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Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 01:45 PM

Letīs continue here:

Link to last thread:

The last post by Fuzzy Knight:

[quote]"The ancient family scimitars is the most magnificant power of magic I've ever seen or wielded... so yes.. They are enchanted and shiny" Arco replied... He looked around, it was morning already - Maybe they should take the initative to go now... Its a long journey to Morrowind...[/quote]

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 8 2005, 03:18 PM

Sel fidgeted as if he was uncomfortable. "Look, I don't know if I can go to Morrowind again. Since I don't want to tell anyone my life's story, basically, I'm wanted for murder there, and I doubt anyone will forget that easily. A bounty of ten thousand septims is hard to forget, let me tell you."

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jun 8 2005, 03:46 PM

"Well its your own choice Sel, we'll stick up to you if anything happens... Maybe we should rather split up?" Arco questioned the group...

"I dont need to have anyone with me to Morrowind..." Arco added..

Posted by: Konradude Jun 8 2005, 04:08 PM

Konras stared round at the group, confused about what was happening. "Morrowind? I think i ha ve heard that name before. Isn't it the home of somebody? How far away is it?" He ate his last bit of bread and had a sip of matze from a rusty metal bottle he had kept for years. " I'm willing to travel with you, if someone can find me a horse. I buggered up Celia's..."

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jun 8 2005, 04:13 PM

"Its not that far... It borders to Cyrodiil to the east... Its the homeland of the Dunmer" Arco said, refreshing some memories with his dead friends as they travelled around in Morrowind and Vvardenfell...

"Want to come along young one...? By the way, dont think I've catched your name yet..." Arco said, quite impressed that the boy was so brave... to fight off demons..

Posted by: Konradude Jun 8 2005, 04:22 PM

Konrad swung his boots off the table and stood up, bowing to the dunmer. "I am Konrad, son of Polengod. I used to live in this city, but this can no longer be my home." He brought his head up again, smiling. "I haven't had the honour of your name yet sir, or I may have forgotten it. I am not myself at the moment and I apologise." He sat down again, and took another sip from his bottle.

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 8 2005, 04:25 PM

"It's a long time since i've been in Morrowind. It'll be good to go back again" said Jonacin

Posted by: Red Jun 8 2005, 04:58 PM

"Hmm, I could introduce you all to some of my friends if we go to Balmora. Plus we could report some of the things we've seen to the Legion. They might want to send some troops here" Shakur's mind raced about the good and bad parts of going to morrowind. Hopefully the local assasins won't expect his coming.

OOC: Going out now, bye guys!

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 8 2005, 05:28 PM

"I don't know if contacting the legion would be smart, with the Imperials after me. Or at least, not while I'm around. I'll go, but if we get into trouble with the law, I will kill a guard or run into the wilderness before I will go to prison or pay the fine."

Sel hoped that no guards would recognize him for two reasons. One, we didn't want to have to kill a guard. Two, Falx might be angry with him if he did happen to kill a guard.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 05:50 PM

Niran looks around confused (could someone fill me in.)

Posted by: MerGirl Jun 8 2005, 06:44 PM

(OOC: To gamer10: So far, we are a bunch of random peoples that just fought against demons and undead stuff. And, uh, we know that there's an evil mage who has great power and is able to soul-trap people and junk... And now, we're in a inn, planning our next step on how we're going to find this evil mage guy.)

Excited about the propect of going to a place she had not traveled to in years, Celia raised her hand again. "Ooh, ooh! I'll go if Serene and Jona go." She paused and thought about something. "I haven't been to Morrowind in years... Er, was that the place with the sour Dunmer-Bug-Peoples? That place was really eerie, and it doesn't seem like hugging Bug-Peoples is legal..."

She turned to Sel and patted his shoulder sadly. "No wonder you don't want to go to Morrowind!"

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 06:48 PM

"Nice!, looks like we are a company that will go to Morrowind....hmm I might introduce you to my friends in the Mageīs guild in Ald`ruhn" Serene was pleased by the fact that Arco was not going on his own, and also by the fact that Jonacin was coming, she felt very strongly about that young redguard, more strongly that she had done in many years.He made her feel young again, and attractive even.....

Serene smiled as she looked around the table ....

Posted by: Konradude Jun 8 2005, 07:09 PM

Konrad frowned, looking at everyone talking. "Well, I'm off to this Morrowind, and seeing as no-one has told me about horses yet, I'll have to share one of yours. The stable horses have all fled, the Youngling army freed them." At this he looked down to the floor, remembering his friends' deaths. "We must hurry, but I do not know where this Morrowind is!" With that he strode towards the door, opening it and stepping out into the afternoon sun.

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 8 2005, 07:12 PM

Sel looked up at Celia. "Bug people? You mean the Telvanni guards? And it's not like I don't want to go, I mean, it is my home, after all, it just might not be the smartest thing, considering I'm wanted for murder over there."

Then to Serene he said, "I lived in Ald'ruhn for a time with my mother. We may have some of the same friends."

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 07:14 PM

"Konrad!, donīt go out alone, it can be dangerous out there, wait for us" Serene followed Konrad to the door and made him turn around.

"why Sel, we might have! I even grew up in Aldīruhn, or hmm outside more like it so we might very well have mutual friends there, by the way is your mom still alive? whatīs her name?"

Posted by: Konradude Jun 8 2005, 07:21 PM

Konrad sighed, wondering if they would ever make a move. "I can look after myself, lady. I also need to practise my swordfighting, i haven't had a fight in over a day! Aha, It's Sel isn't it? Will you fight me?" He looked at Sel, urging him to accept.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jun 8 2005, 07:23 PM

Arco looked out at the group, he swung his sack around on his lap before opening it. He rolled his eyes around looking up. It was quit empty in his sack, only some old food, drink and his enchanted flaming short bow with some arrows...

"Hey... Barkeeper, got any good food and drink that last a little while?" Arco asked leaning back as he looked over at the barkeeper who just nodded and signaled Arco to come...

Arco went up and got some food and drink wrapped in some brown paper. Arco handed over some septims before putting it down his sack before taking it back by his hip...

"So... How do we travel?" Arco questioned... "My horse is dead I think..." Arco added looking alittle around thinking where the horse might be...

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 8 2005, 08:09 PM

[quote=minque]"Nice!, looks like we are a company that will go to Morrowind....hmm I might introduce you to my friends in the Mageīs guild in Ald`ruhn" Serene was pleased by the fact that Arco was not going on his own, and also by the fact that Jonacin was coming, she felt very strongly about that young redguard, more strongly that she had done in many years.He made her feel young again, and attractive even.....

Serene smiled as she looked around the table ....[/quote]
OOC: I wouldn't really call Jonacin young, he is 38 after all lol

"Well Serene, you can introduce me to the gang up in Ald'Ruhn then" Jonacin said with a grin

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 08:11 PM

OOC: well for me thatīs young..hehe Serene is 48 if I remember right

"Yes Jonacin..Iīll introduce you to some very nice people I know in Aldīruhn"

"But we need food for the trip, weīll ask the barkeep , will you arrange that Jonacin?"

Posted by: Channler Jun 8 2005, 08:18 PM

Falx looked at the inn that everyone had went into earlier that morning. He didn't want to go join them, but for now his, and their destiny was intertwined. Causually strolling up the already hot afternoon cobblestones he thought of all they would have to do to stop the damn mage.

"Why can't they just use swords" The Knight said to himself, right before he stepped into the inn, that should of been evacuated too. The rag tag group of hired hands and mercenary's without a cause stood around a table in a very empty bar. That at least soothed Falx's thoughts a bit.

"I'm sorry I wasn't present for our "discussions" but I had other matters to attend to." Falx looked at the wall for a while, "Most of Cyrodil is either in flames, or controlled by the Deadra. Oddly this little section of the outskirts is safe, for now."

The Knight walked over to the inkeeper and whispered a few words into his ear. The man nodded his head and went into the back room.

"I'll get us food for this adventure of ours.." Falx said that with disdain, "I only wish that it would soon be over."

The Innkeeper rushed back into the main floor with several large bags of food and waterskins. Falx tossed him a rather large bag of coins and said, "Take that money, and please, please, get out of here. The deadra are swarming all over the place, soon they will be here too. Now go!"

The barkeeper again returned to his back room..

[OOC: I beat you LoneWolf!!!! tongue.gif ]

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 8 2005, 08:20 PM

"Sure thing" said Jonacin, going up to the bar. "Barkeep. Would you have enough food to spare to last our group til we reach Vvardenfell by any chance?" he asked the man

[OOC: tongue.gif you said you weren't going to Vvardenfell]

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 08:22 PM

Niran walks up to a small goup that seems to have formed:

"Excuse me if i'm interupting anything, but I could use some assistance."

Posted by: Konradude Jun 8 2005, 08:27 PM

Konrad turned his head towards the stranger. He placed his hand on the hlt of his sword and drew it out a sectimetre. "Hello sir, what do you require?" He sat down again in his seat, afraid the man may steal it.

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 08:28 PM

" go ahead young man" Serene looked curiosly at the newcomer

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 08:28 PM

"Well its sort of complicated story, but in short, can I borrow some spare coins? I do not have much too offer in return,and my business is secret."

Posted by: Konradude Jun 8 2005, 08:31 PM

Konrad laughed, wondering how a man would still beg for coins with daedra baying for blood at the door. "I have none sir, and I suggest you save your life rather than horde your money. Either get to the safety of the refugees, or barricade yourself in a house. Neither is too safe an option."

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 8 2005, 08:32 PM

"No need to be so rude Konrad" said jonacin sternly, before flipping the stranger a few ten septim pieces. "here you go laddie. Use them wisely"

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 08:33 PM

[quote=Konradude]Konrad laughed, wondering how a man would still beg for coins with daedra baying for blood at the door. "I have none sir, and I suggest you save your life rather than horde your money. Either get to the safety of the refugees, or barricade yourself in a house. Neither is too safe an option."[/quote]

"I did not ask for a lecture from you, but if you do not wish to give any assistance then I shall be on my way."

(dont forget, in my chara bio it says he angers easily.)

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 08:33 PM

"Jonacin is right, now please prepare for the trip, I think weīll have to walk ?"

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 08:34 PM

[quote=LoneWolf]"No need to be so rude Konrad" said jonacin sternly, before flipping the stranger a few ten septim pieces. "here you go laddie. Use them wisely"[/quote]

"thank you my friend, I shall remember this act of kindness."

Niran turned away to leave, but not before handing the kind man his entire belongings, wich were kept in a smll bag.

"All it contains is food, I have nothing else to offer."

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 08:36 PM

"Thatīs very good, and nice of you to offer us food, weīll need as much as we can get, Iīll help carry some stuff"

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 8 2005, 08:39 PM

"thank you my friend, I shall remember this act of kindness."

Niran turned away to leave, but not before handing the kind man his entire belongings, wich were kept in a smll bag.

"All it contains is food, I have nothing else to offer."[/quote]
"Thank you. It is the thought that counts, not what is given, and food is of great use to myself and my companions at the moment. May i ask your name?" said Jonacin to the stranger

Posted by: Konradude Jun 8 2005, 08:39 PM

Konrad looked at the table, calming himself down and kicking himself for being rude. "Sorry sir, I'm a bit tetchy at the moment. I pray your forgiveness." He rose from the chair and bowed to the man for half a second, then sat back down.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 08:40 PM

My name is Niran, though I dont know why you would want to know.

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 08:41 PM

[quote=gamer10]"Thank you. It is the thought that counts, not what is given, and food is of great use to myself and my companions at the moment. May i ask your name?" said Jonacin to the stranger[/quote]

My name is Niran, though I dont know why you would want to know.[/quote]

If we are going to travel together itīs good to know the names ....

Serene smiled at Niran...

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 08:41 PM

[quote=Konradude]Konrad looked at the table, calming himself down and kicking himself for being rude. "Sorry sir, I'm a bit tetchy at the moment. I pray your forgiveness." He rose from the chair and bowed to the man for half a second, then sat back down.[/quote]

I do forgive you, and I must ask for your forgiveness because my response was rather rude. I thank you for your advice.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 08:43 PM

"Serene smiled at Niran..."

Noticing that someone was staring at him Niran stared directly back,

"I dont believe I have made any commitments to anyone. Especially you.

Posted by: Konradude Jun 8 2005, 08:45 PM

Konrad rose at that statement, hand on sword. "What do you mean, especially her? She has but shown you kindness, sir, and you come out with that." He looked at the ungrateful man, wishing his sword could dance at that moment.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 08:46 PM

[quote=Konradude]Konrad rose at that statement, hand on sword. "What do you mean, especially her? She has but shown you kindness, sir, and you come out with that." He looked at the ungrateful man, wishing his sword could dance at that moment.[/quote]

"I spoke too fast, and without thinking, forgive me. I do not work well around others."

Niran looked at the floor.

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 8 2005, 08:46 PM

[quote=gamer10]"Serene smiled at Niran..."

Noticing that someone was staring at him Niran stared directly back,

"I dont believe I have made any commitments to anyone. Especially you.[/quote]
Jonacin felt a wave of anger at Niran's remark, but he forced it down. "No need for that. She was only being nice. I believe you owe her an apology for that remark" he said, keeping the anger out of his voice

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 08:47 PM

[quote=gamer10]"Serene smiled at Niran..."

Noticing that someone was staring at him Niran stared directly back,

"I dont believe I have made any commitments to anyone. Especially you.[/quote]

"Soooo, why so rude to me? I havent done you nothuing but being friendly"

Serene turned to Jonacin with tears in her eyes...

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 08:50 PM

[quote=minque][quote=gamer10]"Serene smiled at Niran..."

Noticing that someone was staring at him Niran stared directly back,

"I dont believe I have made any commitments to anyone. Especially you.[/quote]

"Soooo, why so rude to me? I havent done you nothuing but being friendly"

Serene turned to Jonacin with tears in her eyes...[/quote]

"it appears I have caused enough distraught here," Niran muttered
"Wherever I go, damnit I wish I was normal."

Posted by: Red Jun 8 2005, 08:50 PM

"It appears? Back where I lived if you spoke like that you'd probably say sorry with blood. But let me ask you, why are you so angry? There must be a reason behind your ignorant and insulting remarks" Shakur said his words with authority and a booming voice.

Posted by: Konradude Jun 8 2005, 08:51 PM

OOC: A hardened 48 year old crying at especially you? Psh.

Konrad looked at the imposing figure of Jonacin, and though the man looked calm, Konrad was afraid of him now. "I must say, you do get quite tongue tied when faced with such a number of people...I have just experianced that." Konrad looked around, hoping for no theatrics.

[Sorry Red! There hasn't been a 'posting' for a while.]

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 08:53 PM

OOC: Konrad you wouldnīt know about how ppl of 48 feels or think, so no comments about that plz

Serene took her backpack and headed towards the door, hoping that Jonacin would be right behind her, she urgently wanted to leave this inn now and get back to known places

"Aldīruhn, she I come"

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 08:57 PM

[quote=Red]"It appears? Back where I lived if you spoke like that you'd probably say sorry with blood. But let me ask you, why are you so angry? There must be a reason behind your ignorant and insulting remarks" Shakur said his words with authority and a booming voice.[/quote]

"Do you threaten me!" Niran (oops typo) draws a sword, "Come, let us fight."

Niran is easily annoyed by personal questions.

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 8 2005, 09:00 PM

[quote=minque]OOC: Konrad you wouldnīt know about how ppl of 48 feels or think, so no comments about that plz

Serene took her backpack and headed towards the door, hoping that Jonacin would be right behind her, she urgently wanted to leave this inn now and get back to known places

"Aldīruhn, she I come"[/quote]
Ignoring the boorish Niran, Jonacin followed Serene. He put his hand on her shoulder and spun her around. "Are you ok?" he asked her, concern showing in his eyes

Posted by: Channler Jun 8 2005, 09:00 PM

[I'm just gonna post for the hell of it because its takin so long]

Falx stared down their little problem, and saw that it in no way involved him.

To no one he said, "You need horses?" The Knight glanced at a few of the Dunmer in the group, "You know, they say horses don't like dumner. Reguardless, I'm going to scout around the royal stables and find you all some horses, surely Konrad and his little army hadn't released them all."

"If I'm not back by sundown just find an alterior method of transportation.." He looked at his feet for a few moments, "Ha, also known as walking"

Falx waved them off and left the tavern, heading towards the great city.. Controlled by the deadra

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 09:00 PM

Niran shoved past the two standing at the door and opened it.
Muttering rudely he left.

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 09:01 PM

"Iīm OK Jonacin" she said "But letīs go now, we can walk in advance if the others will wait so let them,,,,

By that Serene and Jonacin walked out of the inn and felt the afternoon sun burn their backs as they headed down the street

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 8 2005, 09:05 PM

:So where are we headed now?" Jonacin asked Serene as they walked. "Will we try to find some horses, or will we just start walking to Morrowind?"

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 09:07 PM

Niran looked grim as he walked down the road, knowing a long journey lay ahead of him.

Looking back he spotted two people from the inn, but he paid them little attention.

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 09:09 PM

[quote=LoneWolf]:So where are we headed now?" Jonacin asked Serene as they walked. "Will we try to find some horses, or will we just start walking to Morrowind?"[/quote]

Well itīs a long would be better if we could find horses, but where to find those here? I donīt really know these surroundings

look there goes that nosy boy" serene frowned...

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 8 2005, 09:10 PM

"Just ignore him. don't let him get to you. Some people are just like that. I guess we should go hunting for some stable" said Jonacin

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 09:12 PM

"Yes dear..letīs make this journey as nice as we letīs find a stable then" Serene held Jonacinīs hand as they walked ahead

OOC: Shall we find a stable in the next street or what?

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 09:13 PM

Niran noticed that the people behind him were staring and muttering, but he just sighed and continued. They knew little of his past, and could not understand him.

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 8 2005, 09:14 PM

OOC: sounds good to me lol biggrin.gif

Walking on a bit further, Jonacin caught the unmistakable scent of horses in the air. "There's either a stable or some wandering horses in the next street or so" he said to Serene. "Let's see if we can't get a couple of them"

Posted by: Channler Jun 8 2005, 09:14 PM

"For the love of the Nine!" Falx called out as he walked down the street, "I told you I'd find you some horse's! And thats what im doing..."

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 09:15 PM

[quote=Channler]"For the love of the Nine!" Falx called out as he walked down the street, "I told you I'd find you some horse's! And thats what im doing..."[/quote]

At the sound of a shout Niran turned around a hand on the hilt of his sword, but as his mind processed what the man had just said, he calmed. Then once again (again and again and again) he turned and continued.

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 09:17 PM

" Well thatīs very nice of you" Serene said to Falx as he came hurling down the street after them

"Jonacin i think we ae lucky i also smell horses right now! Serene hugged Jonacin in sheer joy

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 8 2005, 09:19 PM

Jonacin laughed and hugged Serene back. Y"ou really are very excitable today" he laughed. "Is it because we're going back to Vvardenfell?"

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jun 8 2005, 09:23 PM

Arco stood by the door seeing Falx talking about him finding the horses and all that...

"Falx has a horse already, let him scout and catch up with us later when he finds some horses for us. Any problems in that?" Arco said as he prepared his gear...

"I'll go ahead, keeping on this track" Arco said and started walking down the side of the road leading east...

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 09:26 PM

[quote=LoneWolf]Jonacin laughed and hugged Serene back. Y"ou really are very excitable today" he laughed. "Is it because we're going back to Vvardenfell?"[/quote]

" Yes i suppose it is...Iīm longing to get to Aldīruhn to meet some very nice people there, you would like them Iīm sure...." I know some very high powerful ones there you know, who can be very useful for us....

Posted by: Channler Jun 8 2005, 09:27 PM

Falx quickly lost most of his armor, it would just be a burnden while he was trying to be "sneaky".

He looked down the first street, it was clear, so he made a dash for it, second street, stables not but several more buildings now...

"Damn, deadra.." Falx spotted at least three odd beasts roaming around aimlessly, "I guess I'll have to deal with them first!"

Falx charged towards the stables, and more importantly towards the Deadra, unsheathing his sword and bellowing a loud battle cry.

The force of the impact of Falx's sword on the first creature was enourmous(SP?), it instantly broke whatever held its neck in place and a reddish, blue blood spilt all over the ground. But alas Falx had lost his momentum, and had to actually fight now.

The second creature lunged forward with its claws, seemingly trying to grasp Falx's neck within it evil clutches. The more amazing thing of it was though that they were deflecting The Knights sword with their claws.

Falx quickly struck out with wild blow that would shatter bones on a normal mer, or man. But it took forever of hacking at the second beast to bring it down. It was crouched on the ground, almost gasping for the life giving air around it. Falx heartlessly stabbed his sword right through its thick skull.

The last one was a mere recreation of the second one, buit it fell faster, and that was great news being that Falx was on a time schedule. Already the Sun was turning red.

Falx peered around in the stables and to his surprise, all the horse's were there.. Even the emperor's finest. Gathering at least 8 of them, Falx led them off towards the group of adventurers.

"Jonacin, Serene! I've got your horses!" Smiling he waved towards them

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 09:31 PM

As Serene heard Falx shouting he had found horses she grasped Jonacinīs hand and started running towards Falx...

"Aye weīre coming " she yelled......

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 09:32 PM

(Farther off, on the outskirts of town)

Niran sat down to think, knowing that he would eventually die without his food. But he would be ridiculed if he asked for it back. He had money, so as qiuetly as he could he walked back towards the inn to buy some food.

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 8 2005, 09:32 PM

"Great" jonacin shouted over to him. "looks like we wont be walking after all. We can meet your friends that much sooner now" he said to Serene with a smile

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 09:33 PM

Serene and Jonacin looked at the horses, fine animals they were, would certainly keep them going straight to Vvardenfell without delaying them.

"Are they fed properly " she wondered as she inspected their hoofs to see that there were no damages

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 09:38 PM

Having made it back to the inn, he saw that the inkeeper must have gone upstairs to sleep.

Not willing to wait, he simply stole some food and walked away.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jun 8 2005, 09:38 PM

Arco stopped to see Falx bringing some horses...

"No guar" Arco said jokingly... "Guess we're off then?" the added...

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 09:40 PM

"Looks like they've found a stable."

Niran walked towards the stable as they walked away, he choose a horse and left riding it.

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 8 2005, 09:49 PM

[quote=minque]Serene and Jonacin looked at the horses, fine animals they were, would certainly keep them going straight to Vvardenfell without delaying them.

"Are they fed properly " she wondered as she inspected their hoofs to see that there were no damages[/quote]
Jonacin inspected the horses. Their hair was shiny and clean, and they looked well fed. "They look like they should bear up nicely on the long trip. I'll take this one" said Jonacin to Serene, talking a huge horse, well over 18 hands in height

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jun 8 2005, 09:51 PM

(OOC: I'm off now, plz dont let my Arco be left alone... behinde... tongue.gif)

Posted by: Konradude Jun 8 2005, 09:56 PM

Konrad walked out of the inn nonchalently, then seeing Falx he dashed towards them, the matze giving him extra vigour. "Can I have the emperor's?" He asked looking around the group. Before an answer he leapt up and crawled into place on the saddle, then started doing circles around the group.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 10:02 PM

Several miles away from town (look and you'll see me in the distance, though I'll be a speck) Niran slowed his horse down.
"We don't want you getting tired now do we?" he said kindly to the horse.

Posted by: minque Jun 8 2005, 10:04 PM

Serene chose the slightly smaller horse, but it surely was big enough for her. They also arrange for Arco to join the party, so they were now ready to go...

OOC: I also must leave now, in the meantime they can ride along towards the border

Posted by: Red Jun 8 2005, 10:10 PM

Shakur mounted a fairly large horse. It's saddle had been made of a fine purple cloth which would imply that it was owned by a high ranking officer. "Did I ever tell you my brother's name? You might as well know it now before we meet him because apparantly Ald'ruhn is our first stop. Then maybe I can introduce you to my wife in Balmora. Anyways my brothers name is Tralan. He is a trainer at the Fighters Guild and would be happy to tend to our armour and help us brush up on some new skills" Shakur was very happy about going back to Morrowind because he can see his wife and brother. He started to smile and said to himself "Memories, oh sweet memories".

OOC: You can visit Tralan in Ald'ruhn if you want.

Posted by: MerGirl Jun 8 2005, 10:12 PM

(OOC: So, Arco, Serene, Konrad and Jona are going to Morrowind, right? Anyone else I missed?)

Celia, feeling a bit unsure whether or not she was invited to come with some of the others to Morrowind, just followed them on foot, fidgeting shyly. "Er, could I come with you?" she asked, to Arco, Serene and Jonacin in particular.

She turned to Sel and Fenris. "Are you going?" She then thought of something. "Hey, maybe you could put on Mister Nord's helmet thingy or something to disguise yourself..?"

Posted by: Channler Jun 8 2005, 10:16 PM

Falx mounted Akatosh and road quietly with the group.

"I won't be going with you all to Vvardenfell.. I'll stay around here and find out as much information as possible"

"Oh, and you won't have to worry about the legions. It seems that since this outbreak they'll be removed from the outlying regions and transfered into Cyrodil. Anyways, I'll at least accompany you all till the border."

Posted by: Konradude Jun 8 2005, 10:29 PM

Konrad wondered why this altmer would hardly notice him, but shook it of and trotted around. going down the street the from the group, he came upon 2 beasts. They were fighting over the dead body of the innkeeper he had talked to just a few hours ago. Konrad wondered at the strange feeling, and charged at the pair.

With one fluid motion Konrad sliced off both of the heads, and cantered back round to his friends. As he reached them, he dropped his sword down to the floor, his hand burnt by the acidic blood of the beasts. in seconds the blade of his sword had vanished. "Uh....I think I will have to meet your brother...Shakur."

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 8 2005, 10:32 PM

The gathering of travellers that had been on their way had come closer to the spot where Niran had decided to stop for a short while and take notes of the wild life.

Posted by: Red Jun 9 2005, 01:02 AM

[quote=MerGirl](OOC: So, Arco, Serene, Konrad and Jona are going to Morrowind, right? Anyone else I missed?)

Celia, feeling a bit unsure whether or not she was invited to come with some of the others to Morrowind, just followed them on foot, fidgeting shyly. "Er, could I come with you?" she asked, to Arco, Serene and Jonacin in particular.

She turned to Sel and Fenris. "Are you going?" She then thought of something. "Hey, maybe you could put on Mister Nord's helmet thingy or something to disguise yourself..?"[/quote]

"We'd love you to come, we need as many healers as we can get. Also, you seem to brighten peoples moods. When I first came into this party, I was close to death, now I'm smiling constantly. What's your secret? Moon sugar?" Shakur joked. "We'll probably be able to get to Morrowind in 4 or 5 days if we ride for eighteen hours a day. That's alot of walking Celia, you better get a horse or ride back seat on someone else's".

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 9 2005, 01:09 AM

[quote=MerGirl](OOC: So, Arco, Serene, Konrad and Jona are going to Morrowind, right? Anyone else I missed?)

Celia, feeling a bit unsure whether or not she was invited to come with some of the others to Morrowind, just followed them on foot, fidgeting shyly. "Er, could I come with you?" she asked, to Arco, Serene and Jonacin in particular.

She turned to Sel and Fenris. "Are you going?" She then thought of something. "Hey, maybe you could put on Mister Nord's helmet thingy or something to disguise yourself..?"[/quote]

OOC: I was at the mall with some friends, and misss 4 pages!!

"I am going back home, but I will not hide mehind a mask." Sel declared.

His pride was always a problem...

"Oh, and Konrad, when you get that blade fixed, I'll take you up on that sparring match. For the meantime, you can use this." He said as he tossed Konrad the daedric dagger that Arco had given him.

Posted by: Aki Jun 9 2005, 02:46 AM

Fenris rode up beside the other on his large black horse. "Remeber, Vvardenfell's flora is highly toxic to the horses. Don't let them eat any of it. Your horse will get ash gut and die," he said. "Mainland Morrowind's flora is fine however, the ash hasn't messed it up. But, in both cases, WATCH your horse. Theres many a tale of a Imperial traveler losing his horse because some Dunmer ate the poor beast. Even one where a man was in a tavern, the bartende rkilled his horse, cooked it, and served it to the man."

"That said, if we go to Vvardenfell, leave the horses on the mainland, or grab alot of food."

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 9 2005, 03:16 AM

"I have a feeling our horses will stay in the mainland." Sel stated flatly.

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 9 2005, 04:08 AM


Arcyakt grew bored of pretending to be a soldier, as none of the group seemed to even notice him. His plan to ruin Sel's credibility had worked for awhile, but the others didn't seem to even care.

Arcyakt stood in the mirror room in front of one of the larger mirrors. With a wave of his hand, the image in the mirror changed from the city of Cyrodiil, to another section of his vast, extra-dimensional stronghold. He stepped through, smiling an evil smile. He looked upon the skeleton of the beast that he had kept thousands of years ago, before the godess Azura had banished him to the depths. His long, slender fingers moved deftly as he muttered the encantations(sp?) of the spell. Slowly, flesh began moving up the skeleton, covering the white of the bones. The body had no life, not yet, anyway. Finished with his work, Arcyakt's smile got even larger. All that was needed now was a soul. Maybe two.

He teleported himself to the section of his stronghold that he used as a prison. He had several of the knights from the battle at the cathedral hanging from the walls, very much alive. He inspected each of them, with his physical eyes, as well as magical ones. He chose the strongest two, and had their souls in his prison in mere seconds. Their physical bodies went limp as their souls were forced into a smooth black stone. Arcyakt picked up the stone with both hands, and began the proper spell to combine the two souls together. Soon, his beast would be powerful indeed.

OOC: sorry about its length...and minque, when you use the words for the spell, do you just come up with them off the top of your head, or is there lore involved?

Posted by: Red Jun 9 2005, 04:14 AM

OOC: Going to bed now, bye.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 9 2005, 12:11 PM


Posted by: minque Jun 9 2005, 08:15 PM


OOC: sorry about its length...and minque, when you use the words for the spell, do you just come up with them off the top of your head, or is there lore involved?[/quote]

OOC: those spells in latin and gaelic have i learnt from Override!

Posted by: Red Jun 9 2005, 08:25 PM

OOC: Russian is a language good for saying spells too.

Posted by: MerGirl Jun 9 2005, 09:48 PM

Celia listened intently to the others as they talked about plans and about someplace called "Vvardenfell". Confused about where are they going, Celia asked, "I thought we were going to Morrowind? What's Vvardenfell? Where's that?"

She turned to Shakur, smiling widely. "I do not eat moon sugar, thank you, but I really like sugary sweets!"

Then, suddenly remembering something, she frowned. "Hey, what happened to my horse?" Her eyes narrowed and she turned to Konrad. "What did you do with my horse?"

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 9 2005, 10:00 PM

[quote=MerGirl]Celia listened intently to the others as they talked about plans and about someplace called "Vvardenfell". Confused about where are they going, Celia asked, "I thought we were going to Morrowind? What's Vvardenfell? Where's that?"

She turned to Shakur, smiling widely. "I do not eat moon sugar, thank you, but I really like sugary sweets!"

Then, suddenly remembering something, she frowned. "Hey, what happened to my horse?" Her eyes narrowed and she turned to Konrad. "What did you do with my horse?"[/quote]

A little ways ahead of the group of travelers, sat Narin, on his horse. He was hoping to make it to Morrowind before the others.

Posted by: Red Jun 10 2005, 02:41 AM

[quote=MerGirl]Celia listened intently to the others as they talked about plans and about someplace called "Vvardenfell". Confused about where are they going, Celia asked, "I thought we were going to Morrowind? What's Vvardenfell? Where's that?"

She turned to Shakur, smiling widely. "I do not eat moon sugar, thank you, but I really like sugary sweets!"

Then, suddenly remembering something, she frowned. "Hey, what happened to my horse?" Her eyes narrowed and she turned to Konrad. "What did you do with my horse?"[/quote]

"Morrowind is the main land and the name of a continent, Vvardenfell is a huge island off the three shores of Morrowind. We must pass through the mainland to reach our destination. And remember, when in Morrowind, do as the Dunmers do" Shakur smiled, he wondered what it would be like to see all of his friends again. And, ofcoarse, wondered if the Dark Brotherhood and the cammona tong would recognize him.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 10 2005, 02:53 AM

[quote=Red][quote=MerGirl]Celia listened intently to the others as they talked about plans and about someplace called "Vvardenfell". Confused about where are they going, Celia asked, "I thought we were going to Morrowind? What's Vvardenfell? Where's that?"

She turned to Shakur, smiling widely. "I do not eat moon sugar, thank you, but I really like sugary sweets!"

Then, suddenly remembering something, she frowned. "Hey, what happened to my horse?" Her eyes narrowed and she turned to Konrad. "What did you do with my horse?"[/quote]

"Vvardenfell is the main land and the name of a continent, Morrowind is a huge island off the three shores of Vvardenfell. We must pass through the mainland to reach our destination. And remember, when in Morrowind, do as the Dunmers do" Shakur smiled, he wondered what it would be like to see all of his friends again. And, ofcoarse, wondered if the Dark Brotherhood and the cammona tong would recognize him.[/quote]

(What do you mean the Cammona Tong? What are your ties?)

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 10 2005, 03:22 AM

[quote=Red]"Vvardenfell is the main land and the name of a continent, Morrowind is a huge island off the three shores of Vvardenfell. We must pass through the mainland to reach our destination. And remember, when in Morrowind, do as the Dunmers do" Shakur smiled, he wondered what it would be like to see all of his friends again. And, ofcoarse, wondered if the Dark Brotherhood and the cammona tong would recognize him.[/quote]

OOC: morrowind is main land and name of continent...vvardenfell is island. (may be a small typo, i dunno.)



"I would like to see if any old friends live there still." Sel said. "Though I would hate to endanger them by coming in contact with them - do you guys think it would be safe?" he asked the others. Sel took his sword back from Celia (i think she has it...) and mounted his horse. "I think we should start moving before it turns dark..."

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 10 2005, 11:47 AM

OOC: Gamer, i don't think we've actually started moving anywhere yet lol biggrin.gif

Jonacin looked at the others. "Are we all ready to go yet? It's a long trip and we should start going soon"

Posted by: Red Jun 10 2005, 12:24 PM

OOC: Gamer, Red is part of a large conspiracy related to a prophacy. For this reason, the Dark Brotherhood reached it's members into other lands to ensure the assasination of Shakur was carried out. And about the Cammona tong, they just want his illegal bounty.

IC: "I agree. Lets all ride about half force until our horses find some water. Then we can ride full force until nught time. We'll slow our pace until our horses need to sleep. Sound like a plan?"

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 10 2005, 04:45 PM


Sel shrugged. "Sounds alright to me. I would like a small nap though."

Posted by: minque Jun 10 2005, 05:14 PM

Serene looked around, ok so now the party was ready to move, her horse moved impatiently under her and she smiled at her friends....especially at Jonacin.....

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 10 2005, 05:17 PM

[quote=LoneWolf]OOC: Gamer, i don't think we've actually started moving anywhere yet lol biggrin.gif

Jonacin looked at the others. "Are we all ready to go yet? It's a long trip and we should start going soon"[/quote]

(Remeber, I didnt join up with you guys, I've already started on my own. I'm only a tiny tiny ways ahead of you guys, you can still see me going.I've only been traveling while you guys were chatting by the stable and such. )

Posted by: Konradude Jun 10 2005, 05:58 PM

Konrad rode ahead of the party, weaving in between the houses and objects lying around. On seeing a familiar sign he stopped, looking up at it. It was the sign of his father's blade academy. A tear rolled down his face, but he wiped it off with his grubby and unwashed sleeve then made his way back to the group. He kept his head down as he fell in behind the moaning Sel, staring at the dagger he was given. "This is an enemy's dagger, and I am unsure wethere I should be handling it..."

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 10 2005, 06:05 PM

Niran decided to stop and allow them to go on ahead. They would clear the way for him unknowingly, and he would follow without any trouble from beast or monsters. He hid and waited for them.

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 10 2005, 06:20 PM

As they rode along, Jonacin saw the tracks of another horse and rider. He looked carefully about, and saw the stranger from the inn hiding nearby. "Why are you hiding over there young man?" he called out to him

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 10 2005, 06:23 PM

[quote=LoneWolf]As they rode along, Jonacin saw the tracks of another horse and rider. He looked carefully about, and saw the stranger from the inn hiding nearby. "Why are you hiding over there young man?" he called out to him[/quote]

(Great. I was unprepared)

Niran, turning away, pretended he hadnt heard him. He busied himself with his horse.

Posted by: minque Jun 10 2005, 06:26 PM

Serene caught up with Jonacin..

"What is it Jona?" she asked, " is someone spying on us or what?"

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 10 2005, 06:30 PM


Sel saw what had happened. "Don't worry about it Jonacin." Sel said. "It's his business if he wants to be alone. And if he turns out to be a threat, the odds are in our favor."

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 10 2005, 07:47 PM


Sel saw what had happened. "Don't worry about it Jonacin." Sel said. "It's his business if he wants to be alone. And if he turns out to be a threat, the odds are in our favor."[/quote]

Hearing this, Niran smiled to himself and thought
"They have no idea."

Posted by: Red Jun 10 2005, 09:21 PM

Shakur rode his horse at a gentle trot and rode around the group, as if herding sheep. "I hate it when people ignore you as if they were a god. And even a god of terror wouldn't be that ignorant" Shakur looked in the direction of the hiding man. "You! Come out here and show your manners! I have not gone through hell and high waters for some man to act as if I don't exist!" Shakur said his words cleanly with no slurs and boomed his voice, his angry words were almost poetic. The party was lucky he wasn't a toung when his voice would bellow.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 10 2005, 09:25 PM

At these words Niran turned, his face full of anger

"What you have gone through is nothing!" He said

Posted by: Red Jun 10 2005, 09:33 PM

Shakur noticed the combination of sadness and anger in the stranger's voice. "I am very sorry for my anger, but I have been in a lot of danger and may very well be heading head first into even more. Please, come out here and we can talk peacefully without anger".

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 10 2005, 09:34 PM

Cautiously, Narin, stepped out from his hiding place, and came within feet from the stranger. Keeping his eyes on him, and his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Posted by: Konradude Jun 10 2005, 09:51 PM

Konrad steered his horse around the back of the man, drawing his sword and twirling it around his hand. "No funny business please sir...take your hand off your sword." He said it with an authority unbefitting of one so young. He brushed his hair out of his eyes and paced his way in an arc around the man.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 10 2005, 09:53 PM

[quote=Konradude]Konrad steered his horse around the back of the man, drawing his sword and twirling it around his hand. "No funny business please sir...take your hand off your sword." He said it with an authority unbefitting of one so young. He brushed his hair out of his eyes and paced his way in an arc around the man.[/quote]

Diving and rolling under Konrads horse, he came on the other side out of reach of his sword. Niran unsheathed his own sword.

"If you want to assert superiorty over me, you must do it in a fight. I do not listen to those I dont know."

Posted by: minque Jun 10 2005, 09:54 PM

Serene watched with fear as Konrad and Shakur approached the young boy..she felt sick, as always when it came to the risk of a fight

"Jonacin please stop it" she said in a low voice, "think at least about Celia, she shouldnīt see things like that"

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 10 2005, 09:55 PM

"Konrad" Jonacin said sharply to the boy "threatening him is not a good way to get anything done. Now put your damn sword away and leave him alone. You need to stop always thinking with your sword". Knrad was beginning to irritate Jonacin. He was always surly and always though with his sword. At this rate he was going to get himself, or all of them, in a lot of trouble

Posted by: Konradude Jun 10 2005, 09:57 PM

Konrad sighed, shaking his head and sheathign his sword. He turned his back, and horse, on the man and rode back to the party. " I have no wish to fight you sir...though I dare to say it would be a nice warm up for say....a cliffracer." Konrad liked psychological warfare the most, and found it a way to weaken his opponents in mind therefore in body.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 10 2005, 09:58 PM

Niran, did not sheath his sword but he lowered it, unwilling to approach the strangers once more.

Posted by: minque Jun 10 2005, 09:59 PM

Cīmon now, we have to get going Serene said, listen to Jonacin now Konrad we donīt need no fights amongs us...

She led her horse up at Jonacinīs side.....

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 10 2005, 10:00 PM

"Konrad, i'm warning you, if you try to incite any more fights, i'm going to thrash you. We have enough to worry about without you causing even more trouble for us all" Jonacin said, a hard edge to his voice.

OOC: I have to go now, i might be back tomorrow but i don't know.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 10 2005, 10:04 PM

"That's right be on your way, I wish to have no more interaction with you."
Niran said, though he wasn't sure if he really meant it.

Posted by: Konradude Jun 10 2005, 10:05 PM

Konrad sighed, seing he was fighting a losing battle. "I see you have no idea on what sheathing your sword represents Jonacin." He troted around the group, his eyes locked on the stranger.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 10 2005, 10:06 PM

Feeling hostility towards himself, Niran brought his sword up.

Posted by: Konradude Jun 10 2005, 10:08 PM

Konrad put up his hands to the group. "I didn't set him off!"

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 10 2005, 10:09 PM

[quote=Konradude]Konrad put up his hands to the group. "I didn't set him off!"[/quote]

"It's not you, I feel we are being watched. Ride carefully these next few miles, and be wary of anything disturbing."

Niran, didnt just feel it, he knew it. They were not following the group, but they were following him. He did not want to bring others into his problem.

Posted by: Red Jun 10 2005, 10:55 PM

"Is this certain, or are you coaxing us into a friendship? Also, I am sorry about my comrades, they are quick to violence and obviously don't understand that walking into a group of armed men is intimidating"

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 10 2005, 10:59 PM

[quote=Red]"Is this certain, or are you coaxing us into a friendship? Also, I am sorry about my comrades, they are quick to violence and obviously don't understand that walking into a group of armed men is intimidating"[/quote]

Niran sighed, another thing he did not like about other people, a lack of trust.
This was a reason he did not get along well with others.

"You can choose to believe me, or you can go on your way, unprepared."

Posted by: Konradude Jun 10 2005, 10:59 PM

Konrad rode up next to Shakur. "Don't forget women, they can be very intimidating as well." He laughed kicking into his horse and speeding a few times up and down the track they were on.

Posted by: Red Jun 11 2005, 01:09 AM

"Well, if we are riding into danger, you can come with us for a while, but don't expect much love from this group"

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 01:21 AM

[quote=Red]"Well, if we are riding into danger, you can come with us for a while, but don't expect much love from this group"[/quote]

"Love? Why would I expect love, none has been shown to me in the past. I have no friends, nor do I plan on making any." His eyes wandered from one group member to the other, and he felt different inside. For all their eyes showed kindness, not the hatred he was so used to. "I will come with you, but allowing me to follow puts you and your friends at risk. I am running from an enemy and he will follow us and kill us if he gets the chance too. I offer you little skills as a swordsman, but I will fight to defend the group as well as I can." He hoped that the rest of them would except him as a group member.

Turning to Serene he said:

"I must apologise for the rude statement I made at the inn, seeing you cry made me feel as if I had commited a terrible wrongdoing. You were only showing me kindness, something I do not yet understand. You must understand that the times are hard for everyone, I have lived with very little all my life. But I do not wish to discuss myself now, for we have a task ahead, a long one." As he said this he tried to stare directly at her eyes, but found it hard to do so.

He liked being able to say we, it made him feel secure. Now that he was part of a group he felt the need to express himself, though he was not sure how to do so. He still didnt know anyone from this group well enough. But he sighed because he knew that had been the case all his life.

Turning away from them, he climbed his horse and sat in the saddle. He brought his horse around to face behind the rest of the group, it was several feet away from the last horse in the group.

(okay, time for an update on his past, just a tidbit: basically, the person thats following him is an assasin. And if you guys role play while I'm logged off, just pretend Niran is following you around. He doesnt talk much anyway.)

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 11 2005, 05:08 AM


Sel watched the spectacle in silence, his input on the subject would not be appreciated by any of the group. He would have suggested leaving the strange man behind. He did not trust him, mainly because of his previous actions.

When he saw Konrad's actions, he was reminded of himself at that age - would fight anything anywhere...even if he would lose. He almost felt proud of the boy, yet Sel would never tell the boy, lest he get even sillier ideas than fighting such an obviously strong warrior like Niran.

Even though Sel did not trust Niran, that did not mean that he wouldn't give the man a second, or even a third, chance. He slowed his horse down until he was trotting easily beside Niran behind everyone else.

"So, what exactly do you have chasing us, and how did it happen?" Sel asked in an attempt to know the man better.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jun 11 2005, 12:00 PM

Arco has been silent as always and rode up by Sel's side... Arco wasn't sure if there were anything good in letting Niran into this group, its enough danger already.

"Well I dont know about you others... But I really want to get going, with all this danger I doubt we have time for this chatting" Arco said looking around in the group..

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 01:15 PM

Konrad unpacked his leather bag and searched inside it ferverently. Upon finding his water container he drank heartily, waiting by the roadside for everyone. "I fear a great evil is descending upon us. I feel the winds changing their tone." He looked east, shading his eyes from the sun. "We have a long trek, and I do not doubt there will be many dangers. We must proceed quickly...we may outrun some." He turned his horse around, falling in in the middle of the group. "I am beggining to feel like the when I was with the refugees, a defenceless huddle. We must keep sharp eyes for te rest of today, and set up a watch tonight."

Posted by: Red Jun 11 2005, 02:18 PM

"Well, then let's move. If we are too anxious to get attacked we should leave this rock" Shakur started his horse into a jog, hoping the others would do the same.

Posted by: MerGirl Jun 11 2005, 04:11 PM

(OOC: I may not respond too much today, because of family trip later on in later afternoon...)

Glancing around quickly, Celia nodded. "Konrad and the others are right: we really should be going!" She shivered. "Assassins, I hate 'em! I'd rather get chased by those demons again..." She ran back towards the city. "Let me get a horse real quick..."

She had then managed to bribe a man for one of his spare horses with for several gold pieces, as well as buying some food and ingredients and healing potions. "Just in case," she thought to herself.

By the time she rode back to the group, they had advanced much further than before. She galloped after Shakur, who seemed to be more ahead of the group. "Hey, when will we know how close we are to Morrowind? Is there a sign or a river or mountain range or something?"

Posted by: Red Jun 11 2005, 04:16 PM

OOC: Got ahold of a computer did you?

IC: "We'll be going north-east of here until we meet the Velothi montains. we will then trek north to the far reaches of the mountains where they descend into the great city of Blacklight. Then we can get a nice boat to Khuul and then take the short walk to Gnisis and then Ald'ruhn. Unless anyone has any objections" Shakur said to Celia. "It sounds confusing, but the only amazingly hard part is the mountains, where if we go to high, we'll die from lack of air. And believe my dead guide Roland, passing out and falling down the summit isn't very fun".

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 04:17 PM

OOC: Don't ask her a question noww!!!! She'll take the whole of the weekend to write her post then.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jun 11 2005, 04:27 PM

Arco started to get reminded of his past job as a assassin in his old tribe. He was one of the most skilled assassin in the Grazelands and east side of Vvardenfell, if there were a assassin after one in the group Arco would notice... He was only glad no one knew, he rode up to Jonacin, Serene, Celia and the others...

"It has taken to long with this talk, lets go" Arco demanded and grined before starting riding off...

"I'll tell you when we are in Morrowind Celia..." Arco added...

Posted by: Red Jun 11 2005, 04:31 PM

"Another good way to know you're in Morrowind is when a Dunmer calls you s'wit and runs at you with a dagger" Shakur joked.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jun 11 2005, 04:33 PM

Arco laughed as he heard Shakur...

"Or if you're called a outlander..." He said laughing... "I really think you will notice when we are crossing over to Morrowind Celia.."

Posted by: MerGirl Jun 11 2005, 04:38 PM

Celia shrugged. "I remember the hostility. After all, I've been chased out by some sour Bug-Dunmer-Hybrid monsterthings." She shivered. "And I've also been chased out of the Gateway Inn by a ghost... Really wierd..." She paused. "But interesting, I guess."

She squinted her eyes, trying to look beyond the horizon as they rode. "Hey, I see something in the distance..."

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 04:44 PM

Konrad searched the landscape in the direction Ceklia was looking. "I see nothing, I'll go closer...." He kicked his horse and went ahead of everybody, checking to see what Celia did see-saw.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jun 11 2005, 04:49 PM

Arco swiftly grabbed one of his scimitars, only for safty. He rode off hard up to Konrad's side as he scanned over. He could see something but, it was to unclear...

"Damn eye!" Arco said as he held over his left eye...

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 05:03 PM

"what is it, what do you see?" Niran asked?

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jun 11 2005, 05:06 PM

Arco rode closer... It soon appeared to be a crowd, it soon followed with cries from women and men. He soon managed to see it was bandits. Arco drew his two scimitars and kicked off charging ahead, the fight was almost three hundred feet away but the horse ran fast...

Arco didn't even have time to say what it was before he leaped off his horse a few feets away from the bandits, it was around twenty as he could see surrounding a little group of refugees...

"A little unfair isn't it...? Gather ten more and attack me, then we are nearing what we can call fair" Arco cried out at the bandits intimidating them...

Arco was combat ready, stay a little low with both his body and scimitars. One of bandits started reaching for his crossbow on his hip and the others soon locked onto the Dunmer.

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 11 2005, 05:13 PM


Sel saw the bandits and immediately jumped off his horse and drew his sword and dagger. He ran towards Arco, and stood beside him. He threw his dagger at the man with the crossbow, and he fell with a dager protruding from his face. Sel gripped his sword hilt in both hands.

"I hope no one else has a crossbow." Sel said dryly.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 05:14 PM

Seeing the trouble, Niran rode up, his sword drawn.

"Well well well," he said as he dismounted

(I didnt see it because my connection was going slow and I was writing this post)

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 05:16 PM

Konrad charged past, his sword kept low and slicing through two heads....only one of them being a bandits. "Bugger!" konrad cried out, turning arounbd the fine beast. Leaping off forwards he rolled and sliced away the feet of another bandit, then stabbed yet another in the back of the neck. Looking around he saw the rest of the bandits fleeing...saving their own skins.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 05:21 PM

As the bandits fled Niran took the crossbow from a dead one and fired at them.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jun 11 2005, 05:21 PM

Arco went up to Niran and grabbed his bolt before he could send of a second one...

"Enough... Those poor souls wont turn back" Arco said slowly pushing Niran's crossbow point down against the road before he ran up to one of the women that had been savagly beaten. They had just comed in time, they were all alive, thought the bandits had gotten what they were out for...

Arco stepped back looked out after the bandits and cursed them. He took out his sack and the food he bought from the Inn. He gave it to the woman giving her instructions to give some to all before he went up and back on his horse...

"I see most you want to shed blood...?" Arco looked at Sel, Niran and Konrad... "I hope for them, that they were acting in share confusion and possible scared after the attack" Arco said before he rode off again...

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 05:28 PM

OOC: Nearly all alive Arco...I killed one.

Konrad wiped the blood off his dagger onto his jerkin, jumping onto his horse again. Stroking its head, he followed Arco back to the group, smiling at everyone and falling in line.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 05:29 PM

Breathing a sigh of relief that all the innocents were now safe Niran threw down the crossbow: "I have no need for a weapon that was touched by the dirty hands of a criminal."

He walked to the group of refugees "How do you fare? Do you have any sicknesses?"

Then he turned, and saw the dead body of a refugee "Who did this?"

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 05:34 PM

Konrad looked back at Niran, hoping he wouldn't find out.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 05:35 PM

Niran knelt beside the body

"What is his name?" he asked the refugees

But none of them were in condition to tell him.

"Where I come from, death would be the punishment for such a crime."

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 11 2005, 05:49 PM


Sel walked up beside Niran. "The punishment where I come from is a thousand septims." he began. "Unless I kill the guilty one." he added as he pulled his dagger from a bandit's skull.

He turned away and walked back towards the group. He came up beside Konrad and whispered in his ear. "I know." before mounting his horse.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 05:53 PM

"A thousand septims for a life? How does that even out."

Even so, Niran let it go. If he ever found out who did it, he would kill him.
Niran turned back and mounted his horse.

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 11 2005, 05:54 PM


"It doesn't." Sel answered. "Now let's continue."

OOC: the thousand septims is part of Sel's history...he's still angry.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jun 11 2005, 05:57 PM

Arco nodded. He also knew from his past that money didn't really pay for a murder at least for people who can pay so much u would be willing to turn yourself in and pay...

"Well there's not much we can do now... Lets continue" Arco said riding up by Sel...

"Aggressive those too..." Arco whispered to Sel as they rode along the road...[/i]

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 05:57 PM

Niran mounted his horse, and waited for the group to pick up speed.
"Farewell" he said to the refugees.

(oops sorry Fuzzy Knight)

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 05:59 PM

Konrad gulped, riding out a few metres right of everyone else. Getting out a small hunting knife from his pack he kept it in his hands at all times as protetion from any atacking party members. Hoping to not seem suspicious he kept his head down and kept steering slightly irght.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 06:05 PM

Niran looked at the group, nothing seemed suspicious. Though he knew the murderer was among them. He wasnt sure who.

He had decided to keep his sword out just in case they came into a similar situation again.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 08:54 PM

Trotting along, Niran noticed Konrad was drifting away from the group. But he didnt say anything so as to not incite another fight.

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 09:05 PM

Konrad slowed down to a stop by a tree, hoping that no-one noticed his departure. Weeping gently into his hands, he wondered what he has done, and if he was a monster. He set up a small memorial to the stranger he had slaughtered in cold blood, and lay ther for an hour, wondering on suicide.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 09:09 PM

It took long before Niran noticed someone amiss.

"Where is Konrad?" he asked. He hoped his suspicions were false.

He turned his horse around.

(suicide? :shocked: . This is were I stop until others come online. )

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 09:12 PM

OOC: Thinking about it.

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 11 2005, 10:28 PM

Jonacin noticed Konraqd was missing. He put up a hand to stop the group. "Where is Konrad? We don't have time to be getting split up. We need to find him"

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 10:29 PM

"I will come with you." Niran offered.

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 10:36 PM

Konrad slowly sat up, drawing his knife and rolling up his sleeve. Praying to the Gods he put the knife to his wrist and waited, wondering on if he could commit another death.

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 11 2005, 10:38 PM

"Niran, let's go. We need to find him, it isn't safe for anyone to be alone in the wilderness these days, especially not one so young" Jonacin said to Niran, concern in his voice and showing on his face

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 10:38 PM

Niran was riding along with great speed when he came upon Konrad, under a tree looking at a knife that was placed by his wrist


(to Lonewolf: yeah, I just read his bio, only 13?)

Posted by: minque Jun 11 2005, 10:39 PM

OOC: sorry guys, have severe internet problems!

Serene followed Jonacin and Niran in the search for Konrad, she also felt a bit kinder towards Niran, after all he did apologize for his rudeness earlier.

When she saw Niran rush forwards screaming "NO" she understood they probably found Konrad...she just hoped it wasnīt too late...

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 10:41 PM

Konrad looked up at the approaching pair, sighing. "Oh well." He got up, packing away his stuff and sheathing his knife. He started to stiffly move towards them, but was then knocked over by a blur that emerged from the bushes, saliva flying everywhere.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 10:41 PM

Drawing his sword Niran went to konrads aid, knocking the attacking creature off of him.

Posted by: Channler Jun 11 2005, 10:42 PM

Falx stayed quite during most of everything that had happened of late. Even up to the little skirmish he didn't do anything but watch, all the other had it under control. The Knight saw Konrad slay the innocent one, it angered him but deep in his heart he could not dimiss the deeds he had commited in the name of the emperor...


16 Years Earlier, The Gates of the Imperial Palace

"In the name of the Emperor! Vacant the premise or face severe punishment!" The young Knight called out, barely in his twenty's yet already a zealot

"Nay! We march peaceful! Is it not our right to display our anger through peaceful means!?" protesters young and old cried out, "You are a great evil to this land! You and your Emperor will die!"

The "peaceful" protesters were starting to get agitated and not so peaceful anymore. "DEATH! DEATH! DEATH TO THE EMPEROR!"

The Captain of the Guard ordered, "Ready Arms!"

Royal Imperial fledglings brandished their imperial shortswords, "For the Emperor!" They called out in unison.

"Charge!!!" Both the Knights and the Protesters charged at each other... The results were horrendous... Falx was one of the Knights

-=End Flash Back=-

The man that had just started to accomapany them noticed that Konrad was missing, Falx knew what was racing through Konrads mind.. He had experienced the same thoughts before.

"I suggest we find Konrad before he harms himself" Falx said in a his usually calm voice.

(Damn I was a bit slow..)

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 11 2005, 10:42 PM

"Konrad! yelled Jonacin, rushing forwards. Drawing his sword, he swung at the unknown beast that had emerged from the undergrowth. The creature nimbly dodged his initial thrust, but a reverse slash whipped across its face, causing it to howl in pain

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 10:44 PM

OOC: we're a bit out of sync here.

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 11 2005, 10:45 PM

OOC: Yeah, i noticed lol
I'll edit my post or something

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 10:45 PM

OOC: Yeah, I noticed

Niran took a swipe at the creature but his blade missed, and it jumped on him pinning him to the ground

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 10:47 PM

Konrad again drew his blade shaking his head, then jumped onto the creature's back and stabbed at it. As soon as the dager hit the creature the blade shattered, and Konrad was thrown into a tree.

Posted by: minque Jun 11 2005, 10:47 PM

Serene jumped off her horse and ran to Konradīs side......his mind was probably distorted and she just grabbed him and put her hands on both sides of his head...chanting slowly......the heat from her hands went into Konradīs head and she could only hope she had managed to do something for him...

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 10:47 PM

The creature, undamaged. Took a bite at Narins head. He moved as well as he could and it got his side.

Flinching in pain. He tried to raise his sword.

(uh oh :shocked: )

Posted by: minque Jun 11 2005, 10:51 PM

"Niran!" Serene saw the young man get hurt and went to him to see what she could do...

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 10:51 PM

"Do not come any closer Serene!"

Niran raised his sword as the monster raised its head, and with all the might he could muster he swung his blade at its neck

(oh nevermind, I missed again)

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 10:52 PM

Konrad woke dreamily, then shrugged off the women and charged athe beast, jumping on its back and attempting to poke its eyeballs. He stamped on the head, but to no avail, "someone throw me a sword!"

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 11 2005, 10:52 PM

Jonacin could see Niran was in trouble. He thrust his sword at the beast, but it clanged of it's side, as if it were striking armour. He sheathed his sword and dived at the creature, connecting with it at its mid-section. They tumbled to the ground together, and Jonacin drove his fist into the creatures face. It seemed that this was it's only weak spot

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 10:54 PM

Now that Niran was free, he went to the aid of his fellow group member, his arm still bleeding.

Posted by: minque Jun 11 2005, 10:55 PM

Serene was pushed away and just barely escaped the attack of the beast..she saw the men fight it down and sat shaking leaning against a tree, gathering magicka for the healings that certainly would come from this attack

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 10:57 PM

OOC:read last post where i ask for sword.

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 10:58 PM

Niran grabbed his sword, hoping it wasnt too heavy for the youngster, he threw it to him

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 10:59 PM

Konrad caught it nimbly, spinning it so it faced down then plunging it through the top of the skull of the beast, Wooping loudly he leapt off it as it fell, rolling in between the two warriors and standing up.

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 11 2005, 11:00 PM

Jonacin struggled with the beast. It had latched it's teeth onto his arm, and no amount of blunt force would shake it off. He gouged at its eyes, hoping that this would cause it enough pain to scream, thereby relesing his arm. Unfortunately, it caused the beast to bite down harder, biting his arm back completely. He rolled off the beast with a ccry, blood flowing freely from the remains of his arm. the beast had taken it off just below the elbow

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 11:00 PM

Nearly laughing from relief Niran walked to Konrade and put his arm on the young boys shoulde.

"Magnificent fighter for your age. Can I have my sword back now."

(pretend Jonacins post was before konrads or something ) :eek:

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 11:00 PM

Konrad thanked, the man bowing low. "Now to give you your sword back..." He clambered over the beast, fishing out the sword and wiping it on his jerkin, then handing it back.

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 11 2005, 11:01 PM

OOC: awwwwwwwwwww
i wanted him to lose his arm, add a bit more fun to fights with Jonacin now that he can't use his shield lol
Just pretend mine was before your's Konrad

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 11:03 PM

ooc: and mine was last

Posted by: minque Jun 11 2005, 11:03 PM

"JONACIN!" Serene screamed in terror. "Youīre hurt!" She flung herself forward risking everything to aid him, because she knew that without this huge redguard ther would be no meaning with her own life

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 11:04 PM

Turning at the scream of Serene, Niran rushed to the redguard

"Is there anyway I can help?"

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 11 2005, 11:05 PM

Jonacin swung his head at Serene's shriek. "It's ok" he said, trying to calm her. "It's not as bad as it looks"

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 11:06 PM

Narin couldnt help make a remark

"Yeah, it happens often" (sarcasm) he said

Hoping the rest of the group had followed them by now

Posted by: MerGirl Jun 11 2005, 11:07 PM

I'm back (for today, anyway)! posting

Posted by: Konradude Jun 11 2005, 11:07 PM

Konrad laughed. "It's only an arm, hey I could have em both off and still whoop Jonacin's boat."

Posted by: Wolfie Jun 11 2005, 11:08 PM

[quote=gamer10]Narin couldnt help make a remark

"Yeah, it happens often" (sarcasm) he said

Hoping the rest of the group had followed them by now[/quote]
"Ok, so maybe it is as bad as it looks" said Jonacin. His face was beginning to pale from the blood loss and pain, but he didn't want to worry Serene any more than she already was

Posted by: gamer10 Jun 11 2005, 11:10 PM

"Serene, if he is to live you must help now."

Posted by: Rane Jun 11 2005, 11:10 PM



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