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Posted by: Lord Revan Jul 31 2007, 04:52 AM

Let's continue boys and girls

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Jul 31 2007, 09:40 PM


Amrita just happened to look up at the right moment to see the kiss. Before she could control herself, she groaned loudly in annoyance, but quickly silenced herself as she realized what she had done.

Talking didn't actually remove her invisibility among the shadows, but it could still draw enough attention to warrant a detect life spell which could reveal her. Instintively, she rushed over to an alleyway, hoping that if a spell were used, they'd think she was an alley cat of some sorts.

From the alleyway, she continued to watch the couple, her bottom lip being bitten in self anger.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 1 2007, 05:03 AM

Dalrus, The Imperial City

Dalrus was surprised despite the fact that she expected to be kissed. She had never kissed someone so affectionately and she enjoyed every moment of it. Her eyes closed she continued to kiss him tenderly. She wasn't sure but she thought she felt the wind blow a little harder as they stood there, and the situation seemed to brighten, who cared about the snakemen anyway?

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 1 2007, 05:20 AM


Rann's senses told him that something wasn't quite right, and he'd heard a strange sound, but he ignored his better judgement in favor of the beautiful woman he was lucky enough to be with at the moment.

When the moment ended, and they put a bit of space between them, Rann whispered, "Don't look, but I think we're being followed. Act natural, but stay alert."

I guess a moment's peace is too much to ask for. he thought bitterly, having half a mind to seek out and thrash their unknown follower for putting a halt to their affections.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 1 2007, 12:57 PM

Dalrus, Imperial City

Dalrus winked at him to let him know she understood and the two continued on their walk, more alert, but holding hands. She was going to fry the person who stopped their moment of affection, and hoped she would have a chance to see who it was. She couldn't help thinking about the moment a few minutes ago and smiled. Then she wondered how Satyana would take it.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 1 2007, 06:15 PM


He walked along beside Dalrus, looking around while not making it obvious that he was doing so. He wasn't sure if this follower was malicious or just nosy, and that lack of knowledge made him a little uneasy.

He considered calling out their unwanted visitor, but he'd almost died for similar mistakes and it wasn't something he wanted to risk with Dalrus around, so they just walked back towards the Tiber Septim. Rann's hope was that the amount of people around the hotel would discourage the sneaky follower.

Posted by: minque Aug 1 2007, 08:46 PM


While having her drink she wondered where Rann was

"Did he leave ,Issac? "she asked.. "And was it Dalrus I saw?...I wonder, Rannie used to have a soft spot for her" Satyana laughed, not at all displeased by that...Dalrus was ok....also as sister-in-law!


"Why of course we need some kind of priest, to do the formal thing" Brianna smiled, " but we can as well other things in the meantime. They might still have a room left at the Tiber Rahvin, my dear, shall we?"

Brianna leaned forward to kiss him....

"Mmmm.....Rahv....I like the smell of you"

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 1 2007, 10:56 PM


Despite the relatively good quality of the wine, the taste was lacking, but then, he had heard that you had to "acquire taste" for some wine. Still, Issac managed to hide his grimace as the liquid went down his throat.

He looked up when Satyana brought up Rann leaving with Dalrus. As she spoke a large grin spread over his face, he found it just as amusing as she did. "I don't think he ever lost that soft spot. I'll bet that they will walk back in here, hand in hand."
As he turned to look at the tavern entrance, Issac spotted the two walk in. Seeing them holding hands, Issac had to turn around to hide the fierce smile that he wore. After a few moments he succeeded in calming down.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 1 2007, 11:23 PM

The Silhouette, Outside the city

While the city was surrounded by most of his army, dissappearances were happening over the rest of Cyrodiil. People who might have been able to ralley a defense for the city would suddenly leave without warning. Fear struck the hearts of people in almost all the provinces, for it was not just in Cyrodiil that these kidnappings happened. No where seemed safe and with the continent mostly under his control, besides the defense the escape of the Morrowind army to the Imperial City.

While the Silhouette had not directly taken control of the continent, he would kidnap the leaders before any action would be taken, a lot of people refused to believe something was going on in Cyrodiil, and turned a blind eye.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 2 2007, 01:46 AM


Suddenly, the King of Worms felt the vampire with three souls enter the immediate area. Mannimarco knew that the black soul gem was on its way, but he needed more time for it to arrive. Casting a ball of black energy, Mannimarco shot it off in the direction that the vampire's presence was strongest. The ball exploded sending tendrils of energy randomly off into the army. The black energy removed skin and tore through armour, and Mannimarco made another spell ready.

The King of Worms felt the soulgem draw closer, but it was still too far away.


Walking back to his tent, and feeling good about himself for the first time in a long while, Astratus breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Karn sitting in his tent. "Evening, let's get down to business, shall we?" Astratus said, sitting across from Karn.

There was a strong urge to grab for a drink, but Astratus suppressed it, and then said, "I have had my men looking for you for a while, but no matter, there are more imortant thing to talk about. There is a sewer system in the city, and also the docks are unguarded. I do not have the men for a dock defence and a sewer defence, and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind reinforcing one of these positions so I can focus troops on a different strategical point."

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 2 2007, 03:50 AM

Ian, facing off

Ian got up slowly. When sudden motion appeared on his enhanced senses, the vampire lept back and rolled on the moist grass to evade the percieved attack. He looked around to survey the results, two out of a trio of goblins nearby were shredded by the attack.

And from the screams of pain and outrage Ian heard, the cuyrse had struck more of the army. Maybe we'll get lucky, and they'll attack Mannimarco. He thought dryly. Cloaking his form, Ian moved off.

Now that Mannimarco had kindly given away his position, the vampire went on hunter's instinct, and made to stalk his target. Sprinting in a gently curving path toward a nearby wooden watch tower. Ian vaulted halfway up the twelve foot tall structure and then climbed the ladder to the top.

Upon reaching the observation point, the vampire spotted a mixed group of goblins, maruaders, and all the other groups whose members were apparently struck with Mannimarco's indiscriminate sorcery. As they made their way to the necromancer lord, Ian retrieved his bow and a bonemold arrow from one of his quivers.
The arrow had an freezing aura to it, this should give the necromancer a rude awakening. Ian tunred his attention inward for a few moments. "I'll have to concentrate to make this, tell me if anything tries to attack while I'm still aiming."

Karn, Astratus' Tent

He nodded slightly to the commander's greeting. "The funny things is," the Dunmer said casually. "Is that my kin are already held up in the sewers. That is the reason your men couldn't locate us, we've already gotten used to the smell."

"Oh," Karn added matter-of-factly. "There shouldn't be a rat problemin the Imperial City for a long time, we killed them all and piled them up in places where disease could fester without impeding our movements."

"Only the southern, eastern, and southeastern entrances are accessable from outside the city. But we have placed those under our guard."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 2 2007, 04:22 AM


He knew that Brianna was wanting a kiss, but instead of giving it, he scooped her up and began to carry her up the stairs.


Aerona spotted Rann and Dalrus entering the hotel again, and decided not to miss a second opportunity to do what needed to be done.

"Excuse me," she said to Sadril as she lifted her skirts and walked quickly down the stairs, almost running straight into Rahvin and Brianna.

"Rann!" she called as she neared the couple, choosing to ignore the fact that Issac and Satyana would know who betrayed them.

"Can I talk to you?" she asked quietly once she was standing in front of them, "Alone?"


Rann had barely crossed the threshold of the doorway when Aerona appeared. He was a little fearful, hoping Dalrus wouldn't think that Aerona was any sort of competition. He just felt a little responsible for the emotionally fragile vampire girl.

"Uh, sure," he answered, "I'll be right there."

As Aerona moved towards a secluded corner of the common room, Rann gave Dalrus a quick peck on the cheek.

"I'll be right back."

He met Aerona at a table across the room from their companions.

"What's going on?" he asked, pulling up a chair.

"You didn't hear this from me, but I had to tell you. I mean, you did save me from that creep a few weeks ago, and I thou-"

"Just spill it," Rann urged, realizing that Aerona was nervously rambling.

Aerona told him then of the conspiracy. Everything she knew that Satyana, Issac, and Ian had said in the room. Rann was shocked. Not that he didn't expect something like this from Ian or Issac, but Satyana? That felt like a stab in the back.

"Thanks for telling me," he said to Aerona as he stood and made his way towards Issac and Satyana's table.

"Mind if I sit?" he asked politely. It was obvious that something had him fired up, and it was obvious that the niceties came with difficulty.


There's a goblin coming from your right, but you've got time if you fire in the next five seconds. he informed Ian.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 2 2007, 08:50 AM

OCC: I was thinking of hitting 'Marco painfully, but not in a down-for-the-count way....


Issac picked up the strain in Rann's voice, something he had grown quite used to in these months of traveling with him. He shook his head, answering Rann's question, although he maintained no illusions that denying Satyana's brother would change anything.

"So, do you want some wine? I haven't really developed a taste for it." The Altmer asked, the offer a pathetic attampt at quenching Rann's flames. Doesn't this feel familiar? I guess it won't take more than a few heartbeats to find out what has Rann in this fine mood..... Issac mused pessimisticly, subtly bracing himself.


Without reply, the vampire let the frost bonemold fly. He watched for a heartbeat before jumping off his tower. Landing on the shack which provided foundation for the tower, Ian looked to see the arrow sink itself into the King of Worms' arm, just below the shoulder.

A thin coating of ice crawled up and down the necromancer lord's arm, partially encasing his shoulder. It was at that point at which the goblin he had been warned about approached him. Having not witnessed the shot, the goblin mogrel didn't know whether this man before it was friend or foe.
When the vampire went on its way after glancing at the goblin, the goblin could only assume it wasn't an enemy and followed suit.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 2 2007, 04:05 PM


He had been just about to let them both have it, but then he remembered that he had left Dalrus standing in the doorway. He most certainly didn't want to offend her by leaving her alone in the doorway, and she probably didn't want to witness the verbal fight that was sure to happen. That moment of pause allowed him time to think before he acted. He decided then that he would be able to do more if they didn't know that he knew. He visibly calmed and while that flame of anger inside him was quenched, there was still a fierce ember glowing.

"Yeah, I'll take wine," he answered while he got Dalrus's attention and motioned for her to join them.

Posted by: minque Aug 2 2007, 06:10 PM


"Oh!" she said when Rahvin ran up the stairs with her in his arms. She didnīt mind though...not at all. She held her arms tight around his neck, burying her face at his throat....feeling quite a matter of fact..happier than she ever had felt in her entire life. Her childhood had been strange, she was often left alone because her mother had better things to do than looking after her. Then her short life as Jadierīs mistress, now that wasnīt so bad, but even he had very little time for her. Now she felt that Rahvin would be with her....take care of her and above her!

Brianna sighed out of sheer joy....

At least I will die happy! But no!! I shouldnīt be thinking like that!


She had no idea why Rann acted weird. Because he did! Nobody eles seemed to notice, but she difd! Ran was angry..angry with her! She could feel it, but she had no idea why....Issac offered him some wine, and he acted civil, but Satyana had the feeling he actually wanted to smack Issac right in his face....and what he wanted to do with her...she could very well guess....and she didnīt like it at all.

Satyana was afraid of her brother.....very much afraid. Dalrus presence was probably the only thing that stopped him from.....hurting her. Oh aye, she was convinced that her brother wouldnīt hesitate hurting her if he found it to be the right thing to do.

She decided to say nothing....but she prepared herself to defend both Issac and hesrelf if Rann would do something. Rann wasnīt a magician....but she was and she wouldnīt hesitate to use magic on her brother in order to defend Issac....and herself!

OOC: Honestly, Danny, I have no idea why Rann is so angry with Issac and Satyana! I read back but I still donīt understand! blink.gif

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 2 2007, 06:47 PM


Cursing in an ancient tongue, Mannimarco felt for the vampire. The ice began to slow his thoughts, so Mannimarco cast a fire spell on his arm, incinerating it. Pain swirled in torrents in his mind, yet he kept his composure and noticed the vampire away near a tower. "Sniping bast---," was all Mannimarco could say before a courgeous goblin with his left arm missing took a swing at him. Mannimarco punched into the goblin's chest with his bad arm and drained life out of the goblin, converting it back into his arm.

"Any other challengers?" Mannimarco yelled as a sickly green light swirled around his injured arm. No one else approached Mannimarco, and the King of Worms felt the vampire in his thoughts. "So we like to play with ice, do we?" He muttered to himself. Weaving a tangled web of ice that he had cast on Issac and on a knight a long time ago, Mannimarco dropped the weave from the sky, missing on purpose, but only to distract the vampire.

Mannimarco then shot a wave of blood from one of the resurrected zombies towards Ian, crimson streaking across the field like an arrow. Mannimarco then used his mind to connect with Ian's vampire legs, compeling them to stop moving. Mannimarco ran towards the vampire, brandishing his staff and sending multicolored lights towards him, each with their own potent death spells.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 2 2007, 07:01 PM

Ian, putting up a fight

The unexpected impact of the huge chunk of ice on the ground near him cuased Ian to stumble slightly. When the stream of old blood, his grey robes became covered in the dark maroon liquid. While some vampires could drink all manner of blood, Ian spit the zombie's half-coagulated blood out of his mouth.

By then he was getting annoyed, but the anger skyrocketed when he toppled to the ground without warning. "Compassion," the vampire swore as he dug his wrist blades into the soil. Using them for leaverage, he launched himself a couple meters away, rolling in mid-flight.

Several curses flew past where he had been moments ago. Quickly, Ian drew his bow again and nocked an arrow with a fiery aura. This one seemed to have an area effect, so Ian aimed at the ground a little ways ahead of the charging Mannimarco.
Counting on the arrow's momentum to cause the fire enchantment to wash over his target, Ian let the arrow fly.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 2 2007, 07:16 PM


Watching the arrow land and suddenly burst into flame startled Mannimarco, and he only had time for a minor shield spell. The burnt smell of flesh and the hemmes of his robes went into Mannimarco's nostrils, and made him furious. "I am not losing this body!" he yelled as he stormed through the embers of the spell.

Mannimarco reached out with his hand and felt for the dead blood on Ian. He caused the blood to weigh septuple its own weight. Mannimarco projected a nightmare he suffered in Oblivion on a psychic wave that was ghastly white in appearence. He sent it hurtling towards the vampire to explode in energy when it reached its destinations. He ran next to a rogue mage and screamed, "Give me your magicka!" as he placed his hand on the mage's hand and drained him. The husk that was the mage fell to the ground, and Mannimarco used this last bit of magicka to summon the Black Soul Gem to his person. "Now you die a second time, slave!"

OOC: Not intending to kill, Ian should be able to get away, Mannimarco is almost empty.


"Most interesting that you have already made safe the sewers. Do you need anything, I can spare little, but you are putting your lives on the line for a city that you don't even need." After he spoke, he said to himself, "That no one needs..." Muttering on about the pointlessness of the city, Astratus turned back to Karn and offered him a drink. Astratus poured himself a glass of wine, then he stood up and unbuckled everything but his sword. He placed his things back in their places and sat back down across from Karn.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 2 2007, 07:19 PM


I know that I taught you that dispel spell for just this moment, he began, But I think reflect would be a bit more ironic, right? Trap him in his own soulgem?

It's a good plan, but you have to time it perfectly; you can't casst it too early and tip him off, but you can't do it too late and doom us all. Think you're up for it?

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 2 2007, 08:49 PM

OCC: Let's just say that Mannimarco lost his control over Ian's legs when he got scorched. The SIlhouete is free to appear anytime now, Florodine. Patholos can witness this, too.

Ian, fighting to the last

Even as he was burdened by the increased wieght of the blood covering him, Ian was relieved that the corrupting influence over his body had subsided. Even as Mannimarco sapped the magical strength of another mage, the vampire strained to lift himself up into a hunched, standing position.

The psychic wave covered half the distance, by the time Ian reacted to it. Chanting the first incantation that came to mind, the vampire was thrown through the air when the hex struck. Skidding across the ground, Ian noticed two things, the burden spells was waning somewhat, and his fortified magical reserves increased dramatically.

"An absorb magic spell, I didn't get all the magicka, but it seems that Mannimarco is running low anyway..." He muttured aloud to himself and his two soulbound allies. Less affected by the burden, Ian jumped to his feet.

With the extra magic, the vampire cast fortify strength upon himself and heating his wrist blades to red hot. The decaying flesh of the three zombie slaves parted easily as scorching steel sliced through them.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 3 2007, 04:50 AM


Rann poured his own glass of wine as he looked at the woman across from him. He couldn't help but realize that he and Satyana were drifting apart. It was partly his fault, he had to admit, but in his mind it was mostly hers. First she ignored his pleadings and refused to sit out the fight with Soldin and cost two lives that meant a lot to him. Now she went as far as backstabbing.

All I've ever tried to do is protect her and this is how I'm repaid. Well no more; I've learned my lesson.

His glass now full of the red wine, he held it up as he proposed a toast, "To loyal friends and family."

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 3 2007, 05:40 AM


Reluctantly, he answered Rann's toast and hid his grimace as he sipped the wine. Issac also held the urge to ask Rann right then and there what had him in such a fine mood. For some reason, he had a sinking feeling that this wasn't the typical exagerrated issue that they were all so used to.

Well, any time now, Issac thought to himself as he set his glass down.

Posted by: minque Aug 3 2007, 05:40 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 3 2007, 05:50 AM) *


Rann poured his own glass of wine as he looked at the woman across from him. He couldn't help but realize that he and Satyana were drifting apart. It was partly his fault, he had to admit, but in his mind it was mostly hers. First she ignored his pleadings and refused to sit out the fight with Soldin and cost two lives that meant a lot to him. Now she went as far as backstabbing.

All I've ever tried to do is protect her and this is how I'm repaid. Well no more; I've learned my lesson.

His glass now full of the red wine, he held it up as he proposed a toast, "To loyal friends and family."


She looked at her brother...she had this gift of sort of "knowing" or rather sensing what was going on in peopleīs minds..not that she was a thorough mind-reader, oh no, the only one who really could do that was her grandmother. But some of her gift had spilled over to Satyana.

What she "sensed" in Rannīs mind did not make her happy...ok she made a mistake, a severe one, that cost Soldin his life

By Nirn am I sorry for that!..It haunts me constantly, and I have to live with with knowing I caused someoneīs death, someone I cared for even more than you Rann!

But it was more! She had a strong feeling Rann thinks she betrayed him in some way!....But that was not her intention! She merely wanted to be loyal to the man she loved and intended to spend the rest of her life with!

Surely Rann would understand?...Or wouldnīt he? Sometimes he was not as mature as she expected him to be....sometimes he let feelings rule instead of really trying to see beyond what people did and what their motifs were for certain actions.

Satyana decided not to take up some conversation with her brother...she just sat quiet and sipped her wine...

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 3 2007, 08:11 PM

The Silhouette, Near the Imperial City

A large whisp of smoke seemed to be flying in the air towards Mannimarco and Ian. Soon, however, it began to take shape and the Silhouette landed without a noise near the two combantants. He smiled, a very evil dark smile and prepared his magic.

"Nanic'a," he uttered in Akaviri. A blast of purple energy poured out of the Silhouette's hand's toward Ian, a very hard curse that most could not support, a curse that simply killed.

Dalrus, Tiber Septim

Dalrus took her seat next to Rann and smiled at Satyana. She then noticed that there was some animosity between Rann and Satyana, could these be the brother and sister who Dalrus had left many months before? She raised her glass and repeated "To loyal friends and family," and with that she took a small gulp of wine.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 3 2007, 08:37 PM

OCC: I don't know for a fact that simply impeding a spell saves you, but I had to come up with something that didn't involve magic too complex for Ian. Note: The illusions aren't solid like Karn's carbon copies, and these spells should be within Ian's compacity as a master illusionist.


The Silhouete's appearance crushed the chance that Ian had to finish Mannimarco. As the Akaviri curse blasted toward him, Ian thought fast. He threw his durable steel shield at the oncoming attack, broadside facing toward the curse.

The curse struck the physical shield, which cracked as if suddenly turned to brittle glass and shattered. As the fragments fell to the ground, Ian made a choice, live to fight again. The vampire cast two powerful illusions, a red mist engulfed him and billowed over much of the area, twenty look-alikes appeared with him inside the viel.

With the ever-expanding red cload hiding the twenty-one red-robed vampires, Ian and his entourage made their escape.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 3 2007, 09:14 PM

The Silhouette, Outside IC

OOC: Yeah that would work.

IC: The Silhouette smiled, he liked a challenge, he began fireing off curses at many of the copies. Some disappeared while some dodged the attacks, he continued to fire at them though he made no move to chase them, afterall, they would die eventually.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 3 2007, 11:58 PM


As his copies were attacked, Ian made full use of his vampiric speed and agility. Closing the distance to Lake Rumare in a matter of seconds.

Just shy of the water, he vaulted, casting burden and water-breathing with his remaining magicka reserves.
As soon as he hit the water, Ian began to sink toward the bottom. With the burden spell keeping him from surfacing, the vampire was able to stride across the floor of the lake back to the Imperial City.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 4 2007, 01:33 AM


A Black Soul Gem pits the holder's soul against the soul of the victim, and Mannimarco knew this. Mannimarco felt the real vampire jump into the water, and he held the Black Soul Gem in place on his staff. Reciting the dark chant, Mannimarco sent a thin, gossamer-like line that was just on the edge of being physical, right into the water. It struck Ian and Mannimarco began to mentally recall the souls into the gem.

OOC: Ian ran out of magicka, so Mannimarco pounced, not intending to capture, technically, it's three on one, Ian and the others should win, however, an interesting twist it would be to have Kirana in the gem....


The Shadow Eaters all grabbed for their weapons as the fight began, and a few copies of Ian approached Patholos and his band. "Trading sides?," They said in unison, and attacked Patholos and the others. Before they did any physical damage, they dissapated. A vampire and a few snakemen overheard Ian's copies, and they attacked Patholos and the Shadow Eaters.

The band fought valiantly towards the shore, leaving a swathe of corpses in their wake. Patholos and three others sustained greivous wounds, and two were already dead, leaving one man fighting fit. They made it to the shore, but were then attacked by the undead. All the wounded went down and each died valiantly. The one man who was unwounded had a free escape, but he came back for Patholos and another. The Shadow Eaters and Patholos began to swim accros the lake and hope that the archers Astratus had enplaced were on that side of the wall.

OOC: Tried to make a dramatic escape, Ian could or couldn't be aware of what the copies said, tried to make an innocent betrayal, Ian could come across if Revan decides to win the battle

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 4 2007, 01:51 AM


Dispel! was all he had to communicate, hoping that Ian had indeed taken the spell to heart. If not, then there was no time to recite it again...

He felt the pull of the soul gem and prayed that Ian would cast soon enough.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 4 2007, 02:11 AM

OCC: Kirana can be taken, all the more reason for Ian to murder (kill just doesn't describe it anymore) Mannimarco.


He barely understood Cerpin's single word, but racked his mind for the incantation. A heartbeat later, Ian began reciting it, but the affect of the black soul gem took affect before he could finish. The Black Soulgem pulled at the souls within Ian like a vacuum.

Ian braced himself and held himself with a rare resilience.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 4 2007, 02:50 AM


Sweat glistened on his forehead as he pulled with his mind. The exertion Mannimarco was putting on himself showed with obvious intensity. Mannimarco concentrated and drained all of his strength, in an obsessive and twisted manner, trying to collect the three souls. Tearing at the link, Mannimarco gasped out loud, grunting with effort at a thing that onlookers couldn't see.

Suddenly, the Black Soul Gem burst aflame, but, retained no physical damage. The flames turned green and then black, making the now spinning Gem look like an item from Oblivion. Mannimarco placed his off hand directly in front of him and shouted a spell that lifted the object casted at into the air. The spell took some of Mannimarco's strength, and the link wavered, but still held. The spell rocketed towards the water, then plunged its way into the depths.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 4 2007, 03:58 AM


The cold shock accompanying the separation of one soul from his body stunned Ian. Suddenly, a medium sized rock a few paces infront of him stirred and rose at an angle. The rock grazed the vampire as it passed, making him lose his footing.

The empty feeling in Ian was hard to deal with, but his water-breathing spell was waning, so he hastened to the other side of Lake Rumare before it ended. As he rose from the water, tired emotionally and physically, the vampire stared back at the opposite shore.
"Who's still here?" The vampire asked, his mind so numb that he couldn't tell for certain if the remaining presense was Kirana or the other.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 4 2007, 04:10 AM


Just me, Cerpin answered, I'm sorry, Ian.

He did of course, know how to bring Kirana back, should her soul gem be discovered to be unused, but he had no idea of Mannimarco's plans for her soul, and he hated to bring it up to Ian.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 4 2007, 04:28 AM

Ian, outside the City Walls

Clenching one hand into a fist he pointed the same arm's spike at the direction of the place he had fought at such a short time ago. "Then I'll cast him down to the depths of Oblivion, and oblige Mehrunes Dagon the pleasure of burning the Maggot King in his realm's fires." Ian swore with the greatest resolve.

"But not now...." The vampire said as he turned toward where he sensed Patholos and and the two Narza Tai Shadow Eaters. "Revenge won't come first....." Ian started walking toward where the unwounded Shadow Eater was going to come ashore.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 4 2007, 04:36 AM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Aug 3 2007, 11:28 PM) *

Ian, outside the City Walls

Clenching one hand into a fist he pointed the same arm's spike at the direction of the place he had fought at such a short time ago. "Then I'll cast him down to the depths of Oblivion, and oblige Mehrunes Dagon the pleasure of burning the Maggot King in his realm's fires." Ian swore with the greatest resolve.

"But not now...." The vampire said as he turned toward where he sensed Patholos and and the two Narza Tai Shadow Eaters. "Revenge won't come first....." Ian started walking toward where the unwounded Shadow Eater was going to come ashore.


Just let me know when you need my help, he 'said'.

What are you doing now?

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 4 2007, 04:48 AM

OCC: From what I know about soul gems, the soul for lack of a better term in in a kind of stasis, and can't really have thoughts. I realize that Cerpin hasn't told Ian what the gloves do, but let's just go with it.


"First, I'm going to get back inside the city, get back to the group. Then I'll brake the news to them and them alone that Mannimarco is still blighting Tamriel with his continued existance...." He stopped for a moment.

"There's no point in telling them about Kirana, for all intents and purposes, she's dead, but all that matters to me is that she isn't gone." Ian had a thought, "Perhaps that glove of your could be of use."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 4 2007, 04:55 AM


It could, yes. And if you wouldn't mind helping me first, I wouldn't mind helping you get Kirana back and kill Mannimarco. Two people are better than one with a voice in his head.

He wondered if he should tell Ian that Kirana didn't want a body, but decided against it. He would help bring Kirana back if he could, and if she wanted to die from there she most certainly could.


Rann drank a large gulp after the toast, setting the empty wine glass down on the table immediately after. He was still deep in thought, thinking about how the number of people he actually trusted was slowly shrinking.

"Someone was following me and Dalrus," he said to Issac and Satyana, wondering if he could make them think that this mystery was what had him in a foul mood, "And I don't think he was friendly."

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 4 2007, 04:38 PM


From the alleyway, Amrita suspected that Rann and his companion were heading back to the Tiber Septim based on the direction they were heading. For someone that was just making out with a lady, Rann was glancing around a little too casually and not paying as close attention to his lady-friend before Amrita had made her noise. Obviously he was suspicious now.

She decided she would head a different way to the Tiber Septim. On her way there she glanced up and noticed that noon time was soon approaching, there would be a lack of shadows very soon. When she thought she was isolated enough, she re-appeared and walked casually back to the Hotel.

Deciding she wanted a drink, she entered the Hotel. A quick scan of the room revealed a slightly disgruntled looking Rann sitting with his and her sister as well as a few others. They were drinking wine. Instead of immediately heading over there, she went to the bar instead. She eased herself onto a bar stool and subtlely watch the group using her peripheral vision.


Flogir was awaiting a response from Altair when shouts erupted from the wall. He thought he overheard the call for archers.

"Damnit! Something's at the wall! If you want to continue this discussion, meet me there!" he said before hurrying to the walls.

Posted by: minque Aug 4 2007, 05:17 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 4 2007, 05:55 AM) *


Rann drank a large gulp after the toast, setting the empty wine glass down on the table immediately after. He was still deep in thought, thinking about how the number of people he actually trusted was slowly shrinking.

"Someone was following me and Dalrus," he said to Issac and Satyana, wondering if he could make them think that this mystery was what had him in a foul mood, "And I don't think he was friendly."


"Diversions" she muttered, taking another sip of her wine. "Look Rann, whatever you may think of me, itīs just not the way you think it is!"

She realised her outburst may cause Issac to wonder, but she just couldnīt stop herself....she couldnīt stand it anymore...

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 4 2007, 05:21 PM


"What really has you angry, it obviously pertain to us." He added, showing that he also knew that Rann was changing the subject.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 5 2007, 04:00 AM


It often does. he thought bitterly.

"I know that you're plotting against Altair," he said flatly.

"I know you don't like the guy, but this is going too far. I mean, a shapeshifter? Are you kidding me?"

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 5 2007, 04:28 AM


"Whether or not he truly is capable of it, Altair has been trying to get us to support his agenda, if he really wants a democrasy for that matter." He replied to Rann. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but he's never spoken to you about anything personal pertaining himself."

"Never has he given us any kind of history or past about himself, like he just popped into existance the day the Chancellor died. And instead of working on the homefront trying to gain support and trying to contact the other provinces, he's spent the last few months wandering around Cyrodiil with us." Issac's voice steadily lost the calm, informative aspect as he went on.

"I grew up with more aristocrats than the amount of slaughterfish in Lake Rumare. Explain why a politician is prancing around with a band of mis-adventurers instead of drying up his inkwell in his study." The Altmer agent challenged, staring intensely at Rann.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 5 2007, 04:38 AM


Rann matched Issac's stare.

"With the Imperial City under siege, there is no political forefront. Where is he going to go to garner support when there's no longer anywhere to do it?"

"And about his history, it's not so strange that he doesn't talk about it. What do you know of my history before we met in Chorrol?"

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 5 2007, 04:49 AM


"Family history?" He asked, in an annoyed tone. "Brianna Sarethi, the daughter of the Redoran nobles Serene and Athyn Sarethi, and Rhavin are your parents. You're profession is that of an assassin, just like your father's. And you worked for the Countess of Chorrol for most of your career, doesn't that sum it up, Rann?"

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 5 2007, 04:52 AM


"And how much of that have I personally told you about?" he pressed.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 5 2007, 05:03 AM


He muttered, "About half of what I've just recited, mostly because I've been close by when you were talking to Flogir and Jonath-" Issac stopped short of that particular name, remembering the young Breton who he had half-accidentally driven out of the group because of his lack of commitment.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 5 2007, 05:09 AM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Aug 5 2007, 12:03 AM) *


He muttered, "About half of what I've just recited, mostly because I've been close by when you were talking to Flogir and Jonath-" Issac stopped short of that particular name, remembering the young Breton who he had half-accidentally driven out of the group because of his lack of commitment.


"Exactly," he replied, "You pieced it all together because of mutual acquaintances like the presence of my mother, grandmother, father, and Countess Valga. I never spoke a word of my history to you, and since we and Altair have no mutual friends, we don't know as much. Besides, I bet you'd like him even less if he went around boasting of his exploits."

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 5 2007, 05:38 AM

OCC: Actually, Rann and Issac first met in the Imperial City, but I don't think it matters.


"Flogir and Flint haven't hid their pasts very hard, we all know what they did." He countered, "And I grew up in this city, you might not have a highly political upbring, but I had to learn politics. I've never heard anyone by the name of Altair pushing for democrasy, in fact, no one by that name even worked within in the Elder Council!"

"I'm telling you, Rann, no politician named Altair walked into the Imperial Palace before we met him at Chancellor Ocato's death." Issac shook his head, "Put your faith in a mer who didn't exist before this went to Oblivion if you want, but expect me to follow you, Rann."

With that, the Altmer rose from his chair and began walking upstairs,

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 5 2007, 05:47 AM


"Maybe we should ask Soldin who to put faith in," he muttered, possibly a bit too loud.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 5 2007, 06:04 AM

Ian, outside the Imperial City's Walls

Turning his gaze to the walls, Ian spotted at least eighteen archers nocking their arrows. The vampire did not break stride and continued to gaze at the men and women on the battlements with a blank mindlessness.
The sun made their silhouetes indistinct, dark shapes in the white glare. There was a moment when he saw a similar image, but only for a heartbeat. Then Ian's mind returned to his control and he closed the distance between himself and the Shadow Eaters, ignoring the archers completely.

He recognized Patholos immediately, the Dunmer's unique skin complexion reflecting some of the sun's radiance. Ian realized that his skin was beginning to sizzle under the sun's powerful rays. With haste, the vampire dragged Patholos and himself into the limited shade provided by the city walls.

The unwounded Shadow Eater followed moments later with his dying comrade slung over his shoulder. Once again, Ian looked up at the archers directly above him.


He didn't stopp as the name reached him. Still, Issac subtly reached down to grip one of his katana, but what stopped him was the realization that he was reached for the very blade he'd killed Kirana with so he let his hand fall to his side.

I Hope things work out for you, Rann. Issac thought as he ascended the stairway to the rooms.

Posted by: minque Aug 5 2007, 02:30 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 5 2007, 05:00 AM) *


It often does. he thought bitterly.

"I know that you're plotting against Altair," he said flatly.

"I know you don't like the guy, but this is going too far. I mean, a shapeshifter? Are you kidding me?"

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 5 2007, 06:47 AM) *


"Maybe we should ask Soldin who to put faith in," he muttered, possibly a bit too loud.


"RANN!, How could you? You just HAD to rub it in my face, right??" Satyana jumped to her feet, standing in front of Rann and Issac, shivering with anger and sorrow, tears spurting out of her eyes.

She turned around, trying very hard to compose herself..

How can he be so mean? He knows how I feel about Soldin..he knows!

"Didnīt Rahvin teach you at least some courtesy?" she asked silently

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 5 2007, 03:22 PM


"I may be rude at times, but at least I never stabbed you in the back," he answered.

Posted by: minque Aug 5 2007, 04:01 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 5 2007, 04:22 PM) *


"I may be rude at times, but at least I never stabbed you in the back," he answered.


"NO????? what did you just do, dear brother? Donīt you think Iīm sorry for Soldin??? huh? I have to live with it, that I caused his donīt!!! Besides...I just stood by Issac and Ian in this Altair-matter, it was definitely no harm to you in it...itīs Issac who Iīm going to spend my life with..not you!!!"

Satyanaīs eyes were dark from anger....her fists clenched

He never gives up....gah, how can we possibly have the same mother???...He at least has a father!.....I..I have nothing!

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 5 2007, 04:29 PM

OOC: Just going to add more fuel for Ian, maybe a little pain sent from Kirana to Ian via the previous connection,


Feeling a slight ripple in the link, Mannimarco pulled hard, and found that a soul had entered the Soul Gem. Mannimarco knew immediately who was in the gem, and he licked his lips in anticipation. He summoned an undead woman to his side, and bound it to the ground. Then Mannimarco embedded the Black Soul Gem in the undead's torso, and the stone began to shine. Mannimarcio knew there would be limited feeling, due to the fact that the Gem is blocking the soul from entering the body, but, he allowing the Gem to act as a canister, granting Kirana control of the dead body.

Mannimarco laughed, then lit the corpse on fire.


"I'm bleeding to death," he said to Ian, clutching a stomach wound. Patholos looked up at the vampire, wondering why the vampire decided to save him. "I don't have very long, please, get my master," Patholos groaned and then watched the wounded Shadow Eater breathe his last breath. The other Shadow Eater fell to one knee, and a single tear fell down his cheek. The Shadow Eater closed the eyes of his dead brother and then went to find Karn.

Patholos sent a message through the psychic waves, pleading for Karn. The message said that Patholos is dying, Karn is needed on the shore. Patholos turned his head to the water, and saw many snakemen swimming towards them. Patholos untied his eye bandage, and let his head rest against a rock.

OOC: Don't know if I want Patholos to die yet, Ian could offer vampirism and make Patholos decide whether or not to become a vampire...


A lieutenant burst into Astratus's tent, and said, "Sir, snakemen approaching the shoreline, archers in position, waiting for the order. Also, there are three people on the shoreline and one body, sir."

Astratus grimaced and then said, "So it begins,..., You have the order lieutenant, sent them to Oblivion." Astratus took a bow from his weapon cache and went to join the archers on the wall. He looked back at Karn and said, "You coming?"

OOC: Stole a one-liner than was used in the siege of Bruma, oh well, Astratus might have just enticed the Silhouette to attack...

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 5 2007, 07:03 PM


Feeling the psychic pull of his lieutenant, Karn nodded and stood. "Some of my people are on the beach, I'll meet you there." With that he dissappeared in a black cloud, and arrived just outside the city walls. He looked to his right and spotted Patholos and Ian, along with the body of the dead Shadow Eater.


Ian didn't speak until Karn appeared in a small could of black smoke. Before the sensei could speak, "Give Patholos some healing potions, I'll help deal with the Tsaesci!" Whatever Karn had intended to do, the Dunmer nodded producing a large vial to give to his second.

Meanwhile, Ian keenly felt the burning sensationfrom across the lake. The suffering further fueled his fury. One Tsaesci rose from the lake and stepped onto shore, only to he hit in the shoulder by one of the Dunmer archers.

The vampire closed the distance within seconds and sliced off the snakeman's weapon hand, and bit the ailing creature's neck. As much of the snake's blood splattered onto his already bloodied robes as was drunk.
As the limp body fell onto the sand, Ian stood, the sun no longer burning his flesh. By this time, even the burning of the undead corpse had subsided, but the vampire's resolve had not dulled.

Raising his arms and bracing his legs in a fighting stance, the Imperial beckoned the Tsaesci crossing the lake onward to death.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 5 2007, 07:33 PM


The restorative juices from the vial began to form new flesh were there was none and close gaps in Patholos's body. A strange green tint formed around his eye sockets, as if the eyes would heal, but the tint faded and teh eyesockets remained empty. Patholos placed his hand on Karn, and said, "Sensei, that is the second time you have saved me, I feel ashamed. I let our brothers down, and we lost seven,...," A strange thing happened then to Patholos, and it shouldn't have happened. He cried. There were no tears, for Patholos had no eyes, but he cried no the less. He reached up to Karn and hugged him, then said, "Sensei, we lost seven, forgive me." Then Patholos fell unconscious.


Seeing that one of the archers hit the snakeman in the shoulder, Astratus yelled congratulations at the archer. Then he notched along with fifteen other archers, and the sixteenth in the firing line set the distance.
"Seventy yards, windage none. Aim, LOOSE!" And the command was followed by the twang of bowstrings and the soft thud of arrows finding their mark.

OOC: Mannimarco is in a fury, he will send the dead until the Sil stops him...


Tearing the Gem out of the ashen corpse, Mannimarco placed it in the top of his staff. He then filtered all his magic through his staff, a risky manouerve, but he used his staff as a conduit. All the dark and vile magic was being focused and released through the stone at the head of the staff. He summoned the lake's dead, the surrounding valley's dead, and the dead on the way to the city. In a matter of moments, five hundred corpses lined the shore. Mannimarco siphoned magicka from another mage and then set the dead on their course.

The problem Mannimarco forgot to address in his madness, is that the dead will decompose three times the rate of a normal corpse, and that the tissue won't animate if there is less than three fourths of the original body still entact. Mannimarco was sending drowned bodies, old bodies, sick bodies, and maimed bodies towards the wall, and any arrow well aimed could dispatch the walking abominations.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 5 2007, 07:59 PM


He looked down at Patholos, then patted his unconscious lieutenant on the shoulder. Karn glanced at the unwounded, Shadow Eater. "Take him back to the sewers, now is the time for you to rest." The Shadow Eater nodded solemnly, picking up Patholos and leaving to find on of the sewer grates. The Dunmer, started the dead Shadow Eater's humble pyre.

Karn turned to face the shore, and started walking towards the beachline. Quietly, under his breath, the Narza Tai Sensei muttered. "....And those should who fall shall live on, their spirits still among us, inspiring us, watching over us....."

"Their flesh purified by the fire's radiance, their essense shall forever remain uncorruptible to those who would seek to defile them....." The sensei stopped as he reached the water's edge, standing beside the red-robed Ian.

Both men's gazes met, the archers of Astratus continued to fire upon the horde of snakes and animated corpses. Karn and Ian nodded respectfully, for this one moment, they were fighting for the same cause and against the same enemy.

Karn shifted his gaze back to the oncoming horde, and unsheathed his blade. Both assassin and agent charged toward the first arrivals of the invading force, cleaving through scales and decaying flesh in an epic war dance.

The Narza Tai

As their leader fought on the shores below, several spellcasters arrived on the battlements beside the Morrowind archers. Without explaining themselves, they hurled spells and curses upon the distant enemy. Small explosions and freezing winds ravaged the oncoming swarm.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 5 2007, 08:16 PM


Inspiring by the beautiful yet terrifying dance that took place just below him, Astratus felt fire burn in his soul. He wanted to join them, to fight and bleed with them, but he was a commander, and that was not his place. Astratus ordered the men only to fire into the rear of the invaders, at risk of hitting the two fighters. Astratus noticed the casters and ordered more magicka potions brought to the wall. He went from soldier to soldier encouraging and motivating, and he shouted with his men at every kill.

Astratus left the firing line, and went to a higher point on the wall. The dead began their assualt, and dark energy rippled from the opposite shoreline. Astratus drew The Cause, the great two handed sword that never left his side, and swung it above his head. Soldiers in the plaza and all around brought their gaze up to the shining steel up on the wall. And Astratus yelled,

"Two men are fighting valiantly outside, unaided, while we sit safe in this stone fortress. Do you wish to die, old and alone, freezing down to your marrow? Do you wish any more death, death of the innoncent, or the courageous? Open the gate, AID THOSE MEN!"

Posted by: minque Aug 5 2007, 09:52 PM

OOC: Ok so now Iīll post Brianna, just to get "the thing" between Rahvin and her started. They could dwell in that room for at least the two weeks Iīm away! tongue.gif . Oh and donīt worry I will keep this post decent ... wink.gif


Rahvin kicked the door shut after they entered the room. It was a small room, but the bed looked alright, it wasnīt very big but it had clean bedclothes, and there was a small table beside it, with a lonely candle. He let her down and closed the curtains. The candle spread an eerie light, but both Brianna and Rahvin only had eyes for each other.

They were standing chest to chest for a short while, just looking at each other. Brianna put her hands around Rahvinīs face, kissed him gently and then loosened his long black hair from its ponytail. She drew her hands through it and smiled.

"Rahvin, Rahvin, at last!" she whispered, then gently pushing him towards the bed and onto it. She laid down beside him, still playing with his hair...

"Do not move, dearest, just let me do this to you, Iīve been waiting so long"

She slowly started to unbutton his shirt, one button after another, all the time looking him right into his eyes.

Then she carressed his dark chest, put her chin to it and closed her eyes.

I could stay like this for the rest of my life....Oh I want him so much!

She continued the undressing....every move she made was slow and affectionate, they had all the time in the world....

OOC: Oh yes, I could describe what more she did, but I wonīt....just now, let them stay there, they have a lifetime to catch up with, those things take time, I promise! tongue.gif

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 5 2007, 10:05 PM


Standing near a window, he noticed all the soldiers gathered outside. As the soldier moved to the gates, Issac turned and left his room, intent on joining the troops. Downstairs, he ran into Rann and Satyana.

The Altmer stopped, then snapped at Rann. "I've very close to cursing you right now, Rann, but this isn't the time. Are you just going to sit there and sip wine, or are you going to make yourself useful and join the soldiers rushing out of the gates to fight the Silhouette's army?"

Not even waiting, much less caring for, Rann's reaction, Issac turned to Satyana, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Satyana," he said softly to her. "We have to help them now."

Posted by: minque Aug 5 2007, 10:09 PM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Aug 5 2007, 11:05 PM) *


Standing near a window, he noticed all the soldiers gathered outside. As the soldier moved to the gates, Issac turned and left his room, intent on joining the troops. Downstairs, he ran into Rann and Satyana.

The Altmer stopped, then said to Rann. "I've very close to cursing you right now, Rann, but this isn't the time. Are you just going to sit there a sip wine, or are you going to make yourself useful and join the soldiers rushing out of the gates to fight the Silhouette's army?"

Not even waiting, much less caring for, Rann's reaction, Issac turned to Satyana, placing on hand on her shoulder. "Satyana," he said softly to her. "We have to help them now."


She was relievd when Issac turned to her, she looked up at him and nodded;

"Iīll come, dearest, anything you say"

I must get away from the anger of my brother...I canīt stand to be near him just now

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 6 2007, 01:53 AM

Issac and Satyana

They both left the tavern, joining the tide of chitin and bonemold clad Dunmer going through the gate. Issac gripped Satyana's hand tightly, unwilling to get separated from her before the fighting got started. When they managed to get through the gates things were much less crowded.

Satyana spotted a hill overlooking the battlefield and pointed it out to him. He nodded and upon arriving at the vantage point Issac took a ruck sack from his back and handed it to her, the flap fell open to reveal five skyblue crystals.
"Welkyd Stones, they'll restore your magicka, but we don't have many so you shouldn't use one unless you've run out completely." He explained, taking a quick look over the battlefield, noticing Ian and Karn fighting together on the forefront of the battle.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 6 2007, 05:06 AM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Aug 5 2007, 05:05 PM) *


Standing near a window, he noticed all the soldiers gathered outside. As the soldier moved to the gates, Issac turned and left his room, intent on joining the troops. Downstairs, he ran into Rann and Satyana.

The Altmer stopped, then snapped at Rann. "I've very close to cursing you right now, Rann, but this isn't the time. Are you just going to sit there and sip wine, or are you going to make yourself useful and join the soldiers rushing out of the gates to fight the Silhouette's army?"

Not even waiting, much less caring for, Rann's reaction, Issac turned to Satyana, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Satyana," he said softly to her. "We have to help them now."


Rann chose not to point out that Issac himself had been 'sipping wine' less than a minute ago. He sat there beside Dalrus for a few silent seconds, suddenly wondering what she thought about the situation; she was obviously in an awkward position, with her best friend and potential lover in a very serious and heated argument. He decided that he would understand if Dalrus sided with Satyana; he hadn't been in her life nearly as long, however, he didn't really want to find out her opinions just yet. He almost feared what they would turn out to be.

Without another word, he stood and walked out the door, intending to join the army in its efforts, though he had no idea what the objective was. He had waited just long enough to join the group so that his place was far to the right of Issac and Satyana. He could see them both out of the corner of his eye, but refused to make contact with either.

His hand had already unsheathed his katana, though he barely thought about it as they grew nearer to the two combatants that slowly became recognizable to Rann.

Never thought I'd see those two fighting on the same side.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 6 2007, 06:04 AM

Ian and Karn

When a split second lull presented itself, Ian dropped down low, rolling onto his back. Spinning below waist level, his wrist blades sliced through leg muscles and bone. Suddenly, he stopped his rotation and aimed his spike skyward before thrusting it into the throat of the Akaviri leering down on him.

A burst of the snake's life-blood cascaded onto the kneeling vampire's head and torso, the dying Akaviri warrior's tail lashed out in its owner's death throes. Three oncoming zombies were knocked off their feet by the flailing appendage.
Vampire and Dunmer glanced at each other for a split second, but neither voiced whatever they might have wanted to say. Ian rose from his kneeling position and drew his bow and a random bonemold arrow. The projectile froze the water-logged undead nearest to the duo.

Rather than continuing to fight at range, the agent slung his bow once again. As Ian did so, Karn summoned multiple shurikan and two nearby snakemen went down as the throwing stars sliced through their necks. This left a small but noticable gap around the two.

As if just now noticing the Morrowind soldiers, both stared at the full-scale battle taking place all around them. Ian indicated the hill with the familiar figures of Issac and Satyana with a flick of his head. Karn nodded before indicating the walls in a similar fashion.
Without a word, Karn grabbed Ian's shoulder with one hand and both dissappeared in a black smoke. The duo reappeared on the same hill as Satyana and Issac, then before the latter could properly recognize the presense of both, Karn teleported away to the walls where Astratus stood.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 6 2007, 06:25 AM


I don't know if you noticed yet, but our young dunmer friend is also here. Mind retrieving a certain glove while we're here?


He saw that the two that happened to be on their side had escaped the battle, and wondered if the army he had made himself a part of would decide to attack now.

He hoped so, and he hoped not at the same time. It made no sense to him to go on the offensive when they had the perfect defense position inside the city.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 6 2007, 05:31 PM


"I'll take the glove when the battle is over, but until then there are more pressing concerns." Ian nodded reassuringly to Issac and Satyana. With his robes and his face covered in blood, he probably looked quite disturbing.

"I'm unharmed; there will be more than a few soldiers needing healing by the time this is over." He answered Satyana's offer to heal him. "Issac..."

Altmer and Imperial stood side by side, launching spell and arrow down upon the enemy from their hill.


Emerging from the black smoke, Karn looked over the archers of Astratus and his spellcasters as the bombarded the enemy army. He joined Commander Astratus soon after looking over the fighting he had left behind.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 6 2007, 06:34 PM


Seeing Karn meant that his agents were safe and Astratus signaled to halt the offensive. Slowly, Astratus circled a small red flag above his head and held it perpindicular to his shoulder. With this signal calvary appeared, but there were not armored. They were a battle skill Astratus had developed, and the horses were bred for carrying heavy loads. The small riders darted around and picked up the wounded, riding them back to a makeshift medical station, then continuing the runs.

Astratus saw a final push by the snakemen, and saw the opposite shoreline not feeding troops into the water. The Silhouette was holding back, and Astratus started to pull his own back in.


Mannimarco felt hatred and anger like he had never experienced before. He burned for battle, yet the snakemen and goblins stopped attacking, making Mannimarco furious. His undead were strong, but not strong enough to hold against the brunt of the city. He strode the shoreline, then found something that intrigued him, a small Bosmer killing a rabbit and bringing it back to life. Mannimarco smiled, and then walked over to him.

"What do they call you, my son?" Mannimarco inquired. The Bosmer turned to face Mannimarco and gasped. he stuttered out, "Prater, sir, Prater is my name." Mannimarco placed his hand on the Bosmer's head, and then asked, "How would you like to be my assistant, Prater?" The Bosmer looked terrified, but slowly nodded his head. "Good, good," Mannimarco said, "Just relax, death is the price, but you will have more power than you can imagine..." And a sickly purple light struck the Bosmer in the forehead, knocking him to his feet.

When Mannimarco recited the ancient Sload spell for recalling souls to Mundus, He felt his own soul twinge, and the Black Soul Gem grow hot. Gasping but finishing the spell, an aetherial form of Prater appeared, and he looked to be sleeping. Mannimarco infused the soul with Prater's body again, but Prater's body was dead. Mannimarco empowered the body with strong black magic, and Prater's eyes opened, but there was no life behind them.

"Why did you call me back," Prater said, and then a short pause later, "Master?" Mannimarco laughed, and then called his dead back to the shoreline.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 6 2007, 06:58 PM

Plys'Iea Zealot

The butcher threw his head back, tearing a chunk of meat from the bear he'd killed earlier. Swallowing the meat, he noticed Mannimarco in his periphery. The alien watched as the necromancer defile the little child with dark magic.

Snorting in contempt at the wretched nature of such practices, he grasped his staff and rose from the corpse. Let the scavengers have it... Their more deserving than that man. Licking the blood off his snout, the warrior approached the necromancer disturbingly quiet for something of his size.
Five feet away, he brought his staff smashing down to earth just to the boy's left. Despite being a relatively weak, one-handed display, the flail end of the staff sunk rather deep into the sand.

"Your kind sicken me, Maggot King." Tamrielic was not a language he could properly speak, save for a few small phrases, but Akaviri had not been too dissimilar from his people's. "You rely on the dead and living to give you power, you are weaker and more wretched than the creatures beneath our feet. If the Silhouette didn't need you as an ally, I would not hesitate ridding you of your existance."

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 6 2007, 07:13 PM


Sneering at the big lizard, Mannimarco ordered Prater to find something decent to drink for "our new friend." Sizing up the lizard, Mannimarco turned his back, then spun around with a deadly curse. It rebounded off the armour and killed a goblin carrying a pile of wood.

"Apologies, my lizard friend, it seems you and I are alike. We take what we want and we put those who are weaker in their place." Mannimarco placed a hand on his staff and pointed to the Black Soul Gem, glowing in power. "You'd never guess what's in there..."

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 6 2007, 09:48 PM


He watched the small logs the goblin had been carrying roll away from the corpse. What a waste of life, The alien thought to himself. When Mannimarco indicated the soul gem on the head of the staff, the killer shut his eyes and shook his head, "foul sorcerer."

There was no possibility that the necromancer could understand the insult, given the fact that no one present, not even the Silhoutte could or would understand his native language. The spines coming out of his back vibrated slightly as they picked up all the movement nearby, from the small flock of birds over head to the numerous goblins and other indiginous species making up the Silhouette's army.

"However, it is clear that your views on life and death are not at all the same as mine. That is enough of a difference." The death reaper turned and stalked away, seeking to distance himself from the lesser creature. If only I could put him in his place...... his grave for eternity!

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 7 2007, 01:17 AM


"Ah ah ahh, my spiny friend, turning your back on someone is grounds for disrespect, and I'll not have that here," Mannimarco chided, ordering his minions to surround the alien. Mannimarco felt for a psychic presence in the lizard, but he could not connect with the mental wavelengths, adding confusion to Mannimarco's view of the newcomer. "We mustn't have disrespect among collegues, and I have not properly introduced myself, I am the King of Worms, Mannimarco, and I have existed for almost three Ages. Killing me is not so simple, you see, and I have dominance over death."

Mannimarco strode over to the tall creature, and looked him dead in the eyes, he got very close to the lizard, and whispered, "You may want to kill me, you may not, however, my reasons for this fight are my own. I will avoid you if you do not hinder me. There are more things going on here than you know," Mannimarco turned and left.

He thought to himself about the three heirs and their blood, and the skull of Reman Cyrodill, and the possibility of unlocking power few have ever attained. He pondered this as he walked towards the Silhouette.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 7 2007, 02:27 AM


As the necromancer left, the alien stared at the zombies in contempt. He considered defeating the entire horde of zombies around him but gave up the errant thought..... at least until the one had had been facing made a revolting gaging noise at the nine-foot-tall reptilian creature before it.

In a act of defiance towards Mannimarco, the Plys'Iea swung his staff in a wide arc, the sharp spikes of the flail end grabbing the decaying corpse. The rotting flesh severed easily was the zombie was flung over the warrior's shoulder.
Still needing to vent his frustration, the alien clenched his fist and slammed into another walking corpse. In a disgusting spectacle, the armored fist went through the abomination's torso, sinking all the way to the elbow.

Kicking the corpse off of his arm, he glared at the other mindless mosters. Who stared dumbly at him as if he didn't exist. THIS IS MADNESS!!! Taking his staff again, the alien swung several heavy swings in rapid succession, sending a couple dozen sombies flying back and off to the side, and twice as many severed limbs took flight as well.
When the zombies in the immediate area were cleared out, the Plys'Iea stood silently. Staring off into the distance, wishing as he had millions of times since being left behind that he was not alone on this world. A decayed head rested at his feet.

Miserably, the alien smashed it under his boot. Silently, he cursed the King of Worms, the embodiment of everything he loathed about this perverse world.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 7 2007, 02:56 AM


Venting his frustration, Mannimarco sent the Black Soul Gem into a corpse. He did not understand why he was doing it, but, he did it just the same. Mannimarco enabled the corpse to talk and he asked Kirana, "Girl, you died to kill me, correct? Why? Why end your life that way? How do you know your soul won't be tormented by daedra in Oblivion? How do you know that Sithis won't swallow you in the Void? How do you know...Argh...Nevermind..." And Mannimarco waited for a response.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 7 2007, 03:12 AM


"Death is not the end," She replied resolutely. "It is a new beginning, a transendance beyond mortal imagining something you will never understand or accept!" Kirana's response was partly influenced by her admiration of the Deadric Princess Miridia, the immortal enemy of necromancy.

"You've been dead since you started this path, Mannimarco. Your soul is so twisted that you just haven't realized it yet, you are blind. The difference between us, my king, is that you dread your judgment. But I have lived without regret and gladly await the gods' decision whenever it will come!"

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 7 2007, 03:50 PM


Rann had fired a few arrows, but realized that no more enemies were forthcoming, and that the rest of the forces had already begun to start moving back towards the city.

That was good in his opinion; there was no way that their small force would last an actual attack from the Silhouette without the city's sturdy walls between them.


Well it looks like the fight is over. You're out of excuses now Ian, just take it.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 7 2007, 05:05 PM


"Very well," he said finally. "I'll meet you two back at the Tiber Septim." Issac nodded and both he and Satyana joined the throng of soldiers. Ian faded from view and removed his guantlets to avoid possibly injuring Rann in the act of pickpocketing him.

He homed in on the young Dunmer, who was fortunately on the rim of the march. The invisible vampire tackled Rann from behind, and swiftly retrieved the object he needed from on of Rann's pockets even before they hit the ground.
Upon landing, the vampire rolled away from Rann and remained hidden until finding a place to become visible again.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 7 2007, 06:20 PM


Rann was suddenly assaulted from behind and before he could think to react, he found himself face down in the grass. He stood quickly to see a fleeting glance of someone--or something--bounding away out of sight.

"Are you okay?" one of the dunmer soldiers around him asked, "That looked like a nasty trip."

"You think I tripped?" Rann asked incredulously, pointing in the direction that the figure ran, "You didn't just see that?"

The soldier just laughed and moved along, thinking Rann was making ridiculous excuses. Rann shook his head and made sure he had everything. He didn't notice that the glove was missing; he'd forgotten all about it.


Nice work, Ian. Now all we have to do is find me a body during the next battle.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 7 2007, 06:27 PM


Studying the glove in his hand, Ian replied. "First you're going to give me some answers. Starting with how this was created and came into your possession."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 7 2007, 06:52 PM


I found it years ago on a thief. You see, he tried to rob me one day while I was traveling In Summerset Isle. I began to win the fight with the use of many fortification spells and a devastating fireball. The theif's body was barely recognizable through the burns, but he used his glove to take my unharmed form and ran away. I was determined to get my own form back, so after a few tormenting hours of healing the strange body I was in, I tracked the thief down, and this time stole his glove to get my own body back. I ended up killing the thief in the ensuing fight, and claimed the glove as my own. I only use it in the most desperate times. Like now, for instance.

The story was a false one, but there was no way for Ian to see that, especially since Cerpin sent mental images to go along with the story. He did have every intention of helping Ian and the others defeat Mannimarco and the Silhouette, but he doubted that Ian would appreaciate the real story, which involved using the souls of his spellcasting family to enchant the glove.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 7 2007, 07:44 PM


Growling with rage, Mannimarco yelled, "Silence wench!" And he sealed the mouth of the undead. He said, "I still have my body, and Mannmimarco fears nothing!" A burning rage rose within Mannimarco, yet, he felt like she saw right through him. No one could know what Mehrunes Dagon did to his soul during the temporary stay in Oblivion. He spoke again, "I have existed for almost three Ages! I will be here until the last breath is breathed, then there will be only the dead!" And he tore the jewel out of the undead, and replaced it on his staff.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 7 2007, 08:49 PM


"Alright," the vampire replied. "So, what kind of body do you wish to take, race would be a good start."

Ian made his way to the pools of water on both sides of the gate to Green Emperor Way.
Wading into the pool, the vampire ducked his head into the water and scratched the blood from his hair and face.


He looked over at the Dunmer commander beside him. "I must return to the Narza'Tai."

Before teleporting, Karn added. "I'll leave a single spellwaever to stay with you, she can inform me if you seek me and offer her services if necessary."

With that the sensei and the spellcasters vanished, leaving a masked Dunmer mage behind.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 8 2007, 01:52 AM


Flogir had assisted the archers on the wall during the battle. Now he stood among them, clapping some of them on the shoulders in admiration of their work. Looking across the battlefield, he noticed his friends were returning inside so he went to the gates to meet up with them.


Amrita had followed Rann onto the battlefield, hoping to put her new powers to the test, but unfortunately no threat to Rann was made. The only exception to that was when a blur of an invisible person bowled him over for no apparent reason. She then came up to Rann's side.

"Rann! You okay there? I thought I saw someone knock you over."

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 8 2007, 02:40 AM


Once again entering the Imperial City, Issac spotted Flogir coming downh from the walls. Bringing Satyana with him, the Altmer walked toward the bottom of the stairwell that their Nord friend would be coming from. "Flogir," He hailed to the former guard not to far from the stairs.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 8 2007, 03:01 AM


"Hail!" Flogir replied with a smile as he joined up with Issac and Satyana, "It appears that both of you looked unharmed from the skirmish; good," he said as he made a quick examination of the two.

"I would have to say that that turned out to be a successful defense, casualties appeared to be low. It was also good to see Astratus out there rousing the troops. For once he didn't appeared to be mired in his own troublings," he paused as he realized that Issac and Satyana were not apart of that meeting.

"Anyways, where are we off to now? Should we wait for Rann and the others as well?"

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 8 2007, 04:07 AM

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Aug 7 2007, 08:52 PM) *


Flogir had assisted the archers on the wall during the battle. Now he stood among them, clapping some of them on the shoulders in admiration of their work. Looking across the battlefield, he noticed his friends were returning inside so he went to the gates to meet up with them.


Amrita had followed Rann onto the battlefield, hoping to put her new powers to the test, but unfortunately no threat to Rann was made. The only exception to that was when a blur of an invisible person bowled him over for no apparent reason. She then came up to Rann's side.

"Rann! You okay there? I thought I saw someone knock you over."


"Yeah, I'm not sure what just happened," he admitted, but he was glad at least, that someone else noticed the sneaky assailant.

They kept walking as they spoke, and they were soon standing with Satyana, Issac, and Flogir, two of whom he didn't have anything to say to.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 8 2007, 04:42 AM


Flogir waved to Rann as he entered the gateway. "Greetings, Rann, glad to see you unharmed after that skirmish as well," he said, not picking up on the coldness that began to creep around Rann, Issac, and Satyana.

"And who might your acquaintance be?" he asked, towards the Altmer with the peculiar red eyes.


Amrita had overheard the discussion back the Tiber, but she didn't inform him yet. She knew that he needed people on his side though in order for Veric's true identity to be kept safe as long as possible.

"The name's Amrita," she said to the Nord, flipping back her hair, "I'm Rann's other sister. Who might you be?" She raised a questioning eyebrow to the Nord and Satyana's companion.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 8 2007, 04:47 AM


"Well, we weren't that deep into the action really." He returned Flogir's smile with a tired one of his own. "The two in the thickest action were Ian and Karn, the latter just did a vanishing act, and Ian said he'll meet us in the Tiber Septim later."

When Rann approached with Amrita, Issac gave him a curt, but acknowledging nod. At least he didn't have to say he ignored Rann. The Altmer looked Amrita up and down now that the sun was out. Then Issac turned back to Flogir.

"That leaves Flint, Altair, Voltar, Brianna, Rahvin, Aerona, Green-Root, and Dalrus absent and unaccounted for." He said in casual tone, but under his breath Issac muttured to Flogir. "Satyana and I currently not in Rann's best favor."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 8 2007, 04:56 AM


"Dalrus, Aerona, and my parents are still at the Tiber Septim," he answered, seeing that Amrita took it upon herself to perform her introduction.

He was glad to see Flogir; he was one of the few in the group that seemed to understand him. And even if he didn't, the nord never passed judgement, which Rann appreciated. It was then that he decided where he was going to be in the upcoming battle; on the wall with Flogir. He was a fair archer, and when the enemy finally got on top of the wall, his melee skills were adequate as well.


As long as it isn't a goblin or an Akaviri, I'm not so picky. Gender isn't even an issue at this point; I just don't know how much longer I can bear this near-nonexistence.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 8 2007, 05:28 AM


Walking back up the ramp to the streets, Ian replied dryly. "So, someone from our side it seems like. I suppose we could just separate a random soldier from his body now, but it might be better to wait and find some bandit during the next fight."

As the vampire strode back into the plaza, he spotted Flogir, Issac, Satyana, Rann, and an unknown female Altmer with them. "I'm afraid the blood stains are unremovable by now." Ian said in a way of greeting as he entered the groups midst. His robes were now stained a solid shade of crimson, hence the essense of the joke.

OCC: Issac's resume could be shortened to "Triple S," lol. tongue.gif


He shrugged when Amrita inquired as to who he and Flogir were. "My name is Issac, swordsman, spellcaster." Issac glanced at Satyana, "Suitor and in a certain person's book a backstabber." The last part was more to Ian than to Amrita, but he only made eye contact with the latter.

Karn, the sewers

The smoke dissipated, and Karn found himself back in the main chambers surrounded by his followers. The sensei began walking through the cavern, searching for where his lieutenant had been taken.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 8 2007, 05:37 AM


"My name is Flogir, miss," he said, introducing him before turning to Issac, "Flint, Voltar, and Altair were outside the Tiber Septim before I left them. Knowing them, they're likely still there," Flogir said. He heard what Issac had said quietly but didn't react to it. If he had the chance he might ask Rann what was going on.

"But anyway, let's head back there and have a drink to are small, but rewarding victory. You can't believe how a victory as small as this can effect the morale of the troops. Though seeing that they're utilizing the undead makes me worry about what else they might have in store for us..."

He began to make his way to the Tiber Septim.


Amrita fixed Issac with a challenging look as she caught him inspecting her. "Would you like me to do a pirouette for you?" she asked mockingly.

When she noticed that Flogir had begun to head to the Hotel, she began to go as well, keeping a keen eye on the Altmer.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 8 2007, 05:50 AM


"No, although I'm sure you're excellent at it." He met her gaze with a polite smile, sorry, I've already devoted myself to someone. As they walked toward the Tiber Septim, Ian fell into step beside him and Satyana.

The vampire didn't speak, but Issac could gather what was on his mind. Amrita, the one child that was lost.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 8 2007, 05:55 AM


No. Nobody from our side. There are a few 'normal' creatures in opposition to us. The vampires, for instance, would be preferable to the snake-men.


Rann shot Issac a nasty glare for his 'basktabber' remark, but otherwise didn't acknowledge it.

At Flogir's suggestion of going to the Tiber Septim, Rann inwardly complained. He'd spent his time there for the better part of two days, leaving only to walk wiht Dalrus, and more recently, to join the 'fight'.

"I guess I'm up for a drink. Again," he mumbled, trudging along beside his newly found sister. He wondered how much more boring the seige would get. Especially after the alcohol was gone.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 8 2007, 06:23 AM


As Flogir walked along, he trailed back to walk alongside Rann and Amrita, leaving Ian, Issac and Satyana to walk ahead of them.

"Is it just me, or do I sense that something has happened between, you, Satyana, and Issac since I've been out and about?" he asked quietly.


Amrita grinned mischievously at Issac after he made his comment. She could have some fun toying with him if she chose to. You'd think that if he was in a relationship he wouldn't be so open with his observations of other women. Especially when the one you are supposedly "together" with is standing right beside you!

She didn't return a remark and continued on, listening in on the conversation between Rann and Flogir.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 8 2007, 06:31 AM


Flogir's comment about the undead reminded Ian on what he had to tell everyone. "Thanks for reminding me, Flogir. There's been a dvelopment: Mannimarco's back, the Silhouete must have given him another body if he gave his undead minions to use against us."

Ian purposely omitted the parts concerning the presense of Kirana's and another disembodied individual residing his his head, and the former's incarceration inside Mannimarco's soul gem. One major element tied to that previous point was that, Ian had an dim awareness about what was happening through the connection between himself and Kirana.

Everything from the torture to the altercation between the King of Worms and his old friend was known to him. "I fought the necromncer just before returning here and the battle started."


He caught Rann's glare, but he didn't let any distress show. If only those moments were we got along had been days.... Secretly, he wouldn't admit it, Rann's scorn was worse than the guilt Issac had about Soldin and Kirana's deaths.

Thinking about those events only made Ian's revelations hit harder......


While privy to Mannimarco's ranting, the alien was so bitter that he didn't have the will to try and prove the necromancer wrong. He lumbered away, grabbing one of the legs of his bear. Marching into one of the small goblin camps, the Plys'Iea tossed the half-eaten corpse toward the cluster of goblins.

As the little creatures fell upon the feast, he sat, knees to his large chestplate. The hulking butcher stared at Mannimarco as the man fumed. He thinks living three ages on this world is a great achievment, my war leader lived many times that long and personally avenged the thousands that the Naryyn warrior had slaughtered like animals eaons ago.....

Closing his eyes, the alien let the great tales of past generations play through his mind, taking solace in his history and liniage.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 8 2007, 03:28 PM


The Commander walked amongst the wounded, checking on those who were gravely injured. One man was bitten in the face by a snakeman, and the man's face was completely shredded. Others were mangled and dying, and Astratus nodded to the grim surgeons, who quietly relieved the men of their pain. Astratus sent for the vampire in the crimson robes, wanting to know what he found out over at the camp. Karn was indisposed, so Astratus told the spellcaster replacement to relax and help in any way he can.

Astratus found out that the vampire was meeting his adventurer friends at the Tiber Septim. Astratus asked for two lieutenants to accompany him, and put Karn's spellcaster in charge of the injured. Astratus began walking towards the hotel when suddenly...

OOC: RP'd with myself to add some drama


Feeling death accross the lake, Mannimarco's rage escalated, and he sent wave after wave of animating energy over the lake to where the dead soldiers lay...


A dead soldier reared on Astratus, and Astratus sidestepped and brought his fist to connect with the dead soldier's stomach. Dropping his elbow on the back of the dead soldier's head, Astratus then brought his knee into the face of the dead soldier. Muttering a small fire spell that every soldier learns, Astratus's fist caught flame and Astratus touched the dead soldier. All around him the recently deceased were rising and attacking the doctors and injured. Astratus yelled, "Bring them down, everyone, retreat behind the armored soldiers!"

Astratus and about ten men formed a line and advanced on about thirty dead soldiers. Astratus broke into a run and the soldiers behind him faltered. Killing your brothers in arms is a hard thing to do, and Astratus realized that these men probably havent seen the effects of corprus. Astratus yelled back, "They arent alive anymore! They will kill you!" But the men did not move. Astratus stood by himself as the lumbering dead came ever closer.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 8 2007, 06:14 PM

Narza Tai

The spell caster realized quickly that every corpse was being raised. Before she could aid any of the soldiers, she had to get rid of the undead around her. A small explosion of fire burned everything around her to ashes.

Muttering incantations, the mage wove a spell and the turn undead spell was lobbed into the zombies' midst. Many of the raised soldiers faltered and attempted to flee, but the sorceress used the last of her magicka to create a firewall, cutting off the retreating corpses.
"It's all up to you now, Commander." She gasped as magic was sapped from her to maintain the barrier.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 8 2007, 06:44 PM


The spellcaster made short work of the zombies, but there were still others that the Commander had to deal with. Victims of Corprus, half of his friends and family were killed by Astratus. Astratus made ready with The Cause, and the giant sword relfected sunlight off of its polished edge. The first of the zombies to reach Astratus fell with its held between its legs. Astratus hacked his way to the first of the injured being attacked by the zombies. Astratus yelled at a man with a slashed arm to help drag the wounded towards the line of soldiers.

A zombie came from behind Astratus as he was dragging another wounded man away. The soldier with the torn face bit down on Astratus's trapezious muscle, sinking the teeth in deep. Astratus cried out in pain, then ducked low and hip tossed the zombie over his shoulder. Astratus felt for ruined muscle, and discovered that the bite pierced his muscle, but did not tear it. Swinging the claymore would only injure him further, so he drew a dagger and sheathed his claymore.

There were still injured men and doctors being attacked by the undead, so Astratus tried to fight his way back to them. Fingernails and teeth cut and nicked Astratus, but adrenaline gave him less of an awareness of pain. Astratus grabbed one zombie and plunged the dagger deep into the skull. Then Astratus jerked the dagger out, sending a crimson shower in the air. Astratus noticed that a few men in the line began to fight the undead, while others backed slowly away.

Astratus made a mental note of the men backing away, and called for aid. The wound in his neck was festering, and the wound stopped bleeding, alerting Astratus to major infection. He stumbled back to the injured and the doctors and swung the dagger to keep the undead back. Tears began to form around Astratus's eyes and the faces of his friends and family began to show up on the undead. Astratus wept as he cut down the undead, but then his strength failed, due to fatigue and infection. Astratus watched the undead close in on the survivors, and he could only yell for help. The few men fought desperately to get to him, but they were separated by a barrier of flesh. Astratus's consciousness left the scene in front of him and he went to walk the sandy shores of Dagon Fel with his family.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 8 2007, 08:55 PM

OCC: Astratus called and Ian answers. Btw, I type the censored versions of curses as alternatives, just to clarify, I'm not swearing and getting censored.


When the messenger appeared, Ian stopped to listen to him. The vampire nodded and said to the others, "I'll be back shortly, don't wait."

Approaching the infirmery, Ian spotted the unwelome sight of walking corpses and fatally wounded soldiers fighting their still living comrades. Mannimarco, you honored user.... Charging past the messenger, the vampire joined the fray.
His wrist blades glowed red-hot and slashed through bonemold, chitin, and flesh alike. As a one of the dead soldiers rushed at him, Ian ducked low to the left, slicing through the former mer's leg. Before the abomination could pass, the vampire cleaved upward through his chest and neck, the mer's blood congealed under the heat of the wrist spikes.

Noticing a cluster of undead soldiers, Ian took another incendiary arrow and fired it. Hoping that the process of resurrection did away with the Dunmeris' natural resistance to fire.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 9 2007, 03:00 AM


The white pristine shores of Dagon Fel called the Commander. Astratus noticed he was not wearing a uniform on the beach, and his son and wife ran to greet him. He hugged his son and kissed his wife, telling them he will never leave them again. Suddenly, the world shifted, and Astratus was torn from his family with searing pain. Astratus came to with a doctor operating on his ruined trapezious. The undead were focusing on...that vampire...Astratus saw the last bit of magicka the doctor had enter his body in the form of a minor healing spell. The wound scabbed over and Astratus could focus and concentrate more.

Getting to his feet, Astratus watched the vampire destroy the former soldiers of the Morrowind Army. Astratus knew he couldn't fight effectively, so he helped the doctor and the few surivors that could walk carry the rest of the injured towards the line of soldiers. When they got there, Astratus called more men to the fight, noticing that the original six men were still alive but in dire need of relief. Astratus yelled for more men and for healers, then approached the four men who would not move. Astratus relieved them of their weapons and sent them off to help the injured. He thought to himself, "Not a situation to administer punishment, they are petrified." A part of Astratus wanted retribution, but it was a small part.

Astratus felt exhausted, and noticed with relief that the vampire was disposing of the undead at an excellent rate. Soon, there would be no walking abominations for some evil force to animate. Astratus did want some questions answered however.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 9 2007, 03:28 AM


Just like the previous battle, this melee was a blur, where all the vampire's actions were lightning-quick reactions to the enemies arrays around him. Ian was never stationary, even when he thrust his heated blade through one zombie he moved with the strike, lifting the dead mer and tossing him over his shoulder.

When he stood alone among the severed limbs, body parts, and blood splatters, Ian blinked and stared off into the distance for several moments. Taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm his raging heart and clear his hazy mind, Ian flicked his wrist blades, most of the blood parted from them.
Hiding how the battle had shaken him, the vampire back to the Commander and his living soldiers with an aura of stoic calm.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 9 2007, 04:11 AM


Flogir groaned at the news Ian brought. Necromancers are harder to kill then it appears. He was sure this wouldn't make Rann and the others who traveled with him to kill Mannimarco happy. Hell, he wasn't happy about it either.

"I definitely need a drink now..." Flogir mumbled. Their small victory barely mattered now.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 9 2007, 04:54 AM


Rann was glad that Flogir became preoccupied with Ian's news instead of his current displeasure with his sister and her lover. He really didn't want to talk about it. All he wanted was to have a nice quiet drink, preferably with Dalrus. He didn't want to spend his time reminding himself of the thoughtlessness of some of his friends.

But on that same note, he didn't really want to think about Mannimarco, either. It angered him more than a little that the sick man (if he could be called that) still lived, and made him feel that he had somehow failed Kirana and Soldin, and that their deaths were in vain.

"Me too," he said wholeheartedly, with a tone of emotional exhaustion clearly evident in his voice.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 9 2007, 05:00 AM


As Flogir made his way to the Tiber Septim, he saw Flint, Voltar, and Altair standing nearby. He waved at em.

"Tiber Septim. We're drinking. Come," he said in a monotone and hurried fashion. Flogir thought he saw Flint stare at him oddly but he ignored it. He didn't really care at the moment.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 9 2007, 05:30 AM


Without paying Rann, Amrita, Satyana, or anyone else any heed, he walked through the entrance and upstairs to where the rooms were. Not even bothering in shutting the door, Issac went into "his" room.

Taking the katana he'd stabbed Kirana with off of his belt, he pulled the blade out of its sheath and without thinking, embedded halfway in the coffee table. Issac sat down on the bed and stared at the blade, remembering how the blood of his matron had flowed over it.
The enchantment on it had long since been spent and the table did not burst into flames. The Altmer silently went over all that had gone wrong recently, from Mannimarco's resurection to the problmes he and Satyana had with Rann.

Issac looked up at the sword again, then he laid back on the bed and stared at the cieling. What would you have me do now? He asked the woman gone from the world. How would you work this out? The Altmer lay there, sprawled over the covers, as if waiting for an answer he had to hear.....

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 9 2007, 05:08 PM


Excitement flowed through Mannimarco as he saw the commander go down through the undead's eyes. He was almost certain that Astratus would die, and the Army would crumble. Suddenly, the blasted vampire appeared, cutting and killing his masterpiece. Mannimarco grabbed a nearby bandit and tore the soul from him, then set the body on fire. Mannimarco cursed in any language he could think of. He turned and walked towards the Silhouette, then decided to approach the lizard man.

"Lizard man, you aren't from around here, are you? It doesn't matter, my only question is this. How does your kind rid itself of those living mockeries known as vampires? The s'wit has ruined my body, and my plans, countless times, and I am frustrated." Mannimarco roared his frustration to the sky. Then he realized something, and a maniacle grin spread across his face. He realised that Kirana had been in Ian, had come in contact with the vampire's soul. Mannimarco left the alien and walked off towards a dark part of the woods.

Mannimarco embedded the gem of Kirana into another undead, and made it so the undead could speak. Mannimarco created the body to the best of his ability, the body only looked gray. He even went so far as to give clothes to the body. He granted advanced muscle movement and heightened perception. He did everything he could, and the body looked to be human. The problem was, there was no blood pumping in the body, no heart beating no air brought in to breathe. The sound came from Kirana's mind, and the undead made no mouth movement. Mannimarco smiled at his creation, and then started to cast spells on the undead.

Mannimarco put a recall spell on the black soul gem. He placed an incantation on the corpse so that if it was touched by a living person, it would burst into flame. He created a leash for the undead, Kirana had freewill, as long as Mannimarco was allowing her freewill and was concious. He cast a spell that would reanimate dead tissue if Kirana attempted suicide. Then Mannimarco smiled, and walked the undead Kirana towards the shore.

Mannimarco ordered two snakemen and a bandit to row the undead across the lake halfway, and then to shout to the wall the following message:

"The King of Worms, his majesty, has honorably asked for a parlay in so much as to grant you noble fighters a gift, for enduring so long. Here is Kirana, former adventureror who stood against our noble King. She was given back the gift of life, and now she walks again! Who has such power besides the King and the Silhouette? Never die again! Join our cause, walk amongst your friends for enternity"

Then Mannimaro told the bandit to make Kirana walk off the boat into the water where she would swim across to the opposite shoreline. Before Kirana got on the boat, he cast a devious spell that required a blood sacrifice from the caster. Mannimarco plunged a knife into his hand and the blood dripped from the wound and dissappated. Mannimarco used the energy to create the last image he saw of Kirana and place it on the undead. Then he sent the snakemen and bandit across the lake with Kirana.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 10 2007, 04:25 AM


The sudden arrival and departure of the Maggot King perplexed the alien warrior, but it also intrigued him. Enough that the creature rose and silently stalked after the necromancer lord. As the sorcerer worked and his treacherous plot was revealed, the alien's blood boiled at Mannimarco's indifference for the sanctity of death.

The dead do not deserve this audacity! He thought angerly as he listened to the message Mannimarco wanted delivered. While Tamrielic was not a language he could speak, the alien could understand it enough that all he couldn't do was speak in it.
However, the warrior did not reveal himself nor did he approach the Silhouette, as he personally doubted his leader would see fit to interfere. I'll watch how this turns out.... Sneaking away, the alien kept his senses stretched to the brink in order to keep Mannimarco and his pawn within his awareness.


As he waited for Astratus to acknowledge him, Ian gave a start as Mannimarco began putting his scheme together. No, no, NO! Ian silently screamed inside, his hand clenching tightly into a fist. I will destroy you, King of Worms, not even the army around you will stop me from putting you away forever!

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 10 2007, 08:00 AM


Ian, I know how angry you are right now, but you have to calm down a bit. Most mistakes are made when emotions overcome rational thought. Promise me you'll stay rational.


Rann had started to walk towards the Tiber Septim when Mannimarco shouted his proclamation. His hands clenched into fists, and his jaw tightened as he climbed the wall to get a better view of the reborn necromancer. He wanted nothing more than to fire an arrow from Soldin's recovered bow straight into his skull, but he knew that no arrow he shot could possibly make it across Lake Rumare. He felt that he should at least respond in some way, as most of the others on the wall seemed to be dumbfounded.

Actions speak louder than words, he thought, readying himself for what he was planning next, Sorry Kirana.

He brought his bow to bear and knocked an arrow. He couldn't get across Lake Rumare, but he could certainly hit the unholy figure swimming in it. He told himself one more time that Kirana wouldn't want to live as she was now before letting the arrow fly. He hoped the arrow would hit both to free Kirana from her misery (if it was even Kirana) and to make a statement to Mannimarco regarding his vile temptations.

OOC: you can decide if it hits or not, revan.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 10 2007, 04:40 PM


Mannimarco grinned as a figure on the wall drew his bow. He sent a message through the link, and it was dripping with sarcasm, "See Kirana, they don't want you around. The group will have killed you twice, one from a child you parented, another from a friend. They think they are doing your memory justice, but tell me, what justice is there in murderers? You may say that I am a fiend, in that statement you would be correct. But, think about this; they killed you to kill me the first time, now, why do they kill you if not for an "honorable memory?"

Mannimarco became angry and sent anger through the link, "I gave you the gift of speech! I gave you a body! I gave you the necessary freedoms needed to communicate with your "friends"! I am not without compassion, that is a necessary trait in my line of work. Why do you think they would pass up a chance to speak with you again, to talk with you? They want to leave you a martyr, can you believe that was your fate from the moment you were born? They want to use you as a cause, as a rallying cause to trigger false emotion! You and I both know that the boy you raised has murdered you, and a Daedric prince would jump at his soul when his day comes. Do you want that for him, girl?"

The arrow flew from the walls and shot across the sky. Mannimarco said through the link, "I would gladly send that boy's soul to Oblivion in my sted, girl, if I ever get my hands on his soul. If that arrow kills you, you may never see him again. You will be permanantly cast into enternal darkness, until the unmaking of Nirm! I can hide the gem, even if they kill me...they will never find you! You must get into the city, experience love again...see his face once more...." And the arrow flew closer.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 10 2007, 05:27 PM

OCC: She's going to make a tough choice, not just for herself.


As Rann's arrow flew towards her, Kirana watched it for a non-existant heartbeat. I'm also sorry, Rann She thought remorsefully. A moment before the projectile struck, Kirana cast an illusion. At the distance she was, no could tell with accuracy what happened, but the real Kirana rapidly descended beneath the surface of Lake Rumare.

The illusion of herself was in the line of the arrow and it moved in sink with the arrow it was knocked backward, and the groan of a zombie substituted a woman's cry. As the snakemen moved the boat into position to pick up the "body," the bandit was mildly surprised to feel nothing as his hand passed through the corpse.
But the corpse lifted twoard the boat, and the bandit was wise enough to pantomime that he was pulling it onto the dingy. Kirana remained below the surface, she could remain here indefinitly, not needing to breath.

For all intents and purposes, it appeared that she had been killed by Rann's shot, but what saddened Kirana was that she had to betray her friends in this way. You were right, Rann, I won't be able to live like this for long.....


What happened confused him greatly, his eyes saw the pawn get hit by the primitive arrow, but he "saw" the arrow go through her and couldn't feel the body at all. His eyes widened and the vertical slit pupils within them broadened as well.

Treachery.... The alien concluded, but against whom? Mannimarco or the people held up inside the city? As the boat approached their shore, the Plys'Iea came forward and stared down at the illusion which vanished in a matter of seconds.
The warrior had a sense that many more people than just him wanted to kill Mannimarco. Perhaps I'll be able to feed him to them..... He thought for a moment before letting his scheme slip his mind, that would come later.


Through his bond with Kirana he knew she'd staged her own death, Ian also felt her remorse. Feeling her again burned out the falmes of rage that had been in his heart. And the vampire calmed down again, I can remain calm, for now....

Shroading himself, Ian made his way to the walls and over them. Intent on locating Kirana, at least having her within sight would maintain an illusion of having her back among them. I will pay Mannimarco back for the hell he's put us all through!

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 10 2007, 08:28 PM


Muttering through the connection, "Wise choice, girl," Mannimarco eased away from control on Kirana, he made sure that she knew he was aware of her actions, but at the moment, all he needed was for Kirana to be touched by the vampire. Kirana knew that if she was touched by a living being, the undead corpse would engulf in flames. However, since Ian was undead, she could be touched by him. Mannimarco needed Kirana to do three things, and one of them was to touch Ian so he could identify his strain and dead cell level. He also needed a scope of the City, the other undead were dispatched too soon to get a good picture by the vampire. The last thing he needed was for Kirana to nudge the other soul out of Ian somehow, Mannimarco wanted the powerful soul out in the open, so he could absorb the power.

Mannimarco paced the beach, and congratulated the bandit by giving him gold. He called for Prater, the young dead boy, and asked him to locate the Silhouette. Mannimarco's ranks were getting thin, and the long deceased from the tombs and graveyards were rotting. Mannimarco needed fresh dead, and soon. Grinning like a madman, Mannimarco followed Prater towards the Silhouette.

Mannimarco noticed the giant lizard man near the shore where the illusion of Kirana had vanished. He also noticed unconscious clenching of the fist. Mannimarco pondered this, and wondered if it was a racial thing, how could a supposed ally be malign towards trickery and deceit? The Silhouette would probably like to know about the lizard man, but Mannimarco just let it go. However, he did make a mental note to himself to discover all Argonian weaknesses, mental and physical, later after the meeting. He would not be bested by some lizard.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 11 2007, 06:30 PM


Flogir was beside Rann as he watched him fire the arrow that appeared to kill the undead form of Kirana. Flogir turned to the troops.

"Don't listen to that Necromancer's nonsense! If I'm familiar with native Dunmer beliefs; his kind desecrates what you do for your ancestors who are meant to protect your burial grounds! To be alive but not is to be but a slave to the whim of a madmen!"

Flogir motioned to the corpses of undead littered across the battlefield. "Is that what you truly wish to become?" Flogir spat at the ground. "No! Of course not! Do not heed his words!"


Amrita was also by Rann's side. "Nice shot!" she whispered enthusiactically in his ear. She had no idea on the importance that zombie previously had with the rest of the party.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 11 2007, 07:25 PM


Commander Astrauts found a healer after the vampire left. He helped the wounded into sickbeds, and came to an awful conclusion. He can't have the dead come back to life, so he issued a mandate stating that any fatality in the coming days must be recorded and removed of its's head, precautionary to the Necromancer across the lake. Until he lay dead, this order must be followed. Astratus wiped the grim of off his clothes and hands, found a basin to wash up in, and looked around for a healer to attend to his personal injuries.

A doctor began to fuss over the injury and Astratus looked around hopefully for the quartermaster. Usually, during long fights with many injured, the quartermaster would bring alcohol for the gravely wounded to relieve the pain of their passing. Astratus needed a stiff drink, and the surrounding area was bloodied and grim. He needed the comfort of a bottle, and the solice that it brings. He needed to forget where he was, and escape for a few moments.

The quartermaster made his rounds as Astratus was cleared by the medical examiner. Astratus approached him, but the quartermaster said that due to the besieged cituation of the city, no alcohol or dry goods have made it across the lake. The quartermaster expressed his concern about the dwindling amount of supplies, and he made a guess as to how many days the city had left before rationing was to be involved not for the soldiers, but for everyone.

Astratus asked the quartermaster about possible supplies or any leads to getting supplies, when a doctor said that bandages were already being made out of bedsheets, sanitizing utensils was done by open flame, and there was practically no ointments or creams for infections or swelling. Astratus wondered if they could send communication to Vvardenfell, or Hammerfall, or even Summerset to receive aid. The pressure of command came crashing down on Astratus, and he felt alone. He called for his lieutenants, and asked them to find the emissaries to the other countries. Astratus craved the drink, but now was not the time.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 11 2007, 07:54 PM

OCC: couldn't dead soldiers get cremated, it wasn't uncommon (Romans, Greeks, and other ancient civilizations did it).


Quietly, the hunter moved off, and dissappeared deeper into the camp, within the misty Great Forest. The thick fog that he encountered reminded him of his species' homeworld, a swampy place where the lesser animals were snapped up in an instant if they failed to flee from death.

And death was the final refuge, where those who had fought could rest undisturbed by the continuing struggles of the living. That was what had been put into the alien's mind by his elders and peers many decades ago, and this shell of a man, this Mannimarco, tore the sleeping ones from their peeace and shackled them to his will.

That was what mostly gave birth to the hunter's hatred of the necromancer lord. The other percentage was the physical weakness of the man, who relied upon his servants to fight for him and depended on that cursed sorcery to give him power and dominance.
That King of Worms was a demon in the alien's eyes, one who needed to be eliminated so this could be done properly.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 11 2007, 09:55 PM

Dalrus, Tiber Septim

Dalrus had been in the inn the entire time of the battle. She was a fighter through and through, however, she was still a little exausted from her time in the vampire camp. She was a little unconfortable during the argument with Rann and Satyana, however, since she was close to both of them, she thought it best not to make too many judgements. She had assured Rann that she was still interested as he left for battle by kissing him on the cheek, and was hoping he would come back soon to hear how it had gone.

She hated the vampire lord and was determined to be the one to kill him, it was her goal.

The Silhouette, his camp

The Silhouette had watched the struggle from his hillside camp, however, he had not issued the order and would be talking to the commander who did. He was also aware of a reptilian, like himself, in the area. The Silhouette was slightly shorter, though this was hard to tell because the Silhouette seemed to be surrounded by a whispy black robe, that seemed to be neither solid nor gas. The Silhouette was, of course, not Tsaeci, and had been of another reptilian race, larger and more powerful. He was one of twenty that were in Akavir, and the others had all died in different ways. He was thousands of years old and the last of his kind. The most powerful and the most evil, the Wizard of the twenty. In Akaviri his name race was known as the Möldairę, meaning ones from shadow, he would prove that he was truly from the shadow when he finished with this city.

Mannimarco, you must not continue staying near the other reptilian, I wish to speak to him. I also need you to keep up your attacks, keep the city in fear while I prepare for the attack. Up on the north side of the valley you will find a village with a cemetary and freshly slaughtered inhabitants, there should be a few hundred for your use. Do this now! he ordered through the mental link he had forced into Mannimarco when he had given him his body.

Then he looked towards where he saw the Lizard man and suddenly his body seemed to be surrounded in black smoke, his face was still un obscured, but his whole body seemed to trail smoke as it glided quickly up and through the air. Seconds later he arrived near the lizard man.

"I do not believe I personally recruited you, what brings you here?" he said in an almost courteous tone of Akaviri.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 11 2007, 10:17 PM


Realizing the being talking to him was the Silhoutte, despite his surprise, the warrior moved slowly and smoothly to face the war leader. As he brought his long staff down, the Plys'Iea bowed his long head, his lower jaw inches from his chest.

Taking extra care in his pronunciation, he replied in Akaviri. "War Leader, in the many years since I was left behind on this world, I have resided in the Argonian homeland of Argonia. When your armies marched through that land, I decided to follow for a time until I joined them one night at one of the flanking encampments."

The alien raised his head, just enough of an angle that his eyes were no higher than the Silhouette's. "My kin and I arrived at this world almost two decades ago, one of our fleets was to guard a weapon in the making, but our foes destroyed it before it could be used."
He ducked his head down slightly, "In the retreat, my subordinates were slain, and I was left stranded. When I saw your army of Tsaeci, I saw an opportunity to fight again under your command. Such is how I came to be here."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 11 2007, 10:30 PM

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Aug 11 2007, 01:30 PM) *


Flogir was beside Rann as he watched him fire the arrow that appeared to kill the undead form of Kirana. Flogir turned to the troops.

"Don't listen to that Necromancer's nonsense! If I'm familiar with native Dunmer beliefs; his kind desecrates what you do for your ancestors who are meant to protect your burial grounds! To be alive but not is to be but a slave to the whim of a madmen!"

Flogir motioned to the corpses of undead littered across the battlefield. "Is that what you truly wish to become?" Flogir spat at the ground. "No! Of course not! Do not heed his words!"


Amrita was also by Rann's side. "Nice shot!" she whispered enthusiactically in his ear. She had no idea on the importance that zombie previously had with the rest of the party.


He nodded in acknowledgment to Amrita's compliment, but it was obvious that he wasn't sure if he agreed with the assessment or not.

Without a word, he quickly walked down from the wall, deciding to go back to the original plan of returning to the Tiber Septim.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 11 2007, 10:38 PM

The Silhouette, Outside the city

"And glad I am to have someone of more...intelligence than the greater majority of my soldiersss.." he replied, looking at the reptilian's interesting armor, though he passed it off without another thought. The Silhouette had never been addressed in the gruff, but pleasant title of 'War Leader,' he liked it, it was something he would definitely let this new arrival call him. "I am very sorry to hear about the deaths of your comrades," he lied. If he had shown any emotion but fury and cunning, then he would not be the Silhouette, still he did know what it was like. "I too have lost all my kin, they were, like me, taken down by our enemies, though it took many thousands to take down any of us. I am sure the Tsaeci regretted that decision," he said glancing towards the large Tsaeci camp.

Something about this creature did not seem tamrielic, and he did speak very good Akaviri. "You have a name I assume?"

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 11 2007, 10:51 PM


Sending a message back through the link, Mannimarco said, "It shall be done." He turned away from the approach of the Silhoeutte and found the crypt to the Silhouette's instruction. He summoned en masse the corpses of the dead, and sent them on a shambling course towards the city. He laughed to himself as dead families arose and dead children still clutching their toys hobbled towards the city bent on destruction.

Mannimarco worried about the leash on his life, and called upon ancient memories to find a way to break it. He could find none, and the magic used to create the leash was primal, meaning it was used to create Nirm. The fact that the Silhouette can control it made Mannimarco jealous and afraid. For the first time, he felt like he had no secure backup. His charlatan tricks wouldn't save him if he was obliterated by primal magic. It was the magic souls are made of.

Mannimarco retrieved the skull of Reman Cyrodil from its hiding point, and Mannimarco began to crack the complex magic surrounding it. Mannimarco wished to attain the powerful energy locked away by the first Emperor. Energy given to him by gods. Mannimarco struggled against the fields, and fear slowly grew in his stomach.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 11 2007, 11:08 PM


The alien warrior blinked, then decided not to bother the Silhouette with his lengthy full name. "My original name is not easily understood or remembered, so you may refer to me whatever you wish." Although he didn't trust that the Silhoutte was grieved by the deaths of beings he had neither met nor heard of, the Plys'Iea did not let it bother him.

What he was bothered by was the fact he was stranded here with no way to reach his people or escape himself. At least, I am fighting again, I have something to keep my mind on. The alien said calmly, "I thank you for your condolenses, War Leader. Their struggles are over now, but we must continue on regardless."

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 11 2007, 11:20 PM

The Silhouette, outside the city

"Very well then, I will not bother saying my name either, for it is a curse in my former language and usually kills whoever says it," he said lightly. "Yes unfortunately we must continue on no matter who we lose. It is unfortunate," he again lied, for if it brought you to your goal, losing servents here or there didn't matter. He did become fond of many of his strong warriors, not because of their bravery, but because he saw their abilities as assets and rewarded them accordingly. So it was the skills others used to help the Silhouette, rather than the person himself that pleased him.

"I am letting you do whatever you want, fight the enemy in any way you see fit, just try not to harm too many of my men, and do not kill Mannimarco, he is under my control and though I am not necromancer myself (not that he couldn't, he just never saw the need) he is a useful asset." he made sure to make this clear, for the first time, The Silhouette actually felt excited to have someone new in his army. "Prepare for battle,"

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 11 2007, 11:37 PM


He snorted as he rose, "Understood, I shall endeavor to do so." The alien stood at his full hieght, and marched off, staff held tightly in his right hand. Mentally and physically ready for the coming battle.


Rising slowly from the water, Kirana noticed the mist rolling in from the east. None of the archers on the walls saw the wet shell making her way through the foliage to a secluded outcropping. Despite the water and the cool breezes, Kirana was unaffected by the cold.

Waiting, she realised how much she missed common things the living did like breathing, Kirana was still inside the soul gem, and whether or not she controlled an undead body didn't change anything. In Ian, she only had emotions and thoughts, but her vampire friend was hundred of times more preferable to the black soul gem.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 12 2007, 05:01 AM


Rann walked into the Tiber Septim, feeling tired mentally, physically, and most of all, emotionally exhausted. He immediately spotted Dalrus still sitting in the same seat and decided to fill the seat next to her. He looked into his old empty wine glass, lamenting the fact that it was empty and the bottle was nowhere to be found. It wasn't as if wine was the most potent of drinks anyway.

"We 'won'," he informed her, avoiding the issue of his feud with Satyana and Issac by keeping the conversation on the battle, "But that necromancer I told you we killed is back. The King of Worms, no less."

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 12 2007, 05:36 AM

Dalrus, Tiber Septim Hotel

Dalrus surveyed Rann for a few seconds, making sure there were no wounds or injuries. She gave a look of relief and listened to him tell her about he King of Worms. "That vile man has been trouble for Tamriel for too long, figures he sided with the Silhouette," she seemed incredibly angry about the King of Worms. She leaned in closer to Rann and poured him some wine.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 12 2007, 05:45 AM


"I don't really want to talk about it," he said, accentuating that statement by downing the glass of wine in one giant gulp. He felt more than a little guilty about 'killing' Kirana, even though he knew that it wasn't a desirable existence. His attention shifted from the introvertive to the extrovertive, though, when he saw that Dalrus had moved to sit much closer to him.

He put his arm around her, and with a playful smile said, "I missed you."

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 12 2007, 03:53 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint grumbled incoherently.
,,Undead, more undead and even more undead. Geez, what kind of sick loser invented Necromancy in the first place? With few exceptions, all undead monsters are evil in my book."

He thought back to the conversation he had with Voltar and Altair while Flogir was off fighting. It was convincing, but Flint couldn't quite shake the accusations Green-Root had made himself.
,,Great, now I'm believing a backstabbing bandit over a distinguished noble. But then again, wasn't I a bandit myself once? And what do we know about Altair?" He thought, feeling frustrated.
,,Yup, I need a drink as well." He spoke out loud.

He glanced at Amrita.
,,She looks awfully familiar." He noted. He thought he knew from where and decided it was worth a shot to try a bait.
,,Salina's girl." He whispered, just loud enough to be heard.

(OOC: I need to figure out where Green-Root is.)

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 12 2007, 06:12 PM

OCC: Yeah, the Plys'Iea are fair climbers in general, even in their armor they can do more than climb trees. Ian's fought enough undead for the week, the others can try and catch up with his score now. wink.gif


Hidden in the mist, the alien had given up the march to scuttle silently on all fours. His snout close to the ground, he skittered quickly along the wet road toward the Imperial City. While bipedal movement was often faster, the hunter's kind was just as proficient with crawling.

As the creature approached the bridge to the Imperial City, it smelled the scent of rotting flesh and undeath all around. Don't harm Mannimarco, I can accomplish that. The reptilian warrior came to the side of the bridge.
Shifting to a kneeling position, he inspected the stonework, then satisfied, he stood. The alien's long fingers grasped the stone architecture, and the monster climbed halfway up the bridge before changing its course. While the undead used the main walkway, he would crawl on the wall to the other side unnoticed.

The dark shape that was the Imperial City gradually grew larger as the alien continued across the bridge.


Finally, he arrived at the outcropping, and found the body Kirana was inhabiting. On the whole, the body resembled the scholar Ian had met years ago and had known since then. But there were differences the vampire could detect.

No blood pumped through his friend's viens, nor did her heart beat with life. As Ian joined her in the shadows, he didn't know what to say to her.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 12 2007, 09:00 PM


Amrita had followed Rann and Flogir back to the Tiber Septim. As she passed "Altair" and Voltar, the man with them muttered something. Amrita looked back and fixed the man with a look. Obviously he was one of the members that was around at her birth since he knew about Salina. No matter though. Amrita could make up a story to prove that she was no longer affiliated with Salina's "dark and evil ways".

She waved to the group. "Greetings, it looks like things have been going well for us so far."

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 13 2007, 09:30 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint noticed the stare but didn't acknowledge it.
,,Well, that pretty much confirms things. Now I'll just hang back and observe for a while, see how the third one turned out."

When they entered the bar, the Breton instantly spied one last bottle of flin on the rack. He pressed his Telekinesis and drew it to himself before any of the soldiers discovered his find.
,,Cheers." He smiled and popped the cork.


Green-Root comfortably lay against a wall in the shadows. At the edge of his vision, he could see one of the sewer exits. For a moment he played with the thought of asking permission to perform short patrol outside. He didn't know if Vasha would agree but if she refused, he figured he could offer to loan his spear to Kalsh and have her 'escort' him as a token of trust. But he decided not to.
,,If someone sees me, they'll realize that the sewers are guarded. It's best to let them come on their own time."

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 14 2007, 06:40 PM

OCC: The undead should reach the city before the Plys'Iea warrior, not everyone has to fight them, most of the fighters could be Dunmer soldiers, but at least one person should be involved.


When no reply came, the Altmer restlessly rose from the bed and decided to that walking through the streets wouldn't be a bad idea. As he exited his room, Issac noticed Satyana leaning against the frame of the door.

Her gaze wandered from his face to the katana thrust through the table. With a sigh, he let the other frame support him, and said. "That blade won't take anymore lives, I can find another."
Satyana's violet eyes studied him before she replied. "It wasn't your fault, Issac, Kirana doesn't blame you for killing her, you don't either." Issac wasn't surprised that his lover had been able to see the heart of his unease.

"The world seems to be going to Oblivion, Satyana. Not only is Mannimarco still at work, but Rann doesn't even trust us anymore. If it weren't for Altair and his highness, the King of Worms, then things would be so much easier." He said, shaking his head ruefully.

Issac could see that his sentiments were mirrored in Satyana, although it was clear that the gap between herself and Rann was more vivid than it was for him. The Altmer lifted his arm so he could lightly caress his lover's cheek.
"Life goes on I guess...." Satyana muttered, they took each other in an comforting embrace, as if to say, "At least we aren't in this alone."

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 14 2007, 07:41 PM


Green-Root approached the sewer mouth, ignoring the warning stare of Vasha. He poked his snout out and looked around quickly before drawing back and silently crawling back to his hiding place. Vasha visibly relaxed once it was clear that he wouldn't run off.
,,Undead, on the bridge, moving to the gates." He whispered and settled back into a comfortable position. Their place was here, not at the battle that would soon rage.

OOC: Green-Root saw the side of the bridge as well, but our alien hunter was on the other side.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 14 2007, 07:56 PM

Narza Tai, Vasha

She nodded, without any sign or other form of communication, Sarmath, the Dunmer, dissappeared to inform the sensei. Vasha studied Green-Root for a few moments, "So, you met the Sensei before he came with Patholos to reveal the truth about Sithis to us?"

Kalsh glanced over her shoulder, the blood of a sluaghterfish she was eating soaking her snout. The female Argonian continued to work her jaws, though more quietly so she could hear.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 14 2007, 08:04 PM


Green-Root nodded.
,,I did meet him a while back." He admitted.
,,Hmm, this is thin ice here. What if I say that we were both working for the Silhouette at the time, the same being we now oppose? It could prove to be unhealthy for me."

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 14 2007, 09:43 PM


Flogir pulled up a seat near Rann and ordered a drink. The barkeep unfortunately informed him that they currently were out of booze. Flogir grumbled and waved him away.

"Great... just great. Now I can't even drink to attempt to perk me up."

Flogir sat in silence, as he had previously ascertained that Rann didn't want to be forced to talk about the rift that had built between him and his sister. If Rann wanted to open up, it appeared that both he and Dalrus were open to listen. He lightly drummed his fingers on the table as he tried to think about better, happier times in his life.

He looked over and noticed that Voltar, Altair, and Flint were together, likely discussing the Green-Root situation. Flogir felt certain that if he was needed, Flint would call him over or relay the discussion to him in the future. Amrita was also nearby that group, and she had a drink!

"Oh I see how it is... only the ladies get the drinks now eh..." Flogir muttered under his breath. The good mood he was working on had vanished.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 14 2007, 10:46 PM


As the first zombies approached the city gates, he dropped to the moist ground. The alien moved off and to the side, reaching the main walls in a matter of seconds. With its acute sense of smell, the warrior could smell the soldiers, and their fear and borderline hopelessness.

Let us get rid of any doubt in their minds about how bad their situation is..... Growling lightly as the guards at the gates noticed the undead horde, the hunter began scaling the wall in the same fashion as he had the bridge.
The top of the battlements grew nearer and nearer, anticipation filled the beast......

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 15 2007, 12:01 AM

Guardsmen, on the wall

The sudden stench of decay hit the guardsmen full on. He leaned over the wall to vomit and saw hundreds of the dead shambling towards the city. He was about to yell when incisors tore through his jugular vein, and the guardsmen coughed the last breath he would ever take out of his lungs. The undead did not feed on the body, however, the undead each had a singular purpose, kill.


A odd thought occurred to Astratus as he searched his personal belongings for alcohol. He found a few bottles of Brandy, a present from the Nerevarine himself, and a case of sujamma that had a slight hint of apple spice in it. Astratus had his own methods of brewing sujamma, but he let the professionals do their job. Astratus looked over his alcohol, then searched deep inside himself, finally coming to the conclusion that the soldiers needed it more than he did. He ordered that the sujamma be taken to the Tiber Septim and distrubuted by rationing. He then sent two of his three bottles of Brandy to the doctors to use as a sterilizing utensil. Astratus sighed, then uncorked his last bottle of alcohol and went outside his tent.

When Astratus opened his mouth to swallow, he tasted decay and almost gagged. He looked around and decided to check the wall. He saw three soldiers with torches yelling and pointing, and Astratus felt a little worried. One, he was in no mood nor did he have the energy to fight anything that could be attacking the city. He would become and instant fatality without the strength to combat the enemies. He had to find the Narza'Tai before the city collapsed, when he bumped into the man without the eyes.


Rising from his bed, Patholos had made his way around the city to find the weaponsmith. He muttered a recall object spell and the dagger he left in the clearing at Heroe's Hill materialized in his hand. He asked the weaponsmith to attach a small but durable chain to the dagger, and then to fashion it to Patholos's bracer. The weaponsmith said it would take a while, but it would be ready in the morning. Patholos paid with Flin, which he had brought with him from the lair. Patholos left the weaponsmith and went to look for Karn. His wounds from the fight had healed, but he was still sore and tired. He stumbled upon the Commander with alcohol in his hands, and Patholos spat in disgust. All of the sudden Patholos smelled death, and Patholos turned his gaze to the wall. His vision showed death all around the outside of the city, and one formidable foe what seemed to be leading them. Patholos turned to the captain and said, "Rally your troops, the Dead are attacking!"

Patholos sped down the road, yelling for Karn.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 15 2007, 12:23 AM


When one of the sentries on the rooftops contacted him, and spoke of an attack by more undead and Patholos' request for his presense, Karn immediately, ordered spellcasters back to the surface, along with groups armed with enchanted weaponry.

After giving the necesary orders, the sensei himself vanished in the black cloud used by the magical members of the Narza'Tai to teleport. Rather than appear where his lieutenant was, Karn appeared instead in the Tiber Septim.
He took in the weary group for several moments before shaking his head, dismissing the thought of them taking part. Without any explaination, the assassin lord departed to where his lieutenant was supposed to be.

As the dark smoky cloud dispersed, he looked around to find Patholos approaching.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 15 2007, 01:35 AM


Breathing heavily, Patholos approached Karn. He said, "Sensei, the dead are attacking. There are not enough of the Commander's troops at the attack point to hold them." He took a deep breath and said in a low voice. "There was some strange creature there as well, something possibly from Oblivion. I have never seen anything like it before." Patholos breathed deep again.

He said to his Sensei, "Sensei, I am weaponless and in no shape to fight. If we send Family to fight the dead, we could loose too many to maintain functionality. I think we should find other methods of warfare." Patholos tied tight his blindfold, and stretched his arms out. He said, "If I must fight, I will die beside my Family. We seek vengeance on the dead for their attack on our Family. Your will, Sensei..."


Seeing the pale mer leave disheartened Astratus. The dead were going to be in the City at any moment. He yelled at an officer carrying the sujamma towards the Septim, "Belay that order, officer! Send word for all available fighters at once. We are under attack!"


The energy inside the skull was almost his, yet he felt that if he activated it, it would alert the Silhouette and cause Mannimarco to lose his gain. The Silhouette's magic was primal, and almost impossible to break. He had to think what was the opposite of primal magic. Everything has an opposite, so if primal was the basis of everything created, then what was the opposite of creation?

One thought came to Mannimarco, and it dealt with the pale mer. "Sithis," He said to himself. The Void was the key, yet he had no access. He had to find the mer...

OOC: Okay, i know lot of twists, but hey, its rp, anyway, Mannimarco going for power boost to split from Silhouette and attack the City and the Silhouette with the dead. Making this a fatal three way. Also, the skull might be used to access the void, sacrificing power for freedom.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 15 2007, 01:59 AM


Voltar nearly jumped to attack Karn when he appeared, but he quickly left without any of the members in their party truly reacting to his sudden arrival.

Hmm... it appears that they do not think him as an enemy anymore. This could prove to be troublesome since he knows of Veric's abilities...

It was only a few moments before a soldier from Astratus' army barged in demanding those able to fight to report to the walls. Apparently the undead were attacking again. Voltar withdrew his staff. He looked to Altair.

"Well, master. I think it's about time for us to participate," he said and both he and Altair headed off.


When he heard what the soldier said, Flogir quickly rose from his seat. "Good! I need to release some pent up frustration on these foul vermin! I didn't even get the chance to kill a single one last battle. Count me in!"

He quickly followed Altair and Voltar out of the door and towards the scene of the battle.


Amrita stayed in her seat as the soldier explained the situation. She drink her flin in a casual manner but she kept a keen eye on Rann. If he went, she would go and watch his back for him.

I just gotta prove my worth to him and keep him liking 'Altair' because of that, she thought idly as she caressed the hilt of one of her crossbows within her cloak.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 15 2007, 04:14 AM

Plys'Iea, on the battlments

Careful to avoid the soldiers' attention until he reached his hand over the edge of the wall, the warrior rolled over into their midst. All of the elves heard the dull metallic thud, however the wall was quite narrow, and all stared at the hulking beast that leered down at them.

Before the closest soldier could react, the lifted him into the air by the throat and kicked the elf solidly off to the paved streets beneath. The next elf in line unsheathed his broadsword and swung at the nightmarish monster who had just killed his friend.
But the alien warrior grabbed the blade mid-swing and held it tightly, its tough hide refusing to cut despite the sharpness of the edge. Moving the blade, still being held by the wielder slightly away to the right, the Plys'Iea leaned forward and skrieked just inches from the Dunmer's helmet.

So narrow was the walkway that the other two Dunmer couldn't attack without fearing harm to their comrade. The elf whose blade he had firmly gripped in his large hand continued to strain against the strength of his one arm.
Meanwhile, the elf's companions seemed transfixed by the demonic creature, the the cold stare of the animalistic yellow eyes in the light fo their torches. Abruptly, the Plys'Iea warrior ceased its terrifying shriek and shifted its grip further down the broadsword's blade.

With the added leaverage, the alien swiftly plunged the point throughy the gap in the bonemold helmet. Since the blade was still held by the alien, the Dunmer's body remained suspended, blood gushed from the slit and soaked the cloth around elf's neck.
The corpse crumpled limply when the monstrous warrior released his grip on the primitive blade. One of the Dunmer now had the mind to yell for help, but his pleas were cut off as the Plys'Iea's massive hand enveloped his head.

The final watchman stared horrified between his suffocating brother and the frightening creature looming over him. Rather than find out what the elf might have done, the alien warrior brought his staff down and the mer's face was smashed by the flail end.
The insistant struggles by the suffocating Dunmer began to annoy him, so to end it, the Plys'Iea suddenly jerked his hand and snapped the mer's neck. Pathetic, they do not deserve to be called warriors..... The alien thought to himself as he left the dead corpses to search for more worthy foes.


He nodded, taking in the development, one of the spellcasters appeared, they had a habit of knowing when and where they were needed at times. Karn turned to address her. "Have those who are fighting stick to high vantage points with one spellcaster to each group, should the enemy get within an unsafe distance have all family in peril moved to another position."

The Sensei added to the departing mage. "And use area effect spells of fire, combined with the flamable materials to create barriers and shift the advantage in our favor. Don't leave anything to chance, caution cannot be any more crucial than right now."
Nodding in acknowledgement, the mage left the two alone. "Patholos," The sensei said turning to his lieutenant. "You must do what you believe is the right action, if you choose to fight the same rules given to our brothers and sisters apply to you. If you decide to go below, then aid the alchemists, we'll need every resource we have to get through this."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 15 2007, 04:22 AM


Rann stood up at the 'call to arms', knowing that if he didn't go, he'd wonder what he could've done to stop anything that went wrong.

"Coming this time?" he asked Dalrus, but didn't really wait for a response, as the rest of the group seemed to be leaving without them. He slung his bow and quiver over his shoulder and began walking out of the hotel, handing the bottle of wine to the nearest sitting soldier. He spotted Amrita sipping her drink and gave her a short wave before falling into step beside Flogir.


Aerona made the split second decision to join the group, thinking to help the wounded where she could. She hoped that she could save some lives, and hopefully, with her help, most of the wounded would fight again.

She ran to catch up to the group, forcing herself between Rann and Flogir, feeling pretty safe with either one.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 15 2007, 04:42 AM


The silence stretched for awhile, the animated corpse realized how much better vampirism was than undeath. While both were very similar, vampires still breathed and were more alive than any zombie, no matter how well-crafted.

Kirana could tell her friend was grieved to see her confined to this crude vessel. But through the subtle bond between them, her awareness of Mannimarco's influence was his as well. While neither knew what exact measures the King of Worms had taken, they knew a few.
Still Ian did not speak to her, nor could Kirana find any words to tell him anything he didn't know already.


Looking for a heartbeat into the eyes of the physical shell that Kirana was confined to, Ian gave his old friend a remorseful look. In the blink of an eye both wrist blades were in position and then the undead torso was cleved into three pieces, and the vampire grabbed the black soul gem out of the air.

His hand gripped the crystal tightly, as if hoping that such a measure would keep Mannimarco from reclaiming his hold upon it. Ian then cast a humble dispell, clinging to the hope that something so basic would stop the powerful King of Worms.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 15 2007, 04:48 AM


Break the gem. Let Mannimarco recall an empty vessel. Once you've done it Kirana can choose to rejoin us in your body or to pass on.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 15 2007, 04:55 AM

OCC: Mannimarco can recall the gem just as Ian is about to destroy it.


With this new knowledge, the vampire tossed the gem into the air. As it flipped, Ian channeled more fire magic into his right blade while drawing it back at the same time. The blade wavered, heat radiating from its surface.

As the crystal slowed to the top of its arc in the air, Ian struck as fast and powerfully as he could. His wrist spike was the only part of his arm visible as it accelerated. Time seemed to mock the vampire.....

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 15 2007, 05:23 AM


Amrita waved back as Rann passed her. She placed her drink aside and calmly followed Rann and the others at a distance. She did have a hand ready on one of her crossbows should the need of instant protection be needed.

"Let's hope they face something competent enough to get close to us this time..." she muttered.


Voltar arrived at the scene first. He noticed that Karn and Astratus were nearby. It seemed that they were pointing to a wall where a large, reptilian-like beast stood. It seemed to cast the soldiers on the wall away like ragdolls. The creature intrigued him though as it wasn't anything he had seen before, and he felt his knowledge of beasts of Tamriel was quite extensive. He noticed a robed mage was heading to the wall. He also noticed Flogir and the others arriving.

"Flogir! I suggest you and your party deal with the undead. That creature up there appears to be a bit too dangerous to deal with melee weapons, unless you wish to pepper him with arrows," Voltar called out over the screams of pain and horror before quickly heading in the direction of the mage.


Flogir greeted Rann and Aerona as they caught up with him. "Time to have some fun!" he said before seeing what they were dealing with.

Once they got there, Flogir couldn't help but gape at the creature upon the walls. It was monstrous! He only nodded dumbly at Voltar's suggestion before he snapped out of it. He turned to Rann.

"I'm not very talented with a bow so I'm going to take Voltar's suggest. I'll see you on the wall if you choose the same." With that he was off, charing up the steps to the wall. All ready undead minions were shuffling they way around. Withdrawing Iceshard, Flogir charged into them, bellowing a war cry.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 15 2007, 05:38 AM


Rann appeared torn for a moment, but finally made his decision. That monstrosity obviously discouraged the soldiers, and if a few souls stood up to it, there was a good chance that others would join in. Nobody, not even that beast could deny the power of numbers.

He followed Voltar until they stood face to face with the alien creature. Rann's knuckles turned white as he gripped his katana tightly in anticipation.


Aerona did her best to stay out of the fighting while still keeping Flogir in sight in case she needed his protection. She went to work healing the many injured soldiers that littered the wall, while keeping an eye on the dead ones, hoping that they wouldn't rise against her.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 15 2007, 05:56 AM


With one wide, horizontal swing, Flogir managed to take down the first undead in front of him. Needing to give himself some room, he kicked back the nearest zombie back into the horde the was beginning to form around him. A decomposing head began to emerge over the wall to his right, so Flogir kicked it. A sickening ripping sound was made as the head was ripped away from the corpse. The thing still tried to climb up though.

"That! Was! Not! What! I! Was! Looking! For!" Flogir yelled each word with a stomp on the climbing corpse before it finally fell off the wall. By then the horde was pressing on him once again. He used wide swings to keep them away though.

Soon the undead in his immediate vicinity had cleared somewhat, he noticed that Aerona was nearby, but Rann now stood before the lizard thing. "I hope he knows what he's do-" he mumbled was cut off as a zombie knocked him over. He soon found that two more stood above him.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 15 2007, 06:00 AM


Looking down from the battlments, the alien warrior noticed the group of individuals who had just arrived. Leering down at them, he picked out bits and pieces of Tamrielic that he understood. Some of the undead were climbing the walls, but atthe rate they were going and the amount who lacked the ability to climb effectively, meant that the gates must be opened if they were to enter the city in large enough numbers.

Jumping down to the street, the Plys'Iea swiftly moved to the mechanisms that controlled the gates, normally it would take two men working in together in order to utilize it, but the alien turned the wheel enough that the a large gap between the ground and the bottom of the gate presented itself to the undead.

As the first zombies flooded in through the new opening, he turned his long snake-like head to gaze at the adventurers. Leaping close enough so they could hear him, the warrior pointed at a random person, a young Dunmer.

In Akaviri the monster hissed, "Your reckoning is at hand. Come face me, I will offer all of you who fight well deaths worthy of true warriors!" When he finished, he roared, crouching down, his spines flaring upwards rigidly. Then the alien launched himself toward Rann, arms outstreched jaws wide open to reveal his fangs.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 15 2007, 06:10 AM


Since the monster decided to call him out beforehand, Rann saw the charge coming. He quickly sidestepped the charge, realizing that his smaller frame wasn't one that would withstand such a charge. In the same motion as his dodge, he spun around to land a hit on the monster's back. A hit that obviously did no damage.

Rann realized his mistake, and knew that he'd have to think quickly if he wanted to survive the counter that was sure to come. Unfortunately, he was in quite a vulnerable position.


Aerona noticed Flogir's position, and not knowing many offensive spells, she put a strong shield spell on Flogir, knowing that it would buy him the time he needed to get back up unscathed.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 15 2007, 06:11 AM


Voltar cursed as the beast leaped from the wall in order to open the gates. He looked to the mage beside him. "We need to get that gate closed! Quickly!" he shouted at him before casting a firewall on the opposite of the wall to temporarily hold back the undead that had not entered the streets yet.

Once completely with that, he heard the beast speak in Akaviri. It was challenging Rann. Using the increased power of the Staff of Worldly Demise, Voltar placed a potent Shield spell on Rann, hoping that would suffice until he got the gate closed.


When Amrita appeared the lizard beast had began to charge Rann. Great, now I gotta save him from that!? she cursed before withdrawing her crossbows. She fired, the poison tipped, armour piercing bolts at the lizard. She hoped the hide of that thing wouldn't stop them. For all she knew the creature could be immune to poison like the Argonians.

She readied a shadow shard, wondering how potent this creature's mind would be to her temporarily increased "powers".

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 15 2007, 06:35 AM


Seeing this new creature, Karn immediately made two assumptions. There were clear differences between this being and Argonians and Akaviri snakemen. The armor it wore was of some design he could not identify. All of these unknowns forced Karn to make a decision born from his original opportunistic self, study the unknown.

This meant he had to watch as it fought his current allies, something that was unusually hard for him to accept, they were indisposable at this point. I will intervene if necessary, He concluded.


Having fast enough reflexes, the alien noticed the Dunmer sidestepping and prepared for his reaction before he completely passed the elf. His spines detected the tiny projectiles one of the females fired, but they richochetted off of his heavy armor.

Having prepared to missed, he first cancelled out his downward movement by slamming his hands into the pavement. Then his legs kicked out to launch him upward again, flying towards a nearby building. Just like with the pavement, the alien used his momentum to plant himself on the vertical wall long enough to change direction.
Flipping backward, he gripped his staff and reversed back toward the group. Shifting in mid-flight, the warrior sailed toward the Dunmer again, swinging his staff for a two-handed strike. Even if he missed, the strength of the hit would likely send a few pieces of stone shrapnel flying.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 15 2007, 06:53 AM


Rann dodged again, but instead of a calculated evasion, it was closer to fleeing. He frantically rolled out of the way, barely avoiding certain death.

He was rewarded for his efforts with a shower of stones broken loose from the force of his opponent's blow, and couldn't help but be glad that it was the wall being hit and not his skull.

"Impressive," he muttered, suddenly regretting getting himself into this fight. He still didn't lose heart though, as he often found himself up against opponents he shouldn't, and somehow he was still alive.

He stood up as quickly as he could, and dusted himself off, suddenly aware of the many small cuts on his arms from the stone shards. He mentally shrugged them off, and stared his enemy in the eye as he readied himself for another attack.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 15 2007, 07:02 AM


He stared back into the Dunmer's eyes, and hissed in his own tongue. "You may dodge all you like; fight back and your death will be much quicker and more honorable than if I am forced to make several more small wounds."
Then he spun on his heel, his staff swinging around to swipe the elf's legs out from under him.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 15 2007, 07:17 AM

The Silhouette, Outside the city

The Silhouette felt something, one of his servants was not doing what he wanted. It did not matter, he would not lose. The dead army was in full attack, now was the time, he would not send his huge Tsaeci armies just yet, no this was for the dead and the goblins. Suddenly he appeared next to the goblin chief.

"You know your orders quite well...quite well indeed, crush them, I will get you into the gates, the bandits and vampires will follow, then I will lead my men in" he hissed, the goblin smiled in reply. He ran out and bellowed orders in a very harsh sounding tongue. Thousands of goblins poured out of their tents and cheered.

"Charge now!!" The Sillhouette's cold voice rang throughout the camp. Thousands of goblins thundered towards the bridge, with the Silhouette disappearing in a wisp of smoke and reappearing by the bridge. He uttered a few words and the bridge glowed, any attempts at destroying it would be thwarted, unless they knew the counter charm in akaviri. Soon bandits and vampires prepared to follow the goblins, and then one of the two Tsaeci hordes. This was it.

OOC: They are going to capture the Talos Plaza district, then it will be a slow siege for the other sections. Because the city has many other walls, breaking in is only the first part, this battle should be quite long.

Dalrus, Battlements

Dalrus had followed Rann and Aerona to the battlements and fired off blasts of fire at all the zombies near her. She fired off a particularly powerful blast that enveloped four zombies who turned into ash. Suddenly a mage climbed up the wall, more than likely through a sticking spell to his feet. He shot a blast of electricity at her, fortunately she knew the counter spell and it simply disappeared on her shock shield. She shot ice towards him, but his counter spell also worked.

The fight when on for some time as the two mages dueled, blasts of fire, ice and electricity glowed, this mage was obviously not an a beginner. Suddenly Dalrus recognized him, it was the former arch mage, she knew he had disappeared but wasn't sure why, the spell of the Silhouette was strong enough that the mage was now just a servant to the Silhouette's will. Blast after blast were repelled and blocked, finally Dalrus telekenetically hurled a stone that had broken from the battlement at the arch mage. He stopped it, but while trying to throw it back at her she fired a stunning spell at him. He collapsed and she pulled him away from the fighting. She would have to find the counter spell in order to save him from going to the Silhouette again.

Then she saw the fight Rann was in...

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 15 2007, 08:43 AM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint grumbled under his breath. The bottle of flin was tied to his belt.
,,Great, I blew through most of my Magicka during last battle. So no jumping or Daedric bow and arrows combo. Bloody brilliant, I hate melee."

He took in the situation as he arrived. Undead were crawling up the walls and one large......thing was trying to kill Rann.
,,Flogir and the soldiers against masses of zombies, they'll be able to last a while. Can't say the same for Rann, even with the third child helping him. Alright, decision made. Let's hope I won't regret it."

A zombie that ha dmade it past the walls blocked his path. He unsheathed his blades and cleaved them down in a cross-pattern, striking at both sides of the neck. Then he reversed his grip and tore both blades through the zombies abdomen. The rotten flesh parted easily and the thing fell apart.

The giant creature swung its weapon at Rann's legs.
,,Crap, I'm going to be too late like that. Old legs aren't meant for running." Flint thought and did the only thing that got into his mind. He sacrificed some of his Magicka to put a telekinetic hold on those chains that were tied to the staff. He doubted he could overpower the musculature of that thing, but hopefully he would slow its swing far enough to give Rann the chance to dodge.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 15 2007, 01:01 PM


Rann saw what was happening, but he knew that even his fast reflexes couldn't get out of the way of that bone-crushing strike.

But something slowed it. Rann didn't know what it was, and he didn't much care, all he knew was that he had his opening. He jumped back, so that the staff hit only air, reversing his grip on his sword as he did, and immediately reversed his direction, jumping towards the strange creation, his sword held high over his head for a strike at the head.

OOC: swipe him away

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 15 2007, 04:48 PM


The supernatural intervention perplexed the alien, but when the Dunmer moved to attack him, his counter-attack met no such impedement. His arm lashed out, barely visible and struck the Dunmer in the chest, sending the elf sprawling back.

The alien noticed one of his adversaries was attampting to close the gates. Spinning around, he vaulted half of the distance, and then used his momentum to close it. The ALien swung his staff in a flurry of succesive strikes at the Altmer.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 15 2007, 05:08 PM


Rann was surprised as what felt like a solid brick wall hit him square in the chest. The wind was knocked out of him, and he lost his grip on his blade. He landed on his back a few feet away from where his enemy stood, and he lay there for a few moments before finally sitting up. As he did, waves of pain washed over him, and he figured that he had a broken rib or two.

He finally stood, and his opponent had decided to change targets. He looked around quickly to try to find his dropped sword, but was unable to locate it. Being unable to to give chase, he pulled out his bow and fired an arrow after the beast.

The thing he forgot, though, in his focus on the more dangerous foe, was the fact that there were lesser undead around, so he was forced to deal with them instead. He was doing more hitting with his bow in the close quarters, and it was less than effective.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 15 2007, 07:17 PM

Dalrus, Battlements

Dalrus left the body of the Arch mage on a bench and continued to look where she could be of some help. Many battles were going on over the wall, but the soldiers were holding the zombies at bay. Only one section of the wall seemed to be heavily disputed and that was where a giant lizard was fighting. Dalrus slowly worked her way to the section where Rann was, stopping here and there to kill zombies. Finally she arrived to find Rann surrounded by Zombies and only a bow out.

Dalrus uttered the words and fire shot out from three different places on her palm. The undead were hit and enveloped in flame. When the fire disappeared all that was left was three piles of ash. Dalrus then saw a mage nearby, killing soldiers along the wall by magically pushing them over the side. She fired wave after wave of ice and the mage's feeble blocking spells were overwhelmed. He collapsed, his skin completely frost bitten and dead.

"Rann, you need to get out of here, it looks like two of your ribs are broken, you'll be safe in the Tiber Septim, and I will find a healer," she said worriedly. She kissed him and then continued to kill the undead coming near them. The battle looked like it was going well when suddenly the horns of goblins could be heard in the distance. Dalrus looked towards the ridge to find the banners of the various tribes come into view...

The Silhouette, Near Lake Remare

Thousands upon thousands of goblins and bandits were ready for his final signal, they cheered on the ridge as he flew above them, only his torso was not smoke, every other part of him seemed to be a vapor that allowed him to fly.

"Charge for victory, spare none, slaughter everyone in the city!" he hissed loud enough for all to hear him. "I will get you in!" With that the goblins and bandits charged in a huge mass towards the city. Bloodlust in their eyes they soon reached the bridge which had been stablized by the Silhouette. They sprinted up the slops to the gate waiting for the Silhouette's call, thousands more poured across onto the island. The Silhouette's voice soon rose abov the mob's.

"Igh nah hidek vo di ne mogh ne huro!" his voice rebounded throughout the city. Suddenly an enormous crack could be heard and then a deafening smash as the gate was wrenched open by the magical words, suddenly the iron sizzled off and into the air as the wood splintered into thousands of shards, killing many of the goblins, though nothing to really harm their numbers. The gates were so large that many pieces crashed through nearby windows of the plaza and a cart vendor who had been selling leather gloves to soldiers was speared by a piece. The Silhouette flew above the mass and landed on top of the gate house.

"Slaughter everyone!" his simple order was enough and thousands of goblins and bandits poured across the barrier. What had not happened in thousands of years had happened, a foreign enemy had broken into the Imperial City. Screams could already be heard as goblins filled the whole plaza running off into houses and slaughtering the inhabitants. Bandits had their way with many and screams of terror rose along with the cheers of the army. The Silhouette saw such barbarity as useless with lesser races, his tsaeci would not mix blood, but it was a useful tool of terror.

The Soldiers on the wall begand to scatter and run through to the gate houses of the other walls, closing them behind so the undead would not open the other sections of the city.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 15 2007, 07:29 PM


At the appearance of the Silhoutte and the destruction of the main gates all together, the alien warrior laughed, a deep, warbling vocalization. In Akaviri he said to the Altmer, "The end is near, you have failed!"

OCC: seeing as there's a sea of homicidal goblins, bandits and undead, I suggest everyone make the decision to teleport away with their one of the spellcasters.


Gazing up at the floating Silhoutte, Karn narrowed his eyes. "This isn't over," He said. All around Narza'Tai mages appeared in black smoke. "Come, this battle is not worth defeat!" Karn yelled to the other group members, urging them towards the spellcasters.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 15 2007, 07:35 PM

(Revan, I hope you don't mind me manipulating Vasha and the gang.)


Green-Root had told most of the story, though he left out the Silhouette's involvement. It was then that the Narza'tai heard a faint noise. Vasha gestured at one of her men who went to the sewer mouth and peered out. When he came back, they could all see his distressed face.
,,The gate has been broken. Undead, goblins, scum. They're all pouring into the city." He reported.

Several hushed conversations erupted. After a moment, Vasha raised her hand, causing all to go mute.
,,This is a bad blow. Let's hope they don't get the clever idea of entering the sewers. Our defense isn't meant to stop invaders dropping down from the streets." Green-Root realized. He turned his back to the exit and gazed into the darkness. His hand curled tightly around the spear.

Messengers were sent to relay the news.
,,I wonder where Sensei is." One of the Narza'tai muttered.

Flint Ironwood.

,,Crap, crap and double crap! I'm too old for this!" Flint gasped as a true avalanche of bloodthirsty goblins seemed to descend on them.
,,And to think I played my trump card earlier this day. Crap, I'm so going to die!"

One of the green critters reached him and swung a bone. The Breton jumped over the attack and kicked it in the face. He then tore into its chest with one blade while swinging the other back to stop a zombie. More came to replace the fallen however. Now a battlescarred Nord challenged him with a Warhammer.
,,You will snap like a twig!" He howled and swung.

Flint ducked and felt the rush of air as that heavy block of solid iron sailed overhead.
,,Nope, I bend like a reed in the wind." He replied, vaulting backwards. The Nord charged. Flint threw his swords up into the air and drew the bottle of flin from his belt.
,,It worked a few years ago." He mumbled and threw it directly at his opponent. The man's furs were soaked by the liquid. He grinned.
,,Such a waste of alcohol!" He laughed. Flint cast a smirk.
,,Yup, a waste. But how do you like this?!" He answered and threw a fireball.

,,Alcohol and fire, it never mixes." He chuckled, running away from a crowd of goblins and one burning Nord.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 15 2007, 09:26 PM


Voltar noticed the large creature sailing in the air towards him, just before his first blow was made, Voltar vanished before the lizard and appeared a safe distance away.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not that keen on melee combat," Voltar said indignantly in rusty Akaviri, "I don't like blood on my robes."

Suddenly the gates exploded nearby him. A shard grazed his forehead, cutting it fairly deeply before Voltar managed to throw up a shield spell. It suddenly appeared that defensive measures needed to be taken.

"I'll leave you with something that'll be more than willing to face you," Voltar replied with a smile before summoning three Ogrim Titans. "Ta-ta!" he said before teleporting away.


Before Amrita could unleash the shadow shard on the creature, it leaped away. Cursing she tossed it at a bandit that was charging at Rann. Instantly the bandit dropped his weapon, his hands clutching his head in agony before a dead, vacant look replaced it and the bandit flopped to the ground. She rushed to Rann's and Dalrus' side.

"We all need to get out of here. This district will be overrun very shortly." She said and she grabbed both their hands and began to lead them away.


Flogir thought he was going to be doomed as the zombie began to claw and bite him. Suddenly the blows didn't hurt any longer. A spell had been cast upon him. Using what remaining energy he had, Flogir surged to his feet, knocking most of his attackers off the wall. Taking a quick look around, he found that the gates had been blasted apart and bandits and goblins were pouring in.

He rushed over to Aenora, clearing away the enemies around her. "Time to head to a different district, lass. We can't stop this many enemies like this. Follow me," he said as he began weaving his way through the battle field, one hand holding Aenora's, the other using Iceshard to clear a way.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 15 2007, 10:11 PM

Flint Ironwood, running for his life!

Flint looked over his shoulder. The Goblins were getting closer and the gates were still far away. Also, they were being closed as fast as the soldiers could. The Breton kept running while looking all around him, hoping he wouldn't trip over anything.

There, a dark shadow standing on top of a guardhouse. As he watched, the thing struck with spells at other running soldiers.
,,So that's the almighty Silhouette. Well, it's a long shot, but let's see how invulnerable he is against, a flying wagon?" Flint reasoned. He then poured every single scrap of Magicka he had left into the wagon he'd just passed. The wagon lift up into the air, its wheels spinning. Then, it soared at the cloaked being.
,,And now, run!" Flint struggled to run faster without looking at the result of his attack. He was almost at the gates now.

OOC: If that wagon kills or even scratches the Sil, I'm really going to be surprised.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 15 2007, 10:23 PM

OCC: Since no one decided to use the teleporters to escape, they won't stick around.


He watched as the group scattered, making their own ways to the other districts. The Dunmer shook his head despite the dangerous situation. "Return to our family," Karn instructed the spellcasters around him. From the street, he noticed Issac and the grandaughter of Serene exit the Tiber Septim.

At this point they won't make it out on foot. While both were able to hold their own against the first few undead who came their way, Karn siezed both of them by the arms and all three vanished before the pillagers could take notice of them.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 15 2007, 10:42 PM

The Silhouette, Battle

The Silhouette fired blasts of magic into crowds of soldiers and civilians who were retreating to the gates. Purple light would impact one person and they would explode, killing a few people around them. The Silhouette was taking his time, enjoying the moment.

Suddenly a wagon came flying towards him. He easily disintegrated the wagon into ash with a flick of his wrists but looked around to see who would dare try and hit him. He saw an older person running, he looked like a warrior, though slightly out of his prime. The Silhouette leapt off the guard house and landed on the ground noiselessly. He flicked his fingers whenever an enemy mage would try and hold off the oncoming goblins, and the mage would either fall over, dead with a blast of blue light, or just explode. He took out his sword and sliced through a soldier in his path. He leapt up unnaturally high and landed on another soldier who was crushed by his weight. He flipped his sword around inhumanly fast and sliced through four more people. Meanwhile he fired off spells into others.

He came upon the person who had thrown the wagon at him and smiled. "You thought your weak magic would touch me, the lord of the Möldairę?" he cackled in a very evil and harsh sounding rendition of Tamrielic. With that the Silhouette fired off a stunning spell, he wanted to play with his prey. The aqua stream of light hit Flint and he found his legs unable to work and fell over.

Dalrus, Battle

Dalrus let Amrita pull her and Rann along, wondering how she planned to get out. Dalrus could transport herself, but transporting wasn't her strong point and she doubted whether she would be able to take Rann and Amrita.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 16 2007, 02:59 AM


Rann pulled away from Amrita's grasp long enough to grab an iron longsword that happened to be lying beside a dead soldier. The balance of the thing was terrible, and he wasn't a fan of the straight edge, but it was sharp at the very least, and much better than his bow, which he put over his shoulder once more.

He was glad of his female companions' concern for him, but they obviously didn't know him very well yet if they expected him to just turn tail and run without a satisfactory number of zombie deaths.

He did keep up with them, but not nearly as quickly, as he stopped often to fight any goblin or undead that they happened to cross paths with, despite the biting pain in his chest.


Aerona was glad that Flogir was pulling her along, because she knew that she wouldn't be nearly quick enough without his quickening pull. The only thing her legs seemed to be doing was keeping her upright.

"Which district?" she shouted over the sound of battle, "Shouldn't we all try to stick together instead of scattering?"

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 16 2007, 03:40 AM

OCC: Crap, I just realized, both Rahvin and Brianna are still in the Tiber Septim..... I don't think they know how to teleport to any given plave on a moment's notice nor will either be..... erm, ready to fight off an unknown amount of evil/cruel hearted goblins, maruaders, bandits, or a certain cold-blooded extraterrestrial warrior.


The alien roared a defiant challenge against the ogrims. Crouching beneath the first one's punch, the Plya'Iea grabbed the ogrim's leg and pulled it out from under itself. The beast fell back with a heavy thud, and the alien warrior stabbed his staff into the giant demon before ripping it out with all his strength.

Blood flooded from the first ogrim and the other two moved in to crush the warrior who had porved himself capable of slaying them.


One moment he was surprised when someone grabbed his arm, the next, Issac found himself standing in the walkway of Green Emporer Way. He spun to find that the figure who had saved Satyana and himself was Karn.

Letting out a relieved breath, the Altmer sheathed his single katana. "Thank you, Karn." He never imagined he say all of those words together, but they were sincere. The assassin nodded before walking away from them.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 16 2007, 04:36 AM

OOC: You know I left three Ogrim Titans for the plys'iea to deal with, Voltar's overall specialty is conjuration if anyone needed a reminder on that.


"Do you want them to overrun us, Rann?" Amrita shouted at Rann as they pressed on towards The Green Emperor Way. "I would gladly stand beside you and kill zombies but not when we're outnumbered by thousands!"

What they needed was a way to get to the Green Emperor Way more quickly. The time of day was late afternoon, so there were plenty of long, shadows for unseen travel. She regripped Rann's hand tightly.

"I know a way for all of us to get out of here unseen, unless they're smart enough to use a detect life spell. Even with that it'd be hard to pick us out though. You need to hang on to me though, my powers only work when I have physical contact with you," she instructed the two.


Flogir had been travelling blindly so far when Aerona shouted her question. Flogir did not slow down though.

"Well if we get to the Green Emperor Way, we basically have access to all the other districts, though that might mean we have to jump a wall to get into certain ones..." he shouted back to her.

"Think you got enough juice for a restore fatigue spell? I'm gonna need the energy to get there," he said through laboured breathing.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 16 2007, 04:45 AM


Rann lopped the head off of one last zombie before finally agreeing with his sister. He leaned on Amrita's shoulder, and it wasn't obvious if he was fatigued, trying to act nonchalant, or a strange mixture of both.

"So what're these powers of yours?"


"I'll do one better," she responded, between heavy breaths casting a powerful spell that both rejuvenated and fortified strength and endurance. Neglecting to cast anything on herself though, she was still being dragged along by the stronger and faster Flogir. She just gripped his hand tighter and kept running.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 16 2007, 04:56 AM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 15 2007, 11:45 PM) *


Rann lopped the head off of one last zombie before finally agreeing with his sister. He leaned on Amrita's shoulder, and it wasn't obvious if he was fatigued, trying to act nonchalant, or a strange mixture of both.

"So what're these powers of yours?"


"I'll do one better," she responded, between heavy breaths casting a powerful spell that both rejuvenated and fortified strength and endurance. Neglecting to cast anything on herself though, she was still being dragged along by the stronger and faster Flogir. She just gripped his hand tighter and kept running.


"Well I have a natural affinity with stealth. So natural in fact that I can actually merge with the shadows and travel freely through them. The only sound that can be heard is our voices or if we physically bump into something. It'll completely mask our footsteps though. We can basically waltz out of this war zone if we're careful about it. So how 'bout it?"


Flogir felt the surge of strength and endurance which allowed him to clear away the bandits and undead around him easily. "Time to get going!" he shouted as he got his bearings and ran quickly to the Green Emperor Way. All the while he maintained a tight grip on Aerona's hand. He would not let her go unless he was taken down by his enemies first.

As he got closer to the gates protecting the Green Emperor Way, he noticed that Astratus' men had begun to setup defensive measures as bowmen began to keep the enemy at bay. They still had a distance to go, he would have to make sure he stayed away from the bow fire though.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 16 2007, 05:04 AM


"When I asked you what your powers were, I wanted you to show me, not give me a speech about it," he answered with a playful grin.


Aerona closed her eyes as the arrows whizzed by; she wasn't used to such high-adrenalin situations, and the thought of another shield spell never crossed her mind.

One arrow came so close to her that she felt its wind on her cheek, and she almost tripped on another that had pierced the ground just in front of her foot. These close calls frightened her even more, and she resisted the urge to utter a prayer; an abomination's plea would likely bring more harm than help.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 16 2007, 05:25 AM


Amrita grinned. "Fine, I warn you now though, you might feel a little cold at first." Which that she led the group into an alleyway where to anyone but them, they appeared to simply vanish.

She hadn't brought many people into the shadows before so hopefully they would overcome the akwardness the floating feeling was plus the fact that everything had turned into shades of gray. She felt secure enough to talk to them at a decent vocal level given the din of the battle going on around them.

"Just let me lead you guys and we should get through with no problem."

With that, she led them to the Green Emperor Way, staying well enough away from where the archers were shooting.


Flogir roar back at Astratus' men. "I'm an ally! Shoot behind us!" he bellowing, Nordish anger seeping through as an arrow grazed his cheek. He was now jumping over the corpses of the undead, he hoped he wasn't pulling on Aerona's arm too roughly. He figured he'd apologize once they get to safety.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 16 2007, 09:18 AM

Flint Ironwood, in serious trouble.

His legs buckled and he fell.
,,Nope, didn't think that at all." Flint felt obliged to reply to the Silhouette.
,,I really should've saved some Magicka for a jump." He thought to himself. With a loud clank, the gate fell closed. Flint resigned himself to his feet and drew his katanas. But his hands gripped only air. It was then that he remembered he'd thrown them up into the air during his fight with the Nord.
,,Crap, forgot to catch them. Man, I've really gotten old."

With the Silhouette towering over him, the Breton felt fear. His mind raced for a solution, finding none.
,,Magicka's out, legs ruined, Dragon Skin still recovering, swords missing. This would be a good time for several million Legionnaires to charge, along with all the Daedric Princes and Divines."

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 16 2007, 07:12 PM

The Silhouette, Battle

The Silhouette stood over his prey, taking in all he saw. He felt his fear, tasted it, enjoyed the pain his victim would feel. He would not kill this one right away, no, he would make him wish he had not tried to do magic against him. Make him wish he had heeded the Silhouette's call and join, like all those he was going to kill.

"Nahel Dur" he said quickly. Flint was lifted into the air and suddenly his limps were being pulled in opposite directions, he was being quartered by magic. The Silhouette worked slowly, so the pain would be immense. He smiled under his cloak. The battle raged around them, none dared come near the Silhouette, friend or foe.

The goblins and bandits had taken the whole place, screams were not as common as most of the inhabitants had either left, or been slaughtered. Bandits ran through the streets carrying trinkits and other goods, as goblins pulled down statues and other images of their long time oppressors. Thousands swarmed a large statue of Tiber Septim and begand beating it with clubs as many others attached ropes to it and pulled it down. Beat it into dust and then moved onto many other statues.

Suddenly one of the Silhouette's mages came out of the mass and he came more into view. It was the former arch mage. He cam up and blasted fire at the Silhouette, the spell was broken on him. The Silhouette let go of the spell on flint quickly, but his legs snapped, not off but broken completely. The Silhouette turned and fired off his own blast of magic at the arch mage. The arch mage blocked it, but it was obvious his magic wasn't nearly as powerful and the shield was destroyed as well. The Silhouette was playing with him, letting him fire off his magic while he easily outmatched it. Suddenly another mage came and jumped towards flint, The Silhouette did not try and stop him, as the two transported away.

"I suppose you want to join your friend" said the Silhouette sarcastically. The arch mage spat towards him and teleported.

Dalrus, Heading towards Green Emperor Way

Dalrus was very greatful that Amrita was here, she did not want to abandon them with teleporting, but she also wanted to get out of there, it was a lost cause fighting in the plaza.

"Thank you for this, Amrita," she said quietly, making sure it wasn't loud enough for some goblin to here. Only one gate remained open, and many knights from Bruma were holding it from the goblins, who did not feel like forcing through the rest of the city just yet and usually left upon seeing it guarded. Soon, however, they would try and the Bruman knights were planning on closing it.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 16 2007, 08:37 PM

Flint Ironwood.

The pain was too much and when the darkness came over his eyes, he was almost glad.
,,So this was life. Hmm, could've gone better."

OOC: I don't know who saved him and all, so he'll just take a nap for now.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 17 2007, 02:44 AM

OOC: Sorry for the pause, missed alot... here we go, TWIST!


Just as Ian shot the fire at the Gem, Mannimarco triggered the skull of Reman Cyrodil. Blue lighting cracked down and an Avatar of Reman Cyrodil appeared. Mannimarco felt utterly unstoppable as energy cackled through his veins and pulsated in his heart. He laughed maniacally, then felt the fire on the gem, and snapped it back into his hands with the recall spell. Mannimarco began to stroke the Gem as power flooded into his body. He teleported into the city by using the sight of his undead, and then discovered the eyeless mer.


Suddenly, a bleak darkness appeared in front of him, and Patholos knew who it was. It was the King of Worms, and he approached Patholos. Without a word, Mannimarco placed his hand over Patholos's eyes, and said, "Sithis, bring your essence to me, through this slave and servant, grant me the power of the Void!" Patholos felt his empty sockets catch fire, and felt new eyes grow in. The blood that poured from his eyes collected in a pool around his feet, and a human like shape formed.

A dark yet familiar called to Patholos, "Darkness calls, my son, why did you leave me?"


Casting the weak mer aside, Mannimarco questioned the Avatar of Sithis, "What is the cost of the power of the Void? What does it cost to negate this primal magic?" Mannimarco tensed, and grabbed the Black Soul Gem and held it fast. He knew the Silhouette was aware of him now...

The Avatar of Sithis

"The cost is simple, I destroy the primal magic cast upon you," The Avatar waited, for he already knew what he wanted from the Necromancer lord. "In return, you give me one thing, the bodies of the Heirs you tracked earlier."


Mannimarco gasped, and nodded, saying, "It shall be so, Sithis, destroy this magic!" And the Avatar of Sithis destroyed the Silhouette's magic tie, but then the Avatar said, "They must not leave Nirm, by any means, you must keep them here until my followers are reformed and well enough to take over. Any failure means death." Mannimarco nodded, then the Avatar disappated, leaving Mannimarco alone in the abandoned part of the city, with a Black Soul Gem, his staff, and an unconcious mer.

Mannimarco said to the Soul Gem, knowing that Kirana could not hear him, "Girl, soon you shall be alive again. This new power will give me the strength to make you better than you once were. Together, we shall rule the mortals as gods!" He wispered softly again, "We shall rule as gods..."

OOC: had to catch up, planing on having Mannimarco engage the dead vs. Silhouette vs. Imperial City. Fatal three way. Patholos left unconcious for the moment, and a little case of reverse Stockholme's syndrome on Mannimarco, making Kirana a "prized possesion for Ian to steal" kinda thing.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 17 2007, 03:41 AM

OCC: Karn can feel the pain of his brother, so he'll also make his way toward Patholos' location. I'm purposely skipping the battle between the alien and the two Ogrims.


His outrage returned a hundredfold when Kirana's soul gem vanished. Ian felt a surge of dark power as the essense of Reman Cyrodiil was bent to Mannimarco's will. Without thinking, the vampire stalked back toward the city, his other wrist blade flaming as brilliantly as the one on his right.

From his location in the Imperial City, Ian couldn't tell that the Silhoutte had taken Talos Plaza. Following the source of dark magicka, and his link to Kirana, the vampire closed in on the alleyway.


Standing over the vanishing corpses of the three Deadra, the alien took several deep breaths, the Ogrim's dim-witted nature had just as much played a role in their defeat as the alien's skill and ferocity. Retrieving his staff, the warrior scanned the plaza, the chaos the goblins and sentient raiders wrought as they did as they pleased with their new control over Talos Plaza.

Striding towards the center of the area, the alien studied a statue of an odd winged reptilian creature. He cocked his head, unable to present as reason as to his reverance toward this particular piece of Imperial artistry.
As a group of goblins approached with ropes and cudgels, his stepped in front of them and screeched inches away from the leader's repulsive green face. His staff came down hard upon the pavement, and he hissed. "Unless you wish to be mangled beyond recognition, you will be on your way!"

It might have been the Akaviri words, though the Plys'Iea doubted it, maybe the shriek, or the threatening display altogether, but the goblins backed off regardless. Swiveling his head, he gazed at the statue of the dragon god Akatosh, feeling oddly protective of the sculpture.
After embedding his staff into the stone monument around the statue, the warrior sat down and stared distantly. Oblivious to the actions of the army around him, so the only thing that warned him of the goblin band's approach was the motion they created.

Turning his head to regard them, he was relatively surprised to find them offering a dead horse. He stared quizically at the smaller creatures, but then remembered how he'd thrown a group, which he assumed was this very band, his remaining meal recently.
Nodding and waving them off, the large alien ducked his arrowshaped head into the flesh of the carcass. His fangs tearing chunks of meat out when his powerful neck withdred his head from it to chew and swallow.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 17 2007, 06:46 PM


Amrita noticed that the Brumans were attempting to close off the area, so as she rounded the corner, she released herself from the shadows so that they could see them.

"We're allies! Let us in," she shouted at them as she hurried over to them. The Bruma soldiers waved them over urgently to make sure they got in safely.

Once through, Amrita slowed down and finally released her grip on Rann and Dalrus. "Well that was fun," she said in between deep breaths.


Flogir felt Aerona's spell was beginning to waver just as he passed the Brumans guarding the Green Emperor Way gates. Once on the other side it finally gave out and Flogir released the vampire before collapsing to the ground, panting in exhaustion.

"Thank you, lass. I don't think we would've made it without that spell of yours," he said weakly.


Voltar reappeared in the Green Emperor Way, a quizzical look on his face. He wasn't very happy about the current situation but it result in some intriguing discoveries. One was that unique creature. For all it's display of ferocity and brutish strength, it did appear to have intelligence since it made sure that the gates stayed open. It did appear to have limited experience with magic though, and perhaps in the future that aspect could be exploited.

Voltar noticed that many of the others had finally reached safety at this point so he made his way over to them.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 17 2007, 08:42 PM


Mannimarco felt the vampire approach his area, and realized that it would be flight or fight. There was no third option. Mannimarco loathed running, but he did not want to fight the vampire just yet. He sent a booming message across the telepathic channel, sending it to every corner of the city and across the Lake.

The message was as thus:
"The King of Worms no longer serves the Silhouette! The King has decided that the dead are in no interest to the Silhouette, who is hell bent on destruction! The King offers eternal life, no pain, no suffering, no hunger, and all he asks in return is for your humble acception of his rule. The dead now fight the Silhouette!"

With that, Mannimarco sent Prater a message, telling him to use the undead to attack the Silhouette's camp.

Mannimarco smiled, and descended in what appeared to be black water. He saw the image of the vampire stalking towards the area, and Mannimarco yelled, halfway through his dark portal, "Vampire! It seems we fight the same man now, you and I, I apologize for the discourtesy I paid the girl, she deserved much better!" Now, almost completely under the black water that had formed on the pavement, he yelled, "We will settle this soon, Treachery is so sweet!"

OOC: DEAD VS. SILHOUETTE VS. IMPERIAL CITY + MA, what is going to happen next?

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 17 2007, 09:21 PM

Dalrus, Green Emperor Way

"Thank you so much, Amrita, I didn't want to abandon you, and couldn't transport all three of us." she said with immense gratitude. "But I can't believe what has happened, the city has been breached, and we don't have enough men to hold all the wall ways." she said worriedly. Then she heard the telepathic message that Mannimarco sent. She scowled, he was the next worst thing to the Silhouette, and she would sooner kill him than accept his help.

The gates to the plaza were now closed off, next the main gate, it was the largest gate and unless the Silhouette did the spell again, they were safer here than anywhere else. The dunmer soldiers were holding the different sections of the city, while the Bruma knights and imperial guardsmen held the Green Emperor way. It was full of soldiers, running to and fro to different points. The tumult of the goblins and bandits could be heard from the other side, strangly distant, but still very real. Other sections of the city held a less loud but still desperate din, as the defenders and inhabitants poured into the different sections.

The Silhouette, Talos Plaza

The Silhouette heard Mannimarco's message and smiled, at least he would rid himself of another person who thought he could challenge him. The only servant he even liked was the lizard, he felt a connection with him. Crowds of people ran towards the still open gates to the elven garden. Anoz, a werewolf servent of his, ran in panic, pretending to be one of the normal humans. Suddenly he saw a large man waddling away. He couldn't help it and his skin began to turn into fur. He sliced his claws through two women in his way and bounded towards the man, trampling a teen running with a bag of his possessions.

He sprang and landed on the man, ripping into him with his teeth. Five arrows shot into Anoz and he fell over, blood covering his face. Seeing their leader gone, five more were wolves appeared and started to rip apart the crowd. Terror was in the people's face.

Eurod, Helping the escapees

Eurod suddenly ran up to the crowd, his sword drawn. He sliced his silver blade through the neck of a werewolf, blood spilling out. He wipped it around and came down on the head of another. One jumped towards him and ran into his blade. The final one jumped on top of him and bit him, only until his snout was cut off by Eurod's blade. He stood up, the warm feeling of blood down his armor, a werewolf bite...this was not good.

The Silhouette, Talos Plaza

"Warrior (plys'iea)!" he called in the crowd. "I have need of" he said slyly, he knew his warrior wanted this before, and he would give him this mission.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 17 2007, 10:17 PM


Most of the horse's main body was now torn off, a piece of its meat hung from the alien's jaws when the Silhoutte called to him. Expertly swinging the hanging food upward and into his jaws he rose and collected his staff.

Before leaving, he nodded to the goblins, giving them rights to the remains. The warrior felt certain they wouldn't wished to get out of his good graces just to destroy one sculpture. His long tongue flicked out of his mouth to wipe the horse's blood from his snout.
Moving through the street, the alien went down on one knee and looked up slightly as fas as was necessary to look the Silhoutte in the eye. He allowed for the Silhoutte to speak first.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 17 2007, 10:29 PM

The Silhouette, Talos Plaza

The Silhouette was happy to see that his warrior allowed him to speak first, not that he would punish him for it, but it was a sign that they still respected each other.

"I, the Silhouette, lord of the race of which I am alone, was wrong about one of my servants. He has gone wrong and I need someone to correct him, not that I would not be able to, however, I believe you have the right to since you wanted to in the first place," he hissed evily. "The necromancer slime whom I told you not to harm has turned out to be a dud, necromancy has no honor in it, I should have seen that" he lied, it wasn't the honor that bothered him, it was just annoying to have people live when they deserved death. "I would like you to kill him, I will give you all the werewolves in my charge, they should be able to keep up with you easier than any, save the Tsaeci." he called for the werewolves without a word.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 17 2007, 11:19 PM

OCC: I'll wait until POS posts the KOW in a location before the hunt begins.


He nodded, "It shall be done." He glanced at the werewolves before they all left their leader's presense. The rabble that made the majority of the army earnestly made way as the group of large, intimidating creatures marched through.


Ian arrived soon enough to see Mannimarco sink into the pavement. Oddly enough, his first reaction was not to explode in incoherant fury, well more so than he had been after Kirana's gem had been taken. Instead the anger vanished, and the vampie felt a cool calm soak into his mind.

He would have his chance, it was inevitable, there was all the time in existance at his disposal. Ian became relieved when the ancient, agressive persona within him was overuled by reason and clarity. We need to make some plans....
As he thought those words, Karn entered the alley, accompanied by two others, another assassin and a healer.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 18 2007, 07:09 AM

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Aug 17 2007, 01:46 PM) *


Amrita noticed that the Brumans were attempting to close off the area, so as she rounded the corner, she released herself from the shadows so that they could see them.

"We're allies! Let us in," she shouted at them as she hurried over to them. The Bruma soldiers waved them over urgently to make sure they got in safely.

Once through, Amrita slowed down and finally released her grip on Rann and Dalrus. "Well that was fun," she said in between deep breaths.


Flogir felt Aerona's spell was beginning to waver just as he passed the Brumans guarding the Green Emperor Way gates. Once on the other side it finally gave out and Flogir released the vampire before collapsing to the ground, panting in exhaustion.

"Thank you, lass. I don't think we would've made it without that spell of yours," he said weakly.


"And I don't think I could've made it without your grip," she answered, as she tried to rub the feeling back into her hand.

"So what now?" she asked, "Is the army going to try to hold here?"

QUOTE(Florodine of Hlaalu @ Aug 17 2007, 04:21 PM) *

Dalrus, Green Emperor Way

"Thank you so much, Amrita, I didn't want to abandon you, and couldn't transport all three of us." she said with immense gratitude. "But I can't believe what has happened, the city has been breached, and we don't have enough men to hold all the wall ways." she said worriedly. Then she heard the telepathic message that Mannimarco sent. She scowled, he was the next worst thing to the Silhouette, and she would sooner kill him than accept his help.

The gates to the plaza were now closed off, next the main gate, it was the largest gate and unless the Silhouette did the spell again, they were safer here than anywhere else. The dunmer soldiers were holding the different sections of the city, while the Bruma knights and imperial guardsmen held the Green Emperor way. It was full of soldiers, running to and fro to different points. The tumult of the goblins and bandits could be heard from the other side, strangly distant, but still very real. Other sections of the city held a less loud but still desperate din, as the defenders and inhabitants poured into the different sections.


Rann leaned against the nearest wall, fearing that sitting down would be more painful. Wanting to brighten the mood, Rann decided to be positive, "We can always retreat to the White Gold Tower."

Since it was a possible, no, probable reality, Rann hadn't achieved the desired morale boost.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 18 2007, 07:30 AM


Moving toward the gates that separated Talos Plaza from Green Emporer Way, Issac kept a sharp eye out for anything. The sudden loss of Talos Plaza had woken him up rather surely, he was determined to make up for the mistakes, his own and otherwise.

From the elevated foundation of White Gold Tower, Issac spotted Dalrus, Rann, and Amrita near the securely closed gates. Satyana also noticed her brother and the others, together they noticed that Rann was afflicted by something painful.
"We should to help him," the Altmer pointed out, whether his companion needed the coaxing or not he didn't know, but by now it was second nature for him to try and relieve any tension that had formed since the journey had begun, even if it sometimes backfired.

The two descended the stairs toward the three, "Sorry, we weren't present for the fighting. It won't happen again." Issac called to them as he and Satyana approached.
Satyana immediately went to Rann, gazing at him as if she could see through him. "Do you want help..... brother?" It was clear there was still some distance that she needed to cross before they were the same as before, but Issac believed the rift could be healed..... with time and a wagon-load effort on everyone's part.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 18 2007, 03:48 PM


"Perhaps, Aerona. I'd need to talk to Astratus to find out if that's truly what he plans to do, but at this point I think trying to lengthen the siege for as long as possible is our best chance. Reinforcements are going to be needed to deal with the sheer volume of the enemy army. But if worse comes to worse, we're going to need to find a way to assassinate the Silhouette and elminate the sway he has over this army..." Flogir said; his face clouded with doubt. The current situation was far from being good. Many a weary day was the only future he saw at the moment.

"How about we try to find the others, eh?" he said, putting on a brave face for his younger accomplice.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 18 2007, 06:22 PM


Materializing inside of a ruined building, Mannimarco felt for his servants. The vastness of the dead around the city gave Mannimarco such joy. He pulsated his resurrection in time with major discharges of magicka, so as to not be located by spellcraft. The dead in the city already outnumbered the living, and Mannimarco watched a troup of bandits die by a squadron of dead goblins, only to be resurrected and fight the former allies. Mannimarco cackled and began to feel around for something to use of his advantage...

Mannimaro felt something strange occur, and he did not know how to deal with it. There was a dead horse near a statue that had foreign enzimes in it, and Mannimarco knew exactly what they were from. He animated the horse and felt through its body, singling out the enzimes and learning all he could from them. Mannimarco suddenly experienced a rush of emotion and a faint connection to the giant lizard man. Blurred images appeared in Mannimarco's psychic eye, and Mannimarco realized that the lizard man was in fact an alien.

Howls pierced the night, and Mannimarco's favorite tools were finally brought into play by the Silhouette, the werewolves. Killers on pure instinct, they fed the dead's ranks until they swelled uncontrollably. Mannimarco smiled as one lone wolf cornered a fleeing soldier and tore out his throat. Mannimarco laughed at the crestfallen werewolf as it turned away to suddenly experience a sword in its gullet. The soldier the werewolf had killed rose back and impaled the werewolf on a dead man's sword. Mannimarco laughed at the irony of the situation, one kills the other, the other kills the other, and now they fight together.

Necromancy is unstoppable...


Fiends from nightmares appeared everywhere, and the death toll was mounting at an uncontrollable rate. Astratus ran to his tent and donned his armor, about the time when the Silhouette broke into the city. Placing his helmet on his head last, he summoned all the remaining lieutenants to his side. With grim visages, they marched, soldiers snapping to attention and falling into rank. Astratus was the only one who made any sound, and as the army marched, more and more collected into the rank behind.

The people of the city ran towards the Morrowind Army, and the army allowed them passage through, but continued their onward march towards the main body of the invaders. Astratus struck up a low hymn, at first he was alone, but soon others joined in:

"In the palace of stone and fire,
lived the hope of men and mer,
Gyrating to a certain beat,
The heart of Akorlakhan kept us pure.

Against the dwarves and invaders grim,
we march along with the Nerevarine!
Who wants to live forever, men?
When there is glory in death!"

Astratus called a halt, but the main body of the invaders broke ranks and rushed the invaders. They were only seconds away, but Astratus yelled to his men,

"For the Empire, for the Nine! HELL FROM RED MOUNTAIN!"

And the Morrowind Army charged the invading force, at full speed.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 18 2007, 06:57 PM

The Silhouette, The Battle

The Silhouette suddenly felt one of his servents, a mage get sliced by something, he dissappeared and reappeared in the Talos Plaza, there they were, Dark elf soldiers fighting for the empire. The Silhouette smiled, the idiots, he had plenty of goblins and bandits, but he had two full Tsaeci armies which were not even tired from fighting. He called for one of the armies and jumped into the battle, literally. The Silhouette dove off the building he was on, and into the ranks of the dark elves. He landed on three who were crushed in the impact.

"Dunmer! HEAR ME! YOU WILL DIE HERE!" he said gleefully, before whipping out his sword and slicing through the enemy with ease. He grabbed on the shaft of one of their spears and suddenly channeled his magic straight into the person it was holding. He seemed to dance in a flury of sword swinging and magic. He taunted mages before ending their lives and chopping off their hands and feet, so Mannimarco could not use them so easily.

"Glau twe!" he said, and suddenly a huge green orb shot into someone and seemed to dissappear. Seconds later he exploded, killing ten others around him. Unfortunatly the goblins were giving ground, the dunmer were much more organized. A huge swathe of dead people surrounded the Silhouette, all missing thier limbs or completely destroyed. Blood flowed on the cobble stones as he sliced through more. It was not enough, there were too many Dunmer and his goblins were panicking. The bandits, more trained and less crazy now charged, in a huge disorganized mass and clashed with the dunmer, a little better trained.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 19 2007, 12:45 AM

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Aug 18 2007, 10:48 AM) *


"Perhaps, Aerona. I'd need to talk to Astratus to find out if that's truly what he plans to do, but at this point I think trying to lengthen the siege for as long as possible is our best chance. Reinforcements are going to be needed to deal with the sheer volume of the enemy army. But if worse comes to worse, we're going to need to find a way to assassinate the Silhouette and elminate the sway he has over this army..." Flogir said; his face clouded with doubt. The current situation was far from being good. Many a weary day was the only future he saw at the moment.

"How about we try to find the others, eh?" he said, putting on a brave face for his younger accomplice.


"Alright," she said with a nod as she walked beside Flogir, both of them keeping an eye out for their companions.

"There's Issac," she said, pointing to the tall altmer's head that stuck out above most others in the crowd.

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Aug 18 2007, 02:30 AM) *


Moving toward the gates that separated Talos Plaza from Green Emporer Way, Issac kept a sharp eye out for anything. The sudden loss of Talos Plaza had woken him up rather surely, he was determined to make up for the mistakes, his own and otherwise.

From the elevated foundation of White Gold Tower, Issac spotted Dalrus, Rann, and Amrita near the securely closed gates. Satyana also noticed her brother and the others, together they noticed that Rann was afflicted by something painful.
"We should to help him," the Altmer pointed out, whether his companion needed the coaxing or not he didn't know, but by now it was second nature for him to try and relieve any tension that had formed since the journey had begun, even if it sometimes backfired.

The two descended the stairs toward the three, "Sorry, we weren't present for the fighting. It won't happen again." Issac called to them as he and Satyana approached.
Satyana immediately went to Rann, gazing at him as if she could see through him. "Do you want help..... brother?" It was clear there was still some distance that she needed to cross before they were the same as before, but Issac believed the rift could be healed..... with time and a wagon-load effort on everyone's part.


"No," he answered flatly, making it clear that he didn't want help from her.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 19 2007, 01:09 AM


"Excellent," Flogir said before they began to make their way through the crowd.

When they got there, Flogir noticed that Rann was favouring his side, as if he was injured. Satyana was nearby, and she didn't look that happy. Rann was avoiding eye contact with here.

Flogir leaned over to whisper into Aerona's ear. "I think you should check to make sure Rann is ok."


It didn't take Voltar long to find the rest of the group. When he got there he noticed that they appeared to be a ragged, torn, and tired bunch of people. He wiped at some sweat he felt on his brow and when he hand came back he saw it was red with blood. He had forgotten about the shrapnel from the exploding gate that had cut him.

"Bah..." he muttered as he healed the wound with a restorative spell.

"Anyone got some water and a cloth? I don't like blood on my clothing," Voltar asked the group.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 19 2007, 02:47 AM


As dead fought both living armies, the aline and his werewolf companions took advantage of the chaos to infiltrate the Temple District. But the hole they punched in the Morrowind army's defense was quickly ripped further open by the legions of dead.

So many of the abominations were arrayed against them that the Plys'Iea agreed with the man-wolves, they needed to be eliminated. Leading the charge down on zombie-clogged street, the alien warrior swung his staff in a continuous fashion that kept the distance between himself and any zombie intact enough to pose a threat a reasonable.
"Tear them to ribbons, don't turn your back on them unless their too damaged to be harmful!" He instructed his companions and the ripped and clawed at the undead. The decaying corpses fell apart as they were thrown into the air by the the alien's staff.

Suddenly an unnatural tugging sensation became apparent to the warrior, he realized that the pulling was coming from the direction of a nearby building. In that same instant he knew it was his target, spurred on by this knowledge, the Plys'Iea suddenly lunged over the zombie horde.
Now that he knew where the necromancer was, he didn't care if the werewolves were able to follow. He slammed into three zombies who had clearly not anticipated (if they could even accomplish that) the sudden change in enemy stratagy.

Rolling past them, he rushed toward the building Mannimarco was hiding out in. The alien vaulted bodily up to the second floor window, which had been boarded for reasons unknown to him. Gripping the architecture, he kicked the boards inward and swung into the building.


As the healer dissappeared with Patholos, the sensei and his fellow assassin took in Ian. "Mannimarco," the vampire said simply. That was all Karn needed, the necromancer had done naught for the Narza'Tai, but now he had a death warrant.

The assassin retreated to spread instructions to the Narza'Tai's spellweavers and archers. All available arcane and ranged support would be brought out of the sewers to combat the dead. If burning down the contested districts was what was needed to combat the threat, then so be it.
Wordlessly, the two left the alley in favor of the rooftops. Their roles would be the same as the Narza'Tai, exterminate the undead at all costs.

Posted by: minque Aug 19 2007, 11:43 AM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 19 2007, 01:45 AM) *


"No," he answered flatly, making it clear that he didn't want help from her.


She stopped with a deep sigh.....

Why is he so stubborn? Darn it I can help him just that easy, but heīs sour and angry with me and I still really canīt understand the real deepest reason for it....damn it!

"Suit yourself then, but Iīm here if you by any chance should change your mind" she said silently, turning to Issac again, tears in her eyes

"How long will this continue?" she sighed

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 19 2007, 06:35 PM


He looked at Satyana sympathetically, "I don't know."

"Well Rann, you'd best limp up the stairs and find a healer. The last way you want to die is from internal bleeding." Issac said to Rann, almost wanting to punch the Dunmer's ribs for being such a stupid mule all the time.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 19 2007, 08:02 PM


Mannimarco felt the foreign creature enter the building, and prepared a spell he didn't know the name of. He saw Ian cast it and make copies of himself, so Mannimarco prepared. As the creature bounded into the first floor where he was, Mannimarco suddenly became forty. All laughing simulaneously, the copies rushed the alien, trying to pin him to a wall. The real Mannimarco cast Everliving Ice onto the feet and hands of the alien, but not anywhere else.

Speaking telepathically, so words would not be misunderstood, Mannimarco said, "Why do you carry the burden of nobility with you? The force you fight for does not allow for compassion, why hold that ancient relic of an emotion? Listen to me, where are your kind? What happened to your people? I know the werewolves are on their way, but I must know some things first." Mannimarco waited for the creature's response, and slowly walked about the room. He could hear the howls of the werewolves, but still waited for the response of the giant lizard.


Astratus cut down foe like he had never done is his life. A Nord next to him had stripped his shirt off and fought in a loincloth, screaming like an animal. Another Nord brought his axe head down so hard on a bandit that the skull cracked open like a ripe piece of fruit. Astratus fought his way over to these men and the three fought together.

When the Silhouette entered the battle and shouted his challenge, there was a resounding moan from the troops. He was killing everything too fast. Astratus yelled to the Nords to go bolster the left side where the werewolves punched through. Turning back to the battle, Astratus buried a guantleted fist into the visage of the quartermaster. Astratus looked around and saw that the bandits were backing off, letting the last of the goblins die before the bandits would charge. Astratus yelled his rallying cry, and brought ten men with him to smash into the side of the bandit unit.

The overall feeling safety left Astratus as the dead closed the eastern escape for the Army. There was just one route now, and that was further into the City, giving too much ground to the Silhouette and the Dead. Astratus pondered this, but soon decided that his men would pull back into the City and hold there. Astratus was crestfallen when he saw the shirtless nord go down to a werewolf and a bandit. Screaming his rage, Astratus impaled the bandit on his sword and kicked the werewolf with a booted foot. The werewolf growled and Astratus pirouetted and released his sword from the bandit, bringing the blade across the neck of the wolf. The wolf bled out, and Astratus turned to the Nord at his feet. Tears formed on Astratus's face as he saw the Nord get back up, face mangeled and right arm limp, still swinging a broken shaft of his axe. Four bandits brought him down and Astratus had to retreat.


No...not again, get out of my mind.... I own you mind, my son, and you have utter the most heinous blaspheme imaginable, you killed your brethren and made a mockery of my SERVANTS! Get out, you are false and unreal, you do not exist, I am a servant of Justice now... You are my Servant! You have my gifts, you should be dead, but yet you are not. They didn't accept you, they scorned you, they cursed you, they left you for dead. Who allowed you life when it could have be so easily snuffed out? You are not my Father, you are no force, you are a fiction my mind has come up with. There is no Dread Father, you are a lie... So be it...

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 19 2007, 11:30 PM


He strained against the icy bonds, he couldn't feel the chill through his armor, but the indignity of being pinned to the wall like this was disgraceful. The alien ignored Mannimarco's questions for half a minute as he used all of his strength in an attampt to free his arm.

Time strecthed as the creature pulled, wondering whether the ice would break before his arm tore from its socket. Then he changed tacts, "Why should I tell you, foul sorcerer? I would much rather kill you than waste time speaking of things which you don't or ever will understand!"

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 20 2007, 04:43 AM


"Foul sorceror, hmm, I don't quite believe that to be an ecompassing description of my work." Mannimarco said back into the lizard man's mind. "You see, living beings are born without a predisposition, if you so follow, and they do not understand why in some cultures, murder is murder, and in others, murder is promoted. Look to our lower levels of existence, for instance, the wolves. The operate on three or four emotions, and yet, no one calls them lunatics for feeding those emotions. Are we not just graduated forms of emotion? When we hurt, there are signals the body feeds the brain to tell us what the body should feel, according to the upbringing of the person in question. Let's say your mother died and she was a complete, for lack of a better word, s'wit, and at the funeral, you are expected to cry because she is dead."

He continued, "No, you know that she was evil and wrong, but yet, you still cry because that is how you were raised. Raised to be weak and collective, raised to be flocked and herded. Why are there not kings born every generation to every mother? Only the oddities have the drive needed to break the collectivism that runs and regulates these lives. I am no monster in my own view, and I am not foul. I consider myself a coinesseur of different tastes. Can I blame anyone for what gives me pleasure and what causes me pain. No, I was made that way, I had no choice. Quick to judge, my giant friend, you are very quick to judge."

OOC: I promise, almost over...

Mannimarco continued, "You are a warrior, you know your way around strength, and apparently honor, from your use of the word foul and sorceror. My work mocks gods, your work destroys what the gods have built. I raise up and rebuild, you cut down and destroy. Yes, I do not have the power of Life, no one on this plane does, yet, I can keep one's Spirit here on Nirm to be with their loved ones, can you? Do you even love? Are you capable? Yes, I do rob bodies from the sanctity of their tombs, but there is no essence in them anymore. They are dust and ash, the beings you should consult about filth with are the Walking Abominations, the vampires. There skin is dead yet their essence remains, mocking Nature. I ask you this simple question, and because my list of enemies is growing considerably larger, populated by the ignorant, I would like you to answer it honestly. Are you capable of honesty?" The holws of the werewolves were getting louder.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 20 2007, 06:16 AM


On Flogir's suggestion, she did approach Rann with the intention of healing his wound, unaware of the tension between him and Satyana. Without asking Rann's permission, she went to work, of the mind that nobody would refuse healing anyway.

Not hearing the snide tone in Issac's comment, she scolded him in an almost motherly tone, "What a terrible thing to say! Besides, I can heal him right now."


Rann stood silently as Aerona made short work of fixing his broken bones. When she was done, he addressed Voltar.

"I think water might be better spent on mouths. We are in the middle of a siege."

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 20 2007, 07:18 AM

OCC: Went for a kind of show-how-limited-your-reality-really-is conversation. I would think that the Worm King would be interested in the idea of vast armies and other species beyond Nirm.


"This is your world, necromancer, I may resemble species present, but I am no Argonian, and I am no Snakeman. People here, they fear death, fools. Death is something to be prepared for, my kind have no thoughts of the afterlife, how an individual lives is all that matters."

The alien hissed, "The Plys'Iea, my people, aren't restricted to one planet as the races of this place are. You have your planet, we have systems of planets, and an entire galaxy full of them."
He stared into Mannimarco's eyes, "There are more warriors in our armies than the number of creatures that lived and died here since it was formed. Not even all the dead this world can produce in another ten centuries could keep any space-faring species if they wished to take this world."

The warrior finished, "Some people kill because they hate, some because they need to in order to survive, others can't resist doing so. I am none of these things, I loath those who cannot fight back, they are not worth bothering with, but just as any hunter can marvel at the resilience of their prey, so to can I respect the prowess of my enemies."

"You, Worm King, if you didn't have the dead at your disposal then what would you do?" Without waiting for a reply, the alien snarled. "We Plys'Iea can't cry!" As if discovering a hidden reserve of strength, he managed to crack the slightly weakened ice binding his right arm.

The fracture rapidly grew until the restraint shattered, the alien struck the left hand binding with his newly freed limb. In matter of seconds his arms were both free and his leg bindings broke much easier. "Now this talk comes to an end...."
His staff angled toward the necromancer's torso.


As much as he wanted to point out that Satyana had offered to heal Rann earlier, Issac lost all will to argue. In the back of his mind he made the connection that Aerona had been the one to tell Rann about the conspiracy against Voltar.

Still, the Altmer couldn't summon up the will to confront the vampire, or tell Rann how much of a complete honored user he was. This whole situation is hell, why does Rann have to be Satyana's brother. It would make this a lot more bearable, or if he actually acted like a brother still.

Issac sat down at the foot of the stairs, some of his resentment showing on his face.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 20 2007, 11:52 AM


Seeing the Plys'Iea break from ice that held a noble knight and a Frost Atronach startled Mannimarco. He stepped back and replied to his question, "Then this situation might be different."

Mannimarco summoned dead bodies underneath the floorboards to punch up through the ground and hold the alien steady. Mannimarco needed a few seconds to slip into his black water, and those few seconds were crucial. If interrupted, he would have no idea where he was going. Besides, Mannimarco was very intrigued by the alien, but did not want to kill him. Very few instances in history were similar to this. Mannimarco wove the complex spell as the first of the zombies exploded through the floor, and grabbed the alien's foot.


"Everyone, Retreat Manuerves! Back into the City! Hold fast! Hold fast!" Astratus was flustered and afraid, one of the Silhouette, and the other for his troops not hearing his orders. The line slowly backed towards the inner city, with military precision. Astratus heard a low growl, and turned to see an Undead werewolve ready to pounce behind him. Astratus readied his sword, when the werewolf suddenly pounced, forcing Astratus to parry and lose his balance. Since the wolf felt no pain, the fight would be more physical that Astratus hoped for.

After a few minutes of fighting, Astratus realized his troops were ebbing away from him. Walking backwards was foolish in a fight, so Astratus had to make the killing blow quickly. The two already sustained wounds, but the werewolf was still agressive and deadly. Astratus was tiring quickly, he was mentally exhausted. A lazy block attempt scored a rotting claw across the abdomen, sending a crimson spray all over the ground. Astratus felt for his innards to see if the hit had cut him open. His hand passed over his stomach and he felt gashes, but he felt the werewolf tackle him to the ground. He felt the teeth sink into his arm, and he had no choice but to punch upward through the dead flesh, rending the wolf in two. Astratus felt the disease in his right arm heal the wounds and close the gashes, and give him more strength. He felt sick that soon he would be a monster like this. Getting to his feet, he fought his way back to his troops, with a little more agression that he was used to.

OOC: Will he become a werewolf, TUNE IN NEXT TIME!

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 20 2007, 02:26 PM


"Oh bother that! I think we have enough mages around here to teleport supplies like water should the situation become dire. The siege has only just started!" Voltar said indignantly. He had never experienced too much hardship in his life. Sure, his self-annexation from the Mages Guild forced him to do stuff on his own. But his family was wealthy enough that he had purchased his small home near Anvil with ease. Voltar had never felt that battle was a hardship, merely a contest.


Amrita knew all about the rift that had been building between Rann and the duo of Satyana and Issac. Hell, they had gotten into it when it first came up so badly that they didn't even notice her sitting in the tavern.

Hmm... perhaps it's time for me to try and look good once again...

She approached Issac and Satyana. "Could I speak with you two privately?" she asked then quietly, but in a serious tone.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 20 2007, 08:28 PM


The zombie's head was pulped by the alien's staff, as more corpses appeared and Mannimarco quickly slipping from his clutches, he made a quick strategic decision. The wooden supports for this building were already weak, in seconds the Plys'Iea was able to smashed enough in order to push the building over the breaking point.

Before harm could come to him, the alien leapt through one of the barricaded windows. He landed in the street as the building crumbled beneath its own weight.

OCC: I'll let Minque reply to Amrita.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 20 2007, 08:42 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint regained consciousness. The first thing he noticed was the numb sensation in his legs and arms.
,,Well, at least it no longer hurts." He thought. This reprieve did little to ease his tension however. He had been unable to open his eyes so far nor had he been able to make a sound. In short, he had no idea where he was and was unable to ask.

OOC: Ok, does anyone have any ideas where my Breton is? I'd like to bring him back into the rp.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 20 2007, 08:46 PM


His new eyes gave him back the sight he used to have, and apparently, after catching his relfection in a pool of water, they were back to their snow white quality. The healer supporting him continually cast spells on him until he could walk by himself. Suddenly, they came upon an obstacle, two dead civilians combating a werewolf. The fight looked to be closed in, but Patholos nor the healer were in any shape to fight. Patholos felt in his pocket for his weapon, and suddenly he remembered it was at the armourer's. He recalled the knife and was delighted to see it attached by chain to a wristguard fashioned from solid mithril.

Patholos and the healer snuck around the fight. They got all the way around when three vampires, thirsty for blood, cornered them. Patholos pushed the healer back, and said, "Keep me alive." He then, by a force he could only assume was Sithis, began to chant words, words that had noise but also made it seem like there was no other sound. Then Patholos's eyes turned clear, and the blade in his had turned red, a drastic change from its accustomed green. Patholos still retained his personality, but his voice was deep and concrete. His new vision slowed movement and heightened perception, giving Patholos an uncanny edge.

He engaged the vampires, and noticed one hanging back preparing a stun spell. Patholos projected the dagger while the other two vampires moved in to strike with their swords. The third vampire caught the blade in the forehead, and Patholos jerked the chain back coiling around his hand to pick up the slack. There was a sickening pop, and the vampire's head came off of his body. Patholos grinned at the other two, but then realized that Sithis was only giving him this power. Patholos reverted back, and the two vampires closed in...

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 26 2007, 01:12 AM

OCC: Green Emporer Way is exclusively the grounds for the place and the graveyard for the Septim Line. So, maybe the stock should be in a tomb

Posted by: minque Aug 26 2007, 08:18 AM

Okay...This thread is now declared LOCKED!

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