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Posted by: GunsnArmor May 27 2007, 03:48 AM

For the new role-play “Secret of the Red Altar”. Character profile should look somewhat like this:

Best Seven Skills:
Brief Description:

Posted by: jack cloudy May 27 2007, 11:53 AM

The history is very thin and simple. It's just an excuse to have a noble Orc really.

Name: Gro-Bolg Madrukh
Age: 27
Race: Orsimer (Orc)
Gender: male

Best Seven Skills: heavy armour, long blade, block, athletics (for charging), speechcraft (for an Orc). hand-to-hand (brute force) intimidation (Yes, I take this as a separate skill).

Weakness: Too chivalrous (he tends to go all ‘oh, worthy opponent. You have fought well. You may surrender with honour. Lay down your weapon and let us leave as men. As equals in battle.’), Call him an Orc or otherwise talk bluntly to him and he’ll get angry. Sees stealth as a skill of the weak. (Ok, maybe that fits in with the chivalrous again.) Never knows when to run. (Actually, he does know. Only he refuses.) Considers Magicka to be a force of evil.

I need paragraphing for this, way too much to put in a single block. He is easily distracted and will help anyone in distress even if he is in a hurry. He refuses to get paid for his deeds but makes an exception if the reward is a piece of silver equipment. (knights need silver!)

Advantages: Strong, stronger, strongest. Surprisingly eloquent for an Orsimer. Can wield just about any heavy melee weapon if needed though he prefers his sword.

Weapons: iron claymore, a bit rusted and worn with use

full suit of iron armour minus helmet. (he tries to keep it shiny, but it’s still a bit dirty, rusted and worn with use.)
A small amulet in the shape of a wolf’s head around his neck. (it’s told to ward of evil but it really doesn’t do anything else but look pretty.)
Some simple clothes underneath.

History: Gro-Bolg was a member of a warband who spent their days with pillage and plunder. During a war with another tribe, he was wounded and left for dead by his own people. But a knight came by and healed his wounds. From that day on, Gro-Bolg renounced his past and vowed that he would become a knight as great as the one who saved his life. He already has the armour, now he is looking for a noble (preferably white) steed.
Brief Description: Er, appearance? He’s big, muscled, green and quite intimidating to look at. When it comes down to the way he acts though, he’s all protect the weak and stuff.

Posted by: Lord Revan May 27 2007, 04:35 PM

Alright, I'll bite too....

Name: Dagon
Age: 73
Race: Imperial (with a bit of elvish)
Class: Bard (have we had those before?)
Gender: male

BSS: speechcraft (very educated and charming), blunt (staff-swinger), marksman ('lil throwing knives), shortblade (in a pinch), unarmored, illusion, and mercantile.

Weakness: not the strongest or hardiest fighter, not much of a threat once unarmed.

Strengths: well, versed in most weapons, but not a master in most. He has a talent to talk his way out of a bad situation.
He makes up for his lack of brute force by employing guile and outsmarting a foe.
Dagon also is very knowledgable about various political groups and other useful information.

Weapons: a steel staff (the long kind from MW) with silver ends, a silver shortsword, and a host of throwing knives.

Apparal: (formal) a complete black outfit (oblivion) with a radiant sapphire amulet.
(Casual/travel) a cheap leather vest and cap over common clothes.

History: very vague, some think he is a noble who was denied his inheritance and forced to carve out his own life.
Dagon spent many years adventuring before turning to a safer alternative, he became the renouned bard his at the present.

Appeance: due to his elvish blood, Dagon looks younger than he really is. Just above average human hieght, his light brown hair is well-kept and not quite shoulder length. Dagon's blue eyes have a knowing quality to them, as though he understands all that make up your being.

Posted by: GunsnArmor May 28 2007, 06:02 PM

(One thing I'd like to say is that any skill is okay, wether from Daggerfall or if it's just completely made up.)

Name: Jo'Puma

Age: 32

Race: Khajiit

Gender: Male

Best Seven Skills: Short Blade, Alteration, Mysticism, Restoration, Illusion, Unarmored, Critical Strike (Not a often use, though)

Weakness: When Silented and unarmored, he is useless. He isn't strong, and is very vulnerable to everything except he is somewhat resistant to some magic, like shock and most illusion spells.

Advantages: Slow enemies and big enemies. Also being able to paralyse a big group of people, giving him the chance to kill all of them before they make another step.

Weapons: Sliver tanto

Apparel: Blue robe, casual white pants and brown boots.

History: Jo'Puma traveled around some of the parts of Tamriel, learning more about magicka and reading books. One of his favorites being The Real Barenziah. He soon practiced the arts of magicka, and has learned much.

Brief Description: He has a light face, green eyes, bright colored fur, long bangs (hairstyle) and a robotical left hand.

Posted by: jack cloudy May 28 2007, 08:00 PM

Name: Deryll Farfing
Age: 46

Race: Breton

Gender: Male

Best Seven Skills: Fencing, Undead banishing, restoration, reading ancient and obscure languages, speaking ancient and obscure languages, alchemy, Heyat
Weakness: If it isn't undead or a vampire, Deryll can't do much. Fencing only takes you so far and against say an Atronach he is completely helpless. Fragile, runs out of breath easily. Only one offensive spell and it isn't that powerful either.

Advantages: Good at fencing. (not much good if the enemy isn't willing to have a honorable fencing duel.) The bane of all undead and vampires. A spell called the Heyat (Argonian for 'scorching light') that can spin around corners and otherwise track its target (so it nearly always hits.) A good guy to have around if there's some unknown language to be dealt with. His skill at restoration has kept him in reasonably good condition despite his age.

Weapons: Silver rapier, smoke potions.
Apparel: White shirt, white pants, white boots, white cape, white gloves. A gold amulet that inspires fear in the undead. (low level undead like zombies and simple skeletons flee, high level undead like Liches are a bit nervous.)

History: Deryll doesn't know much about his past (amnesia, the old excuse for a bad history.) The times he had his memory wiped by a Lich is to blame for that. He knows one thing though, he hunts undead for some reason.
Brief Description: Deryll is of average height and somewhat on the slim side. He has a white beard, white hair, light blue eyes and pale skin (from spending too much time in tombs.) All in all, he is so white it hurts the eyes. A scar running across the bridge of his nose.

Posted by: Lord Revan May 28 2007, 08:24 PM

Are the character positions ristricted, or can you make a character for the Red Altar people?

Posted by: GunsnArmor May 28 2007, 11:47 PM

Now that I think about it, it would be fun to have people on both sides. But only if we can have equal sides. Like, not just one on the Red Altar's side.

Posted by: Lord Revan May 29 2007, 12:45 AM

Ok, if needed I'll command multiple badies. wink.gif

Name: Phiona
Age: 23
Race: Bosmer
Gender: Female
Class: Scout/Treasure Hunter/Thief

BSS: Sneak, acrobatics, marksman, shortblade, alchemy, charm, and security.

Weaknesses: Strong-willed, barbed wire for a tongue when insulted, can't let any loot she sees pass her by.

Strengths: clever (ever so), accurate shot, uncanny skill with daggers. She'll fight dirty if she knows she's outmatched otherwise.
Phiona is skilled in poti- erm, poison making. She's a very smooth talker (she robs men of their hearts and gold)!

Weapons: Bonemold bow with silver arrows, a single Deadric dagger (her prized possession, stolen as well).

History: Just a thief brought up in a thief family. (Not much, hint, hint) wink.gif

Brief Description: Tall (as in average human size), slim, has her dark brown hair in a "stick twist".
Phiona's light green eyes have a mischious look to them most of the time.

Apparel: Most commonly, she wears a complete suit (including helmet) of neltch leather.
However, when in town, well, taverns, Phiona will wear an expensive blouse and skirt; she'll also have her hair unbound, reaching just past her shoulders.

Posted by: DungeonHunter May 29 2007, 04:40 AM

and the gang is back together. cool.gif

trying to keep this as short as possible. here goes.

Name: reggard wolfbite
Age: 31

Race: NORD

Gender: male

Best Seven Skills: light armor, athletics, blades, block,

Weakness: diplomacy, subtleness

Advantages: combat, women, drinking games

Weapons: silver claymore with runes engraved on blade and a wolf head shaped pommel, sling, silver war axe (1 handed), wooden sheild covered with leather and reinforced with steel plating and studs and a silver wolf's head in the center

Apparel: hardened, studded leather curiass, fur greaves, iron gauntlets, chainmail on both shoulders which is attached to a heavy green cloak/cape thing. fur boots that go up to meet the greaves with steel toes.

History: grew up in eastern skyrim, with a mountain tribe of barbaric d00ds. kicked boat and took names until his early teens when his family moved to bruma. joined fighters guild for extra money to support family, since no "civil" jobs would take him, because of his temper. eventually even the fighters guild kicked him out after he was scaring away customers. sayn and his guild finally adopted him, seeing his fighting prowess and put him to use. reggard was generally happy with a good meal and a good fight, but would someday like to return to his tribe and his clan.

Brief Description: standing 6 foot 3 and weighing in at a muscular 210 pounds, reggard wolfbite is not a man to be trifled with. long blonde hair frames sharp facial features and blue eyes which offset his challenging appearance. blah blah blah yeah

short and sweet. nothing novelesque to bore you guys.

Posted by: GunsnArmor May 29 2007, 04:50 AM

My favorite d00d. ;] Welcome!

Posted by: DungeonHunter May 29 2007, 04:54 AM

From: wisconsin

and the gang is back together.

trying to keep this as short as possible. here goes.

Name: reggard wolfbite
Age: 31

Race: NORD

Gender: male

Best Seven Skills: light armor, athletics, blades, block, speechcraft (for the ladiezzzz), axe, hand to hand

Weakness: diplomacy, subtleness

Advantages: combat, women, drinking games

Weapons: silver claymore with runes engraved on blade and a wolf head shaped pommel, sling, silver war axe (1 handed), wooden sheild covered with leather and reinforced with steel plating and studs and a silver wolf's head in the center

Apparel: hardened, studded leather curiass, fur greaves, iron gauntlets, chainmail on both shoulders which is attached to a heavy green cloak/cape thing. fur boots that go up to meet the greaves with steel toes.

History: grew up in eastern skyrim, with a mountain tribe of barbaric d00ds. kicked boat and took names until his early teens when his family moved to bruma. joined fighters guild for extra money to support family, since no "civil" jobs would take him, because of his temper. eventually even the fighters guild kicked him out after he was scaring away customers. sayn and his guild finally adopted him, seeing his fighting prowess and put him to use. reggard was generally happy with a good meal and a good fight, but would someday like to return to his tribe and his clan.

Brief Description: standing 6 foot 3 and weighing in at a muscular 210 pounds, reggard wolfbite is not a man to be trifled with. long blonde hair frames sharp facial features and blue eyes which offset his challenging appearance. blah blah blah yeah

short and sweet. nothing novelesque to bore you guys.

Posted by: GunsnArmor May 29 2007, 05:02 AM

You could of just edited your first post...


Posted by: Dantrag May 29 2007, 05:27 AM

Name: Ahn

Age: 22

Race: Dunmer

Gender: Male

Best Seven Skills: blade, marksman, sneak, security, acrobatics, unarmored, athletics

Weakness: He is not very strong, as he relies on speed and quick light sword strokes to wear down his enemy. Anything faster than him is normally a weakness, but even a lumbering giant could prove to be impossibly hard due to the fact that he simply overestimates his skill quite often, which gets him into trouble.

Advantages: Is fast and has a high stamina. He has been known to fight on for hours out of sheer endurance and willpower, despite being on the brink of defeat. Large foes are typically his easiest, though he has been known to defeat opponents with a similar fighting style to his own from time to time.

Weapons: A bow and a quiver strapped to his back, a raven black longsword with a black soulgem pommel stone strapped on his waist.

Apparel: He dresses in simple attire. He is most often seen in a pair of worn brown leather boots, a pair of black pants, and a simple dark grey shirt.

History: Born to an unknown father and a pretty barmaid, his childhood was less than ideal. He witnessed extreme violence at the hands of his Cammona Tong stepfather (both towards him and others) and the terrible effects of narcotics from his mother. His mother died when he was ten (in a bar incident involving a drunken nord), and that very day he ran away from his stepfather, successfully disappearing and changing his name to Ahn.

He was actually sought after to join the Bronze Guild at the age of 16, when he proved to be an asset to Imperial Soldiers when pirates attacked Ebonheart. What the guild didn't know, however, was his reason for being there at such an opportune time. He was there to kill someone he had challenged to a duel. His enemy had accepted the duel, but the pirates attacked before he could find his enemy. When the fight was over with the pirates, he was unable to trace his opponent. The guild found him a few days later, and he decided to join their ranks.

Brief Description: He is cocky and arrogant, and has a cynical outlook on life, having never experienced much good in it. He also harbors a deep hatred for nords. He has black hair that reaches about halfway down his back that is rarely attended to as far as cosmetics go, and a silver earring hanging from his right ear. His sword's origins and nature are unknown, he hasn't even told a soul how he came about it.

Posted by: ShogunSniper May 29 2007, 06:06 AM

Name: Astin Sialius

Age: 52

Race: Imperial

Gender: Male

Major Skills: Blade, Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Hand to Hand, Speechcraft, Alchemy, Restoration

Weaknesses: Forgiving nature, his well-roundedness means he doesn't excel in any one given scenario

Advantages: His well-roundedness means he doesn't fall short in any one given scenario, has obtained a considerable amount of wisdom and is a well balanced swordsman as well as a knowledgeable ranger of sorts.

Weapons: Silver Longsword, a few daggers on his person that he is capable of throwing as well as a hunting knife.

Apparel: Steel pauldrons protect his shoulders, dressed below the neck in leather armor. A worn cape flows behind. His hair is greying from its original jet black, giving his head and moustache and beard a salt and peppered look. Face shows signs of aging, but his eyes are alive and observant and contain knowledge of experience.

History: Born in Cyrodiil, his father was a man of little renown as was his mother. They lived off the land south of Bruma, wear he obtained his skills as a ranger. When he became of age, Astin left home to see all of Tamriel. Fell in love in Summerset, only to lose her; a story he does not speak lightly of.

Brief Description: Not the most trusting soul, but Astin is very prone to the idea of "forgive and forget." He considers his best trait to be his wisdom on life and his uncanny ability to predict the nature of people. In this way he can easily deal with and interact with society, and manipulate it if needed. Though he ages, he is still a hardy and well rounded warrior, capable of any number of tasks, and willing to learn any he is incapable of.

im confused... how does this rp start? or is that to be decided?

Posted by: GunsnArmor May 29 2007, 06:37 AM

I'm not focusing on that yet. Only once we are sure we haev enough members in each guild to start. Then I will set up the playground.

Actually, we have eight right now. We could go ahead and set this up.

Keepers of the Secret or Worshippers of the Red Altar.

I'm on the good side.

Posted by: Lord Revan May 29 2007, 06:44 AM

Well, I have two characters, originally one was going to be good, but that could always change. smile.gif Whatever works best.

Posted by: GunsnArmor May 29 2007, 08:07 AM

You and Jack have two, but I don't think Jakc wants to have both of his characters to be evil. We'll figure the rest out in the morning. I'm off to bed.

Were slowly getting this pulled together.

Posted by: jack cloudy May 29 2007, 02:17 PM

Madrukh is good by his very definition. (Knights do not seek power through evil sorcery! They seek power through courage, honour, through the helping of the weak!)

Deryll on the other hand. Maybe he is with the Red Altar and tries to get ahead through that ritual as well? It could be that a certain power is bestowed upon the disciples of the head guy. And Deryll is more than willing to make a few sacrifices in his neverending war against evil. Who cares about morrowind? It's filled with necromancers anyway. (though nobody admits the necromancer bit, it is obvious. Just research ancestor worship or duck into the nearest tomb.)

Ok, here we go.

Gro-Bolg Madrukh: Keeper of Secrets.
Deryll Farfing: Red Altar.

Hmm, I wonder if Ahn had a lot of sparring matches with my knight. They both use swords so who knows. I'm sure that Madrukh at least challenged him a couple of times.

Posted by: ShogunSniper May 29 2007, 04:10 PM

Astin Sialius: Red Altar.

so who is to be the unnamed leader of this guild? rather who will be playing him?

Posted by: GunsnArmor May 29 2007, 05:38 PM

I don't know. I'm thinking maybe someone who only has one, like Lord Raven, Dantrag or you. One thing is if you play him he has to be a dark elf. Name can be anything, but Monndre Ahens sounds cool.

Jo'Puma: Keepers of the Secret

Posted by: Dantrag May 29 2007, 07:39 PM

Well, I kind of wanted Ahn to be a former member of the Bronze Guild that recently turned to the Red Altar, but I don't know enough of what you had in mind to do so, so I just had him be an atypical keeper of the secret.

Posted by: Lord Revan May 29 2007, 08:10 PM

Mine are as follows, I'll choose Dogan's for certain later

Phiona: Red Altar
Dogan: uncertain as of yet

Posted by: DungeonHunter May 30 2007, 03:19 AM

reggard wolfbite, aspiring barbarian lord and master of the ladies: Keeper of Secrets

Posted by: GunsnArmor May 30 2007, 04:26 AM

Sides are almost equal. Lord Raven, if your second guy could be on the Red Altar side, then maybe either Dantrag or Shogun Sniper could also control the Red Altar leader. I can control Hitius, and then both teams are equal.

Posted by: ShogunSniper May 30 2007, 04:27 AM

i'll pass. i have the arch baddy of the current RP.

Posted by: DungeonHunter May 30 2007, 04:30 AM

want him, dan?

Posted by: Lord Revan May 30 2007, 04:31 AM

Okay, then. The Bard is yet another bad guy in disguise..... what happened to the good ol' days when bad people actually boasted in public while drunk so everyone knew about them and the good guys could simply arrest and or kill him/her.

Why did they have to get smart? laugh.gif

Posted by: GunsnArmor May 30 2007, 05:02 AM

The RP would be really short if they weren't. rolleyes.gif

Name: Hanadam Hitius

Age: 40

Race: Imperial

Gender: Male

Best Seven Skills: Long Blade, Destruction, Alteration, Restoration, Medium Armor, Athletics, Blunt Weapon

Weakness: Anything stronger than him. Also being surrounded by many foes. And archers.

Advantages: Anything weaker than him. Enemies in one area, and not all around him, allowing him to completely focus on the group without worrying about being hit from behind.

Weapons: Iron Broad Sword and Short Staff

Apparel: When at home (guild house) he wears a brown robe and sandals. When out he wears an imperial chain cuirass (father's heirloom), iron gauntlets, imperial chain boots, and casual tan pants.

History: Grew up with his friend Mayuhns Sayn, until his recent death. Now he is out to seek his killer, the Worshippers of the Red Altar, with other Keepers of the Secret.

Brief Description: Dark blue eyes, brownish blond hair that almost hangs on his shoulders, and facial hair around his mouth, chin and light sideburns.

Posted by: minque May 31 2007, 07:07 PM

OK might as well join in! I´ll try to play a more wicked one this time...or she may turn out to be rater good in the end...if she survives, ohmy.gif

Name: Almalexia, (oh no she can´t call herself that!!! So she normally present herself as Lexie)

Age: 24

Race: Imperial/Dunmer

Gender: Female

Best seven skills: Speechcraft, acrobatics, athletics, intelligence, mercantile, marksman, alchemy, illusion (ok it was 8)

Weakness: She has an attitude, she gets angry real quick, she can be very sarcastic, and she usually annoys people, except of! blink.gif

Advantages: She´s intelligent, very well built and thus pretty strong for being a woman. She can talk the crap out of anyone, and mostly ppl underestimate that´s a big mistake!

Weapons: A bow, and arrows, and her sharp tounge of course

Apparel: She wears black! Black tight pants, a black very tight shirt that reveals...ahem..quite a lot! embarrased.gif Then she wears a broad leather belt, black of course but with metalornaments, like spikes. She doesn´r bother about armor! Or any robe, it interferes with her movements she thinks.

History: Lexie was born in secret deep down the sewers in Mournhold, as the illegitimate daughter of one of Queen Almalexia´s Hands and a poor barmaid from The Winged Guar. She was to be kept out of sight or her mother would loose her job. Really she was not meant to be! It all started one evening when three of Her Hands were celebrating the birthday of one of them by spending the evening at the Winged Guar, drinking their guts out. Of course the good looking barmaid, attracted the drunken Hands! And so the inevitable was a fact! All three of them used the poor girl and she ended up pregnant. The name she gave her daughter was purely intentional, it was meant as a lead to her heritage!

The proprietor was kind enough to let the girl stay but she had to keep her child out of sight. When Lexie was 13 years, her mother died. She then had noone. The proprietor of the WG, adviced Lexie to go to Vvardenfell to seek a life!. She did, and ended up in Suran, where Desele, the owner of that..Club, gave her a job and a place to stay. ....Hmmm

Brief description: Lexie is tall, strong and well built, really well built! She has jet black hair long and shiny. Her eyes are dark reddish-brown, almost black. Her skin is pale from spending so much time in the sewers. She is a very attractive woman who knows her ways with men, she was thoroughly educated and trained by Desele! hubbahubba.gif

She now just turns up, nobody knows from where, she´s just....appearing in front of those men at that meeting....

Posted by: DungeonHunter Jun 1 2007, 01:16 AM

she sounds cool! know, however, that no woman is safe from reggard wolfbite.

Posted by: GunsnArmor Jun 1 2007, 01:27 AM

I'm guessing Lexie is with the Keepers of the Secret?

Posted by: jack cloudy Jun 1 2007, 07:53 AM

I sounds like she is. And Reggard Wolfbite had better keep his hands in his pockets. Sir Madrukh does not tolerate men who wish to defile a woman. (That's probably why he hasn't got a girlfriend yet. laugh.gif )

Posted by: Lord Revan Jun 1 2007, 07:11 PM

Well, Phiona will probably play coy during her first meetings with the males of the KOTS. However, her flirtation probably falls short of Lexie's. Dagon won't come across as an evil person, he's not actually. The bard is, for the most part, a contact of the Red Altar worshippers.

And (as shown in the first post as him) he's urged the Red Altar to see the folly of the ritual; we can all tell his warnings were unsuccessful.

Posted by: DungeonHunter Jun 2 2007, 03:30 AM

sounds like it'll all play out nice.

Posted by: minque Jun 2 2007, 01:28 PM

Yeah I guess Lexie is a Secret-Keeper! And as for flirtstion..? well she might but then again she might not! I mean she got herself away from that business!

Now Reggad Wolfbite should as Mr Cloudy mentionen, keep his fingers in his pockets....when meeting Lex, that is if he really want to keep those fingers attached to his hand! ohmy.gif

Anyway I was thinking, she might sort of "know" the Kitty, I mean Jo´Puma, then she would have a connection and a reason to step into that chamber!

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 2 2007, 01:58 PM

if she's in the guild, i think that's reason enough, so come on in! smile.gif

Posted by: minque Jun 2 2007, 02:00 PM

She´s in...hehe but I doubt you guys even noticed her

Posted by: DungeonHunter Jun 3 2007, 10:23 PM

lol we did.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Jun 14 2007, 03:58 PM

Name: Lucien Forod

Age: 45 (Imperial Years)

Race: Dunmer father, Breton Mother (Brumner?)

Gender: Male

Best Seven Skills: (before I go rattling off the skill sheet from Morrowind, I felt as if I could make some up, if not, pm me, and we'll work it out) Hunting, Cooking, Fishing, Fletching, Speechcraft, Blacksmithing, Survivalist

Weakness(es): Lucien is of average height and not very strong. He is allergic to Hackle-Lo and Madrake Root. Also, he cannot stand the undead, or any other "illogical creature."

Advantages: Very good on his own, loves the woodlands. Can scrounge food from anywhere. Very likeable, not prone to fighting.

Weapons: Lucien uses whatever he can find, or make in some cases. However there is a family heirloom that he keeps in a safe place at his house. A Longbow, fabled never to miss when your target is evil (by his father).

Apparel: Simple garb of Imperial Origins, smocks and the like. He has a thing for shoes however, and constantly changes shoes. His favorites are Nordic Ice Boots, for some odd reason.

History: Lucien grew up under a proud father and a loving mother. There was hardships at times, especially during the Dagoth Ur Crisis, ultimately resulting in the death of his father. His mother died soon after that from grief, for the pair loved each other deeply. Lucien was cunning enough to find a reclusive guild high in the mountains were he trained in Survivalist techniques and the like. Soon, Lucien set off to live his own life, and he headed for another set of mountains on Mainland Morrowind. Lucien has not been married, for he speaks glibly around others, but one on one with a female, he freezes up, and sounds like a Khajit with a cold. Lucien lives in a small wood cabin in a little cove. He is happy there, and he has everything he needs.

Appearance: Lucien does not have the red eyes of Dunmer heritage, instead, he has the more handsome features of the Breton race. The ancient spirit of the Dunmer rests in Lucien, and the will of his ancestors is with him. Lucien has pale brown skin, hut he has the white hair of his father. Lucien wears his hair tied back in a tight knot when out hunting, but lets it fall around his shoulders when he is at home or at his forge. He has taught muscles, however, he is not bulging. He is quick to laugh and shrug off troubles, not one to dwell on pain. He loves music, and he sings and plays instruments frequently.

Posted by: DoomedOne Jun 20 2007, 09:55 PM

Ooh me next, me next!

Name: Igun Sparthorn

Age: 50s

Race: redguard

Gender: dude

Skill: Long blade, block, acrobatics, mercentile, conjuration, restoration and alteration

Weaknesses: Well for one, he's completely blind. That's about it, though, he's a pretty sharp guy and hsi willpower usually prevents him from succumbing to temptations. I'd say his only other weakness is cynicism, he thinks the world is a hopeless transgression into oblivion, both as individuals and as a society.

Advantages: He's incredibly fast, both his body and his mind. He also has a lot of experience in life so he's pretty wise and lastly he's unmatched in acrobatics, total ninja if only he could see well enough to through projectiles.

Weapons: An old cutlass, no more no less. He conjures weapons, too, though.

Apparal: He still wears the red collared shirt and black pants from his pirating days, but typically wears a long, thick white coat these days as well. He is very simple, needing little but his walking stick.

History: The House of Black was a pretty famous pirate crew around 25 years ago. Igun was the first mate. Eventually a ship owned by a very rich merchent with a vendetta was sent out as bait, they took it and all got captured. Igun's life was spared among 7 others, but they cut out his eyes as a reminder. He was young and foolish, and sought revenge against the merchant but the merchant employed sorcerers as security guards so it was easier said than done. Igun trained under an illusionist, wasting all the savings he had left and working for countless hours to improve his skill so he could successfully sneak into the merchant's bed chamber. He found the merchant had grown old and sick and could not leave from his bed. He lived in acute, chronic pain and his skin looked like it was peeling off. He chose to spare the man's life knowing it murder would have been an act of mercy.

So, he moved on and settled down with a wife and a couple of kids, but then they got killed by ogres and now he's a blind, depressed old dude

Appearance: Scruffy gray beard, thick granite dreadlocks, two white glass eyes, and he's pretty dark skinned, too. He's not old fart looking or anything, he just looks like he carries a lot of weight around with him.

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 26 2007, 07:02 PM

Hey, can I still join the RP with a character? If I joined as well, then the old gang from a Forgotten Khajiit would truly be together again. tongue.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 26 2007, 09:29 PM

Well, you could. However, the rp is pretty much dead. I gave an ultimatum before going on vacation for three weeks, but the situation didn't change at all. So there haven't been any posts in months.

That said, I suppose a revival might just work (though it would mean throwing most inactive characters into jail). Got any ideas to move the plot into a more active direction?

Posted by: minque Sep 26 2007, 09:40 PM

Yeah, what happened to this rp? I kinda like my charachter and I´d like to develop her sort of...

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 26 2007, 09:45 PM

Alright, I'll end the neverending battle and give whoever wants to play a chance to rp. smile.gif

Posted by: Tellie Sep 27 2007, 07:55 PM

My character.

Name: James Pathertrory.

Race: British (he is the unfortunate victim of an accident containing, radiation huge amounts of water, and a large wave of EMP, that transfered him to another world...tamriel in fact ).

Class: Thief really (as well as annoying the crap out of everyone).

Age: 19.

Gender: male.

Appearance: About 5'9 tall, spiky raven black hair, thin slender frame with lean muscles, cathing blue eyes, constant smirk plattered on his face. Wears black trousers. Black half-finger leather gloves, his usual Iron Maiden t-shirt, his favourite black leather bikerjacket (complete with spikes ), and a pierced left ear and black leather bikerboots.

Equipment: his always present bow (complete with steel arrows, 'borrowed' of course from an imperial armoury), four steel daggers (one always present in his black leather bikerboots) one is coated with a paralysing potion, while another one is coated with a snake venom that rapidly degenerates cells from inside the body (starts in the bloodstream normally, and after some time will degenerate the heart itself). And lastly the sawn off shotgun he stole on his last day of school before his 'accident' (note, if you guy's think it's uber, lets just say he don't have any shells for it)

Personality: Sarcastic, rude, arrogant, obnoxius and generally unpleasant to everyone. Intelligent enough when he wants to be, but his life usually evolves around stealing things, selling them to get money, and make a living, other than that, he is also secretely working together with a few Blades as an information gatherer.

Favourite move: "The Squirrel Move", he ended up learning that to Telina when he ran across her once. He told her, 'Go for the nuts, and you've got them, if one kick isn't enough then kick again, one of the kicks are bound to get through and bring the pain".

Former history: After his family was killed when he was nine by a crime syndicate, he started learning all he could about the tough life on the streats, and how to get himself out of trouble, he is a decent enough fighter, but in a prolonged swordfight or similar, he resorts to using dirty trick instead, especially throwing bottles of flammable liquids and igniting them at people.

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 27 2007, 08:07 PM

Name: Amulius Trebonius

Age: 56

Race: Imperial

Gender: male

Best Seven Skills: Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration, Alteration, Axe, Heavy Armour, Speechcraft

Weakness: Getting surrounded in a situation in which he can't use his spells. Sometimes likes to charge off alone in front of all the others and also overestimates his skill with some regularity.

Advantages: Uses both his spells and his weapons with equal frequency, sometimes hacking something apart with his axe, while blowing up something with his spells. Is generally kind-hearted and a good judge of character. He also knows how to rally his fellows and how to manipulate people when it suits him.

Weapons: An old one-handed Steel Axe.

Apparel: Has a large steel pauldron which covers his left shoulder, and steel gauntlets on both his hands. He also has a Steel cuirass which he wears over a vest of mail which also covers his arms down to the elbows. For lower protection he wears steel greaves and leather boots with fur on the inside to keep him warm. He wears a dark blue robe over all of his armour. He also has a leather belt with a belt buckle carved of fine wood from Skyrim. On this belt he has a pouch for small items like potions and the like.

History: Trebonius was born in Skingrad, son to a minor noble. From a young age, Trebonius expressed interest in magicka and spells after hearing many tales of the exploits of famous battlemages like Zurin Arctus, Welloc Morihatha's Imperial Battlemage or the famed Hetoth, Battlemage of Uriel V.

His father, eager to please his son, sent him off to the Mages Guild to study the various Colleges of Magicka. Out of all the colleges, Trebonius grew to admire and prefer the College of Destruction. His tutors considered this to be typical of a battlemage. Besides schooling in spell casting and scholarly pursuits, as was the norm in the Mages Guild, Trebonius also received several lessons from members of the Fighters Guild, in order to learn how to fare like a true Battlemage on the field of battle: with both steel and sorcery.

After reaching the age of 25, shortly after he had completed all of his studies, Trebonius decided to start to travel, since the rather comfortable life of a noble didn't really suit him. Besides, there weren't any wars in the Imperial Province, and Trebonius had a burning desire to see how it was really like to be a battlemage in a battle. Soon enough he found himself as the Court Wizard and Healer of a minor noble in High Rock, in the service of the Baron of Dwynnen. The Knightly Order of Dwynnen, the Knights of the Raven, were often needed to deal with incursions by rogue bands of Orcs on border villages and hamlets.

One time, the Baron of Dwynnen decided to eradicate the orcs once and for all so he sent a company of Knights into the Wrothgarian mountains, where the orcs had their base of operations. Trebonius urged his lord to allow him to accompany the knights but at first he was refused. After long pleas however, Trebonius was finally allowed to join the knights on their quest.

The quest was a horrible failure, as the Orcs used guerilla warfare to slaughter the knights in the mountains. There, Trebonius saw the true face of war and he was none too pleased. The knights eventually retreated out of the mountains after sustaining heavy losses at the hands of the Orcish outlaws. Changed by his experience, Trebonius left the service of the Baron of Dwynnen and started wandering. Soon enough however, he became a mercenary fighting for various lordships in High Rock in the countless conflicts which dot the province.

His wanderings however eventually led him to Morrowind, where he decided to settle down.

That's it for this rather sloppy history. Now let's hope we can get RPing.

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