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Posted by: ureniashtram Jul 30 2010, 06:44 PM

Cyldreen woke up early in the morning in his hammock. Yawning and stretching, he jumped to his feet and glanced at his surroundings. In front of his 'bed' was the door that lead into halls, and to his right was a simple drawer.

He went to the latter, and scooped up a brown pants and a gray sleeveless tunic. He wore them on and slipped on his flip-flops, then went to the exit.

I wonder how many miles we are from Seyda Neen? Better ask the Captain on that one, I guess. And my gear, too. That smith should repair it like it was brand new, or I'm gonna use my flippy-floppies as brass knuckles!

As he passed and glanced at many rooms that held snoring prisoners, he failed to see an old, but muscled, man in his way.
They bumped on each other, and the force of it knocked Cyldreen down.

"I'm sorry good, sir, I wasn't paying attention." the Breton apologised, while at the same time hauling himself up.

Posted by: DarkZerker Jul 30 2010, 09:11 PM

Riden awoke with Tess by his side.

'Great...I'm still on this boat...' he thought.

Tess looked up from her hammock and smiled, "Come back in bed, we're not there yet you know."

He shook his head, "No, gotta check up with the Captain."

Riden walked away from Tess who was going to follow him. He passed by prisoners. Some were up and banging on the steel bars of the cell while others were still asleep.

Tess grumbled and followed Riden to the Captains Chamber. Riden readied his small Hidden Blade, just in case a prisoner gets any bright ideas.

Posted by: jack cloudy Jul 30 2010, 09:14 PM

OOC: I'd actually planned to have Kaye be one of the prisoners, but seeing as how he's the one who fits the description of old best, I guess I'll have him be the bumpee (though he isn't noticably muscled, ah well.)

Kaye coughed as he regathered his wits.
"I'm sorry, good sir." Someone said, most likely to him. The Redguard rubbed his head as he sat there on the damp floor of the ship. Already unstable simply by being on a crude collection of wood, copper, rope and cloth, the surprise of trying to pass through a doorway at the same moment as someone else was more then enough to send himself falling backwards where he hit his head. Kaye was grateful that the floor was made out of wood softened by the many bugs burrowing tunnels within it rather than say, marble. There was a slight ringing in his ears and a mighty headache building up, but at least he wasn't bleeding.

"It is no problem, sir. My fall is due to no fault of your own. Rather, blame these landlocked legs of mine that can't keep standing when everything moves and shakes like the trees in a stiff breeze." He grunted as he stumbled back onto his feet, reaching out for the doorway to support himself. The old man couldn't help but notice the faint trembling of his hand gripping the wood.
"I need a drink and solid ground before I puke my guts out." He thought to himself.

"Ah, I would be feeling so much better when we arrive at port. Regardless, how are you fairing, sir? No bruises or other injuries I hope?"

Posted by: ureniashtram Jul 30 2010, 09:34 PM

OCC: I planned the muscled man to be Tristan, but Zalph's not ON. Ah, well.

"Other than the fact that my head feels like it suffered a stampede by Minotaurs? I'm healthy like an obese mare, if you can call obese healthy that is." Cyldreen voice became light-hearted, while at the same time sarcastic.

He looked the man in front of him up and down. An old Redguard wearing mismatched clothes. During his years as a spy, it required him to know people by their appearances and behaviour. Shaking hand, weary expression and those eyes...

A man troubled by something?

"Umm, sir, you look like you've seen a corpse dancing with a Dunmer's ancestor. Is there something that troubles you? Did you hit your head hard? I could accompany you to the.. wait. They don't got no infirmaries here, just a healer. Yes, that's right. I could accompany you to the resident healer if you like..?"

Cyldreen's tone spelled out concern, while placing a steady hand on the older man's shoulder.

Posted by: DarkZerker Jul 30 2010, 09:57 PM

Riden walked towards the cabin while Tess followed behind. Tess ran into a very pale Breton. Riden helped her up and greeted the man, "The name's Riden..." I said slowly.

Tess extended her hand out, "Tess Rysan."

Riden noticed an older Redguard next to him. He turned his attention to the Breton, "So, what brings you all the way out in Seyda Need?"

Posted by: jack cloudy Jul 30 2010, 10:00 PM

Kaye flinched away from the hand instinctively, acting on old habits that had been a part of him for decades. He almost lost his balance again in the proces and if it wasn't for the hand gripping the wooden frame of the doorway, he would have hit his head on the floor for a second time in less than a minute.

"No, I'm fine really. Just a bit dizzy from the whole sea thing. I'm fine." He stammered. Having drawn just outside Cyldreen's reach, he calmed down somewhat. The Breton didn't look like a threat, but just a man who was honestly concerned for his fellow being. He really shouldn't have jumped away like that, old habits be damned.
"No really, I'm just fine. No need for a healer. And I'm sorry for seeming rude, but I'm not used to err...physical contact. Sorry for acting like that."

OOC: I'm off to bed so next post will be tomorrow at the earliest.

Posted by: Zalphon Jul 30 2010, 10:14 PM

Tristan glanced at the other passengers. "A Redguard? You with the legion?" he asked. His voice was deep. The middle-aged Imperial glanced at Tess and Riden. The cold of the ocean winds bit against the veteran's flesh. Even though he wore his armor, it still got through the cracks.

Seyda Neen... I remember coming here during my Campaign. I wonder if Hrisskar is still here. "So you folks from around Morrowind or are you travellers?" the aged man asked.

Posted by: ureniashtram Jul 30 2010, 10:30 PM

Aha, a recluse by nature! Interesting..

"Really? Ok, then. But if you need some help, do holler. We Bretons respect the Elders, yes?" With a smile, Cyldreen released his hand.

My job hasn't even started yet and someone's supiscious of me! Wait, no. Just paranoia.

Nodding to himself, he left the Redguard alone and continued to his destination. While heading towards the Captain's cabin and whistling to himself, he overheard three voices, two males and one woman. He eavesdropped. And suddenly wished he hadn't.

"You with the Legion?" a gruff and deep voice, like a seasoned veteran asked.

Pigs! If I hadn't left my battle-axe, I'd chop the gruff one's head off! But, it seems diplomacy is needed here.

So, he casually stroded and turned to the corner to see three Imperials. A middle-aged man in a full set of Steel Armor poised stoically, while a couple stood infront of him. An Imperial woman and another Imperial.

This boat is infested with Cyrodiilic rats! If- wait what's that.. ? A rare hidden-blade! That means.. an Assasin. The game just got more interesting.


OCC: Well, I guess I'll be in Vaernima's Realm, plagued by nightmares! Oh, and another thing. Thoughts are written in italics. I suspect my post will be later. Peace out, men. Oh, and would someone control Cyldreen for me? He just made his presence known.

Posted by: DarkZerker Jul 30 2010, 10:57 PM

Riden replied bluntly, "No...We're on a...job"

Tess glanced at him worriedly and she started talking, "We're from Cyrodiil. Good to meet you!"

Riden casually looked around him and saw a Breton peering around the corner.

Got to keep an eye on the Breton... Riden thought.

"I'm going." Riden said hoarsely.

"Don't mind him, he's a little anxious to get to Morrowind. Neither of us have gone to another province before and we're hoping for the best!" Tess exclaimed, giving a warm smile to the Redguard.

Riden got his Hidden Blade ready for a potential fight.

Posted by: ureniashtram Jul 30 2010, 11:33 PM

OCC: It seems I'm not sleepy yet! God, I hate drinking milked-coffee before I go to sleep.. Wait, is the Redguard Kaye?

Oooh, he looks like he's ready for a fight, eh? Wait 'till I get my battle-axe and spear. But, I'm not here for a fight, yet.
Smilling to himself and at the Assasin, he went to the Captain's quarters. He passed by some crew-members waking up. He smiled at them, said some 'hellos' and continued. He also kept cautiousness on his side. There's a chance that the Assasin is following him now.
Finally, he reached the Captain's quarters. The door is closed, but Cyldreen could hear some voice cursing some pants.

Cyldreen took his time and leaned at the nearby wall. His thought went to the Assasin as he waited.

An Assasin, not Dark Brotherhood and from the looks of things not Morag Tong either. A lone wolf? Hmm.. Why would be heading in Morrowind? Is he hired by that fool, Martin Septim? If so, then I have to be careful. Keep an eye on him, and that Legion soldier. . . Ex-legion soldier, if I'm not mistaken..

His thoughts were interrupted as a stout Bosmer, a fancy beard covering half of his face and a pony-tail braided on top his hair, exited and walked with a limp.

A Wood-Elf sailor..?

"Hagh, 'thing ye want?" the short Elf looked up at Cyldreen and sneered with a shrill voice.

"Why, yes. I was wondering when we will reach Seyda Neen?" the Breton asked nicely, while crossing his arms.

"Don' know about dat, laddy. Wind's mad and da sea seems hostil'. Mebbe about a week or so, now get!"

Cyldreen needn't to be told twice, so he made his way to the armory.

Posted by: DarkZerker Jul 30 2010, 11:52 PM

Riden slowly followed the Breton.

What am I doing? Getting into fights? Very sloppy...perhaps I'm distracted by Tess' safety... He thought.

He relaxed and decided to just confront to the man.

Riden started to look around the parts of the boat until he saw the Breton.

His red and white robes did stand out but the boat was dark enough to conceal him. Getting his hidden blade ready once more and yelled, "Hello! You seem rather...jumpy Breton."

Posted by: ureniashtram Jul 31 2010, 12:38 AM

"Hello! You seem rather...jumpy Breton." a voice yelled, and Cyldreen stopped in mid-walk, while his ears perked up. He smirked and ran hand through his hair.

The Assassin, so he had been following me..

Turning around, slowly so the Assassin can get a better view, he scanned the hallway infront of him. Some corners were dark, and he could bet that he saw some movement not far ahead. Narrowing his eyes and concentrating, he finally saw a glint of metal.

Hidden-Blade. His armed. Hmm, I hope there's something I could use, if things go. . . awry.

"I know you're there in the corner, come out now." he bellowed back, while searching for any weapon he could optionally use. On his right was a pipe, hanging loosely by a rope.

It isn't the strongest of weapons, but effective nonetheless. At least in the right hands.

"Friend or Foe?"

Posted by: DarkZerker Jul 31 2010, 12:47 AM

"Neither" Riden said.

Riden emerged from the corner and gave a mocking smile.

He could see the Breton eying a small pipe, "Don't try it. You'll be dead before you even grab it."

Riden glared at him intensely with no chance of retreat. He reached for his trusty Jian longsword.

Tess ran to Riden's side after finding him, "Riden...what's going on?"

He didn't respond, his eyes was fixated on the Breton. Tess intervened, "Wait...guys, we aren't here to fight right? We have our own reasons but we shouldn't fight over it right?"

Tess retreated back and leaned by Riden, "Please, I can't see you hurt..." she whispered.

Posted by: ureniashtram Jul 31 2010, 01:08 AM

OCC: Since I don't know what Riden looks like, I'd base it off at your avatar, ok.

Cyldreen laughed.

Oh, the art of deceiving is such thrilling! And the girl..

The Assassin, wrapped in a white and red robe, glared intensely at the Breton, while the woman seemed to restrain him. The Man-Mer responded by giving the woman a wink. He then spread his arms, mockingly bowed and looked at the Imperial eye to eye. Brown orbs tried to penetrate his, while curtains of hair hanged. But the eyes, there was something about it.

The eyes of a murderer.. He killed before and without mercy I might add. But if he experienced my training as a spy..

"You're right, I'll be dead before I grab it, but you have to be fast, Assassin. We Bretons are fast-thinkers. Should you charge with that sword of yours, I should have 'Dragon Skin' protecting me. But if I'm on the offensive, I would not target you with my magic. But rather," Cyldreen glanced smiled at the woman.

Oh, I would do it. He's not the only who killed..

"Personally, I'd rather not fight an Assassin such as yourself but if you insist, I'd send both of you to Oblivion."
Cyldreen emphasised his point by casting Dragon Skin and reaching for the pipe.

Posted by: DarkZerker Jul 31 2010, 01:21 AM

OCC: This is fun! Oh and sure, my avatar is my character in game and who I based on. Tess is a pale Imperial with pretty long hair. I edited this...pretty far.
Riden yelled, "Tess, get back now!"

He brought up his Jian sword, knowing that he wouldn't be fast enough to kill the Breton before he got in a good hit.

"Please be careful." Tess yelled back as she started running through the door into the main deck.

"If you so much as hurt Tess...things that even the Daedra will look as gruesome will be your fate."

Tess is my priority...all I have to do is get in a single hit to incapacitate the Breton. Just one shot...just one shot.

Riden brought up Jian and took up a defensive stance. With very subtle movements, he primed the hidden blade and brought his free hand up to his Royal Dagger in case the battle went badly.

He stared at the Breton and tried to read his emotions as was taught by the Master Assassin to his pupil.

He's very strong in his own way...looks like he's been trained very interesting battle for sure.

"Let's see who's the better man. Don't try any cheap spells. It'll do you no good."

Posted by: ureniashtram Jul 31 2010, 01:39 AM

OCC: You received my PM? Anyway, this is isn't a battle to the death, K. I need Cyldreen. And his.. secrets.

Cyldreen's masochistic tendencies kicked in. His grin became wild as he took on a defensive position. He began to concentrate and think that the pipe his holding is his battle-axe. Although, the grin remained. The grin that he wore during his 'training' as a spy in Orsinium.

"If I lose, would you please make me suffer? I love pain! In fact, during my time as a trainee in some land far away, they tortured me! And you know what, I loved every moment of it. Savored each strike of a whip, remembered the sting of a dagger! I'm sick aren't I?"

Cyldreen's mind went on to the verge of berserk, but calmness reigned. Lighting crackled on his finger tips, while Ice coated the pipe and his forearm.

Magic, torture and intelligence gathering.. Feels like home!

"Charge at me of you will. Throw some daggers at me, and the Dragon's Skin will make it more like a tickle! If you know some magic, by all means, cast it to me!"

Posted by: DarkZerker Jul 31 2010, 01:52 AM

Riden was genuinely convinced that the Breton standing in front of him was crazy but his intense disciplined training prevented any psychotic tendencies Riden would have.

"...Fine then." He said before casting a shield spell.

That...was hard. Just one shot...keep this up. keep him confused

The spell took quite a bit of Riden's energy away and he was panting softly, "Just keep him away from Tess." He whispered to himself.

"Happy now? Your Dragon Skin isn't worth my time. Jian is specifically coated with Aleiyd magics. It's a good alternative to actually casting spells."
Tess' side
"Finally, I got a sword." Tess exclaimed with glee. The small iron broadsword was badly made but it could cut. She rushed towards the armory, trying to keep up the pace to prevent them from fighting.

Riden's too occupied for my safety. This is bad...I need to get there fast.

She pushed herself during the last leg of the journey.
Riden's side
The shield spell was in full swing, it could provide that extra resistance during the battle.

Riden was sick of waiting, "Make your move Breton, and savor it. It's most likely going to be your last."

Posted by: ureniashtram Jul 31 2010, 02:09 AM

Cyldreen took notice of the Assassin's sword. It was designed like a rapier, but had the cutting edge of a sharpened katana. The grinning Breton also noticed some gold twinkling. A backup weapon, perhaps.

"Really, you want that? Where's the pain in that? Ah, well. Oh, if you meet my mentor in Oblivion, tell him that I succeeded on our plan, okay?" The Breton innocently said, while rubbing the pipe with both of his hands.

It became white, blue then yellow. Then, with a surge of magicka, it became red. Cyldreen's hair stood on edge.

I do hope this works, otherwise this is pure suicide.

His eyes became tainted with doubt, for a friction of a second, before going wild again.

"Here goes nothing!"

And he threw it at the general diretion at the Assassin. But in his frenzied grin, he hesistated and payed the price. It just landed near the Assassin's feet, if he grasped the opportunity, he should get out of there! Not powerful enough to kill, but strong enough to knock down and lightly wound opponents.


I love enchanting stuff! Particulary with small explosions that could knock you down!

Posted by: DarkZerker Jul 31 2010, 02:26 AM

Riden was taken by surprise. The pipe released a surge of energy. He fell backwards and the world became a bit blurry. He quickly shook it off though and proceeded to follow the fleeing figure.

But the explosion's power was still present as Riden started to stumble, "Clever trick Breton!" He called out.

Tess just arrived and ran to Riden's side, "Are you okay dear?" She asked with a very worried face.

Riden nodded and got up, still shaky from the blast but was good enough to go.

"I'll kill you!" She screamed before she was restrained by Riden, "Don't...he was enraged just like you and he paid the price."

Riden's vision was blurry but he grabbed his Royal Dagger and threw it. In normal cases, the Breton would be on the floor but the blurry vision just impaled the wall next to him. Tess charged after him and Riden tried to keep up.
Tess' side

I'm going to kill that filthy Breton! Riden's hurt...just when we might have a child.

She was weighed down in her Morrigan armor but it she was just skilled enough to move efficiently as Riden taught her.
Riden's side

One shot left...need to make it count!

He grabbed the dagger and threw it one more time. It didn't meet it's mark but it did hit a small rope by sheer luck alone. It released a barrage of crates, blocking the Breton.

Tess ran towards the Breton trying to kill him, "Tess, stop!"

Riden's vision started to come back and he pointed Jian at the Breton, "Explain yourself...."
An assassin is supposed to kill a blocked target but as Sun Tzu said, an enemy cornered will fight like he's never fought before. Not to mention that your character isn't an assassination target.

LIES! Tess is one month pregnant and she's aware. Actually two months...

Posted by: ureniashtram Jul 31 2010, 02:59 AM

Two daggers flew like twin eagles. A golden one was a close call, but the Assasin's aim got absolute in the second one's case.

It blocked his path.

And an angry woman is charging at him with a broadsword raised, face contorted in fury. This was Death, just a nervous feeling? But, somehow, the Assassin managed to calm the raging harpy.

"Explain yourself.." the brunette hissed, pointing his rapier at Cyldreen. He seems shaky, and if he could disarm him and use his own sword against his lover..

No, maybe if I surrender..

"Alright, alright. You got me." Cyldreen nonchalantly said, ignoring the glare the woman gave him. ".. Explain myself? Ok, I'm abandoned at birth and raised by monsters, trained to be masochist and a spy." he smiled sheepishly at them, and bowed.

"But if you want to explain why I assaulted you.." he licked his lips in anticipation.

OCC: How do the others fit into this? How do Kaye and Tristan... fit into this? Maybe Tristan chatted with Tess for awhile until she became worried and left. Damn.

Posted by: DarkZerker Jul 31 2010, 03:05 AM

OCC: Sure...lets wait for the others to decide. Oh and it's black hair, not brunette. It's because the picture I took of my character was in bad lighting.

Not posting for a little bit. Gonna play Oblivion! OMG!!

Posted by: DarkZerker Jul 31 2010, 04:03 AM

OCC: Alright, I had my fill of oblivion
Tess became even more enraged by the nonchalant expression of the assailant.

"Riden, if you may, please just let me just smash his head open for a little?" she said to Riden.

"No...If I learned anything from my assassin trainings...I know how to gather information."

He looked at the Breton like the wrath of Gods, "Tell me...why are you on this boat? Why were you trying to attack me?"

Tess embraced Riden and looked over his shoulder, "Why are you so forgiving? I'm usually the forgiving're usually the merciless assassin..." she whispered.

"Because I want information." Riden said bluntly. He stretched over, grabbing his dagger and sheathing it.

Riden grabbed Jian and sheathed it, "Alright, I'm unarmed...for the most part." He said, with the hidden blade sticking out.

Tess sighed and kept embracing Riden.

"Talk..." Riden said.

Posted by: ureniashtram Jul 31 2010, 07:38 AM

A spitfire woman, that's something you don't see everyday.

They then talked a little, with the Assassin finally hushing her. Then, in an effort to be nice, he sheathed all of his weapons. But still wanted information. Information that he would never get. So, he leaned at the boxes that stood in his way and stared at the Assassin, uninterested.

"Attack It looks like you're more of a fool rather than an Assassin. Maybe I should ask you the same question, no? Why are you two going to Morrowind, in this time of the year even! It's war, you Cyrodiilic rat. And you two going to Seyda Neen, an Assassin and a... Warrior.. " He eyed the couple infrontof him, carefully. He finally made a conclusion. "You have been hired by the Emperor, yes?"

The tone Cyldreen took was like a parent knowing a child's secret. Shameful secret. Coupled by that and the way he said it so simple. he can guarantee that both of them are suprised.

Hopefully, with the tables turned, it will give me more time to ponder my escape. Magic? No. Think, Cyldreen think!
Wait, what's in this box..? Powder?

The Breton kept the unemotional mask, while he nimbly took one and readied himself.

Please, don't see it.. Please don't see it..

Posted by: jack cloudy Jul 31 2010, 08:25 AM

Kaye Soscean Wow, you guys have been busy.

Kaye couldn't possibly ignore the clamor. Sure, the ship was a rather large one and the waves crashing upon the hull drowned out most sounds, but to obscure the yelling, the sharp crack of an exploding pipe and the general noise of violence was beyond their powers. As such, Kaye knew that something was wrong.
"Pirates? NO, just no. I don't want to deal with that! I should probably get back to my cell even though the guards allow me to roam freely." He thought, feeling a cold sweat trickle down his brow.

The words of the combatants were garbled by all the other sounds but the few he did manage to pick out assured him there were no pirates. Not that this made things any better.
"For the sake of whatever gods you believe in! Stop this nonsense! Do you want this shi...Uurgh!!" Kaye shouted as loud as he could manage, which wasn't very loud, while simultaneously making his way towards the area where the sounds came from. It was then that a particularly strong wave made the ship lean to one side and overwhelmed the nausea he'd fought against all this time. Kaye sank to the ground, clutching his stomach.

"Egh, this is so horrible. I just want to lie down and die. But can't do that. Come on Kaye, show them how good you are at ignoring your body and stop those idiots before this all gets out of hand. Learning how to swim in ten heartbeats is probably a bit above you. He told himself and forced his feet to start moving again. It was hard to keep himself from hurling himself to the floor and surrender to his seasickness, but years of practicing various techniques to make the body entirely subservient to his body kept him going. However, when he got to the fight, it was already over.

The combatants stood upon the deck facing each other, while a ring of worried crew surrounded them. Kaye wondered idly why the guards didn't arrest the fools, but concluded it probably had to do with rank or somesuch. He also spotted a small hole in the deck, its edges slightly burnt.
"You're lucky you didn't have your stupid quarrel below the waterline...are you people trying to make us sink? This is a ship you're on! A half-rotten tub of wood drifting on a very large amount of water, not some Cyrodiilic arena! Think before you act or don't act at all!"

Posted by: ureniashtram Jul 31 2010, 10:18 AM

Cyldreen dropped the powder as soon as dozens of worried sailors surrounded them from all sides. Some whispered to each other, some berated them for starting a fight while some reached for their weapons, mainly bottles of rum and wooden poles.

Trinimac's smelly butt! I knew picking a fight so early was a bad idea! Now I'm probably going to get lynched beyond recognition.. Or worse! They're gonna.. ruin my beautiful body! Damn!
The woman in front of him seemed to share his feelings, particulary the latter.

One particular yell of concern made him scan through the crew members, though.

"You're lucky you didn't have your stupid quarrel below the waterline...are you people trying to make us sink? This is a ship you're on! A half-rotten tub of wood drifting on a very large amount of water, not some Cyrodiilic arena! Think before you act or don't act at all!"

That troubled voice seemed familiar.. The Redguard he bumped into earlier! And he agreed with him completely. Thinking before acting.

Gotta make some excuse.. Gotta make some excuse... I got it!

"We're sorry for ruckus, gentlemen and gentlemer, but my . . . conjured Dremora went berserk for no reason at all! Mainly because I miscalculated but thanks to these," he was about to say 'fools' at the Assassin and the woman but bit his tongue. "wonderful people, I managed to get it calmed while these.. two distracted it. During the.. rough up, the damned thing cast a wide radius spell that broke some pipes and boxes."

I hope the Assassin plays along... Otherwise, he's gonna be forced to see some things.. Mainly the woman against dozens of lonely men.. And the lies! They better not see through it, I hope.

OCC: I agree with Kaye completely. I better go to the planning thread before doing such thing like these. My apologies.

Posted by: Zalphon Jul 31 2010, 11:01 AM

I'm dropping out, it moves too fast...

Posted by: DarkZerker Jul 31 2010, 06:20 PM

Tess immediately saw what the Breton was doing.

"Riden, just play along," She whispered.

Riden nodded and agreed to what he had said.

"Yeah! And about the small smoke cloud back there...well Demora can set things on fire..." Tess said.

"And to answer your question earlier, I'm here for a job." Riden said, glancing back at the Breton, "You should...uh get rid of that pouch. I don't care what's in it, just get rid of it."

Tess held Riden's hand and looked around the band of worried sailors. She was worried and Riden wanted to see some bloodshed, "Pardon me, good sir." He said to the Redguard, trying to get through the crowd of people.

He started to see the sailors start to grab makeshift weapons. He instinctively moved towards his Jian sword and Tess was holding her broadsword very tightly.

If any of these idiots attack, they're going to go down with this entire ship...

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 1 2010, 10:01 AM

OOC: No problem. I'm just making Kaye overly worried. Small leaks can probably be patched, but he doesn't know that.

Kaye Soscean

"Of course." Kaye mumbled and stepped to the side so that Riden and his wife could pass. He couldn't help but notice that it was now the sailors who were getting agitated, as if they'd changed their mind and decided that a fight really was in order. This did not help his already sour mood.
"Oh, by the way. Could anyone tell me just where in the blazes we are and how long it will take till we get to a reasonably dry patch of ground? Thank you very much. Also, that knot on the sail looks like it is about to come lose. Might want to do something about it." He asked as loud as he could for two reasons. First was because he genuinely wanted to know, second in the hope that if he just kept everyone talking about a different subject, they might just forget about the fight and get on with doing their job.

"I really should have slept on the roof that night instead of on the street. Ugh, I hate water."

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 1 2010, 11:57 PM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

Well, looks like a fight is inevitable.. But do I have to kill them? And more importantly, will the Assasin be my temporary Ally this time?

"Well, gentleidiots, I suppose you can't put your weapons down to the ground and talk about this? I mean, we already explained how the ruckus erupted.." it seems that negotiating with this mindless sea-farers was like talking to a tree about how would they feel if Cyldreen pissed on them. Some smiled, some frowned while some advanced with broken bottles and wooden poles at the ready.

The Breton immediately tensed and crouched in a defensive position. He placed his arms at the ready, while soft embers flickered. He glanced at the Assassin who also reached for his sword, while the woman gripped her broadsword tightly and positioned herself near her lover.

A particular sneering Dunmer, who only wore wide pants, stepped up and spat a bile vile at the Breton's feet. The dark-elf smirked and caressed his cutlass menacingly.

"Ha! Afta' we is dun with ya, we'll has fun with gir-" Cyldreen took this as his opportunity, the time for diplomacy is over. He tackled the Dunmer to the ground and muttered a frost spell. It was not powerful, but with his face covered in Ice, punching him will cause cracks. Resulting in the Dunmer's skin being battered and sending pain throughout his face. The sailors rushed in at every angle.

The Breton stole a glance at the Assassin and smirked.

He's cutting them down like bugs! But bugs can overwhelm their squashers.. Better not let his guard down or one of them might land a blow.

As he raised his fist to strike at the screeching Dunmer, a kick to the face made the Breton land on his back. Blood trickled on his nose, while he felt dizzyness. He then felt a group of hands pulling him up, while at the same time a pole introduced itself to the Spy's stomach. Said spy spat some spit mixed with blood everytime the pole collided.

What happened to my Dragon Skin? . . . Wait. That's it, magick!

He clutched at the pale forearm of the person that held him up, and muttered a Charm spell. Not persuasive enough to fully make the person worship Cyldreenn, but enough to take pity and possibly release him.

".. Please good, ugh! Make.. Argh, ugh! Make them stop!" He lied. With him being a masochist, he enjoyed it. But it was necessary. Luckily, the forearm that held Cyldreen released him and he narrowly avoided it in time. The person, an Imperial, tackled the confused Nord. As they went down in a catfight, the pole flew towards Cyldreen. He grabbed it mid-air and took the offensive.

Time for some dance with pain!

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 2 2010, 12:50 AM

That Breton's pretty good. A worthy adversary to be sure.

Riden whipped out Jian and Tess started to draw her broadsword.

"Why you little..." A drunk Imperial muttered, "We'll have some fun with that girl of yours!!" He yelled before he was silenced with a swift thrust into his stomach.

Riden knelt down his dying body and swiftly ended his pain, "Hope you have fun with the ladies in death, Rest in Peace." He whispered before whipping up and parrying all of the sailors feeble attacks.

Tess was having quite a bit of difficulty. She was being overpowered by the sheer number of the sailors. One got a hold of her and pinned her down. Riden noticed the scuffle and ran towards her aid.

With one quick slash with Jian, the sailor was writhing in pain with his feet cut off. He ended it quickly with another stab with his Hidden Blade and whispered another prayer.

Time to end this

Riden signaled Tess and she brought up her broadsword and started cutting down the sailors one by one, next to his side.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 2 2010, 09:12 AM

Kaye Soscean

His feeble attempts towards distraction and defusing notwithstanding, a second fight erupted within moments. Kaye grabbed the shoulder of one sailor, trying to drag him away from the melee.
"Please, is this really necessary?" He pleaded. Right at that moment, he saw the first man fall from a lethal wound and he groaned.
"Oh, now you've done it. No turning back now!"

"Shut up, prisoner! We may have let you roam but this is none of your bussiness! Or..are they friends of yours? Scum, all of you!" The Dunmer barked back and violently shoved him away, making Kaye tumble to the floor once more. In a corner of his mind, the Redguard was getting rather tired with the constant falling he'd done in the last hour. But that was only a corner he shut up as the Dunmer advanced on him with a broken bottle.
"Psah, I'll teach you for interfering in my affairs. Enjoy the same fate as these three N'wahs!"

"Oh, great. Now I am involved. Ugh, no other choice but to leap in and hope things work out in the end." Kaye muttered angrily. As soon as the Dunmer was in reach, he reached out with a quick kick to the knee, catching his opponent by surprise. The Dunmer fell as the joint audibly cracked and bent in the wrong direction while simultaneously, Kaye used the momentum he'd gained from the kick to throw himself back onto his feet. The adrenaline now coursing through his veins removed the feeling of nausea and his hands no longer shook. Almost nonchalantly, he kicked a second time, breaking the nose of his foe and sending him sprawling onto his back.

"Well, if you want me to be on their side, I guess I'll just have to obey, right?" Kaye sneered.
"So much for thinking before acting. Alright, let's bruise some fools."
The Redguard did not blindly jump into the fray, but rather danced around it till he saw the opening he needed. A sailor wielding a deckswab who was trying to hit the Breton from behind with it. Before he got the chance though, Kaye punched him in the back of the head before disarming him and taking the tool for himself.
"Hey, sir. I really don't know just what is going on but apparantly I'm on your side so I suppose I'll assist you folks." He called out to Cyldreen. It appeared that the sailors had now taken notice of him as well and he barely managed to parry another deckswab.
"Are we supposed to take on the entire ship now? That's crazy!"
"I mean, it beats getting glass in your face."

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 2 2010, 11:16 AM

[b]Cyldreen Mon'Cheri[/b]

"Hey, sir. I really don't know just what is going on but apparantly I'm on your side so I suppose I'll assist you folks." the Redguard, who bump into Cyldreen earlier, called out behind his back and Cyldreen's smile grew wider. He quickly glanced at the old man and noticed he held a broken bottle, while an unconsious sea farer clutched his head and grovelling in agony.

"Why thank you, good sir! I'll be sure to raid the kitchen and bring you some wine as a token of my gratitude! Or beer, if you want. If you don't want it, then atleast let's munch on some rice cake with beef sauce? I-" Cyldreen's rant about High Rock food was interrupted as he parried a strike from a pipe-wielding Bosmer.

What is it with Bosmers becoming sailors?

He retalliated by kicking the tiny Elf in a vital 'area' and using it as a momentum, he brought down his wooden pole at the Wood-Elf's head. Glancing to his right, he saw a rugged Argonian charging with a battle-axe raised.

Cyldreen's battle-axe. The mind of the Breton went berserk for having his trusted weapon used, and he charged with gusto. Withing the reach of the pole, Cyldreen swung the long weapon at the side and it connected with a 'crack'.
Dodging a sloppy chop from the Lizard, he attacked with a low sweep. The Argonian jumped in time, but Cyldreen's momentum carried the Breton in a 360 degree wide sweep. It connected with various skulls before smashing the Lizards head. It sent the Argonian flying, with Cyldreen's battle-axe lying in front of the Breton.

"Assassin! You mind fending these brainless men off? I'm heading for the Armory to fetch some weapons for me and our new ally," He then turned at the Redguard. "You can come with me, if you want sir."

OOC: During which, we will find the rifles! But, we'll leave it for the time being.

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 2 2010, 06:33 PM

OOC: Remember that the rifles are either flintlocks, lever action rifles, or the Colt Peacemaker(revolver). All of which has more than one bullet in each time but takes a long time to reload after the barrage of bullets.
"My pleasure..." Riden said.

The sailors were obviously inexperienced but as history always shows, the man with more people always wins. Tess had no problem with cutting down the sailors but she seemed to get weary after a while. She had a bad problem with death and Riden was the only person to calm her down.

After a couple waves, Tess went down from her problems and started crying.

"Tess! Get up!" Riden yelled before he ran towards her crying shape.

The sailors all crowded on the assassin and one stood forward, "You cut us down you miserable..." he snickered, "But no matter, we have you surrounded. Don't worry about the girl, we'll take care of her nicely."

Riden raised Jian and pointed it directly at the sailor, "When a soldier is surrounded, he'll fight like he's never fought before." He whispered before multiple thrusts into the sailor.

All the others started to attack and Riden easily wiped out a good half of them before weariness set in. One sailor hit him square in the chest with the hilt of a cutlass.

Due to his armor providing little protection against blunt weapons, he was down.

Tess hugged Riden hard, "I'm sorry..." she whispered. As a last ditch attempt, Riden threw his Royal Dagger square into the eye of an advancing sailor. He fell and the rest seemed even more anxious.
OOC: Well about Tess. In my character bio, I said she's a very moral and kind person. Well by moral, I mean she's literally the opposite of Riden. So instead of a cold blooded killer, she hates violence of any kind unless taken over by some blind rage.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 2 2010, 10:02 PM

OOC: I say stick with flintlocks and similar only. A revolver is actually quite advanced, to the point where it's not really a *primitive* firearm. Anyway....

Kaye discarded the broken bottle he'd stolen from his last foe, by tossing it at the feet of his next. As a weapon it was worse than his fists but as a bare footshredding obstacle it served quite well.
"He's out of the game." The Redguard observed as the sailor crawled away, leaving twin streaks of blood behind.

"No thanks, I think I'll stick around here to keep their attention focussed. And if you find some wine, I'll have some of that later!" He shouted at Cyldreen when he got the offer for going to raid the stores of the ship.
"Besides, there are a lot of opponents, too many to hold off while ransacking crates. I'd rather keeping the option of escape open, even though that means jumping overboard without knowing if you can swim or not." He added in his thoughts. The momentary distraction proved to be costly when someone leaped at him with a crude spear. Kaye tried to dodge but caught it on his shoulder, sending a sharp pain through the joint.
"Oh's this?!" He shouted at the offender and hacked the spear in two using his uninjured arm. He then followed it up by kicking a nearby bucket at him before hitting him on the throat with his fist.
"Tsk, can't use the right arm anymore and I'm getting mighty tired. That Breton better hurry up! Now would be an excellent moment to return with some proper weapons, or with a summoned minion."

As if they sensed his injury, a group of them surrounded him quickly. Kaye tried to peer beyond the mass of bodies before him for help, but found out that the assassin and the woman were in as much trouble as he was. They were too strong for him to take on but he might be able to break through their ranks if he went in low and sweeped one of them off his legs. In such a packed formation, it could very well bring down the whole group, for a moment at least. But that would be a risky act and likely to result in more injury on his side. Instead, he might have better odds if he tried diplomacy first.
"Now listen up, fellows." Kaye said while trying to hide the fatigue from his voice.
"We could very well keep this fancy brawl going a bit longer, fine by me. But hey, you may want to consider calling it quits before you run out of people to steer this goddamn ship! Just saying."

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 2 2010, 10:18 PM

"Thank you..." Riden sneered. Tess was crying hard into Riden's robes and clung to him when he stood.

He drew Jian and tapped at a sailor, "Hey, turn around very slow like." He said.

The man turned around only to be impaled by the very person they had surrounded.

Riden grabbed a couple rusty daggers from the dead sailors and threw them all at once. One or two missed but the rest hit their targets.

One in particular was hit in the leg, incapacitating him, "Hope you burn in Oblivion you damn dirty..." He was cut short by a shot into the neck with Jian.

Tess was starting to crumple up again from all the violence and blood.

Riden knelt by Tess and gave her a small kiss and took her broadsword. He threw it at the Redguard, "Hey! Heads up!" He yelled.

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 2 2010, 11:11 PM

OOC: I actually have some more minutes before I go, so I'll use that. And flintlocks, babay!!

They're getting surrounded.. If only I knew some Paralyzing spells.. Wait, why cripple them if you could summon others to do the deed?!..

Ducking from a punch from an Orc, he grasped just in time and muttered a Command Spell. With Orcs being weak minded, the tendril of Manipulation easily penetrated it's brain and will hold it for a minute or so. For a start, he looked glazed and distant. Then, he's face became crumpled in rage and it snatched the Battle-Axe from Cyldreen's hand. With a roar of fury, it charged and knocked down some sailors before lopping an Imperial's arm off.

And with the sailors being genius rivaled by plants, they'll attack their former comrade. And by doing so, the Orc will defend himself.. I just hope it doesn't backfire. . . Better go into the Armory now, no time for dallying.

And with that, he ran. As fast as his foot would carry him.

To the Armory.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 3 2010, 06:21 PM

Kaye Soscean.

"Heads up!" Kaye looked in the direction to the voice and then ducked to avoid the broadsword. The weapon clattered off against the mast he was using to cover his back and fell to the floor.
"Well now, this is convenient." Kaye said with as much bravado as he could muster. He quickly stooped to pick up the sword and then gave it a few casual waves. At once his assailants backed away. While foolish and overwhelmingly aggressive, they still knew the reputation all Redguards shared for swordsplay.

"Now the way I see it, I'm the only Redguard on this floating bathtub and I'm also the guy with a decent sword. Now as I suggested earlier, perhaps cooling your heads would be a wonderful idea." Kaye spoke to them with a grin.
"Of course, if they see through my bluff I'm in deep trouble. I'm wielding it with my off-hand and on top of that, I haven't handled a sword in decades! Grossly exaggerated reputation, don't fail me now!"

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 3 2010, 07:23 PM

"Stop showing off Redguard!" Riden yelled.

He pointed Jian at the group of sailors who were further away from the Redguard. He smirked and Tess covered her eyes, "Alright, we can just put our weapons down and have a nice civil talk or I can cut your vital organs out."

The sailors immediately split in rank. Some turned to face me and the others were staying where they were.

Hope that Redguard can fight well

Riden turned to see Tess scrambling away from the wounded sailors. "Tess!" He yelled.

Where's the Breton with the weapons?!

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 3 2010, 08:32 PM

OOC: The shipment has arrived! And after we kill a few idiots, they'll surrender. Which basically means, we have one more post to go. If you have a question, post it at the PT. I'll be lurking around.

Cyldreen returned to see a scene of pure chaos. The Redguard awkwardly, Cyldreen saw it shaked everynow and then, held the broadsword infront of atleast five people, while the Assassin crouched in a defensive position and pointed his rapier at a group of three Imperials.

The one nearest to Cyldreen was a Dunmer, who had his back facing him. Digging a crossbow from his messenger bag, the Breton placed a notched iron bolt and aimed at the Dark-Elf's head.

He fired, but it embedded itself at the neck. The elf fell to his knees, and with a gurgle slumped at the floor, dead. Two Nords that faced the Redguard heard the noise and glanced at their comrade. Suddenly at Cyldreen's right, a large bruised Orc entered the fray by smashing through a wall and charged at the two of them. The large blonde and redhead stood frozen in place, a raging Orc with a battle-axe can give you the kiss of Fear. Having no options left, the sailors also charged.

The Orc I cast the Command spell into earlier!

Leaving the three battling giants, he threw the crossbow at an Imperial and readied a steel cutlass.

The armory's goodies sure is bountyfull.

Cyldreen grinned as the Cyrodil turned to see the source of his pain. He snarled and rushed at the masochistic man-mer, deckswab leading the way. Cyldreen sidestepped from a lunge and kicked the wood away. The Cyrodil, now weaponless, foolishly charged. It resulted with his head lopped off.

As two more sailors joined to corner the Redguard, they noticed a heavily armed and armored Breton running towards their general direction. One threw a bottle which bounced off Cyldreen's armor, while one met him head on.
The Breton ducked a wild kick and returned the favor by sweeping the first one's feet. The second one then threw a wide swinging punch, resulting with the fist smashing against the wall. Cyldreen stooped low before the sailor threw his punch. Smilling, the Breton stabbed the pained Argonian up his neck.

"Alrigh-" Cyldreen's chance of diplomacy was ended as a headless Nord flew towards the wall. The spy glanced at his back to see a panting and blood-showered Orc with a grin on his face.

"I-I take it your an Ally to us?" Cyldreen prayed to every gods he knew that the Orc would answer yes. The last thing they need is berserked Orc who feels his invincible. And in experience, he knew what they could do.

"Veefnir no know. Veefnir only want kill his former friends." And with that, he passed Cyldreen and smashed his shoulder against the back of a Khajiit. A crunch sound occured, followed by a sickening spleech. The Khajiit stared at his missing arm and fainted.

Time for some talking and lopping.

"You are our friend Veefnir," cooed Cyldreen with his deceptive tongue, while at the same time he stabbed another Khajiit through the thighs. "Friends do not hurt don't they? This.. men hurt you. They are mean to you."

Veefnir grabbed another sailor by the neck and dismembered both of his legs. Ignoring the screaming, the Orc threw the squeeling Imperial at a Nord. He glanced at Cyldreen with eager and waiting eyes, and Cyldreen continued. But first, he parried a steel pipe and countered by a low kick. The sailor frozed in pain and Cyldreen removed the sailor's right arm. Unconsiousness embraced the armless man.

"But we are not mean to you. We are your friend, just like your are to us. Understand?" We are your friends.

To his immense relief, Veefnir nodded and charged at the group who cornered the Assassin.

I just love tricking people.. Now, where's that Redguard? He needs assistance. Oh, there he is.

And with that, he grinned and charged at the sailors, cutlass raised.

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 3 2010, 09:17 PM

"Hey Breton! Why not help us out?" Riden yelled while gut stabbing an Imperial sailor.

He ran towards Tess' pursuers and killed all three. She started to scramble up to mast and laid there.

The sailors stopped fighting Riden and turned their attention to the newly appearing Breton, Redguard, and the Orc. He knelt down by Tess, "Come on, let's get out of here."

He gently grabbed her by the arm and took her to the stern of the ship where the sailors weren't at. She was crying hysterically before another wave of the sailors attacked.

I guess it's what happens when a 25 year old girl comes to a brawl.

It was easy countering the unskilled blows but eventually, as history teaches, the sailors overwhelmed him. A cutlass was thrust into his armed hand. Tess screamed as Riden hit the floor. As one final last ditch attempt, he threw a dagger with his off hand at the pursuer, buying enough time.

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 3 2010, 10:52 PM

OOC: I left a plan for our Green-Skinned Hulk in the Planning Thread. Just pointing it out, if you miss it.

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

"Can't you see that I'm busy? Ask Veefnir for that." Cyldreen yelled back, as he grabbed a sailor by the eyes and slit his throat with his cutlass. He let the gurgling soon-to-be corpse hit the floor and quickly glanced at the Assassin.

He's down!

"Veefnir! Go to your downed friend immediately! Now!" He frantically yelled at the Orc, with the latter quickly nodding and charging at the sailors. He didn't knew why, but something tells the Breton to at least keep the Assassin alive. And with a raging Orsimer coming to the Imperial's aid, that feeling vanished. He then glanced at the Redguard, who seems to be bluffing. At least to Cyldreen.

But that bluff wouldn't last long if someone notices how he wields that sword.

"Hey, you idiots! Taking on an old man? Well, I guess sailors are cowards! If you queer, lance-sucking yellow-bellies disagree, take me on, then!? I promise I'll go easy on your candy-asses!" he laugh maniaclly as he threw the cutlass to the ground and kicked it where someone wouldn't pick it. They had numbers on their side, that's for sure. But what about skill?

Cyldreen grinned and held his Spear in a defensive stance. It's Orcish tip, coupled with it's wooden and steel haft, would draw some blood.

And it isn't gonna be droplets. No, it would be gallons.

With a demented laugh and grin, he gave the sailors a vulgar gesture. It was enough to send two Imperials charging.

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 3 2010, 11:27 PM

Riden wrapped his arms around Tess, both downed.

Then an Orc with eyes different from the sailors approached the couple. He started to fight off the incoming sailors. Riden noticed a makeshift Spear, much like the one the Breton was using. He crawled over to it and grasped it.

Riden was still very much hurt from the shot with the cutlass but he could limp around.

Haven't used one of these in a LONG time

Some more sailors came in. Riden observed the tip, it was coated with Nightshade poison, the most toxic natural poison in all of Cyrodiil

OCC: Nightshade is the most toxic plant in my side of the Hemisphere so naturally...Back to the RP!

Riden stabbed a sailor dead on with it and the toxins from the deadly plant started to ripple through him. After a couple jerks, he fell dead.

Then one more was stupid enough to come, but luckily for him, the spear didn't have enough poison for one more go.

Time for something Tess will hate me for...

The sailor tried to attack Riden but he used the spear to deflect his blow and pierce his entire spinal area with it. Then with a hard thrust, it went through the body, killing him instantly and losing his spear.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 4 2010, 08:55 PM

Kaye Soscean

Kaye's bluff seemed to be working, or maybe it was the combined distraction of the returned Breton, the continued killing of the assassin and a brainwashed Orc that kept him from being attacked. Kaye wondered for a second if he should join in again but dismissed the idea. He was already at his limit, his 'allies' were still able to hold their own and quite frankly, he was sick of both the killing and the continued lurching of the ship.

"Dammit, just what caused this mess in the first place? I simply can't see just what set everyone off to the point of murder. At least I stuck with disarming and incapacitation...can't say the same for everyone else." He muttered under his breath.
"Hmm, as long as no one attacks me and as long as the situation doesn't detoriate too far, I'll just stay right here. Gods know it was a small miracle for me being able to fight in the first place. I'm not going to push my luck."

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 5 2010, 04:14 AM


Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

"This is fun! It would get more interesting if your Captain appeared! A Bosmer sea-reaver against a masochistic, self-mutilating Breton! Battle of the Century, if I do say so myself!" the Man-mer laughed maniacally and dementally, while evading and block continous blows from sailors. One thrust from a dung-quality cutlass from behind made Cyldreen flail wildly, before he regained balance to swirl and meet the one who lunged.

It was the Bosmer Captain. His torso was covered in a indigo colored Brigandine with designs of golden leaves and skulls etched at the back. Most of it's buttons are opened, with a white shirt immerging. A bronze gorget cornered his entire throat, protecting him from harm.

Damn! That clothing is good quality, it's mine!

The Woodland Mer seems to glare at everyone, including the sailors. It made the latters shrunk back in fear and respect, but Cyldreen only returned the favor.

"I should've known not to trust them govermen' scum. Yer identity, I kno', spy. As with da rest of yer friends.. An Assassin, a former Fighter's Guild member.. Did ye think dat I'm a fool?" the Bosmer laughed, and all the sailors' eyes were lit in approval. But to Cyldreen, and possibly the others, it sounded like a toad singing. And it also made the Breton raised his brows. How could he have known that?

It doesn't matter now, though.

"An old fool, perhaps, but not a stupid fool! Boys, stan' back and watch how yer Captain deals with spies! Or calm down our slave, Veefy!" and with snarl more animal than a mer, he charged. Cyldreen immediately stanced into a defensive position and readied himself from the downward slash.

It never came instead, a leather boot met Cyldreen's nose. An audible crack resounded off the walls amd it sent the Breton sprawling.

Good. . . At least their attention's on me.. If that Redguard values his life, he should get out of here..

"Aww, da babay gunna crrrrry?" the Bosmer cooed sarcastically, while his sailors whooped in joy. They all chanted to break his legs and 'rip 'em a new one'. It made the Breton flash a bloodied grin. Using his Spear to lean on, he stood up and, without warning, brought the spear down. The Bosmer blocked, but even his arms can't stand the force from a veteran of spear. Then, as the Captain struggled with the weapon, Cyldreen sent his boot flying to the Captain's chin.

It required the Breton to let go of the spear, but the reward was pleasing. The bosmer backflipped once before he hit the ground on his stomach. Picking up his valued weapon, the Breton walked menacingly towards the stirring wood-elf. Grinning so wild, Cyldreen changed the way he held to that of a hunter. He licked his blood off his busted lip before throwing the spear at the Bosmer. To his horror, the nimble Captain stood up just in time and catched the spear that should've ended his life mere moments ago.

The sailors laughed in amazement, before they heard steel penetrating brain and skull. Cyldreen charged and kicked the spear, allowing gravity to his work for him. The Captain stood there, the smile remaining, with a spear sticking out at the back of his head.

"Aww, are the babies going to crryyy? Well, then, now that you're leaderless, I suppose you would behave?" then, the Breton's shoulder bounced up and down as he laughed with distorted mirth.

Their morale is probably like that of a scolded dog! With the death of their precious Captain, they will definately surrender..

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 5 2010, 06:03 AM

OOC: I'm gonna start posting from Riden's perspective and Tess' perspective, while alternating. I keep typing "I" when I'm supposed to go 3rd person.
Riden's POV

I looked at the impaled sailor and smirked. Tess screeched at the sight.

Then I noticed a Bosmer fighting the Breton.

Well well...this is a surprise. Maybe I should intervene....

Immediately, my attention went to Tess, who was still shocked and scared about the fights. She had a distinct fear of large scale battles after the Dagrukai invasion. I shook my head and smiled, "Come on Tess, help me fight off these idiots."

Then a very sharp pain rocketed through my body. I winced in pain and looked at the source. The place where I was it by the Cutlass...

Then I heard the Captain chuckling with a sickening crack, "Aww, are the babies going to crryyy?"

I turned around and saw the Captain's face impaled with his cocky smile still on his face.

"Well...that's brutal!" I yelled teasingly.

Then the First mate appeared. He was very bulky Dumner with a large steel cutlass at least half his size. With a shocked look on his face, he knelt down by the dead captain.

Then the eyes of the Dumner switched to the Breton and he raised his large cutlass, "I'll kill ya!" He screamed.

As much as I wanted the Breton to suffer, for some reason, I had a gut feeling I needed him.

"Oi, Dark Elf." I tapped on his shoulder and when he turned around, my Hidden Blade hit him square in the stomach. While he winced in pain, I did as well. We both went down.
Tess' POV

The sight of Riden impaling a sailor down the spine was too much for me. The bad memories came back as I started to lose control. I was always a sensitive person when it came to Riden's brutal and malicious nature but this was too much.

Then I saw something I would never live down. Riden winced in pain before going down. When I saw his figure falling to the ground, an uncontrollable rage filled me from head to toe.

Please Riden...please don't die. If anything, for the baby's sake.

I quickly rushed over and picked up a blunt club. The sight of death and blood made me very scared and the tears came back. I raised my club and tried to kill the first mate. But he opened his eyes and tripped me quickly. Before I could even fight back, he grabbed me and screamed, "Alright, get back or the lass dies!!"

I screamed at Riden to get up and then glared at the Breton, "It's your fault!!" I yelled, too scared and angry to do anything else.
OOC: So, I'm gonna keep going. I doubt the first mate was killed since he probably was with the captain the whole time.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 6 2010, 06:06 PM

Kaye Soscean

While attention had shifted away from him, Kaye felt rather exposed where he was. So he took the same solution he'd taken a few times when running from bears. He went higher or more specifically, up the mast to hide among the rigging.

Climbing the rope was harder than he'd thought, especially while still holding the sword and so he was only about halfway up when the shouting below him changed in tone. There were cries of victory, followed by cries of anguish. Kaye risked a glance over his shoulder at the deck below him.
"My gods, now he's threatening to kill the woman? Well I can't really blame him as she has been part of the killing but still...whether he kills her or not, those two guys will take it as another excuse to keep on murdering. I'd rather put an end to the bloodshed, if only I knew how. Maybe all I can do is hide up on the top of the ship." Kaye thought angrily.

He turned his face back towards his goal, just in time to receive a facefull of sail fluttering in the wind. The blow was almost enough to knock him off the rope but he held on, and got an idea in the process.
"If I get the sail to drop on top of them, I might just save everyone. It's hard to hack with a sword when you're caught under a big pile of fabrics. Besides, it's not as if I can make things any worse." He muttered to himself while a plan formed in his head. The Redguard resumed climbing, spurred on by the feeling he had to hurry.
"Ok, if I cut through the knot holding up the top of the sail, it should fly to the back like a flag. Wind's in the right direction too. Then, slide down the rope and get rid of the lower knots to drop it on the deck."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 6 2010, 07:58 PM


His door was barred for privacy, and his small room was dark, save for a single candle burning. Nelacar sat cross-legged on the wooden plank floor with his hands on his knees and his eyes closed. He heard commotion, and while it distracted from his meditation, he saw it as a challenge to overcome. His trainers had warned him against such a mindset, but Nelacar was used to narrowing the focus of his mind to solve a problem, not clearing or opening it. Nevertheless, it worked and the altmer found peace for a time.

He returned to his normal consciousness, only to realize that whatever was happening had intensified. He heard hard footsteps from above, along with ringing steel and loud shouts. What was happening to the ship?

He picked up his staff and sack of belongings and cautiously opened his door. The corridors below-decks were strangely empty. Nelacar moved upwards, towards the sound of fighting. He emerged, and tried to stay unnoticed while he figured out what was happening. From the looks of things, the sailors were fighting a fairly small force. Mutiny? Dissent among the crew, or a dispute with the passengers? Either way, these rebels were meddling with his transportation to Vvardenfell. He had to either help the crew or find an escape. His arrangements with the captain would be null and void if the mutineers won.

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 6 2010, 09:15 PM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

The first thoughts that crossed Cyldreen's were bewilderement with a mix of amusement. From the corner of his eyes, he saw the Redguard actually climb to the mast. Cyldreen immediately saw through to what he was trying to do. He even ignored the yell Tess threw at him.

A risk taker. . Well, I just hope he knows what he's doing. We got a wounded assassin, a woman being held hostage and a brainwashed Orc who'll be back to his senses anytime soon. Hmm, that Redguard needs some time to cut the sails. And I'll but that for him.

Clearing his throat he began with a persuasive and calm voice;

"Come on, friend. Let's not get hasty with the lady, aye? We already told you what started the ruckus and we ended it! Plus, you have the power to stop this one. The power to stop lives being wasted and destroyed! Your Captain and several men lie dead at your feet! You're even wounded, for Mara's teets!" some of the sailors laughed at the last remark, but some still kept cautiousness.

"Surely you don't want the rest of the crew here to die, right? If so, lower your cutlass and release the woman." A faint smile tugged on the Breton's lips as the Dunmer thought about this. He even lowered the sword to an extent, but he still kept the quivering Tess.

"B-but, Captain Faergowthslyn tells us you were them spy. I-I don't know whats to do.. Me.. I, the Captain.. But.." the words spelled out doubt and uncertainty, and Cyldreen would be happy to remedy that.

"Do you think that letting these men die by our hand is the right thing to do? You must think about their future!" Cyldreen's voice came out crack, acting like he was crying. But it was true, most of the sailors are nothing but lads reaching their twentieth year.

". . . I suppose so." the accent of a native born in Morrowind being submissive felt rather odd to Cyldreen. Mostly because the Dunmeri have pride stronger than stone, but that was irrelevant at the moment.

"Excellent! Now, what is your name friend?" this time, he asked genuinely.

Making them feel safe towards makes it more easy to control them like a puppet.

".. Andel Shunar." the Dunmer answered with uncertainty, before fully lowering the sword and firmly pushed Tess towards the Breton. Said Breton also walked towards the woman quickfully and before she could say anything, Cyldreen walked past her but not before whispering;

"There's a room right beside the Armory. Take your lover there and lock it until this is sorted out. But before you do that, take my messenger bag.
It's near the stairs that leads to the Quarters. There's some healing potions there, and a dagger too if I remember correctly. Here's what you gotta do. Make him drink half of it, then rub the rest of it on his wounds. Now, go."

Cyldreen was afraid she wouldn't understand such words in a quick and silenced volume, but in experience, people are actually more determined and focused if one their loved ones is in danger. It also made Cyldreen want to question himself for being suddenly co-operative to the ones who tried to end his life, earlier.

I guess the saying goes: 'keep your friends close, but your enemies more closer.'

He then turned his full attention at the confused Dunmer. The cutlass was slightly raised, and Cyldreen supposes he wants to know where the Imperial is going.

"She needs to go to the resident healer, sir Shunar. Her lover's practically bleeding like a stuck pig! Anyway, I been wanting to tell you this, sir, since the ruffle started." and with that he inhaled a large breath and with a smile;

"NOW," he said it a little louder, loud enough to be heard above. "Is a good time to be a Captain of this ship. And I swear, to my father's grave, that I will cause no more trouble. Heck, I'll even help the healer!"

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 6 2010, 11:32 PM

OOC: Alright, you sweet talked a Dumner who probably was binge drinking at one point in his life smile.gif
Riden's POV

"Ugh...Where's Tess?" I groaned. I was losing blood fast and the high amounts of action caused the blood to spill even faster.

I felt myself being picked up and carried, while a familiar voice was yelling out orders.

The Breton, never thought he was going to be my saving grace...

Then I passed out from shock and blood loss.
Tess' POV(Main POV for this post)

When the Dumner released me, I felt like a massive burden was lifted off my shoulders. Even so, I found myself hating all the other passengers. When the Breton was starting to bark out orders, I felt myself wanting to scream at him for all the trouble he caused.

Instead, I gave him a sharp glare as I gently picked up Riden and gave his unconscious body a weak smile.

After walking for what seemed like the path of death, I reached the armory. I laid down Riden on a small bed and gently kissed him, "Please get better." Then I found the potions the Breton was talking about.

I hated him very much but there wasn't much of a choice. Silently, I picked up a potion and gave him half like the Breton ordered. Then, the I found the wound. It was pretty deep and the blood just started to stop. I poured the potion on the wound and surprisingly, it started to stop bleeding immediately.

I started to pace around the armory, worried about Riden and how good this trip might be for the baby. Riden grunted and I ran over to his side.

He looked over to me and smiled, "Tess?" He asked.

I was ecstatic, "Riden! You're awake!" I squeaked.

He started to get up from the bed and winced in pain. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"It still hurts when I walk." He replied back. After giving him a goodbye kiss, I headed around the inside the boat to come back. I gave up and headed back to the armory.

I yelled in frustration.

Then I heard a clunk and saw Riden with some makeshift wooden crutches. "You know, some people are trying to sleep." he said to me teasingly.

"Well sorry Mr. Sleepy."

He smiled at the joke and limped over to a small bench near a large cupboard. I went over to his side and leaned on him, "So do you think we can finance a second baby?"

"Big time, we already went through the whole 'baby' process with Soren. We know what to expect." He said. I started thinking about Soren, our...child. He's sixteen now and was taken to a small cabin for assassin training.

Riden seemed agitated for some reason. He scooted over to the cupboards and opened it curiously. I put a gentle hand on his back, "Don't exert yourself dear." I said sweetly. He nodded before opening the cupboard. My mouth dropped at what I saw.

A rack of five guns was neatly arranged. I looked at Riden and he looked like he was a child in a playroom, "Oh yeah...haven't used guns in a while."

I heard clanking outside, "The fight's still going on..." I commented. Riden nodded and limped over to the door, "Listen, these guns are VERY rare. I'm taking one since between the two of us, I've used these things quite a bit during my assassinations on a couple diplomats."

"'re hurt."

He smiled reassuringly at me, "Don't worry about it Tess. I'll just stay back and fire some potshots with it. It's not the most accurate and I'm not the best shot but it's pretty darn strong."

I reluctantly nodded and threw him a pistol. "Take the rest with you Tess. The others will need them."

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 7 2010, 10:26 AM

Kaye Soscean

Kaye was gasping for breath by the time he reached the top of the mast.
"I'm too old for this nonsense." He whispered, shaking his head. He hadn't dared to look down once, not since he noticed the hostage situation. At this point, he didn't look down either. He would simply do what he came to do and then hope for the best. He secured himself as best as he could and swung just below the knot holding up the sail. The thick rope did not give way easily, becoming ragged and torn with each blow but still surviving by a few strands.
"Ugh, I can't reach properly with my left arm." Kaye thought and winced in anticipation while switching hands.
"This is gonna hurt."

At the last blow, the rope finally gave way and the sail was cut loose, flying out in the wind. THe Redguard grit his teeth as he slid down his own rope, not stopping when he reached the bottom, but using the momentum of his own descent to drive the sword into and through the lower rigging. Now freed from all support, the sail fell flat on the deck, and so did Kaye.
"Agh, ropeburn! That's it, I've had it. I'm not going to move a single muscle here! Anything else comes up, they can solve it themselves."

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 7 2010, 09:13 PM

Tess' POV
I headed to the upper decks and glanced behind me occasionally. Riden was following me pretty well considering he was hit square in the chest with a steel blade.

When I ran into the decks I saw the Redguard downed with the sails. "Hey! Where's the Breton?" I yelled. Riden took his position near the stern of the ship and fumbled around with the gun. I had my hands full trying to carry four large metal pistols, with nobody to use them.

I sighed and threw one at the Redguard, "Here! Figure out how to use it. I sure as heck don't know."

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 7 2010, 09:46 PM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

A large thud erupted, followed by the large sail ensnaring the whole of the sailors. Although Cyldreen was out of reach for the sail, so did the First-Mate turned Captain, Shunar.

"What, in the blue Cockroache's teets, is going on?" the frustration and a hint of betrayal was evident on the Dunmer's raspy voice, before his throat was ripped by a slash from the Breton's cutlass.

Then, the spy heard Tess' yell.

He spunned around and saw her cradling some rather familiar mechanisms. The Assassin was also wielding a long stick, with a smirk on his face. Realization punched the Breton hard on the face.

Guns! And flintlocks at that! This trip is getting more and more intruiging!

"Hey, down here! Pass that.. what was that word again, oh yes. Pass that .. p-pistol to me! Quick! Before the idiots escapes the sail!" he couldn't keep the anticipation on his voice, and he didn't care either. This is going to be the Breton's second time using such powerful weapons. Kicking the corpse away, he walked towards the stern to get a better catch.

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 7 2010, 10:03 PM

Tess' POV
Personally, I still despised that Breton and wanted him dead, but apparently, Riden trusts him enough, or is desperate enough to fight alongside him. What the heck.

"Here!" I yelled and tossed one of the pistols at him. About that time, I ran over to Riden's side and saw the Breton and Riden both at the stern.
Riden's POV

I fumbled around with the gun and finally got a good grip on it. After checking out if the barrel was properly maintained or not, I saw Tess trying hard to even reloading it. She threw the gun down and pouted like a little kid.

I laughed, "Here Tess, first you grip it like this..." I said, directing her hands to the pistol. Soon enough, she seemed to know how to fire it. At least, somewhat.

"Hey Breton, do you know how to use that thing?" I asked, trying to get at least three people armed with a gun.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 7 2010, 10:24 PM

Kaye Soscean

Something clattered on the deck near him and skidded along to stop close to his head. Kaye groaned as he twisted his aching neck to look at the strange object. It was like a mixture of wood, metal and ornamental bronze. Two small bags dangled from a loop at the back.

Kaye reached out and picked it up, groaning some more as he did so. The fall had been relatively slow and softened somewhat by landing on the edge of the sail but it had still been painful. With the pistol now in his hands, he discovered that the thinnest end had an opening, showing him that it was hollow. Then, near the other end where the wood curved into a smooth grip there was a moving mechanism mounted, snaking along the handle's side and ending in a small clamp suspended over a second opening.

"What the hell is this thing?" Kaye muttered, ignoring everything else. Most likely people were about to die around him again but he no longer cared to try and stop events from unfolding. Focussing all his attention on the two bags, he unhooked them from the strange item. One had a special snout not unlike a pepperpot he'd once seen in a fancy tavern for upper-class people. THe other contained small balls of a metallic material. Finally, the second bag also contained a small piece of flint.

"so....this is some sort of metal knucklebones for gambling, a pepperpot *sniff*, that does not contain pepper, a really fancy hammer and a bit of flint. And I'm supposed to use this for what?" He muttered. By means of experiment, he sprinkled some of the powder from the 'pepperpot' on the deck. It was black and not something he was familiar with. He dropped one of the small spheres on it. Nothing. Next, stricken by inspiration, he took both the piece of flint and another of the balls.
"If I'm supposed to make sparks with these things, something easier to hold would be nice." He muttered as he struck both against each other. A solitary spark descended from his hands onto the powder, which promptly evaporated in a flash and a loud crack.
"Woah! Nearly lost my fingers there! Well that explains what I can use the powder, the iron and the flint for. But it doesn't tell me how to use the big thing."
Kaye fumbled with the clamp mechanism. It moved rather stiffly under his finger but when he manipulated the other end, the clamp snapped down to the opening fast enough to kill a fly.
"Oh, I see. It's a flint sparkmaking device....for those who don't know how to strike sparks with their hands, I guess....Mount the flint within the clamp, sprinkle some powder in the gap and presto, one smoke and noise device. Looks like it could be mighty fun at parties, but wouldn't those three be more interested in weapons?"

OOC: Obviously, never saw a gun before. Also, I'm basing the description on my recollections of a very old book I read back when I was young. Young as in 'puberty, what's that?' young. Please correct me if I went wrong somewhere.

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 7 2010, 10:25 PM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

Cyldreen hastily snatched the pistol and caressed it affectionately. He even moaned in delight. Shaking himself from his euphoric trance, he looked at the Assassin and the woman.

He snorted.

"You wouldn't believe how many morons I killed using rifles. And that blunderbuss your wielding, effective at close-up assaults. I even used it on a mill, and it blew the damned roof!" his tone became dreamy and childish, like reminiscing about candies.

". . .Or is that a rifle? My memory is like a mist concerning these things. Anyway, ranting about guns and whatnot is irrelevant. My name is Cyldreen the Pain-Lover and I ask you, will we waste precious bullets on this ruffians or are we going to lock 'em up in the cages?" the animosity in his tone was gone, replaced by genuinity and honesty.

"Your choice, assassin."

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 7 2010, 11:49 PM

Tess' POV

I'm not one to be very angry but Cyldreen is killing me. "You know, you don't have to rub everything in our faces!" I yelled.

Riden poked my side gently to get my attention, "Yes?" I asked, my voice turning back to normal.

He hugged me affectionately and pushed me down to my perch softly, grunting from the pain of the newly treated wound, "Come on Tess, keep your eyes on the sailors."

I grumbled and went next to Riden. He grunted and got up from his own position, "Redguard! You got half of it right, now stuff the metal balls with the black powder into the barrel, then pull the trigger! It'll shoot the balls at lightning fast speeds."

He sighed and got back to the position, "Cyldreen, I've used some of these weapons many times before. Or have you not heard of the "Diplomat killed by Metal Staff of Invisible magics." He said, laughing at the name for the rifle.

I got my tone under control and spoke to Cyldreen, holding back my will to attack him, "Just...lock them up." I said before Riden replied, "Tess, you think they even know what these things are?"

"Line them up and shoot one or two for an example, then spare the ones that are smart enough to surrender. Kill the idiots."

I almost started shaking again to think about killing more people, "Wait, can't we come up with an idea that doesn't involve murdering the remaining sailors?" I quickly said, eying Cyldreen and Riden.

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 8 2010, 12:36 AM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

The Breton stopped what he was doing, mainly loading some bullets into his pistol, and turned to look at the Assassin. Killing the diplomat of Arenthia by using a rifle? Normally, Cyldreen would've scoffed if somebody told him he killed an important figure of the Valenwood politics and got away with it, but if an Assassin who has an rare Hidden-Blade, skills more than a match for an experienced spy then the Breton would've told them to 'allow myself to buy you a drink'.

Wait. The one who assassinated that diplomat was captured. If he's refering to the person in 'Diplomat killed by Metal Staff of Invisible magics,' [i]then he's good.

"Line them up and shoot one or two for an example, then spare the ones that are smart enough to surrender. Kill the idiots." the Imperial barked. For a second, Cyldreen contemplated saying some colorful words to him about authority, but nonetheless complied. He didn't refrained from saying smart comments though.

"Oh, yes, of course. Would m'Lord like some of them to bend over and shoot them in their backside?" he kept his voice soft and genuine, while at the same time sarcastic.

Some of the sailors were still trying to wriggle out of the sail, and grinning like an idiot, Cyldreen shot him. He didn't see where it hit the sailor, but judging from the pained gasp, it looked like a liver detoriated. Seconds, later he fell.

"Anybody moves, and they meet the same fate as this fish lover! So, I advice you to calm down and stand still." then, with a satisfied nod to himself, he turned to the Assassin.

"What now? Do you wan-," a thunderous roar erupted and all eyes glanced at Cyldreen's back. Then, some of the sailors yelped in suprise and horror. The breton closed his brown orbs and glanced at the sailors.

Veefnir regarded the spy with a malicious grin, and with another blood-curdling scream, charged.

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 8 2010, 01:45 AM

Riden's POV

I aimed my gun at the charging Orc's head. Moving targets weren't my specialty as these guns are very inaccurate. But before I could even focus the gun's sights on the Orc's head, a searing pain erupted from my chest and I fell. Tess rushed to me and kept asking me, "are you okay?"

I nodded and gestured to Tess' gun, "Kill him...kill the Orc. You can do it Tess, just follow what I taught you."

I smiled at her and groaned in pain. She seemed scared but picked up the metal pistol and aimed down the sights....

Tess' POV

I have to do this...please let me make my mark...

I trembled and my hands started to shake. Instead of aiming down the sights like Riden taught me, I looked at the Orc's bloodthirsty eyes.

My mind started to visualize the town of Aleswell burnt down to the ground. It's been sixteen years since the attack on Aleswell by the Orcs but it still haunts my mind whenever I see an attacking Orc. I switched from my scared demeanor to anger immediately. With a small tug on the trigger, it met its mark on the Orc's leg.

Then when it was down, I picked up a small war hammer and started to bash the downed Orc over and over again, tears dripping down.

Riden noticed me and limped over. He pulled me into a loving embrace while I quietly sobbed. "It's alright," he said smoothly and gestured to the Breton.

"Finish off the idiots here." he commanded roughly.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 8 2010, 08:15 AM


Nelacar watched from behind a pile of crates as the sail fell, covering the crew in heavy canvas. It caused enough confusion to put the mutineers in control. They had guns now, too. He had seen the devices before, but looked down upon them. They were a coward's tool, an item with the power to kill without thought or skill. Still, they could be devastating.

The altmer looked for an escape, but found none. The ship was too far from shore to swim, and to reach the longboats he would be forced to make himself known.

No other choice, I guess.

He heard the imperial's order and stepped out into the open.

"You'd have them all killed then? To what end?" he leaned on his staff, looking casual, but was really planning his best route to the boats.

There were only four in his way. A middle-aged redguard, a breton with a glimmer of insanity in his eyes, a cruel assassin, and his crying lover. The guns would make it difficult, but if he was fast enough, he might be able to get by.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 8 2010, 09:40 PM

Kaye Soscean

Kaye frowned.
"So it was a weapon. I thought as much." He growled and tossed the pistol across the deck.

"You'd have them all killed then? To what end?" Kaye looked up at the unfamiliar voice, seeing an Altmer he was sure he'd seen once or twice before, but only in passing.
"Please sir, don't get yourself involved, for your own good. These people don't seem to know the meaning of the word restraint. You'll just end up crippled for life, and that's if you're lucky." He answered and shook his head.
"But the Altmer is right, you know? You won already. Heck, you could have prevented this whole massacre in the first place. If only you had looked for words instead of..." He gestured at the discarded pistol and spat.
"Tools for murder."

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 9 2010, 01:13 AM

OOC: Alright...let's do this
Tess' POV

I hated Riden's malicious nature and completely agreed with the Altmer. Riden on the other hand, scoffed at the Redguard and Altmer, "In times like these, it's best to kill off the fleeing enemy. We got them cornered, they have nowhere to run, and they are about to die..."

I stopped sobbing and glared at him, "Riden! Please...for me?"

He smiled a little and sighed, "You know Tess, that worked when we were like 19 but now...after a sixteen year marriage, it doesn't work anymore."

I pouted and Riden turned to the Breton, "Kill them."

There was no stopping an assassin, whether it was Riden or my own son.
Riden's POV

Tess was mad...there was no doubting that. Ever since she and I fought in a small scale war with the Orcs, she hated violence and death. There was no choice though, we need to see this scuffle through, but that Altmer interests me.

"Altmer! You seem more...sensible and intelligent than the rest of the idiots. Why not join us?"

Tess leaned on my good arm and whispered, "Please...just keep them alive."

I gestured to the Altmer, "You can join us and I assure you, no harm will come to you. Or you can stay and get slaughtered like the pigs you are."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 9 2010, 03:11 AM


"I've no interest in pirating, I'm afraid. I have my own affairs on Vvardenfell."

Both the redguard and the woman seemed to disagree with this Riden fellow. The group didn't seem very organized, as they had succeeded in dropping a sail, killing able hands, and allow the ship to go out of control. He couldn't figure out what they wanted to gain, besides the guns, which seemed to disgust the redguard.

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 9 2010, 06:59 AM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

Cyldreen ignored the order the Assassin barked, the Redguard's disapproval of guns and instead turned to face the unexpected High Elf. Said High elf wore loose fit clothes and leaned on a staff. His expression was that of pure calmness. Cyldreen narrowed his eyes to slits and carefully observed the Altmer.

Muscular for a wizardly race, a rather cool demeanor and strategizing eyes ... If I didn't know better, I'd say he's one of those trained in the arts of meditating! Interesting ...

He then turned to the Assassin.

"I think this is called hipocrisy, but somehow I agree with the Altmer." he then grinned. "But this ship is ours, now. We do whatever the kinky hells we want! Before I do this, though," he turned to face the Altmer. "Are you a friend?" the Breton picked up his War-Axe and licked the blood off the blade. "Or foe?"

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 9 2010, 07:22 AM

Riden's POV

Of all my years, I've never seen anything like this. I think it's because I spent lots of time doing two man assassinations with Geo...but...what the heck.

"Fine," I growled, "You'll get what you want. But if one of these idiots steps out of line, I'm personally going to kill them."

Tess squealed, "Yay! Thanks Riden," she kissed me for a brief moment before leaving my lips. She blushed and went to my side, "Well...let's get ready to get these people downstairs."

I drew Jian, well what used to be Jian before it was covered with guts and blood, "Altmer, you can stay up here and exchange a few words with us. Me and Tess are going to be up here after this place is cleaned up, so long as you don't try anything cheeky."

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 9 2010, 08:28 AM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

"Well...let's get ready to get these people downstairs." Tess practically beamed with joy after she shared an intimate moment with the Assassin. It made Cyldreen shake his head in disgust, but he hid it just in time. Smilling in fake agreement, he said;

"Sure, sure. You two do that, while I converse here with the Redguard and the Altmer. Anything you want, just yell in my ear. Gods and Daedra Lords know that I won't heed it." he clicked his tongue and giggled. Still chuckling, he went to the sailors and pulled the heavy cloth off them.

"Follow those two or I'll decapitate you through your eyes! Then, I'll feast on your spleen infront of the next victim! And trust me, that feels HEAVEN!" the sea-farers nodded frantically and ran away with gusto from the insane Breton.
He went to the middle aged Redguard, and keeping his distance, he leaned beside him.

I think I'll keep my eye on this Elf until those two comes back.

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 10 2010, 12:55 AM

Tess' POV

"Alright! Let's go Riden!" I said, grabbing is arm like we were just out of our teen years.

He sighed and pulled out his Katana, Jian, " people follow us in one cluster behind us. If any of you try something, you're going overboard."

They followed us obediently as I started fiddling with the gun Riden gave me. He moved silently without a word and then stopped in front of the prison cells, "All of you, get in any cell you please."

They shifted around and finally got in the cells, "Tess, could you be so nice as to help me close all these cell doors?"

I nodded and locked up all the sailors on the west wing. When we both finished, me and Riden got up to the decks. "It's done!" I said proudly.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 10 2010, 05:57 AM

Kaye Soscean

With the sailors being marched off to the cells, Kaye surveyed the damage that had been caused and sighed. There was nothing that would directly put them at risk of sinking, no severe damage to the hull. The sail and more important, lack of trained crew that was available did pose a risk though. Without anyone who knew how to sail properly on a sea, and without the able hands that were required to support a ship this big, they would drift off-course and probably beach themselves, smash onto rocks or get stuck in a stream that would take them around the seas without seeing land for years. Not that their supplies could possibly last that long.

"Right, I think I'll take care of bussiness till everyone has cooled down then. Let's see, they should have something to...ah, there it is." Kaye walked over to the stern of the ship where there was a very long rope with knots at regular intervals an a weight on one end. The other was tied to the railing. Kaye tossed the weight overboard and counted.
"one...two...three...four...have to account for forward movement as well....five...six..."

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 11 2010, 08:29 PM

OOC: Sorry for the late post, guys.

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

The Breton hummed to himself a gloomy tune, watching the Magnus shower the blue ocean golden rays of sunlight. From afar, he could see the outline of the Red Mountain, and for once pure mists of blue smoke danced with the once-Blighted Mountain.

His eyes took on a glazed look, and he wondered what happened to the Nerevarine. Reports from spies like himself told that the Incarnate went to Imperial City and met with Martin Septim and the Champion. He or she(Cyldreen isn't sure about the Incarnate's gender nor race. The reports were contradicting each other) was granted an audience and the trio talked about the War between Morrowind and Blackmarsh. During his/her stay in Morrowind, the Nerevarine grew to love the Dunmeri lands and he/she demanded that the Emperor send reinforcements.

Cyldreen knew that the arguement that followed was the rebirth of an Age Old Rivalry.

The Champion countered that the Empire can't choose 'favorites', and then told the Nerevarine to 'look around'. Of course, many of the Council agreed with the Champion, saying that the whole Legion is busy trying to maintain order in every province. Uproarity and outbursts from the Morrowind representatives followed, and sheer pandemonium occured when the two Heroes charged at each other. Gronji can bet he felt the impact from his Quarters.

Imperial pigs. One day, that petty Empire will crumble from the inside. Maybe because of me and Orcish spies.

Chuckling to himself, he glanced around and out of the corner of his eyes he saw the Redguard doing something. He continued to observe him and, after rubbing his beardless chin, remembered something.

He cleared his throat and with the voice he used earlier;

"... Good sir, how about we wash our stained consience away with some good'ol beer, or wine for that matter? If memory serves sunbmissively, I believe there's some Orcish Sea-Piss and Blacklight in my bag." he glanced at the Assassin.

"After we plaster ourselves beyond the healing capabillities of hang-over spell, we can talk about how the kinky hells we're going to get outta here! And the Altmer...." he turned to look at the high-elf and instantly scoffed.

From what I see, monks don't drink wine or any alcohol! Gotta drink with one eye on this fellow.[i]

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 11 2010, 10:14 PM

Kaye Soscean

Kaye nodded but didn't look away from his activity.
"Oh yes, I could use a drink...or ten. ANything to get my mind off of, you know. But first...alright it stopped at eight knots. Should be doable." He replied and began to hoist the rope with its weight back onboard.
"But first, I'm going to drop anchor and stop us for a bit. That is unless any of you knows of a way to steer a ship this big without a sail and without the experts those two are locking up right now. Cause I sure as hell don't know how to handle this bathtub. and I'm not suicidal enough to try."

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 11 2010, 10:27 PM

Tess' POV

"Riden, you wanna just sit down and have a drink?" I asked him.

He grinned widely before chuckling, "Since when can you take alcohol without throwing up everything you ate. Not to mention the baby."

I probably blushed hard because from the look Riden was giving me, it meant he was laughing straight at me. I playfully punched him and he gestured for a drink, "Cyldreen, be a good sport and give me some."

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 11 2010, 11:09 PM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

The Breton's grin grew wide, reaching his ears. Because of the Redguard's comments and the fact that Cylreen's going to get plastered. Smilling like an idiot, he went to his bag and rummaged through, searching for four bottles of separate brands.

"Aha!" Cyldreen exclaimed proudly, holding out two bottles in both of his hands towards the Magnus. He returned and threw two bottles to the couple, and with a nod, he raised his in salute.

"Redguard! I have here Tamika's 406 and ... Holy cow manure! It's an Akatosh' Saliva! One drink from this little baby and you'll feel as if you drank twenty bottles of flin ... Brings a tear to my eye everytime I drink this stuff.." he wiped an imaginary tear from his brown eyes and sat beside the Redguard.

He placed the two bottles infront of him and asked the middle-aged Redguard with narrowed eyes;

"What's it gonna be, sir? The rare juice of a fellow Redguard," Cyldreen laughed at the part when he said juice, but continued. "Or the nectar from the Dragon God himself? Granted, every alcohol is a water from the gods, but you get the meaning."

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 11 2010, 11:27 PM

Riden's POV

I watched Tess as she was about to take a sip. I grabbed the bottle away from her and she pouted, "Hey!"

I playfully pushed her, "Tess, you know you can't drink from the baby."

She pouted some more and shoved the bottle back at me, "Fine! Get drunk, see what I care."

I laughed and started drinking. The boat was blissfully passing through wave after wave. I was quickly entranced by the rhythmic movement of the tides and forgot about the large scale battle only moments before.

Around that time, on the horizon, I could see some glimpse of land, "Hey! Look at that...I see something."

Tess looked at the horizon and saw exactly what I did. It looked like land sure, but was it Morrowind? Tess tapped the Breton, "Is that Morrowind or just some island?"

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 12 2010, 12:03 AM

OOC: Found some maps that will greatly help us! Posted it at the Planning T.

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

The Breton let Tess snatch his attention from the Redguard and looked at her.

"Hmm.. Seyda Neen, I guess. Or it could be Hla Oad... But judging from the Castle to it's east, I'd say the former." his mind suddenly became focused at what the Redguard is doing.

Hmmm.. Isn't there some kind of smaller boats around here? And the Assassin, I still haven't asked him why on earth are they going to Morrowind ... I know the reason, but just to be sure.

"Mrs. Tess, can I ask you a question?" his voice became soft, and almost seductive. Cyldreen would be impressed if the woman caught his sly tone under the mask of friendliness, but his tongue was well trained. He knew that the chances are slim, but still.

"Your ...lover said that you are here for a 'job'. Pray tell me, mrs. Tess. What job would that be?" and this time, it was his turn to loose some secrets. "I, myself, was hired by the Emperor," he hid the venom when he said the word 'Emperor'. It was like poisonous dung on his mouth, but he hid it well.

"I wonder if you, too, are hired by our esteemed ruler? If, so, then I'm sure we'd be bosom buddies from now on." he flashed her a smile. A smile that let Cyldreen harvest some secrets. A smile that the Breton prayed to work.

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 12 2010, 01:10 AM

Riden's POV

Cyldreen was trying to pry the information out of Tess by sweet talking her. She was a former fighters guild member and obviously didn't see it, but my training as an assassin helped me out there.

"Well Cyldreen...I'm here for a couple reasons..." I stopped her.

"Cyldreen, let me ask you this, why would an ASSASSIN visit a foreign province? But other than that, I'm here to accompany Tess on her supposed last contract."

Tess eyed me curiously and finally sighed, "Yeah...somebody hired the Fighter's Guild to protect this ship from pirates. Fine job I did..." She said, looking at me as if she was about to cry.

Instead, Tess rested her head on my arm and I smiled at her before turning back to the Breton, "Me? I'm contracted to kill Arrille the Merchant."

Tess broke off from me and wrapped her arms around me like a scared child. I continued, "I'm not interested in affairs with the Empire. If Martin wants somebody dead, they're dead, but beyond that, I'm no mercenary. My sweetheart here is though." I said, still embracing Tess.

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 12 2010, 05:53 AM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

"I don't remember asking you a godsdamn thing!" Cyldreem snapped, agitated that the Assassin interrupted him in mid-seduction. Feighing an apolegetic look, he faked a resenting voice and apologized.

"Alright, I'm sorry. Battle-Stress climbing up in my brain, clawing down the rational part me.. Y'know how it is. I have a question though. Why would an Assassin with such finesse, such skill, like yourself, murder an old Altmer." he glanced at the monk and nodded his head in 'no offense, ok'.

Bringing his mind to subject again, he scoffed. "That old fool can be killed if you pinch his nose! Anyway, you two heard of the Roots of Svel'kreen? Apparently, Martin wants this gem. And the pay? You can't begin to imagine how rich you're gonna be!

The reward is enough to FOR A LIFETIME OF ALCOHOL! Or you can be wise and buy an eight story mansion in Sumurset Isles, if you can believe it!

Heck, if you bring this piece of Gem to Martin, you can get a chance to secure your place in the Elder Council! Or history if you want." he said that all in one breath. Catching wind again, he suddenly thought of something. And it made Cyldreen smile wickedly, but hid it well. In a chillingly calm voice, he cooed.

"You're pregnant, right Tess? And sending your son away to be an Assassin? Why kind of parents does he even have!? Oh, my Lord! Say .... did you know that the reward is 10,000,000 septims? That alone can give you and your whole family the right to buy a city! And if you join me, after disposing of Arrile of course, we can divide it to each other. What say you?"

I got to ask the Redguard if he's in too. Malacath knows that I'll need every able hand to assist me in this ... quest. And if we hit the jackspot? Boom. Instantaneously rich beyond our dreams..

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 12 2010, 06:41 AM

Riden's POV

When Cyldreen was criticizing Tess for her parenting, I felt her go stiff before sobbing loudly with her face buried deep in my robes, "It's alright Tess..." I said, trying to comfort her. When it came to our child, she was very sensitive. I glared at the Breton, "See what you do?!"

She sighed and broke off from me and wiped her tears, "It's alright Riden..." She glared at Cyldreen, "What's your place to TELL US ANYTHING!" She yelled before storming off.

I sighed, "Breton, I take any contract I can get. The Dark Brotherhood is stealing the customers of our little band of rogue assassins so we take whatever we can get. Thankfully, all the political figures choose us since there's no ritual."

I started after Tess and turned, "I'd be happy to assist you. About our child...he's 16. We sent him off to a very close friend of mine to train him. He's a very competent assassin, enough to make a father proud."

Then, I sat down on a bench, "I'll be going to Tess in a minute, but how about you? I know you're no ordinary adventurer. Who exactly are you, some mercenary or a covert soldier?"

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 12 2010, 11:48 AM

Kaye Soscean

Kaye grabbed a bottle without looking what it was and took a huge gulp.
"Ah, I needed that. Now, for the anchor." He muttered to himself. Vvardenfell, or at least he hoped it was Vvardenfell, had just appeared over the horizon. With the risk of breaking the keel on submerged rocks or becoming beached on a sandbank in his head, he preferred not to let the ship approach. Not to mention that if they docked in a port, his life of freedom would be over.
"corpses, locked up angry sailors. Yup, I'll be lucky if I don't get executed. Never mind the fact that I didn't kill a single one of them. Same thing goes for everyone else who is still walking freely, like the Altmer."

With those thoughts in mind, he took another swig of the bottle while the anchor plunged into the water.
"So, sir Altmer. I hate to dictate what to do but I suggest you, or rather, all of us really, get ourselves on of those rowing boats and get to the coast somewhere out of sight. I don't think anyone of us is going to walk freely as soon as the first legionnaire sets foot on this boat. It's a real shame too, because you were completely uninvolved as far as I can tell."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 12 2010, 05:54 PM


Nelacar gave the others a sidelong glance before lowering his voice to answer the redguard.

"You'd travel with these fools? The one with the wrist blade, Riden; he's violent simply for the sake of violence, and his woman wouldn't be so bad if only she thought for herself. Then there's the breton...there's something not right about him. You're the only one on this boat I've seen with any sense. Why not leave them to fend for themselves?"

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 12 2010, 06:27 PM

Kaye Soscean

Kaye lowered his voice as well.
"If I had any sense, I wouldn't be here. Regardless, I agree with you. The longer we stay near them, the greater our chances of meeting a bad fate sooner or later. However, if I were to attempt to leave right now, they would probably get upset and think I'm going to hand their descriptions over to the legion for wanted posters. I frankly don't believe I stand much of a chance on making it out of their sight. At least not while surrounded by water. I'd rather wait till I'm both on dry land and in a position to slip away without them noticing."

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 12 2010, 07:34 PM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

The Breton sat beside the Assassin and took the bottle the Redguard didn't choose. He harrumphed when he saw the label. Shrugging nonchalantly to himself, he opened the wine bottle and took a full swig. He let out a burp of satisfaction.

"If I had any children, I wouldn't let them in the Assassination business, even if it makes me proud. After all, they are children, eager to please their parents.
Eagerness turns into condescending cockiness, and if your child turns into an arrogant man, you can bet yourself that a certain child is gonna be the first one to leave a certain mother and father to Oblivion." he shook his head.

Why is he suddenly giving life advices to the man who he fought earlier?

That's because he's going to be my ally, in this mission.

"But anyway, you're right into thinking that I'm no adventurer.." he cleared his throat. "I was hired by Martin Septim, you see. Although, your wife knows that already. So that makes me a lone mercenary." he stood up, sent a nod to the Imperial and glanced about.

He eyebrows were slightly raised when he saw the Redguard conversing with the Altmer.

It's now or never.

He let them know his presence and acknowledged the two of them with a nod.

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 12 2010, 09:56 PM

Riden's POV

"Well I'll be back out in a bit."

I headed downstairs to see Tess sitting on our bed sobbing, I wrapped my arms around her, "Come on, we're almost to our destination."

She looked at me with teary eyes, "Am I a bad parent?"

"No. If anything, I'm the bad parent." I said, trying to comfort her.

Tess' POV

When Riden wrapped his arms around me, I felt like I could just fall asleep and wake up in Seyda Neen without any mishaps. He got up and grabbed my hand, "Come on, I think we're almost there!"

I followed him silently and when we got out, the Altmer, Reguard, and Cyldreen were conversing. "Hey..." I said weakly, giving them a smile.

Riden went off to the bow of the ship and stared out on the island. I approached the three, "So..." I started, not sure how to progress.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 13 2010, 04:58 AM


Nelacar was about to answer the redguard, but the others approached. He gave him a nod, instead, showing his agreement.

"This ship is going nowhere with only us as a crew. We need to take the boats to shore."

Taking the initiative, he walked to the longboats. They were suspended in the air with ropes, and a pulley system would take them down to the water's surface. It was designed in such a way that the longboat passengers would have to board first, and someone staying on the ship would lower them. Whoever operated the pulley was going to have to get wet.

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 13 2010, 06:41 AM

[b]Cyldreen Mon'Cheri[/bi]

The Breton smiled when the High Elf went to the longboats. He knew what he was going to say, before he said it.

"This ship is going nowhere with only us as a crew. We need to take the boats to shore." it was more of a command rather than a statement. But, Cyldreen knew that Altmers were usually haughty.

The Breton raised his hand.

"Straight to the point, eh? I don't usually stay with a person who I barely know, no less to trust, in a bost. No offense, but who are you? What's your name and your reason ending up in the land of the Dunmer?" he looked at the Altmer up and down, and failed to notice the pair of wrist manacle that clung on both of his wrists.

"Are you a mage hired by Martin Septim to ..." he thought of this very well. Should he tell the Altmer the Roots of Svel'kreen or lie? The latter seems tempting, but his guts tells him to risk the former. And when his guts tells him something, he trusts it. His training as spy told him that. He made up his mind and cleared his throat.

"Are you, too, hired by Martin Septim to retrieve a certain gem? A certain gem by the name of Roots of Sve'lkreen?"

There. I just hope my guts is right. Last time I trusted it, I ended up being beaten by a mob of Bosmers.

He smirked to himself at the memory, but his eyes never left the High Elf.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 13 2010, 08:23 AM


Nelacar found it hard to believe that the breton had been hired to find the Roots of Svel'kreen, but then again, the Empire seemed to be on its last legs. Nearly all the provinces considered themselves independent now. Either way, his interest was piqued enough to at least act cordial around the breton.

"My name is Nelacar," he answered, figuring that none of his new acquaintances had spent enough time in Summerset Isle to know who he was.

"And while I'm just as loathe to trust you all as you are me, we need to at least help each other off this ship before we part ways. I'm no spy for the Empire--may it crumble--I was simply traveling to Vvardenfell before you all made it very difficult for me."

It may be worth trying to figure out what he knows of the roots, he thought, But for now, we really need to get off this ship.

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 13 2010, 04:45 PM

Tess' POV

"Uh...what exactly is the Roots of Svel'kreen?"

I didn't know what to say, I was only here to protect the ship and help Riden with his contract. The others were just wrapped up in some weird treasure hunt that neither of us could understand. Wonder what Riden's making of all this.

Riden's POV

I stared out on the island like it was a some sacred land. Then, my thoughts came back to the battle at the Norrian Plains in Skyrim and praying that something like that will never happen at Morrowind. From the news I heard from my contractor, Morrowind was under siege by the Argonians of Black Marsh.

"We're almost here..." I said, looking back at Tess.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 13 2010, 05:45 PM

Kaye Soscean

"I normally associate roots with plants, not gems. But it doesn't matter. Never heard of the thing and I'm too old to go hunting the first shiny rock I hear about." He grunted, draining the last of his bottle. The alcohol dulled his senses, which suited him just fine. It put his stomach at ease.
"But let's not dally about here. Sir Nelacar is right. We need each other, at least till we reach dry land. So if you people have anything you want to take with you, pick it up now and drop it in the little boat. I'll operate the mechanism. And please for my sake, don't unhook the boat as soon as it hits the water. I would rather use the rope to climb down onboard rather than taking a swim. Especially since I've never tried the latter." The Redguard added. He tried to take another drink, but found out that the bottle was indeed empty. So Kaye shrugged and tossed the empty bottle away.

"Please be quick about it. Sooner or later someone is going to wonder what a sailless ship is doing just outside the coast and come to investigate. I'd rather not be here when that happens. You can talk as much as you like on the small boat or on the coast."

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 13 2010, 07:29 PM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

The Breton nodded his head in agreement to the Redguard. He then looked at the Imperial and Tess.

"Hey, Assassin. Why don't you walk with me to armory? You can help gather some supplies, and I can tell you all about the Roots." And with that, he started off and looted the Bosmer Captain's brigandine. One thought came over to his mind.

"What the Redguard said was right. We should hurry up. Riden, that's your name right, I'll tell you all about the Roots once we're on the boat. And surrounded by weapons. Come on." he broke up into a jog and went to the armory. He stopped and shot a glance at the others. "And I really think, we're lucky if some Argonian sea-scout don't spot us. Last I heard, those lizards doesn't bring their motherswamp with prisoners." he laughed to himself and continued jogging.

First things first, armor and weapons.

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 13 2010, 08:16 PM

Riden's POV

"Tess, do you mind coming with me?" I asked with a smile.

She returned the smile and nodded, "I'd love to!"

I gestured for the Breton to follow and Tess fell into step with me.

"Cyldreen, what are these roots and why should I care about them? I could care less if the Empire falls, I just want to support my sweetheart and son." I said, while Tess blushed a bit when I called her a sweetheart. She smiled and turned to Cyldreen, "So...why do you care about the roots, seems like they're for noble knights."

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 13 2010, 09:48 PM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

All the pestering questions about him and the gemroots, the Empire.. It was driving Cyldreen mad! But then again, the Breton knows that himself. When he's in a middle of fight.

"I'm hardly a knight, let alone noble. But then again, I'm a mercenary. Didn't you hear what I said?" he kept his tone calm and cordial, but let loose the sarcasm. "All I can tell you right now about the Roots is actually a gem. Yes, a gem. I don't know why, but the Argonians," he stopped mid-sentence as he stumbled upon the corpse of the smilling captain. He grabbed the spear by the haft and, with one feet on the Wood-Elf's face, pulled.

Bits of skull and gray matter rosed like a sudden fountain, and it stained Cyldreen's face. With a dismayed and frustrated hmph, he wiped it off. He began stripping the dead of it's shirt and brigandine. He nodded in satisfaction.

"As I was saying, the Argonians revere it as something of a gift from the Hist. Enough talk, Raiden or Riden or whatever. Strange name for an Imperial, but that's irrelevant. For now, we got some lenial work to do. It involves small crates being filled with weapons. Or bags being filled. Choose your pick, as I hells ain't going to take the former. Then after we're floating on water, I'll tell you about the gemroot."

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 13 2010, 10:09 PM

Riden's POV

When the Breton was pulling out the spear, I felt Tess cringe and stiffen before recoiling back when the skull fragments were spurted everywhere. I kept my arms around her and followed the Breton down to the armory.

A couple cannonballs, Tess' armor and weapons, and my armor plates were there. I quickly grabbed what I could and handed Tess her stuff. After getting armored, I started to load all the guns we didn't take and some swords/blunt weapons for extra protection.

"We've got it loaded and prepped for the boat."

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 14 2010, 06:48 AM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

"Good, then. You two go on ahead. I'll have to go raid the cafeteria for supplies. Not to mention extorting the resident healer for medicinal things." and with a nod, he picked up another messenger bag dangling from the wall and further descended.

Wait. I almost forgot the Imperial Seal!

He retraced his way and entered his room. He opened the drawers and searched in every corner. It was gone, no stolen! Somehow calming his panicked mind, he catched his thoughts and drawed every person he knew to connect the dots.

The Redguard? Not likely.. Riden and Tess? No. What about that Legion soldier who suddenly disappeared? From what I gather, those Imperials aren't xenophobic enough to raid somebody's quarters. The Altmer is out of the question ... Then, who?

It dawned on him and he searched the indigo brigandine of it's every pockets. He was so rushed, he stumbled upon an inside pocket. Curiously digging inside, his hands felt not one but two letters. The first one was the Seal, but the other was made of cheap paper with inks splotched on the side.

He opened it and suddenly wished he hadn't. It contained his true identity! He burned it to the last ash and with a snarl ran to the cafeteria. Something about that letter made Cyldreen go cold and angry, but nonetheless placed it aside as he entered said cafeteria.

It was obviously empty, save for the occasional rats and all. He ignored them and broke into the larder, taking every food and beverage he found to his messenger bag. It would last them weeks, he thought.

He then made his way to the healer's room. Unsuprisingly, it was locked. Smirking to himself, he backed away a few feet and charged with his spear aimed at the bolt. It sent shockwaves through Cyldreen's arms, but the job was done. The Orcish tip annihilated the steel lock.

"Who's there?!" an alarmed and paranoid voice suddenly boomed, painfully female. Cyldreen could care less about her gender, and as he kicked the door and entered, uninterested Breton became agitated Breton.

"Another Bosmer?! I don't have predjustices on you wood-suckers, but what the kinky hells?!" for moments, Cyldreen's chest rised up and down, before he calmed himself and his tone became suprisingly calm. "But I digress. Give me your whole batch potions. All. Of. It." the blonde wood-elf nodded with gusto and filled Cyldreen's bag with an assortment of potions.

"Good." he simple said and turned to leave, but not before a sheepish grin came on his mouth. "Oh, and I almost forgot." he swirled suddenly and grabbed the wood-elf by the shirt. Ignoring her pleas, he went to the cages and threw her in.

"Hopefully, when the Legion arrives on the scene, they won't find you a crumpled mess with some sailors grinning stupidly. You should be thankful of that." and with a whack on her head with a nearby pipe, he ran towards the stairs and ascended.

Posted by: minque Aug 14 2010, 10:31 PM


It had been a long day. She had left Ald'ruhn early in the morning, taking the Strider to first Balmora, where she had visited Nalcarya's store to refill some of her medical supplies, then she continued to Seyda Neen.

Thavere was in a bad shape, the old lighthouse keeper suffered from gout due to the endless climbing of the many stairs in the lighthouse to keep the fire burning. Also she got a severe pneumonia, the damp and cold mists of the Seyda Neen took its tribute out of her.

Serene had done what she could for Thavere at the moment, tucked her in good in warm blankets and gave her some appropriate potions to ease her breathing. What the lighthouse keeper really needed was to quit her onerous job and let someone else take over, but who?

Serene climbed the stairs to the lantern and after attending to it she sat down beside it, looking out over the sea, remembering another night she had spent up here....over 20 years ago, when she had arrived here, not knowing why...She closed her eyes and felt the wind on her face.

What waked her up, she didn't grasp, but something caught her eye...a flickering light far out at the sea.

Must be a boat..but why would there be a boat out there at this time?

Serene shrugged, she had a bad feeling in her back, something was going to happen, and that something was not entirely good, no on the contrary...

I don't like this one bit....

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 16 2010, 06:28 PM

Kaye Soscean

For some reason, as soon as the trio ran off, Kaye felt a cold chill travel down his spine.
"Why oh why do I get the feeling I really don't want to know what they're up to?" He muttered. His eyes drew back to the broadsword the assassin had tossed him during the battle, and the pistol he'd discarded. He frowned but after a moment's hesitation, he walked over to pick them up. After carefully removing the piece of flint and shaking off any last traces of the black powder, he rehooked the small bags and tucked them behind his belt, handling the gun all this time as if he was touching a slimy slug.
"There is always use for flint and this...thing might come in handy for hunting purposes and protecting onself against the wildlife. I've heard there are some nasty beasts here." He thought as he tossed the sword into the boat. The assassin would probably want it back and Kaye was not going to provoke him by leaving it on the ship.

"Alright, I don't have any personal possessions to bring along so all that's left for me to do is to check the mechanism. And hope those two have enough sense to bring along items one would use to survive wherever we're going to land. I've got the feeling their thoughts never wander far from who they can kill and with what. As for the woman..." He sighed, speaking half to himself and half to Nelacar.
"Well, apart from not knowing how much sense she has, it doesn't matter when she doesn't get to give her opinion."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 16 2010, 07:35 PM


Nelacar shrugged, "If she had an opinion, she would voice it. She chooses to take someone else's, and that seems to be the way of things. In any case, I'm itching to leave and see no reason for this delay. We should have been gone minutes ago."

Nelacar tossed his small bag into the boat and leaned on his staff while he waited for the others, "And don't worry; I'll make certain you don't get left after lowering us."

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 16 2010, 08:12 PM

Yay, a dead RP -_-

Tess' POV

Riden softly grabbed my arm and pulled me into a kiss. I felt my cheeks go hot, "Um...what was that?"

He smiled and pulled me towards the boat, "What? An assassin can't be a good husband?"

I snickered and pushed him into the boat. He grabbed me by the waist and gently lowered me down and handed me a small pistol, "It's for your protection, take it."

The flintlock looked really old with a small carving in the barrel that read, "Please keep this safe"

I smiled and tucked it in safely while Riden started to load the boat with all our gear.

Riden's POV

After a long time in loading the boat, I gestured to the rest of our crew, "It's all prepped for take off. Take whatever you have that isn't here and let's go."

Tess looked uneasy and was starting to shake, "Tess, what is it?"

"I feel uneasy with that Altmer."

I pulled her in close to me. "Don't worry about it, you're just being paranoid."

Tess started to pace around in the small wooden boat and looked agitated, "Come on! Let's get the stuff here already!"

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 18 2010, 06:40 AM

I hearby invoke the Spell of Threadnomancy!

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

The Breton returned to see the boat all tucked in and prepared. Shrugging, he slinged two of his messenger bags to his shoulder and stroded up to the rest of the group. He noticed, from the corner of his eye, that the Assassin seemed to be uneasy towards the High Elf.

It certainly contradicts how he said that the Altmer was interesting earlier. No matter.

Nervously clearing his throat, to which he doubt was real, he said;

"... Who's gonna pull the lever? I sure ain't gonna do that," and with that, he walked towards the boat and carefully placed his belongings. He wouldn't want the potion vials to be smashed. His spear, pistol and war-axe followed.

"Well? Anyone?"

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 18 2010, 08:41 AM

OOC: Yeah, sorry about that. I got a bit distracted by finding my old cds of wing commander 3.

Kaye Soscean

Kaye raised his hand when the last of their motley crew arrived.
"I already volunteered for the task a while back. Now make yourself comfortable. I'll try to be gentle." He said and chuckled.
"Though I'm also lacking in experience regarding this mechanism so don't be surprised if one side hits the water before the other and all your belongings spill overboard." He added and for a moment, he was almost tempted to do just that on purpose. It would be a nice way to get rid of all the weapons they'd loaded. Almost, the likely response was what made him decide against it.

"By the way, sir assassin. I've put your sword on the boat. It's probably buried under all those bags by now. Just so you know in case you want it back. Not that I see why you would need it, what with having brought along enough weaponry to outfit a small army and all." He grunted while unlocking the pulleys.
"Alright, she's going down now. I'll try to keep her slow and steady but be ready to help out with the balance! Make sure the weight is divided evenly across the boat!"

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 18 2010, 01:16 PM

Tess' POV

I smiled and headed towards the left side and gestured for Riden to go on the other side.

The boat was evenly weighted and a bit load of stuff was sitting smack dab in a middle.

"Let it go!"

Riden leaned on the small bow, "Tess, have you ever thought about what it would feel like to actually get to Morrowind?"

I nodded and hugged the stern end of the boat, "Yeah...but for now...LET THE BOAT SAIL!!!" She commanded and giggled a bit.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 21 2010, 05:07 AM


Nelacar took a seat in the boat next to the breton, and the redguard lowered them down. It was a bit of a bumpy ride down, but not unreasonable. The boat hit the surface of the water, so he called up to the redguard.

"I'll loose the ropes once you come down! Hurry!"

He was anxious to be far away from the ship, and even more anxious to reach Morrowind.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 21 2010, 01:35 PM

Kaye Soscean

"Alright, I'm coming!" He shouted back and took one last glance at the deck. The spilled blood and corpses made him want to puke but he forced away the urge. Right now, feeling sick was not a priority.
"Nothing I can use in sight...Ok, let's get away from this floating tomb." He muttered before carefully stepping over the railing and grabbing onto the rope.

The Redguard lowered himself slowly till he stepped onto the wobbling boat. He sat down quickly before he had a chance to loose his balance and took one of the oars.
"So, any preferences for what direction to move in?"

Posted by: ureniashtram Aug 22 2010, 05:12 AM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri[/b]

The Breton pondered about the direction they would go. Should they go north-east to Hla Oad? Or north, to Seyda Neen?

Didn't the Assassin said something about Arrile? Oh, yes. To Seyda Neen.

"North, my good sir," Cyldreen turned his gaze towards Riden. "Now, that we're on the boat, I guess an explanation about the Gemroot is in order. The lizards venerate this object, thinking it as some kind of gift from the Hist. Did I say that already?

Anyway, rumors float around that the skirmish between Stormhold and Thorn suddenly stopped mid-battle! As if Time itself ceased.. If this is the work of the Roots of Svel'kreen, which I lay my suspiscions on, then imagine what it could do!

I also ... heard that most of the fights between the Elves and the Argonians involve slaves. An ... acquitance of mine tells that the slaves were taken off to Gods-Knows-Where. What does the Argoniabn hope to gain at their enslaved kin? Continued slavery is out of the question.

Then, what? Free them? Slave Bracers and all the associated stuff needs some kind of magical key, right? And those keys these days are rare. Unless those reptillians have some kind of power to dispel, or whatever, those manacles then I applaud them for it. If not, and they use other means, well ... This gets interesting."

He finished with a bow, not sarcastic of course.

OOC: I fear that I may be busy in the next few days or so. That means my post will be slightly less from now on. My apologies.

Posted by: DarkZerker Aug 23 2010, 05:55 AM

Tess' POV

"Riden, I'm scared..."

I snuggled in his arms as he smirked, "The Great Tess Rysan, scared of a little Morrowind air?"

I giggled and pushed him back, "The infamous Riden Snowe, marrying cute little old me?"

His smile widened as the boat started to sail up north. Riden turned his attention to the Breton, "Cyldreen, to be frank, I don't give a care about a those roots or whatever, I'm here to kill Arrile and have some fun with Tess here."

He sighed, "I'm guessing you never visited Cyrodiil...obvious because lots of Cyrodiil natives know about there. Many don't know my face but they all know these robes."

I elbowed him in the gut, "Riden, don't tell him!" I snapped. He gave a small kiss, "Don't worry about it."

"Do I owe you an explanation or do you simply don't care?"

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 25 2010, 05:48 PM

Kaye Soscean

Kaye nodded to himself.
"North, that would be...that way, roughly speaking." He muttered to himself, took the other oar as well and began to row.

It wasn't long before the Breton began to tell more of this rootgem of his. To the Redguard's ears, it sounded like a fancy story and a whole lot of connecting random events in a way that could only make sense to the one who came up with the connection in the first place. In this case, that was Cyldreen.
"So what makes you think you can get it? If it has all those fancy tricks up its crystalline sleeves, then wouldn't some random but quite powerful person have already gotten his or her hands on it? Also, I don't think anyone is going to wave around the stone of incredible handiness in plain sight. Might be hard and potentially lethal to find is all I'm saying." He replied at the end of the story.

A sudden wave turned the bow around and Kaye had his hands full with getting them back on course for a few moments, long enough to miss any answer the Breton might have given him. When he felt it was safe to listen in on the conversations again, the attention had already shifted, this time to the assassin, Riden. Kaye sneered.
"Good gods. The man talks about murder as if it is a trip to a tavern for a fun day spent drinking and telling jokes!"

Posted by: ureniashtram Sep 1 2010, 12:47 PM

OOC: RL has simply been hectic, damn it! Sorry for the long overdue.

"So what makes you think you can get it? If it has all those fancy tricks up its crystalline sleeves, then wouldn't some random but quite powerful person have already gotten his or her hands on it? Also, I don't think anyone is going to wave around the stone of incredible handiness in plain sight. Might be hard and potentially lethal to find is all I'm saying."

Cyldreen turned his gaze and a glint of amusement shoned on his eyes before being replaced by seriousness. It seems that the Reguard was rather ... perceptive than he lets on.

"Some random but quite powerful person? Unless that person can shapeshift into an Argonian, speak the tongue of Argonia and manages to go to Black Marsh, no. No person or organization can simply waltz through the swamps, tap the nose of whoever leads those lizards and flirt for the Gemroot," he then scoffed. "Even those elves had a hard time with those reptiles. So, why use brute force, when spies and assassins can do the job?" he returned his gaze to Riden.

"If you're helping me on this .. quest, then I suggest you give Arrile a quick death. We've a lot of things to do in the coming days," he pondered if he forgot something and remembered the high elf.

"What about you? Is there a reason for you to be in Morrowind?" he asked.

Posted by: DarkZerker Sep 1 2010, 06:09 PM

Riden's POV

Tess visually grimaced at the thought of another job and I leaned back a bit on my seat, "Of course, I'm not one to be slow."

I started to speak but Tess cut me off, "What about me? I think I'd just slow you down..."

I sighed again, "Tess, you'll be coming with us. I know you're a great fighter, just a bit...nervous when it comes to the real deal."

She took a glare at Cyldreen, "You say you're a spy...have you worked for a Province or some band of mercenaries?"

The winds started to pick up and I saw the whole of Morrowind come into view much better, even able to see some buildings, "We're coming close, let's wrap up the conversations quickly," I leaned closer to Tess and whispered reassuringly, "You'll do great in Morrowind, just get ready for anything."

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 8 2010, 07:17 PM


Nelacar rowed with the others towards the small town of Seyda Neen. They were smart enough not to row the boat directly to the docks, and they beached the boat in the swamplands not far from the town. There was enough tree cover to hide them from prying eyes, and they could (hopefully) walk into Seyda Neen without suspicion of being connected to the ship stranded in the sea.

He helped the others pull the boat up before gathering his things from it. He needed to stop somewhere for supplies, but knowing that Riden was here to kill the trader, he was loathe to stay in Seyda Neen.

I need to separate myself from these fools. Were it not for the spy's knowledge of the roots, I would be gone already.

Cyldreen's quest for the roots was the best lead Nelacar had gotten, and even though he had reservations about traveling with his current companions for much longer, he felt he had no choice.

I would likely be forced to betray them in the end if I want to use the Roots... he put the thought in the back of his mind for the time being. He would have time for those plans later. There were more pressing issues at hand.

Posted by: ureniashtram Sep 10 2010, 06:39 AM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

The Breton made a noise at the back of his throat as he hauled a rather heavy bag. He was beggining to wonder if it was hours before they landed. If so, then they should rowed faster. Cyldreen preferred his skin pale rather than sunkissed, a childhood habit that he had since Orsinium.

Orsinium. I wonder if negotiations between Morrowind and Orsinium could be made? Surely with the might of the Pariah Folk backing up the Dunmers' influence, they could do things alone they cannot?

He shook his head. This particular thought vanished at the back Cyldreen's head, but not completely forgotten. For now, he should plan his next move.

Information gathering. What place better to do that than the city of Vivec? Hmm .. if I get my hands on a rather ... open-minded politician, I'd get the thing I need. But fir now, there's the matter of the Assassin and his target. For now, let's pack.

This things could take a while. And after this, I should go to the nearest Imperial Fort. The Seal that kinky Emperor gave should be advantageous.

EDIT: OOC: Incase you guys forgotten, the emperor gave Seals to the mercenaries he hired, of which they can use to get help from the nearest Imperial Fort should they find themselves in desperate times. I'm sure I posted it earlier.

Posted by: DarkZerker Sep 10 2010, 06:56 AM

Tess' POV

I watched as the rest of the people came to shore and reached the village of Seyda Neen. Geo always sent letters about how boring this place was, but he was just like his father, bored when it comes to small towns.

I giggled a little bit from the small memory and then saw the old man walking around the village. I quickly nudged Riden a bit, "There's your target I think."

He shot a glare at the man and then smiled at me, "Thanks dear."

Riden's POV

After I thanked Tess, I free ran towards my target. A couple villagers looked at me with pure confusion and Arrile's face showed pure horror.

Before I reached my target however, using a small invisibility scroll, I chose to disappear. Arrile looked around and nervously shook his head, obviously thinking it was an hallucination. Carefully scaling a small house was easy, then after the invisibility wore off, I leaped from the top.

Arrile was completely taken by surprise and he tumbled to the ground. Raising my right hand, I plunged the hidden blade into his throat, then smiled, "May you have the youth in Death, Rest in Peace."

Tess grimaced and I returned to her side, "Let's get going."

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 10 2010, 03:50 PM

OOC: Two things. One, Arille is male. Two, I'll have to improvise now but no big problem.

Kaye Soscean

Kaye was worn out from the rowing by the time they'd reached shore.
"Ugh, I never was a sailor in my youth and I definitely won't become one now." He grimaced while massaging his sore shoulders. As of now, he mostly desired to rest and have nothing to do with his 'companions anymore'. On the other hand, he also felt responsible for the events that had ocurred up to this point. If anything, he would like to repay his sins in some way, no matter how slight.
"I should warn that person who this Riden fellow wants assassinated. Now what was the name....Ara....damn, can't remember. But I'm not going to ask either, that would be just suspicious. Tsk, I need more time. I have to keep him out of Seyda Neen so I can give a warning." He thought and shook his head.

"Hey, it might be best to camp out here for the night to see what happens. Never know if they actually saw our little boat come to shore. It would be really inconvenient if....Bloody rats on a stick, those two ran off already!" He finished and shot a glance over his shoulder.
"Those stupid good for nothing...I've totally had it with that guy and his attitude. Stay here out of sight while I go after them!" He called out as he gave chase, despite already knowing it would be too late. From what he'd seen so far, Riden was not the man for carefully investigating his prey. The moment they would come into contact, the assassin would charge and strike, consequences be damned.
"And in a small village like that, he might just get away with it too. Do places like these get a proper guard detachment or do they rely on fishermen and hunters playing militia?"

Posted by: ureniashtram Sep 10 2010, 04:12 PM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

The spy snorted and scoffed.

I'm beggining to wonder if taking that Assassin along is a good idea. On one hand, he's a force to be reckoned with but on the other hand he's rather impatient and, from what I've seen, acts without thinking. Never a good combination if you murder people for a living, if not on a quest of great importance.. To that kink-lover Septim anyway.

He turned his from the bag beneath him to the running form of the Redguard. He whistled.

" ... Well, my pa always said that if you wany something done.. Do it yourself or," he muttered under his breath. "Hear about it for the next decade or so afterwards."

He returned to his work and considered the option of camping for the night. While it might shield the group from unwelcome company, or worse a patrolling group of Ordinators, one can never be sure about nature. Plus, the swampland that surrounded where they landed gave Cyldreen some.. anxiousness.

My scouting heart is getting on my head again. Would it hurt if I scouted this area, check to see if there's any threat? How about food?

He considered this one. He resisted it. Adventure can wait if the camp is properly erected and safe, and plus he was sure that he brought a sack filled of salted meat with him.

I simply love outdoors. Give me a warband of Orcs, unforgiving snowy mountains and a stinky city then I'd certainly feel at home.

Posted by: DarkZerker Sep 11 2010, 01:03 AM

Tess' POV

I sighed as Riden simply cleaned the blood off his small blade and grumbled, "You know, I remember when you actually investigated a target instead of killing him out right."

Riden looked flushed for a bit before chuckling, "I'm still the youngest assassin that is high enough up that I can boss around other assassins Tess, and our band of rogues don't...really talk first."

I grumbled once more as a small gust of wind started blowing from the north with heavy clouds, "Um guys, I think it MIGHT rain...but I don't know any weather patterns in Morrowind so..."

Riden's POV

I rolled my eyes a bit. Tess was going on about something that most back in Cyrodiil didn't care to hear other than our son, myself, and a couple sailors. Sailors...just a couple hours ago, there was a huge massacre, and I enjoyed having a little fun with my Jian sword.

I started to set up our tent and got ready as the Morrowind sun, or at least a semi-dim light in the sky started to set. After the tent got set up, I turned to Cyldreen, "Mind setting up the fire?"

After a small while, Tess came over to me and smiled, "Geo is somewhere in Morrowind you know."

I smiled back, "Maybe we'll meet him on our journey?"

She playfully punched me in the arm and looked up at the dark gloomy sky, "Maybe...I hope he's alright."


Posted by: minque Sep 11 2010, 04:38 PM

OOC: Too fast! Gah, It would have been better if the darn assassination had been more ..planned! Now I also need to change plans...yikes!


Serene was sitting by the lantern, on top of Seyda Neen Lighthouse, as always at this time of the day. She had lived in the town for several years now and she knew all the inhabitants. The reason why she came to Seyda Neen was a well kept secret. She never spoke about it and the people in town had stopped asking.

She was a healer and mage and she had been an asset to the town. She was well known and highly respected. She lived in the lighthouse, tending to it day and night. The former lighthouse keeper, Thavere, was too old now, and almost blind, and since she was one of those who helped Serene when she came to Vvardenfell so many years ago, she took over Thavere's duties.The old dunmer was still living in the lighthouse, though...

This afternoon she noticed a boat arriving in the harbor, a strange boat, not expected, so it alerted her senses quite a bit. Several men and a woman was among the passengers..

What are they doing here? I have bad feelings about it

Her old friend Arrille came out of his store and looked up as usual to wave at her....

Then suddenly everything happened very fast...

A man and a woman, apparently from the boat, approached Arrille, the woman said something to the man and then all of a sudden the man disappeared, and Arrille fell to the ground gasping for breath. Blood gushed from his throat...

"NOOOOOOOOOO" she cried out , quickly grabbed a purple vial and hurried down the stairs. When she reached the lifeless body of her friend he didn't breathe anymore...

She looked around but the man and the woman was not there ...

"I will avenge you!" she cried!!!!

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 11 2010, 08:33 PM

Kaye Soscean

His lungs were on fire by the time he reached the outskirts of the village. It hadn't been too far of a run but for the Redguard who had already been tired out by rowing the boat, it felt like he'd ran a marathon.
"Riden! Get your behind back here right now, youngster or I will personally spank you so much you won't be able to sit for a week!" He shouted in gasps as he stumbled into town. However, he saw to his despair that his fears had been correct. It was too late to warn anyone of the assassin. All that was left was a corpse to mourn, lying right in the open in the midst of the street.

"Dammit! My fault...I just can't do a single thing right, can I? Agh, old fool of a man. I should have never let him out of my sight." He whimpered and collapsed to his knees.
"Such a failure. I'm just a failure. My father, his father and all the fathers before. Heh, if they saw me now, they would be disgusted."

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 16 2010, 03:47 PM


Riden ran off to shed blood, and Kaye followed to try to stop it. Nelacar, on the other hand, found a nice stump to sit on for a moment.

It wasn't long before Riden and his wife returned, notably without Kaye.

"Where's the redguard?" he asked, "If the trader is dead, and he hasn't returned, it's likely that guards may be intruding on our little camp here."

Posted by: ureniashtram Sep 17 2010, 09:15 AM

[i][u]Cyldreen Mon'cheri[/u][/i]

There was something... wrong about the air, Cyldreen thought. There was also an eerie silence, save for the Altmer asking the Assassin about something. The Breton didn't pay attention though, for his eyes were glancing to and fro.

Silence.. Birds not singing.. And the sudden thick air... A predator approaches or is it prey?

The spy stood up and reached for his war-axe. He hefted and fidgeted with it, cautious eyes searching something out of the ordinary at the forest infront of him.

Even after the Blight, the Home of the Ill-Fated Elves is dangerous still.

Posted by: saqin Sep 17 2010, 02:29 PM


I looked up the steep slope down which I'd fallen. The blood was oozing from a wound on my side, and I reached into my pack to get a healing potion only to notice that they'd been broken during the fall. Then I heard the barking from behind a ridge, nix hounds. I took the bow from my back and cursed, the string was off.

I'd just bandages the wound temporarily when the hounds appeared over the ridge, and I sat still looking at them. One of the hounds barked something that could be an order, and all of them looked down at me. Five large hounds. I might have had a chance if the bowstring had been whole, but in my wounded state, I wouldn't have been able to fight them of with simply my dagger. So I took a firm grip around the bow, and ran for it before the hounds had time to attack. But they where after me the next moment. I managed to hold a fast enough pace for them not to catch up with me, but they weren't getting behind either. There was no way I'd survive this on my own. Then I realized something, the hounds where quiet.

I dodged as one of them leaped at me, hit it in the head, and continued my wild run. Another sprinted and bit me in the arm, but I squirmed away from it and thanked Akatosh for my high fatigue. It was decreasing quickly though.

Glancing over my shoulder when the hounds sacked after momentarily, combined with my tiredness, I tripped, and more or less fell into a camp that I hadn't noticed before. But I heard the hounds charging at full speed again, and stood up with my dagger drawn to face them. I simply noted the fact that there was a breton, a high elf and two imperials in the camp. The bandage around my first wound was soaked in blood, and that did not bode well.

Posted by: DarkZerker Sep 17 2010, 02:30 PM

OOC: Alright, I'm doing another POV switch back to Third Person so...bear with me.


"Riden...what's going on?"

The white robed assassin pulled Tess in and stared out into the forest, "Apparently...Cyldreen sees something...and I won't be one to think that he's wrong."

She nodded and waited for a little bit before looking up, "Honey, there's nobody there."


Tess insisted on there being nobody there, but he knew better. "Tess, this is MORROWIND. Of course there would be something."

The bushes rustled a bit and Riden pulled out his throwing knife, ready to attack the potential threat.

Sure enough, the largest beast the pair has ever seen came stomping out. It looked much like an Alit but only about 1 and 1/2 times bigger. Then a second one came out.

Tess shuddered under his arms and Riden turned to Cyldreen, "Whatever you're going to IT FAST."

Posted by: ureniashtram Sep 17 2010, 03:48 PM

[b]Cyldreen Mon'Cheri[/b]

"Nix hounds! Watch for their tusks or whatever it is thats by their mouth! Especially with their leader, those who are alphas of the pack ar-" the Breton never got to finish his warning as one charged at him, tusk leading the way. If he had bows or anything that can deal death at a great range, he could've slaughtered it before it got twelve feet but supposes that an axe can do a good, if not a messy, job. Besides, the pistols were packed in a box. Prying the container open in the middle of an ambush would simply be foolish and unbecoming of a spy.

Steady.. Wait for the right- Now!

He side-stepped to the side, crouched in a sitting position and with a swing from his axe, he cleaved the Nix hound's feet. It fell face first, rolled on its head and fell on its back. Blood and bits of bones exploded in a mist of dismemberment, and it showered the Breton's face. He made no attempts to wipe it however, instead revelling at the pain he just caused at the beast. He smiled, stood up and changed to a defensive stance. It was at this time that he noticed a Khajiit with a dagger. Since its back was facing him, he wasn't sure if it was a man or a woman.

Focus! Don't dwell on irrelevant matters right now! Focus!

He made sure that there were no other beasts lurking about, ready to pounce on an unsuspecting back. When he was sure that there were no Nix hounds lying for another ambush, he tore his gaze to back to the group of beasts in front of him..

And saw not one, but two hungry rushing to their potential meal. The breton scoffed at the simple minded creatures and, in hopes of delaying them, threw his axe with a maniacal cackle.

"You're hungry, aren't ya dogs?! Well, heres your dinner!" in anybody's ears that might've sounded juvenile, but for the spy it provided fuel for his building fire of rage. To his twisted delight, his steel axe found itself embedded on one hound and in the process the dead animal flew backwards, crashing into its hunting companion.

To my spear! Where is it anywa-there it is!

His personally-crafted spear rested on a tree-stump, and he immediately ran for it hands reaching like a child with a toy.

Posted by: saqin Sep 17 2010, 05:25 PM


I didn't move when the first nix hound rushed past me as it obviously held no interest in me. I heard the shouts of someone, probably the wood elf since it came from his direction.

Then one of the nixhounds turned at me again. Two of the others rushed of for one of the persons behind me after I'd heard the noice of the first one being killed. The fifth hound didn't focus on me either, it to looked on someone behind me. I didn't think of it more though, because the hound that had turned to me now leaped towards me.

The hound landed on top of me, I managed to avoid the head and cut at it with my dagger. Keeping it's head away from mine, I managed to push the dagger into it's chest and turn the dagger around. The hound squirmed for a bit, and tried to bite and claw at me, but after a while it turned limp.

I was panting hard by then, but somehow managed to get the beast of me.

Posted by: DarkZerker Sep 18 2010, 02:11 AM


The assassin threw all of his throwing knives and sure enough, it impacted the rough hide of the beasts and downed one but more simply took its place. He scowled and took out his Royal Dagger, ready for Close Quarter Combat.

"Tess!" He yelled and threw a similar dagger towards her. She caught it gracefully and started to get ready for the fight ahead.

Geo's POV

OOC: I discussed this in the planning thread but he's not a permanent character, merely just for a couple scenes.

The young assassin rested on top of a tree until he heard shouting and saw a Khajiit in a scuffle between the local beasts of the forest, "Ah...I have bad luck today..." He grumbled before he nicked an arrow in a very old bow and fired at the Khajiit just after he pulled the beast off. It missed and hit the ground next to him.

Scared of retaliation, he quickly headed back to Seyda Neen by tree.

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 18 2010, 09:22 PM

Kaye Soscean

For a few moments the Redguard simply sat there, cursing Riden, the boat that had brought him here, the weather for having given the boat a stiff breeze that sent it swiftly across the waves, himself for having indirectly helped him and yes, even Arille himself simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, he realized that cursing fate didn't help the dead. It was merely a coping mechanism for the living.

Kaye drew himself back onto his feet, noting that while crying he had recuperated from his mad dash. That observation left a bitter taste in his mouth for it made him feel as if his regret had merely been an excuse for some muchneeded rest. He walked into town slowly and idly wondered if anyone would point at him and say that he was responsible for the murder. It wouldn't be too surprising. The town was small and everyone knew each othere. Yet here he was, a complete stranger who wanders in mere minutes after one of their beloved bled out his life in the mud. It didn't matter. At the moment, Kaye would have accepted a swift execution from a guard's broadsword with a calm and even happy gaze.

No one stopped him however in his approach of the body. Perhaps they were too preoccupied with grief to notice, perhaps they just didn't care about a stranger, if he was unarmed like Kaye.
"Unarmed, except for that leadthrower behind my belt. Not that I knew what it was not too long ago."
Off to his right, a small pack of guards hurriedly assembled in front of their captain who had already begun barking out orders. They would probably end up scouring the coast for the culprit.
"Which leaves the ship off the coast out of everyones attention. I'd rather they freed the sailors first. Riden has done what he wants here and even he isn't dumb enough to stick around the place with all those blades on his body."

Next to Arille's corpse, Kaye met a woman. Imperial, he guessed though the way she carried herself was completely unlike what he was used to. Part of it he attributed to her distress, but mostly he figured it was because she'd lived here long enough to assimilate into the local culture.
"I pray your soul will be at ease, sir. Though I do not know your name or those of your family, I shed tears for your death." He muttered as he knelt down next to the woman. Again he felt that bitter taste in his mouth, for he realized that his tears had been less shed in sadness at the loss of a man's life than in anger at himself for not preventing it. Still, he hoped his words would help the Altmer rest.
"Last thing these people need is a maddened ghost making a mockery of their memories of him. They've suffered enough already." He thought as he gently closed Arille's eyes. The vacant stare of horror felt like it was accusing the Redguard of being the one who had driven that blade into his throat. Kaye couldn't bear watching it. For in his heart, he felt as if he had indeed.

OOC: Bloody hell, I'm not sure if I've ever rp'd this emo but ok, Kaye has entered the town properly.

Posted by: minque Sep 18 2010, 10:37 PM


As she knelt beside the dead trader she noticed a man beside her, a redguard he was, as she looked at him she was caught by the look in his eyes, tired eyes it was but the look in them showed much wisdom and experience, of a hard life...

"Hey" she said in a low voice, gently putting her hand on his arm, "Why would someone kill Arille? He never harmed anyone"

She didn't know the dark man but he somehow appealed to her as a good man, someone to trust, and this senseless murder disturbed her...a lot!

When the redguard closed Arrille's eyes she looked down, trying to hide her tears.

"What is happening here?" she whispered

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 19 2010, 08:59 PM

Kaye Soscean

"Somewhere, someone will always find a reason to begrudge another. Man or mer, we're all the same and all carry that dark nature within our hearts. I have no doubt your friend never meant harm to anyone, but someone must have decided he did mean harm. If only I had been here a minute sooner, he might have lived." Kaye said slowly, worried he was digging into an open wound with his words. His eyes wandered to the ship which he could barely make out on the horizon.
"It all began out there, that was the place where I plunged into this nightmare. First the ship, now this village. What place will be the next to fall victim to Riden's murderous nature?" He wondered.

The guards ran off, some headed east, others north along the coastline. Only the captain remained, grumbling to himself about the lack of manpower he'd found himself in. He had enough men to hunt the criminal or protect the town, but not both.
"And be back before sunset! We can't afford to leave this place unguarded for long!" The captain shouted after his troops.

Kaye got up carefully.
"This is as much my responsibility as it is Riden's. But I don't give those good fellows much of a chance at finding him and even if they did, only more bloodshed would be the result. Killing is not the answer to death. No, this is something I must handle myself. BUt how do I find Riden?....Cyldreen, the dreams of riches and glorious murder he painted before will surely attract the assassin. And I know where to find Cyldreen."

"Forgive me lady. For I know the man who is responsible for this. I vow I will seek him out and though poor Arille won't be helped by it, I swear I will stop his senseless murders."

Posted by: DarkZerker Sep 19 2010, 10:05 PM


The assassin and the former fighters guild fought off the small hoards of creatures and eventually fought some off. The rest started to retreat and he viciously glared at one of the straggling beasts and it quickly scampered away.

He sighed, "I've been in Morrowind for about an hour and I already hate it..."

Tess giggled and turned to Cyldreen and Riden, "I' a walk...don't worry, I'll be careful."

Riden threw Tess a dagger, "Be careful, and be back soon. Try to find that Redguard...I believe he really hates me..."

She nodded and proceeded in the forest.


Tess moved across the trees sure enough, saw the Redguard. She proceeded cautiously, hoping he would have some sense to not attack travel mates. Tess drew the dagger and approached the Redguard, who was with another person.


Posted by: saqin Sep 20 2010, 04:00 PM


I looked up when an arrow hit the ground next to me, and saw someone disappear through the trees. Wondering who'd do something to hurt me, I got to my feet. I hadn't done anything to anger someone already, had I?

I sighed in relief when I saw the rest of the nixhounds retreat. At least that danger was over. Now I just had to find out who these people where. Then I looked down at my side, and remembered that I'd have to switch the bandage, or ask if anyone had a healing potion to spare. My arm could really have use of one as well. Bracing myself, I turned towards the breton and the imperial male. The female imperial had left.

"Hi. Excuse me for simply running into your camp like that, but I did not have much of a choice. And, you do not by any chance have any healing potions? You see, I think I'm running a bit short of blood." I said and wailed when the adrenaline that had built up during the run left me.

Posted by: ureniashtram Sep 21 2010, 03:14 AM

OOC: Wood-Elf? What Wood-Elf? If you're referencing to Cyldreen, then he's not a Bosmer. He's a Breton.

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

The Breton cursed under his breath when the battle was over. He stared at the spear on his hand before shaking his head and placing it back where it was.

And I was just getting to the good part. Godsdammed beasts dying so quickly..

His attention suddenly turned on the female Khajiit in front og him. She said something about potions, and truth be told, Cyldreen isn't sure if he brought along some. The image of a blonde injured Bosmer healer assured him that he brought some, however.

"A Khajiit with a dry sense of humor," he muttered while jogging towards the napsack that contained potions and poultices. "Well, stranger things have happened to me I guess." he dug around the little bag until finally, his small effeminate hand grasped a bottle, and warm at that. He dug around for more.

"Here." he handed two bottle to the Khajiit, fully expecting her to fall any minute. "You know, maybe you should lay down and rest?"

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 21 2010, 08:29 PM

Kaye Soscean

Kaye looked up to see who had spoken. It turned out to be Tess, Riden's wife. The Redguard eyed the dagger, not in a concerned manner, but merely a surprised one.
"Put that thing away. There is nothing to gain here by poking weapons at random people for no reason. Especially as a greeting it is more than rude." He replied bluntly.
"I suppose I could ask you a rather important question but I believe I know already. So instead of that, I'm going to ask you why you returned here of all places. What do you seek in this village this time?"

Posted by: DarkZerker Sep 22 2010, 12:12 AM



She quickly sheathed the dagger and looked at the woman next to Kaye, "Did you know Arrile?"


Riden immediately gripped the handle of his sword, wary of the Khajiit standing in front of him. Though he simply started to clean his throwing knives of blood and sighed, "What brings you here?"

Posted by: saqin Sep 22 2010, 06:52 AM

OOC: Sorry, mixed it up. Changed it now though.


I looked when the Breton walked up to his pack and took the bottles out, thinking of what to do next. Either I could try to get away from them when I'd healed which probably wouldn't work when I was this exhausted, or I could try to find out who they where and then decide whether I should be running for my life or not.

"Thank you." I said when the breton handed me the potions, and then I took my bag of and sat down. Ignoring the imperial for the moment, I tended to my wounds. Meaning that I used one of the potions and poured most of it's contents on my wounds, and drank up the rest in the two bottles. Then I looked at the imperial.

"That must depend on where you're referring to. If you mean your camp, I was being hunted. If you mean Morrowind, I've been hired to find something. And if you mean why I was heading south, that's not necessarily your business." I said.

Posted by: ureniashtram Sep 22 2010, 02:22 PM

Cyldreen Mon'cheri

Heading south? Hired to find something in Morrowind? ... A mercenary?

It didn't took a minute for the Breton to put two and two together. He closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. A new competition showed its face.

"Don't tell me you've been hired by that butt-licker Septim?! Gods!" he flailed his arms and took heaving breaths. His plan just got more and more complicated.

"If so, well... this is just awkward." he sat down beside her and let out his breath. "Cyldreen Mon'cheri, mercenary at trade and... an entrepeneur at some things. Might I ask your name, m'lady?"

Posted by: DarkZerker Sep 22 2010, 02:47 PM


"Don't tell me you've been hired by that butt-licker Septim?! Gods!" Cyldreen yelled.

Riden gave a soft chuckle and smiled, "Wonder how Tess is doing...better check on her..." He whispered to himself.

A couple seconds passed and the Breton asked for her name. Riden got up, "Alright, I'll go check on two behave."

He walked towards the forest and into the more open regions of the forest to see the Redguard, an Imperial woman was close to him. Tess quickly turned around to see Riden staring at her smiling.

She ran and hugged him before turning swiftly around.

Riden gave a snide laugh, "Ah...I see you had finally made your acquaintance with least what's left with him. So tell me? Do you really think you could have stopped me?"

He pulled out the Jian straightsword and looked affectionately at the blade, "I won't attack you...because from what I see, Morrowind is pretty great."

"They have Imperial Legion troops looking for you!" Tess loudly whispered.

"Let them...all the better to test out my newest contraptions."

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 22 2010, 03:36 PM


Nelacar had done little when the nix-hounds came, opting to find a tall limb in a tree to attack from above if necessary. His comrades had made short work of the beasts, though, and he never got the opportunity.

He climbed down while the khajiit drank Cyldreen's potions, and followed behind Riden when he left.

Kaye isn't here to keep an eye out, so I guess it's up to me.

He came to a small clearing, where he saw Riden and Tess facing Kaye and a strange Imperial woman. Riden had a blade drawn, and the situation looked tense.

"What's going on here?" he asked, leaning heavily on his staff.

Posted by: saqin Sep 22 2010, 03:47 PM


I looked at the breton when he rubbed his head, and raised an eyebrow when he revealed that he had been hired to do the same job as me.

"My name is Sa'Quira. Though most people call me Saqin. I'm a... mercenary." I answered his question, simply throwing a glance at the Imperial when he left. I had been hoping to find the other mercenaries that had been hired by the emperor, but not like this. Certainly not with the scenario of them saving my life.

"So, we've got the same job." I shook my head slightly, still not believing it. To occupy my hands, I then took of my cuirass and the silver bow. Using my dagger I cut the remains of the string away from the bow and looked over the holes in the cuirass. It certainly would need some stitching together.

Posted by: ureniashtram Sep 22 2010, 04:40 PM

EDIT: I have a question, though I posted it in the PT.

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

He saw the Altmer head for the direction of the village. He shook his head. His skills as a spy almost screamed at him that there was something bad bound to happen in Seyda Neen. And Riden just returned to the place where he murdered the trader! Truthfully, the last thing they need are some self-righteous guards full of bluster attacking them out of their sense of 'duty'. But hey, the masochistic Breton would welcome fights with a smile and open arms.

"So ... any progress at the job?" the copper-haired man-mer asked the Khajiit, while eyeing the scenery around him. Those hounds were driven off, but what's to stop them for launching another ambush? Especially now, the two mercenaries were the only one left.

He waited for a response, but found to his dismay that he himself answered his own question.

"So far, I'm planning to go to Vivec to gather some more detailed info about the Gem. But first..." he hesitated. Could this Khajiit be trusted? They were on the same job, yes, but whats to stop her from betraying when the opportunity shows? He would test this one, oh yes. A twisted smile that could've made a Dremora shudder appeared on his lips before disappearing in an instant.

"Let's scour this are first. We should make this camp safe from the local wild-life, that is of course if you're fit enough?" his voice became that of a persuasive viper, his tone became concerned, while at the same time it spelled out deceit.

Posted by: minque Sep 22 2010, 07:20 PM


There was nothing to do, Arille was dead, really dead. Serene clutched her fists, she was angry, really angry. Senseless murdes was nothing she liked, not at all.

She looked at the redguard beside her, she didn't know him but he looked sad and concerned over the dead man in front of them, besides he just said he would stop these senseless murders.

"I will side with you in this, Arille did no harm to anyone.."

She then noticed a woman approach waving a dagger. Serene turned to her eyes burning with rage. Apparently that was enough because the woman lowered her weapon.

"Yes...I knew Arille, he was my friend and that man connected to you took his life, I really wonder why?" Serene spat.

In the corner of her eye she spotted a tall figure, probably an Altmer who solemnly asked what was going on.

Serene looked at Kaye and just shrugged...

Gah I wish I knew what all this is about

Posted by: saqin Sep 23 2010, 03:35 PM


I took up a new bowstring and fastened it to the bow, just about to answer Cyldreen's question when he talked again. Looking up at him again, I thought I saw a strange smile on his lips, but it was gone when I'd blinked. I listened silently to what he said and finished stringing the bow before I answered.

"Vivec sounds good, someone is bound to know something about it there. And yes, I'm fit enough to scout." I said, partly ignoring his first question since I had no reason to trust him yet. Then I got up on my feet, and strapped the cuirass back on, it would hold together. Checking my arrows, I was relieved to find that nothing had happened to them, and then I put the dagger back at my belt. I didn't know if he'd try anything, and I wanted to be prepared if he did.

Looking up again, I concentrated on the forest around us. It was quite silent, I heard the rustling of leaves and some birds calling for each other, but I knew that didn't mean that the nixhounds had left. They could be laying somewhere, waiting for the right moment to attack.

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 24 2010, 08:48 PM

Kaye Soscean

Kaye shrugged but never let his eyes wander from Riden.
"Ah...I see you had finally made your acquaintance with least what's left with him. So tell me? Do you really think you could have stopped me?"
Everything about the assassin made him sick, especially the perverse pleasure and pride the man derived from ending innocent and unknowing lives.

"Maybe, maybe not. Who am I to predict the future? I most certainly would have tried though." The Redguard answered flatly.
"To be honest, I carry no great love for your occupational activities. If anything, I would suggest a more peaceful way to make a living. On the road you have taken, only an early death awaits you. Most likely of the same nature as befell sir Arille. I am sure you are aware of that? If not for your sake, think of those who have decided to share their lives with you. Just as you face the same fate you bestow upon others, so do they share yours." He added.

It was then that Nelacar arrived and calmly asked the group what was going on.
"It is exactly as you see, good sir. It appears that the man I was looking for eluded my feet, only to then return and boast about his deeds. But now Riden, let me ask you once more. Would you consider to stop these senseless murders? It is not even a deluded sense of justice you entertain, only your wallet and your lust for other people's suffering."

Posted by: DarkZerker Sep 24 2010, 11:43 PM


"Lust and my money? You think that drives my attacks? To some extent, I do enjoy the 1050 coin payout for regular civilians and 3050 coins for important targets but you do what you need to do to feed your family."

Tess stiffened as Riden continued his speech, "If that means burning down an entire village or simply killing one person, so be it. But it goes deeper than that,"

Riden smirked as he took off his glove to reveal a Dwarven like contraption in his sleeve, "This is Dwarven technology to the max. I was driven to make this to silently kill without detection and a backup weapon. Under pressure, I created this in about a year while scholars couldn't even think of such a thing."

Tess finally spoke through the speech, "You know...I didn't like the idea of him being an assassin and resented him for that but you do what you have to do. His jobs gave us enough leverage to raise a child...and he's somewhere here in Morrowind."

Riden analyzed the Redguard and pulled out a small copper rod with a pointed edge, "If you wish to attack me, so be it. But just know that this rod is coated with pure Nightshade extract, can drop you in thirty seconds. Personally, you can just walk away...I won't say anything."

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 25 2010, 09:36 AM

Kaye Soscean

Kaye shook his head.
"Do what you have to? And I'm supposed to believe that? If you merely do what you have to, then why not try fishing? Why not try farming? Trading?" He sighed.
"Or if you're so smart, " Kaye added while eyeing the mechanism wrapped around Riden's arm. "why not take up craftmanship? Why not try any of the countless ways to make a living that seems to work just fine for everyone else in this world? Why must it be murder? Why, Riden? You still have not provided a suitable argument for your case."

By now, Riden had pulled out a second object which drew out a slight frown from the Redguard.
"Poison? Does he really think that I'm the kind of man who would use his fists to stop heartless killers like him? Maybe I could if I seriously tried, poison wouldn't stop me. Thirty seconds is an eternity. But what would the point be? I wish to end the cycle of bloodshed, not perpetuate it. Also, I'm surprised how easily you give up your secrets, Riden. Like a child bragging about his toys."
"If you think I would rush you like a fool and try to attack you, you are sorely mistaken. I am not one who starts violence. However, I will not back down either. I will follow and do whatever I can to obstruct you, untill you change your ways. If that's not to your liking, too bad."

Posted by: ureniashtram Sep 25 2010, 10:57 AM

OOC: Let me repeat what Cyldreen said. Kaye is rather perceptive than he looks!

He nodded at the Khajiit. Vivec might contain the most promising securities, but it also houses one of the most dirtiest secrets and most valuable information regarding their activities..

Cyldreen hoped so.

But that was a problem for the future. Right now, he has a cat to test its claws. Inwardly nodding at his plan, his eyes set about to find anything out of the ordinary. The birds were singing their usual requiems, he leaves and trees swayed when a breeze rolls in... For a commoner, this was a perfect scenery. But for a spy trained in the arts of scouting and ground-reconnaissance, it was the epithome of deceit.

There may be predators lurking about, or there weren't. There may be bandits in hiding near Cyldreen and Sa'Quira's location, or there weren't.

"Let's go," Cyldreen motioned for Sa'Quira to follow him, while maintaining the straps on his axe. When he was done, he slinged it across his back and walked towards the forest. So much was coursing through his mind that he didn't see the footprints on the ground before he stepped on pressed soil and nearly slipped. His eyes immediately went beneath his heel and stopped. He took a step backwards and knelt, studying the marks left by something... some.. someone.

Fresh footprints... Half a day, at most.. The pressured applied must be from a light footwear or boots.. Branches broken and leaves pressed to the ground an- what's that?

His muscles instinctly tensed and a hand went for his axe. His eyes were locked on the trail and he studied it with narrowed eyes. There was some kind of substance not far from the tracks and upon further inspection, it turned out to be blood.

Blood? What would blood have to do with tracks? ... Murder?

His eyes went right and left, searching for any evidence until it stopped on a dead trunk. With blood smeared all over it. By this time, his axe were already drawn and he peered around for more tracks. There was no questioning it. There was a struggle here.

He was disappointed when the tracks ended not far from the ones Cyldreen studied. He frowned and turned to Sa'Quira.

"Sa'Quira, can you smell this trail? There's blood not far from the tracks and well.. if you sniff the scent of blood and follow it, maybe we can meet the one who lost this amount of precious blood. If it comes from a dead fellow, there's a chance that there maybe bandits here. And if its from bandits, well.. I'm sure that there will be more blood shedding."

The darker nature inside him practically bounced in joy at the thought of bloodshedding and he gave a manic grin.

Posted by: saqin Sep 25 2010, 03:15 PM


I simply followed Cyldreen as quietly as possible through the forest. I'd have to be careful around him, he gave me an odd feeling.

I think I saw the footprints before he did, but I kept quiet and after a short while he stopped to have a look at them. I'd already felt the blood scent by then, and my ears lay flat against my head. Someone had been badly wounded, and that was only told by the scent.

I heard a trace of, what? Joy? In his voice when Cyldreen asked me to "sniff" the scent. I ignored it for the moment, I could think about his mood later.

"If whoever was wounded didn't have very strong magicka or potions, whoever it is is dead by now." I said, crouching by the tree trunk. Yes, it was the blood of either man or mer, the scent was somewhat masked by the smell of ash, so I couldn't say exactly. And ash, I'd guess that meant a tomb.

I got up on my feet and walked a few feet away from Cyldreen, then I crouched down again. I didn't have to concentrate for long before I felt that the scent had increased slightly.

"The rightful owner of the blood, is either man or mer, have recently been in contact with the dead and was heading this way." I turned to the breton with a slight smile and gestured towards the way where the scent got stronger. Then I turned again to follow the scent, not waiting for the breton to catch up with me. As we got closer the scent became more distinct and I became certain that we had with a tomb to do. I shrugged when I realized that the scent of ash probably had to do with undead. It usually did, though most of the times that I'd come across it in Cyrodiil I'd steered clear of it.

Posted by: ureniashtram Sep 25 2010, 05:16 PM

EDIT* I have another question.. and again I posted it by PT. tongue.gif

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

Cyldreen, for want of a better word, impressed by the Khajiit. But then again, all of the Folk in Elsweyr are excellent scouts and other rogue-ish types; that's what won them the Five Year War between the Elves of Valenwood.

He followed her, and as they cautiously walked, the Breton's skin became prickled and the hair at the back of his neck became rigid. The air around them suddenly became... sinister? Normal person would only feel unusual cold, but to a mage the feeling of undeath can be compared to a bite of a mosquito to an unsuspecting skin.

While Cyldreen is no accomplished mage, the blood that courses within his entire body warned him of the presence of the undying. He silently gave thanks to whoever made him a Breton; the blood of the Man-Mers were useful at odd times.

And now, they stopped at the front of beat-down door that leads to Malacath-Knows-Where and the feeling of something wicked just became more intense.

Cyldreen might laugh and become merry when murdering someone alive, but the thought of encountering the ones who rosed from the dead made him feel ... different, for lack of a better word. He considered this carefully, while hefting with his axe with his eyes closed. When he was troubled, he found out that interacting with his weapon somehow gave him comfort.

Not that I'm scared, of course but... I might be bloodthirsty, but I'm not stupid either. I know a hopeless when I see one. Maybe we should turn back..? No. Where was the raging breton that ripped the throat of a Legion general? I made some unforgivable acts and I'm scared of some zombies and ghosts? This isn't Cyldreen.

He opened his eyes and it glinted with determined bloodlust before melting to a smile that appeared Cyldreen's lips. He stepped forward and reached out to push the warped wood. And when his fingers brushed the surface, it felt.. dead to him. Just like the inhabittants of this particular tomb. He sucked in a breath before releasing it, and when he did, he pushed open.

The sound of wood scratching against soil was like a dead woman's shriek and it sent shivers on Cyldreen's back. It was also louder that he expected. But the sound didn't matter, it was irrelevant. What was important was the blackness infront of him. Even daylight didn't touch the entrance, just... void.

"Well, I've always wanted to die in a dark cave. Even in death, I want my skin pale and not brown," he muttered under his breath and cast a flare spell. Its light gave Cyldreen something to see, and the thing he saw was just a narrow hallway. The floor beneath, much to his suprise, was made of red tiles. Although time did it no justice, it was still clean, albeit a little unsteady and ready to break when enough force is applied enough. On the other side was an intricate door.

There were some kind of designs, but the Breton couldn't see the details. It was fortunate that there was a piece of wooden staff nearby, although he didn't know why it was leaning at the side of the door, it was nonetheless useful for creating a torch. He just needed a cloth to wrap around the tip.

Time for your test, kitty.

He swirled with the grace only the most adroit spy could vave and faced the Khajiit.

"Ladies first," again the tone of serpentine deception was hidden by the voice of a persuasive viper. He smiled, bowed in friendly way and gestured her to go first. He kept his eyes neutral, though, for the Khajiit were experts at reading people's feelings, or so he heard. He just hoped that the woman in front of him didn't picked up on his deceitful plans.

Posted by: DarkZerker Sep 25 2010, 06:59 PM


Tess anxiously awaited a move by both Riden or Kaye but when nothing came, she intervened. "Kaye, what right do you have to control what others are doing? Hm?"

She turned to Riden, "And you promised me your work wouldn't interfere with us!"

Riden sighed, "Yes...yes I did."

Tess gleefully clasped her hands, "So we aren't going to go anywhere with you two at each others necks."

Riden chuckled a little bit, "You know the ironic thing is that I am a weapons engineer. You see, ever since the Oblivion crisis, my type of business has been at an all time low so I make it up with selling all sorts of toys. Of course nothing can separate me from my family business."

Tess shrank down and started to explain in a quiet sweet voice, "Riden's side of the family was always a family of you do what you are trained to do. Just like he trained our child to be an assassin."

"So sure...go on and try to stop me from my works but I promise you, that would be a grievous mistake. Until I get back to Cyrodiil, I'll do what I want."

Posted by: saqin Sep 26 2010, 07:11 AM


Stepping aside to let Cyldreen open the door, I meanwhile shuddered at the thought off meeting the undead. But none the less I followed him inside, taking my bow and putting an arrow against the string. A silver arrow. When we entered the cave I instantly used nighteye to see, and what met my eyes weren't pretty.

There was a slight change of color on the floor, irregular spots. Most likely of blood. And well, many other things that one would expect when coming into a tomb.

"Ladies first," I looked at him when he spoke. He'd turned around to face me, smiling. But looking at his eyes I knew the smile didn't reach them. Still I didn't flinch when walking ahead of him, because after all, I had the best eyesight.

Walking further I began hearing the rough noise of bone against the floor, and about the same time I saw a door. Ears against my head, and the hair on my back standing, I carefully pushed it open. Then I took a step backwards and raised my bow.

I never liked undead, because you shouldn't have to kill something twice. I've killed loads of bandits and predators, even a few mages, during my time as a mercenary. But I've never really gotten into fighting the undead, partly because bow and arrows doesn't do much good against them. Especially not against skeletons.

The skeleton had the most blood chilling look. It looked as if though it smiled when it ran against me. It held an axe in it's hands. Without any further thought, I released the arrow, and the skeleton staggered when the silver made contact to it's chest.

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 27 2010, 06:53 AM


Nelacar was aware of the potentially volatile situation around him, but his eyes were fixed on the Imperial woman. She had the look of a spellcaster, which is what initially drew his gaze. But there was something else.

Purple eyes?

He put the thought into the back of his mind and listened to Kaye and Riden for a moment before interjecting.

"It might be unfair to ask you to switch professions, Riden," he began, wondering why he even bothered playing peacemaker, "But perhaps you could show a bit more restraint. You've brought enough trouble on all our heads already. I intend to help Cyldreen to find the roots, and if you and Kaye are coming along, it would be best if we weren't at each others' throats."

Were it not for Cyldreen's quest, Nelacar would never have involved himself. Making peace was the way of the monks, but practicality was the way of the mage. Riden's skills as a killer would be useful on their journey, and Kaye's good sense would as well. As far as Nelacar was concerned, the better the two got along, the easier the road ahead would be.

The monks have made me soft. Why do I care if some humans kill each other?

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 27 2010, 08:18 PM

Kaye Soscean

There were a hundred things he wanted to say but he realized that he was just slamming his head against a brick wall. Besides, Nelacar had a point, even if he probably hadn't meant it quite this way. Expecting Riden to do an instant 180 was foolish. If the man could be swayed that easily, they wouldn't be having this argument right now.
"What right do I have to control what others do, to meddle in their affairs? None whatsoever, nobody does. From where I am standing however, controlling the method and time of people's death is far worse form of meddling. I wouldn't dare call myself human if I didn't object to that. But fine, for the moment I'll be satisfied if you promise not to go on any more killing sprees without provocation. Frankly, I hope the same of Cyldreen but I'll get to that later. However, this does not mean that my final goal has changed. Just that I am willing to make it a long-term one rather than a short term."

"Hmmph, family tradition. Traditions change. The farmer splits the land between his sons till it becomes too small to live from. Some move to the cities to find work there, others try their luck with new farming methods. Traditions change, whether it is that of farmer or assassin. And some traditions should change."

Posted by: DarkZerker Sep 28 2010, 12:45 AM


"Very well, I'll stop killing more citizens unless there's a good opportunity. For Tess' sake."

Tess smiled and pulled the assassin along, "Come on, I think Cyldreen is wondering where we are."

Riden looked back at Kaye and the Altmer, "Pick up the pace," He snapped. All he could think at that point was where his son was in this land and wondered if he'll meet him on the road for the roots.

Posted by: ureniashtram Sep 28 2010, 06:54 AM

Cyldreen Mon'cheri

"Get back, you Khajiit," the breton cried as he charged with his axe raised. SOme of the tiles broke when the spy closed the distance between him and the skeleton. Although the silver arrow caused enough damage, it wasn't enough to actually kill it. The undead quickly took notice of the raging Breton and its attention on Saqin vanished.

"Take this!" a swing from Cyldreen's axe met the barbed tip of another axe. The impact sent painful shockwaves on his forearm, and although it slowed down the speed of another attack, Cyldreen nonetheless ignored it. What he didn't expect was a fist heading on his stomach.

Uggh! ... That bone is like steel! I should've brought the pistol!

Staggering backwards, he barely evaded a chop that tried to introduce itself on his skull. The breton cursed and sent a kick on the skeleton's shins. It's balance upset, Cyldreen quickly took advantage and bowled the undead to the ground.

It quickly tried to stand up and retaliate, but two of its legs being reduced to dust prevented it to do so. Cyldreen sent it back to the other world with a ball of fire on its face.

"Somehow, I think that we'll encounter more of this type of undead if we delve deep. Makes me cry in joy!" the rage was building up in a demented heap of anger and it will not be long if the darker nature of Cyldreen clawed down the reasonable part of him.
Panting, he turned to the intricate door. Although some of the designs were faded, those remaining could put today's masons to shame. A full moon overlooking a valley filled with flowers were etched, and the ones on the side spoke of roses and somekind of castle.

Moon... Rose... Flowers and Castles? Why do I get the feeling that this is somehow related to Azura?

That thought vanished when he pushed open the door. It was darker than ten thousand midnights, and the torch that Cyldreen wielded revealed so little.

"Let's go!"

Posted by: saqin Oct 1 2010, 03:12 PM


I backed when Cyldreen charged towards the skeleton, and stayed out of his way when he fought it. I silently noted that he had some skill with his axe, and decided that it would be very foolish to ever make him angry. I looked around the room then, and saw a door on the other side just as Cyldreen finished with the skeleton. I shrugged when he called out, enjoying to fight undead? That's not normal.

I bent down next to the skeleton and took a look at the arrow. It was useless, and the axe that it had been wielding wasn't in any better condition. It was almost broken.

Walking over to the door I had a look at the pictures it showed. They where interesting, that's true, but I didn't think much of it when I followed Cyldreen into the opening. Still using nighteye, I had no troubles to keep up with him.

Posted by: minque Oct 1 2010, 04:20 PM


"Hey mister! Not so fast!" she spat looking at Riden "This poor man deserves a proper burial, and that is what he's going to get"

She was sincerely angry and still couldn't understand why Arille had to die...

"The citizens of Seyda Neen will probably hang you if they find out it was you who killed what's the deal? You either help burying him or the people here will find out what you a very mysterious way" Serene smirked.

She then turned to Nelacar and looked thoughtfully right in his eyes.

Do I know you from somewhere? You look familiar...

Posted by: DarkZerker Oct 1 2010, 11:50 PM

Riden & Tess

Riden turned around, his face a blank expression, "You can bury whoever you want. I really don't care."

He turned back towards the forest and continued walking. Tess stood back, "Sorry about that...he's a bit er...annoyed from the conversation before. I'll help bury him if you want. " She gave the Imperial a light smile, "But please don't report him to anybody...for your sake."

Posted by: minque Oct 2 2010, 12:14 PM


So he's that type of man! Very well he'll soon be aware of who he's dealing with

Serene looked at Tess with a faint smile

"Thank you, I can need a hand with this, another thing though..I am not the least afraid of that ..that man of yours, just so you both know!"

"Ok then let's get on with this"

Shall I ask for help to carry the corpse or...shall I just do it myself? Better not reveal too much..yet

"Please gentlemen could you help me carry Arille inside? I need to prepare him for his last journey"

Posted by: jack cloudy Oct 2 2010, 01:43 PM

Kaye Soscean

Kaye watched Riden go with a heavy heart. He knew that he really shouldn't just watch the man go. He could not afford to let the assassin leave his sight. On the other hand, Tess had chosen to stay and do the proper thing. Riden would be back, if only for her.
"I will help, it is the least I could do." He therefore said and kneeled down to gently take Arille into his arms. Most of the eyes in twon were upon him, or upon the corpse he helt. It made him nervous and self-conscious but he swore not to show any of it. Right now, his duty to a man he'd never known was more important than his feelings regarding himself.
"Please lead the way, lady."

Posted by: DarkZerker Oct 2 2010, 04:33 PM

Riden & Tess

As Riden walked away, he could make out a few words Kaye had said, "Riden would be back, if only for her."

He mentally slapped himself, knowing that he would eventually return. Why not now? He trailed behind them, staying back but not caring to let his presence be known.

Tess walked silently with the others and finally spoke up, "You know, Riden isn't a bad guy...he's just doing his job."

The assassin hearing this, smiled a little and continued to trail the group.

Posted by: ureniashtram Oct 2 2010, 05:07 PM

Cyldreen Mon'cheri

The breton, to say the least, was frustrated.

In front of him was an impenetrable darkness, the torch was useless and to top it all off he can't cast a single night-eye or light spell. He sighed and went to another solution; use all of his reserves of magicka to enhance the torch's job. He did so and the light that surged from his fingertips to the wood revealed a room with a tomb on the sides. The walls were carved in to fit the grave, and by its sides were urns.

There was also a door by them, and seeing no other way to proceed, the breton went. Each step he took sent a unwanted shivers on his spine and dragons on his stomach. He could practically see the evil emanating from the warped wood for a door.

The source of this evil is there, waiting and preparing. I wonder who corrupted this tomb and turned it into a lair of the risen dead? A necromancer or something far more sinister? Whatever the case, I should proceed and end the kitty's test.

And as his hand touched the handle, he fought the urge to scream and grovel. His hairs were rigged, imaginary worms worked their way inside him and his gut were heavy with lead. He closed his eyes and tried to remember his training on Orsinium, but something kept him from doing so. Something held back the thoughts that would calm and enrage him. Something teased him into reaching the memories of hate and bloodlust, and when he can practically tap those emotions to his advantage something denied him the savage bliss of rage at the last minute. Something... Something... Something...

Sheer terror.

A malicious snarl borne out of fear came out of his mouth and he took a step backwards to kick open the door. The first thing he noticed was the odor that rammed itself at his nose. It was enough to make Malacath wrinkle his nose, and Cyldreen's eyes watered. But that wasn't the one that would gave him nightmares for the first time in a long time.

Bones were on top on each other, creating a perverted version of a hill. Skulls stared everywhere and nowhere, rib-cages that once held living organs now housed rotting intestines filled with sawdust and maggots. Flies were bustling joyously as they feast upon the remains of those who were dead. Torches made of flesh and burned with magical ashes that was once bones lined up in a line, revealing disgusting details not worth mentioning.

One noteworthy detail was at the center, however. A table, covered by tissues and bloodied veins knitted together to make a cloth, was sitting ten feet from Cyldreen and an alchemist' tools were all lined up. Mortars and pestles were numberless, as well as retorts and alcinators.

"I see we have a visitor.. I bid you welcome, adventurers. It is not often old Vaerecor have some ... guests to entertain," a tall figure emerged from the shadows and its body was covered in black rags that concealed the whole of the figure's body, making it hard to know its race. It's voice was painfully male, however and by the sing-song, dead-to-the-world haughtiness that rang from it, it made him a-

An Altmer. Even without the High Elves' trade-mark pointed ears, I can still distinguish them by the tone of their voice.

One interesting, if not morbid, aspect about the Elf was his eyes. The right one was like the deep sea; calm and treacherous, unknowable and unending. The other one rivaled the largest lakes at the Realm of Mehrunes Dagon. Crimson like blood, hot like the flames of Oblivion and forever raging. Just staring at it drained Cyldreen of his bravery.

It's like staring at Death before receiving His most beautiful Kiss...

"Ah.. A breton.. I have been tempted to go to High Rock just to test your kind," his voice was gravelly due to Time's Touch, but it still held a sense of beauty; like a summer day in a forest, hiding its most fatal predators. Then, the necromancer's attention turned to the one beside Cyldreen.

The Khajiit.

Posted by: Dantrag Oct 2 2010, 06:54 PM


Nelacar was surprised that his words were heeded, and no blood was shed. He wasn't sure what Riden's definition of a 'good opportunity' was, but it was better than nothing. Not questioning his good fortune, he plodded along with the others to bury the trader. In any other situation, though, he would not be so peaceful. The sight of the dead altmer put a sour taste in his mouth, and the knowledge of how it happened made him sick.

One of my own, killed by a pathetic human with no fair fight.

Nelacar rolled his eyes when Tess began to defend Riden, and wanted nothing more than to tell her that her husband was a worm, and not even worth the dirt he crawled in. But it was not the time.

"That is a conversation for another time, girl. You disrespect the dead when you speak of his murderer."

Posted by: saqin Oct 9 2010, 02:35 PM


Following Cyldreen through the door the most blood shilling smell came upon me. My ears lay flat against my head and the hair on my back stood up before the full realization hit me. Wrong, evil and undead were only a few of the words that went through my head at that moment. When the word blood came up, my lips drew back I bared my teeth for a growl before I was able to stop it.

Looking around in the suddenly brighter room, I saw the door that where only a few paces away from us. The stench was more concentrated around it, and I nearly reached out to stop Cyldreen. But the breton was already at the door.

"Hunter, if I survive finding the roots I'm settling down as a hunter. Shouldn't ever have accepted the job in the first place." I muttered quietly when he kicked in the door, leaving me with little choice but to follow.

I drew in a deep breath when I saw the pile of skeletons and the table in the middle. They could not hold my attention for long however, and when I looked around I saw the dark shadow standing by the wall, even with night eye I could barely see him. Apart from the somewhat glowing eyes. I tried to step back from it, but found that my body was paralyzed.

"I see we have a visitor.. I bid you welcome, adventurers. It is not often old Vaerecor have some ... guests to entertain," I did the only thing I could when the altmer stepped forward, stood still.

"Ah.. A breton.. I have been tempted to go to High Rock just to test your kind," It spoke to Cyldreen, before turning to me. "And a khajiit. I'd think all of your kind would be following the mane at this time." I felt as if though I'd shiver. He looked at me with something that could almost resemble a smile.

Posted by: ureniashtram Oct 9 2010, 08:23 PM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

The breton's breath stopped at his throat and all of his muscles stilled. Thoughts were blank and meaningless, emotions just obstacles in the way waiting to be broken. Conscience and reason held no point for him, and restraint was a poison, a forbidden fruit. Love was an imaginary belief, useful in some ways but always expendable. Good or evil were the makings of sacrosant and weak people, using those two as an excuse as a means to an end. Mercy was the deceiver and greatest liar of all, for those who lend 'mercy' are those of who are lesser stature, pawns of superior ones who didn't dare let 'mercy' go in the way of their goals and/or destiny. To clasp your wish is to be determined and emotionless, unrelenting and persistent. Like a landslide or a thunderstorm.

And what Cyldreen wanted was the necromancer in front of him to scream for mercy, and begging Cyldreen Mon'Cheri for restraint and peace when he's in the border of madness is comparable to a man wishing to be the Sun.

The Red Mist rosed and by this dark dawn rising in his mind, it overshadowed the spy's earlier fear, instantly taking its place along with never-ending hatred and barely contained rage. His iris shrank, sounds becoming mute to his ears and only the heaving breaths that he took was the only thing that entered the two chasm in his head.

"I will decorate this ancient walls with your entrails, weakling," his own voice was foreign, belonging to somewhere else but not in him. His tone was grating, like an axe scraping against razor or groups of teeth gnashing together to torment ears nearby with their uncomfortable sounds.

Then, without warning, Cyldreen sprang from his reverie and raised his axe for a slash, all the while howling like a frenzied Dremora. Vaerecor responded by sending some swarms of fire, balls of pure flame that exploded when it seared Cyldreen's armor. This further enraged the berserking Breton and he quickly closed the distance and sent his axe crushing down downwards, eager to split the Altmer's head in twain and make a river of brains and other gray matter.

When it did hit, it sent rumbling earthquakes on Cyldreen's arms and it nearly broke. Letting out a yell out of more-or-less anguish, the Breton struck again and again, and with each strike and collition at the barrier he ignored the lightning pain that it caused. Vaerecor relied on his Shield spell as he readied and charged a spike made of pure frost.

Finally, one strike sundered the spell completely and his axe buried deep on the mage's shoulder, netting a yelp of suprise and pain from the elf. Cyldreen laughed like a demon as he pulled his axe with blood spurting and staining his face, but one thing he missed was a fist frozen by magic heading for his jaw.
The force of the punch itself was not powerful, but the ice exploding sent severe anguish for Cyldreen. It didn't stagger him, but just enough for the necromancer to follow-up by spreading his palm in front of the dazed spy's face and muttering a lightning spell. That made Cyldreen stagger and cover his face in an attempt to ease the pain. By doing so, however, he was forced to drop his axe. The mage then raised his hands and by this he conjured up whatever magicka he had for a gigantic ball of chaotic energy.

Doing so however, disabled any spells he cast earlier on. Particulary, the paralyze spell pn Sa'Qin. The breton didn't notice it however, for the only thing that registered on his mind was hate.

"I will feast upon your intestines, elf!" the breton cursed as he ran without warning and tackled the Altmer to the bloodied ground, completely stopping the spell being thrown. The spy was the first to recover as he stood up and proceeded to stomp Vaerecor's head in. The mage anticipated this, for he grabbed Cyldreen's foot before it struck and sent his elbow against Cyldreen's knee. This made the man-mer lose balance, and land face-first beside the necromancer. Blood gushing forth from his nose, the breton shakily stood up before being flung to the wall by a lightning spell on his back. Once again, Cyldreen's face took the brunt of the damage, completely incacapating him.

OOC: The rest is all yours, S. tongue.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy Oct 11 2010, 10:10 PM

Kaye Soscean OOC: I'm taking a few liberties here, ok? Feel free to hand out your objections, suggestions and comments so I can edit later on if needed.

Serene led them into the trade house which, at this early hour, was still empty. Being a small town where everyone knew and trusted each other, the old trader had found little need to replace the worn out lock on the equally worn out door and Kaye had opened it easily after giving it a few nudges with his foot. Silently, he thanked the now lost tranquility of the town. The macabre prospect of rummaging through Arille's pockets for a key had been something he'd feared.

"Take him upstairs. He usual...used to rent out a room to travelers in the back. You can put him on the bed." Serene instructed. Kaye stumbled up the stairs without a word. He lowered the Altmer onto the bed, folded his hands across his chest in what was the proper burial posture in his land of origin, then stepped back to let the woman start her preparations.

Posted by: DarkZerker Oct 12 2010, 01:20 AM

Riden & Tess

Tess stared at the lifeless body of Arrile and for some reason, felt no regret. After 16 years of living with Riden, she learned to accept the daily and weekly deaths he did. But in any case, she still loved him and wanted to defend his right.

Riden looked from the stairwell and felt a bit of pride at seeing his work of art preserved like that. He didn't reveal himself but he knew that somebody probably heard him coming up the stairs.

Posted by: saqin Oct 29 2010, 07:05 PM


I could do nothing but stare when Cyldreen charged towards the necromancer. By that time, his behaviour scared me almost as much as the undead of the tomb, but I managed to hide my fright.

Seeing the necromancer collect his powers, I suddenly felt my body leave it's paralyzed state, but there wasn't any time to react before a lightning spell hit Cyldreen in the back. What I did next I still don't understand. I should have ran, when faced with a choice between possible death or leaving someone else to die, I always chose the second option. But now, I didn't.

As the necromancer readied a dagger to finish Cyldreen of, I put a silver arrow to my bow, and shot. In the cramped space the arrow hit him hard in the left shoulder, causing the man to stagger. Then he turned towards me, preparing a spell. I put another arrow to my bow, and he interupted his spell to charge against me again. But I had already pulled the string back, and it hit him right in the chest.

I stood still for a moment, not daring to approach the altmer though I did not know how he could have survived it. When the necromancer didn't move, I turned my attention towards Cyldreen.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, kneeling beside him, unsure of how bad the damage was.

Posted by: ureniashtram Oct 30 2010, 12:47 PM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

Pain in my chest. Ripples of agony swimming across my whole body. Legs doesn't feel like it is there anymore. My eyes tried to open, but blinding light stopped the movement. Pain. I opened them and resisted the pain. Remember training. But... the darkness. The darkness looms over the sides of my eyes, and it doesn't go away. Go away. Make it go away! Its making its blasted way to fully blanket my sight! Somebody, help! No! No, no no!

A gasp made its exit from Cyldreen's mouth as he rose up into a fetal position. He hugged his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around his ankles. Quivering rosy lips made whimpering noises as shameful tears rollled down from his eyes to his sharp cheek.

Star-shining eyes because of tears looked up to see.. Nothing. Bleakless, colorless lands, devoid of anything. Of life. Again, fear rose up to his throat that escalated into a wail. In this situation he felt completely hopeless and desperate for help. For anything. He felt like he was a child again, afraid of the dark. The only thing that gave him courage was his foster-father's encouraging words.

"Never be afraid of the dark, my child. Always know that Light follows."



Pain in my chest. Rotten smell of something dead. Ripples of agony swimming across my whole body. Sounds of someone saying some incoherent words.. Where am I? Am I dead?

Finally, the breton's eyes truly opened and the first thing his eyes laid upon was golden slits of orbs staring back at him. His first reaction was this was the eyes of a demon that needed to be slain. Until he finally realized that this was the Khajiit, Sa'Qin. He tried to sit up and examine his wounds, but a nerve-wracking pain that erupted in his neck made lay still, groaning in agony. His training kicked in and pain in him became pleasure and Cyldreen thrived upon the unpleasant feeling.

I love thi- wait. I'm supposed to be dead, supposed to not feel pain. Well, if the afterlife is doing what you should've done in real life, then I'll play along.

"Damn it, I'm supposed to be dead! I even heard my father's voice, and he's supposed to be dead! Oh, well."
he morbidly joked to the Khajiit infront of him. "If you tell me I'm actually alive and breathing, I swear, I'm going to the Nine's realm and complain that this isn't funny."


Posted by: saqin Nov 15 2010, 05:52 PM


I raised my hand to touch the breton just as he gasped, and instead I waited. Tears came from his eyes, and they both surprised and disturbed me. How should I, whom have never done a caring act in my whole life, and have shied away from those who wanted to care for me, react in such a situation? I did not know, and so I simply waited.

When his eyes finally opened, he did not seem to know me, but then a look of recognition came into them. When he spoke a bad joke came out, and I almost laughed.

"Could you wait with that until after we've found the roots? Or at least until the others have seen that you're alive? I don't think they'll trust me if I return without you and tell them that you're meeting the nine." I said smiling, but then continued more seriously. "You need a healing potion or something, do you have any with you?"

Posted by: ureniashtram Nov 30 2010, 12:09 PM

Cyldreen Mon'Cheri

So I am alive. Damnit.

The breton, still near Death's door, looked at the khajiit beisde him. In all honesty, he can't believe that she managed to kill the necromancer who took this cave as his infernal lair. He, who managed to knock a breton's consciousness away from him with a spell, was felled by a roguish khajiit.

I've seen stranger things, I guess.

Shaking away such irrelevant thoughts, he brought his hand to his neck, grasped it with a firm grip and muttered the words of healing. Instantly, he felt as if cold water was thrown at him followed by a sensation of aetherial massaging. His injuries healed before him.

"Not that I would waste such valuable potions after a fight, but I'm not exactly invincible like a dunmer demigod. Could you please help me stand up? After that, though, I could do the rest myself." courage shined his words, and it will take perceptiveeyes to see through Cyldreen's facade. In truth, he said this to regain some of his dignity.

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