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Posted by: Black Hand Jan 15 2012, 07:04 AM


Posted by: Athynae Jan 15 2012, 08:20 AM

The forum wandering insomniac wakes to the treat of another post, wonderful.

Well, I think you've weakened me." she said slowly.

"Thanks?" I replied.

It was all great, no surprise but having been around since before the dinosaurs I've heard a lot of different ways to "say" what Pene was trying to say but that's a new one. Awesome, I believe the next time I find a need to share that particular sentiment, if that should happen, I will borrow this line. And of course I will make sure that whoever I might be saying it to knows that I am quoting a daedra, just to make it interesting.

Thanks BH, a nice smile to take back to that infernal bed that seems to be fighting me like Athynae fights Athlain. Good night, yea right, for you I hope anyway.

Posted by: McBadgere Jan 15 2012, 01:25 PM

Fairly dues...Excellently done...

For some reason, my head feels like wool this morning...I did, nevertheless, thoroughly enjoy that...

Brilliant matey...

I second the Athynae's quote...Beautifully done that...And I know exactly what she meant (I meant Pene but Athynae too biggrin.gif )...Truly brilliant mate...

Posted by: Olen Jan 15 2012, 06:13 PM

I recalled that I had rejected certain advances the night before,

That could complicate things...

Pene becoming more human is a good touch. Having an emotionless psycopath as a support character isn't ideal but an ex-emotionless pstcopath... You've done it smoothly too, I suppose I had noticed, but only sort of until you point it out.

Their interaction is fun to read too. Good stuff.

Posted by: Grits Jan 15 2012, 06:55 PM

I love how the common ground between mortals and Daedra is a source of friction for Seth and Pene. I wouldn’t expect him to forge an uncomplicated relationship.

I enjoyed Seth’s explanation that the Daedra and Aedra were once more alike. My very limited understanding is that it was their choices that separated them, not their source. Of course, I could be completely wrong about what Seth was saying.

I think you've weakened me. What a very Daedric way of putting it!

Posted by: minque Jan 16 2012, 12:59 AM

Hmmm odd I'd say! Both Athynae and McBadgere claims to know "exactly" what Pene meant by telling Seth he weakened her....I'm not so sure though! But that's me (being around that darn assassin for quite some time has made me suspicious biggrin.gif )

Very well described interaction between S and P though! they are like old mates...hehe

I like Seth is feeling more like his old self, that is admirable considering what he's been through!

I say to you BH what i said to the Dachshund:

may I have some more, Sir?

Posted by: treydog Jan 17 2012, 01:42 PM

I believe- whether he desires them or no- complications are going to be arriving in Seth's life. For example:

"It' this mortal form." She said chewing on a bit of scrib jerky.

And of course the passage that caps the piece and that others have rightly quoted.

Another I would point out as having significance to me is this:

This running away from it all...its new to me too. So, I guess we'll just try our best to keep each other company and in check. At least we don't have to go it alone I suppose." I offered meekly.

Here we begin to understand just why it is that Seth keeps a "vicious Daedra" around. Not even the (former) Grandmaster of the Morag Tong likes to be alone- all the time.

Wonderful as always.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 19 2012, 06:49 AM


Posted by: Athynae Jan 19 2012, 12:36 PM

I do wonder how he's going to feel when he looks back from the sea at the land that has been his life. Just ponderings...

Especially not one who has as much anonymous influence as yourself.”

I am not sure if this was meant to be funny but I found myself laughing, and as my 12 yr old has said, "Ya think?"

A very nice segment to set him up to be off for ... what comes next. I do hope he enjoys the challenges of the isle.

Ready for more...

Posted by: minque Jan 19 2012, 09:17 PM

Yup! What Athynae just said!....And nice! Seth is cooking, I remember I had him clean the house in some of my chapters! biggrin.gif Yeah yeah....being skilled around the house is a good thing.

Now the last sentence worries me a bit, what does he mean by "everything"? There are things that cannot be left behind because they stick to you, like

Anyway this is gonna be very interesting...because I have my thoughts about my favorite assassin....and his knack for...ehhh things? wink.gif

Posted by: Olen Jan 20 2012, 12:03 AM

I like what you did with Ponius. He came across as bright and clearly knew something odd was happening but with a 'recommendation' from the duke he wasn't going to press Seth over it. I imagine most people who would choose to live on Solstheim are running from something anyway, I'm sure Seth will fit right in...

Good part, I look forward to the continuation.

Posted by: mALX Jan 20 2012, 12:58 AM



I recalled that I had rejected certain advances the night before, and realized that as different as the daedra were to mortals; certain things were universal. Like emotions.

...The truth is...before I met you. I didn't know what being alone truly felt like. It was the needs for the weak. Well, I think you've weakened me." she said slowly.

Quoted both of the above for the deep insights you flawlessly and subtly wove through that section - masterful job on that !!


the Imperial Cult would never turn away a soul in need. Especially not one who has as much anonymous influence as yourself.” He said, indicating that he was no fool, and that my clothes did not fool him.

Really great line, and one that has to let Seth know that to hide from his past totally - he'd have to do better than just assume a new role. I don't see someone of Seth's brilliance holing up long in an Imperial Fort without either taking it over or flattening it to the ground, lol. Awesome Write !!


Posted by: McBadgere Jan 20 2012, 05:03 AM

Most excellent matey...

If however, you’re the type that doesn’t mind rolling up his sleeves and pitching in, you may find some pride in a cabin built by your own two hands

Dunno, I've only been reading his adventure for a short while, but I just can't see this somehow...Until recently-Rich, boss-man building a cabin?...Made me laugh that did...

Looking forward to seeing where this goes...

Nice one!... biggrin.gif ...

Posted by: mALX Jan 20 2012, 05:45 AM

QUOTE(McBadgere @ Jan 19 2012, 11:03 PM) *

Most excellent matey...

If however, you’re the type that doesn’t mind rolling up his sleeves and pitching in, you may find some pride in a cabin built by your own two hands

Dunno, I've only been reading his adventure for a short while, but I just can't see this somehow...Until recently-Rich, boss-man building a cabin?...Made me laugh that did...

Looking forward to seeing where this goes...

Nice one!... biggrin.gif ...

I agree, I didn't see him taking that option either. He has to find somewhere to hide that he can use his genius mind and move about. I wish he'd go to Cyrodiil !!!! But he won't/can't, Selene and Treydog/Athlain are still in Morrowind.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 20 2012, 06:46 AM


Posted by: McBadgere Jan 20 2012, 06:54 AM

Nope, you're right, I didn't know... biggrin.gif ...

And I stand corrected, enlightened and in awe, once more, of your work... biggrin.gif ...

*Bows down*...

Nice one for the other bit too!!... biggrin.gif ...

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 21 2012, 06:14 AM


Posted by: McBadgere Jan 21 2012, 07:10 AM

Blimey...Lady appearing-in-everyone-else's-stories Athynae is here too?! blink.gif ...

Excellent chapter though...

Athynae's cool...

Both of them... wink.gif ...

Loved it...I laughed at this...

...I got it two day at my birthday cele sela pardy...

That was just funny... laugh.gif ...

Top chapter!!...Loved it!!...

Nice one!!!...


Posted by: Olen Jan 21 2012, 03:52 PM

Nice touch. The interlude to see what he's left behind works, especially because it is very much Athynea with the different writing style (and indeed writer).

Very enjoyable, I wonder if she is to become a regular feature...

Posted by: mALX Jan 21 2012, 05:57 PM

Ooh, a crossover Athynae !! Awesome Write !! You have very thoroughly become immersed in Athynae's personality, we can recognize it anywhere without the name every being written !! Wonderful surprise !! (I wonder if she'll see the stain?)

Posted by: treydog Jan 21 2012, 06:01 PM

I figured that the Company was the kind of people who appreciated initiative, so I took it upon myself to find a fatcat Imperial. How hard could it be?

Made me snicker there.

The “domestic bliss” interlude, with Seth cooking was a wonderful touch. Although he claims it was because he doubted the quality- and the company… I wonder if he was also motivated by a need to feel CONNECTED to something simple and comforting. Like preparing one’s own food.

Simply loved the whole scene with Ponius- and will content myself with that, rather than quoting it all.

Now it was time to return to Pene and leave everything behind.

I wonder how easy that will turn out to be?

* * * * *

But I had heard Mother crying a couple times, which was not normal, and Father was drinking more than one snifter of Cyrodillic Brandy in the evening after dinner.

And THAT is “showing- not telling.”

The dark figure that slid in and out of my life like a piece of parchment under the door and always seeming to arrive just in time to catch me before I did something that would cause problems of some sort, or just after.

Simply LOVE the imagery there.

And of course- 3 guesses as to the true identity of “The Princess of Trouble”.

I would like to think that I was as invisible as Uncle Seth but that was not possible; he could disappear faster
than a dust mote. I did fairly well though; I could sneak up on anyone except Mother and Uncle Seth, but Mother cheated and Uncle Seth, well he was Uncle Seth.

How wonderful is the sense of Athynae that that passage gives us.

You do not need to know and do not go snooping to find the answers.” And so I didn’t- well, usually- well, sometimes- um, nevermind.

As does THAT one!

Simply marvelous- all of it.

Posted by: Athynae Jan 21 2012, 07:39 PM

Thank you first to Black Hand for allowing me the opportunity to share in this, Seth's wonderful tale. His was one of the first I read when Trey prodded me into the forum and I like the story even more now than I did then.

@Trey- I'll talk to you later sir!!!

@McB- I am so glad you have joined this community, your story is wonderful and your comments are classic. Thank you for reading Athynae's antics...wherever they lead.

@mALX- Your support from the beginning has been undaunted and so, so appreciated

@Olen- Don't quite know what to say to you without sounding totally cheesey so I will simply say THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading and sharing your thoughts, they are ALWAYS appreciated.

And one last thing, each of you made a comment about "knowing" it was Athynae, THAT was the coolest!!! If I have captured her so completely that even in alternate universes she is the same, that is a WOW for sure. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!!! I am elated to be a part of this wonderful community.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 21 2012, 08:41 PM


Posted by: treydog Jan 21 2012, 08:56 PM

Seth's vagueness as to why he chose not to say his "good-byes" is interesting- I suspect he is not certain himself.

And the tie-in to the interlude is perfect... as one mystery- the indentity of the hooded "woman" is revealed.

I stopped for a moment, rubbing the bridge of my nose. "You're just not used to...different personalities...he is joking Pene. Intentionally stating nonsense for laughter, with the intention of causing ease with people." I explained.

Pene looked at me oddly for a moment. "I see. So you mortals intentionally spout nonsense at one another to build social bridges?" She asked.

"It's not quite as insane when you actually develop a sense of humor." I said slightly frustrated.

"It's a 'sense' for nonsense?" Pene said mystified, following me as I boarded the ship.

Had to quote the whole thing- because it is just so perfect and had me laughing and happy to have set my tea aside.

And then- throughout the piece, there is the atmosphere. The fog that covers the area around Khuul- reflecting the existential fog in which Seth finds himself. And, even as he hopes to use the cover of that fog to his advantage, it also obscures his own vision. Or maybe- sometimes- a fog is just weather. kvleft.gif

Posted by: Athynae Jan 21 2012, 09:41 PM

It is odd being in the position I am now in, there are logical human reactions to the writing, which are always leaning toward the "wonderful" but there is also and emotional response to the writing now, more than before. The idea that this is Athynae's reality, and Seth's, it is just a sad proposition any way you look at it.

Deep sigh, one tear and another wonderful write Blackie.

Posted by: mALX Jan 21 2012, 09:55 PM

QUOTE(Black Hand @ Jan 21 2012, 02:41 PM) *

@mALX The Stain is in the Apartment in Vivec, not in Bal Isra. wink.gif

Sorry about that, I haven't played Morrowind yet embarrased.gif

** Will have to come back and read when I get some free time this weekend.

Posted by: McBadgere Jan 21 2012, 10:56 PM

Fair dues...Nice little chapter here...

The Khajiit made me laugh for some reason...

Maybe because I just watched a documentary about Monty Python..."We've got lumps of it...Round the back..."... biggrin.gif ...

Dunno... biggrin.gif ...

Excellent as ever...

Nice one!!...

*Applauds*... biggrin.gif ...

Posted by: Olen Jan 22 2012, 04:30 PM

You really captured S'virr from the game in this piece. I liked your inclusion of his classic line.

Pene continues to be an interesting counter character and provides entertainment.

"I see. So you mortals intentionally spout nonsense at one another to build social bridges?"

I liked this line, its funny but foarly insightful too.

Posted by: mALX Jan 23 2012, 06:16 PM

Seth trying to explain humor to Pene was my favorite part of this chapter! That great detail added a nice touch of immersion into Pene's character for me, like her actions as a raven did. You have a marked ability to slide the tiniest actions and reactions into scenes that totally make them come to life - I'm envious !!! Awesome write !!

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 24 2012, 04:03 AM


Posted by: McBadgere Jan 24 2012, 04:46 AM

Ooooh, pretty pictures...*Slack jawed*...

blink.gif ...

Nice one!!!... biggrin.gif ...

Like journey pices do I...Yes!...

As a ship skiffs across changeless tides that ever change

OOF!!!...Oh, that's just deep right there that is... biggrin.gif ...


Than again, my life had certainly seemed to end up in the bucket outside

Typo aside, that's both funny and poingnant right there...*Bows down*...

Beautiful and masterful writing...

Nice one!!... biggrin.gif ...

*Applauds heartily*...

Posted by: Athynae Jan 24 2012, 04:52 AM

I liked the look into Seth's thought process as he slips from the past into the future.

So perhaps it was my voyage in life that had taken the turn for the worse and not necessarily me.

This line I liked particularly well, but that we could all see life that way.

So, what's next for Seth, this is going to be very interesting....

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 25 2012, 02:13 AM


Posted by: Athynae Jan 25 2012, 03:18 AM

"I thought you didn't want to be found?" She asked.

"I don't. That doesn't mean I won't need to be found." I offered.

Right, good, at least if someone DID need to find you, AND they were smart enough, it might be possible.

I truly loved your reasoning for choosing the name, classic.

And now the fun begins, wonder what kind of trouble he's going to get into now.

Careful of the beasties Seth, they sneak up on you.

Posted by: McBadgere Jan 25 2012, 05:08 AM

"Oh...I'm sorry, I'm a little out of sorts at the moment..."

Yes, I know what you mean... blink.gif ...

Cool... biggrin.gif ...

Another excellent installment...With many brilliant things...


Nice one!!... biggrin.gif ...

Posted by: treydog Jan 26 2012, 03:27 AM

The last time I had my life forcibly changed, I had arrived by boat as well. Why not again? At least this time I was heading in a direction that I had chosen.

Love the parallel to the Morrowind opening- and the difference too.

Pene looked at him for a moment, than at me. "Interesting. He wanted something from you." She commented.

"I think it's simply something he wants, and the dashed hope that I wasn't the person who had it."

And that is ONE reason Seth has survived so long.

"Well, he was rather...unpleasant." Pene remarked.

Yes- well. Obviously I have my own reasons for my feelings about Carnius. But- he seems to me a man in desperate need of being punched in the face- repeatedly.

Venim does however. It was the name of an old enemy, it's a name I would never use. So if someone is looking hard enough, they'll know it's me."

"O--kay." Pene said, truly confused. "I thought you didn't want to be found?" She asked.

"I don't. That doesn't mean I won't need to be found." I offered.

And another vote for simply loving all that is behind that bit of convoluted thought- and that it actually boggles Pene…

Posted by: Grits Jan 26 2012, 10:49 AM

Ooh, pictures! smile.gif

I enjoyed Seth’s thoughts on the ship. Pene continues to be an excellent companion. Seth’s explanations to her often answer questions in my mind.

Since most of Morrowind is still a fog to me (I keep getting lost/stuck/sidetracked/killed), it’s fun to watch Seth discover a place that is new to him.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 28 2012, 02:44 AM


Posted by: Athynae Jan 28 2012, 04:13 AM

Sounds like Seth is already feeling positive about the transition.

"I am...I have no idea where we're going; other than that I should be able to get you wherever 'there' is safely." I said.
I cackled at this one, that's our Seth.
Not too mention things that would likely want to eat us are in there, and likely territorial. Also do what I say, when I say it. If I say stop, you stop and don't make a noise.

YES there are! Big, ugly, furry, sharp teeth beaties, believe me Thyna knows all about them. ohmy.gif
"They aren't a threat. You only defend yourself with these creatures, even then, you only have too kill one, and the rest disperse and typically will shy from Men and Mer afterwards. It's all about maintaining a balance, they keep the prey population in check, we keep to our farms and domesticated animals....usually."

I know with Seth he might have said this, and anywhere else it's true, but he's smart enough that he won't put all his stock in the "idea". Stay safe, the beasties here ain't normal.

I am glad he likes Falco. And I glad he seems to have a positive first impression of his new surroundings.

Good addition to the edition...MORE PLEASE.

Posted by: Darkness Eternal Jan 28 2012, 05:29 AM


I will be following this story with great interest. I do not hold much knowledge of Morag Tong compared to the Dark Brotherhood, but I will be following this story with great interest.

Posted by: McBadgere Jan 28 2012, 06:57 AM

Oh-ho-hooo yes!!...

Don't know where there is, but I'll get you there safe...

Excellent!!... biggrin.gif ...

Lahved it from start to finish...

The pretty wee pictures are a treat!... biggrin.gif ...

Most excellent!...

Nice one!!..

*Applauds heartily*...

Posted by: treydog Jan 28 2012, 04:29 PM

I just didn't know too much about the local dangers. However, as I'd said before, if it bleeds, I could kill it.

Always a helpful skill on Solstheim.

Not too mention things that would likely want to eat us are in there, and likely territorial.

Here now- it was only the ONE time- and that was an ACCIDENT… . Oh, wait. Nevermind.

LOVE the screenie of Seth- sorry- DRALAS, in full stalk mode.

And I also appreciate the fact that you have made the wolves behave realistically (at least for now)- instead of with homicidal lunacy. The last of which is understandable, since in the vanilla game, there are NO prey animals on Solstheim- except for horkers- and.. well, people.

And hooray for Falco!

Posted by: Olen Jan 28 2012, 08:01 PM

Hmm I think I know which side Seth- Dralas will take then.

A good three parts, his taking a new name as a good touch and makes sense. Such a thing might have been a dramatic moment, it shows how out of sorts he is that he hadn't preplanned. Though his choice makes perfect sense.

Carnius is another I liked, you seem to be portraying him more as incompetent, or at least lazy. I'll be interested to see if he sharpens up a bit when he realises how good Seth is at various things.

His fitting into the new landscape should be fun.

Posted by: Black Hand Jan 29 2012, 11:30 PM


Posted by: minque Jan 30 2012, 01:03 AM

It's impossible....I just can't ....I mean post-machine is on again and I have just missed to comment on three installments! gah, am I p***sed of with myself!

I understand that Seth-Dralas is getting himself at home on Solstheim, hmm for better or for worse. Now I can well imagine him getting things going at Raven Rock, he surely is skilled enough..but there is a "but" right? is this what he wants to, really? he is fleeing from his past, but the past has a habit of catching up so....????

Love the dry humor of Seth ....really love it!

Posted by: Athynae Jan 30 2012, 01:29 AM

Just a feeling but I think Dralas and Falco will become strong allies against the unpopular Carnius. Nice thought that there is someone on the island that will do whatever needs to be done to keep things straight.

It is nice to see him settling in. These peaceful conversations will be short lived so finding his "path" as soon as possible is a good idea.

Good write, so look forward to more.

Posted by: McBadgere Jan 30 2012, 06:10 AM

Niiiice... biggrin.gif ...

Nice quiet scene building...

I do likes me ebony...My fave armour on the games...

Brilliant chapter, really enjoyed it...

Nice one!!... biggrin.gif ...

*Applauds heartily*...

Posted by: Olen Jan 30 2012, 11:23 PM

Good part.

I like the little observations of character you make. His not knowing what to say and Pene being totally out of her depth were nice touches. Orf course I suspect they won;t have been the only ones. You have Falco as an interesting man. I doubt him and Seth will immediatly get along but I suspect they will given time. How far Seth trusts him, and the consequences of that, on the other hand...

As ever I look forward to more.

Posted by: Darkness Eternal Jan 30 2012, 11:52 PM

Dralas is a sexy name. And Pene is a funny one. Yet both seemed to be anti-social when it comes to talking to Falco. And Falco was always such a nice guy. Carnius is a *insert rude word here*. I wonder how their relationship is going to pan out in the story.

Posted by: mALX Feb 2 2012, 11:05 PM



"Yes?" he said sharply to me, as though every second I stood there cost him another twenty septims.

I rummaged through my bag in silent annoyance, costing him another hundred septims. Finally producing a letter intended for the Factor of Raven Rock.

ROFL !!! Loved that !!


I stopped for a moment, and thought out loud. "Dralas is a common enough Dunmeri name. It doesn't stand out. Venim does however. It was the name of an old enemy, it's a name I would never use. So if someone is looking hard enough, they'll know it's me."

"O--kay." Pene said, truly confused. "I thought you didn't want to be found?" She asked.

"I don't. That doesn't mean I won't need to be found." I offered.

In a truly grandiose moment, Pene was speechless.

Pene steals the show several times throughout this story, this is one example - Loved this !!


yet in a sort of chaotic harmony.

This was perfection.

Awesome Write, and sorry it took so long to catch up !!


Posted by: Grits Feb 2 2012, 11:52 PM

I think that returning to a simpler life will be good for Seth. At least while it lasts. I’m looking forward to more. smile.gif

Posted by: treydog Feb 4 2012, 06:48 PM

It was a treat to watch "Dralas" and Pene try to fit in with the group around the campfire.

When the conversation turned to me, I was actually at a loss for words. I was not really used to this kind of open conversation. Further, I was used to being quiet on several subjects. The few who I could talk about them with weren't here, and were also used to keeping quiet.

"M-me?" Pene said, startled. She gave me an uncertain look before started to speak. "I-I'm a healer? Yes, that's right, from High Rock..." she said in a low tone.

Me- oh- I um--- kill people for a living. And- my companion is a Seducer. Sleep tight everyone!

It seemed there was a general consensus that most people who ended up in Solstheim weren’t here for the scenery.

I am just sitting back to enjoy Seth- sorry- DRALAS'- explorations.

Posted by: mALX Feb 4 2012, 07:04 PM

QUOTE(treydog @ Feb 4 2012, 12:48 PM) *

Me- oh- I um--- kill people for a living. And- my companion is a Seducer. Sleep tight everyone!

ROFL !!!

Posted by: Black Hand Feb 7 2012, 10:10 AM


Posted by: mALX Feb 7 2012, 01:56 PM


Pene barely stifled a laugh. She was catching on too humor quite quickly.

Pene picks up on the slapstick, lol. Loved that section! Absolutely loved Pene's reading of his aura !!! Great write !!!

Posted by: Athynae Feb 7 2012, 01:56 PM

Mine too! Wow that was the coolest thing...I'm not much into mysticism as such in RL but I do think that people emit energies...I was told once that my 'aura' was a violet-indigo color, I'll just stop there...

This was a wonderful look at Pene and how she sees Seth's world so different from her own. I wonder how she will 'view' the grave. I am also interested to see what she will bring into this 'quest' for Seth...

Great as usual, can't wait to see the next bit....

Posted by: treydog Feb 8 2012, 03:34 AM

Enjoyed this part- especially Pene's nonchalant revelation that she can "see" the arcane energies of places and people.

And then there was this:


I don't actually sleep." She replied.

"I'm jealous."

Great addition to the story- as the conflict between Carnius (boo- hiss) and Falco begins.

Posted by: Darkness Eternal Feb 8 2012, 05:22 AM

Love Carnius, my kind of guy. And I liked the part where Treydog said. It was cool.

She piqued up visibly at this. "Good. There's a grave I wanted to visit!" She said immediately.

I blinked once. "That's...creepy."

Haha, loved that.

Posted by: McBadgere Feb 8 2012, 05:52 AM

YES!!...Immortals that can be killed!!...I do like that... biggrin.gif ...

Loved this whole chapter, espescially that discussion on auras and energies and all that...

Robert likes that sort of thing...

Many many excellents to you sir!!!...

Nice one!!... biggrin.gif ...

*Applauds most heartily!!*...

Posted by: Black Hand Feb 8 2012, 06:21 AM


Posted by: Darkness Eternal Feb 8 2012, 06:35 AM

I'm not sure how I would feel about an ancient corpse still staring at me after thousands of years.

Freaked out, I bet.

I've been on Nirn for thousands of years. When I drain a man's essence, I take his knowledge with his life force." She said in a low tone not far from my ear. "I can wait a century to take yours."

Hehe, love that part right there.

Overall, an interesting read. I like the battle against the skeletons and the Draugr(Who originally are cannibals, not dragon-serving undead).

Posted by: minque Feb 8 2012, 09:42 PM

hehe....very interesting!

I didn't like weapons that seemed to communicate with me.

ROFL...So typically Seth!

SS: "Ok so now you're a graverobber....I hope you know what you're doing my dear"

This needs a S.G.M.....a big one

Posted by: Athynae Feb 8 2012, 10:04 PM

Seems Pene may be a pain huh? At times anyway

"What's here is for you, and it calls from deeper you really not see it?" She said looking down deeper into the barrow.

"No. I don't." I said somewhere between annoyance and an increasing sense of uneasiness.

Like right here, eerie that she sees through the veil.

"It seems its pledging itself to you,...sort of. The soul in the blade has not yet gone into Sheogorath's realm despite being here since the first era. The soul seems to be saying that there is a,..event..coming. It says you will need it." She seemed to interpret.

AS-"Uncle Seth please heed the warning!"

Great one, as ever looking forward to more...

Posted by: McBadgere Feb 9 2012, 06:53 AM

Ooooh, that was niiiiice... biggrin.gif ...

Creepy Barrows!!...

Ancient talking swords!!...


Hot translating wench in pencil skirt and glasses!!!...Possibly with a cravat...You know the sort?...

What?... huh.gif ...

Excellent chapter...Genuinely loved it...

The sword sounds excellent...Nicely done that man!!...

Loved this...

What I saw did not make much sense. A man ran naked through a forest with a pack of wolves. A mountain, a pair of circles, one smaller than the other, and what appeared to be the head of a stag. I figured the Ancient Nords must worship animals or something and thought no more of it.

That's Herne Hercine-esque imagery right there, isn't it?...

Nice one!!...

*Applauds heartily*...

Posted by: Olen Feb 9 2012, 10:40 PM

More Seth smile.gif A pleasure as always.

as though the trees feared to move in the barrows presence.

I loved this line, it really captured the eerie still of the grave.

"Disgusting creature!" She said.

Do I sense some backstory? She has been on Nirn for a long time after all so presumably has a fair bit (even if most is devouring people)

He can't keep out of trouble, indeed he wouldn't be Seth if he could. I like how the inability to let a mystery rest and no tolerance for bordom drive his story, it makes it fast and interesting.

Posted by: treydog Feb 18 2012, 01:03 PM

…did not sense any of these 'necrotic energies' that she claimed to have seen. However, I did smell an unmistakable scent; that of decay.

I see your occult Seducer abilities, and raise you by a nose.

"I've been on Nirn for thousands of years. When I drain a man's essence, I take his knowledge with his life force." She said in a low tone not far from my ear. "I can wait a century to take yours." she said sweetly.

Something for Dralas to look forward to.

don't know if it was the power of suggestion, but the blade did seem to much more than just sit there. I wanted to hold it, to feel its hilt in my grip, to sink its sharp edge into flesh like a deadly talon.

I didn't like weapons that seemed to communicate with me.

No- because they often seem to have their own agendas. And then come the arguments- and the fights- and someone calls the police- and it all ends in tears- and someone getting stuck into a stone or in a chest at the bottom of the ocean…. Sorry- what?

"It says you prove yourself worthy of it. And I think the test just woke up."


The fight with the draugr, Pene’s interesting reaction to it… hmm. And then the design on the blade; sorry, Dralas- but I think that will become important.

One day on the island, and I was already a graverobber.

This was just a brilliant installment. I so enjoy his inner dialogue, as well as Pene's "helpful" presence.

Posted by: Black Hand Apr 4 2012, 12:47 AM


Posted by: McBadgere Apr 4 2012, 04:34 AM

He's Baaaack!!!!... biggrin.gif ...

And brilliantly too...

Missed this...

Loved the idea of using child tactics to get rid of the pouting hippie... tongue.gif ...(That's a joke and not meant to offend any hippies around here.... biggrin.gif ...Now where's me Grateful Dead LPs?)...

Again, brilliantly done...

Nice to see it back...

Nice one!!...

*Applauds most heartily*...

Posted by: Athynae Apr 4 2012, 05:14 AM

Reading in bed on the tablet but will comment appropriately tomorrow. I AM OVERJOYED, you are back and the new position is what you wanted.

Posted by: Olen Apr 5 2012, 08:26 PM

Loved it. Falco's soluton is great and made me chuckle. Well written for the humour factor too, Pene at the end was funny as ever.

Great to see this continued.

Posted by: Athynae Apr 7 2012, 05:38 PM

Ok, finally....RL is a bit stinky of late. It was great to have the infusion of humor from Seth and Pene, much needed.

Yes, the comparison to Team A and A was.....perfect.

I am glad that Seth got to have a moment that distracted him from his recent emotional overload.

Thanks to the powers that be you found a less stressful and time demanding position, congrats on that.

More Seth please, and Pene....and memories smile.gif

Posted by: treydog Apr 7 2012, 06:00 PM

"Well, it seems to me Hroldar is taking the tactics of a spoiled child, so I shan't give in to any demands, as I don't negotiate with little red-haired terrors."

Choking on laughter. Not saying ANYTHING. Nope.

I nearly laughed out loud as I had seen similar scenes between Athynae and Athlain when they were much smaller.

Why is it I have a feeling I know who was being “given the treatment?”

And I simply loved Falco’s solution.

It is wonderful to have you back- along with Seth/Dralas, Pene, and the whole crew. And I hope our wandering assassin will treasure his moments of laughter.

Posted by: Colonel Mustard Apr 8 2012, 09:06 AM

I see this has been updated, realised I missed another part and so got to read two new ones in one sitting. I am very happy right now. smile.gif

All in all, another few good updates; talking swords, the undead, darkly humourous lines from Pene and Falco dealing with angry Skaal were all great reads. Not to mention it was rather interesting to see how hard it can be for Seth to shake old habits as well. That's going to have some repercussions, I think...

Posted by: minque Apr 9 2012, 12:07 PM

Ahhh this is GOOD! I liked Falco's way of encounter Hroldar! made me laugh, i could see it before me! And Pene! She must be stunned about the interactions between humans! Oh yes Seth/Dralas....what will be of you? I've said it many times before, but Blackie you DO have a way with words....impressive

Posted by: Black Hand Apr 12 2012, 10:20 PM


Posted by: McBadgere Apr 13 2012, 04:18 AM

Excellent stuff!!...

The pictures were excellent!!... biggrin.gif ...

Wonder what happened there...Methinks a plot is afoot!!...

Loving the colony btw...Lovely idea...Could do with moving there meself!... laugh.gif ...

Nice one!!!...

*Applauds heartily*...

Posted by: Olen Apr 15 2012, 10:58 PM

Lovely pics as usual and some nice details. Do I see some sort of side plot developing with Veresa Alver? You managed to build her flawlessly into the section and lay out history and some details then move on before I'd really noticed, great bit of writing.

Nice change of pace too, from the frantic disappearance on the mainland to a sleepy time in a growing colony with nothing to dramatic happening (yet...). I suspect that might change soon though.

Posted by: Athynae Apr 16 2012, 12:54 PM

All of this was wonderful but the last was the best...seeing Seth in his element, weapons in hand. smile.gif

Posted by: Grits Apr 16 2012, 01:40 PM

I especially enjoyed this update, and I can’t really put my finger on why. Perhaps it’s seeing Seth fitting in as a regular guy, if only briefly. It reminded me of when he was building his manor.

I love the pictures! smile.gif

Posted by: Black Hand Apr 17 2012, 10:11 PM


Posted by: Athynae Apr 18 2012, 02:15 AM

I just love a good Dralas...Seth, fight. Seems to me that is where he is the most comfortable. But nice touch with Apronia, he is a softy....sometimes smile.gif

Great stuff, more please...

Posted by: McBadgere Apr 18 2012, 01:39 PM

Oooh, be this romance for young Seth?... biggrin.gif ...

Excellent stuff as always...His removal of the Dragur's was very cool...Loved it!...

Loving the East Empire Company...That yours or Bethesda?...Just checking... biggrin.gif ...

Nice one!!...

*Applauds heartily*...

Posted by: Black Hand Apr 19 2012, 12:48 AM


Posted by: Athynae Apr 19 2012, 11:38 AM

I really don't like Carnius...careful of that one might want to practice some of your previously acquired skills on him just to make sure you still got it. smile.gif

Is Pene a bit touched by the green-eyed monster? Maybe she is becoming more human, emotionally anyway, but if I were Apronia I wouldn't test her.

Good stuff again, nice to wake up to.

Posted by: McBadgere Apr 19 2012, 05:25 PM

Fantastic chapter, as ever...

Love it!!...

Loved the way Seth got everyone mobilised to bury the crew...And the idea that the Captain's journal read like a swashbuckler... laugh.gif ...

Loving this story so much...The Colonial feel is so well done...Now...There's a surprise... huh.gif ...

Brilliant stuff...

Nice one!!...

*Applauds heartily*...

Posted by: Black Hand Apr 19 2012, 08:11 PM


Posted by: McBadgere Apr 20 2012, 06:14 AM

*Does dance...Possibly disco-esque...Behold my glitter balls!!*...

Oh yeah...I was right....Oh yeah!!.... laugh.gif ...


Excellent chapter right there that was...

Loving the sound of the colony...Oh, did I say that before?...

Would love to see it...Hell, would love to live there... laugh.gif ...

Quite like the sound of the Pine tea as well...*Nods*...

Brilliant stuff matey!...

Nice one!!...

*Applauds most heartily*...

Posted by: Athynae Apr 20 2012, 11:56 AM

Surely the glitter is uncomfortable McB...never mind

Hey BH, I agree with Badgere, I did really like this one. Pene just gets more and more interesting but I also liked the way Seth figured out that Apronia wasn't a cook, too cool and smooth as an assassin-hehe. I think he didn't mind getting sucked in, probably realized it just didn't let us hear that

Post machine? Hhmm, is this a glimpse?

Posted by: Colonel Mustard Apr 20 2012, 04:22 PM

QUOTE(McBadgere @ Apr 20 2012, 06:14 AM) *
*Does dance...Possibly disco-esque...Behold my glitter balls!!*...


Surely that would...why would!

Right, McBadgere's glitter balls to one side, I enjoyed this chapter a lot; the conversation about Pene between Apronia and Sethyas, sorry, Dralas, was particularly enjoyable, as well as the cooking-based ribbing. Spiffing stuff, old bean!

Posted by: Olen Apr 21 2012, 12:54 PM

Wow this has expanded suddenly. Great stuff as ever and varied. The action with the draugr, then meeting Apronia and Pene's reaction. You're managing the interactions brilliantly, Pene is becoming more human in many ways but still has an alien quality to her. She seems to be jealous of Apronia too, this is quite the tangled romance brewing...

Look forward to more!

Posted by: Black Hand Apr 22 2012, 06:12 PM


Posted by: minque Apr 22 2012, 07:16 PM

Ohhh Post machining again are you? Well the first I will apologize for not being around lately ....but now i've finally caught up with this one.

Now Blackie....YOU figure out which way! hehe You know EXACTLY what I mean... tongue.gif

these FIVE latest installments have taken Seth to the decision point which will determine his futire doings. The journey has not been very easy yet he has gone through it with a sort of elegance...

First one: Great pics! Nice descriptions of the development of the colony...i liked the way you made the shipmaster a real person, I always like when charachters in-game are getting specific personalities... And so he had to investigate the shipwreck!....

Second one: Seth in action again! usual he showed his skill and I'm not surprised at all..Leading on to Apronia..hmmm yes she's one of a kind. I got some funny feelings about her collapsing into Seths arms....made me wonder a bit but not for the...

Third one was all cleared up..or not! Apronia did what every woman in her situation would have done...wrapped herself onto Seth!! ohmy.gif . Then salvaging the cargo...pickaxes oh yes they're valuable so...that task was very well described, taking men with him and also proper tools! Liked that very much. So finally carnius got his papers, he didn't show much gratitude though! Nope I don't like Carnius!

Fourth one: So she can't cook, Lady Apronia!? Haha that was very amusing..since we all know SETH can! Now we spot some tension between Pene and Apronia...just a little bit but still. Then we also come to know more about Pene's personality and that is very interesting! You created a very interesting person (or whatever) in Pene! I like he opinions and sayings. She constantly ask seth what they're doing in sostheim..and seth never give her a straight answer.....I wonder!!

Fifth and final one: Now things get ..I don't know...intense maybe. I suspected Apronia would be like problems, she has her doings ...but somehow she thought HE made a go at her....In my opinion SHE made it at him! And I wasn't sure he'd fall for it but he obviously did...poor guy. i can understand him actually I can....but

Much as I never admitted heart also belonged to another.

makes one wonder...or not

Anyway chapter is ended and we have yet to find out which way ohmy.gif Sethyas/Dralas will take....with falco or with Carnius. I think I know the answer....but you can never be sure.

Sorry this was a long post but I just had to comment on all parts I missed! cool.gif

Posted by: Olen Apr 22 2012, 10:29 PM

I was certainly in no mood for additional dramas

But that type of arrangement breeds drama like nothing else. I didn't see this exact direction occuring but I'm sure it will get complex. Seth is a romantic at heart I think, for all his coldness and I wonder how such an arrangment will sit, especially if he thought he would stay the night. Apronia is trouble though, there's history there, and she's sharp. She got with him, as Minque noted, with him thinking he'd got her in many ways and is playing him. But he sort of knows this and she might end up coming off worse.

I'm very interested to see how this side plot runs. I also wonder which side of the Falco/Carnius line Apronia stands on, and if her motives may go beyond satisfying a need.

Posted by: McBadgere Apr 23 2012, 03:47 AM

QUOTE(The ever so slightly scary Seth)
"Put those things away! *Presents Sharpened Dagger* Unless of course, you'd like them hanging from the ceiling..."

Dude...Where else would you put disco balls?... ohmy.gif ...Right! that's it...*Removes Night Fever record with a scratch*...If you're not going to play properly, I'll take my balls elsewhere...


Excellent chapter...Much fun...See what you meant about the romance... biggrin.gif ...

But yeah, I'm guessing the emotional turmoil angle with Pene will be a new wrinkle in the story...Or not...We shall see... biggrin.gif ...

Love it...

Brilliant stuff...

Nice one!!...

*Applauds heartily*... biggrin.gif ...

Posted by: Athynae Apr 23 2012, 04:03 AM

And Olen addressed every question that cruised through my mind, the biggest being which side of the fence is Apronia on because I feel reasonably certain which side of the fence Dralas will fall/land. I do expect him to investigate exactly 'why' Carnius is less than his typical fashion.

The situation with Apronia is a bit of a quandary. I'm not so sure that the 'needs' she inferred are the only ones she intends to have met. I don't trust that woman for some reason. HHmmm.

Good one.

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