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Posted by: jack cloudy Dec 21 2007, 08:57 PM

Next one.

OOC: Maybe a bit unrealistic, but everyone makes mistakes at time. Big mistakes.

Flint Ironwood.

Flint threw down the bow with a growl of frustration. His remaining arrows joined the weapon a moment later.
,,Screw this! I'm too old to do this kind of stuff. I'm going to help with the retreat. Feel free to use these arrows." He spoke to no one in particular and made his way for the stairs.

He stopped at the bottom of the breach. So far, no snakemen had crawled over the pile of rubble yet. The Breton looked at the stacked bricks and then begun to climb. At the top, he could see the defenders who had fallen.
,,I wonder why they haven't stormed over the place yet. This close to the wall, the archers can't shoot at them." He thought to himself.

At the top, an unwelcome surprise awaited him. One moment, he was looking at the cloudcovered sky. The other, he was blinded by a red flash.
,,Aah!" Flint screamed as he tumbled backwards. Somehow, he managed to fire off a telekinetic blast on pure instinct that smashed the top off the improvised wall he'd been climbing. The old man groaned when he came to a halt at the bottom. He didn't feel well. His forehead was throbbing, his right hand felt as if it was on fire and his knees weren't doing much better either. And he still couldn't see. Something was running into his eyes, something warm and liquid.

He heard a hiss. He then heard the thunderclap of air moving to fill an irregular vacuum.
,,What was that?!" Flint thought. He had been unable to see the snakeman that had first attacked him at the top of the wall, then slithered after him as he fell, finally to be teleported away by Aleatoire. Or at least, partially. What was left wasn't in any condition to do anything. Flint heard a crack.
,,And what was that?" He mumbled and used his left hand to wipe the liquid out of his face. The pain had now almost ceased as he'd become numb to it. Now he could finally see again and he looked at the hand he'd used to wipe with. It was covered in blood.
,,Oh, crap."

He looked at his other hand. The mashed piece of flesh didn't look like it could be saved. Somehow, it looked a lot worse than it felt.
,,Ugh. I'm never ever going to climb a wall again during wartime." The Breton muttered as he staggered to his feet. The archers up on the wall were too busy holding back the enemy to notice what had happened. Flint wiped the blood from his face again.
,,Ok, legs hurt, but still functional. Right hand, not recognizable as a hand anymore. Head, big bump on the back, gash at the front. Glass got split like paper. Ugh...swordslash? Oh, this is not good." He thought.

He looked around him. There was something off to his right, with what looked like a formless lump of golden scales in the center. The end result of the Aleatoire's victim. Just beyond it, there were the fallen defenders, some of which had rolled down after he'd fired that telekinetic blast. One form he felt he recognized.
,,Green-Root....Damn...Damn you. You just had to do a heroic sacrifice, didn't you? Damn you. I hope you enjoyed your moment of glory." He spat. Another snakeman reached the top of the breach. Flint struck it down with a telekinetic needle without giving it any further thought. He then turned and began to move to the assembly point, leaning on the walls of the buildings he passed. He was beginning to feel lightheaded.
,,Not a good sign. The wall won't hold much longer once those snakes get enough people across to flank the archers. I should warn some melee-fighters." He knew. He felt oddly unconcerned, however.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Dec 22 2007, 07:57 AM


Flogir nodded at his companion's words. "I'll try to hold off the retreat as long as possible. I do suggest you find whatever you need with the utmost haste though. Once you return, the retreat will start full swing. Good luck," Flogir finished, clasping a hand on the Altmer's shoulder.

Posted by: Agent Griff Dec 22 2007, 08:55 AM


After posing his question to Rann, Dan received the kind of answer he wanted. Dan smiled at hearing that the leaders of the current defence force were a former minor officer, a petty murderer and whatnot. The fact that he himself had been giving advice to the leaders of the defence showed just in what situation they were in since, in his younger days, Dan never gave his oppinion to those leading him yet always requested of them his purse of drakes as payment.

At least we're in good hands.

"Still, I heard talk of others which seemed close to you. Your sister and father if I'm not mistaken. Should we not join them?" Dan asked in a nonchalant way, not knowing of the conflict between Satyana and Rann.

Posted by: jack cloudy Dec 23 2007, 09:49 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint's vision was beginning to fail him.
,,Ok...not good, not good." He thought when his legs failed him as well. He managed to crawl a bit further but in the end, he passed out.

A pair of retreating soldiers unceremoniously picked him from the street and carried him away to the improvised healer's camp.

Sinyaramen Fenasim, Cloud Ruler.

Sin jumped up from his stool and held on to the desk for support.
,,Haha! I got it! I am a genius, a genius!" He shouted. Moving frantically, he began to pile all of the books he wanted to 'borrow' from the library. Once he'd made a good pile on an empty part of the floor. He grabbed his cane and walked to one side. Once there, he froze.
,,I will get these books, one way or another. Yes, an hour or two should do it. Now, let's begin."

in the Barracks, one of the Blade battlemages looked up from his enchanted axe he had been cleaning.
,,Damn it. Drained, just when I need it. Hey, Jeric! Go and take a look at that old guy in the library! See if he isn't doing his tricks again!"

Posted by: Dantrag Dec 26 2007, 07:33 AM

QUOTE(Agent Griff @ Dec 22 2007, 02:55 AM) *


After posing his question to Rann, Dan received the kind of answer he wanted. Dan smiled at hearing that the leaders of the current defence force were a former minor officer, a petty murderer and whatnot. The fact that he himself had been giving advice to the leaders of the defence showed just in what situation they were in since, in his younger days, Dan never gave his oppinion to those leading him yet always requested of them his purse of drakes as payment.

At least we're in good hands.

"Still, I heard talk of others which seemed close to you. Your sister and father if I'm not mistaken. Should we not join them?" Dan asked in a nonchalant way, not knowing of the conflict between Satyana and Rann.


"That's my mother and father walking ahead," he answered, "And we left my sister Amrita back there."

He made no mention of Satyana, preferring not to delve into details regarding his family problems at the time.


Altair left Flogir to his duties and immediately started on his own.

Voltar, he called through the amulet, Meet me at the palace entrance as soon as possible. We have work to do.

He reached the palace a few minutes later and sat on the steps, waiting patiently for his assistant.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Dec 26 2007, 11:32 PM


Voltar had been among those retreating to the next sector when Veric's message reached him. He calmly replied that he'd be there shortly and made his way to the palace entrance. Once he got there he found "Altair" waiting for him.

"What are we doing here?" Voltar inquired.


After Flogir left, Amrita set off to the battlements where the archers were attacking. Once there, she instructed all but the few necessary archers to the northern district, leaving herself with about 50 archers to slow down the advancing horde. She also notified them that she was temporarily in command of them. By witnessing her archery prowess, none complained about the change.

"We only need to buy enough time for the retreat to succeed, fellas," she said calmly as she hurled a fireball into the enemy ranks.

The archers around her grimly nodded as they carefully launched another volley.

Posted by: Dantrag Dec 31 2007, 06:56 PM

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Dec 26 2007, 05:32 PM) *


Voltar had been among those retreating to the next sector when Veric's message reached him. He calmly replied that he'd be there shortly and made his way to the palace entrance. Once he got there he found "Altair" waiting for him.

"What are we doing here?" Voltar inquired.


"Nothing," Altair replied, motioning for Voltar to follow him inside. There was not a soul present in the palace, seeing as every spare person was needed holding the wall or aiding in the retreat.

They walked a short distance through the darkness before Altair finally stopped.

"We're going back home," he said, obviously referring to his extra-dimensional pocket where he often stayed, "There is a tome in my possession that describes a spell that we could use against the Silhouette. We need to modify it to our own purposes."

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 1 2008, 02:35 AM

Imperial Prison

One of Dunmer spearmen guarding the bridge to the Imperial Prison thought he heard a metallic thud nearby. It was difficult to tell over the noise of the crowds shouting and running down the staircase to the shore.

"Did you hear something fall?" He asked one of his comrades.
"Yeah, sounded like someone's tried to smash one of the gates open with a hammer." They both glanced back through the prison gates. "You want to check? It doesn't look like the Akaviri have taken notice of us yet."

Silently, they pushed the gates open and marched in, hands on their spears. The sun was getting low on the horizon, lengthening shadows and gradually turning the sky into a sea of blood. They slowly ascended the ramps, forming a two-man phalanx.
One of the gates leading to the other half of the complex swung slightly in the wind, hinges creaking. The two spearmen abandoned their phalanx, and continued on. As they passed beneath the archway, a sphere glinted in the shadows above...... a reptilian eye scrutinized them for a moment.

Posted by: minque Jan 4 2008, 10:03 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Dec 21 2007, 09:25 AM) *

QUOTE(minque @ Dec 20 2007, 02:21 PM) *


Looking at the injured and noticing Rahvin´s actions, Brianna sighed and stood motionless for a second. Then she spotted a young dunmer, not more than a child really, who obviously was in pain. She decided it was no time for a healing-process so she took a deep breath and did like Rahvin...flung him over his shoulder. The young dunmer was a bit heavier than she expected, her knees bent but with a groan she stumbled after Rahvin....

I can do this,.....I can...I can


Rahvin slowed down so that he was walking side by side with Brianna. She was obviously struggling with her load, but there was nothing he could do to help. She was tired, he was tired, everyone left in the city was tired. Exhaustion seemed like a disease, spreading rapidly with no cure in sight.

"We need to get all the injured that we can to the rafts," he commented, "Hopefully this will all be over soon..."


She nodded too tired to even talk.

Focus, focus, this will be over soon

Repetedly she returned for more injured, there was no end to the amount of dead and heavily injured men scattered around. It was a picture of hell as it must look like. Suddenly she fell to her knees, swaying from side to side...

"I...I think I´ll have to start healing..." she mumbled before she passed out...

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 4 2008, 10:55 PM


The Silhouette looked at the archers that held back his forces. He was taking losses, acceptable losses, but nevertheless losses he could avoid. He thought about his options and made a decision.
,,Call back the assault, let them reform just beyond the archer's range. I'll go up personally and remind them why they should fear." He called to an Akaviri messenger who blowed the retreat signal.

As one, the wave of Akaviri rolled back, slittering around arrows, rarely getting hit. Another signal, and the wave stopped, aimed at the wall but not moving.

The Silhouette's mount moved forward, splitting the wave as it went, forming a path. With a casual flick of his hand, the cloaked being hurled an abandoned wagon at the archers on the breach. He then focussed his eyes on who appeared to be their commander. A woman, barely an adult.
,,I wonder what makes those so much more experienced than you, accept you as their leader. Is it charisma, or is it some hidden strength? Would you care to show me?"

OOC: Yeah, he's coming for Amrita. Nothing decisively, let's just play around for a bit.

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 5 2008, 01:47 AM

QUOTE(minque @ Jan 4 2008, 04:03 PM) *


She nodded too tired to even talk.

Focus, focus, this will be over soon

Repetedly she returned for more injured, there was no end to the amount of dead and heavily injured men scattered around. It was a picture of hell as it must look like. Suddenly she fell to her knees, swaying from side to side...

"I...I think I´ll have to start healing..." she mumbled before she passed out...


Rann had barely finished his comment to Dan before he saw his mother collapse and fall on the cobblestone street. He barely knew her, but he still felt the need to help where he could.

Breaking into a run, he caught up to them within a few seconds. Rahvin had already put down the soldier he had been carrying and was kneeling over Brianna, gently trying to wake her.

"She okay?" he asked his father.

"I think so," Rahvin answered, "You and your friend here carry these two soldiers to the rafts; I'll get your mother."

Rahvin carried Brianna in his arms while Rann scooped up one of the soldiers.

"Coming, Dan?"

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 5 2008, 02:04 AM

OCC: The Plys'Iea sent a messenger to the Sil with Intel on the evacuation, it can arrive later on thought, and it's approaching sunset...... Where's Rann (the giant otherwordly-lizard slayer) anyway?


At first it looked like a simple, albiet deadly, accident. An avalanche of misc. junk suddenly began falling onto the path the civilians and soldiers were using to evacuate. A barrel smashed upon the back of a priest as he was encouraging the scared civilians with speechs of deliverance and he was abruptly silenced.

Many people took accidental steps off the path and tumbled violently down the steep incline. Most of the rubble that struck crippled those unfortunate enough to be hit. As the already traumatized civilians flew into a panic and made disorganized scrambles for the waterfront, one of the soldiers looked up and spotted a large shape plummet down from above.

The hunter absorbed the fall in his knees, the stench of fear and blood filled the air. He turned to face those coming down the path toward him, and by extension, the shore. The nearest people to him were soldiers, guards in chainmail to be specific.
Behind them were dozens upon dozens of civilians. The masses still at the bridge and further on didn't understand why there was a hold-up and pushed against those before them. He stared into the eyes of the guards and civilians with his cold, alien eyes.

Many people yelled for those behind them to stop shoving and warn them of the obstacle standing in their way. If anyone heard or cared, the warrior would never know. Unmoved by their fear and despearate plight, he leveled his staff, head first, at the guards in front.
Shields were raised to blunt the blows, but harm was not the point, for the hunter, it was a simple matter to shove the lighter men and mer off the narrow path. Swords were useful weapons, but the greater reach his arm and staff afforded was more than a match for the longswords the soldiers wielded.

The soldiers posed an annoyance, but now that they were out of the way the civilians had nothing to hide behind.......

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 5 2008, 11:30 AM

Vasha's Narza'Tai pack.

The meeting had to be cut short as rumours of an evacuation came. Vasha felt relieved, strangely enough, even though her proposal was all but forgotten. The task she'd suggested felt too close to that of the old Brotherhood, and it plagued her thoughts that she'd so easily dismissed the Narza'Tai's true purpose for a short-term gain.

Now, she and her group stalked the rooftops along the path of the evacuees, hiding behind chimneys. When the giant Argonian warrior came, she barely blinked. By now, she was beginning to see a pattern. This one would appear wherever it could do the most damage to the morale of the army. It always acted on its own, but the Breton also admit that any support would more likely hinder it. No matter.
,,Remain at a distance, try to get a shot in with the crossbows. Be accurate, don't reveal your location. Relocate immediately after firing, do not wait for your bolt to hit. That armour must have a weakpoint, somewhere. Try to find it. Kalsh, hand over....." Vasha looked at her group. Then her expressione grew fierce.
,,Where is Kalsh?"

Kalsh, at the breach! (big surprise, not)

Kalsh looked down on the corpse lying amids the pile of other corpses. Even she could barely recognize the Argonian, trampled and cut as he'd been. She had barely any eye for the Akaviri army waiting just beyond the range of her crossbow, nor had she any eye for the sole being that approached, sitting astride a giant cat. She only had eyes for Green-Root.
,,I must leave soon. Farewell....we'll fight the snakes for you now." She hissed solemnly and uncorked a vial whose contents she sprinkled liberally over the dead Argonian's body. She bent down and picked up the silver spear. She turned to leave, flicking a minor fireball over her shoulder. The fireball instantly grew into an inferno, fed by the flammable liquid she'd spread.

(Heartbreaking? I dunno, I don't like writing farewells for my characters.)

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 6 2008, 01:28 AM


Amrita grinned as the Akaviri retreat was sounded. The archers upon the battlement whooped with joy. The celebration was shortlived though as Amrita noticed that the enemy army was reforming just out of bow range.

Suddenly a column opened up and the atrocity that was the Silhouette was calmly making its way towards them. Many of the archers paled at the sight of the huge enemy leader but Amrita hid her anxiety and glared at the Silhouette.

"Stay on guard everyone, expect the unexpected. We might need to get the hell out of here really quickly," she told the archers as she studied the enemy commander, waiting to see what it would do.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 6 2008, 01:49 AM

OCC: It really depends on whether you want that to be case, we never delved deep into how Root got along with the 'Tai.


Most of the crowd was human, with some elves here and there. The hunter disliked the races of men and mer more than the other species of Nirm.

They were too similar to the Naryyn, a loathsome species that had been the greatest enemy of the Plys'Iea.
The last war with them, the very one he'd fought here on this world, had ended in defeat for his people.
In a way this was nineteen years of bitter hatred and anger being vented.

Generally the civilians he'd encountered were to panic-stricken and defenseless to put up any form of struggle. So when he swatted aside the last row of pitiful creatures it came as any immense surprise that something might put up any effective resistance.

No sooner did the row before them perish then three mages unleashed a combination of spells and curses.
Two curses simply didn't take affect, but the concussive force of a fireball gave pause to his murderous rampage. The hunter planted his right foot to stop himself and snarled at the mages.

Posted by: minque Jan 6 2008, 02:36 AM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Jan 5 2008, 01:47 AM) *


Rann had barely finished his comment to Dan before he saw his mother collapse and fall on the cobblestone street. He barely knew her, but he still felt the need to help where he could.

Breaking into a run, he caught up to them within a few seconds. Rahvin had already put down the soldier he had been carrying and was kneeling over Brianna, gently trying to wake her.

"She okay?" he asked his father.

"I think so," Rahvin answered, "You and your friend here carry these two soldiers to the rafts; I'll get your mother."

Rahvin carried Brianna in his arms while Rann scooped up one of the soldiers.

"Coming, Dan?"


She slowly regained consciousness while resting in Rahvin´s arms, faintly aware of a somewhat familiar person...

Is it Rann? My Rann?

"Ahhh, she whispered silently, Rannie is that you?...Rahvin I..I think I´m ok now...I have work to do"

Then she faded away again...

Nooooo....I have to...have to help these men...ahhhh

OOC: Gah I have no idea where Satyana is just now, can someone tell me? huh.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 6 2008, 10:42 PM


The warcat stopped. By now, the Silhouette was within reach of the archers, having stopped merely a stonesthrow from the wall. Yet not a single arrow had been fired yet.

The cloaked being drew a pair of curved scimitars as it stood tall on his mount's back.
,,Now, let's see who you are." It thought. A curse flew out to the archers without warning. While potent, it was merely a distraction. The Silhouette itself had leaped up, landing on the ramparts. It made no furhter hostile moves, merely standing there, to observe the reaction of the Tamriellans.

Posted by: Agent Griff Jan 7 2008, 07:12 PM


Before Rann could finish his reply he dashed off to a woman who had fallen on the ground because of exhaustion, his mother apparently. Nearby was Rann's father as well. Dan didn't exactly like family affairs, since he had lost his own family a long time ago. Seeing others spending time with their own families made Dan think about what could have happened if he wouldn't have left his village at an early age, and if he would have spent more time with his own family.

You'd have died with them, that's what would have happened. Time to help in a matter of actual importance now. The past is the past and it's best you don't remind yourself too often about it, old man.

With that, Dan scooped a wounded soldier on his shoulder and started following Rann.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 7 2008, 09:58 PM


"Duck!" Amrita shouted instinctively as the curse was hurled in their direction. When she rose, she stood face to face with the leader of the enemy army. The being was massive!

For a moment, Amrita's confidence wavered but quickly her dark smirk crossed her face once more as she held her ground. She noticed the archers were backing away slowly.

Good, hopefully they won't get hurt, she thought.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 8 2008, 11:16 PM

OCC: Seeing as Vasha seems a little pre-occupied I'll assume the attack hasn't started yet. Rann and Dan (didn't realize that rhymed until now) will be running into a traffic jam pretty soon, nobody's getting anywhere......


The mages began hurling fireballs and clouds of ice after witnessing the ineffectiveness of curses. While the armored plating of his armor was very affective at deflecting directed energy and tolerant of temperature extremes, the hunter protected his unarmored head by using his bracers as shields.

From his limited understanding of Nirm's magicka, mages did not possess infinite reserves. Forging a helmet will the the next thing I do when this battle is over.... Suddenly, the warrior slid his his grip down on the staff and threw it at the three clustered mages.
One of the mages got halfway through a shield spell before the flail smashed into her ribs. The other two were distracted enough to foolishly take their attention away from the Plys'Iea for a moment. Before the people behind them could warn them, the hunter was upon them.


After setting a crate of foodstuffs down on the raft the vampire paused. The air carried the scent of freshly spilled blood. The fighting's too distant for the wind to carry it here. Then a slight sound came with the wind, the echo of a familiar shriek!

Ian froze, Rann had claimed to kill the champion of the Akaviri. "Apparently he wasn't thorough enough," Kirana commented.
"Satyana, Issac, you two stay here!" He ordered to them as he disentangled himself from the large, but not increasing, mob of soldiers, assassins, and civilians.

Posted by: Agent Griff Jan 9 2008, 07:31 PM

Savirien, behind the Silhouette with the mass of the Akaviri forces

After his commander had given the order, Savirien had signalled his troops to fall back out of the reach of the enemy projectiles. His superior found it perfectly suitable to loose many good warriors just to test the enemy but Savirien did not agree with his views. If he was the one in command, he would have tried to win the city without even fighting since it was always to Savirien's liking rather to keep something intact than to destroy it, even if it belonged to the enemy.

After the troops had fallen back, the Silhouette rose to confront the defence force himself. His visage was so grim that many soldiers from the ranks of the Tamrielics couldn't even bear the sight of him. Soon enough, the walls seemed almost empty, except for a few stout men and one odd woman who still faced the Silhouette. Even when his superior had unsheathed his dreaded scimitars, the Tamrielic woman still did not move.

She knows not her folly, that is plain. Regardless, she has shown good fighting spirit thus far, standing up to him. If I were the one facing her, she would have obtained the honour of having a clean death by now. Knowing him however, he will surely toy with her for his own pleasure before sealing her fate. Hopefully it will not last long for I do not wish the warriors to get roused seeing their leader in all his bloodthirsty glory.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 9 2008, 07:51 PM


The woman found the courage to smirk. The Silhouette was amused by her defiant spirit.
,,Let's begin." He hissed in the Akaviri tonue and swun one of the scimitars in a horizontal arc, following up quickly with a vertical slice from the other.

Vasha, somewhere near the Plys'Iea.

Vasha swore silently.
,,I'll have a word with her next time we meet.The oil would have come in handy." She whispered. She saw the monster engage a few mages.
,,Or perhaps not. Whatever's the case, we can't afford to waste time. Take up positions." She ordered. The Narza'Tai scurried away, trying to remain hidden as they moved across the roofs.

Minutes later, their Breton leader had confirmed that the Plys'Iea was now covered by half a dozen crossbows. not a single bolt was without poison and not a single bolt held the same poison as another. Vasha aimed her own, aiming for its neck. She nodded and pressed the trigger. Six more bolts joined her own in flight, converging on the mysterious warrior.

Vasha didn't wait to observe the result of the first barrage. She abandoned her position and fled to the next, following a route she'd memorized.

Posted by: minque Jan 9 2008, 09:55 PM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Jan 8 2008, 11:16 PM) *

OCC: Seeing as Vasha seems a little pre-occupied I'll assume the attack hasn't started yet. Rann and Dan (didn't realize that rhymed until now) will be running into a traffic jam pretty soon, nobody's getting anywhere......


After setting a crate of foodstuffs down on the raft the vampire paused. The air carried the scent of freshly spilled blood. The fighting's too distant for the wind to carry it here. Then a slight sound came with the wind, the echo of a familiar shriek!

Ian froze, Rann had claimed to kill the champion of the Akaviri. "Apparently he wasn't thorough enough," Kirana commented.
"Satyana, Issac, you two stay here!" He ordered to them as he disentangled himself from the large, but not increasing, mob of soldiers, assassins, and civilians.


"Ok" she nodded to Ian, used to listen to elder people she did not question his orders. She took Issac's hand and just squeezed it...out of fear and seeking for comfort

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 9 2008, 11:12 PM

OCC: I'll have the messenger arrive now.

Akaviri Messenger

A single snakeman slithered through the gates of the Temple District; minutes later he came within earshot of the struggle between the Silhoutte and the elven woman. At first he watched them, but then reminded himself of the news he was meant to bring.

Rather than interupt the dual, he approached Savirien, an experienced warrior and the next person in the chain of command. "My lord," The messenger hissed, bowing his head slightly. "The Tamrielics intend to escape across the lake to the north. Their refugees and troops have been stopped temporarily by the Plys'Iea warrior."

"He advises we move quickly to cut off the enemy retreat before they can move this to the open countryside and we lose our advantage with them pinned down in this place." He blinked and eyed the distant archers still present. "These soldiers are only here to keep us from setting upon the fleeing forces."


As it was, fast moving projectiles like bolts were difficult to detect in time to dodge. The hunter bite down savagely on the last mage's throat, the other having his rib cage cave in. Suddenly, a sharp projectile glanced by his neck.
He felt multiple objects ping off his plate mail, hastily he let go of the mage's throat, the man was too traumatized to pose and further threat. Warily, he lowered one gauntlet to shield his head from the direction of the city.

His neck began to feel numb as he reached to feel the minor wound. A chilly sensation spread along his snake-like neck. The hunter snarled, tensing the muscles in his neck. Before the next volley, he threw himself over the side of the slope.
Rolling down the side, the alien slammed against the ground and used his momentum to spring to his feet. Fortunately, he landed close to his staff, and at an uncomfortable angle for snipers, bowman in this case. The end of the path also turned out to be in the opposite direction from the flotilla.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 10 2008, 07:39 AM


Amrita leaped back from the two strikes. In response to the attack, she fired off both of her crossbows at point blank range.

"Go to the next district!" she shouted back to the stunned archers, who were more than happy to oblige.

She waited to see the Silhouette's next move.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 10 2008, 08:17 AM


,,Next district? That leaves you as the only defense of this one." The crossbows didn't frighten him. More for his own amusement than anything else, he deflected them with his scimitars. Even if he'd allowed the woman to hit him, he would not be injured.
,,I'll take care of this one. All troops, move on!" He roared. To those unfamiliar with the Akaviri tongue, it would seem to be a mere taunt rather than an order to a waiting army.

OOC: The Sil is the biggest bad after Veric. So the more uber I make him here, the more uber Veric will be. Oh, and I just think that point-blank deflection is badass.


Vasha crouched behind a chimney and peered back at where she'd last seen the lizard. He was no longer there. She let her eyes fly and finally noticed the top of its head from behind the slope. It didn't appear to be injured. She slammed in another bolt and pulled back the string as fast as she could, which was still rather slow. While small and lightweight, the crossbows were incredibly potent. That was the main reason she'd chosen them. A bolt fired from hers could penetrate armour at a reasonable distance. Unfortunately, it also made loading a pain, as she found out now.

Posted by: Agent Griff Jan 10 2008, 09:03 AM

Savirien, with the messenger

OOC: Hm, the appearance of that messenger was pretty random, at least for me.

As Savirien stood and watched the duel between his leader and an enemy officer, a messenger came from the Hunter, as Savirien liked to call their freelance warrior. He only respected the Silhouette and acted much like a mercenary with the other Akaviri warriors, including Savirien himself. Still, the beast had considerable speed and strength which gave him great advantages, even when outnumbered by his foes.

From what he understood from the messenger, it seemed that the Tamrielics were preparing to abandon the city. From his own point of view this would have been excellent, since the city would have been in their hands but he didn't exactly know what the Silhouette wanted. After a few moments of thought, Savirien calmly responded.

"Send a host of troops around the Western edge of the lake but tell them to make sure to keep to the eaves of the forest so as not to be seen by the Tamrielics. Keep these movements discrete for we must not allert the Tamrielics. Other than that, prepare the rest of the troops to storm the city after our master is finished with his opponent. We must not let the Tamrielics suspect that we know of their retreat, thus we must maintain the facade' of trying to conquer with all our forces. Now, go!" Savirien said to the messenger, sometimes shifting his serpent gaze to the Silhouette to see how he was faring with his opponent.

The city will be ours soon enough, with or without the Tamrielics retreating. Hopefully, our troops will also cut off the retreat of the Tamrielics fleeing over the lake and hold them in place long enough so the bulk of our forces can also properly pursue them.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 10 2008, 10:18 AM


Amrita was a bit surprised to see the Silhouette effortlessly deflect both bolts. After the robed figured shouted, Amrita could hear the dull thunder of the army approaching.

I think I've had my fun, she thought.

Once again she unleashed her blinding light spell, hoping to at least stun the Silhouette in order to get back to the defenses with ease. She jumped off the wall right after issuing the spell and merged with the shadows that greeted her.

OOC: If the Silhouette wishes to retaliate, a detect creature spell with still show Amrita while she's merged with the shadows.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 10 2008, 07:06 PM


The Silhouette was momentarily surprised by the light spell. For all it was worth, he'd expected something more....offensive. When she vanished, he was even more disapointed.
,,Go on, run all you can. You're not worth my time. I'm sure a katana will find you later." He thought as he calmly turned to look over the army. He saw a piece of the army split off and slink away into the forests.
,,Savirien, up to some of his old tricks. I'll watch and see what he's got up his sleeves this time."

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 11 2008, 03:41 AM


When Brianna blacked out again, Rahvin lifted her from the ground and carried her towards the rafts. Rann and Dan were still in sight, but they were still a good distance ahead.

It won't be long before you can finally rest, dear.


Rann arrived at the scene of the retreat to find that all proceedings had come to a complete halt. He carefully put the soldier he was carrying with the other wounded before walking around with Dan to investigate.

OOC: Mallet, don't forget to reply to Altair (last post with him was on page 1 of this playground)

And Griff, I dragged Dan along with Rann, but if that's not what you want I can edit.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 11 2008, 03:49 AM

OCC: Satyana and Issac are across the bridge, down the spiral path, around the mesa, and a brief jog away, Rann would be able to look down over the edge and see the Plys'Iea.


The people who trained agent how to fight drilled one rule above all into their trainees: Always have some idea what you're fighting before you confront it. Ian, and Kirana for that matter, forgot that one rule when it was most valuable.

The Plys'Iea was staring at the city above, seemingly distracted and completely unaware of the vampire's approach. Ian slipped in from behind, rendered invisible by the enchantment of his cloak, already bracing himself for jumping up onto the alien's shoulders and stabbing him through the back of its neck.
Suddenly, the alien lashed out with a backward thrust of his staff. The vampire recoiled, turning the otherwise major blow into a glancing strike. It struck his chest, tearing through the leather and cloth, but bouncing off the glass.

Ian became fully visible as he stumbled back and reached a hand to his left chest. "The glass blunted the bow, it might have cracked a rib." Kirana cautioned, "Be careful, That was an off-balance attack, I don't think your armor will save us from a full strike."
The Plys'Iea rounded on him, growling. Ian realized just what he'd walked into without thinking. His wrist blades were lethal to most foes, but against the nine-and-a-half foot staff and heavy plate armor, they were nothing more than metal slivers.

He breathed and the pain in his chest lessened as a minor healing spell took affect. The vampire raised his blades in a fighting position, now that the reality set in killing or severely injuring the Plys'Iea was out of the question, but maybe the civilians could make a run for it if he distracted it for long enough.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Jan 11 2008, 05:43 AM

Mannimarco's Soul, Oblivion


The river was apparent. It was just within his reach. He could see all the souls of the snakemen floating down and coming to rest at the pinnacle of torment. Agony was every millisecond here, every thought evoked enough pain to tear open his soul, only to have it reformed by cackling dremora. He was chained by a magic he knew nothing about, but he quickly dismissed the notion of escape. The dremora could see every ounce of Mannimarco's soul, every synapse firing, every thought coming into being. Total defeat loomed overhead, and a dread feeling expanded in Mannimarco's inner mind. The Lord of Pain was approaching. The dremora given rights to this particular part of Oblivion, and apparently the second in command to Lord Dagon. Mannimarco felt himself fade, felt his soul loose its ethereal glimmer, felt diminished. That was the worst torment they could inflict on the soul, bringing it close to annihilation. As long as magic flourished, souls could not be destroyed, however, they could become broken down into magic itself, a dark idiom taught to Mannimarco by the Sload people. Mannimarco stopped thinking and awaited the Lord of Pain.

All Mannimarco could focus on was the river of magic streaming into oblivion, providing transport to those deemed worthy of Oblivion's agonies. What confused Mannimarco was the small breaks in the stream, small holes in the bluish tint above oblivion's tortured sky. Mannimarco realized these were the vampires and other immortals that are no longer ravaged by time. Mannimarco lost focus again and dimmed.

When he refocused, and brightened, a strange sight approached him. Orgnum of Pyandonea approached him. Mannimarco had heard rumors of this ancient king of the Maormi, but Mannimarco quickly dismissed all thought, preparing for an attack from the Lord of Pain. "Necromancer," Orgnum whispered. "Nercomancer." The voice rippled across Mannimarco's soul, sending ripples throughout his spirit. The voice was every conceivable pitch, and Mannimarco lost focus many times before mustering enough will to stand against this foreigner.

"Necromancer" Orgnum crooned, "I have been trapped here since the 110 tenth year of the Summerset's Third Era. I cannot leave, for i was so utterly destroyed that my soul cannot accept another physical form. I was given free roam among Oblivion, for Lord Dagon found my situation amusing. I can set you free from these bonds, however, you must find your own way out." Orgnum had no conceivable features, but Mannimarco knew, somehow, he knew.

"Mannimarco," Orgnum said. "You are now free from these Eternal Bonds. Take this wisdom of my Maormi and send souls for me to torment." Mannimarco felt all his ancient memories and deeds return to him, as well as the memories of Orgnum and the exotic country of Pyandonea. The last memory shocked Mannimarco. An Akaviri Dragon descending from the stormclouds hovering over a fleet of ships. Psijic casters appeared on the shore, and then the memories ended.

Mannimarco saw the dremora approaching and Orgnum turned them away with his unique voice. Mannimarco remebered from before how to access the stream of magic, and the pull of Oblivion seemed to lessen. As he ascended through the broken sky, a small tug made him turn. The face of Lord Dagon appeared level with Mannimarco's own. Mannimarco made no sound, and did not move, he lost all thought of who he was or what he did; the only thing in his mind was the hideous face of Lord Dagon.

A voice that shook like thunder said, "You may leave Necromancer, but take this gift from me." Lord Dagon's small fingernail etched a rune onto Mannimarco's forehead. "Each soul you send here will bring you great joy, but if you are somehow killed, you will be annihilated. Even the Aedra could not save you." And with that Mannimarco was cast into the river of Magic, coursing through the river in utter darkness. Mannimarco found the small cave where he grew as a boy in the first Era, and dove into Mundus. Instantly he felt the tug on his forehead, a constant nagging to remind him where he was bound. A small whisper he couldn't make out continued in his mind. Mannimarco searched the long grassy fields outside the cave for a sentient life form, and to his surprise, he found three.

Mannimarco's soul only need to be stronger than the subdued to control the body, then he could rid the body of the previous owners' soul and restore himself. The three were small dunmer, and through magical manipulation Mannimarco overheard their conversation as they sat around a small campfire. He made out their names and where they were from.

Synasus, the father, and his two sons, Logothos and Etholos. Mannimarco shone with magical energy, as he realized who these people where and exactly what it meant to the Necromancer. He subdued the father and controlled him. The King of Worms has returned.

Near the campfire

A small child was picking apples when she squeezed one and it exploded, worms wriggling everywhere and throughout. She said, "Rotten apple," and tossed it aside. Then she realized the whole orchard's apples were turning brown. The little girl ran inside her little cottage and sought the comfort of her mother. The mother looked at her orchard, and then screamed aloud. She knew this omen, her husband had been assigned to a Battalion of soldiers sent to fight a man with "Lordship over worms" or something like that. She fell to her knees and cried with her daughter.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 11 2008, 07:58 AM


Voltar's curiosity was piqued. "What are we intending to do with this spell? So far, the creature had yet to be truly harmed via magical means," he paused, "Of course, no one with significant intelligence has yet to use one upon that creature...".

Posted by: Agent Griff Jan 11 2008, 06:48 PM

Dan, with Ran

Dan hurried along his comrade though his leg was slowing him down. He had abandoned his crutch some time ago since the bones started to mend but he still had the gait of a wounded man. Still, it would not hamper his skill with the sword for which he needed his arms.

By Rann's pace it was clear that he was worried about the refugees and his family. Dan thought it possible that Rann was simply leading him so they could be slaughtered by the beast just to give the refugees enough time to escape. Still, at this moment it did not really matter to Dan whether he lived or died since, in his opinion, he had no more great deeds available to him or any methods to gain fame. Except dying in a hopeless battle against a much superior foe of course, but Dan didn't really see that option as a way to gain fame since that fame would only be awarded to him posthumously.

"You go on ahead Rann, I will catch up and help with my blade if the situation demands it." Dan shouted wearily as he felt more and more exhausted. If he would really have to use his sword he wouldn't be of much use since he was quite tired by all the running.

Soon enough he slowed down to a regular walking pace, gasping hard for air.

"What is it Balmung? Do you not wish to taste blood on your edge. Come! I smell death in the air, and a familiar beast which has been all too fortunate thus far. Let us end his good fortune and send him back to the netherworld!" Dan said, almost shouting, as a way to bolster his dwindling strength and morale. Many people found Dan odd for talking to his sword and some even made fun of him because of it, but they were all silenced when they saw Dan's skill with the long sword.

Savirien, nearing the Silhouette

As soon as he saw that his commander was finished with his opponent, who had run without any honour whatsoever, Savirien's opinion of the Tamrielics was instantly lowered. He did not view those who chose to flee from battle well. He actually despised those who fled from battle in a wanton fashion calling them cowards. When the situation called for an orderly retreat Savirien had no qualms against it yet when he saw his own troops fleeing in a cowardly manner without orders he really got enraged.

Still, the current moment called for a mass attack on the now deserted walls of the Imperial City. While the Silhouette stood on the walls and watched his forces mobilize in preparation to storm the city, Savirien drew his katana and slithered his way to the front ranks.

"Advance my brethren!" Savirien shouted in the language of the Tsaesci. His shout was so loud that the troops also heard a slight echo, giving the impression that another host of Akaviri warriors awaited their brothers on the other side of the city.

As soon as the order was given, the Akaviri host all started advancing in an orderly manner, as one single body. Soon enough the pace was hastened on Savirien's orders so as to reach the walls before a Tamrielic counter attack. When his troops finally reached the breach, he linked up with his leader.

"My lord" Savirien hissed with a deep bow, almost reaching the ground with his long serpent snout. "Your troops are here to command. They will kill at your orders and they will die at your orders. Speak your will."

Savirien put a particularly annoying accent on the word die showing his dislike for the Silhouette's methods of sacrificing his troops rather pointlessly at times. He also sheathed his blade as he presented himself to his master.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 11 2008, 08:21 PM


The Silhouette waited till Savirien had reached him with the request for further orders. He noticed the hidden disaproval in the Tsaeci noble's voice, but he did not react to it. It didn't matter, as long as his troops would perform efficiently.
,,What is the current situation? I assume that you have kept track of it?" He merely replied.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Jan 11 2008, 09:39 PM


Being animated felt different than existing as a soul. Mannimarco was wrestling with the father's soul for control of the body, and the father was remarkably strong, or maybe Mannimarco was becoming weak. No visible effects showed on the father while the owner of his shell fought with a foreign entity. The father managed to say, "Boys, can you find me some water?" Before closing his eyes and laying down. The two boys, Etholos and Logothos got up and raced back to a small crick they had seen while on their outing with their father.

When the boys arrived at the crick, they smelled rotten fruit and heard sobbing sounds in the distance. They ran to the crest of a nearby hill, and saw a whole orchard devastated by blight. The boys were taken aback, because in the middle there was a Bosmeri woman weeping on the grass, a small girl by her side.

Mannimarco was nearing control of the soul. If he could access the bodies's magic, he could win the struggle. As soon as the magic was within reach, Mannimarco set up a complex binding spell matrix to seal the soul inside the shell, a prisoner inside its own body. But before the spell was cast, the father's soul dispersed the magic field and Mannimarco was spiritually assaulted again. Mannimarco was running out of ideas, and the father's soul was complex and had a deep understanding of magic.

The boys ran to the woman, but before they got there, the woman pulled out a small dagger and cut her finger open. There was a crazed look in her eye, and the woman tightened her grip on the dagger. The boys prepared spells their father had taught them, spells to stun animals if they got too close. They fired on the woman without a second thought and ran to retrieve the little girl from the crazy woman. The spells struck the woman and she fell over onto her back, unconscious. The boys took the little girl with them and ran back to the campsite.

Mannimarco was going to get expelled for the first time in his whole existence. He had nothing left, everything he tried was dispersed or resisted, and the father's soul was gaining strength. Visible signs of effort were apparent on the physical shell's face, as it would appear to have a stomach problem. Mannimarco mounted his final assault. He made the father's soul aware of the existence of Patholos, and the father's soul shattered into a smaller weaker form. Mannimarco pounced and absorbed all the small shards that once was the resolute father's soul. Mannimarco now had control. He absorbed the control of the body and set a spell up for the boys and the little girl approaching over the crest of the hill behind him. Balling up magic in his hand, he formed a spell learned from Orgnum of Pyandonea. It was a stasis spell that put the victim in a small plane of oblivion in stasis, like an extra dimensional prison. Mannimarco smiled as the father's previous flesh peeled off to reveal the owner's self image. With a simple flick the spell was cast, and now Mannimarco could find that undead vampire that caused him so much pain......

OOC: Planning on taking him to SLOAD ruins to regain former strength and reform Staff of Worms, then goes after vampire.

Posted by: Agent Griff Jan 11 2008, 10:38 PM

OOC: Hope you don't mind me giving a few details about the Sil Jack. It's not something special, just things to make him more palpable.

Savirien, with the Silhouette

"Yes, to the best of my abilities. The Tamrielics are preparing a ruse, a plan to trick us and evade capture or death. While a host of their warriors still defends the city, the rest of their forces and the majority of the civilians and refugees will try to flee the city by using the lake surrounding it. They will use a make-shift fleet of rafts my lord. I have already been informed of their intentions and have dispatched a company of our finest to scout out the forests to the north, north-west and north-east of the lake and prepare an ambush." Savirien said as he prolonged any words which contained the letter s and lashing out his forked tongue. "As they set out I ordered the rest of our forces to behave as normal so as not to alarm the enemy. As I like to say, strike where you are not expected."

After he gave his report he looked intently at his master to see what his wishes were. Despite all his faults the Silhouette knew how to motivate and rally his troops. Whenever he appeared on the battlefield his troops fought much better but not because of any love they had for the Silhouette. His appearance instilled great fear in both the enemy and his own troops, which fought much harder because of their dreaded master.

A side effect of the fear instilled in all by the Silhouette was that, when he fought, he carved a path among his enemies both by skill of arms and by use of the fear and dread he caused in enemy troops. His skill at arms was also supreme among the Akaviri. Savirien could not hope to defeat him even in his prime, let alone at his current age. Still, Savirien held the belief that the Silhouette wasn't all powerful. As far as he was concerned, his master was flesh and bone like any other mortal creature. In truth, none really had any real knowledge about the Silhouette, none except the Silhouette himself.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 12 2008, 12:53 AM

Issac, Flotilla

He returned the squeeze and rested a hand on Satyana's shoulder gently. "Don't worry, the Akaviri don't know what we're doing." Issac said reassuringly, many of the Narza'Tai stood motionlessly as torch-weilding sentinels while the soldiers passed supplies and helped civilians got onto the rafts.

"We'll make it, and the others have the same chances we do." He smiled slightly in the torch light, as the sun had already disappeared beyond the horizon.

Karn, overseeing the retreat

The only illumination now was the light given off by the torches of both the Narza'Tai and some of the officer in the Morrowind and Bruman army. That was too unreliable for Karn's tastes, therefore he and many other assassins relied on night-eye to keep things organized.

The Dunmer could see that, while the civilians generally did as they were intructed, they looked at the assassins with fear. In the dark they looked too much like the Dark Brotherhood or some demonic spectres. Many civilians, men and women, made obvious effort to remain at arm's length from the Narza'Tai, no mean feat in the crowd.
Karn was glad that there were few children, most families had the sensibility to leave even before the Imperial Legion and Morrowind Army arrived. As important as children were they hindered the already chaotic retreat.

The Sensei spotted to familiar people standing together near a raft. Issac and Satyana, Karn knew Ian had to be somewhere nearby, but could not spot the vampire. After three minutes of scanning the crowd, the Dunmer gave up and noticed that the flow of newcomers had subsided.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Jan 12 2008, 02:42 AM

Patholos, near the flotilla

Muttering to himself, Patholos nudged his way through the crowd, muttering apologies and the like as he continued to find Karn. Patholos had tried to meditate throughout this whole ordeal, staying away from the battle and from his Sensei, Karn. Patholos had neglected his duties as a member of the Narza'Tai, but his anger at Rann seemed to justify his abscence. Patholos had emerged to find the whole city evacuating, but to where they were going, he knew not.

Patholos looked around for the Dark Elf commander, but instead saw small rank officers leading the escape. It suddenly dawned on him, they were attempting to bluff the Silhouette to evacuate the civilians. Patholos stood still a moment, and then focused his vision through the stone wall surrounding the city. Patholos saw small rafts being loaded with people and supplies. Patholos felt an uneasy feeling in his stomach, and tried to look around the perimeter of the rafts. Patholos knew he wouldn't be alive if it weren't for his paranoia.

Patholos found Karn near some Narza'Tai members, and approached the Sensei. Patholos paused before speaking, collecting his tactical knowledge from a previous member of the dark brotherhood and his union with the darkness along with his suspicion of the Silhouette, then spoke to Karn, "Sensei, this does not bode well. You as well as I know the mobility of the rafts. If they are discovered, the blood of innocents will be spilled and it will taint this water for all time. You must realize this?" Patholos grew angered, not at Karn, but at the situation. He chose to keep his voice down however, he did not want to cause panic. "The city is no longer safe, and I realize that. What about this idea, it may take a little more time, but you may be able to get some from those valiant warriors at our backs. The plan is simple. We create ten times the rafts needed to transport the civilians off to the other shoreline. The first rafts will be empty, as well as some others sprinkled in throughout the escape. We put Narza'Tai healers on every third raft, an archer and a combat type to accompany the healer. When the Narza'Tai reach the opposing shoreline, then can form a protective crescent for the escapees. Sensei, this is beyond morality, this is beyond good and evil."

Patholos paused, noticing all the little scared faces of the children and mothers. A single red tear rolled down his cheek, then he said, "How will we be remembered Sensei? As brigands? Rogues? Bandits?"

Another single red tear, and then, "Or shall we show them that the Narza' Tai are Heroes!?"

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 13 2008, 06:11 PM


The sensei turned to Patholos with an expression of..... sorrow? "Patholos, even if we had the time, we still don't have the resources or manpower to build that many rafts. Our healers are exhausted as it is, and we have to move our own interests."

Karn studied his second in command, watching the red tear go down his pale cheek. "If you wish to protect the civilians, I can afford to give up three assassin groups and two rafts for you to scout out the northern shore."

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 13 2008, 06:21 PM


The Silhouette turned back to face the tower that rose up at the center of the city.
,,Very well, then commence the attack as you see fit, Savirien. But do know that I desire that tower to be ours as soon as possible. I believe that its roof would be quite suitable as a scouting position."

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Jan 13 2008, 09:07 PM

The Silhouette, His City

The Silhouette looked over the city with indifference. Emotions were not something he liked to use and with the faintest look of admiration he leapt off the wall and landed onto a building far below. He mad no sound as he worked his way towards the flotilla. He stood on top of the wall and shouted down in his hissing voice.
"Take no prisoners, I want the heads of all Cyrodillian citizens piled in the Green Emperor Way" he said in Akaviri. "Set fire to everything!" he hissed as he sent a large fireball shooting towards a large group of panicking citizens on one of the flotilla ships.
The cries of despair from all sides seemed to encase the Silhouette in a frenzy of glee, if anything actually did touch his emotions it was the joy of hurting others. He was Akaviri immortal, he had done magic that no other could do. He had avenged Akavir's failed attempt to take over.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 13 2008, 09:48 PM

Karn, Flotilla

Karn's gaze flicked over Patholos' head, the fireball's light reflected off his crimson eyes.

"Get down!" He shouted, civilians and soldiers turned to look. Before Patholos could speak or turn his sensei knocked him down with a kick to the chest.

Karn threw himself down beside his XO, water splashed into his face. Three times his heart beat before a wave of heat blew past.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 14 2008, 07:27 AM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint flexed his hand. The healer who had seen to him had already moved on to the next patient.
,,Note to self, never ever again approach a position likely to be stormed by katanawielding snakes." He muttered. His eyes grew big and he threw himself off the raft into the water.
,,For that matter, never take a boattrip in the middle of a warzone either!" He continued and spat out a mouthfull of water.
,,Now I'm beginning to wish I was born as an Argonian!"

Sinyaramen Fenasim, Cloud Ruler (Just so we won't forget about him)

Sin laughed.
,,I am a genius!" He howled and bent down to scoop up the pile of books, none of which was any larger than a fingernail.
,,Travel-sized books. This is pure brilliance!" He said to himself. Someone cleared his throat behind him.
,,Yes, very impressive and all that but you are going to return those books to their original size and put them back on the racks where they belong, won't you?" A Blade muttered in a very bored tone. Sin sighed.
,,Yes, sir."

OOC: I just counted. In all but one post, Sin has said that he's a genius at least once. He sure loves himself.

Posted by: Agent Griff Jan 14 2008, 08:03 PM

OOC: Um, wasn't the Sil's last action a bit...random? Anyway, I'm shouldn't be one to judge. He is your character afterall and you know what's best for him. Anyway.


Before Savirien could properly answer his commander, the Silhouette had already leaped off the wall and landed on a building nearby. He then started making his way to the North of the island where the population of the city had gathered to prepare an evacuation.

Ever the hasty one. So be it.

Savirien soon called one of the higher ranked captains to him so as to organize the host properly and take the city in as little time as possible.

"Take three quarters of the army currently inside the city and lead it towards the docks of the city where the Tamrielics are preparing to evacuate the city. Protect our lord and master and support him in whatever tasks he might choose to undertake. Once you find him, you will grant command of your forces and resume your role as captain." Savirien said. The captain seemed slightly confused.

"And what will you do with the rest of our forces, general?" the captain asked after a short while in which he thought over his response. He remembered that Savirien was a reasonable man and that he did not have a temper akin to the Silhouette's fury.

"Our master's bidding of course." Savirien said, sketching a smile with his long, narrow, snout. "I shall proceed in conquering the great tower. Now go out and see to your duty! When we see each other again we will have either conquered the city or been defeated and expelled from it."

With grim determination he then set out to gather his troops and attack the White Gold Tower of the Imperial City.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Jan 15 2008, 10:54 PM


The stunning color scheme blazing overhead startled Patholos, and with his unique vision, he could see the traces from where the spell came from. Muttering a curse under his breath for the first time he could remember, Patholos unsheathed his special dagger and released the paralysis enchantment upon the blade with a small drop of his own blood. Patholos looked at the wasted bodies of three civilians crack and sizzle in magical torment, and a small fire grew in his soul.

For the first time since he had met Karn, Patholos thought him to be cunning and decisive with few personal emotions ever involving themselves in his plan. The Sensei looked burned, and Patholos wondered what the merciless Karn would have done before the Narza'Tai, before the End of The Dark Brotherhood, before the Silhouette... war changes everyone....

Patholos ordered three standing Narza'Tai to his side and like fluid shadows they immersed themselves into a battle formation. A squad of Tactical Akaviri were on the heels of a family running for the shore. Patholos didn't have to say anything, as the four together struck the squad. There was relatively no sound heard as the snakemen dropped to the ground, and the four Narza'Tai stood victorious. Cleaning the blades ritualistically and heading for the next squad, the Narza'Tai became a masterpiece of war, each in his own personal Requiem. There was tranquility on the Narza'Tai's faces, and they were at peace with the world.

Patholos was cleaning his blade for the third time when horror struck him. His split soul, the part devoted to Sithis eternally and the Changed Patholos, began to feel whole again. This sudden change meant either of two things; he was becoming a tool of Sithis again, or he was healing and he had grown strong enough to break a pact with a deity. He was astounded when a small shadowy hand came into view with strikingly similar features to his own. An akaviri necromancer had torn his shadowy soul out of his body and incarnated it into a dead host. Patholos's heart sank as the Battle Posture of the Black Hand was taken by his shadowy self. With a grim determination, he made ready to end the wrong he put on the world.

OOC: I gave Patholos a Baptism by Fire, taking what he had done in his life with regret and getting a chance to face it, what is going to happen i wonder....

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 15 2008, 11:10 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Wasting no further time complaining, Flint crawled back onto the raft.
,,Get the rafts clumped up together!" He shouted at the boatsman. The Imperial looked at him as if he'd gone insane.
,,Those are area effect fireballs, you moronic Breton! You want us all to get wiped out in one shot?!" He shouted back.

Flint nodded and a shimmering dome appeared over the raft they stood on.
,,And this is an area effect barrier. The closer together the rafts get, the more compact and dense I can make this thing." He said. Now the Boatsman simply nodded and began to row with grim determination. His collegues, those that hadn't panicked, realized what was going on and moved to rendezvous with Flint's raft.

,,Anyone who knows how to put up a barrier, no matter how weak, no matter how small, do it! Every little bit is another layer between us and fiery death!" The old man ordered. Absentmindedly, he bent down and picked up Aleatoire.
,,Now let's see. Any barriers in this thing?"

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 15 2008, 11:39 PM

OCC: This is getting chaotic, I don't think Veric will have much backup other than Dalrus.....


"Satyana, come on!" Issac said as he helped her onto the nearest raft. The fireball had hit far away enough that the heat that reached them was not harmful. He glanced back at the place where the fireball struck, the grass and soil beneath it was as black as the ashlands of Vvardenfell. It extended many meters, and thankfully, had not been an explosive shot, the fire and heat simply spread upon impact.

Most of the people who'd been caught by the fire had died on the spot, the air within them igniting and searing their lungs. Everyone who wasn't dead that close enough to be harmed was so burned that their wounds didn't resemble flesh anymore.
Issac saw a shield dome materialize nearby on another raft, which manuevered to get closer to the others. The Altmer summoned the last of his waning magicka reserves to create a protective dome of his own. The Aegis would keep spells and projectiles from entering, but people could come and go freely.

He leaned against Satyana, sitting down on the raft, his eyes shut with concentration; ensuring the shield remained up was more about focus that magicka right now..... Issac clenched Satyana's hand comfortingly.


The screams of the civilians seemed distant to the vampire's ears. Everyone coming down from the Prison paid him and the Plys'Iea little heed, except for giving them a wide berth. Akaviri seemed to slither from everywhere, but they ignored the battle and pursued the civilians.

Ian's continued survival was more on his vampiric reflexes, instincts, and Kirana's support. The alien's staff whoosed at his chest once more and the vampire's movement came without conscious thought. He flowed around the hunter as he followed through with the thrust with a tackle.
"The flotilla isn't going to loiter around much longer, get going!" Ian grabbed the retreating staff and used the Plys'Iea's momentum to throw himself back in the direction of the rafts.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 16 2008, 02:37 AM


When Amrita reached the walls to the next district, she found them abandoned. It appeared that the retreat was in full swing now with the direct attack made by the enemy commander. The sounds of the Akaviri horde were rising quickly and Amrita knew she had to get to the flotilla. She continued on the path until she saw Ian facing the beast she had thought killed. Anger at leaving something unfinished rather than worrying about the safety of the vampire, Amrita launched a lightning strike at the beast.


Flogir frantically waved on the civilians as they got onto the rafts. Behind him two large squads stood as a last defense for the people before they would sail to safety as well. Flogir cursed the Silhouette for ruining his defensive plans, but it appeared that they'd still have enough time to get everyone out of here without many more losses.

The sound of the approaching army was a frightening clock, warning that the city's time was soon to end.

"By the Divines, I hope they don't find Altair," Flogir muttered. Hopefully the resourceful politician and his powerful mage retainer would find a way out of the city.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Jan 16 2008, 03:40 AM

Dalrus Varus, Gold Road

The smoke could be seen for miles. It seemed to rise up out of the valley from a great furnace. Wildlife and citizens alike looked on in mesmerized panic. Eastern Cyrodiil lay all but destroyed, the reletively unscathed west awaited the outcome of the battle. Bandits of course had been raiding over the countryside of Collovia, and who could blame them? All the soldiers and guards had gone off to fight in The Imperial City. Only the walled cities of Collovia could be counted on for safety, though since the siege of The Imperial City, raids had halted. A deer stopped gazing towards the Nibinay Valley and bent by a pool to drink.

Suddenly it sprinted off as a ball of energy seemed to appear out of no where, followed by around thirty more balls of energy. They soon materialized into fairly ordinary looking people, despite their odd clothing, which consisted of forest green robes for the men, and rosy pink robes for the women. In the center stood a breath takingly attractive young woman with dark, wavy, long brown hair tied up in a hasty pony tail. She smiled at the intense looking mages surrounding her and a few of the men seemed to be dumbfounded. This was of course Dalrus, new Archmage of the reformed Guild of Mages.

"Well I am surprised, more people have come than I would have thought, it seems all of the eastern guild halls were not completely wiped out," she said in a voice that seemed to hypnotize the listeners. But that was just Dalrus's way, she seemed to have a voice that made the listener think they were alone with her. As if she was their for them and only them. This was a Dalrus who was very different from the one who had been held by vampires for a year before, she was emenating a goodness, a power that was stable. She had succeeded in gathering up the other mages, the mages who the Guild had forced exile on. The Mages who felt the guild was unfair, the mages whom practiced in solitary, self imposed exile. All the masters were hear, all the former members of the mages guild, the threat that had destroyed most of the empire had united it's magic people.

"Now I cannot guarentee we will all surive this, as a matter of fact, I can guarentee that quite a few of us will die, but we are not doing this for us, we are doing this for the innocent none magic folks, the ones whom are being slaughtered as we speak. I see our Guild Guides successfully got us to the outskirts of the valley, now let us do our part in the war effort." she smiled, though this was not a happy smile, it was a smile of determination, of sadness but one that reassured her collegues. The robed group did not walk in any order, mostly scattered and prepared, the Warrior Mages (Destruction and Conjuration) leading followed by the Support Mages (Mysticism, Illusion) and in the back the Healers marched, and with these came most of the priests whom Dalrus had convinced in coming.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 16 2008, 05:14 AM

Ian, and Plys'Iea

Not even the reflexes of a vampire could be used to dodge lightning, particularly if it struck one unawares. The electricity struck the alien in the back, some of it deflecting into random directions, or running along the extra-sensory spines.

The charge blasted along the staff, and into Ian before he even knew what was happening or could finish catapulting himself. The shock slammed him against the ground, his entire body seemed to alternate between numb and searing pain.
Ian blinked, trying to clear his vision, not only were the screaming and battlecries of the people around him painful to hear, but he felt light-headed and disorientated. "No one with the Akaviri would hit the creature; that Altmer girl probably cast it."

The vampire shook his head, but that didn't help clear things up at all. Painfully, Ian got to his knees and then to a shaky stand. Beside him the Plys'Iea shrieked in outrage, he gripped his staff furiously. The hunter slammed the weapon into the ground for leaverage before he stood and snarled at the all to familiar Altmer witch.
"I have known patience! Nineteen years I waited in Black Marsh before the Silhoutte came, but now I am tolerant no LONGER!!!" He yelled in heavily accented, but understandable Tamrielic. Summoning strength from his seemingly bottomless reserves of anger and resentment, the Plys'Iea roared and charged at Amrita.

"Now would be a very good time to go for the rafts, that creature is more pissed off than a berzerking Orc and those Akaviri aren't milling around either!" Ian closed his eyes, getting to the boat by sight was futile at this point.
Kirana guided him as best she could, and the injured vampire collapsed on the same raft as Satyana and Issac. "If I find out who fired that lightning bolt, I'll gut them and let the slaughterfish have the meat for.......lunch...." He muttered before unconsciousness took hold.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 16 2008, 11:01 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint nodded appreciatively to Issac when the young Altmer put up his own barrier. He doubted the fellow had seen it, but it was the gesture that mattered anyway.
,,I've been jumping all over the place." The Breton began to grumble as he tapped one end of his staff with a finger.
,,I've been stabbed, crushed, burned, pulled apart......And I swear, every time I take a rest and get healed, crap hits five seconds later! I've lost my swords and my staff is a complete nutjob! I'm telling you, I am getting too old for this. I've had it up to here and because of that, if you don't do something usefull I'm going to melt you down and shove your still bubbling remains down the Sil's throat! Now give me a barrier, Aleatoire!"

The water under the raft turned an odd shade of yellow, as well as gaining a peculiar scent. Flint sighed.
,,Oh, please. Not brandy! You're not turning the lake into brandy! Brandy has alcohol! And alcohol and fire is bad! It burned down a tavern once! Damn you!" He hammered the staff down on the raft in frustration but there was little he could do. A pool of brandy had formed and if a fireball hit now, they'd be in deep trouble. At least the beverage spread quickly. Soon, it would be too much mixed with normal water in order to burn.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Jan 17 2008, 12:38 AM


Facing himself, Patholos made ready a high strike stance learned from the Narza'Tai. Patholos hoped the shadow of himself had no knowledge of the Narza'Tai, giving him an edge. The shadow of Patholos stooped low and picked up a weapon, a small handblade, about 50 centimeters long. The darkness perpetuated from the shadow was kept constant by the Necromancer snakeman, now in full concentration with his eyes closed. Patholos noticed the thick stream of magic being fed into the shadow, and it looked like a strong cable. Before Patholos returned his gaze to the shadow, it struck. Patholos parry high and punched hard where the abdomen would be. He was surprised when the Necromancer grunted, and the shadow made no noise. The Necromancer seemed to be controlling every aspect of the shadow through the cable of magic.

After a few moments of feinting and superfluous strikes, both Patholos and his shadow showed no visible damage. A Narza'Tai member looked to approach the fight, but then was engaged by another tactical snakemen squad. Patholos focused and sent a streaming bolt of fire towards the Necromancer and charged his shadow. The Shadow changed locations in a split second and absorbed the fire spell, faltering for a moment, then darkening again. The Necromancer hissed loudly, and seemed visibly fatigued, but Patholos was stunned. The fire spell he sent at the Necromancer was the highest level of fire magic he had ever learned. Only the Fingers of the Black Hand were able to conjure it, let alone maximize its potential. The fire had two effects; obvious immolation and explosion, and then magicka interference. The spell should had dissipated the shadow, and Patholos was counting on that. It amazed him that the Necromancer still stood and that the shadow was charging him again.

Patholos sustained multiple wounds on his forearms and thighs, as the Shadow was using the Secondary Take Down method of killing an opponent. Usually, this technique was only used if the user had poisoned weaponry, which made Patholos worry. He quickly examined his wounds to determine if he could see poison. To his surprise, there didn't seem to be any poison. But, the Secondary Take Down method was also used to bleed out a stronger opponent, one who could not be beat physically. The Necromancer must have learned all of this in mere seconds, which made Patholos ponder the strength of the Akaviri magic, and he wondered if it was the same type....


Bodily rejection is a side effect of soul corrupting, and Mannimarco was vomiting blood not fifty yards from the campsite. His eyes were dilated and his veins were vivid through the Dark Elf complexion on his skin. His started turning pallid, darkness creeping into the corner of his vision. With a final grunt he stood up and with his last ounce of strength, cast a sealing spell to keep his soul inside the body while he was unconscious. The body would heal itself while unconscious, and Mannimarco could restore himself to full potency. While he sat in the unconscious body, he slowly reached his vision out to the River of Time, and began focusing on the breaks, the immortals. The river flowed and soon Mannimarco found what he sought, A small humanoid figure was removed from the river, and he had the telltale signs of vampirism. So did hundreds of others around him. But what distinguished him was that his soul was entwined with another....

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 17 2008, 06:16 PM


Walking towards the prison, Rann spotted something charging at Amrita.

I thought we killed that thing!

He broke out into a run when he reached the bridge, hoping to join the fight before someone died. He realized that the beast's presence here was a major problem to the retreat, and the longer the reptilian monster was kept occupied, the better.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 17 2008, 09:07 PM


Amrita noticed the beast surging towards her and she nimbly leaped to the side, but not before leaving a towering spire of flame where she previously stood. Hopefully the momentum of the beast's charge would send it right into the flames.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 17 2008, 09:32 PM

OCC: Ian won't be happy when he meets Amrita next, and no one is surprised that a seemingly dumb "monster" can speak their language.


When the space that the Altmer had formerly occupied blossomed into flame, the Plys'Iea had only a moments consideration. He planted both feet on the ground, Plys'Iea did not have large claws on their legs, but their feet and hands were designed for climbing, and could provide more traction that most plantigrade species.

His people built their guantlets and boots in the same fashion their hands and feet could grip surfaces. The hunter threw all of his weight forward, into the flames! But rather than being seared by the spire of fire (lol, that rhymes) his momentum and powerful leap exposed him to the heat too shortly to be harmed.
He hit the ground and rolled, shifting sideways to face Amrita.

"You have branded me no more that a beast, but I know what you are witch. You've killed before, taken life without reason. Who is the monster between the two of us? I kill for the same reason a hunter would, for my kind see all of yours as a hunter would see game." The alien rumbled, getting to his feet.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Jan 17 2008, 11:00 PM


A disturbingly lifelike moan escaped from the shadow, and Patholos looked over at the Necromancer akavir. Patholos expected to see stronger cables attaching themselves to the shadow, but instead, there were cables coming from the shadow and attaching themselves to the necromancer. The Necromancer's own essence was being absorbed by Patholos's dark soul, and Patholos knew why. The Power of Sithis could not be returned, revoked or removed, it was in the Five Tenants. The Necromancer was attempting to control a tormented soul that had been woven by the Void. No amount of magic could possibly sustain control for more than a few moments over the colossal power of the Void. The shadow began to formulate words, or almost words as the Necromancer ailed. With a stunning display of willpower, the necromancer cut the cables attached to himself and to the shadow, but only had a moment's reprieve, as more cables issued out from the shadow.

Patholos's shadow drained the Necromancer completely, and the cables attached to the necromancer snapped into nothingness. The dried out husk of an akaviri soldier remained, and it looked as if every ounce of fluid inside his body was drained. The shadow seemed to bulk up, and then veins and a arteries appeared underneath a very thin layer of skin.

The shadow spoke, in a contra-alto tone, "To exist....on this one of you......I need to of you....?"

Patholos was again shocked. The shadow was absorbing life and converting that raw energy into creating a body. What Patholos could do with that kind of power! Life energy converted into matter, it seemed impossible. While Patholos thought over what he saw, the cables of magic shot out to either side of the shadow and grabbed female Bosmer and another akaviri warrior. In a matter of seconds, both empty shells were tossed to the ground. Patholos wondered about the female Bosmer, she didn't even scream. That most likely meant that when the cables attached to you, they forced out your soul. Patholos kept that in mind as he circled near the shadow, now moments away from becoming mortal.


Mannimarco gasped as he sat up, and the bodily convulsions started again. Mannimarco would have to shock his body into accepting the cellular processes that his soul would now control. Mannimarco would attempt a fusing of non-matter and matter, which required vast amounts of magic. Mannimarco wondered where he could find the magic he needed to cast this spell. The dark elf did not have nearly the stores that he needed, so Mannimarco would have to improvise. A violent cough sent bloody spittle a few yards away. Mannimarco would have to hurry, a body was tough, but when the body is trying to kill itself, it becomes terribly efficient.

Posted by: Agent Griff Jan 18 2008, 04:22 PM

Dan, reaching the flotilla

As Dan limped his way closer and closer to the flotilla he could notice that all hell had broken lose. The Akaviri host was attacking in full strength and the flotilla would soon have to leave the city or face destruction at the hands of the enemy.

Dan wasn't in the state to fight properly so he looked to find a raft which he could board. Narrowly dodging the fierce fighting going on near the rafts he finally jumped into one of the rafts under the protective shield dome. Once there he simply laid down and rested. He was not a mage so he couldn't help with the dome even if he wanted to. Besides, all this running around had exhausted him.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 18 2008, 06:51 PM

OCC: Kirana's more than just a voice in Ian's head now. biggrin.gif


Sweat covered his face in a thin film, the Narza'Tai armor didn't help with unforgiving heat. Karn was thankful it hadn't caught fire. The sensei analyzed the situation in a glance, most of the soldiers and able individuals had moved up to try and hold off the first waves of Akavir.

Beside him, an assassin fired a crossbow at a tactical Akaviri fighting a Nord lad. The snake recoiled as the bolt was caught in its rib cage, and the Nord used the opportunity well, slamming his axe into the snakeman's shoulder.

Karn looked back at the rafts and was satisfied to see individuals channeling shields to protect against more fireballs and arrows. Our mages need a reprieve, He thought. Argonians appeared from the depths with some more supplies from the sewers.
As soon as they dropped their burden, they dived back down to get more. If only half of Tamriel was so dedicated.


Ian was unconscious, but she made no attempt to rouse her friend. You've endured enough as it is, have some rest. Kirana remembered that Ian had allowed Cerpin temporary dominion of his body. She was willing to try doing the same while he was resting.

The sage focused, willing her essense to flow into the void that Ian had been in while conscious. An eternity stretched on before she felt the equivalent of a lock click open. Kirana opened her eyes and blinked. The environment came rushing to her, she had forgotten what it was like to live by her own senses.
The air was acrid after the Silhoutte's fireball strike, people were crying out, Akaviri were hissing and shrieking war cries, and Issac's shield shimmered all around the raft. Kirana, Ian's body, sat up and took a better look at the other occupants of the raft, particularly Issac and Satyana.

She moved beside the two young ones and set a hand above Issac's chest. Fortifying her "son's" reserves with some of Ian's bolstered magicka. Kirana turned to Satyana, studying her surrogate son's fiance for a heartbeat.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 19 2008, 07:54 AM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Jan 17 2008, 03:32 PM) *

OCC: Ian won't be happy when he meets Amrita next, and no one is surprised that a seemingly dumb "monster" can speak their language.


When the space that the Altmer had formerly occupied blossomed into flame, the Plys'Iea had only a moments consideration. He planted both feet on the ground, Plys'Iea did not have large claws on their legs, but their feet and hands were designed for climbing, and could provide more traction that most plantigrade species.

His people built their guantlets and boots in the same fashion their hands and feet could grip surfaces. The hunter threw all of his weight forward, into the flames! But rather than being seared by the spire of fire (lol, that rhymes) his momentum and powerful leap exposed him to the heat too shortly to be harmed.
He hit the ground and rolled, shifting sideways to face Amrita.

"You have branded me no more that a beast, but I know what you are witch. You've killed before, taken life without reason. Who is the monster between the two of us? I kill for the same reason a hunter would, for my kind see all of yours as a hunter would see game." The alien rumbled, getting to his feet.


Amrita grinned. "Sounds rather... beastly of you to picture us as mere game, creature," she retorted back, giving emphasis on the word the creature seemed to detest.

"If you truly believe that you're actually intelligent you'd know which side to choose. Obviously since you chose the wrong side, you no idea what intelligence is," she continued, belting out a laugh. "Any mere brute can swing a barbaric club, it takes intelligence to perform "witchcraft"."

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 19 2008, 07:42 PM

Flint Ironwood, on a raft.

Flint sighed in relief. At least they hadn't been fireballed while the water was flammable.
,,Great. We might just make it." He noted as the beach drew closer.
,,Alright, everyone! Prepare to disembark! It won't be long till the snakes get into pursuit!" He shouted and looked at the treeline.
,,Hmm, I just wonder. With my luck, we'd be walking right into a trap. I mean, it would be typical. I've been rolling from one trap into another for a while now." He thought.
,,So......detection spells out of the wazoo!"

He didn't like what he saw.
,,Armed forces disembark first! I want a phalanx supported by a line of archers. Once assembled, advance slowly! I expect company from that forest!"


The beast was a tough one. Bolts, fire, nothing seemed to be capable of stopping it for long. Still, there wasn't much they could do but try.
,,Fire!" She telepathically instructed and another cloud of poisoned projectiles whizzed towards their mark.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 19 2008, 11:52 PM


"You have no idea what I am, that is because my people aren't from Nirm." He replied, amused by Amrita's hypocrasy.

"You're ignorance is proven by your judging my kind by my actions alone. Look at the stars; each light in the void has the potential for life, not just this single planet." The alien contradicted her.

"And as for you're precious magicka, I couldn't use it anyway, such power is not available to my people, but our technology far exceeds anything your kind could comprehend." He explained, shifting the grip on his staff.

Suddenly the Narza'Tai's bolts pinged off of his back. The hunter hesitated for a moment; then made his decision.

"Pray to whatever diety you have, if my people return to this place, there will be more than one sergeant with primitive weaponry." He hissed before throwing his staff at Rann's approaching form.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Jan 20 2008, 05:03 AM

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Jan 19 2008, 06:54 AM) *

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Jan 17 2008, 03:32 PM) *

OCC: Ian won't be happy when he meets Amrita next, and no one is surprised that a seemingly dumb "monster" can speak their language.


When the space that the Altmer had formerly occupied blossomed into flame, the Plys'Iea had only a moments consideration. He planted both feet on the ground, Plys'Iea did not have large claws on their legs, but their feet and hands were designed for climbing, and could provide more traction that most plantigrade species.

His people built their guantlets and boots in the same fashion their hands and feet could grip surfaces. The hunter threw all of his weight forward, into the flames! But rather than being seared by the spire of fire (lol, that rhymes) his momentum and powerful leap exposed him to the heat too shortly to be harmed.
He hit the ground and rolled, shifting sideways to face Amrita.

"You have branded me no more that a beast, but I know what you are witch. You've killed before, taken life without reason. Who is the monster between the two of us? I kill for the same reason a hunter would, for my kind see all of yours as a hunter would see game." The alien rumbled, getting to his feet.


Amrita grinned. "Sounds rather... beastly of you to picture us as mere game, creature," she retorted back, giving emphasis on the word the creature seemed to detest.

"If you truly believe that you're actually intelligent you'd know which side to choose. Obviously since you chose the wrong side, you no idea what intelligence is," she continued, belting out a laugh. "Any mere brute can swing a barbaric club, it takes intelligence to perform "witchcraft"."

The Silhouette, Shore of Lake Rumare

"I think," laughed the Silhouette's voice from no where "That you calling your petty spells intelligent is one of the most amusing things I have ever heard" mused the Silhouette as he suddenly took form from a black puff of smoke. "As a matter of fact, I think the most intelligence you people have shown is running away, though I can't say that will save you except maybe give my men a little bit more to do." His prescence seemed to have driven the place into even more chaos. More Tsaeci were coming through the gate and the Silhouette advanced on Amrita.

"You have no idea what magic truly is, Tamriel scum" he said as he shot a blast of purple magic towards her.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 20 2008, 06:18 AM


"Everyone has to be rushing around; one moment everything's fine, and the next the Akaviri Army is tearing everything up." A figure muttered under his breath as he jumped down from part of the path to the ground.

Tenek ran to the shore, ignoring the snakemen and other Tamrielics fighting in between. *Why should I fight? I lost my loot and no body's paying me....*

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 20 2008, 09:42 AM


Rann couldn't help but feel as if his intelligence were being insulted when the strange creature threw its staff his way. The monster's aim was dead on, but Rann was at a far enough distance away that he was able to sidestep out of the projectile's path.

The staff made a loud clamor on the stone bridge, and Rann turned to regard it. He decided then to dispose of the weapon before it could be used against them again. It seemed as if Amrita and the lizard were conversing over something, so time was no crucial factor. He lifted the staff with both hands, as it was rather heavy, and unceremoniously dropped it over the side of the bridge.

The fact that the lizard spoke didn't surprise Rann; the thing had shown nothing but considerable intelligence every time they encountered each other, which was starting to become quite a large amount.

Rann turned back to Amrita and the lizard to find that another being had joined the fight; the Silhouette itself. Suddenly Rann realized that time had been a crucial factor. Running twice as fast as before, the dunmer assassin's hand gripped his sword tightly, hoping to correct the error he made in wasting time to dispose of a staff.

Hold on, Amrita, I'm coming.

He doubted that he could make any kind of difference in the outcome of the fight, but he would try anyway.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 21 2008, 03:06 AM


Amrita suddenly found herself in a predicament, both of the two most powerful enemies now faced her. She knew that this was beginning to get over her head. She leaped away from the magic hurled by the Silhouette and kept her distance away from both opponents, eying both of them for the next move. It was then that she found Rann running to her assistance. She grimaced. Now she was stuck with protecting both herself and her brother...

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 21 2008, 04:16 AM

OCC: Rann and Amrita are getting left behind..... And it might not be long before some Akaviri find Vasha or one of her assassins.


The Silhoutte's arrival caused only a moment's pause. He dipped his head quickly to the War Leader.

The alien then faced Rann's charge.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 21 2008, 07:05 AM


Amrita saw the creature turn away from her to attack her brother. Amrita grinned at the mistake of the beast. For something that claims it's intelligent, it should know better by now than to turn it's back on me.

With relatively ease, Amrita unleashed a blistering rocket of ice hurtling towards the beast's exposed back and sensory appendages.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 21 2008, 05:06 PM

OCC: I'm fine with the Plys'Iea losing a couple sensory organs, they'll grow back during the intermission.
Btw, ()-bold **-italics and the alien's thought isn't guarded, it's practically broadcasting it. Hint hint wink.gif


He felt the air shift and the witch's arm rise to cast the spell. This caught him off guard, but the hunter began to side-step.

Rather than strike in the center of his back, the bolt hit his pauldron. The chill froze one of his spines and caused him to stumble.

The hunter corrected himself and without pause, reached behind his back and snapped the frozen appendage off without so much as a wince. *One way or another, with, you will not live through this war.*

Carelessly, he tossed his amputated spine away. The alien did not turn to Amrita, but he remained much more aware of any motion from her direction.
He leered coldly at Rann, *how ignorant these people are, they believe their stand will save the lives of the flottila? Fools, the ambushing force will slaughter those who we did not kill here.*

Posted by: Agent Griff Jan 21 2008, 07:40 PM

OOC: I hope you're not talking about my Dan. He may be a telepath, but it's only one way. He can't really read minds but he can feel the presence of someone of particularly strong will. And another thing, how exactly did the Plys'Iea find out about the Akaviri ambush force lying in wait on the other side of the lake? It wasn't as if someone told him in an express way? Oh well, he is an alien after all.

Savirien, the Imperial Palace

Savirien emerged from the former palace of Tamrielic Emperors victoriously. There had been none to oppose him and his shock-troops from conquering the Tower. The Akaviri forces under the Silhouette now had a line of sight which spread over almost the entire center of Cyrodiil.

Now that this is over with, time to see what progress our mercenary and our almighty leader have made.

Savirien looked around and called an Akaviri officer which had accompanied him during the conquest of the Tower. After staring at the serpent-warrior for a few moments, Savirien quickly made himself understood as to what he desired. Within seconds, the serpent was bowing low in front of Savirien as a sign of respect.

"Your will, general?" the officer asked.

"Take command of our troops present here at the Tower, sergeant. Until the return of our Lord or of myself, you shall be in charge. Do not disappoint for our Lord is not as lenient as I may be, at times." Savirien said as he chose a company of crack troops to lead personally to the site of the Tamrielic flotilla of refugees.

Brandishing his blade, he slithered off followed by his warriors.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 21 2008, 09:01 PM

Vasha and co.

Again reloading the crossbow took far too long. Vasha looked over her shoulder and saw that the flottilla had reached the edge of the lake. Already troops were disembarking and forming a Phalanx.
,,Why? I don't see anything from here?" She thought.
,,Alright, we're leaving!" She shouted and left her position.
,,Killing this beast is one thing, but it is more important that we keep up with the pack. And where is Kalsh?"

Flint Ironwood, flottilla.

Flint waited impatiently for the soldiers to take up their formation. He didn't like fighting himself, but it was obvious to him that they couldn't avoid this one. Either the soldiers would engage the Akaviri he'd detected, or said Akaviri would fall on the civilians like a pack of very hungry wolves.
,,But, this is a war. Are those civilians really that important anymore? Unless we stop this army somehow, they're going to die anyway." The Breton shook his head.
,,No, what am I thinking? I'm not going to sacrifice a single civilian if I can help it. And I'll try to keep the army alive as well."

Flint thought for a moment on which spell to use. Telekinesis was his specialty, but he doubted that was his best option right now. On the other hand, Aleatoire had proven itself to be a very versatile staff.
,,Ok, buddy. Let's see if you can blind that pack of snakes hiding in the bushes. Ready, set....shoot!"

A black stream of smoke erupted from the staff's end and settled at the forest's edge in a dense fog.
,,Ok, that should scare them for a bit. Now for my part. Archers, hold ready and fire at anything scaly that comes running out of that cloud. Spearman take care of any that get too close. As for me....." He shouted and fell silent as he concentrated on his job.

Trees began to groan as they were gripped by invisible hands.
,,Let's see how you like it when you get a whole tree thrown on your heads!"

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 21 2008, 09:26 PM

OCC: Satyana and Rann are limited telepaths (Serene's genes and all). And as for the Plys'Iea, he was the one who asked for that force, so he just assumed (correctly) that it was in position.


At Satyana's beckoning he came out of his trance. Issac saw the troops forming a phalanx and everyone else was disembarking.

He also spotted Ian departing and going after Flint who had placed a smokescreen.
Issac stood and helped Satyana off. The pair then proceeded behind the phalanx.


The bosmer jumped off his raft and glanced around a bit. *It smells like sweat, blood, and snake over here.*

Clearly the soldiers knew about the Akaviri nearby, so Tenek took a bag from a burly Nord and promptly made himself scarse before the imminent fighting started.


Without a word the Narza'Tai scattered into the night. What gave away the Akaviri was their eyes glowing in night eye.

Karn stood beside the legion officer and no one commented on the sudden absence of the assassin for several minutes.

Posted by: Agent Griff Jan 21 2008, 09:39 PM


Savirien reached the northern shores of the island rather quickly. He had pushed his soldiers to the limits of their endurance but they had done well and had risen in his eyes. Not one of the Akaviri warriors under him cringed from the moment they left the Tower to the moment they arrived to witness a battle between two of the Tamrielics and the other ranking figures of the Akaviri army, besides Savirien himself.

Their champion, the alien, seemed to have been relieved off his trusty staff by one of his foes and he seemed to have found his match in the person of the female Tamrielic. Oddly enough however, the beast still stood with its back turned to the female opponent, perhaps in an act of defiance.

I will never understand these strange members of a proud warrior-race and their odd ways of doing battle.

The Silhouette seemed to be standing more by the side, watching the battle rather than actively participating in it. He seemed to enjoy watching his most terrible minion tear apart his enemies. Another one of the Silhouette's odd pleasures, Savirien guessed as he ordered his warriors to form a circle around the dueling opponents, wide enough to give them space to fight but tight enough so as not to allow the Tamrielics to escape.

After his troops deployed according to his wishes, Savirien joined the ranks of Tsaesci warriors watching the battle. His attention was not given fully to the duel at hand however, Savirien also threw quick gazes over to the shore to see how the ambush force was faring. It seemed that the Tamrielics had somehow detected their troops hiding in the forest and were now arrayed in battle formation.

As soon as we are done with this pointless show of skill, I should announce the Silhouette that the Tamrielics are escaping. At least he will know that way that it was his fault that they did escape. Him and his pet, the beast, as well.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 21 2008, 10:15 PM

OCC: This is any awkward situation, though killing two of the three needed to kill Veric would be great on the Plys'Iea's resume (sp.) Maybe Veric has finished his spell and intervenes, I'd rather he does that than Rann and Amrita miraculously escape when they're surrounded.


He did not face the Altmer, now that he was alert he could dodge her magecraft. The Dunmer needed to be killed before the witch could be dealt with.

From an orismer's corpse he took a warhammer. The normally unwieldy weapon's grip clearly wasn't the right size.
Privately, the hunter disdained of such weapons, his staff had prefect balance, he would have to us his own weight to counter-balance......

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Jan 22 2008, 02:56 AM


As dark skin scurried all over the shadowy image, Patholos found an opportunity to strike. He dodged two tele-magical (magic only visible through special fields of vision) cables as they shot through the rancid air, burying themselves into two snakemen. The man the snakemen were fighting gazed in awe as the two snakemen apparently floated into the air. Patholos disregarded the stunned man's noises, and became focused. The superfluous feelings began to fade as the state each assassin attains draws in. Patholos was one with his blade, he was the blade, and nothing else. The magically forged blade sang as it sliced through the air in a complex pattern, almost invisible because of the speed with which it flew. Patholos was within a step of the shadow, and the shadow had not taken notice yet. Without a sound, Patholos buried the blade to the hilt along the Trapezius Muscle Group, grinding down until the blade struck bone. The shadow made no noise or hint at any pain or recognition of the grievous would it had received. Patholos withdrew the blade and a fountain of black filth spewed forth out of the shoulder of the shadow. The Shadow turned, and Patholos watched as one of the magical cables shot towards him. Patholos dove out of the way and turned again to see the shadow approach.

The shadow started to fade again, but did not evaporate. Instead, the shadow made his hand into sharp metal, and charged Patholos. Parrying each blow drained Patholos's strength, most likely from the nature of magic the shadow was birthed from. Patholos was driven into a wall and one of the shadow's hands shot into Patholos's stomach, and lifted him up four feet off of the wall. Patholos coughed blood onto the shadow, which was absorbed in mere seconds. The shadow was darkening, and Patholos felt his life drain away. With a last effort, he sent his hand with his blade screaming across the neck of the shadow. The blade struck where the Carotid Artery would be, and black filth began gushing out. The shadow reeled and screamed, as it faded extremely rapidly. The shadow soon began to disappear, but Patholos could not watch his opponent, as he was down on all fours, slowly dying.

Patholos gasped and reached into his pouch for something that could help him survive a little longer. Patholos felt cork and pulled out what he though would be a restorative potion. What made Patholos laugh as he fell to his side was, that, in fact, it was a potion. The top half of a potion. Patholos started to shiver and he knew he was not long for the world. As he lay there, he wondered if by destroying the dark part of his soul, he doomed himself to a broken soul, shards cast away in the wind.

His blood ran in tiny rivulets around him, flowing through the cobblestone like tiny lines drawing a picture. Patholos slowly let the dark around his vision close in, he was tired of fighting....

OOC: Wondering if we need patholos anymore... wiling to let him die....

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 22 2008, 04:53 AM

OOC: Rann isn't telepathic either. He can recieve telepathic messages when they are specifically meant to communicate to him and he can guard his mind from telepaths, but he cannot send any messages or read minds at will.


Rann was still a reasonable distance away from the Plys'Iea, who seemed to be his designated foe. When the reptilian creature paused to pick up a weapon, Rann scanned the area hoping to do the same. He spotted a dead snake-man clutching an Akaviri katana in its death grip. He pulled out the enchanted dagger given to him by Amrita and made short work of the tsaeci's scaly fingers by removing them.

The Plys'Iea had closed the distance considerably...

Rann threw his pathetic excuse for a sword at his oncoming enemy before wielding his new weapon. Surprisingly, the legends surrounding snake-men and their swords, just as with their skill, seemed to be completely true. The katana was light. Lighter even than the blade he had lost, which he used to favor for that very reason. On top of that, its edge was sharp and its balance flawless. He couldn't sense any enchantments on it, but at the same time, he knew even less about Akaviri magic than he did Tamrielic.

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Jan 11 2008, 01:58 AM) *


Voltar's curiosity was piqued. "What are we intending to do with this spell? So far, the creature had yet to be truly harmed via magical means," he paused, "Of course, no one with significant intelligence has yet to use one upon that creature...".


"I don't plan on harming it in the least," Veric replied cryptically, "But I'll explain in a moment."

That moment passed quickly, as they both found themselves standing in the palace of Veric's own creation. Wandering down what looked like stone hallways, Veric led Voltar to a large room with bookshelves covering all wall space. There was an uncountable number of tomes, books, and scrolls on the shelves and in the center of the room sat a large wooden desk adorned with scattered papers, a candle, a quill, and an inkwell.

"Would you clear those papers for me, Voltar?" he asked as he walked towards a bookshelf to select the proper tome. It seemed as if he knew exactly what he was looking for, since it was the very first one he picked up.

He pulled a chair up to the desk and motioned for Voltar to sit in the seat opposite him.

"This spell," he said, opening the ancient book, "Can send a soul to Oblivion. I don't know much about the Silhouette's species to be honest, and I haven't been able to find much information, but I decided that I would be safe in assuming that it has a soul."

"That, however, is not our biggest problem. I don't just want to send that thing to Oblivion, I want to banish it there, trap it there, make it completely unable to return to the mortal realm, and I want to modify this spell to do just that."

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Jan 23 2008, 06:15 AM


The slithering tendrils of magic cast by Mannimarco careened throughout the shell Mannimarco was trying to occupy. Mannimarco was attempting to bind his soul to the body like the original soul was bound. It was more than just possession, Mannimarco was becoming the shell. The way his body started to hurt, his body, and the scar above the left shoulder from,..... a hunting accident? Yes, Mannimarco thought, the boar have skewered his shoulder when his back was turned. That was before his wife died. Mannimarco began to feel an emotion he had scarcely ever felt, sorrow. He quickly withdrew his magic and tied his soul into place, becoming the new soul for the shell. Time would ravage this shell quicker than regular mortals because of the uniqueness of the binding. A similar event occurs with the undead vampire, and the werewolf races. Each experiences time almost stop, however, once a mortal blow is struck or a weakness exploited, the vampires turn to dust, like the sands of time. Werewolves deteriorate at an alarming rate, most often three days before their corpses are destroyed.

Mannimarco felt for his magic energy, and it was dim and weak. Mannimarco had never possessed such a weak mortal, and for that matter, so weak in the arcane arts. Mannimarco had always found those adept in magic, trained them to their full potential, and then stolen their bodies. Mannimarco found that the Sload people actually lived for thousands of years by transferring their souls to other bodies. Mannimarco learned this, and became close to immortal. Mannimarco's original form was almost destroyed by the Mantella, the gem fueling the great giant Numidium. Mannimarco kept his body alive in stasis so he would one day be able to control the Mantella and ascend into Oblivion as a Daedric prince. But that dream seemed to be fading as he was scourged by Lord Dagon, doomed to Mundus until he could find a way to break the magical seal.

Mannimarco coughed one last fitful cough, and then sat back. Mannimarco sent a healing wave of magic throughout his body, restoring the torn muscle and perforated stomach in his new body. Mannimarco would have to manually adjust the magical flow into this shell. Mannimarco laid back against a rock and began the three hour long magical spell that would allow his body to absorb more magic, due to the nature of his soul. Mannimarco wondered if the seal Lord Dagon had given him would affect his total magic, he hoped not.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Jan 24 2008, 03:29 AM

The Silhouette, Battle

The Silhouette decided now was a good time to take action. He started shooting magic left and right at various defending soldiers. They fell down, dead instantly. He laughed as one fell forward and stabbed anothre one. An imperial battlemage shot fire at him. And with a simply swish, he was no longer solid and became a smoke like substance which the fire passed through harmlessly. He became solid again and fired a particularly nasty curse towards the battle mage. It was blocked, but the impact was too much and the explosion killed three others nearby. The magic overwhelmed the battlemage and he collapsed, dead, from exaustion.

"Now for you Tamrielic 'heroes', it is finally time I do what I sent Karn to do a very long while ago." he sneered and fired three curses aimed for Rann, Amrita and another soldier nearby...

Dalrus and the Mages Guild, Imperial City Isle

Dalrus and the leading mages saw him. Standing there slaughtering soldiers with simply flicks of his wrists. The Silhouette was in battle mode and nothing seemed to be standing in his way. Dalrus and the other mages prepared and started sprinting towards the water. When they reached the bank they three flashes of purple light, they were aimed towards two people Dalrus didn't know, and Rann! Dalrus knew she had to act, she still loved Rann and needed to stop it. "Protect the witch and the soldier, Vilius, help me protect Rann" she screamed as fast as she could.

Dalrus wasn't sure if the spell would work, a simple but strong protection spell, she wasn't sure which element, or if it was even an element native to Tamriel, but she wouldn't take the chance. She shouted the spell in unison with Vilius and the two spells flew towards Rann like giant glass shields. The Silhouette's curse hit the shields hard and the first shield collapsed, Vilius's. Vilius tumbled into the water, the water walking spell of course did not work on dead bodies. The impact of the spell was not as bad once it reached Dalrus's and she was a better mage than Vilius. She cringed as her magic fought against The Silhouette's diminished magic but as she thought she was about to die, a restore magic spell flew from one of the Healers. Dalrus regained her strength and the Silhouette's curse was stopped. All this had taken place in less than a few seconds, but Dalrus felt as if she had been fighting for hours.

The soldier and the two Mage's Guild members who had tried to protect him all lay dead in the water and on the ground. One of the mage's who protected Amrita was also dead but the other had gulped a restore magic spell as he fired off the protection and survived.

Dalrus and about 30 of the battle mages now reached the City Isle. They started battling with some Tsaeci mages and killing off many soldiers. Dalrus recieved a blast in the chest and many looked over, scared, had their leader died? There it was again, that curious sensation she seemed to recieve whenever smaller and medium sized spells were aimed at her. It seemed to sink into her skin, almost strengthen her. Of couse this was not true for most killing and explosive spells, but it always happened against less skilled or average opponants. Dalrus smiled and fired an orb of lightning at her opponant who collapsed.

"What do you need us to do?" she shouted over to some of the people in the thick of the battle"

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 24 2008, 06:45 AM


Rann paused dumbly for a moment when he noticed the spell hurled at him by the Silhouette. He stood even more dumbly when an unexplained shield appeared to counter it. He looked around for the origin of the rescue spell, and he couldn't have been more relieved when he saw who it was. He hadn't seen Dalrus for quite some time, and in the back of his mind, he'd been worried about what might have happened to her. There was no time for words, unfortunately, so he thanked her with a nod.

His mind was brought back to the present though, when he suddenly remembered that he was standing like a fool in front of a giant lizard that wanted nothing more than to kill a certain young dunmer. Rann hoped to disappoint it.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 24 2008, 08:47 AM


Amrita had foolishly been too preoccupied with attacking the creature to see the curse being sent her way. By the time she sensed it, she was too late to react to it. Amazingly though, a shield spell encased her out of the blue and fended off the attack. She looked for the source of protection and found that a group of mages had arrived.

The snakemen surrounding them immediately began to fight against them and Amrita assisted in removing that thread.

"We need to get out of here and re-join the army!" Amrita shouted over the din of the battle.


Voltar took the indicated seat and cleaned up the papers. He looked intently at the book, curious to the contents that were displayed on the open page.

He cracked his knuckles and neck. "Well let's begin then."

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 24 2008, 09:00 AM

Flint Ironwood.

With a great crack, the tree tipped over and fell down, flattening a good dozen snakemen. The others charged out of the black cloud now it had become evident that their ambush had failed. They fell upon the phalanx, each a whirling frenzy of swords.
,,Hold steady! Archers, fire!" Flint shouted.

He felt the ground rumble and closed his eyes for a moment as the balance of Magicka was torn apart.
,,Oh, crap. The big boss himself has joined." He thought. He looked about and decided that the army could deal effectively with the snakemen as long as they kept their formation.
,,Oh, I'm so going to regret this." He muttered as he passed on command and ran straigth towards the Silhouette.
,,Moment that guy does something, I'm going to jump and rain hell from above."

Posted by: Agent Griff Jan 24 2008, 10:47 AM

Dan, near the phalanx on the other bank of the lake

Dan woke up after a short nap and looked around, confused as can be. After resting and regaining his strength in the raft he saw that they had already reached the other bank of the lake. The soldiers accompanying the refugees however were already under attack by the snakemen. Whirling their blades about in a frenzy of steel, it seemed to Dan as if they were hurling themselves towards the shield wall made by the soldiers protecting the rafts. The archers, both Akaviri and Tamrielic, were exchanging arrows fiercely, hails of wood and steel falling on both sides. The Akaviri archers however were safe under the cover of the trees while the Imperial archers were wide open on all sides.

Grabbing his longsword in a rushed motion, Dan ran off to join the shield wall and help with whatever he could. He saw the Breton mage nearby, the one who had helped him in the fight with the enemy champion. Dan however had no time for reuniting with old acquaintances. Raising Balmung, he merely passed the wizard, not even giving him a subtle nod of acknowledge. Right now, Dan was bent on slaying as many snakes as he could.

With a powerful strike of his sword he disemboweled one Serpent swordsman then dodged the lightning-fast strike of another. Dumbfounded to see that his blade had failed, the Snakeman's amazement was soon cut short by Dan, literally. His head sent rolling on the grass, Dan made his way further, slaying Akaviri as he went, trying to mend any breaches in the shield-wall.

Savirien, on City Isle with the Silhouette and the Plys' Iea

As Savirien looked on towards the battle, he saw his master firing three curses towards his enemies. Just when the curse seemed to shatter his enemies, magical shields magically appeared and stopped the curses. Surprised by the sudden casting of another spell, Savirien looked around only to see that new opponents had arrived. Clothed with nothing more than mere robes and some token pieces of armour, Savirien allowed himself a sharp Serpent smirk. Quickly flicking his forked tongue afterwards, he charged the new foes along with his troops, leaving the Silhouette and the Plys' Iea to continue their personal battle with the two Tamrielics.

Leaning down and coiling his tail, Savirien dodged a spell fired off by one of the robe-wearing enemies. Surprised to see that his spell had missed the Serpent, the mage cast another spell towards Savirien. With his tail coiled however, Savirien pushed himself forward, pouncing on the mage with great speed. The mage fell with Savirien on top of him. Before he could draw his own blade, Savirien hastily slit the mage's throat with the wakizashi he held at his side as a secondary weapon. Quickly rising to his full size afterwards, Savirien hung the freshly severed head of his opponent to one of the many hooks on the belt which ran across his breastplate.

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 24 2008, 11:02 PM

OCC: Isn't Flint on the other side of the Lake from the Sil, helping the civilians?
By the way, did Green-Root tell Kalsh about the hidden tomes in Lake Rumare? wink.gif


The sudden appearance of enemy mages only brought him to move one eye to scrutinize them. They're no threat, so long as they do not strike with lightning...... He brought his attention back to Rann, the hunter towered above the youth.

He was larger than any creature Tamriel had ever known, wielding an equally large, but crude, weapon. He brought the hammer up as if to slam it down on Rann, but suddenly pivoted and lashed out with a lightning-fast kick to the elf's chest.


Kirana was never an avid user of swords, weapons in general, but there had been occassions in the past that merited use of a dagger or shortsword rather than spell and hand-to-hand combat. Ian's body was stronger and more graceful since vampirism had taken it, even with her limited knowledge in sword-wielding was absolutely lethal with vampire reflexes to supplement it.

She stood apart from the phalanx, lacking a shield or spear, and Kirana loathed to hunker down like the spearmen and archers. A Tsaesci charged at the vampire, wielding a dai-katana. Kirana crouched low and deflected the katana's diagnal swing with one wrist blade.
But rather than follow through with the other hand, she sprang up and kicked the snakeman on the side of his skull. While the snake was stunned, Kirana hopped over his tail and drove one blade through her opponent's spine.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Jan 25 2008, 03:22 AM


Across his forearms, Mannimarco drew the ancient runes from the days of the Ayleids, the runes imbued with the deep seated magic. Mannimarco suffered severely, as each rune was completed, the flesh which was the medium blackened and died. The scrawling script wound up each arm to the elbow, and Mannimarco had to pause, for the pain was immense. After a short break, Mannimarco began again, tracing with just his finger the outline of the runes and muttering their activation spell. Crimson spray erupted from the dead lines of flesh on his arms, and they became limp. A strange phenomenon occurred however, as two magical forms of his arms appeared. They had the same movement and restrictions as normal arms, but Mannimarco knew how to use these special arms to adjust the magical flow into one's body, manually affected one's will.

Mannimarco gasped as he began to fatigue, pools of sweat forming around the cotton shirt collar. Mannimarco was collected natural magic in each palm and trying to focus it into a giant pool in front of him. Each element of magic was present, as well as a small bit of life energy, most likely from animals dying in the forest and releasing the last bit of energy they have to send the soul from Mundus. Mannimarco was not as adept with this body, and he had just performed a full soul absorption moments earlier. With visible effort, Mannimarco started to mold a human form out of the magic he was collecting.

To bolster one's will in this manner, Mannimarco would need to strengthen his own soul, and then infuse the magic with his soul, thus allowing for more energy to be controlled. The stronger the soul, the stronger the will, and the stronger the will, the more mastery of magic is available. Mannimarco knew that this next step would take the rest of the afternoon, and he planned his failing strength accordingly.


Slowly bleeding to death wasn't as painful as Patholos had imagined. Maybe it was the adrenaline that kept him alive, maybe he was already dead. Patholos attempted to turn from his side to his back to slow the bleeding, but found he had lost the feeling in his lower extremities. Patholos coughed another mouthful of blood out and watched it as it raced through the cracks in the cobblestone. As Patholos watched, he looked as far as his head would allow, and he saw that his Narza'Tai were done fighting, there were no more enemies with which to dance the dance of death. A smile crept over the ruined Assassin's face, and he relaxed, feeling at ease with himself.

OOC: Going to save him, sorry about the break in the flow.

Patholos was at home, sitting by the fire, drinking warm tea and talking with his family. Logothos and Etholos were still young, playing bones across the floor. His father walked in fresh from the hunt, and Patholos remembered the smell of deer blood about him. With simultaneous cries of surprise, the boys on the floor ran to their father, hugging him deeply. Patholos remembered his father's deep voice and Patholos responded to his father with a smile. Patholos's mother came down the stairs, muttering about magic, but Patholos knew she was about to make a very important discovery, one to rival the Dwemer. Suddenly...

Patholos felt himself swallow a ghastly liquid, and someone shout, "He's too far gone, leave him." An enchanting female voice shouted a retort, but his consciousness was leaving.

Patholos came to being dragged down a dusty path by a burly Nord and Redguard. They were garbed in the apparel of the Morrowind Army, but it was so bedraggled that it looked like a blacksmith's smock on the two. One other was there, in full Imperial Guard armor, but it did not fit her, her sleek Dark Elf frame seemed out of place in the armor. Patholos made the assumption that she had found the armor on a dead soldier and had not let it go to waste. Patholos looked down at his stomach as he was being dragged by the shoulders, and all that remained was a mass of pink scar tissue and the bloodstains on his robe. He was alive.

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 25 2008, 06:27 AM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Jan 24 2008, 05:02 PM) *

OCC: Isn't Flint on the other side of the Lake from the Sil, helping the civilians?
By the way, did Green-Root tell Kalsh about the hidden tomes in Lake Rumare? wink.gif


The sudden appearance of enemy mages only brought him to move one eye to scrutinize them. They're no threat, so long as they do not strike with lightning...... He brought his attention back to Rann, the hunter towered above the youth.

He was larger than any creature Tamriel had ever known, wielding an equally large, but crude, weapon. He brought the hammer up as if to slam it down on Rann, but suddenly pivoted and lashed out with a lightning-fast kick to the elf's chest.


Rann dodged to the side, easily avoiding the falling hammer. There was a short moment of confusion as something equally as heavy-hitting slammed into his chest knocking the wind from him and sending him sprawling on the ground a few feet away.

He cursed himself for underestimating his foe, and therefore giving him an advantage at the very beginning of the fight. He quickly regained his footing and found that he had managed to hang on to his sword. His chest hurt, and his breaths were hard to come by, but Rann knew that it was just from the impact; he'd had a rib broken by this lizard before and this felt completely different.

Rann crouched low, facing the Plys'Iea, with his left hand planted on the ground and his right clutching his sword. In an instant he pounced, propelling himself in the air towards his enemy. His sword led the way with a horizontal slash that, if accurate, would strike across both of those piercing reptilian eyes.

Posted by: Olen Jan 25 2008, 09:30 AM


Indor looked up at the knock on his room door. “Yes?” he said.

The innkeeper opened the door. “I know you said not to disturb you but… well things look bad,” the young imperial was white, “Since yesterday lunchtime the clouds of smoke above the Imperial City have got much thicker, a few Argonians came fleeing from it earlier. Said things looked grim there when they left. We’re abandoning Bleaker’s Way, it’s not safe. I suggest you join us.”

Indor cursed inwardly, he had studied though night but was still observing new things about the stone. He wanted to survive to finish his research though so said, “Thank you. I shall pack immediately.” The innkeeper left hurriedly.

Indor stashed the welkynd stone into his bag. It took no time to pack his few other belongings and pull on his thin leathers. He was at the door when he turned and put down his staff. He raked quickly though his bag and pulled out a pair of bracers. They were a little heavy but the dark metal was immensely hard. He fastened them on, if the Imperial City fell who knew what might happen? When he emerged the meagre population of Bleaker’s Way were milling about the main square. A dark shadow hung above the Imperial city, the occasional flicker of magic glowed under it.

“Snakemen,” an old Redguard said beside him shaking his head, “These are cursed times.”

“Perhaps…” mused Indor. There was so little written about the Tsaesci, so little known. “What are they?” he wondered.

“Devils,” said the Redguard, “Again the gods forsake us.”

Indor didn’t answer. So much to learn, surely he could at least take a peak then catch up with the villagers. They wouldn’t travel fast and he wouldn’t be seen. It was foolish but Akavir fascinated him, as did many things. He pondered a moment longer but knew he was already decided. He turned back to the Redguard, “I’m going to take a look,” he said.

He was already striding down the road when the Redguard called after him, “You’re mad dunmer.”

Curiosity had won.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 26 2008, 10:21 AM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint skidded to a halt at the edge of the water. The Silhouette had just killed several more mages. What was even worse, was the fact that he'd killed the mages through their own spells.
,,Aw, man. I'm not even a half-decent caster. He'll kill me in a heartbeat." The Breton thought. His eyes shifted towards the huge Argonian that had been showing everywhere recently.

,,Ok, buddy. This won't kill you, but......Silence!" Flint shouted and a soundless orb fled from his staff, towards the Plys'Iea.
,,Heh, you obviously don't rely on your eyes to see. So that leaves sound."

He turned and ran back to the phalanx. He still had an ambush to deal with.
,,And after that, some rest. Thank you very much."

OOC: I've been wondering about that for a while now. Can the Plys'Iea's spines be disabled with silence?

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 26 2008, 07:03 PM

OCC: I don't see why, but I won't let it hit him anyway. In some ways it's like an exagerated sense of touch........


At the same moment the Dunmer rebounded, a bolt of magic flew from the distance. On reflex, the hunter ducked and threw himself to the side, evading both strikes. Now that he occupied the hunter's former position, Rann was in danger of experiencing whatever effects the spell had.

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 26 2008, 09:18 PM

OOC: since his spines don't talk, I don't see why they would need to be silenced. I think maybe you wanted some sort of deafening spell?


Rann hit empty air, and his efforts were rewarded with a magical impact. The effect of the spell did not seem to be harming him, so he chose to ignore it for the time being as he assumed a defensive stance, expecting the Plys'Iea to attack.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Jan 26 2008, 10:23 PM


Rousing from the murky state of unconsciousness he had recently been occupying, Patholos gathered in his surroundings. It looked as if the small group was in a burned out shell of a blacksmith's forge, however, the walls were falling in and the tools usually associated with a blacksmith were nowhere to be found. Patholos searched the dark and must forge for anything of use, his dagger having been left in the middle of the street. While searching, he accidentally broke a support beam for the wobbly roof, which caused it to come crashing down on top of the four. The Nord cursed in his native tongue and the Redguard went immediately to the dunmer buried beneath the worst of the rubble.

Patholos hurriedly ran over to the Redguard, who was frantically digging for the dunmer female. Patholos started to help and the Nord came over as well. Soon they could hear faint breathing, and the Redguard and the Nord started to dig faster. Patholos stood up to wipe his brow and noticed their surroundings without the roof to hamper their vision. Patholos watched unit after unit of snakemen move straight past the blacksmith's outer rubble. Patholos whispered to the Redguard, but he would not stop digging. Without the roof, the group was totally exposed, and Patholos knew he was not in the shape to fight.

After a few more nerve-wracking seconds, the dunmer emerged from the rubble, shaken, but relatively unharmed. Patholos heard a quick movement and soon felt cold metal against the nape of his neck. The pressure was strong, but not enough to cause bleeding. Patholos recited his recall spell enchanted on his dagger, and the Assassin's blade materialized in his left hand. A female voice said, "Drop it, and you may see the light of tomorrow." Patholos obliged and turned to face the dunmer female. She was beautiful, but the soot from the blacksmith's masked her beauty. Patholos said, "I meant no harm earlier, sorry about the roof."

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 27 2008, 08:43 PM


The hunter despised warhammers, just as he dispised this world he'd been marooned on. He discarded the weapon, tossing it over the edge with one hand.

For several tense moments he simply glared down at Rann, standing inert. It almost seemed as if he was searching for something to say, but then the hunter grabbed a claymore, longsword to him, and hefted it.

*I prefer blades over hammers, anyway* "Dunmer, if you value your life now would be a good time to withdrawl like the others." The alien bellowed, inspecting his temporary weapon replacement.

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 30 2008, 07:28 AM


Rahvin carried Brianna towards the rafts, and he could only hope that they hadn't all been taken already. There was some congestion as hundreds waited to board, and Rahvin feared that this huge group of people would make a good target. He didn't have much time to think about his fear, as Aerona shouted at him.

"Rahvin! Here!" she yelled, standing on one of the rafts waving her arms furiously. Rahvin boarded, laid Brianna down, and sat down for a short rest while the raft was launched

The raft floated along, doing its best to avoid the enemy's projectiles while Aerona worked to keep a shield spell active. Rahvin took a look towards the prison, and while he couldn't be sure, he thought he saw his son standing up there, facing another large figure.

Don't get left behind, Rann.


"Withdraw?" he asked, or rather, he tried to. His mouth moved, but no words came forth. Realizing suddenly that he had been hit with a silence spell, he smiled. Nothing important to him had been affected, except for his ability to participate in useless battle banter.

Since his words couldn't answer, his actions did. In one swift motion, he made as if to attack the left side of his opponent's neck with a slash angled downwards. He stopped short, though, and instead of hitting the exposed flesh of the Plys'Iea's neck, he spun around to its side for a potentially debilitating hit to the hamstring.

The move was a risk and Rann knew it; his entire left side was now left open, and the Plys'Iea could easily create a nasty hole in his side, knock him from the bridge, or both. On the other hand, if Rann succeeded, the Plys'Iea would be seriously handicapped and easily defeated.


Veric and Voltar poured over the pages of the tome, cross-referencing it with other tomes, books, and journals. So far, every modification they had tried failed. They had tried combining the spell with a dispel effect, preventing the subject from using its own magicka, but that did not prevent the subject from acquiring help. Veric knew from experience that such help was not hard to find in Oblivion, especially not for one so powerful as the Silhouette. There were many daedra, both greater and lesser, that would be willing to assist the Silhouette in scourging the mortal realm. He needed a way to trap the Silhouette there.

"Instead of merely transporting the Silhouette's entire form, maybe we could find a way to separate the soul from the body, and cause it to act like a daedra's soul. A Dremora, for example, when killed, does not experience death as we mortals do. The soul, or Animus, merely returns to Oblivion where it stays until it can recreate its physical form. That process can take hundreds of years."

He flipped the pages of a worn book on deadra that sat on the desk. "Here," he said, "Just as Sheogorath often utilizes shapeshifting magic to alter the phyisical form, Molag Bal went one step further. Here, let me read you this passage:

"The King of Rape, destruction, and chaos not only wants to bring misery to men and mer in the mortal realm, but also in his own plane of Oblivion. By harvesting mortal souls and changing their very properties as such, Molag Bal found a way to bring his most pleasing pastime of torturing Nirn's inhabitants home. It is unclear how the change is made, but it has been rumored that Molag Bal actually shaped the mortal souls to be more like the daedra's in nature; that they roam Oblivion until finally being able to re-coalesce into a physical form. It is also rumored that Molag Bal sends these re-formed mortals back to Nirn to wreak havoc. The mage Morian Zenas is said to have discovered the secret and divulged it in his work, Daedra Blood, but the existence of this tome is often disputed and has not been seen for at least an age, if at all."

Veric smiled, "I have the only copy of that book."

Posted by: Lord Revan Jan 30 2008, 10:52 PM

OCC: For the next RP, I'll have the Plys'Iea in different armor, he'll be a little less invincible, but he'll finally have a helmet.


The blade smacked into the material between the armored plating. The hunter registered the blow but the anti-ballistics mesh rendered the strike harmless. He stared impassively into the Dunmer's eyes, You should have fled with your life and a chance to fight again.

Before Rann could pull his sword back the warrior planted one foot on it, forcing him to let go lest his fingers get crushed. The alien grabbed Rann by the shoulder and threw him back across the bridge to the gates of the Market District, and the flood of Akaviri soldiers.

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 31 2008, 04:46 AM


Though it was half-expected, Rann was surprised when he found himself flung like a ragdoll into an oncoming horde of Akaviri. He had lost his grip on his sword just before, and if the Plys'Iea hadn't knocked over three snakemen by throwing him, he probably would have been dead in seconds.

Rann had landed atop one of the tsaesci and before it could think to get up and fight, Rann had planted his dagger in its throat. At that same instant, another snakeman thought to sneak a quick jab at Rann. Knowing that the dagger would be insufficient to block the attack, he ignored it a opted for a katana instead. The scaly creature he was sitting atop of had dropped its weapon in its death throes, and the dunmer used that to its fullest advantage, meeting the attack with his new blade.

His arm pumping furiously, he defended attack after attack from the tsaesci, and barely managed to regain his footing. There was one problem, though. He was now fighting snakemen who were pushing him back towards the Plys'Iea. Remembering that Amrita had suggested rejoining the others, Rann decided to work towards that end now that his current fight was even more hopeless than before.

"Amrita!" he shouted, relieved to hear that the silence spell's effect had worn off, "Jump!"

He dove off the bridge, hitting the grassy hill and rolling down towards the water. It was a long distance to the rafts from there, but Rann figured that it was his only chance. When he was able to stand again, he looked back up, waiting for Amrita to follow.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jan 31 2008, 07:27 AM


Amrita quickly followed Rann's actions and blasted the snakemen in her way with a fireball as she ran to the bridge and leaped over it. Within moments she stood up beside Rann.

"Let's move!"

Posted by: jack cloudy Jan 31 2008, 08:09 AM

Flint Ironwood.

It appeared that the battle was under control here. The Phalanx was too powerful to be breached and whenever a snake tried to flank the formation. Either an archer or Flint would be there to send it scurrying, with either an arrow or a telekinetic shockwave respectively. The mute warrior he met earlier was there as well.

Seeing how they'd lost this fight, the Akavirir commenced their retreat. Flint didn't doubt they would return later, but that was none of his concern.
,,Alright! Now is our chance! All civilians, disembark and take up the center of the formation! We're in for a long and hard march, so take only the absolute necessities! Don't get weighed down!" He ordered as he moved back and forth along the beach.

Back at the city, the battle against the monster Argonian was still in good swing. But as he watched, Rann and Amrita chose to escape.
,,Come on, folks. Hurry up." He muttered. He redirected his gaze at the tower that dominated the sky.
,,Say, did anyone see Altair and his aide? Two Altmer, one with a staff. Politicians. Can't miss them. So, anyone see them?" He asked over his shoulder. He knew that he hadn't, which worried him immensely.
,,If they die, I bet you'd be happy, Green-Root."

Posted by: Agent Griff Jan 31 2008, 08:36 AM

Savirien, on City Isle with the Plys' Iea

The Tamrielic spell-casters proved to be bothersome at first, surprising his troops as they watched the duel between the best warriors of the Akaviri army and the best warriors of the Tamrielic one, yet, one by one, they slowly fell to the blades of his brave warriors. Some of the more powerful mages were literally buried under a mound of Serpents, both living and dead, thus being smothered to death in the end.

These odd seeds of men and their disdainful magicks. We've met them before however and they've felt the sting of our Katanas and of our Wakizashis. As their War-Leader fell to our Akaviri steel, so shall these foul spell-casters.

Savirien looked around the battlefield, surveying his troops. They were doing finely. The fact that they outnumbered the mages also helped immensely, as one mage had to deal effectively with more than six Akaviri warriors in order to survive. He had, thus far, gathered the severed heads of three mages, all hung by the hooks of the leather belt which ran across his chest. Savirien considered them to be fine foes, more powerful than the majority, thus he took their heads as trophies of his exploits. As he watched the battle however, he noticed that the dark-skinned Tamrielic along with the witch that accompanied him had somewhat escaped their champion, the Plys' Iea.

An impressive feat indeed. The Tamrielic warrior ransomed his life by fighting in such an impressive manner. Despite his rather odd appearance and way of doing battle, our beastly comrade does know what Akaviri honour is, unlike these foul creatures living on this island they call Tamriel. It is nothing like Akavir. Why did several generations of my ancestors try to conquer this land, when all I can see is a ruined city, long bereft of its glory, and several woodlands, not even fit for cutting down? Truly mysterious are the ways of our leader.

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 31 2008, 11:41 PM

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Jan 31 2008, 01:27 AM) *


Amrita quickly followed Rann's actions and blasted the snakemen in her way with a fireball as she ran to the bridge and leaped over it. Within moments she stood up beside Rann.

"Let's move!"


Rann took one last second to give the Plys'Iea one last glare; a silent promise that they would fight again. He spat on the ground just as tsaesci archers started to rain arrows upon them.

Suddenly deciding to heed Amrita's words, he ran alongside her, trying to make it to the rafts. There couldn't be many left...

Posted by: minque Jan 31 2008, 11:42 PM


She woke up as Rahvin put her down on the raft. Still a bit dizzy she looked around and saw Aerona struggle with the shield spell. Rahvin was staring at a certain direction... She rose to her feet, touched Rahvin's arm;

"Is it...Rann?" she whispered, more to herself than to him

Keep him safe, please

She realised she could do something here, she could help Aerona to maintain the shield, some magic powers should be left in her, if she just could focus enough.

She stood beside the vampire girl and did her best to strengthen the spell...then she spotted a girl who lept to the side of the young man who had to be her son....

"Rahvin....oh my god, is that....her???"

Is it possible there is some good in her? Amrita who I've feared for so long...but...but where's Satyana then, all my children are here, it just can't be true!

"Rahvin! There's hope for us, we could be a family again!"

Brianna felt strength ooze through her, more strength than she had felt for a long time

"I want to fight!!!" she shouted "I want to fight for my family"

She felt that this was what Serene would have done....her so strong mother....

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 1 2008, 02:34 AM


He met the Dunmer's glare, then flipped the claymore around and sunk it deep into the soil of the mesa. The hunter grunted at the Akaviri nearby, some looking to him as if waiting for orders. "Do as you've been previously ordered."

They all thinned out, slithering away to their appointed tasks. The alien took the relative peace of the moment to reflect on the situation. I would rather be led than lead again. I know little of the Akaviri apart from their language and general mannerisms, not enough to be an officer.
He slid down the slope to the base of the mesa. The hunter came to rest not far from Savirien, one of the Akaviri generals. The decapitated heads on the general's chestplate barely earned a glance. "It seems the ambush failed after all." He hissed matter-of-factly, gazing at the torch-light of the surviving Tamrielics.

"I would not ask this from the War Leader, but where does this campaign go now? We have the Imperial City, but our force has been cut in half. With no disrespect to your forces, I don't think we can fully conquer this place with our standing force." The hunter glanced at the Akaviri.

Posted by: Agent Griff Feb 1 2008, 11:06 AM

Savirien, with the Plys' Iea

Savirien gave a short glance to the Plys' Iea as it approached with great strides characteristic of its gait. He noticed that the severed heads hooked on his belt earned a short glance from his comrade. He smiled slightly, more to himself than to anyone else thinking that he had been more successful in this battle than their so-called champion.

"In all honesty neither do I, yet that is not my decision to make. Sadly enough for both of us, there is a greater authority than our own, and it does not lie in its nature to share power. I would not have thrown all our resources towards conquering this city, not when it was so well-defended and well-stocked. Even if we had a ten to one advantage in numbers, I would have merely surrounded the city and laid siege, rather than risk my forces in conquering it by way of arms." Savirien said, looking towards the hulking alien. Out of many of the Akaviri, Savirien held the most respect for the Plys' Iea, for his way of doing battle resembled his own in several ways.

Several moments of silence crept in as the two watched the battlefield all around them. Savirien then smiled with his angular serpent snout.

"I see your prey has eluded you."

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 2 2008, 12:19 AM

OCC: Kirana is going to take the same route that Ian took whilst on the group's way to Leyawiin, teleportation, to prepare things.


He did not turn to look at Savirien, but neither did he gaze at the retreating Tamrielics. "Does it matter? A few get away, but I had no specific reason to kill them than I do any other simple Tamrielic."

The hunter glanced at the general now, "Above all else, I loath being stranded on this world." He knelt beside a soldier woman's corpse. Silently, the alien removed her armor, and then the clothes underneath. It did not bother him that he was stripping a female before consuming it, such was the customary way of disposing of the dead among his people.
Once all the inedible items were discarded, the hunter feasted upon the kill. Despite what some humanoids might think, he had not singled out the body because of the corpse's gender, but all of the bodies around it were civilians, and therefore not as nutricious as a strong body.

"I'm sure the general doesn't mind, if he can decapitate worthy kills then I should have no problem using mine for sustinance." He assured himself.

Kirana, the refugees

The skirmish was done, for now at least. Kirana wiped some sweat from Ian's brow with satisfaction. In her original body, she'd have considered such combat style as best avoided, but with vampirism came a sense of exhileration during melees.
The blood in Ian's viens was so soothingly hot, the sense of superiority that accompanied walking out of such a brawl unharmed was intoxicating like no alcahol could mat-- Kirana stopped herself, the battle fever was messing with her mind!

As her self-control returned, the euphoria subsided and she felt relatively normal again. Putting the disturbing sensation out of her thoughts; Kirana glanced around at the other refugees. Bruma and Cloud Ruler won't be able to support all of these people if we suddenly show up on their doorsteps. But if they had time to prepare.....
The army and civilians had no horses with which to reach their destination quickly, but Kirana had her magicka, even though bound in her friend's vampiric form. The decision took less than a heartbeat, while people shuffled about around her, Ian's lips sub-vocalized the incantatsion for a recall spell leading to Cloud Ruler that Kirana had set during the Oblivion Crisis, just in case.

The vampire suddenly vanished, Kirana felt the familiar vertical tug upwards that involved teleportation. Then everything fell out of existance.......


"Here, Satyana, hold onto these." Issac said, handing her several potion vials to put in her bag. The Altmer paused and then drank the contents of three restore magicka potions, blessing his ailing reserves. He also downed a shot of restore fatigue, offering another to Satyana for the trek they had ahead of them.

The potion-laden sack attached to his shoulders suddenly felt lighter as the week's hardship evaporated and his muscles relaxed. "Devines bless the intrepid mages who pioneered alchemy!" Issac praised appreciatively.
A middle-aged elven woman took the last potions in a whicker basket; she smiled and nodded in agreement before turning and disappearing into the throng. Issac turned to Satyana, kissing her lightly on the forehead before stepping off the raft and onto the shore. "Well, let's make some headway then, my love." Some of his old, comforting enthusiasm returned, giving strength to his winning smile that contrasted the exhausted, yet mellow background.

Posted by: Dantrag Feb 2 2008, 02:50 AM


It didn't take long for them to get out of arrow range, and Rann was relieved a few minutes later when he found that there were still some rafts being deployed. He heard a corporal of the Morrowind Army shouting above the crowd, calling for anyone with magical abilities that could aid in shielding the rafts; apparently most of the mages had already left the Isle.

"That's you," he said to his sister.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 2 2008, 08:10 AM


Amrita nodded to her brother. "I suppose that is true," she said questionably before quickly changing her expression into a sly grin.

She hailed the officer and offered her services. She stepped upon the raft and glanced at her brother.

"Time to get the hell outta here."

Posted by: Agent Griff Feb 3 2008, 03:17 PM

Savirien, besides the Plys'Iea

Savirien looked on as his subordinate started nonchalantly devouring one of the slain Tamrielic warriors. He smiled once more at the disgusting sight that would have had most on their knees, vomiting.

"Too bad our foes cannot bear witness to this sight, for then they would surely be terrified at the prospect of being captured alive by our brave warriors." Savirien said with an almost humorous voice. This sight only deepened a certain feeling of disgust he had for his comrade.

Despite all your appearance of honour and sentience, you are still a bloodthirsty monster underneath. Woe on those Tamrielics which fall to your bestial skill.

After a few more uncomfortable moments of watching the Plys' Iea, Savirien departed to look for the Silhouette and receive new orders.

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 3 2008, 10:02 PM


While the civilians and soldiers gathered essential resources for the journey, the silent assassins broke off in seemingly random directions. Carrying small backpacks with individual rations, arrows for archers, and potions for mages.

The Narza'Tai did not bother themselves with the labors of the non-combatants, they would scout the area ahead and offer passive protection of the masses, nothing more.

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 3 2008, 10:23 PM

Flint Ironwood

As the majority hadn't even disembarked yet, Flint found himself with little to do but wait. He decided to seek out Flogir now that he had the time to do so. When it came down to leading armies, or an army and a rather uncoordinated mass of civilians specifically, he had no real experience. All he'd been doing up till now was dumb guesswork and making things up as he went. It had worked, but even Flint could see that his tactics had been horribly static. A simple massed flanking maneouvre, and the phalanx would have been wiped out. Now, they'd only suffered minimal losses.

So the Breton looked about for Flogir. If there was one person left around who knew this area and how to make the most of it, it was him.
,,Flogir?! Are you here somewhere?!"

Posted by: Dantrag Feb 4 2008, 10:49 PM


"There will be plenty of fighting," he commented, more to himself than to Brianna.

Within a few minutes their raft reached the shore and they joined the rest of the defenders for the long trek north. There were some supplies, but not much, and they hadn't brought along any horses or wagons to carry them; there was no time. He just hoped that Cloud Ruler Temple had adequate stores.

Rahvin walked alongside Brianna, with Aerona following behind.

"See anyone we know?" he asked, looking ahead for signs of Satyana, and behind for signs of Rann.

Just don't get yourself killed, boy. he suddenly realized that he was worrying about Rann an awful lot. Rann would probably say that it was about time. Rahvin had never been much of a father; sure, he'd provided for the boy, but he'd always been more of a friend than a dad.


Aerona walked a few feet behind Rahvin and Brianna, dragging her feet a little. The excitement of battle, the exhaustion of healing for hours, and the lack of feeding had finally taken their toll.

As much as she found it revolting, she decided that she would feed on some tsaesci before the battle was over. At least they were even more monstrous than her.


Rann nodded in wholehearted agreement with Amrita and jumped aboard the raft. He stuck his new sword in his belt, since he hadn't exactly had the time to grab the scabbard off of the Akaviri.

"Want this back?" he asked, holding out the handle of Amrita's dagger out towards her.


Veric spent the next few minutes pacing back and forth in front of the bookshelves, dragging his finger along each book in search of the one he needed.

"Ah-ha!" he exclaimed, plucking it from the shelf, "Daedra Blood by Morian Zenas, author of On Oblivion and subject of The Doors of Oblivion, but I'm sure you already knew that."

He sat back down across from Voltar, his eyes furiously scanning the pages.

Posted by: minque Feb 5 2008, 12:37 AM


She downed the potion Issac gave her, and immediately experienced its effect. "Ahh, feel better already" she smiled at him, kissing his cheek.

"But...who are those people over there? I can't really see but some seems familiar"

OOC: Am I wrong or are Rahvin, Brianna and the rest of the lot already on the shore? If not I can edit.


" I know there will be fighting, dear" she said silently to Rahvin. " And I think I see....Rann, over there...with with...yes it must be Amrita!...Rahvin, tell me , has Rann ever had some kind of mother?"

I do hope he will be ok...I so much want to be his mother

She looked at Aerona, sighed and took out a bottle from her pocket, handing it to the young vampire

"Look here Aerona, don't be stupid, take this, drink it...and NO, it's not what you think it is!" She gave the girl an almost angry gaze....

Then she got a glimpse of an Altmer accompanied with...with a person in a skirt...with long hair...

Satyana? could it be her?

"Rahvin..look there!" she pointed..."Could it be Issac and Satyana?"

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 5 2008, 07:47 AM


Flogir had reached the shore with the middle of the army. Once he got to shore he could hear someone calling out his name. Scanning the area he soon found it was Flint doing so. He hailed his friend.

"I'm over here, what is it?"


Despite having a reasonably strong shield spell over the raft, Amrita seemed to be quite calm and relaxed. She looked at the weapon Rann held.

"Keep it, I have plenty of others so you should have more than one as well," she stated and looked in the direction they were going. The raft would make it to shore soon.


Voltar nodded at Veric's remarked and looked over the man's shoulder at the pages he read, curious as to what the potential key the book possessed.

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 5 2008, 11:11 AM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint shrugged sheepishly.
,,Well, so far I think we're doing reasonably well. But, I don't quite know how to do things here. Basically I'm just ordering away in the hopes that I'm doing something right. I thought that you should take control back at this point, being the one with experience and all. Besides, I don't really know much about the Cyrodiilic countryside."

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 6 2008, 02:17 PM

Kirana, Cloud Ruler Temple

The arrival after teleporting always ended with a thud as your feet make contact with matter again. Kirana glanced around the main hall of Cloud Ruler. A threesome of Blades returned her gaze, reflexively reaching for their swords before checking themselves.

"Knight Brother! Do you have news?" One of the Blades, Cyrus, shook Ian's hand, noting the nasty wristblade with a glance.
"I do, but I'd like for the other blades and the countess present when I give it."

Posted by: Dantrag Feb 7 2008, 05:39 AM

QUOTE(minque @ Feb 4 2008, 06:37 PM) *

OOC: Am I wrong or are Rahvin, Brianna and the rest of the lot already on the shore? If not I can edit.

OOC: You're absolutely right; no worries. smile.gif



" I know there will be fighting, dear" she said silently to Rahvin. " And I think I see....Rann, over there...with with...yes it must be Amrita!...Rahvin, tell me , has Rann ever had some kind of mother?"

I do hope he will be ok...I so much want to be his mother

She looked at Aerona, sighed and took out a bottle from her pocket, handing it to the young vampire

"Look here Aerona, don't be stupid, take this, drink it...and NO, it's not what you think it is!" She gave the girl an almost angry gaze....

Then she got a glimpse of an Altmer accompanied with...with a person in a skirt...with long hair...

Satyana? could it be her?

"Rahvin..look there!" she pointed..."Could it be Issac and Satyana?"


"No, he's never had a mother," he answered, "Until now, of course."

In all honesty, he had no idea how Rann felt about Brianna. The boy was always unpredictable, and his opinions of people were no exception. He hoped that he would accept her, and judging from the first meeting between Rann and Brianna, it seemed that he didn't care either way.

Brianna's next question brought him out of his personal thoughts.

"I think you're right," he said as his eyes followed the direction in which Brianna was pointing.


Aerona accepted the potion from Brianna with a thankful nod, but as soon as she became distracted with the notion of Satyana and Issac being ahead of them, she dumped out the bottle's contents on the ground beside her as they walked.

I wish people would just leave me alone.

She wasn't ungrateful of Brianna's kindness, but she wasn't entirely trusting of the woman, either. So many people had already offered her blood or advice on how she should feed, she didn't know who or what to believe, and quite frankly didn't care. in the absolute worst case, she would die.

Relief at last.

OOC: sorry she didn't take the potion, minque; got something planned a little later, and since I didn't know what exactly brianna gave her, I didn't want her to take it.

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Feb 5 2008, 01:47 AM) *


Despite having a reasonably strong shield spell over the raft, Amrita seemed to be quite calm and relaxed. She looked at the weapon Rann held.

"Keep it, I have plenty of others so you should have more than one as well," she stated and looked in the direction they were going. The raft would make it to shore soon.


Rann shrugged and stuffed it in his belt right beside his katana. He wouldn't argue with free weapons. There was a short period of silence as they navigated the waters, heading towards the shore.

The raft finally beached, and Rann hopped off, stopping for a second to survey the situation. Ahead of them, a throng of soldiers and refugees walked in a large clump to the north. Cloud Ruler was their destination, he knew, he just hoped that whatever Imperial officials inhabited the place would allow such a group free entrance. In such troubled times, it would be a sin not to.

"I f*cking hate this," he commented to no one in particular, "Our plans a shoddy at best. Let's just hope it all works out."



Voltar nodded at Veric's remarked and looked over the man's shoulder at the pages he read, curious as to what the potential key the book possessed.


After an hour of working with Voltar and discussing the book's meaning, they had made great progress. They had learned that in order to change the properties of a soul, two powerful mages were needed. Luckily for them, that was exactly what they had. The process was extremely complicated, however, and seemed to be nearly impossible to pull off in a battle-type situation.

According to the book, both mages would need to be physically connected to the same soul gem. One mage would summon a daedra of adequate power (or not, if one just happened to be nearby) and cast a soul trap spell upon it. At the exact same time, the other mage would cast his own soul trap on the target whose soul would be altered (all utterings and phrases of the spell must be in unison). The first mage would proceed to slay the daedra, sending its soul into the gem, which should have been physically connected to both mages throughout the entire process. Thus, an indirect connection has been made between the daedra and the target through the conduit of the soul gem. Then, the target would need to be slain within the duration of the soul trap spell.

Veric leaned back in his chair.

"Since we cannot kill it, and we want to banish it to Oblivion instead, we will have to make some modifications to this process."

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 7 2008, 07:01 AM


Voltar paused over the dilemma, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. An idea then popped into his head as his expertise in Conjuration surfaced.

"All we need to do is shatter the soulgem just as the teleportation spell hits the Silhouette. Their souls should merge together and thusly the Silhouette will be permanently tied to Oblivion as its soul would now contain daedric properties."


Amrita nodded in agreement with her brother. The hasty withdrawal had made a mess of the remnants of the defending army.

"Let's find Flogir and see if we can get some organization going on here..."

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 7 2008, 02:20 PM


The Altmer followed Satyana's gaze. "Yes, that's them alright." Hastily, Issac checked that all of his gear was in place. "Shall we meet up with them then?" He asked with a slight grin. Hopefully this will go better than last time.

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 14 2008, 11:01 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint saw that the group begun to move.
"anyway, let's talk on the way. I don't know much, but I do know that every moment we hang around, is one more moment we could have spent running." He said and grimaced.
"Or walking. Geez, we're not exactly the youngest anymore, Flogir. How do you cope with all the stuff we've been doing?"

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 16 2008, 06:32 AM

OCC: When's Veric going to zap the Silhoutte?

Kirana and Ian

When finally given a moment of privacy, inside the room that had once been reserved for the emperor's use, Kirana shut out the outside world. Ian needs to be in control when he breaks the news to the countess and Blades....

Ian's body crumpled on the volumous bed as Kirana disentangled herself from it. Had she still had lungs, Kirana would have gasped, if life was bliss then disembodiment was the briefest dive into a frozen hell. No sooner did the disorientation pass, then she went back to her task.
Kirana's essense blanket Ian's in a caress of warmth, rousing him. As he regained consciousness, his soul reconnected to his vacant physical shell. The ecstacy that accompanied having a body brought the vampire the rest of the way.

Ian jumped up, confused at the new surroundings. "We're in Cloud Ruler Temple, I apologize, but I took control of your body while you were out cold. And no, I didn't break or lose anything you'll miss later." The vampire sighed, relieved by the timely explaination.
"How long was I out and why are we at Cloud Ruler?" He asked, passing through the familiar room.

"Only an hour and a half, and I brought you here so we could tell Countess Carvain and the Blades that the refugees and remainder of the Morrowind-Bruman army are coming here." Kirana replied.

Ian arched an eyebrow, "Anything I should know before the meeting?"
"Issac and Satyana are alright, so is Flint, but I don't know about the others. The refugees are only bring what they can carry, no wagons or horses. And the Akaviri probably won't be snapping at their flanks as they arrive, the Silhoutte seems interested in the Imperial City for the time being."

"Very well," Ian replied. "It's reassuring we have some good news for the charming countess..."


Contrary to his great size, the alien did not eat the entire corpse, only the best pieces of musculature. Like most replitilians, Plys'Iea had slow metabolisms that allowed for one large meal to keep them healthy for extended durations.
Still, eating larger portions didn't contribute to fat, but was actually beneficial to a degree. While he hadn't seemed to notice anything but amusement from the Akaviri general, the disgust was not lost on him. We're all monsters underneath, even the 'civilized' humanoid races can't cover up all their animilism. Is it a curse my kind are more at peace with our primal nature than others?

While he liked Savirien well enough, the hunter had mutual disgust for hypocrites. He slipped into his native tongue and recited the first lesson of the first War Leader. "The blood of thousands cleansed our blind eyes, nothing can we trust but the strength of our own and lessons of old. Alliances are betrayed, debts are forgotten, and only undeniable supremacy can bring prosperity and ensure survival."

"A being only deserves what it can, and will, hold on to, whether it is life, wealth, pristige, or peace. Does anyone here deserve what they have, or are they all weak?" One of the nearby snakemen cocked his head in curiosity, unable to understand the alien's musings.
Silently, he marched to where his staff lay and ignored everything around him.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 16 2008, 10:23 PM

QUOTE(jack cloudy @ Feb 14 2008, 05:01 PM) *

Flint Ironwood.

Flint saw that the group begun to move.
"anyway, let's talk on the way. I don't know much, but I do know that every moment we hang around, is one more moment we could have spent running." He said and grimaced.
"Or walking. Geez, we're not exactly the youngest anymore, Flogir. How do you cope with all the stuff we've been doing?"


"I try to think about the booze I'll eventually get to drink once all this is done," he replied with a smirk. Flint and him finally met up with Issac and company.

"So, is everyone okay here? We need to keep moving soon, so I just wanna make sure," he asked the group.

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 17 2008, 05:50 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint chuckled.
"Alcohol and running for my life. Yeah, that sounds like an accurate description of our lives right now." He said. He then grew serious however.
"I saw Rann and Amrita on the bridge earlier. They were going up against that big scaled monster as well as a sizable army of snakemen." He noted and shrugged.

"Normally, this would be where I say they're totally screwed, doomed and we'll never see them alive again." He forced a smile.
"But then I remember that the girl's been raised by a Telina mark two and Rann is the son of Rahvin. Oh, and didn't we see Rann come out of certain-death situations before? They're fine, I bet."

"As for everyone else. Root is dead, so we won't have to worry about him anymore. Ian, I don't know where he is. Knowing him, he could be either standing right behind me right now or be slipping poison in the Snake's commander's drink. Haven't seen Rahvin and Brianna in a while."

Posted by: Dantrag Feb 17 2008, 06:16 PM

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Feb 7 2008, 01:01 AM) *


Voltar paused over the dilemma, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. An idea then popped into his head as his expertise in Conjuration surfaced.

"All we need to do is shatter the soulgem just as the teleportation spell hits the Silhouette. Their souls should merge together and thusly the Silhouette will be permanently tied to Oblivion as its soul would now contain daedric properties."


Amrita nodded in agreement with her brother. The hasty withdrawal had made a mess of the remnants of the defending army.

"Let's find Flogir and see if we can get some organization going on here..."

OOC: sorry I haven't been around much; been busy with work and school.


"That would work, in theory, but it would require some very precise timing on both of our parts."

He glanced at the book in his hands once more.

"If you can oversee the conjuration of the daedra, its soul entrapment, and the shattering of the gem, I can soul trap the Silhouette and cast the spell banishing it to Oblivion."

"I think we need another helper to distract the Silhouette; I doubt it will stand there idly while we go through this arduous process."

OOC: Dalrus would be a good choice for that helper, if Florodine is still active.


Rann nodded in agreement and with Amrita's help, they both pushed through the throngs of people towards the middle of the group where they happened upon Flogir and Flint.

"What's the plan?" he asked, skipping any greetings, "We're sitting ducks once the Silhouette decides to pursue."

His reddened eyes made his exhaustion obvious, but his constant fidgeting revealed the amount of adrenalin still pumping through his veins from the last fight.

Posted by: Agent Griff Feb 17 2008, 08:01 PM

Dan, with the group of refugees

Dan found himself alone and confused after the snake-men retreated. He had gone into a battle high he had not experienced for quite some time. It was almost akin to the berserker rage some Nords experienced when going into battle. A frenzied state where most of your feelings go numb and you feel neither pain nor exhaustion. After the state goes away though, it leaves you like a wreck with little thought about what you just did or who you just killed.

It was good as a thing of the moment yet in the long run it didn't suit Dan at all since he used to have to rest for prolonged periods after such a high. During the high however, he was a force to be reckoned with, despite his age.

For the moment, he focussed on finding the others. He didn't really have friends yet during the fighting in the Imperial City the Dunmer Rann won some respect in Dan's eyes. Rann seemed to be one of the few who did not judge Dan because of the fact he couldn't speak. Dan found fear as a sign of recognition in most people, yet Rann was oddly enough of the few people whom Dan had ever looked up to.

Soon enough, after passing through crowds of fearful people, he saw the group all gathered together except for the mysterious Imperial vampire. Dan did not call out for them telepathically since he feared that his call might be more powerful than he thought and that it might frighten and unnerve the refugees.

Thus, Dan made his way silently towards the group. Only when he was right next to them did he actually greet them.

"I am glad to see that we are reunited once more. The battle with the serpents from across the sea was tiring, yet I am ready to go to any lengths to protect my homeland. What would you ask of me, lords?" Dan said, looking to no one in particular. In his eyes, that motley crew made up the commanders of the last force willing to stand against the Akaviri, in Cyrodiil at least.

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 17 2008, 08:13 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint jabbed a thumb in Rann's direction.
"See, told ya they'd be fine." He laughed. Rann came straight down to bussiness and asked what the plan was. Before anyone could formulate an answer, they were joined by Dan who sent a telepathic greeting.
"I don't think I'm really a lord. As for what we're going to do, that was just what we were talking about." He answered. By the way, it's good to see you."

The Breton sighed.
"Well, obviously our plan involves running to this temple Ian mentioned and hoping we don't all get slaughtered on the way. But as for how we avoid any further skirmishes, I've got no real idea. Dropping some trees might work to slow down pursuers, but making traps costs time in most cases and after protecting the rafts and the battle on the beach, probably every noteworthy mage capable of knocking over a tree or somesuch is practically empty. So we can't recruit a couple of telekinetic lumberjacks either."

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 17 2008, 11:10 PM

Issac, the group

The altmer too a moment to study the others, noticing the ebbing adrenaline and/or exhaustion. "Ian's gone for now, and Karn is not among us either." Issac shrugged, "Knowing them and the Narza'Tai, they've all moved on to make the way ahead safer, if that answers you're concerns, Flint."

Then a man appeared and greeted them telepathically, Issac simply raised a bemused eyebrow. "There's no need for formalities here, sir. Even the few of us with aristocratic backgrounds don't qualify as nobility, not enough to make a difference anyway."
He gave the telepath an assuring grin and a nod. "With the Narza'Tai ahead of us, I think we should just try and keep up as best we can. Since their fast and mobile, not to mention assassins, they'll likely set up traps and ambushes themselves."

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 17 2008, 11:13 PM


Voltar pondered on the choices avaliable to them, as he did he thought out loud.

"Well, I assume the best candidate would be some proficient with magic as the spells they would provide would likely be helpful in protecting us as we would be sitting ducks if the Silhouette notices us. We should also consider who is loyal to us to willing protect us with their life as I figure that someone without that loyalty will abandon us should the going get tough... That leaves very few options," he mused.

"I can only really think of three candidates: Rann, Dalrus, and Amrita. Dalrus would be the most useful due to her infinite tap on magic, but her loyalty is a bit unknown. I fear she just follows Rann's loyalty to us and nothing else. Rann, would definitely help us if we asked him, but the question mark remains about his abilities. He might not be able to protect that much. Amrita falls somewhere in between Dalrus and Rann as she is certainly capable of protecting us and appears to be loyal to us. We must've forget her background though... It might be ridiculous to say so, but she could betray us..."

Voltar finished with that, waiting to see what Veric thought of his analysis.


Flogir nodded a greeting to Dan as he joined the group. As commander of the forces right now, everyone was looking to him for plans. Flogir ran a grimy hand through his hair.

"This is what I'm thinking; we're going to split the army into two sections, a Vanguard and a Rearguard. The Vanguard is going to be much smaller since the enemy is currently behind us. The role of the Vanguard is simply to pick the path we'll travel to Cloud Ruler and Bruma and to make sure any threats are taken care of. The Rearguard will be the rest of our forces, minus a few scouts that will be off to check our various surroundings for potential attempts of the Akaviri trying to cut us off. The Rearguard's role will be to protect the refugees, who will be the centre of our procession," he paused to let the information sink.

"Basically, we're just continuing out fighting retreat."

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 17 2008, 11:20 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint nodded.
"So the same thing we've been doing all the time, only this time without any convenient walls to prevent flanking." He replied, looking somewhat grim.
"If you don't mind, I volunteer for either scout duty or message relaying between the two groups. I may have lost some of my stealthiness with age, but I can still outjump a horse. If given a few minutes to recover first."

Posted by: Agent Griff Feb 18 2008, 08:40 AM


Dan observed carefully as the commander of the host formulated a plan. During his days as a mercenary, Dan had travelled throughout all the expanse of the Jerall Mountains so he knew the region they were heading into like the back of his hand. He had been on both merchant trails, used to avoid bandits and other perils, and bandit tracks, used to follow and ambush said merchant caravans.

Since Dan had lent his sword to both groups in exchange for coin, he knew the area as a whole quite well. He was in a dilemma however whether to join the vanguard and lead the advance to Bruma through the paths he knew best or join the rearguard and assure that their rear would be well guarded from any Akaviri attacks. After thinking heavily for a few moments, he made up his mind.

"Commander, allow me to volunteer to lead the vanguard as a scout. I have travelled past this broken land many times in the past twenty years thus I have a knowledge of the wilderness few could best, except perhaps the Nord trackers living in the high Jeralls. Please, allow me this honour." Dan said telepathically, ensuring that all others heard his message so there would be no questions about his intentions.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 19 2008, 07:15 AM


Flogir turned to Flint. "If you choose to be a scout, you'll mainly be working with the assassins. I believe they'll be effective as scouts since they'll be able to quickly relay any dangerous we might come across. Are you okay with that?"

Flogir then nodded to Dan. "Of course you can be apart of the Vanguard. You're knowledge of this area will prove to be invaluable. You have that position. Go find the 21st regiment, for them and the 22nd will be apart of the Vanguard."

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Feb 20 2008, 01:37 AM

OOC: Yup still active

Dalrus, Escaping

The mages had done what they came for, they had lost a score or so, however, the majority had made it out alive, though most were scathed in some way or another. They had succeeded in reinforcing the flotilla defenders enough for them to get away. Dalrus would make sure she was the last to leave.

"Azari, tell everyone to leave," she shouted to an Argonian mage who specialized in telepathy. The old argonian nodded quickly in reply and sent the message to all the mages. However, this short bit of concentration cost her everything. A large Tsaeci cut her down and decapitated her. Dalrus watched in horror but angrily replied with an enormous lightning bolt which completely fried the Tsaeci. She looked around her, hundreds lay dead, thousands within the city were dead, this was a bad day for the empire. The largest battle ever was ending, and Cyrodiil was not the victor. Dalrus saw a small girl dead on the ground and could not help but cry a little. She sent blasts of frost in every direction and knew they reached their targets by the yelps the goblins made.

Dalrus turned around and a blast of fire hit her in the chest. She was thrown back but strangly felt no heat. She looked down at her chest and saw the fire absorbing into her skin. She felt an increase of magic, an overflow, she felt a high of power. She fired at the mage and he blocked her magical attack. She fired again and he blocked it with a shield. She smiled and fired off a barage of elemental attacks at the Tsaeci sorceror. He continued to hold off the attacks and Dalrus noticed that he was wearing a Tsaeci general emblem. He screamed out in the horrible tongue of the Snake-men, he was calling someone. Dalrus widened her eyes but continued to fire off attacks, at a more rapid rate. If this general was calling someone, who was it?

OOC: I would have Veric and Voltar come pretty quick, the Silhouette is about to come.

Posted by: Dantrag Feb 20 2008, 07:19 PM

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Feb 17 2008, 05:13 PM) *


Voltar pondered on the choices avaliable to them, as he did he thought out loud.

"Well, I assume the best candidate would be some proficient with magic as the spells they would provide would likely be helpful in protecting us as we would be sitting ducks if the Silhouette notices us. We should also consider who is loyal to us to willing protect us with their life as I figure that someone without that loyalty will abandon us should the going get tough... That leaves very few options," he mused.

"I can only really think of three candidates: Rann, Dalrus, and Amrita. Dalrus would be the most useful due to her infinite tap on magic, but her loyalty is a bit unknown. I fear she just follows Rann's loyalty to us and nothing else. Rann, would definitely help us if we asked him, but the question mark remains about his abilities. He might not be able to protect that much. Amrita falls somewhere in between Dalrus and Rann as she is certainly capable of protecting us and appears to be loyal to us. We must've forget her background though... It might be ridiculous to say so, but she could betray us..."

Voltar finished with that, waiting to see what Veric thought of his analysis


"We'll make do with what's made available, since we do not know what the situation is back in the city. I fear we've lingered here too long."

With that said, he scanned the book one more time, just to make sure the spell was committed to his memory.

"The time is now," he said, preparing to open a portal back to the Imperial Palace.


It seemed that everyone was finding their niche in the upcoming events, and Rann felt that his was in the Rearguard. Especially since there was a good chance of the Plys'Iea making an appearance.

"I'll see if I can help the Rearguard," he announced, walking back the way he came.

OOC: I don't really know what the Silhouette's army is up to. Are they giving chase right now, or are they occupying the city for a while to plan their next move?

Posted by: Agent Griff Feb 20 2008, 07:23 PM

Savirien, on City Isle with the rest of the Tsaesci

The battle around him was drawing to a close. The main force of the Tamrielics was already retreating inland, through the forests to the North of the City, while a token force of mages was still holding back the brunt of the Akaviri forces on the Isle. They were skilled, Savirien gave them that, yet they were too few to truly change anything except for the lives the Akaviri spent trying to capture the Isle. It was an invaluable conquest however, as the main city of Tamriel was now mostly in the hands of the Akaviri forces.

As he looked on around him, he could spot one particular mage who seemed to lead the others, urging them on as the ring of Serpent warriors closed tighter and tighter around them.

That one is skilled, I admit, yet will she stand up to our leader? I've sated my appetite today however, let others slay the remaining mages. I've had enough of this damned city. After we conquer it, the Silhouette should raise a monument in honour of the fallen. They deserve that least.

Savirien however soon considered that his requests would fall on deaf ears. He did not know the Silhouette for his kindness and consideration. Still, this would have been a purely political matter pertaining to the discipline and morale of their troops. Knowing a monument would be raised in their memory if they themselves fell would make the warriors fight harder, at least in Savirien's opinion. It was something worthy of mentioning to the Silhouette. After the battle was over however.

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 20 2008, 11:34 PM

OCC: For now they aren't pursuing, but the Sil won't be about for much longer. Is it alright that the Plys'Iea wounds Voltar or Altair/Veric? Just a moment to late to stop them; them surviving would add a sense of personal loathing besides the fact they "killed" the Silhoutte on his watch?


The hunter had begun forming a new helmet, flexing an alien alloy after rendering it malleable seemingly with his own breath. As far as he was concerned his part in capturing the city was well over, having infiltrated it and soaking the Tamrielics with horror and paved the way for the invasion.

His large middle-fingers shaved a gap for his head in the cowl-like helmet. He paused halfway through the fifth stroke, feeling an intangible danger-sense. The hunter growled, rising from his crouch, placing his unfinished project on his waist.
He began patroling silenetly, convinced there was a greater threat than simple mages. His grip on his staff tightened in anxiety.


"I'll go with the civilians," Issac answered. "Having defenders beside them will help their morale." As a habit, he lightly stroked the hilt of his katana.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Feb 21 2008, 07:06 AM


Flogir nodded to Issac and Rann. "Be off then. We shouldn't tarry." He looked to the rest of the group. "Any other requests, or shall I start assigning positions?"


Voltar stood beside Veric, in his hand he held a grand soul gem, ready for instant use once their altercation with the Silhouette began. A faint smile crossed his lips. He felt quite certain that the Silhouette wasn't going to suspect this.

Posted by: Dantrag Feb 21 2008, 03:13 PM


For appearance's sake, he transported himself and Voltar back to the Imperial Palace. As they emerged, it became obvious that the retreat had already begun and was for the most part, complete. They made their way past Akaviri patrols undetected until they came in sight of Dalrus, who was bravely covering her mage companions' exit. They stayed hidden, watching on while a high-ranking Akaviri soldier seemed to be calling someone. Or something. Veric could only hope that it was the Silhouette.

"Dalrus can be that help we needed," he said to Voltar, glad to have been so fortunate, "Just be ready when something happens."

He made himself visible then, and stood beside Dalrus in support.

"I can't tell you how glad I am that you're here," he said to her ignoring the tscaeci general standing in front of them, "It seems that everything is falling into place..."

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Feb 21 2008, 09:37 PM

Dalrus, City

"I could say the same thing about you," she said as she fired off more bolts of electricity, fire and frost. She looked over and saw Rann's friend Altair standing by her. Finally Dalrus stopped her bombardment and her hands turned a light blue, energy seemed to be sucked into her hand and finally she let out a scream, not of pain, but of concentration and a huge lightning bolt ripped through the Tsaeci shield and fried the general, who gave one last look of sheer disbelief before collapsing.

The Silhouette, Isle/Tower

All his opponents had either been slaughtered or retreated, he was master of the Empire all but some resistance in Bruma. The Colovian Highlands would fall in a weeks time to his massive army. Some of his generals were currently expressing their concern for a lack of men.

"My lord, we have lost too many men to take Skyrim, Hammerfell, High Rock, Morrowind, Elswyr, Valenwood and The Summerset Isles. With the state we are in now, we can only hold Cyrodiil and Blackmarsh, possibly another province." a high ranking Reaver said as he bowed low.

"My lord, he is right, we have an enormous army, but not enough to take the continent." A tsaeci commander shouted.

"Silencess," the Silhouette hissed from the shadows. Only his purple eyes were visible in the shadows and the room fell silent at his voice. "Another Akaviri army can be called upon, they are in the black marsh, waiting for my command" he said slyly. "Casualtiesss would not have been sso bad had our men fought better" he said with obvious superciliousness. "Fear not, it is only a matter of time until I personally kill all the leaders of this pathetic continent" he said as he stepped out from the shadows. Some of the men wree more wary now. He was at least seven feet tall and surrounded by black shadow substance which whisped around his body. No light could pierce the darkness and still his glowing purple eyes were visible through his hood.

"My lord," an argonian ran up to the council," there are three enemies outside, they won't leave and they are taking down some of the men. They killed Egandle" he sounded horrified. The Silhouette rolled his eyes and dissappeared in a whisp. He reappeared in the Green Emperor way, facing three mages who were surrounded by enemies. He smiled, this would be a fun kill.

OOC: It should be quite the fight, like all three of them fighting him, don't do the spell just yet, they want him to be completely occupied with her, plus I plan on doing considerable damage to the tower.

Posted by: minque Feb 22 2008, 11:15 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Feb 7 2008, 05:39 AM) *


"No, he's never had a mother," he answered, "Until now, of course."

In all honesty, he had no idea how Rann felt about Brianna. The boy was always unpredictable, and his opinions of people were no exception. He hoped that he would accept her, and judging from the first meeting between Rann and Brianna, it seemed that he didn't care either way.

Brianna's next question brought him out of his personal thoughts.

"I think you're right," he said as his eyes followed the direction in which Brianna was pointing.


Aerona accepted the potion from Brianna with a thankful nod, but as soon as she became distracted with the notion of Satyana and Issac being ahead of them, she dumped out the bottle's contents on the ground beside her as they walked.

I wish people would just leave me alone.

She wasn't ungrateful of Brianna's kindness, but she wasn't entirely trusting of the woman, either. So many people had already offered her blood or advice on how she should feed, she didn't know who or what to believe, and quite frankly didn't care. in the absolute worst case, she would die.

Relief at last.


Rann shrugged and stuffed it in his belt right beside his katana. He wouldn't argue with free weapons. There was a short period of silence as they navigated the waters, heading towards the shore.

The raft finally beached, and Rann hopped off, stopping for a second to survey the situation. Ahead of them, a throng of soldiers and refugees walked in a large clump to the north. Cloud Ruler was their destination, he knew, he just hoped that whatever Imperial officials inhabited the place would allow such a group free entrance. In such troubled times, it would be a sin not to.

"I f*cking hate this," he commented to no one in particular, "Our plans a shoddy at best. Let's just hope it all works out."


She noticed the vampire-girl dumping the potion she had gicen her, and sighed to herself. the girl didn't trust her, that was obvious and she didn't know how to convince her that she should.

"You don't trust me...yet, but I assure you you can! You'll see! I'll be there for you...and now I'll leave you alone until you decide to turn to me"

She touched Aerona's arm while thinking that, hoping the girl would got the message.

Without a word she took Rahvin's hend and squeezed it...

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Feb 7 2008, 02:20 PM) *


The Altmer followed Satyana's gaze. "Yes, that's them alright." Hastily, Issac checked that all of his gear was in place. "Shall we meet up with them then?" He asked with a slight grin. Hopefully this will go better than last time.


"Yes! Let's go, I'll stand by you, you know...til the bitter end...I'd like to get on speaking terms with Rannie" sh added

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 22 2008, 11:32 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint sighed.
"The assassins, eh? I honestly don't feel comfortable around them." he shrugged.
"But I'll manage."

Posted by: Agent Griff Feb 23 2008, 08:14 PM

Dan, taking position

With a short nod to both the commander-in-chief and everyone else, Dan departed to look for the regiments he had just been assigned to lead. Dan had been in this position before, yet he had advanced in his station greatly. At first, he only had lowly mercenaries and poorly-trained bandits under his command yet, with time, Dan trained and led both forces according to his needs, and in relation to what group paid the most. If at first he served the merchants Dan, as any skilled mercenary should, soon changed sides and started selling his services to the bandits seeking to plunder said merchant caravans.

Thus, being familiar with both sides in this little-known conflict which raged across all of Cyrodiil, under the very noses of the Imperial Watch and the Legion, Dan earned a thorough knowledge of many areas, the Jerall Mountains among them.

Finally, something I can truly feel proud of. You've truly gone a long way Dan, from a lowly sellsword to an officer in a force fighting for the freedom of a whole province. The first step has been achieved, yet now come the real trials. Will I achieve success with my newly assigned troops? Or will I be merely one of the many little-known 'war-heroes' who sacrificed their lives for their country? Knowing myself, it will be all or nothing. With steadfast companions, of which I have many, and brave men under my command however, any outcome is possible.

With those inner meditations complete, Dan resumed his task of finding the two regiments among the disorderly mass of soldiers and refugees.

Posted by: Lord Revan Feb 23 2008, 10:18 PM


More than half any hour passed before the sensei reached the rally point. Many assassins had already arrived, resting briefly from the break-neck march.

Karn nodded to many who glanced up at him, a silent" as you were." He climbed to the top of the embankment.
From the vantage point, the dunmer spotted more squads approaching.

With a *crack*, a sorceress appeared beaide him. "Sensei, the army and refugees are beginning their march." She reported.

"Just now? They're certainly procrastinating." Karn muttered, "We rest for fifteen minutes before pressing on to Bruma."

Posted by: Dantrag Feb 28 2008, 02:19 AM

QUOTE(Florodine of Hlaalu @ Feb 21 2008, 03:37 PM) *

Dalrus, City

"I could say the same thing about you," she said as she fired off more bolts of electricity, fire and frost. She looked over and saw Rann's friend Altair standing by her. Finally Dalrus stopped her bombardment and her hands turned a light blue, energy seemed to be sucked into her hand and finally she let out a scream, not of pain, but of concentration and a huge lightning bolt ripped through the Tsaeci shield and fried the general, who gave one last look of sheer disbelief before collapsing.

The Silhouette, Isle/Tower

All his opponents had either been slaughtered or retreated, he was master of the Empire all but some resistance in Bruma. The Colovian Highlands would fall in a weeks time to his massive army. Some of his generals were currently expressing their concern for a lack of men.

"My lord, we have lost too many men to take Skyrim, Hammerfell, High Rock, Morrowind, Elswyr, Valenwood and The Summerset Isles. With the state we are in now, we can only hold Cyrodiil and Blackmarsh, possibly another province." a high ranking Reaver said as he bowed low.

"My lord, he is right, we have an enormous army, but not enough to take the continent." A tsaeci commander shouted.

"Silencess," the Silhouette hissed from the shadows. Only his purple eyes were visible in the shadows and the room fell silent at his voice. "Another Akaviri army can be called upon, they are in the black marsh, waiting for my command" he said slyly. "Casualtiesss would not have been sso bad had our men fought better" he said with obvious superciliousness. "Fear not, it is only a matter of time until I personally kill all the leaders of this pathetic continent" he said as he stepped out from the shadows. Some of the men wree more wary now. He was at least seven feet tall and surrounded by black shadow substance which whisped around his body. No light could pierce the darkness and still his glowing purple eyes were visible through his hood.

"My lord," an argonian ran up to the council," there are three enemies outside, they won't leave and they are taking down some of the men. They killed Egandle" he sounded horrified. The Silhouette rolled his eyes and dissappeared in a whisp. He reappeared in the Green Emperor way, facing three mages who were surrounded by enemies. He smiled, this would be a fun kill.

OOC: It should be quite the fight, like all three of them fighting him, don't do the spell just yet, they want him to be completely occupied with her, plus I plan on doing considerable damage to the tower.


Veric moved a bit closer to Dalrus and whispered in her ear, "Voltar and I have discovered a way to banish the Silhouette, but it's a complicated process. We need your abilities to keep him occupied while we prepare the spell."

As the Silhouette appeared, Veric scanned the shadowy figure from top to bottom. It truly was a unique creature; Veric almost felt a twinge of guilt for what he was about to do. All of that power was about to be wasted in the bleak plane of Oblivion.

QUOTE(minque @ Feb 22 2008, 05:15 PM) *


She noticed the vampire-girl dumping the potion she had given her, and sighed to herself. the girl didn't trust her, that was obvious and she didn't know how to convince her that she should.

"You don't trust me...yet, but I assure you you can! You'll see! I'll be there for you...and now I'll leave you alone until you decide to turn to me"

She touched Aerona's arm while thinking that, hoping the girl would got the message.

Without a word she took Rahvin's hend and squeezed it...


Brianna's gesture did make Aerona realize her good intentions, but it didn't change her opinions in the least. She still refused to feed on blood and disgrace Arkay and the other Divines any further.

An approaching figure caught her attention then, and she pointed it out to Rahvin and Brianna, "Isn't that Rann?"


As Rann made his way back to the rear of the group of escapees, he noticed a group of familiar faces. When he finally came close enough to them, a smile was visible on his face. He was relieved to find how many of his friends were indeed still alive. The only ones he had not accounted for were Dalrus, Satyana, and Issac. While Dalrus had saved him recently, that had been back on the City Isle. He prayed to any god that would listen for her safety.

Posted by: minque Mar 5 2008, 10:57 PM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Feb 20 2008, 11:34 PM) *


"I'll go with the civilians," Issac answered. "Having defenders beside them will help their morale." As a habit, he lightly stroked the hilt of his katana.


She smiled at him....
"C'mon then" she whispered...

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Feb 28 2008, 02:19 AM) *


Brianna's gesture did make Aerona realize her good intentions, but it didn't change her opinions in the least. She still refused to feed on blood and disgrace Arkay and the other Divines any further.

An approaching figure caught her attention then, and she pointed it out to Rahvin and Brianna, "Isn't that Rann?"


As Rann made his way back to the rear of the group of escapees, he noticed a group of familiar faces. When he finally came close enough to them, a smile was visible on his face. He was relieved to find how many of his friends were indeed still alive. The only ones he had not accounted for were Dalrus, Satyana, and Issac. While Dalrus had saved him recently, that had been back on the City Isle. He prayed to any god that would listen for her safety.


"Yes....ehh oh yes it must be him" Brianna smiled at Aerona. "Come. let's go over there" She just took Aerona's hand and approached her son

"Rann! Thank all're safe and....sound"

I wonder.....the girls..where are they?

Brianna turned and gave Rahvin a big smile..

What if we could be a family at last?

Posted by: Lord Revan Mar 5 2008, 11:20 PM

OCC: Perhaps we could do with more intimate dialogue during the brief journey.....


He returned Satyana's smile with a confident grin of his own. Issac threw his rucksack back over his shoulder and took a deep breath. "Here goes everything," he muttered quietly, enough that only Satyana could hear.

He took Satyana's hand, leading them both off to the main body of civilians.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Mar 6 2008, 07:40 PM

Dalrus, Green Emperor Way

"I'll do my best," she said in a very unsure voice. "Let's just do this" she said swallowing. She looked over at Veric and Voltar and then looked back at the Silhouette. Finally she composed herself and made the first move. She charged forward and fired off a basic immolating blast of fire. Seconds after uttering this she fired electricity and then ice. She then said a shield spell, all within a few seconds, never had she shot off spells so quickly. She only hoped the Silhouette would be preoccupied by three excellent mages and would not be able to make short work of any of them.

The Silhouette, Green Emperor Way

The Silhouette was surprised by the young mage's quick attack but none of this surprise showed and he simply put up his hand and a purple orb appeared in his palm. All the attacks hit here and were sucked in, just as quickly he whipped the orb towards Voltar and shot off a blast of green plasma towards Dalrus. He said nothing while these spells went off, they would be incredibly complex to some, but to him, they were simple.

"Tamriel's finest, come to challenge Nirn's finest hmm?" he mused at them

Posted by: Lord Revan Mar 6 2008, 11:22 PM


The hunter watched the spectacle in his periphary as he slowly crawled to flank the challenging mages. He would watch and wait, if this got out of hand he would strike the mages whilst they focussed on the Silhoutte. For now, he was obliging the war leader to enjoy his own fight.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Mar 7 2008, 06:51 AM


Voltar threw up a reflect shield just as the orb reached his. The spell bounced off the barrier and was sent hurtling away. He then sent a powerful blast of lightning to strike at the Silhouette's feet, hoping the blasting of the ground underneath the creature would cause it to stumble or the debris would blind it briefly.

He glanced at Veric, who had returned to his Altair form, and waited for the signal to summon a daedra.

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 9 2008, 09:39 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Since he was still waiting for his magicka to restore itself, Flint took the time to pick a few herbs from the wayside. He cringed as he put the plants in his mouth and chewed on a few errant thorns.
"It's not much, but better than nothing."

He looked over his shoulder at the city. It was too far to make out, but he could make out bursts and flashes.
"Hmm, either there is a mage out there who refused to escape, or the Akaviri have a bit of a mutiny among themselves. I hope the latter, though that is the more unlikely option."

Posted by: Dantrag Mar 19 2008, 05:53 PM

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Mar 7 2008, 01:51 AM) *


Voltar threw up a reflect shield just as the orb reached his. The spell bounced off the barrier and was sent hurtling away. He then sent a powerful blast of lightning to strike at the Silhouette's feet, hoping the blasting of the ground underneath the creature would cause it to stumble or the debris would blind it briefly.

He glanced at Veric, who had returned to his Altair form, and waited for the signal to summon a daedra.


In response to Voltar's questioning glare, Veric shook his head. He didn't want the Silhouette getting wise to their plan so early on. He also did not want him or Voltar to appear more powerful than Dalrus, no matter if they were or not; he wanted the Silhouette completely and utterly occupied with Dalrus when they started the process.

Altair hurled a spell of blindness towards the Silhouette, closely followed by a fireball. Both spells were crafted purposefully to be weaker than any of Dalrus'. Veric planned on making it subtly clear to the Silhouette that Dalrus was the real power to focus on here.

His banishment would be so much more surprising.

QUOTE(minque @ Mar 5 2008, 05:57 PM) *


"Yes....ehh oh yes it must be him" Brianna smiled at Aerona. "Come. let's go over there" She just took Aerona's hand and approached her son

"Rann! Thank all're safe and....sound"

I wonder.....the girls..where are they?

Brianna turned and gave Rahvin a big smile..

What if we could be a family at last?


"Yeah, I keep doing that somehow," he quipped, trying to stay a tiny bit lighthearted despite the dismal situation they were in.

"I'm going to join the rear guard I think," he said, getting down to business, "I don't know if one has already been formed or if Flogir wanted someone to organize one, but in either case, I'm going if any of you want to join."


"I'll come along," she said, leaving Brianna's side to stand next to Rann.

Posted by: minque Mar 19 2008, 08:58 PM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Mar 5 2008, 11:20 PM) *

OCC: Perhaps we could do with more intimate dialogue during the brief journey.....


He returned Satyana's smile with a confident grin of his own. Issac threw his rucksack back over his shoulder and took a deep breath. "Here goes everything," he muttered quietly, enough that only Satyana could hear.

He took Satyana's hand, leading them both off to the main body of civilians.


"Dearest, I don't know if we will survive, so please my love can't we just.....make the best of the situation and pretend we really will have a future together?" She held his hand tightly, she was afraid, she felt that she did not want them to perish, she wanted peace and to make some kind of future together with this man....

"I love you Issac" she whispered so only he could hear

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Mar 19 2008, 05:53 PM) *


"Yeah, I keep doing that somehow," he quipped, trying to stay a tiny bit lighthearted despite the dismal situation they were in.

"I'm going to join the rear guard I think," he said, getting down to business, "I don't know if one has already been formed or if Flogir wanted someone to organize one, but in either case, I'm going if any of you want to join."


"I'll come along," she said, leaving Brianna's side to stand next to Rann.


"I ...I will join you, if I may? She looked from Rann to Rahvin, unsure how they would react...She loved them both....

Posted by: Lord Revan Mar 19 2008, 10:33 PM


He was silent for a few moments as they walked on. While it might appear that Issac hadn't heard, it was the opposite. The altmer simply didn't have words to truly express his own love at the time.

When they passed the crowd's edge, he finally turned to his lover. Issac took Satyana's other hand firmly, gaze locked with her eyes. "Then we shall not pretend," he replied.

"As long as we're together, in health, pain, or affliction, we have a future, Satyana." Issac said with great conviction.

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 19 2008, 11:08 PM

Sinyaramen Fenasim, Cloud Ruler

Sin threw his hands up in the air.
"There! All books back at their normal dimensions. Are you satisfied now?" He growled at the Blade who simply shrugged and pointed at the door.
"Now clear out, old man! Clear out before I throw you out." The man snapped.

Sin merely rolled his eyes as he grabbed his cane.
"And that calls itself the continent's finest. As soon as an invasion occurs, the whole supposed elites become downright rude and hostile to anything not wearing their shining armour." He muttered to himself, yet loud enough to be heard by the Imperial.
"Hey! Watch your tongue, Altmer! This invasion you speak of just happens to be the largest since the damned Oblivion crisis and we all know how messed up the world was after that! Now get out!"

Sin flashed a smug smirk.
"Oh, I see. You are scared, aren't you? If it's that serious, then why are you kicking out those who can't defend themselves? Why? Why am I not allowed to cower behind these walls with the rest of you?" He asked nonchalantly. The Blade glared but did not answer.
"Of course. The reason is probably that I'm wasting perfectly fine rations. That, or you consider one old man to be a cheap sacrifice." Sin added. He slowly hobbled out of the door.
"Well, don't be afraid you'll starve. I won't be the one to eat your rations. In fact, I'll leave, isn't that nice? Oh, but I do have to warn you."

The Altmer stopped in the hallway and looked over his shoulder.
"If things are really as bad as you say, no doubt some cities have been sacked already. You may be able to force a single crippled old man to leave, but can you do the same to thousands of civilians? Women, children? When is the limit reached where you can no longer call it a sacrifice, but a betrayal?" Sin chuckled and continued down the hallway, leaving the perplexed Blade behind.

Posted by: Dantrag Mar 21 2008, 11:15 PM

QUOTE(minque @ Mar 19 2008, 03:58 PM) *


"I ...I will join you, if I may? She looked from Rann to Rahvin, unsure how they would react...She loved them both....


Rann shrugged, "You don't have to ask me, you know. I did offer."

Rann thought that he was merely pointing out the obvious, but a warning glare from his father made him realize that he might have seemed very rude just then. Rann didn't really care; Brianna was his mother by blood only. It wasn't that he disliked her or refused to give her a chance (quite the opposite, actually), it was just that he hadn't spent more than a few minutes with her before.


"I think I'll see if I can be of any use at the front," he said then with the intent of allowing Brianna some time with her son.

He kissed Brianna good-bye and gave Aerona and Rann a small wave before heading in that direction.

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 24 2008, 08:33 PM

Flint Ironwood, somewhere in the crowd.

He could still see the flashes erupt over at the Imperial City. By now, he was starting to show more interest in the scene.
"They're mostly static, so that means that the involved parties are still the same. So somehow, somewhere, there is one or multiple mages who can go toe to toe with that Silhouette thing. At least, I think the Silhouette is over there as well. Makes sense, it's the only thing I've seen among the Akavir that can go all spellhappy for such a long time." He thought.

"Too bad we couldn't evacuate those mages. They would have been so helpful when we get ambushed." He continued to himself. The last thought made him look around. What he saw didn't please him at all.
"Hey! Civilians down center, flanked by archers, outer ring of melee! I want that kind of formation, so stop being all chaotic and do it!" He shouted all of a sudden.
"May I remind you people that we're still in a warzone?!"

The Breton sighed and turned his eyes back to the duel being fought in the distance.
"Just where and when did I become a military leader? This is so messed up."

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Mar 26 2008, 11:17 PM

Dalrus, Imperial City

Dalrus seized the opportunity and fired off a blast of fire, ice, and electricity in quick succession. She then remembered a spell she had learned from her old caretaker. She was never sure of what it did, but had memorized it. Her caretaker had always stressed to only use it in very troubled times. Dalrus did not need to verbalize it, for like most of the Silhouette's spells, it was non-verbal. Dalrus thought very hard about the words and released them. Now Dalrus knew she had conjured a powerful spell, as it was the same purple color that the Silhouette's signature killing spell was. It must have been the same spell for the Silhouette's eyes suddenly flashed brighter as if in surprise.

"Come on Nika, where are you? she said in her mind to one of her leading mages
"Don't worry mistress, we're here!"said the excited Nord mage.
Suddenly around 20 forms came into being right in the middle of the Green Emperor Way. They were the mages Dalrus had counted on if she got into trouble, and she intended to finish off the Silhouette with them. They all charged and fired various elemental attacks at the Silhouette.

The Silhouette, Imperial City

Twenty three attacks, one of them being the Akaviri Death Spell, was something even one as powerful as the Silhouette panicked about. He eyes the attacks with fear and as they all converged on him he uttered a quick spell, there was an enormous explosion and the Silhouette's entire body was in the blast.

"ENOUGH!" he yelled and suddenly he through his arms to both sides, as if he had physically pushed the attacks away. The various spells shot off in all directions, severely damaging the walls surrounding the Green Emperor Way.

"When will you pathetic Tamrielics learn that your power is PATHETIC compared to mine!?" he said angrily. His voice rang in their ears, magically enhanced to a ridiculous decibal. The Silhouette fired off two Akaviri Death Spells which both hit their targets between the eyes. The two mages crumpled to the ground as dust. The Silhouette laughed with unnatural glee and then fired an orb of green magic towards Dalrus. "This mage is the leader, she should be slaughtered before I deal with these lesser mages," he thought to himself. To his dismay Dalrus used a spell he had not seen used as a defensive spell, it was so simple. She had used two very powerful telepathic spells which came in the form of two disembodied hands. With them she threw the ball off, not being powerful enough to do anything but stop the orb's course. All the mages fired at him again, and yet again he blocked it, as all the spells flew off and did more damage.

"I did not want to do this, but you leave me no choice. I had hoped to keep this tower as a momento of my conquest."he said with a hiss, as if he was sarcastic, though reading the Silhouette's emotion remained impossible. "Upon the rubble I am about to create, I will build a tower so mighty, the people of Tamriel will worship me as a god." he blocked twenty three more spells with a flock of his palm. "I suppose you haven't heard of Dûn Ťhränăuk Nẻmne?" he said in a voice of faux interest.

OOC: Veric would have heard of it, no one else though, it is the most powerful spell in existance, it is the equivalent of a nuclear blast. It is a very complex spell and the Silhouette is the only one to know the actual incantation for thousands of years. It takes a while to say the whole thing so it gives plenty of time for them to get rid of him.

The Silhouette blocked off more blasts and suddenly his body became a smoke form, his body shot up in the air, smoke trailing behind at a super speed. He quickly reached the top of the White Gold Tower and took form. There the Silhouette begand to utter words in Akaviri, Tamrielic and of languages not known to either continent. As he said the spell all light in the world went out, and then on again and out, and then on again. It started out slow but as the spell was continued with, the flickering went faster...

Posted by: Lord Revan Mar 26 2008, 11:38 PM


"What in Oblivion?" The vampire muttered as the world seemed to be going awry. Not even the Hunter's Sight could pierce the darkness as the world's light flickered in and out. Relying on what he could see in the flickering illumination, Ian and several blades made their way out of the Grand Hall and outside.

This is magic, beyond anything any mage can comprehend. Kirana's voice whispered in the vampire's mind, awe was evident in her voice. As the flickering accelerated to faster rates, many gathered on the fortifications of Cloud Ruler Temple.
A Blade captain by the name of Steffan approached Ian, before a word could leave the man's mouth, Ian said. "We're going to see the Countess, now. If the Akaviri come this way we're going to need a plan."

As Ian and Steffan, plus two more Blades, made their way down from the fortress, the vampire heard one of the younger Blades mutter. "We'll need a D*** good plan and devine mercy if they do...." Neither Ian nor Steffan said anything to contradict her.

Posted by: Dantrag Mar 27 2008, 06:47 PM

QUOTE(Florodine of Hlaalu @ Mar 26 2008, 06:17 PM) *

Dalrus, Imperial City

Dalrus seized the opportunity and fired off a blast of fire, ice, and electricity in quick succession. She then remembered a spell she had learned from her old caretaker. She was never sure of what it did, but had memorized it. Her caretaker had always stressed to only use it in very troubled times. Dalrus did not need to verbalize it, for like most of the Silhouette's spells, it was non-verbal. Dalrus thought very hard about the words and released them. Now Dalrus knew she had conjured a powerful spell, as it was the same purple color that the Silhouette's signature killing spell was. It must have been the same spell for the Silhouette's eyes suddenly flashed brighter as if in surprise.

"Come on Nika, where are you? she said in her mind to one of her leading mages
"Don't worry mistress, we're here!"said the excited Nord mage.
Suddenly around 20 forms came into being right in the middle of the Green Emperor Way. They were the mages Dalrus had counted on if she got into trouble, and she intended to finish off the Silhouette with them. They all charged and fired various elemental attacks at the Silhouette.

The Silhouette, Imperial City

Twenty three attacks, one of them being the Akaviri Death Spell, was something even one as powerful as the Silhouette panicked about. He eyes the attacks with fear and as they all converged on him he uttered a quick spell, there was an enormous explosion and the Silhouette's entire body was in the blast.

"ENOUGH!" he yelled and suddenly he through his arms to both sides, as if he had physically pushed the attacks away. The various spells shot off in all directions, severely damaging the walls surrounding the Green Emperor Way.

"When will you pathetic Tamrielics learn that your power is PATHETIC compared to mine!?" he said angrily. His voice rang in their ears, magically enhanced to a ridiculous decibal. The Silhouette fired off two Akaviri Death Spells which both hit their targets between the eyes. The two mages crumpled to the ground as dust. The Silhouette laughed with unnatural glee and then fired an orb of green magic towards Dalrus. "This mage is the leader, she should be slaughtered before I deal with these lesser mages," he thought to himself. To his dismay Dalrus used a spell he had not seen used as a defensive spell, it was so simple. She had used two very powerful telepathic spells which came in the form of two disembodied hands. With them she threw the ball off, not being powerful enough to do anything but stop the orb's course. All the mages fired at him again, and yet again he blocked it, as all the spells flew off and did more damage.

"I did not want to do this, but you leave me no choice. I had hoped to keep this tower as a momento of my conquest."he said with a hiss, as if he was sarcastic, though reading the Silhouette's emotion remained impossible. "Upon the rubble I am about to create, I will build a tower so mighty, the people of Tamriel will worship me as a god." he blocked twenty three more spells with a flock of his palm. "I suppose you haven't heard of Dûn Ťhränăuk Nẻmne?" he said in a voice of faux interest.

The Silhouette blocked off more blasts and suddenly his body became a smoke form, his body shot up in the air, smoke trailing behind at a super speed. He quickly reached the top of the White Gold Tower and took form. There the Silhouette begand to utter words in Akaviri, Tamrielic and of languages not known to either continent. As he said the spell all light in the world went out, and then on again and out, and then on again. It started out slow but as the spell was continued with, the flickering went faster...


Veric's jaw dropped when he heard the words.

"Dûn Ťhränăuk Nẻmne hasn't been cast in many years," he explained to Voltar, "We cannot let it happen again now either."

"Summon a Winged Twilight. We need to reach the top of that tower."

A Winged Twilight could provide transportation, as well as the vital soul needed for the Silhouette's banishment.

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 27 2008, 07:57 PM

OOC: I don't know what to think of hearing it is the most powerful spell in existence but what the heck, let's go for it! (What it has in raw power, it loses in utility with that damn long and very visible charge-up, so I don't really mind.)

Flint Ironwood.

When the world went crazy, there was only one word that came to the Breton's mind.

He had no idea what was going on. Not just the visual world had fallen into chaos, but he could feel the Magicka whirl around like a wave.
"It's got to be those guys back at the city. It's just got to be!"
He looked in the right direction, but there wasn't much he could make out.

Sinyaramen Fenasim.

Sin had just gone through Cloud Ruler's gates when it happened. Undisturbed by the flickering of the world around him, he closed his eyes instead and focussed. What he sensed did not just disturb him, it greatly disturbed him.
"A tap. Someone's tapping Magicka from incredible distances, and at a stupendous rate. Amazing." He spoke out loud.
"Although, who or what causes this must be a fool. The structure of Magicka will never repair itself after being manipulated on such a grand scale. This is serious!"

He reopened his eyes and stared in the direction where he felt the Magicka was drawn to.
"The Cyrodiil, it can't be any other place. What bothers me the most is, what kind of spell is being prepared that its demands are so high?"

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Mar 30 2008, 07:40 PM


Voltar picked up on the grave tone of Veric's voice as well as the urgency underlaying beneath it. Voltar nodded and withdrew the Staff of Worldly Demise from its strap located on his back. With a quick swirl of the staff a bright flash happened before the three mages. A massive Winged Twilight stood before them, hovering above the ground. It's feminine face looked to Voltar in an expecting fashion.

Voltar pointed to the top of White Gold Tower. "Fly us up there," he ordered the creature while removing a Grand Soul gem. He knew he was going to need it soon.

He climbed up the creature's back and gripped one of the wings to hold himself there. He waited for the others to follow suit.

At least he won't snipe us from the sky if he's busy casting that spell, Voltar thought.

Posted by: Dantrag Apr 1 2008, 05:32 AM


Veric was becoming very confident in the situation at this point. The Silhouette had shown his hand too early, and now it seemed that his gamble would fail. Veric assumed that the Silhouette hadn't expected anyone to have actually known about Dûn Ťhränăuk Nẻmne and according to Veric's predictions, it would be his downfall. Once he and Voltar reached the top of the tower, they would have ample time to cast the necessary spells, and the Silhouette would have to risk disrupting his tedious incantation in order to stop them. Dûn Ťhränăuk Nẻmne had to be spoken all at once; if the flow of the incantation was broken, it had to be restarted, which would take even more time and possibly give them the chance to try again, if necessary.

Veric held on to the wing opposite Voltar, waiting to get close enough to begin the soul trap spell...

They reached the Silhouette quickly, as the Winged Twilight's powerful wings whisked them upward at an alarming rate.

"We both have to be holding the soul gem!" he shouted above the sound of rushing wind. Voltar extended one arm towards him and Veric grasped his companion's hand. Now they were both connected to the soul gem and the first step was complete.

Order your creature to continue circling, then begin chanting the soul trap spell in unison with me on the count of three. he said telepathically to Voltar.


He cast the soul trap spell on the Silhouette, while Voltar did the same to the Winged Twilight.

When you kill this daedra, we'll be falling quite a distance. One of us will have to summon another to catch us when it is time. And do not forget that the soul gem must be destroyed at the exact moment the spell hits the Silhouette!

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Apr 10 2008, 06:32 AM


Despite the fact that he would be doing many complicated nearly at the same time, Voltar did not worry. He prepared a powerful touch spell, one he knew was strong enough to kill the winged twilight. He also had the incantation needed for the spell that would link the Silhouette with this winged twilight on the tip of his tongue.

He glanced at Veric and nodded. He was ready to finish this.

Posted by: Dantrag Apr 18 2008, 05:52 AM

OOC: Mallet, I remember you saying you were pretty busy, so I'm taking minor liberties with Voltar for the sake of moving on. If you don't like something, I'll edit.


As the Winged Twilight brought them closer and closer, Veric knew it was time. The Silhouette was deep in his casting, and Veric found that despite his close proximity, the immortal creature was unaware of his presence. He could even hear the words of Dûn Ťhränăuk Nẻmne escaping its lips.

He committed what small pieces he'd heard to memory.

The soul traps were already in place. The Silhouette showed no sign of noticing. He nodded to his partner, who took his cue. The touch spell Voltar had prepared sucked the life from the daedra they were riding. Its physical form dissipated, and the two mages found themselves falling fast, though still connected by their tight grip on the now-full soul gem.

Veric finished the incantation of banishment as they fell, and Voltar finished the process by sending a powerful bolt of lightning through the soul gem, shattering it.

We can only hope that it worked...

They kept falling.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Apr 18 2008, 09:59 PM

The Silhouette, White and Gold Tower

The Silhouette continued to say his incantation, it was nearly done, a few more seconds and everyone within the valley of Lake Rumare would be dead, with the exception of himself. Sure, his army would be gone, but that did not matter, he still had a reserve army which would sail from their hiding place the moment he called. They had, of course, been waiting on an island about eighty miles from Tamriel. All these thoughts went through his head as he started to form the last word in his mind. Then he heard the spell come towards him, it was like slow motion. His eyes shot open and he saw what looked to be an electric spell coming towards him, he knew it was more than that though, he could feel the types of magic in it. It was coupled with a banishment spell, he barely had time to scowl when it hit him. He felt his body melt away as it traveled between the world of oblivion and the world of nirn. Suddenly he found himself in the dark, lava-strewn world of oblivion. He feared nothing here, yet he could not do what he had set out to do, retake the throne of Tamriel for Akivar.

Meanwhile the force of the spell had nearly been put into motion and the epicenter of magic was powerful enough that it was no small spell. Although greatly dwarfed in size, the spell did happen to some extent. An enormous blast seemed to spring out of no where. A whirlpool of magic spun in towards where the Silhouette had been standing moments before and as it spun, everything in its path melted into dust. The tower was being eroded in half and fires caught on anything that could burn. Then, just as suddenly, the failed spell stopped. There was silence and then an enormous blast which ripped the White Gold tower in half, lengthwise.

Dalrus, Green Emperor Way

Dalrus cheered when she saw Altair and Voltar falling, they must have succeeded. Then she realized what must happen next. If the Silhouette had been nearly done with the spell there would still be repercussions for all that magic permeating the air.

"All mages, dissapperate, something is going to happen!" she shouted. Suddenly all the mages bodies started to glow and they dissappeared with a rustle. Dalrus, however, intended to stay and watch, this magic facinated her. She ran further away and out of the tower's likely places to fall and observed what was happening. The magic was ripping apart all the tall buildings and fires burst from the windows in the tower. Suddenly she heard a loud bang. The tower swayed ominously and split down the middle. Dalrus's eyes widened with horror as the tower fell backwards. She cringed, anticipating the loud smash. It seemed to take a while, though that was to be expected for such a tall building. Then a crash so loud she was surprised the noise did not shatter her teeth came. She looked up to see a wave of dust shoot up into the air like a volcanoe. The tower had smashed straight through the wall and crushed at least twenty buildings into dust, on both sides where the other half had fallen too.

Posted by: jack cloudy Apr 18 2008, 10:38 PM

Sinyaramen Fenasim, near Cloud Ruler.

The tap vanished as sudden as it had appeared. Sin held on to his cane tightly and braced himself for what was to come next.
"A concentration of Magicka of such proportions can't be without consequences. There will be a backlash, a reaction." He realized.

Flint Ironwood, army

Flint's mouth fell open as the great tower was cleaved from top to bottom.
"What the...?" He began to say but then the effects of the spell came roaring across the lake towards the refugees. Already it had diminished greatly in strenght, yet it was still at such a scale that it brought the lake's surface to near boiling point.
"Oh crap! DRAGON SKIN!" Flint called upon the barrier, but it did not come. The Magicka had been forcibly ripped out of him by the Silhouette's spell and in the heat of the moment, he'd completely forgotten.

The blast knocked him off his feet and sent him sliding across the path till he was stopped by the bushes which began to smoke from the intense heat. Fortunately however, the heat had diminished to the point where it no longer caused fire wherever it went.
"What...was that?"

Sinyaremen Fenasim, still the same place.

Magicka flowed back across the land. The Altmer cringed as the shockwave hit him, but also observed that the blast was quite weak. Obviously he was quite far from the epicenter.
"Well, and that was that. Quite an intriguing experience. Oh, the excitement makes my heart race." He said to himself and swiped the kicked-up dust from his clothes.

OOC: I'm just going to assume that the insane power-level difference between Flint and the trio at the IC meant that Veric and co could hang on to their Magicka. Or maybe they were just that close to the Sil that they could tap into the big concentration of Magicka.

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