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Posted by: Black Hand Dec 22 2006, 09:51 PM

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Ebonheart; Grand Council Chambers, Three Weeks Later

Duke Dren exited his office, wearing the polished ebony armor of the Duke, accompanied by two of his Imperial Guard. He had specifically asked for me to show up and hold the meetings of the preparation of war in the Grand Council, for all intents and purposes, I was the Dukes equal upon the Island of Vvardenfell.

“You know, Sethyas. As of right now, politically speaking, you are the most powerful Man on Vvardenfell. Even the tribes of the Ashlanders have chosen you as War Leader. A feat that has not been accomplished since the first era. And certainly not by an outlander, you truly must be the Nerevarine…” the Duke mused.

“I am. I know that now more then ever…but I wonder, if I am this child of fate and destiny, am I also destined to win, or fall? Dagoth Ur is a GOD for Azura’s sake!” I said with defeatist tone.

“Now, now! You must seem strong and confident to your people! You are the General of the Dunmer once more, Nerevar, and they will look to you for inspiration and leadership…besides, I would wish for you to return, and to play with my Grandchildren in a world that you have made safe…” he said subtly.

“Right…I…” I said blushing, while thinking of Ilmeni, safe in my Stronghold of Bal Isra.

“Relax, Sethyas. The time now calls for preparation of our assault upon Dagoth Ur. The Council awaits us now. Come.” He said motioning for the Chambers.

I sat down at my Central Chair, the Chair awarded to Generals and Kings. Not a chair that I deserved to sit in for long. The eyes of Dunmer that I did not recognize, save that of Llerar Mandas and Eno Hlaalu gazed upon me with a mixture of skepticism and wonder. And pride. The pride from the Morag Tong and House Redoran, my chosen families.

There were in fact representatives from every faction in the Grand Council, the Imperial Cult, the Imperial Legion, Fighters and Mages Guild. The Thieves Guild obviously did not take place in the proceedings, and my little surprise showed up amongst the beginnings of the proceedings.

Sul-Matuul showed up with three other Ashlanders, after receiving my correspondence to gather three Gulakhans from the other tribes and show up on this day. There were gasps of shock and surprise as they took a seat at the Grand Council Table, all of them with a satisfied smirks on their faces.

“Sethyas…what are they doing here?” Vedam Dren whispered to me.

I stood up and spoke in a loud, clear voice. “Representatives, may I present the Great and honorable Ashkhan of the Urshilaku, Sul-Matuul! The three other Mer are Gulakhans of the Erebanimsun, the Ahemmusa, and the Zainab Tribes. They will join us in counsel as equal representatives of the Army of Nerevar! I will not have any grumblings or dissentions to the contrary! They are brave and wise warriors whom are willing to lay down their very lives for the Honor of destroying Dagoth Ur! They have equal standing amongst all others here amongst the Council.” I said with a hand outstretched and a powerful gaze overlooking the room.

There were murmurs and looks of hate and curiosity towards the Ashlanders. But all seemed to come to the same conclusion: We needed all the troops we could get. Ashlanders might have been hated, but their skills in the Ashlands and hunting were undeniable.

“While the House Dunmer grow fat and lazy in their rooms of stone, we Ashlanders live in the Shadow of Red Mountain, we see our lands die from the Blight. This is the same fate that shall befall all you, unless we now act as one people under Nerevar once more.” Spoke Sul-Matuul.

“Thank You, my friend. As the Chosen Hortator, and Nerevarine. I will set forth a few rules that I need obeyed in my interim. Eno. There will be a cessation to all Writs, House Wars will not be waged while we assault the Mountain. House Representatives, no duels, no murders. Sul-Matuul, Gulakhans, no raids, no tribal disputes. We are one people.”

There were a few murmurs again, but all Representatives agreed eventually, Eno shook his head in agreement.

“How do you propose we begin this war, Nerevarine? Just gather as many heads as we can, and walk into Red Mountain? We’ll get killed!” asked the Telvanni Wizard Lady.

“Vivec has already given us his outlines for the War, and how to best proceed. I have had made copies for all…..” I said as parchments were handed out.

Phase 1: Raids inside the Ghostfence
The Tribunal, Ordinators, and Buoyant Armigers are familiar with the terrain, and will provide maps and current intelligence reports. The region inside the Ghostfence is dangerous, and the Nerevarine will need to be familiar with its particular challenges. After measuring skills and resources against Dagoth Ur's defenses, the Nerevarine will know better how to pace a campaign, alternating raids with improving skills, getting better equipment, and stockpiling resources.

Phase 2: Raids upon Ash Vampire Citadels
Dagoth Ur's kin have become markedly more powerful in recent decades, after remaining stable for thousands of years. If they can be individually isolated and destroyed, they will not be able to support Dagoth Ur in later stages of the war. It may also be that the dramatic increase in their power comes from items enchanted by Dagoth Ur. Salvage of such items might contribute to our resources.

Phase 3: Assault on Gate Citadel Vemynal
Essential to recover the artifact hammer Sunder for Phase 5. The Ash Vampire Dagoth Vemyn has possession of Sunder, and probably seeks to discover the secrets of its enchantments. He may also have access to notebooks and journals of Kagrenac that have survived in the Dwemer workshops of Vemynal.

Phase 4: Assault on Gate Citadel Odrosal
Essential to recover the artifact blade Keening for Phase 5. The Ash Vampire Dagoth Odros has possession of Keening, and probably seeks to discover the secrets of its enchantments. He may also have access to notebooks and journals of Kagrenac that have survived in the Dwemer workshops of Odrosal.

Phase 5: Assault on Citadel Dagoth
All the previous stages are preparations for this stage. Recent expeditions show that Citadel Dagoth has undergone extensive expansion; the location will need to be explored carefully. The known route to the Heart Chamber will be well-defended; alternative routes may exist. Dagoth Ur will have anticipated our plan to destroy him by attacking the Heart, and he will almost certainly personally oppose approach to the Heart Chamber. Together the Tribunal could not defeat him, and he has grown stronger since then. Admittedly, the Tribunal had the distraction of maintaining the Ghostfence simultaneous with fighting Dagoth Ur, but, even so, the challenge seems daunting.

The adoption of this phased campaign seems to offer the best chances for success. In retrospect, the Tribunal's decision to directly assault Citadel Dagoth rather than proceed step-by-step through lesser objectives must be seen to have been a serious error. The Tribunal did not feel it had the option of a slow-paced and deliberate campaign, given that they had many other competing priorities, not the least of which was the maintenance of the Ghostfence and the outer defenses surrounding Red Mountain. The Nerevarine, on the other hand, should be best served by a careful, step-by-step advance, with the additional advantage of building confidence along the way while successes would undermine Dagoth Ur's own assurance in his defenses.

“Interesting, and how do we find all these Ash Vampires…and more Importantly, how do we stop them from coming back? Every one knows that Dagoth Ur eventually resurrects them…” she asked once more.

“It is possible to prevent that through Soul Trapping magic…” I said.

“And how do you know that?” She asked flippantly.

I tossed her the Grand Soul Gem that housed the Spirit of the Ash Vampire I had encountered beneath Kogoruhn.

“Say hi to Dagoth Uthol. He won’t be coming back anytime soon…” I said as she examined the gem, and remarked in surprise: “This IS an Ash Vampires soul!”

“The one you faced when I sent you to Kogoruhn? You faced down an Ash Vampire and Lived to tell the tale? Impressive Sethyas. That is already one down out of seven…” said Sul-Matuul

The murmurs of the Council now had a different tone, one that of hope. If I could face down an Ash Vampire single-handedly, then there was hope that a Unified Dunmer could defeat Dagoth Ur.

“Then we will begin with the first phase immediately! Let the Sixth House know that the Dunmeri Wrath is swift and vengeful!” cried Llerar Mandas, the Redoran General.

“Not so fast.” I said, interjecting. “Read the parchment again. A full scale war is exactly what Dagoth Ur expects, and he is well prepared for such an occurrence.”

There was a silence. “Then what?” came the response.

“I will act largely alone. What the significance of the unification means, is that the Dunmer are working together to DEFEND themselves against Dagoth Ur. The towns, the villages, now more then ever, must have every available man to defend themselves against the Hosts of Dagoth Ur. Now that I have returned, there is a different feeling in the wind, Voryn Dagoth senses me, he knows that I have returned, he feels the time is nigh to set forth with his ambitions to conquer the land.”

“What hope do you have against an army? Can one man defeat an entire army?” asked Llerar.

“No…I’m not going after every single Ascended Sleeper and Corprus Monster. I’m going after the heads of the army. The Dunmeri society was built from small fractious clans that needed to use secret murder to defeat their enemies. Kill a General, and an Army is useless. My trade is that of an Assassin, and I shall employ all my skills to this end. Ending eventually in facing Dagoth Ur and severing his link to the Heart.”

”I am attacking the weak points, not the strongest. Dagoth Ur, believes himself to be invincible. He sees his armies as easily replaceable within the ranks. This is somewhat true. But in my experience, everything has a crippling weakness. I intend to exploit it once I find it…”

The council talked amongst themselves for a time. There was a feeling of anti-climatic ness, but this was war, not glory. Just as the Empire exploited the political weaknesses of the Dunmer to Conquer Morrowind, so could Dagoth Ur. The in-fighting and petty squabbles had to cease, at least for the time being.

The council departed, and my orders were relayed to the Clans, and the Tribes. Defense of settlements and towns were to begin immediately, if aid was needed, it would be given, without consideration to the others Clan.

I then joined the Duke in his chambers for a brandy after the meeting.

“Wise Choices, Sethyas. And foolish as well. But, I believe you will succeed. You will assassinate the brothers of Ur, and the Sixth House Army will shatter like a scrib, then it will simply be a matter of cleaning up the mess. But our people will have the War they desire. And you. I wonder whether you will live through all this…”

”If I don’t, you must pick up where I left off. Follow the phases, kill the Ash Vampires. Recover Wrathguard if you can, present it to another Champion, one who is capable of facing the Sixth House.”

He nodded grimly. “Do try and live, Sethyas. I have grown rather fond of you.” He said finishing his brandy.

Before I returned to Bal Isra, I made a stop by the Arena in Vivec for a contact with my Master, Eno Hlaalu. For company, and a bit of luck.

“Sethyas! Nerevarine, and Hortator. I am proud of you this day…even if you are cutting into my profits a bit!” Eno remarked on the Cessation of Writs.

“Well, I have two new threads for you, as well as a request.”

He took the threads and asked me my request.

“Well, I know I asked for you to stop the Writs. But I would like you to make me one…for luck.” I said telling him, and he laughed as he wrote out the parchment, and applied his Morag Tong Signet Ring to the red wax.

”Here you go.” He said handing me the finished writ.

I read it aloud.

Dagoth Ur

The afore-mentioned personage has been marked for honorable execution in accordance to the lawful tradition and practice of the Morag Tong Guild. The Bearer of this non-disputable document has official sanctioned license to kill the afore-mentioned personage.

Posted by: minque Dec 22 2006, 09:59 PM

Oh yay! What an interesting twitch......I really liked it, you´re quite outstanding Blackie! And Serene will naturally approve as being Archmaster of your house......waaaaay to go here. I´ll keep my fingers crossed you know that!

Posted by: jack cloudy Dec 22 2006, 10:15 PM

Heh, so Sethyas actually made the whole thing legal. Nice detail. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Black Hand Dec 22 2006, 10:22 PM

I did'nt mean it in that way, Jack. Its for luck, hes an Assassin.(I think I mention that only twenty times per post.) And Dagoth Ur, shall be his ultimate Writ.

Posted by: jack cloudy Dec 22 2006, 10:27 PM

True, but the writ also works in Dunmer society to make the target a legal target in the house wars. It just shows that Dagoth Ur, as the head of House Dagoth, falls under the same rules for house wars as all the other houses, even though he's holed up in a volcano with his big Dwemer puppet. So I find that a neat detail.

Posted by: canis216 Dec 22 2006, 11:17 PM

That writ is just awesome. This story is so very rich.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Dec 23 2006, 12:47 AM

I smell action coming along quite shortly, I can't wait to see how Sethyas will handle this "The Assassin's Way".

I ,too, loved the addition of the writ for a confidence builder. At least, that's how I see it as.

Keep up the amazing work Black!

Posted by: Black Hand Dec 25 2006, 07:35 AM


A Sixth House Base, and Home to Dagoth Araynys. Many months ago, Hassour Zainsubani, my ashlander informant for Caius, had asked of me to chide his son into spending more time with his father. Why I had not gone sooner, I do not know. But as I soon found out, I should have. Part of my plan of war, was to take out as many Sixth House bases as I could to weaken Dagoth Ur's hold over Sleepers in the various settlements and cities.

Sennanit. Assemanu. Ainab. Salmamtu, and others fell to my combined assault of shadow and steel. I could write for pages and pages of all the battles and near-death experiences against the deformed visions of Dagoth Ur's perception of flesh perfected. I could write volumes of the Red Candles that lit the dark reality of the Dreamers in there Caverns, of the sounds of the bells that rang the doom of the ending of the cultists as I used that very hammer to break skulls.

For weeks and weeks, I journeyed the Island. Blood and death were my only focus, the more I did it. The easier it became to see the former city and Ashlander Dunmer as faceless troops of my Enemy, Dagoth Ur. The Goggles of the Dark Brotherhood Mask hiding my stoic countenance, as the bodies and flickering candlelight relfected off of them. Death was my music, and I was writing my Symphonic Masterpiece. And yet, it was not for mindless lust. It was so that the taverns I stayed at could stay open for the traveller, so the Plantations could continue with their slave trade. It was so the Tribes might raise their children as their own, and not the host of Dagoth Ur.

Now I silently tread through the white-stone halls of the Cavern of Mamea. Death meeting with a silent kiss the inhabitants guided by my blade and arrows. The first section of the caves cleared, I entered into the next, the Sanctum of Black Hope.

The difference with these Caverns, was that the white-stone gave into the more familiar light brown, and a presence similar to the one I had felt inside of the Caverns of Kogoruhn, and with my beloved Bow in hand, I entered into the 'quarters' of the brother of Dagoth Ur. Dagoth Araynys.

His subliminal growling permeated the stone chamber, and with eyes that were once Chimer/Dunmer he beheld me, and like Uthol before him, spoke.

"You have done well to come this far. I don't think we have anything to talk about, do we? Then lets get on with it." his voice rang in my ears.

"In such a hurry to die, Dagoth? I've killed an Ash Vampire before. You think you'll just come back, will you? Death won't be cheated, and I've come to collect, with interest." I retorted.

His expression turned to one of annoyance. "I'm going to kill you. You don't believe that, or you wouldn't be here. You are the challenger, so, by House Dagoth custom, yours is the first move."

Wraithguard gripped the shaft of the Bow of Shadows harder as I channled its energies to encompass my being. Its magicks hiding me from all sight, and my legs grew more rapid in their stride as I charged the Sixth House Lieutenant, with a leap I unsheathed the Black Hands Dagger, and brought the dark blade deep into the creatures left shoulder, using the momentum to swing myself in midair, and brought my right arm around Araynys' neck and casted Soul Trap.

He swung around madly trying to get me off his back, but I persisted, and was rewarded with his collapse, and entrapped soul within another Grand Soul Gem. "Well, it looks like my collection is growing, isnt it, Araynys?" I said taking his Token of the Soul Ring, and another Sixth House Amulet.

I proceeded deeper into the deepest bowel of the cavern. The Shrine of Pitted Dreams, arrows whistled through the air, finding their targets in the soft flesh of the fanatical Dreamers, and Ash Ghouls. But, guarding the offering troughs deep within the Shrine, a strange Dreamer spoke to me.

"So.The collapse of the outlying shrines can be attributed to you can it not, Lord Nerevar?" cackled an old prune of a Dunmer Maiden. Strangely enough she exhibited a trait that most Dreamers did not. She was fully clothed, and spoke as though she were in total control of her senses.

"What? Who are you?" I said confused.

"You may call me Zenammu. Servant of Lord Dagoth, glorious witness of the Rebirth of House Dagoth!" she exclaimed.

My Katana sang as it unsheated, and found its way through her heart, biting through the thick skin of the netch leather that hugged her torso.

"Or its first Martyr." I said as she slid back, unsheathing herself as she exhaled her last breath.

I took a quick accounting of the area, and took a look through the shrines troughs, and recovered another Daedric Face of Inspiration. For inspiring fear, no doubt. I also helped myself to a pair of Ebony Boots, to the victor go the spoils, and wars, even mine, costed money.

My hands then wrapped around a curious looking blade, carved from bone. The short blade had a curious electricity to it, and the realization of the fact that I had recovered yet another artifact came to my mind, and I flipped through the pages of Yagrum Bagarns book "Famed Artifacts of Tamriel"

"The Fang of Haynek-- in the fires of Oblivion am I supposed to pronounce THAT?" I said aloud to no one but myself.

Black Marsh was once known to be inhabited with what the Argonians called the Wamasus. Northern men considered them to be intelligent dragons with lightning for blood. One such mighty beast, Haynekhtnamet, was slain by the Northern men, though it took 7 days and nights, and a score of men. One of the surviving men took a fang home as a trophy. The fang was carved down into a blade and fashioned into a small dagger. The Dagger mysteriously houses some of the beast's magical properties and grants the user the ability to do shock damage on an opponent. This unique Dagger is seen occasionally by traveling heroes.

"Well then...another trophy for use against the Sixth House...anyone else smell ozone?" I chuckled.

Back into the Sanctum of Black Hope, I crept through in the Shadows to a locked door that held a Mer that could have passed for yet another Dreamer, but for some reason, I held back, and called to him from my hidden position.

"What have we here? Are you another Sixth House cultist? Or a poor, unfortunate soul caught in the crossfire?"

"My name is Hannat Zainsubani. I entered this cavern seeking shelter from the weather, and these madmen stripped me and imprisoned me here. While I've been trapped here, I've had the most terrible dreams. I... don't know if I can trust my own eyes and ears. Please. I need an armed escort to the cavern entrance. They have left me nothing. I cannot offer you reward. But my father, Hassour Zainsubani, in Ald'ruhn, will gift you generously if you can rescue me."

"Hannat, eh?" I said emerging from the shadows, and taking off my black mask. "I know your Father. He's been quite worried about you, ya know." I said examining him, and seeing if he was okay, running a hand across his arms.

"You've got a blight disease, Hannat. Hold on." I said mixing him a potion of Scrib Jelly and Ash Salts, speaking to him of his Father in Ald' Skar Inn.

"Ah, then you know my father? You can always find him at the Ald Skar Inn. If you can deliver me from this cavern, I'm sure he will reward you handsomely." he said taking my potion, and drinking the restorative effects.

"I care little for reward, your Father is a good man, and it would do me well to know that I have saved his son's life. Follow me to the entrance. I think you'll find that you're quite safe."

We spoke of my fight against the Sixth House as we walked to the entrance, he was well aware of the Nerevarine Prophecies, but as a bedtime story his father might tell him as a child, not as a reality, and certainly not as a voice that came from the shadows unexpectedly in his darkest moment.

"Thank you, Sera Velas. I owe you my life. As you can see, I have nothing to give you. But go speak to my father, Hassour Zainsubani, at the Ald Skar Inn in Ald'ruhn, for courage and generosity must always be rewarded. Tell him that I am well, and will come to him as soon as I can. I have no token you might show him, but tell him that I blossom 'anew beneath tomorrow's sun' -- he will know who has sent you."

I recognized the line from a verse in the Ahemmusa "May I shrink to Dust" that was one of the books that I presented as a gift to Hassour in exchange for information on Ashlanders.

I did wish too see Athyn and Serene, and Ilmeni once more, as I had seen the worst in human nature for these last few weeks, and needed the love of friends to sustain my sanity. To Ald' Ruhn I returned to deliver a spot of good news to Hassour.

"You have spoken with my son? Indeed? He blossoms 'anew beneath tomorrow's sun'? That is my son, indeed. And you have rescued him from a terrible fate, if that is his message. He owes you a debt of gratitude, and I am proud to pay that debt. Who can place a value on life? But please accept these five pieces of raw ebony, rare and valuable. And from me personally, accept this, my own personal blade, and this, the ring from my own finger. May these gifts bless you, as you have blessed my son." He said as I accepted his gifts in the spirit of gratitude. I would present them to Varvur.

I knocked on the door of Sarethi Manor, and Serene's blue-violet eyes widened in surprise.

"Sethyas! Do come in!" She said excitedly, kissing me on the cheek, the smell of sweet stoneflower on her skin.

"We were just talking about you, my boy! How goes the fight against the Sixth House?" Athyn said clasping my shoulders, and bringing me into an embrace.

"Well. It goes well. I'll tell you more if you can offer me a Mazte." I said with a hoarse tone.

A servant brought us all refreshments and drinks, of which I fully enjoyed, the taste of well prepared food far surpassing the stale saltrice and bread of taverns.

"Are you all right, Sethyas? You seem...odd, for you, that is." said Serene with a heavy hint of concern in her tone.

"Its...hard. I don't know. I'm spilling much blood. More then even I'm used too. For the first time in my life, I'm slaughtering, not assassinating. One has little to do with the other. I've never seen the face of a victim in my dreams, but now, I'm seeing dark caverns with red candles, the faces of the fanatics, the Dreamers. The nightmare of the Sixth House, is the pleasant dream of Lord Dagoth. I don't want to lose myself in the battle,...I need some sleep I think." I said quietly, fingering the hilt of the Fang.

"But enough of me. Where is Varvur? I have some things for him from my travels..."

Athyn and Serene looked at one another. "My son has taken up a career with the East Empire Company, he's..well,..he's an accountant. He's always been more of a Scholar then a Warrior, and, well, I'm proud of him." Athyn mused. The last I heard of him, I had escorted him to Fort Buckmoth for safekeeping while Venim's wrath was still a threat.

"How is he handling Domesea's death? He seemed quiet at the funerary rites."

"He is taking it quite well. I thank you again for being one of the nobles that carried her to the Tomb." Athyn said with gratitude.

"It was my honor and duty, Serjo." I said with a nod. "But I will leave these here, and perhaps you could send it to him."

"But as for you, Sethyas.I think I can make something that can're more then welcome to rest here..." Serene said.

"I'll take whatever I can get. But it will have to be to go, its been far too long since I've seen Ilmeni." I replied quietly.

Athyn motioned for Serene to leave the two of us for a moment, and she took the oppurtunity to mix me up her heated cornberry wine.

"You're suffering from battle-stress Sethyas. It's very common amongst the Redoran warriors. You need to let up for a bit. Take some personal time, remind yourself what you're fighting for."

I shook my head. "There's no time for all that. Why should I rest when there is so much suffering? So much to do? No, the War is relentless, as so I should be..." I said, my eyelids growing heavy.

Serene re-entered the room with a steaming mug, that I gratefully accepted."I know you said to go, but it'll spoil if you don't have it fresh."

From the first sip, I felt the energy returning to my bones. "Nice concoction...I'll have to get that recipe. But it will have to be some other time...thank you for the Hospitatlity friends, but I must leave for Bal Isra. Be well."

"Be well, Sethyas." Athyn said with concern in his face as well.

I returned to Bal Isra, and Ilmenis squeals of delight met with a little more then indifference from me.

"I thought you would be happier to see me." she said with dissapointment.

"I'm showing as much emotion I can, Ilmeni. I'm more then just a little tired. But, you are the Sun after a long night. Know that, and never forget it." I said looking into her sweet red eyes.

I lay in the bath for a long time, thinking through the last few weeks. Strategy, tactics, planning. Killing, fighting, remembering. It was all too much. I needed to stop hunting down all the Bases, and assault Red Mountain directly.

I would start again in the morning. Yes, the morning. I would start it again. Until it ended.

I layed myself down next to Ilmeni, and her embrace was sweeter then anything I could have imagined. I would trade everything I had for a moment of that bliss, and I fell asleep in it. This night however, the dreams thankfully did not come. Though the taste of Cornberry Wine did.

Posted by: jack cloudy Dec 25 2006, 11:58 AM

War is tough. I hope that it ends soon, for Sethyas' sake. On the other hand, that would mean the end of the story. Hmm, conflicting wishes here. ohmy.gif

Posted by: minque Dec 25 2006, 08:38 PM

Oh such a toching, wonderful update! You really have a great way with words, and the poetic touch is just outstanding, I´ll quote a piece that got right to me

Death was my music, and I was writing my Symphonic Masterpiece.

Ah and the appearance of Serene and Athyn felt so right.....poor Seth, he really has a lot of pressure on him now, and if anyone can understand what he feels having to take so many lives, it is Serene!

Oh I love this story.....

Posted by: Black Hand Dec 25 2006, 10:34 PM

The journey from Bal Isra to Ghostgate is a bit further then one would think it would be, as off in the distance to the east, one could see the faint glow of the barrier that seperated Vvardenfell from Red Mountain. The barrier that I would dedicate to tearing down. I did not fear the Sixth House, I possibly hated them, but I tried my hardest not to let that blind me. I spent an hour in meditation and practicing the Rain on Sand style taught to me by Goren Andarys in the Morag Tong Ald'Ruhn Guildhall, before departing for my next phase.

And looming high into the horizon, the peak of Red Mountain stared back down to me, the swirling red blight picking up almost as soon as I approached Ghostgate. A nice welcoming invite, Sixth House style. And I was to be the one whom ended it.

"Ghostgate is not for the weak, outlander." came the friendly warning of a Buoyant Armiger at the Tower of Dusk.

"Certainly not. Vivec has told me to seek out the Armigers, in his name. I need any information you can give me on Red Mountain.' I said showing him my right hand, displaying Wraithguard.

"The Buoyant Armigers, a small military order of the Tribunal Temple, exclusively dedicated to and answering to Lord Vivec. We pattern ourselves on Lord Vivec's heroic spirit of exploration and adventure, and emulate his mastery of the varied arts of personal combat, chivalric courtesy, and subtle verse. We serve the Temple as champions and knights-errant, and are friendly rivals of the more solemn Ordinators in our dedicated service to Lord Vivec and the Temple."

"Ghostgate is a stronghold that guards the only passage through the Ghostfence and into the blighted region of Red Mountain. Ghostgate is garrisoned by the Ordinators and the Buoyant Armigers, and House Redoran maintains a hostel for pilgrims. For centuries Ordinators and Buoyant Armigers led by the Tribunal would passed through Ghostgate on annual raids against Dagoth Ur's ash vampire kin, but these raids were suspended because of heavy losses to the Temple forces."

"The Ghostfence is a magic wall running completely around Red Mountain. The barrier keeps blight storms and blight monsters from spreading across Vvardenfell. The Ghostfence was created and is sustained by the divine powers of Vivec and the Tribunal. In the past, the Ghostfence was completely effective, but now we hear reports of encounters with blighted monsters outside the fence."

"We have heard the proclamation. Vivec has removed his curse upon the Nerevarine, and has ended the persecution of the Dissident Priests. Vivec has acknowledged you as the Incarnate and Nerevarine, the prophesied savior of Morrowind, and the last hope to withstand the menace of Dagoth Ur and the Sixth House."

"That is....bleak." I replied. "But I will do what I must. Vvardenfell stands united in defense, I must go alone into the Devils House."

"All our intelligence is old. No one has ventured far inside the fence for years. This map shows the locations of the citadels of the various ash vampires. Sixth House creatures have become more numerous and powerful, and the most powerful can conjure powerful daedra. Until recently, we've been able to clear routes and keep them clean with raids, but no longer. There are no safe refuges or services inside the fence; you must return here to rest and heal." he said nodding handing me a parchment that mapped out the interior of Red Mountain, marking the Citadels of Dagoth Ur, and the Ash Vampires.

"Five ancient Dwemer citadels in the crater of Red Mountain are occupied by Dagoth Ur and his ash vampire kin. The ancient Dwemer citadels on Red Mountain are no longer known by their Dwemer names, but now take the names of their Dagoth Lords: Endusal, Odrosal, Vemynal, Tureynulal, and Dagoth Ur. The only approach to the crater citadels is up Foyada Esannudan from Fort Moonmoth, through the Ghostfence at the fortress of Ghostgate, and down into the crater."

Deciding that I needed a drink to get the courage up before venturing into the nightmarish of Red Mountain, I ordered a Cyrodiilic Brandy, savoring the taste as though it were my last. During my tasting, an old Imperial Veteran sat next to me and started a conversation. It was strange to see someone like him here.
"Hello. They call me Wulf. What brings you to Ghostgate?"

"Wulf, huh?"

"Wulf. That's me."
"Nice to meet you, call me Sethyas. Have a drink on me...ya never know which one is your last." I said pointing to him, and nodding at the publican.

"This is a helluva place. Why are you here?" he said taking a sip of his drink.

"You wouldn't beleive me old man! I'm sure you've heard some crazy stuff in your time, but I dont think you've heard this!" I said laughing.

"Try me." he said quietly, something in his voice told me that he already knew, and wedged the information out me.

"I am the Nerevarine, and I go to confront Dagoth Ur in his citadel."

"What a piece of luck! Look. I'm an old Legion veteran, as old as the poor old Emperor, bless his soul. I'm too old for campaigning. I came this far to look at hell. But I can't go any farther than this. I'd take it kindly if you'd carry this old lucky coin with you when you go to Dagoth Ur. Sort of a token of the tough young hero I used to be. Would you do that for an old man?"

"I'll take your old lucky coin to Dagoth Ur with me."

"That's very kind of you. Here's the coin. I've had it with me a long time, and it's always brought me luck. But I have no more use for it, and I'd like to pass it on to somebody younger. Somebody going places I can't go anymore. Your generation's shaper of history... an engine of destiny. That coin will bring you luck on the mountain. I promise. 'For Emperor and Empire,' as we say in the legions. Go with Kynareth." he said handing me a weathered Septim, and a strange energy passed from him into me.

"How old did you say you were?" I said, thinking there might be more to this man and his coin...

"As old as the poor old Emporer. The Emperor is getting old. Don't know how much longer he'll hang on. So is the whole Empire, for that matter. Getting old, that is. The Emperor and the legions have held the Empire together for hundreds of years. It's been a good thing, by and large. But maybe it's time for a change. Time for something young and new. What? No idea. Because I'm old. Old dog doesn't get new ideas. But maybe young folks like you should try some new ideas. I don't know. Could be messy. But change is never pretty." he said finishing up his drink, and patting my back, and taking his leave.

I took another look at the coin, rubbing my thumb over the face, and realizing that it looked alot like...looking up I became startled that he had comepletely dissappeared.

"Publican! Who was that old man? Wulf?" I cried aloud.

She looked up from wiping down the counter. "Old Man? Wulf? No Idea. There's no one here by that name."

"You just served him a drink!" I exclaimed.

She shook her head. "No. Just you, sounds like you've had enough too." she said with a growing hostitlity, signalling me to drop the subject.


Posted by: canis216 Dec 25 2006, 10:54 PM

That was really well done. I like how you finished this part up, "...sounds like you've had enough too." Great.

Posted by: minque Dec 25 2006, 10:59 PM

Yeah....hehe, nice done Blackie! Wulf is one of a kind and Seth was very friendly towards him...mmmm..let´s see now where this lead to.....I´m waiting4more!

Posted by: jack cloudy Dec 25 2006, 11:11 PM

I remember Wulf, never figured out who he was though. Just that he seemed unique in some way.
Also I wonder, maybe Sethyas should just try out a jumping spell like Tarhiel and jump over the whole fence, aiming his landing in such a way that he comes down right in front of the door. (a soft landing of course.)

This is what always bugs me the most about ghostfence though I understand that fixing this problem would be a big strain on the computer. Why doesn't the fence have a roof? How the heck can you expect to contain anything when the whole place is infested with cliffracers and levitating mages?

Posted by: Black Hand Dec 26 2006, 01:01 AM

I slowly pulled my hood over my head, and took a deep breath. This would be my first step inside the Ghostgate, and the first step into the real start of the War. I activated the switch, and with a rumbling, the aged fence rose into the air, and I walked slowly into the arched tunnel beneath the Temple, and the Gate shut closed behind me.

I activated the next switch, and the next gate followed suit. And I walked into the red fury of the blight, almost immediately attacked by an Ascended Sleeper, seeiming to keep vigil at the gate. Perhaps there was some sort of massive link that connected all the Sixth House telepathically, and Dagoth Ur saw me coming into Red Mountain.

As I dodged the creatures attacks of sparks and illusion magicka, I pumped it full of arrows, until the creature dissapated into a yellowish flurry of sparks. My quiver was lighter, and the Bow of Shadows would soon be in need of a re-stringing. It was a clear reminder that I would have to stay unseen, as I was not here to kill every member of House Dagoth, rather its lieutenants, and its High Councilor. The rest of Vvardenfell was united to keep the host from spilling forth, and spoiling the land. My job was to cut the head of the snake. A multi-headed one at that.

I consulted the map, and saw Odrosal and Endusal were both roughly equal distance from me. Odrosal however, was believed to have contained Keening, the crystal blade of Kagrenac's design. Therefore it was the major of the two targets, and I ran as fast as I could to the Citadel, casting invisibility the whole way, so I remained yet another breeze in the typhoon of the blight.

"Well, Sethyas Velas. Have you come to serve? Or to challenge my station? Or to try to win Keening?"

"Many mortals serve their gods. Few are so fortunate to be invited to share their divine power with them. Lord Dagoth makes you a generous offer, Faern Sargtlin. Join him, and you can share the divine, eternal power of Lorkhan's heart. So far, all your struggles, your battling, your destructiveness... all these things might be understood as improving your bargaining position. Come now, we hold you no bitterness. You cannot truly harm us. We can afford to forgive."

"Forgiveness is a luxury you cannot afford, Dagoth."

"You think to climb higher in Brother Dagoth's eyes by defeating me? Well, then, you might rise at that. None of us Heartwights can die. The power of the Heart will bring us all back in time. But, yes, you might win Lord Dagoth's favor by defeating his lieutenants. No hard feelings. I lose, I lose my rank. You lose, you lose all. You're playing for high stakes. Are you sure you want to play? Surely, there is no dishonor for a mortal to serve a god?"

"I'm sure that's what you believe, but have you seen Uthol or Araynys lately? Surrender Keening to me, and we can part as neutral at the very least." I offered.

"It is well hidden. Even if I should fall, you'll never find it. But if you choose to serve, perhaps Lord Dagoth might even consent to grant you the use of it. Surely, by coming so far, you have drawn his discerning eye, and earned his favor. Be reasonable, Sethyas Velas. Why risk blood and life for that which might be won by words and service?"

I did risk blood and life to win the possession of Keening, and the metal Dwemer grasp of Wraithguard hugged the hilt of the black metal of my Daedric Katana, and the silky hiss of the unsheathing left no doubt as to my intentions. A red cloud of dark energy encompassed the form of Dagoth Odros, and his arms spread wide to begin casting his offensive spell. I disappeared into the shadows of the dark creaking Dwemer stronghold, and he began pelting the area with fire and damage spells, the red energy lighting up the yellow walls, knocking Dwarven dishware off of the ancient shelves, and ancient armor and weapons clattered to the ground.

I began a series of slashes and chops to his torso, while running back and forth and jumping off of walls to stay just outside of the grasp of those long nails of his, and when I saw him finally beginning to show signs of fatigue, I pulled out a scroll, and read the incantation. The spell of the Scroll of Psychic Prison, casted Soul Trap and Paralysis for over half a minute, and held the Dagoth fast. I slowly walked over to him, and lit a Hackle-Lo leaf on one of the ritual red candles of House Dagoth.

"Well, I hate to act prematurely. But I believe that I have defeated you. I could be wrong however, what do you say?" I asked his immobilized form.

"Oh, thats right. You can't speak. But you can hear me just fine. If you can send any messages to Lord Dagoth telepathically, as I suspect you can. Tell him, I am coming for him. And this time, I won't repeat my last mistake. This time I'll make sure he's dead." I said as I thrusted an Ancient Silver Dagger into his torso, the potent poison acting quickly, and he lunged backwards in a death throe, slamming against an ancient Dwemer desk.

I then began considering where he could have hidden Keening so well. It wasn't on him, as I looted his Amulet of Heartfire and Sixth House Amulet. I carefully considered all the chests and walls in the Citadel. Only to find nothing. Getting frustrated I cast a Detect Enchantment spell, only to find that I could sense an Artifact of immense much that it nearly overwhelmed me. But I still could not see where it was.

Following the Siren Call of the power, I came across a ladder that led into an upper tower of the Dagoth's Stronghold, upping myself into the chamber, I no longer needed the spell. In a shrine base, like a mythical sword from some Breton legend, the golden hilt of Keening rose into the air, calling to Wraithguard, it seemed to take over my hand, and it felt as though it was not I who reached out to grab the Dagger.

My grasp fell around the hilt, and instantly, a power more intoxicating then any skooma, more energy then I had ever known rushed through my system, as I felt my Speed and Agility increased, my very life essence and magicka fortified, and my ability to make contact in battle increased to levels I could scarcely imagine. I pulled the Dwemer blade out, and the incredible hum of power overflowed my senses, and I could only stand there and stare at the beauty of the indestructible crystal housed in the Dwemer Metal. There was a sense of satisfaction between Wraithguard and Keening, to be reunited at long last. And then there was a longing for a third presence. Sunder. I did not need ask where Vemynal was, across the miles of the slopes of Red Mountain my mind could discern its location deep within the stronghold. The alien powers used my mind as a conduit to call out to it.

"Kagrenac....who were you?" I asked the empty air.

Posted by: Lord Revan Dec 26 2006, 01:38 AM

Black Hand, I hardly do a single post every week, yet you can post three in hw many days. As I've never beaten Morrowind, I have no idea on how this continues, but stories like yours make the most interesting interpretations.....


Posted by: minque Dec 26 2006, 01:45 AM Revie said, your posting is ferocious.....oh and a quote I fell for in its sheer beauty, oh I can feell the way Seth feels...


"Kagrenac....who were you?" I asked the empty air.

By the nine divines......continue!

Posted by: Black Hand Dec 26 2006, 03:02 AM

Ask, and ye shall receive. Consider it my Christmas Present to y'all. Thank you all ver much for your continuing support and fanship of this story, I would have stopped ages ago if I did'nt think that I would dissapoint some of you. Even now, this story is drawing to a close it would seem. Though there is room enough for a prologue, and of course, if folks have been paying attention, Eno Hlaalu still has something that is Sethyas' only clue as to whom the strange Assassin was that attacked him...he still wears his armor.


I screamed in delight as the power of Keening tore through the flesh of the Ash Ghoul outside of Endusal, the spellcaster never had a chance against the rush of overwhelming power that the thrice-cursed blade held. Such power, and I was becoming engrossed within it. I had to put it away. Though it took all my willpower to do so, I relinquished Keening to it hilt, and produced the Fang of...Haynekhtnamet,..I think thats how its pronounced.

If ever there were a blade seemingly forged by the hands of the gods themselves for a Shortblade user alone, Keening was it. The power was consuming and addictive. This was not meant for the hands of mortals, and it gave the illusion of invincibility. Then again, perhaps it was not an illusion. In the right hands,..or the wrong ones, depending on how one looks at it, there were few that could match the power of the Artifact.

I entered into the next Stronghold, Dagoth Endus was not ready to attack me. In fact, he was holding a pair of Dwemer Goblets, and a Bottle of some liquor, and he addressed me in the subtle, yet inhuman voice of the Sixth House.

"I greet you, Sethyas Velas. Or Nerevar. Or whoever you are. I'm Dagoth Endus, brother of Dagoth Ur, and lord of Citadel Endusal. Would you like a little ancient Dagoth brandy?" he proposed.

"You wish to offer me a Drink? Thats actually...hospitable. Not what one would expect in the House of the Devil. What is this conconction?"

"It is a rare nectar beyond compare, distilled ages before your ancestor's ancestors. And a fitting toast to our challenge. Would you like to sample it?" he said pouring out two of the glasses.

"Yes, give me some." I said, taking a goblet.

"Then I drink to your health. Bottoms up...." he said, preparing to inbibe the drink, looking carefully at me. I swirled the nectar and sniffed. It was rancid, and as an experienced alchemist, I knew poison when I smelled it. This horrible thing would have left me dumber then a kagouti, and with the willpower of a corkbulb.

I threw the drink in Endus' face, and the creature became enraged, and with a lunge he shredded my robes, and the armor beneath it, throwing me back, I landed in a dwemer shelf, goblets and pitchers falling over me. I took off the bowl that landed on my head, only to find that he was preparing to cast a spell, and a large one by the feeling of magicka that was rising in the room.

My hands fell to an Amulet that I had found far to the east of here. I had come across a Tomb, with a Dark Elf Battlemage, who claimed to be searching for it. The Amulet of Augustus. I had never had call to use it, but I was familiar with its enchantments. Blindness 10 to 50% for 30 seconds, and Silence for 30 Seconds, Disintegrate Armor and Weapon 10 to 30 points for 30 Seconds.

It was the silence enchantment that I needed, and the blast of my own Magicka did not dissapoint as the Illusion blocked out all his magicka, and his spell fizzled out into a pathetic spark. The Bow of Shadows sand with each twang of its string, and the Dagoth grew weaker, and I used the next scroll of Psychic Prison on him, and with the final song of the final arrow, I was four Ash Vampires down, and three to go.

"Worry not, Endus. I respect your means. I too am a Deciever, and I will remember you with Honor, I dont know if I will win here, but that does not mean I will not try. I have to much too lose if I dont." I said to his corpse, as I took the Amulet of Heartrime, and a key that he had looped to his loincloth.

I snatched the key, and opened the Dwemer desk that had a strong lock on it. Inside I found a Journal of some sort, though the writing was in a Dwemer text, the front page of the tome was written clearly in Aldmeris.

"Kagrenacs Journals"

Perhaps later on, Yagrum Bagarn could shed some light on these, but not now. Now, I had an appointment in Vemynal, and claim Sunder.

Posted by: canis216 Dec 26 2006, 05:20 AM

Aye, Sethyas is exceptionally resourceful. Very nice.

Posted by: jack cloudy Dec 26 2006, 11:27 AM

Wow, I never truly paid attention to the power of Keening. I always simply saw it as a tool for Lorkhan's heart. Nothing more, nothing less. Then again, I have a similar obsession, with a Claymore. smile.gif
I wonder what the journal has to say?

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Dec 26 2006, 09:28 PM

Wow! You did ALL of that in one day? Unbelievable! Post Machine is definitely fitting for you. But I guess the holidays gives one lots of time to write. Hopefully I'll be able to make use of that as well.

Anyways, I found your latest editions to be fantastic as always. The Fang of Haynekhtnamet is a sweet dagger too. I found everything to be brillant, especially all the face-offs between Sethyas and the Dagoths. I like the verbal exchanges between them.

I can't wait to see the epic conclusion to this Main Quest!

Posted by: minque Dec 26 2006, 11:57 PM

Ah what mallie said.....wonderful work we see here....ach....*sigh*

Posted by: Black Hand Dec 30 2006, 12:47 PM

‘I'm one of the oldest things to ever have slipped from a womb, Lord Nerevar, but I've never heard of anyone talked to death. Of course, there's always a first time. And I was brought up properly. I know it's not polite to interrupt. So you just go ahead. Talk all you want. And when you're done, go home. Or take your best shot. It's all the same to me."

The creature, Lord Vemyn of Vemynal, was the second holder of the tools of Kagrenac. Hanging from his loincloth, was the enchanted hammer, Sunder. It sang with a magnetic resonance to Wraithguard and Keening, and even as I held the Bow of Shadows with the string taut, the creature mocked me with his non-chalance of my imminent attack.

“Why not just pick up the hammer and attack me, Vemyn? Surely you’re not afraid? Do you fear its true power?”

“Ha! I’ve spent ages wishing to handle it. And now, the opportunity is as close as your hand. But I think you wish to make this a bit more challenging then just handing Wraithguard over, don’t you? In fact I’m thinking that I’ll have to pry it off your cold dead hand…or just rip off your hand while you live.”

“You’re welcome to try.” I said as I released the poisoned silver arrow to his heart.

But the brothers of the Sixth House are not easily felled, and he broke the black shaft with a splintering crack, leaving the tip of the arrow imbedded in his chest. With a roar that signaled his readiness to fight, Vemyn rushed me and I jumped back from attack.

The next move was very unexpected, as the Dagoth grabbed my leg while I was in mid-air, and he swung me down to the ground with a terrible strength. I nearly blacked out from the pain of my skull making a sickening crack against the cold Dwemer floor. My entire being seemed to buzz with shock, and I felt a strong leg slam into my chest, breaking a few ribs as the power of the reverberated through the floor.

“Ha. I think I will just rip your hand off. And present the rest of your dying husk to Dagoth Ur as a battle trophy! Lord Nerevar, dying at the battle of Red Mountain. How history does renew itself!” the inhuman voice came through dully and slowed down by my intense pain. It couldn’t end like this…but, as I had often said, death comes for us all, not one of us can escape it’s nets.

We have seen History Reborn, and with your re-coming, we may yet see history rewritten…spoke Nibani Maesa through the haze. Sweet Mother, ease me into your arms, so that I may know suffering no longer.

My hand moved slowly, Wraithguard moving itself to Keening. Whether or not my enemy saw, I do not know, but the power of the dagger filled me with its magic once more, much of my own life force replaced by its own. My eyes opened, and I saw the red eyes of the Dagoth looking down upon me with disbelief. I rose. It stepped back.

“And then Vivec withdrew into the hidden places and found the darkest mothers of the Morag Tong, taking them all to wife and filling them with undusted loyalty that tasted of summer salt.” I said slashing the chest of Vemynal.

“ They became as black queens, screaming live with a hundred murderous sons, a thousand murderous arms, and a hundred thousand murderous hands, one vast moving event of thrusting-kill-laughter in alleys, palaces, workshops, cities and secret halls” I said driving the dagger deep into his abdomen.

“Their movements among the holdings of the Ra'athim were as rippled endings, heaving between times, with all fates leading to swallowed knives, murder as moaning, God's holy rape-erasure of wet death!!” I cried as I brought the daggers edge along his throat, the ritual ending of life in the Name and Glory of the Webspinner, Mephala.

I took his Amulet of Heartheal, Sixth House Amulet, and Sunder.

“Thirty Six Lessons of Vivec, Sermon Twenty Two, Final Paragraph, the Ending of the Words are ALMSIVI.” I said to the corpse of Dagoth Vemyn. I wasn’t a devout Temple-goer, but I loved that part.

Next. The final outer assault, and that would lie well across the Mountain, to the East. Tureynulal. But I could see the pool of blood from where I was slammed to the ground like a rag doll, and as my adrenaline subsided, I grew weak and faint, not even the power of Keening could keep me on my feet as I collapsed to the ground in a heap, the blackness swallowing me, and I descended into a nightmare.

Gigantic ash statues replaced the former ones of Vehk, red lights adorned every corner of the Cantons of Vivec. Ordinators that were once elves, were now slow limping husks of corprus. Bodies lay everywhere in the water, turning the color into a sickly dark brown. The Moon had crashed into the High Fane, leaving a rubbled pile of its former glory. To the southwest, one could see what was once Ebonheart, now little more then Stone and Flames. And trudging through the sea as though it were a mere puddle, was a Numidium, and perched on its shoulder, bearing Wraithguard and Sunder and Keening, was Dagoth Ur, in a Golden Mask, and crowing Victory to the Heavens.

And within the Arena, deep beneath its sparring pen, lay the lifeless form of Ilmeni Dren. Her eyes opened, but they were a milky white, not red. Her dry cracked lips parted as though to say something. But no words came, and my terror rose to levels I never knew.

And from deep within the grave of Setsuna, her long black hair flew wildly around a sea of amniotic fluid that encased her. Her heart began to beat…slowly. Then faster, and faster. Until it rose up to a drumbeat. A beat of war, of that of marching soldiers. Her blood became that of patriotism, of the Dunmeri and their harsh past and present. Of My people.

And the Voice of Azura broke through, bringing clarity to a dark vision of things that may be.

He speaks the law for Veloth's people.
He speaks for their land, and names them great.

“Rise Hortator, Savior, and Nerevarine!”

“Arise, Nerevar!” her voice filled my senses with their light, and I was renewed.

She then spoke it once more….this time…..sarcastically?

“Hey Nerevar! Wake Up!” came the familiar voice.

“Azura?” I asked groggily, slowly returning to the land of the living.

“No, but I am rather divine when you think about it!”

I looked at the figure in the Netch Leather Armor, and Morag Tong mask.

“Rayne?! What the hell??!!” I sputtered out, rubbing the side of my face.

“Didn’t think I’d let’cha have ALL the fun, did you? The ‘armiger scouts said they saw you head towards here last, and I figured I see if you needed my help. Judging from all the blood you lost, you do. Think Keening there was the only thing keeping you alive. That and my medicines…”

“Well, thanks for the save….you can go back home now.” I said gratefully.

“Oh no! I’m helping you whether you want me to or not, pal! Going about this alone will only get you killed. As witnessed by your latest encounter over there.” She said pointing over at Vemyns Corpse.

In truth, it was good to have a companion in all this. Ilmeni was no Warrior, nor would I let her get any closer to the War then Bal Isra. Others were needed elsewhere, plus Rayne Alas has proved herself to be a capable and cunning assassin. A sarcastic one, but her lighter attitude was a pleasant contrast to the serious nature of the Morag Tong. Even Eno had admitted a growing fondness for it. That and she knew when to shut up, and when to make cracks.

“Very well. You will join me. But slow me down, or get in my way, and I’ll cast an Almsivi Intervention on you, understand? What I say, goes.”

“Of course, Exalted Master.” She said with a false tone followed by a giggle. I couldn’t see her expression under the mask, but I could see her eyes glinting with mischief.

“What’s our next move?” she said sitting on a Dwemer Table and sitting cross-legged, removing her mask, and letting her long dark hair fall about her.

“Tureynulal, I have all three of the necessary artifacts too sever the connection of Dagoth Ur to the Heart of Lorkhan, but I don’t want any surprises. The Ash Vampires must all die, the Sixth House must not have any Heads left to lead it. The remaining armies can be destroyed afterward as they’ll be divided and weak.” I said as I examined Sunder, I hadn’t felt it’s power yet.

Gripping the handle of the heavy hammer, I felt the rush that I had with Keening, except this time it was different. I felt my Strength and Endurance increased, along with my attack capability and luck even! But, merely holding the hammer even, seemed to tire me out. Not by a great deal, but just enough for it to be noticeable. I found its aura to be that of a mystical warrior’s that lived for face-to-face battle. It was hard to believe that these devices were created for tapping into a Gods Heart, but then again, it would take devices of unimaginable power to do so, and the mystery of Kagrenac continued.

“So that’s Sunder, eh? Hows it feel?”

“Good….DAMN good. I feel like, like, I could hammer in the face of a god with this thing. Heh. Technically, I am going to.” I said trying Sunder out, and I managed to reduce a Dwemer Closet to a nightstand in mere seconds, while Rayne covered her ears with a pained look.

“Its not very subtle, is it?” my compatriot remarked.

“Subtlety may not be an option where we’re going. And these babies are going to get some exercise for the first time in four-thousand years! By Azura, the battle will be glorious!” I said not realizing how I sounded.

“You sound like a drunken Nord, Seth. Sure those weapons aren’t getting to you?”

I blinked as I thought about her comment, and she was right. I dropped Sunder, and let it lay on the ground as I stared at its marvelous enchantment.

“You gonna pick it up, or should I?” Rayne broke the silence.

“You can’t, not without its power ripping you apart. You need Wraithguard. Rayne. These devices, they’re dangerous. If I die…”

“Don’t say that!”

I shot her a look. “IF I die, you must take Wraithguard, and Keening and Sunder to Dagoth Ur. Do whatever it takes. Be cunning, don’t go for a head-on collision with him, don’t let the power of the tools fool you, they can make you start thinking that you are a God. But you’re not…” I slipped out Keening, and gazed into the crystal. “You’re still a foolish mortal, playing one. Much like Dagoth Ur and the Tribunal. Azura help me if I can’t control myself, we men are wretched things…”

“The Tribunal is powered by the Heart? They’re the same as the Devil? Then that means….”

“It means that if my plans come to fruition, it will be the beginning of the end for them, yes. It is a sacrifice they seem willing to make, or at least Vehk is, I haven’t spoken to Almalexia or Sotha Sil.”

“What is Vivec like, in person?” Rayne asked curiously.

I thought about it. “He….is a very sad man. I believe that he buries millennia of sorrow within himself, much like a Child whom grows up, only to find that his toys no longer interest him, but the toys are still important, and he must dedicate himself to preserving them at all costs, he does not live for himself, but rather the constant preservation of others.”

“Is it true that he killed Nerevar?”

“No, and Yes. Vivec the mortal, in his blind folly to make himself a God, did. Vivec the God, in his transformed state, shed the blind dull cloak of mortality, and became something else entirely, he entered into the timelessness of the divine, meaning that he always was, always is, and shall always be. He surpassed, and preceded his mortal self, therefore, Vivec the God, did not murder Nerevar.”


“Not really….but we delay and tarry in discussion too long. Tureynulal awaits, and its time to see how well your skills as an Assassin have developed, Student.”

She jumped off the table, and hugged me. “That means you’ll teach me finally?” she screamed in delight.

“Maybe….but…take this, I no longer have need of it, and I believe it will help you immensely in our time to come. It was gifted to me from Mephala herself, and I pass it on to you, may it serve you well.” I said slipping off the Ring of Khajiit, and putting it on her hand.

“Ooooh! Shiny!” she said admiringly, as she disappeared before my eyes. “But can you do this?” The disembodied voice asked.

I disappeared with the Bow of Shadows. “Yes. Now quit playing around, and lets go….as soon as we can see each other again….”

Posted by: jack cloudy Dec 30 2006, 01:01 PM

That was quite an amusing conversation.

On the other hand, the more serious undertone was good as well. Sethyas clearly struggles with the power of the tools he now holds. Let's hope he doesn't try anything stupid, like a frontal battle with Dagoth Ur. Legion rule 34: Don't go for the show, go for the kill.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Dec 30 2006, 04:17 PM

Great update Black. I second jack's remarks about the amusing conversation and the effect the tools have on Sethyas. Hopefully they don't delude him when the need is dire. It'll be interesting to see how Rayne and Sethyas work together.

Posted by: canis216 Dec 30 2006, 06:32 PM

I love your use of Sermon 22... and everything else. Great entry.

Posted by: Black Hand Dec 30 2006, 10:50 PM

Thanks Canis, twas inspired by Pulp Fiction!

Also...I'm Cancelling this story...that was the last entry...ever. Sethyas is no more. I may do some occasional short stories here and there, but I'm afraid with RL concerns, I cannot focus on this as much, if at all, and I don't think it worth frustrating the hell out of my mind trying to get one or two updates a month in...

..I'm sorry folks.


Posted by: jack cloudy Dec 30 2006, 10:56 PM

What's not? You cancelling the story or you being sorry? I personally hope (and believe) the former. smile.gif

Posted by: Black Hand Dec 30 2006, 10:59 PM

Both...If Im NOT cancelling the story, then I have nothing to be sorry for.

(The story is not being cancelled. Expect regular updates, this was all my version of a sick and twisted joke.)

Posted by: jack cloudy Dec 30 2006, 11:00 PM

Oops, guess I've spoiled the joke. Sorry! laugh.gif

Posted by: minque Dec 31 2006, 10:22 PM

QUOTE(Black Hand @ Dec 30 2006, 10:50 PM) *

Thanks Canis, twas inspired by Pulp Fiction!

Also...I'm Cancelling this story...that was the last entry...ever. Sethyas is no more. I may do some occasional short stories here and there, but I'm afraid with RL concerns, I cannot focus on this as much, if at all, and I don't think it worth frustrating the hell out of my mind trying to get one or two updates a month in...

..I'm sorry folks.


QUOTE(Black Hand @ Dec 30 2006, 10:59 PM) *

Both...If Im NOT cancelling the story, then I have nothing to be sorry for.

(The story is not being cancelled. Expect regular updates, this was all my version of a sick and twisted joke.)

BLACKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the sake of my not even think of cancelling Sethyas!

This last update was beautiful!

I must quote a passage that moved me deeply:

And within the Arena, deep beneath its sparring pen, lay the lifeless form of Ilmeni Dren. Her eyes opened, but they were a milky white, not red. Her dry cracked lips parted as though to say something. But no words came, and my terror rose to levels I never knew.

And from deep within the grave of Setsuna, her long black hair flew wildly around a sea of amniotic fluid that encased her. Her heart began to beat…slowly. Then faster, and faster. Until it rose up to a drumbeat. A beat of war, of that of marching soldiers. Her blood became that of patriotism, of the Dunmeri and their harsh past and present. Of My people.

By the way expect Seth to appear in my story...soon again! tongue.gif

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 1 2007, 11:39 AM

Rayne hopped nimbly from one side of the ancient Dwemer ledge to the other, as I landed where she was. Her Netch Leather was a stark contrast to my Dark Brotherhood clothmail, but assassins alike we were. And our target wandered the halls of Tureynulal, unaware of our presence, Dagoth Tureynal, number six on the hit list.

I motioned through battlecode as to our next move, and Rayne nodded that she understood, unslinging her bonemold bow, and nocking an arrow. I waited until the creatures back was turned, and leapt down. My feet making nary a sound as I landed.

I crept slowly to the Dagoth, shadow and silence crept to the unaware mark like the hand of death, while my hand moved to the Black Hands Dagger, the dark blades hunger cried out through my hand, cleaving the air, and severing the spine in the low back. The inhuman cry of pain was followed by a soft whisper of Raynes arrow, the tip impaling like a kiss of death.

Less then a minute later, the powerful heartwright’s back resembled a pincushion, and I was fingering the grand soul gem encasing his spirit, with the amulet of Hearthrum swinging from my hand.

“He’s got quite a library here. Whats this? ‘Galur Rithari’s Papers’ “Vampires of Vvardenfel Volume II’ Sheesh, the Temple would have a field day in this place! Hmm. ‘Kagrenacs Planbook.’ This interest you Seth?” Rayne said brushing off an old tome.

I looked over at the red cover, and looked over the Dwemer runes, with many notations and mathematical ponderings in a strange language. “Yeah. I’ll want to see what’s in this later. I’ll return for the rest of this stuff...if we live through this that is.”

“So…now we go to hell?” She said cleaning out her fingernails with the tip of her glass dagger. “To Dagoth Ur’s Citadel I mean. House of the Devil…and all that.”

I nodded grimly. “It would seem so. I don’t know if it’s wise to hold back, or to strike fast. He no doubt can sense the Dagoths demises, whether he knows where I am now, or if I am coming. I know not. But we know where he is, and we are Assassins that are turning the tide of the War for the Dunmeri.”

“I thought you were Nerevar fulfilling Azura’s prophecies.”

“That too. And whatever role I am. Whether I was a Crusader or Sorcerer, the end result would be the same, Dagoth Ur must die.” I said with a cold glint to my eye.

“And how do you plan bringing that about? You know nothing about his capabilities or defenses, he might welcome you with seemingly open arms, but that will al be a mere deception to separate you from the profane tools.”

“His weakness lies in the heart, and his self-assurance that it makes him invincible. He does not know that I know how to sever the link. Nor would he expect me willing to do so, my guess is that he would think that I would desire the power for myself.”

“Why wouldn’t you?! To become a GOD! That would have to be the greatest thing ever!” she squealed. “And you…you could figure out how to use the heart, I know you would be like…the God of the Morag Tong, the Patron of all Assassins!”

I shook my head, and groaned. “Rayne. Vivec broke an oath to me millennia ago, it is his greatest regret in life. Dagoth Ur used the heart as well, and look at all he has ‘accomplished’, the Nightmarish enemy of the Sixth House. You think I would wish any of these things to befall me? Ha! I already possess a measure of immortality, I am an accomplished Assassin, from a mere bandit-assassin to a Councilman of a House have I risen, with words and deeds, I have united a people to fight together once more. All these things I did with my own hands and skills. Honor guides me, where hunger once did.”

“Power exists for its own sake. And it corrupts those who desire it, over those who deserve it. I will not become Dagoth Ur’s replacement, sometimes it takes a monster to kill a monster, but I will not lose myself in this blasphemy of the Divine. Wisdom is a far greater call then the one for Power. And you think after all I’ve seen, all I’ve manipulated and cajoled and killed to serve my own ends, that I would put myself in harms way? You have much to learn. Your first lesson: Simply because a thing CAN be done, does not mean that it SHOULD be. Plan your every movement, and keep the end in sight.”

She lowered her head as I chided her, the weight of my words sinking in. The world was far more then just her playground, and she was slowly learning that. I had to do it the hard way. She may well have to as well.

I sat in thought for a long time. The creaking of the Dwemer Machinery being tuned out by my meditiation, as I tried to separate my feelings, my fear, from the next step. An assault onto the Devil himself. If I fell back now, Dagoth Ur would have time to regroup, to add more of his Ash minions to his defense. Not to mention I had the tools. But if I died, which was likely, Dagoth Ur would have free and open access to the heart, and the Sixth House’ plans would be excelled, and the attack would be dooming the world, rather then saving it. Damned if do, and damned if I don’t. I would rather do.

“We assault Dagoth Ur. Sweet Azura, I pray that I am not making the wrong decision here, but I think, and feel, that it is the right one. He may see my disbanding of the Heartwrights as a play for power and prominence within House Dagoth. I say that I should play into that assumption. Let my trade be his downfall. If he underestimates me, then that’s exactly what I need.”

“Lets do it then...for Mephala!” Rayne exclaimed.

“For Redoran, for Ald’Ruhn!’

And back into the blighted red storm we journeyed, and through the guardian statues of the long dead Dwemer, we beheld the swirling mists that raged above the final Citadel.

“Hey. Whats that? Off in the distance...” Rayne pointed to the horizon.

I saw the jagged towering architecture of a Daedric Shrine. I had seen them everywhere from West Gash to Zafirbel Bay. But here on Red Mountain, it was the strangest, and yet most fitting place for one.

Normally, I would have put off side exploration for focusing on the objective at hand. But something told me that I needed to go there. I felt like there was a missing piece of a larger puzzle in it. Something larger that I was also involved in.

“Ularradallaku. A shrine to Mehrunes Dagon from the look of it.” Rayne said, reciting her knowledge of the terrain.

“Dagon? Then, that’s the missing piece. The final thread is in here, Rayne.”


I told her the story of the missing threads of the webspinner, of the Agent Orc in Sadrith Mora, and the Dark Brotherhood Khajiit residing in Vivec, and how I had come across all of the 25 threads, except one. I could not for the life of me figure out where the final thread was.

Within minutes, all of the residents of the shrine were dead, and I lifted the right hand of an Altmer worshipper. “The Thread of Sanguine Safekeeping, the final thread! At last!”” I cried, an old frustration finally over.

“Now you’re gonna go back and give it to the Grandmaster?” Rayne asked incredulously. “We’re about to attack Dagoth Ur, right?”

“Yes. But at least I finished this. If I’m about to least I finished one thing. As meaningless as the accomplishment is.”

“What now?”

I looked around at the dark walls of the Shrine. “This place is an excellent shelter from the Blight. Get your rest, sharpen your blades, and restring your bow. Prepare yourself for death, for tomorrow we may die. We attack at dawn.”

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 1 2007, 11:56 AM

No going back now. You've managed to convey this sense of do or die very well. And congratulations on finding the last thread.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 1 2007, 01:09 PM

Into the pit of the Citadel, along treacherous and jagged rocks that threatened to betray every step into a steaming pit of lava. It was a fitting omen for the battle yet to come. Watch your step, or face certain death. I let it serve as a reminder to remain wary.

As the two of us approached the entrance, we looked at the globe of Dwemer metal that protected the entrance to the inner sanctum of Dagoth Ur. It was surreal that everything I had done in the last months led up to this moment, and that now, I would face my old comrade and now enemy, Lord Voryn Dagoth.

“How are we supposed to get in? There’s no way to open these doors!” Rayne yelled over the raging disease winds.

I looked around and saw the lever to open it off in the distance, just like at Arkghtand. Mephala, that was so long ago. I was still alive thus far, and I hoped to keep the streak going. I ran off to twist the ancient lever, with some effort.

“Oh.” She said as the doors creaked inward, revealing some ancient plaque on the steel and iron doors, and we entered into the beginning of the path that would lead to one of two former Generals death.

"Come, Nerevar. Friend or traitor, come. Come and look upon the Heart, and Akulakhan. And bring Wraithguard... I have need of it."

The Voice called out to me, fully sensing my presence. The effect of the energy from the calling into my mind was the same that Vivec had. And the swirling memories of Nerevar flooded my mind once more.

“Sethyas? You okay?”

“You didn’t hear that?”

“The creaking? The grunting of the Lame Corprus? What?”

“That Voice.”

“Just yours…don’t tell me you’re losing it this close to gametime.”

“No. He knows I’m here. He can feel me. And I he. He calls to me like the Sleepers. He sends the images of his desires for the Sixth House and a re-unification even now…”

“Give me Wraithguard. Ill finish this!”

“No. The burden is mine. I’ll be okay. Come on.” I said creeping forward taking out a Lame Corprus with a swift arrow, the soft whisper of speedy death.

"Come to the Heart Chamber. I wait for you there, where we last met, countless ages ago."

I staggered as the images of countless Chimer rushed the sides of the Very Mountain I was in. Torches creating fire-snakes falling and rising against the heavily armed and armored Dwemer.

“Master? Again?” Rayne said dropping the humor, and dripping with concern.

“Yes. Let’s just keep going. I can’t stop, not now.”

We proceeded further, hiding in the shadows, using our mutual artifacts to keep hidden from the Ash Zombies, Ash Ghouls and Ascended Sleepers that garrisoned the Citadel.

"Come to me, through fire and war. I welcome you."

Nerevar was reborn inside me, as the stalwart warrior awoke fully. And I saw the five Generals, Nerevar, Voryn, Almalexia, Vivec, and Sotha Sil in front of me, exactly where they would have been Three Thousand Years ago during the Battle of Red Mountain. Rayne looked like a stranger to me for a splitting moment.

“Sethyas? You’re not looking like yourself.”

“Indeed. I don’t feel much like myself right now either. Come. Lets finish this.” I said unsheathing the Daedric Katana, and taking the lead as we entered the Inner Facility.

"Welcome, Moon-and-Star. I have prepared a place for you."

I saw myself with my consorts battling against Dwemer Honor Guards, ‘Kagrenac! Time for Redemption!’ I yelled sticking my blade through the metal of the cuirass. I returned to my own time, and saw that I was instead sheathing my blade inside an Ash Ghoul.

“Sethyas? Why are you fighting like a Warrior all of a sudden? I thought you said we were going to take the stealthy approach…” Rayne commented looking at the Sixth House creature I had felled in a few strokes.

“You’re right. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have endangered you like that.” I said rubbing the sides of my temples.

“The voice. Are you still hearing it?”

“Yes. He calls to me, thinking I come to join him..or kill him. This is it Rayne. I-I thank you for your company in this dark hour.”

“Well, sometimes your darkest hour can be your finest moment. Lets keep going, O Nerevar!” she joked, the humor returning.

"Come. Bring Wraithguard to the Heart Chamber. Together let us free the cursed false gods."

The Tribunal and I and Voryn walked through the final defenses of the Heart Chamber, to end the blasphemy of the New God of the Dwemer, and to fulfill our promises to the Good Daedra. Things were tense, and I looked at the Stern face of my bride. She could be so cold in war,…she loved it more then I it seemed. Hopesfire burned brightly in her hands, Trueflame in mine. Even as I gazed at her, none of her emotion showed through when she looked at me. O Dearest Queen, I pray that you have not misled me.

"Welcome, Nerevar. Together we shall speak for the Law and the Land, and shall drive the mongrel dogs of the Empire from Morrowind."

I stood before the Cavern into the Heart Chamber, and looked to my faithful friend, Voryn. We would need to strike silently, for who knew what evil lay inside the enemies Chamber. Why I had betrayed my blood friend in the Dwemeri, Dumac. ‘Tribunal, here shall you stay, whilst Voryn and I proceed in. Do not enter, lest I bade thee with the screams of my last breath. My Queen, be strong in my stead, Vivec, look over her, Sotha Sil…be well my good friend, for this time may be the last that we speak.’

“This is where it Started. This is where it Ends.” I whispered to Rayne, as we both stared down the final Ash Vampire. Dagoth Gilvoth. With shadow and silence once more, we opened a barrage of dual arrows upon him, and with his dying breath, I cast a Soul Trap on him.

"Is this how you honor the Sixth House, and the tribe unmourned? Come to me openly, and not by stealth."

Voryn and I proceeded into the Heart Chamber, to confront Kagrenac and his Tonal Architects, together we would end this threat to our people, and claim Resdayn as our own.

I looked over at Rayne, as I fingered the final Soul Gem, and the Blood Ring from Gilvoth.

“This is as far as you go, Rayne. Whatever lies beyond that door, is for me and me alone to face. You have been a godsend, but your path does not lay past there, mine does. I suggest that you cast Almsivi Intervention while you still can. Otherwise, be ready to.”

She struggled to protest, but she held back, letting me walk forward, and face my destiny.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 1 2007, 01:30 PM

The subtle weaving of past and present was incredible. Way to go! smile.gif

Posted by: canis216 Jan 1 2007, 05:24 PM

Oh man, the time has come...

I love the juxtaposition of Seth's 'inherited' memories and the present fighting.

Posted by: minque Jan 1 2007, 07:04 PM read these two last parts more than once....they are incredible. I can feel Seth´s every step, every thought. So much life to the final battle.....I´m just speechless!

I´ll keep my fingers crossed for my dear friend Sethyas!

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 1 2007, 09:19 PM

I entered into the facility cavern, as I had three thousand years prior, and Voryn would have been at my side. Not so now. He was across the distance from me at the edge of the cavern, a warped version of his former self, inhumanly large, with talons for nails, hair grown long, and his features hidden by a golden mask. The Golden Mask of my nightmares all those months ago.

Welcome Nerevar. To this place, where Destiny is made. The persuasive voice of Dagoth Ur was slow and gentle. He wanted this, and waited for Millenia as well. I stepped slowly from the shadows of the entrance. Sword drawn, but not waved around menacingly. Dagoth Ur likewise, reached out to me, only to hold back. He occasionally would summon a fireball, only to let it dissipate. We studied each other carefully, wondering how time had changed one another.

"It began here. It will end here. Have you any parting words? Or would you prefer to skip the speeches, and get to our business. You are the challenger here, after all. So to you goes the courtesy of the first blow." Voryn started.

“We have time to talk. I am in no rush to die, and there are things we would both like to know, even if the Grave calls to one of us.”

"Now that you have come to me here, there can be but one result. Many times I have rehearsed speeches offering to share this place with you. 'If you dare to defy the gods, take my hand.' 'To seal our oath of alliance, you shall give me Wraithguard.' 'You have ability. Special gifts you don't even understand. Serve me, and I can help you master those gifts.'" He said looking off to the ceiling, and rising his hand in passion.

‘I thought we might once again be friends... comrades... brothers in arms." He said with a heavy sadness, that I confess made me shed a tear. He had three thousand years to stew in the juices of what he saw as a betrayal, and to offer forgiveness took a strong person, even for a god.

"But I have won this place and power by right of conquest. By right of daring and enterprise. I will not risk it to cunning and deceit. I offer you no deals. If you are my enemy, I cannot trust you. And even if you are not my enemy, I cannot let you live." His voice rose once more with a certain power, and he pointed one of his talons into my face.

"It will all be decided here. I believe I will prevail. But I cannot be sure, and I am vain enough that, should I fall, I would wish to be remembered in my own words. So, if you have final questions you would ask, ask them now. I have final questions I would ask you, if you would answer." He said slowly at the last sentence, and I nodded my head.

"My first question is: Are you really Nerevar reborn?" he asked slowly. Even he was uncertain.

I nodded my head, it wasn’t like it was my lifes accomplishment, but it was true. And I nodded once more. My voice cracking as I responded. “I am. Voryn, I am your old friend Nerevar.”

"That is bitter. The gods and fates are cruel. I served you faithfully once, Lord Nerevar, and you repaid me with death. I hope this time it will be you who pays for your faithlessness." He said with an icy edge to his tone.

“My second question is: if you win, what do you plan to do with the power from the Heart? Will you make yourself a god, and establish a thearchy? Or will you complete Akulakhan, and dispute control of Tamriel with the Septims? Or will you share the Heart with your followers, as I have, and breed a new race of divine immortals?"

None of the above I thought to myself. I was unsure of how to answer, and added my own version of an answer. Curious how he thought that I desired the same as he and the Tribunal. Anyone who touched that Heart was cursed, plain and simple, the Dwemer did not make it as a race, neither could the Tribunal or Dagoth.

"I have my own, secret plan for the Heart." I said slowly.

"Well. Perhaps there may be surprises in store for me yet. Or perhaps you obscure your plans on principle. Or perhaps you are an instinctive bluffer. No matter."

"My final question is: if I had offered to let you join me, would you have surrendered Wraithguard, Sunder, and Keening to me to seal your oath?"

I shook my head. “No, Voryn. I do not support what you have done. If the Sixth House stood for other things, had you gone about it in another way, maybe. But,..not like this.”

"Thank you for your forthright response. And now, if you have any questions, ask them. Otherwise, you are the challenger. I await your first blow."

“Yes..there are things I would ask you. If you are in no rush to die, either.” I said, to which he laughed slightly.

“What are your questions?” He boomed.

"What is your plan for the Heart?" I asked, wondering whether he would be as honest as I were. It turned out he was.

"I will continue to draw divine power from the Heart and distribute it to my kin and followers. I will continue to broadcast divine power upon the blight winds, so that it will touch each soul on Vvardenfell, and then more broadly, across the waters to the rest of Morrowind and Tamriel. In time, every mortal in Tamriel shall feel the liberating contact with the divine." He said with the passion of his Vision.

"What is your plan for the Sixth House?"

"The Sixth House will serve as the elite cadre of our movement. As cultists evolve through various stages of enlightenment, they will become, as suits their abilities, either holy warriors or priests. Their duty is to prepare themselves for service; their joy and liberation is to enter ever-more-deeply into the profound enlightenment of the divine dreamworld." He spoke with pride.

"What is your plan for the Dunmer?"

"I will free the Dunmer from the Imperial yoke, and cast down the false gods of the Temple. I will lead them out of their ancient superstitions, and gift them with intimate knowledge of the divine. Then, perhaps, when Morrowind is once again restored to its ancient glories, it will be time to consider whether the Dunmer should cultivate ambitions of empire." The Ancient General spoke reverently

"How do you justify your crimes?" I chided him.

"If, by my crimes, you mean the inevitable suffering and destruction caused by war, then I accept the burden of leadership. The Sixth House cannot be restored without war. Enlightenment cannot grow without the risk of upsetting the tradition-bound and complacent herd. And the mongrel armies of the Empire cannot be expelled from Morrowind without bloodshed. As I have charity and compassion, I grieve. But our mission is just and noble." What he said made sense, there were no good guys or bad guys in war, no chosen side. Just the strongest dominating the other.

"What happened to the Dwemer?" An old curiosity came through.

"I have no idea what happened to the Dwemer. I have been denied the opportunity to study Wraithguard, and I am not sure how much of Kagrenac's lore was invested in his tools, and how much in his own sorcery and mastery. I have long studied Kagrenac, and have come to admire his wisdom and craft. Someday, after the campaigns of the Sixth House are secure, I hope to have time to dedicate to this mystery."

"Why are you building Akulakhan?"

"Akulakhan will serve three purposes. First, it will be the champion of my armies, liberating first Vvardenfell, then Morrowind, and then, perhaps the rest of Tamriel. Second, it will serve as a sower and cultivator of the divine substance derived from the Heart. Three, it will serve as the prominent banner and symbol of our cause -- to defy the Empire, to liberate mortals from ancient superstitions, and to glorify our crusade against the gods."

“I have no more questions….let this be our final battle. Fight Well, Voryn. Maybe I will see you on the other side…but in this world, and in this time, you are my enemy, it was you, not I whom betrayed our friendship, for it was you whom took up the tools, in your desire to see yourself as Head of the Council.”

The scream of ancient frustration bellowed through the Chamber, and I pulled forward Sunder, and the power came over me like a renewing wave of the warriors battlecry.

Lord Voryn Dagoth screamed as I made contact on the center of his chest with Sunder, the sheer force causing him to step back, and he lashed out with his Talons, causing rivulets of blood to spread across the floor.

With a speed I had yet to see in the Dagoths, Voryn called forth a terrible magic, and I was flooded with a red energy that left me weak and crippled nearly, I had to rely on Sunder for strength. The Corprus Strength was gone, and I returned to my normal self. It was going to be hard to adapt, but I had bigger things to worry about, things like angry Demi-Gods bent on revenge against their former friends.

With a thundering crash to the skull, I broke through. The Golden Mask of Dagoth Ur, through bone and bits of brain matter flying through the air, the Demi-God went down far to easily then one should.

I breathed heavily, and felt the fear of death and adrenaline pumping through my system. Had I just won? No. This was all a fabricant, an illusion that Voryn used to test me. He wanted to see my weaknesses prior to our real meeting, and the double doors opened with the illusions passing, the entrance into Akulakhans Chamber.

I took several minutes to rest, drinking a restorative, and casting “Mephala’s Balm” a spell that restored all of my attributes a small amount. Looking at the base of the door, I also picked up a nice ring, the Heart Ring.

I prepared myself, took a deep breath, and entered Akulakhans Chamber.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 1 2007, 09:26 PM

No more Corprus to aid him? Well, it is clear that Sethyas cannot risk a full frontal confrontation. If even the illusion proved to be a challenge to him in his corprus enhanced state. Any secret assassin tricks you're going to show us? smile.gif

Posted by: canis216 Jan 1 2007, 09:39 PM

Well, if corprus was his divine gift, then I suppose Voryn could take it back... and it is, of course, possible to lose it in game play.

Sethyas always has some sort of trick up his sleeve... um, right? huh.gif

Posted by: minque Jan 1 2007, 09:54 PM

Ahhhh lovely, well worth waiting up for! The tension in the conversation between Seth and Voryn mmmmmm just so awesome...but of course there had to be a cliffie! NW I must go to sleep wondering what will happen in the chamber of Akulakhan right? Oh cruelty thou name is Blackie!

One question.....Did Seth really get Rayne out of the way? My picture of that lass is that she´s a master of disobeyance, but maybe she actually did what he said.....this time!

Anyway.....waiting impatiently for the continuation....

Another interesting thing will Seth go on afterwards? I mean just look what happened to Trey! blink.gif

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 2 2007, 12:28 AM

All those questions are answered, Minque. And damn good questions too!


I stepped in through the door. The gigantic construction of the Numidium looked at me from the distance of the enormous cavern, heat blasts from the lava below rose high into the air, and the smell of sulfur assaulted my nostrils.

Closer to me, Dagoth Ur was a bit more interesting, as he encased himself within a powerful shield. Emotion was gone, replaced by sheer ecstasy of power within proximity of the Heart of Lorkhan.

“Im a God, how do you hope to kill a god?! What a grand and intoxicating innocence! No Recall or Intervention can work in this place! Come, lay down your weapons!! There is still time for my mercy!” He taunted me, his power-lust-ecstasy rising into a frenzy as he threw his energy blasts at me.

I wouldn’t be caught like that a second time, and I jumped clear over the blasts, and landed in front of Voryn, I slashed him twice with Keening, the attacks having little effect, and I jumped off the ledge landing on the bridge leading to the Heart.

With either divine speed, or teleportation, Dagoth Ur appeared in front of me, blocking my path to the Heart. He likely suspected me to tap into its power, and would personally block my path.

“It ends here Nerevar! Surrender the Tools! And I promise that your death will be painless and swift! Else I shall torment you for eternity!”

I was between a rock and a hard place. More accurately between a Demigod and a Lava Pit, it took me a second to realize why Voryn wasn’t attacking. Here on this bridge, things were rather precarious, and if I were to fall into pit, the tools would be destroyed….

..I formulated a plan.

“HEY!! Voryn! You want the tools so bad?” I shouted, holding out Keening over the ledge, my eyes narrowing slightly, and I looked into his insane eyes beneath his Golden Mask.

“..come…get…them…” I said with a Sinister whisper, and I leaped off of the bridge into the Lava below.

“NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Came the scream from the Devil, and he followed suit, desperately lunging off the bridge after me, leaving it swinging wildly with his momentum.

For several tenths of a second, my perception slowed, and Voryn used his power to speed his fall, coming closer and closer to me at every beat of my heart. Then, suddenly, he was nearly upon me. I pulled out the scroll, and read the incantation.

“WHAT?!” His voice cried as I disappeared before his eyes.

Everything seemed frozen in place, Dagoth Ur’s Hand reached out for grasping me, but he barely moved. The wind of my fall had ceased. I looked around. I flew upwards, at speeds I had never experienced or felt. This was the power of the Scroll of Windform.

I was utterly invisible, and levitated at speeds five times that of the swiftest Khajiit, appropriately naming the scroll, as it seemed that I was mere thought, pure consciousness floating upwards to the Heart, and in less then one-tenth of a second, I was before it, Sunder in hand.

The Frozen world began to speed up, as the power of the scroll wore off, and I looked at Sunder, then at the Heart. My hand rose in a furious downswing.

But when Dagoth Ur, Lord of House Dagoth, and trusted as a friend by both Nerevar and the Dwemer, brought us proof that High Engineer Kagrenac of the Dwemer had discovered the Heart of Lorkhan, and that he had learned how to tap its powers, and was building a new god, a mockery of Chimer faith and a fearsome weapon, we all urged Nerevar to make war on the Dwarves and to destroy this threat to Chimer beliefs and security. Nerevar was troubled. He went to Dumac and asked if what Dagoth Ur said was true. But Kagrenac took great offense, and asked whom Nerevar thought he was, that he might presume to judge the affairs of the Dwemer.

Nerevar was further troubled, and made pilgrimage to Holamayan, the sacred temple of Azura, and Azura confirmed that all that Dagoth Ur said was indeed true and that the creation of a New God of the Dwemer should be prevented at all costs. When Nerevar came back and told us what the goddess had said, we felt our judgements confirmed, and again counseled him to war, chiding Nerevar for his naïve trust in friendship, and reminding Nerevar of his duty to protect the faith and security of the Chimer against the impiety and dangerous ambitious of the Dwemer.

Then Nerevar went back to Vvardenfell one last time, hoping that negotiations and compromise might once again preserve the peace. But this time the friends Nerevar and Dumac quarreled bitterly, and as a result, the Chimer and Dwemer went to war.

The tone shade rang in Resonance, a ghostly white light filled the Chamber rising and growing to the entire vast cavern.

”What are you doing?! Dagoth Ur sent his thought to me, and I could hear his painful splash into the Lava, far below.

I pulled out Keening next, and brought the crystal blade deep into the Godsheart.

And then, in that moment, all Chimer were changed into Dunmer, and our skins turned ashen and our eyes into fire. Of course, we only knew at that time that this had happened to us, but Azura said, "This is not my act, but your act. You have chosen your fate, and the fate of your people, and all the Dunmer shall share your fate, from now to the end of time. You think yourselves gods, but you are blind, and all is darkness." And Azura left us alone, in darkness, and we were all afraid, but we put on brave faces, and went forth from Red Mountain to build the new world of our dreams.

”WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” His next thought came, as I brought Keening down once more into the Godsheart, he was now grunting from the initial shock of landing in the lava, though I doubt that it did any lasting damage to the likes of him.

But beneath Red Mountain, Dagoth Ur had survived. And even as the light of our bold new world shined ever more brightly, beneath Red Mountain, the darkness gathered, a darkness that was close kin to the bright light that Sotha Sil coaxed from the Heart of Lorkhan with the Tools of Kagrenac. As the darkness grew, we fought it, and crafted walls to confine it, but we never could destroy it, for the source of the darkness was the same source as the source of our own divine inspiration.

FOOL! STOP!! He cried out with his mind trying desperately to fulfill my mind with nightmarish images or take over my body. Neither worked, and I brought Keening down into the final deathstroke.

And in these latter days of Morrowind, reduced to a subjugated province of the Western Empire, as the glory of the Temple fades, and the dark tide rises from Red Mountain, we are reminded of Azura and her promised champion's return. We have waited, blind, and in darkness, mere shadows, drained of our ardent vision, in shame of our folly, in fear of our judgement, and in hope of our deliverance. We do not know if the outlander claiming to fulfill the prophecies of the Nerevarine is our old companion Nerevar reborn, or a pawn of the Emperor, or a catspaw of Azura, or some simple twist of fate.

“This is the bitter, bitter end.” Said the Final form of Voryn Dagoth. As he used the last of his power to teleport up behind me, and we both gazed at the disappearing Heart of Lorkhan in a cloak of blinding white light.

“You could have had everything…you could have joined me in Divine Inspiration. You would have known what it was to have been a God. The concepts of life and death would hold no sway, even your Sister could have been returned to you…Goodbye, Sweet Nerevar, this is the bitter, bitter end.” And the fallen DemiGod lunged for his final attack upon me.

But like a balloon that had been popped, like the Corprus that had been taken from me, Dagoth Ur had spent Millenia used to his power, assured of his invincibility, now he was mortal…less then mortal it seemed, as Voryn fell in less then three swipes of Keening. He fell back upon the bridge, and his golden mask fell off, only to reveal perhaps the most shocking aspect of Dagoth Ur, one that I hardly expected.

Whereas the Heartwrights seemed to have deformed faces of the Divine Disease, Voryn did not. His face was strong and handsome, fatherly almost. He had kept or molded himself into a patron, not a demon. He was misguided, not evil it would seem, as with his dying breath, he repeated Bolvyn Venim’s final words.

“..nerevar..” he whispered and his lips curled into a smile, and I shed another tear.

“Sleep Now, Voryn. And dream the dreams of the Divine. Go with the Ancestors, I pray that Azura forgives you. And I pray that you forgive me. Let it go, let it all go…” I said, fighting the bitter tears of lost friends.

The sentimentality of the moment was broken by a powerful rumbling, and the Numidium, Akulakahn, began to fall apart. The head began to fall into a direct path for the bridge upon which I stood, and my desire to live grew more then my desire to bury Voryn.

With a mad scramble, and a leap that was fueled by adrenaline I cleared the bridge and the lower ledge to the upper, and the terrible roaring of the falling rocks of Akulakhan splashing into the lava sent a terrible screaming echoing throughout the vast cavern.

I spent several minutes staring into the vast lava pool below. Voryn, and most of Akulakhan was in there now. I..had won. It was too much, in spite of all the odds, in the face of certain death. And it wasn’t by getting into a boxing match with a God, nor summoning forth the Hordes of Oblivion. It was by assessing the situation, and using my resources to my advantage. I still had the Writ. Perhaps Mephala had been with me.

My attention then turned down to Wraithguard, holding Keening. The power still washing over me like Skooma. It would be a shame to see these tools used again for the wrong purposes. But, so much could be learned from them! Who was I to say?

“I am Nerevar. And I say that Power exists for it own sake, and corrupts those whom desire it, rather than those whom deserve it. I shall not make the mistake that was made last time. This ends here, once and for all. Rest in peace, Kagrenac.” I said to the empty air, holding out Keening over the Lava, far down below.

It took all of my willpower to let go, but when I finally did, it felt right. And I watched the tuning dagger explode in a furious blast of magicka. I repeated the same thing with Sunder, watching the lava eat the cursed tool. And finally, with Wraithguard, I slipped the heavy gauntlet off my grey Dunmer hand, took a moment to examine its intricacies, and wondered how such small three little things could affect so many people, in the worst way.

I let Wraithguard go, and with that final explosion of white-hot magicka being released sending splashes of the lava high into the air, it finally truly ended. I took a deep breath.

I slipped my gloves on over the Moon-and-Star, adorned myself with the ceremonial red robes of the Morag Tong, and slipped on my hood as I twisted the chamber crank, and exited into the Inner Caverns, I needed to see if Rayne was still there, and still okay.

Suddenly, the Vision of the Cavern of the Incarnate came before me, the Daedra Lady, Azura came to me materializing before my exit into the Inner Facility.

"You no longer bear the burden of prophecy.
You have achieved your destiny.
You are free.
The doomed Dwemer's folly, Lord Dagoth's temptation,
the Tribunal's seduction, the god's heart freed,
the prophecy fulfilled.
All fates sealed and sins redeemed.
If you have pity, mourn the loss, but let the weeping cease.
The Blight is gone, and the sun's golden honey gilds the land.
Hail savior, Hortator, and Nerevarine.
Your people look to you for protection.
Monster and villains great and small still threaten the people of Vvardenfell.
Enemies and evils abound, yet indomitable will might rid Morrowind of all its ills.
For you, our thanks and blessings; our gift and token given.
Come; take this thing from the hand of god.”

Her hands caressed mine, and she left a Signet Ring in them. With a passing kiss upon my cheek, she then faded and returned to her realm. I wanted to ask her so many things, but that was not my place, I would not make the folly of the Tribunal in questioning the Divine.

I exited the chambers, only to see that Rayne was not there. So she had escaped, good.

I emerged into the pit of Red Mountain, the Mount of Dagoth-Ur. I looked to the left, and I saw Rayne staring at the midday sun with a huge smile upon her face.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Look.” She said pointing skyward. “The blight is gone…Dagoth Ur?”

“Is dead.”

“After living in that red sky for so long, that blue sky is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. And there is no doubt that you are the one I have to thank for it. What now Nerevar?”

“Call me Sethyas. Please. I am Nerevar, and I am Sethyas. But I am happy to be Sethyas Velas, Outlander Assassin.”

“Noones gonna see it that way. You’re the Nerevarine. People will start to praise you! And build shrines and stuff! Heck you may even be considered a God-hero in time! Besides, you didn’t answer my question. What now?”

I wrinkled my nose at the thought of being worshipped eventually. That was not me. “The first thing I am going to do, is go home, and make love. And then, I am going to propose marriage to Ilmeni. Then I will give this Sanguine glove to Eno Hlaalu, and claim the Grandmaster position of the Morag Tong. My life is far from over. I no longer have the strength of the Corprus beasts, but I still have the positive aspects of Corprus, I am immortal, immune to blight, disease and age.”

“Sounds like fun…am I invited to the Wedding?”

I smiled. “You’ll have your place. If Ilmeni accepts, I would have you as a Maid of Honor. And in the future, I would have you at my side, as the Exalted Master…should your talents develop.”

“Well then,..lets go home.”

“Yes. Home. Here on Vvardenfel, this is truly my home now. And, I have made a safe place for us now. But, I sense that there are other things that still loom in my horizon. There is still much to be done.”

Posted by: canis216 Jan 2 2007, 01:01 AM

Ah, very clever of Sethya, that scroll. Bravo!

But I'm sure he'll find much to occupy him in the days to come...

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 2 2007, 03:04 AM

To quickly sum it up, all I have to say is wow. But I can't simply use just one word to describe the ending of the main quest. I was quite amazed to find this much material in one day. Crazy!

I'm specifically interested in seeing what Sethyas will do next. Surely he'll go on to Mournhold and Solstiem right? More Sethyas is always a good thing.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 2 2007, 01:13 PM

Long live all forms of Levitation! I must say it is a clever thing to destroy the tools. While I doubt that the heart is destroyed, it is hard to reach and while someone might someday rebuilt the tools, that won't be easy.

So, let's see how Nerevar/Sethyas Velas protects Vvardenfell during the Oblivion crisis. smile.gif

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 2 2007, 06:14 PM

Well, there was a rumor (note: rumor). "I've heard the Nerevarine has left Morrowind on an expidition to Akavir, and has not been heard from sense."

Now if Bkack Hand doesn't want to go to Akavir that's his decision, I'm just supplying things I've heard........

PS: I wrote that quote by hand, and it should be exactly like the one in the game......

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 2 2007, 07:07 PM

What would the Nerevarine have to do in Akavir? As far as I know, there isn't anything down there that demands the Nerevarine's attention. I mean, if I'm right there hasn't been any communication with Akavir for a long time. It's just not urgent.

Besides, Black's Nerevarine is the public type who wants to get married and settle down. I can see him retire and only don his Dark Brotherhood armour again when Mehrunes Dagon comes knocking.

I don't mean to critiscize your rumour, Revan. I just wanted to say why I believe that Sethyas doesn't want to go anywhere for now.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 2 2007, 07:20 PM

Well, It's not *my* rumor, and I was just supplying it. I wasn't doing anything else. But now let's get back to the story.

Posted by: minque Jan 3 2007, 03:46 AM

I don´t know how to say this...I´ve cmpletely ran out of words. I mean "amazing" awesome and that stuff isn´t enough here....

No this was really an elegant solution to the Mr Ur-issue....and I just knew Rayne would lurk around there somewhere!

Seth really deserves a nice night with Ilmeni....and all she can give him.....hmmm. I also gather Athyn and his family will be glad to hear about this..

Now the hard things begin, how will he cope with this in the long run? A trauma like this will certainly affect him somehow, the question!!

I am very curious about his further development.......oh yessir I am...

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 3 2007, 06:53 AM

Rayne and I scaled the Mountain back down to Ghostgate, walking slowly to inhale the fresh air mixing in with the blighted sulfuric winds, and admire the Suns rays. All in all, it was a good day, and damn good day. I felt the burden gone, but slowly being replaced by a new one. What it was, I did not yet know.

As we approached the Towers of Dusk and Dawn, the crowd of gathered Ordinators, Armigers, and Redoran Warriors were standing admiring the now deactivated Ghostfence. They took in the forms of the two assassins that had saved the world ambling slowly to them, and cheers broke out.

“Oh Dear. Is this what I have to look forward too?”

Rayne socked the side of my arm. “Yes! Now smile and get used to it, the Devil is dead, and you did what noone else, not even Vivec, could do. I think thanks are in order!”

“How about riches, fame, wealth, and hordes of scantily clad female admirers?” I joked.

“Eh. I’m sure you’ll get those. I mean, who wouldn’t want to…well, you know what I mean.” She said blushing.

I looked at her, thinking there was something else to her words, and saw something in those eyes of hers that I had not quite seen before, it was deeper then admiration or respect. It was dangerous, and I did nothing to fan any flames. Luckily we were approaching Ghostgate.

“Praise Almsivi! Praise the Nerevarine! The Devil is dead, and the blight is gone! I can not hardly believe it! Bless your breath and blood, Sethyas Velas!” cried out an Ordinator holding his helm in his hands, dropping it to pick me up in an embrace, carrying me around in his sheer joy.

I laughed in his bear hug, as the crowd began singing a more upbeat form of the Cantata’s of Vivec, this time in more a form of singing Victory, and mocking the now leaderless Sixth House.

.. But when shall they wake?
What dark crucible may kindle their souls to light?

How long beneath red-reeking clouds
Must flickering watchfires burn?

How many lifetimes of labor and lament
Will it take to seal this restless tomb?

It took some doing, but I managed to release myself from the throng of the well-wishers, and ran with sheer excitement back to Ald’Ruhn. My best friend, Athyn Sarethi, would be glad to hear the news, as well as my more recent friend Serene, would be happy too, if they had not already. A bit of good in the trials that had faced the family, especially with Domesea’s death would be welcome.

My frantic knocking on the door was met with Athyn’s surprised look.

“Sethyas? Should you not be at Red Mountain fighting the Sixth House?”

“There is no need! The Shadow is lifted! Dagoth Ur walks with the Ancestors! Rejoice, Athyn! The Sixth House has fallen once more!” I crowed.

“Victory is ours! The remnants shall surely fall to the Armies of the Redoran! Saint Nerevar and the Tribunal be praised! Sethyas, You are truly the Nerevarine! Come! Let us feast and drink to this truly joyous event!”

”Nay, my friend! But bring Serene to Bal Isra in the ‘eve. I have something to ask of her first, marriage.”

“Aye! That you must! That you must. Go, go! Quickly! Every moment spent here, is a moment stolen from her!”

And return quickly I did, paying no mind to the Alit and Cliff Racers on my stead, though I would have expected an Ash Storm to rise up at any moment, it seemed that the land itself breathed a sigh of relief from Dagoth Ur’s passing, and gave all the good and plenty it could to celebrate in its own way, and I was blessed to be here.

Hetman Guls did a double take as he saw me coming to the Strongholds front, as he had Aryni Orethi, a former Ald’Ruhn resident standing against the wall, apparently kissing her.

“Milord! I,..uhhh…it’s not what it…that is…”

“Guls. Do what you were doing, I have triumphed! This is time for rejoicement, not apologies for living! Have the men prepare a feast for the evening! Spare no expense! For tonight I shall tolerate no sobriety in these walls! Oh, and I told you an hundred times, stop calling me ‘Milord’, Sethyas, or Sera Velas if you wish to be formal.”

“Yes, Milor—uh, Sera Velas.” He said with embarrassment and excitement.

I walked in slowly through the door, looking around the torch lit walls of Velas Manor, I made my way down to my chambers, and I saw the angelic face of Ilmeni, sleeping in the late afternoon. I carefully lay next to her, and her lovely red eyes opened slowly, and smile spread slowly across her lips.

“Do you dream well, my love?”

“Yes. I dreamed that you had won at Red Mountain; it was a strange dream though. I think that Setsuna was in it…I can’t remember all of it, she was in a grave that was also a womb…”

I blinked. It was strange, as I had had a very similar dream. Had my Sisters spirit seen and watched over me at Red Mountain? I prayed that she had.

“Have I upset you?”

”No. Your dream was a true one. My love, I have not come here for a respite, or giving up. I have come home for good. No more changes in who I am, no more prophecies must be fulfilled, Dagoth Ur is dead, and though I am Nerevar, I am content to leave that part of myself in Red Mountain. I come to you as Sethyas Velas, the Man who loves you, and the man who would have you as his wife, should you so accept…”

Her eyes fluttered in disbelief as I gave her a loving and serious look, and she screamed excitedly, straddling my form, and kissing me over and over.

“You are proposing marriage? Yes! Yes! Yes!....wait…you killed Dagoth Ur too? That’s wonderful! I’m not sure which pleases me more! You have given me the greatest Wedding present anyone could have received!

“That’s good. Cause I wasn’t going to give you anything anyways.” I laughed as she picked up a pillow and hit me with it, a lot. Laughing as she did.

The play soon ended, and we fell into one another’s arms, and for hours we made love, giving as much to the other as we could, until the barriers in ourselves fell, and we were as one. Much later, to the evening, a knocking could be heard at the door.

“Mi—I mean Sera Velas. The feast is ready, if you and your Lady are prepared.” Came Guls’ voice through the door.

“We will be there in a moment. Start without us in the meantime.” I replied.

Ilmeni’s finger traced the Moon-and-Star on my finger still. “I thought you wanted to leave all that behind you.”

“I do. But that doesn’t mean I want to forget what happened. If I am to prevent History from repeating, I must rewrite the scrolls of fate. This ring shall serve me as that reminder. It was hard enough to destroy the tools, but I feel that the Spirit of Nerevar was with me, and was what unclenched my grip.”

”But you are Nerevar.”

“And also Sethyas. I admit, for a sheer moment, before I struck Sunder onto the Heart, that I was tempted to shower myself in its tone. Power is a sirens call, and one that is hard to resist.”

“Why didn’t you?”

”It would make everything I have worked towards meaningless. All who have suffered because of the Tribunal and Dagoth Ur would have that suffering made meaningless. A ‘hero’ is a normal person who has an extraordinary grasp on what sacrifice means.”

“You have lost much…”

“And gained more when I let go. But let us feast, I hunger, and I wish to complement my bliss with drink.” I said getting up to dress. Though I am not a connoisseur of fine clothes, this situation called for it, and I put on the Exquisite Shirt gifted to me from the Ashkhan, Kaushad. In remembrance of what I had done for him.

Ilmeni wore exquisite clothes as well, and the two of us exited into the courtyard, with a large table set up amidst the Ashlands, with fine torchlights and Secunda and Masser in full glow. The scene was perfect.

“HAIL, NEREVAR!” came the toast from the Settlers. Who apparently had heard the news, and surpisingly enough, Athyn and Serene!

“I thank you all! It was done in the name of Nerevar, and for the people of Morrowind and Tamriel! But there is one more reason we have to celebrate this ‘eve! In the light of the new day, with the death of Dagoth Ur, I have asked this Fine Woman, Ilmeni Dren, daughter of Duke Vedam Dren, to be my Wife, and she has accepted! Hail Redoran!” I said picking up a goblet of fine brandy, and clinked my glass to my fiancée’s. More cheers erupted, and the feast began

“Congratulations, My Boy!” Said Athyn leaning in to me, looking over too Serene and Ilmeni, whom whispered to each other with mischievous glances, back at the two of us.

“Thank you, my friend. It is good that you are here, and I would wish that you spend as many of my happier moments with me as is possible. I wonder what might have been should you never have believed my tale all those months ago.”

“Let us not ponder on what may have been. Indeed, there is far too much that might have passed that is nowhere near as pleasant as this moment, I drink to your health!”

“And I to yours.” I said as I clinked my glass to his.

Sethyas? The voice came from nowhere.

I looked up and around, with my brows knitted. My eyes fell to Serenes Blue Eyes.
I opened my mouth to speak, but with another voice that spoke with no lips moving she continued.

Don’t talk, only think. I am a telepath, I’m sorry I never told you. But I wanted to make sure no one else could hear us talk. she sent to me.

My mind reeled with an angry reaction. You’re a bloody mind-reader? How much of my thoughts, have you been reading, you fell witch? Is this how you convinced Athyn to ‘love’ you? Did you control my mind to name you Archmaster? I scathed to her.

It is natural not to trust a telepath, much misconception lies behind it. The reaction is usually this one. I cannot control thoughts, only read them. Please, believe me when I tell you that I would never use it to personal advantage, only for self-defense and the like. I am a healer, not a political chessmaster! she pleaded with me in her sending.

Why reveal it now? Why here? I responded.

I am afraid for you. You seem fine now. But I don’t think that the full affect of what has passed has arisen within you. she said with a feeling of concern blended in with the send.

What do you mean? I am fine! Look around you! I am to be married! I have just killed a Demi-God! There is nothing wrong with me!

Time will tell, time will tell. But if you ever had need of a healer, whom understands the mind as well as the body, I beg you seek me out.

Fine. Just please stay out of my mind! I really don’t want to watch myself from thinking any embarrassing thoughts!

You mean this one? She sent the memory of the first time I beheld her.

Yes! And my Fiancée is sitting right next to you, so I’ll thank you not to say anything! I do actually love her.

I know. I can sense it. I was being playful, but I shall stay out of your mind. I promise. She said looking back to Athyn, and smiling at him.

I put it out of my mind, and enjoyed the rest of the feast, and looked forward to the futures promising horizons.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 3 2007, 08:06 AM

Reading this update put a smile across my face for almost the entire time. Victory is such a happy thing to see. Though what Serene said to Sethyas has me a little worried. Sounds a bit like foreshadowing to me. That means Sethyas' adventures aren't completely done yet.

Hopefully the wedding will happen before anything bad happens. Hopefully.

Posted by: canis216 Jan 3 2007, 09:26 AM

Telepathy... crazy. Rather foreboding. But another excellent entry here.

Posted by: minque Jan 3 2007, 05:24 PM this was..if not entirely unexpected, a very unusual approach, but oh so truthworthy.....And by Nirn....Serene really turned out to be a "wise woman" huh? Now we will have the pleasure of following Seth for better and for a dual sense!

I´m so looking forward to read about the wedding! It will be a sheer joy....

I wonder though.....Ilmeni´s relatives.....those Dren-guys, will they really approve of her marrying a Redoran? But surely Seth has covered that possibility..

So let´s rejoice with the party folks and hope they get a looooong wonderful night!

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 3 2007, 05:36 PM

The duke doesn't mind. If I remember right, he already approved before Sethyas had even gotten into the cave of the Incarnate. And Orvas? He doesn't have anything to say now. Dagoth Ur is gone, Sethyas is the hero of Vvardenfell and I doubt that any of his Camonna Tong thugs is willing to challenge someone who killed a god. Killing immortal beings always gives you a fearsome reputation.

Nice update by the way. I don't think I can say anything that hasn't been said before.

Posted by: minque Jan 3 2007, 05:39 PM

QUOTE(jack cloudy @ Jan 3 2007, 05:36 PM) *

The duke doesn't mind. If I remember right, he already approved before Sethyas had even gotten into the cave of the Incarnate. And Orvas? He doesn't have anything to say now. Dagoth Ur is gone, Sethyas is the hero of Vvardenfell and I doubt that any of his Camonna Tong thugs is willing to challenge someone who killed a god. Killing immortal beings always gives you a fearsome reputation.

Nice update by the way. I don't think I can say anything that hasn't been said before.

Hmmm people change their minds you know! And I wouldn´t trust a Hlaalu-so-called-noble laugh.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 3 2007, 05:56 PM

The duke has had plenty of time to change his mind, I don't think he would suddenly do that now. As for our Hlaalu noble? Well, I suppose that the Morag Tong would be honourbound to attempt any writ they might receive. Remember that Rayne was sent to assassinate him despite his rank as exhalted master? Joining Redoran made him a legal target in the House wars.

If I was Orvas, I would go for the Dark Brotherhood. Not as likely to talk as the Morag Tong and with a good reputation of getting the job done. (In game lore. In the fanfics and the actual game, most DB assassins seem like utter amateurs, with the exception of Kayla's gang. I don't have Tribunal but I would be so not surprised if the DB assassins yell at you before attacking. A real assassin doesn't shout and wake up his target!)

Say, is the main site's fanfic section still being updated? I'd say that this story would be a good addition. (so would Mallet's Bloodlust by the way, once he finishes.)

Posted by: minque Jan 3 2007, 06:08 PM may be right, I just pondered about the future cross-marriage between Hlaalu and Redoran....

About the main site...well since Alexander may have short of time there haven´t been so extremly many updates lately..But rest assure I do have both this story and maybe some other in mind for the honor of being published on the main site!


Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 3 2007, 10:36 PM

Ya, if I remember correctly, many people were suggesting Taillus' story about Taillus being added to the main site. Hehehehe! My memory is good! biggrin.gif

This one is a strong contender to join the ranks among the main site fics as well in my opinion. I also thank Jack for suggesting mine as well, of course! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 10 2007, 04:22 AM

At the time of this writing, I was ready to settle down and focus all of my energy into Ilmeni, Bal Isra, and the Morag Tong. However, first thing was first, and I had a marriage to focus upon, and after weeks of discussion, arguing, and making up with Ilmeni, we decided to hold the wedding in Vivec, on the very stairs leading up to Vivecs palace. This done with his blessing. I appreciated the recognition, as did others too apparently, as any Dunmer male with a Black Hand Tattoo claiming lineage from Mephala, claimed to be the Nerevarine, and since the tatoo was neither common, nor rare, it did give me a certain air of anonymity that I could hide myself into. For my whole life, I have lived in Shadows. Secrets and blood have been, and continue to be my trade. In this new Era, things were no different for me.

Life continued much as it had before, the slave trade which was deeply opposed by Ilmeni and myself, continued. Smugglers smuggled in the Bitter Coast, children played with Guars in the Ashlands, and I took a brief vacation from my 'ordinary' life as an Assassin to claim my vows to one and only. Ilmeni. As I had mentioned, Vivec gave his blessing, and since I had 'saved' Morrowind, the Temple had officialy bestowed me as the 'Protector of Morrowind'. The title was largely ceremonial, as I was better known by a different one. "The Nerevarine". He also honored my request to act as the Priest. Now, I know that there is a great deal of bad blood between Vivec and I, but I had just quenched a Three Thousand year old grudge with Voryn Dagoth, this was time to allow healing, and let go of the past, and look forward to the future. This would have been the start of a new beggining for 'Nerevar' and Vivec, and besides, he, by his own instruction, was to no longer be worshipped as a God, but rather as a Saint and Hero of the Temple, in that regard, he was more of a Chief Preist now then a deity. Who better to bless our union? I certainly felt no need to go around telling everyone that the Tribunal's days were numbered, I was content to let the now-mere-mortal to live out the rest of his days as he saw fit.

I am no man to judge crimes on the scale of Vivec's, and having been so close to the source of power, I felt the temptation that he certainly must have given into, and found it doubly hard to hold anything further against him. I made trips once a week to the Palace to speak with him, of things that were, things that are, and things that may be. I found him to be every bit the poet the legends made him out to be, and as he gradually lost his divinity, he seemed to enjoy our conversations more and more. Dare I say, over time we became friends even. Perhaps hard to beleive. Perhaps the Nerevar in me was finally content and asleep as he was most of my life. Or perhaps Nerevar was never betrayed, and the legends and stories are merely that. Legends and Stories. But that is another matter, and I am happy for once in my life, the loss and pain up until now have been great, sacrifice has been demanded of me at all turns, as well as from others. But Victory comes at a cost, and we have all paid it.

Few families from Houses Redoran and Hlaalu supported our union, with a few deeply opposed, with a large majority that did not care, for Hlaalu it did not seem to rub too many the wrong way, as it did not cost them money. For Redoran, they were hesistant to allow a Hlaalu amongst their ranks, but Sarethi, and his love, the Archmaster, Serene Catraso, both spoke for her, and sponsered her. As by tradition, the male's house became the House for both Husband and Wife, though Duke Dren did make a strange offer to allow me to enter Hlaalu as an Honorary member for all that I had done, possibly making me the first Houseman to join two houses. But, I refused, realizing that it was too much of a conflict of interest, and I had made enough history to last me my entire Corprus-lengthened life.

The planning lasted for weeks, much of the decorations and expense being left to the Temple, and Ordinators blocked off access to the High Fane for three days prior, although the event was largely somewhat a public spectacle, with observers crowding the Saint Delyn and Olms Cantons for days prior to the event. And then my big day came. Athyn Sarethi acting as my best man, we both wore tradtional Red Silk Redoran Shirts, standing to the one side of the steps, with a growing contingency of Redoran Blood Guards standing at attention with ebony spears, on the Brides side, stood Duke Dren, in polished ebony armor, looking at me with a measure of pride and nervousness, realizing that he was finally marrying off his daughter. He gazed down at the small gathering of Hlaalu Nobles and Servants and Guards on his side, with Master Aryon, and the Ashlanders Sul- Matuul and Ashkhan Kaushad with his recent bride in the guests seating area, essentially makeshift chairs in the various waterfall steppes that made the base of the palace. Standing just below him was Rayne Alas, looking rather beatiful in her Bridesmaid gown, with Kreshweed flowers in her formal hair. I snickered as I realized that she hardly looked like an Assassin.

A gasp of wonderment overtook the crowd, as the gaze fell to the west. In the waters that seperated Ebonheart from Vivec, a Gondola with torches decorating it, with wreaths and ropes of flowers decorating it, slowly glided across the waters, and kneeling at the stern, in an exquisite yellow and red wedding dress, Ilmeni smiled from ear to ear, standing impressively behind her in a revealing white gown, with her long brown hair flowing down on one side elegantly, the peaceful yet confident gaze of the Archmaster of Redoran, Serene, accompanied Ilmeni as a the Maid of Honor. It was a mixture of Imperial and Dunmeri traditions taking place, but one that was fitting.

The gondola finally reached the Temple gondolier port, and my bride and Serene disembarked and walked slowly up the ramp, and made their way to the Palace of Vivec. Fanfare began to play in traditional Dunmeri music, and Vivec exited his palace, standing directly outside his door, he had not changed his attire, and he had the same calm and objective look he always had. But when his eyes fell upon me, he gave the slightest of smiles.

Ilmeni reached me, and we took each others hand, and both looked upwards to Vivec.

"To those who seek love and the blessings of it, climb the stairs before you. Come to me if your hearts are true, and your intentions clear. Arise from the mundane, and ascend to the Sacred." he called out in a strong voice, the divinity largely faded from it.

And we were exaclty Seven Steps below him, and we recited the Seven Virtues of the Temple with each step, Athyn and Serene one step below us. Vedam Dren and Rayne Alas one step below them, Varvur Sarethi, and Eno Hlaalu the Step below them. Sul-Matuul and Kaushad the step below that.

Vivec levitated ever so slightly above the two of us, and overlooked the crowd.

"It is rare, and a joyous occasion, that two Mer may come together, and lay claim to the others Heart. But this is one of those days, in the light of the Sun, that is no longer blocked by the Shadow of Red Mountain! Hail Savior! Hail Redoran! Hail Dunmer! The Blessings of the Tribunal, I bestow upon the two before me now! May your Childrens Children know of this day as the greatest acheivement in your life! For you have overcome yourselves and the shadows within and without, and come to lay your claims too happiness."

His gaze fell to me.

"And now, in the prescence of House, Kin, and Friend, and the Blessed Temple. Do you swear your love and fealty to Ilmeni Dren, Sethyas Velas? To forswear all others, in blight and in light, in poorness and plenty, til death release you?"

"I do."

"And, do you, in the prescence of House, Kin, and Friend, and the Blessed Temple. Do you swear your love and fealty to Sethyas Velas, Ilmeni Dren? To fowswear all others, in blight and in light, in poorness and plenty, til death release you?"

"I do."

"Then in the Name of Almsivi, I name you, Lord Redoran Sethyas Velas, and Lady Redoran Ilmeni Velas, Husband and Wife. As one for the rest of tides of Eternity, let no one and nothing stand before or in between you. You may kiss your Bride." Vivecs voice lowered in the last sentence to one of pride, the final forgiveness between the two of us finally realized.

And I took Ilmeni in my arms, and kissed her deeply, the final moment between my past and future sealed with our embrace. Serene's face became emotional, shedding a tear, Athyn taking her in his arms, and a cheer erupting througout the crowds, and in the Cantons far off. I was now married.

The festivities and rejoicement continued for hours afterward, falling into the late hours of the evening, and I enjoyed a Brandy with Athyn and Serene in a Table off to a corner of the High Fane.

"Haha! Now you get to experience the fullness and the joy of Marriage, my boy! while you can!" Athyn laughed, to which Serene poked him, getting a playful look on her face.

"Don't listen to him! You two will be very happy, isn't that right, dear?!" Serene responded.

"I am sure of it. For I have learned that Destiny is made, as well as forseen. And I intend to make as much of my own destiny from hereon out." I responded. As though fate were returning my comment, a roar grew from the bridges that were guarded by the Ordinators, someone was trying to come in that wasn't invited.

Orvas Dren was accompanied by perhaps two dozen of his Cammona Tong thugs, and with a menacing glare, he made his way straight for our table.

"Don't mind me Velas! I'm just wondering why, the Uncle, wasn't invited to his own Nieces Wedding! Very nice stunt you pulled in the Council Club in Balmora! Do you think I respond well to threats? Did you think I was just going to let everything go, once you won? You seem to keep on defying death wherever you go, lets see how much luck you have left!" He yelled out, motioning for his men to unsheath their weapons.

"I didn't think you were that much of a fool, Dren! Look around you! There are Redoran and Hlaalu Guards here, not to mention Temple Ordinators. And after facing down Dagoth Ur, do you REALLY think that you frighten me? Come, let us finish our business, here and now! Crimelord to Assassin! You have dishonored me, and my bride by showing up here, and this offence I cannot let go!"

"Sethyas, NO! Not here! Not now! This is our Wedding Day, do not shed blood, please, both of you! Uncle! I beg you to lay down your arms, see some reason!" Ilmeni pleaded, holding my arm as I struggled to get up. I had no weapons on me, but I could certainly break a few noses, and cast a few little spells I knew. Athyn DID have a weapon, and unsheathed his steel shortsword, Serene, though a healer, was no stranger too combat, and summoned a bound longsword, as the small army prepared to fight.

"You shut your mouth, you little mother of mine! You are no blood of mine! Not anymore! You sealed your fate the moment you threw your lot in with the likes of him! Your an outlander mongrel as far as I am concerned! Boys! Lets do this!" Orvas whistled and took out his own Ebony Spear, armored in his Orcish Armor.

I took the comment about calling my wife a 'little mother of mine' quite personally, and my anger began to cloud my judgement, and with a leap and speed that Orvas did not expect, I brought my fist into his nose with all the strength I could muster. I would kill him! He and his entire ratpack! They will pay! Or so I thought.

The whistle of a bolt being released from a crossbow met my shoulder, and Serene cast a blistering frost to encase the Tong Archer that shot me, shattering him to peices with a single swipe of her sword. Athyn was more then holding his own against two thugs.

Soon the guards had come to play there own role in keeping the peace, and within minutes they had two prisoners, and twenty dead bodies, I looked around breathing heavily as Serene put her hands over the wound on my shoulder, healing the torn flesh. I realized that two people were missing.

"Where is Dren? Where's Ilmeni?" I shouted getting up from my chair.

I looked around, and grabbed the arm of an Ordinator.

"Sera? Did you capture or kill a Dunmer in Orcish Armor?"

The Ordinator called to his captain, and they both shook their heads after a moment of discussion. Noone matched that description at all. He had likely escaped in the chaos.

I then began running around frantically looking for Ilmeni, tears welling from my eyes as I shouted her name frantically. I looked everywhere except from where I had left her, at our table, and I ran as fast as I could back.

The next image was all I remember seeing before I blacked out, I saw an overturned chair, I saw Serene with a look of horror on her face, kneeling behind the table. She then looked at me with fear in her glance, and she sent her thoughts to me to stay away.

I refused, and she stood up, holding out her hands to keep me away. Her hands were covered in blood. So much blood.

I walked with all my strength against hers, and I saw it. My bride, laying on her back, a bolt sticking from her neck, her mouth in a wide O. Her blood surrounded her head, and her eyes looked at nothing at all, did not move at all.

I think Serene said something to me. I couldn't hear anything anyways, the worlds sounds came through as little more then a buzzing sound. I think I felt a lump rising in my throat, and then felt it enter and exit my mouth, I dont really remember, that was when the blackness swallowed me. I think I felt the floor reach up and hit me in the face. I dont really remember, that was the night my wife died, the same as when I wed her.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 10 2007, 04:44 AM

Truly a tragedy, but a well orchestrated one at that. Orvas Dren is a slime-ball (that would be putting lightly......) So, shall Sethyas be filled with grief and hunt down his "kin," or will something unexpected happen...... I would have no idea what the latter could be.

Poor Seth, we can all sympathize with his grief. And hopefully he won't do anything he might regret later....... Great story, Blacky! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 10 2007, 04:52 AM

'Tis. And one that was in working from the start. Remember the dream from Chapter Two? When he was still looking for the Morag Tong?

As for Dren, there is another Character in this forum that would like to See Dren Deader then a doornail also, yes. Another collaboration is coming up..a cookie to whomever can guess who!

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 10 2007, 06:31 AM

Well it's not me then. Simion all ready killed Orvas in my fic biggrin.gif If I were to guess I'd say it would be Trey. As I recall, he doesn't like the Commona Tong too much.

As for you recent update, I have to say it got a little emotional for me on this end of the computer. I was definitely NOT expecting that to happen. I must say though, it was brillantly written. You conveyed Sethyas' instant emotions wonderfully.

As for the dream you mentioned, that was in chapter two man! It would be hard to recall one dream after all that's happened in this fic. I'm gonna have to go back and find it though, but for now, I'm off to bed.

I'm certainly looking forward to this collaboration, especially if it's with Trey. Though I'm sure if it's anyone else, it'll be great.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 10 2007, 07:26 AM

Damn, how could you? This is horrible!

I personally believe that Sethyas is going to pay back Orvas in the most painful way possible. Though I don't know what this most painful way is.

Posted by: minque Jan 10 2007, 08:34 PM

OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Please! NOOOO.....that was the most beautiful and the most extremely tragical part I´ve read for quite some time! I can´t believe´s just so utterly sad! But what a writer you are Blackie......astonishing! The wedding, so detailled, so wonderfully described, I could very well picture it in my mind, and how nice you let Serene appear...oh i thank you very much for enterpreting her so well, it´s an honor that you care to let her be a part of your tale, I´m so happy...about that! NOT by the tragic death of sweet Ilmeni.....that was just so sad and I have great difficulty of getting over it.... sad.gif

Now the rage arise and I do hope for a really cruel revenge! Rest assure Serene will do just about anything to make Seth feel better , she´ll do whatever it takes...

I read that dream.....creepy really....I think I had somewhat suppressed it.....hmmmm

Posted by: mplantinga Jan 12 2007, 02:09 AM

Having read most of this chapter today, I'd have to say I'm quite overwhelmed by all the things that happened. But most of all, I'm appalled by the audacity of Orvas Dren and wounded by the fate that befell Ilmeni. I wish that I could think she will somehow be okay, because it is such a sad note to end on, but somehow I don't believe it. I'm worried that Sethyas will do something horrible in search of revenge, for this kind of evil can drive even the most righteous to make bad choices. Perhaps this is the moment to take advantage of Serene's abilities to heal both body and mind.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 13 2007, 07:20 PM

And here we go! This update is darker then most, so please bear with it. And the fine fellow writer, is canis216 with everyones favorite temperamental Argonian Assassin; Always-He-Lingers-In-The-Sun.

If you havent already, do read up on his fine work, "Killing in the Emperors Name" The scene was written by both of us, so the credit is equal in his fine word-weaving of an update that entails two paths of Assassnic Revenge meeting.........enjoy.


I awoke in the Morag Tong Headquarters in Vivec. Under the covers I felt warm and safe, the emptiness of the void that had entered my life did not sink in just yet, as the memories of the evening had yet to assault me. The sounds of the distant voices held an otherwordly presence that I couldn't fully interperet. Then, like an army breaking a seige into the castle walls, the images of unspeakable loss broke in. I vomited again, but I was not weakened.

I got up, feeling colder and more focused then ever before. Death called me, the ethereal gloom of the otherworld beckoned me to become its avenging angel. It was a call I was very willing to answer. Ilmeni, I swear that you shall not be alone for long!

I walked into Eno Hlaalu's chambers, the Mer was taken aback by my silent entrance, but he nodded grimly to me, knowing exactly what I was going to ask of him. He unrolled a Writ, a set of daggers, and my Dwemer Crossbow with a large quiver of poisoned bolts. And most importantly, my pair of black gloves.

"I told the Temple authorities that this was a matter of Mephala's, no one will dare rob you of your revenge. Dren has fled to his Plantation for the time being, but he will depart before this night ends. You must not let that happen. Mephala demands murder. Swiftness and accuracy to you." Eno said as I changed into a pair of blacks, and slipped the gloves on slowly, letting the psychological affects of the 'Black Hands' take over me.

"What of the Duke, though? He has lost a love as well."

"Who do you think paid for the Writ? Vedam has finally seen the light in regards to his brother. Almost a shame that you did not earlier, but this is not time for blame, only blood. Go. Avenge your bride." He said coldly, and I was glad to oblige.

I ran at full speed, hatred pumping my heart and veins, nothing held me back, and nothing would stand in my way. Running, and running, through the Ascadian Isles, underneath the light of Secunda and Masser. I was vengeance. I was pure rage.

Slowing down to take a breath at the hills just before the Plantation, I came to a stop as I gazed at the walls that guarded Dren. Strangely, there were no Guards. No. Dren would have them around him. He knew that he had messed up. Dren! I will see you dead! You will beg me too kill you before I am finished with you!

Holding back my rage, I took in a deep breath to focus my mind. Anger is a weapon only to ones opponent, and there would be plenty of time for it later. The task at hand required subtlety and finesse. Not blind rage, I was not an armored orc wielding a battle-axe. Though I certainly felt like one.

Creeping in slowly through fields, I almost did not capture the slight flicker of cloth as it jumped easily from the ramparts; this was an excellent acrobat. As good as me, the rustle of the marshmerrow reeds were slight enough to dismiss them as the evening wind. If you weren't a paranoid Assassin that is, and I knew stealth when I almost didn't hear or see it.

I unslung the crossbow, and rushed as quiet as I could to the rustle, seeing a tail emerging from a shadow, and the whistle of a bolt heading for my face, I barely dodged the shot, and released mine. I hit nothing it would seem, the shadow grew in size and produced a glowing daedric dagger, and an argonian snout, the clawed hand bringing it down in a wide arc for my neck, the powerful legs rushing for me.

I brought the dagger slightly to the side of my neck, and fell backwards, planting my feet on the lizards chest, and pushing upwards, the smell of brandy quite strong on the breath, and the audible 'oomp' as he landed. The black robed Assassin then unsheathed his Ebony Shortsword from the folds, and prepared for another lunge.

"Stop!" I seethed. "Somehow I doubt that Dren would hire a 'slave' for a guard, so you tell me who you are, or die here and now!" I whispered angrily.

"I am no guard. And it is you who will be dying, here and now. Any friend of Orvas Dren is my sworn enemy" the lizard hissed, his enraged eyes narrowing.

"Dont even start with me! I am here to kill him, and no one will rob me of the pleasure! Not even you! Now tell me why you're here! Are you Twin Lamps? Then you'll like to know. Ilmeni Dren is dead! Orvas attacked my wedding, and my bride is dead! Vengeance in mine!"

The snout seemed to sniff the air for a moment, considering my words. "I am no ‘Twin Lamp’, dunmer. My acts are my own. But I have heard that name before, Ilmeni… Im-Kilaya will be much grieved if what you say is true. But all I have is your word, and that is the one thing I cannot trust.”

I unrolled my writ and left it on the ground, taking a step back, but keeping the figure in my sights with my crossbow. He slowly walked forward, picking it up, and keeping a close eye on me as well, but readying just as intently.

"You're Morag Tong. I've dealt with your kind before. Assassins don't tend to love or wed. So you understand why I don't believe a word you say. But I believe that you are here to kill him. Go back to your guild and tell them someone else has taken care of him."

"No, Lizard! Dren is mine! The Writ is just insurance! This is personal! Make no mistake! I'll kill you if I have too!"

"And I you. You have no idea how many men and mer I’ve killed on this gods-forsaken island.” The argonian paused. “Even Morag Tong assassins. And that is a nice crossbow that you are holding—I wouldn’t mind acquiring another like that. Mine is just like it yours see, Dwemer-make, and shoots viper-bolts very nicely, as you know quite well...who are you? What claim do you have to Dren's blood, dunmer?"

"I am Sethyas Velas. You may have heard of me by another name...I am the Nerevarine."

The snouts jaw lowered slightly. "The Nerevarine?! Come on! The Nerevarine is seven feet tall and can punch through the metals of the dwarves—if you can believe any of the bards’ lies. Hah! Nerevarine…

I took off the glove hiding the Moon-and-Star. "I have told you no lies, Assassin! Now step aside!"

"So, you are Nerevar returned. Then we have a mutual acquaintance. Caius Cosades."

"Caius? The Spymaster? What do you know of him?" I said incredulously.

"He was my commanding officer… when I do not kill in my own name it is in the name of the Emperor. But perhaps you have something to say about that, Operative.”

"You're in the Blades? Then who sent you here?"

The Argonian looked to the moons for a moment. "I have come for the revenge of my people, who are stolen and sold into bondage in the name of abominations like Orvas Dren, and I come for my own vengeance, for the slavers of Vvardenfell have been lately pursuing me. Im-Kilaya wishes that I would also come for the Twin Lamps, but I will not serve any but the Emperor. My name is Always-He-Lingers-in-the-Sun, Heik Auri in my native tongue. You can call me Al.” He paused, and looked down to the ground. “Your words now have the ring of truth. A good woman is dead? A shame. Ilmeni was good to my kind. A credit to her race. And the scrib-born scum killed his own niece! He shall pay in gallons for every drop of blood he has spilled of hers!"

"Yes, he will. At my hands. If I am your superior in the Blades as you say, then I order you to step down."

"You’re not listening. I'm not here at the behest of the Blades, Velas. I came here on my own terms. I must also have my vengeance."

"Then perhaps a compromise is in order?" I suggested, lowering my crossbow.

"I'm listening." Al said lowering his Ebony Shortsword.

Three minutes later, thirteen of Orvas Dren’s guards were dead. Two more fell to dual bolts being fired by two black-clad assassins, and within seconds Heik-Auri and I reloaded and made our way into the lower strongholds of Drens Villa. Working with him was strangely instinctual, as all our moves complemented the others.

Dren himself showed all of his fear at the two of us approaching him slowly, both with Dwemer Crossbows at the ready. A long wet stain appeared in his left pant leg, and I held my ground, as the argonian pulled his shortsword and struck Dren in the side of the head, a trickle of blood falling down the side of his face. And then tied him to a chair, and I took a seat as well, laying the crossbow across my lap, and lit up a hackle-lo leaf, exhaling the smoke slowly, as I gave the most sinister of looks to Dren, his eyes never leaving me.

"So..get it over with Nerevar! Kill me! What are ya waiting for?"

"Yes, Dren, I am going to kill you...when you look up from that chair you’re tied to and look into my eyes and beg me to. In the meantime, my friend, the lizard here, who just so happens to be a fellow assassin, and fellow Blade, is going to have his way with you and remind you of the error of your slaver ways. You see, Ilmeni was a secret member of the Twin Lamps, and you hurt his feelings just as much as you did mine, so you can understand just how much the both of us want you dead....I’m going to sit down here and watch you, and whenever you're ready just say the word..."

Heik-Auri whispered harshly in my ear, “Argonian, not lizard.” Then he turned to our prisoner, speaking loudly, “Orvas Dren, you have made my people, and the people of Vvardenfell. I cannot make you suffer proportionately, but I will certainly try.” He looked to me. “Velas, there is a torch just back there in the hallway. I have need it of it, if you would.” As I walked down the stairs to pick up the torch, the argonian spoke again, “Now, what I’m going to do is hang you upside down from the ceiling here, and place that torch underneath your head. I’ll be applying a few spells of destruction to the rest of your body, as well. You should have heard how Talare Arvel screamed last night, when I visited her plantation.”

Dren spat, “You lizard scum…”

“Silence!” I was walking back upstairs with the torch when Always-He-Lingers-in-the-Sun slapped Dren’s face with the flat of his ebony blade. He turned to me, “Put that torch over there for a moment, Sethyas. Help me hang this scum up.”

Two hours later Dren cried, “AHHH! PLEASE! PLEASE! ENOUGH!” as Heik-Auri prepared to set another torch under the scrib-sucker’s head.

I walked up slowly to the monster. His face burned and beaten nearly beyond recognition. I put out my seventh hackle-lo on his cheek, the ash boiling in with the blood. I took out the dagger that Eno had supplied me with, and I carefully held it to his throat.

I felt the pressure of the tip going into the neck, and I brought it slowly across, savoring every moment. The tearing of the jugular, the esophagus, the wheezing for air, the waterfall of blood pouring like a rivulet from the neck. My vengeance was complete.

Always helped himself to Dren’s stash of fine brandy and inbibed, offering me a bottle of my own. I accepted heartily, laying my head back, and swallowing the contents as fast as I could.

"I wonder, do you sleep as poorly as I?" the Sun-Lingerer asked me.

"Before this, I slept fine. After this. I don't know. I know what they say about revenge. When seeking it, dig two graves. But this felt damn good. I don't care what they say....I don’t know...heh...I wonder what a friend of mine would have to say about all this.."

"Well. It was nice to work with you, I suppose, but I don' t think that we’ll be meeting much after this. You are the Protector of Morrowind, I am the black hand of the Emperor." He said, while picking up a set of daedric greaves, and a large sack of booze. They say that to the victor go the spoils, but I didn't feel much like I had won anything.

Posted by: canis216 Jan 13 2007, 07:34 PM

It was an honor to be of assistance, Black Hand.

I just wonder what Sethyas will do now...

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 13 2007, 07:50 PM

Yeah, he feels oddly wrong about it. Not about the killing itself but about how he did it. Normally, Sethyas tries to make it as quick and painless as possible but this time it was completely the opposite.

And a great cooperation with this update. Good work, both of you.

Posted by: minque Jan 13 2007, 08:42 PM

Mmmm, yes he had his revenge, Dren is dead after some considerable torture. Of course Seth will feel good just after the deed and some more time...BUT it won´t give him Ilmeni back, and when he realises that the grief will return and double his pain.

It´s a good thing he´s got friends that care for him, he´ll need them...oh yes he will. And they´ll be there for him, at this time Serene has gotten a revenge as well, and she will understand the torturing pain Seth is going through.....Oh poor Seth!

A very good update, I did enjoy the cooperation between you and was awesome....

More please?

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 13 2007, 09:48 PM

That was a extremely tasteful collaboration there. Both of you did an excellent job. The dark tone completely fit the scene and it was a great read.

I guess we'll see how Sethyas is affected overall by this quite soon. My thoughts, they aren't going to be a good affect.

Thumbs up! goodjob.gif

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 14 2007, 10:02 PM

“It is customary to pay the executioner of a Writ his gold. But I understand why you do not wish this payment. However, Sethyas, the Morag Tong is neutral, and this will likely be the first and last time that personal and guild matters overlap. If you are to be Grandmaster someday, you must remember that.” Said Eno noting that Orvas Dren was dead.

“I know Master. As I promised you long ago, the matters to which I have delayed my succession are now complete, as you well know. My love is dead, and my life as the Nerevarine exists in Tavern Songs and Bard’s tales now. While on Red Mountain, I discovered the final thread of the Sanguine Tokens. I present to you the Glove of Sanguine Safekeeping.” I said unfolding the glove, and placing it on his desk.

His eyes lit up with a wondrous look. A long time goal that he likely would have never seen complete glowed faintly before him. “Incredible, Sethyas! This is surely a sign! You, blessed by Mephala, have completed the most arduous and demanding of the tasks that have been set before you!”

“With this glove, you have completed the Sanguine Tokens Quest. And now, Mephala shall bless you with her skill. This is a power I bestow upon you, at will, without the aid of enchantment or scroll; you will be able to blend yourself with shadow, you will feel your skill with a blade grow, I grant you: ‘Mephala’s Skill’ a blessing that is bestowed only upon the greatest of Tong Assassins!” he said, and began a series of arcane mutterings, and held a knife over a candle for a moment, then raising my sleeve, he burned a small idol of a Velothi Mephala just below my shoulder.

I felt the energy associated with the ritual course through my system. It was like a spell, or a power associated with a birthsign, yet different somehow, I could cast it at will, as much as I wished, and no matter how tired I was, it would always cover me in shadow.

I practiced with it for a moment, and did indeed realize that I blended well with shadow, and did feel my skill increase with any weapon, not just a blade. And it was stronger then invisibility, it was chameleon. I did not need the Ring of Khajiit or the Bow of Shadows. I could now rely on skill alone.

“Now. The matter of Grandmaster is before you. Do you now wish to succeed me as the leader of the Guild? Will you accept the burden of leadership as the earthly representative of Mephala?”

“Yes, Eno. The time has come, and I, your Exalted Master, shall succeed your position as the Grandmaster. What would you ask of me?”

“Traditionally. The Grandmaster was succeeded when the next in line honorably executed him. This is the ritual that pleases Mephala, and proves that the successor is worthy and ruthless enough. If you wish to kill me now, that is your right, and you may claim it, none shall dare question you.”

I was surprised, yet not surprised. I was slightly shocked, yet not at all. I understood the importance of the ways of the Morag Tong, and sealing the pact with blood certainly sounded like something that Mephala would ask of her followers. But something about the way Eno spoke made me think that there was another option available.

“That is the tradition. But what is the alternative?” I asked him, and a weight lifted from his serious eyes.

“The alternative is that you allow me to retire. I am tired, and wish to spend the rest of my days in quiet and study, and to see this new world that you have created Nerevar. No one will question our word. What is your choice?” he asked me.

”I suppose if I were a traditional Dunmer, intent on proving my worth to lead the Guild to Mephala as you say. I would kill you. But, as I am so often reminded, I am an Outlander, and I confess that I have affection for you, Eno. Not good for an Assassin, but it is there nonetheless, I would not kill you friend. Retire. Rest. You well deserve it, but my mercy comes with one condition.”

“That is?...” Eno asked raising an eyebrow, his hand slipping slowly to the hilt of his glass dagger.

“That when I need advice, I can call upon you.”

Eno smirked. “That is if you can find me. But I accept. I will send out the message immediately, as there are a few loose ends I have to tie up. But otherwise, you now lead the Guild. You are Grandmaster Sethyas Velas. Lead well, good friend.”

We bowed to one another, and I prepared to leave, but Eno stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.

“There is one last thing, Grandmaster.” Eno said softly.

“What is that?”

He held out the Ebony Dart that had my name carved on it, from the war with the Dark Brotherhood a year or so ago.

“I have held onto this because the time was not right for you to know. But the Dark Brotherhood Assassin whom visited you with this was not associated with our War. Someone put out a contract on you, that is the only time that they ever do something like this. I have tried to track down who would do it. But the Dark Brotherhood keeps their secrets well hidden, as do we. However, there may be a contingency that we have overlooked operating in Almalexia, or Mournhold, Morrowind’s Capitol.” He said with a slow informative tone. My reaction was mixed once more.

“There are recent events there that have passed since you have saved Vvardenfell. Events that may be a dark cloud forming once more. Remember, as a Morag Tong, you are neutral, you serve the stability of the politics, not aiding either side. You may wish to investigate this further. A man, by the name of Apelles Matius has recently arrived from Cyrodiil, an Imperial guard that served in a special unit that tracks and kills Dark Brotherhood Assassins. He may be one to speak with, in time.”

“But first, there is some Guild Business that you must finish. See any of the Masters when you are ready, there are some high profile writs that only the skill of the Grandmaster may complete, as we are well paid to insure their success. This may be the last time we speak for quite some time. I wish you well, Brother. And may you walk in Mephala’s Shadow always.” He said, as I prepared to leave, staring at the Ebony Dart, the tip between my thumb and forefinger.

This was disconcerting news, and I made my way to Bal Isra. Ilmeni’s death avenged. Vvardenfell saved. The promise to Eno fulfilled. But the emptiness of her passing was still lingering. A void that nothing would fill. But I could certainly try. And try with the stores of Brandy I had. I wondered at my temporary companion, the Argonian Assassin, Always-He-Lingers-In-the-Sun, and his apparent alcoholism. Would I end up like he? Drinking to get the images out of my mind? Trying to forget the loss.

I had lost two of the most important women in my life, first my sister, and now my wife. Was Mephala or some other entity determined to ensure that I never had any measure of happiness? I had taken my revenge on the one most directly responsible for Ilmenis death. A revenge that left me feeling raw and empty. But, perhaps it too was my fault for not taking Orvas’ life when I had the chance. What did I expect from a Crime Lord? That he would show the same compassion to his own kin as I had? Assassins don’t love, and they don’t feel compassion. There is a price for these things, and I have paid them.

I awoke to the early dawn light of the next morning. Despite the slight stagger from binge drinking, I could not sleep anymore, and I busied myself with cleaning the bottles and making the bed that only one slept in now. While my Redoran colleagues had heard the news, no one had approached me with anything, and Bal Isra served as a midway hostel and growing trade center in the paths between Maar Gan and Ald’Ruhn. I did not wont for anything as Lord of the Manor. But it did not take away the sadness.

Though I still found it strange that I had not yet shed a tear for Ilmeni. I felt her loss deeply, but the tears did not come. Perhaps I had shed the final one for my sister. Perhaps not. Or perhaps they would come at her funerary rites, which would be in three days time. As her husband and love, I was expected to be there in the main procession. And it would be important to letting her go. Get on with the grieving process as it were.

Then the Grandmastery. And this news that someone had hired the Dark Brotherhood to kill me. It never seemed to stop, and always, like a river flowing along, the current taking me with it. I needed to build a dam.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 14 2007, 10:13 PM

An emotional update. I'm pleased that Sethyas did not kill Eno. Somehow it feels right to see him spare a life, even though the Morag Tong demands otherwise. Perhaps there will be some reformations in the guild? As for the funeral, I hope that Sethyas carries his dagger. I know that it might seem like the wrong place, but what's a better time for an assassination attempt than when the target is grieving? He hasn't seen the last of the Dark Brotherhood. They'll come back and now that he's Grandmaster, his value as a target has only grown.

Posted by: canis216 Jan 14 2007, 10:34 PM

This is an excellent update. There is so much... feeling. And yes, beware the alcohol. All that brandy and flin is... distorting.

Posted by: minque Jan 14 2007, 11:08 PM

Yes he will cry....but it might take a while, but it´ll come, I´m sure of it. His reaction is quite normal, and it´s somewhat good he´s got things to occupy him....

Then time heals..but not completely and I hope he´ll visit Athyn and Serene or they will surely come to him...maybe when he needs it most, because Serene has an instinct for those matters.

I hope he´ll speak with Apelles as soon as possible.....

Oh my Seth will go to Mournhold..... blink.gif

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 14 2007, 11:10 PM

I'm personally interested in seeing how Sethyas handles some of these Grandmaster's Writs because I recall that some of them are going to be people he knows. Will the person conflict with assassin? We'll see...

Brilliant use of characterizing as always Black, Sethyas emotions are clearly displayed for us. Excellent work!

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 14 2007, 11:21 PM

Maybe not quite what some of you were expecting............

Vedam Dren’s eyes were raw with tears and grief. He beheld me with a sad countenance as I arrived off of a small rowboat in the peninsula at the Ascadian Isles to the Dren Ancestral Tomb. He took me in with a fierce embrace, and shook with grief as he cried once more. He was far stronger then I.

“The greatest sorrow is when a Parent must bury his child. I had hoped for reconciliation with Orvas, that as my brother, he may eventually see the light. I know you felt that too, and that is why he lived until the night you avenged my daughter. How was his death?”

I looked him over, hoping not to send him over the edge. “His death was as his life, brutal. I believe I sent him into the next world with some idea of the pain he caused in this one.” I said slowly, as I did not relish the memory. I am killer, but I am not sadistic.

“Thank you for that. But the time has come to bury two members of the Dren Family. And I feel the loss is more then most can stand. I confess, that I had considered suicide. But I must be strong to lead our people, Nerevarine. And for Ilmeni. She wouldn’t have wanted that. She wouldn’t even have wanted revenge, but Orvas had gone to far, to much of a threat, I pray that the Tribunal forgives me…” he said as the small gathering of the Dren Family and priests prepared the remains of both Orvas and Ilmeni into the Ancestral tomb. I had no such tomb to claim as my own families as I never knew them.

The songs were sung, and the tombs doors opened. The torchlight flickered into the rancid air of the resting place, and the undead guardians of the tomb let the family pass through without a quarrel, sensing the kinship. Ilmeni lay with her uncle, in coffins that over time would be reduced to ash. I had asked that Ilmeni not be made a guardian, though they could do as they wished with Orvas. Perhaps he could do some atonement in a necromantic servitude.

We departed outside, and the Wake lasted several hours. People speaking of fond memories of Ilmeni. The Arvels, friends of the family, and a similar splintering of Slaver Nobles, and abolitionist offspring, also attended. I spoke with many of the attendees of the funerary rites, and shared my fondest memories of her, the way she laughed. The way she looked at me sometimes. But that was all gone now. I was left. I did finally cry. Not overwhelming bawling, just a few tears that finally came as I thought of her. Perhaps I was growing colder. Perfect for an Assassin. My trade, my curse.

The Duke and I traveled back to Ebonheart on the Chun-Ook, and we payed our respects to one another, drinking well into the evening, recounting our tales Ilmeni. He told me of her constant compassion to outlanders as a child, always brave, and always kind. In truth, he knew of her abolitionist ways, and he was proud of her for it, always making sure that she was protected from afar, never trying to smother her with the power of his Duchy. Even the guard in Jobasha’s Shop wasn’t to keep an eye on Jobasha, it was to make sure the Cammona Tong wasn’t going to try something during business hours, and the Duke spoke of a time when the Dunmer finally saw slavery as a barbaric practice.

I made my way to the Vivec Mages guild, and in spite of the late hour, the guild guide was somewhat happy to transport me to the Ald’Ruhn mages guild, for a tip on top of the fee. I stumbled with a buzzing gait through the streets of Ald’Ruhn, ending up at Sarethi Manor.

”Waitaminnit…this isn’t my house..why did I come here?” I spoke aloud, as I prepared to leave to Bal Isra, the door opened slightly, then all the way, as the blue pair of eyes saw me through the crack.

“Sethyas! Are…you all right? Please, come in! You know you’re always welcome here. I would like to speak with you, as would Athyn. I know you must have suffered terribly in these last few days.”

“sshh..sure. Why not. Lets talks! A lot…yeah. I think. Wait, what were we talking about?” I replied nonsensically.

“You’re stinking drunk! Now you’re definitely coming inside. I won’t have you eaten alive by cliff racers on the way to Bal Isra.” Serene said grabbing my forearm and leading me inside to a spare set of quarters. I hadn’t noticed, but those blue eyes were reddened too. She had been crying a great deal.

“I won’t blame you for taking to drink. I know you must be sad beyond anything I can imagine right now. But you need to keep yourself in check. We can speak more of this in the morning.”

“Not..taking to….drunk..drink…just being sociable with the family….and the Duchess…er…Duke. Her Dod..Dad…yeah, Dad. Think I had too much. But I could use a rink now that you mention it…” I continued.

The next sensation was cold water splashing my face, and a little more sobriety found its way into me with the shock of the sensation, and the spinning stopped just a little.

“Thanks.” I said wiping the water from my face.

“Anytime.” Serene responded holding a small bucket. “I have quite the background in it.”

She sat down on the bed next to me, and embraced me in motherly fashion. “Are you okay, I mean really okay? Has her death hurt you more then your letting on?”

“I’m …doing fine. I’ll get over it, in time. I have before. I must again it seems.”

“That doesn’t sound very healthy. I think you’re bottling it all up. As a matter of fact I KNOW you are.” She said carefully, but it still upset me, and the liquor didn’t help me in holding my tongue.

“I told you a hundred times, too stay out of my head! What ever goes on in my mind is my business! Whether I am bottling it up or not is also none of your business! I grieve in my own way! I have lost a Sister, and now a wife. Every time I open up to a Woman, something happens too her. That is the danger of those close to me! Death follows me, but strikes at what I care about! That is why you would do well to stay away from me!” I said exiting the rooms, leaving Serene sitting on the bed, and I pounded my way to the door.

As I reached out for the doorknob, I felt her grip on my forearm once more, this time it was like a bird of prey clutching a fish. And her hand seemed to cleave the air, as the stinging sensation of her slap reminded me who I was dealing with.

“Don’t you DARE act like you’re the only one who is hurt by Ilmeni’s loss! Don’t you DARE forget that I was there! And don’t you dare forget who fought by your side without question when danger was about! If death is a risk of knowing you, then I’ll gladly accept it! You have no right too push the ones that care about you away just because you think they might get hurt! It happens. It does, I’m sorry. That’s life! You should know that better then anyone. But I don’t think Ilmeni would trade one second of her time with you to avoid the consequence of death, any more then you would! Or is that was this is really about?” Serene scolded me.

“That if I could have, I would gladly have traded places with her? That I wish now that it had been us both, or neither one? Yes, Serene. I wish that. And don’t tell me that, Azura forbid, the same fate should befall Athyn, that you wouldn’t feel the same. Now leave me be!” I said breaking her grip and wandering off into the night to return to Bal Isra.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 15 2007, 01:30 AM

“Greetings Sethyas. Or Shall I call you by your new title? Grandmaster. Eno has sent the announcement to all the guildhalls, and all Tong agents now know you as such. Congratulations, I knew that this day would come, and I am proud to serve under you as a Master.” Goren Andarys bowed his head in respect to me, and I followed suit.

“I thank you, Master Andarys. It is a strange feeling, but one that I am proud to accept as well. I pray that I prove to be a good leader in time. I need the Guild now more then ever, as my own family slowly disintegrates before me.” I said slowly.

“Ah yes. We had heard about the attack on your wedding that left your wife dead, and the subsequent reaction that lead you to bring justice to her murderer. Blood demands blood. It is the way of the world that the Morag Tong brings order too. I trust you have grieved enough to maintain your focus, now that you are our leader?” Goren asked me carefully, in manner that showed that he respected my new position.

“I still feel the pain. But it will not stay my blade. I am prepared. Eno spoke of some Writs that I must fulfill? That the one of the Grandmaster Rank must fulfill?”

“Yes. Since the passing of Dagoth Ur’s Shadow, we have had many writs requested. The alliance that you built, has seemingly crumbled almost overnight, and no house or faction wants to be caught ill-prepared. The most challenging of these Writs I have saved for you alone. Are you ready to accept your first, Grandmaster?”

“I am.”

“Dram Bero lives in secret somewhere in Vivec, show him that he cannot hide from the Morag Tong. The Hlaalu Councilor has tried to hide from us for many years now. But someone wants him dead enough to offer 4000 Gold for this.”

“As the Grandmaster, am I privy to the requester’s name? Am I permitted to know why?”

”Of course, Sethyas. Our laws require that we keep it secret from the lower ranks, but you may order me to divulge the records as you see fit. The name of the requester is none other then Dondes Dralor, a Redoran Noble who has an ancient grudge to fulfill with Bero, though it may not seem as such, Dralor has money vested in Caldera, contrary to House Redoran’s wishes, and he profits from the cheap labor, and Bero and Crassius are both involved in projects to help clean house in Caldera, business and pleasure mixed it would seem, as his grudge and pocketbook will both benefit from Bero’s death.”

“Then Dralor is a criminal! Why would we aid him?” I raised an eyebrow.

“We are neutral. When Bero’s death comes to light, Hlaalu will undoubtedly invoke a writ against Dralor as well. Not every writ has a noble intention, that is why it is required to keep the backgrounds secret. The Morag Tong is as much a religious order as a business. Besides, wealth can buy power. Would you rather two private armies meet on the streets of Balmora, and the commoners suffer from outright warfare? I think in this sense, we Dunmer are more civilized then the west, as we acknowledge the suffering that open warfare brings, and don’t paint over it with words like honor and duty.”

“I take your point. I know these things well, I guess just finding out the truth is harder then most can accept. Very Well. To Vivec, and Dram Bero shall meet his end, for I already know where he is. In Mephala’s Name…” I said accepting the Writ.

In the Hlaalu Canton, I wandered around, thinking of the best way to handle the Councilor. While I certainly had the ability to simply walk in and hack him to pieces, that seemed too inelegant an end for the Councilor whom had voted me for Hlaalu Hortator. Now it seemed I had to repay his kindness with death. A twisted world we live in.

I saw Bero exit from the Plaza in Hlaalu, perhaps from visiting Curio. I saw him making his way down. Perhaps this was as good a time as any…

“You there, Gondolier! How much for your hat, shirt, and Gondola?” I asked Aren Maren.

“Is this some kind of joke? Maybe you should leave…” he said fingering his Iron Dagger.

“The Morag Tong needs it you fool! Here. One Thousand Drakes should more then cover your expenses, and buy your silence as well!” I said handing him a large pouch, his eyes widened in shock, and he quickly took off his shirt and hat, trading it for my shirt, and shoes.

“Don’t worry, Sera. I saw nothing. I just took a break in the Elven Nations Cornerclub to get a drink, whatever happened when I came back, I did not see!” He said flashing me a wide grin, and took off to the club to authenticate his story.

Dram Bero slowly made his way to the Gondola, and my face was covered mostly by the wide circular brim of the hat. “Gondolier! To the Foreign Quarter please! And I’ll have an extra five pieces for you if we get there in the next ten minutes!” Bero said amiably, obviously in good mood.

He got on the Gondola, and set us off, not quite used to rowing this kind of boat, especially while standing, but I got the gist of it, and Bero did not seem to notice either way.

“So. Any gossip going around? Did you hear the Nerevarine’s wife was killed? Just a week ago, when they blocked off the High Fane for his wedding! A shame! A true shame! I know the mer on a personal basis too. He gave us so much, and now the poor bugger is repaid with loss. A real shame.”

I found it hard to believe that I was about to kill this man, who spoke with such compassion to my loss. But do not let respect and compassion mix together. Stay focused. Slip out the Mehrunes Razor, feel its hunger. Focus on the kill.

”I have heard recently that a Councilor was assassinated by the Morag Tong, right in the middle of the Cantons, left dead on a floating Gondola. Tragic, yet beautiful, don’t you think? If I were to die, I think I would like the sound of the waterfalls to soothe me.” I said halting the Gondola.

“I haven’t heard anything like that! Why are we…Sethyas!!” Dram became deathly white, for a Dunmer that is.

I made it quick, not wishing for him to feel any pain. Not after last time. And I left him on the boat, with a Stoneflower by his head for respect. Ilmeni’s favorite flower.

I left the shirt and hat on the boat, and dove into the waters of the bay, and swam all the way to shore. I quickly made a stop to the clothier in the foreign quarter, and then paid for passage back to Ald’Ruhn.

“It is done Grandmaster? Then to you goes the full payment of 4000 Drakes. Dram Bero now rests with the ancestors. And from what you tell me, you killed him quite cleverly. Even adding a bit of artistry to his demise. Floating on a boat in the water…so peaceful. Almost poetic.”

Posted by: canis216 Jan 15 2007, 01:33 AM

Sethyas seems like he's having a hard time adjusting to his harsh new reality. Assassination isn't an easy business within which to maintain a healthy perspective on life.

Edit: New update already! Crikey! And very interesting indeed. I've only managed to acquire two of the Grandmaster Writs myself, so I'll be interested to see how this all works out.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 15 2007, 02:39 AM

It nice to see that Sethyas is at least attempting to give his marks painless deaths, at least, to the ones he knows.

Hopefully he and Serene can make up as well.

Posted by: minque Jan 15 2007, 09:07 PM

Yes....yes, so appropriate, so right...Seth reacted just as I actually thought he would. Now I must say I´m a bit surprised that most ppl react so negative to Renie´s try to read their minds! It´s not that she´s prying into their heads trying to revreal deep secrets! It´s the same in RP and fanfic! She really doesn´t mean no harm! She´s trying to help, but nevermind I guess it´s quite normal to feel repulsion to mindreading! biggrin.gif

I´m sure they will be on speaking terms with each other the next time they meet! Seth was terribly drunk that time and you know you say things you hardly remember afterwards. These updates were wonderful as always and I´m always excited when I find another update here!

I feel like I know Seth really well......

Posted by: mplantinga Jan 18 2007, 12:09 AM

Some excellent updates since my last visit. I am ashamed to admit that I enjoyed the death of Orvas Dren; after all the pain and suffering he caused, it somehow felt right. This from a pathological pacifist. I'll have to go hug a few trees in penance for that thought.

I appreciated the artfulness and almost peacefulness with which Sethyas carried out the assasination of Bero. I'm curious if this style will persist in his future writs.

@minque: I think perhaps the biggest problem with mind-reading is that he can't do it to her. People always react badly to the idea that someone has a power over them that they do not also have. But on top of that, people are very attached to the concept of privacy. If mindreading was common, people would have gotten over that long ago or figured out ways to shield their minds. In reality, it is perceived as an assault on the one thing that should be safe. Perhaps in time Sethyas will understand Serene's intentions and forgive her.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 19 2007, 10:27 PM

“Under Sun and Sky, Grandmaster, I greet you warmly.” Ethasi Rilvayn, the Balmora Chapter Steward greeted me, as I moved back the hood of my ceremonial red robes.

We bowed heads to one another, and we sat at a table sipping on Trama Root Tea to discuss our business. While taking a sip, she unrolled the writ, and I nearly spit out the contents of my mouth. The writ was for Larrius Varro.

“The Imperial Legion itself has hired us to dispose of this General. They fear a backlash from the Cammona Tong for his,…connections to the council club slaughter. The legion dare not arrest him for lack of evidence, but everyone knows he is connected in some way, Grandmaster. The only special instructions are to make it quick and quiet. No one must see you, no one must know. The Legion and the Tong must seem innocent in the matter, so the blame can be applied to the Cammona Tong.” She explained, taking a sip of her tea.

I dare not explain to her that I was the arbiter of Varro’s vengeance. Nor do I think that the Legion would believe me if I told them that the Cammona Tong had been practically crippled in recent weeks. But that was wishful thinking, the nature of this beast was that when you cut off the head, three more grew. Even as I write this, I am certain that there are lieutenants in the Cammona Tong consolidating their power in their respective territories; I have somewhat of a background in banditry in Cyrodiil. Though I was more of a solitary bandit, I still knew people in bands; I knew what areas to avoid.

“It is rather strange to honorably murder a Legion Officer. Since when are we permitted to assassinate heads of the local Imperial Office? The Emperor would disband the Morag Tong, its members forced to freelance, essentially allowing the Dark Brotherhood to take over Morrowind…”

“The Legion hired us, the legion sanctioned it. Again, utmost secrecy is required. If caught, you may use the Writ to get out of a legal bind, however the Legion will have lost it’s trust in us. As much as I would like to see the Emperors Lackeys leave our Nation, we still have to deal with them in the meantime. This is as much about removing Larrius Varro, as it is about diplomacy. Your skills are second to none. You will not disappoint.” She said with finality to her tone.

For three days I observed the Fort. Varro rarely left, and when he did. It wasn’t far enough from the fort to remain a quiet kill. Arknghthand was close to the fort, but it served me no help, as I had cleared out the Bandits over a year ago. I had to go inside, and slay him as he slept. There was little other recourse.

I waited until the late evenings light of Secunda and Masser, and I called upon my new power of Mephala Skill. I blended in perfectly with my surroundings as the guards continued about there patrols, archers thumped loudly down the ramparts. I creaked in the main fort door, looking about to see if I were noticed. No one saw a thing, and I slipped in carefully.

I crept in slowly to the barracks, and the sounds of dozens of snoring soldiers helped keep my already silent footsteps masked. I continued to Varro’s Chambers, the door loacked with a minor set of tumblers, I unfolded my small leather folder with a small pick set, and took to the task of unlocking the door. Success came within seconds, and I slowly opened the door, making certain not to let the old pair of hinges alert the sleeping form of Varro to my entry.

The General was sleeping quietly, and I had a perfect opportunity to simply slash and run. I unsheathed Mehrunes Razor with a soft hiss. Admiring how it glowed slightly in the darkness with an unearthly red. The blade came out to a point that almost begged for blood, the handle was exquisitely designed, with a pommel that resembled a small acorn, and perfectly balanced the blade.

But the question still begged, how would a Cammona Tong Thug handle this? If he could even get to a General in the fort…the Cammona Tong would need a specialist, an Assassin, someone like…the Ienith Brothers. Something wasn’t right here.

The writ was legal. In a sense. I had no choice, and I had accepted it. As Grandmaster, I had a duty, above all others to fulfill this writ. We had strict laws, and reneging on a contract was death to the appointee.

I slid the razor quickly across the Generals throat. My back hand muffling any sound he might have made, as I stayed until my former temporary ally died in my hands. I prayed to Mephala and the Nine for his peaceful passage. The Nine, though not my gods, have some part of my background, as I was raised in an Imperial Chapel Orphanage. Though usually teased and shunned being called names like ‘demon’ and ‘daedra’ by the other children. However in this time, the Nine were Varro’s gods, and I released him unto them.

With a muttering of a spell, I felt the mystical energy of a recall spell engulf me. And like a wave crashing onto shore, I appeared in a gust of yellowish-whitish energy in the Balmora Guildhall of the Morag Tong.

I placed the writ on the desk before me, and sat down, staring at the window until dawn broke some hours later. Ethasi, ever the early riser, gave me a surly smile, and looked at the writ before me.

“It is done, Grandmaster?” She yawned.

“Yes. But…who really ordered the writ?” I asked.

“The legion did..someone from the Ebonheart Fort more specifically. Vanis something or other. The Imperial names all sound the same, I’ll get the Record Book.”

“No need. The name won’t lead anywhere. The legion had nothing to do with this Writ. Nor will we reveal that we had anything to do with it. We will let the Cammona Tong take the blame, as they are the ones technically responsible.”

Ethasi’s jaw dropped as she finally realized. “OF course! How could I have been so blind? But he was dressed up and had a letter…it must have been a forgery!”

“Yes. The Cammona Tong tricked us. They wanted to lash back at the Legion, and Varro specifically. And in a twist of irony, I was the one who performed the Council Club Hit, and now I am the one who avenged their murders.”

“YOU? But…”

“It was for personal business with Orvas Dren. Not Morag Tong business. This stays between the two of us. And use the payment from the writ to clean up any mess I might have made. Bribes, whatever. I have business in Sadrith Mora with Dunsapil Dun-Ahhe.”

“But, Grandmaster…why did you not stay your hand if you realized that the Cammona Tong was behind this Writ?”

“Because a Writ is honorable and sacred, besides Varro and I were temporary allies at best. If he figured throwing me to the dogs to save own skin was better, he would have. Sometimes, the grey washes over the black and white. Sometimes we must do things that benefit only ourselves. As ugly and wrong as they might be.”

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 19 2007, 10:41 PM

Dang, I definitely hoped that the Camonna would be out of action for at least a while. Then again, they might lay low after knocking out Varro. Hmm, Imperials in the Camonna Tong? (referring to the fake Legionnaire) This is getting interesting.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 19 2007, 10:44 PM

Well, it won't lead anywhere. It's like that one Argonian whom works for the Cammona Tong, but solely as a mercenary. The one 'slave' that you lead to Sterdecan.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 19 2007, 10:46 PM

This was a rather interesting update, given Sethyas reasoning for making the hit despite that in all actuality, the Commona Tong were more than likely responsible for asking for the writ to be made up. His sense of honour is quite strong, likely due to his choice of House among other things.

I enjoyed this update; can't wait to enjoy the next!

Posted by: minque Jan 19 2007, 10:50 PM what? This is indeed getting very interesting...who´s that legionnaire? Ha I hope it´s the eeeeeeeeeeevil Varus Vantinius....oh aye I do.....just remember what he did to Serene!

I´m with you Seth...all the way, oh my favourite Dunmer!

Now it was a shame he had to kill Larrius, I mean he was a decent guy, did no harm to anyone did he?

Another question....where´s Rayne?.hmmmmm.... tongue.gif

Awesome Blackie! Sheer awesome...

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 19 2007, 10:51 PM

It won't? Too bad. Hmm, I never met an Argonian who desired to go to this Sterdecan, wherever that is. The only slaves I've encountered where either satisfied with adding their bracers to my collection or sometimes they wanted to go to Im-Kalaya.

Please don't tell me about this Sterdecan place. I don't want it to get spoiled when I do meet this Argonian. wink.gif

An Argonian working for the Camonna Tong, even though a mercenary. I don't know what's more surprising, the CT hiring an Argonian or an Argonian letting himself be hired by the CT.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 21 2007, 11:18 AM

I stared at the towering mushroom tower of Sadrith Mora. I had received communiqué from Dunsapil Dun-Ahhe, the Master of the Sadrith Mora Chapter of the Morag Tong. He pressed me to arrive as quickly as possible, as he promised me a ‘challenge unlike any I had faced’. Not that I take pride in killing, but I take pride in my position as the Grandmaster, and to set the example for the guild now.

“Greetings, Sethyas! Join me in breakfast. For it may well prove to be your last. Should you accept this Writ, that is.” Said the former Ashlander, pushing a plate of kwama eggs, scrib jelly, and bread to me. I ate bits and pieces as he regaled me with tales of the Telvanni and their ‘forward’ politics in the Zafirbel Bay.

“But now the time has come for you to find out whom the Writ is for?” He said, building up the tension with a Bard’s sense of drama. It worked.

“Yes. Who?” I replied plainly.

“Mistress Therana.” He said with a macabre smile.

I blinked and laughed. “Therana?! Forgive me, its not that I don’t believe you, I do. But, a ‘challenge’? That old bat is so nuts, that all I would have to do is tell her that there is a humidor with a spider in it that wanted to talk to her, at the bottom of her entry shaft, and she would walk off to her death! Really! She may be a powerful Mage-Lord, but she has long gone into the realm of Sheogorath.” I said drying an eye.

“It’s not like you to underestimate an Opponent, Grandmaster. Your reputation precedes you as a careful one, patient, and cunning. The embodiment of Mephalas teachings. Why so quick to dismiss her power?”

“I had a prior meeting with her, during the Nerevar business. I convinced her to name me Hortator of House Telvanni by doing this..” I said showing him the removable finger magic trick. “It ended in her trying to remove her finger with a dagger.”

He chuckled. “Perhaps that is what her reaction was to a request, but if she is truly insane, then she may react quite violently when confronted in an attempt on her life. Are you willing to accept the Writ? We have been offered over 10,000 drakes on this one.”

I nearly spit out my drink. 10,000 drakes were nothing to sneeze at, even by my standards. “Ah. I see. Someone must REALLY want her dead then. Very well. I accept.”

“Very well then, I assign it to you Grandmaster. Travel to Tel Branora, and end her insanity.”

It wasn’t hard to guess who had a grudge against Therana. The entire Telvanni Council. It wasn’t like the emerging generation of Telvanni Councilors were going to tolerate the older for much longer, and they were willing to use my guild to bring forth their goals to fruition.

My arrival in Tel Branora was in the setting of the sun, hopefully more symbolic for someone other then myself. I knew that the Mistress was likely above in her chambers, perhaps retiring for the evening. I entered unseen with Mephala’s Skill using the Towers natural steps.

“Oh, it’s you again! Are you going to show me how to do that finger thing yet?” Therana said noticing me walking by, showing me a nub where her index finger used to be.

I blinked, and did my best to suppress a giggle. Assassination was a serious business. Usually.

“Umm. Yeah. Here, why don’t you come with me, outside? It will be much easier to marshal my energies in the moonlight…” I said walking outside, as she followed eagerly. It wasn’t going to be this easy was it?

We stood at the bank of the peninsula to the south of her Stronghold, and I pretended to concentrate with humming a bard tune I had heard in a Tavern recently.

“First, you must gather twenty pearls for me. Spend no less then one hour underneath the water! Quickly! Before Secunda and Masser disappear!” I commanded.

Therana eagerly obeyed as she took to the water, flitting about and burning several slaughterfish and Dreugh to a crisp. She was a tough mage, I’ll give her that. Now hopefully she would run out of magicka and drown….

An hour and a half later, Therana surfaced with more pearls then I cared to count in a makeshift basket in her robes.

“Is this enough?” She asked dumping all of the pearls onto the sand.

“Uh, yeah.” I said gawking at the hundreds of jewels.

”Now what?” She said clapping her hands excitedly. “Are you ready to show me yet?”

“Umm…one more preparation must be made. You must fly to the heights of the sky, and pluck the feather of twenty Cliff Racers, while they are in the sky, or else the magic will not work! Then, while still in the sky, you must dispel all of your magicka, and fall to the ground! Go! Quickly! Our time is running short!” I commanded, and she rose to the heights of the sky disappearing as a pinprick.

Half an hour later, I heard the high pitched screaming of a mage falling from the sky, quite similar to that of Tarhiel from when I had first left Seyda Neen. The unceremonious landing of Therana was followed by an incredible sight.

She got up.

“Are these enough?” She asked showing me a handful of hundreds of Racer Plumes, a wide grin on her face.

“Um. Yeah. That’ll do.” I said gawking at the pile of plumes.

“You’ll show me now?” She asked joyfully.

Could nothing kill this woman? I had tried to be as clever as I could, but she kept surviving the ‘tasks’ I had her do. This was time to get ruthless. Not creative.

“Sure. Here. Stand right there, close your eyes. And no matter what happens, don’t move!” I said unslinging my crossbow, and proceeded to use her as a pincushion.

Three minutes and twenty bolts later, she opened one of her eyes looking side to side.

“I feel a tingling sensation…does that mean its working?” She whispered to me.

I looked incredulously at her, lowering the crossbow. “Uh, yeah.” I gave up. Nothing could kill this old crone!!

I sat down, and patted the sand next to me, where she sat as well. “Look, fold this finger back like this. Now with you other hand put your two fingers over that one…now bring it over the knuckle here…and there you go!” I said. Ten-thousand drakes weren’t that important.

“Oh my! Yes, yes! This is wonderful! I’m so happy! Oh…dear,…my heart…” she croaked out, she fell over her head falling into my lap. She was stone dead with a smile on her face.

The joy of learning the ‘magic’ had been too much of a strain on her heart…..go figure. My job was done here, and I had a story to tell Dunsapil.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 21 2007, 12:56 PM

Whahaha! *cough, weeze, cough* Sorry, I need some air. laugh.gif

This was just hilarious. The master assassin fails constantly to kill his mark. In the end, she drops death from excitement. Hilarious, really.

It's a bit sad though. I liked Therana because of her insanity. She was one of the more fun people to talk to.

Umm, is Sethyas going to take the pearls and plumes with him? I'm sure that a Morag Tong alchemist would be happy to make some potions with it. Don't Cliffracer petals provide levitation?

Posted by: minque Jan 21 2007, 03:47 PM

This was....sheer funny! I really laughed when reading about all the tricks he made towards Therana...Like this:

Half an hour later, I heard the high pitched screaming of a mage falling from the sky, quite similar to that of Tarhiel from when I had first left Seyda Neen. The unceremonious landing of Therana was followed by an incredible sight.

She got up.

muhahaha.....what a sight!

Brillians as ever Blackie!

Posted by: canis216 Jan 21 2007, 07:16 PM

Well, that was interesting. I guess from now on Sethyas will be more wary of doddering old Telvanni sustained by the necromantic arts.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 21 2007, 10:44 PM

That has to be one of the more amusing update I have ever read. Wonderfully clever Black. It's nice to see some creative range.


Posted by: mplantinga Jan 22 2007, 11:00 PM

I guess he was wrong to underestimate Therana. She seemed to have some sort of supernatural strength in her.

Definitely one of the most amusing updates ever.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 25 2007, 07:07 AM

Dunsapil Dun-Ahhe laughed. Quite uncharacteristic for a Master of the Morag Tong. And he laughed quite a bit at the story. Commenting that he had heard of everything in the Morag Tong, ranging from the tragic to the hilarious, but this one was the most he had heard. I begged him not to spread it around, for one, we must honor the dead, secondly, I did have a reputation to protect as the Grandmaster.

“Well, I can certainly keep a secret. But, there is one more Writ that must be fulfilled.”

“Who is it?” I asked, clinking through the large bags with the large reward.

“Baladas Demnevanni. A recent addition to the Telvanni Council who resides in Gnisis, has been marked for honorable execution in accordance with the tradition of the Morag Tong.” Dunsapil said solemnly.

I looked into space, as my hand stopped counting the coins.

“I take it you know this Mer?” he said slowly.

“I do. I am the reason he joined the Telvanni Council. Who would want him dead?”

“Gothren. Prior to the former Archmagisters death that is. I believe his Mouth, Mallam Ryon, is ending the ancient feud between these two, taking it upon himself to avenge his death.”

”That’s nonsense! I killed Archmagister Gothren! Not Baladas!”

“I….see. You killed a three thousand year old Mage-Lord? Really Sethyas, I think we’ve had enough of the jokes for one day.”

I gave him a deadly serious look. “I’m not joking. I killed Gothren, and set up Aryon as the current Archmagister to fulfill the Nerevarine Prophecies.”

“Ah Yes, I forgot who I was speaking with, The Nerevarine. Forgive me, Grandmaster.” He said apologetically.

I shook my head. “I wasn’t pulling Rank, Dunsapil. Relax. I simply meant that the motivation behind this writ is misguided.”

”Nonetheless; the writ is genuine. Will you accept it?”

I sighed. “My Honor demands no less. Baladas shall die by my hand, or I his.”

I rested for a few days. Letting the impact of the last few weeks take some more time to settle in. My lost love, my revenge, and my Masterhood, and acting as Mephala’s Black Hand. As the Argonian had said, he was the Emperors black hand, I the Daedra’s.

Did we assassin’s ever act of our own accord? Were we merely the puppets of our masters hands? Or were we on the forefront of fate and destiny? Was I merely a cog in a Dwemer construct? Free will versus Destiny, the question the Dwemer had dared to answer for themselves, and they had paid the ultimate price. There is a flow, and natural course to the flow of the plane, are we part of it, or ships free to set sail where we wished.

Perhaps the illusion is that the Ship is separate from the current, and both must act as one, even one is free to act independently from the other.

Regardless, I set sail in the Elf-Skerring north, to Dagon Fel. From there, I chartered another course to Khuul, from there, I walked south, to return to the Mer I had convinced to join the Council.

“It’s a strange thing, killing a man. You take away everything he was, is, and shall be in this world. He becomes a tragic memory, where flesh and blood once spoke. Petty arguments become savory, the warmth of the sun becomes priceless, where once it was a trivial thing, when you know that death is upon you..” I said staring at the Steam Centurion, appearing out of nowhere, my back to Baladas.

“Yes. I am well aware of these things. But pray tell, why have you come to disturb my peace with such a sentiment, Nerevarine? Has Aryon more business to settle with me? My Mouth is for such things.” He said looking up from some Dwemer Tomes, with an irritable tone.

I shook my head. “No, this business is solely between me and you. I wish that I said I came here to bring you News of any kind. Rather, I bring you the message of death. I pray that your passage is peaceful, wise Demnevanni…” I said pointing my crossbow at his seated form.

“Wait just a minute! What do you think--….” His cry of surprise was ended with the bolt being released from the weapon to his heart, the potent poison was rather quick, as I had made it to be. I rarely felt remorse for a kill. This time I did.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 25 2007, 08:54 AM

My travels had taken me nearly over the entire Island. But I was home here at Bal Isra. Though Ilmeni’s absence left an unbearable emptiness that nothing could fulfill. I did not drink, as I knew that ‘evil’ of alcohol was really mans desperation to rid himself of unwanted memories. And the weeks of waiting for the pain to dissipate went slowly, but eventually, through the Morag Tong, the clouds broke with a ray of light, purpose to go on.

I called upon Serene and Athyn, to apologize for my outburst while drunk last, and too see the only real family I had left. Loss had brought us closer together in a way that pain only could.

The three of us sat together in the late morning on Sarethi Manor’s veranda, overlooking the Ashlands. Sipping on cornberry juice, and eating a light breakfast. Words were few, but the glances were not. In truth, I was simply happy to be amongst friends, and I basked in their presence, as a light seemed to come from Serene and Athyns love. A feeling that I missed.

“I am glad to see that you are doing better Sethyas. I just wish that you were not such a loner, and determined to see your way through the pain alone. We can help you shoulder that burden. We feel the loss of Ilmeni as much as you.” Athyn said softly.

I gave him a melancholy look, and smiled sadly. “I would not ask it of you, dear friend. Sometimes things are best left separated to a degree. You have had much of your own loss to deal with, and again would not burden you with it.”

“And I suppose that you’re still as unwilling to speak with me of your feelings in this?” Serene chided me.

“Sweet Sister, it has never been my nature to speak openly of them. Its not that I mistrust you, but my way has always been the hidden.”

“But you do mistrust me. To an extent.”

“Yes. But you know why. It’s…uncomfortable.”

”Let me guess. You’re talking about her telepathy? Haha! Get used to it, my boy! I can’t ever win an argument with her, she already knows what I’m going to say next!”

“That’s ALL women, Dear.” Serene whispered to Athyn, to which the three of us chuckled.

“But speaking of certain women, Sethyas. A friend of yours dropped by the other day…Rayne Alas, was it? The bridesmaid from your wedding, pretty little thing. she wanted to make sure that you were okay, and hadn’t seen you for weeks. You might wish to let her know that you’re still alive.” Athyn said taking a sip of his drink.

“Rayne?” I had nearly forgotten about her.

“Oh yes! I had wanted to speak with you about her…” Serene said snapping her fingers.

“What’s that?” I said.

“Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about!” Serene said with a mischievous grin.

”I really don’t, Archmistress.” I said obsequiously.

”Well. If you don’t mind, I did read her a bit. Not her mind, mind you, but there are certain things a woman just knows. Seth….she is in love with you, madly at that.”

“Oooooohh!” Athyn said slapping his head. “Of course! Why did I not see that?! It makes perfect sense. Her demeanor, the way she talked about you…”

The subconscious realization kicked me like a Guar. I knew it from the moment we exited the Red Mountain. But I was already with another. Rayne was dangerous in that sense.

“Maybe. But it does not matter. I do not share it. She is foolish if she thinks anything will happen, my Wife is still fresh in the grave, and it is not proper to discuss such things.” I said with a slight harsh to my tone.

“You’re right, you’re right, I am sorry. It was not to dishonor Ilmeni’s memory in any way; I just thought you might like to know. But a bit of advice, a woman’s feelings are not a thing to be brushed aside so carelessly. Indeed, fighting Dagoth Ur may well have been a cakewalk compared to dealing with a woman scorned.”

“No, Serene. I am sorry. I did not mean to use Ilmeni’s death as an excuse. If it were I that died, I would want for her to move on as soon as possible, to be happy, and not lay around in tears for years on end. She would have wanted the same for me. But, it still is a bit of a sore spot.”

”When Domesea died, I felt the pain deeply, and I still do. I loved Serene too. It was not long before we were in each others arms, Sethyas. As you said, Domi wanted me to be happy. Life is for the living. Even if not Rayne, when you are finished mourning, you should look for another love. Life is greater when shared. Yes, there is pain, and compromise, but in my experience, loneliness is a far greater pain, and the one you will regret.” Athyn advised me with a soft tone.

I think that you do love her, Sethyas. Your pain just refuses to let you admit that. You think that it’s wrong to love two people at once. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, but it’s sure as hell painful. I know. Serene sent to me, not wanting to chide me in front of Athyn. I finally accepted her gift.

You think so? I don’t know. Maybe. But this hardly seems the time. I thought to her.

Ah! The resistance in your mind is starting to melt down. I just want good things for you Sethyas. I want to help. I want to see you happy. Maybe she would be good for you.

Maybe I don’t want good things for myself.

Oh my. You blame yourself for her death, I can see that now. That explains a great deal. It seems you blame yourself for a great many things.

Just because you’re right, doesn’t mean I’m wrong. I’m not like most people, I don’t try to stick others with the responsibility, when it was my fault. Setsuna, Ilmeni. I’m not a good person Serene. At least I can see that.

“What are you two talking about?” Athyn mused. “Never mind, I can see when I’m not needed. I’m going inside to speak with Salyn. You two hash out whatever it is.”

Serene looked at Athyn depart, and then gazed at me with those damned blue eyes of hers. They saw more of me then I cared to admit.

“Since we’re alone, lets talk, since that’s what you’re more comfortable with. Now whats this about you not being a good person? I should slap you!”

I looked at her. My mouth did not move. I couldn’t open up. The pain, the self hatred wouldn’t let me.

“Oh, so now you want to close up? Seth, let it go. It serves you no good! What makes you think that putting yourself down, makes the things that happened any better? Is it the lack of closure?”

“Closure?” I asked.

“It’s a term that some mages use. They say that the mind needs a sense of finality to traumatic events. Or else it tends to drag on indefinitely.”

“Right. Look, its MY fault that I left Orvas Dren alive. Its my fault that I never told my sister what I did. And I am the one whom must live with those consequences, and with those regrets.”

“Orvas Dren killed your wife, not you. Your Sister joined the Dark Brotherhood, not you. She was not a child! She knew what she was doing. Why make yourself miserable with these thoughts? Especially when they’re not true….believe me. I had to learn the hard way. When I was sent here to Vvardenfell, my uncle, Varus Vantinius, a High-Ranking Imperial Legion Officer, raided a camp of Dunmer I was staying with. I thought it was my fault that what happened to them, happened….” She broke off with a single tear.

“Varus? The guy stationed in Ebonheart?”

“Yes. Many times have I wished to confront him. But I fear that it would weaken my position as the Archmistress, seeking personal vendettas, and that I know all to well the path that revenge leads us down. Some things are best left in the past. I have Athyn now, and friend in you. Even if you don’t fully trust me, I know that I can trust you.”

“Varus….that sounds an awful lot like….Vanus…” I said, my mind already in other places.

“Sethyas? What are you thinking? Whats wrong?”

“Nothing. But I have to go.” I said leaving abruptly.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 25 2007, 03:30 PM

Aha, so there will be a sequel to our 'fake' Legionnaire!

Also, it is nice to see that Sethyas is beginning to release the pain he keeps bottled up inside. Still a shame about Baladas though. I liked that guy.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 25 2007, 05:37 PM

Nice couple of updates Black. It's nice to see things improving between Serene and Sethyas, though there's still some resistance (which is good). A now the man who is possibly responsible for working with the Commona Tong is revealed. Of course, that's just speculation. We'll have to see what the next update brings to see whether I'm correct or not.

Posted by: mplantinga Jan 25 2007, 07:30 PM

I was sad to see Baladas die; he was always one of my favorite mages. This whole concept of honorable assassination still feels odd to me, but I guess I'm not Dunmer do I just won't understand.

Also, points for the use of "obsequiously."

Posted by: minque Jan 25 2007, 08:31 PM

Great great great updates! Ha they´re on talking terms again, Seth and Renie! yay, that´s just so good, hehe the man finally realised that she just might be good for him....Oh and now what? I´m so curious what Blackie is up to now.....


Posted by: Black Hand Jan 25 2007, 08:43 PM

“Alright, Dunmer. You’re right. I did request the Writ against Larrius Varro. And, yes, maybe it was done so that he would quit with his vendetta against the Empires silent partner in Vvardenfell, the Cammona Tong. You can’t do anything about it. I’m an Imperial Officer after all. Outside the jurisdiction of the Morag Tong, on top of the fact that I’m Knight of the Imperial Dragon, commander of all the Imperial Forces inside Morrowind! Now begone, before I have you arrested!” Varus Vantinius spoke harshly to me.

“You’re right, I can’t do anything about as a Morag Tong. But you speak with none other then the Nerevarine! And I’m quite certain the Duke would be willing to look the other way for a piddling little nothing like you! No one manipulates the Morag Tong, and lives to speak of it!” I spat out, my anger nearly red-hot.

“You border on Treason, Dunmer! I don’t care if you’re Lord Vivec! You will speak with respect to me! I’ll let that slide, as you did do something worthy, for one of your kind, but that’s the only favor you’ll receive from me!” he said with rising anger.

“Respect? You know nothing of the word. Very well, before the Duke, and the Imperial Guard, as a Noble of House Redoran, I challenge your Honor! Only a duel in the Arena shall allow you to defend it!” I retorted, the Imperial guard gripping their hilts with increased nervousness.

Varus eyes narrowed, and he put his hand up to hold them back. “You think I’ll simply agree to a duel, from an Elf? I think not. Besides. I saw your fight with Venim, Nerevarine. I admit, your skill with a blade far surpasses mine. I would not readily agree to my death. However, for a consideration, I may be willing to grant your request.”


”No. There are two artifacts that the Legion holds, that have gone missing in recent times. Recover them for me, and I will accommodate your request for a duel. What say you?”

”You think that an Artifact will save you? Ha! Very well. What would you have me do, Imperial?” I chortled out.

“The first, is the Lords Mail. An enchanted cuirass of legendary origin. It was last seen in our shrine, here in the Grand Council Chambers, you will recover it, and return it to me. Here is a shrine key, I will allow you access to investigate the area. Touch nothing, or the guards will kill you. Am I clear?”

I took the key into my black gloved hands, I looked at it, then at him. “Fine. We have an accord.” I said leaving his chambers.

Not a moment after I was walking down the hallway, a hand tapped my shoulder. I turned to see a concerned looking middle-aged Imperial man.

“What is it? I don’t mean to be rude, but I have urgent matters to attend.”

”I know. My name is Rufinus Alleius. I…overheard your conversation with Varus. I maybe able to share some insight into the location of the Lords Mail.”

“I’m listening.”

”One of the troopers, Furius Aculius was muttering something a few days ago about underground caverns beneath Ebonheart, and how the Legion would get what’s coming to it.”

I took the advice, and inspected his quarters inside the Imperial Guards room. Beneath his pillow, I found a worn key. Perhaps it would come in handy later…

Inspecting the shrine, I found nothing amiss. Everything was where it was supposed to be, except for the trail of muck leading to the wall….

I ran my hand along the wall, and could feel a slight trickle of air flowing in. I pounded the stone with the side of my fist, and could hear echoing into a tunnel. Finally, I brought a finger to a crack in the stone that was obviously the product of some Mason. I slipped the key I had found inside it, and the strong lock clicked open.

I proceeded deep inside the caverns that the echo had spoken of, and was greeted by an Imperial who lived up to the homonym of his name. Furius screamed at me.

“Those fools in the legion sought to expel me! So I took their special little artifact! And you’ll not reclaim it from me, Dark Elf! Die!” He yelled unsheathing a katana, and charging me.

I unsheathed my own katana, and agilely dodged his attacks, my strikes landed against his breastplate with little more then sparks. He smiled cockily, only ending the battle by utilizing his fatal mistake. He forgot to wear a helmet.

“Here.” I said handing the cuirass to Varus.

“Well, well! It would seem you have recovered the Lord’s Mail!” He said taking off his breastplate, and putting the recovered artifact on. With a mocking smile he handed me his old one.

“Here. You can have this. You’ll need it if you luck keeps up. Next, I want you to recover Chrysamere. It is a legendary sword; some say it was crafted by the hands of the gods themselves. Nonetheless, the last I heard, it was seen nearest to Sadrith Mora, travel there, and find out what you can. Recover Chrysamere, and return it to me.”

I took the Chun-Ook to Sadrith Mora, and arrived at Durty Muriels Cornerclub. After the usual exchange of gold for information amongst the Thieves Guild, I learned that Draamu Hloran, a necromancer in Abanabi was holding the blade.

Water walking, I could see Tel Fyr just off in the distance as I approached the Cavern Door. Inside, I found the bluish crystals that the isolationist sorcerers seemed to be fond of, as they created reservoirs of magicka.

Dispatching a young apprentice, and several Daedra with the Bow of Shadows, I made my way deeper inside the dark cave, finding a Dunmer woman in robes with a large claymore strapped to her back. Chrysamere.

Fortunately, she wasn’t fond of armor, and my marksmanship was up to the task as she fell to the ground in crumbled heap. I made my way to her body, and unsheathed the mighty sword. I am not a Paladin, but even I could appreciate the balance and enchantment of the claymore. This is why Varus wanted it back. He wanted the power of the artifacts to save his life. I couldn’t even penetrate the Lords Mail with a Daedric Katana, and now, with this blade, which could slice through bone like butter, his chances against me were greater then ever.

But it would not stop me. I had the honor of my guild to uphold, as well as Redorans, since I had invoked their name to confront the Legionnaire. And as a side, it seemed he had wronged Serene in the past. Fates were being written with every step I took.

“Marvelous!” Varus said as he brought the sword to a guard position, and admired the the glow of the razor edges.

“You have performed well for an enemy. You have honor. I respect that. And I will now grant your request for a duel. Meet me in the Arena at Vivec tomorrow, Nerevarine!” He said with a wicked grin.

The match was to be a private one, this time there was no throngs of onlookers. No Ilmeni to cheer me on from the sidelines. No, it was me and Varus. I spent as much time keeping up on my long blade skill as I could, and rested well that night.

The next morning, I went back to the Arena, the last time was against Bolvyn Venim, now, Varus Vantinius. I exited my gladiators pen, and saw the legionnaire exiting his, already wearing full Imperial Armor Dress, and preparing to hew me with Chrysamere.

“Ha! No Armor? You come unprepared to duel, Dunmer!” Varus laughed, seeing me still wear my ritual red robes.

“No, I am quite prepared…after all. You never specified what the rules of the duel were! I am not a legion lackey, Varus! I am a Morag Tong Assassin! And the rules are these: Do whatever it takes to kill your opponent! Come, let us begin!” I yelled from across the field, already running to him, for the first time I saw a look of fear in his eyes.

He brought the claymore back for an overhand swing, as I sailed through the air, both hands with the Ancient Silver Dagger ready for a downward thrust. I landed on him before he could follow through, and in the small openings of the Lords Mail, underneath the arms, I stabbed him with the daggers, the poison running its course through his veins. He invoked the power of the Lords Mail, and immediately the poison was gone. With an upward kick, he sent me falling back, and with a yell, he brought the Claymore in a wide overhand arc, the tip of the blade landing where my head might have been, had I no dodged.

Spinning to my feet, I cursed Varus’ luck, and instead, brought out the Black Hands Dagger. He wasn’t the only one with legendary artifacts, I slashed his forearm once, and then switched back to the Daedric Katana.

For several seconds, I kept up footwork to avoid the blows from him, preferring to dodge, and parrying when I could. Then, finally, with breath running out, Varus fell to his knees.

He breathed heavily, feeling the life leave him. He looked up at me with a look in his eyes that spoke of evil intent.

“Treacherous Dunmer! I should have killed you sooner…” he said as he slumped over to di.

I took the Lords Mail, and Chrysamere. As I was the one who recovered them and won the duel, they were rightfully mine. More importantly, the Honor of the Morag Tong was saved. Never again would we be manipulated.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 25 2007, 08:53 PM

Wow, I never thought that Sethyas would go quite that far. Challenging him to a duel. Man, it must have been this 'no private killing' rule that made him utter the challenge. Nicely done though.

I don't expect that Sethyas will use the two artefacts since he is an assassin, not a Paladin as he already said himself. I guess he'll never see the true power of Chrysamere then. smile.gif

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 25 2007, 08:55 PM

Oh Dont worry, Chrysamere will be retunred to its rightful owner. There is a myterious Redguard, called "Akatosh's Incarnate" in the Sethyas' universe. He'll be VERY happy soon!

Posted by: minque Jan 25 2007, 09:02 PM

So-right-on-spot! caught the evil of Varus..yeah! And he paid the price! Neat and swift..he fell for the intelligent schemes of Seth.....And with that, Larrius Varro should be safe..or? That writ should be no longer valid or should it?

Can´t wait to hear more......

Besides...Renie will be so happy about this! So happy indeed!

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 25 2007, 09:08 PM

Excellent duel, despite the cowardice of Varus. Sethyas proved that ability beats dependance on equipment more often than not.

I look forward to seeing where this story goes to next.

Posted by: mplantinga Jan 25 2007, 09:09 PM

Well, there goes the head of the legion in Morrowind. Somehow, I don't think the Emperor will be very pleased with that. But I guess there's not much to be done. I'm glad that Sethyas was able to defend the homor of the Morag Tong, and recover the artifacts from an obviously Tong-friendly man.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 25 2007, 09:26 PM

I hate to say it, but Varro was already death. A writ is sacred for the Morag Tong, even if it is essentially wrong.

To be honest, I see more similarities with the Dark Brotherhood than both sides are willing to admit.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 25 2007, 09:58 PM

Larrius Varro was already dead. This is just the Morag Tong cleaning up.

At the Shrine of Azura, east of Molag Mar, there was a ‘hermit’ of sorts. A Redguard rumored to be the incarnation of an Aedra, Akatosh himself in fact, the Dragon God of Time. The blade sung out to re-join his true master, and I answered the call.

Kneeling before the shrine entrance, I held out the blade in my hands, and the rumbling of the stone door opened. I dare not to look up. But did see a dark-skinned hand reach down, and grasp the hilt.

“Ah. Chrysamere. It has been too long. Thank You, Hero. One such as you is worthy to wield the blade. But I see that your nature is a different one. You bring a light into the shadows. Go now, with my blessing. Akatosh be with you.”

I told no one of my journey, and returned to Ald’Ruhn as quickly as I could, to speak the news to Serene. Her uncle dead, the Morag Tong avenged, Redorans Honor upheld.

“You did a good thing Seth! That basterde had it coming to him, the things he has done! I cry now only out of happiness. Thank you, Assassin.” She said embracing me, and I rubbed the back of her head.

“I am no great lover of the Empire, for they also bring about great tragedy with their works. I must leave now. There is business that I must attend to, personal matters, in Ebonheart. The Dark Brotherhood has marked me for death. And I know not what lies in store for me.” I said walking away with my head down.

In Bal Isra, I prepared for my journey to the south to speak with Apelles Matius, as Eno Hlaalu had advised me. A shadow passed by a window, and I looked at Raynes sad face.

“Hello Rayne. What brings you here?”

“I wanted to make sure that you were okay. We haven’t spoken since…since…”

“I know. I’m fine. I hope that you are too. But you caught me at a bad time. I’m preparing to leave to Ebonheart.”

“Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bother you.” She said with a sad tone.

I grabbed her arm gently, as she started to walk away. “I didn’t say to leave. I’m sorry.”

“There’s something…there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you…” she started, sitting down on the bed.

“What is it?” I asked, knowing what it was.

She started to cry. “But if I did, then it makes me the worst person in the world!” she said breaking down into hysterics, tears rushing forward like a waterfall.

I was tempted to comfort her, but I stayed standing. “It’s not like you to not say what’s on your mind, Rayne. You came here for a reason. Let’s hear it.”

“I can’t! Cant you see? If I told you, then it would be a slight against her! But I can’t stop the way I feel either! I don’t know what I’m supposed to do! Sethyas…I love you! But I know that I can never have you, because she will always be in your heart more then me. And it makes me feel terrible that I feel that way!” she sobbed out.

I put a finger under her chin, and lifted her head.

“Why would you think that love ever makes a person bad? Love is painful, and selfish, true, but never terrible, never evil. I don’t know what to say either, Rayne. What a young thing like you even sees in me, seems mysterious enough.”

“Do you…?” she squeaked out meekly.

I looked into her eyes, and the thought of Ilmeni nearly made me say no. But somehow in that connection with her that I still had, I knew that she would not want that. I felt her spirit in my thoughts, a healing hand took the pain away, and at last, my mind was here and now. My true feelings became known, even to me.

“Yes. I do…” I squeaked out meekly, and Raynes hands went onto my shoulders, gently guiding me down, bringing her lips to mine. She fell back slowly onto the bed.

My trip to Ebonheart could wait for a few days.

Here ends Chapter Six, and the Vvardenfell Installment.


Posted by: DarkHunter Jan 25 2007, 10:03 PM

Go Sethyas Go!... *ahem* lets let them have thier "alone time" huh?

Posted by: mplantinga Jan 25 2007, 10:16 PM

I'm glad to see that Sethyas is allowing himself to move on. He'll need that closure with his past if he is to survive the pains and intrigues of Mournhold.

I will look forward to the return of Sethyas. Please don't make us wait too long smile.gif

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 25 2007, 10:25 PM

When have I EVER made my fellow forumers wait? Really. They dont call me post machine for no reason!

Thats what...six, seven months? For a whole Morrowind Story? Most take a year to a year and a half?

By the way, Sethyas is going to be published on the main site. I certainly hope that I am worthy of the honor, as I did refuse it at first. I dont think this story quite adds up to Sulhendra and Trey, but since the Loremaster himself, Trey has told me the opposite, I caved in.

Thank You to all the loyal readers with the eternally supportive comments, week after week, month after month, you guys kept me going with the ego-feeding, and now I have a head to big to walk through the door. And I am finally satisfied with the completion of the first Volume of the Sethyas Saga, and hope that you all are as well.

Mournhold should hold some surprises in store for our Decent Assassin. Love triangle, anyone?

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 25 2007, 10:41 PM

Nice end. Sethyas still remembers Ilmeni, but he seems to have taken the steps to get over the pain. That's good. And now, the war returns to the Dark Brotherhood. Assassin vs assassin, that has endless potential.

Love triangle? No wait, you wouldn't mean.......not her?! (Can't spoil the fun here by telling biggrin.gif )

And congratulations on the main site.

Posted by: canis216 Jan 25 2007, 11:08 PM

Wow... so many posts since I last logged on! Great job, Black Hand!

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 25 2007, 11:26 PM

That was definitely a very satisfying end to the Vvardenfell section of Sethyas' Tale. Love has bloomed once more in Sethyas and has likely saved him, at least I think. Of course, going to Mournhold isn't exactly the safest thing to do right after rediscovering your love life.

I also warmly congradulate you on receiving the honour of getting on the main site. You most definitely deserve it!

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 25 2007, 11:45 PM

It's nice to see that Seth has recovered from his conflicting feeling in the aftermath of Ilmeni's death. biggrin.gif
So, are they going to go to Mournhold together, or is Seth (though I seriouly doubt it) going to leave her behind?

Can't wait to see this new beginning for Seth!

Posted by: mplantinga Jan 26 2007, 01:02 AM

QUOTE(Black Hand @ Jan 25 2007, 03:25 PM) *

When have I EVER made my fellow forumers wait? Really. They dont call me post machine for no reason!

I meant my comment only in the most encouraging way possible. I may get behind quite often, and I don't post comments quite as often as I would like, but I still look forward to every update. Your accolades are well earned.

Posted by: minque Jan 26 2007, 08:59 PM

A great ending of a great story, which most certain deserves it´s place on the main site! Of course we expect a return of Seth! In the meantime he´ll appear in my story, since I find him so sympathetic and interesting, besides being a great addition to Renie and her ...issues.

Love triangle? Now that sounds most intriguing.....I wonder.....

Thank you Blackie for enlighting these months this story had has been a sheer joy to follow Seth through Vvardenfell!

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