demonic form during his death throes.

Far away, in the Imperial throne room, the Emperor looked up from the report he’d been reading. He looked towards the guard standing next to his throne and nodded. Without a word, the Blade left the throne room, moving towards a destination only the Emperor and he knew. The Emperor returned to his report, though his face was now etched with worry.
,,The Elder scrolls. They’re trying to get the Elder scrolls. But how, how did they manage to defeat the guards?” His frown grew deeper.
,,It must be that mage who destroyed one of my minions in the sewers. He might turn out to be a threat of great priority.”

Looking down on the two corpses, Marsh brushed a speck of dust from his robe.
,,It appears that my theory was correct.” He spoke as if he’d never doubted it.
,,But how do we open the door? They don’t have a key.” He continued, his illusion of confidence fading. He still had the key Ria Silmane gave him, but that one was too big to fit in the keyhole.
,,I’ve got a key! Snatched it from that guard outside the building.” Rajn spoke up and proudly presented her treasure.
,,That won’t work. Only a fool would give the key to this place to a simple guard standing outside. Do you have any better ideas?” Marsh answered.

,,You’re the mage here. Don’t you know a spell to open the door?” Aran raised his voice slightly to catch all attention.
,,No, unfortunately I don’t have a spell for every situation. I usually talk my way inside.” The Argonian replied, leaning against the door as he thought over their situation.
,,Move aside.” Marsh stumbled when Rajn pushed him away from the door and peered into the lock. He looked at the Dunmer who simply shrugged. Aran also had no idea of what her latest plan would be. They both looked on in silence as the girl removed the clasp out of her hair and flipped it upside down. Stacked into neat row, a dozen metal straws became visible, embedded into several grooves that had been carved into the clasp.

,,It’s a Bosmeri thing. Any article of clothing must have at least one pick stored somewhere.” Rajn explained to her public and choose one of the picks.
,,This one should fit.” For a few long minutes, she moved the pick around inside the lock which made faint clicking sounds. Finally, there was a click louder than the others and the door opened on its well-oiled hinges.
,,Gentleman, lady, I present to you, the Imperial library.” Marsh whispered and was the first to enter.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 24 2007, 04:58 PM

Creative explanation for defeating the "humanoid" demons. I thought that concept to be quite interesting. I look forward to seeing what'll happen in the Imperial Library.

Posted by: Black Hand Feb 24 2007, 06:55 PM


Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 24 2007, 07:59 PM

Wee, I got the next one!

The first thing that caught their eye were the countless racks filled with books that spread in all directions, seemingly into infinity. Next were the blindfolded monks who sat in a circle, singing something in an unknown language. At the center of the circle stood a crystal, shaped like a flower whose leaves had yet to open. A monk who stood nearby looked up when the three entered.
,,The red scale. We’ve been expecting you.” He whispered so he wouldn’t disturb whatever ritual the other monks were involved with.

,,If they’re all blindfolded, then how do they know that Marsh’s scales are red?” Rajn whispered to Aran.
,,They must’ve foreseen his arrival with the scrolls.” He whispered back.

Marsh bowed before the monk.
,,I’ve come to seek your counsel. Silmane, the battlemage’s apprentice has sent me here.” He spoke with his hissing voice.
,,Did you bring the key?” The monk asked in return. Marsh revealed the key he’d clung to all this time.
,,I have.”

He stood back as the monk entered the circle. With a slow, gentle movement, he pressed the key into the crystal’s side. Like the flower it represented, the crystal split open into several leaves, revealing a weathered scroll.
,,The last scroll, the only one that hasn’t been stolen from us. I’ll decipher its meaning for you. Then, you must leave this place.” He spoke solemnly. He placed one hand on the scroll while gripping a quill with the other. Still blindfolded, he began to write on a blank parchment, his movements following the rhythm of the song which brought about a feeling of peace.

In the heavy atmosphere, no one dared to speak. The only sound that filled the library was the scratching of the quill and the song. Even as he continued to write and the monks continued to sing, the blindfolded man began to speak.
,,To the end you must go, up the stairs. At the altar of Akatosh you shall find, the waters of your future.” He whispered. With one last swift stroke of the quill, he finished his interpretation of the scroll. His hands went up to the blindfold and removed the rough piece of fabric. Where his eyes had been, only pale skin remained. There was no eyelid or any other sign that he’d once possessed eyes.
,,I’ve seen the depths of time and for that, I shall never see again. Take this parchment and hold on to it.”

The moment Marsh-Speaker took the parchment and rolled it up into a scroll, the other monks stood up and positioned themselves at the door. As if someone had given a signal, the door exploded into countless fragments. A demon strode in, flames flickering at its clawed feet and burning around his teeth. Simultaneously, the monks raised their hands and began a new song, one that left a feeling of despair in the hearts of anyone who would listen. Lightning sparked among them and shot out at the demon, hurling it backwards in a cloud of smoke.

,,Now go!” The Eyeless monk shouted as he joined his peers. Marsh nodded and took off, heading for the heart of the library with the scroll clenched in his fist. Aran followed, with Rajn only a few steps behind.
,,What’s going on?! Why don’t we help?!” Aran shouted over the loud thunder that echoed all around them.
,,They’re fulfilling their part of the prophecy! To guard the holder of the land, the keepers of time must perish! That’s the prophecy I received the first time I came here! Now I understand its meaning! On the scroll I carry, the future of Tamriel is written! To enable our escape, they’ll fight till their death!” The Argonian shouted back. In the distance, he could make out the stairs leading up.

Taking three steps at a time, he ran up as fast as he could, despite the protest of his legs which were still weakened from his death earlier. At the top, he found a door which he rammed through with brute force. He skidded to a halt, his legs trembling from his exertion. The chamber he was in contained only two things. A low altar made of stone and a statue of Akatosh, the Aedric dragon of time.

Water dripped from the altar constantly. Warily, the Argonian drew closer, followed by his companions. To his surprise, where there should have been a flat stone surface, he saw a pool of water whose depth he could not perceive.
,,The waters of our future.” He whispered in awe, touching the liquid surface with a finger.
,,A shiftgate.” He concluded.

The thunder ceased. The silence that followed was somehow more frightening than the noise earlier. It meant only one thing. The last monk had fallen. Shaking off his scholarly interest in the portal, Marsh waved the Dunmer and the Bosmer over.
,,It’s a portal, leading to somewhere. Jump into it.” He hissed. Aran went first, obviously struggling with his dislike for Magicka.
,,And don’t forget to hold your breath! No one can breath this water, not even I can!” Marsh warned. The Dunmer nodded and stepped in. Within the blink of an eye, he’d sunk below the surface and out of sight. Rajn followed a lot quicker. Then, it was Marsh’ turn. He dove in headfirst, narrowly dodging a fireball thrown at him.

The demon that had thrown the fireball rushed towards the shiftgate but it was already too late. The pool of water had evaporated into a thin mist. The grotesque monster trembled in fear. Reporting his failure would not be pleasant.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 24 2007, 08:15 PM

Ooooo exciting, this is really picking up in the suspense jack. I'm digging it! I've really been admiring your storytelling for this particular tale. Keep it up ya hear!?

Posted by: canis216 Feb 24 2007, 08:20 PM

This is really thrilling stuff. Keep up the good work Jack! viking.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 24 2007, 09:21 PM

*Creeperlike voice* ,,I'm postmachining!"

Aran felt solid ground under his feet and more important, air. Instinctively, he jumped to the side though this action turned out to be unnecessary. Rajn appeared a few steps to his left.
,,Eww! I’m soaked! And it was such a nice dress. Given by a jerk, but still a nice dress.” She complained. The shiftgate had resembled a pool of water much closer than she’d expected. Marsh was the last to arrive, once again appearing several steps further towards the left. Somehow, the portal had flipped him over again so he landed on his feet rather than on his head. A cascade of water followed their arrival. Normal water.

,,Marsh-Speaker, what an unexpected surprise.” A voice spoke from somewhere behind them. They all turned as one, Aran gripping his spear tightly and Rajn still fuzzing over her dress. The owner of the voice revealed himself as an elderly Breton dressed in an expensive garb and with a small crown on his head. There was a woman at his side, a Dunmer who looked much younger than the king. Though as with all elves, it was hard to judge age on mere appearance.
,,King Eadwyre. Queen Barenziah. I see that you’ve made it to Wayrest safely.” The Argonian replied and bowed.

He then looked at the scroll in his hands. While he was soaked just like everyone else, the scroll had miraculously remained dry.
,,I sought counsel at the blind monks. They deciphered the words on an Elder Scroll before……before they gave their life to ensure our survival.” Upon hearing that, Eadwyre and Barenziah lowered their heads, a silent gesture of respect to the monks who’d fulfilled their task till the very end.
,,We see, that is terrible news. We’ll hold a meeting to discuss the contents of your scroll, after you’ve dried up together with this mess.” Eadwyre spoke and ordered a few servants to take care of the guests.

Three hours later, they’d come together again, seated at a table.
,,Now Marsh-Speaker, bring us the news we’ve asked for. What happened to the Champion?” The elderly king asked straight to the point.
,,As with the monks, he died. Ria Silmane died as well, her final death. Only this scroll knows if their sacrifice was worth it.” Marsh answered and laid eyes on the monk’s words for the first time.

Eight defiled under cold earth
Scorching light signals era’s end
Threads severed, vessel cast adrift
Heart corrupt, dragon’s blood in land with no name
Through water, the fire is lit

He who lives by the life of someone else
Unbound eye
Tooth of chaos
Ten suns of darkness
Mask of shame
Father of time’s flame
Wandering soul
Corrupted heart

Eight lands, eight destinies
Land of sand
Land guided by the moons
Land of roots
Land separated from all
Land at world’s end
Land of ice
Land uncharted
Land of curses

All come together, in the land of dragons
Divine chaos united
From lowest depth to highest top
Unnamed land given name

Marsh looked up from the parchment and his gaze travelled across those who were seated at the table. Rajn blinked, Aran frowned, Barenziah tapped on the table with a finger, Eadwyre played with the rings on his hands. In short, no one had a clue what he’d just said.
,,I believe we can safely assume that the message is a riddle.” Marsh spoke with a shrug. He pushed the scroll across the table so the king could see it for himself.
,,Yes, that’s quite a safe assumption. Now most is beyond our grasp, as I’m ashamed to admit, though it does seem to us that the section of the lands is a list of locations.” Eadwyre spoke as he unrolled the scroll and read it.

Rajn poked Aran who was sitting next to him.
,,The guy must be wacko. He keeps talking as if he’s two persons.” She snickered which gave her a stern look from ‘the guy’ and everyone else.
,,What?” She asked with feigned innocence.
,, Land of sand, Land guided by the moons, Land of roots, Land separated from all, Land at world’s end, Land of ice, Land uncharted, Land of curses. Eight in total. Nine if you count the unnamed land. All nice, but what do they refer to? What does the word ‘land’ refer to in this case?” Marsh repeated, ignoring the Bosmer.

,,Oh, I know. I know!” Once again everyone looked at Rajn.
,,If this is about our manner of speech, we would request that you remove yourself from this meeting at once.” King Eadwyre spoke with a sour expression.
,,That’s Valenwood!” Rajn said, not even bothering to try and translate what the old man had said.
,,Valenwood, how?” Barenziah joined the conversation, her curiosity triggered.
,,Simple. Land of roots. Valenwood is one big forest. Lots of plants not to mention big trees. Plants have roots, simple.”

Marsh gestured towards the king who gave back the scroll. The Argonian’s eyes flitted across the cryptic words.
,,Land of roots, Valenwood. That seems to fit. Each land refers to a province. It’s like a puzzle. Land of Ice, Skyrim. Land uncharted, that must be Argonia where no road survives long enough to be charted. Land of sands, Hammerfell or Elsweyr. All the others I don’t understand right now.” He spoke, drawing the link between the words and their meaning.

His eyes had now reached the paragraph above.
,, He who lives by the life of someone else, Unbound eye, Tooth of chaos, Ten suns of darkness, Mask of shame, Father of time’s flame, Wandering soul, Corrupted heart.” He mumbled. This paragraph was easier for him.
,,He who lives by the life of someone else. That’s me.” He revealed, closing his eyes.
,,Ria, I’m sorry. It should’ve been me who paid the price, not you.”

,,So, this is a list of the people involved? Too bad that there’s no ‘weird mumbler’.” Rajn said out loud.
,,That’s enough! Remove yourself, at once!” Eadwyre shouted, his patience had worn out. When the girl stood up, Aran reached out with his hand and pushed her back into her seat.
,,No, she stays.” He said, opening his mouth for the first time.
,,I know that she is hard to bear for you, king. That is intentional. She is bored and wants to leave. However, I think that she has a role to play here.” He continued, allowing no argument.
,,What, how? Let me go.” Rajn asked him, trying to break free from his iron grip. On the other side of the table, Marsh nodded.
,,Unbound eye.” He hissed.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 24 2007, 09:40 PM

Wow, things are getting more and more interesting. This "prophecy" you've written is amazing as it gives me a lot to think about. I feel like deciphering it myself! That's some excellent work if I say so.

I also have a good idea who "Corrupted Heart" is tongue.gif

Great work, jack. Post machine it up if you wish!

Posted by: canis216 Feb 24 2007, 10:06 PM


Posted by: minque Feb 25 2007, 01:02 PM

Ahhh... so many updates......good grief! Took me some time to catch up....You´re an excellent writer Jackie.....great stuff you have here! Great stuff!

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 26 2007, 09:15 PM

And the next chapter.

Chapter 4: The keepers of peace.

Marsh knocked on the door.
,,Are you coming out?” He asked, wondering if he should simply blast the lock instead.
,,No, I’m not. Go away.” Rajn replied from the other side of the securely locked door. The Argonian bared his teeth angrily. It was an instinctive action he wasn’t aware off.
,,It is written in the scrolls. You are coming with us.” He spoke with a growling undertone.
,,So what? Like I care about a moldy old piece of paper.”

The Argonian reeled back as if he’d physically been punched on the snout by an Orc.
,,Moldy old piece of paper?! The Elder Scrolls are the most divine and sacred artefacts in this world! Their wisdom is absolute, their truth unquestioned. If these scrolls predict that you have a role to fulfil, you will fulfil it, with or without your consent!” He shouted at the door. This time, Rajn’s answer didn’t follow as fast as usual. The Argonian’s outburst had intimidated her slightly.
,,You don’t even know for sure it’s me. I’m not the only see-through-walls in the world. Besides, you don’t even know what you’re going to do.” Intimidation or not, she still refused to accept everyone’s faith in the scrolls.

Marsh calmed down slightly, no longer about to explode but still fuming.
,,After you ran away, we talked about that. In Cyrodiil, you revealed to us that you’d been hired by the impostor as a guide. We would like to know where you led him.” He hissed through the keyhole. His claws rapped on the wooden frame. He waited for an answer, an answer that didn’t came.
,,Are you still listening? Those monks back there died for you. Don’t you want to honour their death?” He asked, his anger rising again. A sphere of light formed in his hand, pulsing slightly with each heartbeat.
,,My definition of honouring someone’s death is by not dying myself. Let me guess. If I tell you, you want me to lead you there as well which in turn means that I’ll be hunted by the bad guys.” Rajn answered and opened the door suddenly, poking her head through the gap. She withdrew just as sudden.
,,You nearly blew my head off with that! Put that away!” She shrieked.

Marsh let his spell dissipate.
,,If you had waited any longer, there would no longer be a door worth opening. Now, where did you led him?” He spoke, straightening his back in a way that was unusual and almost painful for an Argonian but usual for a politician who was trying to emit an aura of authority.
,,Uh-huh. First things first. Let’s treat this as a normal job for one thing. If I’m going to die, I might as well get something in exchange for the trouble. I want to get paid. Ten.” The little Bosmer demanded while wagging a finger in front of Marsh’s snout.
,,Ten septims?” The mage repeated a bit flustered.

,,Not exactly.” Rajn stepped out of the room and began to pace back and forth, counting down her demands with her fingers.
,,Ten septims a day. Plus free meals, free rooms at inns, not the cheapest dump you can find but a quality bed. First choice on whatever loot we might find, some time off whenever we visit a village, a city or some other place worth sightseeing. I want some good clothes before we start, a quality backpack, a fine bow and a hundred straight arrows worth their money, no broken tips or ruffled feathers. Ten strings not including the one already on the bow. A quiver, specifically designed for my size not to mention it needs to be comfortable and unable to slip no matter what kind of acrobatics I’m pulling. A steel knife, and whatever else I find during the shopping trip.”

Marsh leaned against the wall, barely listening.
,,Is that everything?” He asked once he no longer heard her talking.
,,Yup.” Rajn said with a big grin.
,,Good, you’re hired.” The Argonian decided and walked away, leaving the girl standing at the door.
,,What? He actually agreed? Drat, I’d hoped he would find my demands impossible and leave me alone. I’m in so big trouble.”

Hot steam rose from the bucket of water as the smith cooled his work for the last time. Gently, like a parent holding a child, he brought up the piece of metal and admired it from all directions.
,,Aren’t you pretty? Yes, you are.” He whispered to the sharp blade. As if he’d only just noticed the other man in the room, the one-eyed Redguard gripped the spear in a more conventional hold and presented it to his customer.
,,There you are, sir. As good as new. I even managed to incorporate the modifications you asked for.” He spoke, his eyes gleaming with pride.

A grey hand embraced the spear’s shaft and lifted it from the smith’s hands. A thumb stroke across the gleaming surface, flipping a barely visible switch. Without a sound, a second blade slid out at the spear’s butt. Another flip, and the sharp metal retreated into the shaft. The thumb felt around for another switch, and now let the blade at the tip retreat inside. Without the blades, the weapon looked like a relatively harmless staff.

This wasn’t why Aran had requested the changes though. His reasoning was that with only one hand to use, a blade at each end would be better. Also, by letting the blades hide inside the spear’s shaft when not in use, he would be able to preserve their edge till he actually entered battle. A pouch filled with rinkling coins switched owners.
,,Good work. As we agreed on, here’s your payment.”

Outside the blacksmith’s shop, he was surprised to see a dozen of Wayrest guards standing around the door in a semicircle. In the cordoned off area, A woman wearing an expensive dress stood. Red eyes shone at him from under an elegant hood.
,,Aran Geydar, I apologize for not having found the opportunity for a talk sooner.” Barenziah greeted him. The man said nothing, instead choosing to stare at her with an empty expression, his arms crossed in front of his chest.
,,My husband, Symmachus. He died by Jagar Tharn’s treachery.” The Queen of the Dunmer continued. Still, Aran said nothing.
,,Faithful Symmachus, who gave me the greatest pleasure in my life and now my greatest sadness. But before he died, something happened, something I must tell you.”

Now, Aran’s interest had been piqued.
,,Speak.” He spoke with his gravely voice and was silent again. Barenziah was slightly taken aback by his lack of royal manners.
,,Peasant.” She thought, slightly annoyed. Yet, in a land of Bretons, even the lowest Dunmer could be her hero.
,,Some time before this crisis that threatens the empire, a man came to me in Mournhold. I won’t discuss the details except one thing. When he left, he took an ancient artefact with him, an artefact that should have never been left alone. This artefact is the Staff of Chaos. The scrolls didn’t speak about it but I believe it will be important to you.”

Barenziah looked up to see if Aran was still listening. He hadn’t moved. It was odd, how a man so big could be so silent.
,,By all possible means, go to Rihad and request an audience with the queen. Tell her that Barenziah sent you. She knows more about the staff than I do. As your queen, I beseech you to grant my request. For my children’s sake and for Morrowind.” She began to sob as her thoughts wandered back to the man she’d loved, the man who’d died in an attempt to save her home.
,,You are not my queen. The Urshilaku never swore loyalty towards the House Dunmer.” Aran replied and walked towards the guards who separated them from the bustling streets.

Barenziah had stopped crying. The revelation had made her completely forget about Symmachus.
,,You are an Ashlander? The Urshilaku are nothing but bandits and simple murderers!” She shouted, easily heard outside the wall of guards. Aran took a single step forward. His hand flashed through the air, making contact with the woman’s cheek. The loud slapping sound also carried across the streets.

,,Do not insult my tribe! Your title gives you no power in the Ashlands. For generations, we have lived there were you did not. While you’ve grown weak in the soft embrace of your homes and comforted by your false gods, we have endured where our ancestors endured. Even today, we fight against the devil who threatens to consume all. A devil greater than Jagar Tharn! Do not mock us!” He shouted. Towering above everyone else, with his scarred body and muscular build, he looked more like a god of war than a man. As such, the guards made way for him when he walked away, lacking the courage to avenge the woman who was in Eadwyre’s favour. Barenziah looked after him while feeling the swelling bruise with a thin hand.
,,An Ashlander. We’ve put the last hope of Tamriel in the hands of an Ashlander. ALMSIVI, why have you forsaken us?”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 26 2007, 11:12 PM

A worthy portrayal of the Ashlander belief, jack. I loved that altercation! Not to mention Rajn and Marsh's as well. It's all been quite fantastic actually. Great work!

Posted by: Black Hand Feb 27 2007, 01:37 AM

Go Aran! My God, I love this Ashlander! Though I like the Ashlanders in general. 'cept for the Erabenimsun, well...their leaders to be more exact.

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 6 2007, 10:18 PM

Ah, the Ashlanders. They're such interesting people. I'm serious about this. They could leave the ashlands and move to the Bitter Coast or the grazelands easy enough. I don't think the House Dunmer would make too much of a fuss about it, as long as the Ashlanders didn't raid anyone.

But no, they stay. That just shows how proud they are. I like them for that reason.

Rajn was rather confused after all that had happened and had no idea what she should do.
,,Ok, let’s get it all down on a list. First, I led this Nightingale fellow into Valenwood. After that, he invited me to escort him to Cyrodiil in exchange for a nice bonus. There, he turns out to be a big important guy and throws me in jail. After going insane and sane again, I get out of there, nearly get eaten, stabbed, burned and eaten again. And now I’m here, stuck with this stupid prophecy that wants me killed.” She grumbled to herself. Quite unusual for a Bosmer, she had no eyes for her surroundings and soon entered the courtyard without even noticing.

,,Not to mention that I’ve lost everything I own, twice. All I’ve got left is this neat dress that jerk gave me, before he turned out to be a jerk. Now what am I supposed to do?” She continued to think aloud, drawing attention to her from the many guards who were hanging around the place, either training or gambling.
,,Ah, got it. I’ll go shopping. But first, I need a victim.” Everyone in the room visibly recoiled. Associating shopping with victim’s was something the roughed men and women were not used to and frankly, their own already somewhat violence orientated imagination did not reassure them.

This action made the girl finally notice where she was. After looking at all those around her, she made her choice.
,,You, I need a bodyguard.” She demanded, pointing her finger somewhere between two of the guards. The two armour-clad men looked at each other for a while, trying to figure out which one of them was the ‘victim’. Everyone knew of the status Eardwyre’s guest’s had and had heard the story of their wet arrival. In short, the Bosmer’s will was their command. When they couldn’t figure out which one of them had been pointed at, the one on the left pulled out a coin and threw it into the air.
,,Heads.” The other immediately called. Both watched the coin tumble through the air, going up before beginning its descent into a waiting hand. A small hand.

,,Oh, shiny. It’s mine now.” Rajn said and stuck out her tongue. The man on the left shrugged.
,,I just lost a coin to that little thief. You go, Jonas.” He decided and walked off, probably to fetch himself a new coin. Jonas shuddered and followed Rajn somewhat reluctantly, falling in a few steps behind her.
,,Ok, so she likes to snatch coins from the air. Quite good reflexes I might add. But apart from that, she can’t be that bad, can she?” He reasoned with himself.

One street later, he’d already changed his opinion.
,,Miss.” He called out.
,,Miss.” He said again a moment later, more forcefully. Rajn still didn’t respond.
,,Miss!” Jonas finally shouted. After brushing past one more richlooking woman, the Bosmer stopped in the middle of the street and openly began to transfer the contents of the various pouches she held in her hands into one of them. What she couldn’t use, she simply threw down on the street.

,,Ten successful pilferings in just one street. It’s true what they say. People really let their guard down when a guard is near.” She said to herself.
,,Miss, I’ve been trying to get your attention the moment you stepped out of the gate!” Jonas yelled at the top of his lungs, causing everyone in the street to stop and stare. Slowly, Rajn turned to face him, dug into her pouch and retrieved a single coin.
,,Ah, I’m sorry I forgot about that. Here’s your pay, you’re doing a great job.”

Even in his confusion, Jonas’ hand tried to catch the coin, failing miserably. Before he could bend and pick it up, a beggar had already snatched it off the ground and ran off. Rajn chuckled at the sight.
,,I’m not paying you again.” She commented. The guard’s patience had come to an end and he furiously stomped on the ground.
,,Stealing is illegal!”

A collective gasp spread across the streets. Rajn felt the familiar burn of a blush reach her face.
,,The filthy loose-tongued rat! How am I supposed to make any money like that? I might even end up back in a dungeon. Come on, think!” Frowning, she held up a finger.
,,Not where I’m from. Since I’m in a faraway country, I have to represent my people in the best way possible. In order to do that, I will act according to the accepted customs and standards of the Bosmeri people from Valenwood.” She explained.
,,Ha, take that! You people are not the only ones who can speak noble!”
,,By stealing? You can’t make me believe that stealing is legal in that pile of badly dried firewood.” Jonas retorted with a sceptical frown.
,,In Valenwood it is treated as a simple case of ‘you should have watched your stuff better’. If you can get away with stealing, it’s yours and no one minds. There’s only one thing we do mind about and that is the following. No one calls Valenwood a pile of badly dried firewood! If I had a bow, I would poke an arrow in your guts! Be glad I haven’t found an armory yet!”

Saying no more, she turned around on her heels and stalked off. Jonas whimpered and followed. If she got in trouble, he would be punished severely. It was better to escort a loose fingered, fanatical Bosmer than it was to be crippled and ridiculed for the rest of his life.

Marsh had no idea what was going on in the city at that time. He was in his personal quarters, getting ready for their trip.
,,Hmm, telekinesis orb or fire orb? Perhaps both?” He thought, holding the two crystals in his hands. The door at the end of the room opened without knocking.
,,What is it now, Rajn? I already accepted your terms and I no longer wish to speak about it.” He hissed in a tone that would be described as ‘annoyed’ if one knew the different signs of emotions in Argonian speech.

,,It’s just me. I just returned from the blacksmith. I had an encounter with your queen. Rajn is in the city by the way, mugging everyone she comes across.” Hearing the voice, Marsh turned around, still somewhat surprised at the gravely tone Aran always used.
,,She’s not my queen.” The Argonian replied.
,,Nor mine. I know that she is a temporary ally of Eadwyre. But that doesn’t matter. She wants us to travel to a city called Rihad and question its queen about an artefact known as the Staff of Chaos.” Aran spoke and looked at the two shimmering orbs with a distrusting frown.

Seeing the frown, Marsh put them in his backpack, chuckling inside. He had to admit, he liked the Dunmer, even if it was just because the man was absolutely honest with himself. He never hid his feelings, or his opinions. It was a characteristic he’d come to miss in the arena of politics where there was a dagger behind every smile.
,,Ah, the Staff of Chaos. An artefact infused with the power to transcends this world, or whatever is meant by transcending. Rihad lies in Hammerfell, quite close to Elsweyr and Valenwood. We can stop by easily.” Marsh concluded and now considered the subject finished. Now it was time for a subject he found more important.

,,Aren’t you worried about her? You’ve sworn to protect her yet all she does is jump into trouble any chance she gets. She could be injured or thrown in prison if she goes around to mug everyone.” The creature blinked, fixing its gaze on the man.
,,I know that. What I didn’t told you is that she’s protected by a guard, one who is completely under her thumb. It’s safer to just let her run wild for the moment. Let her use up all that wasteful energy while in a safe haven. We’ll need her to be calm and focussed during our journey.” Aran said and walked out of the door without a warning.

Marsh turned back to his bag.
,,Rajn thinks she’ll be killed, Aran believes that we must be careful and focussed. I must say, I worry about our safety as well.” His eyes fell upon the scroll. To protect their goal from spies, no copies had been made and he would take the original with him. He read the lines he already knew backwards, upside down and in his sleep.
,,That list of people does not necessarily refer to companions but if it does, how are we going to find them? Tamriel is a large place, with many places to hide. No, I should maintain my fate in the prophecy, even though I do not understand. If we won’t find our companions, they’ll find us.” He carefully rolled up the scroll and put it in his backpack.
,,We leave tomorrow before sunrise. I should get as much rest as I can. My body needs it after the exertion I’ve faced and the exertion I will face.”

Deep in the night, in Eadwyre’s bedroom, a hushed conversation was held.
,,I’ve heard the news from my men. They’ll keep quiet. What do you want me to do?” One shadow whispered.
,,Stop him, at all costs. Kill him if needed. He must not leave this city alive.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Mar 7 2007, 04:07 AM

Oooo, cryptic. I wonder who's lurking in the shadows...

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 10 2007, 09:34 PM

Aran sat on his room’s bed, his legs folded underneath him and his spear resting in his lap. His mind wandered through his past, reliving hope and despair. Happiness and sorrow. One scene stood out, the one he’d witnessed so many times.

Red eyes broken, blood gushing from an open wound. He leaned heavily on his spear and surveyed the carnage around him. Pale men in heavy armour stood around him, their weapons forming a deathly cage.
,,Give it up now, barbarian. The riches these lands hide belong to the East Empire company from this point. You are not wanted here. If you lay down your spear, I’ll let you leave.” A fat man dressed in an expensive robe said from behind the soldiers.

Aran glared at him.
,,I’ll remember you.” He spat, his knees beginning to tremble due to the bloodloss.
,,I won’t remember you. You’re just another red-eyed devil to me. Now get out of here.” The fat man ordered, wiping the sweat from his brow with a silken handkerchief.
,,Never!” Aran shouted.

He lunged forward, driving the tip of his spear into the unprotected face of one warrior. Even as the chitin tip tore through soft flesh, he forcefully pulled it free and stabbed it into the wrist of the warrior on his right. Releasing the spear with one hand, he spun it around him in a circle, forcing everyone near to step back. In doing so, they’d created an opening. He stepped to the right, following the path of his spear. He reversed direction, finding a throat. Another turn, cutting through a knee. He finished off the disabled man with a quick thrust into his side.

Everyone had now retreated out of his range. Aran thrust his spear into the ground again, leaning on it once more. He’d reached the end of his powers. One last charge, that was all he could manage. The fat man looked at the new corpses that littered the already death filled battlefield. There was no care in his eyes, no sadness for the men who’d died to protect him, nor was there an expression of victory. Only boredom.
,,I don’t have time for this. Die, devil.” He spoke with a yawn. His hands flew up, dropping the handkerchief which flew away on the warm breeze.

His hands gestured, forming a circle, an arrow, a triangle. Unknown words left his mouth. Then, just when the Dunmer narrowed his eyes, fire flashed from the pale hands and shot towards him, engulfing him in a blazing nightmare.

Aran’s eyes shot open. Outside his window, a dog barked. He looked at the stars for a while, pondering his past.
,,I’ve grown in a land that is best described as an inhospitable monster that weeds out the weak. That’s where you made your mistake, by attacking me with fire in a land where fire is in the wind’s breath.”
He got up from his bed and walked to the window, looking out over the city which in his eyes, could’ve been located in an entirely different world.
,,First Cyrodiil, now Wayrest. My hunt has led me far, taking the greatest step after my prey bled out his life on the sands of the arena. The end of the hunt has only put me on the path of a greater hunt. Not as hunter, but as prey. What is my destiny? Where will it take me?”

His thoughts were interrupted by a soft sound. The sound of a lock clicking. He turned to face the door but did not walk towards it.
,,They locked the door. Apparently, someone wants to keep me here.” He concluded. A corner of his mouth twitched upwards.
,,Bad planning.”

He leaned out of the window, looking around till he saw what he was looking for. Being claustrophobic and used to great heights, Rajn had chosen to sleep on the balcony. The Dunmer had protested against her choice at first, claiming that the balcony was an open structure and she could fall off. She’d ignored him, and done her own thing as usual. Now, he was actually glad she did that.

He moved back into his room, looking for something. When his search turned out to be unsuccessful, he moved back to the window and threw his improvised projectile. Instantly, he was rewarded by a few colourful profanities being flung in his direction.
,,Hey, I was having a nice dream. And now you’ve interrupted it by…..throwing a smelly boot at me!” She yelled at him. Aran brought a finger to his lips.
,,Someone locked the door to my room. Wake up Marsh, and then open the door to my room. We’re leaving earlier.” He whispered.
,,Oh, and throw my boot back.”

Rajn sputtered for a bit more, threw the boot at him as hard as she could and vanished into her room. Aran returned to his bed and continued his meditation. Half an hour later, he heard voices from beyond the door.
,,Miss, you aren’t supposed to run around with a bow. Especially not during the night.” A gruff voice said, probably coming from a guard who had been guarding the door.
,,But there are rats under my bed! Big rats, I tell you! Who is in charge of keeping this place clean? Go get the Housemaster, now!” Rajn shrieked in an annoying Bosmer tone. Aran could already imagine the frustration the guard faced.
,,I’m busy. You should ask someone else.” He replied.

There was a loud thunk. Aran looked up and saw an arrowhead sticking through the door.
,,I hate rats! Just get the guy before I get angry here!” Aran smiled and shook his head. When words alone didn’t work, intimidation did the trick.
,,Alright, I’m already going! Don’t be such a hothead! And I so don’t want to know what you’re like when you’re angry!”
The guard ran off, his boots echoing each time they touched the floor.

Rajn had the door open within just five seconds. She retrieved the arrow from the door and examined it for damage.
,,Hey, there a small crack here. I hope you’re happy now, you’ve made me ruin a perfectly fine arrow.” She whispered annoyed. Her eyes shone with amusement however.
,,You like doing this, don’t you?” Marsh commented as he strode into view. He then looked at Aran who nodded.
,,Ocsdros, Jike bei.”

The familiar green smoke enveloped the fading features of the Ashlander.
,,A small bit of advice, don’t go slapping Barenziah, even if you have all the right to do so. The ability of a noble to keep a grudge is infamous.” The Argonian hissed.
,,Now let’s leave. I know a secret passage that should get us out of the city without being seen.” He continued and led the way.

,,You slapped her?” Rajn asked as they walked after the mage.
,,Yes. Barenziah does not like Ashlanders and the feeling is mutual. It’s quite similar to your hate for Khajiit I must say.” Aran answered. Marsh looked over his shoulder, his teeth bared.
,,Shut up, you’re weakening your invisibility. We have several weeks of travel ahead, don’t start causing trouble at the start.” He warned.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Mar 11 2007, 12:04 AM

.... And the journey begins. Cue the epic travelling music!

Great work as usual Jack. These characters are always so much fun to read.

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 12 2007, 09:48 PM

And do you know what else travelling does? It provides a perfect excuse to jump back to our little bloodthirsty kitten, just in time to watch the fun begin. biggrin.gif

In the sweltering heat, he could barely see the stone walls rising up from the sands. His tail swished from side to side as he stood on the road, gazing upon the gates.
,,So this is Rihad.” He noted, already beginning to hate the place just because of the weather. It was simply too hot to enjoy whatever beauty it might conceal. Weather or no weather, hate or no hate, he’d arrived at his destination. Now he just had to find the sanctuary. Easier said than done, seeing as how no one knew the location of any other sanctuary but his own. There were a few people lucky enough to know of more than one sanctuary, but no one knew who they were. But there was still hope.

,,Seeing as how I’m wearing our traditional garb, it’s likely that they’ll attempt to make contact soon.” The Khajiit reasoned with himself and walked through the gate, watching the guards from the corner of his eyes, just in case they tried something. Fortunately for the Redguard, he did not pay any particular attention to the assassin who walked past. Inside the city, Ra’trith was assaulted by the smell of human sweat everywhere.
,,Just why exactly did I chose to go to a desert? It’s hot, it stinks and I get sand between my toes.” He grumbled to himself. He had no answer for that so he dismissed the question.

The Khajiit walked around the city at random, sticking to the shadow for as much as possible. Even in the shadow the heat was murderous, in the open sun it would kill him in just ten seconds. As time went by, he became aware of being followed. A pair of feet, moving when he moved, stopping when he stopped.
,,Ah, the contact. Now I’m supposed to act as normal and wait till he surprises me. I have no interest in games. Not in this pit.”

The Khajiit spun around and grasped the poorly dressed Redguard around the throat with his hand, letting the claws sink through the skin slightly.
,,Out with it, before people notice and I have to kill you.” Ra’trith snarled. The other assassin gulped, his eyes wide open.
,,Behind the chapel, through the well. You’ll be tested.” He whispered. Ra’trith released his grip and watched with mild amusement how the Redguard felt his wounds.
,,See you there.” The Khajiit hissed and walked away, heading towards what was unmistakably the chapel.
,,If that’s the best they have, it shouldn’t be that hard to achieve the highest rank.”

The well had dried up years ago and was now little more than a ring of broken rock. However, this was contrasted by the high hedges growing all around it and even above, cloaking the area in a cool shade that felt like paradise to Ra’trith’s overheated body. The hedges also served to hide whatever happened here from the prying eyes of the people on the streets.
,,The bringers of death hiding under the chapel of the goddess of love, how ironic.” The assassin snickered and walked over to peer into the well.
,,Now what was this about a test?”

The leaves above him rustled in a nonexistent breeze. Ra’trith bared his teeth in a bloodthirsty grin. He reared back, narrowly dodging the black dagger flying up out of the well.
,,How nice, some fun.” He thought pleased with the turn of events and threw himself forward, catching the dagger in midair and throwing it back down the well before landing on the other side. A scream echoed from below as an assassin found his death. One down, an unknown number to go.

A bow emerged from the hedge ahead of him, an arrow already nocked. At the same time, the leaves above him rustled again and now split open to let something pass. Ra’trith stepped around the arrow, then spun around and kicked the assassin who’d dropped from above. Ribs snapped, being driven into the lungs with tremendous force. It was a lethal wound, but Ra’trith wasn’t done yet. He followed the path the dying assassin had taken, wrenched the sword from his hands and delivered a second crushing kick against the throat, changing the cloaked man’s path so he too dropped into the well. He then spun around and threw the sword at the hidden archer who was still in the process of drawing a second arrow from the quiver. A red fountain colouring the leaves red told the Khajiit he’d hit his mark. Three down, zero to go.

He breathed heavily after his exertion. With nothing left to kill, his bloodthirst was fading, to be replaced by a nagging discontent.
,,That guy hiding down in the well managed to scream. I must be losing my touch.” He thought to himself and his grin re-emerged. There was still one person left to kill. A guard who had managed to take three steps after hearing the scream. Three steps which brought him to the entrance of this small lush hideout. Three steps to his death.
,,I heard a scream wha….” The guard was rudely interrupted by Ra’trith’s Blade of Woe driving into his skull.

He retrieved his dagger and returned it to its sheath. After that, he waited. Half an hour later, a man dressed in the clothes of a wealthy merchant entered the small garden. His eyes looked around coolly, his face splitting in a crooked smile upon seeing the red blood still dripping from the leaves.
,,So he wasn’t a true Brother after all. Good work, everyone. You can come out now and collect your payment.” He spoke in a hushed tone. The leaves above him didn’t even rustle when Ra’trith dropped down, landing on his shoulders and driving him into the ground.
,,Here’s a bit of advice. Don’t test me when I’m in a bad mood.” He hissed in the man’s ear.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Mar 12 2007, 10:49 PM

Ahhh Ra'trith! I was eagerly awaiting his return. A what a return it was!

A very fun read I must say!

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 14 2007, 09:27 PM

Short one!

A scorpion crawled out from under a loos stone and made its way over to the reddened sand. It stopped at the edge of the bloody mess, as if it was contemplating the change that had occurred in its territory.
,,What’s the meaning of this?” The false merchant whispered, spitting out a mouthful of sand as he did so. He knew that alerting the guards would only lead to more trouble.
,,You decided to test me with some of your friends, I killed them.” Ra’trith explained, a malicious snarl on his face. The prone man could not see the snarl while his face was being pressed into the sand.

,,You killed them?! Impossible! Those three are the best assassins in Hammerfell! A well-trained Brother can evade their attacks for a short moment, but he can’t retaliate at the same time! And even then, you weren’t supposed to kill them!” He sputtered, nearly choking on the warm sand. He felt how the Khajiit’s claws dug into the back of his neck for grip and hauled him up. The change in position was too unexpected for him to respond. A moment later, his chest painfully collided with the well and his face was pushed down so he could watch down the shaft.
,,See for yourself. And if they were supposed to live, you should have warned me. I would have stopped after breaking their bones then.” Was all Ra’trith said.

When he peered down into the well, he realized that this outrageous claim was no more than the truth. The bottom of the dry well was reddened by blood he could not see in the darkness, though the smell rising up to meet his nose told him it was there. The few rays of sunlight which managed to reach all the way down reflected on the chain armour of a guard, and on two traditional Dark Brotherhood clasps. His thoughts wandered to the blood covering one of the hedges. He managed to glance that way and this time, he saw something new. The bloodsoaked hilt of a sword. A sword he knew. Not only had the Khajiit somehow slain three of the finest assassins in the province as well as a guard, he’d actually used their own weapons to do it!

,,Who are you?” The false merchant asked with a quivering voice. Ra’trith released his grip and allowed the man to face him.
,,The embodiment of darkness.” He answered and watched with pride how the man’s eyes gleamed in recognition of the title.
,,The embodiment of darkness. I always thought that it was just a legend, that no one could be this good. I see how I was wrong. I am Pelagius, the Listener of Hammerfell. I extend a formal invitation to our Hand though there is a matter that needs to be taken care of first. You have killed three of your fellow Brothers. This cannot go unpunished. You know the traditional price for this act?”

Ra’trith sneered at the mention of ‘punishment’. The traditional punishment was death.
,,As you just said, I killed your three best assassins without experiencing any problems. Do you honestly believe I would fear anything else you might throw at me? Not even Sithis would be able to stop me.” He countered. Pelagius nodded.
,,True, the Dark Brotherhood is not capable of executing you according to the ancient rules. However, the Listener is in the position to propose an alternate form of punishment. I would like to present you with a task, a murder. You’ll be paid, though at a lower rate than usual.” The Listener offered.

Ra’trith shrugged.
,,Only if I know who the client is.” He spoke which made Pelagius frown. It was unusual for a Brother to know the client. Then again, it couldn’t do any harm.
,,Very well. The client would like to remain anonymous though I am sure I can trust your silence. The man who has offered us this contract, along with a sizeable sum, is Jagar Tharn.” He revealed.

The Khajiit let out an instinctive growl.
,,Jagar Tharn. He’s bribed the Brotherhood to betray me. Working for him is not what I want, yet it could prove to be a valuable source of information. If I know what he’s up to, I’ll know how to kill him.” He reasoned with himself.
,,Fine, I’ll take the offer.”

Pelagius descended down the well.
,,Good, our sanctuary is through here. I’ll have the corpses cleaned up before anyone becomes aware of our presence here. In the meantime, I want you to go north, to Stonekeep. There, you will meet an Orc warlord. He’s Tharn’s accomplice. Question him for further information.” He shouted upwards. Ra’trith walked away from the well, contemplating his new mission.
,,This reeks of betrayal. I’m sure it is yet another trap. Good, observing the trap is the first step on the path of avoidance. Or the path of retaliation.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Mar 14 2007, 09:54 PM

A diabolically cunning creature Ra'trith is, yes? It gives me shivers how calculating and dangerous he is. Great work!

Posted by: canis216 Mar 15 2007, 12:41 AM

Aye, the khajiit is indeed cunning, diabolical, deadly, and many other adjectives with connotations related to cleverness or murderousness. Indeed, indeed.

Posted by: Dire Cheesecake Mar 15 2007, 05:20 AM

Hm, he's also a bit of a cocky punk though isn't he?

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 15 2007, 09:29 PM

No update, I need to work it out first.

All I wanted to say was this: Yes, Ra'trith is a bit arrogant but it is all justified. He's good and he knows it. In game terms, he's very high level.

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 20 2007, 10:08 PM

I should've known that this would be a bit harder than I initially expected. There is not a whole lot to do in a city if your character is the most antisocial murderous honoured user around. Nevermind, I think I managed quite well.

Before he could leave on his quest for personal vengeance and a good bit of money, he had to eat. It was becoming a bit of a habit for him, to enter a city, kill a few people, get the task of an assassination and leave again without a chance to rest.
,,I really should change that. I can’t keep running forever without tiring. Especially in this heat.” He noted with cool self-knowledge.

His eyes scanned the city for potential food. The sun blazed overhead, baking the streets in the climax of boiling air known as noon around here. Ra’trith noticed quickly that he was the only one left on the streets. Everyone else had vanished into his or her residence, trying to escape the sun. Even most of the guards had left and the ones who remained all stood in the shade of an overhang, sweating like a mountainstream.

Something slithered in the sand under his feet as he passed one of the guards. He’d just been wondering why the small niches these tanned warriors hid in had a tiled floor. Now he knew why. He swiftly crouched down and gripped the snake just behind the head. His grip tightened, squeezing the life out of the poisonous creature. After a minute or two, the creature’s death throes ceased and the Khajiit took it with him into the nearest tavern. To the shock of both the proprietor and the customers, he publicly sat down at a table and sliced off the snake’s head.

Cutting the death creature into small pieces, he ate it and threw the bones on a small pile. The only bit he spared were the glands containing its poison. His cold assassin side scolded him for this public act yet another part of him delighted in the disbelief and morbid interest of those around him. He gestured towards the proprietor who approached, a look of disdain on his face.
,,Are you going to clean that mess, sir?” Was the first thing the short man asked once he reached the table. Ra’trith lazily looked at the bloodstained bones and grinned, showing his equally bloodstained fangs for all to see.
,,Not a single hair in my fur even considers it. I want a vial, about the size of a finger.” He replied and after a short time pondering, he flipped a single coin on the table.
,,And as an extra bonus, I’ll tell you that raw snake is a true delicacy. Just don’t eat the head, it’s poisonous.”

The bartender eyed the coin. Inside, he fought the old battle between keeping up his reputation and simple greed. In the end, greed won and he snatched up the coin while waving to a waitress to clean up the mess. He returned to his place and began to rummage around under the bar, hopefully for the vial.

In the meantime, the waitress had made her way to Ra’trith’s table with a large plate which she used to scoop up the bones.
,,Haven’t seen your kind before. Aren’t you a k….kho…khan……cat thing?” She asked with what was probably supposed to sound polite but completely missed the effect.
,,Interested in that which you don’t know?” Ra’trith inquired. He was already tired of the conversation before it had even begun yet until he got his vial, he would not move from his table. Now he could simply kill everyone and search for the vial himself, but there were too many in one room to kill silently and in the end it would not be worth the trouble.

,,Just curious. So, what do you do for a living?” The Redguard continued, oblivious to all the physical signs of annoyance the Khajiit displayed. Though it had to be said in her defence that few people were aware of the subtle ear and tail movements that marked a Khajiit’s mood. With Elsweyr just about on the other side of Tamriel, the number of people who knew had dropped to near zero.
,,Do you know the saying, curiosity killed the cat? There is another version. The cat killed curiosity. I am a hunter, and you’d do best not to ask about my prey.” The assassin warned. Finally, the waitress got the clue and left him alone. Ten minutes later, the proprietor had found the vial and deposited it on the table.

With the arrival of the vial, Ra’trith renewed his show. He cut open the glands and carefully let the poison drip into the vial. Once he’d finished the task, he left the shrivelled glands on the table and left the tavern. The stay in the cool tavern had rejuvenated him and he went straight for the gate. The guards complained loudly at the need to open the massive doors in the heat. Ra’trith passed through and set out on the road.
,,Now, Stonekeep. If those drunks I overheard in the tavern are correct, it is directly north of here.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Mar 21 2007, 03:00 AM

There's always plenty of material to use with a creepy antisocial character when they have a Voice in their head constantly bothering them! Unfortunately Ra'trith doesn't have that, though this update was indeed interesting.

Posted by: Black Hand Mar 22 2007, 07:19 AM

Sorry for the lack of postings Jack! I have been keeping up with the story, you're doing marvelously! Please, please, please, keep it up!

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 23 2007, 10:38 PM

Yet another storyline? Maybe.
And I'll get an agent update out tomorrow, I promise.

Roughly at the same time, yet so far away from Rihad that the city’s name was unknown here, a young man woke up. He took a single look out of the window and sighed. Exactly two minutes later, he bolted down the stairs, grabbed an apple from the kitchentable and ran out through the door.
,,You forgot your jacket, dear!” A woman shouted after him. He stopped, cursed a bit, turned around and ran back to his house.
,,Thanks, mum.” He spoke as he snatched the jacket from his mother’s hands and ran off again. Shaking her head, the woman went back inside.
,,He actually overslept. Normally he’s always up and about an hour before sunrise. I wonder why, really.”

He stopped his mad dash at the other side of the small village. His feet had led him to the town’s only tavern, the lucky horse.
,,You’re late.” The Proprietor snarled the moment he entered the door. The man shrugged and left out through the back, where the stables were. There, he moved about to perform his task of feeding and brushing the horses, sneezing every few seconds.
,,I’m allergic for these mules and I land a fricking job that has me touch them all day long. Just what’s wrong with my life?” He complained inwardly.

A new smell reached up to his drooping nose. An unpleasant smell, one that was usually associated with organic waste products. Also known as horse dung.
,,Ah, frickity frick! I hate this place, I hate this job and I fricking hate horses!” He shouted and levelled his gaze on the brown pile near his feet. The pile began to shift, the individual pieces of smelly slime tumbled over each other. Then, it shot up high into the air. When it was only a small dot in the blue sky, it exploded, devoured by an internal flame.
,,Much better. They should train these monsters not to deposit their stuff in the stable. Do they have any idea how hard it is to clean the damn place? Achoo! Frick!”

While the young man was wasting time with his inappropriate and explosive cleaning techniques, his mother was cleaning the windows in a much more peaceful manner. She was interupted in her activity by the sound of rinkling bells. Smiling, she put away the piece of cloth she’d been using and dug into the basket near the door. As she’d already expected, a clean white envelope had appeared. One look at the silvery edges and the golden wax sealing it told her enough.
,,It was about time you sent us a letter. You haven’t written in months.” The paper rustled as she opened the envelope and began to read the letter inside.

Dear Serena,

I apologize for not writing sooner. All I can say to defend this neglect is the chaos here. I’ve been so busy, it’s as if I’m living the life of two men! Well, maybe I am. I barely get time to rest. I suppose we’re lucky that sleeping is something our family was never good at. We’re always awake, living a busy life.

But enough about my petty excuses. How are you doing, down there at Seneth? Since I’m so late with this letter, I’m probably too late to say goodbye to Aureus. By now he’s probably returned to his project in Argonia. When he visits, could you please tell him I’ve found a potential client in the Colovian Highlands? Give him my regards and best wishes. When things calm down here, I’ll have to try and travel to meet you. A family reunion would be nice, don’t you think? I’ll bring over some Cyrodiilic recipes and ingredients. Then we can make a fabulous meal to celebrate.

I hate to tell you this, but I’m also writing for business here. I’ve got a certain key in my possession. It is of extreme importance that I give it to you. I wish I could tell you what it’s for but I can’t. I’m sorry, but there are things more important than family. This key is more important. I’ll send it to you in two days. Guard it well.

Of course, I can’t just drown you in bad news, can I? Like with a lot of things here, it’s supposed to be a secret but I believe I can tell you. Remember that you wrote me two years back about Novis’ interest in Magicka? He had been quite successful at schooling himself in the art of changing the shape and properties of objects, if I’m correct. I’ve managed to subtly bring this knowledge into the hands of several experts and after months of debate, they’ve reached their conclusion. Unfortunately, work caught up to me so this warning might be a little late.

Today, two Royal Battlemages will arrive. I’ll be brief about it. Novis has formally been invited to the Battlespire for a full education programme. For someone who has never received formal training before it might be hard, but I have full confidence in him. Our family is colourful, but that just makes our blood even better. I happily await the day that he’ll take his proper place among us, and the day that he’ll surpass me and his father. But don’t tell him, it would spoil the traditional prank.

Ah, annoying politics. An ambassador from Valenwood just arrived. He wants our support in the upcoming war with Elsweyr. My agents have reported the arrival of the Elsweyr ambassador as well who most likely has the same request. Choosing between barbaric mer or overgrown cats, this will be hectic. I have to go.


She smiled, overjoyed at the news. Her own son, a Battlemage in the finest order of Tamriel. Now she surely had the right to brag about her child.
,,Just wait till Aureus hears this. He’ll leap a hole in the sky.” Her smile faded as she realized something else.
,,For tonight’s meal, I’m going to need a few bits of Crabmeat, Ironwood nuts, Mutton and some spices. That will mean three hours in the kitchen. Oh dear, I’ll feel it in my bones tomorrow.”

Two men sat at a table in the lucky horse. They politely ignored the attention directed at them. While their garb was nothing special, their faces were. They were the only two who did not have golden skin.
,,So, when do you think we’ll act?” One asked, carefully taking a sip from his beer.
,,Do you have to ask? Tonight, like we always do.” The other replied with a chuckle and lit up a sigar.
,,I hope the others have been successful. Some must be quite tricky to reach. Especially the Argonian. I pity Kadis and his wife. That buginfested swamp really must be hard on them.” He added. A dim explosion sounded through the room.
,,Novis! Blow up one more thing and I’ll lower your pay!” The Proprietor shouted. The two men laughed softly.
,,We have a winner.” They concluded most satisfied.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Mar 24 2007, 12:18 AM

Hmmm, Novis seems to be quite the mouthy fellow. I can't wait to read more about him!

Continue the great work Jack, just like you always do!

Posted by: minque Mar 24 2007, 06:06 PM

Sweet Jackie! Very good writing as always.....Serena huh? I´m waiting eagerly for the continuation...

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 24 2007, 11:21 PM

Oh my gosh! That's just one letter away from Serene. Wow, I never knew random buttonmashing could turn up with something like this. blink.gif

Serena's similarity to Serene is mere coincidence. She's just a commoner. Make things, break things, clean things and stuff. She plays a minor role in the story and her only relevance is the family ties she provides between Novis and Thanis.

About Novis, he's well.......based on me. Or rather, my strenghts and weaknesses. (heavy on the weaknesses.) So yes, I'm allergic to horses wink.gif . (And dogs, cats, anything else with a fur, grass, trees, most other plants, and just about anything else you can come up with.)

And here's a little riddle for all of you: Thanis is more commonly known under a different name. Which one? (Don't worry, I'll reveal the answer somewhere in a later chapter.)

Posted by: minque Mar 25 2007, 11:56 AM

Ohhh...a riddle! Makes you really wanna follow this I´d say! goodjob.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 27 2007, 10:20 PM

We're doing tons of tests at school this week, so it's a short one. More messing around with the names. But I'm not telling yet. biggrin.gif

They sat in their corner, conversing quietly. With time, the attention they drew died down and by lunchtime, they’d become part of the furniture so to speak. As such, no one noticed when the snuck out a few hours later.
,,Other side of the village. The house sits nicely in the shade of an old tree. Would do well as a place to spend your vacation.” One informed the other, just as a reminder. The other nodded with a smirk and gestured with his hands. Both faded from mortal eyes till only their breath in the wind and the swaying of the grass among their feet gave them away.

Together, they continued their stealthy approach to the small building, cautiously swerving around the few Altmer they passed. They crouched behind the cover of a simple well and rested their backs against the wall, conveniently under an open window.
,,Novis, you should change into other clothes after dinner.” They heard a woman’s voice speak.
,,Serena Lucis.” One of the two men mouthed without a sound. They continued to eavesdrop on the conversation.

,,Aw, come on. It’s not that bad. I made sure not to step into the fricking dung of those fricking nightmarish beasts.” A second voice, younger and with a male undertone, replied.
,,Don’t argue with your mother. One, you reek. Two, I told you not to swear. And three, your father and I have been thinking.” The woman said sternly.
,,Uh, oh.”
,,Novis! Don’t go ‘uh, oh’ on me. It’s nothing big, really. It’s simply about your name.” Serena continued.
,,My name? I didn’t pick it. What’s with my name?” Novis’ voice was slightly slurred, as if he was drunk.

,,We have discussed it for a bit and we’ve come to an agreement. Novis, we want you to use the name of your family from my side. Living on Summerset with an Imperial name is not easy. You would have a much easier time getting married, settled down and such with your uncle Thanis’ name.” The Altmeri woman explained.
,,Sure…..can…” Novis spoke extremely slow, pronouncing each word after a moment of silence. What followed was a loud thunk. The two eavesdroppers looked at each other quizzically. Then, a shadow loomed over them. A bit nervous, they looked up.

,,Good evening, gentlemen. Please come inside and have a cup of tea. Don’t mind my son. He’s just taking a nap.” They looked at each other with an expression that could be described in four words. Caught in the act.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Mar 28 2007, 12:38 AM

Hmmm a very interesting update for such a short one. I wonder who these eavesdroppers are...

Please don't leave me hanging! Still, good luck on your tests.

Posted by: jack cloudy Apr 4 2007, 09:38 PM

Hmm, I had serious trouble with the next scene so in the ultimate show of laziness, I decided to skip it. Yeah, I skipped right ahead to the Battlespire.

Nausea, a throbbing headache and a dry throat. Those were the symptoms Novis had when he woke up. Oh, and stiff muscles.
,,Wow, that was one spicy dinner.” He mumbled half in jest as he caught his first sight of the world around him.
,,Very spicy. Welcome to the happy land of dreams.” He added, now slightly more awake than two seconds earlier.

Dark grey rocks, stacked on top of each other to form crude walls. A ceiling of the same stuff and cracked dirt as the floor. This was clearly not the livingroom of his home, nor any other place he knew for that matter. Not to mention that the smell was definitely not something he’d ever encountered before. The place smelled…..dead. Not just dead like a rotting corpse or ages of dust gathered in a tomb, but simply as if there never had been anything that could be called alive. No plants, no animals, nothing.

He got up from the sofa and walked towards the door he’d seen at one end of the room.
,,Goldskin should keep the door closed.” A voice hissed in a dialect he could barely comprehend. Novis turned around while inwardly calling himself an idiot.
,,Leave it up to me to not notice the only inhabitant of an otherwise empty room.” He thought and promptly his eyes widened upon seeing the inhabitant.
,,Frickity frick! It’s a big lizard!” Fortunately for the Altmer, he did not say that out loud.
,,Umm….hi. And umm….Why should I keep the door closed?” He asked instead.

,,Because there’s no air on the other side. In short, you would suffocate.” An Imperial spoke and stepped through a second door, one Novis hadn’t noticed till now. He took a quick second glance at the room.
,,Two doors, empty room except for a few comfortable sofas lined up along the walls.”
,,A waiting room.” He concluded, speaking out the last few words.

,,Correct, Novis.” The Imperial said with a nod.
,,You know my name?” Novis replied. He didn’t like where this was going.
,,As a matter of fact, I do. I spoke with your mother, she makes a sweet cup of tea.” The Imperial explained and took up a strategic position between the Altmer and the Argonian.
,,Lady, gentleman, allow me to introduce myself. I am Harms Meritus, Headmaster at the Battlespire. You may have wondered why we ‘kidnapped' you so to speak. Simply said, you have certain skills we desire.” He informed the two while stroking his grey goatee.

,,Hold it. What if we don’t agree? Are you going to wipe our minds or something?” Novis interrupted with a raised eyebrow.
,,Goldskin has a point. Ei-Ring concurs.” The Argonian agreed. Harms looked slightly taken aback. He smiled though.
,,That won’t be necessary. What do we have to fear from you? You won’t be able to reveal the location of the Battlespire to anyone. And even if you could, it would do you no good. In fact, I can reveal its location right now. First you must go through a Shiftgate, called upon by your own will. This Shiftgate must lead to one among the infinite number of planes you can choose from. Then, you have to traverse a rocky path that stretches for five kilometres past deep cliffs, flowing rivers of magma and deep pits obscured by a thick layer of dust that will certainly spell your doom if you step into them. All that while in a complete vacuum. So, if you can find the right plane and the right pad and survive the harsh conditions, you’ll reach the Battlespire which is the most fortified structure ever created by mortals. Not exactly helpful, isn’t it?” He chuckled.

,,Perhaps in a few years, you’ll know all the spells you require to reach the Battlespire. By then though, you’ll be completely loyal to us as you will be one of us. So, who wishes to leave? I can arrange that easily enough. You’ll be home in half an hour, should you desire it.” He offered and looked expectantly at his two potential pupils.
,,Don’t look at me, I just want to know all of my options. This sounds like a good careerchoice and my mother doesn’t seem to mind.” Novis answered.
,,Ei-Rin wishes to stay.” The Argonian hissed.

,,Good, good! Now as I was saying before our conversation took a slight detour, the Battlespire is interested in your talent. You must know that the Battlespire is the training ground for the Royal Battlemages, the most exquisite order of mages in Tamriel. We only train the most exceptional of pupils, those who have displayed a great talent and skill before proper training. Only one pupil is selected from each province, which leads to nine pupils in total. If a pupil refuses, we won’t chose another to take his or her place. There is no second choice here. The average training takes about twenty years, after which the freshly graduated class spends the next twenty years training the next batch of students while perfecting their own skills. Therefore, only after forty years is a Battlemage allowed to return to Cyrodiil and take his place as an official representative of the Emperor.” Harms continued talking as he led the two back through the door he’d used to enter.

Beyond the door, the decoration of the Battlespire took a sudden change. The cold and crude rock was replaced by shining marble, the cracked dirt by a thick carpet of red silk. Lanterns hung along the walls, shining with an odd blue light. Giant banners covered the space between the lanterns, each with a mysterious symbol woven into its fabric. Amidst all that, pillars of black Ebony reached up to support an arched ceiling.
,,When people think Battlemage, they usually think of the heavily armoured brute who bashes down anything that moves with a big axe and simple fireballs. A Royal Battlemage is different. Sure, we do teach you how to fight with weapon and spell, but in a more sophisticated way. The men and women we deliver are as skilled with their weapon of choice as the legendary Redguard Singer with his Ansei, and as skilled with their spells as the Archmage of the mage guild. More skilled, in fact. On top of that, you’ll learn about politics, mercantile, geography, history, the various religions, strategy. In short, a Royal Battlemage is not just an instrument of war, but also an example of virtue and wisdom.”

Harms turned around suddenly, clasping his hands together.
,,Now before I continue with showing you your rooms which will be your home for the next forty years, let me get better acquainted. Or rather, let me make you two better acquainted with each other. Ei-Rin, you hail from Argonia, from the place we know as Thorn to be precise. You are the daughter of a hunter and a weaver. Your daily profession up to this point has been that of healer, a self-trained healer. While the normal Battlemage dismisses healing as a skill of the weak, we of the Battlespire do acknowledge its usefulness. Therefore, we’ve invited you to the Battlespire in the usual manner. By taking you from your home during your sleep. My apologies for that, but we’ve learned that most people dismiss our story as the illusion of a drunkard if we don’t show some visual proof.” He spoke solemnly and bowed towards Ei-Rin. He then turned towards Novis.
,,Novis……..Just Novis, I suppose. You hail from the Summerset Isles, from the place known as Seneth. You are the son of Aureus Lucis, a wandering diplomat from what we’ve heard, and Serena, a commoner. Your daily profession is that of stableboy, an activity you don’t seem to enjoy, if your eloquence during the day is any indication.” He said with a wink.
,,You sleep very little, so little in fact that your mother resorted to drugging you just so we had a chance of getting you to the Battlespire. The Shiftgate only works for those who are unconscious and for those who step through out of their free will. Anyway, your talent is that you are capable of changing the form of whatever material you come across. Might you give us a demonstration, please?”

Novis looked at Harms, then at Ei-Rin. He then shrugged and walked to one of the Ebony pillars supporting the roof high above them. He place a hand on the smooth surface and closed his eyes while his breathing slowed down till he inhaled only twice each passing minute. Two minutes past without anything happening. Then, the reflection on the pillar became distorted. Its smoothness was lost and in its place, the pillar grew several bumps which, while crude, could be read as writing.
You mean like this?

Harms clapped his hands.
,,Most intriguing, indeed. Now after you’ve returned that pillar to its normal shape, I’ll give you two the grand tour. You’re the first students to arrive so it seems you have about a week to get used to the place.” He spoke and turned towards a large set of stairs at the other end of the hall.
,,Come on, now. Follow me.”

Note: I have as of yet been unable to come across any real lore regarding the Imperial Battlemages, or Royal Battlemages as I call them. As such, I'm taking a great deal of artistic license with them. For example, in lore there is mention of Zurin Arctus and Jagar Tharn as the Imperial Battlemage. On the other hand, I also think I've read that the Battlespire is the school of the Battlemages. You don't build a whole fricking huge castle for just one student. (Well, the Telvanni might but I digress.)

So is there only one Battlemage, or are there more? My solution is simple, but I like it. Ideally, there is one Royal Battlemage for each province. As Harms has said, there might be fewer due to refusals. I wanted to keep the number down so the Royal Battlemages are truly something special. Anyway, the one who displays the greatest wisdom (not necessarily magicka skill.) is appointed as the Imperial Battlemage, which serves as the advisor of the Emperor. The others are appointed to the various provinces as advisors to whoever is in charge there.

With their knowledge of the Shiftgate, they are the fastest line of communication for the Emperor. Also, I've turned them into jack-of-all-trades rather than wargenerals. Zurin Arctus was a general, yet in Tharn's day, there was little left to conquer so he was more busy ruling than fighting. By making them jack-of-all-trades, they fit in better with their position as an advisor rivalling the Elder council in importance. That, and it sounds better. biggrin.gif

Posted by: karpik777 Apr 4 2007, 09:55 PM

Great update as always! Oh, and about the battlemages: there is THE Imperial Battlemage who is the advisor of the Emperor, some kings and queens also have their Royal Battlemages and there was a whole legion of battlemages trained in Battlespire, who were also called Imperial Battlemages. It's a bit complicated, but that's Bethesda's fault.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Apr 4 2007, 11:07 PM

I don't mind what ya did with the Battlemages at all, Jack. I guess that's mainly because my knowledge on the subject is very limited to a few readings I've seen (I became of TES fan during Morrowind and have yet to explore the past games). But I thought the description the Battlespire itself was wonderful. I can't wait to read more about this training and life in this crazy tower. Good work!

Posted by: jack cloudy Apr 5 2007, 08:21 PM

Maybe I'm revealing too much here, but it can't be helped. Anyway, enjoy.

Ra’trith had travelled as fast as usual. Even the excessive heat that plagued the day could not slow him down. He’d simply chosen the cold night as the time he would travel and the day as the time he would seek shelter and rest.

Now he was sitting at a creek, hidden from view from unwanted observers by a few round boulders. The water flowed around his toes and for a while, drinking was the only activity he performed. Once he’d cooled himself with the fresh liquid, he returned to his mission. Upstream, about an arrowshot away, he could make out a few rough tents that had been planted on the grass which grew near the river. Downstream and much further away, he saw a massive fortress sitting amidst a labyrinth of fields and irrigation canals. A boat was slowly making its way up the stream.

His gaze returned to the tents and the green-skinned giants that walked among them. The Orcs made an incredible amount of noise, easily drowning out the sound of the clattering river. From his vantage point, he had no trouble listening in on their tall tales and rough jokes. And their constant bickering which usually ended with a broken nose or worse. The Khajiit growled under his breath and shook his head. He did not like the thought of dealing with those dumb oafs. Still, it had to be done.

He rose up from behind his rock and approached the camp in plain view. He calmly waited till every single Orc had turned towards him and raised his or her tool of death.
,,Who asked for an assassin?” He asked bluntly. Subtlety would be beyond the mental capacity of these animals.
,,Big boss did. He said that the assassin should go and kill the king with his woman and children. Also kill the scholars and advisors. But don’t touch any objects of value.” One Orc barked at him. Ra’trith frowned, a gesture that was completely invisible under his hood.
,,Don’t touch objects of value?” He hissed at the ugly brute.
,,Yeah, that’s what Big Boss said. Hrmm, you can take whatever you can carry, but don’t touch the maps. Not the maps.”

Without mincing any further words, Ra’trith turned around and stalked off.
,,Oy, don’t forget to throw a torch from the wall when you’re done! That’s our sign to invade!” The Orc yelled after him. The assassin’s tail twitched.
,,Maps? What is so interesting about a map? I’ll take a look before giving these idiots their sign. How does the destruction of Stonekeep fit in with Tharn’s plans? What is the importance of this map? I wonder what he’s plotting right now.” He thought to himself while simultaneously planning the best approach to the fortress.

At the moment, Jagar Tharn wasn’t plotting anything, unless deciding which bottle of perfume to use in his bad could be called plotting.
,,Roses? No, I’d better not. Before you know, people will be spreading rumours of a romance with the priestess of Dibella and that is something I can’t handle right now.” He told himself with a nasty scowl. He settled his dilemma by putting the bottle with rosefragrance back on the rack and then picking a random bottle from the remaining pile. He let out a satisfied sigh as he sank into the water.

,,I’m glad I’m rid of those two. Forcing the Emperor to pick sides in their war? Hah, this would be amusing if it didn’t give me a headache. Valenwood and Elsweyr should have known better than sending their top generals to me. Accusing them both of being involved in a complot against me was a stroke of brilliance. Of course, a few charm spells here and there helped out a lot. With those two out of play, I’ve effectively broken the organization in their respective armies. Now, the conflict will simmer at a ‘border skirmish’ level rather than at a ‘war’ level. Perfect.” He thought pleased with himself. His mood sank though when he realized that his solution wasn’t that perfect in the end. His master had asked for something else.

,,I want full-out war. Let them annihilate each other. Genocide.” That’s what the monster he served had demanded.
,,I’ll need to come up with a very good excuse for why I’ve prevented genocide.” Jagar noted.
,,Mehrunes Dagon, how I loathe you. I’ll cheer the day you fall.” He then whispered at the ceiling with a faint smile.
,,And oh yes, you will fall. It is your destiny. The pieces are set, the game is about to begin. The end, is inevitable”

He lifted a hand out of the water and gestured towards his wardrobe. A gnarled staff floated towards him, the emerald at its tip bathing the room in an ominous light.
,,A man can never relax, it seems. Back to work then.”

Ra’trith had swam over to Stonekeep’s modest harbour. He’d noticed that the ship was a cargovessel, with a few huts for passengers built near the stern. It would be no surprise at all if it stopped at Stonekeep for the night. Then, he could smuggle himself inside with the cargo. It was a perfect plan. There was only one flaw. He absolutely hated swimming. As such, he was more than a bit impatient for the ship to arrive.

,,Stonekeep, home of the keepers of peace. Allow me to remind you that it will be greatly appreciated if you two give up your weapons during our stay here.” An unfamiliar voice hissed from up on the deck when the ship had finally gotten close. Ra’trith peeked his ears and tried to listen in on the conversation. Any information he might receive would be helpful.
,,Keepers of peace. That might explain why they haven’t driven out those Orcs yet.”

,,Keepers of peace? Everyone is entitled to believe in peace, but somehow I doubt that that Orc camp over there is so peaceful.” A gravely voice now spoke. Ra’trith frowned. That voice was familiar.
,,If I was in charge, I would have either forced them to flee or slain them. It’s impossible to farm with them nearby.” The voice continued.
,,They probably hope that the Orcs will simply leave. And we don’t have time for heroics. We spend the night here and tomorrow we’ll sail right on to Rihad.” The first hissing voice now replied.

,,Aw, I could shoot them. I haven’t gotten a chance yet to try out this new bow. Ten coins I can hit the nose of the biggie.” A third voice, a female one, now got involved with the conversation. Ra’trith snarled in silence under the dock. He remembered that voice. He remembered it all too well.
,,I’ve been waiting for a chance to kill you, Elf.” He said inwardly with malicious intent.
,,And then you’re going to bug us till we go out and retrieve your arrows. No way, Rajn. If you want to shoot, fine, but you collect your arrows yourself.” The gravely voice countered.
,,Drat. Why can’t I be lazy? Fine, I’ll just have to amuse myself by wandering around this place then.” The girl complained loudly.
,,But be in your room and bed at ten. We’re leaving early tomorrow.” The first voice hissed. Ra’trith dove underwater and swam to a location from where it would be easier to reach the ship’s cargo. He missed the remainder of the conversation as a result.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Apr 5 2007, 10:25 PM

Ooooo Ra'trith and our band of heroes are crossing paths once again. I hope to expect (literary) good things to come from this. I can't wait! More, more more!

Posted by: minque Apr 7 2007, 04:45 PM

Oh my....Jagar Tharn huh? I´ve always wondered about that one! Thrilling as always Jackie....I´ll eagerly wait for more!

Posted by: jack cloudy Apr 7 2007, 10:22 PM

Aye, I like Tharny. He's awesome. The scene switch from Ra'trith to Jagar Tharn was my favourite bit in the last update. Mostly because it is a scene you never see evil villains in.
Ra'trith: ,,I wonder what Jagar Tharn is plotting. He must be up to something evil."
Jagar: ,,Hmm, I wonder what perfume I'll add to my bath?"

And yup, assassin meets noisy Elf with big bodyguard, round 2! Only now, the two elves have gotten reinforcements in the form of a Heyat throwing Argonian. Who will win? Stay tuned. (Not this update, sorry.)

He resurfaced at the ship’s stern, just in time to hear three pair of feet moving across the wooden board that served as a bridge between the ship and the dock.
,,One with leather soles….No, barefooted Argonian. One light person, probably the Elf. I remember that she wasn’t the heavy kind. One heavier person, wearing heavy boots with the balance of a warrior. The Argonian wears a robe, the warrior wears leather with metal plates covering critical areas and the Elf has light leather with a quiver of arrows on her back. Mage, warrior, thief? That means all three general classes of possible troublemakers in the assassination business. This could be interesting.” He deduced with only his sense of hearing.

He waited till he heard a door slam shut. Then, he dug his claws into the ship’s hull and climbed up onto the deck. Just when he vaulted over the railing, the small door in the fortress’ wall opened up again, forcing him to hide behind the mast. Two pair of feet walked the board, both barefooted. Sailors. Ra’trith listened to their grunts as they picked up one of the crates littering the deck.
,,Man, a shipment of pure ebony. Smuggling is good for business, but bad news for my back.” One of the two complained. Ra’trith grinned from behind the mask.
,,Oh yes, Ebony is very good for business. Not just for your business, but mine as well.” He thought and caressed the hilt of his Blade of Woe.
He listened to their grunts as they shuffled back over the board which creaked in protest to the heavy weight. Once they were gone, the assassin moved away from the mast and made a quick survey of the area. Most notably, the location of the mast. Smuggling himself in with the cargo was one idea but if possible, he preferred a less risky plan. He was in luck, for the mast was right where he’d wanted it. He climbed to its very top, using the ropeladder so he wouldn’t leave dents in the wood.

Once up in the crow’s nest, he measured the distance three times before performing his leap. His target was a small wooden outgrowth on the wall, with a circular hole in the floor.
,,Entering through the toilet. It reeks, but it works.” He thought, squeezing his nostrils shut and breathing through his mouth. He considered himself quite lucky when he found out that the toilet had not been used in quite a while. There were cobwebs and dust everywhere. He sat down on the toilet and weighed his options.

,,Now, who do I kill first? The king and those close to him, or the Elf and her newfound friends? The king, he’ll be most heavily guarded. If I kill him, the whole place will panic which gives me a chance to kill the Elf during the confusion. Alright, now that I have a plan, I need to find out where to find him. Standard castle architecture involves a tower in the center, containing the throne room and the private quarters of the royal family. Guest quarters are usually located in a smaller tower nearby. Looks like I have to go to the very heart of this place.” He put his ears against the door and listened. Nothing.
,,No one around, then let’s get started.” He slowly opened the door and slipped into the dark corridor.

,,Bring in the entertainers!” With those words, King Erick of Stonekeep announced the banket’s official start. At a signal of the Housemaster, a troupe of brightlydressed acrobats, a tanned firebreather wearing only a simple loincloth and a welldressed bard with a lute. As the entertainers began their work, Erick looked at the creature sitting to his right. He hadn’t often seen Argonians before and never one whose scales were red like rubies.
,,Had a pleasant trip?” He asked politely.

Marsh-Speaker looked back at the king and forced his snout into a smile. Argonians had no lips to speak off and their mouth movements were restricted.
,,Most pleasant, milord. Wind in our backs, a warm sun overhead. Most pleasant.” He replied in the same polite tone.

The truth had been different. In fact, the pleasant bit had been over before they’d even made it out of Wayrest’s gate.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Apr 7 2007, 11:26 PM

I'm starting to feel the tension knowing that Ra'trith is only so far away. Things can (and likely will) get very dangerous for our little troupe of questers. I look forward to the eventual clash. Keep it up!

Posted by: jack cloudy Apr 10 2007, 09:44 PM

Flashback! Also the name of a good game, but nevermind.

The first few steps had been without any complications. That was till they ran into Barenziah who apparently had trouble sleeping tonight. Or was she aware of what was going on? Marsh doubted it though he had to admit that with a politician, nothing was sure. And Barenziah was a born politician.
,,My, you’re up late, Marsh-Speaker.” She greeted him with that awfully smooth voice of hers. As slippery as an eel.
,,And so are you, little one.” She added to Rajn. This naturally sparked a fuse in the hotheaded girl.

,,You bloody racist! Hah, I bet you’re all happy with being tall! I’m Bosmer, of course I’m short! No need to rub it in! You dirty dustspitting prostitute!” She yelled, which caused two pairs of eyes to study the ceiling in a sign of annoyance. One pair was invisible.
,,Right. I told her about the park we have here earlier and now she’s set on visiting it during the night. I’m just going along to protect her from robbers and such.” Marsh said just as smooth as Barenziah. He positioned himself before Rajn just in case she would do something stupid. Or in case Barenziah would do anything stupid. He’d never seen her that mad before. He’d never seen her mad before, period.
,,Yeah, and there are rats under my bed! I hate rats!” The girl yelled from behind his back, causing the two pairs of eyes to repeat their circular motion.

,,Come along.” Marsh grabbed the Bosmer by the arm and literally dragged her out of the gate. He could feel Barenziah’s glare in his back and he didn’t like it.
,,We’ll be back after visiting the park.” He called out. He wasn’t lying, just not telling that they wouldn’t visit the park at all.

,,Now what was that all about?” Aran asked five minutes later in a dark alley. The invisibility spell Marsh had put on him had dissipated a moment ago.
,,Just trying to get the blood flowing. If she’s too focussed on my insults, she won’t notice the third pair of footsteps, now would she? Let me tell you something, Aran. You’re not a good sneak.” Rajn answered with a smug grin.
,,Yes, it worked and I never had an interest in the shadowy arts. But calling her a prostitute?” Aran continued.
,,What can I say? I found a neat little, illustrated, outlawed book in the back corner of a certain armory owned by a certain not too civilized muscleneck. I bet he was only in it for the pictures, too dumb to read. Turns out our lovely queen had quite the interesting life and quite a few males……How shall I put it? Males for entertainment and distraction.”

Marsh raised his hand.
,,That’s enough for now. Interesting to hear but we’re still in Wayrest. Follow me. I know a small harbour about half a day’s march from the city.” He hissed.
,,And one more thing, be quiet. When I spoke about bandits, I was not joking……..Akatosh’s tail!” He stopped suddenly, nearly causing the two elves behind him to crash into him. Light reflected off steel ahead. Light reflected off steel behind them.
,,Bandits.” Aran growled between gritted teeth. He kept his spear horizontally, ready to slash wherever it was needed.

,,Heh heh heh, look what’s out so late at night. A fat lizard, a dustcovered miner and a little girl. Think they have some money?” One of the bandits called out to his friends.
,,I’m Bosmer, not little!” Rajn shot back. In one fluid motion and the time of a single heartbeat, she’d drawn an arrow, taken aim and released the string. The talkative bandit let out a yelp of pain and dropped his dagger on the muddy cobblestones.
,,My leg! You shot my leg!” He screamed, hopping around on his healthy leg while clutching the wounded one. Needless to say, he was losing the respect of his fellow bandits.
,,I don’t like it when people insult my height. Can I have my arrow back, please?” Rajn replied casually.

If she’d hoped that the bandits would flee, she’d hoped wrong. As one, minus the crippled one, they advanced from both sides, daggers flashing in the moonlight.
,,Aran, can you handle those in front? I’ll take the ones in the back.” Marsh asked and turned to face the two soon to be charred victims.
,,Yeah, and get my arrow back!” Rajn added while she took up a comfortable position against the wall.

Aran nodded and moved to the two in front who weren’t hopping around on one leg.
,,If you stay, blood will be spilled. It won’t be mine.” The Dunmer threatened. His crimson eyes seemed to burn in the faint light of the moon, making him look more like a demon who’d come to consume the flesh of the living than a man. The two bandits and their injured companion backed off slightly. The screams of pain coming from Marsh’s victims did not bolster their courage.

,,Too slow!” Aran dashed forward. His spear twirled around above his head, slashing down to the neck of one bandit. Bones cracked under the steel shaft which bounced off towards the spine of the second bandit. Both screamed out before they slumped to the floor. Now, only the talkative bandit was left standing. Or hopping to be precise.
,,Leave, now. You can collect your unconscious friends later.” Aran said. He reached down and yanked the arrow out of the Breton’s knee. As the bandit hopped away, the Dunmer rejoined with the others.

,,Your arrow.” He said and handed over the projectile.
,,Ah, that’s sweet.” Rajn squeeled and hugged the much bigger warrior. Marsh coughed.
,,I hate to interrupt this romantic scene, but can we move on?” He asked and laughed at the two flustered faces.

Note: For those who are wondering (though I don't expect many wonderers.) Rajn was referring to the well-known Real Barenziah series, or perhaps an early version. The Real Barenziah can be found all over Morrowind and is quite a read if you're looking for a not so perfect queen as the main character. It doesn't come with illustrations though.

Posted by: Lord Revan Apr 10 2007, 10:27 PM

Yes, we all know about that series. The Moral, well, don't trust men for their looks and charms........

*Realizes what he just said and promptly walks out the door*

Expect an update for Revan later this afternoon smile.gif

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Apr 10 2007, 11:08 PM

Bandits... they never learn! biggrin.gif

Great work on this update!

Posted by: Lord Revan Apr 10 2007, 11:32 PM

Hey, everyone needs to make a living...... Or maybe they're just despearate

Posted by: jack cloudy Apr 14 2007, 10:25 AM

I had some fun reading the Barenziah because it was different than the normal stories about kings or queens. I still seriously doubt the Tharn involvment though. The staff of chaos, fine. But the diary? Seriously, what kind of a fool would Tharn be if he keeps it all written down in a diary without properly locking up said diary in a maximum security, demon-protected treasury? That part of the Barenziah reeks of reputation manipulation. (Goody, I rhymed!) Anyway, update.

Marsh-Speaker returned to the here and the now.
,,Your companion isn’t eating her carrots. She sick?” King Erick mumbled to him. Marsh looked up from his own plate. Indeed, Rajn had meticulously shoved her carrots to one side of the plate and her beef to the other. She was only eating the beef.
,,Don’t worry about it, oh king. It’s just that time of the month.” The Argonian said, not mentioning the fact that it was always that time of the month. If not, he had yet to see her turn vegetarian for a day.

He put a carrot of his own on his fork and inspected the sickly green hue.
,,Not such a bad idea, at least the animals were slain this morning and not last week.” When no one was looking, he cast the rotten vegetable on the floor.

Aran had put one of the few non-rotten carrots in his mouth and now returned his fork to his plate, only to see that his pile of vegetables had grown.
,,Stop doing that.” He grumbled to the girl sitting next to him.
,,Doing what?” Rajn replied with feigned innocence and flipped yet another carrot onto his plate.
,,Dumping the food you don’t eat. Just leave it on your plate if you insist.” The Dunmer whispered. He promptly received another carrot.

He looked closer at the Bosmer. There had been many times that he regretted his debt to her but still, he couldn’t help but genuinely worry. She had helped him out when he was in need. Or at least, she tried.
,,You okay?” He asked. She wasn’t going on with her act out of defiance, but simply because she hadn’t registered what he’d said. This was not good in Aran’s opinion.
,,I’m fine.” She mumbled after he repeated the question.

,,You don’t look fine to me. What’s wrong?” The Ashlander inquired despite having been waved off.
,,Just a bad feeling. Not enough windows. You know, claustrophobia.” Aran dropped the subject and returned to his meal. She’d claimed claustrophobia but he realized that her symptoms were different. If she’d had an attack of claustrophobia, her eyes would be wide open for one. Now they were almost closed. She was hiding something, yet he had no idea what it could be. His hand reached for the spear behind his back to make sure it was still there. Marsh’s idea of claiming that the staff and the spear were walking aids had been pure genius. He felt much better with a weapon within reach. Another carrot landed on his plate.

Somewhere else in the building, an assassin was performing his trade. Grease, oil, sweat and burning embers. The scents told him everything about what to expect up ahead, an armoury. Ra’trith pressed his back against the wall and edged closer towards the door.
,,A smith, weapons, information. Destroying the weapons would lower the amount of resistance once the killing commences. But I need the information more. Interrogation is hard next to an open flame that can put my fur on fire. I need to draw him away from there.”

The Khajiit pulled back his hood and walked through the door, all in plain view. He nodded at the smith who nodded back and returned to hammering the glowing piece of metal, while casting the occasional glance at the potential customer. Ra’trith walked from rack to rack, inspecting the various weapons on display. One item in particular caught his interest. As an assassin, he had no need for claymores and pole-arms. A bow however, was a different story. He bent over to pick it up.

,,Sorry, sir. That one is not for sale.” The smith spoke up and, after carefully putting down his work, he wandered over to the Khajiit.
,,Why not?” Ra’trith asked with fake interest.
,,It’s the property of a guest. Damn fine piece though, real Dwemer craftsmanship. If you want it, you should try to strike a deal with its owner. Here, look at….” The Redguard said and bent over to point out a particularly interesting feature.

Ra’trith had stopped listening. His hand flew to the Blade of Woe hidden under his cloak, his feet spun him around. The Ebony reflected the flames of the forge as it traversed its deadly path, plunging into the man’s stomach till half of it was embraced by warm flesh. Blood gushed out of the wound.
,,Right now, you’re suffering a non-lethal wound. Part of my blade however is coated in a very fast and very lethal poison. Give me what I want and I’ll let you live. Refuse, and I’ll push the poisoned bit inside you as well.” He snarled.
,,What do you want?” The smith whimpered, fighting the urge to pull out the dagger. He felt an odd cold creep up through his guts.
,,The direction to the map room. You have thirty seconds.”

,,Go out to the left, second right, down the stairs, third left, past the grates.” Ra’trith grinned and pulled the dagger out of the wound. The smith clutched it with both hands in an attempt to stop the bleeding.
,,I didn’t tell you, but the tip of my blade is also coated in poison, a slightly slower one. It should reach your heart about…now.” Having barely said that, Ra’trith watched amused how the smith toppled over and fell into the flickering flames of the forge. He could honestly not tell what killed him first. The poison, or the fire.

The assassin picked up the bow together with the quiver lying next to it. He noticed a card dangling from a thin rope tied around the steel shaft.
Property of Wayrest Essential Supplies. Price: 20.000 septims.
,,Damn expensive, even for a Dwemer piece.” Ra’trith thought and tore off the pricetag. He tried out the bow’s draw and found out that while the Dwemer knew how to make their weapons, it was still not his thing. The balance and power was excellent, but it was extremely hard to maintain a draw. He would not have time to aim properly which meant his accuracy would suffer. Still, it would suffice for his current job. The Khajiit systematically broke every weapon he found in the armoury before leaving.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Apr 14 2007, 03:18 PM

Tactful and vicious, not good traits for a bad guy to have if the good guys wish to survice. I have a feeling the smith will only be the first of many to die this day...

Exellent work as always, jack. You have me hating that n'wah, Ra'trith.

Posted by: jack cloudy Apr 25 2007, 02:41 PM

That's the charm of him. The way I made him, he actually writes himself. Whenever there is an obstacle, I only have to ask myself: ,,What would Ra'trith do?" And I get the answer. It usually involves killing. I guess some people never change. Or maybe he's simply addicted to it, like Skooma.

Left, second right, down the stairs, third left, past the grates. Ra’trith followed the smith’s directions to the letter. The now dead man had no reason to lie to him but he was still wary in case there was a trap involved somewhere.

Footsteps, ascending the stairs he had to take. The assassin slinked into the shadows and waited. The footsteps drew closer. A servant, a soldier? No, the shuffling steps told him that he was dealing with an old person, perhaps a priest or a scholar. There, a white shoe stepping into view, followed by a white robe, a hand holding a large bottle of brandy and finally a white beard. The mark of Mara was stitched into the robe with golden thread. A priest. Ra’trith suppressed a grin and came out of hiding.
,,So good to see you, father. The smith has burned himself severely, your help would be appreciated.” He said.

The priest brought a hand up to his ear.
,,What?” He called back, quite loud and with a slurring undertone. Ra’trith frowned and made a mental note never to try this stupid plan again. It was too noisy.
,,The smith has burned himself!” He shouted back.
,,Again? That dumb oaf, how often did I tell him not to stand too close to the fire. But does he ever listen? No, he’s too drunk for that. I always tell those youngsters that excessive drinking is a sin.” Muttering against himself, the priest set course for the armory.
,,Speak for yourself.” Ra’trith thought and closed in on the man’s back without a sound. The priest felt something warm and covered in smooth fur reach across his throat. He let out a gasp and struggled for a few seconds before dropping into unconsciousness. Ra’trith kept up the pressure till he was sure the unconsciousness had been permanent. He then hurled the corpse down the stairs. With the shattered bottle, it would appear that the drunken priest had fallen down the stairs and broken his neck.

Down the stairs, third left, past the grates. The grates were another obstacle. A guard stood on the other side, dressed in ornate leather and holding a simple wooden staff. An iron key dangled from the belt. The Redguard leaned casually against the wall and yawned, unaware of the shadow lurking nearby.
,,The way he’s holding that bit of firewood, he does not know how to use it. Probably never even practiced. That armour is more for show than for actual use, with a large gap right where the heart is. He’s just asking to get killed.” The Khajiit observed and fingered the hilt of his dagger. With the grates between them, there was no chance for classic hand-to-hand. He didn’t thrust himself with the ‘borrowed’ bow for this either. Shooting a target was easy, not so easy when there were iron bars as an obstacle. He was good, but no Bosmer. No, his skill at throwing was the only option.

He pulled the dagger from its sheath slowly, to prevent any sound that could give away his position. Not that he really had to be quiet with all that awfully loud yawning, he just preferred to do this in a professional way. He raised the Blade of Woe to eye-level and steadied his hand. He had one shot, one shot that had to drop the guard immediately and prevent him from moving away from those grates. He smirked. It would be a good test of his skill.

He crouched down and moved forward slowly. This close to the ground and obscured by the long shadows cast by the torches, he was practically invisible. When he reached the correct position, he stopped. The Redguard hadn’t moved and it appeared like this wouldn’t change anytime soon. Ra’trith swung up his arm and released the black blade. He followed its path with his eyes, saw how it shot between two bars and buried itself into the man’s head right under the chin, moving upwards till it cleaved his brains. A near silent gurgle, followed by a louder thump. The guard was dead.

The assassin calmly retrieved his dagger and took the key which he then used to open the grates. Now he could pass. The corridor went straight ahead till it reached a simple wooden door. The entrance to the map room. Ra’trith gave the door a closer inspection. It swung outward and was for as far as he knew, the only entrance. It was a perfect ambush, impossible to sneak up on without breaking down the walls, something which was beyond his abilities.
,,Only one way to do this.”

The door splintered into a hundred pieces. The scholars and their apprentices looked up. Something swept through the air, piercing a heart. Something else followed, bigger and more dangerous. It tore out a young boy’s throat and then hurled the dead body against a group that stood around a table. The survivors had not yet realized the threat before it was too late.

Ra’trith sniffed up the smell of fresh blood and laughed. He’d expected about a dozen guards but what did he find? Elders and children. His paranoia had grossly overestimated the danger that hid in the room. He cast a glance at the map on the table. It was a large map of Tamriel, with nearly every single known settlement marked. Most of it had become unreadable from the blood that had sprayed all over the room. The doubtlessly expensive map had become useless in just five seconds. He looked further but only found a continuation of the same pattern. Paper soaked with blood, ink mixed with the same blood. He stopped laughing.

,,I screwed up again. I wanted to take a look at the maps but I destroyed them before I had the chance. All that’s left is that chest.” He walked over to the chest and kneeled down. He became more hopeful when he noticed the sturdy construction of the wooden box. Surely it was meant to hold something valuable.

Large amounts of Iron had been used to reinforce the basic structure. The lock was heavy and complex. He could see the countless needles hidden inside small tunnels. It was trapped, and if the trap went off, it could cause as much carnage as he’d just caused himself. He couldn’t force it open, as that would likely set off the trap, not to mention that he wouldn’t be able to crack the bands of iron in the first place. Likewise, he couldn’t pick it. While he was an assassin, his approach walked the line between ambush and frontal assault. Picking locks was something he’d never bothered to learn.

He stepped back from the chest and then took one last look at the room he was in. He needed a key and there was only one place he knew where he could find one.
,,In the end, I’m back where I started. All paths lead to the king of this place. Heh, killing him and taking his key will be easy if all guards are as stupid as the one at the grates.”

Posted by: jack cloudy Apr 27 2007, 10:03 PM

And more killing. Grumble, why can't I seem to get character development or even two pages without a fight in this story?dry.gif

,,And then when I was fourteen, I went in search of the great crown of Lindai. Have you ever been in an Ayleid ruin? I’m telling you, those things are nasty. Nice ambience, but nasty traps. Especially dangerous for a young kid like me. So anyway, I…..” Marsh clamped a hand over his ear. King Erick had been droning on and on about his obsession for two hours now.
,,Treasurehunting, such a boring subject. Someone shoot him.” He grumbled under his breath.

,,AIEGH!” The king threw his heavy throne back and writhed on the cold floor in agony. A simple steel arrow had drilled a hole through his heart. Everyone else in the room flew into a panic.
,,Wow! I was just joking!” Marsh thought. A second arrow flew out, this time hitting him in the arm. He let out a hiss and dove under the table. In doing so, he threw his chair back which hit his staff and caused it to tip over and roll under the table as well. He gratefully gripped the curled shaft.
,,What’s going on?”

Aran had responded right after the second arrow had been fired.
,,Get down!” He shouted at Rajn and forced her under the table. He then reached for his spear and took cover as well. The Bosmer was shaken out of her zombie-like state by the sudden turn of events.
,,Wah? Hey, that’s my arrow!” She shrieked, looking at the arrow that stuck into the chair she’d been sitting on.
,,Who stole my bow?!”

,,Silence!” Aran called back and peered out from under the table. Whoever was shooting at the inhabitants of the room, he couldn’t see him. But judging from the arrows, he was quite sure that the archer was firing from beyond the double doors.
,,The world has gone mad. It seems like we can’t have a single night nowadays without someone trying to kill us.” Marsh spoke, having crawled up to them. He glared at the arrow that stuck into his arm.
,,And I’m seriously doubting the balance of our party. What we need if we get out of here is a healer.” He added.

Aran nodded.
,,The thought occurred to me as well. Anyway, the archer is shooting from behind the doors. Comments, suggestions?” He said, not letting his eyes wander from the doors.
,,Apart from having stolen my bow, it is my opinion that the jerk is good but not a professional. He can’t keep it straight while drawn. Damn thieves, I hate them!” Rajn complained. Her two companions blinked and then suddenly began to laugh.
,,What?!” She asked them in an annoyed tone.
,,I hate thieves, says the thief.” Aran hiccupped.

The Bosmer cocked an eyebrow.
,,So what? Just because I like stealing doesn’t mean I have to like people who steal from me. Never knew the hardened Dunmer warrior could laugh by the way.” She giggled.
,,A whole tribe of thieves. Bosmer society must be so disfuntional.” Aran commented, still trying to get his breathing back under control.
,,Yeah, our society is very dysfunctional. It’s a miracle the normal shops aren’t robbed out of their business.”

,,Anyway, we’re still in trouble. Stay here.” Marsh hissed, all serious again. He snapped off the arrow embedded into his arm and gestured with a bloodied hand.
,,Mekras Olfis.” He chanted slowly. The air around him seemed to thicken, forming into a nearly invisible shell.
,,Now watch and be amazed.”

The mage got up from under the table and made a run for the doors. An arrow launched out to meet him, only to shatter against the barrier that whirled around him. He’d now reached the door. He swung his staff around and raked it against the doorframe.
,,Force Wall!” A second barrier just like the one that protected him took form, effectively sealing off the room from the hidden archer.
,,Non-Argonian spells. They lack finesse, but sometimes they do come in handy.”

He turned his back towards the barrier and addressed the survivors.
,,It is safe to come out now. The barrier will hold for approximately five minutes. I suggest you prepare for when it falls.” He hissed loudly and then walked back to the two elves.
,,Not bad.” Aran grunted, nodding in respect.
,,That was sweet! Can you teach me?” Rajn squeeled.
,,And why would you want to learn this?” Marsh inquired, bending down to see under the table.
,,Well duh. If I mess up and get the townguards after me, this would be one good trick to know, don't you think?”

Outside the room, Ra’trith threw the bow down together with the quiver of arrows.
,,Alright, the king lies dead. That’s the good news. Bad news is, I only killed about four non-essential anonymous meatshields and missed the two who were most important. The Elf and the mage. Hmmph, and with that stupid wall of air in the way, I can’t get to them or the key. I think I’ll leave now and ambush them when they crawl out of hiding.”

Posted by: minque Apr 29 2007, 09:22 PM

And more killing. Grumble, why can't I seem to get character development or even two pages without a fight in this story?

well..some can...and some can´t!! tongue.gif

But you do have a way of describing fights that I envy you! The reason I do not involve fighting is that I suck writing fighting-scenes!

Posted by: Dire Cheesecake May 1 2007, 09:47 AM

I hate Rat'rith and hope he dies horribly. Take that as a compliment for your villain. biggrin.gif

Posted by: The Metal Mallet May 3 2007, 10:21 PM

Wow, these guards seem quite inept. You'd think finding more and more bodies would raise some alarm and not just be a bunch coincidences tongue.gif

And yes, I agree with Minque about your battle-writing abilities. They are certainly very good and very easy to follow. Always nice to read a great fight sequence. Poor King Erik though... tongue.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy May 7 2007, 09:09 PM

Well, the guards are inept. But hey, what do you expect of people who live in a castle yet only use weapons as merchandise? And there is the fact that our hated assassin is always on top of things.

Marsh shook his tail.
,,I should’ve guessed it. Now back to more serious subjects. That barrier will fall, what are we going to do?” He hissed, somehow trying to bring the role of leader to their mottley group. He was rather surprised that they hadn’t fallen apart yet. He had his own thoughts on what they should do yet to push his own oppinions would make the others feel undervalued. And nothing was worse than feeling undervalued. It would cause a lack of trust and ultimately, certain death.
,,Hmm, I wouldn’t trust the guards any longer if I were you. They’ve taken ‘keepers of peace’ a bit too far. The only weapon they have is a simple piece of wood and I doubt any of them know how to use it. No, we must get out of this on our own, preferably sooner than later.” Aran grunted. He used his spear to point out the two guards in the room, who seemed too terrified to make any rational judgement. Obviously they had never had to deal with anything worse than a drunken brawl. Having an apparently deadly killer in their midst was a new experience for them.

,,Escape. That would be a good plan. Now that we have the basics, let’s fill out the details. There’s not much time left. Rajn, what do you know?” The Argonian asked next. The Bosmer blinked for a moment and finally raised her hands.
,,Know what?” She asked.
,,Know what we are up against, of course! What hostiles there are, where they are and what the best escape route is!” Marsh explained in an impatient tone.
,,How should I know?”

By now, he felt the desire to strangle her. But the scrolls had spoken. That, and he wasn’t the type who committed murder out of passion.
,,Why did we bring you along, unbound eye?” He instead spoke, placing heavy emphasis on the last two words.
,,Oh. What, don’t tell me you expect me to do that all the time. I go with normal sight most of the time. Constant see-through would be sooo awkward.” Rajn said with her irritatingly innocent voice. Then, she gigled.
,,Of course, it does have its perks.” She added.
,,Rajn.” Aran interjected. He had a much greater sense of authority than Marsh and managed to get her back in line with just that one word.

,,Ok, ok. At the door, no one. Several guards walking around on their own. About five dudes taking a nap in a room with lots of tables, a deliciously well-trapped chest that’s just asking to get picked….Ok, no distractions!” She began and paused when the Dunmer and the Argonian gave her a warning glare.
,,Can’t take a joke, dullies. Not much else. A bunch of servants running around, a guard taking a nap, a robed guy who’s fallen down the stairs. Three more guards taking a nap, one guard running…”

Ra’trith heared the loud thumping of footsteps coming closer. He slinked back in the closet he’d chosen as his hideout and waited.
,,One….two….now.” He jumped out and drew his claws across the man’s face, followed by a kick to the heart. The guard dropped with a muffled scream. The assassin dropped his latest victim in the closet, on top of the three earlier ones and closed the door.
,,That’s the problem with individual patrols. No one to watch your back. Not that two would have caused much of a problem. Heh, I can get every guard this way before a decent alarm is raised. The ones from the throne room will have to come past here as well.”

,,Eww! Marshie, you’re looting a bleeding corpse!” Marsh-Speaker raised a mental eyebrow. Now he was ‘Marshie’?
,,This bleeding corpse was king Erick. It speaks for itself that he was the primary target for this assassination. Anything else would be a random bonus. Now the important thing is that all kings, dukes and whoever is in charge of a place has the keys to all locks on his person. It is tradition. Having keys would make our job easier.” He explained. A bit more fumbling in the man’s pockets and he found a large ring with countless keys attached, varying from tiny and light to huge and heavy.
,,We don’t need keys. I keep lockpicks in my hair.” Rajn muttered under her breath but did not voice her opinion out loud. Despite appearances, she knew when she was pushing the limit. It was just so much fun to play the ‘annoying shortie’ stereotype.

,,Somehow, I doubt that there were any random shots there.” Aran said, scratching his chin and looking at the arrows sticking into things.
,,Consider this, out of the people that were hit. There was one king, one entertainer who practiced dagger-juggling, one firebreather, one animal tamer and his animal. With the exception of the king those where the only ones who would have the means to fight back. The guards here are pathetic as I’ve already said. Now the worrying thing is this, he also targeted you, Marsh. And why would he target Rajn? She is perfectly helpless without her bow. She couldn’t even drop a fly without one.” He continued.

,,Well thank you for the compliment.” Rajn grumbled. Marsh though nodded.
,,I think you have a point. The amount of randomness might be a lot smaller than I thought. He targeted Rajn and me as well. In case of me, it is easy. I was sitting next to the king, I had to be important. But Rajn? Does he know her? Does he have a score to settle?” He asked himself.
,,Oh, come on. The only people who would want me dead or injured are on the other side of the continent. Valenwood! Just stick with the random theory, it’s the only one that makes sense. I’m saying, you politicians are all addicted to your imagined conspiracies!” Rajn shouted for all to hear.
,,Right, that would be reasonable.” Marsh agreed.

,,Nevertheless. We should get moving, your barrier has fallen.” Aran interrupted their conversation and readied his spear in case someone would come through. His greatest fear at the moment was another salvo of arrows.
,,Yippee! My bow is lying just outside the door, no one to watch it!” He managed a grim smile. His greatest fear had been dissolved, but his other fears remained. And he couldn’t help but wonder who was behind all this.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet May 7 2007, 10:38 PM

A collision between Ra'trith and the others seems inevitable now. I can't wait.

Excellent update, jack. I always get a kick out of Rajn's snotty comments. tongue.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy May 10 2007, 08:55 PM

Yeah, she is quite the character, isn't she? And sorry, but I'm going to work u to the big confrontation slowly.

His thumb caressed the small switch embedded in his spear’s shaft. Someone had started killing in here. Keeping up the disguise as a simple walking aid was no longer desired.
,,How is your arm?” He asked Marsh who fell in step beside him. The Argonian looked at the crude bandage he’d wrapped around the wound.
,,I don’t know a lot about restoration but I should be fine. Argonian wounds rarely get infected and even if it does, I am capable of warding off such a scenario with just about the only restoration spell I know.” He hissed in return. Aran nodded and followed Rajn silently as she led them through the castle towards the exit and with it, safety.

,,Hold it.” The Dunmer suddenly called out.
,,What?” Rajn and Marsh asked him simultaneously as they came to a halt.
,,The Orcs outside. I’ve forgotten about them till now but they’re probably still out there. We’ll have to avoid them.” Aran explained.
,,Nah, no big deal even for a noisy guy like you. Orcs are dumb, just throw a rock and they’ll all run after it.” Rajn claimed with a slight grin.
,,Not as dumb as most people believe. Orc society is crude, yes. But it is a society based around warrior clans. They know quite a bit about tactics and the like. It is more likely that they’ll encircle the location from where the rock was thrown.” Marsh countered deadserious.

Not too far away, Ra’trith crawled through the shadows. He heard voices up ahead. Familiar voices.
,,We’ll worry about the Orcs when it is the proper time. Right now we should leave. We left Wayrest with the plan to go Rihad, remember?” The Argonian mage said with his hissing accent. Ra’trith’s ears rose up and aimed at the sound beyond the corner.
,,Wayrest? That’s far up north in High Rock. How did they get there so fast? And why are they travelling south now? It’s like they somehow skipped their trek north before it even began.” He wondered but cast aside the thought. He should focus on his assassination and after he’d claimed his revenge, such questions wouldn’t matter anymore anyway.

,,Right. Rajn, stop staring at the wall and lead the way.” The gravely voice of the Dunmer warrior now spoke. Ra’trith remembered the name he’d heard while hiding under the dock. It had been partially obscured by the rolling waves but this time he’d heard it clear as glass.
,,So, my target has a name now. That’s just the way I like it. I’ll call you by your name when you are about to die.”
,,Right on. Follow me. And I’m not staring at the wall.” He peeked his ears once more. Had he detected a quiver in the Elf’s voice?

Any further thought was cut short by the torchlight reflecting on an arrowhead appearing from beyond the corner, an arrowhead shooting straight at him with a soft twang of the bowstring. He ducked and fled through the dark passages. For twenty heartbeats, he kept running. Then he stopped and ducked behind a large vase. One of his paws went up and stroke his face, stopping when it encountered blood wetting his pitchblack fur.
,,I’ve been hit? How, how did she know I was there? Just who is she?” He shook his head wildly. Yet another complication in his plans. This would be harder than he expected.
,,I need more information. I have been foolish and impatient. They said they were going to Rihad. Fine, I’ll finish my original mission here and then follow them to Rihad where I’ll surely be able to persuade the Listener for the freedom he required to take them down. Now what was next? Yes, the torch that calls in the Orcs. Heh, with a bit of luck they’ll finish it for me. I hope not. Letting others do the dirty work is not as pleasant as doing it myself.”

,,AH! Prepare for death!” Aran screamed and flung himself around the corner, ready to skewer anything that might present itself. All he saw though were torches and a broken arrow at the far wall.
,,Heyat!” A bolt of light gracefully curved around the corner and raced down the corner before crashing into the wall above the arrow.
,,Geez, you bunch of showoffs. No one is there! Not anymore, that is.” Rajn called out.

,,Then why did you shoot?” Aran countered and bent down to look at the arrowhead. He noticed a small fleck of fresh blood on it.
,,Who did you shoot?” He added to his question. Rajn was extremely agitated.
,,He dodged it! I never miss! Drat, who is he anyway?!” She thought.
,,I can’t give you a name, big guy. It was a furrball I’ve been tracking for a while now, our mystery assassin.” She replied. Aran rose an eyebrow and Marsh blinked.
,,A Khajiit?” The Argonian questioned.

,,No, I’m not going back to that discussion about racism. Khajiit are evil, end of story!” Rajn grumbled and stormed off. The Dunmer and the Argonian followed.
,,It’s a long and boring story. In short, she’s racist against Khajiit.” Aran explained when Marsh cast a questioning glance his way.
,,So I noticed.” The Argonian said back.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet May 10 2007, 10:09 PM

I have a feeling it'll take awile for Ra'Trith to figure out Rajn's wall seeing technique, due to its rarity. I'm sure he won't drop the situation though.

Great work as usual, buddy!

Posted by: jack cloudy May 13 2007, 06:22 PM

Yup, unless it is actually mentioned while he's eavesdropping, he won't ever figure it out by himself. That said, he definitely will go wherever they go. biggrin.gif

Aran fell back to silence. He felt uncomfortable, distinctly uncomfortable. He’d put his fate in Rajn’s hands and there was nothing he could do but hope for the best. He felt useless. The Bosmer would lead the way, sometimes stopping to look at the walls, the ceiling or even the floor. And he had no idea what she saw. The situation had spiralled out of his control and it left him frustrated.

,,Of course, she means well, somewhere underneath all that posing. But still, I would feel so much better if I could take charge here rather than follow meekly like a blind Guar. Hah, that comparison hits the mark.” He thought slightly bitter. It was then that he noticed something on the floor, just after they’d passed a set of grates. He bent down for a closer look, oblivious to the fact that the others had gone ahead.
,,Blood, barely dried.”

He rose up from the ground and smoothly turned from his crouched position to a full sprint. Upper body leaning forward, his legs kicking the ground nearly horizontally, his spear extended to shift his balance forward even further. He brushed past Marsh and Rajn and jumped over what appeared to be the fragmentary remains of a door. Then, he stopped, slipping on the half-dried blood that covered the floor.

The warrior gritted his teeth. In his life he’d seen many things but this topped them all.
,,Stand back!” He called out with considerable effort. It felt as if an invisible hand was squeezing his throat shut. He fought the impulse to turn and run. Instead he forced himself to survey the nightmare he’d walked into, even though he knew that each image would be etched into his soul forever. It was a carnage like he’d never seen before. People were lying about the room, as if a giant had tossed them like dolls after he tired of playing. Most were cut open or partially crushed by forces that were no longer there. And everything was covered in blood, as if some mad painter had thrown his buckets at random.

,,This isn’t a mere slaughter.” He thought next. No one in his right mind would do something as horrible as this. A madman might but it was too horrible, too brutally efficient to have been done by a madman. And looking at the scene he realized something else. It had all gone too fast to be done by a single man. At least half a dozen, he estimated, had performed this crime.
,,There was a purpose, somewhere.” He then saw a chest, a sturdy construction of wood and steel.
,,And once they couldn’t open that chest, they came for the king.” He reasoned further. At the back of his mind there was a voice telling him that the king’s assassin apparently worked alone but he ignored it. He didn’t dare to think that a single being was capable of something so vicious, so terrible.

He left the room, leaning heavily on his spear. His companions were shocked when they saw the expression on his face.
,,What happened?” Marsh asked warily. He had the feeling that the Dunmer was at the verge of exploding.
,,Nothing. Don’t go and look. If you value your night’s peace, you will not look.” Aran replied.
,,No, not even you, Rajn! Don’t look, not even through the wall! Turn around now! Anyway, I need the king’s keys for a moment.”

After having made sure that Marsh would keep Rajn looking away from the room, he returned. His foot hesitated over the doorstep before moving through. He stepped carefully around the carnage and approached the chest. He wasn’t an expert as far as locks were concerned. The only thing he could say was that the key it required was a large one. That, and it was obviously trapped.
,,If I slip in the wrong one, I’ll probably trigger the trap. But if I don’t try, I’ll never know what justified this horror. I need Rajn for this, she probably knows more ways to open that lock than I know how to strike with a spear. No, I can’t let her lay her eyes on this place. The only thing I can do is to make the best guess I can.”

He looked through the keys tied to the metal ring he was holding. All of them were an anonymous stick of barbed metal to his eyes. In the end, he picked the largest and most complicated of them all. He closed his eyes and inserted it into the lock. As he turned the key, he imagined he heard a spring being released, or was it just his nerves? Was that the sound of the trap being sprung? He spun the key around with a decisive pull and waited. No poisoned needles ripped him apart. There was a loud click and the chest opened.

He opened his eyes. The chest was nearly empty, safe for a scroll and a folded letter. He took both and left the room in a hurry.
,,I hope I’ll never have to do something like that again.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet May 13 2007, 06:29 PM

Reading about the carnage in that room has left me to feel very afraid about what Ra'Trith can do to people. I hope our adventurers will figure out a way to handle that vile murderer.

Now I wonder what's on that letter....

Posted by: jack cloudy May 13 2007, 08:10 PM

Marsh looked at him without saying a word. Aran threw his price into the Argonian’s hands. The words that followed made his heart freeze.
,,So, are the guys in there still sleeping?” He looked at Rajn, stunned.
,,Did she already see? Then how come she acts so light under it?” He asked himself and feared the answer.
,,I swear, you’re the least sneaky person I know. If those guys are still sleeping after you rummaged through the place, they’re either very drunk or have smoked the wrong stuff.” The girl added. Aran then remembered that she’d once said something to the effect of everything being blurry to her unnatural sight. She’d seen it, only she hadn’t realized what she’d seen. He felt a wave of relief was over him.
,,Yeah, all drunk. It’s really embarrassing and I didn’t want you to see.” He said, elaborating on the framework she’d already provided him.

,,Riiiight. You’re hiding something, and it isn’t a bunch of drunks.” Rajn replied with a sarcastic tone. The relief he’d felt vanished right then. His mind milled over the dilemma. On the one hand, he really didn’t want her to know. Marsh was neutral in the whole affair. He wouldn’t go look for himself but he wouldn’t help to get Rajn off the subject either. Aran wondered if he could make up a convincing lie but realized he couldn’t. It wasn’t in his blood. The only thing he could say in a convincing way was the truth, which was exactly what he’d been trying to avoid. He knew of only one solution. An appeal to her loyalty.
,,Listen, Rajn. If you trust me, you will control that thrice-cursed curiosity of yours just for this one time.” He pleaded.

The Bosmer was silent for a long time.
,,Ok, I promise. I swear it on my soul. Good enough?” She finally answered. The Dunmer nodded.
,,Yes, that is good enough. Now why did you lead us here in the first place?” He asked, finally able to relax. The Bosmer turned to the wall she’d been leaning against and kicked a brick just above the floor. An unsees mechanism creaked and the wall sank into the floor with a loud rumble.
,,I saw this secret passage. This should get us out and away easily. It does lead through a Goblin nest though.” She explained while casting a short glance at the ceiling.
,,That’s odd. The furrball just lobbed….a torch over the wall?” She muttered. Marsh blinked and then hissed.
,,Of course, the Orcs! I knew there was something odd with them. The Khajiit’s mission was to pave the way for them. Now they’ll come flooding in and kill everything that moves. Let’s go.” He spoke, ducked and crawled through the narrow hole. On the other side, he found that the ceiling was high enough for him to stand.

Aran was about to follow when a thought made him hesitate.
,,Rajn, we’re going deep underground through narrow passages infested with goblins and rats.” He said slowly. He felt two hands push against his back.
,,Don’t you think that is the first thing I noticed? Of course it’s cramped in there. But I’m not alone and I’ve been through this once before. Anything is better right now than walking out through the front gates. I’ll worry about myself, you worry about the goblins. Now get moving!”

Marsh waited till the two elves had joined him before casting a heyat to serve as a floating torch. Not only did it light up the tunnels enough for them to see, it was also a handy deterrent that scared away a large rat. He didn’t know how frightened a goblin would be though. He looked at Rajn, whose breathing came loud and fast.
,,Rajn?” He asked.
,,I’m fine! Just get moving before I suffocate in here!” The girl hissed back at him. Marsh shrugged and set out into the narrow passage.
,,Aran, would you be so kind and take the lead? I’ll come up second and Rajn comes up last.”

While they were walking, the Argonian unfolded the letter. Keeping one eye at the tunnel up ahead, one eye on the paper, one part of his mind on his spell and the other on the writing, he began to read.

To Erick Stonekeep, king of Stonekeep

I, Uriel Septim VII, emperor of Tamriel, have written this letter to address a very important matter. I have long been entertained by your stories of adventure and delving into old and forgotten places in search of treasure. It is due to this reason that I have directed this letter at you.

Since recently, there have been rumours about an ancient artefact, known as the Tooth of Chaos. I asked the Imperial Battlemage, Jagar Tharn, for further information. He revealed to me that this artefact is a weapon, capable of making or breaking an empire. He further revealed to me that the Tooth of Chaos has been referenced in an old prophecy. I shall quote the prophecy directly to please your curiosity.

,,And in the waning days, when the Dragon’s breath shall falter under the shadow of deceit, a traitor shall rise and betray his master for an old promise, once given in a moment of folly. And night shall fall upon dawn’s beauty. Forces from beyond the Ebony jaws shall enter in disguise. Chaos shall come, shining like gold yet burdened by sin. And his tooth shall fall, shattered in eight. And the tooth shall be united, by an unknown hand. This hand will decide when the next morning shall come, with dawn’s beauty as its arena.”

While the prophecy is delightfully cryptic in places and even ‘feels’ sloppy, I cannot allow this possible threat to occur. Through this, and through the trust I place in you, I ask of you to collect a fragment of this tooth. My scholars have ascertained its location. It is marked on the map I’ve sent with this letter.

Good luck.

Uriel Septim VII, Emperor of Tamriel.

Marsh sniffed. There was something odd about the letter. Something didn’t match. The prophecy was crude, with none of the style that accompanied the two prophecies he was familiar with. And why would the Emperor trust this minor king like that? Why had the letter not been burned, as it should have?

He unwrapped the scroll and took a peek at it. It was a crude map of Hammerfell, with a single cross near a sketched mountain with a castle on its top. ‘Dragon’s gate, first piece.’
,,This is so odd.” He noted to himself and checked the date, only to find out that it had been written today.
,,Impossible! No letter can make it to Hammerfell in a day, not without a shiftgate! And even then, it shouldn’t be here! It is as I suspected, someone has planted this here without king Erick’s knowing. But who? Not Jagar Tharn the usurper. He would never allow any information regarding a weapon that can ‘make or break an empire’ to leave the palace.”

He looked at one corner of the letter. There was a signature, in very fine handwriting.
Next to the signature was a small sketch, of a sun rising up over a tree. Marsh made up his mind. Whoever had written this had given them enough information to proceed to Dragon’s gate and find a fragment of this Tooth of Chaos. He would bring up the plan of going to Dragon’s gate. It was the best option they had. They were only going to Rihad because of something queen Barenziah had desired. After that they would move on to Valenwood, in search of a shadow. Here however was a solid plan, with a clear destination and purpose. And the Tooth of Chaos had been mentioned in his own prophecy.
,,If it can make or break an empire, it can make or break Jagar Tharn. This must have been placed here for us. It makes me wonder though who our mysterious benefactor is?”

Outside the castle, Ra’trith sat on a rock just on the other side of the river. The last Orc had just stormed through the now smashed and broken gates.
,,Well, good night to you.” The Khajiit leaped off his rock and aimed a deadly kick at whoever had sneaked up on him. It was an instinctive reaction, one he happily followed. But his foot hit nothing but empty air. He planted both his feet firmly on the ground and looked around him, observing with both eyes and ears. There he was, standing only two steps away.
,,Revarim Kendri, what are you doing here?!” Ra’trith snarled.

The old Redguard smiled, looking completely at ease despite being in the prescense of what the Dark Brotherhood considered to be the most dangerous assassin to walk the land. And the Dark Brotherhood’s opinion regarding assassins was respected among those with less knowledge.
,,I am just wandering about.” The man answered with his cryptic voice. Ra’trith was not amused.
,,Really? You just walked into death’s open arms!” He spat at the old man. Now Revarim Kendri laughed.

To the assassin’s increasing confusion, the Redguard sat down on the rock and then produced a bottle of flin and two mugs.
,,Care for a flin? It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?” He spoke casually.
,,This man is insane!” Ra’trith thought but he had to admit to himself that the man had piqued his interest. For the moment, all thoughts of killing were gone from his mind. A bit warily, he sat down on the rock next to the Redguard.
,,Why be carefull? If he wants to kill me, he can do it before I get the chance to blink.”

Kendri looked up at the stars while sipping from his flin.
,,The stars are beautiful, don’t you think? Imagine, each star holding worlds so strange, it boggles the mind. And to think my son has gone to one of them. Ah, how I miss him. And how I miss her.” He mumbled.
,,His son is on a star? He’s definitely insane.”
,,But a bird has to leave its nest and learn how to fly. It won’t be long, just a few decades, before he’ll be a match for his uncle. Add a few centuries, and he’ll even surpass me. Yes, it’s good to see a child surpass his parents. It makes life worth living.”

The Redguard turned to the Khajiit seated next to him.
,,So, embodiment of darkness, what have you been up to?” He asked as if they were old friends. Ra’trith felt the confusion increase even more.
,,The normal stuff.” He said in the end. Kendri nodded with a pitiful look.
,,I presume you mean killing. I can follow your reasoning. What’s dead can’t hurt you. But have you ever considered the advantages of sparing someone’s life?” He replied.

,,What advantages? There are none.” Ra’trith claimed at which the old man shook his head.
,,There, my young friend, there you are wrong. There are advantages with mercy. How to put it? Consider this for a moment. You have just defeated someone in combat. His life is in your hands. You can take it, or spare it. You spare his life and walk away. What happens? By walking away, you show that you don’t fear the revenge of him or his allies. By turning your back on the one you’ve defeated you make him realize how futile resistance really was. Neither he nor his allies will come for you as in their mind, any attempt to kill you would only end in disaster. Even if they could succeed, they won’t realize it. You have removed a threat in your footsteps while at the same time preserved a future source of information or whatever you might need. If you would kill him, you would be practically assured that an attempt at revenge would someday follow.”

The Redguard stood up.
,,Well, it has been a pleasure talking with you, but I must be going. The ones you are following are no longer here by the way. If you want to find their trail again, go to a place known as the Dragon’s gate. Here’s a map.” A scroll appeared out of thin air into the wrinkled hands. The man put it down on the ground and vanished without a trace the moment after. Ra’trith stared at the scroll, utterly confused.
,,Strange old man.”

And here ends this chapter. I expect to move back to Novis while the 'heroes' travel to Dragon's gate.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet May 14 2007, 04:19 AM

Wow, lots of questions are raised in this installment. Like, whose providing the maps for our band of heroes? And what exactly is this crazy Redguard up to? Definitely interesting...

Very fine work, jack. Your story weaving is becoming a thrill to read. Keep it up, my friend!

Posted by: jack cloudy May 18 2007, 01:48 PM

Edit: Could anyone give me some more information on the Staff of Chaos, Jagar Tharn and especially Ocato? I can't get on the Imperial Library for some reason.

Chapter 5: The first lesson.

,,Well, now this is interesting.” Novis thought as he stood in a corner of the great hall. Together with him, there were five people spread about the chamber. Apart from Ei-Rin the Argonian, they were all new faces to him. He saw what looked like a big cat, a really short elf and a greyskinned elf who looked more like a warrior than a mage.
,,Wew, three elves and two beasts. This is going to be fun.” The Altmer thought.

He changed his opinion when the Khajiit and the Bosmer threw themselves at each other without warning. The same had happened between Ei-Rin and the Dunmer. Insults, threats and taunts were flung around freely.
,,Ah crap, I’m going to be the only student left if it keeps up like this!” Novis pushed himself away from the pillar he’d been leaning against and ran to the center of the room. How to stop the clashing parties? Nodding to himself, he raised a hand at the ceiling and called upon his simple repertoire of spells, amplifying his choice as far as he dared.

An intense beam of light flashed upwards from his hand, spiralling towards the ceiling where it hit with a deafening bang. Novis managed a light smile when he saw that everyone stopped fighting and instead stared at the source of the noise. Then a loud crack reached his ears and he glanced up.
,,Frick!” He shouted and dove away before he would be flattened.

Moments after the chaos had ended, the swhirling waters of a shiftgate flowed into existence and deposited Harms on the red carpet. The Imperial shook off the water and looked at his pupils with a dissatisfied expression. He saw three bloody noses, some scratches, some bruises and one clumsy Altmer who wished really hard that he wouldn’t notice the large pile of rubble littering the floor. Harms glanced up at the ceiling and noticed the large gap in it.
,,I’ve been away from Tamriel for too long.” He muttered to himself and shook his head.
,,It is part of the rules here at the Battlespire that fighting is forbidden unless supervised by Master Borog. This is not Tamriel. Any war fought there will not transfer to this place. Am I clear?” He said loudly.

The group nodded meekly.
,,Good. Now since this is the first time and in part my own fault, you will not be punished. Next time however, such transgressions will not be looked on kindly.” He added and dropped the subject.
,,Moving back to the schedule, let me give out some quick introductions. Ei-Rin the Argonian, Favel Dres the Dunmer, Novis the Altmer, Bedroth Treesap the Bosmer and Ekapi the Khajiit. Welcome to the Battlespire on the first day of your training. The training consists of classes where you will learn about theoretic and practical subjects, and regular projects which promote self-teaching. Novis, your first project is to find a way to use your shaping talent to get that pile of rubble back where it belongs. On the ceiling. With the carving intact.”

Harms led the group into one of the many hallways.
,,For your first day, we’ll be looking at your specific talents and what selection of skills fit best for you. We have twenty years to train five students, so personal training schedules are the norm rather than the exception. Tomorrow we will give you your first real lesson which builds on what we’ll learn about you today.”

Separated by the infinite distance of the planes of reality, the Imperial palace was silent and dark during the night. This silence though, was an illusion. If anything, there was twice as much scheming going on right now than during the day. Jagar Tharn was standing on the balcony connected to his room. He had shed his disguise as the emperor and enjoyed the moment of rest. He looked down on the empty streets, a look of sadness in his eyes.
,,You’re all being ruled by a grotesque lie. I can’t do this, I can’t keep deceiving everyone.” He shouted into the night, hoping that someone, anyone would hear it.

,,You have to keep it up. You know that.” A voice answered. Jagar scowled and turned away from the old Imperial who had appeared out of thin air.
,,I know, Aureus. I know. It is just that I don’t know if I can do this.” He said. The Imperial shrugged and looked out over the city without saying a single word.
,,Aureus, my friend. Did you do it?” The Imperial Battlemage asked after a while.
,,Yes, the bait has been placed and taken. There was a minor complication, so I had to improvise.”

Jagar nodded.
,,Good. The plan must be kept on course, whatever the cost. If it fails, we will be set back by years. There has been a complication on my side as well. I have defused most of it, but I still fear that Valenwood and Elsweyr can erupt into open warfare. I want you to go to the border and limit the engagements as much as you can. Do whatever you feel is necessary. And stay away from people’s throats.” He said with a slight chuckle. His vampiric friend hadn’t drunk a drop of blood in the last twothousand years. The Imperial gave a curt nod and vanished the same way he’d appeared. Jagar Tharn clamped the railed. A light breeze tugged at his robe as the air flowed into the manshaped vacuum next to him.
,,Yes, the plan must be protected till it has matured, far enough to achieve its goal.”

Posted by: jack cloudy May 19 2007, 09:35 PM

Lots of thinking in this one. Enjoy.

Novis looked over his shoulder at the rubble he’d left.
,,Way to make a first impression. Frick, how am I ever going to get that stuff back on the ceiling? It’s like ten floors up!” He thought and felt like he could kick himself. Something poked him between the ribs without warning and he jumped a bit to the left while looking to the right. The Bosmer gave a jolly smirk and theatrically pulled his thumb back.
,,Oh, and apparently the shortie is up to something. Just great.”

,,Umm, what?” Novis asked after the tense silence became too much for his nerves.
,,What a show! Boom, and the whole ceiling comes down! Whee, the stories they tell about you uptight snobs sure aren’t exaggerated!” The little guy said with an oddly squeeling voice. Novis frowned while he put his hands in his pockets. After his last spell, he didn’t trust his own judgement about what was enough and what was too much.
,,Uptight snob?” He instead asked as neutral as he could.
,,Well, at least one person is impressed by my act of redecoration. But calling me a snob right afterwards? Frick.”

The Bosmer brought up a hand to his mouth in a show of mock surprise.
,,Oops, did I say that out loud? Anyway, I wanted to thank you. That furrball was all over me. Thanks for getting it focussed on the roof coming down.” He replied, still with that squeeling voice. Novis kept himself from shaking his head.
,,Don’t tell me this clown is supposed to become a first-class mage.”
,,You’re welcome, I guess. But don’t you think that attacking someone who is a head taller than you and outfitted with claws is a bad idea?” The Altmer said with an added touch of sarcasm. While he wouldn’t admit it, he could be a bit snobbish at times. Especially when he thought that someone had done something incredibly stupid.

,,Well, I would have stuck with what I do best, turning that furball into a pincushion. But you see, I have a sister and she borrowed the only bow in the family so I was, emptyhanded. I’m Bedroth by the way, call me Bed.” Bedroth whispered in a conspiring tone and stuck out his hand. Novis looked at the hand, but didn’t shake it yet.
,,Oh, frick. Now I’m thinking politics. Shake this guy’s hand, and the Khajiit will hate you forever. Hmm, gain the enmity of a pile of claws or a little archer. I guess I’ll take my chances in case he finds a bow around here.” He reasoned with himself and shook the Bosmer’s hand, fully aware of the yellow eyes glaring at his back.

,,Ok, Bed. So is your sister called Pillow?” He joked.
,,Ok, worst display of humor ever. How often can I screw up during a single day? Wew, now I’ve got to watch my back for the Khajiit. Maybe I should have thought this over a bit more.”To his surprise, Bedroth actually laughed at the bad humor.
,,Pillow?! You’re killing me! Pillow, wait till I tell her that. She’ll go absolutely nuts! I’d better not. It would be bad for you. No, she’s not called Pillow.”

Ahead of the group, Harms stopped at a door made of plain wood. He made a few gestures with his hands and a lock clicked.
,,Listen up, everyone. Open spell, one of the first spells you’ll learn. Most doors here are locked with low-level lock spells. I expect that you will be able to open them on your own within a week. Restricted areas are locked with higher-grade spells. You won’t be able to open those till you’ve advanced far enough in your training.” He explained as he led his students through the now open door.

The room beyond the door was as unassuming as the door itself had been. There was a desk on one end, and two desks opposite. A few candles on the wall complemented the scene. What came next was obvious. Harms went behind the single desk and the others all gathered themselves at the other two desks. Novis found himself behind the desk closest to the door, sandwitched between Bedroth and the Dunmer whose name he’d already forgotten.
,,Yo, elves got to stick together, don’t you think? Pointy ears forever.” Bedroth commented which made the Dunmer sneer.
,,Eh, right.” Novis mumbled.

Harms raised his hand above the table and waited till he was sure of everyone’s full attention. Then, he opened his hand with the palm up and caused a silver dagger to shimmer into view. He held up the dagger for a moment and then allowed it to vanish.
,,Shehai. An old Redguard trick so to speak. Handy for opening letters and the like though more commonly used to perform an autopsy on a living subject. Anyway, it is mandatory that every Royal Battlemage masters the Shehai. It is a symbol of our office, so to speak. Not to mention that a Shehai practically means you’ll never be found empty-handed. Unlike the Redguard Ansei though, you will be free in what you choose, as long as it is appropriate. So no pink flowers, please.” He spoke solemnly.
,,We had that once, and it was horrible.” The Imperial thought and inwardly laughed at the memories.
,,Now, I want you to raise your hand above the desk and focus. Imagine a weapon, any weapon. Now force it into existence, into your hand.”

Everyone did as said. For a while, Novis simply stared at his hand without actually doing anything.
,,A weapon? Oh boy, I don’t know what to choose. Ok, I’ll just scrap what I don’t want and take what’s left. A bow, not without arrows. An axe is too heavy, so is a hammer. Sword would be a classic, but one slip and I lose my hands. A dagger, like Harms? Nah, too short. Ah, what the frick. I’ll just go with a piece of wood. Like I’m going to need a weapon after a bazillion ‘how to blow things up’ lessons.”

He focussed, imagining a smooth shaft of wood. Yet his hand remained empty. He focussed harder, going so far as to develop the intricate lines in the wood in his mind. Still nothing happened. Only a bead of sweat dripped from his forehead.
,,Frick! Why isn’t it working?” He carefully cast a glance at the other pupils. To his relief, no one had actually managed to form a Shehai. Now he didn’t feel like a fool so much. But to his great surprise, Bedroth had conjured a grey whisp of smoke which he was now trying to stretch and press into a shape only he knew, with wild gestures of his hands.
,,You’re kidding me. An Altmer like me completely fails at this simple starter’s test and a little clown manages. Frick!”

Novis threw himself back on the test with doubled efforts. A single moment, he thought he saw a small spark leap across his fingers, though it might just be a reflection of the candlelight on his golden skin.
,,And even if it isn’t, I’m probably casting a lightning spell which is not what I’m looking for.” He thought when someone clapped his hands. Everyone looked up. Bedroth’s smoky construct vanished without a trace.
,,I’d say that is enough for now. The Shehai is a complex idea, a realization of will. It takes weeks to master its basic form and years to reveal its true potential. You’ll practice many times but for now, we have other things scheduled.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet May 19 2007, 10:31 PM

Hmm, lots of interesting things over these last couple of updates. The hidden motivation behind Jagar Tharn and Aureus has me speculating on what is actually going on. It almost appears that Tharn is just a pawn in the greater scheme of things by the way he's acting.

Also, Novis' first day of lessons and meeting the others was indeed humourous, especially the fact that Bed seems to be more magically suceptible to the SheHai. I look forward to more of these lessons.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jun 2 2007, 09:04 PM

Heh, I'm definitely taking a lot of artistic license with Tharn. What can I say? I like my Tharn better than the official one.

Harms turned to the wall behind him and muttered an incantation, too soft for his pupils to hear. It wouldn’t do them any good even if they did hear. The vocal part of any spell is merely an aid to help focus. The real spell is formed in the mind, an abstract result of will, imagination and focus. He couldn’t help but laugh whenever he heard of how a supposedly almighty mage was defeated simply because he had been silenced. That mage hadn’t been defeated by his enemy, but by his own belief that vocalizing was an essential part. In essence, he had silenced himself by believing in the effect of the spell cast upon him.

As he finished his incantation, the wall vanished, first becoming transparent before losing all visibility. Behind the wall, a second room was revealed, one filled with all kinds of arcane tools, books and an ordinary broom.
,,Namely, trying to figure out what kind of spells you are best suited for. To do that, we have a nice little gadget, a relic we once got from the Psijic order. Quite a nice item.” He said while rummaging through the racks and boxes till he found what he needed.

The ‘gadget’ was minitarue mockup of Nirn with Masser and Secunda, all suspended above a bronze dome by metal rings. At each side of the dome, there were two handholds. The Imperial tapped Masser with his finger and pushed it along its ring to see if everything was smoothly functioning. He repeated the process with Nirn and Secunda before he gave a satisfied nod and planted the peculiar object on the table.
,,Now let’s see, who to begin with? Ah, Bedroth, why don’t you come forward?” He spoke and waved the little Bosmer over with his hand. Bedroth grinned sheepishly and hopped over his desk and landed near the Battlemage.
,,Show-off.” Ekapi the Khajiit whispered, yet still loud enough for everyone to hear.
,,Well, even though I’ve just allied myself against you, I concur. That was pure showing off.” Novis thought.

,,Now, grab onto the handholds with both hands. No need to hold tightly, just a light touch is enough.” Harms instructed and watched as Bedroth took hold of the mockup.
,,Good, let’s begin. Now focus as well as you can. Imagine a wall of pure force around you, a wall that can shield you from anything that might happen to be flying, from the smallest pebble to the largest mountain.” The grey Imperial instructed next. Bedroth looked like he didn’t quite know what to think of this but he complied, trying his best to imagine what a flying mountain would be like in the process. Before everyone’s eyes, Masser and Secunda trembled but they did not move. Harms frowned as he looked at the object and poked in the air with his finger, till he touched the Bosmer’s forehead who let out a surprised yelp.

,,Hmm, nothing. Alright then, let’s move on to the next one. Imagine that you’re invisible, that no one can see you no matter how hard they try. I’m not talking about hiding in the shadows here, I’m talking about not being seen despite standing in broad daylight right in front of someone’s nose.” He said next and again the two moons trembled upon the elaborate construction but they still didn’t move. Harms brought out several more ideas, all with the same result. Finally, he dismissed Bedroth and the Bosmer returned to his seat, looking rather glum after his failure.

,,Perhaps….perhaps it isn’t working right. I need to find out.” Harms thought out loud.
,,Very well. Novis, you are so far the only one who has already displayed skill with Magicka so you shall take the test next. Not only will we find out where your talents lie, but I’ll also see if this thing isn’t broken. The Divines know it’s a thousand years older than it should.” He waved over the Altmer. Novis moved past Bedroth on his way to the desk.
,,Yo, maybe you could….screw up or something. Just to not make me look bad.” The little guy whispered at the considerably taller elf.
Novis shook his head slightly.
,,And look bad myself? No way. Though I do wonder why there was no reaction. I mean, he was the best at the Shehai earlier.”

Novis gripped the handholds like Bedroth had before him and focussed on the test. He began with the wall of force. As soon as he focussed, Masser and Secunda slowly but surely began to orbit the miniature Nirn.
,,It does work as it should.” Harms mumbled and barked a whole list of orders right afterwards. Novis did his best to keep up. At times, Masser and Secunda would slow down while at others, they would accelerate. After barely a minute, Harms gave his last order, to imagine himself suddenly standing somewhere else without having moved. With a loud clash of falling metal, the ancient device dropped to the floor and broke into countless pieces, exposing its internal mechanisms of gears and springs.

,,Frick!” Novis shouted half in surprise, half in fear of what new punishment he might receive for breaking everything.
,,First the roof, now this. How often can I screw up on one day? Well, at least I gave Bedroth his wish. I screwed up and made myself look bad. Damn, who knew that thing was so heavy without a table to support it?” He thought to himself. When he warily glanced at Harms, he saw that the Imperial was rubbing his goatee while looking at the mess with an odd expression.
,,The rest of todays lessons shall be delayed. Return to your rooms. Those of you who arrived today, ask one of your fellow students to show you where to look.” He spoke and the class filed out towards the door.
,,Novis, follow me.” Harms ordered as he went off in the opposite direction.
,,Frick! I’m toast!”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jun 3 2007, 12:21 AM

A have a sinking suspicion that Harms isn't going to be that angry with Novis. Call it a hunch.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jun 8 2007, 08:16 PM

You and your hunches. Anyway, a really short update. Ok, I need an excuse for that. What about this one?
This update brings about the end of a really short chapter and it is not fitting to start a new chapter in the same update. Also I have written a scene of a potential Oblivion fanfic, in which Mankar Camoran gloats a lot before realizing that he's utterly screwed after the protagonist said just one sentence. Everything else is classified information.

Harms eventually led Novis into an office. Like with the hidden room of earlier, it was cramped with all kinds of odd curiosities as well as a large pile of scrolls filled with jerky writing. Novis heard the door close with a feeling of impending doom. The blank gaze the imperial transfixed upon him brought his nerves to the point of exploding.
,,What do you have to say?” The Battlemage eventually asked with a voice that was barely heard over the silence in the room.

,,Er..I’m really sorry. I didn’t meant to….I mean…I” Novis stammered. Harms cut him off by raising his hand.
,,It is not the first time someone broke it. Breaking is part of learning how to build. No, I want to know what you thought of your teleportation. Or rather, what you thought during your teleportation.” He explained. Novis let out the breath he didn’t knew he had been holding. He wasn’t going to be punished for that, it seemed.
,,Well, nothing. I don’t remember thinking anything.”

Harms turned away and looked at a large painted view of the Imperial city from a nearby mountainside.
,,There are many kinds of teleportation, yet they all have one thing in common. They require a destination, an image. That is how the mark and recall combo operates. The mark forms an image, an ‘anchor’ for the recall. In some places, like Vvardenfell in the east, the temples of the local gods are marked with a symbol that acts as an anchor for any believer who wishes to teleport to the nearest temple. As a result, teleportation is bound to a single plane, for one cannot create an image of a plane one has never seen.” He spoke with his back turned.
,,Yet, all teleportation is an area of effect by its very definition. All desired parts, like the limbs, need to be transported. Not to mention variables, like clothing. As such, teleportation is done in the form of a sphere in which everything is transported, even the ground. Therefore, the advice to all teleporters to jump before teleportation. But that was not the case here.”

The old man took a short pause, long enough for Novis to shift uncomfortably.
,,I know the sound of air filling a spherical vacuum as left after teleportation. Yet this time, the sound was different. An irregular vacuum, skintight and taking only that which was desired to be teleported, without any conscious effort on your part. You didn’t even take the time to form yourself an image. And there is only one conclusion I can draw.” He turned around and fell silent again. After a long wait, he spoke.
,,You are dismissed, Novis. Go to the library and get a book that details the architecture of the Battlespire, you will need it in order to repair the ceiling. That is all.”

After Novis had left, Harms again turned towards the painting.
,,It is in his blood to shift from place to place, across the planes if needed. The answers are hard to find, yet I must persevere. I will ask my friends to aid me.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jun 8 2007, 10:29 PM

Ahhh strange potential. Always a nice thing to have. I look forward to the continuation of this story.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jun 11 2007, 08:00 PM

Heh, the shifting is from my personal universe. There it is teleportation, but with a two metres limit, no dimensionhopping and some really high frequency. Just for comparison, a camera capable of making 2000 shots each second won't be able to catch the shifting. Since there is not enough time for gravity effects, shifting can be used as a form of flight. If shifting though, breathing is impossible because the air molecules never get the time to enter the lungs after being pushed away by the body popping into existence. The two persons using it both compensate the same way they compensate for being coldblooded and living in a frozen landscape colder than Solstheim. They wish the air into their lungs.

Novis's version has a slower frequency, slow enough to be actually visible to the naked eye if one is paying attention. On the other hand, his maximum movement with each shift has been increased to ten metres and he can do dimensionhopping. On the other hand, he can't do the 'summon air into the lungs' thing. Anyway, update!

Chapter 6: The Dragon’s maw.

They looked upon the Dragon’s gate. It was a simple stone construct, elegant in its simplicity. On its flat top however, was a gigantic statue of a Dragon, suspended between two pillars. A small distance from the gate was a large castle whose walls were beginning to crack after long years of neglect. With the Dragon on one side and the castle on the other, it was an impressive sight indeed.

,,If cell 3 holds brass, cell 2 holds the gold key. If cell 1 holds gold, cell 3 holds brass. If cell 2 holds brass, cell 3 holds the gold key.” Rajn mumbled to herself as she’d been mumbling for three days now.
,,Still going on about that riddle the shopkeeper gave you?” Aran asked dryly.
,,Uhuh. I just can’t figure it out. If one goes, the other doesn’t. I can’t make sense of it! At least I got some nice jewellery while he was giving the riddle. Like my necklace? Look, real Ebony!” The girl replied and smiled.
,,If it wasn’t for the prophecy, I would’ve never brought a thief along.” Marsh noted.

,,So where do we look first?” Aran asked the Argonian in an attempt to change the subject. The fact that he had vowed to protect a thief with his life didn’t sit well with him either. But his honour was at stake and he would not back down. Besides, she did have her good sides, from time to time.
,,Our sources specifically mentioned the Dragon’s gate. According to the locals, the gate is that structure with the dragon. I’d say we go in through there.” Marsh explained. Aran nodded and flipped out the blades on his spear. He had a hunch that they couldn’t just walk in and pick it up, neatly wrapped in paper and sealed with a red ribbon. It would be dangerous.
,,Rajn, stay here.” He commanded.

,,Stay here? I don’t think so. What happened to the ‘all for one, one for all’ spirit?” Rajn complained. She demonstratively pushed past them and jumped on the rocky path leading to the gate.
,,No, you’re staying here! Here it is safer than there. Besides, we’re going underground.” Aran added when he noticed that as usual, she wasn’t listening.
,,So? I’m not a wussie!”

Marsh sighed as the two began to squabble once again.
,,I am with Aran. If I may be so blunt, you would only be a hindrance.” He hissed. Instantly, the girl's glare shifted from the Dunmer to him.
,,A hindrance? Explain!” She shouted.
,,We don’t need a hysterical claustrophobe who tries to strangle my tail while screaming about big dogs trying to eat her.” Marsh shouted back.
,,You didn’t see it! And you shouldn’t have poofed out that light!” Aran felt that this argument was getting a bit too hot now and stepped between them.

,,Stop this! Rajn, you know that you can’t handle being underground. And Marsh, did you ever look at her legs?” He spoke loud and clear. Marsh blinked. He had no idea what this comment was supposed to mean.
,,Look at her legs? What, does he now think I’m some kind of pervert? Heck, she’s an elf, not my type!” He thought.
,,Well hello, little Bosmer to big Dunmer. Of course he didn’t look up my legs! If I wanted people to look up my legs, I would be wearing a skirt! And I don’t wear skirts outdoors! Too breezy and no privacy!” Rajn shrieked. Both the Dunmer and the Argonian frowned.
,,I said, look at your legs, not up.” Aran noted.

,,Marsh, Rajn once nearly got killed by a large wolf or something. I believe she’s still suffering from it. It happened underground. And it was a talking wolf.” He continued. At the last sentence, Marsh’s eyes widened.
,,A lycanthrope?” He asked out loud.
,,I see, my apologies. But I stay at my opinion. You will stay outside. We’ll come back as soon as possible. And don’t worry, I am certain that there isn’t a lycanthrope anywhere near. Their natural habitat is Skyrim. It is too warm for them here.” The Argonian said and motioned to Aran to get moving.
,,You didn’t have to tell him that I have this big trauma.” Rajn grumbled, kicking a pebble.

,,Geez, no fun with these bozos. You’d think that all men outside my twin brother are all either incredibly dull or sick perverts. Eh, I guess I’ll go raid that castle and look for some shiny.” She fumed in silence.
,,And don’t go raid the castle. It is probably not safe there.” Aran called out over his shoulder.
,,Gah! He’s a mindreader!” The girl yelled in shock. Aran rose an eyebrow.
,,A what? I can assure you that I do not read minds, I simply know how you think. And could you pick the door leading into the gate? I’ll see if I can find anything shiny down there to make it up to you.” He grunted. At the mention of shiny, Rajn raced forward and took a lockpick out of her clasp.
,,There you go, have fun. I’ll just go sit there and be bored.” She said after the lock clicked and creaked.

The two men vanished into the dark depths of the Dragon’s gate. Within the cover of the forest that ringed the gate and the castle, two yellow eyes peered out, gazing at the sun and then at the gate.
,,It will be a full moon tonight. And they left her all alone. How fitting, it was the werewolf that injured her, it will now be the werewolf that kills her. I hope you’ve made your peace, Rajn.”

(Yeah, I'm not too sure about leaving Rajn up there, what with Ra'trith tailing them and her insistence on not using her ultra-vision all the time which would point him out in a second. But it feels like the thing they would do right now. Oh, and a small note about the skirt and why she doesn't wear it outdoors. Well remember that she grew up in Fallinesti, a treecity. Open walkways on multiple levels and skirts, you do the math. Skirts are a private, indoors thing there, I'd say. Unless the Bosmer have different decency values.)

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jun 12 2007, 01:16 AM

Another strong, character building update jack, my friend! I have a hunch that perhaps the altercation between Ra'Trith and the others will be a little more urgent and forceful this time around. We'll see I guess!

Keep it up!

Posted by: jack cloudy Jun 13 2007, 09:45 PM

Who is it? Yes that's right, him!

Marsh and Aran looked into the dimly lit corridor up ahead. Old and rusted tracks ran along one side of the wall, soon taking a dive into the gate’s depths.
,,This isn’t a gate. It’s an abandoned mine.” Marsh observed.
,,Hmm, I now doubt the Dwemer involvement as well. The architecture on the castle is nothing like what I’ve seen in the libraries. Nor did the Dwemer have this fascination for dragons.” He added. Aran looked over the rough walls of hewn rock and concluded that he had to agree. This was nothing like the Dwemer ruins he’d explored as a child, despite parental objection.
,,I’ll be a bit more reserved before claiming it to be abandoned. There are torches on the wall, burning torches.” He said, bringing his voice down to a whisper.

Marsh now looked at the row of burning torches as well. He edged closer to the nearest and studied it as well as he could without touching.
,,Magicka. Magic torches. These have been burning for a while, but not for thousands of years. You’re right, friend. This place isn’t as abandoned as we thought.” The Argonian concluded after a while.
,,And look at that split in the path up ahead. The torches only follow one of the paths. Is it a trail?” Right after he’d wondered about this, a gray hand brusquely shoved him back.

,,A trap. And no way to go forward but right through it. Stay behind me, Marsh. And be prepared to cover me.” Aran spoke and put himself in front of the more fragile mage. Marsh nodded behind the warrior’s back and lit up a Heyat.
,,Then let us proceed. If you see any enemy that is clearly of supernatural origin, give me a sign. I smell the scent of necromancy here. Be on the lookout for moving corpses and skeletons.” He hissed. The two retreated into silence and moved into the mine, following the trail that had been set before him.

Outside the gate, Ra’trith pressed himself against the damp ground. He was grateful for the change from a desert to a colder and wetter forest, though the foliage provided other difficulties with sneaking. He felt quite secure with his hiding place. Unlike last time, he had yet to be discovered, and it had been two hours since the elf’s companions left. He looked at the sun and grinned.
,,Just a bit longer. When the moons rise, the time has come.” He gloated.

,,Having a crush on a young lady? You are quite the stalker, it seems.” Ra’trith rolled his eyes and reluctantly peered over his shoulder. A familiar old Redguard leaned against a tree with his arms folded across his chest. His brown robe and equally brown skin were an almost perfect camouflage against the bark of the tree.
,,Revarim Kendri, I do not have a crush on any lady, nor will I ever have. That foolish emotion known as love is only for the weak. If I have nothing to protect, I have nothing that can be taken from me.” He whispered. Not that it really mattered much now. The Redguard had not even attempted to keep his voice down.

Kendri gave one of his peculiar smiles.
,,No need to whisper. There is a silenced zone within ten metres.” He said casually. The assassin peeked his ears.
,,Ten metres? That’s quite a lot. Not something every mage can do.” He realized. Not only was the old Redguard an impressive fighter, but he was also an accomplished mage now. Ra’trith had found a new side to his unwanted follower, a side he’d rather not seen.
,,Just why are you following me?” He asked in a demanding tone.

,,I’m not following you.” Kendri replied which got the Khajiit angry.
,,You are not following me? Then how come you are always getting in the way when I try to do my job? If it wasn’t because of you, I would have been done days ago.” He hissed and fell silent as he came to a realization.
,,You are following them. Why?” He noted to which the Redguard nodded.
,,Sharp, willing to think despite that hotblooded attitude. Even willing to wait and observe the situation in case the first attempt goes wrong. Yes, you do have potential. Perhaps I should watch you more closely.” The old man said mysteriously.

,,Dammit, Kendri! You will answer my questions or you will die!” Ra’trith interrupted which made Kendri laugh.
,,Die this, die that. You have a one-track mind, a flaw that needs to be corrected if you wish to have any chance at achieving your ultimate goal.” Ra’trith got up from the ground and walked closer. The Redguard didn’t move, not even when the Khajiit put a claw on his throat.
,,I could kill you with a single stroke. Do you want to mock me?” He whispered in the man’s ear.
,,I doubt you could, not now and not ever unless something happens to make you learn of the greater power you possess within your soul. I have survived a slitted throat before, give or take a dozen times. It is quite annoying. I can’t speak properly for an hour or two. Very bothersome.” Kendri revealed and now smiled openly, showing a pair of elongated fangs.

Ra’trith jerked back.
,,A vampire. What does a vampire do here? And how does a vampire survive out in the open?” He thought, not realizing he had spoken his thoughts as well. The vampire tucked his hand under his robe and retrieved an amulet with the colour and sheen of wet blood.
,,You should have guessed by now. Why else would Vicente be so interested in disposing of me? I have learned to turn my weakness into an advantage, unlike you. If a vampire can feed, that vampire can walk in the sun as much as he likes. What if that vampire learns how to keep himself fed constantly without requiring a living host? The result stands before you. But enough about me. Now it is time to begin your lesson. Listen and don’t move.”

The Khajiit wanted to answer, to tell the old man to go away but he couldn’t. He couldn’t talk, or even move. He could only breathe. He had been paralyzed.
,,First of all, let’s discuss what you are doing wrong here.” Kendri began as he paced around the frozen form of the assassin.
,,You are here to murder that girl over there who is playing with a small pile of pebbles. Why do you want to kill her? To achieve a form of petty vengeance. This is low, even for the Dark Brotherhood. Vicente has done a bad job raising you. Your skills are impressive, for what they’re worth, yet your soul has been buried deep under that smothering fog of hate.”

Ra’trith’s tail twitched slightly. The paralyzation was losing its effect slowly.
,,You are so obsessed with this that you have forgotten your greater purpose. To assassinate the man who sits on the throne. As it is right now, you don’t stand a chance. I have told you about mercy before, what advantages it can bring. Did you ever hear of the saying ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’? While it is rather naïve, there is truth. An enemy of an enemy can be your greatest ally. And an alliance, while usually shortlived, has the potential of surviving long after its original purpose has been fulfilled. You don’t understand now but if you take the time to observe and learn from those who you’re following, you will understand someday. And you will know the truth that I’m speaking.” The Redguard stopped in front of the Khajiit’s face.
,,Learn to look beyond your lust for blood. Look at what helps you achieve your goal. And of all things, remember that a strong will cannot be defeated by the swords of an army, or the claws of an assassin. If your will is absolute, you cannot be defeated even by the Daedra. Now if you excuse me, I have business on the Valenwood-Elsweyr border.”

The paralyzation released its hold upon him without warning. Enraged, Ra’trith lunged at the vampire, digging his claws into his face. Or at least, that’s what he tried. Kendri was no longer standing there. Ra’trith felt the air thin as he passed through the location where the man had been. It was as if the man had left a hole in the air where he’d stood.
,,Kendri!” He roared. He could feel it now, the tingle that had been helt back while he was paralyzed. He was beginning to change. The werewolf had been awakened.
,,I’ll deal with you next time. But now, I’ll show you how much petty vengeance pleases me!”

Rajn looked up from her pebble-tower. She’d heard something. Nearby.
,,You may wish to flee for now. That lycantrophe out there is not in a good mood. My apologies, for I believe I was a bit too harsh on its fragile self-image.” A voice whispered in her ear. She jumped up from the rock she’d been seated on and drew her bow as she turned around. Nothing, there was nothing. She now looked more closely, with her unbound eye as well. Once again, nothing. Except a trail of magicka.
,,Drat, somekind of practical joke with magicka-messages. Marsh, I’ll stomp on your tail real hard when you come back. That’s not funny!” She thought. Then something howled which made her turn around again, to face the forestedge. A hulking shadow leaped from the bushed, a hulking shadow with two blazing yellow eyes and two rows of sharp teeth that glittered silvery in the moonlight.
,,Waaaaahhh!!!!!” The Bosmer screamed and ran away in panic.

Wow, I'm really turning Kendri in mystery guy number one here. He just keeps popping up and saying weird stuff. Where did I get this idea in the first place? huh.gif

Posted by: Lord Revan Jun 13 2007, 10:28 PM

Its really not too different from Kriea in KOTOR 2..... Or Nara in my story (yes, I had to reference my own Fan-Fiction) rolleyes.gif

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jun 14 2007, 10:43 PM

Haha, I tend to do that too. What can I say, I'm proud of my work.

Anyways. Very solid update. Kendri is quite an interesting character. His motives are something I want to try and figure out. His interaction with Ra'Trith is simply a great read. Continue please!

Posted by: minque Jun 16 2007, 03:56 PM

Oh ho..nice work Jack! Gosh, you guys are so industrious...I just wish I was....So keep it up, I need to read more!

Posted by: jack cloudy Jun 16 2007, 05:11 PM

Heh, I guess every story needs at least one mysterious dude or gal. And there's still more to Kendri that I haven't revealed yet though the clues are there, especially for those who've read my earlier fictions. Likewise with Novis, there are some clues that tell you more about him than even he knows.

And Minque, it's all because of school. During breaks there are basically two options. 1: Go outside and smoke, either with your own cigarette or by standing in the smoke of others. (I don't smoke and would likely suffocate.)
2: Go sit in the room where you're supposed to make homework that you don't have and daydream at will.

Three guesses which option I take. biggrin.gif And now for the update. It's a bit short but it felt like the right place to stop.

,,Seek rest once more!” Aran shouted and pummelled the skeletal warrior with broad sweeps of his spear, scattering its bones across the room. The undead gave one last pitiful wail and collapsed in a pile on the floor, the axe it had held lay on top as a testament to its forgotten glory. The Dunmer leaned on his spear and looked at the stairs leading down.
,,I hope that was the last one. Necromancy makes me feel uneasy.” He admitted. Marsh said nothing but beckoned his companion to descend the stairs. They could only move forward.

The stepping stones seemed unusually damp. The Argonian bent down and scraped across one of the stones with a finger. Next he brought the finger up to his face and sniffed.
,,A wolf has come here, a breed I’m not familiar with. Quite recently.” He commented. Aran gripped his spear more tightly.
,,You are a better tracker than I am.” He admitted. The bottom of the stairs now came within view.
,,Perhaps, but don’t forget that the land you were born in does not provide much opportunity to hide while my land provides plenty, as well as many kinds of poison. A good nose is essential to survive in Argonia. But this is recognition of smells. If it comes to following tracks, I’d put my money on Rajn back up there.” Marsh replied. They took the last step and entered another room.

A peculiar sight greeted them. They were in a wide corridor, with cells lining both walls. Bowls filled with burning oil lit up the walls that separated each cell. The trampling of countless legs reached their ears and they both felt slightly nervous at the sound. Aran stepped further into the room and moved towards the first cell on his right.
,,Wait, there could be tripwires that trigger a trap. This place feels like a trap through and through.” Marsh hissed urgently. Aran slowed down and now methodically checked the ground before him before making another step. Finally, he’d reached the cell and peered inside.
,,A huge spider, about the size of a dog. And there is a half-rotten corpse near it. The corpse looks like it came off of a horse.” He said, half-surprised and half-disgusted at the sight.

,,All of this sounds quite recent. I wonder if….” Marsh began yet fell silent. He cocked his head to one side and listened. Had he heard something, something that was not excited spiders running around in cells?
,,Marsh?” Aran asked with one eye on the cell and the other on the Argonian.
,,Shhh! I heard something.” Marsh hissed back. Now both listened and tried to shut out the spiders from their mind and focus on that elusive sound they’d heard.

,,Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!” Out of the shadows from the stairs came a small form that rushed right past the mage and didn’t stop till it had wrapped itself around the Dunmer’s leg.
,,Rajn? What are you……We told you to stay outside!” Aran scolded her and rolled his eyes in annoyance.
,,Oh great, what did I say about hysteric claustrophobes?” Marsh sighed.
,,D…..D….Dog! It was big….big and black…a dog!” The Bosmer stammered inbetween panicked screams and gasps for breath.
,,And there’s the dog again.” Marsh commented. He shook his head.

,,Aran, it looks like we’re going to have to knock her out or something. She’s less of a bother as dead weight than she is right now. Or we could head back up and tie her to a tree or something.” He suggested. Aran glared at the Argonian and brusquely shook his head.
,,Marsh, I’m not going to hit her on the head, not ever. And you won’t either. Now come over here and pull her off of my leg!” He ordered. Marsh sighed again and casually walked over to the two.
,,You’re making the spiders go crazy.” He told the shivering girl who didn’t hear him.
,,Now why do I have to drag her off your leg? She’s hysteric, suffering from delusions and likely to bite me like a rabid dog.” Marsh answered, counting his arguments on his fingers.

Aran stroke across the spear’s shaft with his thumb, causing the two blades to extend to their full length.
,,She isn’t suffering from delusions, Marsh. And speaking of rabid dogs, there is one standing just behind you. Looks like it’s upwind because you didn’t smell it.” He said calmly. Marsh glanced over his shoulder and gulped.
,,Ok, now get away from him.” He said and yanked Rajn away. The moment his leg had been freed, Aran jumped in front of the two and raised his spear to chestheight.

,,I don’t have a quarrel with you, Dunmer. Step aside and I might just let you live.” The werewolf growled. Aran gave a grim smile.
,,Marsh, take her with you and move on. And as for you, I told you before. You are not worthy as an opponent.” He said, directing his last words at the werewolf. The Werewolf was startled. In his mind, he recalled a foot hitting his snout and sending him over a ledge into a bottomless pit.
,,So that was you! I’ve changed my mind. Come on, you’ll be my dinner!” He snarled. Aran’s smile vanished.
,,I’m sorry, but I refuse to be anyone’s dinner. Now come and feel the might of my spear!”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jun 16 2007, 05:24 PM

No! Not a cliffie before a battle! Argh!!

You tease me, good sir! Now I will suffer until the next update. Thanks alot!

Posted by: canis216 Jun 16 2007, 05:31 PM

Fight time!

Posted by: jack cloudy Jun 16 2007, 09:35 PM

The werewolf laughed, a sound that was nearly indistinguishable from his growls.
,,You think that you can fight me with one hand and a piece of wood? What are you, a fool?” He taunted. Aran stood motionless.
,,Perhaps I am a fool for fighting one like you headon. Yet that makes me a fool who has something to protect. The Nix-hound that has been backed into a corner will fight the Kagouti.” He replied. This only served to further amuse the werewolf.
,,Protect? You think that by throwing your life away you will protect anyone? Don’t you know that after I’ve ripped you apart, I’ll tear your friends to shreds as well?” The werewolf spat and looked over the warrior’s shoulder. There he saw how the Argonian was dragging the Bosmer with him past the many cells filled with spiders. This enraged him. He roared and tried to walk past the Dunmer.
,,Out of the way! I have no time to play with you!”

Aran pressed his feet into the sand for better balance.
,,If I die, then yes I believe you would hunt them. Yet I am not dead yet. With this spear, I invoke the power of the Urshilaku. You may speak your threats, but only after you have defeated me!” He shouted and dashed forward. The werewolf blinked. That man actually dared to charge him headon?

,,Fool!” He roared and sweeped horizontally with his claws. But Aran hadn’t been charging without keeping his mind about him. Even before his foe had begun his movement, the Dunmer smashed his feet into the ground and jerked to a halt. His arm flew out still with the momentum of his charge. The spear, whose blade was like a small needle compared to the claws of the werewolf, found its mark.
,,As long as I breathe, you will not pass.” The soft words were punctuated by the steady drip of blood.

The werewolf glared at his smaller opponent. The wound on the back of his hand burned.
,,Silver, yet not poisoned. Perhaps I underestimated you.” He chuckled. He then lunged forward, seeking to use his greater strength and weight to his advantage. Aran skid out of the way and slashed the creature’s side as it passed. Before the werewolf had managed to stop, the Dunmer had already blocked the path to his friends.
,,And you continue to underestimate me. Next time, that blade won’t cut your skin, but seek your heart between your ribs.”

Marsh rushed through the room he found at the end of the corridor as fast as he could. Rajn was surprisingly stubborn and refused to go with him, forcing him to drag her along. He would’ve expected that with the werewolf behind them, she would be the first to run away. He stopped at the other side and cursed. It was a dead end, with only three more cells lining the wall before them. Fortunately there were no spiders in these.
,,No way out. If there isn’t a way, I must create one.” Marsh muttered to himself and sought for a crack he could fire his Heyat at.

A shadow to his left caught his attention. Looking closer, he saw that it was a narrow corridor leading out of the room. He cast a glance back at the battle raging behind them. Aran was holding his own, yet he was being pushed their way. Marsh made up his mind and dragged Rajn over to the corridor.
,,Stop struggling. We’ve got to leave.” He hissed at her.

Again he cursed for again they’d reached a dead end. This time, their obstacle was a door made of pure ebony. The scholar inside him marvelled at this unique display of architectural knowledge yet the realist in him wished it was rusted iron instead. It would have been a much easier obstacle for his spells that way.
,,Damn you, why do you have to be here?!” He shouted at the door in frustration. To his surprise, the door answered.

,,Behind me lies your goal. Answer my riddle, if you dare. Answer well, and I shall serve you. Answer wrong, and I shall unleash the spiders you have passed.” It rumbled with a voice no being of flesh and blood would ever possess.
,,If cell 3 holds worthless brass, cell 2 holds the gold key. If cell 1 holds the gold key, cell 3 holds worthless brass. If cell 2 holds brass, cell 1 holds the gold key. Now answer me, which cell holds the key that unlocks me?”

Marsh blinked twice. That was the same riddle Rajn had been obsessed with for days.
,,I must think, and think quick. We must escape, for Aran’s sake. Which cell holds the key?” He thought and unconsciously relieved his grip on the Bosmer.
,,Rajn, you’ve been thinking about this for days. What option is definitely incorrect?” He asked and looked to his side.
,,Rajn?!” He shouted when he didn’t find her. He looked ahead and saw that she was kicking the door.
,,Cell 2 holds the gold key!” She shouted.

,,That is correct.” The door howled. Marsh breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t know where she suddenly got the answer from, but he was glad she got it.
,,But free the spiders anyway!” She suddenly demanded which shocked him. Marsh next uttered a sigh of frustration.
,,You want to die?” He asked her but she’d already stormed off again, in the wrong direction.

Aran tried to dodge the latest blow but the werewolf had now figured out his pattern and changed the angle of his blow accordingly. He felt the claws tear through his shirt and dig into his flesh. As the claws ripped through him, they dragged him along till he hit the wall and sank to the floor.
,,Not bad, not bad at all. But it’s still too bad.” The werewolf gloated.
,,Hey, ya meanie! Leave my Arie alone!” He looked up. Rajn was standing halfway down the corridor, apparently oblivious to the fact that about a dozen giant spiders were moving towards her, with mandibles that clicked in anticipation of warm flesh. He also saw the Argonian run in, forming his hands into a cup as if he was preparing to hurl a spell. The Bosmer turned her head to look at the mage.

What he couldn’t see, was the wink she gave Marsh. Marsh stopped and his half-formed Heyat vanished. He hesitated. He should help her but she’d gave him a wink.
,,You want me to trust you?” He thought.
,,I hope you know what you’re doing.” He muttered.

The werewolf cast one last glance at the Dunmer who was bleeding his life away and then stormed down the corridor.
,,I will not let those eight-legged monsters steal the pleasure of your death away from me!” He roared. Rajn smiled and crouched down. The clicking sounds she produced were almost drowned out by the thunderous rumble of the black wolf’s feet that came closer rapidly. Yet the spiders had heard it. As one, they turned around and began to march. With raised forelegs, they leaped upon the werewolf as he passed and sank their poisonous mandibles into his flesh.

The impact of his body hitting the ground made the entire room shake. The pain of the poison, the pain of the spiders eating him while he was still alive. It was too much to endure. He noticed how the Bosmer rushed past him before he was forced to close his eyes.

,,Arie! Say something!” Rajn pleaded, pushing against the Dunmer’s chest. Aran coughed and winced.
,,Just stop pushing the wound and tear up my shirt! Wrap it around the wound, as a bandage.” He wheezed. Marsh, who had stayed behind to make sure the werewolf was no longer a threat and had observed that the spiders only had interest in their meal, now strode up to them.
,,Let me help.” He simply said and wrapped the makeshift bandages tightly around the Dunmer’s chest.
,,That’s good. I’ll need a healer though to fix up the damage caused from muscles not healing properly. But that can wait.” Aran whispered.

Marsh heaved the Dunmer onto his shoulder. Rajn fell in at the other side, only to notice that she was too short to be of any help with lifting. Instead she went back to the spiders and clicked some more after which the spiders all scittered through the now open door.
,,How do you do that?” Marsh asked her once she’d returned with a smug grin. Rajn shrugged.
,,Dunno. I think I made them think I’m their child or something. They’re off hunting out there. That’s what they think. I think they’re providing an escort.” She said. Aran chuckled.

,,Who would want you as their kid? You’re nothing but trouble. Nice trick you pulled on the dog though. Want to take his teeth for a souvenir?” He said and winced again.
,,Eek, I’m not getting near that thing! It may be dead, but I’m still afraid it’s gonna kill me if I get to close!” The girl shrieked. She then blinked and looked up.
,,Wait a minute, I’m underground? Aiiieee! I’m scared!”

Note: I don't know why Bethesda turned the command creature into a 1 time each day power. It has short duration, low magnitude in my opinion and it isn't that usefull unless you can command like a dozen spiders at once. I mean, if you can talk to animals, you're not suddenly going to forget it for the next 24 hours, do you?

Posted by: canis216 Jun 16 2007, 09:46 PM

That was an interesting use of the spiders, but something tells me that Ra'trith isn't dead yet.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jun 17 2007, 01:15 AM

Rajn is still clausterphobic after all that's happened........ Some things just never change I guess. smile.gif

Would large caverns (for example, the Marhun Kar village cave) be an exception to the clausterphobia thing?

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jun 17 2007, 07:13 PM

I have the same sentiments, canis. Lousy spiders aren't going to take out Ra'trith that easily. I guess we'll see though. Excellent battle jack.

Posted by: Agent Griff Jun 18 2007, 09:05 PM

Hm, I haven't exactly had time to catch up with this entire story, but by reading the last update, I can draw quite a few conclusions. Illuminate me though, Aran is a Dunmer, Rajn is a Bosmer and Marsh is an Argonian, right?

I liked the last update, especially the fight with the werewolf. Nice, cocky, dog-like attitude. Well done!

I have a few exams these days, but I'll catch up to your work. I read the last update since I thought "Hey, maybe if I commented on his latest update, maybe he'd comment on my latest fan fic. It worked for Trey!"

I hope my thinking will get me a much-sought first reply. tongue.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy Jun 19 2007, 07:43 AM

Hmm, the Marhun Kar village? I honestly don't know. I suppose that if it's brightly lit, it will be easier for her than if it's pitch black. Still, she'll probably whine about it for a bit.

And Griff, you've got the races nailed down correctly. How far are you? I don't want to spoil anything. To be honest, I'm amazed at how fast I pumped this one to nine pages. It's like, wow. I need to go back to gaming before I run out of plot.

Posted by: Agent Griff Jun 19 2007, 09:32 AM

Well, I have an exam at Maths and an exam at Geography the day after tomorrow so I haven't really had time to properly catch up. I've only read your latest update. I'll catch up with all of it though. I'm a pretty fast reader and I can read even faster if a story is really good, and yours are always good and entertaining to read.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jul 5 2007, 08:29 PM

And off we go again.

The door had opened without a sound, which was rather eery. It was a sign that its hinges were well-oiled, and had been oiled recently. Together with the spiders, it told Marsh that this place was much less abandoned as the outside wanted him to believe.
,,Aran, think you can lean on your spear instead of me?” He asked the Dunmer who managed to nod. He gripped his spear tightly with his hand and drew his crippled arm around Rajn to keep her from running around aimlessly. The Bosmer visibly calmed down the moment he did that.
,,Good. Stay behind me from now on. I’ve got a Heyat ready for whatever is waiting down there and I’m not afraid to use it.” The Argonian mage added.

The sight that greeted him could not have surprised him anymore, if his mind hadn’t grown numb to surprise after all which had happened. So as it was now, he merely shrugged at the sight of the red carpet, or the sight of a vicious black wolf ripping into a spider, fire leaping from its fangs with every bite.
,,More wolves. At least not the werewolf type.” He simply noted. He heard a mufled ‘dog’ behind him and shook his head.
,,Keep an eye on her, friend. I’ll handle this one.”

The spider had now been thoroughly dismembered and the hungry demon turned on the three newcomers, its flaming eyes displaying a savage hunger. It howled and began its charge forward, it leaped into the air, aiming straight for the Argonian’s scaley throat. Marsh raised his hands before his face and filled his lungs.
,,Heyat!” He shouted, the bolt of blinding light formed and shot out, striking the wolf in its wide-open maw. The searing heat of the spell did little to the creature, being accustomed to breathing fire as it was. Yet it had struck with such great force, that it crashed through the mouth, up through the skull where it vaporized the much more fragile brains before breaking free behind its ears. Marsh leaped aside to dodge the now limp corpse which continued on the path it had taken in life.

The Heyat arced back around and again it struck the infernal creature, tearing through it twice more to make sure it had truly been defeated. It then came to a halt near the ceiling where it hovered, awaiting further instructions of its master.
,,That would explain the wolf tracks you discovered on the stairs. There may yet be more. It would be prudent to keep that scorching light around.” Aran reasoned.

Slowly, both because of the Dunmer’s wounds and out of general discretion, the group followed the red carpet. As they came across yet more arachnid remains, Marsh was the first to notice the gradual increase in temperature. The tunnel they were in curved to the right and the Argonian sent his Heyat around it first to bait out anything that might be waiting. A skeleton screeched, then its bones were scattered by a few passes of the spell. Rounding the corner, they saw a large chamber, greater than any they had seen before. A bridge that seemed to continue forever was suspended above a lake of steaming magma.

,,Magma? I thought this was only found at Red Mountain.” Aran whispered, stunned. Rajn peeked out from behind his back.
,,Oh, pretty.” She gasped. Marsh checked around for any threats after which he dissipated the Heyat.
,,While it is unlikely and even inconceivable to find such a large deposit of molten rock, it is not impossible. It is definitely within the limits of whatever being has constructed this place. Sentient doors, a room so vast, its roof would collapse under its own weight if not supported by an invisible force. A bridge, built to cross a pool that would make building it quite a challenge, to say the least. This was not the work of Dwemer, but of something else.” The Argonian spoke softly. He carefully set a foot upon the bridge and after realizing that it wasn’t an illusion and would hold his weight, he continued with more confidence.

After a long time, something appeared at the edge of their vision. It was an island, suspended above the boiling waves. A cage of dark steel had been built upon it and a golden door beckoned for them to approach.
,,I hope it is not another riddle.” Marsh whispered as he strode up to the portal. As he had feared, the shining barrier sprung to life and a deep voice echoed throughout the chamber.
,,You have passed my sibling. Now I shall test you to see if you are truly worthy of the prize I protect. Answer my riddle, prove your wits. Know that there shall be no consequences if you fail, safe for that you shall find these walls to be impenetrable. However, don’t answer recklessly for I shall give no more than one chance.” It instructed. Marsh sighed. He had come too far to turn back now. On the other hand, he did not belief in the ‘no consequences’ portion.
,,Keep your distance, you two.” He told his companions.
,,Present your riddle, door.”

,,I am skin, yet neither flesh nor scale. Five fingers have I, yet neither bone nor blood. I am a part of you, yet not. Answer, what am I?” The door asked. The Argonian thought long and hard about the riddle. He had only one chance and he was determined to make it count.
,,Skin, yet neither flesh nor scale. So it is a soft and flexible substance, but not part of a living being. Five fingers, yet neither bone nor blood. Hollow? Part of you, yet not. So it is not part of me in a way. Part of me only when I choose? Part and not part as I please?” He gazed at his hands, flexing the fingers and studying the fine lines of his scales.
,,Of course.”

He rose his voice.
,,Glove.” He spoke loud and clear.
,,Correct.” The door replied and opened without any further sounds. The mage chuckled.
,,Ok, so we’ve got the test of mind in the forms of these riddles, the test of strenght in the form of spiders, skeletons and wolves. So where is the test of speed?” He wondered out loud as they entered the cage. There was nothing to be seen. Its walls were smoother than ice. There were no lights, no distinguishing features anywhere. When they pressed on though, it was as if a veil had been lifted. Suddenly, a sharp wedge of ebony floated before their eyes, purple flames flickering in an everchanging pattern. Behind it, there was a vertical wall of motionless water. A shiftgate.

,,So this is the Tooth of Chaos? It looks like a speartip to me.” Aran observed and coughed. Rajn frowned and pulled herself free from the Ashlander’s embrace so she could get a closer look.
,,Neat fireworks. So, who’s going to risk his hand grabbing that thing?” She asked, hiding her own within the sleeves of her jacket to demonstrate that it definitely wouldn’t be her.
,,I am more worried about that Shiftgate. It has every feeling of a trap. But yes, the fire might prove to be dif….” Marsh answered but was cut of by a howl in the distance. That howl was soon joined by another, then yet another, a dozen more.

All three looked at the door behind them. Still far away, approaching across the bridge, they could see a whole gathering of gleaming red eyes and burning flames. Aran counted them with the precision and expertise of a hunter.
,,Fourteen, too many.” He noted grimly. Rajn had been counting for herself and reached the same conclusion.
,,Wah! Run!” She screamed. A Heyat formed in Marsh’ hands as the Argonian prepared to fight for his life.
,,Run? Where to?!” He questioned. Rajn simply ran past him without a word and jumped through the shiftgate.
,,Rajn! Wait! We don’t know where it leads and it’s only one-way!” Aran shouted. He took one glance at the wolves running across the bridge, one glance at Marsh and let out a heavy sigh.
,,Ancestors, she’s going to end up killing us all someday.” He complained and gave chase, following her through the gate.

Marsh grumbled angrily at being abandoned so readily.
,,Of course. He’s got this promise to keep or he’ll lose his honour. I suppose I can cope with that and he is right. There are too many to fight. That shiftgate is our only hope for survival, no matter how slim.” He told himself, flung his Heyat at the pack, turned around, ran for the shiftgate, grabbed the speartip as he flew past and hurled himself through the gate. The last thought he had before he breached the wall of water was one of surprise. The ebony blade had cut his skin, but the fire had died out the moment he touched the odd object.

The wolves came to a halt before the pool of ordinary water that had been a gate to a faraway place at one point.
,,And off they go, right on schedule.” Revarim Kendri noted, patting one of the demonic wolves on the head. He then sighed.
,,Keeping track of a war in the south, keeping a leash on that clumsy assassin whose life I’ll have to save and keeping those three on the right path. It is too much for one old man.” He mumbled.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jul 5 2007, 10:07 PM

Hmm it seems like Kendri likes to stick his nose into everyone's business. I'm getting more and more anxious to see what his motives are.

Other than that, excellent work once more jack. I still get a kick outta Rajn everytime she does something childish.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jul 8 2007, 08:57 PM

Oh, I wouldn't call that last thing childish. Everyone has his or her own reaction to fear. Aran faces it and charges in with a cool head. Marsh is a bit more calculating and as a result tends to be a bit slow. Rajn, she simply runs away screaming.

And now, I present to you the beginning of a new chapter. I'd say it was about time we brought in an old favourite of mine again.

Chapter 7: Spinning the web.

Light. Bright, eyepiercing light. He squeezed his eyes shut against that light.
,,Ah, finally. Consciousness.” An unfamiliar voice spoke. He turned his head towards the voice and opened his eyes to open. It was a bearded Breton, garbed in the robes of a healer. His eyes scanned the room further. An open window, with curtains of white silk that billowed in a stiff breeze. A tapestry of a rich red on the wall behind the healer. A door, slightly opened. His mind conjured plans, paths to take, all out of trained instinct. He tested his muscles secretly while the healer was carefully dripping the contents of a potion into a cup. All he had to do was to decide how to kill the healer and then climb out of the window.

He tensed his limbs and was about to spring into action when a shadow, standing beside a closet, caught his eye. With an inaudible sigh, he relaxed and waited till the healer had finished rambling about being attacked by bandits, barely surviving and the Legion finding him. Once the man had fled the room, he sat up.
,,Revarim Kendri. Can’t you ever stop bothering me?” Ra’trith sneered.

The shadow became more solid as the low-level Chameleon spell dissipated.
,,Bother? I saved your life, if that’s what you mean. That healer is completely unfamiliar with the kind of poison those spiders produce. You were as well healed as needed before we delivered you into his care. Or with bother, do you perhaps mean how I stood guard here, so you wouldn’t get the wrong idea and slay that innocent man who has not even the slightest idea of who you are?” The Redguard replied with a faint smile. Ra’trith snorted.
,,Both. Whatever you want this time, I’m not interested.” He replied venomously.

Kendri wasn’t unnerved at all. This was one of the things that got on the Khajiit’s nerves all the time, the utter calm the man always displayed in every situation. Now, he flung open the large closet. To the assassin’s amazement, the back wall of the closet was made of water!
,,What is that?” He couldn’t help saying.
,,A shiftgate, a portal to another place. My employer is quite resourceful. Now, did I pique your interest? If so, step through the portal. If not, you won’t receive any interference from me in whatever you’ll do. Excluding matters where I’m involved, naturally.” The Redguard explained and then stepped through the portal, to prove it wasn’t a trap.

Ra’trith carefully got out of the bed, pleased to feel that his wounds, whatever they’d been, had been almost completely healed. He remembered what had happened, so he could make a guess towards the extent of the injuries he’d suffered.
,,Beaten by spiders. How humiliating.”
His eyes wandered back to the swirling waters of the shiftgate. It was tempting. If he stepped through, he was sure to find answers regarding that meddling vampire. But did he really want to find those answers? He didn’t know.

He crept over to the window and peeked through it, making sure his face remained hidden from outside observers. He was up high, high above a city with a shape he could have recognized anywhere. He was in the Imperial City, the palace out of all things. He would have been surprised at finding himself on the other side of the continent under normal circumstances but if Revarim Kendri was involved, anything was possible. His gaze shot back to the interior of the room. Now he recognized details, details he’d last seen in the black of the night.
,,The Emperor’s bedroom. I haven’t been here since I tried to kill him. Now what does Kendri have to do with the Emperor? How come his influence spreads so far that he can actually make me rest in the most sacred bed of the Empire?” Ra’trith asked himself. He failed to come up with the answer and finally, he concluded that the answers were too tempting to ignore. He would follow Kendri, meet his employer. And perhaps, he would learn a way to kill Vicente, his master at the Cheydinhall sanctuary. Yes, just that alone would make the bother of dealing with the Redguard worth it.

The water was chilling. He ignored the soaked feeling he had and focussed on the room he found himself in. Books, strange relics, a heavy desk covered in scrawled notes. A painting, showing a group of people. There were words written underneath the group.
,,Battlespire: graduated 3E 376”
He heard the sound of breathing and looked up. A man stood behind the desk, almost invisible within the dark shadows cast by the precious few lanterns. For some reason, this man managed to make a shiver run down the fearless assassin’s spine. Those red eyes, surrounded by a stern face of dull gold. Grey hair, carelessly cut into shape by a knife. All that barely visible under the hood of the impossibly black cloak. No, not just black. There was a golden clasp at the neck. A clasp shaped like a dragon holding a sword in one hand and a staff in the other with a silver gout of flame erupting from its mouth.

The man looked at Ra’trith without a word, without blinking and without a sign of whatever thoughts ran behind those crimson eyes.
,,Who are you?” Ra’trith finally asked. He looked around a bit more in search of Revarim Kendri, but the Redguard was either not in the same room, or he had hidden himself again.
,,Ah, so you do have a voice. I was wondering. Kendri told me about your snide remarks, as well as your blunt manner of conversing.” The cloaked man replied. His voice was a neutral one, yet harboured a sense of great power within each syllable.
,,I do know who you are. We have dealt with each other before, so to say. Furthermore, your actions have been in my interests for quite a while now. You are Ra’trith, the embodiment of darkness. A trained murderer with no equal, nearly no equal. As for who I am, I am the Imperial Battlemage. You know me better as Jagar Tharn.” He added and the left corner of his mouth twitched upward slightly as he spoke his name.

Posted by: canis216 Jul 8 2007, 09:32 PM

Wait, wait... Kendri's working with Jagar Tharn? He must have some kind of twisted, twisted plot going on. I must admit Jack, my curiosity is thoroughly piqued.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jul 8 2007, 11:24 PM

Hehe, the childish part I spoke of earlier was referring to the moment where she stuffed her arms into her sleeves but that's no big deal.

As for this update... Fantastic! We finally figure out that Tharn is Kendri's employer. Now it's time to figure out why Ra'trith is so important to their goals. I can't wait to find out!

Posted by: canis216 Jul 9 2007, 02:36 AM

I'm still kind of in shock.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jul 9 2007, 09:24 PM

Woot! Tenth page! Yippee!
Back to your scheduled corruption. Long live Tharny.

Upon hearing that name, Ra’trith instantly dropped into a battle-ready stance. This made Tharn laugh.
,,Stop laughing! I haven’t forgotten about you! You are the one who was asking for me! You are why Vicente, Derin Horse-Mouth and probably others as well betrayed the Brotherhood. You are why Vicente sent me after Kendri, you are the one who sent Kendri after me! Nothing makes sense here! I don’t know what you want but you will explain now or else I’ll kill you where you stand!” The Khajiit spat. Tharn continued to laugh softly and shook his head.
,,Kill me? Why, you are cocky, aren’t you? Do you honestly believe that Kendri would have left us alone for even one second if he believed there was even the slightest chance of you killing me? I doubt it. In fact, the only reason why you are still alive is because you amuse me.” He replied. Without warning, lightning arced across the room, narrowly missing the tomes and relics, crackling with an intense fury as it settled around the assassin in the form of a spherical cage.
,,As you can see, you don’t hold the power to even give me a minor injury.” The Battlemage stated.

Ra’trith growled within the confines of his new prison. With all his heart, he wanted to leap and rip out the man’s throat. He was reluctant to touch the sparkling bars though. Most likely it would be a shocking experience.
,,Go on, I dare you. Break free if you can. Show me what you can do!” Tharn taunted. Ra’trith snarled but did not move. Even he knew when he was beaten. Or perhaps his encounter with the spiders had given birth to the seed of caution.

Jagar Tharn looked disappointed. He let out a sigh and the cage vanished as sudden as it had appeared.
,,So, it seems that even the embodiment of darkness has a limit to his foolishness. I had hoped you would at least try. No matter, there are more important matters I must attend to.” He muttered. Ra’trith glared at the cloaked man. He was free to charge now, but it wouldn’t help. Even before he would’ve traversed half the distance that separated them, the lightning would return.

The heavy doors behind his back were flung open. Ra’trith seized the opportunity to vent his frustration on the hapless messenger who had entered. He whirled around, aiming a kick at the newcomer’s head. With the sound of ringing bells, the Shehai countered the kick, stopping it cold with the flat of its blade.
,,Tsk. In fine health, you seem. Yet still far too impulsive, you are. Much to learn, you have. Not understand what I’m saying, you do.” The old man chuckled. Ra’trith cursed at his misfortune.
,,What are you rambling?” He growled.
,,See? You don’t even realize that I’m playing with you by using bad grammar. Learn how to think, my furred friend.” Kendri smiled and walked past the assassin. His Shehai had returned to nothingness.

,,Pleasantries aside, we have complications.” The Redguard said to Tharn as he approached the desk. Ra’trith decided he had seen enough. He bolted for the doors, which slammed shut just as he reached them.
,,Telekinesis, assassin. It is one of the first art a Royal Battlemage studies. Now stay calm and don’t interrupt us. Anyway Kendri, please elaborate.” Tharn commented dryly. Ra’trith let out an angry hiss and leaned against a pillar.

,,Yes, it is about the five seekers. They appear to be somewhat unwilling to follow the path we set for them. Also, the Valenwood-Elsweyr situation is escalating. I plan to call in the help of some old friends to deal with that situation but the fact remains that I simply can’t be everywhere at once.” The Redguard explained. Tharn nodded in deep thought.
,,I see. So we either need to get them more securely on their path or we need to find someone to nudge them in the right direction whenever they are in danger of straying.” The Imperial Battlemage concluded. He looked up.
,,Where are they now?” He asked.
,,Right on schedule. I took the freedom to utilize the shiftgate you prepared.”

Tharn nodded again. With a wave of his hand, a gnarled wooden staff took form. The green sphere at its tip flooded the chamber in an ominous green light.
,,I see. Then let’s have a small conversation, shall we?” He whispered and smirked.

The winds howled, like the cries of a lost child.
,,Atchoo!” Rajn covered her nose and sniffled.
,,Brrr, I’m soaked and freezing here!” She complained loudly. The Dunmer and the Argonian looked at her but didn’t reply.
,,I know, it’s all my fault. I’m the one who dragged you through that portal-thingy.” She admitted to the glum faces. Aran struggled to his feet.
,,We need a fire. Marsh can’t survive the cold. I’ll take the first watch.” He grumbled as he hobbled towards the entrance of the cavern and the axe they’d found there. He nearly tripped twice at each step.

,,And chop down some trees? I don’t think so! And you should not overexert yourself right now. Did you forget that you nearly got eaten by a dog? No, you’ll listen to little sis and sit down!” The Bosmer shouted. Before Aran could raise any objections or bring forth the argument that he was the one who was supposed to protect her, not the other way around, she’d already picked up her bow and jumped past him.
,,I swear. Ever since Stonekeep you have insisted on pulling all-nighters. As if you can’t sleep or something.” She grumbled at the mouth of the cavern.

Aran hesitated but in the end he sat down as close to Marsh as he could. He would try to use his body-heat to keep both of them warm.
,,Dammit. I don’t have the strength to go out and make a fire. We need a fire, whether she likes it or not. Marsh will die if we don’t have one.” He thought. Marsh was half-unconscious already.

Outside, Rajn paced back and forth in her own effort to stay warm. She had already dropped her bow, something she would never do otherwise. But the metal shaft had become cold enough to freeze the skin off her hands if she used it.
,,Gah, this must be Oblivion or something. I hate this place. It’s too cold. And what’s with them? Fire this, fire that. I’d rather die than let them chop down a tree!” She raged silently.
,,And I’m hungry!”

As if it had heard her thoughts, a deer came out of the swirling clouds of snow. Rajn let out a yell of joy, rushed to her bow and drew a frozen arrow out of her quiver. Moments later, the deer moaned and dropped on to its side, the arrow piercing its heart.
,,Whee, food!”

,,Good evening. It has been a while, little one.” A dreadfully familiar voice spoke. All thoughts of diner were forgotten and she now felt even colder than before.
,,You! What are you doing here, Nightingale?!” She shrieked, turning towards the voice. Nightingale did not respond, instead choosing to admire the cold beauty of the surrounding landscape.
,,Skyrim, the coldest place on Tamriel. It is hard to believe that anyone would choose to come or even live here. Especially Bosmer like you. Look at those trees, how short they are, how they struggle to survive. No lush forests here.” He spoke.

Rajn glared at the man in the black robe. Unlike her, Nightingale seemed completely unfazed by the cold, or the wind. The bow felt like a lead weight in her hands and she felt the pain of frozen fingers. When Nightingale looked at her directly, she gasped. Those crimson eyes of his, they’d always struck fear in her heart. She wanted to run, back into the cave, to Aran who would protect her, but she couldn’t. She wanted to draw an arrow and stick it in that rotten heart, but she couldn’t. She was frozen, like a statue.
,,You are quite amusing. Oh, it makes me laugh whenever I think of the pathetic effort you and your friends make to stop me. So you got the first piece of the ultimate weapon. I should applaud you, if it weren’t for the fact that none of you are in the right position to gather the other seven pieces.” Nightingale gloated.

,,Yes, what did you do? You made a minor struggle, a minor rebellion not even worthy of my attention. And at what cost? The Dunmer is wounded. The cold will seep into his wounds and finish what the werewolf started. The Argonian, oh it was mere foolishness of him to come here. No Argonian in his right mind would even dare come close to this land. For every lizard that comes here, dies. They need the warmth of the sun, the warmth of their stinking swamp to sustain their life.” He continued. Rajn struggled to move. Her head arced sideways, so the mouth of the cavern entered the edge of her vision.
,,Marshie, Arie? Die?” She thought. Tears filled her eyes at the prospect. Nightingale was not done however.
,,And you, what will happen to you? Due to their selfless endavours to protect you, you are physically in prime condition. Again and again they have warded you from danger. Yes, perhaps you will live, if you can hunt enough creatures of the ice to feed, to make clothes from their fur to keep you warm. But it won’t be enough. You’ll go mad, crazed by the cold. And so the valiant Champions, the heirs of Talin, the chosen of Silmane, so they shall meet their end and the enemy they sought to destroy won’t have had to lift even a single finger.” Nightingale laughed and vanished without a trace.

For a while, Rajn stood still. Slowly, she came to the realization that the man was gone. The cold was now unbearable. With great effort, she dragged the deer over to the entrance. Only the fact that the snow and the frozen ground underneath was so slippery allowed her to move the carcass. Inside the cavern, she found Aran and Marsh, asleep or unconscious.
,,Aran, Marsh?” She asked but no one replied. She shivered.
,,It’s so cold.”

The face grinned at him and laughed, blood spurting from the cloven neck like some obscene fountain. He turned to run, but a new face obstructed his escape. Again and again he tried to escape. Again and again he was halted by the horrifying images.

Consciousness ebbed back to him. His face felt oddly warm and a soft crackling thumped in his ears. At this moment, he felt it hard to distinguish nightmare from reality. Had the chanting of the spell been another part of his nightmare, or had it been cast in the real world?
,,Marsh?” He asked and opened his eyes. Marsh was still unconscious, his eyes closed, his chest barely moving as his lungs drew breath. But before his eyes, the source of the warmth was revealed. A campfire, burning brightly. Rajn sat on the other side of the fire, her chin resting on her knees, her arms wrapped tightly around her legs, her eyes staring at the fire without blinking.
,,I….I killed a tree.” She whispered. Aran watched in silent wonder as she began to cry.
,,I killed a tree!”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jul 9 2007, 10:42 PM

Looks like it's Rajn's turn to make some sacrificies for the team. It certainly shows that she cares for her comrades if she's willing to go outside her comfort level and do something that would be considered blasphemy in her culture.

Excellent update!

Posted by: Lord Revan Jul 10 2007, 03:06 PM

Wouldn't it be easier to (I know I shouldn't point it out) to find a bunch of dead twigs and other wood from an already dead tree to make a fire. I suppose that would be difficult to be found in a place with such hardy tree though.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jul 10 2007, 03:43 PM

Nah, I don't mind. Actually, I originally went with dead twigs myself. I only picked cutting down a live tree once I realized that just picking up a few twigs lacked the kind of impact I was looking for.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jul 14 2007, 07:16 PM

A short update. I've got to figure out what comes next. I know how Arena continues, but I need to work in a plot more extensive than 'because the weird lady came to me in my dreams.' Besides, the weird lady is dead as in, dead dead.

Back in Cyrodiil, Jagar Tharn opened his eyes.
,,A fruitful conversation?” Kendri inquired. The Battlemage cast a smirk filled with subtleties.
,,Even though the conversation was a one-way tap into her imagination, I believe from my studies that the words I chose caused the correct response.” He replied. Ra’trith had been listening to every word from his position but to him there was nothing to make from them. Jagar Tharn glanced at Ra’trith before redirecting his gaze towards the Redguard.
,,So, you suggest we involve a supervisor of sorts?” He asked.
,,Yes, that was what I was attempting to imply.” Kendri confirmed. Tharn nodded curtly.
,,Very well. What kind of supervision do you prefer? Ruthless, or mercifull?” He asked next. Kendri gave one of his strange smiles as he answered.
,,How about ruthlessly mercifull?” He suggested.

Tharn changed subjects without revealing whether or not he approved of Kendri’s suggestion.
,,Now as for what to do with our assassin. Ihave read through your plans and approved of them. Would my summer-home be suitable?”
Kendri nodded, then turned around and strode over to Ra’trith.
,,Well, my friend. It is time for you to learn of your past as well as your future. Let us be off.” He spoke. Both of them vanished from the chamber, leaving a vacuum behind that was soon filled.

Now that his guests had departed, Tharn rose from behind his desk. With the staff still in his hands, he begun to cast a spell. A symbol lit up on the floor, sparks leaped from it. Then, a thick cloud of black smoke erupted from the center of the symbol, smoke that stank of sulphur and ash. As the smoke spread through the chamber and thinned, two flaming eyes peered at the man in the black robe.

Tharn said nothing and instead peered back at the Dremora he’d summoned.
,,Hmph, it appears that your kin has not been kind to you. Am I right, Merdrar?” He whispered. Merdrar stood motionlessly.
,,I have forsaken my honor and wear the mask of shame out of my free will. What is that you wish, Tharn?” He countered. Tharn shrugged.
,,Direct as always, I see. Fine, I shall be direct as well. There are three travellers in Skyrim who seek to dethrone me.” He answered.

Merdrar’s hand rose to the demonic claymore on his back.
,,And you wish for me to kill them. Give me more accurate directions and I consider it done.” He sneered. Tharn chuckled and shook his head.
,,I was too direct, I see. No, Merdrar. I do not wish for you to kill them. Rather, I want you to join their quest and help them fulfil it to the best of your capabilities. They have need of your talents. If you do your job to my satisfaction, I’ll put in a good word for you to restore your honour.”

The Dremora stiffened, a sign of confusion and surprise.
,,Help them? You are a mystery, even though you serve my lord, like the slave you are.” He said. Tharn’s eyes blazed angrily.
,,Do not ever attempt to insult me again! Never forget that I only serve Dagon because my honour compels me to. As soon as I’ve done my part of the deal, I will cut my ties with him forever. Now go. All that you need to know is that they must gather and reunite the Staff of Chaos. They must.” He said with a voice that could even make ice freeze over.
,,After all, where would the fun be in destroying them if there wasn’t a proper reward to take from their scorched remains?” He added cruelly.

A shiftgate formed before the closed doors. Merdrar bowed and stepped through the magical wall of water.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jul 14 2007, 07:37 PM

Wow. Tharn is so cool. Short and sweet updates are completely fine with me, jack. Good work!

Posted by: jack cloudy Jul 14 2007, 08:55 PM

Marsh was grateful for the fire once he woke up, but he realized that he would still die the moment he went outside or the fire went out, whichever came first. With a sigh, he pressed the thought to the back of his head.
,,Where are we?” He asked with feigned calm.
,,Skyrim.” Rajn mumbled, still rather shocked over what she’d done.
,,I’m a murderer. Oh, what am I going to do once the folks back home find out?”

Marsh shook his head.
,,Figures. With this cold, it had to be Skyrim. Now listen up, both of you. Our plan was to turn around and head straight for Valenwood, no detours. However, we have now gone far north, which is absolutely the wrong direction. Once night comes, I might attempt to observe the stars and figure out just how far north we are. Though I wonder how long I can survive outside.” He spoke.
,,I can do that.” Both Aran and Rajn spoke up at exactly the same moment. They looked at each other and Aran chuckled.
,,The Ash can wipe away most landmarks quickly.” He explained.
,,Too many trees to get landmarks in the first place unless you’re local.”

Marsh looked from one to the other.
,,Ok, so you both know how to deduce your position by the stars. Good. Then let’s move on to the next point on our agenda. The prophecy.” He said. The Argonian dug into his pack and retrieved the scroll he’d been so careful with in the last few weeks. He opened it and began to recite it from the beginning.

Eight defiled under cold earth
Scorching light signals era’s end
Threads severed, vessel cast adrift
Heart corrupt, dragon’s blood in land with no name
Through water, the fire is lit

He who lives by the life of someone else
Unbound eye
Tooth of chaos
Ten suns of darkness
Mask of shame
Father of time’s flame
Wandering soul
Corrupted heart

Eight lands, eight destinies
Land of sand
Land guided by the moons
Land of roots
Land separated from all
Land at world’s end
Land of ice
Land uncharted
Land of curses

All come together, in the land of dragons
Divine chaos united
From lowest depth to highest top
Unnamed land given name

Having recited the words, he folded up the scroll and put it back in his pack.
,,Alright, what do we know already?” He asked as if he was presenting a riddle.
,,Somehow, our quest is tied in with eight provinces of Tamriel, followed by the province of dragons, which I assume to be Cyrodiil. We know, or rather, we are quite sure that the land of roots refers to Valenwood. Furthermore, I believe that Skyrim is the land of ice. So in short, we may not be off-course at all.” Aran pointed out.
,,Yeah, but something’s bothering me.” Rajn interjected. She waited a second before continuing.
,,If this tooth of chaos is an object? Then why the heck is it listed with the persons?” She added.

,,Good point, Rajn. I don’t know why honestly. Speaking of persons, so far we only know of two. But perhaps you are somewhere in the list as well, Aran.” Marsh commented. He took out the scroll again and pointed at the first paragraph with his finger.
,,These are just introductory words. Eight defiled under cold earth, that is not yet clear to me. Scorching light signals era’s end. That must be the Groyth Heyat I used beneath the Imperial city.” He tapped each line as he explained their meaning.
,,The spell that killed me and claimed Ria’s soul.” He added in his mind with a feeling of sadness.
,,Threads severed, vessel cast adrift. This one took some time for me. But in older stories, the fate of mortals were weaved into a tapestry. I believe this calls for the dead of Talin, the champion Ria Silmane chose. We are doing the task he was supposed to do.” He continued, and pointed out the next line.

,,Heart corrupt, dragon’s blood in land with no name. This refers to the usurper of the throne, Jagar Tharn the Imperial Battlemage himself. He is not an easy adversary, let me add that. Dragon’s blood in land with no name is something that eludes me right now but the next part is clear enough. Through water, the fire is lit. The shiftgates we encountered are walls erected from magical water. The fire probably speaks of our quest.”

He put the scroll aside for the second time and gestured at the dead deer.
,,I would love to continue my essay, but I’d rather eat right now.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jul 14 2007, 09:33 PM

Hehe, prophecy stuff is fun. I'm sitting here trying to figure it out myself, who belongs to what and all that. Nice to know that I think I'm comprehending it as well. Lovin' it!

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 14 2007, 03:40 PM

Whew, finally an update. It's time to go back to the Battlespire storyline.

Outside the cave, snow was still being whipped up by the harsh winds. Seemingly out of thin air, floating plane of water swirled into existence. Something heavy dropped through it and sank deep into the snow. The water cascaded down and froze within moments. Merdrar glared at the ice gripping his jagged suit of armour like a prison. The burning of his eyes intensified and steam erupted all around him. The ice melted away, only to reveal a new obstacle. The ground, having been frozen for years, now turned into a veritable swamp, causing the Dremora to sink even further.

,,Dawn’s beauty. It’s beauty is highly overrated.” He grumbled to himself once he’d dragged himself onto more stable ground. He stomped on the snow twice to ascertain the safety of his position. Once he’d been assured that he wouldn’t sink through the ground again, he took out his Claymore and swung it around in several slow arcs.
,,Go and help some mortals. Really, what is that Tharn thinking? Does he truly believe I can simply walk up to them and say something along the lines of: Good morning. I am a demon from Oblivion who usually kills everything in sight but since I’m in such a good mood today, I’ve decided to help you people for no good reason. Care for a drink?” He complained to himself.
,,Ridiculous! The way these mortals think, it is impossible to make sense of it!”

Harms Meritus looked up from the book he was reading. The far side of his office had hidden from his sight by the sudden appearance of a shiftgate. He slowly closed the book and waited. After a full minute, a black-robed figure finally stepped through and shook off the drops of water clinging to the fabric. The shiftgate swirled out of existence with none of the usual splash. The visitor smoothed out a few wrinkles in his robe before addressing the Battlespire’s Headmaster.
,,Harms, a pleasure to meet you again.” He said.

,,Master Tharn, the pleasure is all mine.” Harms replied with a smile. Jagar Tharn lowered his hood and settled comfortably in a chair.
,,I would love to chat about the good old days but I fear that I came for business, not pleasantries.” He revealed and waited a scarce moment to gain the other man’s full attention.
,,Your students, how are they?”

Harms leaned back in his own chair and frowned.
,,I’d say that I am pleased with the class on the whole except….Oh, there is no reason for me to hide things from you. After all, you were the headmaster when I was still in training. The Bosmer, Bedroth Treesap.” He began. Tharn nodded for the Imperial to continue.
,,He is a jolly fellow, fun to have around. He does well on Alchemy, the art of the Shehai and the general items of thought but at Magery he consistently stumbles. We’ve been at it for over a month now and he hasn’t even mastered a simple light spell.”

Tharn’s expression revealed nothing.
,,Cause?” He simply asked. Harms threw up his arms in a sign of desperation.
,,I don’t know. I simply don’t. The best possible theory is pure humiliation.” He exclaimed.
,,No mortal is so great that he never fails, otherwise he would not be mortal. As such, he who humiliates is a greater fool than he who is humiliated.” Tharn countered. Harms sighed in resignation.
,,Alright then. Bad intell followed by bad execution. The report told of a Bosmer by the name of Treesap living in Fallinesti who had a talent for Mysticism. So we went out and snatched the only Bosmer with that name. Honestly, we should have realized our mistake sooner. The report was about a female, not a male. If gender is wrong already, then the whole report is inaccurate.”

Tharn chuckled.
,,I hate to steal the show here, but I am afraid that your report has been accurate.” He said. Harms rose an eyebrow.
,,You see, Harms. There has been a small riot in Cyrodiil, at the palace out of all places. The riot included several people, one of which was a female Bosmer, as well as a spell I’ve identified as the Heyat. One noble, an amateur Battlemage, claims that the young woman in question is a wood’s guide going by the name of Rajn Treesap who just recently travelled there from Valenwood. See the link?” The Imperial Battlemage finished.

Harms let out a very long sigh.
,,Oh Divines, no. We snatched the wrong one.” He muttered.
,,So, do you think we should release Bedroth and collect this Rajn? Where did she learn an Argonian spell in the first place?” He then asked with a stronger voice. Tharn thought for a moment and then shook his head.
,,No, that wouldn’t do. Ignoring the fact that my own agents have not yet made contact with Rajn Treesap since the incident at the palace, the fact remains that she will have to deal with a gap in training which could be insurmountable even at this point. You of all people should remember that the pace of our training is brutal. As for her knowing a Heyat, I only claimed that a Heyat has been cast, I don’t have any solid evidence that she was the caster. As for Bedroth, if I have any experience with Bosmer, Bedroth has been in more forbidden places than is good for him. Releasing him would release some secrets best kept secret. I suggest a change in his training. You claimed he was good with the Shehai, how good?”

,,Good enough to form an ethereal Shehai on the first try. The kid’s a natural in that aspect.” Harms said.
,,Good. Then perhaps he would be the right person to teach some of the intricacies of Shehai. The diversity of shapes for example. Mold his skill with the Shehai into a tool that covers the gaps in his abilities.” Jagar Tharn decided.
,,The other students? I wish to go over them in detail.” He then muttered.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 14 2007, 09:33 PM

Well that was something I wasn't expecting. The Battlespire was supposed to grab Rajn and not this other Bosmer? Wow! I guess Tharn doesn't mind though since Rajn is busy completing a prophecy.

Excellent update. This story is really fun to follow.

Posted by: minque Aug 18 2007, 10:09 PM

What Mallie said! I never played Battlespire, but.....I think I will! Nice Jackie!

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 19 2007, 07:00 PM

Yeah, I want to play Battlespire as well. Too bad it is mostly hack&slash. No school life or stuff. Anyway, a shortie.

Bedroth looked up and down the construction that had formed in the main hall. It was a large collection wooden platforms stacked on top of each other with ladders connecting each level. Three ropes snaked throughout the structure, finally coming together and leading down again, where they connected to Novis’ belt. Not only that, but a huge pile of pillows was spread over the floor.
,,You really have a problem with heights, don’t you?” The Bosmer commented, shaking his head. Novis gave a few tugs on the rope before answering.
,,Well, I fell down stairs a couple times in my youth so, yeah.” He admitted.

,,Your youth? Gosh man, most cultures would still consider you a child, especially your own! It’s too early to talk like an old grandpa.” Bedroth laughed. Novis smiled and joined in the laughter. While he had been at first rather reserved towards the Elf who turned out to be his roommate, the two had become friends in just a few days.
,,Well, ok. In my pre-teens then. So long story cut short, I don’t like heights. That, and I always like to exaggerate. You’ve got to admit, if the tower, the ropes and the pillows fail, fate really must have a sick sense of humor.”

Bedroth grinned and opened his backpack.
,,You mean if the tower, the ropes, the pillows and the potions fail.” He gloated. Novis rose an eyebrow as he looked at the unlabeled vials of purple glass.
,,Where did you get that?” He asked simply. Bedroth gave the Altmer a wink.
,,When you said you weren’t willing to focus both on levitating and mending the ceiling at the same time, I went to Ei-rin’s and borrowed some potions from her.” He explained.

Novis sighed. He really should turn down the offer but he already knew he wasn’t going to refuse. Ei-rin had the highest score at alchemy, even higher than Bedroth. If she was told to make a potion of levitation that should last roughly ten seconds, she would always add in a buffer of twenty seconds. Still, he had to voice his thoughts first.
,,Borrowed? You can’t borrow a potion. They’re used up in a single gulp. And aren’t these the levitation potions she has to present for the test tomorrow?” He inquired. Bedroth shrugged, his grin vanishing.
,,Geez, are you saying I should return them?” Novis took one of the vials and removed the seal.
,,Nope, I’m saying we’ll fire up our own alchemy apparatus tonight and gift her our own. Fair is fair. And just to ease up the manner further, I’ll cast a spell on whoever is going to drink it, just to increase the effect. Remember last week at the fireball exam? You just gestured around and I conjured a fireball for you. They never found out it was me doing the casting.” He explained and downed the potion.

Instantly, he cringed.
,,Ugh, tastes like horse dung.” He muttered.
,,Horse dung? How do you know how that tastes?” Bedroth wanted to know. Novis picked up a small piece of rubble and began to climb the ladders.
,,I worked as a stableboy before coming here. I once tripped and….you get the idea.” Below him, Bedroth rolled over the floor, laughing.
,,Yeah, I get it. You’re just clumsy!” He squeeled. Novis sighed and pressed the piece of marble to the ceiling where it fused into place.
,,Yeah, yeah, whatever. Can you throw the L-shaped bit up for me, please?”

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 26 2007, 08:18 PM

In Skyrim’s cave, the meal had been completed. Marsh had a large map in his lap which he tapped with a stick of charcoal.
,,Alright. I’ve combined both of your opinions and concluded that we are about a day’s march from a place called Winterhold, which incidentally lies on the northernmost coast of Skyrim. We’ve gone farther than expected.” He said. He folded up the parchment and adopted a self-satisfied expression. In reality, he was anything but satisfied. Winterhold was a day’s march away, yet it might as well been on one of the moons. He wouldn’t last even ten minutes outside. And he doubted that Aran or Rajn would last much longer themselves. Each of them was already suffering from frostbite.

He stole a glance at his companions. Rajn had cuddled up in the Dunmer’s arms and Aran appeared to be performing one of his meditations again.
,,We need two things.” The man spoke without warning, his eyes still closed.
,,First of all, we need to keep the fire burning constantly during our stay here. Second, we need animal furs, preferably the thickest around. I’ve heard about snowbears living here. If they are anything like the bears in central Cyrodiil, they’ll be our best chance. We need the furs to keep ourselves warm when we move out.” He continued. Rajn sniffed and Aran sighed.
,,I know, Rajn. But either way, we need wood to have a fire. Just think of what will happen to Valenwood if we don’t stop Jagar Tharn. A few trees shouldn’t be an impossible sacrifice to keep the great forest from being burned by the demon.” He whispered gently. It was a hollow excuse, he knew. But it was the best excuse he had.

,,I get it. We don’t have much left. I’ll kill another one.” The Bosmer stammered. Aran released her from his hold and nodded.
,,Rajn, dead branches that have fallen to the ground will be just fine. The fire will last long enough to dry anything you bring in. Just, don’t be gone too long.” He said. The girl blinked a couple of times. Marsh looked with interest at the blush creeping onto her face.
,,So, this is a nice event. I wonder how much further it will go before someone notices.” He thought and cast his equavelant of a smile.

The smile evaporated.
,,What’s that smell?” He asked. The other two interrupted their conversation to stare at him.
,,What smell?” Aran asked.
,,It smells like something is burning.” The Argonian explained.
,,The fire?” The warrior offered but Marsh shook his head.
,,No, the scent of the ash is different. It must be coming from outside the cave.” He insisted. Instantly, Aran pushed himself up from the floor and reached for his spear. His face showed none of the pain that wracked his body at the sudden action.

,,Eeeekkk!!” Rajn screamed as she scrambled for her bow. Marsh frowned and conjured a Heyat which he kept hovering over his hand.
,,Aran, hold your blade. Rajn, hold your arrow as well.” He quickly ordered. He then turned towards the visitor who hadn’t made a single move towards the Claymore on his back despite the threat. It looked like a Dunmer fully encased in some sort of jagged armour that looked as if it was made from burning coals or half-molten lava. But the eyes burned with an intensity not even Aran’s could match. What’s more, Aran looked positively like a midget next to this man.
,,May I have your name?” Marsh asked and hid his mounting nervousness. There was something utterly demonic about their guest.

,,Merdrar. That is all you need to know from me.” The stranger replied. The voice was grating on the ears. Merdrar looked at each face in turn.
,,Well, I am surprised. I remember those two. They were chased by Ra’trith in the dungeon. It looks like they took the opportunity I provided and got away. Interesting. But who is the third one, the lizard?” The Dremora asked himself. He still hadn’t found an excuse to explain his presence so now, he decided he simply wouldn’t use one.
,,You are freezing here, slowly. Let me help, then.” He said and clenched one of his massive hands into a fist. When he opened it, three red beads lay on his palm.
,,Take these and carry them with you. They will keep you warm, I vow this on my honour.” He claimed.
,,Ignoring the fact that I’ve forsaken my honour. But they don’t know that and it doesn’t change the truth of my words.”

Rajn was the first to make a hesitant step forward. She cast a glance over her shoulder at Aran but then continued more resolutely.
,,Anything that keeps trees alive is good in my book.” She claimed. Merdrar had to bend down to his knees before the girl could stand on her toes and take one of the beads.
,,Wowie, it really is warm! Cute!” She squeeled. After that, Marsh and Aran followed a bit more eager.

,,I believe we must thank you, Merdrar.” Marsh said diplomatically. The Dremora made a wave with his hand.
,,No need to thank me. I have my reasons.” He answered bluntly.
,,Of course. A reason. I doubt we’ll like it.” Marsh realized.
,,I wish to take you to a city that lies to the north. From there, you are free to do whatever you want.” Merdrar added.
,,In that case, we would be glad to accept your offer.” Aran spoke with a bow.
Merdrar cast a grim smile behind his mask.
,,They’re so happy, they didn’t even think to ask who or what I am. Mortals never cease to surprise me.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 26 2007, 09:26 PM

Well this is a fortunate turn of events, but the question is this: how long will things stay this fortunate? My gut tells me not very long.

Solid as always jack!

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 9 2007, 05:04 PM

Ok, massive writer's block here. I can't even get half a page. Dangit!

,,Open, you!” Revarim Kendri calmly sipped his tea and smiled as he heard Ra’trith roar.
,,Such an uncomplicated look on life. If it doesn’t do what you want it to do, hit it.” He thought.
,,You will not pass unless you give me the command.” The door replied dispassionately. Another series of loud bangs erupted as the Khajiit hammered away at the flimsy wood that somehow refused to succumb to his blows.
,,I’m telling you, open up! If you don’t want to end up as wood splinters, you will open!” He roared. He backed away, breathing heavily.

The assassin was immensely frustrated. He’d been locked in an empty room for days now. Every six hours, a simple loaf of breath and a cup of water would materialize in a corner of his ‘cell’. Kendri’s orders were deceptively simple. Escape from the room he was in. That would be his first lesson. At first, he’d believed it would be an easy matter to escape. This belief held out less than five minutes. There were no secret switches or pressure plates or other mechanisms to trigger, no locks, no tunnels, or even ventilation holes large enough to crawl through. Nothing except four walls and a door, all made of decrepit wood. Wood that still defied him even after giving it a beating that would have broken an Orc’s spine.

,,Kendri! When I get out of here, you are dead!” He howled. Sitting on the other side of the door, Kendri smiled again.
,,I doubt it.” He answered, too low to be heard. He could imagine what Ra’trith was going through now. The solution to the puzzle was so simple, yet it stood opposite to all of the Khajiit’s morals. It was so elegantly simple, he would never figure it out except by mere chance. And mere chance had the patience to wait a long time before happening.
,,Doesn’t matter. I’ve got years to prepare. The longer he spends taming himself, the shorter his actual training shall be.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Sep 9 2007, 05:12 PM

Uh oh, sounds like Kendri is looking to create a more dangerous monster in Ra'trith. I'm now even more worried for the others now....

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 11 2007, 09:53 PM

The scent of burning insense was heavily in the air, though drowned out by the indescribable chaos brought out by the dozens of concoctions with questionable ingredients bubbling over their flickering flames. As if that was not enough, a very large pillar of fire rose up from a circular pit at the center of the room, heating it up to the point where the old and dusty scrolls lying all over the place nearly burst into flames. It was unsurprising as such that most visitors received a nasty thermal shock as they went from ‘below freezing’ to ‘almost boiling’. Some might expect the Windhelm Mage guild to do something about it in the name of customer friendliness. The truth was, they did this on purpose. Medicine to cure thermal shock was a highly lucrative business and easily funded the extravagant lifestyle of the mages with plenty of cold coins to spare for anything else.

,,Pablsis rectum expectat parsionis demitet.” The dim-eyed mage mumbled in a mysterious tone of voice. Rajn blinked, Aran looked stoically and Marsh secretly rolled his eyes. Merdrar snarled at the ridiculous display, though no one could see the threatening gesture he made towards the terrifying Claymore on his back. He’d let Marsh cast an invisibility spell before passing the city gates. The Dunmer warrior rubbed his chest carefully. He then gave the bearded man a satisfied nod. The wounds he’d suffered from his fight against the werewolf were now perfectly healed, except for a series of massive new scars which he could add to his already impressive collection.

The mage pushed his pointed hat back into place as it began to shift sideways and walked over to the cupboard to store what was left of the cure.
,,You will find that not only has your musculature been restored to full functionality, but I also removed a tumor in the Casis adiciorem.” He spoke while poking his head into the cupboard. The words elicited the same response as his last sentence had.
,,Mage gobblegygook meant to impress. Don’t listen to it.” Marsh whispered.

,,Of course, that does mean that I did more than our contract specified. I require a reasonable raise in payment. The Candi Akiream is a very important organ one must know and removing the infection wasn’t easy. So what about an extra twohundred?” He continued, oblivious to the glances being thrown back and forth behind his back. They didn’t have the money to pay even half of the bonus the mage had just demanded.
,,It would be believable if I were a total fool and if he didn’t change the name of his fictional organ every five seconds.” Merdrar thought to himself. His hand now clenched the hilt of his sword tightly. Just three steps and a single swing, it would end all of his nuisance. He forcefully released his grip. No one would trust him after he slaughtered an old and obviously crazy mage.

Aran caught Marsh’s eyes who shook his head. At that, Aran surpressed a sigh and gave one short nod to Rajn. The Bosmer smiled with glee and quickly moved behind a large rack of books.
,,Twohundred? I think that is a tad too much, considering the fact that we never asked to have it treated.” Marsh countered, drawing the mage’s attention. The man pulled his head out of the cupboard a tad too fast, and all the potions stored within crashed down on the floor.
,,Ayeh! You startled me and look at what happened! How do I ever clean this up? If the headmaster finds out, he’ll turn my head into a mudcrab’s tail!” The man shrieked and caught his hat that had begun its own descent to the floor.

He was still wringing his hand and standing in the multi-coloured pool of liquids when a large puff of purple smoke exploded from his desk.
,,Achoo!” Rajn sneezed with tearing eyes.
,,No, the fabled dragon’s breath! Ah, what have you done?!” The mage shrieked, now in absolute panic. He shivered so hard, his hat again slipped sideways. This time, he was too preoccupied to notice and it reached the floor unimpeded.
,,I didn’t do it! The Imp did!” Rajn coughed and pointed an accusing finger at the winged creature whose mouth fell wide open in disbelief.

The mage spun to face the creature. His eyes had lost the dim glaze and now seemed to shoot sparks.
,,You!” He began, drawing a deep breath for what was to follow.
,,Master. I didn’t…” The Imp stammered to no avail. Already its master had flung his hands up into the air and collected two bolts of crackling energy within his fists. The Imp screamed and flapped away to dodge the spells.

Five minutes later, the fabled dragon’s breath was the least loss suffered by the Windhelm mage guild. The mage scarcely noticed. He only grinned mischievously at the quivering snail he held on his palm.
,,There, that will teach you. You’ll never make a mess again after having been a fish for a week.” He gloated. Rajn sighed and shook her head behind his back.
,,What a wacko.” She whispered to herself and handed Marsh several heavy pouches rinkling with gold.

Marsh opened the pouches andcounted out threehundred coins which he put down on the table.
,,Use the change for repairs I’d say. Thank you for your help but we must be going. Have a nice day.” He spoke and left for the door before the mage could either accept or reject the payment. Outside, no one could keep his or her laughter. Even Merdrar cast a grim smile behind his mask.
,,Now that’s what I call a quality distraction folks. Tip over one small bowl of purple stuff, then blame it on the Imp.” Rajn giggled. Aran closed the door behind himself.
,,You know my opinion on stealing but this time I don’t mind. We were low on funds and he was obviously trying to rip us off. Paying him with some of his own septims was just perfect.” He noted.

Marsh looked left and right before renewing his spell on Merdrar.
,,Ahem, let’s find ourselves a private room where we can discuss what to do next.” He suggested. Hearing no objections, he followed a sign pointing towards the nearest inn. He mentally counted the money they had left after his payment.
,,Enough to rent a big fourroom suite in a luxurious establishment. After all we went through, I think we deserve some decadency.” He thought.

Rajn dug a hand into a pocket of her jacket and pulled out a small bundle wrapped in paper.
,,I took the chance to do some shopping at a discount. This is for you.” She quipped and handed the bundled to Aran who looked at it with a resigned frown before he stripped off the paper. His fingers found themselves holding a small bone which had been hollowed out. A thin cord was tied around one end with a loop which made it clear to him it was meant to be worn around his neck.
,,It’s a magic whistle. If you’re ever in trouble, just blow on it. You’ll get a dozen arrows on whatever’s bothering you in no time at all. If it’s still moving after that, you get your money back.” The girl promised with a cheeky grin. Aran sighed.
,,Well, thanks. That’s nice of you.” He answered as he tied the whistle around his neck.
,,But am I really supposed to thank her for it? It is stolen after all. I’m just encouraging her with my praise.”

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Sep 15 2007, 06:55 AM

Hehe, nice trick on that mage there. He definitely made for amusing buffoon.

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 22 2007, 11:15 AM

Note: Please post any comments at the part 2 thread. Thank you.

The Nord receptionist was more than a little displeased at the group that walked in. With one hand she gestured at the bouncer while pointing at the door with the other.
,,We don’t have room for beggars. Clear out, now.” She spoke in a bored yet resolute tone. Marsh snickered inwardly as he stomped on the floor with a paw draped in bandages.
,,Beggars?! How dare you call me a beggar! I have you know that I am Ter-kinin the third, count of Havenridge! I’m telling you, the king will hear from this! Calling me a beggar, unbelievable!” He bellowed furiously. He then turned around and marched for the door.

As the Argonian was going straight for the door, the bouncer stopped in his tracks.
,,Oh, forgive me. I didn’t recognize you in the gloom. Alric, light some more candles.” The receptionist called out in a hurry, suddenly the epitome of friendliness. Marsh turned back slowly, still with the same furious expression.
,,Unfortunately, we are rather full at the moment. The bridal suite is still free, however.” The Nord offered, already holding out the key.

This was the moment that Rajn opened her mouth.
,,Bridal suite? Wah, you think I’m married to these freaks?! Me married to a…..lizard and a big bear like him? You pervert!” She squeeled. Aran gave her a quick glare.
,,Be quiet, maid. And stay off the moon sugar.” He hissed. The receptionist and Marsh pretended not to have heard the interruption.
,,We’ll have a few servants be sent up to prepare a hot bath for you and your servants. Dinner can be enjoyed in our restaurant at sunset.”

,,Hot bath? Why didn’t you say so right away? If my nose wasn’t frozen, I’d probably tip over from how these two smell.” Again Aran had to glare at the Bosmer.
,,Do we need to cut out your tongue before you cease interrupting the master?” He asked. Marsh sighed. Ignoring one interruption was protocol, ignoring a second was foolish.
,,Maid, take the key and prepare my bath. I will be over in a moment, after I filled out these forms.” He hadn’t yet finished speaking before the girl had snatched the key and stormed off.

When he came up later, Rajn was sitting on a bed large enough for an entire family. The Bridal suite was very luxurious, albeit not as over the top as the suite she had at Cyrodiil.
,,Now what was that all about? Maid, cutting out my tongue? I thought you were my bodyguard, Aran!” She snapped. The Dunmer shrugged and put his spear to lean against the wall.
,,I am. You were making a serious mistake by constantly interrupting. We’d decided to let Marsh do the persuading, remember?” He pointed out. Marsh however, gave her an amused grin.
,,I never knew you compared Aran to a bear. And you are the only female on the group, so it is best if you take on the role of maid.” He chuckled. By now, Merdrar had become visible again and he’d stalked off to a corner of the room. He had no intention whatsoever of joining the conversation.
,,And these three believe they can threaten Tharn? This bunch of clowns?”

,,But I don’t wanna be a maid.” Rajn whimpered.
,,I don’t clean, I’m not an exceptional cook and I don’t bow for anyone. And I definitely don’t tie someone’s shoe laces! Just strip Merdrar of his armour and put him in a dress if you want a maid that bad.” She added.
,,I will not wear a dress!” Merdrar roared. Rajn grinned.
,,But you would be so cute in one. Besides, why are you tagging along anyway?” The Dremora involuntarily stepped back. The one question he couldn’t answer had just been voiced.
,,I mean, you’re going way too far for just charity. And I don’t trust charity. Last time I relied on it, I got screwed over. And then that mask, creepy.”

Fortunately, he was saved by the entrance of a young Nord dressed in almost the exact same robe used by his collegues at the Imperial palace in Cyrodiil.
,,Master, your bath is ready.” He called with a bow, then stepped back out onto the hallway.
,,We had a servant in the bathroom all this time?” Aran mumbled.
,,Yeah, they’re really hard workers after you poke them with an arrow. Now clear aside, ladies first!” Rajn shouted, rushed into the bathroom and then slammed the door shut behind her. Two seconds later, there was a distinct click.

,,Just where did you pick up that one?” Merdrar sighed. Marsh tried to open the door to the bathroom, only to find out it was locked.
,,Hey! Stay out! I know I’m the only girl around here, but that’s no excuse for you to peek.” The Argonian turned around with an apologetic shrug.
,,Long story. But let’s just say that despite her antics, she does come in handy when there are locks to open…..or close apparently.”

The Dremora nodded and chose to stare out of the window. He deliberately avoided the question of why he was travelling along with them.
,,At least those two don’t seem to notice. Now how do I get it out of that one’s mind? Hmm, she seems like the easily distracted sort. Gifts, fancy clothes?” He wondered. Behind his back, Marsh and Aran whispered in a corner.
,,Let’s wait just a little bit longer. See if he betrays his intentions himself.”

Posted by: minque Sep 22 2007, 05:23 PM

What he said!


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