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Posted by: Rane Aug 19 2005, 08:40 AM

A Mystery Unleashed - Plan and discussion 18

Previous thread:

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 19 2005, 03:18 PM

Quick question, why are we letting them raise the gate? We could destroy the mechanism, thereby making the gate shut again.

Posted by: Aki Aug 19 2005, 03:34 PM

QUOTE(LoneWolf @ Aug 19 2005, 10:18 AM)
Quick question, why are we letting them raise the gate? We could destroy the mechanism, thereby making the gate shut again.

Yeah. Do that.

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 19 2005, 03:35 PM

lol ok will do

Posted by: Red Aug 19 2005, 03:35 PM

I'll have Group B work on that right now. Hehe, and if they break through, they're flanked. Also, whatever happened to the land mines? The baddies just completely ignored them.

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 19 2005, 03:40 PM

Osano's guys haven't gotten close enough yet, but yeah Kiln blatantly ignored all the defences and stuff

Posted by: Red Aug 19 2005, 03:53 PM

Imagine how suprised the baddies are now since me, you and Aki got on Wolfie. Hehe, they're gonna lose no matter what they do. They're flanked, frozen and doomed.biggrin.gif

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 19 2005, 03:54 PM

lol yup. Kiln's force got utterly annihilated, frozen or pushed into the trench biggrin.gif

Posted by: Kiln Aug 19 2005, 04:02 PM

I though the explosives were just along the I ignored them considering I moved way off to the side...

Yes...too bad my force was destroyed so quickly...what defenses did I ignore other than that?

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 19 2005, 04:03 PM

Jonacin. That was a bad move lol

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 19 2005, 04:03 PM

alright whats up with vivec..... nothing is going on O.o

Posted by: Red Aug 19 2005, 04:04 PM

I think you may have missed the trnech (Until you got pushed in tongue.gif) when you came, but its all right.

Posted by: Kiln Aug 19 2005, 04:05 PM

There was a trench??? When did that happen?

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 19 2005, 04:07 PM

a long time ago kiln O.o, nice little trap of theirs.

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 19 2005, 04:07 PM

It was a trench all around the city filled with spikes and grenades. I puhsed your little strike force back until they fell into it lol tongue.gif

Posted by: Kiln Aug 19 2005, 04:08 PM

Sorry, I didn't realise the trench and weren't the mines just supposed to be around the main entrance? At least thats how I understood it...and Osano already hit some of them so he didn't ignore them.

Posted by: Red Aug 19 2005, 04:09 PM

Hehe, the trench that killed an army. I think when I done Killing Osano I'll make a statue of Shakur kicking robot boat out of the constructs. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Kiln Aug 19 2005, 04:11 PM

Yeah well...the heroes wouldn't win if it weren't for that script...stupid script.... tongue.gif

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 19 2005, 04:14 PM

I got dibs on killing the dragon!

Posted by: Red Aug 19 2005, 04:18 PM

Hehe, we never really said the heroes have to win. I think that if you plan and RP well enough you could win, but some people might not agree. Ooh Jona, Can I help if I get a chance?

Posted by: BobV Aug 19 2005, 04:20 PM

Never try to break the concentration of someone who's making you levitate high above a large army. happy.gif

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 19 2005, 04:22 PM

yeah that sounds like it's gonna hurt when he falls. Those constructs have pointy bits.

Posted by: Red Aug 19 2005, 04:26 PM

Hopefully they aren't wearing German hell helmets. Hehe, big ol' spikes.

Posted by: BobV Aug 19 2005, 04:35 PM

In fact, dropping him onto the enemy armies was the reason Anthanes levitated him into the first place. tongue.gif

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 19 2005, 08:17 PM

when is arcyakt showing up? *coughdantragcough*

oh, and the gate is no more.

lol i just noticed something: ITS FRIDAY!!!! freak yah! first weekend of high school.

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 19 2005, 10:35 PM

seeing as nothing is happening in vivec, silent retaliation has begun.

and arcy you will soon find some difficulty if you attack vivec.

Posted by: Channler Aug 20 2005, 12:55 AM

Hmm, yea this sucks... Never liked the idea of contructs, see when you go in a seige what can you do but throw as many as you can at the enemy? Cant quite justify making trebuchets our of nothing. dry.gif

I need super ninja monkeys...

Ahah! I found them!

ph34r.gif ph34r.gif ph34r.gif ph34r.gif

Go kill teh nmeyz!

Anyways.. Danrag get your boat up here and post something. Need some new flavour in meh life.

Posted by: Vadim Aug 20 2005, 01:06 AM

anyone have anything against my joining in so late ? if so ill wait till the sequel...

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 20 2005, 01:54 AM

i have nothing to say. this will probably be over by mon. or tue. by my estimates

Posted by: Vadim Aug 20 2005, 01:56 AM


Posted by: Channler Aug 20 2005, 02:09 AM

Hmm, plot twist!!!

I think this might end the story sooner..

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 20 2005, 02:23 AM

Hey kiln, Do you rely want your char to die? don't know about to long of a death I just don't see Otik (or me for that matter) doing that.

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 20 2005, 03:29 AM

nice post aki

Posted by: Aki Aug 20 2005, 03:37 AM

QUOTE(ShogunSniper @ Aug 19 2005, 10:29 PM)
nice post aki

Thanks. biggrin.gif

Had to make the demise of such a big critter pretty climatic.

I mean, a dragon doesn't crash into a building and not cause quite a lot of damage. laugh.gif

Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 03:37 AM

I agree, excelent post. Hehe, gonna have to try harder with the bridge Shogun. Sorry if that post was a bit powerplayed, but I've been planning that attack for hours, maybe even days now.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 20 2005, 03:56 AM

I'm really not trying to be a jerk with this whole Vivec thing, but we agreed on Ald'Ruhn being the final battle and that whole Vivec situation was making it hard to play it out.

Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 04:03 AM

I understand completely now. So, have you decided if Arcyackt is going to die? And as a follow up incase you say yes, Can I have the final blow? I have a great way lined up using the soldiers I gave Flin to.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 20 2005, 04:08 AM

QUOTE(Red @ Aug 19 2005, 11:03 PM)
I understand completely now. So, have you decided if Arcyackt is going to die? And as a follow up incase you say yes, Can I have the final blow? I have a great way lined up using the soldiers I gave Flin to.

I think Jonacin got dibs on killing Arcyakt...

Posted by: Aki Aug 20 2005, 04:14 AM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 19 2005, 11:08 PM)
I think Jonacin got dibs on killing Arcyakt...

Yep. Since he has the uber-kewl sword and all.

Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 04:14 AM

Dang. But I'm still going to make that attack, but you can just knock him back real hard.

Posted by: Channler Aug 20 2005, 04:19 AM

I know this seems odd but I'm gonna make Alton switch sides.. well not really. But hes reverting back to Falx more so. You never know what might happen when he comes face to face with the people that he once knew.

Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 04:26 AM

Oooh, cool. Now we've got a guy who knows about some of the enemies inner workings. Also, Kiln is still alive right? I have an Idea.

EDIT: I gotta go now. Remember, if anyone advances towards the city through the gate, there are hundreds of grenadiers, archers and soldiers ready to take double flanks, so it would be a terrible idea to go through there and might cause some conflict. Also, if it's absolutely neccisarry (this means you danny) please struggle getting through and please don't decimate my forces, I have worked hard on them and they are experienced and well armed so it wouldn't make much sense. Anyways, c'ya tomorrow.

Posted by: Channler Aug 20 2005, 04:40 AM

Well I don't want to go out on a to evil note, after all, he was good once.. But Alton has to die, not sure about Falx though

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 20 2005, 03:36 PM

arcyakt should bring back slogon. an undead dragon would be soooo kick a$$

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 20 2005, 03:45 PM

QUOTE(ShogunSniper @ Aug 20 2005, 03:36 PM)
arcyakt should bring back slogon.  an undead dragon would be soooo kick a$$

lol yes it probebly would. devilsmile.gif

Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 04:03 PM

QUOTE(ShogunSniper @ Aug 20 2005, 03:36 PM)
arcyakt should bring back slogon.  an undead dragon would be soooo kick a$$

Yeah, but Anara (I think it was Anara atleast) worked so hard to take it down, plus she cut up Slogon's innards a bit. We don't want the destruction of Skarr to be in total vain.

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 20 2005, 04:05 PM

i knows. i was just making the point that an undead dragon would be awesome

Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 04:26 PM

Sorry, did I make it seem like "you're stupid because that is gay and you're a moron"? What I meant it as was "I agree it would be cool, but...".

Posted by: minque Aug 20 2005, 04:47 PM

I am a bit worried about what you guys did to Under Skar......remember there were a lot of commoners there as well, and some important ladies that I mentioned in a post..I do hope they are not dead!!!! blink.gif

Posted by: BobV Aug 20 2005, 04:52 PM

I'll see about it.

Posted by: minque Aug 20 2005, 05:00 PM

Aww BobV that is very nice of you.....Iīll be posting in the rp later..just now Iīm occupied with family supper.....(6am here)

Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 05:03 PM

You have supper at 6am? But yeah most of the women and children are held in the Redoran building getting ready to starve to death.

Posted by: BobV Aug 20 2005, 05:03 PM

What can I say? The duty of the good-aligned battlemage is to make sure those nobody else gives a sh*t about don't get stabbed, especially if young and agreeable maidens are amongst their numbers. Also, edited post to reflect new info.

Posted by: Aki Aug 20 2005, 05:07 PM

QUOTE(minque @ Aug 20 2005, 11:47 AM)
I am a bit worried about what you guys did to Under Skar......remember there were a lot of commoners there as well, and some important ladies that I mentioned in a post..I do hope they are not dead!!!! blink.gif

I mentioned all he commoners were in Redoran Council Hall part of the Skarr. Only the entrace of which caved in. Anyone important can be stuck safely in there until someone dig them out. biggrin.gif

Posted by: BobV Aug 20 2005, 05:08 PM

Hrm... I just removed the debris. Curse you, low amount of wisdom !

Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 05:09 PM

Ahh, you're so nice to do it partially for yourself. tongue.gif

Also, Kiln, do you still want someone to kill York slowly and painfully? Because if you walk towards the destroyed gate and Shakur's flanking army Shakur would be happy to kill you any way you wish. Magick, Shehai or even Shakur's special way to kill people. The gauntlet.

Posted by: BobV Aug 20 2005, 05:14 PM

Everything anyone does is partially for themselves.

Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 05:19 PM

Well, you're right, but atleast they don't make it public.

Posted by: BobV Aug 20 2005, 05:19 PM

There aren't any side-intentions anyway. . . . . .

Posted by: Kiln Aug 20 2005, 05:24 PM

First off: I was gonna just let York die...but that didn't work so well...if you must kill him, don't use spells. Give it a fair fight with a blade.

Bobv:I'm within sight range of the breach in the wall why?

Posted by: BobV Aug 20 2005, 05:24 PM

So that I can shoot you.

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 20 2005, 05:33 PM

and i find myself stuck until channler gets on.

so i'll be in the playground thread but prolly not posting.

why is it called a playground thread anyway?

Posted by: BobV Aug 20 2005, 05:38 PM

'Cause it be the grounds on which we play. *sagely nod*

Posted by: minque Aug 20 2005, 06:29 PM

QUOTE(Red @ Aug 20 2005, 06:03 PM)
You have supper at 6am? But yeah most of the women and children are held in the Redoran building getting ready to starve to death.

AAAHH! sorry 6 pm of course!!!!! and phew they are alive anyway...

QUOTE(Aki @ Aug 20 2005, 06:07 PM)
I mentioned all he commoners were in Redoran Council Hall part of the Skarr. Only the entrace of which caved in. Anyone important can be stuck safely in there until someone dig them out.  biggrin.gif

Very good, Iīll have to see they get some supplies then....

cya IS supper now 7.30 pm....

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 20 2005, 06:32 PM

*sniff* no york! dont die!

Posted by: BobV Aug 20 2005, 06:42 PM

Yes, York! Die!

And Minque, Anthanes used battlemagickal powers beyond mortal understanding to make the rubbled that blocked them in explode.

Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 07:28 PM

Umm, York is only dieing right now right? He isn't dead? Because I have a good idea for the last blow. Plus, It would grant Yorks close combat wish.

Posted by: BobV Aug 20 2005, 07:30 PM

Anthanes gave a thrust into his side that should/might/will finish him off... Does that count as backstabbing ?

Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 07:41 PM

Shakur put the spikes of his glass gauntlet into Yorks face. I think I won most gruesome. Anyways, I hope we did the right thing and didn't destroy any of Kiln's plans.

Posted by: minque Aug 20 2005, 08:05 PM

QUOTE(BobV @ Aug 20 2005, 07:42 PM)
Yes, York! Die!

And Minque, Anthanes used battlemagickal powers beyond mortal understanding to make the rubbled that blocked them in explode.

Awww Anthanes really developed his good I said before if jonacin was not there....

now then..maybe we have to see to thast Anthanes really get his werewolfie...Anara..hmm she seems to be a really gorgeous lady.... biggrin.gif

Posted by: BobV Aug 20 2005, 08:09 PM

It was nothing biggrin.gif But thank ye anyway.

Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 08:13 PM

Indeed, I think Anthanes deserves to get the girl in the end. Hehe, poor Shakur, already has the girl and if he doesn't meet up with the girl soon, the girl is going to beat the magickal powers right out of him. biggrin.gif

Posted by: minque Aug 20 2005, 08:23 PM

QUOTE(Red @ Aug 20 2005, 09:13 PM)
Indeed, I think Anthanes deserves to get the girl in the end. Hehe, poor Shakur, already has the girl and if he doesn't meet up with the girl soon, the girl is going to beat the magickal powers right out of him. biggrin.gif

Oh..Shakur has a girl? marvellous..who then?

Posted by: BobV Aug 20 2005, 08:24 PM

Wasn't he married ?

Posted by: minque Aug 20 2005, 08:25 PM

YES!!! My bad.....Heddvild......of course he was....crap i forget things hmmmm sad.gif

Posted by: Channler Aug 20 2005, 08:30 PM

I think at least two good guys need to die.. I don't want Falx to die but become insanly injured in the process.

Maybe for punishment of his past faults

Posted by: minque Aug 20 2005, 08:32 PM

QUOTE(Channler @ Aug 20 2005, 09:30 PM)
I think at least two good guys need to die.. I don't want Falx to die but become insanly  injured in the process.

Maybe for punishment of his past faults
* all fairytales the good guys donīt die.....I will not die......

Posted by: BobV Aug 20 2005, 08:33 PM

In epic stories they only die when they're supporting characters... biggrin.gif Ergo, I'll try to stay alive.

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 20 2005, 08:33 PM

Sorry Kiln.....

Posted by: Channler Aug 20 2005, 08:39 PM

Err.. In the best story's the main character dies.. Ever read dune books? Lots o death in there, what else, Jerusalem by Celia somebody the main character(S!!) die, like all 10 of them.

This cannot not be a clean victory, the ground should be wrought (SP) with the blood of men and mer, limbs should lay amogst the body's, and people will die.

What are our estimated numbers for the battles?

Posted by: BobV Aug 20 2005, 08:43 PM

Yes, I read Dune. Fail to see the relation.

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 20 2005, 08:46 PM

I could ead it my dad has a dune book.

BobV: lots of killing I think

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 20 2005, 08:56 PM

no clue what the numbers are anymore.....and the bad guys are going downhill from here. we need dantrag on to finish this though. as this is his rp, he has an important goody and THE baddy

Posted by: Channler Aug 20 2005, 08:57 PM

QUOTE(BobV @ Aug 20 2005, 03:43 PM)
Yes, I read Dune. Fail to see the relation.

Lot o' plot essential characters die in those books very unexpectedly... Making very wonderful plot twist and drama

Oh and Soul, do read the books.. Start off with the Butlerian Jihad, the Machine Crusade, and the Battle of Corrin first. In that order. Those books were written by Frank Herberts son and some other dude. Not really needed to understand the story, but it gives you alot of background.

I think they are slightly better authors then the late Herbert.

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 20 2005, 09:00 PM

this late in the game and i still dont if osano will die or not..

Posted by: minque Aug 20 2005, 09:04 PM

QUOTE(Channler @ Aug 20 2005, 09:39 PM)
Err.. In the best story's the main character dies.. Ever read dune books? Lots o death in there, what else, Jerusalem by Celia somebody the main character(S!!) die, like all 10 of them.

This cannot not be a clean victory, the ground should be wrought (SP) with the blood of men and mer, limbs should lay amogst the body's, and people will die.

What are our estimated numbers for the battles?

Ewwww....hmm very realistic are we channler......? I still wonīt die...there!

Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 09:21 PM

QUOTE(minque @ Aug 20 2005, 09:04 PM)
Ewwww....hmm very realistic are we channler......? I still wonīt die...there!

Shakur can't die, he still has a book series to create. Mwahaha! Feel the pain of my evil Veto!

Posted by: Channler Aug 20 2005, 09:27 PM

Can we have one dead person?.... please?

Posted by: BobV Aug 20 2005, 09:27 PM

A book series ... ?

Can we have one dead person? ...please?

*grins evilly, sets Jonacin on fire, loads him into a catapult, and flings him at the enemy troops*


Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 09:32 PM

Noes! Not Jona! Thanks to Serene he can't die.

Posted by: minque Aug 20 2005, 09:32 PM

QUOTE(BobV @ Aug 20 2005, 10:27 PM)

*grins evilly, sets Jonacin on fire, loads him into a catapult, and flings him at the enemy troops*


IF you try something like are D.E.A.D...meat

Posted by: BobV Aug 20 2005, 09:33 PM

How not? *mutters* guess I can just throw away my 437 plans for killing him then...

And Anthanes is a nice guy- it's just that -I- am not. devilsmile.gif

Posted by: minque Aug 20 2005, 09:37 PM

well...bob......I have this.....BAN-hammer you know..... biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 20 2005, 09:44 PM

kill konrad muahahahaha!!!! actually i dont know if he is a good guy anymore.

Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 09:45 PM

Hehe, abusing powers in a maniacle manner is fun! Also, Minque, you have to cure V'anul or else Shakur won't be able to apologize for the attempted murder.

EDIT: I have to go now, Have Shakur stay with his army guarding th gate rubble.

Posted by: Channler Aug 20 2005, 10:34 PM

Well now the epic battle is over...

Danny needs to get in here, and like have azura trap Arcyakt so we can end his miserable life.

EDIT: Hmm, you better stay away from the commanders of the good guys.. they might want to kill you Shogun..

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 20 2005, 10:43 PM

they wouldnt kill an injured unarmed unmage man would they?

besides it was in the middle of a battle i doubt many people would actually recognize him accept for the, dare i say, playable characters

Posted by: Channler Aug 20 2005, 10:45 PM

You may never know with these all seeing all knowing players... wacko.gif

Posted by: Red Aug 20 2005, 11:33 PM

Ahh yes, those few characters who are so awesomely powerful they know everything about the RP.

Posted by: Channler Aug 20 2005, 11:44 PM

Ok, so Falx doesn't know Megil, Athanes (SP)... who else?

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 20 2005, 11:46 PM

Otik? I don't think he knows my guy yet

Posted by: Kiln Aug 20 2005, 11:48 PM

All I have to say is YAY!!! I'm dead...oh yeah and I hate bows... laugh.gif

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 20 2005, 11:54 PM

LOL oh and btw that arrow was just a normal ebony arrow, I just said special because Otik only has a couple.

Posted by: Kiln Aug 20 2005, 11:56 PM

Well I don't care, I'm dead anyways...

Posted by: Red Aug 21 2005, 12:02 AM

Hehe, he sure is dead. Shakur has the blood stained gauntlet to prove it. tongue.gif

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 21 2005, 12:09 AM

i feel ignored O.o

Posted by: Konradude Aug 21 2005, 12:13 AM

Join the club. >.<

Posted by: Red Aug 21 2005, 12:21 AM

We have jackets and buttons. And if you make it to co-leader, you get a name tag.

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 21 2005, 09:34 PM

osano's had a change of heart. yay!

Posted by: Channler Aug 21 2005, 09:50 PM

That was kind of... er.. sudden.. Make it sound like a revenge thing, I mean after doing all this evil theres no way any of our (previous bad dudes) can be completely good.

Posted by: Red Aug 21 2005, 09:52 PM

Shakur made new curses for us to use, yay!

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 21 2005, 10:06 PM

QUOTE(Channler @ Aug 21 2005, 05:50 PM)
That was kind of... er.. sudden.. Make it sound like a revenge thing, I mean after doing all this evil theres no way any of our (previous bad dudes) can be completely good.

I know but he can atleast try. what do you mean by revenge? on arcyakt? oh and there is still the matter of york's death. York was osano's (kind of almost) friend. yep shakur will have to pay for killing him so gruesomely.

Posted by: Channler Aug 21 2005, 10:22 PM

Hmm, I'll be gone for a few hours, if something happens just control me.

Posted by: MerGirl Aug 21 2005, 11:55 PM

So sorry for not posting that one time! kvleft.gif Had an abrupt black-out-power-outage-whatever-you-call-it.

Anyway, the internet connection is kind of broken, so right now I'm using my sister's and mom's computer for a few moments. I'm sort of borrowing it, and now I'm going to give it back for the rest of the day to my sister, so PM me tomorrow or sometime this week, if/when the RP ends and perhaps a small summary, if you can, pweeeese?

(I do not like Adult Filters (which is on all of the house's computers because of my over-protective dad), bleh! They do not even filter the more naughty adult-stuff, but they filter my and my sister's fanfic stuff! What a lousy adult filter!)

Anyway, hopefully, I will be able to get on later this week. Hopefully, the internet connection on the other will work, but I doubt it. Meanwhile, I'm going to start working on drawing mister Kitty. tongue.gif

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 21 2005, 11:57 PM

QUOTE(MerGirl @ Aug 21 2005, 06:55 PM)
So sorry for not posting that one time!  kvleft.gif  Had an abrupt black-out-power-outage-whatever-you-call-it.

Anyway, the internet connection is kind of broken, so right now I'm using my sister's and mom's computer for a few moments. I'm sort of borrowing it, and now I'm going to give it back for the rest of the day to my sister, so PM me tomorrow or sometime this week, if/when the RP ends and perhaps a small summary, if you can, pweeeese?

(I do not like Adult Filters (which is on all of the house's computers because of my over-protective dad), bleh! They do not even filter the more naughty adult-stuff, but they filter my and my sister's fanfic stuff! What a lousy adult filter!)

Anyway, hopefully, I will be able to get on later this week. Hopefully, the internet connection on the other will work, but I doubt it. Meanwhile, I'm going to start working on drawing mister Kitty.  tongue.gif

What right does real life have to barge in on our computer time??

lol, see you later this week then! (after I sstart school AAAAH!)

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 21 2005, 11:58 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 21 2005, 11:57 PM)
lol, see you later this week then! (after I sstart school AAAAH!)

AHHHHH!!! I start tomorrow!!!!!

Posted by: Red Aug 22 2005, 12:43 AM

QUOTE(ShogunSniper @ Aug 21 2005, 10:06 PM)
I know but he can atleast try.  what do you mean by revenge? on arcyakt?  oh and there is still the matter of york's death.  York was osano's (kind of almost) friend.  yep shakur will have to pay for killing him so gruesomely.

BRIIING IT ONNNNN! Hehe, just kidding. Shakur did it partially because he wasn't sure if Anthanes was even going to take the sword out. Plus York was going to die from a sword in the side, how dignified is that? What would you rather? Being on your knees and being stabbed in the side with a sword by your nemisis or getting a sure fire kill by some hero you barely know? Though it was a bit of over kill, Shakur thought it was noble and deserved.

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 22 2005, 12:59 AM

didnt he like basically maul york's face off though? how big are the uh..pointy parts on those gauntlets?

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 22 2005, 01:01 AM

umm okay, so once again arcy is GOD -_-. i have a feeling the daedra will get involved soon. a swarm of dremora lords mauhuhuhuhu

Posted by: Red Aug 22 2005, 04:22 AM

QUOTE(ShogunSniper @ Aug 22 2005, 12:59 AM)
didnt he like basically maul york's face off though?  how big are the uh..pointy parts on those gauntlets?

Umm, about the size as the the four smallest spikes on the glass axe. Plus, only like, three of the five spikes even touched him, and two wouldn't have gone very far into his face. So it's not like he shoved twenty spikes into his brain or anything.

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 22 2005, 10:41 AM

DAMMIT! I was gone for two measly days and you basically finish the RP! AND I SAID I WAS GOING TO KILL THE DAMN DRAGON!

Posted by: BobV Aug 22 2005, 11:35 AM

Lay off the caffeine, undomesticated canine inclined to solitude.

Posted by: minque Aug 22 2005, 12:00 PM

QUOTE(BobV @ Aug 22 2005, 12:35 PM)
Lay off the caffeine, undomesticated canine inclined to solitude.

biggrin.gif biggrin.gif That was a funny remark.......but Wolfie is warriors could have left the Dragon for him huh?

Posted by: Red Aug 22 2005, 02:38 PM

The dragon was burning soldiers alive. We needed to do something. Though we could always edit every sing post since the dragon part if you want Wolfie tongue.gif . Thanks Minque, now Shakur has to awkwardly apologize for almost killing you and you know he's going to give you something valuable. Heck, maybe he'll pay you back in blood, wouldn't that be fun? Great, now Shakur has to lose blood and make an awkward scene. Look what you've done!

Posted by: minque Aug 22 2005, 02:42 PM

I just said he couldnīt help it !! Accident you know! But if he wants to give her flowers or something, itīs ok... biggrin.gif Pay back in blood? hmmm Serene doesnīt blame him...she wonīt have a payback so violent...sheīll settle with some flowers....or a new cloak..or dress

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 22 2005, 02:44 PM

.....or jewellry, or a house, or a city, or her own kingdom...


Posted by: minque Aug 22 2005, 02:45 PM

yeah.....hmm would be nice huh! no but now we must assemble to kill off what must be killed off..

Besides Iīm logging off in 5 min......going home from work

Posted by: Red Aug 22 2005, 02:47 PM

Well, lets fight some evil! And create a nice kingdom for Serene. But jewlery is possible with Shakur's ebony ring

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 22 2005, 02:48 PM

I got dibs on freezing arcyatk into a uhnk of ice with my sword!

Posted by: Red Aug 22 2005, 02:56 PM

I got dibs on using the five soldiers I had instructed before the battle to set Arcy aflame. Hehe, flin is a formidable explosive.

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 22 2005, 02:58 PM

ok, you set him on fire and befoer he dies i'll kill him/freeze him solid with my sword tongue.gif

Posted by: Red Aug 22 2005, 03:00 PM

And then we'll get glasses and drink some flin with some Arcycubes. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 22 2005, 03:20 PM

why does jona get to kill the blasted drago and arcy... i sense favoritism dry.gif


Posted by: Wolfie Aug 22 2005, 03:21 PM

I didn't get to kill the dragon, Aki had V'anul and Anara do that tongue.gif

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 22 2005, 03:22 PM

I know, but that was fair.

i was just saying that it's not fair that you managed to get dibs on both dragon and arcy.

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 22 2005, 03:23 PM

lol i got in there first with saying it tongue.gif

Posted by: Red Aug 22 2005, 03:24 PM

Actually, everything major is pickeed out of a hat. AN EVIL HAT!!1!!111!!1!!one

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 22 2005, 04:04 PM

You know guys, since I control Sel and Arcy, I could easily fall into unfairness and have Sel kill Arcyakt...

Oh yeah, Megil and Shakur may want to get their Azura-given items out of Sel's pack. It's laying in the rat in the pot.

Maybe be strangely drawn to it.

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 22 2005, 04:05 PM

mayb, but megil is currently sort of commited to a move right now. would be nice to get a reaction from arcy ^ ^.

besdies what does me item do anywho's

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 22 2005, 04:08 PM

I don't know how to make anyone react to flinging themselves at another. Hell, I don't even know what I would do if someone flung themselves at me...

and the item...

Super-duper quiver (that never runs empty) with super-duper arrows. Otik needs to pick up his too. (If megil doesn't use a bow, then I have to go re-read the entire RP out of confusion.)

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 22 2005, 04:09 PM

he does, just hasn't used it during vivec and what not.

you could move out fo the way, but that's just stupid. or magickally blast him away. or something O.o or get hit and topple over, but that would be most humiliating for arcy.

Posted by: minque Aug 22 2005, 09:22 PM

Hmmm, Sel must be crazy about Celia.... tongue.gif ......not believing what Serene told him....ah well if the "silly dunmer" will reassure himself....what can we do?

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 22 2005, 09:33 PM

actaully technically aki didnt kill the dragon, i did. aki just had his characters attack it...

arcy could always bring it back as a SUPER KEWL X0MB13 DR@G0N!!!!!!!!11ONEZORZ

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 22 2005, 09:36 PM

QUOTE(minque @ Aug 22 2005, 04:22 PM)
Hmmm, Sel must be crazy about Celia.... tongue.gif ......not believing what Serene told him....ah well if the "silly dunmer" will reassure himself....what can we do?

that just gives me a good excuse to not have Sel and Arcy in the same place, as well as show how crazy he is about celia.

This two character thing is hard, especially when they start talking to each other, and fighting and stuff.

it's like playing checkers with yourself.

Posted by: minque Aug 22 2005, 09:39 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 22 2005, 10:36 PM)
that just gives me a good excuse to not have Sel and Arcy in the same place, as well as show how crazy he is about celia.

This two character thing is hard, especially when they start talking to each other, and fighting and stuff.

it's like playing checkers with yourself.

Awww letīs hope Celia is as crazy about Sel then....... wub.gif That would please me if they get together...

And I understand the hardness of playing 2 chars......letīs not do that in the next RP....

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 22 2005, 09:50 PM

and lets not make it so that the whole rp has just one bad guy. cause if he drops out then we have no bad guy and someone will have to double up again.

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 22 2005, 09:56 PM

yes this has already been discussed and dealt with.

Posted by: Aki Aug 22 2005, 10:10 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 22 2005, 04:36 PM)
that just gives me a good excuse to not have Sel and Arcy in the same place, as well as show how crazy he is about celia.

This two character thing is hard, especially when they start talking to each other, and fighting and stuff.

it's like playing checkers with yourself.

Three is more annoying.


Multiple characterrs require time and are difficult to manage:

You have to juggle personalities.

Posted by: minque Aug 22 2005, 10:13 PM

Ok...Iīm off to bed now.....

Konrad pleeease drag Serene with you, I reckon Jonacin will be very occupied....she can fight as well......and cast some spells... tongue.gif

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 22 2005, 10:15 PM

Ii'm in school now so just drag Otik along, having him ask for things to do and suff...

Posted by: gamer10 Aug 22 2005, 10:23 PM

QUOTE(minque @ Aug 22 2005, 03:39 PM)
Mwahaha! Letīs hope Celia is as crazy about killing Sel then....... devilsmile.gif It would please me if Sel died.

Hehehe . . I agree Minque.

EDIT: Altering qoutes are regarded as capital offence expect some punishment!! nono.gif

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 22 2005, 10:24 PM

QUOTE(gamer10 @ Aug 22 2005, 05:23 PM)
Hehehe . . I agree Minque.


Now leave, gamer, you are no longer welcome here because your character died. *bouncer approaches gamer with a threatening look* tongue.gif

Posted by: gamer10 Aug 22 2005, 10:25 PM

*pulls out assault rifle used by U.S. marines*

Just try it. tongue.gif

I still check up on it to see how it's going. tongue.gif

Posted by: Konradude Aug 22 2005, 10:26 PM

lol, I admire the editing skillz0rz. But yeah, go away!

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 22 2005, 10:35 PM

QUOTE(gamer10 @ Aug 22 2005, 05:25 PM)
*pulls out assault rifle used by U.S. marines*

So the bouncer would still win because your gun is more than likely jammed. laugh.gif

our tax dollars at work.

Posted by: gamer10 Aug 22 2005, 10:38 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 22 2005, 04:35 PM)
our tax dollars at work.


I'm one of the proud, the few . . .



No, I won't go away.

I'll be here forever, and ever and ever and ever . . . . . . .and ever.

Posted by: Kiln Aug 23 2005, 12:03 AM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 22 2005, 10:24 PM)
Now leave, gamer, you are no longer welcome here because your character died. *bouncer approaches gamer with a threatening look*  tongue.gif

Harsh Dantrag...harsh.
I should hope you're not serious or else I'd have to do something really lame like bring York back to life so I could post here. wink.gif

Oh could be done. wacko.gif

Posted by: Red Aug 23 2005, 12:33 AM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 22 2005, 10:35 PM)
So the bouncer would still win because your gun is more than likely jammed.  laugh.gif 

our tax dollars at work.

Hehe, lets hope there's no sand, snow, high degrees in heat or low degrees in heat around.

Posted by: minque Aug 23 2005, 10:20 PM

This is sliiightly starting to look like a we wonīt have that will we? Some eeeeeeeevil mod will lock this then.... nono.gif

So shall we try to get our rp to the finals soon?..

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 23 2005, 10:22 PM

yah out of curiosity, why did dantrag resurrect the construct army.... we are meant to fight arcy, but now it's been put off, by the one who was complaining that i was holding up the RP at vivec.

Posted by: Red Aug 23 2005, 10:36 PM

Yeah, I think tommorow we should finish the Constructs and undead. Fighting them over and over won't help us start a new RP.

Posted by: minque Aug 23 2005, 10:39 PM

Well you decide tonight whatīs gonna happen....I must go to bed, hard working-day tomorrow....

Iīm happy with whatever you harm or kill Serene


Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 23 2005, 10:42 PM

*pokes serene with a needle* whistle.gif

i agree with red.

Posted by: Red Aug 23 2005, 10:46 PM

Lets magickly kill Arcyakt. With his evilousity (I made up a word, yay!) he doesn't deserve a sensible death.

Posted by: Intestinal Chaos Aug 24 2005, 12:49 AM

Sorry I have so negligent (SP) with the RP lately... I have been very busy lately with school coming and since I am determined on not being a lazy failout I'm going to be even busier doing my work and making money tongue.gif

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 24 2005, 01:18 AM


"I have a plan. Trust me?" was directed to shakur not ryan.... i'll edit to make it less confusing. embarrased.gif

Posted by: Red Aug 24 2005, 02:26 AM

Ok, I edited to include you. Now post, post for the love of all that is holy.

Posted by: MerGirl Aug 24 2005, 08:16 PM

Um, I've read all of the good stuff the day before, but I forget, has anything happened to Under Skar?(sp?) That is the big place with all of the council-stuff, shaped like a big round-crab-thing, is it not? Or am I confusing it with something else in Ald-ruhn? (Hopefully, I didn't mess up, but if I did, tell me, and I'll edit or you can ignore my post or something.) kvleft.gif

Soooo, when are we planning to end this thing? Have you guys (and Minque) agreed on any particular time yet? huh.gif

Posted by: minque Aug 24 2005, 08:22 PM

I was hoping tonight....but it seems very quiet in the rp-thread

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 24 2005, 09:00 PM

I say we finish it friday night, (I have school now wacko.gif ) and then we can spend a day or two making follow-up posts like Konradude recommended, and then we can start a new one.

Maybe I could play Ahnaressu next one? Or even an older Relgar....hmm...

Posted by: minque Aug 24 2005, 09:34 PM

Good idea Dantrag!..And yes!!! you can play Ahnaressu......but...what happens to Sel? Does he get his Celia and theyīll live happy thereafter? biggrin.gif

So FRIDAY it is....or since the founder of this rp is american....itīll probably be saturday for us europeans.... tongue.gif

Posted by: Konradude Aug 24 2005, 09:56 PM

Nothing major Celia...its just toally destroyed with a dragon through it and you either trapped, unconscious or dead.

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 24 2005, 09:57 PM

didnt anthanes untrap it?

Posted by: Megil Tel-Zeke Aug 24 2005, 10:02 PM

yah he did, and the inner chambers where everyone is didn't collapse, so Celia should be fine.

Posted by: gamer10 Aug 24 2005, 10:07 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 24 2005, 03:00 PM)
Maybe I could play Ahnaressu next one? Or even an older Relgar....hmm...

Not Sel?!! *changes plans*

Now who is my "new" character going to fight?


Posted by: minque Aug 24 2005, 10:08 PM

Of course she is! Serene is there as well....hmm I thought Konrad also went in there but he might have stayed outside

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 24 2005, 10:28 PM

QUOTE(minque @ Aug 24 2005, 04:34 PM)
Good idea Dantrag!..And yes!!! you can play Ahnaressu......but...what happens to Sel? Does he get his Celia and theyīll live happy thereafter?  biggrin.gif

Not Sel's choice, is it?

QUOTE(gamer10 @ Aug 24 2005, 05:07 PM)
Not Sel?!! *changes plans*

Now who is my "new" character going to fight?


Maybe I'll play Sel, just for you, gamer. "Sel" is easier to type than "Ahnaressu" <- long butt name.

Posted by: Red Aug 24 2005, 10:29 PM

Hehe, Shakur isn't about to let Osano run the armies and make decisions. He's doing a good job as it is. Well, that, and he's old at heart tongue.gif .

Posted by: gamer10 Aug 24 2005, 10:40 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 24 2005, 04:28 PM)
Sel = butt


How dare you insult Sel! Revenge!

whistle.gif tongue.gif

I'm stuck on deciding whether my next character should be a jerk, or a really bad jerk.

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 24 2005, 10:42 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 24 2005, 06:28 PM)
Not Sel's choice, is it?
Maybe I'll play Sel, just for you, gamer. "Sel" is easier to type than "Ahnaressu" <- long butt name.

Sel's full name is Selineli(sp?)

perhaps you can call Ahnaressu Ahn or Nare or Su

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 24 2005, 10:43 PM

QUOTE(ShogunSniper @ Aug 24 2005, 05:42 PM)
Sel's full name is Selineli(sp?)

perhaps you can call Ahnaressu Ahn or Nare or Su


And Ahn Nare and Su sound really weird. Ahn is the best one, and it's just creepy.

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 24 2005, 10:46 PM

well fine! mad.gif
call my names weird will you?!

but i suppose your

Posted by: Red Aug 24 2005, 10:50 PM

Danny, can I have permission to make a tie in to Selenil's name? I have been playing with this idea for a while now.

Posted by: MerGirl Aug 24 2005, 10:53 PM

QUOTE(minque @ Aug 24 2005, 04:34 PM)
Good idea Dantrag!..And yes!!! you can play Ahnaressu......but...what happens to Sel? Does he get his Celia and theyīll live happy thereafter?  biggrin.gif
So FRIDAY it is....or since the founder of this rp is american....itīll probably be saturday for us europeans.... tongue.gif

Friday, it is then? Nice. smile.gif And my internet connection is getting better! smile.gif

About Sel and Celia, it shouldn't be too hard to put Celia and Sel together, because Celia always had crushes on silly Dunmer males. tongue.gif

In fact, if Celia was a NPC, she would have the following general dispostion(sp?) towards the following races:
Dunmer (101/100)
Khajiit (100/100)
Redguard (96/100)
Argonian (84/100)
Bosmer (60/100)
Nord (40/100)
Breton (40/100)
Imperial (34/100)
Orc (61/100)
Altmer (-10 million x infinity /100)

Celia may be friendly in general, but she has her own prejudices. But, she's willing not to judge a book by its cover.

So, I guess Sel has a good chance. laugh.gif

Posted by: Kiln Aug 24 2005, 11:04 PM

Great Mergirl, now every male character is gonna wanna be a dark elf or a khajiit thanks to that little scale. wink.gif

P.S. Perhaps Gamer's next character will keep out of trouble and not start petty fights over every little thing?

Posted by: minque Aug 24 2005, 11:06 PM

so Celia..are we finished with healing? Iīd like to go out and help Anthanes cast horrible spells at Arcyakt...thatīd weaken him... biggrin.gif

Posted by: Red Aug 24 2005, 11:06 PM

QUOTE(MerGirl @ Aug 24 2005, 10:53 PM)
Friday, it is then? Nice.  smile.gif And my internet connection is getting better!  smile.gif

About Sel and Celia, it shouldn't be too hard to put Celia and Sel together, because Celia always had crushes on silly Dunmer males.  tongue.gif

In fact, if Celia was a NPC, she would have the following general dispostion(sp?) towards the following races:
Dunmer (101/100)
Khajiit (100/100)
Redguard (96/100)
Argonian (84/100)
Bosmer (60/100)
Nord (40/100)
Imperial (34/100)
Orc (61/100)
Altmer (-10 million x infinity /100)

Celia may be friendly in general, but she has her own prejudices. But, she's willing not to judge a book by its cover.

So, I guess Sel has a good chance.  laugh.gif

Wait, what race is Celia again? Also, Orc 61? Seems a little high for someone that isn't a Orc.

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 24 2005, 11:10 PM

QUOTE(Kiln @ Aug 24 2005, 07:04 PM)
P.S. Perhaps Gamer's next character will keep out of trouble and not start petty fights over every little thing?

hah! when pigs fly!

oh wait...porco rosso....

Posted by: MerGirl Aug 24 2005, 11:11 PM

QUOTE(Red @ Aug 24 2005, 06:06 PM)
Wait, what race is Celia again? Also, Orc 61? Seems a little high for someone that isn't a Orc.

Celia is an Altmer, but she does not like associating with Altmer all that much, unless they are close family. She likes Orcs, because the ones she met in her past are usually noble and respectful. Also, her family is full of mixed races (adopted and blood).

To Minque: Okay, healing will be done, as you wish! smile.gif

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 24 2005, 11:13 PM

QUOTE(Kiln @ Aug 24 2005, 06:04 PM)
P.S. Perhaps Gamer's next character will keep out of trouble and not start petty fights over every little thing?

If that happens, send Hitler some ice skates because hell would have frozen over.

Posted by: Red Aug 24 2005, 11:18 PM

QUOTE(MerGirl @ Aug 24 2005, 11:11 PM)
Celia is an Altmer, but she does not like associating with Altmer all that much, unless they are close family. She likes Orcs, because the ones she met in her past are usually noble and respectful. Also, her family is full of mixed races (adopted and blood).

To Minque: Okay, healing will be done, as you wish!  smile.gif

Ah, Shakur's family too is full of Redguards, Nords and Orcs. He also has a few distant Breton and Khajiit.

Anyways, Shakur's list would go;

toss up between Orcs and Argonians
High Elves

Hmm, I guess he likes people from around his provence mostly.

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 24 2005, 11:26 PM

hey mergirl. what about Bretons? huh huh? *wink* oh and Otik isn't a breton *wink* lol

Posted by: MerGirl Aug 24 2005, 11:27 PM

QUOTE(Red @ Aug 24 2005, 06:18 PM)
Ah, Shakur's family too is full of Redguards, Nords and Orcs. He also has a few distant Breton and Khajiit.

Anyways, Shakur's list would go;

toss up between Orcs and Argonians
High Elves

Hmm, I guess he likes people from around his provence mostly.

Wow, guess Shakur doesn't like Altmer much either, eh? tongue.gif
I assume you are going to continue playing as Shakur for the new RP?

Posted by: minque Aug 24 2005, 11:28 PM

this thread is not a popularity contest of races!

Better get back on track very quickly or i have to rake actions..ok?

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 24 2005, 11:30 PM

QUOTE(minque @ Aug 24 2005, 11:28 PM)
this thread is not a popularity contest of races!

Better get back on track very quickly or i have to rake actions..ok?

'k sorry Minque

Posted by: minque Aug 24 2005, 11:35 PM

Is Serene is outside looking for Anthanes......she will find him and volunteeres to help him with heavy spell-casting

I have to go now you see..but please take her with you and let her cast what spells you find suitable ok?

Posted by: Red Aug 24 2005, 11:35 PM

QUOTE(MerGirl @ Aug 24 2005, 11:27 PM)
Wow, guess Shakur doesn't like Altmer much either, eh?  tongue.gif 
I assume you are going to continue playing as Shakur for the new RP?

He's kind of like a secondary character. Darus will be my main character, but will switch off with Shakur every once in a while. Don't worry though, Shakur will be in the opening. Anyways, back on topic, Arcyakt is outside the walls right?

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 24 2005, 11:39 PM

er yeah i guess...I mean the way I invision it is that the main battle is taking place at the gate, and dantrag said that arcy teleported back to like the rear of the army or something...

Posted by: gamer10 Aug 24 2005, 11:59 PM

QUOTE(MerGirl @ Aug 24 2005, 04:53 PM)
Imperial (34/100)


My next character is going to be an Imperial, definitely. biggrin.gif wink.gif

user posted image

Doesn't tell you much, does it? tongue.gif That's him. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 25 2005, 12:23 AM

Wait, Serene is an Imperial, but Celia likes her a whole lot. And Jonacin is a Redguard but she barely even acknowledges his presence lol

Posted by: MerGirl Aug 25 2005, 12:31 AM

QUOTE(LoneWolf @ Aug 24 2005, 07:23 PM)
Wait, Serene is an Imperial, but Celia likes her a whole lot. And Jonacin is a Redguard but she barely even acknowledges his presence lol

I'm talking about first impressions in general, especially towards males. Back in Cyrodiil, Celia was nervous about the amount of people in the house, but Serene comforted her using Her Copyrighted Sympathy and Niceness. tongue.gif Hey! Celia's absent-minded, so please excuse her for not noticing silly Jona or Shakur that much. Besides, Jona's too busy with Serene. laugh.gif

So, Lonewolfie, you going to mow down the mage sometime this week, from what I hear? wink.gif

Posted by: Wolfie Aug 25 2005, 12:32 AM

If that's gonna happen it's gotta happen tonight, because i wont be on again til Monday

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 25 2005, 12:45 AM

Oh well, I guess someone else will take the kill....

Or we can finish on monday, whatever.

Posted by: Red Aug 25 2005, 12:48 AM

QUOTE(MerGirl @ Aug 25 2005, 12:31 AM)
I'm talking about first impressions in general, especially towards males. Back in Cyrodiil, Celia was nervous about the amount of people in the house, but Serene comforted her using Her Copyrighted Sympathy and Niceness.  tongue.gif Hey! Celia's absent-minded, so please excuse her for not noticing silly Jona or Shakur that much. Besides, Jona's too busy with Serene.  laugh.gif

So, Lonewolfie, you going to mow down the mage sometime this week, from what I hear?  wink.gif

You notice Shakur plenty, he's just usually not around Celia much. Anyways, Wolfie I hope you can kill Arcy today, because it would suck to miss out on it.

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 25 2005, 12:51 AM

well dantrag is on so maybe you can do it tonite lonewolf

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 25 2005, 12:57 AM

Small update -

Ending of the RP would be now monday, so that Wolfie doesn't miss the beginning of the new RP, and so that other people can be on when it ends.

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 25 2005, 01:00 AM

well then lets get it prep'd so it can be promptly ended monday instead of going on a few days afterward

Posted by: Red Aug 25 2005, 01:07 AM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Aug 25 2005, 12:57 AM)
Small update -

Ending of the RP would be now monday, so that Wolfie doesn't miss the beginning of the new RP, and so that other people can be on when it ends.

I thought we were going to use Saturday and Sunday for planning? That way we could finish it today.

Posted by: Channler Aug 25 2005, 01:34 AM

OMG, ignore me, I've only had Falx tracking and catching up with Arcyakt for the last few days...

Thanks for the help Wolfy, we can take em

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 25 2005, 01:36 AM

i'm impatient so the sooner the better but...whatever is fine.

this is looking like MGS3 u thought it was over then one more boss fight then u thought it was over then one more boss fight then u thought it was over then one more boss just couldnt tell when it was going to end

Posted by: Red Aug 25 2005, 02:22 AM

Ok, bad news. I'm leaving to see cousins on sunday so I won't be on regularly (if at all). So when we start a new RP, don't fry my character with questions because chances are I won't be able to answer them. Anyways, it would be awesome if Wolfie could finish today or pass it on to someone else tommorow so I could start off clean, but I'm not saying if you guys don't my character is ruined.

Posted by: ShogunSniper Aug 25 2005, 02:37 AM

i'm off for tonight, dont care if you end it or not, dont hurt osano

Posted by: gamer10 Aug 25 2005, 02:59 AM

Celia should put Niran's dagger to use, or are all the constructs dead. If not, one should charge into the healing area. . . tongue.gif biggrin.gif

Posted by: Rane Aug 25 2005, 06:31 AM

Time for a new one.

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