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Posted by: Zalphon Jan 6 2011, 02:01 AM

A thread to plan the events of this RP.

Posted by: grif11 Jan 7 2011, 10:35 PM

im moving house tomorrow so my internet isnt gonna work till the 31st of january. ive got an idea though. falius will leave IC to scout bruma and will be captured, taken to the city the crew are nearest to when i come back on, and get rescued. please reply soon!

Posted by: ureniashtram Jan 8 2011, 01:52 AM

Not a bad idea, Grif. Clever way to buy time when your having problems in RL ( in this case, moving house ), if you ask me.

How about you guys? Whaddya think?

Posted by: Zalphon Jan 8 2011, 02:00 AM

Sounds like a brilliant plan, at least in my honest opinion.

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 8 2011, 09:08 AM

sounds pretty clever to me too.

Posted by: ureniashtram Jan 8 2011, 11:12 AM

OK, I think its time we discuss of how we're going inside Bruma.

Apart from entering Bruma disguised as the Black Dragon.

What I'm proposing is that we breach Bruma by faking our identities as SURVIVORS OF AN ATTACK CAPTURED BY A CERTAIN DUNMER NAMED NYM DRALAS.

That's right. We're going in as wounded warriors captured by a repentant Nym who wants to serve the Black Dragon one last time before being executed. And NO, a character is not going to be hanged or die.

That is, if Zalphon gives us the thumbs up to follow through this kind of plan. So whaddya fink, Zalph? Think you can give us dem thumbs up?

If not, well... Disguises for us then.

Posted by: Zalphon Jan 12 2011, 04:46 AM

Continue without me... I can't keep going anymore, real life has me so stressed out I don't want to even think about Nym or this. I owe thanks to a 'friend' of mine who humiliated me to the point where I am so insecure I can't do a single thing without having to ask myself or someone else, "Should I?"

I'm really sorry guys, I really didn't expect him to open a [censored]-storm on me...

Posted by: Zalphon Jan 12 2011, 04:47 AM

As for you guys' plan, do it... I can't stay involved with this. Urenia, I'm appointing you head of the RP. I'll try to restart this again if you guys don't want to continue, but for now I need to work out my affairs...

Posted by: ureniashtram Jan 15 2011, 02:42 PM

Time for me to be the regent, then.

OK, first of all, since Zalphon can't continue and Grif won't be back till 30, our numbers is reduced to a mere 3. Yes, so that means Dantrag, Jack and myself are the only driving force of this RP. I ask you this;

What happens now?

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 15 2011, 04:36 PM

Well, we're probably gonna have to put the bruma plan on hold, at least till we get Nym back (having a source of information on how to behave and stuff would be pretty handy for the infiltration).

So I propose that our Breton boss decides that he doesn't really like the whole rag-tag nature of our group. I mean seriously, we've got a healer which is a bit odd for an assassinationplan but ok, those can come in handy. But a random fisherman from the middle of nowhere? So instead of charging straight at Bruma, he gives us a smaller mission to prove our worth first. Like...checking up on a load of supplies that is rather late and make sure it gets to the IC?

Posted by: ureniashtram Jan 15 2011, 04:41 PM

Proving our worth, then? Fine by me. Checking on late caravans.. Sure.

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 16 2011, 05:43 PM

i think it makes sense to go after falius, since we could make it tie into the plot pretty well. He gets rescued, and then our characters get disguises from his captors. we just have to make finding him a bit difficult to kill time. Find a clue here and there, you know?

Posted by: ureniashtram Jan 16 2011, 10:06 PM

Well, we have a scout. That should make things pretty . . . easy? Yes. I think.

So... How about this..

We are sent to find the missing caravan and on the way, we find clues about Falius' whereabouts. Like, a string on his bow or something. We go after him first, and when we find him... TADAH! It looks like the Nercomancer and his vampire lackeys are robbing merchants and the like to decrease the supplies IC gets.

Now here's the question.. Where, gameplay-wise, is Falius and the caravan? In my opinion, we should stick close to the roads that lead would be used by merchants..

Fort Nikel. I vote for Fort Nikel. Or even Fort Empire.

Sorry Grif, but even Bosmeri can't be that fast. And we had to make room for the caravan.

So, take your votes and after that, I'll post.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 20 2011, 08:10 PM

I've got no idea where fort nickel or empire are. I assume that they are to the north though. It would be kinda silly after all if Falius ran off to Bruma by heading south.

That said, who is going to play our employer? We don't need him to do much really, just send us on our way. Perhaps he adds that we can take some of the less important supplies from the caravan if we find them. Ya know, just to get us moving faster. I'm sure he could have a letter written for us so we don't come across as bandits.

Posted by: Ahrenil Jan 23 2011, 12:12 AM

Hey guys, sorry to interupt in the planning thread, but is it too late to join in? I'll throw a character into the character thread now in preparation, as for how he gets into the story. I could be a caravan guard, or perhaps a traveler on the road who joined with the caravan for mutual protection (Fat lot of good that would do him in this case).

As I plan to have come to Cyrodil through the mountains from Skyrim it'd also make sense for me to be up North near Bruma. Perhaps I was sent there to check on the situation, since I expect Skyrim would at least have an interest in protecting a largely Nordic town.

Posted by: ureniashtram Jan 23 2011, 02:53 PM

I've got no idea where fort nickel or empire are. I assume that they are to the north though. It would be kinda silly after all if Falius ran off to Bruma by heading south.

That said, who is going to play our employer? We don't need him to do much really, just send us on our way. Perhaps he adds that we can take some of the less important supplies from the caravan if we find them. Ya know, just to get us moving faster. I'm sure he could have a letter written for us so we don't come across as bandits.

They're actually on a road west of the Imperial City. Bah. Scrap my idea, it was horrible. Let's just make it into an Ayleid ruin near Bruma, like Anga for example. Atleast theres a settlement near there (Bleaker's Way).

Heres a map :

So.. We get sent to find out what happened to caravan, find clues pointing that a vampire and his necromancer are robbing caravans and taking the supplies for themselves and when we intrude upon their HQ, we stumble across Falius!

And the employer... If anyone wants to 'play' Colin Draconis, please say 'Wiggidy wiggidy wumbo jumbo'. If not, well... Wiggidy wiggidy wumbo jumbo.

And Welcome to the RP, Ahrenil! Always good to have our numbers swell. And going straight to Bruma is a bad idea. It's too fast. I recommend that your one of the missing caravan's guard. During the fight, you escape and layed low to a nearby settlement. Since we plan to make Anga the place where the caravan and Grif's character is being held hostage, that settlement would be Bleakers Way.

And since our characters are tasked with finding the caravan and Falius, we're going to stumble into you! Grreat, big coincedence, eh? Post your thoughts and feel free to voice your objections/questions/suggestions!

Posted by: Ahrenil Jan 23 2011, 07:37 PM

Yeah i'm fine with that, perhaps once you get to Bleakers way, either after finding the wrecked caravan or just by chance, you stop at the inn to ask the locals what happened or to rest and prepare and I step forward to help?

Just as an idea perhaps the caravan was attacked by the Thief stone? The walls would make a good place for either the guards to hold up, and so for there to be evidence of a nice battle, or for the ambushers to hold out and spring from. It's nice and close to both places it seems and from there Bleakers way is the obvious choice for refuge.

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 24 2011, 10:15 PM

we may be planning too hard and not playing enough. We just need to get out of the city and move things along.

grif was going to be back sometime around the 31st of this month, so wherever our characters are when he comes back will likely be where they find Falius.

Since Mr. Draconis is not important at all (at least for a while) once we leave the city, it doesn't really matter who plays him. we just need a 'yes, here are your supplies. go now.'

even meeting up with ahrenil's character can be as simple as crossing paths on the road. (since bruma has already fallen to the Order, Gillyed would likely keep moving past the town, explaining why he is so far south.)

EDIT: so...i posted for draconis along these lines...if you guys disapprove, we can ignore the last post.

Posted by: Ahrenil Jan 24 2011, 10:47 PM

Ah, I wasn't aware Bruma had fallen since the only cities mentioned to have actually gone down were Anvil, Skingrad, Bravil, Leyawin, Cheydinal and Chorrol. But yeah, when you guys hit the road i'll join in where it seems appropriate.

Posted by: Ahrenil Jan 31 2011, 10:31 PM

When the battle starts my Nord will join in okay? So don't kill everyone too quickly tongue.gif

Posted by: ureniashtram Feb 1 2011, 03:59 AM


Heck, we could even make your Nord the one whose battling the Necromancers, not us! So that way, we could join the fray, talk to Gillyed after the batlle and you know the rest.

So post! lol

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 3 2011, 06:21 AM

It's been awhile, but I could pitch in if ya'll would like.

Posted by: ureniashtram Feb 3 2011, 11:26 AM

Sure, go ahead.

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 3 2011, 08:28 PM

Nathan's coming down from Skrim, so I just need a when and a where.

Posted by: Ahrenil Feb 3 2011, 08:35 PM

Well, at the moment it looks like battle is going to be joined, since you're on the way to the imperial city perhaps you encounter it on the road and join in on the non-evil side?

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 3 2011, 08:46 PM

Sounds good

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 6 2011, 10:18 PM

Erm... should Nathan locate the mage since he hasn't been detected yet?

Posted by: grif11 Feb 7 2011, 04:35 PM

ok, now we can get back into action. my internets back on and i got a laptop, so i should be able to make longer posts now.

Posted by: Ahrenil Feb 10 2011, 10:41 PM

Rightio, shall we end this battle and let everyone get properly acquainted now?

Posted by: Dantrag Feb 11 2011, 01:26 AM

I think all the enemies are dead, yes. outside the fort at least. If Falius is in the fort, though, we gotta figure out how the rescue is gonna go.

Posted by: ureniashtram Feb 11 2011, 05:20 AM

Sure. 'ere's my plan.

1. we introduce each other to each other.

2. someone tells Gilly that we are here to rescue the caravan.

3. Gilly exclaims that he is part of the caravan.

4. He tells us that some of the supplies are inside the fort. (the rest of the caravan is in Fort Empire, remember?)

5. We go inside Fort Nikel, mop up some left over B.D and we encounter the Vampire and his Lackey. I vote that the Vampire is so strong that we consider him a Boss!

6. After a lengthy boss fight, we stumble across a room where Fally and the supplies are. It's locked, but fortunately the Vampire has the key.


8. Someone gets the supplies, loads it on the wagon, speeds away towards the I.C and comes back with additional horses for our new allies.

Any thoughts, whatsoever? That's all I could think at the moment though, so feel free to vpice your thoughts!

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 11 2011, 11:23 AM

I sugget we find an excuse for swift to go inside the fort as well. I mean, I could just leave him where he is and have him wait a whole bunch of time, but that doesn't give me much to do, now does it?

Ok, I just checked fort nikel on uesp. It looks like there is an underwater area inside the fort and a lake right next to it. How about having Swift-like-Fish take a swim and infiltrate the fort that way? He could try to sneak around a bit while the rest of the gang is causing a ruckus. Find Falius for example...though he won't be able to free our friend without the key.

Posted by: ureniashtram Feb 11 2011, 05:11 PM

Good one, Jackio! (you don't mind me calling you Jackio right? Of course you don't!) That way Swift can interact with the Bosmer... you know the rest.

And so Tellie joins our RP. TBH, I ain't got much here. Tellie's character is a bounty hunter so it would make sense that he is hired by Draco Malfo- Colin Draconis.

Posted by: Tellie Feb 11 2011, 06:04 PM

QUOTE(ureniashtram @ Feb 11 2011, 05:11 PM) *

Good one, Jackio! (you don't mind me calling you Jackio right? Of course you don't!) That way Swift can interact with the Bosmer... you know the rest.

And so Tellie joins our RP. TBH, I ain't got much here. Tellie's character is a bounty hunter so it would make sense that he is hired by Draco Malfo- Colin Draconis.

Sure that would work quite well, as long as we're talking about Colin...Draco would probably end up as entirely Headless Draco were he to meet with my character. xD

Posted by: Ahrenil Feb 11 2011, 08:06 PM

Well unforunately I already mentioned Gillyed was escorting refugees so I can't be part of the Caravan. However perhaps upon looting the corpses we find a note disclaiming guard duty for "The Bosmer". Gives us an excuse to investigate inside, otherwise alls good with me.

Posted by: ureniashtram Feb 11 2011, 08:14 PM

My bad, sorry.

Well, other than planning Tellie's appearance, all things is going smooth.

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 12 2011, 01:38 AM

The orders could be among the items the mage had in her bag.

Posted by: Dantrag Feb 12 2011, 09:13 PM

good plans.

find the orders on the mage, go inside, kill vampy, rescue falius.

as far as getting Tellie in, Aren could either be imprisoned with Falius (might be unlikely, considering the character) or maybe as a mercenary, he was hired (by someone else) to investigate the missing caravans as well. Aren shows up, sees we've already taken care of things, and voila, there's a new member in the gang.

Posted by: Ahrenil Feb 12 2011, 11:31 PM

Or, going out on a limb, perhaps Tellie's character could be working FOR the Vampire, but decided to change their mind when they realise we're about to kick the crap out of it. I don't know how you want to run with the character but they seemed the kind who wouldn't mind siding with the bad guys every now and then if the fancy took them. Hell, the ex-hand could even lead us straight to the Vampire.

Posted by: Tellie Feb 13 2011, 05:17 PM

Aren has now joined up with the group as a late entry.

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 13 2011, 08:28 PM

Err, should Swift investigate the lack of screaming, weapons clashing and stuff exploding? (oh, and a galloping horse.) Or should he stay where he is and wait for you people to come over to his place?

Posted by: ureniashtram Feb 14 2011, 12:06 AM

Should investigate, IMO. Introduction and all that.

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 18 2011, 03:44 AM

I decided to have Nathan deduce the presence of necromancers beneath the fort with the amulet. It establishes his role as something of a witch hunter.

Posted by: ureniashtram Feb 19 2011, 05:36 PM

When should Undorsil pop in and say 'I wanna kill you all with my breath'? In Bruma or .. the Fort Empire? Where the whole caravan is at?

Er.. Should we vote or something?

Posted by: Tellie Feb 19 2011, 06:20 PM

Bruma would be best I think...seeing as he will make our job very difficult...why even Aren is going to have trouble dealing with Undorsil.

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 19 2011, 06:52 PM

Whenever he'll first pop up, definitely not here. Simply for the reason that the only way out for him would be through us. Which is BAD news.

Posted by: ureniashtram Feb 19 2011, 09:22 PM

Gotcha! Bruma it is then! Woo, I'm lookibg forward to it.

Posted by: ureniashtram Feb 27 2011, 08:43 AM

Had decided to let Undorsil make his presence felt. Don't worry, it won't affect the flow of the RP... too much.


Posted by: Dantrag Mar 5 2011, 07:56 AM is this rescue/escape going to happen? Are we trying to make it go smoothly and move on, or is something going to go terribly wrong?

Posted by: ureniashtram Mar 5 2011, 11:28 AM

Well... The Vampire has the key for Falius' cell right? (assuming Grif is patient enough to wait, {sorry for being slow, man!})

So I would guess that a lengthy battle would ensue and you know, that sort of stuff.

Posted by: grif11 Mar 5 2011, 08:54 PM

dont worry, i can wait! smile.gif

Posted by: grif11 Mar 6 2011, 11:25 PM

just so ive got something to do though, i'll control mardus ,the vamire who captured falius, if thats all right

Posted by: ureniashtram Mar 7 2011, 07:36 AM


You snatched the idea from my head! Sure, go ahead.

Posted by: Lord Revan Mar 10 2011, 03:22 AM

I'm going to be out of country for much of next week. My participation may be sporadic during that time, just a heads-up, y'all.

Posted by: Dantrag Mar 14 2011, 05:31 PM

so...can i get a bit of an explanation about undorsil? What exactly is this dark energy tower? Is it supposed to have an effect on our characters or simply provide a more evil backdrop?

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 14 2011, 11:29 PM

Heck if I know. I thought Undorsil was a long distance from us yet it is raining blood right at our spot and Cyldreen is getting all sick. In his case he can afford to feel a bit under the weather for the moment, but I don't think that will work out well for the stealth squad.

Anyway, what is the vector of this sudden sickness? If it's the blood then Aren, Aerona and Swift should be fine since they've got a ceiling above their heads. If it is a purely magical zone of feeling awful, then we might have trouble. I know that I'm gonna ignore it myself for now, but that's because Swift is more resistant to disease anyhow.

Posted by: ureniashtram Mar 15 2011, 05:25 AM

so...can i get a bit of an explanation about undorsil? What exactly is this dark energy tower? Is it supposed to have an effect on our characters or simply provide a more evil backdrop?

A little bit of both, I guess. Undorsil 'making his presence felt' ends here. I won't control him for the time being; once we get to Bruma he'll definately make his presence felt. And the effect...

Anyway, what is the vector of this sudden sickness? If it's the blood then Aren, Aerona and Swift should be fine since they've got a ceiling above their heads. If it is a purely magical zone of feeling awful, then we might have trouble. I know that I'm gonna ignore it myself for now, but that's because Swift is more resistant to disease anyhow.

Bloodrain. That's the carrier. So basically all of Cyrodiil is covered with diseased rain. You could compare it to acid rain, perhaps. Only its much more harmful to humans and animals.

As for the effects, well.. Weakened senses and weak fever. As long as you have umbrella on your head, you'd be fine. But unfortunately, umbrellas hadn't been produced in the FOurth Era, last time I checked. If you don't wanna have the harmful effects, just drink some Resist Disease Potion or something.

Posted by: Ahrenil Mar 30 2011, 12:41 AM

Quick note, i'm off for a week on the 5th, so carry on without me while i'm gone.

Posted by: grif11 Mar 30 2011, 09:55 PM

gonna be away friday to monday.

if falius escapes by then, he's going to rest in wagon.

if not, you can decide how to handle mardus Tellie, and Falius could be taken to the meetup point where he rests in the wagon

Posted by: Dantrag Mar 31 2011, 04:04 AM

yea, we should probably try to wrap this little mission up before you leave, then.

maybe falius could do something fancy to help defeat the vampire, but it gets him hurt pretty bad. then there's a reason for him to be resting in the wagon for a while.

Posted by: grif11 Mar 31 2011, 10:54 PM

hmm... now ive gotta plan.

best i can come up with is "swift/aerona bust falius out of cell. seeing everyone struggling with mardus,leaps on to vampires back. yells to stab mardus, vampire dies, falius gets tip of sword through his stomach. falls unconcius, carried back to wagon. wakes up when I get back."

IMPORTANT: mardus has falius' stuff in his room. best not to leave it!

Posted by: jack cloudy Apr 17 2011, 10:30 PM

Ok, the injury angle is taken care of. After being sent flying by a solid piece of hammer, Falius is going to be lucky if he's getting off with only a few cracked ribs.

Now all that's left is two guys and a vampire. Tellie, would you like to handle them? The two guys Aren had been fighting so far are distracted by a stumbling Argonian with a torch, so he could take the chance to get rid of them quickly and even up the odds.

As for Mardus the vampire, he has been poisoned by Falius and I'm gonna suggest that a subconscious fear for fire is keeping him away from Swift's torch. Maybe Aerona could help as well.

Posted by: Tellie Apr 17 2011, 10:59 PM

Aren is up for the task I believe He'll deal with the thugs and move onto Mardus.

Posted by: Dantrag Apr 21 2011, 08:27 PM

it's probably time to get rid of mr. vampire.

Posted by: grif11 Apr 22 2011, 10:35 PM

yeah, I think it sounds better to give mardus "the chop" biggrin.gif

he's slowly dying from poison anyway, so lets not be cruel and leave the poor, umm... thing to suffer.

Posted by: Tellie Apr 23 2011, 01:01 AM

Done, Mardus is now pushing up the daisies...and yes I do love the cameo mention from 'Men in Tights'...epic movie that one

So next ones up are eyther Danny or Cloudy and co.

Posted by: jack cloudy Apr 23 2011, 10:57 AM

About Falius, assuming we leave the way we came in. Now having Swift drag him out by himself would be best. With stealth no longer a concern, he could move pretty damn quick under water even when dragging another person. But given Falius' injuries, I'm not sure if he would be able to hold his breath or what water would do to him if he got the waterbreathing spell from Aerona.

Also, top speed underwater is way too rough. He'd need to be immobilized properly first. tying him to an improvised stretcher of some sorts might be the way to go.

Posted by: ureniashtram Apr 23 2011, 11:31 AM

How can you create a stretcher inside a stone fort? Simple. Use the cloth looted from the dead, cut at the edges so you can tie them to longsword scabards and there you go! And if that isn't enough, use spears instead of scabards!

.. Ignore the first part. That's just.. stupid and .. something.

Anyway, since Aren created quite a ruckus, wouldn't the soldiers guarding the entrance be made aware?

Posted by: Dantrag Apr 30 2011, 03:38 AM

so who all is still in this? haven't heard from anyone outside the fort in a while. (not that there was much for them to do)

i guess we should be headed for bruma pretty soon?

Posted by: Ahrenil May 1 2011, 11:26 AM

I'm still up for it

Posted by: Lord Revan May 2 2011, 02:16 AM

I'm here, just waiting for the fort business to be concluded so we can address the... erm, inclement weather.

Posted by: ureniashtram May 2 2011, 05:12 AM

The Sith Lord is right. Undorsil's rain should not be ignored. Well, in Falius' case, that is. A weakened Bosmer in a magical rain that weakens people, not a good combination.

Posted by: jack cloudy May 2 2011, 08:56 AM

Ah woops completely forgot about the rain. I could use Swift being a wet Argonian who didn't notice as an excuse but ya know.....that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Time to edit.

Posted by: ureniashtram May 7 2011, 09:37 AM

OK, so I created another character. I'll adress that one later, for now..

What'll we do once the rest, including Aren, reunites with the others? Do we go straight for Bruma or report to Draco Malfoy? Ah, Colin Draconis that is.

I personally vote for the choice of reporting back. It'll make Helel's appearance much more easier. Or, if you guys are bloodthirtsty as that Guy-in-the-Mask-who-everybody-loves, I could make Helel appear as we make our way to the City of Ill-Snow.

Posted by: jack cloudy May 7 2011, 11:22 AM

I say we turn back to the IC. Apart from the fact that this mission was a test of faith, having yet another character ride up and go "sorry I'm late. Mind if I tag along?" would be a bit too much. Then there is Falius. Right now Aerona is on the verge of dying from mere exhaustion and in no position to really deal with his wounds. In the IC though, there are probably enough healers to get him back on his feet and back into the action.

We should also report about the vampire, and if we go to the IC we may learn more about the rain of blood from the resident scholars who no doubt have been pouring over their books and experimenting to find out what the hell is going on and whether or not this is the first time that the rain was bloody.

Posted by: grif11 May 10 2011, 10:05 PM

Im a little unsure on how this wagon looks.

could I get a picture on what were thinking? just so I dont feel like an idiot.

Posted by: jack cloudy May 10 2011, 10:36 PM

I imagined it as something quite simple. Basically a wooden box with a bench for two at the front.
Something like the wagon they showed in the Lord of the Rings movie except slightly wider cause we're not counting passengers in hobbitscale. Lemme see if I can get some pics of that one. Or better, considering the size of the images I found, I'll just put down the link to the site.

Edit: the wagon first shows up about halfway down the page.

Posted by: Kiln May 27 2011, 05:49 AM

I was coming by to maybe see about joining one of these but it seems like they're all practically dead with posts happening very rarely sometimes weeks apart.

Sad that it ended up like this I have fond memories of RPing with Minque, Dantrag, Konradude, Wolfie, Soulseeker, Megil, and many others back in the day. Most of them are gone now but some are still around here.

It just sucks that this forum doesn't seem to be able support an RP anymore.

Posted by: Ahrenil May 27 2011, 12:25 PM

I think part of the problem is that some of us have other commitments at the moment. I for one am really focusing on a set of exams and so it doesn't leave me much time to write, but I know i'll be more active once I manage to get them all done.

I was even thinking of starting my own RP after them, so you're welcome to join that one if you so desire.

Posted by: Lord Revan May 27 2011, 05:14 PM

I just finished my last exam, but this summer's looking to be more work than play than previous.

Posted by: grif11 May 27 2011, 07:17 PM

My lifes a bit frantic just now.

Were moving (AGAIN) down to England. I'm going to try to get to a place with an internet cafe so I'll try to stay in touch.

Posted by: Dantrag May 28 2011, 03:18 AM

QUOTE(Kiln @ May 27 2011, 12:49 AM) *

I was coming by to maybe see about joining one of these but it seems like they're all practically dead with posts happening very rarely sometimes weeks apart.

Sad that it ended up like this I have fond memories of RPing with Minque, Dantrag, Konradude, Wolfie, Soulseeker, Megil, and many others back in the day. Most of them are gone now but some are still around here.

It just sucks that this forum doesn't seem to be able support an RP anymore.

yea, this section of the forums seems to be fading, even though the site seems to be getting new members all the time. Fanfiction seems to be the thing around here...perhaps we could start trying to get some new recruits from there?

Posted by: Lord Revan May 28 2011, 04:54 AM

I didn't initially join for roleplaying, so you may have a point there, Danny.

Posted by: grif11 May 30 2011, 01:10 PM

OK, sounds good. I'll make a thread in general for getting rp up properly again, that is if its not breaking any rules?

Posted by: ureniashtram May 31 2011, 02:50 PM

IMHO, the RPs are fading because we're all ... how do I put this... Oh, yes. We're all eating the same food everytime. I, myself, am tired of this .. food. Wanna know why?

Shards of Broken Emperors: Meaningless Chaos.
War Of Necromancy: Undead Violence with Meaningless Chaos.
First Sign! Zombies: Undead Violence with Meaningless Chaos.

The current Rps INCLUDING MINE are just ... I don't know bland, the same with Z's (if he would forgive my frank opinion), with the plot consisting of VIOLENCE eheh! Excessive violence can be fun, but it gets old after a while.

So what I propose is this.. We make our own world and RP in it. No plots (instead, you could make your own), no rules (aside from basic ones, that is) and have smashing fun.
Open-ended, limitless RP with everybody creating their own storyline for their characters and other RPer's characters can join in on the fun. Kinda like the Coffee Shop only this time, much more .. interactive, other than chatting. So what'chu guys think, should we continue this one or start over?

Posted by: grif11 May 31 2011, 10:00 PM

wow, I love that idea!

I'm totally up for this kind of rp.

Posted by: Ahrenil May 31 2011, 10:08 PM

I'm pretty set in there needing to be some form of overiding theme. There needs to be something to link everyone together, rather than complete open ended plotlines. Otherwise it's more like everyone writing there own story, theres no real need or that much reason to interact with anyone else. However I am all for mixing up the plots a little more.

Posted by: ureniashtram Jun 1 2011, 02:59 AM

So.. Should I create a thread specifically for this RP or should we PM each other?

Posted by: jack cloudy Jun 1 2011, 09:06 AM

Hmm, I guess we could say that walking from one fight to another makes rp-ing dull. Face it, there isn't much to do but repeat the 'look how badass my dude is' trick. I don't like fighting as much as I used to for that reason. It makes me feel like I'm bragging and trying to one-up everyone. Or maybe it's because I make the wrong kinds of characters for that these days.

Well, I need my rp fix one way or another. So count me in. Dunno about the world creation though. I mean, I've got a trio but I doubt they're any good for rp-ing.

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 4 2011, 02:48 AM

I feel like War of Houses was our attempt at getting away from purely violent plotlines. Not that it was devoid of violence, it was just more centered around political intrigue.

I think character interaction just needs improving. It's always a group of unrelated people that come together and somehow they all get along famously. There's never any clashing anymore, no disagreements or disputes among characters. (and if there are any, it's usually the fault of one character. ie - niran, rann, etc. and having played that character, it brings out a lot of new elements but it's also a lot of work to be so argumentative all the time and be able to justify it with the character.)

Maybe we should collectively plan our characters a little. Make them have some sort of connection to each other before the RP even starts. Maybe they could be relatives, or served in the same legion barracks, or were bitter rivals. I think you get the idea.

I'm also not opposed to the idea of a game master. Every so often he/she could check in with an overlying narrative. Things like weather changes, enemies appearing, important NPCs dying, whatever is necessary to move the plot along. The only problem is the amount of time the GM would need to have to make these posts all the time.

Posted by: ureniashtram Jun 4 2011, 02:36 PM

Hmm. . . Looking back, I see that War of Houses CONSUMED several sections of Chorrol's RP thread. Wow. That's how .. fun it was?

... That gives me some thoughts.

Anybody wanna see some revival? Some necromantic ritual performed on War of Houses? Or should we start anew with the Open-Ended RP? I am comfortable on both things.

Posted by: Ahrenil Jun 4 2011, 05:19 PM

I think starting a new one would be the best idea, it gives everyone a chance to jump in without having to do too much reading up on what's happened. As long as everyones active enough in the planning we should be able to make a decent open ended RP me thinks.

Posted by: ureniashtram Jun 4 2011, 07:01 PM

alrighty, then. howbout'chu guys?

Posted by: Ahrenil Jun 4 2011, 09:10 PM

On another note, if we're going to make it open ended we need a world we're all familiar and comfortable with, which makes Tamriel an ideal choice, but if people want to mix it up a bit more thats all well and good with me.

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 5 2011, 02:37 AM

Personally, I'd rather do a Fallout RP. We tried once, but for some reason it didn't take. (Then again I guess this is a TES site after all.)

Making your own world takes a lot of work as well.

I'll join whatever is agreed upon, though.

Posted by: Kiln Jun 5 2011, 06:52 AM

Creating a new world almost always fails for RPs because its not easily possible to be detailed enough that everyone can keep up with how everything works/looks.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jun 5 2011, 10:04 AM

I'm a bit burned out on Tamriel to be honest. As Dantrag and Kiln said however, making our own world is likely to go badly. Mostly because everyone will end up having different ideas of how to fill in the blanks.

What we do need is a setting everyone is familiar with. Which means TES, or Fallout I guess. (Never got to play Fallout though, so I'll be relying heavily on wikis if we go with that.) Or is there another setting everyone is familiar with?

Speaking of rps that didn't take. I did enjoy the fallout rp we had, if only because I don't often get the opportunity to play a mad scientist. There was also a TES rp that promised to be all diplomacy. The Yokuda rp. In a nuttshell, it was about a new landmass being discovered and the PCs being representatives for their provinces sent to this council to decide what to do with it and get as big a slice of the pie as possible. I was really looking forward to that one but it never got started. It offered competitive rp-ing without ending in a messy 'I swing my sword at you." "I block cause I don't want my character to die and swing my sword at you" till the heat-death of the universe.

Posted by: Ahrenil Jun 5 2011, 02:02 PM

I know what you mean about being burnt out in the ES universe, I could happily go with a Fallout RP for the change in scenery and characters.

Another alternative i'd offer up is doing something from reality, though likely a bit in the past, say a Medieval or Roman RP. (Though that's a personal preference with my choice of course >.<)

Posted by: ureniashtram Jun 5 2011, 02:25 PM

Thirded for being burnt out on Tamriel. The Fallout setting, I'm all up for it. In fact, I'm voting on a Fallout RP. The intrigue of surviving the wastes rather than the intrigue of the past interests me more.

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 5 2011, 04:36 PM

If we go for the Fallout setting, everyone should check out this link first. It's the old one. I just happened to like the idea of everyone having roles. (All credit to Colonel Mustard)

It's like the third post I think.

Anyway, if we were all already in a group we could skip the whole 'oh my god, we just happened across each other! can i join your quest?' scenario. Our little band could have a specific purpose (like mapping the wasteland, bounty hunting, trader escorts, the list is endless) or we could just be mercs for hire.

I'd also be okay with a real-life historical setting. Just to add ideas to Ahrenil's list, we could try 1500-1700s (think of all the explorers), and also WWI and WWII.

Posted by: Ahrenil Jun 5 2011, 08:29 PM

I like that idea, if we all have roles, say we've been working with each other for a bit, it also gives us a chance to give our characters a bit of history with each other. Have some actualy relations between them, could lead to some nice arguments or tender moments during the RP perhaps?

Shall we get a planning thread going and move over there since Fallout seems to be the preferred choice?

Posted by: grif11 Jun 5 2011, 11:11 PM

another fallout vote! (lets me give a sow of my fanfic character)

First, we need a name. Poll time?

Posted by: Ahrenil Jun 5 2011, 11:34 PM

I was thinking we just make a generic planning thread, like "Fallout RP", where we fill out the general premise, what roles we need, where it's set and such. Because I think theres very little necromancy going on here at the moment.

Posted by: minque Jun 14 2011, 07:54 PM

You all know I prefer RP with not so much violence! I like charachter interaction, talking arguing even some romance plot... so yeah I't sign up in something like that!

Now Fallout is really difficult for me, never played it, hardly even seen the settings and stuff, but I do know a tiny bit about radiation... tongue.gif

So let's see....

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