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Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 20 2007, 08:48 PM

Well, here we are.....

Posted by: minque Aug 20 2007, 10:07 PM

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Aug 20 2007, 03:26 PM) *


Amrita knew all about the rift that had been building between Rann and the duo of Satyana and Issac. Hell, they had gotten into it when it first came up so badly that they didn't even notice her sitting in the tavern.

Hmm... perhaps it's time for me to try and look good once again...

She approached Issac and Satyana. "Could I speak with you two privately?" she asked then quietly, but in a serious tone.


She rose an eyebrow when hearing Amrita wanting to talk to her...and Issac.

What does she want? If she´s coming on to Issac I will just kill her....with no mercy!

"Ok dear lost sister....we are all ears"

Satyana grasped Issac´s hand and held it hard....

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 20 2007, 10:38 PM


Amrita led the two along till she felt they could talk privately. As she walked she thought of the most appropriate way to discuss this. She turned around and faced the two, a slightly concerned look on her face.

"Listen you two, you may not have noticed, but I was in the barroom when you two and Rann first started arguing. I heard the entire thing. And since I get the impression that Rann feels that he's adamently betrayed by you two and your conspiracy theory, if you're looking to resolve the issue the apology will have to be done by you two. Rann's too stubborn, especially when he thinks his opposition's view is complete ludacris," she fixed Satyana with an understanding look, "I know you definitely want to be in Rann's good graces once again and admitting your fault in the situation would do that... Well that is if you're sincere about it."

Posted by: minque Aug 20 2007, 10:57 PM


She looked at her sister...wondering how she could know so much about Rann and what really happened...

"I...I am not very keen on apologizing for something I did not do! I haven´t conspired against Rann! Not to my knowledge anyway! She looked at Issac....

"What is this all about?"

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 20 2007, 11:27 PM


He explained calmly, "Rann is angry at us because we don't trust Altair. And because Rann trusts him blindly, he takes it as a personal affront. And then he won't stop holding it over us that we wanted Soldin to fight with us against Mannimarco."

Issac finished, "Rann isn't going to forgive us for Soldin, we've already apologized. And I personally doubt we'll have anymore luck with apologizing about Altair."

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 21 2007, 03:38 AM


It was difficult to not roll her eyes at Satyana's reaction, yet she managed to keep the same expression she had. Is she really this oblivious to what's going on around her? Gods!

"I think you're underestimating Rann's ability to forgive. This Soldin you speak of must've only passed away recently so obviously he's still hurt by the loss. This whole Altair debacle doesn't help the situation. Personally this doesn't sound like something that should've been secret anyways. Your supposed to be a party right? Then why don't you address these issues to the group, get the opinion of everyone and not try to act all shady. It basically shows you distrust the other members of the group," she paused to make sure they were paying attention.

"But yes, about Rann. I'm sure if I was present during the apology, I could find a way to show him that you two are being sincere."

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 21 2007, 04:04 AM


"With all due respect, Amrita, we've spent the last few months with Rann, and you've only known any one of us for less than a week." He replied cooly. "He hasn't ever hesitated to cast blame on someone, or complain about how much this whole walk through Oblivion has been hell. Frankly, I'm tired of Rann, I will not lay down on my knees and beg for him to stop hanging things over our heads."

Issac went silent, then continued. "If he wants to blame us then fine; if he would rather spend time with a minipulative politician, then we don't have to ruin the air he breathes." The Altmer rose, "Thanks, but no thanks, Amrita."

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 21 2007, 04:32 AM


"Talk about being hypocritical! You're acting the same way he does!" Amrita said incredulously.

"You wanna know something about politicians, Issac? They're all manipulative! Every. Single. One. Of. Them!" she said, emphasizing each word, "That's how they function! That's there's purpose in order to gain favour with the public. It's the ones who lie and make false promises that are the ones you need to look out for. And what exactly has Altair done in order to warrant such distrust? From what I understand he wishes to instate a democracy. This Empire needs something drastic to try to sway things back towards a positive direction; it certainly didn't appear to be happening with Ocato in power," she said as she took a moment to compose herself.

"Honestly, it almost appears as if you two are the ones being manipulated here. So far, Altair and his accomplish have been fighting and bleeding and supporting us in order to defeat this Silhouette thing. Whoever has provided you with whatever information that tarnishes Altair's character knew it would cause a rift between this party and weaken it because of that. Seriously, the war effort at the moment could be doing much better if we could work together instead of bickering amongst each other!"

Issac certainly did appear to be just as stubborn as Rann since he was sticking to an ideal that seemed far more ludicrous than what was being shown by Voltar and Altair. Even though there was actually some truth to Issac's side, it just didn't appear to be sufficient evidence that he could prove his point. Amrita felt that she at least needed Issac to admit that it would be difficult to next to impossible for Issac to convince the others that Altair was not what he appeared to be. That his quest to do so was hopeless.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 21 2007, 05:08 AM


After Aerona healed him, he sat down, still leaning against the wall, deciding to get a bit of rest before the next inevitable battle came their way. He didn't respond to Voltar's continued complaining about the water as he was a bit more interested in the private conversation among Issac and his sisters, watching them go with a bit of curiosity. From their gestures he guessed that it was a bit of an argumentative exchange of words, and he thought he heard his name more than once.

"So what are we doing now that we've all trapped ourselves?" he asked, deciding to put his mind in a different direction, "I don't think we have any sort of leadership with Arastus out there, and only the gods know if he's even alive."

He wasn't addressing anyone in particular, but he assumed that Flogir would be the most responsive because of his military background.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 21 2007, 05:18 AM


Flogir looked towards the walls, where the sounds of battle still were head over the high walls protecting them. He sighed at Rann's comments.

"I pray to the Nine that Astratus still lives. The loss of him could prove to be a serious blow to the Morrowind Army's morale. He had actually been doing quite well recently with keeping the spirits of the soldiers up," he paused and made a gesture in prayer for the safety of the Commander.

"As for the current situation. It appears that the Brumans have set up a solid defensible position along these walls. I suggest we figure out a way to keep that lizard thing from hopping over the walls and opening the door again though. I have a feeling only siege weapons could possibly hurt that thing, next to magic or covering it in oil and lighting that beast on fire that is..."

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 21 2007, 06:09 AM


It did occur to him that he appeared to be very alike Rann at the moment, but right now he was through with this bickering, hell, he'd been playing mediator for far too long. He spotted several flashes of light in his periphery, looking over Issac spotted the Narza'Tai spellcasters.

"If anyone needs me, I'll be with them." He said, leaving the group and marching in the direction of the fighting.

Ian and Karn, battlements

The Narza'Tai were scattered on rooftops and the top of the stone walls separating Green Emporer Way from Talos Plaza. Arrows and magic struck again and again at the tide of undead and the Silhoutte's army. Ian jumped down from the battlements to deal more damage at close range with his wrist blades, while Karn remained above, unleashing walls of bound shurikan.

The defenders managed to keep nothing undead, or unfriendly, at least twenty feet from the gates of Green Emporer Way. Still, in spite of all the success they were enjoying, they were weakening. The mages didn't have the liberty to squander their magicka for the sake of burning a group of corpses.
As another wave of undead were thrown at the gates, Ian was forced to retreat back to the battlements to avoid being swamped. As assassin groups on the rooftops were approached by undead from below, they were given no choice but to flee to safety.

"This is a dire situation....." The vampire breathed as the dead overtook half of the Narza'Tai's rooftop positions.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 21 2007, 06:18 AM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint finally managed to see something. What he saw didn't please him though.
,,You." He croaked.

Green-Root sniffed.
,,Why, hello to you too." He hissed amiably.
,,These Narza'tai are truly something, aren't they? Whisked you away from that demigod and put you right in our lap. Now hold still, the healers are trying to mend your legs. Don't worry, we'll have all the time in the world for a friendly chat later." He added and walked away.

,,Someone you know?" Vasha asked. The Argonian shrugged.
,,Something like that."

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 21 2007, 02:45 PM

Dalrus, Green Emperor Way

"I think if the Morrowind commander dies, the Bruma commander or one of us should take command of it. Whoever seems to fit with the position better," she said, answering Rann's question. She was exausted, dodging and running while fireing magic could be quite draining. She laid her head on Rann's shoulder and closed her eyes, though she was just resting them. "I just hope this gate holds," she said to no one in particular.

The Green Emperor Way had calmed down a tad. Most people who retreated there, that were not soldiers ran to other parts of the city to lodge in some of the houses that had been evacuated. About half the cities population had agreed to evacuate, others had remained there, which meant there were still hundreds of thousands of people in the city.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 21 2007, 04:32 PM


He had seen Mannimarco sinking into the floor, that left little doubt in his mind that the necromancer had escaped the collapsing structure. With that in mind, the alien pushed to aid the werewolves he'd abandoned minutes ago.

Two had been overtaken by the undead, leaving twelve still fighting. As he fought, the Plys'Iea recalled Mannimarco's words about zombies being less grotesque than vampires. On the contrary, the alien perfered the diseased men and mer over the products of necromancy.
Even if their bodies were partly dead, they were still men inside. The zombies were just churned out as cannon fodder, the vampires didn't use other bodies, only their own. No, they may be diseased, but they are warriors. Zombies are just rotted flesh and a single-minded urge for killing others.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 21 2007, 08:34 PM


Rann was glad of Dalrus's company, especially since she was one of the few he still trusted. He put his arm around her while she rested, and after voicing her final comment, Rann replied internally.

It won't.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 21 2007, 10:11 PM


Amrita frowned at Issac as he simply left the conversation, he barely seemed to listen to her words.

Very much like Rann indeed. The prick!

She turned her attention back to her sister. "You understand what I'm saying don't you, sister? Don't you want to have Rann pay attention to you and not scorn you? I hope this doesn't offends you, but Issac seems to have a hard time listening to reason. Who exactly told you this misguided information anyways?"

Well if Issac can't be swayed right now, I will certainly try to sway Satyana. Her desire to have Rann back in her good graces should help her change her opinion on things...

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 21 2007, 11:16 PM

So it would be those you've named versus (with certainty) Karn, Ian, Issac, Green-Root, the Narza'Tai, and Tenek (if he posts soon). And I am struck by the fact that most of these are my characters........ But I wonder if the vets from the old RP will take the initiative (Rahvin being in Sadril must have seen Veric change at least once, right?)

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 22 2007, 12:28 AM


Visions of a frosty land and the Daedra lord Hircine filled Astratus's mind. He tried to shake them, but they would move to different parts of his mind and take over. He stumbled into the right flank of his unit, still carrying the cause, showing himself that he retained some sense. He brushed away a healer that approached him and walked back to the gate that was under attack. He saw Karn there, and Ian, and knew that he couldn't get their attention by sound. He scoured the crowd and saw the man without eyes, with one of those Narza'Tai, fighting off two werewolves. Without thinking he jumped from atop the wall he had climbed and landed on one werewolf, slapping it against the cobblestone.

When Astratus slit the throat of the first werewolf, the second bit down on Astratus's weakened shoulder, but recoiled and seemed to spit. Patholos saw this and gasped, but Astratus quickly disemboweled the werewolf. Patholos put on a blank visage, and the Narza'Tai healer whispered, "Werewolf..." Ashamed, Astratus said, "I could not help it, arrange a meeting with Karn and, and, and that....vampire. I need to speak with them." Astratus turned away and then emptied his stomach on the pavement.

He followed Patholos back to an underground part of the sewer. He wasn't looked at or even attended to. Apparently, no one had the cure for Lupis around, and Astratus's hopes looked grim. He had 48 hours to go before he was a werewolf. Suddenly, Astratus began to cry, and fell back against his chair with deep sobbing heaves. Patholos watched without expression and the Narza'Tai healer left the room. The only thing Patholos said was, "Commander. There are more important things at hand..." And he went to go get Karn.

Astratus pounded his fists into the masonry in the sewers, and felt his muscles bulge and his mind cloud with the makings of the disease.

OOC: BTW, a storm is coming, Massive...

A sudden change in air pressure began to signal Mannimarco that a storm was coming. He sniffed the smell of rain, and he looked around from his vantage point on a ruined stable. His energy was low, so he needed to fight his battles more carefully. He watched the giant lizard wreak havoc on the soldiers, and wondered, "How can something so massive, be bent to a mere wizard's will? The Silhouette has him hooked, and when he is unnecessary, he will be exterminated, because he is a threat. I am right or Mehrunes can have my soul!" On this rare occassion, Mannimarco chuckled, and it was a deep, almost soothing laugh, something unexpected from a man of his deeds.

Sighing, Mannimarco felt around for his dead. He was startled to feel most of the corpses were being "incapacitated" or, put out of comission. Mannimarco decided to take a chance and communicate with the vampires fighting for the Silhouette. At least, with their flesh. Mannimarco knew that if that giant lizard found him again, within the next couple of hours, he would not have the power to kill or even evade him. It would be the pits of Oblivion, and he would not accept that.

The vampires were fighting together, and it was strange indeed. The soldiers that were fighting them didn't get within four or five feet. The one or two soldiers that were bit every now and then were immediately cut down by their allies, and strangely, the soldier being killed did not die with spite, Mannimarco felt them leaving Nirm satiated. Mannimarco could not control the forty or so vampires there, but he could make them weaker, or even incapacitated.

Grinning and reciting the powerful magic, he made the vampire's legs relaxed, and he watched the vampires fall victim to the blades of the Morrowind Army.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 22 2007, 05:46 AM


Rann sat there for a long moment, with Dalrus resting on his shoulder. In the silence around him, he found time to think.

If Arastus died, then someone would have to take leadership permanently, as Dalrus had already said. But what if there was an attack at that very moment? The entire army would be leaderless and unorganized. Someone was needed now, if it was only a temporary position.

"What about you, Flogir?" he asked suddenly, "You were a soldier, you know military tactics, and you know that we won't hold here without a leader."

His mind suddenly went back to the woods, where he had started to take leadership of the group but relinquished it in favor of being stubborn. He was glad that Flogir wasn't like he was; there were people's lives at stake here.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 22 2007, 06:10 AM

Karn and Ian

Most of the positions were now owned by undead or the Silhoutte's forces. Now all of the ranged defenders were one the walls of Talos Plaza. While the 'Tai continued to bombard the invaders, Karn turned to see Patholos approach, Ian glanced at the pale Dunmer.

The sensei immediately recognized that his second had gotten his eyes back, to which he gave an inquisitive look. "What is it, Patholos?"

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 22 2007, 03:10 PM


Flogir scratched at the stubble on his chin as he pondered Rann's suggestion. His gaze was drawn in the direction that the battle was taking place. Flashes of Daedra storming over the walls, the screams and anguished cries of his allies flooding him mind. Flogir shook his head roughly, dispelling the memories.

Thunder crackled in the distance. A storm was drifting in steadily from the horizon.

This time, I won't fail. This will not be like Kvatch!

After moments of thought, Flogir finally cleared his throat. "Yes, I'd be willing to take over should the need arrive. What I suggest though is that we find the person who is commanding the Brumans. We'll make it a joint leadership until Astratus shows up."

Flogir looked to those around him. "Who is willing to come with me to find this person at the moment?"

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 22 2007, 03:57 PM

Dalrus, Green Emperor Way

Dalrus opened her eyes and yawned. "I suppose he would be in the Green Emperor Way somewhere, this is where the Bruman's and the Imperial Guard," she suggested looking at the knights guarding the door. The day was getting darker as clouds began to roll in. Wind started to pick up and Dalrus leaned over and kissed Rann. "I'm just going to help him look," she said to Rann and then standing up.

"I don't think you guys will be able to stay out here too long, but the tower should be open and reletively empty, Green Emperor way is off limits to people who aren't actually fighting.," she said standing next to Flogir. "I think if there is a commander, he will probably be meeting with the Guard commanders somewhere, maybe the Councilor chambers?" she suggested.

Eurod, Staggering in

Eurod had been bitten and knew he had forty eight hours of being fully human left. He would just have to control the lupis, not let himself go crazy. It was not unheard of, though it was very hard and took a lot of control. He staggered into the Green Emperor way from the gate that lead to the temple district. His armor was bloody and he looked strained just to stand up, but he could do it, he just needed a healer. He saw a group sitting against the wall talking, and then another group not to far away who were also in a discussion. He hoped they could help him.

"Anybody!?" was all he could utter before collapsing.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 22 2007, 04:45 PM


"I supposed that's where we could--" his sentence was cut off as a bloodied Nord nearby cried out for assistance before collapsing. Hearing the call, Flogir went to the man's side.

"Gods!" Flogir said in shock at the wounds the man had suffered. He looked back, and saw that Aerona was the only one nearby that he knew could possibly look after the man. "Aerona! I think we need your help here," he called out to her.

As he waited for help, he couldn't help but think that this Bruman was familiar. Perhaps they had crossed paths at the Battle of Bruma during the Oblivion Crisis.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 22 2007, 07:56 PM

Flint Ironwood and Green-Root, Narza'tai headquarters.

Even though the healers had fixed his bones, they weren't going to let him leave.
,,This place is our secret. You will leave when we consider it wise. Leave on your own, and we shall be forced to kill you." The woman who called herself Vasha claimed.
,,Oh, sure." Flint mumbled.

Green-Root leaned against the wall in one corner of the room.
,,Now, how is everyone? Flogir, Aerona, that naive girl and her boyfriend, the vampire, and let's not forget our two-faced politician." He began. Flint grumbled beneath his breath.
,,They're all fine, last time I checked." He spoke.
,,That is too bad." Green-Root replied with a shrug.

Flint gave the Argonian a long stare.
,,So, you finally showed your true colours, didn't you? Dissapointed your Silhouette hasn't conquered the whole world yet?" He snapped. The Argonian laughed.
,,True colours? Why would I serve a monster like the Silhouette? Old man, you are suffering from some severe delusions. I have no quarrel with any of you. If I did, you would be dead by now instead of resting in a bed with recently reassembled legs. I have no quarrel, except with Altair and his aide. It is too bad they are still in fine health. It would have been better for everyone if they'd died by now."

Flint rolled over, turning his back to Green-Root.
,,Because he's evil, a murderous robber and whatever. Gosh, I wonder who else fits that description? Leave me alone. I don't need a conspiracy theory."

Green-Root left the room without a word.
,,That man has one stubborn skull." He explained to Kalsh when the Argonian lass gave him a questioning look.
,,I can't convince him that the Altmer Altair is connected to a yellow-eyed Breton, perhaps even the same person. I can't convince him, even if I were the great Tiber Septim himself. But maybe someone else can, given a few hours of lonesome rest." He continued. Kalsh nodded in understanding and moved off to her guard post.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 22 2007, 11:15 PM


The werewolves were mighty indeed, but the swarm of undead overtook another three of the twelve before the alien could reach them. He swept the street with his staff's expansive reach, possibly relieved to see him return and strike the enemy from the flanks, the wolves pushed forward with renewed vigor.

Once the undead were vanquished, the man-wolves and the Plys'Iea took a moment to catch their breaths before moving on. Finally, as they were ready to get underway again, a group of human soldiers moved in from Green Emporer Way.
The soldiers didn't break from their tight cluster, and the werewolves were obediant enough not to charge outright. The silence and lack of movement was so perfect that the alien could sense the changing weather in the distance through his spines.

He looked over the soldiers, and immediately picked out the officer, next to the banner-carrier. The Plys'Iea warrior snarled and the werewolves burst onward around him. When the hunter reached the edge of the human broadswords' reach he leapt over the crouching formation.....

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 23 2007, 01:27 AM


"Excuse me Sensei," Patholos said with reverity, and retied his eyecloth. He had grown new eyes, but they were red like fire and an obvious sign of evil. Patholos returned to the conversation and said, "There is a matter of your and apparently the vampire's need in our sewer district. The Commander, Sensei," Patholos waited, and tried to ponder the right words for the release of information. He said, "He has been bitten."

OOC: Have fun, Plys'Iea

Lieutenant of the Mountain Spears (The soldiers in front of the Green Emperor Way)

Fear took the Lieutenant, and he knew this was his last day on Nirm. He said a small prayer for the four young recruits they had to implement due to missing soldiers. They were barely past their eighteenth summer. The lieutenant yelled to his men, "Now we go to sit among gods!" And the Morrowind Army charged with their swords high, just in time to see the giant beast leap impossibly into the air...

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 23 2007, 02:08 AM

OCC: I hate trying to spell the scientific name for vampirism.

Karn and Ian

The sensei raised an eyebrow and glanced at Ian who nodded almost inperceptively. "Then let us meet with Astratus."
The vampire asked the pale Dunmer, "Lycanthropy, or Porphyric Hemophillia?"

Issac, on the walls

He glanced down from the walls and called down to the group. "Well, Astratus was fighting and bleeding with his men, but now, apparently, he's in the sewers!" Issac held back any comment about how the Dunmer commander was doing much more than sitting by the gates.

The Altmer flinched slightly when a bandit's arrow flew inches over his shoulder, That was too close.... He turned and launched a fireball at the first bandit bowmen he spotted, regardless of if it was the one who shot at him or not.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 23 2007, 04:15 AM

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Aug 22 2007, 11:45 AM) *


"I supposed that's where we could--" his sentence was cut off as a bloodied Nord nearby cried out for assistance before collapsing. Hearing the call, Flogir went to the man's side.

"Gods!" Flogir said in shock at the wounds the man had suffered. He looked back, and saw that Aerona was the only one nearby that he knew could possibly look after the man. "Aerona! I think we need your help here," he called out to her.

As he waited for help, he couldn't help but think that this Bruman was familiar. Perhaps they had crossed paths at the Battle of Bruma during the Oblivion Crisis.


Aerona rushed to help the man, and quickly kneeled down beside him.

"Prop him up a little," she said to Flogir, "Help me get his armor off."

She hoped that most of the blood on his armor didn't belong to him, or he would be gone shortly. Also, she had used most of her magicka in helping Flogir and Rann, and very little was left. She could only hope that more conventional methods would work.


As Flogir began to help, Rann stopped him and began doing as Aerona said.

"You do what you need to," he explained as he began cutting Eurod's armor straps with a small knife.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 23 2007, 04:43 AM


Flogir nodded at what Rann told him. Indeed he had something to do.

He went to the walls where the Brumans were busily plying their techniques to repel the invaders. He approached a group that were taking a break.

"Greetings. Who commands you guys other than Astratus? I have a feeling we might need to collaborate should Astratus fall."

The Brumans looked around them. One of them shrugged their shoulders "Eurod was here earlier, cept he was on the other side of the walls," he said, nodding towards the walls.

Another soldier spoke up. "Actually I'm very sure the Cap'n brought back his squad to this side. He didn't look to well..."

Flogir paused. "What's he look like?"

The soldier gave him a description of the man that had collapsed nearby him. "By the Divines!" Flogir cursed and left the soldiers without telling them anything.

Flogir stopped by Rann and Aerona once again. "Well apparently I found out that the person I was looking for is this chap right here... This isn't looking good," he looked up to Issac, "Is there I way for me to get into those sewers. I guess I should checkup on Astratus now."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 23 2007, 04:55 AM


"You aren't very good at doing what you have to, are you?" he asked, half joking, half serious, "If this is in fact the leader here, then you're up next, and should probably stay here."

He held out his knife to Flogir, "Finish here and I'll go in the sewers for Arastus. I consider myself sneakier than you anyway."

It didn't occur to him how much it seemed like he was bossing around a nord much older and much wiser than he.


Aerona tore off Eurod's shirt, looking for the main wound, but there were so many, it was hard to tell which one was the main problem. She wanted to look over more of the injured man's body, but for some reason there was still armor on certain parts.

She looked up at Flogir and Rann, and in seeing the cause of the delay she shouted at them, "Someone start cutting again if you want him to live!"

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 23 2007, 05:12 AM


Flogir grinned despite the seriousness of the situation. "I should remind you, my old position in the army was a basically a field corporal. I just did what my sergeant told me to do."

Flogir jumped when Aerona yelled at him. He quickly began to removing the last pieces of armour, apologizing repeatedly.

Without looking up, he addressed those around him. "Umm, could anyone tell the Brumans over there the situation on their Captain and that if they require any assistance to ask me for instructions."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 23 2007, 05:27 AM

OOC: do you want him to become a werewolf, Florodine?


Rann hurried off to report to the soldiers from Bruma. He found the same group that Flogir did.

"Your leader is severely injured. To take his place, though is an experienced soldier from the Oblivion Crisis," he pointed to Flogir, who was currently aiding in the healing of Eurod, "Everyone reports to him now, understood?"

They all nodded, but one spoke up, "But what exactly are you doing?" he asked, obviously not happy that this young dunmer in front of them wasn't helping at the gates.

"Following orders," he answered, heading off in the direction of the nearest sewer entrance.


Aerona ignored Flogir's apologies, and stayed focused on the task at hand. With the rest of the armor off, she spotted the problem; a bite.

"Werewolf," she said, "I can heal the wound, and he'll live, but I don't have the right ingredients to cure the disease right now."

She reached into her pack and pulled out a bottle of water and some choice herbs. She poured the water on the wound to clean it, and followed up by crushing the herbs into a pulp and placing them on the wound. She then ripped off the hem of her skirt and wrapped it around him.

"This wound will heal, but his blackout was caused by the disease, not so much his injuries. We should keep him locked up at night to keep him from hurting anyone."

Posted by: minque Aug 23 2007, 09:55 PM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Aug 23 2007, 03:08 AM) *

Issac, on the walls

He glanced down from the walls and called down to the group. "Well, Astratus was fighting and bleeding with his men, but now, apparently, he's in the sewers!" Issac held back any comment about how the Dunmer commander was doing much more than sitting by the gates.

The Altmer flinched slightly when a bandit's arrow flew inches over his shoulder, That was too close.... He turned and launched a fireball at the first bandit bowmen he spotted, regardless of if it was the one who shot at him or not.

Satyana, joining 'Issac

She looked at her sister, slowly moving her head from side to side....she was right!, but so was Issac! Amrita hadn´t known either of them fo very long, so how could she promise everything would turn out ok? Unless of course.... Satyana shrugged, Amrita would of course pull some magic stunt on Rann! She doidn´t trust her anyway, but decided to maybe try her.

But that had to wait a while since she found Issac on the barriers throwinbg fireballs....Her place was with him! She approached him, touching his arm..

"Issac, sweetie, I´m here I´ll help out"

Satyana Sarethi prepared for her big show.....Small blue flames surrounded her, her amethyst-eyes glowed with an eerie light...she took a deep breath, stretched both her arms forward and spoke the incantation, so lethal!....

"Flammor, förtär dina mål, inifrån och ut...förtär tills intet mer än aska kvarstår"

A blue-white cloud emerged from her hands....

OOC: You guys decide what and how her lethal VC-fire will hit!...Because it will hit..something or someone

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 23 2007, 10:18 PM


Amrita waited for Satyana to reply; it even appeared as if she might respond in the way she was hoping for, but instead she wandered off to Issac. Amrita couldn't help but stare at her back in puzzlement.

Now I can definitely see why Rann can get annoyed by these two. You try to talk to them and they just walk away from you without saying a word... At least they're meant for each other. They're both very rude!" Amrita thought angrily as she bit her bottom lip in frustration.

She wandered back to the group, and found that they were taking care of a fallen soldier.

"What happened to him?"


Flogir was attempting to life Eurod to carry him when Amrita came back. "He suffered some wounds from a werewolf. We gotta find a place to stash him just in case he turns overnight."

Flogir looked around to see if there was anyplace handy at the moment. He noticed a wine cellar that was attached to one of the buildings. "Let's take him in there," he said, pointing out the building, "As long as it's an isolated cellar, we'll just have to barricade those doors."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 23 2007, 10:53 PM


Rann lowered himself down into the sewers, and was immediately assaulted by the not-so-pleasant smell. Doing his very best ot ignore it, he crept along, trying to find the best way to get himself back above ground on the other side.

As he made his way through the dark, damp tunnels, he found himself looking at each shadow, expecting to see someone (or something) pop out. He couldn't help but feel that he was being watched, and he realized that it would be hard to hide himself after already being spotted, so he abandoned his silent creeping and began splashing about in the sewer as if he were strolling along a street in broad daylight.

OOC: The one(s) watching him are with the Narza'Tai. Feel free to have them stop him.


Aerona grabbed the man's legs, expecting Flogir to grab his shoulders, and they began to carry him in the direction of the cellar. Aerona was surprised at the man's light weight at first, until she remembered her vampirism. Shaking the thought from her head, she put all of her mental power towards the task at hand.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 23 2007, 11:23 PM


As the intruder cleared the long hallway and entered one of the chambers, fifteen magical urns burst into fire, illuminating the entire space. The group of thirteen assassins appeared throughtout the room, five bows and four crossbows were aimed at Rann.

The rest of the group had shortswords and daggers of ebony, Deadric, or silver brandished. With the exception of their leader, all of the assassins were crouching in a battle stance. The leader, a masked Altmer, stood tall, holding an enchanted staff; a sheathed Deadric shortsword sitting on his belt.

The Altmer looked down at Rann, "To come here was not a wise decision; you would do well to leave now and forget you what you have seen."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 23 2007, 11:28 PM


"And you'd do well to shove that staff up your a**, but neither one is going to happen. I've got orders to find Arastus, and I'm not leaving until I do," he said matter-of-factly, despite the fact that he was heavily outnumbered.

What the altmer in front of him didn't know, though, was that Rann had already sensed the magical power of the staff and was ready to absorb it for his own use at a moment's notice.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 23 2007, 11:44 PM

OCC: If Rann's willing to be sick for the rest of the siege....... Nah, he won't have to be.


Beneath the mask, it was difficult to see the Altmer narrow his eyes slightly. "Commander Astratus has been stricken with Lycanthropy, and has sought shelter here for the moment." His voice was devoid of any anger he might have felt.

"The commander asked for an audiance with the sensei and the Imperial vampire, nothing more. Now, if all you needed to do was verify the commander was here, you have." The Altmer leader clearly intended to dismiss Rann as soon as possible.
"Until the meeting has taken place, the quarantine will not be lifted; you have enough to report to whoever your superior is, so there is no reason for you to remain here."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 24 2007, 12:30 AM


"It most certainly wouldn't satisfy my superior," he replied, "Because my goal is to speak with his superior which I obviously haven't done. So if you'll kindly move..." he said, not waiting for any of them to actually move before starting to walk past them.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 24 2007, 01:17 AM

OCC: In the Priest's absense, I'll move Ian and Karn forward, so they'll arrive shortly. I suppose Rann takes the fact they haven't shoot him in a bunch of non-lethal places for granted.


The sewer gate leading onward slammed shut, and the sword-wielders of the assassins moved to impede Rann's path. Beside Rann, the Altmer said. "Your superior's satisfaction is not our imperative of ours, Dunmer."

"Seeing as you have no leaverage on your end; we don't have to let you through. Perhaps you should re-evaluate your position before making more demands, boy." There was obvious condesension as the Altmer spoke the last word.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 24 2007, 01:41 AM


Flogir shifted his grip to hold Eurod by the armpits, allowing Aerona to carry him by the feet. They waddled their way to the cellar. They had to stop, and set Eurod down in order to open the heavy oak doors and remove the wooden bolt that kept it shut.

"I'll walk in backwards with him," Flogir instructed Aerona as they picked Eurod up once more.

As Flogir walked down the steps, he knew by the extremely musty smell that the cellar hadn't been used for awile. Flogir placed Eurod down once they were fully inside the cellar. Examining the cellar, Flogir coughed at the stirred up dust. Pretty much all the walls were lined with either casks of drink, probably wine or ale, or racks containing some bottles of various drinks. Flogir was happy to find that they way they came in was the only entrance. All the walls were solid stone.

"Well, we should probably gather up these supplies. The soldiers might need them to disinfect wounds and whatnot," he turned to Aerona, "Do you think we got enough time to gather it all up if I get some soldiers to help out?"

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 24 2007, 04:21 AM


He felt a cold sweat form on the back of his neck, and sudden pulses of his heart scared him. The old soreness above his knees was gone, as well as the pain in his shoulders. He was sitting in a chair, when he heard commotion at the end of the hall. The female Narza'Tai healer came back to him and told him a brief description of Rann. Astratus remembered him from the gate earlier, and stood up. He fell immediately to his face, because of his recent growth in stature and loss of balance. Astratus slowly rose, and then walked with the help of the healer down the hallway.

When he came to the room, he saw Rann and the others, and wondered where Karn and Ian were. He had to catch his breath, because he was nausious and dizzy. He looked at Rann and said, "You, I saw you at the gate. Why don't you fight? Men are dying, surely you weren't sent here for me?" Astratus made a motion of head shaking, but abandoned the idea when he almost lost his balance. Astratus felt his body temperature rise and he grasped the wall for support. He looked Rann up and down, then said, "I'm sorry if I came across rude, but, as of now, I am in no condition to help my men, and soon, I will become a monster and fight the brethren I came across the Empire with. I feel alone, and I can already tell that there is a problem with command, mostly due to my forgetfullness of replacement should this happen again. I need to speak with Ian and Karn, about command, and you are welcome to attend. That is, if I am still myself in a few hours..."


"Lycanthropy," He whispered, then escorted them down into the part of the sewers they were holding Astratus. Patholos saw the infection in Astratus, and it made him wonder what stuff the man was made of, to hold out against the disease that weakens the body so. He looked and saw that the years of alcoholism had almost ruined his liver and hardened his veins, making it hard for the Lycanthropy pathogens to circulate through his bloodstream. Patholos was truly amazed by this, but said nothing. He heard Astratus's voice, albeit weaker, in the distance, then the three came into the room with Rann and Astratus.

Patholos looked at Rann, and all the repressed anger from Rann's dissaproval of Patholos caught him in a flurry. He dragged the blade of his dagger across his palm, and Patholos's blood activated the deadly enchantment. He held the blade low in the folds of his black robe, and his eyes were visible as red discs behind his eyecloth. He said to the assembly, "Excuse me, there is a matter I need to take care of." And he slipped into the dark abyss that was the surrounding sewers. He would wait for Rann, and take his vengeance. There was a small voice in his head, a friendly voice, telling him it was wrong, but Patholos shook his head and hide well, waiting for his quarry.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 24 2007, 04:49 AM

Ian and Karn

"Stand down, Alastor." He ordered the Altmer calmly. The leader relaxed and bowed his head, but his anger concerning Rann was still there.
Karn turned to address the younger Dunmer, but Ian beat him to the point. "Diplomacy is clearly not a strength of yours, Rann. I would never send you to negotiate with trained warriors." The Imperial chided Rann lightly.

The sensei added dryly, "It's wise watch what you step on." To the Narza'Tai around them, he commanded. "Back to the shadows." Not only did the group disperse, the magical flames dimmed enough to allow for moderate concealment.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 24 2007, 06:11 AM


Rann thought his diplomacy was just fine; he wasn't making remarks about how the Narza'Tai was the Brotherhood in everything but name and was even hiding his disgust for each and every one of them.

After thinking about his hatred for the guild, and the current situation, though, Rann made a conscious decision to be more diplomatic in the meeting that he was most surely attending. If the meeting was about leadership, and Ian and Karn were the candidates...

He would push for Flogir's election. He most certainly didn't want the leader of what he considered to be the Dark Brotherhood in charge, and he didn't want a traitorous vampire, either. Flogir was a trained soldier with knowledge of tactics and strategies and was good at quick decision making. Not only was he Rann's first choice, but he seemed better suited to the job. Karn was best with his band of assassins, and Ian was best at doing different sorts of special missions. Not to mention the fact that many would be wary of following a vampire.

"Sorry about that," he said in a tone that was as close to meek as he could get, "I didn't know they were on our side."

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 24 2007, 07:13 AM

OCC: Since Ian and Karn were the first combatants of the initial battle, and remained at the forefront of the battle, most of the soldiers only know about them because of that. So, despite what they happen to be, and who they already command aside, they are probably in pretty good graces with the soldiers.


In spite of how convincing Rann's apology was, Karn doubted that the Dunmer regretted anything he did, no matter how impulsive. From what he'd heard from Patholos, Serene's grandson had a hatred for the Dark Brotherhood.

Understandable, after all, isn't that why the Narza'Tai will outlive its predesesor. The Sensei mused, If the Dark Brotherhood gathered again, the intense hatred for them would lead to their demise. The 'family' was a gang of homicidal cut-throuts and sadistic maniacs with an over-developed urge to spill the blood of others....
This image of the Dark Brotherhood was one of the elements that had inspired the birth of the Narza'Tai. Where the former was simple a cult of killers, the Narza'Tai would have a true purpose, they would have duty instead of savagry.

A sudden thought broke his revere, the look Patholos had when he'd departed. He and Rann hated each other, Karn wondered if his lieutenant would go so far.....


A sound of thunder roared from the nearby storm. The alien stood still in the middle of the streets leading to the gates, small pieces of flesh clung to the spikes on his staff, human blood stained his jaws, covered his tongue.

The mangled remains of the Nord lieutenant was barely recognizable. He looked down at the corpse, into the sightless gaze of the man. The Plys'Iea snorted and swiveled his head to gaze at the eight remaining werewolves who were gorging themselves on the bodies of the dead.
A tiny drop of rain splashed on his snake-like head, then another three. And then the sky dumped its sorrows upon the world below. As the rain fell, he pondered what to do next, the King of Worms had dissappeared again.

Before he could get far in his brooding, a brilliant flash nearly blinded the alien. A wolf howled in surprise.... and was rapidly cut off. Even without his half-gone vision, the Plys'Iea knew the mighty beast had crumpled to the ground dead.
As they scattered, he chanced a look at the battlements and spied two individuals.....

Satyana, joining 'Issac

She looked at her sister, slowly moving her head from side to side....she was right!, but so was Issac! Amrita hadn´t known either of them fo very long, so how could she promise everything would turn out ok? Unless of course.... Satyana shrugged, Amrita would of course pull some magic stunt on Rann! She doidn´t trust her anyway, but decided to maybe try her.

But that had to wait a while since she found Issac on the barriers throwinbg fireballs....Her place was with him! She approached him, touching his arm..

"Issac, sweetie, I´m here I´ll help out"

Satyana Sarethi prepared for her big show.....Small blue flames surrounded her, her amethyst-eyes glowed with an eerie light...she took a deep breath, stretched both her arms forward and spoke the incantation, so lethal!....

"Flammor, förtär dina mål, inifrån och ut...förtär tills intet mer än aska kvarstår"

A blue-white cloud emerged from her hands....


He grinned slightly when Satyana appeared, "I would perfer help from none other." The spell she cast was very impressive, but Issac would never forget how her eyes looked at that moment, if he could help it, they were so captivating.

The werewolf Satyana's spell struck was put to an end instantly, not going too into detail. "It looks like their pulling back...." Issac said as the wolves and giant reptilian creature retreated. The brief gaze the mysterious creature at him caused Issac shudder involuntary.

Posted by: Florodine of Hlaalu Aug 24 2007, 01:40 PM

Dalrus, Green Emperor Way

Dalrus stood there with nothing to do, everyone had left. She thought about how she could help the defense, besides fighting. How could she help lead a group. She would gather the mages! That was it, the mages guild was dead, but she could make a new one, a better one. Dalrus would not call it the mages guild, a different more ancient name would suit it better. She thought more and more about it. They would use the Arcane University, that had more than likely fallen...or had it? Dalrus would need to get there, though it would more than likely be surrounded by enemies. With the arch mage's credibility shot, Dalrus was sure they would elect a new leader. But not just that, she would gather any retired mages in the city, Rindir was supposed to be very good and there were definitely many other mages who had come to the city to defend.

Dalrus begand writing an announcement. It read: "To all users of the Arcane arts, Mages Guild members and non Mages Guild members, now is not the time to quarral. We are in dire need of unity, especially when we are up against mages greater than any we have ever faced before. Put aside your differences and unite! If all the mages work together, a unified resistance could be strong. The mages guild should be abolished, it has fallen and cannot get back up again. Let us create a new order, something stronger, less manopolizing, more welcoming to those followers of the Arcane arts. I call all of you who are in the city, meet me at the Arboretum, we will get our magical brothers and sisters out of the university, from there I will talk to all of your in person," Dalrus looked at her handiwork. It was not great, however, it was heartfelt, and she was in a hurry.

She sprinted off towards the Market District, where she could use the printing press in The Black Horse Curiour

Eurod, Closet

Eurod had many dreams as he lay barely alive int he cellar. He was running, he was not sure where, but he was in a hurry. Something exciting was ahead of him, something he really needed to reach, otherwise he didn't think he could survive. He ran, though he seemed shorter than usual. He ran faster than he had run before. Suddenly he came over the hill to a cliff side. The trees were less plentiful and the great circlular moons of Nirn came into view. At the end of the cliff, pleading for his life was a man. Eurod suddenly charged at him and tackled him to the ground. He bent down and ripped open his stomach... His paws clawed at him...what was happening?!

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 24 2007, 06:52 PM

Flint Ironwood.

He put a hand over the edge of the well.
,,Finally, fresh air." He mumbled.
,,You can take of the blindfold now." One member of his escort hissed before they all descended back down into the depths.

Flint tore off the dirty piece of fabric and threw it to the ground. He looked around and saw that he was standing at a camp. Soldiers buzzed around all over. Flint scratched his head.
,,Guess we're still fighting. I'll just go see Flogir first before making any decisions, such as getting a new weapon. All I've got left are a dagger and some portable smithing tools. Not exactly handy in a massive melee."

Flint asked for directions from one passing soldier.
,,Sure old man. He went that way, carrying our commander. You probably shouldn't bother him now though. There was a really hot woman with him, if you know what I mean."

Flint rolled his eyes and said something random before moving off in the direction he'd been pointed to.
,,Really, soldiers these days. So uncivilized."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 24 2007, 07:15 PM


Rann stood there as nobody said a word. Karn seemed to be in some sort of deep thought, while Ian just stood there silently, his face not giving any hint as to what went on behind it.

"So...this meeting..." he said, trying to fill the air with something besides awkward silence.


"We don't have time to get it all, but do bring some soldiers down here to get some of it. She looked to the unconscious man.

"He's already having the dreams. Have them grab everything off the shelves, but leave these crates here; we'll need them to barricade the door."

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 24 2007, 08:51 PM

OOC: I don't remember, isn't the VC a touch only spell? Or is that just for Clash of the Titans purposes?


Flogir nodded before vacating the cellar. "Just scream or try to knock him out if you notice that he's beginning to change," he said before leaving.

Just as he exited the cellar, he saw that Flint was making his way over. Flogir grinned. "Flint! You lucky sod! Glad to see you! I need you to do a favour though. Bring some avaliable soldiers that aren't on duty. We need them to gather some supplies," he called out before entering the cellar once again.

"Help is coming shortly," he said as he began gathering the bottles that were placed on the racks.


Voltar had followed Issac and Satyana to the wall. He got there just in time to see Satyana's spell.

Voltar's eyebrows arched slightly, something he rarely did.

My my, that little lady possesses quite a powerful spell. I might have to inquire about that when I have time...

Voltar began assisting the troops around him as the storm began to grow heavy. Taking advantage of the weather, Voltar used the Staff of Worldly Demise to assist him in summoning 4 Storm Atronacts to assist in the battle. Empowered by the thunderstorm, the Atronacts began to decimate any bandits or goblins nearby.

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 24 2007, 09:10 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint rose an eyebrow.
,,Lucky sod? I nearly got ripped apart by the Sil, literally. Oh, and Green-Root is apparently in the sewers with a whole collection of friends. He was still trying to tell me not to trust Altair and his assistant. Like damn, as if I would take the word of a heartless murderer over the word of a civilized man." He complained but then swiftly left, relayed Flogir's orders and returned with five Brumans in less than a minute.

,,Here are your guys. So, why exactly are you imprisoning that man? He looks injured." Flint started but then he got a better look.
,,Blast it all. Now we've got Lycanthrophy to deal with as well? Why aren't things ever easy nowadays?"

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 24 2007, 10:11 PM


Flogir told the Brumans to help him unload the bottle of booze on the racks. As he assisted them, he talked with Flint.

"Well, if he somehome dies, we could possibly have an undead werewolf to deal with. Does that sound better?" he asked with a grin. His mood was brightening knowing that Flint was reasonably ok and acting like his usual pessimistic self.

At the mention of Green-Root, Flogir scoffed, "I wouldn't trust him either. I don't like those assassins down in the sewer either. Really, they're only helping us to save themselves. As you may have noticed, I think the death toll between us and the assassins are much larger, and that's percentage wise, not numbers wise!" he said with some heat in his words, "If we make it through this, we better keep an eye on those murderers...."

Seeing that all of the loose bottles were removed, he brushed the dust off his shirt. He looked to Aerona, "Well now, I think we're ready to barricade this place up. Do we need to leave the Captain here anything, like some food or water before we go?"

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 25 2007, 12:24 AM


As Flogir finished his sentence about the Narza'Tai, there was a sharp crack and a cloud of black smoke exploded not to far away from them. A Narza'Tai mage looked around and then focused on Flint and Flogir. "In light of your sending the young Dunmer into the sewers seeking Astratus, our Sensei sent me to inform you of the commander's condition."

The emmisary's eyes were not visible, her mask resting atop a face veil. The silver-like metal had a red-tint to it, signefying her of being in the middle of the hierarchy. "Commander Astratus has been striken with Lycanthropy; he called for an audience with our Sensei and the vampire in bloodied robes. The boy you sent to find the commander has chosen to remain for the duration of the meeting as your envoy."

The Narza'Tai spellcaster spoke in a formal, but gentle fashion. She showed no signs of hearing the suspicions voiced earlier of her kin.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 25 2007, 01:38 AM


Flogir jumped at the noise that the appearing mage made. He listened to her words carefully. The impersonal attire of the mage gave her words a slightly muffled sound but they were still clear.

Flogir cursed. "Now both potential leaders are sticken with Lycantrophy... Pass that message on too if Rann hasn't stated that yet. Captain Eurod of the Bruman forces has been stricken with the same disease, we have him locked away in order to protect the troops."

At mentioning Rann's name, Flogir couldn't help but remember Rann's hatred for the Dark Brotherhood and essentially, this new "guild" only consisted of members from the Brotherhood. He grimaced.

"I hope my envoy hasn't caused any... complications. When I asked someone to find Astratus I didn't issue the order to anyone in specific, Rann volunteered before I could recall the potential... situation the meeting between him and your guild could bring," he said with an embarrassed smile.

"But anyways, please bring immediate word to me after the meeting is finished. I will more than likely be atop these walls. Thank you."

After the mage left, Flogir cursed again. He looked to Flint. "They heard me didn't they? It seems a little too coincidental for them to appear right after I voiced my suspicions on them... By the Divines!"

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 25 2007, 02:03 AM


When one of the senior mages appeared with a response from Flogir, Karn nodded understanding the situation was deteriorating worse than he'd thought at first. "Continue," the Sensei said when the emissary had finished.

The envoy, along with her fellow emissaries, departed to spread the bad news. The Dunmer took a deep breath before explaining. "So, there truly is a lack of leadership....."
He gathered himself, as Ian said to Astratus. "Whatever has to be done, it would be wise not to squander what precious time we have."


Once out of the spellcaster's line of fire, he looked over the wolves who were still with him. They seemed weary; tough they were, but the near-constant melee was sapping even their animal ferocity. They can't remain in their beast forms for much longer, I'll have to continue on my own....

The alien snorted, getting the wolves' attention, and lead them back to the camp of the Silhoutte. Despite the obvious barrier in true communication, the man-wolves understood what he was doing. Leaving them at the camp to transform back into their normal selves, he went back into the Temple District.
The rain was now pouring down, but since only the alien's head was not covered, he didn't care. Stowing his staff, the hunter climbed to the rooftops to begin the hunt.....

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 25 2007, 01:22 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint simply nodded.
,,Let's hope they're a tad less volatile than Rann. No offense, but the kid can get pretty wild at times. I'd rather not see them suddenly turning on us. Not now. With the sewers in their hands, they could really turn things into a mess." He commented before turning back to more important matters. If the Narza'tai became a threat was still only an if and until it happened, they simply didn't have the manpower to guard all the mancovers.

,,As for the Bruman captain, give him some bottles of water, preferably packed in something that doesn't break like glass. Or maybe just pour it into a hole dug into the floor. I should be able to carve out a hole with my Telekinesis. For food, bread and vegetables. The fewer scents that might trigger the Lycanthrope's response, the better."

Green-Root, somewhere in the Sil's camp.

He listened for any sounds, the mancover raised only a fingerwidth's above the ground. No one was near at the moment, good. The Argonian reached down with one hand and grimaced when the bottle was placed into it. His job was the most dangerous one but that was understandable. He was expendable.

Still nothing. Green-Root raised the mancover just a little higher and then rolled the bottle onto the cobblestones. He then retreated into the sewers, sealing the mancover.
,,It is done." He gestured with his hands. Now all they could do was wait.

The bottles were filled with a clear liquid. The bottles themselves smelled of alcohol and looked like the ones normally used to contain the stronger beverages. As far as beverages went, this one was very strong indeed. If uncorked or broken, the contact with the air would cause the liquid to evaporate and turn into a gas that could kill even in low concentrations. The high walls themselves would keep the poison sealed in and enhance its effect. Still, the effect would only last for about a minute before the poison had become too thin to take effect.

One minute, one minute of death repeated all over the Silhouette's portion of the city by bottles that had seemingly been carelessly rolled in the dirt. Would they ever place the link between unexplained death and the innocent opening of a bottle of booze? Green-Root didn't know, though he was quite sure the Goblins and most bandits would not figure out unless someone smarter did for them. Too bad its effect on Argonians was negligible and on undead entirely useless. Not that zombies held an interest in alcohol in the first place.

OOC: The poison is probably similar to the one Karn used once, the one that inhibits breathing. Also, the area of effect is going to be too small to wipe out the whole army, just a small fraction. Most of the army is probably still outside the city anyway.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 25 2007, 06:25 PM


"Are you alright, Satyana?" He asked, rain was now pouring from the clouds above. Issac thought he saw something in Satyana's eyes when her spell struck the werewolf. He gently guided her into the keep on the battlements to get them both out of the rain.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 25 2007, 09:03 PM


Red fire careened across his mind, and he was starting to lose his sense of personality again, just as before, when Rann had challenged him over what to do with the vampire. Patholos's senses heightened, and his stomach, empty for a long time, stopped its grumbling. Patholos felt burning spots on his arms where the muscles began to tear. He was so tense, and he liked it. Patholos waited, and watched for the Dunmer to walk by, and by Sithis, he would die.


The first stage of the disease was almost complete, and Astratus's fatigue up and vanished. He said to the three, "There is a problem with me, I don't feel tired anymore. I know you must be thinking of possible candidates to replace me, and I would like to say one thing. Have the new candidate meet me before I turn, there is something I must share with him in private." Astratus sat down on the floor and folded his legs. Each of the three others looked to be in their own personal world. Astratus flexed his left arm, and he saw the bulging vein quicken. He drew his dagger and laid it in his lap.

He thought to himself, I will be no monster, I will be myself when I die. He felt a wave of sadness and regret wash over him as his end came into sight. He despised unnatural things, and he would be no werewolf.

OOC: I do declare a choice for the poor Commander and the Captain!


A lieutenant and six men appeared, all clad in Guardsman armor. They were tailed by the Narza'Tai and there was a Bosmer member of the Narza'Tai leading them. They saw Astratus sitting on the floor, and pushed past Karn and Ian, until they were right next to the Commander. The Lieutenant bent low to whisper something to Astratus, then he got up and sheathed his knife. His eyes widened, but then he sighed. As the lieutenant finished, Astratus spoke, "There was a house that had been hoarded with all sorts of potions and cures. The lieutenant had just been asking around with the survivors and a family said they had stocked when the City was evacuated. The family did not elaborate as to what they had stocked, but I am willing to go and look. Sadly, the house is in Green Emperor Way, and might be destroyed. What do you think?"

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 26 2007, 12:59 AM


"I don't think you should go anywhere," Rann answered, "You could turn at any moment, and it'd be best if you weren't amongst your men when you do."

Rann was beginning to be a bit scared; if Arastus went to investigate this house, and something happened before he named the next leader, then their forces would become disorganized for a time. There was no way they could afford such a blow.

Posted by: minque Aug 26 2007, 04:54 PM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Aug 25 2007, 07:25 PM) *


"Are you alright, Satyana?" He asked, rain was now pouring from the clouds above. Issac thought he saw something in Satyana's eyes when her spell struck the werewolf. He gently guided her into the keep on the battlements to get them both out of the rain.


She shrugged, never ever could she get used to how gross this spell was! She had seen Serene use it, several times and she never liked its effect. Back then she promised herself never to use it unless necessary. Now this moment she thought it necessary though...she wanted to prevent those beasts to get anywhere close to Issac...hopefully the illustrous effect of the spell would discourage them to further attacks....

But the smell! Burnt flesh! Ewwww

"I´m Ok Issac.....I just do not like that spell one bit!, Besides it´s exhausting to cast it..I´m totally worn out"

She squeezed his arm devotingly

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 26 2007, 06:35 PM

OCC: I just got back from Church, so let's continue.


"Fair enough," He replied. A small group of archers moved past them to take positions on the wall.

"I think they have this handled; since the Tiber Spetim is gone, the King and Queen is the best place to rest." Issac lightly ran his finger over Satyana's cheek.

Casting a weak shield spell so they wouldn't get drenched before the third step outside.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 26 2007, 06:48 PM

OOC: A Little bit of self preservation coming from Astratus


"So you would damn me to this terrible disease? I will not stand idly by and become a monster! My men need a leader, and, for right now, THEY HAVE ONE!"

Astratus was upset, and a little on edge, the statement that Rann had made was completely logical and true, but Astratus did not feel the same way. He was getting angry at small things, showing the secondary traits of Lycanthropy. He stood, and waited for the opinions of the vampire and the Narza'Tai leader.

Posted by: minque Aug 26 2007, 07:38 PM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Aug 26 2007, 07:35 PM) *


"Fair enough," He replied. A small group of archers moved past them to take positions on the wall.

"I think they have this handled; since the Tiber Spetim is gone, the King and Queen is the best place to rest." Issac lightly ran his finger over Satyana's cheek.

Casting a weak shield spell so they wouldn't get drenched before the third step outside.

OCC: Crap, I just realized, both Rahvin and Brianna are still in the Tiber Septim..... I don't think they know how to teleport to any given plave on a moment's notice nor will either be..... erm, ready to fight off an unknown amount of evil/cruel hearted goblins, maruaders, bandits, or a certain cold-blooded extraterrestrial warrior.

OOC: Oops! I must have missed that..How did the Tiber Septim get distroyed? But I guess Bree´s magical skills just about saved both Rahvin and herself...for the time being. Now the others won´t know that of course, so Issac´s remark may just upset Satyana, she knew her mom and Rahvin were in there didn´t she?


"TIBER SEPTIM GONE?" Satyana screamed.."But Rahvin?...and my mother...they were in there!" She put her hands to her face and yelled in agony...not so much due to Brianna...but Rahvin! She had come to like him very much during the fairly short time she´d known him.

She clung to Issac....

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 27 2007, 02:27 AM


In his mind he cursed, having forgotten all about Brianna and Rahvin since the Talos Plaza was conquered. Issac stole a glance at the Talos Plaza, while trying to comfort Satyana. The inn was still there, but many of the windows had been broken, and from what little of the interior was visible, it looked like it had been thoroughly looted.

Issac didn't know what Brianna's skills were, but he doubted she was a professional battlemage. Rahvin was an assassin, but it was not in their line of work to fight gods-knew-how many pilaging scum that might have attacked them.
"They might have gotten out, in which case they'll show up sometime. That's all we can expect, Satyana." He didn't think stating the obvious alternative would do accomplish anything good, but that the worst had not happened was the best they could hope for.

He clasped one of her hands and clenched it reassuringly. Issac caressed Satyana's face with his other hand, and gently massaged her cheek with his thumb.

Ian and Karn

Ian said calmly. "With respect, Commander, straining yourself or getting outraged will only quicken the spread of Lycanthropy. It would be better if you remained calm and relaxed for the time being." The vampire agreed with Rann, the men didn't need to be placed in possible jeopardy any more than they needed to see their leader in this foul condition.

Taking a breath the Narza'Tai Sensei added to the previous arguments. "A spellcaster can take a group of your soldiers to the cache and then transport any supplies out in around three minutes, much quicker than walking their and hauling out of whatever basement through brute force."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 27 2007, 04:57 AM


"Please, Commander, sit down again, and relax. I know you don't want to do this--none of us do--but we've got no choice."

"The supplies be damned until you choose our next leader. Or we're all dead, along with our cause."


The boy's right for once. And if Arastus plans to use that knife himself, he'd better hurry.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 28 2007, 03:03 AM


Astratus slowly sat back down, and relaxed a little of his tension. He sheathed his dagger, and thought to himself, "Who would make a good leader in my absence, Oblivion, I didn't even want this job in the first place." Memories flooded his mind and he recalled the days of his youth, soldiering with the Nerevarine. Strange wolfish creatures make appearances in his memories, and they were out of place.

Astratus thought of everyone he had met, and what the others had told him. He was deliberating when a thought came to him. There was a man, an imposing man at that, who seemed scholarly and wise, but obviously not physically strong. Then there was the man, Flogir, who he had met in person. He seemed battle smart but not a "quill and scroll" type of person. Astratus was vexed, then a thought came to him. If he gave joint authority to both men, remembering Altair as the name of the scholar, they would suit the spot the best. Astratus stood, and said, "I will elect two "Situational Commanders" to govern the army. Each will be exactly the same, and hopefully, due to our condition, will cooperate. I have decided to elect the Scholar Altair, and the Soldier Flogir as Situational Commanders. Please, Karn, Rann, Vampire, help them, as I am most likely damned to monstrosity."

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 28 2007, 03:28 AM

Karn and Ian

Though perhaps not the outcome he had expected or wanted, the Sensei nodded without protest. "Very well, the Narza'Tai shall continue to hold the sewers and offer support for the Morrowind Army." This is most disturbing, Altair, Veric for that matter, is in partial command of one one of the last organised armies in all of Tamriel.
Karn revealed nothing of his dissatisfaction, but he didn't think it mattered if he showed it in front of Rann, the young Dunmer was infuriating in his nigh arrogant swagger.

The vampire remained stoic calmly accepting the commander's choices. "Two elements brought together to complete one another." Ian said no more, Flogir was a prudent choice, but we must wary of Altair, this could be a taste of things that might come.

His thoughts were half-directed at Cerpin, then he said to the soul. "You will have a new body by nightfall."

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 28 2007, 04:18 AM


Rann was a bit set back after Arastus made his announcement. He hadn't chosen Karn or Ian, as Rann had expected. Rann had expected to have to argue in Flogir's favor, and Altair as a leader for the army hadn't even crossed his mind, but he was certainly glad that it crossed Arastus'.

Rann stood then, bowing slightly before taking his leave. He figured he'd get rid of what diplomacy he had left in his body with that gesture.

He gave a heartfelt salute to Arastus, "I'll bring this news to Flogir."

He began making his way back through the dark tunnels, then, unaware that someone was waiting for him...


It will be appreciated.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 30 2007, 01:42 PM

OCC: Not much to post about, Issac can't do anything until Satyana does something.


Now that the meeting was over, the vampire left through one of the manholes nearby. Ian emerged in the northern part of the Temple District, within sight of the gates to the Talos Plaza. He passed through the gates to check on the armor and weapons supplies.

Posted by: minque Aug 30 2007, 09:11 PM

OOC: Hmm but she is doin something! She´s clinging to Issac! tongue.gif


"Issac..we´ll just have to do something...we must at leas try to save them...Oh...I´d hate to see Rahvin so kind and I don´t want anything to happen to him....besides it´ll break Rann if his dad is hurt..or even worse!"

Satyana shrugged. She was fully aware of the risk of finding them both dead, but she just had to try and find make sure..

Brianna, in the arms of Rahvin(before the destruction of the Tiber Septim)

Brianna sat on the narrow bed looking at the man sleeping beside her. She was smiling to herself, her dream had been fulfilled, she was here, alone with the man she loved. With a deep sigh she gently touched his dark face...

A noise outside caught her attention and she went over to the window and looked outside. What she saw made her heart sink. It looked like war...people everywhere..and they had weapons.. Instictively she knew they were in danger. She went back to wake up Rahvin, while doing that she happened to touch his tattoo...a tickling sensation in her fingers told her it was not a normal tattoo just for decoration. No, this sign that marked him was special...very special

Brianna analysed their situation. In a very short time the tavern could be torn to the ground and they would most certainly get slain to death. No way she would let that happen..especially not now!

"Rahvin! I..I think you better wake up, we´ll have to get out of here immediately, there are evil things going on outside. I reckon we´ll be safe in the sewers underneath the tavern, but we´ll have to get there unnoticed...Rahvin please wake up, we must hurry"

Brianna bowed down and kissed Rahvin, to wake him up

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Aug 31 2007, 05:00 AM


Patholos watched Rann walk down the long dark tunnels alone, and unaware. "It would be too easy to kill a man like this..." He thought to himself. Patholos watched him enter a long tunnel and made his way to the opening. When Rann was beyond running back into the tunnel, Patholos emerged from the blackness. A casual glance revealed nothing, nothing but two red orbs glowing in the dark. Patholos smiled his white teeth, and his green blade flickered menacingly. Patholos made no sounds, and he was sure Rann had seen him by now. Patholos waited and remembered those times where Rann had mistreated Patholos, most vivid was the shunning and the sheer disrespect he had shown Patholos's Brotherhood in the hills. Patholos craved revenge, and he played those memories over and over in his mind, till there was nothing more that fiery hate for Rann there.

Posted by: Lord Revan Aug 31 2007, 05:20 AM


He nodded, gravely. "Alright, we'll have to find a way into the Plaza without being caught. The Narza'Tai are sure to guard those sewers, and I doubt they'll have the good will to simply let us through for our unimportant reasons."

Issac's katana clicked loose of its sheath, just as far as the joint in his thumb was from the end of the nail. "We'll definitely have to fight someone in the Silhoutte's army in order to get that deep into their midst." The Altmer explained.

Posted by: Dantrag Aug 31 2007, 05:55 AM


Rann stopped in his tracks, and his hand went to his less-than-satisfactory weapon, as he thought he felt a presence behind him.

"What's the problem?" he asked, not yet turning to face his opponent.


Rahvin woke suddenly, at Brianna's sense of urgency, and suddenly realized what was happening. He got dressed quickly and made sure he had his sword and daggers.

"Let's go."

Posted by: minque Aug 31 2007, 07:40 PM


"I´m ready" she replied, takiing out a small silver dagger which didn´t look too impressive.. "This dagger is enchanted, you´ll see, it is better than it looks" She polished it against her skirt and it started glowing

"We must try to save Rahvin" Satyana whispered "I´m ready to fight anything"


Brianna nodded at Rahvin and hung her bow over her shoulder.

"Wait a minute" she then said " I´ll something" She then took out a small purple vial of her backpack and dipped a few arrows in it. The tips were glowing after this treatment and Brianna smiled.

"This is an invention of mine" she said "The liquid makes the arrows always hit the target, and when they hit they cause instant death by paralysis of the lungs!"

She then put her hand on Rahvin´s arm...

"Would you consider telling me about that tattoo you have?....please..I know it´s....special, I can feel it"

Posted by: jack cloudy Aug 31 2007, 07:57 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint and Flogir came outside where they were immediately beset by the busy chaos reigning all over the city. The Breton scratched the back of his head and sighed.
,,You know, I really wish things would just calm down now." He muttered. He then shrugged and cast away his opinions. They weren't needed, not now.

Flint grabbed an old and rusty saber from a basket. Some soldier had left it there and with good reason. That what had not yet rusted away could crumble any moment out of misery. The older man chuckled.
,,Not much to look at, is it?" He commented as he gave it a test swing. The blade instantly came loose from the hilt and clattered to the floor, where it shattered into a dozen pieces.
,,Yup, I see potential. I just need some other junk and some time." He said with a smile and bent down to pick up the pieces.
,,Forgive me for bothering you like this, Flogir. But could you perhaps have a man or two collect any old and useless weapon they can find? Material doesn't matter. I want to give this baby here the chance at a second life."

OOC:Just trying to do something. In this case, giving Flint a new weapon.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Aug 31 2007, 09:06 PM


Flogir nodded to Flint's request. Four Brumans were pushing a heavy cask of ale or wine across the entrance to the cellar to block Eurod's exit should his werewolf form attempt to escape. Once that was completed he told two of them to start looking for discarded weapons and return them to Flint.

"While you're taking care of that, I'll be back at the walls," Flogir said with a determined look. "It would be very helpful of you to complete your weapon soon. Your assistance will be needed..."

With that, Flogir and the rest of the Brumans began to head to the walls.

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 1 2007, 01:27 AM

OCC: I'm on a fishing trip with my dad and Tenek. Also, is it alright if the Plys'Iea runs into the four on their way out.


He nodded, searching his satchel for a Varla stone, and produced the last glowing white crystal in his possession.

The special object turned to dust when Issac used its stored magicka to restore his katana's charge.
"Alright, we should try to avoid as much fighting and attention as possible."

The Altmer flipped open a trapdoor to the bottom og the tower, counting on the prospect of the exit being in the Temple District.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Sep 1 2007, 06:41 AM


"Turn around," he grunted, "Face me, and we will finish the promise I had made to you. Turn around!" Patholos allowed himself to be more visible, and briefly ran a mental map of all his maneuvers he was going to use. Patholos was deadly with blade, and he was ready to kill.

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 1 2007, 06:53 AM


Rann made a point of waiting a few long moments before actually turning around.

He didn't draw his sword; instead, he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You're wasting my time," he said, wondering if this would actually escalate to a duel. If so, Rann seriously regretted the loss of his blade.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Sep 1 2007, 08:11 PM


In response, he roared, "You will not brush me off!" Patholos grabbed the excess length of chain and bundled it in his hand, then threw the dagger that was attached to the chain at Rann, despite him having his back turned. Patholos did not care for honor, or justice, he only cared for the primal urge to kill that was seeded by the early Brotherhood.

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 1 2007, 08:28 PM


Having placed their third bottle of poison gas, Vasha led her group back to one of the Narza'tai's hideouts for some rest.

,,You will not brush me off!" A voice shouted. Green-Root growled.
,,Patholos? What's got him worked up so much?" He wondered out loud which got him a stern glance from everyone else.
,,We're still under enemy regions. Keep your voice down or they might hear us." Kalsh hissed at him. Green-Root shrugged.
,,With the Dunmer's yelling, it's not as if my question makes much of a difference." He claimed. The group then turned the corner and saw the cause of all the commotion.

,,Woah." Green-Root hissed and raised his spear. A thought burst through his mind and he dropped the weapon. No matter what Patholos was doing, the Narza'tai would not forgive him if he fought one of their kin. He had to remember, he was still on trial. He would not intercept that dagger or make any other attempt at joining the hostilities.

The Argonian also saw who was being attacked and flashed a wry grin.
,,Rann. Figures. Damn troubleseeker." He thought and opened his mouth to speak.
,,Patholos, stop this nonsense! What do you think your doing?" He shouted, ignoring the earlier warning about noise drifting up towards the streets. A second thought burst through and he decided to gamble on it.

,,Why are you doing this, Narza'tai? Petty personal grudges have no place in this order. This one is more worth to us alive than he is dead. Decide, kinsman. Decide where your priorities lie. Do they lie with your emotions, or with your clan?" He demanded to know. He realized the irony of saying kinsman.
,,Great, what have I done? I'm giving orders to Karn's second in command. If this goes wrong, they'll have a perfect excuse to claim my head for it." He felt the stares of the rest of his group from behind. He hoped there weren't any poisoned blades aimed his way for this insubordination.

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 1 2007, 08:44 PM

When the silhoutte's armies attack Tenek runs off leaving Encara looking Bewildered,Tenek ran to market district and hid in an abandoned shop and climbed under a dusty desk.


When Tenek left Encara he at first believed he hed won the struggle.Then he heard lots of foot steps.He looked up to who they were.They obviosly weren't friendly because they had wepons drawn.Then he realized why Tenek had run.Determained not to end up Tenek's company again he ran in a different direction which he then ended up in the temple.district he ran inside the safest looking temple and hid a chest whith nothing in it.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Sep 1 2007, 08:47 PM


The sound of another voice made Patholos turn, and he wrenched the chain and caught his dagger. Sheathing it, he walked right over to Green-Root. He made a sniffing motion with his head, and untied the binding around his head. The bright red orbs that Patholos had for eyes glowed, then turned back to their pale white. Patholos shook his head, and then said to Green-Root, "Sorry, Brother, I am glad my Family was here to prevent my mistake. I will make the necessary reparations for my act of extreme impulsiveness. This Family is not for murder, but retribution. Thank you," And Patholos bowed to Green-Root, not knowing he wasn't an official member yet.

Patholos walked away from Green-Root, and turned towards Rann. He approached Rann and put his face within a foot of Rann's, and whispered, "You may be able to walk high and mighty, and act indignant to others, but there will be a time when the only thing you have is shadow, and pray that I am not in it."


The werewolves in his area were dead, and Mannimarco was feeling excellent. His magic energy was restored and he felt as though he could take on the world. However, there were a few minor flaws in his plans. One, Sithis had ordered him to secure the three Heirs, and to rekindle the fire of the Dark Brotherhood. Sithis would end him if he turned on that order. Two, there was the issue with the giant alien and the Silhouette, one which Mannimarco had no idea how to resolve.

Mannimarco had watched the "Noble Commander" suffer infection and Mannimarco laughed at the irony. A man comes across the water to save the Heart of the Empire, and he comes down with a disease that will end his career and possibly his life. He smiled again and realized that this would be an opportune time to strike, while they are leaderless.

Mannimarco moved the dead to attack Green Emperor Way...

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 1 2007, 10:12 PM

OCC: I assume that Rann, Green-Root and Vasha's group are all in the Temple District.


The shouting of the Narza'Tai drew the hunter. From a nearby rooftop, he contorted his snake-like neck to peer down at them.

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 1 2007, 10:31 PM

OOC: Actually, I thought they were in the sewers. But sewers or not, the Plys'Iea has those spines and I think they'll be more than sensitive enough for him to figure out where to look.


Green-Root was stunned. He hadn't believed it would be that easy. Vasha shook her head and sighed.
,,That was not something you were supposed to do. You don't hold the right to command any of us. But, it worked, I give you that. So I'll let it slip, this time." She said and stepped away, obviously expecting the other Narza'Tai to follow her.

Green-Root shrugged.
,,Things sure go weird sometimes."

Flint Ironwood.

Flint gazed down on the pile of junk that had been delivered. There were axes, polearms, swords, daggers, a bow, the head of a warhammer and other pieces that couldn't be identified right away. His hand caressed a jagged shard of silver-plated steel. The piece of metal still gleamed with a slight enchantment.
,,Too much to reforge a saber. I'll have tons of spares. Hmm, maybe I should work something with a higher quantity of materials. A staff?" He wondered as he began to sort the pieces.
,,I'll work in the pre-enchanted items for a free boost. I'm not a mage, but honestly, no one would enchant a weapon with something that is only a nuisance. I'll then add an internal network of unrefined silver which will hold my own trick. Telekinesis."

Having made up a plan, the Breton went to work on the open streets, melting down the raw material with his Magicka after putting the pile in a large pot.

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 2 2007, 06:57 AM


Unlike more humanoid sentients, the alien's eyes rested at the top of his head, allowing him to easily spy on the gathering without revealing himself.

As the people talked, the Plya'Iea understood this was an altercation of sorts. He pondered taking the opportunity to attack while they were relatively off-guard.

Finally, the hunter decided to continue watching and attempt to gather as much information as possible.
As the pale Dunmer whispered something to the younger mer, who appeared to be the source of the animosity, the alien snorted as he detected sudden movement from some of the alleyways.

Without shifting his gaze from the enemy, he strained to recognize the creatures approaching..... zombies!

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 2 2007, 04:28 PM

QUOTE(Priest of Sithis @ Sep 1 2007, 03:47 PM) *


The sound of another voice made Patholos turn, and he wrenched the chain and caught his dagger. Sheathing it, he walked right over to Green-Root. He made a sniffing motion with his head, and untied the binding around his head. The bright red orbs that Patholos had for eyes glowed, then turned back to their pale white. Patholos shook his head, and then said to Green-Root, "Sorry, Brother, I am glad my Family was here to prevent my mistake. I will make the necessary reparations for my act of extreme impulsiveness. This Family is not for murder, but retribution. Thank you," And Patholos bowed to Green-Root, not knowing he wasn't an official member yet.

Patholos walked away from Green-Root, and turned towards Rann. He approached Rann and put his face within a foot of Rann's, and whispered, "You may be able to walk high and mighty, and act indignant to others, but there will be a time when the only thing you have is shadow, and pray that I am not in it."


Rann's answer was nothing more than an amused grin.

He walked away then, with the purpose of reporting to Flogir. He climbed back up the same manhole he entered, and inquired of soldiers on Flogir's whereabouts.

He learned that their new leader was on the walls, and Rann was certainly glad that they had chosen Flogir; before he was even officially named, he still made sure everything was taken care of.

"Flogir!" he shouted as he ascended to the top of the wall.

Posted by: minque Sep 2 2007, 07:14 PM


She made her bow and arrows ready, and followed Issac tight behind.

"Do you think they are still alive?" she whispered.


She followed Rahvin, not behind him, she walked by his side. She was prepared for anything, in her mind she thought of the spell....she would not hesitate to use it.

The sewers scared her a bit but she was sure going into them was the only way they might survive this.

They descended into the underworld.....

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Sep 3 2007, 12:10 AM


Flogir was inspecting the Bruman's siege equipment when someone called out his name. He looked back and saw Rann. He waved to the youngster.

"Rann! What news do you have?" he said, ushering the Dunmer to come up.

Posted by: Priest of Sithis Sep 3 2007, 02:21 AM


Amplified magic coursed throughout the overhead sky, as Mannimarco wove complex sets of sorcery. Mannimarco watched his dead minions pound away at the giants doors into Green Emperor Way. The sizable force he had sent into the sewers had alerted him to the Plys'Iea and the others, along with the pale Dunmer and the Fledgling guild. Mannimarco's white teeth glistened and he ground them as he cast magic into the sky, some for show and impression, others for battery and explosiveness, trying to open the gate. Mannimarco knew it was only a matter of time.

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 3 2007, 04:03 AM


As the undead fought for the gates, the alien pondered whether to step in and eliminate the zombies and skeletons.

Then he decided against it, and left the two opposing forces to fight. Leaping from his structure to another, he attempted to follow the arcs of magicka striking the gates, hoping the sorcerer was the Worm King himself.
OCC: At what point are Bree/Rahvin and Satyana/Issac going to meet?


He waited until his feet were once again on firm ground to answer his lover.

"I really don't know....." Issac said quietly.

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 3 2007, 06:03 AM


Rann was no soldier, but when Flogir addressed him, he snapped to attention and gave a stiff salute. Best to make it look as official as possible around all the men.

"Sir, Commander Arastus stepped down and appointed you to be the new Commander. You now have joint leadership of the forces assembled here."

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Sep 3 2007, 04:57 PM


Flogir smirked at how Rann snapped to attention. It appeared that the command had been passed onto him.

"A joint command you say? Who do I share it with?" Flogir asked.

Just then, Mannimarco's undead began attacking the walls. Flogir cursed and began to order the Brumans to launch the stone throwers.

"Well, whoever it is, could you get them over here, so we can sort things out?" he ordered Rann while his attention stayed in the direction of the battle.

"We're going to need the Morrowind Army troops over here soon, for now I got them on reserve though."

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 3 2007, 05:22 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Water boiled up in a thick cloud accompanied by an ominous hiss. Flint carefully pulled the still glowing end out of the bucket and watched as the staff cooled and settled into its final state. Unlike his lost katanas, there was nothing fancy about the staff. There were no runes or other forms of decoration. The whole piece was one smooth silvery shaft with rounded tips. All smooth, except for several bands at regular intervals were he'd imprinted a net-surface to improve its grip.

An errant ray of sunlight touched a tip which instantly exploded into a chaos of colours.
,,Woah. Nice." The Breton muttered and gave a few swings to try out the balance. Everything was perfect.
,,Now let's go and meet Flogir."


,,Quick, to the sewers!" Vasha ordered immediately when hell arrived. The Narza'Tai followed their leader. None of them were equiped witht eh weapons needed to effectively fight zombies. Crossbows, even those with poisoned bolts, just didn't do enough damage to the rotting muscles to matter. None of them could fight this enemy, except for Green-Root.

The Argonian was also incidentally the slowest and he cursed his side which had never healed properly. He held his spear at the ready in case he would be surrounded. But even then, he held little hope of surviving a battle.

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 3 2007, 06:40 PM


The officer in charge of the weapons cache gladly accepted Ian's donation of his Deadric arrows.

He had plenty of randomly-enchanted bonemold arrows in his quiver, mundane arrows weren't as effective as destructive arrows against undead.

Ian walked away from the stores with a glass shield and a steel hold-out dagger. As the vampire vanished, he said to Cerpin. "Time to liberate a body."

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 4 2007, 03:38 AM

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Sep 3 2007, 11:57 AM) *


Flogir smirked at how Rann snapped to attention. It appeared that the command had been passed onto him.

"A joint command you say? Who do I share it with?" Flogir asked.

Just then, Mannimarco's undead began attacking the walls. Flogir cursed and began to order the Brumans to launch the stone throwers.

"Well, whoever it is, could you get them over here, so we can sort things out?" he ordered Rann while his attention stayed in the direction of the battle.

"We're going to need the Morrowind Army troops over here soon, for now I got them on reserve though."


Rann shrugged, obviously forgetting his earlier military discipline, "I can try to find him, but I haven't seen him in a while."

With that he walked at a brisk pace to try to find Altair.

OOC: where is Altair, and I guess I'll control him again in shogun's absence?

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 6 2007, 07:43 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint arrived at the walls and found that the zombies were attacking again. He sighed and tapped on a cobblestone with his new staff.
,,Geez, give me a break already. This is so getting boring in a way." He mumbled and then found the will to chuckle.
,,Wonderful, I can call a massive charge by the undead boring. Tells you how crazy my world is."

He ascended the walls in a hurry and stopped next to his old friend.
,,Ok, Flogir. All set here." He spoke and raised his hand in a greeting. He then aimed the staff at the group bashing away at the gates.
,,But let's skip the pleasantries and get right down to bussines. Eat Telekinetic shockwaves, you smelling stinkerds!" He shouted and invoked the staff's power for the first time.

The air was compressed into a dense wall and hurled itself at the undead. The cobblestones cracked where it impacted with the ground, zombies were thrown away, knocking over more of thier kin in their flailing flight.
,,I worked in nearly twice as much silver in here than in one of my old katanas. I'd say the results are clear." Flint whooped with pride. Then, the staff rinkled and a pinkish puff erupted from it.

Instantly, the Breton's expression turned from pleasure to one of confusion and worry.
,,Eh, what's this?" He asked half-aloud and warily sniffed up a small portion of the cloud.
,,Hmm, smells like flowers. Weird."

He put the staff down and fired a Telekinetic blast of his own at the mob below. In case the weapon had other unexpected reactions, it was best not to use it and thoroughly examine it later.
,,Got reinforcements? I'm afraid I kinda never got around to learning the lethal spells." He called to Flogir.

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 7 2007, 04:56 AM

OOC: for the sake of moving this along, I'll take Altair/Veric for a bit.

Rann and Altair

Rann found Altair in the Green Emperor Way, leaning against a gravestone as he seemed to be in deep thought, studying the tome given to him by Kirana before she disappeared.

He apparently sensed Rann's approach, as he slowly shut the book and looked up at the young dunmer.

"Some news, perhaps?"

Rann nodded, "You've been named co-leader of the forces here along with Flogir. You should probably speak with him."

"And I will," Altair replied, tucking the tome away in the folds of his robes as he stood up, "Lead me to him."
Rann and Altair made it to the wall just in time to hear Flint's comment on lethal spells.

"I can provide some magical assistance master Flint." Altair answered unexpectedly.


"Be careful; I don't know who has control of the sewers at the moment, and if it's the enemy I'd rather not let them know we're here," he whispered, gripping his dagger tightly.

He walked a short distance ahead of Brianna, hoping to quietly dispatch any potential threat before she even reached it.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Sep 7 2007, 07:17 AM


Flogir ordered the Brumans to fire their siege weapons and they were quick to reply. The stone throwings dispersed their cargo into the undead ranks, ruining many of the bodies to complete uselessness. Flogir whooped and ordered the archers to send fire arrows next. Soon enough a small blaze of burning bodies appeared.

Flogir turned around and saw that Rann had brought Altair and Flint had arrived.

"Your help is always appreciated, Flint. The make good use of your abilities as far as I'm concerned. Greetings Altair. I take it you've heard about your head position governing these forces, no?" Flogir asked, switching his conversation midway from Flint to Altair.

[b]Voltar and Amrita[b]

Voltar and Amrita followed Altair as Rann led him to the frontlines. Voltar was mildly amused by Astratus' choice of putting Altair into power. This would make things much easier in establishing trust with the soldiers and should victory be ascertained, Altair's mission to gain control of the province would be a smoother transition.

Amrita simply went because Rann was topside again. Even though she had helped her sibling once already; helping him again would perhaps give her a chance to ask a favour of him; that would be to forgive Satyana and her misguided ways.

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 7 2007, 09:52 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint gave a short nod.
,,Any help would be appreciated, sir. How about I herd them together so you can wipe them all out with some fire or something?" He offered and began to press walls of air to force the zombies into a densely clumped mass.

Posted by: minque Sep 7 2007, 11:47 PM


Satyana said nothing...

Of course he doesn´t know....I don´t know either, but I hope they´re alive,...

She followed him, shrugging from the cold dampness of the sewers. She thought she heard sounds from everywhere, footsteps, sighs....diffuse murmur. Her hands were damp....her heart was beating ..Suddenly her left foot stepped into thin air and she fell....A sharp pain went up her left leg and she could not hold back a scream


She tried to get up but couldn´t....her left leg was in a strange angle and the kneecap was not placed where it was supposed to be..

"I...I think my leg is broken" she sobbed


She was walking rather tight behind Rahvin, as silent as she could.

I´m safe with him...safer than I ever have been. I wonder ....I wonder when he found out he loved me? Because he I wonder if he sometimes think about....her?. I wonder what will happen if she suddenly returns? Will he stick with me? If he leaves me now I´ll kill myself...

"Rahv! Did you hear that? That scream, is it human?" she whispered

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 8 2007, 02:19 AM

Issac, Sewers

He spun when he heard Satyana scream behind him. Green light suddenly illuminated the section of the hallway they were in as Issac cast a light spell. His heart skipped a beat when he saw Satyana's leg. By the Devines! I was careless, I should have cast the spell as soon as I'd made it down the stairs.

Issac took a breath and kneeled down beside his lover. He placed one hand reassuringly on Satyana's forehead. "Satyana, please, be still for a moment." The Altmer gave her a encouraging nod before turning to look at her injury.

That's definitely broken, I can't heal anything like this. Take some of the pain away and stop any bleeding, but that's all. Issac pondered what to do, he could try to coax her into unconsciousness and cast a feather spell and try climbing back up with Satyana, or try to find a healer or medic and bring them down here.

No, leaving Satyana here, even for ten minutes, is the worst thing to do. He glanced back the way they'd both come, a little far to carry her (dragging was not an option) and then climb a ladder. Issac met Satyana's gaze, a conflicting look on his face.
Then he forced away the desperation, and said. "I can't heal your leg, Satyana, and I can't just leave you here to find someone who can." His hands began working one of his best healing spells, But I'll do my best to help."

OCC: So, Dantrag, you have a preference for who Cerpin gets, or does it still not matter?

Posted by: minque Sep 9 2007, 12:10 AM


"Oh Issac, don´t worry about me, now I haven´t ever tried to heal myself, I know my grandmother can do such things, but maybe if we work together?...the alternative would be that you just leave me here and get some help, I think I can manage....I know a few fancy spells to cast if someone or thing tries to hurt me"

OOC: Ok Revie, you decide if you´re gonna leave her or not...if you do...someone just might turn up....and snatch her,...that would be a thrill right? Now I don´t want her killed but I can live with her being kidnapped or badly hurt....maybe that would help to soften up Rannie-boy

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 9 2007, 05:05 AM

OOC: what did you have in mind?

QUOTE(minque @ Sep 7 2007, 06:47 PM) *


She was walking rather tight behind Rahvin, as silent as she could.

I´m safe with him...safer than I ever have been. I wonder ....I wonder when he found out he loved me? Because he I wonder if he sometimes think about....her?. I wonder what will happen if she suddenly returns? Will he stick with me? If he leaves me now I´ll kill myself...

"Rahv! Did you hear that? That scream, is it human?" she whispered


"I don't know," he answered, "But that's the way we have to go."

He proceeded with even more caution than before while still making the gap between him and Brianna larger.

He peeked around the next corner and saw two figures in the dark. One seemed to be injured. He motioned for Brianna to stay still behind him while he waited to figure out what was happening.


Altair launched a volley of fire on the zombies below, but couldn't help but think that he and Flogir should be making strategy right now, not fighting on the front lines in a relatively minor fight that was nothing more than a minor threat to the city at this point.


Rann fired some shots from the wall with his bow, but he was somewhat preoccupied. Before he had gone into the sewers, Dalrus had been resting with the others, but now he couldn't seem to find her, and often found himself looking.


The soldiers had long gone, taking the treasured goods from the cellar and to whatever officer handled such things.

She was alone outside the door now, wanting to keep an eye on the infected Eurod. The sun was setting, and his first change would come soon. She only wished that she could venture outside for some herbs; then the cure would be no hard thing to have. Only the hordes of snake-men and zombies kept it out of reach.

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 9 2007, 05:57 AM

OCC: Issac cast magical light over himself and Satyana, so they should be easy to identify. I have to go to bed in three minutes, so I'll answer that tomorow (sp.).


He managed a slight smile and shook his head, "I'm not going to leave you here. But I think we could mana-" Issac's voices trailed off as he heard the faint but recognizable sound of footsteps and voices. The Altmer turned his head, and saw the silhoutted figure looking around the corner.

Strictly for illumination purposes, he fired off a very weak fireball down the center of the hallway. As the spells struck the far wall, the brief bloom of heat and light revealed a familiar Dunmer face. "Unbelievable; we go looking for them and they find us." He muttured quetly, to both Satyana and himself.

"Rahvin, you can't imagine how glad we are that you're still alive and you weren't a werewolf or something!" Issac called.

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 9 2007, 06:08 AM


"And you can't imagine how glad I am that I'm not burned to death," he replied.

"Come on, Brianna, it's Satyana and Issac."

He joined Issac beside Satyana, suddenly realizing that she was injured, "How bad is it?"

Posted by: minque Sep 9 2007, 05:20 PM

OOC: Ehh..I don´t exactly had anything special in mind, just that I think something should happen, like Satyana getting hurt. Now I did want Rahvin and Brianna to meet with Issac and Satyana, so that is fulfilled! Now Satyana has no warm feelings for her mom, she hasn´t forgiven her for abandoning her, but she really loves Rahvin let´s see how this encounter will develop! I´m going to make a minor twitch now! evillol.gif


"Rahvin! Thank the Divines, you´re alive! Oh I´m so happy!" She stretched herself towards Rahvin, forgetting about her broken leg, which immediately caused her severe pain

"Ahhhhrrrr!!! oh nooo! She screamed when the broken bones in her leg moved. She fell down on the damp floor again, deadly pale. Then she noticed Brianna approaching, and her face became empty.

"So you´re alive as well?, Well now you´ve got an opportuniyy to make up to healing this" She pointed at her leg


Brianna bit her lip, the tone in her daughter´s voice was if not hostile, at least not very friendly.

She hasn´t forgiven me yet....

"Satyana, dear, let me have a look at you" Bree kneeled by her side and examined the broken leg.

It shouldn´t be a problem to heal, it´s a clean break, just have to keep the broken ends together when I speak the incantation

"Ok, Rahvin, Issac, help me hold her still, I´ve got to keep the leg straight and very still so it heals properly"

Brianna grabbed the leg, Satyana moaned, it did hurt quite a bit. Everything was ready....Brianna spoke the incantation....

But just as she spoke, a shadow appeared on the wall, Brianna´s hands jerked.....and the awful sound of bones being crushed was heard.

"Oh nooooooo!" Brianna yelled when she watched the deformed lump that had been her daughter´s left leg...


She didn´t believer her eyes! The leg was not broken anymore but it was deformed and bent...She jumped to her feet, and almost stumbled...her left leg was about 7 cm shorter than her right one.

Her eyes were on fire when she turned to her mother:

"YOU! Don´t EVER touch me again!...You hear me? NEVER AGAIN!" Satyana grabbed Rahvin´s arm, looking him straight into his eyes:

"I know you love her! That´s fine with me, but please keep her as far away from me as possible! Come Issac, I´ll have to lean on you to be able to walk...."


Brianna was devastated, she couldn´t explain why her hands jerked just at the critical monent, but the result was a sheer catastrophy....she would never get near her daughter again!

"I...I could break it up and try again.." she said silently


She spun around and if looks could kill, Brianna would be stone-dead

"Didn´t you hear me? I do NOT want you to touch me! I´ll be ok for now, I´ll find a proper healer ....pfffr!"

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 9 2007, 06:08 PM

OCC: I'll have Ian find a Breton hedgemage or whatever they're called.


He stared in complete disbelief at the turn of events, nevertheless Issac moved to Satyana's left side to give her leverage.

The Altmer gave Brianna a sincere look of sympathy. Then he indicated the pathway behind himself and Satyana. "This way, it leads to a keep on the walls of Green Emporer Way."

Posted by: minque Sep 9 2007, 08:27 PM


"Good, let´s go then" she muttered, then turned to Rahvin...

"Are you coming Rahvin?" she asked with a faint smile....she didn´t even look at her mother...she just held tight to Issac and started limping hurts...every step hurts...I wish she never came back...I hate her!!!!


She stood still, tears slowly running down her cheeks....she wanted to tell Satyana how sorry she was but she realised it was better to not talk to the girl. She was so upset now that anything she said would be rejected

Rahvin, please me....she hates me´s unbearable

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 9 2007, 09:08 PM

OOC: Wanna discuss strategy, Dantrag? I'll open up a possibility.

Flint Ironwood.

As soon as the zombies caught on fire, Flint reversed his hold, throwing them into unaffected groups, which caught fire as well. Soon, over half the attacking force was burning to ash. The catapults hurled rock after rock at the horde, crushing corpses left and right.
,,Dumb formation, it's a killer." He noted.

Reinforcements arrived on the walls, armed with oiled arrows and torches. Flaming arrows were fired at the stragglers, soon decimating the remnants.

When the battle ran at its end, an officer of the Bruman army ran up to Flogir and Altair.
,,Sirs. Siegemaster Odrik. I came to report that our stock of siege ammunition is dwindling. I request permission to renew the supply." He barked. He then added in a lower tone of voice.
,,The best supply however, are the buildings here. My crew know what they're dealing with, but other regiments might be discouraged if we start taking apart our own stronghold from within."

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 10 2007, 12:02 AM


The rooftops were still wet from the recent downpour, but his fingers could find purchase on more treacherous surfaces. The alien hissed softly as he spotted Mannimarco on another building, Not even your sorcerer's ways will save you now, necromancer...

As silent as a young Bosmer in fur pelts, the hunter crawled to the edge of the roof and leapt to the next, then crawled even closer to his target.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Sep 10 2007, 05:04 AM


Flogir grinned as the attackers fled or died. It appeared that this defense was won for now.

Flogir turned to Altair and Flint. "I guess we need to concur on this, no?" he asked, indicating Altair.

"I personally don't see a problem with it since I don't believe we were going to defend the buildings. The houses here don't have flat rooftops for archers. Plus, they're too spaced out for building-to building fighting. I would suggest to bring down a few. Once we win, we can always rebuild."

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 10 2007, 05:07 AM


Rahvin put his arm around Brianna comfortingly as they walked back through the sewers, trying to return to the surface.

He hated the situation here, and was disappointed in Satyana for choosing to think that Brianna was out to get her. The mistake Brianna had just made was easily fixed, and Satyana was being as stubborn as Rann in not letting her fix it. He decided he'd talk to her about it later.

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 10 2007, 01:37 PM

Ian, Talos Plaza looted building

A middle-aged Breton man in blue robes sat alone in a recently picked-apart dwelling.
He thought he'd heard a faint creak I'm the hall, but passed it off immediately.

The man grunted, hearing the wood groan under stress. But nothing was in sight...

The vampire slipped off his guantlet and put on the glove. With the tool in place, he gazed down at the Breton from above.

Ian's skill in illusion caused the hedgemage to spin around at a sound that no one else heard.
The vampire dropped down behind the Breton and his glove-hand grabbed the man's face.

He waited for Cerpin to take the man's body.

OCC: I'll have Karn follow them to the surface.

Posted by: minque Sep 10 2007, 07:37 PM


She walked beside Rahvin, she felt that at least he supported her...she put her arm around his waist..

"Rahvin, have you ever thought about the curse? Why my children? Oh, one of them is yours" she added with a faint smile.

"Rann is a fine young man, stubborn self-confident, but still! And he was the smallest of the babies! He almost didn´t make it through his first day, you remember? Have I told you about my theory why the children have different fathers?"

What will become of us? Will we ever have a normal life?

"Where are we heading, my love?" she pressed her head against his shoulder. "I´ll follow you til the end of the world if you ask me"

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 11 2007, 04:20 AM


Ian didn't know it yet, but in order for him to take the body Ian offered, he had to be the commanding soul in Ian's.

So he took control of Ian suddenly and easily due to years of experience, and transferred his soul to the poor Breton through the magic of the glove.

The glove was now on the Breton's hand, and Ian had enough time to regain complete control over his body.

"Sorry about that," he said with a shrug (how glad he was that he could shrug!) as he took the glove from his hand and tucked it away in the folds of the blue robe, "You didn't really give me a chance to warn you."


He listened to Brianna, unsure of which question to answer. He finally decided on the last one, figuring that the others were better discussed in private.

"We're going back up, same as those two," he answered, pointing to the limping Satyana and Issac, "After that we'll talk about your theories."


Rann didn't think that the use of building material would demoralize anyone; it was actually a pretty smart idea, and once the soldiers saw large chunks of wall crushing a score or more of snake-people and undead, their morale would be in fine condition.

He wasn't the leader though, and didn't really want to be. He'd leave it to Flogir and Altair, his leaders of choice.


Altair stopped casting spells for a moment to stroke his chin at the dilemma put before them by the siegemaster. He agreed with Flogir's assessment.

"You know more about the thoughts of soldiers than I, so if you don't believe that morale will suffer too greatly, then by all means go for it."

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Sep 11 2007, 04:55 AM


Flogir nodded.

"Well if you don't mind, Altair, I'm going to release the wall command to you for a little bit while I get this new project underway," he was about to go but paused once again. "Rann, I suggest you stay here and lend your bow fire. Voltar you can stay aswell; your magic could prove to be useful. Flint and Amrita, you two come with me. I want you to come Flint because it was your idea and I don't want to mess up what you want to do so I want you to listen to my orders. Amrita, you're just tagging along."

Voltar simply nodded but Amrita looked like she was about to voice a complaint. Instead she held her tongue as Flogir fixed the Altmer with a look. She gestured to move on and Flogir left to the reserves.

Once there, he called over a sergeant.

"Greetings Sergeant. Our siegemaster has notified me that we are running short on ammunition..." he nodded to Flint, "My companion here suggested we should take down any unless buildings to use and break them down into manageable, projectile pieces for ammunition. Did I get that right, Flint?"

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 11 2007, 06:25 AM

Flint Ironwood. OOC: Actually, it was Odrik's suggestion. I'll say that the two understand each other and the siegemaster is checking up on the catapults elsewhere.

Flint followed Flogir and now he nodded.
,,Yup. Most professional catapult rounds are taken from the same grove these building's stone walls are. They might be a bit more random in their trajectory, but they'll work. And if anything, how about loading them loosely brick by brick? Such a pile would spread and cause headaches in a large area if fired." (OOC: think shotgun.)

,,Furthermore, if we have to retreat to the palace, taking down some buildings would give is a free field of fire here. Any unsuitable materials to be launched can be used to make barricades and stuff."

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 11 2007, 12:57 PM

Ian, talking with Cerpin

The vampire had his eyes shut tightly as the sudden withdrawl and reemergance passed. Then Ian nodded to the Breton. "So, now that this is done, shall we return to Green Emporer Way for the moment?"


As he helped Satyana toward the ladder, Issac thought about his birth parents.

Would he have loved them after being raised by Ian and Kirana? He couldn't answer that question, so he forced it out of his mind and focused on the present.

He let Satyana lean against the ladder to free his hands for on on feather spell.

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 12 2007, 04:49 AM


Rann found Amrita's silent reluctance to go a little strange, but let it go rather quickly, as shooting arrows became the most important thing.

It was something he was glad to be doing, since his other weapon wasn't his most trusted. It wasn't a huge priority, but it was something that needed taking care of.


"This Silhouette and his insolent pet necromancer need to be disposed of," he answered, "I will return to the Green Emperor Way with you."

OOC: speeding things along on the satyana/issac/brianna/rahvin front.


After Issac and Satyana climbed out of the sewers, Rahvin aided Brianna in climbing the ladder before finally being able to leave the smelly tunnels himself.


Aerona had just been sitting outside Eurod's cellar when four familiar faces emerged from a nearby pothole.

"Hey!" she shouted at them, "Over here!"

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 12 2007, 12:57 PM


He nodded amiably over to Aerona, and said quietly to Satyana. "Do you want to ask Aerona to heal your leg or should we find someone else?"


"Agreed, but judging from the scenes of bandits and goblins fightings against zombies, that the Silhoutte and Mannimarco aren't on the best terms right now." The vampire pointed out. "Regardless, let's get you armed before any crusades into enemy territory take place."

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 13 2007, 03:49 AM


Aerona saw that Satyana was limping, so she quickly ran to them to see if she could help. She and Satyana weren't great friends (she only seemed to have eyes for Issac), but there was no animosity either, and Aerona didn't even try to think of a reason not to heal the young lady.

"By the Nine!" she exclaimed at seeing the leg up close, "Don't put any more weight on it. Go ahead and lie down."

She didn't wait for any permission to be given to do her work; it was too serious a wound to play such silly games.


"Mannimarco made himself even weaker by breaking his alliance," he said, his contempt for the necromancer obvious.

"And I've no need for physical weapons; I'm ready now."

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 13 2007, 01:33 PM

OCC: It will be kind of awkward to try to fight in POS' territory without him present,


He shrugged back, "Suit yourself, but I'd like to check on everyone else before we do go out there."

Posted by: minque Sep 13 2007, 06:33 PM


Without hesitation she did as the young vampire said, she realised there were no other choice. During the healing process Satyana looked thoroughly at Aerona. She was really sweet and her healing skills were quite good, the leg slowly got together agai and the dull pain vanished with the process.

"Hey, Aerona, this is really very sweet of you, I didn´t think you even liked me! Say can I do something for you in return? You look a bit pale....ehhh haven´t you been..ehrrr eating properly?"

I would gladly give her some of my blood....she looks as if she could need it, I wonder if she will accept that?

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 14 2007, 03:32 AM

QUOTE(minque @ Sep 13 2007, 01:33 PM) *


Without hesitation she did as the young vampire said, she realised there were no other choice. During the healing process Satyana looked thoroughly at Aerona. She was really sweet and her healing skills were quite good, the leg slowly got together agai and the dull pain vanished with the process.

"Hey, Aerona, this is really very sweet of you, I didn´t think you even liked me! Say can I do something for you in return? You look a bit pale....ehhh haven´t you been..ehrrr eating properly?"

I would gladly give her some of my blood....she looks as if she could need it, I wonder if she will accept that?


"No, I haven't," she answered. Then she suddenly stiffened up as she became a bit defensive.

"And I don't ever plan to drink blood like a savage." she finished with a harsh edge in her voice. There was a long silence after her outburst that to her seemed like an eternity.

"I'm sorry..." she muttered quietly.

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 14 2007, 04:04 AM

OCC: Moving Ian over to the GEW.


He jumped from one of the rooftops near the walls, and then jumped from the battlements down near where Satyana, Issac, and Aerona were gathered. Ian glanced at their faces, his gaze hovering over Aerona's. The vampire sighed and shook his head, Don't even bother bringing it up. He told himself, the young lass had made it rather clear the last time, vampirism was forbidden ground.

As Ian waited patiently for Cerpin, he spotted Flint and Flogir.
Remembering that Flogir was essentially the most superior militarily now, the vampire approached the Nord to report before vanishing into undead territory.

Posted by: minque Sep 14 2007, 07:57 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Sep 14 2007, 04:32 AM) *


"No, I haven't," she answered. Then she suddenly stiffened up as she became a bit defensive.

"And I don't ever plan to drink blood like a savage." she finished with a harsh edge in her voice. There was a long silence after her outburst that to her seemed like an eternity.

"I'm sorry..." she muttered quietly.


She nodded thankfully. This was new to her, a vampire who didn´t want to drink blood...not in a normal vampiric way that was....

"You will not last for very long without you consider drinking blood from a mug or vial?"

"I´d very much like to do something for you in return for healing me" Satyana continued

I like her! gosh I how like her!

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Sep 17 2007, 04:14 AM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Sep 13 2007, 11:04 PM) *

OCC: Moving Ian over to the GEW.


He jumped from one of the rooftops near the walls, and then jumped from the battlements down near where Satyana, Issac, and Aerona were gathered. Ian glanced at their faces, his gaze hovering over Aerona's. The vampire sighed and shook his head, Don't even bother bringing it up. He told himself, the young lass had made it rather clear the last time, vampirism was forbidden ground.

As Ian waited patiently for Cerpin, he spotted Flint and Flogir.
Remembering that Flogir was essentially the most superior militarily now, the vampire approached the Nord to report before vanishing into undead territory.


Flogir hailed Ian as he wonderously bounded off a rooftop to him. "What news do you bring?"

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 17 2007, 01:24 PM


"I believe that Mannimarco is in the Temple District, that's where most of the undead are gathered." The vampire replied, closing the distance between them to a couple feet. "If you would approve, I will try to infiltrate the Temple District and severely cripple the threat that the necromancers pose. Leaving the army able to concentrate on the Silhoutte."

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Sep 18 2007, 06:35 AM


Flogir pondered on Ian's suggestion briefly. He scanned the battlegrounds and thought on what would be needed here.

"Would you require any assistance?" he decided to ask him.

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 19 2007, 10:18 PM

OCC: I'm weeping at my keyboard, POS is still not active (in the RP). *Sob* Minque, Dantrag, Mallet, Jack, we're all that is left (Florodine is on but not as often, but the point still stands).


"I have a partner who will accompany me, you can focus on the Silhoutte and holding Green Emporer Way. We'll do our best to take care of the rest."

Karn, Narza'Tai habit: They always know when their cue is!

"Regardless, I can spare one of my elite assassin groups to keep the brunt of the undead off of your backs." A familiar voice said, Karn walked towards them from one of the cyrpts. Ten Narza'Tai appeared as well, they did not speak, and their crimson masks and obscured faces made them look like demonic warriors than men and mer.

The Narza'Tai showed importance and place in the hierarchy through the intricacy/expensiveness of their armor and attire. These crimson, mythril and black leather clad individuals were veterans; they exuded an aura of silent dignity that caused some soldiers to give them a wide berth or just stare at their masked faces.

"Joint-Commander Flogir; Breton." Karn greeted Flogir and Flint, bowing his head. "If you're archers are wearied, then we can give them a momentary reprieve."

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Sep 20 2007, 07:04 AM


Flogir eyed Karn and his men with a bit of skepticism. He still did not have much trust in their former enemy, yet he had proven some worth since the siege had begun. It appeared that war on the scope such as this caused some unlikely alliances. Flogir thought he was taking a bit of a risk in allowing Karn and his assassins to perform a key maneuver such as this. It was Ian's trust in the Dunmer that convinced Flogir to make his decision.

"All right. Take your squad and do what you can. I also only want your archers up here when one that is currently on duty asks for relief. Then they can replace them," Flogir said, instructing the group.

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 20 2007, 08:05 AM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint nodded, then turned to help break down a vacant building. He aimed his staff and released its powers on the stone wall, cracking it with several blasts. Unlike last time, there were no unexpected reactions.
,,Must have been a one-time only quirk."

Odrik, the siege master.

Odrik had returned to his toys to check on them.
,,Ropes?" He asked.
,,All clear!" The crew shouted back.
,,support structure?"
,,All clear!"
,,Enough to give them hell, resupplies will arrive soon, sir!"

Now the Bruman lowered his voice to a whisper.
,,Our security deposit?" He asked. One of the members of his crew stepped forward and whispered back. No one was supposed to hear.
,,We recited the incantation half an hourglass ago, sir." He whispered. Odrik nodded, satisfied.

All of his weapons of war had been given a custom enchantment on each part of their structure that wasn't replaced often. Namely, everything but the ropes. Unless an incantation was spoken at least once each hour, all those parts that had been enchanted would violently explode. It was the Bruman siege departments trademark, a little farewell gift if they had to retreat to the palace and leave their toys behind. As an extra aid, their single mage enchanted the rocks they launched as well, just before firing. Making a boulder kill twice, with an hour-long delay to make the enemy relax, was just too good a chance to pass up.
,,Alright, but remember. Don't forget to do it. If you need to take a leak when you need to recite, I want you to wet your pants and bloody damn recite. Is that clear?"
,,Yes, sir!"

OOC: Yeah, I was thinking what trebuchets are doing in a mage-heavy world as TES. Timebombs should even up things a bit. And sorry I haven't been on in a while.

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 20 2007, 01:39 PM


He nodded to Flogir, the assassins wordlessly formed up around Ian. "I'll have my kin notified," Then Karn walked back to the crypt, the bodies were all lying in tatters outside the entrance due to Mannimarco's corrupting influence.


"I'll get underway, then Flogir." The vampire said, the Narza'Tai casting their gazes over the soldiers and civilians around them but they were ready to move when Ian did.

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 24 2007, 07:48 AM

OOC:This is my first post in this RP, so here goes!

Dan, emerging out of the crowd of civilians and soldiers near Flogir

As he approached the commander of the joint forces defending the Imperial City, Dan was startled by Flint shattering a building nearby to gather ammunition for the siege engines. He shortly regained his calm however. He didn't feel the need to curse the Breton for scaring him, like other Nords would have, yet he couldn't do so even if he wanted. He went straight for Flogir.

When he reached Flogir, the commander eyed him intently. Dan was wearing his mail hauberk together with his mail boots and mailed gloves. Underneath he had some common clothes to keep him warm. At his side was his trusty broadsword with runes Dan himself had carved on the side of the blade. He stood out from the other civilians.

"I come wishing to fight for our City, Commander." Dan said, using the telepathy spell he had learned so long ago.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 24 2007, 12:36 PM

Telina, appearing out of thin air (again) in the city.

Telina appeared out of thin air, and a slight bang, as always to cause an entrance. She looked around grimly, before smirking her usual unnerving smile, and she walked over to Flogir and his men, with her robes fanning out imposingly, and she stopped a little distance away from him.

"Telina Delvanni, all-round causer of mayhem and chaos for my opponents at your command Flogir", she said with an extragavant bow. 'Damn I'm enjoying dramatics far too much' she tought quietly to herself.

OOC: Yeah she's back now, so she will be most pleased if she is allowed to chuck a few fireballs, or lightninbolts at her opponents. (after all hell hat no fury for a woman scorned, and Telina constantly feel scorned by something, most often her damnable luck) biggrin.gif

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 24 2007, 01:00 PM

OCC: Now to wait for Cerpin......


As the vampire turned, he glanced at the dunmer, Telina Delvanni. Some of the Narza'Tai studied her as well, able to tell that she was a powerhouse of magicka. Ian gave Telina a respectful nod before walking away, his entourage of assassins following close behind.

The parade of crimson clad figures marchedtoward the gates of the Temple District.

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 24 2007, 06:57 PM

Dan, next to Flogir

Dan gave a quick look to the Dunmer woman which had just popped out of thin air with a bang. She was an odd one, even for Dunmer, yet there seemed to be a power in her eyes, a flame, which made Dan realize her power. She went up to commander Flogir and offered her services as well. Dan only smiled, not saying anything telepathically.

Competition... he thought with a slight chuckle. In reality any help was more than welcome in situations such as this.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 24 2007, 07:17 PM

QUOTE(Agent Griff @ Sep 24 2007, 07:57 PM) *

Dan, next to Flogir

Dan gave a quick look to the Dunmer woman which had just popped out of thin air with a bang. She was an odd one, even for Dunmer, yet there seemed to be a power in her eyes, a flame, which made Dan realize her power. She went up to commander Flogir and offered her services as well. Dan only smiled, not saying anything telepathically.

Competition... he thought with a slight chuckle. In reality any help was more than welcome in situations such as this.

Telina, waiting for a reply.

Telina looked at the man beside her who was watching her, and well old habits die hard, and so she had already taken a peek into his head, and she caught the quiet chuckle he came with when he tought about competition.

Winking at him, she smirked while sending a telepathic 'indeed soldier, indeed'

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 24 2007, 07:56 PM


As Dan returned to his thoughts he could feel something he hadn't felt in (what seemed to him) almost an age. A telepathic message. He was used to always be the one sending messages so this time it was almost refreshing to receive one. It felt odd to him however that the Dunmer knew what he had thought. Dan always felt mind reading was something queer, since it laid bare the only thing that most men had for themselves alone: their minds. He responded to the message however.

"Hm, another telepath it seems. Company which has been long due I say." Dan said telepathically, feeling relieved that there was one who at least wouldn't be frightened by the sound of strange words in their own head.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 24 2007, 08:12 PM

QUOTE(Agent Griff @ Sep 24 2007, 08:56 PM) *


As Dan returned to his thoughts he could feel something he hadn't felt in (what seemed to him) almost an age. A telepathic message. He was used to always be the one sending messages so this time it was almost refreshing to receive one. It felt odd to him however that the Dunmer knew what he had thought. Dan always felt mind reading was something queer, since it laid bare the only thing that most men had for themselves alone: their minds. He responded to the message however.

"Hm, another telepath it seems. Company which has been long due I say." Dan said telepathically, feeling relieved that there was one who at least wouldn't be frightened by the sound of strange words in their own head.


'Indeed friend indeed, it is satisfying of being able to mentally speak with another without getting threats of bodily harm and/or death' Telina finished with a laugh, thinking about an incident not so long ago, where she had the misfortune of talking to a rather zealous witch hunter, who ahd promptly sent a bunch of his cronies after her brandishing stakes and other jibberish...'life can be so cruel' she thought sullenly, unnknowingly sending both the memory of the incident along with what she thought to Dan

OOC:Although most guys probably know, Telina is hunted vehemously by truouble and generally nad luck, situations like that one happen all the time. tongue.gif

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 24 2007, 08:22 PM


"Tell me about it." Dan replied telepathically after hearing Telina's thoughts without her knowing she had sent them. "I don't know how many times I've been threatened or have had people running away from me thinking I'm a ghost or some such. In all truth I would have been a normal man, if it wouldn't have been for...but now is not the time for such talk. Now is the time for deeds of arms, killing and slaughter. In our favour we shall hope. But one never knows what fate we will have. I never wished to be like this, but here I am, standing in front of you. If this be my doom, so be it."

Dan would have told the Dunmer about the reason he was forced to speak telepathically, why he couldn't talk. How he would have loved to talk. Dan wouldn't have cared if he was blind, or deformed, or death if only he could talk. Yet he had been deprived of his speaking for so long that telepathy had become a painfully commonplace thing.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 24 2007, 08:39 PM

QUOTE(Agent Griff @ Sep 24 2007, 09:22 PM) *


"Tell me about it." Dan replied telepathically after hearing Telina's thoughts without her knowing she had sent them. "I don't know how many times I've been threatened or have had people running away from me thinking I'm a ghost or some such. In all truth I would have been a normal man, if it wouldn't have been for...but now is not the time for such talk. Now is the time for deeds of arms, killing and slaughter. In our favour we shall hope. But one never knows what fate we will have. I never wished to be like this, but here I am, standing in front of you. If this be my doom, so be it."

Dan would have told the Dunmer about the reason he was forced to speak telepathically, why he couldn't talk. How he would have loved to talk. Dan wouldn't have cared if he was blind, or deformed, or death if only he could talk. Yet he had been deprived of his speaking for so long that telepathy had become a painfully commonplace thing.


Telina nodded sadly,' I agree, this is a of standing up against evil, but about this turning to be our doom, well I have yet to get killed and I have no plans of dying yet' she said grimly.

The man was certainly fascinating, Telina tought. After checking her inventory, she began a series of curses in an unkwon language that would have made even the hardest daedra prince blush. 'Curses, how is it that I ALWAYS grab the wrong bag', her bag which should have been filled with various weapons and unbreakable potion flasks(mostly containing lethal poisons), was instead filled with her too long record of as of yet unpaid taxes, 'figures, we just happens to be in the heart of the Empire, and here I'm standing with a bag filled with records of my unpaid taxes, gods the imperial dogs would have me chained in for life if they knew'

Grumbling a bit more for herself Telina decided on the good old fashioned way (for her that is), picking up a simple rock from the ground, she poured her magical energy out, and transformed the stone into a rather fine spear, looking eerily like a daedric one except for the colour being pure white.

"Let's get a move on", Telina said to Dan, "It appears the 'Commander' ", she spat the last word as an insult, "is to busy to acknowledge us lower people", she finished with a sneer, before she walked up to the battlements, where she noticed a young man and woman stood (I believe it is Satyana and Issac right?), and so she moved beside them.

"Terribly young to be in a batlle aren't you"? she asked the girl in an offhand matter.

OOC: Now of course I do believe Satyana have grounds to be slightly insulted by that, telina after all don't looke like a day over 18 herself biggrin.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 24 2007, 08:42 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint looked up from his task at the building. It looked like Flogir was busy with two people. A Nord and a Dunmer. The Breton took a better look and a grin crossed his face. He focussed one two especially large fragments of rock and levitated them up into the air.
,,I'll take these two fellas to the walls. Load the rest on carts and bring them along." He told the soldiers he was working with.

,,Hi, Tellie. Nice to see ya again." He greeted Telina as he sauntered past.
,,I'd love to talk, but I'm acting as a delivery-boy now." He added before sending a comment towards Flogir.
,,We'll carry this load to the Trebuchets. This should last us for a while. While up there, I'm going to discuss alternate forms of ammunition with Odrik. Well, see ya later." He gave a friendly nod to the Nord and walked away.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 24 2007, 08:52 PM

QUOTE(jack cloudy @ Sep 24 2007, 09:42 PM) *

Flint Ironwood.

Flint looked up from his task at the building. It looked like Flogir was busy with two people. A Nord and a Dunmer. The Breton took a better look and a grin crossed his face. He focussed one two especially large fragments of rock and levitated them up into the air.
,,I'll take these two fellas to the walls. Load the rest on carts and bring them along." He told the soldiers he was working with.

,,Hi, Tellie. Nice to see ya again." He greeted Telina as he sauntered past.
,,I'd love to talk, but I'm acting as a delivery-boy now." He added before sending a comment towards Flogir.
,,We'll carry this load to the Trebuchets. This should last us for a while. While up there, I'm going to discuss alternate forms of ammunition with Odrik. Well, see ya later." He gave a friendly nod to the Nord and walked away.

Telina, amused.

"Damn you Flint", she yelled over to him, "you just completely destroyed my, we're going to die sombre mood, and I kinda need that mood if I want to get angry", she finished playfully.

Looking around a bit, she started to gather a lot of rocks, after all the uses of a rock was quite much more than you would think. After finding a particularly big one, she enchanted it to fly after and repeatedly hit the first person it came across, and then she flung it out towards the place where the enemy were gathering, it wouldn't be enough to stop them, but hopefully it would kill at least one person, and cause severe bruising on several others, "take that you bunch of misfits" she yelled over the walls.

Truning back towards Flint again. "It's nice to see you old man, you always find a way to cheer me up", she yelled, before trowing a rock in his direction playfully.

OOC: Yes Cloudy it was exactly what I was lookingfor emot-ninja1.gif

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 24 2007, 09:00 PM

Dan, following Tellie on the battlements

"Well, if this commander is too busy, at least we can make ourselves useful. If I am to die, at least I can die side by side with one who hasn't been frightened of me." Dan said telepathically in his usual, sad sort of way.

As he climbed up to the ramparts, he drew out his broadsword. He looked at it carefully, admiring the runes he had carved on the blade.

Come now Balmung. Now is a time of fell deeds and bloodshed. How I have longed to wield you once more.

Dan had an odd habbit of talking to his sword. All the years of being isolated from normal people because of his telepathic way of speaking had made him bond with his sword, with which he talked inside his mind, as if he had the ability to speak. As he admired his sword, he could see the Dunmer woman he had just met idly talking with someone on the battlements. The Breton who had been blowing up a building also passed by.

At least there's no shortage of mages...

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 24 2007, 09:03 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint maneouvred one of his own fragments to intercept the stone.
,,Now, now. Please don't get aggressive on me. There are plenty of thingies on the other side of the wall who would be delighted to make your aquaintance. Or meeting one of your big explosions, I'm sure they'd appreciate that." He laughed, picking up his pace and heading for the Trebuchets whose arms loomed over the wall.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 24 2007, 09:11 PM

QUOTE(jack cloudy @ Sep 24 2007, 10:03 PM) *

Flint Ironwood.

Flint maneouvred one of his own fragments to intercept the stone.
,,Now, now. Please don't get aggressive on me. There are plenty of thingies on the other side of the wall who would be delighted to make your aquaintance. Or meeting one of your big explosions, I'm sure they'd appreciate that." He laughed, picking up his pace and heading for the Trebuchets whose arms loomed over the wall.

Telina, loading up.

Telina looked thoughtfully at Flint, as if pondering his cincerity, "you idea do have some merit", she said, flexing her hand open and close, with short burst of fire igniting each time. She looked wistfully down at the gathered enemies.

"Hope you've got flame repellant", she yelled, as she flung a particularly big fireball at a lone person who was standing down there. The only thing left was a blackend sword, and the molten remains of something that could have passed as armour, Telina smiled, nothing was as good as a good fireball roasting. "Thanks Flint, but they don't seem to like my fireballs" she laughed.

OOC: Yes she is quite strange, but after all when paranoia is one of your best friends, you kinda tend to get a bit edgy.

Posted by: minque Sep 24 2007, 09:27 PM

Satyana, being suspicious

She frowned at the dunmerii lady who so abruptly approached her telling her she was too young to be in a battle. The woman had materialized out of thin air, now that was weird....Satyana stared at her..and a frightening realisation formed in her mind....

That woman...apart from being pretty rude, she resembles someone I know! Oh yes!!!! I know now, it´s Haldin..she...she must be Telina Delvanni....his mother. Oh by Dibella, Zenithar...Azura....this just ain´t true! Why did she return? What does she want? I wish Serene was here...she´d look right though her

"I´m not as young as I look....and I guess that applies to you as well" she said coldly, she decided not to reveal that she knew who the woman was

Brianna, with Rahvin, not near the battleground

It was good to see the daylight again, she had no desire to get anywhere near the battle...yet. She took Rahvin´s hand and headed towards the Temple District. It was most likely they would find a temple servant who could perform the marriage, and that was her first wish now, to become the wife of Rahvin.

"Shall we, my love? I have the feeling we´ll have to hurry this, I don´t know but I think it´s vital"

OOC: I gather there is a Temple and that it´s still unharmed??? They better get married...soon!! ohmy.gif

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 25 2007, 12:39 AM

OCC: Erm, no. The Temple District is owned by Mannimarco, and I doubt you want to be married in a place full that stinks of undead. smile.gif PS: for someone who dislikes death and undeath altogether, Ian wearing blood-coated robes could be a little hard to bear, not that you could smell the blood without being a vampire.

Ian, waiting near the Temple gate for Cerpin

The vampire looked up at the approach of Bree and Rahvin. "Where are you two off to? Not the Temple District, if that's what you're going to say." The assassins around him studied the two Dunmer, their silent, anonymous stares could be disconserting.


"Experience is a more relevant way to fathom age than appearance." He replied casually, not particularly insulted to be considered too young, things like that happened. Issac noticed the ice in Satyana's voice, and picked up that there was more than just the Dunmer woman's first impression of them.

The Altmer watched the impressive display of magicka, with a some competitiveness, he prepared one of his specialties. Lighting, fire and ice lanced down upon the bandits and goblins below. The elemental strikes themselves weren't uber-powerful, but any being could learn that cumulative strength was just as, if in some cases more, deadly as a single brilliant spell.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Sep 25 2007, 01:53 AM


Flogir was looking at a youth that had approached him and when he expected the lad to speak, a voice sounded in his head instead. Flogir jumped at the sudden feeling but quickly composed himself.

"Why did you have to do that?" he said, his tone slightly angry from being startled. "Couldn't you just talk to me like a normal person?"

The youth didn't answer, so Flogir brushed it off. "Okay, then. You help the Brumans on the walls then."

Just then, a mage appeared above them. This female introduced herself as Telendil. He returned the greeting.

"I'm joint commander Flogir. Altair is elsewhere at the moment. Any help you can provide would be appreciated. For now, just help keep this vermin for getting on this side of the wall. We'll figure out something specifically later."

Posted by: Dantrag Sep 25 2007, 04:42 AM


Altair barked orders as he paced back and forth along the walls, casting spells where they seemed to be needed.

He passed by Rann and put a hand on his shoulder as he fired the last of his arrows.

"Rann, go find Flogir to get a report on the trebuchets," he patted Rann's now-empty quiver, "It's not like you're killing many more zombies anyway."

Altair was already gone, shouting more orders before Rann could even think to respond.


As Rann made his way down from the wall, he passed Issac and Satyana without a word to either. He looked a little further to see Flogir speaking with Telina and a complete stranger.

He wondered if Telina remembered their last encounter. He sure hoped so. Instead of acknowledging her, he addressed Flogir.

"What's the word on the trebuchets?" he asked, "We haven't seen anything launched yet."


Cerpin arrived at the scene where Ian stood speaking with Rahvin and Brianna. He wasn't one for jumping along the rooftops, so he took his time and walked at a casual pace.

"Ian's right," he informed Brianna and Rahvin, "The temple isn't the best place to go right now."


"We figured we wouldn't be so lucky," he answered, before changing the subject, "What are you doing here, Ian?"

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 25 2007, 05:45 AM

Dan, on the walls

Dan looked down on the host of otherworldy creatures gathered beneath the walls. Amongst the colourful collection of mercenaries, undead, Akaviri and bandits he could also see some Nords. Dan wondered what were the reasons they joined this battle as his enemies, and he also imagined if he had been a part of the besieging force, and not the defenders.

Then I'd be on the wrong side of that Dunmer's spells.... he quickly surmissed.

Dan however, looked rather idly at the enemy horde, since he was neither an archer nor a spellcaster and that limited what he could do to defend the wall.

Fret not Balmung, you will have your time... he thought.

OOC: Dan isn't really a young lad. He's actually somewhat old, about 46 years old. It was pretty funny that you called him 'youth' Mallet. smile.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 25 2007, 06:24 AM

Flint Ironwood, and Odrik I suppose.

,,Load!" Flint ordered and then sheepishly scratched the back of his head.
,,Err...sorry. Was that your line by chance?" He asked. Odrik the siegemaster shrugged.
,,Doesn't matter. I still get to give the best command of all." He replied and then began to bark orders.

,,Alright, numbers four and six load up with the really big pieces. Target their armories! We'll smash and crash those little dinky swords and all! All others, load smaller fragments, target any noteworthy concentration of hostile forces!"

Brumans rushed back and forth, pulling levers, hauling rock and generally acting as a smokescreen to hide what was really going on. The mage recited the safety-procedure just in case. In the heat of battle, one had the tendency to forget about the hourglass and what it meant. Now all Trebuchets were loaded and ready to rain pain upon their victims.
,,Now this, old man, is the best order of all. Trebuchets........FIRE!"

Two rocks the size of four men combined smashed into two makeshift blacksmiths. Smaller rocks, mostly bricks, rained down everywhere, crushing skulls wherever they hit. Odrik laughed.
,,Damn, I love my job! Take that, ya bunch of snake-kissing lowlifes! Now hurry up and reload!"

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Sep 25 2007, 06:36 AM

OOC: Hehe, I didn't notice any age mentioned for Dan when I made my reply. He gave me a youthful feeling I guess.


Flogir looked over to where the Trebuchets were placed. "Well, I have Flint looking after those," he told Rann, "He should have them ready so-".

Flogir's words were cutoff as a shout of "Fire!" called out and the trebuchets released their deadly loads, wreaking havoc upon the enemy. Flogir whooped alongside his men.

"Well, looks like they're ready. We had to get some ammunition so looks like we're rolling on that front. Any supply concerns?" Flogir said, noting the lack of arrows in Rann's quiver.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 25 2007, 07:49 AM

QUOTE(minque @ Sep 24 2007, 10:27 PM) *

Satyana, being suspicious

She frowned at the dunmerii lady who so abruptly approached her telling her she was too young to be in a battle. The woman had materialized out of thin air, now that was weird....Satyana stared at her..and a frightening realisation formed in her mind....

That woman...apart from being pretty rude, she resembles someone I know! Oh yes!!!! I know now, it´s Haldin..she...she must be Telina Delvanni....his mother. Oh by Dibella, Zenithar...Azura....this just ain´t true! Why did she return? What does she want? I wish Serene was here...she´d look right though her

"I´m not as young as I look....and I guess that applies to you as well" she said coldly, she decided not to reveal that she knew who the woman was

Brianna, with Rahvin, not near the battleground

It was good to see the daylight again, she had no desire to get anywhere near the battle...yet. She took Rahvin´s hand and headed towards the Temple District. It was most likely they would find a temple servant who could perform the marriage, and that was her first wish now, to become the wife of Rahvin.

"Shall we, my love? I have the feeling we´ll have to hurry this, I don´t know but I think it´s vital"

OOC: I gather there is a Temple and that it´s still unharmed??? They better get married...soon!! ohmy.gif

Telina, walls.

Telina raised an eyebrow at the girl beside her. "True, I'm definately not as young as I look", she said with a chuckle. "Telina Delvanni, by the way", she said, extending her right hand in the cutom western manner, as well as flinging an overcharged bolt of electrical energy at a nord soldier all dressed up in steel armor.

She looked down at the nord who had just kicked the bucket, "damn the doesn't look to good", she said, indicating the huge blisters of raw flesh that had been exposed due to the electrical energies, 'yet another reminder why I don't wear armour', she tought to herself.

OOC: Don't worry minque, Telina won't interfere with Bree's marriage to Rahvin (she's gotten over him remember). On another note, whatever happened to Haldin, I haven't used him in this story yet, but was planning on introducing him later on.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 25 2007, 09:07 AM

Salina, outside the city.

Salina, had been steadily follywing her sister lately, her sister who was still hell bent on killing her, 'as if' she sneered. And now her sister was in the imperial city who was being attacked by zombies, goblins and other general unpleasantness, perhaps she should help the attackers, it would certainly further her goals in offing her unpleasant sister.

She swept her hated gaze across the walls, until, she noticed Telina standing on one of them, with a cluster of other people, 'even better, I might smack more than one fly in one stroke', she smirked, before sending a huge explosive curse her sister had designed to smash apart stone walls, true she would definately have to send more than one against these walls to blow them apart, but the residents on the walls was another manner.


Telina who was still introducing herself, noticed the flux of magical energy heading towards them, "eh" was the most intelligent answer she could give, before pulling herself together enough to create a shield powerful enough to redirect the spell.

With a terrible bang the spell hit the shield before changing direction towards a wood some place away from the city.

Telina stumbled, the shield had cost her more than she would have like, growling she proceded to send a flurry of firebals out on the plains, hoping to hit her elusive sister. "TONIGHT YOU DIE SISTER", she yelled out.

OOC:Yes one of them will die during this battle.

James Pathertrory

James had been having a fine day, really, watching people hustle and bustle around the city to fight whomever it was that was attacking now, of course some of the defenders of the city just 'had' to tear down the building that was giving him his always important shade.

He grumbled for himself, and was about to relocate to another position, when a stone whacked him in the face, before continuing it's zoom towards the walls. Following the stone with his gaze, he could see a woman he faintly remembered having thought "the squirrel move" to a couple of years back when he had arrived at Tamriel. The woman directed the stones over to her, before dropping them to the ground.

Something else collided with his face, and soon he was coughing up large amounts of white feathers, 'why the hell did a bloody pidgeon decide to fly into my face' he thought angrily.

Looking around, he brushed the feathers off (image is important), "THATS IT, I'M BLOODY TIRED OF THIS' he yelled, before running over to the person who seemed to be in command.

"Okay, the sooner this bloody battle is over with, the soner I can go back to relaxing, or robbyng some poor noblemans house, just kidding about that last what do I have to do", he practically yelled in Flogirs face, so fast he could barely register his words, and remembering his lack of respect James hastily added a sarcastic 'Sir' to him.

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 25 2007, 01:10 PM

OCC: So Telina didn't notice Issac talking and also tossing spells at the Silhoutte's minions?


"Mannimarco is somewhere in the district." He replied, "Flogir accepted my offer to try and put him out of the picture. And in turn, Karn was willing to offer some of his followers to help."

After a moment passed, the vampire had a thought, What were they going to do in the Temple anyway? Then Ian noticed how they both smelled of each other, and the sewers, in addition to how they were together.
The vampire sighed, "So you wanted to get married in the middle of a very active armed conflict." It was a statement, an annoyed one at that. "If there are any priests, I think they are busy healing the woulded and making the dying more comfortable."

Posted by: Tellie Sep 25 2007, 01:30 PM

OOC: I'll just assume that Flogir allowed James to fight.

James, running.

James after getting his 'orders', he scoffed at the thought, he did what he wanted and nothing else, had raced off towards the temple area. As he was running, he was contemplating on what he should use, 'hmm, the bow...gah I lack poison for the arrows, alternatively I could always use some of the brandy bottles along with that weak fireball I learnt last week...naw I've yet to see what a double barrelled sawn-off shotgun can do in close quarters', after this disturbing train of thoughts, he loaded two of his precious cartridges into the gun, before giving it an almost loving pat.

He stopped in front of an imperial, who looked pale...decidedly pale 'must be a vamp then', "yo dude", he said, "are we gonna stand here like a pair of FNG's, or shall we go in there and split some wigs", he asked with a smirk, 'hah let's see if he can understand that...sometimes earths slang is too good to use'

OOC:Yes Telina did notice, however for some reason the multiquote thing didn't work. Now let's hope Ian doesn't get too big a headache, or try to kill poor James biggrin.gif

BTW: James don't have many rounds left for his favourite weapon of destruction, so he wont use it too much.

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 25 2007, 01:39 PM

OCC: Okay, so she did notice but didn't reply to the unofficial "voice of reason" of the younger party members. Dang, I've got to go (Mom is present this morning and she isn't as lenient as Dad, especiialy since we've got a test at school).


He studied the boy who suddenly showed up. Ian strongly suppected there was some obscenity in the acronym, but didn't pay it much mind. "I don't know where you're intending to go, but we're about to leave."

Turning his attention back to Rahvin and Brianna, the vampire quipped slightly. "Whatever you two intend to do, don't start getting fatalistic, that's the job for realists, not lovers." He nodded to Cerpin and the Narza'Tai, and they all turned to the master of the gates.

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 25 2007, 02:18 PM

Flint Ironwood.

The giant blast knocked most of them off their feet. Fortunately, the massive siege engines were far too....massive to be moved.
,,What the heck was that?" Flint grumbled as he jumped back up and dusted off his cloak. He then noticed a slight ache in the knee.
,,Gah, figures. Better not overdue it for the next few minutes." He then heard Telina's shouted threat and decided to intervene.

,,Odrik, there is an extremely dangerous mage on the loose. I..." He tried to tell the siege master. Odrik nodded and interupted the Breton with a few barked orders.
,,Hurry with the loading! Sand, bricks, shards of glass, anything that's painful and willing to fly! Spread your shots people, our target may or may not be invisible!"

Flint nodded with a wry grin.
,,Read my thoughts, I see. I doubt it will kill the mage, but it should distract her for a bit and give our mage a better chance. In the meantime, any other casualties are a nice bonus."

Posted by: Tellie Sep 25 2007, 02:33 PM

Salina, cursing.

Salina swore again, who knew her sister could sling fireballs like there was no tomorrow. She growled as she sent a deadly withering curse against Telina, only for it to be reflected back, and hit an unfortunate Goblin who withered up in a few seconds.

She cursed again, as the eleventh fireball in six minutes so far, almost got her. She could also see the stupid Breton who had the intentions of distracting her, 'hah, better teach him a lesson', she tought as she flung a nasty fireball towards him, followed by an all but invisible bone shatter curse, smiling grimy she turned, only to have her eyes widen in shock as a fireball smacked her in the face.

Telina, smirking again.

Telina sniggered at her sisters face, true dunmer were highly resistant to fire, but when the fireballs came at the powerlevel that they were now, even dunmers would be in pain. Stopping her casting to regain her breath she looked down at her sister, who had been blasted into a pool of mud, "don't worry just put it on my tab sister", she laughed.

Her eyes widened though as Salinas next spell, knocked her off the battlements, straight towards a pile of hay, 'bugger', she tought, as she fell into the pile of hay. Spluttering and coughing she got out of the pile, before jumping up on the battlements again, looking throughly ruffled with hay sticking out the wierdest of places...she yelled a few obseneties, at her sister, before transforming a a log that was standing behind her sister, into one of her trusty golems.

The log grew, arms sprang out as well as thick broad legs, and a malformed head, filled with lines of sharp wooden teeth, with an unnatural roar it launched itself at her sister.

OOC: Uber maybe, this duel is supposed to be that.

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 25 2007, 05:41 PM

Dan, standing idly on the battlements

Damn, haven't these half-witted zombies heard of siege engines? Just standing idly in front of the city walls while getting slaughtered by the defenders won't really help you capture a city.

Dan was really anxious to actually do something in this fight, not just stand around while the wizards were blowing up everything that moved. Nevertheless, he did enjoy the spectacle of colours which he saw in front of him, colourful hazes springing up wherever the spell of a mage would hit its target. He could also see the wounded crawling around on the field, and healers treating them hastily in makeshift camps built to protect them from the onslaught ahead of them. Alas, all the grand panoply of war was arrayed in front of him.

As boredom started setting in, Dan started looking around for individual groups of soldiers running to actually face the enemy, not kill from a distance as the mages and archers did.

OOC: Is there someone Dan can follow into battle? Melee battle I mean. Someone other than that James guy however, his shotgun kind of kills suspension of disbelief.

Posted by: minque Sep 25 2007, 06:22 PM

OOC: Haldin went back to Ald´ruhn with Serene after the children were born. He had a crush on her remember? Then he stayed in Sarethi Manor with Athyn, Serene and baby Satyana..and as far as I know he´s still there! tongue.gif


Satyana decided to help Telina, especially since she understood it was Salina she was battling agsainst.

Slender and straight she suddenly appeared beside Telina, her left hand outstretched, and spoke a strange incantation:

"Brinn häxa, brinn till endast aska återstår av din ynkliga uppenbarelse..Brinn för allt ont du gjort, Brinn för att du förstört min syster"

A white flame emerged from her towards Salina.....

"I thought you could do with a little help Aunt Telina" she said dryly

OOC: Satyana just had to throw a Vomica Cruor.....she just learnt how! biggrin.gif

Brianna with Rahvin and Ian

"Yes we´d like to get married, it´s a good thing to do when life is at stake, but you´re probably right, there will be no priests around" Brianna sighed and turned to Rahvin, squeezing his arm

Posted by: Tellie Sep 25 2007, 06:32 PM

QUOTE(minque @ Sep 25 2007, 07:22 PM) *


Satyana decided to help Telina, especially since she understood it was Salina she was battling agsainst.

Slender and straight she suddenly appeared beside Telina, her left hand outstretched, and spoke a strange incantation:

"Brinn häxa, brinn till endast aska återstår av din ynkliga uppenbarelse..Brinn för allt ont du gjort, Brinn för att du förstört min syster"

A white flame emerged from her towards Salina.....

"I thought you could do with a little help Aunt Telina" she said dryly

OOC: Satyana just had to throw a Vomica Cruor.....she just learnt how! biggrin.gif

Brianna with Rahvin and Ian

"Yes we´d like to get married, it´s a good thing to do when life is at stake, but you´re probably right, there will be no priests around" Brianna sighed and turned to Rahvin, squeezing his arm

Telina, smiling.

"Thanks, Satyana", she said. "Last time I saw you, you were just a baby", she said with a smile, as she flung a frost spell so powerful, that it started snowing briefly where it flew.

Salina, cursing

Salina looked up at the spells coming towards her, she could feel the deadly effects of both spells, and decided to take the lesser of two evils. With a curse she jumped straight into the path of the frostspell, and was slammed to the ground.

She gasped for breath as she fueled all of her magical power into keeping her body alive, if the frost spell was allowed to rage freely in her system, she would be turned into a pile of ice in a matter of minutes. With a cry, she managed to stumble to her feet, before sening a combination of three powerful frostspells, followed by her most powerful fireball at the wall, and she watched satisfied, as it caused a breach some 8 feet wide and 12 feet tall, the enemy could now enter the city.

Telina again.

Telina cursed as she saw what happened, she turned briefly towards Satyana, a warm smile at her lips. "My sister is weak, I'll get her, should something happen, give my compliments to your mother", and with a last smile she turned o the spot, before reappearing behind Salina with an accompanying bang and a flash of light..."today we end this", she stated coldly to Salina, holding her sword challengly in front of her.

OOC: Okay ladies and gents, place your bets, who lives and who dies...only time shall tell.

Posted by: minque Sep 25 2007, 07:05 PM


"Crap! It missed her" she muttered, then started focussing again, as far as she knew Serene hadn´t had any problem casting two VC after each other...

Now she was overestimating herself, apparently, since when she tried again to speak the incantation she suddenly was stricken by a huge fatigue...and fell to her knees.

"Aunt Telina! be careful! Don´t you dare die on me!"

She saved my mother´s life, for all it´s worth....hmm it is to Serene anyway

OOC: I put my survival-vote on Telina....after all she has got some powerful friends who eventually could her

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 25 2007, 07:50 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint dodged the fireball and vaulted off the walls, making the curse miss as well.
,,Wew, if I wasn't expecting that to happen, I would have been a goner." He muttered as he leaped back to his earlier position. Too soon, it seemed. The walls were breached.
,,Ah, crap." Was all the Breton had to say.

Odrik was a tad more eloquent, and more insulting. After spewing a couple of profanities, he took one large breath.
,,Take up arms! Loaders continue firing the engines. Everyone else, hold position!" He ordered. When Flint reappeared next to him, he cast a quick glance at his companion.
,,If we don't get some soldiers to hold the breach, we'll have to abandon my babies!" He howled. Already, the Silhouette's army had taken advantage of the confusion. Several ladders were being pulled up.

Flint saw a soldier retreat with a nasty gash on his right arm.
,,You, warn Flogir before you get medical attention. We need reinforcements!" He ordered the man and then jumped on top of the battlements. From there, he looked down before letting out a sigh.
,,Well, here goes nothing."

He spun his staff around above his head and then sweeped it across the wall, sending a large telekinetic wip at the ladders and the troops manning them. Only instead of pushing, the staff pulled!
,,Crap, crap.....crap again! This is so not my day!" Flint complained as he frantically dodged the ladders flying towards him, by jumping off the wall and landing in the middle of the opposing force.
,,Triple crap!" He gasped. A sword caught him across the chest and he heard the glass protecting his flesh crack. With a quick leap, he somersaulted out of the melee and fired a few small scale telekinetic darts randomly, compacked pockets of air that pierced through skin and muscle, yet only made a painful dent in steel.

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 26 2007, 12:36 AM

OCC: Updated Ian, now for Issac

Issac, walls with Telina and Satyana

Reflexively, he caught Satyana before she could crumble completely. Then when he had his wits about him again, Issac cast his best shield, the Silver Aegis. The shield was partially visible, forming an sphere with a diameter of nine feet.

"I'll stop spells and projectiles, but you can move freely in and out." The Altmer explained, three arrows bounced off of the shield. "Just don't take your time with this, I won't be able to keep this up for more than a few minutes."

Posted by: Tellie Sep 26 2007, 07:33 AM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Sep 25 2007, 02:39 PM) *

OCC: Okay, so she did notice but didn't reply to the unofficial "voice of reason" of the younger party members. Dang, I've got to go (Mom is present this morning and she isn't as lenient as Dad, especiialy since we've got a test at school).


He studied the boy who suddenly showed up. Ian strongly suppected there was some obscenity in the acronym, but didn't pay it much mind. "I don't know where you're intending to go, but we're about to leave."

Turning his attention back to Rahvin and Brianna, the vampire quipped slightly. "Whatever you two intend to do, don't start getting fatalistic, that's the job for realists, not lovers." He nodded to Cerpin and the Narza'Tai, and they all turned to the master of the gates.


"Oh well, I guess there are a few suckers back where I came from that can get introduced to my shotgun", he said with a smirk, before turning around, and running full speed towards the breach in the wall.

Telina and Salina, duel.

Salina, who had just disposed of that wretched log golem, turned around to face Telina's challenge. She bowed, "very well sister, but don't expect a clean fight", she said, as she jumped up and slung two of her poisonous darts towards Telina.

Telina, as if having expected something like that, danced gracefully out of the way, before swinging her sword against Salina. Salina who had managed to get out her own sword, expertly blocked the strike, before breaking the sword lock, feinted left, and turned the faint into an actual lunge. Telina went for the faint, and cursed her stupidity when her sister's sword drew a thin line of blood across her stomach.

Telina used the advantage she had with her sisters sword being out of reach to block, and slammed her elbow into her sisters face.

Salina spat blood, as she got up from the ground, just to use both of her hands on her sword to block the massive overhead strike from Telina. She continued to fight, but the strike to her head made her dizzy.

Telina pressed on, sensing her sisters weakness pressed on.Switching to her highest level of speed, Telina was basically a blur as she rained down a series of slashes and lunges that all but drove Salina onto the ground with their intensity. Baring her teeth, the Salina countered viciously, and the pair struck a deadly dance across the blood-stained ground.

The attack pattern pounded hypnotically in Telina’s head, because while this particular attack was new, the rhythm of swordplay was as familiar to her now as breathing. Slash to the left, upper-cut, dodge, parry, thrust, parry, dodge, slash to the right, parry, sidestep…Salina, knowing that she was loosing shot a spell at Telina. A huge burst of frost energy flew from her hand, and continued as she poured more and more power into it.

Telina managed (barely) to fire her own firespell at her sister to stop the attack. The two spells met eachother halfway, and stopped, both pushing their lethal energies towards eachother. Both Telina and Salina gritted their teeth as they continued to force power into their spells, it was a battle of wills now, and Telina was slowly but surely winning, pushing her own spell, as well as Salina's back towards Salina.

With a groan Salina lost control, and the two spells slammed into her through her hastily erected shield, and threw her twenty feet away, where she landed on the ground unmoving. Telina smiled ruefully as she walked towards her sister, and as she looked down at her lifeless corpse she smiled, "well guess I won sister", she said as she stabbed her sword towards her sister.

Swift as a cat Salina turned around on her back, and stabbed the sper she had been gripping into Telinas chest, "I think not sister", she whispered to Telina, as her sister dropped to the ground, shocked at this new development.

Telina, watched as her sister walked away, 'she beat me, I cant believe it', she chuckled for herself, but the chuckle sounded more like a strangled sob, she could already feel her life ebbing away, and with a last effort, she broke the spear, and managed to teleport back to the wall, where she fell at Satyana and Issacs feet.

"I-Issac, give her this", she said to Issac, handing him a little book with a red leather bound cover, before she collapsed dead.

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 26 2007, 07:41 AM

Dan, protecting the breach

As Dan stood on the wall, he could feel the very world being rocked apart and shattering beneath his feet. Before he could realize it, the section of wall he had been standing close to had crumbled under the force of a spell cast by an opposing mage. Dan quickly raised his sword, Balmung, then proceeded to run down to street level in order to defend the breach in the wall until more reinforcements could come.

Luckilly, he wasn't alone in this ordeal. When he reached the breach, he could see that the enemy had already swarmed all over the scattered pieces of stone and were already inside the city. He could also see a lone Breton mage holding the breach against the might of the enemy, casting spells left and right, ending life with rare grace.

With a war-cry Dan charged into the fray to help the mage. Other soldiers which had descended from the walls soon did the same, beggining a bloody melee with the forces of the Silhouette. Dan began the melee by savagely beheading a zombie in front of him, then punching a nearby goblin in the face. To Dan's surprise however, the zombie continued to lumber towards him. With a kick Dan sent the zombie to the ground. He then slashed his sword against the chest of a goblin scurrying towards the Breton. Dan then resumed the battle, swinging Balmung left and right like a man possesed. He did so until he realized that he had advanced far into the breach and had been surrounded by enemies. Looking in all directions he could see he was surrounded, thus he decided for a move of desperation. As all enemies suddenly charged him, he spinned Balmung as fast as he could when the enemy least expected it. His move was succesfull, killing several goblins and bandits which had charged him. Dan then kicked a bandit in the groin and slashed another over the face, shattering the bandit's helmet.

Dan then proceeded to quickly run back to where there were more of his allies, since the soldiers who had followed him into the breach were getting killed and surrounded in front of his eyes. As Dan ran, he could see one of his comrades being wrestled to the ground by goblins then bestially hacked apart by all manners of weapons. After quickly beheading one of the unsuspecting goblins then kicking another one to the ground, Dan continued to run back to the Breton mage.

"To savagery we shall respond in kind!" he shouted telepathically in the minds of all nearby soldiers, making them think a superior had barked out an order.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 26 2007, 07:49 AM


James came just in time to hear Dan's message, 'what the bloody hell is he talkin in my head for?'. Standing beside the soliers, he decided to throw a pirete warcry out, 'after all it's bound to cunfuse these suckers right'.

"Die ye scallywags", he shouted as he fired his double barreled sawn-off shotgun, into the masses of zombies and other stuff. The noise was a bit louder than he expected, and je jumped, propably just as high as everyone else.

With a deft wrist movement he had cocked it open, and replaced the cartridges, with another movement, he had it ready to fire again, which he deftly did, hummying to an iron maiden song.

OOC. as you can see he's not the most stabile person.

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 26 2007, 01:09 PM

OCC: what's supposed the book supposed to be.


What part of his mind had not been consumed by maintaining the Aegis was intently drawn to the Delvanni duel. When Salina first stabbed Talina with the spear, all of his concentration melted away, and the Aegis collapsed.

Finally, the Altmer had his mind back just as Telina teleported back to them. Issac took the small book with his free hand numbly, he lingered on the Dunmer's corpse for a few extra seconds, still stunned that she was dead.
Then he cast away all the grief and shock, he placed the book in his satchel so he could get Satyana, who was still exhausted, to a more quiet place.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 26 2007, 03:27 PM

OOC: You just have to wait and see Rev, although minque knows it.


James was facing a large dilemma, on one side, he was happy by blasting holes in zombies and goblins. On the other he was really considering making a run for it, after all it wouldn't do to good to get killed now would it. and lastly he needed a drink.

Aiming down the sight, he shot a round towards a big nord, who was rallying some goblins around him. His entire neck, and parts of the shoulder region was torn into gory shreds, while two of the goblins fell to the ground, holding their faces where they had been hit.

'Now about that drink', James reminded himself. While shoting his second round into an unfortunate zombie he took a deep gulp of his flask of cyrodiilic brandy, 'shame that I must waste the rest', James retreated back to the relative safety of the place in the breach that had most soldiers.

With a smirk, he dropped quite a few small rocks into the large bottle, before rippin off a piece of fabric from a dead soldiers shirt, he drenched it with some more brandy before putting it into the entrance of the bottle, 'I just love molotov cocktail look-alikes', he grinned, before using a nearby torch to light the drnched cloth before throwing the bottle into the masses pouring into the breach.

While waiting for the innevitable explosion James reloaded his gun again. before swapping it with his bow.

OOC:burn baby burn:D
Also, if anyone wants to revenge Telina by killing her sister, just say it, and i'll draw on it to see who get's the lucky job of killing her evillol.gif

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 26 2007, 07:00 PM

Dan, near the breach

As Dan stood beside the breach, hewing a Nord which had eluded his every blow, he looked up to the walls, to see if they had been taken as well. There was slaughter all about the battlements, yet he could notice two figures stand out amongst the others locked in a clash of life and death.

An Altmer who seemed to be another one of the mages by the look of him was caring for one of the fallen, yet Dan could recognize the fallen figure. It was that of the Dunmer with which he had spoken earlier. As he saw her, dead on the ramparts, a fury grew in Dan as there had not been seen since the ages of myth when the Nords first took Skyrim. He wildly charged the crowd of enemies, shouting telepathically in their minds. As he shouted, some of the enemies even dropped their weapons and fell to their knees, shielding their ears from a sound which never came. Dan lopped their heads off with amazing speed. Blood-soaked, he went on, swinging Balmung left and right, slaying many a foe. He did so until he himself was surrounded, and a goblin grabbed his leg then started stabbing it wildly. Dan slew the beast, then shattered the helmet of a Nord charging towards him. It was by pure luck that Dan had struck the Nord first. Regardless, Dan had been surrounded and his enemies soon wrestled him to the ground.

Even on the ground, Dan still fought them like a beast, wringing the throat of a goblin which had climbed over him. He then started clawing at his foes as they tried to imobilise and kill him. There was savagery on both sides, yet not enough on the side of the defenders of the Imperial City sadly. As Dan fought with his foes, a prayer went into his mind for the soul of the Dunmer whose name he never knew.

OOC: Can someone save Dan? I wouldn't want him to die like this.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 26 2007, 07:14 PM

OOC. Sure.

James, to the rescue

james watched fascinated as an old man took off like a bloody madman, and in order to help the poor bugger 'not that I care of course, I never care', he told himself, as he fired a few arrows into the oncoming suckers.

Of curse he swore enough to make a pirate blush when the old man got himself beaten down, and the enemy immedeately started piling onto him. James was just about to try and help the old bugger when his bottle of cyrodiliic brandy exploded. The explosion was big enough to cover quite many in burning flames, and the small rocks in the bottle flew in all directions, killing or otherwise wounding the enemy.

Seeing that the man was still on the ground James swore. "Damn you you old bugger, watch yourself next time", he yelled as he ran towards Dan. With a small push on the trigger, he blasted a zombie off Dan, and he grabbed him, and started dragging him back towards the defenders.

"NExt time don't take off like a bloody hero you old goat, I might not be here next time", he snapped at Dan, as he fired another round that blasted a goblins torso to shreds.

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 26 2007, 07:35 PM

Dan, on the ground, rather wounded

As Dan prepared to die, he was surprised by an explosion which sent shards of glass in every direction, killing or otherwise wounding most of his enemies. He was surprised he didn't die from the blast, yet a zombie was still on top of him, trying to rip out his throat. Dan struggled with the zombie but he could feel his old arms losing the strength they had when his anger was still present.

Dan you old fool look what you've done! That Dunmer got killed and now you've almost went and done the same thing!

Before he could die however, the zombie was blasted off him as if a powerful spell had hit it. Dan looked left and right but all he could see in the fray was a Breton-like man standing besides him with a strange looking staff with two holes at the end in his hand.

Bless these mages and their spells!

The man then dragged him away from the fray, scolding him because of his temporary courage and warning him that he might not be there the next time. Dan hoped there wouldn't be a next time. After the man dragged him away from the battle near the breach, Dan started telepathically calling for a healer. He had a painful stab wound in the leg from the goblin which grabbed him and a lot of smaller gashes and cuts from various weapons all across his body. All in all, Dan's charge had cost him dearly. If a healer wasn't close by he could very well die because of his wounds.

That didn't change things however. The Dunmer was still dead, the breach was still being contended and Dan was still alive.

OOC: I would volunteer Dan to avenge Telina, but based on the fact that Telina was an uber mage which could turn stones into weapons, I don't think Dan would really be a chalenge for Salina.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 26 2007, 07:57 PM

James, in the fight again.

James looked down at the man he had just dragged out from certain death, shaking his head at the man's stupidness. That leg of his looked pretty badly, although James had just the thing. Taking out his makeshift bandage (rally just a long roll of cloth that he uses to bing his wounds with), he started to roll it around Dan's wounded leg, keeping it as tight as possible.

Afte he had finished pathcing him up (temporarily), he handed him a bottle of Flin. "should help for the pain a bit, although I expect full payment for it", he said, before turning back to the fight with his bow in his hand again, only to come face to face with a nord.

Reacting on instinct he did the first thing that came to his mind...he punched him in the face. The nord stumbled backwards, as he spat blood and teeth. "I'm gonna kill ye whelp", he yelled.

'The man's got balls', James tought as he jumped forward and performed his famous "squirrel move", by ramming his knee in the nord's groin, the nord went red first before changing to a deathly pale, as he fell to the ground with a silent scream holding his nether region...'correction the man had balls' he sniggered. As he nocked an arrow to the string he gave the nord another kick in his family jewels, pleased as the nrod gave a small wimper, he fired an arrow that plunged into the tigh of a goblin.

Salina, getting boosted.

Salina who was still dead tired after the fight with her sister...'make that ex-sister', she giggled. She growled in annoyance as she forced down a couple of healing potions, as well as a few potions to bring her magic levels up to par again, feeling rejuvinated she started her walk towards the breach, fling a few fireballs at the people standing on the walls for good measure.

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 26 2007, 08:12 PM

Dan, down on the ground

If he expects me to pay for this flin, he's going to have to see me after the war's over.

Dan took a well earned sip out of the bottle of flin he had just received from the Breton-like man which saved his life. One thing Dan kept forgetting to ask for was people's names. Either that or they wouldn't give him his name because of various reasons. Still, the man's kindness was unbelievable and Dan wouldn't forget it.

Yet despite his gratitude, he was in no shape to hold the breach anymore, unless a healer were to help him heal his wounds. As he looked around, Dan could see a brown robed fellow running back and forth from the edge of the battle, with bottles in his hands. They seemed to be healing potions so that Dan supposed the man was a healer. With one telepathic shout Dan called the man over to him. He came, after realizing where the sound was coming from.

"Please help me, I'm wounded badly." Dan said telepathically.

"Yeah, I noticed the flin." the healer said rather mockingly.

"Are you going to leave me die here or what? We need all the help we can get." Dan said rather angrily.

The healer was reminded of his profession by Dan's telepathic message. Hastily, he gave Dan a few gulps from a healing potion which Dan washed down with sips of flin.

"That should heal most of your superficial wounds, yet that leg will heal harder. The blade went in rather deep. Try not to over-exert your leg or it might end up worse." the healer said as he left Dan's side to care for the other wounded.

As Dan was left alone once again, he stood quietly and meditated on how the battle had gone until his sudden charge into the enemy ranks. The coallition defending the Imperial City was losing ground to the hosts of the mysterious Silhouette, and the breach had nearly been lost. If reinforcements would not arrive soon, the enemy would probably capture the walls and the siege engines as well. Dan tried to get some rest despite the constant sounds of weapons clashing and men shouting.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 26 2007, 08:24 PM


James who had now run out of arrows, had switched to two of his cozy daggers, and he ran towards the enemy, ducking under a swipe he stabbed both daggers into the stomach of the goblin, before twisting and withdrawing them.

With a cry he turned back towards the enemy, only to face three rather large angry burly nords in orcish armour, taking one looka at them he came to a decision. "F*** THIS", he yelled, as he ran back to the relative safety of the back ranks, spotting the old man who had HIS bottle of Flin, he extended his hand..."cough up my money you old goat".

OOC: yes he's deliberately being rude. laugh.gif

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 26 2007, 08:31 PM

Dan, annoyed by James

"See me after the war." Dan replied telepathically.

Despite the man had the nature of a ruffian about him, Dan could see he was good-hearted deep down. If he wasn't, he could have just minded his own business and left him there for dead. Or perhaps Dan had had too much flin. Nevertheless, he extended his hand holding the bottle of flin offering it back to the man.

"Have your flin back and tell me your name brave warrior. My family would honour you for saving my life, if only I had one." Dan said with certain sadness, being reminded of his family, which had been slaughtered by outlaws many years ago.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 26 2007, 08:39 PM

QUOTE(Agent Griff @ Sep 26 2007, 09:31 PM) *

Dan, annoyed by James

"See me after the war." Dan replied telepathically.

Despite the man had the nature of a ruffian about him, Dan could see he was good-hearted deep down. If he wasn't, he could have just minded his own business and left him there for dead. Or perhaps Dan had had too much flin. Nevertheless, he extended his hand holding the bottle of flin offering it back to the man.

"Have your flin back and tell me your name brave warrior. My family would honour you for saving my life, if only I had one." Dan said with certain sadness, being reminded of his family, which had been slaughtered by outlaws many years ago.

James, laughing

James grudgingly took the bottle back, muttering about 'stupid old bloody freeloaders...costs a fortune with a drink today', that was until hr caught the last part of what had been said. "Brave warrior", he laughed, "oh my god I haven't had this good a laugh since I was eleven, and my current guardians tried to convience the police I was a misunderstood shy innocent boy after setting our school on fire", he continued to snigger.

Briefly gaining control again he grasped the old man's hand. "James Pathertrory, rude, sarcastic absolutely gorgeous criminally insane boy with slightly pyromaniac tendencies", said before succumbing to giggles...very manly giggles they were.

With a last laugh, he took out one of the precious few sigarettes he had left, and lighted it with a nearby torch, tdrawing in a large breath, he turned to Dan again. "So care to enlighten me why you took off like a bloody madman, after all man your age should watch himself, brittle bones and all".

"And about family, well I guess I know how you feel dawg, mine's was killed when I was nine, been chasing after the stupid mobsters ever since I turned eleven...'course I never could stay anyone place long after that, they kinda dont like it when you throw a homemade grenade at them", he added with a sigh, 'those were the days, me and 'uncle' Jimmy chasing down mobsters all around the place'.

OOC: Jimmy was the guy who taught James how to fight dirty, and all other tricks he know.

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 26 2007, 09:01 PM


Hm, I'm actually beggining to like this boy. He reminds me of myself when I was young.

"Glad to make your acquaintance lad. James is it? A good, powerful name. Kind of like Dan. By the way, I don't think I've presented myself. The name's Dan, though some have called me Dan the Tongueless. I've made sure those people have lost more than their tongues however." Dan said with a glare.

He got pretty upset whenever someone reminded him he didn't have a tongue. Even though he had lived without his tongue for quite some time he had never really gotten used to it. He had never really felt as if the tongue wasn't there in the first place, like some people do after they've lost a leg or an arm and come to terms with it. Still, he had found someone who had lost someone as well. Something just as dear.

"To tell you why I ran off like that. I remember pretty clearly that I was looking at the walls, and had seen someone who was somewhat dear to me drop dead. Afterwards everything was a blur. Then your explosion woke me up. Quite some spells you're packing, James." Dan said with a purely Nordic laugh. Only Nords could laugh at things like this.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 26 2007, 09:09 PM

QUOTE(Agent Griff @ Sep 26 2007, 10:01 PM) *


Hm, I'm actually beggining to like this boy. He reminds me of myself when I was young.

"Glad to make your acquaintance lad. James is it? A good, powerful name. Kind of like Dan. By the way, I don't think I've presented myself. The name's Dan, though some have called me Dan the Tongueless. I've made sure those people have lost more than their tongues however." Dan said with a glare.

He got pretty upset whenever someone reminded him he didn't have a tongue. Even though he had lived without his tongue for quite some time he had never really gotten used to it. He had never really felt as if the tongue wasn't there in the first place, like some people do after they've lost a leg or an arm and come to terms with it. Still, he had found someone who had lost someone as well. Something just as dear.

"To tell you why I ran off like that. I remember pretty clearly that I was looking at the walls, and had seen someone who was somewhat dear to me drop dead. Afterwards everything was a blur. Then your explosion woke me up. Quite some spells you're packing, James." Dan said with a purely Nordic laugh. Only Nords could laugh at things like this.


'Damn old coot's actually starting to warm up on me'. "So Dan was it, ah well, I guess I wont be making fun of you lacking a tongue, after all I rather keep myself in a fine shape mind you", he said with a grin.

"And...well, I guess I understand why you took off like that, I did something similar when I was eleven...after I burned down the school that is", he said with a trange half sob-half laugh 'damn I'm in the middle of a bloody fight and I'm having an emo moment', he cursed for himself.

"And the stuff I did wasn't spells, here", he said patting his shotgun, "this is a shotgun, which shoots a small cartridge with dozens of small metal balls capable of blowing a hole twice as big as a mans head in someone, and the other thing I did, was just to add a little bit of cloth to a bottle of brandy to use as a fuse, before lighting it and throwing it away...makes a pretty good boom", he finished...'if that doesn't confuse him I'll actually admit to him that he's warming up to me'

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 26 2007, 09:27 PM

Flint Ironwood.

The flurry of jumps and spells had left him tired and dizzy. On top of that, his chest hurt with every breath he took.
,,That's gonna be one huge bruise. No broken ribs, fortunately." He noted. He could see the battle was going badly. Not only was the breach being conquered, more and more ladders rose up to the walls.
,,Hey, Odrik! We're not doing very well here!" Flint shouted over the chaos. The Bruman didn't acknowledge the man's words. Instead he cast a glance at the battlefield, cleaved the skull of a bandit and pushed away a ladder, took another glance, then turned towards his crew with a look of resignation.
,,Alright fellas! Sparky, you still around?!" He yelled.

The single mage bounded up to his leader, escorted by four soldiers holding pikes.
,,Present, sir!" Odrik nodded, grim.
,,Alright. Cancel the ward on the first Siege engine. We'll push it off the wall and let it explode. Let's hope it brings us a bit of a breather." He ordered.

And so it was done. With combined effort, the Siege crew somehow managed to hold their position for the moment while sacrificing one of their mighty engines of destruction. The heavy construct toppled over the walls, crashing down into the mob below. Barely a moment after, the spells it had been enchanted with detonated, sending a hail of burning wood everywhere in a horizontally expanding ring.

Flint stood on the walls, trying to rest as much as he could before his section came under attack again.
,,Wow, I definitely didn't expect him to do that." He muttered. Odrik had turned away from his men and rushed to wipe off his tears.
,,Ah, Meimi. I'll miss you, dear."

OOC: Yup, the guy cries over a Trebuchet. tongue.gif

Posted by: minque Sep 26 2007, 09:37 PM

OOC: I think Satyana should do it! I mean as she gets that book.....hmmm yeah, I definitely think Satyana should do it! Or Issac?


Satyana rose her head just in time to watch Salina push that spear into Telina´s chest.....

"NOOOO!" she cried out loud

Issac....tell me this isn´t happening, tell me it´s that cursed with who died, not Aunt Telina

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 27 2007, 02:48 AM

OCC: Well, I'm too lazy to change that (sue me). I'll move the Plys'Iea over since Ian and a bunch of armed people are going after Mannimarco (Curse you Priest, even after you're birthday you're still gone).
Someone needs to take Mannimarco or a good deal isn't going to get done. mad.gif


Reverberations from the nearby battle caught the alien's attention. Cautiously, he made his way in the direction of the gates. With his spines he felt the explosions and whooses of powerful spells, and then "saw" one Dunmer woman thrust a spear into another.

Lowering himself to all fours, he scrambled around the pieces of masonry and rubble toward the fighting. From behind the bloodied elven woman, he rose up his angular snake-like head two full heads higher than hers.
The warrior snorted, "A fine kill." The short phrase was a heavy hiss, one of the few snippets of Tamrielic he could manage. "If only the others were like you," He switched to Argonian, holding little hope the Dunmer would be able to understand.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 27 2007, 06:59 AM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Sep 27 2007, 03:48 AM) *

OCC: Well, I'm too lazy to change that (sue me). I'll move the Plys'Iea over since Ian and a bunch of armed people are going after Mannimarco (Curse you Priest, even after you're birthday you're still gone).
Someone needs to take Mannimarco or a good deal isn't going to get done. mad.gif


Reverberations from the nearby battle caught the alien's attention. Cautiously, he made his way in the direction of the gates. With his spines he felt the explosions and whooses of powerful spells, and then "saw" one Dunmer woman thrust a spear into another.

Lowering himself to all fours, he scrambled around the pieces of masonry and rubble toward the fighting. From behind the bloodied elven woman, he rose up his angular snake-like head two full heads higher than hers.
The warrior snorted, "A fine kill." The short phrase was a heavy hiss, one of the few snippets of Tamrielic he could manage. "If only the others were like you," He switched to Argonian, holding little hope the Dunmer would be able to understand.


Salina looked at the large figure before her. Raising an eyebrow, "indeed, say whose side are you on, beacuse it would be a loathe to roast you", she said, as she played with the fireball she held ready,

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 27 2007, 01:07 PM


He hissed in Argonian again, "My allegiance is to the Silhoutte, War Leader of the Akaviri." When a trebuchet toppled over the wall and exploded, the alien crouched and allowed for his plated arms to take the brunt of the shrapnel, though the countless goblins and some of the bandits weren't so lucky.

"Shall we press the press forward, or hold this area until more fodder appears?" The warrior asked, pulling his staff from his back.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 27 2007, 01:16 PM

QUOTE(Lord Revan @ Sep 27 2007, 02:07 PM) *


He hissed in Argonian again, "My allegiance is to the Silhoutte, War Leader of the Akaviri." When a trebuchet toppled over the wall and exploded, the alien crouched and allowed for his plated arms to take the brunt of the shrapnel, though the countless goblins and some of the bandits weren't so lucky.

"Shall we press the press forward, or hold this area until more fodder appears?" The warrior asked, pulling his staff from his back.

"I see now reason to why we should honor these vermin who believes they can win by fighting them...let them slaughter the fodder for some time, and when they believe victory is theirs, we strike and crush the resistance in one swift stroke" Salina said, as she snapped of a boneshatter curse towards the defenders in the breach, and watched with satisfaction as a mans head was shredded due to his bones shattering outwards with force.


Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 27 2007, 01:47 PM

Issac, seeing Salina and Plys'Iea

He turned his gaze to where the murderess was and immediately noticed the alien beside her. The Altmer managed to hear what was being said, Tamrielic-wise. Then the loathsome Dunmer lobbed a curse a poor soldier, which served to punctuate the graveness of the situation.

Then when Satyana cried out, the alien looked up at them, studying them intently. "Satyana, Telina is dead; there's nothing we can do about it but survive long enough to get a chance to do so." Issac said gently, mostly as not to be too harsh, but partly because the Plys'Iea had definitly noticed them.

Casting a feather spell on both Satyana and Telina, he scooped up the dunmer's corpse and started to stand. "We have to get back to the others now."


As the Altmer started to move, the alien hissed. "An audience of ours is trying to miss out on the rest of the peformance." He pointed his staff at Issac and Satyana.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 27 2007, 01:56 PM


James, swore several colorfull curses, when the head of a soldier standing beside him exploded in a gory glory (pun intended). Wiping the blood from his eyes, he saw a dark elf...girl...woman he couldn't decide, standing with her arm outstretched and a pleased smirk on her face next to some sort of alien.

He studied the alien thing...what wouldn't he do to calim to have killed an alien, 'sucker is going down', he tought, as he snuck towards the two figures. The breach which was momentarily empty of enemies, provided exellent cover, and so James laid down on the ground, and aimed his shotgun towards the alien and fired.

Of course with the distance, it wasn't easy to hit either of the two figures (especially when the barrel was sawn off), and so it was quite amusing and irritating at the same time to watch the small bullets, completely miss the two figures, and mow down five armoured goblins satnding a few feet behind them.

Laughing like a maniac, James hastily reloaded, before running like hell back to the good guys. "Fetch as many barrels of oil and brandy along with firewood as you can", he yelled at the defenders, while firing another salvo of two shots against Mr.Alien and Miss.Sexy wench as he called the two persons who he had tried to kill, predictably he once again missed them, altough there was a nord a few feet to the left of them, who was writhing on the ground complaining on his missing lower legs.

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 27 2007, 07:16 PM

Dan, recovered

As Dan stood up he could feel his leg was getting better. If he put a lot of effort into it perhaps he could even run. As he stood he surveyed the current state of the battle. After a lengthy melee the forces of the Silhouette seemed to have retreated from the breach, leaving it littered with the bloody remains of the dead. Dan could see numberless corpses lying about, each one hacked apart savagely more or less. He could see both members of the coallition defending the city and members of the Silhouette's great host.

For the moment, it seemed the fighting had come to a pause. The defense of the breach however required a steep price in blood, both the enemy's and their own. Dan knew that at least one small puddle of blood belonged to himself, from the time he had been wrestled down and nearly killed by goblins and an assortment of other unpleasant creatures.

Dan could also see his new found companion shooting off a few rounds from his strange weapon. Dan called it "boom-staff" because of the slight resemblance it bore to a staff. He didn't really know what to call James' exploding bottles. James himself called them "Molo-something cocktails". Odd name, in Dan's ears.

Among the wounded and many dead being carried off he could also see the Dunmer woman who had joined the battle at about the same time as himself. An Altmer together with a young woman were carrying the remains of the Dunmer. By the sadness on their faces, he could see that they had known the Dunmer.

To Dan's eyes came a more worrying sight however. The Imperial Soldiers all around the breach seemed to be really anxious to sally forth and counter-attack the forces of the Silhouette, now that they had been apparently weakened. Dan however knew that only death could come from such an attempt, after having seen what numbers the Silhouette could throw at the Imperial City just to destroy a segment of wall.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 27 2007, 07:28 PM

James, shouting orders.

Some of the soldiers, had done as james advised, and now they had a good few barrels with oil or brandy with them. "Alright you bloody soldiers, I want you to place the barrels in the breach, and make sure you make a small hole in them, and I want it done yesterday", he barked out...'no one said that learning from a former army drill seargant don't rub off on you' James tought for himself, as men started to stab holes in the barrels, before rolling them into the breach.

"Dan, I want you to take the last of my five brandy bottles, pull the cork off them, then you take a bit of cloth, drench it in brandy before you put it in the flask opening", James said to Dan as he handed him his last brandy bottles...'it's heartbreaking really' he tought.

Turning his attention back to the breach, james beagan to throw as many pieces of wood into it as he could...when the enemy started to scale the breach again they'd be in for a nasty surprise.


Salina looked at the group of goblins who seemed to be rather hesitant to go near the breach, after that crazy kid, had used some type of staff to kill several of their numbers with a big bang. "Get into that breach and kill them all", she snarled at a nearby goblin, eviscerating another one with her sword to prove a point, with a smile she ralized that it had worked, as they ran towards the breach with guttering warcry's again.

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 27 2007, 08:13 PM


With a quick nodd Dan got to it and started putting cloths into the bottles from whatever he could find lying around. He used bandages and even some coppies of the Black Horse Courier he had found nearby. Before putting the cloths and papers into the bottles however he took a quick sip out of one of them.

A shame to do this, but all's fair in love and war.

Dan then put the bottles inside the barrels. After making sure they were all well in place, he rejoined the rest of the group.

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 27 2007, 08:18 PM

Flint Ironwood, annoying people.

Flint jumped down from the walls. The siege crew had begun to relocate their mighty engines of destruction, back to a place where they could fire without fear of retaliation. He walked right up to James and gestured at the barrels.
,,More exploding things? Forgive me sir, but we don't need a countermeasure that widens the gap. Sure, you'll knock out a few enemies, but for each you take down, a dozen will take its place. We don't want to make the gap wider! Or do you think we can just pile rocks down there in a handflick, after you're done making things worse?" He spoke sharply. His eyes then wandered upwards.
,,Pile rocks, handflick?" He muttered to himself. He was debating whether or not to smash a building and use its materials to pile a crude wall into place.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 27 2007, 08:31 PM

QUOTE(jack cloudy @ Sep 27 2007, 09:18 PM) *

Flint Ironwood, annoying people.

Flint jumped down from the walls. The siege crew had begun to relocate their mighty engines of destruction, back to a place where they could fire without fear of retaliation. He walked right up to James and gestured at the barrels.
,,More exploding things? Forgive me sir, but we don't need a countermeasure that widens the gap. Sure, you'll knock out a few enemies, but for each you take down, a dozen will take its place. We don't want to make the gap wider! Or do you think we can just pile rocks down there in a handflick, after you're done making things worse?" He spoke sharply. His eyes then wandered upwards.
,,Pile rocks, handflick?" He muttered to himself. He was debating whether or not to smash a building and use its materials to pile a crude wall into place.


James looked at the breton mage with a smile. "I have it on personal experience that the blast wont be enough to widen the gap, however with the holes in the barrels, as well as the angle of the breach, highly flamable liquid is now seeping down towards the enemy, so when we torch it, we're going to have a wall of fire protecting the breach, all we need to make sure then is to keep frost spells away from it".

He turned towards the guy with the siege engines. "Oi you, I have a little presant for you", he said gesticulating to a barrel. "light the piece of cloth, and then use the catapult thingy to throw it into the enemy, and blast them all the way home to alabama", James said with a smirk, as he put a barrel down at the feet of the man.

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 27 2007, 08:45 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint was still sceptic, but he shrugged and accepted it. People were just plain stubborn nowadays. Not that he was any different.
,,Fine, we'll see how it pans out. But I'll have a makeshift bick wall ready just in case. Right after I smash that house over there." He replied to James and walked away.

Odrik. (Think I should make him into an actual character? He's become more than just another NPC.)

Odrik looked questioningly at the barrel, then waved one of his men to pick it up.
,,Thank you for the gift, I guess. Alright men, hurry up with the packing! We don't know how long we have till the next attack!"

Posted by: Tellie Sep 27 2007, 08:54 PM

QUOTE(jack cloudy @ Sep 27 2007, 09:45 PM) *

Flint Ironwood.

Flint was still sceptic, but he shrugged and accepted it. People were just plain stubborn nowadays. Not that he was any different.
,,Fine, we'll see how it pans out. But I'll have a makeshift bick wall ready just in case. Right after I smash that house over there." He replied to James and walked away.

Odrik. (Think I should make him into an actual character? He's become more than just another NPC.)

Odrik looked questioningly at the barrel, then waved one of his men to pick it up.
,,Thank you for the gift, I guess. Alright men, hurry up with the packing! We don't know how long we have till the next attack!"


Lovely, there goes that piece of shade as well, James muttered, "yeah whatever, just hurry it up will you, and help me throw more burnable wood into the breach.

"You catapult guy, remember to put the piece of cloth on fire, before you fire the damn thing alrigt", jJames yelled. 'Bloody guys probably never would have survived ithout me to babysit them...shuld probably snatch as many coin purses and possible then run the hell out of here', he continued his muttering for some time, mostly around the same subjects.

OOC: AS you can see he's full of himself.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Sep 27 2007, 09:18 PM


Flogir had been keeping a stead eye on the battle going on around him. When the walls were breached, Flogir called out to Altair.

"Altair, I need to get down to that breach! Look after things here!"

With that he went down to the breach and found that a spiky haired youth was ordering people around.

"What's going here? Why are there barrels lying in the breach?" he questioned in an annoyed fashion. As a joint commander he felt that he should know everything that was going on all the time.


Amrita had made it back to the walls to see that Salina had showed up and began fighting her sister. "Heh, looks like they'll finally finish this feud. 'Bout time too. All I ever heard from Salina was "Telina this, Telina that". I got so annoying!"

Amrita was glad she didn't live with the Dunmer anymore, sure the magic training had been more than benefical but Salina's personality just annoyed her. She held no affinity to seeing her die. In fact, she wouldn't mind if Telina finally did the job.

Yet, when Salina tricked Telina and managed to kill her, she couldn't help but chuckle quietly. Salina still had it she had to admit.

An idea struck her then. Perhaps she could build a bond of some sorts with her sister if she helped to avenge Telina. If anyone knew how Salina fought, it would be her. Plus she didn't know about the new tricks Veric had given her.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 27 2007, 09:22 PM

QUOTE(The Metal Mallet @ Sep 27 2007, 10:18 PM) *


Flogir had been keeping a stead eye on the battle going on around him. When the walls were breached, Flogir called out to Altair.

"Altair, I need to get down to that breach! Look after things here!"

With that he went down to the breach and found that a spiky haired youth was ordering people around.

"What's going here? Why are there barrels lying in the breach?" he questioned in an annoyed fashion. As a joint commander he felt that he should know everything that was going on all the time.


James turned to see a man demanding to know what was going on...'superiority complex', eh tought.

"Well sir, we're just going to have a nice barbeque with the next wave. When the enemy starts scaling the breah, we'll simply put the barrels of brandy on fire, and then we can settle around and have a big bonnfire and sing kumbayahs", he finished with his usual smirk...'shame we don't have marshmellows' he chuckled.

Posted by: The Metal Mallet Sep 27 2007, 09:28 PM


Flogir's eyes narrowed. This youth definitely had a mouth on his. His appearance also indicated that he was a commoner (though an odd looking one at that).

"Well, you're idea sounds doable but I'd appreciate it if you cut out the sarcasm," he instructed the youth before turning to Flint and Odrik.

"How are things going down here? Will we still be able to hold this breach or must we come up with something else?

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 27 2007, 09:35 PM

Odrik and Flint.

Odrik gestured towards the Trebuchets.
,,We're moving them to a safer position. We can't provide support if we're busy hacking away at invaders." He spoke.
,,If we are lucky, we won't get another attack till after we've moved into position. If we're not lucky......hope you can hold the line without our help."

Flint swung his staff and began to break down the building he'd chosen.
,,Hmm, Aleatoire. That sounds like a good name for this thing. Too damn fickle though. When things are nice and quiet, it works. But when I'm in battle, it always acts funny." He mumbled to himself. He then noticed Flogir.
,,Ah.....yes. I'm going to break down this building and use it to fashion a crude brick wall to seal the gap. It won't hold against a siege engine or that mage, but the real walls didn't hold either and footsoldiers will have a hard time breaking it. Truth be told, I don't like the idea of exploding barrels but even if it does work, the fire will extinguish eventually and we'll need something to fill up the gap."

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 28 2007, 01:26 AM

OCC: The Plys'Iea wears plate armor that is denser and heavier than even an orc could fight in. (akin to a light tank) Which gives you an idea of how strong he is to be jumping farther/higher, and running faster than any man or mer.


"Battle beckons, I refuse stand in the flanks!" He screeched, then roared ferociously at the soldiers on the other side of the wall. With that the warrior strafed the wall, ignoring the breach. Then he vaulted far enough for his free hand to grasp the edge of the battlments.

In one motion he threw himself up and over, already picking out the number of armed soldiers and the flamable barrels in the breach. Pity the goblins then, the alien thought. Slowly he rose to his full hieght atop the wall, well away from the breach.
"True warriors will gladly face death, show me your mettle, Soldiers of Tamriel!" He hissed in challenged, pointing his flail-ended staff at the people below.

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 28 2007, 07:16 AM

Dan, looking at the Plys'Iea

As Dan stood idly and watched the measures that were being taken to seal the breach, his eyes suddenly darted up to a being which had appeared on the walls. Twice the size of a man it seemed, and alien to Dan's old eyes. He had seen many things in his days, yet never a creature such as this. All others looked at it in awe as well, yet none dared move, lest the creature be made to attack.

The creature however soon issued a chalenge to all inside the Imperial City, daring true warriors to face him in battle.

True Warriors will gladly face death, yet True Warriors will also know when is the time to fight and when is the time to flee.

Dan, sensing that no mortal man could best this creature, took a few steps back and raised Balmung, his sword. If he were to die in this siege, he might as well die facing the enemy's champion, their best warrior. This could be the last great deed of his life, his fight with this alien creature possibly being his doom. He stepped forward.

"Will none dare face this hellish creature? If none step forward, I will challenge this beast to manly combat!" Dan yelled telepathically to all others around him.

Thus my doom comes, before the walls of the Imperial City.

OOC: Could someone join Dan, since if he fights the Plys'Iea alone he will surely die like some chump in the first two seconds?

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 28 2007, 07:21 AM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint dropped his staff when a telepathic challenge hammered into his brains. He shook his head and picked up Aleatoire.
,,I am so going to regret this. Take hammers and continue the job. I'll be gone for a while." He told the Brumans and then wandered towards the wall.
,,Why am I doing this? I'm still tired from last fight."

Once he'd reached Dan, he stopped to gaze up at the creature.
,,Say, is all this macho stuff really necessary. Can't we like, blast him from the wall with Telekinesis?" He asked and tried to add action to his words. Aleatoire emitted lots of sparkles and began to loudly sing Cyrodiil's national anthem, in a quite good-sounding bariton voice.
,,Ah, crap it. Can't you bloody ever be serious?!" Flint shouted angrily.
,,There where the dragon rests!" The staff continued undisturbed.

OOC: Flint will help all he can, but I can't guarantee Aleatoire's coöperation.

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 28 2007, 07:27 AM

Dan, standing next to Flint

So it seems Dan fights but not alone. Whatever the circumstance, today is a fine day for fell deeds and slayings.

"At least I will not be alone. Quite a fine...staff you have there. Does it do other things instead of singing? I once had a blade which sung. It sung songs of battle and slaughter as I swung it across the throats of bandits and outlaws. Yet that blade was broken long ago."

OOC: Well, we can't actually do anything until Revan arrives. And that thing is a staff right?

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 28 2007, 07:43 AM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint glared at the rainbow-coloured staff in his hands.
,,Well, it can breakwalls down real fast if it feels like it." He replied.
,,Now stop singing or I'll use you as a club!" He yelled. The staff shut up instantly.
,,Ah, now that's better."

OOC: After losing his Telekinetic katanas, Flint crafted this staff using lots of silver and lots of broken weapons and armour. Some of the scrap metal was enchanted and he crafted it in expecting a free bonus. As a result, the staff is a bit.......unpredictable. Aleatoire means random in french by the way.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 28 2007, 08:22 AM


James watched as things unfolded, with a shrug je threw a torch into the breach, and few seconds later, a large fire erupted, followed by the occasional boom as a barrel exploded, humming kumbayah to himself, James turned to where Flint and Dan stood, only to watch as the staff started singing.

After controling his sniggers at Flint's staff, he explained his amusement to them. "Sorry guy's, the staff reminded me of a singing sword in a movie called, who tricked roger rabbit...essentially, this guy is going into a swordfight with no sword, and so he picks up one from a box, only to have it start singing love songs..." here he started giggling again, before he turned serious.

"So", he said as he aimed his shotgun towards Mr.Alien, "shall we kill some nasty Alians, or shallw e enter a philosophical conversations about singing staffs and moving pictures"?

Posted by: Lord Revan Sep 28 2007, 01:08 PM


When three men stood to fight, he nodded to himself, good. Then he dropped down from the wall, absorbing the fall in his legs, the stones on the ground cracked from the impact. As he passed a Nord soldier, he stared at the raised shield.

Effortlessly, he smacked it aside and then the soldier fell backward as the Plys'Iea's jaws snapped inches from his face. Pathetic, he thought, pinning the nord to the ground with his foot. After burying his staff in the man's torso, the alien turned back to face the threesome gathered against him.

The youth among them had what looked like a primitive firearm, too primitive to do more than scratch my armor. "I'll allow you to make the first move."

Posted by: Tellie Sep 28 2007, 01:22 PM


James looked astonished at what Mr.Alian had done, "holy compassion", he muttered. With an evil cackle he shot both shells at Mr.Alien, as well as preparing his emergency molotov that he always carried in his belt.
The power of the shells made Mr.Alien reel backwards, but appeared to do nothing more, with a curse James ignited the fuse on his molotov cocktail, before throwing it at Mr.Alien, the following explosion singed his eyebrows off.

OOC: hope you don't mind him calling him Mr.Alien. tongue.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 28 2007, 04:16 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint shook his head.
,,Gosh, that guy sure is a nutcase if you ask me." He muttered. He then focussed on projecting a Telekinetic barrier around the three of them.
,,Not that this is going to help. Next life, I'm going to invest in some more offensive spells."

Posted by: Agent Griff Sep 28 2007, 07:12 PM

Dan, next to Flint and James

Dan was impressed by the showing the otherworldly beast had made. He wasn't afraid however. After all he had been through in his long life, death could only be a relief. Besides, Dan thought that if he were to die, he could finally regain his voice. Few knew however, what became of a man's soul after he died. Dan cared little.

As he saw that the power of James' boom-staff faded in front of the alien, and that all the Breton mage could do was to errect a barrier between them and their foe, Dan surmissed that their foe was a worthy one, the worthiest they might meet in their whole lives. With a quick prayer to Shor, he prepared to do battle against the supernatural foe. At least he wouldn't do so alone.

OOC: I know what aleatoire means in french, since we have a simillar word in Romanian which means the same thing. Romanian, as French, is a latin language so we have many simillarities. Back on topic, we should discuss this battle in the planning thread.

Posted by: Tellie Sep 28 2007, 10:23 PM


James, cursed as he ralised he had used up his last two shells for the more shotting from it, and as such it was worthless, with a snarl he threw it away as he drew his two daggers, the one with the paralyze effect, and the one coated in snake venom.

"Ok guys, confession here, I'm not a great close combat person against an armed opponent, but I'll do what I can", James said nervously...'if I get killed beacuse of their hero complex then oh...I'll revive myself just to kill them'

With a dagger in each hand, James gave them a few spins for good measure, before steeling himself for the eventual unbearable pain that was to come.

Posted by: jack cloudy Sep 28 2007, 10:31 PM

Flint Ironwood.

Flint flashed a wry grin.
,,Tell me about it. Just do what you can, we'll do what we can. So far, that plan of action has worked well enough to keep most people alive." He said with a forced chuckle.
,,Most......not all."

He raised Aleatoire before him, ready to block. He realized that he lacked the muscles to block even the lightest of their foe's blows. But with his skill at Telekinesis, he might have a chance at doing with his mind what he couldn't do with his body.

Posted by: minque Sep 28 2007, 10:55 PM

Uhhh this one needs a good rest now!

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