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Posted by: Dantrag May 19 2005, 09:54 PM

OOC: sorry i forgot to post this yesterday

Sel looked around the drab tavern in the great city Cyrodiil, noting the many broken chairs and tables, not to mention the rank smell of giant imperials who had not bathed in months. He motioned to the bartender.
"Flin, please." he said.
Sel sat down at the bar, the aged stool creaking as he did so.
The bartender handed him the drink. "Not many dark elves living in Cyrodiil. What's your story?"
"A long one." Sel answered, hinting to the barkeep that he didn't want to talk about it.
"Enjoy your drink." the bartender said before turning to talk to another customer.
Sel finished his drink and walked out of the tavern to get some fresh air. He sensed a movement above him and looked up into the night sky, but saw nothing. A moment later, he felt a blow to the back of his head and fell unconscious.

Posted by: Channler May 20 2005, 03:33 AM

"CCCHHHAAARRRGGGEEE!!!" Roughly 100 Imperial Knights charged together towards the mass of... things. They were to hidious to be considered humans anymore, yet they weren't zombies.

The first wave charged and ran over the first colums of the "deranged" creatures, but they lost speed and eventually grinded to a halt amongst the bodies.

"Second Wave! Charge!" Knight Errant Darius screamed, he was the third in comand of the elustrious Dragon Riders Battalion. He was a short, stout man, and not to much to look at but he was a hell of a warrior.

Falx Albarnian was in the second wave, he'd rather be in the first but he just followed what he was told and did whatever it was well. His horse Akatosh was of strong Cyrodilic breed and was well suited to a Knights type of fighting.

Run it over, and if it didn't die, run over it again

50 meters and so till the enemy line and the rest of his comrades... 40 meters... 30 meters... The sounds of screams and wild horses filled his ears... 20 meters... he saw one of his fellow Knights in the first wave decapitated.... 10 meters Knight Errant Darius yelled,"HOOLD STEADY!! FOR THE EMPEROR!!"

9..8..7.. An arrow struck the Knight beside Falx and threw him off his horse.. 6..5..4.. in the range of pikes, at least 20 fell immediately. The rest seemed like an eternity, he saw the enemy, the enemy saw him, the enemy THOUGHT they would be able to kill him but Falx KNEW he would kill the enemy.. 1 meter

The remaining 76 Knights of the second wave crashed into the side of the enemy's. Bones crunched, blood spit up everywhere, and people died.

Most of the charge they possesed now was halted by the mass of bodies in the area. Falx struck out left in right with his Imperial Broadsword, the same one he had since his "Knighting". It was considered sacred to him, his instrument of death. In his left he held a Imperial Kite Sheild with the battalions emblem on it. A Knight to his front crumpled over. He had been struck in the stomach, blood lapped off the sadle of the horse.

"There to many" He thought to himself, "I must find Darius!"

Not but 15 meters from Falx the Commander of the Dragon Riders, Sir Varro held his own with his personal guard of the "Rough Riders". Even for such a noble, Varro was doing the dirty work, and was very good at it. Sometimes his ideals and Falx's clashed, but a majority of the time he agreed with him.

Sir Varro was struck in the chest with an arrow, the Rough Riders immediatly notice their leaders wound and formed a tight circle around him fighting their way out of the battle.

A volley of arrows came from atop of the far hill, "What in the name of oblivion are they doing!?" A soldier screamed, his voice hardly noticeable over the cries of the arrows and that of their targets. "They are firing on their own people!" He shouted one last time before he was engulf by the beasts around him.

Falx gave Akatosh a kick in the side and the horse, even clad in it's armor, started off into a full sprint crushing everything in it's path. He was almost to the outskirts of the battle when another volley of arrows plummeted around him two lodging themselves in his sheild and the other into his thigh.

He cursed to himself but continued and freed himself for the fight. Commander Darius was ralling soldiers a stonesthrow away from the battle.

"Soldiers! To me! RALLY!" And his lieutenants let the battalions banners run free. It was a inspiring sight to everyone, except those that were about to feel another charge from the Knights.

This time the charge didn't feel like forever, for the adrenaline was running free in Falx. About 43 Knights charged through, running over, hacking and slashing, and just plain beating the crap out of the enemy's who started to break into a hasty rout.

"Ride em down!" Someone shouted, and thats what continued the rest of the day. Many Knights spent what little energy they had in chasing off stragglers. Falx however saw no point in it and returned to camp.

Upon crossing over the crest of the hill he looked over the battlefield. At least 350 Knights died, 1/4rd of the battlions strength, and maybe twice that wounded. The enemy faired far worse, loosing an estimated total of 3000 assortment of creatures, that ranged from beasts, to corrupted humans, and the undead.


Falx cleaned himself up, his leg still hurt from the arrow but he thanked Stendarr that it wasn't any worse, after all he was the god of mercy. Later that evening he went to the little pub set up at camp and sat alone, by the fire dreaming of a world were he didn't have to fight anymore. Stendarr might be merciful, but he wasn't that merciful.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 20 2005, 08:55 AM

Chorrol, Cyrodiil Region

Arco walked along the Nordic Houses in Chorrol, looking around. It was a nice day even as it had falled some snow at the dawn. Arco had been on a journey, he had been in a mysterious cave not far from here. Rumours said it was suppose to be the hide out for some bandits people said to him in the tavern, but he had been tricked... Insted he met a fullgrown Ogre, was a hard fight but he managed to win..

Arco walked down as he neared to tavern, both his scimitars in his belt full off the dark red blood of the Ogre. Small wounds in his face and his dark green cloak had been almost turned into shreads. Arco looked down at the ground as he neared the tavern, he walked into to see the guys almost hadn't moved since he was there. He stood there one while reaching for the scimitars while the cloak was pushed back not to get in the way...

"Nice done in tricking me... Do u want to say sorry?" Arco said while he looked into one of the Nords eyes, his eyes was pure aggressive now. But he managed to stay calm..

"Hahahaa.. Ye cant beat me and me friends Dunmer! Go back to were ye belong" the Nord said while he reached for his battleaxe, he looked confused and drunk like all the others..

"I hope you understand that when you and your friends fight in this condition you will end up more ugly then the Ogre.." Arco said holding both of his scimitars low poiting down against the old wooden floor..

The Nord shaked his head before he stood up pushing the chair away and taking another chair in his hand.. He gave of a laugh as the others flocked around him. It was four Nords now, but Arco didn't fear them. Neither did he want to kill them, only show them some hard learned respect..

The Nord suddently threw the chair straight at Arco, he dodged with easy before leaping upon the first table slashing lose at the nords. The Nords blocked the blows, but leaned long back and so drunk the were they lost balance and all fell back. Arco leaped onto the Nord setting hos knee agaisnt his throat before hitting him straight in the head with the back end of the scimitar.. He managed to do it with one more before the two last was up standing again, both charged on Arco. Arco was pushed back but blocked the uncontrol blows by the Nords, in the end he tumbled right under one of the Nords and got up and swiftly sent of the curved scimitar edges into the Nords legs making them go straight down on the floor..

Arco looked down on them, poor people he thought. Poor, drunk people. He spun his scimitars around stepping up to the first Nord, taking his shirt and cleaning the scimitars before he three a little pouch with some money to the owner..

"Sorry for what damage may have accured here.. If I ever see them here again, doing something like this to others then it gives me a good enought reason to kill them.. You understand?" he said calmly to the owner as he open the door looking back at the owner nodding like crazy..

Posted by: Wolfie May 20 2005, 09:08 AM

Outskirts of Cyrodil

Jopnacin had been travelling with this caravan for several days, and was getting sick of it. He had taken the job as a caravan guard so that he would have some company on the trip to Cyrodil, but it soon turned out that his fellow guards didn't take kindly to an outlander taking a share of the pay. They had made this obvious two nights after leaving the village they were hired in, surrounding him as he slept and shaking him awake.
"you're not welcome here, Redguard" spat one of the guards, "if you know what's good for you you'll resign in the morning. Until then, here's a little taste of what we'll do to you if you don't". When the ringleader had finished the sentence, the four men had moved towards him, looking to bloody him up. He sprang to his feet, dodging a straight left to the gut and countering with an upper-cut that knocked the man from his feet. The other three men had been circling, but now they rushed in, intent on doing him harm. Fortunately it was at this moment that the caravan master had stepped in, stopping the fight with threats of dismissal.
"Yes" thought Jonacin as he trudged wearily alongside the caravan, "it will be good to reach Cyrodil and leave this rabble behind"

Posted by: Aki May 20 2005, 01:09 PM

The back alleys of Cyrodiil city

While dueling was illegeal in most parts of the city, it wasn't in the slums. Provided you didn't get caught. Fenris Howlbreath, Nordic warrior and Tongue, was partcipating in this duel. His foe was a Cyrodiilic man, a "Imperial" as Fenris rembered the people of Morrowind calling them. The Cryodiil claimed to have Akaviran blood, and he did have some of the right facial features, they only really stood out because he dressed in traditional Akavirian style, and used a DaiKatana.

The Crowd gathered towatch the fight, the opponents stood momentarily, staring each other down before the Cyrodiil, 'Lord' Mugin, charged, Daikanta held high. Fenris blocked the man's blows, parring when possible, and scoring several hits on the wannabe-Akaviri. It was a game, until the opponent drew blood, his blade having cut into Fenris's armor.

A moment later, Mugin found himself lacking a arm, and had to forfeit the fight, or his life. Fenrir walked off into the city, grinning. "I could probablly take on tha whole damn legionn...." he muttered to himself. While Mugin collected his arm and placed it where it was susposed to be, before casting a powerful spell that caused the flesh to reknit and reattatch his arm.

Posted by: MerGirl May 20 2005, 09:02 PM

On a Gondola heading towards Cyrodiil

What are these herbs called again? Celia glanced at the scribbles on a crisp sheet of paper that contained descriptions of a variety of alchemy ingrediants. The young Altmer skimmed across the page quickly, her eyes searching for a clue, a hint, anything that might help identify the plants she had recently collected. However, it did not contain the description she was looking for. Well, that did not help much. She thought, stuffing it back into her knapsack. She sighed and placed her head onto her hands, watching the water rippled as the gondola skimmed by. She remained silent, as the ferry rode on, absorbed in her thoughts. Another herb the paper could not name.

It was definitely not worth stealing it from the Mages Guild... I will never become a good healer if I keep this up... She was disappointed, but she couldn't stay miserable for long, for she then thought about her recent discovery while she was questing. Encountering a vamire in a cave (in this case, a bandit cave) is not an everyday event for everyone. But for her, encountering vampires became a sort of goal. To be able to have a conversation with one is something Celia had always dreamed of when she was little...

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden, bumby movement, signaling the end of the trip. Celia cheerfully stepped out, happy to be on solid ground again. In fact, she was so happy, she accidently over-paid the ferryman. But she didn't care. All she cared about was getting home, get some rest, and pack up for another quest. She practically skipped down the road until she got near a back allyway, where it was unsually crowded. Curious, she neared the allway as the crowd dispersed from that direction.

Posted by: minque May 20 2005, 09:55 PM

The Imperial City, Cyrodiil

Serene shut the worn door behind her and stepped out into the dark alley. She was completely worn out after the tedious healing-procedure she just completed.
"Marthona was right," she thought, "a successful healing drains all your fatigue, and whatīs left is a feeling of total emptyness"

This time it was a noble who had been stabbed right to his belly in a duel of honour. His opponent she was unable to rescue, his wounds were to severe.

The nobleman she just saved had not been grateful at all, he wished to brag about to his friends of his wounds, but his family called for Serene to heal him. She didnīt mind, healing was her main occupation ever since she came back from Vvardenfell.

With heavy steps she entered the tavern "Semiramaīs Hanging Gardens"in order to get some kind of refreshments.....when entering the premises she nearly stumbled ove a dead body just lying on the starirs

Posted by: Aki May 21 2005, 12:22 AM

[quote=MerGirl] On a Gondola heading towards Cyrodiil

What are these herbs called again? Celia glanced at the scribbles on a crisp sheet of paper that contained descriptions of a variety of alchemy ingrediants. The young Altmer skimmed across the page quickly, her eyes searching for a clue, a hint, anything that might help identify the plants she had recently collected. However, it did not contain the description she was looking for. Well, that did not help much. She thought, stuffing it back into her knapsack. She sighed and placed her head onto her hands, watching the water rippled as the gondola skimmed by. She remained silent, as the ferry rode on, absorbed in her thoughts. Another herb the paper could not name.

It was definitely not worth stealing it from the Mages Guild... I will never become a good healer if I keep this up... She was disappointed, but she couldn't stay miserable for long, for she then thought about her recent discovery while she was questing. Encountering a vamire in a cave (in this case, a bandit cave) is not an everyday event for everyone. But for her, encountering vampires became a sort of goal. To be able to have a conversation with one is something Celia had always dreamed of when she was little...

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden, bumby movement, signaling the end of the trip. Celia cheerfully stepped out, happy to be on solid ground again. In fact, she was so happy, she accidently over-paid the ferryman. But she didn't care. All she cared about was getting home, get some rest, and pack up for another quest. She practically skipped down the road until she got near a back allyway, where it was unsually crowded. Curious, she neared the allway as the crowd dispersed from that direction.[/quote]

From her vantage point, Celia could easy see the Cyrodiil/Akaviri Lord Mugin running off, his clothing torn and bloodied, but looking unharmed. His sword and a large blood of blood were left behind him. Approaching Celia however, was a tall armored Nord, with long red hair and some sort of blue tattoo on his face, Fenris. His Stalhrim blade was still covered with the Noble's blood. Had Celia not been a Altmer, Fenris would easily towered over her, but as that was not the case, he didn't.

The Nord continued towards her, but his expression showed no malice. In fact, he didn't even notice her.

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 12:38 AM

[quote=minque]The Imperial City, Cyrodiil

Serene shut the worn door behind her and stepped out into the dark alley. She was completely worn out after the tedious healing-procedure she just completed.
"Marthona was right," she thought, "a successful healing drains all your fatigue, and whatīs left is a feeling of total emptyness"

This time it was a noble who had been stabbed right to his belly in a duel of honour. His opponent she was unable to rescue, his wounds were to severe.

The nobleman she just saved had not been grateful at all, he wished to brag about to his friends of his wounds, but his family called for Serene to heal him. She didnīt mind, healing was her main occupation ever since she came back from Vvardenfell.

With heavy steps she entered the tavern "Semiramaīs Hanging Gardens"in order to get some kind of refreshments.....when entering the premises she nearly stumbled ove a dead body just lying on the starirs[/quote]
Jonacin kicked the body of one of the caravan guards off his blade, and i thudded to the ground in front of the door to the inn. The man had decided that he was skilled enough to take on Jonacin in a swordfight, and had sought him out and challenged him. The fight had been incredibly short. The fool had lunged towards Jonacin's stomach, and he had simply parried the blow and run him through in one swift movement. Just as the body hit the ground, an imperioal woman walked into the inn. When she nearly tripped over the body, a look of revulsion came onto her face

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 12:48 AM

" oh not again" she thought s she looked down on the body, but there was no rescue, this one was dead.....

As she looked up she met the stern looking eyes of a tall redguard standing just beside the door with a bloodied sword in his hand. Strangely enough Serene was not frightened of this man who apparently killed the poor beggar on the floor. She just gave him a last glance then went towards the bar.

" A jar of comberry-juice, please" she adressed the barkeep as she sat down, dead-tired and closed her eyes......

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 12:55 AM

[quote=minque]" oh not again" she thought s she looked down on the body, but there was no rescue, this one was dead.....

As she looked up she met the stern looking eyes of a tall redguard standing just beside the door with a bloodied sword in his hand. Strangely enough Serene was not frightened of this man who apparently killed the poor beggar on the floor. She just gave him a last glance then went towards the bar.

" A jar of comberry-juice, please" she adressed the barkeep as she sat down, dead-tired and closed her eyes......[/quote]
As the woman walked over towards the bar after making, and then breaking, eye contact with him, Jonacin merely shrugged anfd wiped his sword blade clean on the guard's ragged tunic. He then went back to his table and drained the tankard of ale that was there. Paying the bartender, he gathered his equipment, he strode out of the inn, heading to a nearby blacksmith to have his armour and weapons repaired of the wear they had taken over the days of guarding the caravan. There hadn't been an reall attacks, but once or twice ragged groups of bandits in chainmails shirts had attacked, and his sword had lost it's edge from cutting through the steel. He had a purse full of 100 septim coins, so money wasn't an issue, even in Cyrodil

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 01:09 AM

Serene finished her juice, rose to her feet and walked out the door, detrmined to find that brute of a redguard. She loathed killing in cold blood and this really seemed to be that kind of a murder. Pondering where he might have gone, she decided to try at the blacksmithīs, his weapon had to be blunt after that evil deed.

Approaching the blacksmithīs shop she spotted the dark man and hesitated for a moment...he was indeed big....for a faint moment she felt scared but then repeated the words of the spell she learnt so many years ago

"Chyffyrddiad chan rhew" she chanted and gestured at the redguard..

The man looked up, saw the cloud of ice-cold air approach and surround him, he couldnīt escape, so the cloud made him freeze terribly bit didnīt kill him.....

Serene turned away and hoped the redguard learnt his lesson....

Posted by: MerGirl May 21 2005, 01:29 AM

It was not hard to miss the blood. How could Celia not miss it, for the pool of blood was long and bright red--obviously someone had been bleeding not too long ago. (She hoped the person got away). Neither could she ignore the armoured Nord coming towards her.

She gasped in surprise when he came closer, and she could see the blood on his sword much more clearly. Had he been the cause of the blood? Perhaps he's been in duel of some sort?

A bit nervous and clueless on what she should do (but still curious), Celia stayed where she was, but asked timidly towards the Nord, "I assumed I missed something?"

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 01:31 AM

[quote=minque]Serene finished her juice, rose to her feet and walked out the door, detrmined to find that brute of a redguard. She loathed killing in cold blood and this really seemed to be that kind of a murder. Pondering where he might have gone, she decided to try at the blacksmithīs, his weapon had to be blunt after that evil deed.

Approaching the blacksmithīs shop she spotted the dark man and hesitated for a moment...he was indeed big....for a faint moment she felt scared but then repeated the words of the spell she learnt so many years ago

"Chyffyrddiad chan rhew" she chanted and gestured at the redguard..

The man looked up, saw the cloud of ice-cold air approach and surround him, he couldnīt escape, so the cloud made him freeze terribly bit didnīt kill him.....

Serene turned away and hoped the redguard learnt his lesson....[/quote]
Jonacin was angry, but he didn't lose his head. The mage had no right to cast a spell on him, but he coul settle scores later. Using a technique the ancient Blademaster who had been his teacher had shown him, he slowed and deepened his breathing, causing his chest to expand more than before and cracking the ice that encased him. He flexed other muschles, breaking more ice until he was free. He stamped his feet and moving about until he was warm, and then he retrieved his equipment from the blacksmith and hurried off after the blasted mage. Seeing her in the street ahead, he sped up until he had caught her. Grabbing her by the arm, he placed his sword at her throat and hissed into her ear "one false move and i slit your throat, mage. now, would you care to tell me why you just cast that spell on me? It was most irritating. Keep in mind, any funny business and you die, and i wont think twice about it"

Posted by: Aki May 21 2005, 01:43 AM

[quote=MerGirl]It was not hard to miss the blood. How could Celia not miss it, for the pool of blood was long and bright red--obviously someone had been bleeding not too long ago. (She hoped the person got away). Neither could she ignore the armoured Nord coming towards her.

She gasped in surprise when he came closer, and she could see the blood on his sword much more clearly. Had he been the cause of the blood? Perhaps he's been in duel of some sort?

A bit nervous and clueless on what she should do (but still curious), Celia stayed where she was, but asked timidly towards the Nord, "I assumed I missed something?"[/quote]

The Nord turned to look at the Altmer, a look of disdain momentarily passing over his face, before it turned to amusement. "Aye, some cyrodiilic numbskull got it in 'is head that he was some kind of godly Akavirian blademaster," Fenris said, smirking and waving his hand down the alley indicating the fleeing and bloody, yet uninjured, man.

"He be lucky he knew restoritive magicks, else he'd be short a arm, will teach 'im to go a boasting about like that."

Posted by: MerGirl May 21 2005, 01:58 AM

She didn't miss his look of contempt, and she blushed, thinking perhaps she said something wrong. But when his expression became what seemed to her a more friendly look, she became a little less nervous.

She switched her glance towards the uninjured man, then back towards the Nord. She was still a little frightened, but she was very much interested in what the Nord had just said. "A-ak-vi-," she struggled with the word, "what's that word? What you just said. What's an a-ak-vi-whatcha-you-call it?" She inquired, but hesitated and blushed again. Perhaps she was being too nosy. "Er, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so rude..."

Posted by: Channler May 21 2005, 01:58 AM

Falx was sent on a patrol into the lands that have recently been controlled by the corrupted men. The area smelled of death and decay, putrid horrors that only the sickest could conjure up. Atop his horse, Akatosh, finely clad in mail, he made his way across the bog.

"Si'ir? Shh-oould we be g-oing this fa-r away fro-m camp?" A recruit by the name of Manious questioned in a rather scared voice. Manious was an orphan and constantly harrassed and abused by the other children as a child. Every day he knew the exact time that the "mean" kids would come and beat him up. Still he did nothing about it. One day he lost it and the gang leader of the thugs was found strung up naked, outside the imperial palace, slashed and burned. Everyone knew that Manious didn't do it yet the blame fell on him. He was sentenced to 70 years in the imperial prison, with no chance of getting out a day earlier. If it weren't for the actions of Knight Errant Darius, who knew the boy's parents before they died, Manious would be rotting in some imperial jail cell.

"Don't worry, just a little longer out here and we will go back" Darius said in a strongly accented voice, and if you didn't know him you would think that he was drunk because of his constant slurr. The slurr was actually the cause of fight with an assassin while defending the last emperor. The assassin lunged for the emperor but Darius put his body in the way, taking the wound for his majesty. The tip of the needle was dipped in a poison from the far reaches of the Black Marsh, and said to cause immidiate paralylist(SP) and death if injected into the blood stream.

After many months of intense healing treatments by the best apothocary's in the land he slowly recovered, but the slurr never went away. He veiwed it as a wound worthy of a hero though, for he was injured by risking his life honorably for the Emperor.

A wolf howled in the background, and then everything was eerily quiet, save for the occasional gust of wind that would wisp the fog away. The patrol held still, even to the point of holding their own breath. Then the horses started to get jittery, as if something horrid were approaching.

Falx saw a face, bony with flesh hanging loosely off the elastic skin. It seemed to call to him, he trodded a few steps towards it. His horse clearly was trying to stear his master in another direction but it dared not turn on its own. The face's mouth started to mumble something, something that cause the hairs on the back of falx's neck to stand prickly.

Darius looked around and noticed Falx moving towards a heavy pillow of fog, "Falx! Come back here, now is no the time to get seperated!" No responce came, just a few more steps into the fog. Darius was screaming this time, "Knight! If you wish to come back alive turn around now!" Darius yelled as his face was bright red.

Something moved inside Falx's head, he heard something but it eluded his ears. Then he heard it again..."Falx!" it was faint, but someone was calling. He felt a hand on his shoulder and slowly he started to come back into reality. The face let out a gut wrenching scream!

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 11:04 AM

Jonacin was angry, but he didn't lose his head. The mage had no right to cast a spell on him, but he coul settle scores later. Using a technique the ancient Blademaster who had been his teacher had shown him, he slowed and deepened his breathing, causing his chest to expand more than before and cracking the ice that encased him. He flexed other muschles, breaking more ice until he was free. He stamped his feet and moving about until he was warm, and then he retrieved his equipment from the blacksmith and hurried off after the blasted mage. Seeing her in the street ahead, he sped up until he had caught her. Grabbing her by the arm, he placed his sword at her throat and hissed into her ear "one false move and i slit your throat, mage. now, would you care to tell me why you just cast that spell on me? It was most irritating. Keep in mind, any funny business and you die, and i wont think twice about it"[/quote]

Serene didnīt dare to move, the sword pointing at her throat was incerdibly sharp, she could feel a thin stream of blood running from the tiny cut. She understood the rage of the redguard but knew she had to convince him that she cast the spell on him for his own benefit. The murder in the Tavern could cause some nasty riots if the slain manīs friends and relatives found out and so this brave redguard would be forced fight out a real vendetta, and that would be very sad, because there was a far better use for this man than being a fugitive for a senseless murder.

"Please!" she whispered, "Donīt hurt me, it was for your own good, now itīs obvious you got your punishment so there will be no more fuzz about it.I know your victimīs family and theyīll settle when they find out it was me who cast that spel on you, besides it didnīt hurt you to cool sown a bit did it?"
Serene tried to smile at the redguard in order to rise his disposition to her.

"My name is Serene by the way " she added,"And I assure you I am a very skilled mage......"

She turned to the man very slowly, so he wouldnīt think she was making some false move and thus cut her troat. She wanted to look him in the eyes.....convince him he could make use of her as she could make use of him....for the benefit for both of them.

She could feel the pressure of the sword diminish, obviously the big redguard had listened to her........

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 21 2005, 11:29 AM

Chorrol, Cyrodiil Region

Arco walked out and headed against the cathedral, he took the path against Cyrodiil City. He didn't have any more buisness in Chorrol anymore, as he took the little path down to the main road. It wasn't that far to Cyrodiil he thought as he walked down the empty road.. He kept looking back at Chorrol and thought of the Nords, they would come after him he was sure they would. Those Nords wouldn't let Arco go off just like that. But Arco was kinda naiv, knowing that the Nords wouldn't be such a fight. Soon he could see the mighty walls of Cyrodiil City over the open field, as he entered the city it seemed quite empty. Not so many was out on the street this day as he noticed as he walked down the street.. Soon he could see a Reguard holding his blade against the throat of a Imperial woman.. Arco walked straight past them only a few feet away looking both of them right into the eyes, it looked like he didn't really care.

The Dunmer didn't have anything special against the Imperials even as they had comed unwelcome as he ment it, into Morrowind. Arco went up to the blacksmith not far away from the Imperial and Redguard, he started talking to the blacksmith, as he looked back several times at the Redguard and Imperial..
He gave over both his beloved Daedric Scimitars to the smith, showing some spots that had been damaged due to the epic fights he had been in over the years.. As the smith started working Arco just leaned back on a wall to a Imperial House not far from the smith just waiting in the shadows..

"Well Redguard, what are you waiting for...? Are you going to let this young woman die of age?" Arco said while he stood against the wall, resting his right hand on his Daedric Dagger..

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 11:41 AM

Serene caught a glance of an approaching Dunmer as she tried to relief the pressure to her back due to the uncomfortable position she was in. "No meaning of crying for help" she thought, "letīs see how the redguard reacts"

Then she heard the Dunmerīs dark hoarse voice:
"Well Redguard, what are you waiting for...? Are you going to let this young woman die of age?"..............

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 21 2005, 11:46 AM

"You attack a un-armed woman right on the street.. Do you have no respect or even thoughts of a fair fight?" The Dunmer said, waiting for the Redguard to act. If not he might need to help the woman..

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 11:54 AM

" Well I cast a spell on him" Serene said slowly, trying to get away from the pointed sword. "He is a very brave man" she continued.

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 12:42 PM

"My killing of that fool in the tavern was not murder. He was unhappy about the fact that I took a job on the same caravan is him on my way here, and he challenged me to a duel. We fought, I won. Your spell was an unwarranted attack, but against my better judgement I'll let you go" said Jonacin, lowering his sword, "but if you ever pull something liek that again, you will be in for a lot of trouble"

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 21 2005, 12:50 PM

"Noow... Com'on give each other a hug" Arco replied giving of a little smile before he started to walk of against the centre of Cyrodiil to watch the statues..

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 12:59 PM

"Please forgive me redguard," Serene said, bowing her head," maybe we can make some joint venture here, your skill with weapons and my magic...."

Serene saw the Dunmer walk away and heard his words about hugging eah other..

"So hereīs my hand redguard" , she said, "are we friends now?"

Then she suddenly placeed a kiss on his dark cheek.............

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 01:02 PM

"I find your propoal........................intriguing, Serene. And i do have a name; Jonacin. Try using it instead of calling me Redguard all teh time." he said, taking her hand.

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 01:10 PM

"Ok Jonacin".....Serene looked at her small white hand in his big dark..and she felt a bit dizzy.....

"Where are you heading," she asked

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 01:11 PM

Nowhere in particular, i just go where i feel like going. But lately i've had a sense of being..........pulled towards this city. I'm not sure why, but i have a feeling that if i stick around for a bit longer, i'll find out

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 01:15 PM

" Thatīs strange", Serene said....Iīve had the same feeling", Did you notice the dunmer just passing? I wonder where he was heading, dunmers in the City is quite unusual...!

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 21 2005, 01:15 PM

Cyrodiil City, Cyrodiil Region

Arco looked back at the Imperial and Redguard as they took each other hand. This was nothing like the Dunmer ever had done, much for his quite, cold hearted reputation he thought as he looked back at them. He didn't want to think much about it, it was nothing he thought as he entered the centre of Cyrodiil seeing the great statue of the Imperial Dragon, almost like it was in Ebonheart...

Arco walked down and satt on a bench in the centre, it was filled with statues and nice plants and grass almost like Mournholm he thought. He leaned forward looking down at the ground as he thought what he should do now... Where would he go now, he had been so lonly for all these years, travelling all around Tamriel seeking danger, finding few friends before losing his friends in battle. 'It didn't go anywhere, he would live like this for the end of Era' He looked up into the sky, as the sun was going down behinde the huge Adamantine Tower...

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 01:16 PM

"Well, i've nothing better to do, let's follow him. He headed..........that way" said Jonacin, pointing towards the centre of the city

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 01:18 PM

Serene and Jonacin walked towards the city-centre, still holding hands. She felt comfortable holding his hand because the City somewhat scared her, it was an unpleasant feeling in her spine.....there was something weird going on....and she didnīt know what it was,,,

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 01:22 PM

As they walked towards the city centre, Jonacin noticed that Serene had tightened her grip on his hand and was looking decidedly nervous, as if the city itself frightened her. "Is something wrong?" he asked, "you look like there's something here scaring you quite a bit"

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 01:54 PM

"Donīt you sense the evil?" she asked Jonacin, I feel it clearly. She clung tighter to Jonacin as they approached the town plaza. The weather had changed from sunlight to a dim reddish mist and the sky was much darker than an hour ago, No dragonflies were humming, the silence itself seemed threatening.

Serene stopped. "Iīm afraid she said, "Iīm not going any further, thereīs something evil around, something that will hurt us".....

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 21 2005, 02:06 PM

Arco looked how the sun went down before unleashing a red looking mist coming over and covering Cyrodiil.. He looked around, trying to stay calm but he knew something was wrong. Arco stood up before going back again, as he suddently could see the Redguard and Imperial standing holding each other hand and the Imperial looked quite nervous...

"I will rather go in if I were you..." Arco said as he walked past them going up to the smith, demanding his scimitars. For his luck the scimitars was finished and Arco walked to a Imperal House near a alley. He peeked in the window before unleashed a slash at the lock with his Daedric Scimitar and lunging a kick breaking open the door, he went in and was about to lock the door when we saw the Imperial and Redguard standing there...

"Ladies first..." he said holding the door open waiting... with his scimitars drawn and looking out into the empty streets.

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 03:12 PM

Jonacin knew something was very wrong when the red mist appeared. He drew his katana, pushed Serene towards the door the Dunmer had just opened, telling her to run inside. Looking about warily e followed her slowly, his eyes constantly moving, alert for any threat. When he reached the door he pushed the Dunmer inside, and then followed him in, pulling the door shut behind him. "So who exactly are you, Dunmer?" he asked, looking at the Dunmer waiting for a response. He could see Serene from the corner of his eye, she looked terrified. "What is this mist?" he asked her, "and why has it got you all so scared?"

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 21 2005, 03:22 PM

"Call me Arco.. And you are?" Arco said as he locked the door and looked up the stairs to see if there were anyone there, he was confused. Suddently this mist comes and everything just panics he thought, he satt down infront of the fire place before throwing some water on the fire...

He leapt over to the window and looked out into the streets, he couldn't see anyone. It was totally empty...

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 03:38 PM

"I'm Jonacin, a Blademaster. So what brings you to Cyrodil, Arco?"

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 21 2005, 03:50 PM

"Nothing... My instincts I dont know, its nothing we really need to talk about" Arco said to Jonacin before sitting down on a chair near the window, and looking at Serene...

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 03:51 PM

"Ok, sure"
Jonacin looked over to Serene, he could see she was trembling badly. He went over and put his arm around her shoulders. "What's wrong Serene? We're safe in here", he said to her

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 21 2005, 03:58 PM

"Doubt it... In all the years I've been travelling over Tamriel, killing beasts and escaping death this is something I never seen..." Arco said, he could clearly see something was wrong with Serene. Like she could feel or knew something we didn't...

"Stay here... Watch her, I will go out and have a look" Arco said standing at the door... "Lets not be naiv here, I will have a look around.. I wont be gone for long" Arco said before he drew his scimitars, he threw his Daedric Dagger over to Jonacin...

"Have this... Until I come back" The last thing they could see was Arco's cloak disappearing in the red mist and the door closing...

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 04:00 PM

Jonacin looked from the Daedric dagger in his hand to the Daedric katana sheathed at his side. "Screw that" he said, tossing aside the dagger and drawing his katana. He got a seat and sat near the door, looking relaxed but ready to leap into action at a moments notice

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 04:14 PM

Serene saw Arco the Dunmer go outside, she trembled, it was not safe in here, Jonacin and herself were in great danger, she could feel it....and Arco..she shrugged and hoped nothing would happen to him.

"Jonacin" she said "itīs that red mist...where the evil comes from...donīt ask, I just know it"

She crept into a corner and covered her face with her hands......

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 04:19 PM

Jonacin could see that Serene was utterly terrified. He readied his sword and shield a stood by her, prepared to do battle with anything that entered the room, ready to sell his life dearly against any opponent in order to protect her.

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 04:28 PM

Serene wasvery touched that Jonacin so clearly stood there ready to protect her, despite their rather odd first meeting, not anyone would be so nice towards someone that had cast a spell on them..

So she decided to charge the heavy artillery, the spells she barely used because of their cruelness......

She started mumble in order to rehearse the spells, Jonacin looked at her warily..he knew what she could do..
"Donīt worry Jonacin, iīm just preparing for some surprises for a possible unwanted visitor" Serene smiled at him as she was saying that....

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 04:33 PM

Jonacin could hear Serene mumbling behind him, practicing here spells, she had said. Relieced that she wasn't too terrified to do anything, he relaxed slightly. Just then, a loud thumping was heard on the door. Readying his weapons, jonacin strode over to the door and placed his hand upon the handle. Before he opened it, he looked back at Serene to make sure she was ready for whatever might come through the door

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 21 2005, 04:40 PM

Arco rushed against the city walls before leaping onto the stairs and running up keeping himself stealthy and low to the ground. He saw how the red mist started to disappear and rain started to fall as the night took over... He looked over the wall seeing something he had never seen in his whole life...

A huge Daedric Portal had rised right in the fields, fire, smoke and red lighting it looked like shooted out from the portal as he could see several Imperial Soldiers rushing up the fields with weapons drawn. He jumped up on the wall so he could leap down on the fields, but he desided not to. He could see anything...

(OOC: I'll edit, my oncle just came)

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 04:43 PM

When the bump on the door was heard, Serene jumped to her feet, the spell was all ready in her head, her hands ready for action...sweat was running down her back, she was completely prepared for whatever would come through that door...Jonacin was also "en garde" and that pleased her..

"psst Jonacin", she whispered, "move 2 feet to the right, you do not want to be near the spell Iīm planning to cast"

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 04:45 PM

Jonacin nodded when he heard Serene's whisper, and then he simultaneously opened the door and threw himself to the right as a creature from the pits of Ovlivion burst through the doorway

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 04:51 PM

"chan annwfn s fferedig asgre" shouted Serene as the creature burts into the door.....the ice that formed around it melted enough to render a huge cloud of vapour, which prevented the beast from seeing Serene and Jonacin, who immediately rushed at it, Jonacin with his Katana raised, to deliver a terrible blow, Serene preparing for the next spell....

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 21 2005, 05:10 PM

Arco leaped down from the 20 feet wall, landing perfectly before tumbling around and rising in one smooth movment and ran off against house.. As he closed something lightened up the night and dark streets, it was a like a huge flame at the entrance to the house...

Without hesitation Arco charged as the flaming creature moved in to the house. Arco dodged the people who had ran out on the street panicing before he rushed straight at the creature... He could see Jonacin slash down at the shoulder of the creature making it lose it balance as he could hear the magical words coming out from Serene's mouth...

Arco leaped onto the creature setting his enchanted Daedric Scimitars right into its back right between the shoulder blades, Arco pressed the magical blades deeper into the creature's hard skin as its flames enrupted into a inferno but Arco didn't let go.. As his light Daedric armor almost started glowing red and his cloak had started burning!

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 05:14 PM

Seeing Arcoīs on fire Serene quickly cast the frost-spell once again and the whirling vapour surrounded Arco and the beast, but the flames were out at least......Serene fell to the ground exhausted by the magicka-drainage she suffered from after casting the spell twice.....panting she concentrated to regain strength for a third attack if necessary...

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 05:18 PM

Jonacin slashed his sword at the beast again, this time aiming low at it's stomach. His sword barely pierced the beast's hide, but it was enough to make i roar in pain and anger. It lashed out at him with a huge claw, and he leapt backwards to avoid it. however, the beast moved far faster than he thought possible, and the claw shrieked across his breastplate, putting a deeps gash in it, but not going through, He was hurled against the wall, and lay there daxed for a moment. He could hear Serene chanting another spell, and yelled at Arco to get away from the beast lest she catch him in the spell too.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 21 2005, 05:23 PM

Arco planted both of his feet in the beasts neck before leaping out almost taking a back flip landing behinde the beast, holding his scimitars to the ground. As the pain from the fire almost made him fall to the ground he didn't give up...

"Attack!" Arco cried out at Jonacin before he charged at the flanked beast slashing down sideways at the creautres neck penetrating the skin as he could see the inferno blasting out fire making the building take fire, but he let his trust go to the small amounts of rain falling from the sky as Jonacin went in for a third attack...

Posted by: MerGirl May 21 2005, 05:27 PM

As she waited for the Nord's reply, Celia felt her hairs stood up and she shivered as the sky mysteriously grew darker. And what was that red mist coming from? Then it rained.

That was strange...

Something's bad coming... She did not know how she knew that, but she sensed something was not right. She had never sensed this kind of forceful presense in her entire life living in Cyrodiil. She glanced behind her, and then faced the Nord again, her voice shaking a bit, "Do you sense something?"

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 05:27 PM

Jonacin ran towards the beast, his shield across his body and his sword raised high above his head. Putting as much force behind the blow as possible, he brought his blade down on the beast's head. Amazingly, it's skull split and the sword cut through to the middle of it's chest. The beast slumped lifeless to the floor, and jonacin placed his foot upon it's chest, wrenching his sword out before cleaning it and sheathing it. Looking at the gouge in his breastplate with dismay, he realised that it was going to be very expensive to get it repaired

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 21 2005, 05:32 PM

"Nice Jonacin... Check her, I'll see if there's anymore out there" Arco said, before he turned around scanning the city before running off, Arco had been seriously wounded by the inferno. But with his great endurance and will he kept on running through the wet streets...

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 05:37 PM

Jonacin turned to Serene, who was slumped to her hands and knees on the floor, breathing heavily and trembling. He picked her up in his arms and carried her up the stairs to a bed. Laying her down, he drew a chair over to the bedside where he could watch over her for any signs of injury. He was incredibly tired , but he was determined not to fall asleep until either Serene had regained her strength or Arco returned

Posted by: Channler May 21 2005, 06:07 PM

"Damnable beast! RIDE HARDER!" Scream Darius

The Creature was gaining on them, for every step the horse took it flew several more.

There was a scream. One less rider. The patrol still had at least another mile to the camp, but their numbers were quickly dwindling.

Darius sent a fireball spell towards the Creature. Nothing, it in nano-seconds dodged the incoming fireball.

Falx kept his mind focused on his horse, and his own life. The horrid face was a burnt image in his brain, never to leave.

The horses galloping gave the sound of thunder in the air. Another scream. The patrol was down to 4 members. Falx's thigh's ached from the constant pursuit, but he carried on none the less.

There was a shout ahead of him, "HURRY UP! Were almost there! The mages will deal with this thing!"

The Dragon Rider's encampment was now visable through the fog, and not but 1/4th of a mile away. Then several streams of arcane magic filled the air.

At the encampment...

"Keep on casting!" Shout Knight Alric, chief of the magic weilders in the battlion, "Let em' have it!"

Bright blue bolts of electricity, and searing red fireballs flew towards the pursiur of the patrol. Occasionaly they scored a hit on the Creature, but it continued on.

Then it turned around and dissapeared

The patrol was now a group of 3, one had accidently been hit by a freindly fireball. To each there own tent they went, Falx, Darius, Manious, hoping to rid the horrors in their mind.

Posted by: Aki May 21 2005, 08:39 PM

[quote=MerGirl]She didn't miss his look of contempt, and she blushed, thinking perhaps she said something wrong. But when his expression became what seemed to her a more friendly look, she became a little less nervous.

She switched her glance towards the uninjured man, then back towards the Nord. She was still a little frightened, but she was very much interested in what the Nord had just said. "A-ak-vi-," she struggled with the word, "what's that word? What you just said. What's an a-ak-vi-whatcha-you-call it?" She inquired, but hesitated and blushed again. Perhaps she was being too nosy. "Er, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so rude..."[/quote]

"Nay, ye aint rude, Akaviri are them folks from Akavir, place way east of Tamriel, hellish land too, all manner of beasts and such there, all the humans there long dead now, eaten by snakes," Fenris replied, his eyebrow arching momentarily when the Altmer blushed.

[quote]As she waited for the Nord's reply, Celia felt her hairs stood up and she shivered as the sky mysteriously grew darker. And what was that red mist coming from? Then it rained.

That was strange...

Something's bad coming... She did not know how she knew that, but she sensed something was not right. She had never sensed this kind of forceful presense in her entire life living in Cyrodiil. She glanced behind her, and then faced the Nord again, her voice shaking a bit, "Do you sense something?"[/quote]

"Sense? Well...i do have a bad feeling about this mist..." Fenris said. "Wait, listen to that..." he said. All that was to be heard was the sound of blood slowly dripping from his blade, and a faint clinking noise, like claws clicking against stone. "Down!" he said quickly, pushing Celia away, and swining his blade upwards.

Two halves of a Hunger hit the ground, before the ethereal remains faded from this realm. "Damnable Demons...." Fenris muttered. "Theres prolly more of them around, too."

The clicking sound picked up again, with great numbers. "....I had to go and open my big mouth..."

Posted by: Hukai The Wandering May 21 2005, 08:42 PM

(OOC: this is important so i'll post this here. I'm very busy lately and if it somes to the point that my character is needed and i havent come back, then i want DANTRAG to control him as he knows the him best....ill get time to read everything and post later....EEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! GOT TO GO!)

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 08:44 PM

"Jonacin", Sereneīs voice was merely a whisper," are you alright?, whereīs Arco, I think heīs injured, bring him here, iīll help him, you two have to rest now, we need you strong and fit, this beast was only the first one, i can still feel the evil here"

Serene then closed her eyes fior a moment then she rose from the bed and gently pushed Jonacin down on it. The huge redguard was incredibly tired, he fell asleep before his head hit the pillow.

Serene sat down on the chair, concentrated, all alert and watchful. Then she closed her eyes again and prayed to Azura........

Posted by: MerGirl May 21 2005, 08:55 PM

"Oomph!" Due to the wetness the rain was causing, Celia lost her footing when the Nord pushed her, and fell with a small splash into a rain puddle. She looked in dismay at her now muddy dress, until she heard a sickening sound of flesh spliting apart in front of them. "Eeew..."

The possibility of there being more of them set Celia on the edge. She quickly got up, ruffled out her dress and said urgently, "Let's move to somewhere less..." She glanced behind her. "Er, hostile..." She started to run, and gestured the Nord to follow her towards the center of Cyrodiil.

Posted by: Aki May 21 2005, 09:00 PM

Fenris began running too, but seemingly only enough to catch up with Celia. He grabbed her around the waist with one hand, "I've got a faster method," he explained. He stopped momentarily, looking over his shoulder. Several Hungers were in plain view, running allong the cobblestone streets, others were rapidly moving across the sides of buildings with spider like grace.
Fenris took a deep breath, and the next thing both knew, they were hurtling through the air.

They landed roughly, but unharmed in the center of the city, next to the large dragon statue. "Cast a shout," Fenris explained, putting Celia down.
"Useful for getting out of danger."

Posted by: MerGirl May 21 2005, 09:17 PM

Surprised that the Nord was holding her waist, his comment about "a faster method" didn't sink in until they were lifted in the air. She became disoriented and her heart beated wildly for several moments until they finally landed.

What had just happened? As the Nord explained to her, she noticed a Dunmer running in the opposite direction. "Hey, maybe he knows something about this." She raised her voice, calling to the caped Dunmer, "Hey, you! What's going on?"

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 09:20 PM

Serene heard some shouting outside..are there others here she thought, as she slowly walked towards the door, making a spell ready, just in case....

Posted by: Hukai The Wandering May 21 2005, 10:14 PM

Arcyakt watched the scene in his mind. He should smell fresh blood throughout the city. As the rain began to pour down, drenching his black robe, he opened his eyes. "Rain." Arcyakt closed his eye's once more and watched. He stood suspended in the air, high above the city so that no one may see him. As he watched in his mind's eye, a thin wisp of blue smoke flew towards him. Arcyakt Threw forward a hand and materialized a staff from thin air. The smoke flew into his arcayic staff and for a brief moment, Arcyakt's whole figure glowed deep red.

"It's time." Arcyakt drew a long breath and the high elf bellowed in an unearthly voice, seemingly shaking the ground below him. As he did, every creature in the city flew unwillingly into his staff and the dark figure vansihed(sp?), dispursing the red mist as he left.

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 10:54 PM

Jonacin woke up to the sound of shouting outside. There was no sign of Serene or Arco, so he sat up, casting bout for his swrod and shield. Readying them, he wnet down the stairs to see Serene creeping towards the door, eldritch fires flickering about her fingers. "Serene" he whipsered, "what's going on? Who's that outside?"

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 11:06 PM

"I donīt know" she whispered back, "I think thereīs some people there, even think I heard a woman, but surely that canīt be true?

Serene rbbed her hands together, the glowing effect on her hands increased in strength......she opened the door just a little.....there was movement outside but she didnīt see, it was too dark

"jonacin", she hissed, come here look what are them figures or beast? I cabnīt see properly, too much magicka-drain tonight.."

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 11:08 PM

Slowly moving over to the door to avoid making too much noise, Jonacin peered out the crack into the open square. He could dimly make out the shape of a Nordic male and an Altmer female near the statue, and he told Serene this. "Should we call out to them?" he asked.

Posted by: Channler May 21 2005, 11:10 PM

Falx lay half asleep on his cot, just finally able to rest after the harrowing experience. What had happened in the battle was enough, but what just happened was horrifing. Then slowly his awarness of his surroundings began to dissapate untill there was nothing but black.

"Sir Albarnian!" A voice woke Falx up from his slumber, he lay there for several moments. This time it was a more agitated voice that called, "Sir Albarian! Knight-Errant Varro wishes to speak with you!"

Falx stepped out of the tent with his Imperial shortsword and motioned it towards the messengers stomach.

"Never wake me again..." Falx said in a harsh tone.

The walk to the main tent was normal as usual save for the lack of joyful soldiers that normally accompanied a victorious battle. No drinks were, about or maidens from the local villages. Just Falx and a assortment of scared people.

Falx stepped up to the main tent, absolutely the same as the normal soldiers only larger to accomidate a planning room.

He saluted the guard in front of the tent flap, for clearly he was a member of the Rough Riders, it was made apperant by the red sash worn around the neck.

"Falx Albarnias reporting as ordered by Lord Varro" After a raised eyebrow and a few grunts Falx was let into the tent. In the far wall that overlooked the meager cot was the intire map of Tamriel, all that was the empires. Even Falx remebered the better days, back when the Emperor feared not for his life and those that lived under the Nine-Divines experienced a wonderful peace. That all ended when the emperor went into hiding. Now the conglomerate of guilds runs the empire, in the emperor's name.

"Ahh, Sir Albarnias, or Knight as your friends call you? Welcome to my humble quarters, I'm sure your wondering why your here no?" Lord Varro's tone was quite happy given the rather dreary circumstances.

"Well, we have recieved some rather disturbing news about the capitol city"Varro said looking straight into Falx's penetrated eyes.

"How so" Falx manage to get out.

"Well do you remeber when the gates of oblivion were let open, and floods of Deadric servants that came with it?" Varro waited for a nod, "It seems that its happening again, save the emperor.." Falx noticed how he said that with a bit of reserve, " still alive, and the gates of oblivion should still be sealed."

"How does this affect me, sir?" he said with little conset about the possibllity's of another daedra attack,

"I am sending you, Sir Darius and a contingent of soldiers to go and report with the Captain of the Gaurd in Cyrodil, maybe they know whats going on." He said as he studied Falx, "If anything is abnormally suspicious I want you to report back to me immediatly, understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Do to the circumstance's of the mission, and your past service, I think your in line for a promotion. Now, Captain Albarnias, go and find out the source of these problems"

Falx took his leave, he wasn't thrilled by the promotion for it just ment more responsability, but that seams to be what Varro wanted. Reguardless he would go and gather his equiptment for the day long journey.

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 11:16 PM

[quote=LoneWolf]Slowly moving over to the door to avoid making too much noise, Jonacin peered out the crack into the open square. He could dimly make out the shape of a Nordic male and an Altmer female near the statue, and he told Serene this. "Should we call out to them?" he asked.[/quote]

"yes, please do" Serene answered, they might well be in danger,...but where is Arco? weīll need him now.

Serene prepared a fire-spell just in case...

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 11:19 PM

Jonacin warily stuck his head out the door, calling over to the two people standing near the statue "You two! What the hell are you doing out there?! There are all kinds of demons out there, far worse than your average Hunger or Daedroth! These things can withstand some very powerful blows!"

Posted by: minque May 21 2005, 11:28 PM

Serene watched closely while Jonacin shouted at the two outside...then she suddenly discovered some novement in the shadows to the right of them...

"Exuro meus Hostilis" she yelled while she pointed directly in the direction of the sudden movement

The pointed fire-ball emerged from her outstretched hand and exploded some 25 metres to the right of the two figures out there..

A shriek revealed that the spell reached itīs target...

Posted by: Wolfie May 21 2005, 11:30 PM

Jonacin started when a fireball suddenly whizzed by his head, but then he heard the inhuman shriek of agony and realised that Serene had noticed a creature and had taken action to prevent it harming anyone.

Posted by: Hukai The Wandering May 22 2005, 12:06 AM

As Arcyakt finished his unearthly howl, certain it would draw the warriors, he calmly chanted a few unheard lines and in doing so, instantly replaced his armor and robe with tattered and burnt rags. He now held a whip in each hand which he calmly laid on the ground. After which, he laied on the gorund in a posistion that looked like he had knocked out. This is too easy...

Posted by: Aki May 22 2005, 12:42 AM

Fenris raised a eyebrow, before looking towards the Redguard who had yelled at him. "Nothing i can't handle," he said simply, before looking over in the direction of where the fireball had hit. He shrugged and began walking towards the house the Redguard and the Imperial woman who had flung the fireball were in.

Posted by: Wolfie May 22 2005, 12:52 AM

Seeing the Nord heading towards the house, Jonacin told Serene to stay alert and watch for any more monsters, while he headed out to meet the two strangers. "What brings you here?" he asked

Posted by: minque May 22 2005, 01:00 AM

In the meantime Serene crouched in a corner concentrating of getting her magicka restored...

Posted by: Aki May 22 2005, 01:06 AM

[quote=LoneWolf]Seeing the Nord heading towards the house, Jonacin told Serene to stay alert and watch for any more monsters, while he headed out to meet the two strangers. "What brings you here?" he asked[/quote]

"Thought the center of the city would be a good place to get away from that army of Hungers that wanted me and the Altmer lass for lunch," Fenris explained.

Posted by: Wolfie May 22 2005, 01:07 AM

"Fair enough" said Jonacin, a grin on his face, "but why the centre of the city? why not leave the city?"

Posted by: Aki May 22 2005, 01:09 AM

[quote=LoneWolf]"Fair enough" said Jonacin, a grin on his face, "but why the centre of the city? why not leave the city?"[/quote]

"Becuase outside there is no help, and they can come at you from any direction," Fenris explained. "Besides, i intended to get the lady to safety, if she hadn't been there i would have just slew the demons."

Posted by: minque May 22 2005, 01:13 AM

"Come in here you! Serene shouted from the door, I can feel evil approaching...

Posted by: Dantrag May 22 2005, 01:15 AM

OOC: sorry, ive been busy and havent checked on this RP too much...I'm going to make Sel wake up (finally) etc. and then read up on this to throw him in somewhere...

He saw the mist. It was enveloping him,suffocating him, he felt as if death was closing in on him. The smoke attacked his mind, he could not fight it. Sel 's eyes widened in horror as he came to the realization that he could not breathe. He tried to focus on breathing, but the smoke of Oblivion seemed to be a tangible thing, squeezing the precious bits of air from his lungs. One word echoed through his mind, so close, yet so far away - "Arcyakt" He saw a staff then, and a brief look at what he knew to be the daedra Azura. Her lips were moving, she was the one repeating the word. What did it mean?

Sel awoke, startled. He looked around him, he was lying in an alley, not far from the tavern he visited however long ago. He was frightened in two ways. He feared the dream he just had, and he also feared that he had lost his mind.
"What the hell is an arcyakt?" he thought to himself as he rose to his feet. He walked about the city then, a bit dizzy and dazed. He tried to remember everything that happened, but ended up with a headache. Headache! He felt the knot on his head. What had hit him? Sel asked himself many quiestions, but found no answers.

He stopped walking, suddenly realizing that he had walked far past his inn. He was about to turn around, until he notcied scorched corpses in the street. He followed the blackened ground to a house. He pulled out his silver blades, a green glowing longsword appeared in his right hand and a jeweled dagger appeared in his left. He opened the door, and saw what he guessed was a mage, sitting in the corner.

"What are those things?" he asked.

Posted by: Wolfie May 22 2005, 01:18 AM

Hearing Serene's cry, Jonacin turned to the Nord. "Grab your friend and follow me. We may not have much time:. Upon saying this, he turned and ran back towards the house. When the Nord and the Altmer were inside, he closed and barricaded the door. He then went back to his place beside Serene.

Posted by: Aki May 22 2005, 01:18 AM

[quote=minque]"Come in here you! Serene shouted from the door, I can feel evil approaching...[/quote]

Fenris stopped, and backtracked momentarily to grab Celia by the hand and drag her along. "Best to get indoor miss," he said, and walked into the house, towing her along. Once inside he letgo of her hand and looked about the house, notcing the man with the weapons, and the Imperial woman who had flung a fireball before.


Posted by: minque May 22 2005, 01:20 AM

"Who are you? Serene turned to the stranger that just entered.......rubbing her hands.....repeating "Exuro meus Hostilis" in her mind....

Posted by: Wolfie May 22 2005, 01:24 AM

Jonacin turned to the stranger who had entered with the Nord and the Altmer. "Who are you?" he asked, "and what do you want here?"

Posted by: Hukai The Wandering May 22 2005, 01:32 AM

Arcyatk had been laying quite still for a time and found that no one had come to his "rescue". He slowly got up and looked around. Not a soul was in the streets. He muttered a few words and was once agin dressed in his blood stained robe and armor. With a slight wave of his hand, his staff materialized in thin air. He quickly grabbed it and pointed it's razor-sharp end in the direction that he had seen the blast come from. "Maltek hesuican no suutra monisice tim nor..." A dark ball of anti-light grew at the end of his staff, sucking anything in front of it into itself. Arcyatk closed his eyes briefly and snapped the staff upwards, shooting the ball straight infront of him. He then teleported himself, dressed as a peasant, into an empty room in the very tavern he felt had the warriors were in. Arcyatk hated stooping to such low ways of manipulating people, but he did so anyway. The sorrcer(sp?) burst from the room and shouted. "Get out of the way! Something's coming!"

Posted by: Dantrag May 22 2005, 02:45 AM

[quote=LoneWolf]Jonacin turned to the stranger who had entered with the Nord and the Altmer. "Who are you?" he asked, "and what do you want here?"[/quote]

Sel was angry. "I think I should be asking the questions. What are those things out there?" Sel asked. He looked at the Imperial woman's stern face and added. "Why do you look like you're about to kill me?"

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 22 2005, 09:03 AM

Arco ran through the city as he could see the smoke had taken fire on houses, but the heavy rain started to stop it.. He could see several dead people on the street as he rushed North to the city. Suddently he stopped as he saw a bright flaming light coming from a alley not to far away.. He swiftly got near the wall of the house and moved slowly against the alley.

But then two women and four children came running by in share panic and chaos without knowing what was in the alley.. As they came by two burning beast rush out crying out, before they sent out a gigantic fireball. The bright like made Arco almost blind before a shock wave push him way back smashing into a window landing inside a burning house. The two beast rushed in smashing their way into the house setting everything on fire...
Arco rolled around before getting up with both of his scimitars ready, the huge beast charged in setting his dark red claw that glowed like the fires of Oblivion straight at Arco.. Arco dodged it, deflecting it with his scimitars before the next came, again he managed to lean out of their range. But in a flash both of them charged in knocking over Arco to the ground before crying out and started lunging hits at him... The huge claws burned his flesh and disintegrated his armor as they hit. Arco screamed out in pain as he tried to parry the blows with his scimitars. One claw came in hard hitting Arco in the face, giving him a long scare from the forehead and down to his throat, the edges of the scare was still glowing and almost in fire...

The beast went in again, but Arco bursted out in rage rolling back as the hit came before counter attacking slashing the fine Daedric edges into the face of the beast. The beast cried out leaning back as the second pushed it aside to get to Arco. It charged in, Arco slashed loose at its claws deflecting them left and right. But he knew this could be a long fight, the house had turned into a inferno. Arco saw the children and women outside rising up after the terrible blast...

"Run to the house near the blacksmith!" Arco cried out before the huge beast leaped on him, setting its burning fangs right into Arco's left shoulder. As Arco leaned to the left and the great pain made him scream he saw a opening and satt in his scimitar straight into the beast chest. The beast yelled out making a huge blast of fire before letting go, Arco satt in his left scimitar slashing down in the face of the beast finishing it. Without hesitation he leaped on the other creature setting his swords into its face, the fine Daedric Scimitar's almost broke as they went into the hard skin of the beast...

The few children and the women who survived the fireball came knocking on the door at Jonacin screaming for help and panicing as their burning wounds filled them in pain, screaming about the beast up to the North...

Arco took his scimitars slowly out, he was about to die but managed to get out of the house before colapsing right outside, sitting down at the wall as the rain tried to cool him down, but the fires of Oblivion wouldn't let go... It started to get blurry and several times the wounded Dunmer was about to close his eyes, but he couldn't not with so many people needed help. But even as his great will for helping the people he didn't managed to move....

Posted by: Wolfie May 22 2005, 11:25 AM

Sel was angry. "I think I should be asking the questions. What are those things out there?" Sel asked. He looked at the Imperial woman's stern face and added. "Why do you look like you're about to kill me?"[/quote]
"Possibly because there's all kinds of insanity happening in this city, and you're a random stranger who just walked in here unannounced and uninvited" said Jonacin, glaring at the man.

Posted by: minque May 22 2005, 11:28 AM

Serene looked right into the eyes of the stanger thast just entered the room, he asked her why she looked like she wanted to kill him, so she turned her head slightly aside and replied:

"May you forgive me ser.....there have been so many threats coming from outside recently, iīm just watchful, donīt want anything bad to happen to my companions here......but..I have no intention of killing you ..unless youīll be a threat to us.."

She sat back, concentrating of the uneasy feeling in her back, there STILL was something evil outside, she couldnīt point it out but she was aware of that sheīll need all the magicka she could gather...thus she tried to get some regenerating sleep....

Posted by: MerGirl May 22 2005, 04:09 PM

She let the Nord drag her in, and kept quiet, but she was starting to feel uncomfortable. She squirmed a bit. It was getting much too crowded in here, and she wanted to go home to her family. Not to mention there were loud shouts and cries outside the house, clamoring to be inside. And they were all strangers to her...

Then, someone else came in and the strangers talked among themselves. She felt a bit left out, and was starting to become a little stressed out. More demons were coming, she could feel it, and she felt trapped in the house. She clenched her hands into fists, feeling like she would burst if she didn't get out of the house soon. She'd rather be smashing some demons than deal with strangers who didn't trust her.

Her eyes darted around the house, hoping to find a back door, a trapdoor, anything. She wanted to get out. Now.

Posted by: minque May 22 2005, 04:18 PM

Serene saw the young altmar-girl feel scared and uneasy, so she rose and went over to her saying;

"here now, donīt be afrid, we wonīt harm you, you are among friends"

She took the frightened girlīs hand and led her to a quiet corner where they both sat down for a while. Serene continued to calm the poor girl down , it had obviously been too much for her and Serene felt some responsibility for her.

So they sat there merely overhearing the othersīconversation.....

Posted by: MerGirl May 22 2005, 04:24 PM

Celia blinked. She was a bit touched by the Imperial woman's concern for her. She smiled shyly and said softly, "Thank you, ma'am." She got the courage to say a bit more, "I'm Celia, a healer-in-training, and I've live here in Cyrodiil all my life..." She paused. "And I have never seen or felt such evil before..." Blushing, she continued, "Um, are you new here? Are a mage too? What's your name?"

Posted by: minque May 22 2005, 04:32 PM

Serene smiled at the sweet girl beside her, while answering:

" Aye Celia, Iīm a mage, and iīve been around for a while, born here in this very city i am.....trained by Master Aryon and Master Demnevanni in Vvardenfell.....though Iīm not a Telvanni, Mu name is Serene, and Iīm adopted into the great house Redoran." Serene sighed and continued:

"with all this uprise I was ordered back, exactly for what purpose i know not what are you doing here, an innocent girl like you? you shouldnīt have left home......but but, you are a healer you said? well that is good, iīm sure your services may come in very handy....."

Serene put her arm around Celiaīs shoulders as they heard a terrible scream from outside....

Posted by: Hukai The Wandering May 22 2005, 04:33 PM

Arcyatk looked on as the people ignored him. He willed the energy ball to slow up so they would have time to escape it. The turned to the door and back to the group again before yelling. "DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME?! SOMETHING IS COMING! I FEEL A STRONG SPELL APROACHING THIS HOUSE! WE-HAVE-TO-GET-OUT-OF-HERE!" With that, the high elf threw open the front door and ran out into the night, hoping he could intice the others to follow.

Posted by: MerGirl May 22 2005, 04:36 PM

"Curiosity, I guess," replied the Altmer to the Imperial's question. She tensed when she heard the scream and a loud shout. She turned to face the kind Imperial lady. "I can't stand this. Shouldn't we go out and investigate?"

Posted by: Dantrag May 22 2005, 04:40 PM

"My name is Sel, but I really don't think we have time for any introductions." Sel said bluntly as he followed the crazed peasant.

Posted by: minque May 22 2005, 04:40 PM

"NO by all means" Serene watched the stange man yell and run out but she sensed the evil emerging from him, "Weīll stay here, where thereīs at least some people we can trust"

She moved closer to the altmer girl and stared at the swinging door hoping for Arco or Jonacin to make their move.....

Posted by: Dantrag May 22 2005, 04:43 PM

Sel looked behind him as he ran, wondering why nobody had followed him out of the house to investigate. He sensed something was amiss, but with all the strange things happening to him recently, he didn't trust his gut very much.

Posted by: Aki May 22 2005, 04:46 PM

Fenris looked out the way the Altmer peasant had come in. He then turned back to those in the house, "Uh, time to leave,!" he said. "Ball of bad looking stuff flying thisaway..."

Posted by: MerGirl May 22 2005, 04:47 PM

Celia nodded to the Imperial's advice, but didn't hear the Nord's warning. "All right. I'll stay right here... unless the others have something else planned?" She glanced at the other strangers, not sure what she herself wanted to do at this point...

Posted by: Hukai The Wandering May 22 2005, 04:47 PM

Once out of the house, Arcyatk turned and found only one person had followed him outside. Well, if they won't listen... An sinister smile grew on his face while the scorrer(sp?) backed around a conrner and cast a powerful cloaking spell on himself. He willed the light-abosorbing ball of energy to slow to a crawl. It still held a straight course for the house and was only a few hundred feet away, but it's blackhole effect had grown stronger. As the ball paased, buildings would lean towards it.

200 feet...
150 feet...
100 feet...

Posted by: minque May 22 2005, 04:50 PM

Serene felt it suddenly..

"Celia! come NOW..RUN girl RUNfor your life!"

The women flung to their feet and ran out of the building........just in time...

Posted by: Dantrag May 22 2005, 04:51 PM

Sel saw the black mass of absorbing energy moving rapidly towards the house he came from. It was now he wished the mage had followed him outside.
"I have to get them out." he thought, turning around, back towards the house. The mass of energy was too fast. Sel knew only blackness for a time.

Posted by: Aki May 22 2005, 04:52 PM

Fenris watched the ball with curiosity, before running out himself. Stupid mages he thought.

Posted by: MerGirl May 22 2005, 04:54 PM

Celia panted, "But--but what about the others?" She stopped in her tracks. "Shouldn't we get them?" She ran back towards the house, hoping the others had survived.

Posted by: Aki May 22 2005, 04:56 PM

[quote=MerGirl]Celia panted, "But--but what about the others?" She stopped in her tracks. "Shouldn't we get them?"[/quote]

"What others..?" Fenris asked.

Posted by: Hukai The Wandering May 22 2005, 05:01 PM

Arsyatk looked on the scene from the end of the street. Not bad for my first day out of that hell-hole... He saw with pleasure that Sel had gotten swallowed up inside his spell. His work was done. Arcyatk had laid the bait, trapped a living soul, and only had to wait now. With the same short words that he had mumbled many times that day, his atire returned and the sorrcer(sp?) himself dissapeared, taking Sel with him while letting the ball dissprse.

Posted by: Dantrag May 22 2005, 05:09 PM

Sel woke up and found himself in a strange place. The walls were black, but shiny and opaque. He almost thought he could see faces in the walls, telling him something, warning him.
"Twice in one day." Sel thought. "Knocked out twice." Sel then proceeded to check his things. To his dismay, his dagger was missing.He walked around the small room that caged him, feeling the ice-cold walls for cracks, chacking for something, anything to help him escape. No escape was found. He sat in a corner with his sword out in front of him to light the room in a green glow. If his jailer came, he would be ready.

Posted by: minque May 22 2005, 05:09 PM

"Celia! COME BACK, theyīll manage" Serene grabbed the girl ust as she was heading back to the house

"Itīs a SOULTRAP"Serene shouted just as she saw a black shadow disappear in a faint mist

Posted by: MerGirl May 22 2005, 05:23 PM

Celia gasped. "I hope no one got sucked up into that thing...." She looked closely. Well, the house was still in fine condition, and nothing seemed to be misplaced.

She wandered closer to the house, shaking out of Serene's hold, hoping for a clue as to whether the others escaped the house on time. Stepping into the house, she felt something hard beneath her foot, and picked up her skirts to look down. "Interesting..." She picked it up and called to the others, "Um, I found something... Looks like a dagger or something."

Posted by: minque May 22 2005, 05:27 PM

"May I see? " Serene asked....."someone might have been sucked up in it then"

I wonder.......then she was silent

Posted by: Aki May 22 2005, 05:28 PM

[quote=minque]"May I see? " Serene asked....."someone might have been sucked up in it then"

I wonder.......then she was silent[/quote]

"Unlucky," Fenris commented blankly.

Posted by: Hukai The Wandering May 22 2005, 05:36 PM

Arcyatk walked through time, his robe clinging tightly to him due to the harsh wind. He was in a tunnel of blue and black streaks. After a few minutes, he stepped out of the, now closing, tunnel and looked around. He was home. As the high elf walked forward, he gazed at the high ceiling. The room that he teleported to was large. It was completly made out of dark granite. The walls themsleves where as smooth as a pebble found in a stream. Thick, dark colums supported the high ceiling and exqusite(sp?) tapisties(sp?) hung inbetween each one. Arcyatk turned and sat in his throne. An emerald-encrusted seat chisled out of a black rock. A few feet away from his perch a small set of open stairs encopassed him; leading down a few feet to an open hall. The hall was packed with tables of red-cherry wood and each filllled with rottening chunks of meat. With the slight lifting movement of his hand, Arcyatk lit the 400 candles along the walls and brought the dark room into a blaze of warm light.

"And so," He said, more to the empty room than to himself. "It's finally begins."

Posted by: Channler May 22 2005, 09:23 PM

The party of 40 Knights set out as soon as everyone was prepared for the journey. They were lead by Sir Darius, and the newly appointed Captain Albarnian. No one in the company knew what to expect.

That changed when they were in veiw of the Imperial Walls.

The grand Imperial City was lit a'flame, and winged beasts flew around the battlements.

"Whaa-t? happened to the city!?" shocked one soldier asked.

Darius replied in a low voice, "Oblivion, thats what happened". Darius was old enough to remeber when the emperor was slain, and a unkown adventurer traveled the lands to seek the lost heir.

Falx formed a grin on his face, "Too arms brothers! We fight for the city!"

Off they went, spear and sword in hand..

Posted by: MerGirl May 22 2005, 10:10 PM

Celia looked back at the Nord and Serene, questioning them with her eyes. "Should we look for survivors...?"

Posted by: minque May 22 2005, 10:16 PM

Serene nodded at Celia.." we really ought to, whereīs the Dunmer who came with you?..still outside?"

Posted by: MerGirl May 22 2005, 10:24 PM

Celia was confused as to who Serene was talking to, or who she was referring to. "What Dunmer?" Then, suddenly, it hit her: She remembered a Dunmer with some sort of cape running in the streets earlier that night...

Her face grew worried. "Oh, that Dunmer! I called to him, but I guess he did not hear me... He just ran off..." She paused. "Do you know him? I'll look for him, if you want."

Posted by: minque May 22 2005, 10:26 PM

"Aye" Serene answered, " You go look for him but be careful you donīt know whatīs out there,....but go ahead ..."

Posted by: Aki May 22 2005, 10:41 PM

"Shouldn't be hard, Dunmer stand out more than a Nord in a room full of Bosmer," Fenris said.

Posted by: MerGirl May 22 2005, 10:51 PM

"Oh, mister Nord, you coming too?" She said, walking towards the back of the house to inspect the back of the house as well as the streets.

Posted by: Aki May 22 2005, 10:59 PM

[quote=MerGirl]"Oh, mister Nord, you coming too?" She said, walking towards the back of the house to inspect the back of the house as well as the streets.[/quote]
"Yeah," Fenris replied. "Uh, wait...before we go searching for anyone, we should really uh....learn each others names," he suggested. "Imperial, Nord, and Altmer are real vague terms to refer to each other..."

He grinned.

Posted by: Hukai The Wandering May 22 2005, 11:06 PM

As he sat, thnking of his next move, Arcyatk felt a tug at the back of his mind. He remembered that someone had gotten trapped in his spell's prison. With a quick snapping of his bronzed fingers, the sorrcerer(sp?) materialized his prisoner before him a chains and paralzyed from the neck down. "Now, I have questions...And you had better hope you know the awnsers." With that, Arcyatk stood up and walked over to Sel, lifting his head so that he could look into Arcyatk's face. "Or else."

Posted by: MerGirl May 22 2005, 11:10 PM

The Altmer girl blushed. "Oh, I'm sorry. Okay, um, "she gestured to herself "I'm Celia, a Altmer healer-in-training." She gestured towards the Imperial woman. "And she's Serene, a very nice Imperial lady." She turned towards the Nord. "And you?" She started shifted her weight, becoming a bit shy again.

Posted by: Dantrag May 22 2005, 11:10 PM

[quote]As he sat, thnking of his next move, Arcyatk felt a tug at the back of his mind. He remembered that someone had gotten trapped in his spell's prison. With a quick snapping of his bronzed fingers, the sorrcerer(sp?) materialized his prisoner before him a chains and paralzyed from the neck down. "Now, I have questions...And you had better hope you know the awnsers." With that, Arcyatk stood up and walked over to Sel, lifting his head so that he could look into Arcyatk's face. "Or else."[/quote]

Sel felt the mage's hand on his face, but could not move to get them off. Having no other form of rebellion to use, he spat in the altmer's face.
"Who the hell are you and what do you want with me?"

Posted by: Wolfie May 22 2005, 11:22 PM

Havin g been silent during the incident with the great black spell, Jonacin felt now was the time to introduce himself to the Nord, and to the Latmer who had called herself Celia. "My name is Jonacin",he said, "and what might your's be Nord?"

Posted by: Hukai The Wandering May 22 2005, 11:23 PM

[quote=Dantrag]Sel felt the mage's hand on his face, but could not move to get them off. Having no other form of rebellion to use, he spat in the altmer's face.
"Who the hell are you and what do you want with me?"[/quote]

Arcyatk smiled coolly, he wiped off his cheek and turned his back on his prisoner. The mage lifted his hand and lightly snapped his fingers, causing Sel to be slammed into the floor. He then started pacing. "Who I am is none of your concern. What you should be asking is whether or not you will live." Arcyatk turned his head to glare at Sel, and he continued. "You see, I have been away for a very long time. All I want to know are some current happenings. Like where this land is, who the Emporer is, and such to that extent." He stopped in the middle of the room and brought a hand close to Sel's face. "Umni-e so-trunosis kkinna me toae." Darkness began to fly from the candles in the place of light and he finished in a almost joyful tone. "Hurry, your time is running out."

Posted by: MerGirl May 22 2005, 11:29 PM

Celia nearly jumped out of her skin. She didn't remember the Redguard being there! "Oh! Hello!" She blushed, feeling that she had been rude. "I'm sorry, and I'm glad you survived... Thought for a minute there you got sucked up too."

Posted by: Wolfie May 22 2005, 11:38 PM

:No, but Sel was. He just vanished into thin air. That spell must have teleported him somewhere", said Jonacin to the violently blushing Celia.

Posted by: MerGirl May 23 2005, 12:21 AM

Celia couldn't wait anymore, for she was too worried about the other Dunmer. What if he was hurt by a demon? What if he was hurt? What if he was---

Celia shook her head of the thought and ran past the house into the streets, shouting, tears falling down her cheeks, "Is anyone out there? Please, please speak up!"

Serene, worried, stated to the others, "Someone should go after her..." And if they don't, I will, thought the Imperial mage.

Posted by: Wolfie May 23 2005, 12:26 AM

Jonacin shook his head, angry at Celia for being so foolish. Drawing his sword he prepared ran after her, telling the others to stay where they were. "stay here" he said, "we don't need to get any more spread out, we've enough trouble staying together as it is". He then ran after Celia, hoping he could catch up to her before someone - or something - else did

Posted by: Dantrag May 23 2005, 12:46 AM

[quote=Hukai The Wandering][quote=Dantrag]Sel felt the mage's hand on his face, but could not move to get them off. Having no other form of rebellion to use, he spat in the altmer's face.
"Who the hell are you and what do you want with me?"[/quote]

Arcyatk smiled coolly, he wiped off his cheek and turned his back on his prisoner. The mage lifted his hand and lightly snapped his fingers, causing Sel to be slammed into the floor. He then started pacing. "Who I am is none of your concern. What you should be asking is whether or not you will live." Arcyatk turned his head to glare at Sel, and he continued. "You see, I have been away for a very long time. All I want to know are some current happenings. Like where this land is, who the Emporer is, and such to that extent." He stopped in the middle of the room and brought a hand close to Sel's face. "Umni-e so-trunosis kkinna me toae." Darkness began to fly from the candles in the place of light and he finished in a almost joyful tone. "Hurry, your time is running out."[/quote]

Sel thought for a second, forcing himself to focus through the pain. He decided to find out just how long this altmer had been gone.
"We are in the city of Cyrodiil," he began with truth, "And our Emperor's name is Tiber Septim - we are in the third era." Sel knew the man could not possobly be that old, but decided to see how crazy this powerful man was.

OOC: tiber is NOT the emperor. sel is being semi-dumb, trying to throw off the mage.

lonewolf, i dont think it really messes anything up, but Sel never told any of you guys his name, so i guess i will edit the post where Sel said "now isnt the time for introductions" or whatever he said.

Posted by: Aki May 23 2005, 12:50 AM

Fenris just shook his head. "Well...they call me Fenris..." he said, even though Serene was the only one still within earshot.

Posted by: Channler May 23 2005, 02:57 AM

The comapany's horses thudded up to the gates of the Cyrodilic City. In a rare turn of events, there were no guards at the gates, at least none standing.

The place was littered with stones off the massive ramparts, random fires that burnt whatever would catch on fire, and body's, body's everywhere. Falx heard one soldier throw up in the distance.

"By the name of Akatosh... What madness has happened here?!" One shocked soldier questioned looking at the burnt body of a Imperial Royal Guard, "These are the best soldiers of the land!"

In a instant, with that soldiers words, moral seemed to fall admists them.

"Dissssmount Soldiers" Darius called hopping off his horse, it suprised Falx to see his short stature after riding for so long. Slowly, in ranks of 10 wide, by 5 deep, they advance into the city. Occasionaly a cry or a shreek could be heard in the distance.

Falx held the right flank and commanded the soldiers with them to equip tower sheidls and spears. Darius did the same on the left. Cautiously they marched onward, for how long wasn't apparent, for they were to busy looking for horrors that weren't there.

In the distance a burning inn could be seen, and more body's and fires. Then Falx spotted something moving in front of the soldiers. He whispered a hault command throughout the ranks. Everyone knelt down, afraid for what it was.

It seems that a large mass, of some odd creatures, were present not but 50 meters away from the inn. And there was more! There were people standing in the square too! Falx turned a sharp eye towards Darius who noticed the same thing. Instantly the simultaniously yelled,


52 Knights charged towards the enemy who were starting to make a move on the people. A few of the beast turned around and started a counter charge. The Knights caught up with the demons.

The battle for Cyrodill had begun, little did they know how much blood would be spilt.

(OOC - The soldiers that my guy was leading had just attacked a group of the monster from oblivion that were just about to ambush everyone still in the square (Outside the Inn or whatever). Everyoen can see the fight, be sure to take control of it a little bit.)

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 23 2005, 11:15 AM

Arco leaned against the wall as he looked up into the sky as the rain fell down on him. He touched on his chest looking down seeing the huge wound and the armor almost disintagreted after the hits by the demons. The burning claws had made the bleeding stop but it didn't help the pain and the hit on his left side had given him a huge wound, and his left eye was still blurry...

Posted by: MerGirl May 23 2005, 10:14 PM

Seeing the Redguard sprinting after her with an angry expression on his face, she jumped to the conclusion that he was going to hit her, and picked up speed. Instead of running straight, she took a sharp turn around the corner of the blackened ruins of what used to be a house, and nearly tripped over the legs of a dark body sitting against the side of the house.

"Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!" Thinking the body was a burnt corpse of some sort, Celia wanted to run away.

Far away.

Until she heard the person's raspy breathing. She crouched down in front of the person (a man?), and asked softly, "Are you all right?" She tensed herself to run incase he really was dead--- and to avoid getting punished by the Redguard.

Posted by: Wolfie May 23 2005, 10:18 PM

Jonacin cursed as he saw Celia speed up. Then he saw her stumble over a body in the street. Looking closer at the body, he realised it was Arco!
Yelling for Serene and hoping she could hear him, he sheathed his sword and ran over to where Arco lay. He was badly injured and it looked like he had lost a lot of blood, but he was still breathin. "Arco! Arco it's me, Jonacin" he said, "you have to stay awake. Help is on it's way, just hold on"

Posted by: MerGirl May 23 2005, 10:28 PM

"Oh, what should we do, what should we do?" Nervous, she clasped her hands together. "Oh, I really don't know if my healing powers can save him..." Tentatively, her hand reached out towards the man, but then withdrew it in fear. "Should I?"

Posted by: Wolfie May 23 2005, 10:31 PM

"I'm sure you can't make him any worse than he already is. Any help you can do him is a good thing. Just give it your best shot" said Jonacin to teh nervous young Altmer

Posted by: minque May 23 2005, 11:18 PM

Serene heard Jonacin call for her and Celiaīs frightened voice also made her run outside as fast as she could

"where are you?" she asked , then she saw Jonacin and Celia bend over a dark figure leaning against the was Arco!

"Why we must act immediately "she said....cīmon Celia we must join forces here.."

Serene grabbed the young girls hands and together they concentrated, concentrated to summon their healingpowers.....

Posted by: Wolfie May 23 2005, 11:21 PM

Jonacin watched Arco's wounds slowly close up as Serene and Celia focused their combined will upon him. His breathing, which had been ragged and shallow, became deeper and far more regular.

Posted by: minque May 23 2005, 11:24 PM

"Jonacin!" Sereneīs voice was hoarse, give me something to drink......she panted, healing always wore her out....she was not that young anymore so the strain upon her was greater that on a younger one

Posted by: Wolfie May 23 2005, 11:26 PM

Jonacin, hearing Serene's hoarse cry, immediately turned to her. She was worn out from the effort of healing Arco, and could barely stand. He lifted her up in his arms, and began to walk back to the house they had sheltered in, hoping the bed was still there so she could get some rest. "Help Arco to his feet and follow me" he said to Celia.

Posted by: minque May 23 2005, 11:32 PM

Serene rested in Jonacinīs arms as they headed towards the house, satisfied with the healing, Arco would be able to at least walk for himself by now, and she was very impressed bt Celiaīs performance out there.

"Celia is a very good healer" she said, " It wouldnīt have succeded without her, put me down Jonacin and go help her, we have to take good care of her she is very valuable"

Posted by: Wolfie May 23 2005, 11:35 PM

Seeing as Serene had just told him to put her down, Jonacin lowered her to her feet and then turned to Celia, who was struggling to support Arco. He strode over, and placing Arco's arm over his shoulder, proceeded to help him get to somewhere he could lie down and rest for a while. "Well done Celia, i'll take him from here" He said to the young girl, who was looking almost as worn out as Serene had "Go and get some rest, you like like you're half dead"

Posted by: Hukai The Wandering May 24 2005, 01:23 AM

(Ooc: Sorry, I'm late!)

[quote]Sel thought for a second, forcing himself to focus through the pain. He decided to find out just how long this altmer had been gone.
"We are in the city of Cyrodiil," he began with truth, "And our Emperor's name is Tiber Septim - we are in the third era." Sel knew the man could not possobly be that old, but decided to see how crazy this powerful man was.

OOC: tiber is NOT the emperor. sel is being semi-dumb, trying to throw off the mage.

lonewolf, i dont think it really messes anything up, but Sel never told any of you guys his name, so i guess i will edit the post where Sel said "now isnt the time for introductions" or whatever he said.

Arcyatk stood for a moment, considering the man that layed before him. "I think you're lying." With that, hs took his left index finger and stabbed Sel in the forehead with it. His growing powers searing a small, irrepable hole. "I warned you. Unless you want to start losing limbs and...other parts, I suggest you had be more cooperative." The high elf stood up and made his way over to the glassy black throne. He sat. "Now, for you sake," Arcyatk snapped his figners thus producing two rats on either side of Sel. "The rest of your information had better be the truth."

Posted by: MerGirl May 24 2005, 01:25 AM

Nodding wearly, but still a bit wary of the Redguard, Celia whispered, "Are you going to hit me?" She was used to getting slapped or punished by her elders whenever she wandered off without notice.

Posted by: Dantrag May 24 2005, 01:54 AM

[quote=Hukai The Wandering](Ooc: Sorry, I'm late!)

[quote]Sel thought for a second, forcing himself to focus through the pain. He decided to find out just how long this altmer had been gone.
"We are in the city of Cyrodiil," he began with truth, "And our Emperor's name is Tiber Septim - we are in the third era." Sel knew the man could not possobly be that old, but decided to see how crazy this powerful man was.

OOC: tiber is NOT the emperor. sel is being semi-dumb, trying to throw off the mage.

lonewolf, i dont think it really messes anything up, but Sel never told any of you guys his name, so i guess i will edit the post where Sel said \"now isnt the time for introductions\" or whatever he said.

Arcyatk stood for a moment, considering the man that layed before him. "I think you're lying." With that, hs took his left index finger and stabbed Sel in the forehead with it. His growing powers searing a small, irrepable hole. "I warned you. Unless you want to start losing limbs and...other parts, I suggest you had be more cooperative." The high elf stood up and made his way over to the glassy black throne. He sat. "Now, for you sake," Arcyatk snapped his figners thus producing two rats on either side of Sel. "The rest of your information had better be the truth."[/quote]

"Why do you imprison me in some weird magical sphere just to ask general questions?" Sel began, "You could have just walked up to me and asked!"

OOC: what is the current emperor" lol. its uriel right?

Posted by: Aki May 24 2005, 03:25 AM

[quote=MerGirl]Nodding wearly, but still a bit wary of the Redguard, Celia whispered, "Are you going to hit me?" She was used to getting slapped or punished by her elders whenever she wandered off without notice.[/quote]

"I'll hit him if he hits ya," Fenris intoned, "Aint 'sposed to hit ladies, 'least thats how i've been taught," he nodded to himself. "Even rogues like me got some honor."

Posted by: Wolfie May 24 2005, 09:49 AM

[quote=MerGirl]Nodding wearly, but still a bit wary of the Redguard, Celia whispered, "Are you going to hit me?" She was used to getting slapped or punished by her elders whenever she wandered off without notice.[/quote]
"Don't be foolish Celia, why would i want to hit you? You've done nothing wrong@ Jonacin said to the frightened looking Altmer

Posted by: minque May 24 2005, 10:05 AM

"Ahh donīt get upset boys," Serene laughed as she stretched out on the bed, "Cīmon Celia get a bit of rest now youīll need it."

"Are we safe now do you think Jonacin and Fenris?"

Posted by: Wolfie May 24 2005, 10:07 AM

"It's hard to say. I looks like there's nothing around, but we can't really be sure" said Jonacin. "We should be on the lookout for anything hostile"

Posted by: Aki May 24 2005, 11:42 AM

"Well, the city all gone to pieces, i don't think anywhere near or in this place is safe, the only virtue of the city is the Enemies have to come from specific directions, out in the forest it could come from anywhere," Fenris said. He shrugged.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 24 2005, 12:18 PM

Arco slowly recovered after the fight against the two beasts... He saw many new people he hadn't seen at least what he knew, his left I was still a little blurry but the healing hand helped him much... He leaned the two scimitars against the wall before slowly taking of the almost totally disintegrated armor...

"I... I guess we haven't met?" Arco as he reach out for air and looked up at Fenris and Celia... He gave off a little smile.. "Didn't think I was going to die after killing two fearsom creatures from Oblivion..." he said out calmly knowing it was really good defeating the demons from Oblivion, but he kept looking on his armor. It would need a really good craftman to fix, just as the scimitars..

Posted by: MerGirl May 24 2005, 02:23 PM

"Well, you're not dead, now," she pointed out softly. Noticing the red eyes of the man, she was relieved that he was a Dunmer, not a charred Imperial of some sort. "Oh, I'm Celia..." She glanced at his broken armor. "Who are you?" She asked, curious, glancing at his tattoo and the general look of his face, for she has not seen a lot of Dunmer in her lifetime.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 24 2005, 02:30 PM

"You can just call me Arco..." Arco said softly nodding before looking through his armor, taking out some equipment..

"I need a good craftsman... to fix this armor and my scimitars, damn!" he said getting a little angry 'cause his scimitars where almost broken in half.. "Guess I need to use the rest of my money on... enchanting that even better" Arco said before he slowly rised taking his scimitars and the armor, taking it in his sack that was on the floor...

"Need to enchant them with cold damage I see..." he said, before looking down at his broken arm.. "Guess that can be fixed later.." and gave of a little laughter "Well thanks anyway for what you have done... Not everyone can heal such wounds as I had"

Posted by: MerGirl May 24 2005, 02:44 PM

She patted his good arm. "There, there. I'm sure we can get it fixed..." She paused, hearing a noise outside, "... if we get out of here alive, that is..."

She heard something scratching against the door. Or at least, she thought she heard it. "Do you hear something?"

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 24 2005, 02:50 PM

"I'll go and check it..." Arco said, taking up one of his scimitars - Shadowfall. He took on the armor that was not disitegrated and started walking done, looking at his left arm. He was glad it wasn't his right...

Posted by: MerGirl May 24 2005, 02:59 PM

She became a bit more awake when the Dunmer started moving towards the door. Grabbing the Dunmer's good arm, she protested, "But you're injured!"

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 24 2005, 03:03 PM

"I've been through many fights injured... and alone" Arco admitted "...and now I'm even not alone" he said before going up to the door..

(OOC: Off for the gym now, Be back around... 19 GMT)

Posted by: Wolfie May 24 2005, 04:24 PM

Joncain could see that despite his terrible injuries, Arco was going outside again. "Don't be a fool Arco, you're in no condition to be doing anything. Now sit down and get some rest. Me and Fenris can handle this"

Posted by: MerGirl May 24 2005, 06:43 PM

"See, Acro, you don't have to fight now." Celia nudged the Dunmer, hoping he will sit back down again. "Mister Nord will protect us, I am quite sure of that... So will you please settle down?" She sighed in relief. The scratching sounds had subsided. However, she could hear shouts and screams, as well as screeches and loud rumblings coming from outside... But she was far too tired to notice...

Posted by: Channler May 24 2005, 07:48 PM

"Damn't!" angered by the swelling of Deadra Darius called out something, "Corrudus, Falco, Jonus! TO me! Let's fight our way out of this!" They three were the largest and the strongest out of the Dragon Riders, incredibly strong, yet still devoted till death.

"Falx take about half the men and take cover, I'll take the other half and we'll meet up later!" His voice could barely be heard over the screams and wails of the death around them.

"If we don't hurry, I won't have any men take cover with!" Calmly shouted Falx
"Well stop ye jibbering then and get moving!" Darius yelled red faced

Out of the 50 knights that entered the city only about 37 remained thus far.

"Charge! Charge untill you make it to that cathedral over there!" Falx pointed in the distance to a temple of the Nine Divines. In his head he thought that surely the gods would help him, but they were silent.

The Knights charge over the Deadric Servants, their metal plates giving them greater protection yet causing little loss to movement. A beast clawed at Falx but he parried it, sliced off it's arm, and then stabbed it in the neck. He spit on the body, now fading back into Oblivion.

His soldiers were making progress, not but several meters seperated them from the church. Occasionaly a few fell to the weak attacks from the beasts that seemed to be named Clanfears. But the biggest shock came with the trembling of the ground.

Out of the ground shot a beast the resembled a overlarge guar that look as though it hadn't been fed in weeks. What rode atop it was far worse though, a Dremora Lord.

Most of the Knights made it into the cathedral, but about 4 including Falx were cut off outside.

The Dreadric beasts circled in around them and Falx on heard one of the soldiers pipe up, "Well, it's been a helluva life, what better way to die than in the midst of battle?"

Falx grinned and the deadric servants charged. Now it was truly a battle royal, hacking and slashing everywhere. For every one beast the Knights would kill 10 would fill its spot. One by one the Knights were cut down, mostly the inexperienced first, them finally even the ones that had been on more campaigns than he had fingers.

"It's over.." Channler thought, "This is where I will die"

He was the only one left. The deadric servants made another circle around the lone Falx this time. He braced himself for the inecitable attack, but it didn't come. Instead the Dremora Lord stepped into the circle. In it's hand he held a Deadric Claymore, and only wore the armor of feiry evil.

"You will die.." The only words it said, then it charged.

A strike was made to Falx's chest, but he blocked it with his sword. The immense weight of the sword could be felt as it whittled done on the imperial broadsword. The Dremora raised it's sword up into the air, about ready to make another attack, but Falx quickly saw it's mistake and move in stabbing it in the stomach.

The creature looked at him and laughed. It was eery only because he had no mouth which to laugh from, instead it seems that it was created in Falx's head. He pulled out his sword from the beast and watched it as it burned.

Falx readied for another attack, he needed help..

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 24 2005, 07:55 PM

Arco looked at Joncain, Fenris and Celia... He didn't want to walk away, because he was wounded...

"I dont have nothing to lose if I die, and these boys need someone to cover their back... I'll stay back covering them" Arco demanded reading his sword before touching Celia on the shoulder "I've been in fights before in these conditions, I know how to act" he said before he looked over to Joncain and Fenris...

"Well what are we waiting for...?" Arco said before strapping some rope from his sack around his left arm so the bones would stay in place, he needed his arm to at least be free to gain balanced in fights...

Posted by: minque May 24 2005, 08:25 PM

Serene woke up hearing the others talk about leaving, she noticed Arco was in pain from his broken arm .She also suspected he was going to stay behind as the others went away.No way sheīd allow this case it was important to stay together, so she took off her belt and also took out a blue vial from her backpack.

"Arco", she said, "first drink this then let me see your arm again"

The Dunmer downed the potion and almost immediately felt the pain diminish.

Serene wrapped her broad leather-belt around Arcoīs arm stabilising the wound.
"now then, you follow if we leave, you can lean on me and if the pain is too unbearable iīll give you another of those potions...hmm actually made them myself, pretty efficient wouldnīt you say?"

"So, comrades what now?" Serene looked at her friends for an answer when that scratching sound was heard again....

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 24 2005, 08:51 PM

"Thanks Serene, so... This takes to long time lets move on" Arco said after he nodded to Serene...

Posted by: Wolfie May 24 2005, 09:34 PM

"I'll go out and scout around, see what's going on outside. I'll eb back soon with any news" said Jonacin.

Posted by: Hukai The Wandering May 24 2005, 10:13 PM

[quote=Dantrag]"Why do you imprison me in some weird magical sphere just to ask general questions?" Sel began, "You could have just walked up to me and asked!" [/quote]

Arcyatk looked at his rebeious prinsoner. "I think that you are forrgeting you place." His mouth twisted into an evil grin. "Mabye it's time that you learned some manners."

With that, Arcyatk turned and walked through a door in/on/at(?) the side of the hall. Darkness flooded the area as the doors shut behind him and now, more rats, shalks, and other small animal now started to pour into the room, all heading for Sel.

Posted by: Aki May 24 2005, 10:38 PM

Fenris almost smirked. "Must of been one hell of a fire you got caught in Dark Elf," he said. "Normally your type is highly resistant to any fire attack."

Posted by: MerGirl May 24 2005, 10:56 PM

Still tired, Celia nearly nodded off, but she listened intently to the group's general plans. "All right, I'll help Acro..." She dug into her sack and took out her one-handed hammer, and then stood beside Acro, prepared to defend him in case of trouble. "And I still have a bit of healing magic and a small supply ingredients left, just incase you guys get hurt," she glanced down at Acro, "or more hurt..." She smiled shyly.

Posted by: minque May 24 2005, 10:59 PM

"Fenris, Jonacin...Shall we go"? Serene was prepared now, she had regained her strength and magicka and was ready to fight anything and anyone...

Posted by: Wolfie May 24 2005, 11:03 PM

Jonacin could hear the sounds of fighting coming from a nearby cathedral. running to it in case he could be of aid, he saw a lone knight surrounded by daedra and fighting what appeared to bea losing battle against a dremora. He drew his katana, set his shield and, screaming a battlecry, charged teh deadrci ranks from behind. His urprise assault caught them off guard, and he cut his way through to the knight before any of them could react to his arrival.
"Looks like you could use some help" he said merrily to the knight, "and i can't be letting you have all the fun". Upon saying this, he suddenly turned and slashed his katana through the dremora's torso, and it erupted into flame after the lethal blow struck.

Posted by: MerGirl May 24 2005, 11:08 PM

"I think he left already," Celia said timidly. "Er, Serene, do you have experience in offensive spells?" She blushed. "All I have is my weapon and healing skills..."

Posted by: Dantrag May 24 2005, 11:32 PM

[quote=Hukai The Wandering][quote=Dantrag]"Why do you imprison me in some weird magical sphere just to ask general questions?" Sel began, "You could have just walked up to me and asked!" [/quote]

Arcyatk looked at his rebeious prinsoner. "I think that you are forrgeting you place." His mouth twisted into an evil grin. "Mabye it's time that you learned some manners."

With that, Arcyatk turned and walked through a door in/on/at(?) the side of the hall. Darkness flooded the area as the doors shut behind him and now, more rats, shalks, and other small animal now started to pour into the room, all heading for Sel.[/quote]

"Damn you!" he yelled, even though the mage was long gone. Sel felt the mad mage's paralyzation spell wearing off, but there was still the issue of the shackles.

He had enough length in the chain to reach up and feel the twin amulets hanging from his neck. One was warm, the other ice cold. He remembered when he had them made by a Telvanni mage. It had cost him thousands of gold coins, but had saved him and his sister, Vysi, many times. The warmth represented his life. The cold represented his dead sister's. the amulets were connected to each other, allowing one person to teleport to the other wearing the amulet when needed.

Too bad you won't help me out of this one, Sis. He thought to his sister as the rodents came closer. You'll kick me right out of Oblivion when you find out I was killed by rats. he mused.

He wondered what would happen....

Smiling to himself for his cleverness, he ripped the chain holding his sister's amulet, and threw it. (As far as he could with a foot long chain attached to his wrist) when it landed, he closed his eyes and quickly activated his, hoping the fact that his sister was dead wouldn't alter anything. He opened his eyes, and sighed with relief. He reached for his sword at his hip, but realized it wasn't there. He cursed his luck and snatched up the amulet on the floor. When the animals got closer, he ran. He ran through the twisted, dark corridors, looking for an escape from the strange place.

He came to a room full of mirrors, but none showed reflections of the room he was in. Sel looked into the one nearest to him, and saw a battle between fierce daedra and imperial knights. Not particularly liking either side, he began looking into different ones.

OOC: long I know. sorry.

Posted by: minque May 24 2005, 11:49 PM

[quote=MerGirl]"I think he left already," Celia said timidly. "Er, Serene, do you have experience in offensive spells?" She blushed. "All I have is my weapon and healing skills..."[/quote]

Ah Celia dear! i know of quite a few offensive spells if i may say did notice my blast of frost earlier? and i know a few more.....

maybe we should do something?

Then she notice Jonacin run out shouting something about she sets off after him taking out one of those blue vials she always carries with her.

"Jonacin! do you need help, where are you? Serene was a bit disoriented and hesitated for a moment

Posted by: Wolfie May 25 2005, 12:14 AM

Jonacin dimly heard Serene calling him over the din of the fierce battle. "Over here Serene! Follow the sounds of the battel, you can't miss it!" he cried as he fended off attacks, returning them with visous ripostes. Many daedra fell beneath his blade, but there was always more to take their place

Posted by: Channler May 25 2005, 12:18 AM

[quote=LoneWolf]Jonacin could hear the sounds of fighting coming from a nearby cathedral. running to it in case he could be of aid, he saw a lone knight surrounded by daedra and fighting what appeared to bea losing battle against a dremora. He drew his katana, set his shield and, screaming a battlecry, charged teh deadrci ranks from behind. His urprise assault caught them off guard, and he cut his way through to the knight before any of them could react to his arrival.
"Looks like you could use some help" he said merrily to the knight, "and i can't be letting you have all the fun". Upon saying this, he suddenly turned and slashed his katana through the dremora's torso, and it erupted into flame after the lethal blow struck.[/quote]

Falx grunted at the arrivals comment, he had already slain one dremora lord, why not another. But the will to survive surpassed all. Falx tore off his helm. It was unbearably hot in the steel armor.

Back to back the two fought, but even their combined powers couldn't possibly slay several hundred monsters. Still they fought on, cutting and slicing anything that moved in half. And then Falx remebered all the Knights in the cathedral.

"Hurry stranger! We must slay those beasts at the doors of the temple! Once they are clear my Knights will emerge to help us!" Falx hated having to request this strangers help even more so than he hated having to depend on the Knights for support. With a nod the stanger followed Falx through the battle, to the doors of the cathedral.

Posted by: Wolfie May 25 2005, 12:21 AM

"What are you waiting for then, lets go!" shouted Jonacin, slashing his sword at the enemies in front of him, causing them to leap backwards. They had become wary of his blade, no longer throwing themselves suicidally at him. He leapt into the opening left behind, and then cut down several more, clearing a path towards the cathedral doors. "Come on then stranger, if you want to clear the cathedral doors, you might want to start moving towards them!" he shouted merrily.

Posted by: Channler May 25 2005, 12:33 AM

[quote=LoneWolf]"What are you waiting for then, lets go!" shouted Jonacin, slashing his sword at the enemies in front of him, causing them to leap backwards. They had become wary of his blade, no longer throwing themselves suicidally at him. He leapt into the opening left behind, and then cut down several more, clearing a path towards the cathedral doors. "Come on then stranger, if you want to clear the cathedral doors, you might want to start moving towards them!" he shouted merrily.[/quote]

"honoured user" Falx muttered under his breath. He cut the throat of one of the beast and ran over several more getting to the doors. He glanced over at the mystery women that just appeared and lost his guard. One creature jumped on his back and another grapped his sword.

"Grr.." Falx threw the one off his back, and then preceded to enclave the face of the one on his arm with his fist. He turned around and looked at the other and threw his helmet at its face.
"Wonderful, you got blood all over my helmet..." he said to the creature.

The beasts were atttacking with a greater vigour now, hundreds swarmed and were throwing themselves at the two now.

(OOC: Just so you know there isn't like 20-30 or them, more like 200-300 of them, not alot of room to work with, and their about the size of clanfearers...)

Posted by: MerGirl May 25 2005, 12:35 AM

"All right, Acro. Here we go!" Celia ran next to Acro, hoping she doesn't collapse from exhaustion.

She slammed the nearest demon with her hammer, wincing at the cracking sound of hammer making contact and cringing at the blood splurting out. However, two more demons noticed and started rushing towards Celia and Acro. "Oh, no!" she squeaked.

Posted by: Wolfie May 25 2005, 12:35 AM

As they got closer to the cathedral doors, the enemies got fiercer and thicker. Jonacin's initial charge had been slowed to a crawl, with enemies coming in from all sides. He blocked most of the attacks, but several still got through, and his armour was rent open in some places, blood pouring freely from the wounds. He attacked teh enemy with renewed fury, determined to get to the cathedral doors or to die trying, and if he was going to die, he was going to damn well make sure he took a lot of the enemy with him

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 25 2005, 02:38 PM

Arco leaped in front of Celia as the two demons came charging in... He raised his blade as the two demons came slashing in full rage. As they came in Arco tumble under the first hit and slashing around severing its hard spine. He leaped up and came down taking it with his scimitar craying out slashing straight down between the burning eyes of the demon. It cried out in pain as a inferno stood out of its wound, Arco swung around parring the blow from the other demon. He went down low dodging another blow before slashing loose at its stomach and tumbled around again...

The pain in the left arm came back, but he only gave of a little grin before slashing down at the neck of the creature. Shadowfall (his scimitar) slashed down at the creatures neck, and it followed with a thrust against its head... The creature fell down as Arco looked up at Celia for a moment after killing the two creatures, before clapping her on the shoulder and started running off against the cathedral...

"Lets see if need help" Arco he said as rushed against Jonacin and the Knight near the cathedral...

Posted by: MerGirl May 25 2005, 05:55 PM

She nodded. "Right!" She ran alongside Acro, hoping to catch up with the others at cathedral. She glanced at Acro's arm. "Do you need help with that or do you think your arm can survive another few demons?" She glanced around. "I think the demons are dwindling..." She slammed her hammer against another wayward demon, who had been limping towards them.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 25 2005, 05:58 PM

"I think it can survive, if I managed to dodge those blows coming for it" Arco said as he ran up against the cathedral, the streets was almost empty now and most of the demons were just outside or inside the cathedral...

Posted by: Channler May 25 2005, 05:59 PM

"It seems that you've got some friends too" Falx shouted over the sound of battle. He bashed a deadra's skull with the hilt of his sword.

Distancing himself the strangers Falx decided it was time to unleash some hell. After slicing off another arm he came to a stop and let the deadra attack him.

Falx grunted and nearly cried over the pain but he knew it was needed, just a bit longer, he felt something peirce his leg, "Gahh!" let out a little cry of pain.

It was time.

Aided by some magic he possesed, Falx went into a bloodlust and went about slaughtering everything that moved around him. One swing of his sword downed at least three 3 deadra, but several more jumped on his sword arm and ripped it from his grip.

Falx, finding his sheild now useless flung it into the crowd and crush several of the creatures. He continued to wrestle them and beat them untill they bled dry. He felt no pain, but saw a vision, one of a fair lady standing upon a cliff and the twilight hours. Then he saw a sorcerer, evil, twisted, tormented, all those came to mind when he looked over him. In an instant his vision was transfered to Cyrodil, at the capitol. It was then he looked at the temple of the Nine Divines and noticed himself! He saw himself fighting! It scared him for he knew not what was going on, he was coming out of his blood lust!

Then a calm soothing voice cried, "No my warrior, hold strong, be valiant! You must fight back the servants of oblivion and survive to fufill the task I have for you! Your beloved city will fall, many will die, and your gods will be silent, but be strong, for I have faith in your power."

Falx came out of dream but was laying on the ground defending himself from the deadra attacks, one arm was being pulled by a stranger towards the cathedral. They had gotten the doors open! More deadra rushed towards the opened doors, they needed to hurry! Falx thought, "If we don't get in the cathedral then we will all perish!"

(OOC: The doors are open, and someone is pulling me towards them.. PS: that dream was from Azura) PSPS: I try'd to make it more clear

Posted by: MerGirl May 25 2005, 06:04 PM

Celia stopped and watched as the demons scrambled through the open doors. "Oh, no! What's going on?" She saw a knight being pulled towards the open door, and she ran towards the cathedral, hoping she could pull him back in time...

Posted by: Wolfie May 25 2005, 06:13 PM

Joncain saw the knight go into a crazed bloodlust, losing his sword and shield and attacking the demons with his bare hands. He was being swarmed under. Jonacin grabbed him by the arm, and began draggin him towards the doors of the cathedral, which had been opened by someone

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 25 2005, 06:22 PM

Arco rushed in running as fast as he could, he ran past some of the demons. His swift and gentle movment was unnoticed until he leaped out of the crowd of demons landing and tumbling smoothly up by Joncain's side as two demons came in hard against Falx, Arco jumped on them knocking both of them right to the ground with his left shoulder. The pain was like several stings by daggers into his flesh, but he didn't stop neither did he open his mouth as he he unleashed two strikes to the creatures throats and moving back covering Jonacin and Falx...

Arco closed his eyes hard in the pain of his left arm, but he wouldn't let the brave knight fall...

"Carry him or what ever, get him in I will cover you!" Arco demanded as he cried out to Joncain... while dodging and counter attacking the flaming creatures...

Posted by: Wolfie May 25 2005, 06:30 PM

Because Arco was covering his back, Jonacin could now devote all his attention to getting the knight to teh cathedral, instead of spending more time fighting off demons. He heaved the knight over his shoulder and broke into a jog. When he reached teh doors of teh cathedrl, he was met with a scene of such horror that even he, battle hardened and used to seeing mangled bodies, retched. The knights who had been in there were torn to shreds, those that weren't shmabling zombies, at any rate

Posted by: MerGirl May 25 2005, 07:21 PM

Celia caught up with Acro, and was relieved that it was Jonacin who was dragging the knight away from the battle. However, she noticed Jonacin had stopped at the doors of the cathedral, looking a bit sick.

Worried, Celia eventually got to him, and asked, "Jonacin, what's wrong---" The words couldn't come out, and Celia felt her breath taken away as she surveyed the inside of the cathedral: Bodies, blood, shredded pieces of skin, and nasty-looking zombie knights ambling around and moaning... "Oh, my gosh..."

However, she tried to stay calm, for Jonacin's benefit as well as her own.
She glanced down at Jonacin. "Are you all right?"

Posted by: Wolfie May 25 2005, 07:27 PM

"I'll be fine", said Jonacin. "Can you look this guy over? He was going hand to hand with the demons for a while"
He then frew his sword and walked warily into the cathedral, his eyes scanning the shadows for anything hostile. As he crossed the threshold, the zombies turned and began shambling towards him, weapons at the ready. Jonacin set his shield and charged them, his sword slicing through ruined armour and into the undead flesh beneath. Several zombies fell beneath his intial onslaught, but sheer weight of numbers was driving him back. :Help me out here!" he yelled back to the others

Posted by: Dantrag May 25 2005, 07:30 PM

Sel looked in each mirror as he passed them, seeing many things. There would be a beautiful meadow in one mirror, and a burning village in the next, then there might be another battle of some sort. Sel continued on and saw the prison he was kept in in one of the mirrors - his green-glowing sword lying on the ground. Curious, he poked the mirror with his index finger.

There was nothing there. It was as if he had stuck his finger through a doorway. Not remembering any doorway in his prison, he figured it only went one way. Using his newly found teleportation the dropped his sisters amulet at his feet and walked through the mirror.

He felt dizzy after walking through the magical mirror, but shook it off. He snatched his sword off the ground and put it away in its scabbard. Sel activated his amulet's magic and appeared back in the mirror room. He picked up his amulet's twin and looked for the best mirror to make his escape through.

The young dark elf worked his way back through the mirrored room, looking carefully at each one to see if he knew any of the places shown. Sel stopped when he saw the same battle he had seen at first. Only this time, the same people that were in that small house were there. the imperial mage, the altmer healer, they were all there. He inhaled and threw his sword into a demon that crossed before jumping into the magic mirror.

OOC: yes magic mirrors are lame, had to get out somehow...

Posted by: MerGirl May 25 2005, 07:48 PM

"In a moment, Jona!" Celia set down her sack next to the knight, and quickly mixed together a homemade potion, while occasionally whacking a few demons who dared to interrupt her work. Finally, she stirred the mixture and put it against the knight's lips. "Drink it--" She grew nervous. Hopefully he was still alive enough to hear and obey. "Please, drink it right now!" she begged him, her voice cracking.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight May 25 2005, 08:00 PM

Arco ran into the fight, he started slashing loose with Shadowfall - Its fine enchanted edge took down many of the dead knights, but Arco needed to dodge much of the blows. He was used to parry with his left hand, but it couldn't be done now...

Two knights came in hard with their spears, Arco dodged the first but the second came right in and hit him in the broken arm. He leaned left as he shouted out before cutting of the spear, making the edge standing in the arm before leaping out and slashing up its throat and tripping it before setting he sword right into the wind pipe...

"We need Serene, we need a fire ball!" Arco cried out to Celia demanding her to find Serene as he grabbed the broken spear edge sitting in his wound before throwing it right at a zombie, setting in a attack slashing of both of its arms before moving across cutting its neck...

The zombies started pushing Jonacin and Arco against the corner near the north end of the tower (Doors is at the south end). Arco knew it could be the end, he kept slashing loose but he knew that they could get out of the corner now alive... Arco spinned his scimitar around controlled, keeping the zombies at a distance as he thought out a way of getting out of there...

Posted by: Dantrag May 25 2005, 08:03 PM

Sel noticed the altmer healer trying to get a potion down a redguard's throat. He dislodged his sword from the demon's chest and ran to her.

"Need any help?" he asked the young altmer as he lopped the head off of another demon that had gotten too close for his comfort.

Posted by: MerGirl May 25 2005, 08:21 PM

(OOC: um, Dantrag, I'm pretty sure Celia's trying to pour a potion down an
Imperial's throat...)

"Ugh! I said, in a moment, Jona!" Her temper was starting to flare a bit. She yelled loudly, "Serene, where are you?!" Celia tried to put the knight's head up, so she could try to pour the contents into his mouth. She glanced at the Dunmer next to her. "Yes, please. Either help me pour this potion down his throat, help Jonacin or Acro, or get Selene, I mean, Serene, over here. Just--Just make yourself useful!" She frowned and concentrated on opening the Imperial's mouth, and positioning the potion over it.

Posted by: minque May 25 2005, 08:23 PM

Serene peered out of the door in the hideout-house....she thought she heard someone yelling her name, and the word "fire-ball"

So she formed the words in her head...."Exuro meus Hostilis" as she sneaked out the door and into the shadows...

Posted by: Channler May 25 2005, 08:29 PM

Falx felt something at his mouth and immideatly regained concienseness. Brushing away the girl that was trying to feed him the potion, he got up and looked upon the slaughter.

"The empire is finished..." he shook his head and went out into what was left of the battle, hundreds of those little beasts fell and finally there was a little rest, none were coming at the moment. He went in search for his sword, then he remembered the dream, the woman and the man, twilight, survival, the doors! Falx turned back to the cathedral doors only to hear moans and screams erupting from it.

Falx stripped off his chest plate of his armor, "more mobility" he thought. His sword lay but 20 feet away from him, his sheild a bit further yet it was cracked and mangled beyond usage.

He picked up his sword and ran for the temple, "Where is Akatosh now to help us now?" he said in a almost sarcastic voice.

He stepped in the temple only to become a changed man. Falx was never anyones friend, but considered all in the legions to be his brothers. People he'd fight and die for. Now those very same people were either prostrated along the floors with their insides let loose or attacking the stranger that had helped him earlier.

It hurt him, but he knew what must be done. There was simply a loud thud and the "zombie" nearest to him was down, the blood dripped slowly off Falx's blade. One, two, three more fell, in single slashes. He stepped up behind the contingent of bodies around the man stuck in the corner and started to slowly hack away at the already decaying flesh...

(OOC: HEY!? I'm an imperial!!)

Posted by: Rane May 25 2005, 08:30 PM



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