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Posted by: Dantrag Dec 23 2005, 12:15 AM

I was soon accepted into House Redoran, and my mother was pretty proud of me. Probably too proud. I didn't go to Athyn's class anymore, being too busy as councillor Venim's page. Or, at least until the fiery councillor died, and was replaced by his brother. All young hirelings in the House had to spend five years in a councillor's service, and I was no different. Close to the end of those years, my fourth, to be exact, I wondered why I was even in the House; I got no money for my service, being a page, and my family needed money. I should have gotten a job. There I was in Bolvyn's manor, getting fed and clothed while my family starved. My own damned fault. I paid for my selfishness.


I'll put the actual story here in a while; I just needed to start this back up.

Posted by: minque Dec 23 2005, 12:19 AM

Wonderful! More Sel.....woah.....I canīt wait! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Dantrag Dec 23 2005, 02:25 AM

here's your least favorite story on the forums, returned! laugh.gif


Sel walked down the hall, taking off his clothes as he did; he hated those clothes. He had to look like a true noble when he was in Bolvyn's -Arsyn's- hall, or something like that. He couldn't remember the exact reason.

He ignored the stares of the servants and guards passing him by, and he was soon in his room getting into some clothes that were actually worth wearing.

"Hey, you, servant!" he heard, calling behind him.

"Shut up, Retin." Sel replied, laughing with his friend's weak joke. Retin was always commenting on his hatred of 'rich people clothes'.

"Hey, listen." Retin said, changing the subject. "Uncle Arsyn said that he wants you to come on the hunt. They say there are lots of nix-hounds around this time of year."

"I'm going home. I spend enough time with my damned bow and not enough with my mother or sister." Sel said, packing his things.

"So you're going to spend your short vacation in your tiny hut?" Retin asked.

Sel nodded, knowing that Retin meant no insult; he just didn't understand Sel's point of view. There was a huge difference between them.

"Alright then, I guess I'll see you in a week." Retin said, walking out of Sel's room.

Sel packed the two dresses he had gotten from the Redoran tailor, and was soon out the door, thankful to finally be let out of the council chambers for reasons other than Redoran duties. Even though his house was very near Ald'ruhn, he didn't get there much, as he had to obey the rules of Arsyn Venim, who was all about discipline. Maybe even moreso than Venim was before being killed by the Nerevarine in the Arena. Sel wished that Athyn had gotten first pick of the pages so that he could serve under him.

Shielding his eyes from the sand, Sel trudged along the oft-used path to his small home. He knocked on the door, and instead of being greeted with a 'hello', he was greeted with a hug that squeezed the breath from him.

"Hey there, Sis." Sel said, breaking away from the hug. "I got something for you." He reached into his pack and retrieved one of those dresses.

Vysi took it without a word, and ran into her room, he guessed it was to try it on. Sel now considered her room to be more like a closet, since living in the Venim Manor.

"Sel!" his mother exclaimed, wiping her dirty hands on her apron before hugging her son.

"I got one for you, too." Sel said, giving his mother the other dress. He hoped they liked them; he had to trade three daggers for those. Three daggers that belonged to House Redoran.

The family sat down to dinner, Vysi was wearing her new dress, and was overly excited about it.

"Take some meat, mom." Sel urged, holding out a plate of cave rat meat.

He frowned as she cut off the tail and put it on her plate. "Why are you eating the tail?"

"It's the best part." Valia replied with a smile.

Sel thought no more of it. If he had, he would have realized that she was starving so that her children could eat.

Posted by: minque Dec 23 2005, 02:01 PM

Quite wonderful update really make your charachters alive, the more I read about Sel the more I just love the boy. You also describe his family in a nice way, the cheerful Vysi who apparently had been longing for her brother and Valia...quiet calm and very loving...

So why do you say this story is the least favourite?......You gotta know by now that I love it and it is on my fav-list! goodjob.gif

Posted by: Tellie Dec 23 2005, 02:49 PM

Oh yes, more Sel. I have been waiting in patience ( actually banging my head in the desk each time it wasn't any new Sel updates, so please post more often as my head is getting wery sore and painfull, not to mention dizzy. biggrin.gif ), so keep it up do ye hear me.

As always full off quality interesting, some humor and exiting writing. I must say though that I fear for Sel's mother. Thanks alot for giving us a christmas update. smile.gif

Posted by: Dantrag Dec 26 2005, 07:56 PM

Here you go, Telendil; please don't hurt your head anymore! sad.gif


"Take it." Sel insisted, shoving a bag of gold pieces in his mother's hand.

"No. It's yours, you earned it."

"And I'm giving it to you! I can do what I want with my own money!" Sel retorted. The money was actually money given to him indirectly from Arsyn Venim to buy new weapons. He had been stealing from House Redoran for awhile trying to help his family, and his mother never even suspected.

Valia sighed, and muttered something about him being just like his father. That angered Sel to a point. He wasn't like that bastarde at all! He would never abandon his family!

"Well, is there something I could buy from you?" Sel asked. "I've really got to go, but I still won't leave until you take this money."

Valia wouldn't have minded if her son never left, but he did need to go back to the Venim Manor where he could make a better future for himself and Vysi.

"As a matter of fact, I do." she replied. She walked into one of the only two rooms in the hut that served as her bedroom and opened a chest that she had told her children never to look inside. Needless to say, Sel had tried many times, but could never get the lock off. She walked back to Sel, holding a sword that was resting in its scabbard. The scabbard was nothing special; just black leather, but Sel didn't care; he would take anything as long as his mother would take the money.

"I would have sold it years ago." Valia said. "But your father told me to give it to you when you were old enough. He never said I couldn't sell it to you." she said with a wink.

Sel grabbed the sword from her and dropped the bag into her hand. "It isn't much, mom, but it'll help." he said, almost as an apology.

"You better get going after you say good-bye to your sister." Valia said.

"I would, but she ran off; I guess she's mad that I'm leaving again. Would you tell her I said good-bye?"

"Sure." Valia said, giving her son a hug and sending him off.

Sel trudged along, somewhat glad he was leaving home, and somewhat disappointed. He actually lkied the training he was required to do, but he hated all the ceremonial aspects of being a part of House Redoran, and he hated leaving his family to fend for itself. His mother was having trouble getting any sort of job; even jobs cleaining houses were taken. He was so busy thinking that he didn't notice the sound of footsteps trailing him...

Sel approached Under Skar, and walked inside the huge crab shell. He made his way along the rope bridges to the Venim Manor. As he was about to open the door to his home away from home, he heard a guard shout something to the effect of "What are you doing here?" Startled, Sel turned around to find out that the guard wasn't talking to him; he was talking to...Vysi?

With a loud sigh, Sel walked to where the two stood.

"Well, little girl?" the guard asked angrily.

"She's with me." Sel said hastily; he didn't want Vysi geting scared.

"Alright, but I don't know if Councillor Venim will allow her to stay with you." the guard replied.

"Don't worry, she's just visiting." Sel assured the guard.

"No I'm not! I'm staying with you!" Vysi protested.

"Alright, fine." Sel said in a tone that said that he was only saying whatever it took to calm Vysi down. "Come on, Sis."

Vysi followed, and once they were in his room, Sel turned on her. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Coming with you, stupid." Vysi said with a disarming smile. Even though she had just insulted him, he couldn't make himself be angry at her with that smile on her face.

"Alright, you can stay for a couple days, but then you're going home." Sel said, fearing that Venim wouldn't let her stay.

Vysi hopped on the bed next to Sel's and made herself comfortable. "That's Retin's bed." Sel said. "Take a nap on mine. I'll be right back."

Talking Arsyn into letting her stay would be the hardest thing about this situation even if he was one of the councillor's favorites. Arsyn was a hard man and tough like his brother Bolvyn, but was nowhere near as cold-hearted, so Sel didn't know how the councillor would react.

Posted by: minque Dec 26 2005, 10:36 PM itīs getting exciting, with lilīVysi running around in Bollyīs manor....If I was Sel Iīll watch her carefully, īcause Mr Venim is not a nice person..

Great update as usual, might have time for another one.....pretty soon huh?

Please..... goodjob.gif

Posted by: Dantrag Dec 28 2005, 08:17 AM

It's late, I'm not tired, so I'm listening to some Iron Maiden and writing some Sel.


It didn't take long for Arsyn Venim to give an emphatic 'no'. Or, that was what Sel wished he had said. What he actually said was much more eloquent and pointless. "Your darling sister is not a pledged Redoran, nor is she a servant, and therefore I am forced to give you leave to escort her to her proper home." He could have saved minutes of Sel's time as well as his own if he had just said, "Take her home." or "No, she isn't allowed here." Maybe Arsyn was as cold-hearted as his brother was.

Damned nobles. Sel thought. Always trying to sound smarter and more important than you.

He strapped on his new sword --he reminded himself to look at it later-- and got his sister ready for the trip home. He didn't mind though, as it got himself out of the morning prayers. It was a wasted hour spent praying to Vivec, Sotha Sil, and Almalexia; from what Sel could see, they were just attention-craving brats not worthy of being called a god at all. Especialy not after the Nerevarine had exposed them as frauds. Any group of people that required you to pray to them everyday for a certain amount of time was a little full of themselves. Redoran and their Temple ties. It made him want to go Telvanni sometimes. Even if it meant reading spell books all the time. At least when he got back Retin would probably be there too.

He opened the door to his house and said hello to his mother, but he doubted that she heard him over her own relieved rambling over Vysi. The incident taken care of, Sel gave another good-bye and returned to the city and the nobles.

"What did you get with your gold?" Retin asked just as Sel walked through the door.

Please look like you cost a hundred gold. Sel thought as he unbuckled his sword belt and laid the sheathed sword on Retin's lap. "That."

"Damn." Retin said in awe after pulling the sword free. It was of finely crafted silver, and had a fierce green glow around the blade. The leather-bound hilt fit a dunmer's hand perfectly, and the sword's balance was without flaw. "How in Vivec's name did you get this for a hundred gold?"

Sel smiled at his luck. This would allow him to get away with the other things he sold to give his family money and dresses. "I traded my old sword, a few daggers, and my bow along with the hundred gold."

" got this pretty cheap." Retin said, still surprised.

"The merchant said something about a curse, but I think it's just a superstitious old geezer." Sel said, making something up to explain the gap between his wallet and the cost of a sword like that.

As soon as the word 'curse' was uttered, Sel's new sword had found its way clanging to the floor.

"It's not really cursed." Sel chided, picking it up and placing it back in its scabbard.

"I'm not taking the chance." Retin replied. Not wanting to think about a cursed sword in his room, Retin changed the subject. "So how was your vacation?"

"Fine." Sel replied, hanging the sword belt on his bedpost. "Nothing special, but it was relaxing."

"I got two nix-hounds on the hunt." Retin boasted. "Only my cousin Arsyn Venim got more."

"Cousin Venim?" Sel asked. "He was your uncle last week, and I think he and Bolvyn were your brothers a few years ago." he added with a laugh. Retin made too much of his relation with the councillor, and used it as a bragging right. Sel found it funny that the relation always changed.

"Well, I read the family tree wrong." Retin said, thinking it a good save until he realized that Sel was saying it with him. I guess I already used that one. Retin thought bitterly.

"Don't we have to go to the practice field?" Sel asked, looking at how far the candle burning beside his bed had shrunk.

"Yeah, wait up." Retin said, hurriedly getting out of his expensive clothing and into some more fitting to a sword fight.

"Alright." Sel said, leaning against the door after strapping his sword on.

Retin buttoned his shirt and grabbed his small axe as he ran out the door. They were going to be late. Again.

Posted by: minque Dec 28 2005, 07:32 PM

Ahh yes.....very good as usual.....I somehow feel a build-up of tension.....or is it just my "magic-skill" playing games with me?

Somehow I feel somethingīs gonna happen soon......something ....ehh not so nice..

So letīs hope you find yourself not tired again soon, Danny!......*hint* hint*

Posted by: MerGirl Dec 30 2005, 09:05 PM

Yay! *claps* Awesome update. smile.gif

Sel's sister is just so cute! laugh.gif

cake.gif cake.gif cake.gif for the updates, keep up the good work! goodjob.gif

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 3 2006, 10:59 PM

Ever wanted to just crawl into a hole and never come out?

Me either. Anyway, here's an update.


"Don't think so." Sel said as he blocked Retin's axe with his padded sword. With a deft twist of the wrist, Sel had his blade up under the crescent of Retin's axe, flipping it out of the noble dunmer's hands.

"Damn, you're getting too good at that." Retin said, retrieving his axe for yet another run.

Sel smiled confidently as they went at it again. This time Retin was forced to block, and held his axe vertically, using that space under his axe's blade to push against Sel's sword.

Not strong enough to push back, Sel was forced to disentangle his sword from that oppressive axe and roll away to the side. As he came out of the roll into a low crouch, he saw the perfect opportunity for a hit. He slashed horizontally, the soft padding around his sword hitting Retin just above the hip.

Until Sel's enchanted sword cut easily through the padding.

Retin collapsed to the ground, clutching his side as blood flowed from the wound.

"Are you alright?" Sel asked, still not quite grasping the situation. He held his sword in front of himself in awe.

"No! Go get a damned healer!"

Sel ran off back towards the manor that he made his home, and soon returned with a healer. Luckily, the wound wasn't bad, as Sel had pulled away before the sword went to deep.

When Retin stood, wounds magically healed, all Sel could do was apologize.

"Sorry. I didn't know it was that sharp." Sel said, looking at his feet, ashamed.

Before Retin could say that Sel had one hell of a weapon, a messenger approached holding in his hands a letter.

"Is there a..." the messenger began, looking for the name on the letter. "Selenil Vendas here?"

Sel walked towards the mer. "That's me."

"This is for you. I'm so sorry." was all the messenger had to say before running off to deliver other messages.

A confused Sel opened the letter and he slumped down so that he was sitting on the ground, staring off into space immediately after reading the contents.

Concerned, Retin picked up the letter that had fallen to the ground. It read:

Selenil Vendas,

We regret to inform you of your mother, Valia Vendas' passing. Your sister, Vysi Vendas, will be staying at Fort Buckmoth until you are able to take her.

It wasn't even signed by anyone, but Retin guessed that it was some ranking Imperial officer. They handled things like this when a body was found or someone reported a death. He stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say, but wanting to be there for his friend.

Posted by: minque Jan 3 2006, 11:08 PM

OMG! Nooooooooo......itīs terrible! no no...not the story.....the fact his mom died!

Now please donīt let me wait too long to find out how she died..pweese Danny?..Strange I knew it was coming (from the rp) but it still quite schocked me....

Very well written as always!


Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jan 4 2006, 10:44 PM

Well I've finally had some time to catch up with you're story as well as Minque's story and need to start on the others too...

I really like the way how you make the characers actions short and descriptive when in fights and not to detailed (as I tend to do sometimes tongue.gif)

As well as Minque, I think you also manage to make you're characters very much alive and natural.

And that Sel's mother now have suddently died makes it very interesting and as Minque said; I'm also very egee(sp?) to find how how she died. I'll keep a close look on this, you keep up the good work Danny! cool.gif

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 6 2006, 09:10 PM

about time for an update, no?


He didn't believe it. He had seen her that very morning, early though it may have been. As he looked back, though, he realized the things that he hadn't really thought much of. He didn't think twice when he saw how skinny she looked. Or when she ate only the rat's tail. Did it even have any meat on it? He realized that she had starved herself so that he and Vysi could eat. It made him angry at himself, especially since he was eating well here in Bolvyn's manor and he had eaten some of his family's scarce food while his mother ate a rat's tail.

"Get up and go get your sister. You've been sitting there over an hour." Retin said in a demanding tone. "She's probably feeling as bad as you, and you're leaving her all alone in some Imperial fortress."

As much as Sel wanted to sit there in his self-loathing, he wanted as much to make sure his sister was okay. He didn't reply, but he did get up and make his way slowly towards Fort Buckmoth.

He gave the guard at the door his sword as they had asked; the Imperials feared House Redoran because of their haatred towards the outlanders coming into their land. As much as they hated it though, none of the House leaders would be dishonorable enough to murder any Imperials without good cause. Except maybe Councillor Venim.

"I'm here to take Vysi Vendas away." Sel told the guard.

"The little dunmer orphan?" the guard asked unthinkinkingly, "Ask the gaoler."

"The gaoler?" Sel asked incredulously. "You put my sister in a cell?"

The guard was suddenly glad that this Redoran's sword had been taken away. "It um-it wasn't my decisi- Just go down there and get her."

"I hope you burn in hell." Sel said as he walked down the steps, anger at himself and the Imperials mixed with the grief of his loss, forming a horrible tempest inside him.

My sister is no criminal; no danger to them, yet they choose to lock her in a cell. The only thing she's done is see her mother die today, but apparently that's a damned crime. Whoever was in charge here would never hear the end of this.

"I want my sister out." he said flatly to the much larger, stronger, and older Imperial gaoler standing in front of him.

"Who'd that be?"

"She's the only twelve year-old dunmer here, I'm sure. Now get her out." he demanded angrily.

The gaoler did as he was told, but he flashed Sel a look that said that the dunmer boy was pushing it.

Vysi came out, her face looking tear-stained and pitifully sad. Sel became more angry and more saddened. Who the hell do these people think they are, locking up twelve year-old girls in dark cells? Poor Vysi, having to stay here with the stench of prisoners and the darkness; hardly comforting after our mother died...and these damned soldiers did it to her.

"Come on, Vysi." he said, taking her hand and leading her out. He gave the gaoler a cold, murderous stare as he left, the same one that he gave the guard at the entrance as he took his sword back.

Sel stopped once they were outside and turned to face his sister. "Are you alright?" Sel asked, "Did they hurt you?"

Vysi shook her head, and only when he was sure she was telling the truth did he continue on back towards Ald'ruhn.

Sel had his first reason to hate the Empire.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jan 6 2006, 10:20 PM

Nice story telling there Danny. Good written as always. First I thought you could use some more description when he knew that his mother had died, both in this update and the one before - But really do it great by totally changing how Sel is acting, against those guards for example when getting his sister and that's really well done...

Hope it could have been some longer tho, because it's getting more and more exiting now as he has 'The first reason to hate the Empire'

Keep it up! smile.gif

Posted by: minque Jan 6 2006, 10:37 PM

Awww-........really....itīs so sad.....but Sel really showed himself to be a good my......I always get very emotional when reading stories like this, hmm Iīm a mother so it gets to me you see-......

Will we get to know how Valia died? I feel very sorry for both Sel and -Vysi

Please update soon will ya?

Posted by: mplantinga Jan 6 2006, 11:31 PM

Silly me; I didn't notice you had started chapter 3 until today. You've certainly got this chapter off to a roaring start. So many things have happened already, and most of them weren't very nice. At least Sel has his father's sword; I am curious to find out more about its history and enchantment.

Thanks for another great update. I'll try to wait patiently for the next one.

Posted by: minque Jan 6 2006, 11:40 PM

QUOTE(mplantinga @ Jan 6 2006, 11:31 PM)
I'll try to wait patiently for the next one.

He he..I wonīt be that patient though!! Itīs an order! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 8 2006, 05:28 AM

Here you are.


They buried their mother the next day, and had to make the gravestone themselves. It was a large lump of a rock, and Sel carved his mother's name in it with a hammer and chisel that he borrowed from someone in what was once Bolvyn Manor.

Sel watched as Vysi put some freshly picked flowers on the spot of fresh earth, trying his best not to let any tears pass; he had to be strong for his sister. He was the parent now.

As best he could tell, his mother had been so poor that she could barely afford food anymore. As such, she gave it all to his sister, and when he was home, himself. She starved herself to death so that they could live. Noble, he couldn't deny, but it didn't make it hurt any less, or make him feel any less guilty. He had inadvertently killed his own mother. He even tried to eat a rat's tail the night before, and proved that it had no meat on it.

They stayed in their own house from then on, Sel getting permission from Arsyn on account of his sister. It didn't matter anyway; his time as a page would end soon. Then he would get paid for being doing duties for the House. But until then, he needed a job.

"Do you need an apprentice?" Sel asked the armorer in town, hoping to get a job at the forge.

"A skinny boy like you? I don't think you could even dent the metal, much less shape it." the man said with a laugh. "Listen, someone like you would be better suited to something else."

Most of the other places said much the same thing. He wasn't able to do any of it. None of the pawnbrokers or traders needed any extra help, and he was told he was too young to work in a tavern. He even tried to get a job sewing for a clothier, but when he tried to prove that he could hem a dress, he was laughed at yet again.

I can't wait six months to get paid. Sel thought angrily. Six months was how long it would take for him to turn fifteen, and he had to be fifteen to be accepted as a full-fledged Redoran.

He had tried everything short of joining a guild, and that never appealed to him; it seemed that all guild members were in debt to their respective guilds. He was about to walk into the fighters' guild, hoping he wouldn't get laughed at there, before he accidentally ran into an altmer man. Needless to say, it brought him away from his contemplations.

"What are you doing, boy?" the altmer demanded, papers strewn everywhere from the collision.

"What? Oh, sorry sir. I guess I was somewhere else." Sel replied, helping the man pick up all the papers that Sel made him drop. One stuck out to him; it was a sketch of a sword with the word 'Chrysamere' written over it.

"What's this?" Sel asked, holding up the paper.

"That, my boy, is an ancient sword, sometimes called the Paladin Blade, but it is more commonly known as Chrysamere. It supposedly strenghens the user, as well as healing him when needed, but I have yet to find it." the altmer replied.

"No offense, sir, but you don't look like one to use a sword." Sel said, trying his best to be polite; he was sincerely interested.

"I'm not." he admitted, "But I'm a collector, you see. I enjoy collecting dwemer items, and other legendary artifacts and studying them."

"Sounds dangerous, looting dwemer ruins." Sel said, beginning to admire the man.

"It is; I've had to leave many an artifact lying on the ground because of some damned construct or specter." the man said, some frustration evident in his voice.

"Would you pay me for any dwemer items I find?" Sel asked, seeing a way to make money here.

"No, my boy; I don't want a child running around in a dwemer ruin just for money. It's dangerous." he said, condescendingly, as adults often do to children.

"I can handle myself." Sel said defensively.

The altmer seemed to notice the sword at Sel's side for the first time. "Hm...I guess you could be right." he said, stroking his chin as if deep in thought over something. "How about this; you can travel with me tomorrow to one of the nearby ruins, and I'll see how good you really are with that silver toy. If I find you to be good enough, I'll hire you as a bodyguard of sorts."

Sel was too happy about the prospect of making money to make a retort about the mer calling his sword a toy. "Where do I meet you?"

"Meet me in the Ald Skar Inn at dawn; I won't wait up for you so be on time."

With that, the altmer scooped up the last of his papers and walked off to the inn, where Sel supposed he had a room.

The boy trudged along, and realized that he had forgotten all about what hapened to his mother while he was speaking to that mer and looking for jobs. He had been too busy to. All of a sudden, the sadness and the anger hit him again, overwhelming him, but he was determined not to cry. After all if he couldn't stop himself from doing it by himself, who was to say that he couldn't stop it when he was around Vysi? He had to be strong for her. He was the parent now.

I'm a bloody parent now. he thought sadly. But then another thought came. Where the hell is my father? He should have been here, working to make money so that mother wouldn't starve. He should be here now so that I'm not the one taking care of the family.

He pulled out his sword and swung at the nearest trama root in anger. What kind of man was his father? Obviously not a very good one to let his mother die like that and leave him to fend for the family.

"I'm the parent now." he told himself firmly. "Father be damned."

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Jan 8 2006, 12:33 PM

Great update Danny smile.gif I really liked this one, very, very nice written. I'm really looking forward to the next update, it's getting more and more interesting. Keep it up... Really like to see Sel fighting some constructs cool.gif

Posted by: minque Jan 8 2006, 02:26 PM

Thanks Danny for not letting me wait!....Iīll remember that gesture! biggrin.gif As usual this part is very well written, you make the charchters alive and let them show emotions...and of course you had to involve a mysterious Altmer huh? Now Iīm naturally stuck wondering who he is....but Iīm sure you will tell the next update which will be due ....soon?

Alright hereīs the deal-......Iīm going away on a business-trip tomorrow, but Iīll be back late tuesday eve (my time).....and then thereīll be an update right?

biggrin.gif goodjob.gif

Posted by: mplantinga Jan 9 2006, 07:01 PM

It's good to see Sel demonstrating some independence and responsibility. I'm looking forward to seeing how his new job turns out.

Posted by: Tellie Jan 12 2006, 11:49 AM

Yes, more Sel, poor Vysi and Sel, I look forward to dee how this is going to evolve, and my head is getting better thanks for asking biggrin.gif tongue.gif laugh.gif .

So by all means, I'll wait in patience for the next one. Who am I fooling, post more now tongue.gif :beg :grovel :grovel.

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 15 2006, 07:44 AM

*Dantrag bows to his wonderfully small audience*

*he gets pelted with tomatoes*


"I'll be back tomorrow." Sel promised.

"Why don't we just move to a plantation, and you can farm or something?" Vysi pleaded. "I don't want you raiding dwemer ruins all the time; it's too dangerous!"

"It'll give us enough money to survive. Remember when we were little, and we always raided the Imperial Fort? Do you want to be doing that years from now?"

Vysi shook her head, but didn't say anything else; she couldn't convince her stupid brother anyway.

"I'll be back tomorrow if not earlier." he reiterated before walking out the door. That little conversation hadn't gone well; he had only succeeded in making his sister mad at him and worried about him. He was the older one; wasn't it supposed to be the other way around?

He found himself at the Ald Skar Inn, and he walked inside to meet his future employer.

"Hello, Sir." Sel said, extending his hand. "I never did catch your name."

"I'm Aldaril." the altmer replied. "I'm ready to go if you are."

Sel nodded, and with that, they were on their way. Aldaril talked non-stop, but Sel didn't mind; it kept his mind off of his mother. Apparently, they were going to one of the least dangerous ruins as a sort of practice run, Sel knew. The ruins were near Balmora, but he couldn't say the name.

"Arkngthand." Aldaril said again.

"Arkingdan?" he tried again.

"You know what? I'm going to call it Ruin Number One. Then the next we go to will be Number Two."

Sel laughed. "Fine with me." He still wouldn't remember though, especially if the number got over five.

They came upon a bridge, and found an abandoned cart.

"The ruin is just across this bridge." Aldaril said, putting down his pack on the cart. "Let's have lunch before going in."

Sel sat down on the cart beside his employer and chewed on a tough, saltened piece of hound meat. Obviously meant for travel and not enjoyment, that food.

"Are we going?" Sel asked.

"One moment." Aldaril said, packing his food back into his bag, and taking his bundle of papers out. He left the bag on the cart and stood.

"Now we're going, my boy." he announced as he led Sel to the door. "Get that crank will you?"

Sel obliged, and was surprised as the door opened. He rushed in behind Aldaril before the door closed on him.

He was greeted by an eerie dim light; obviously not made by any natural fire. He looked on the walls and was surprised at the torches that weren't really torches.

"Are there really constructs with a giant ball for feet?" he asked.

"A Centurion Sphere? Of course. We may come across one or two." the mage answered, sitting down to make a few sketches of the ruin's architecture.

"So what are we trying to find here?" Sel asked.

"Well, legend has it that when the Nevervarine passed through here two years ago, that he took a puzzle box. Me, I believe that legends only have some truth. There could very well be a puzzle box here, the real question is whether or not he took it."

"What if he did?"

"Then we'll have to be happy with some coins, some dishes, and a few gems."

"Those sound better than a puzzle box." Sel replied.

Posted by: minque Jan 15 2006, 03:52 PM

*Bowing gratefully at Danny* An wonderful--...But why do I have the feeling something bad will happen soon? There is some kind of hidden tension in this it the things youīre not telling? or is it.....just me?

Anyway, thanks for updating, and Iīll eagerly wait for the continuation of this great story.....

goodjob.gif goodjob.gif cake.gif cake.gif

Posted by: mplantinga Jan 16 2006, 06:12 PM

*applause* The audience, hanging on every word from the eloquent Dantrag, bursts into applause, hoping that the story is not yet over and the show will go on.

Posted by: MerGirl Jan 17 2006, 12:44 AM

*claps* biggrin.gif Yay! Updates, me very happy! laugh.gif

Poor Sel and Vysi! Hopefully, Sel will get some more money out of this adventure. *crosses fingers*

Lovin' the story so far, and I really empathize with the characters, and I hope they get by.
Anyway, can't wait for the next update! happy.gif

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 23 2006, 05:01 PM

It's that time....

Yeah you're about as excited about this as you would be a doctor's appointment.


Sel followed his altmer companion deeper into the ruins a few minutes later, not a word was uttered between them; Sel was too awestruck by the new experience that was a dwemer ruin, and Aldaril was too intent on finding this puzzle box.

It wasn't long before they heard voices. Sel glanced around nervously, and whispered. "What is that?"

Aldaril shrugged. "Could be smugglers, collectors like me, or even more likely, a dwemer ghost."

Sel didn't change his expression, hoping that it wouldn't be noticable that that last one scared him. "Do you think that we'll see one of these ghosts?" he asked, thinking that he was successful in keeping the nervousness out of his voice.

"Probably. But they're no trouble to dispatch as long as you have a spell, something silver, something enchanted, or both."

Sel was glad that he had both. They continued their way deeper into the ruin, and upon turning a corner, they found that there were no ghosts, but smugglers, as Aldaril said. They yelled something about trespassing, and Aldaril launched a series of spells on them. Sel turned his head at seeing one of them burn from the effects of a fireball, only to see a few sphere centurions coming up the corridor behind them.

"Uh...Aldaril?" he said, tugging on the altmer's robe to get his attention.

"I know they're there! Take care of it!" he shouted, running off after the rest of the smugglers.

Sel drew his sword and charged one of the centurions, only to be swatted away by the flat of its rusted blade.

Sel stood up, a bit disoriented. With a deep breath, he took a less aggressive approach - defense.

Sel waited, sword held out horizontally in front of him, for an attack. When one of the centurions obliged, Sel blocked, and forced the other blade far to the outside with his own, leaving the centurion open for a moment. A moment was all Sel needed. He summoned all of his strength, and swung, succeeding in relieving the construct of its head. Sel backed away from the dying construct to avoid the painful burning of the sparks that seemed to be everywhere. He backed right into another construct.

Sel fought as the metal arm wrapped around his neck, and stifled a scream when he realized that the remaining construct was appraoching him. He needed to get free. He twirled his sword so the the blade was facin his back, hoping to get a shot at the centurion that was slowly choking him to death. The sphere centurion tightened its grip on Sel suddenly, and a surprised and frightened Sel found that his sword was falling to the ground, making a clanging sound that was painful to his ears. It was the sound of defenselessness.

Posted by: mplantinga Jan 24 2006, 07:11 PM

Sel sure has gotten himself into quite a pickle. I do have faith in his ability to survive; I'll be curious to see how he gets out of this one.

Posted by: minque Jan 24 2006, 10:57 PM

Ok Doctor Danny! If doctorīs appointments were like this story...hehe yayy, Iīd call today!

Now letīs see if Sel comes out of this ordeal alright....and Vysi? all alone at home? I must say Iīm a bit worried about her....

Keep it up now....donīt let us wait too long for the next update....please! tongue.gif

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Jan 26 2006, 12:40 AM

WOW, i got bored today so I desided to read another story. Great job Dantrag.

Posted by: Dantrag Jan 28 2006, 02:38 AM



Sel's eyes were watering, and he could almost feel the lack of blood getting to his head due to the squeezing of his neck. Small red lines of blood were appearing where the construct's metal arm was digging into his exposed flesh. He had taken what he thought to be his last breath ten seconds earlier, and he was verging on panic.

He tried once again to pry the arm from his neck, but his muscles were no match for the contructs gear systems, and his arms were as exhausted as the rest of his body.

The second construct was now infront of him, blade raised high.

Sel felt a burst of energy behind him as Aldaril cast a massive fireball from behind him, melting the centurion that had been choking him to death, and Sel barely got out of the slow-reacting centurion's grip. With a gasping breath, the young dunmer fell to the side, towards his blade and away from the constructs.

His sword in hand, Sel plunged it into the ball that was the support of the centurion. Not satisfied, he pulled his blade free and hacked at the machine until it was no more than a multitude of unidentifiable pieces of rusted yellow metal, sparks flying as he completed his work.

He stopped suddenly, panting for air both from exhaustion and the severe lack of the sweet substance from being nearly choked to death. He bent over, putting his hands on his knees for support.

Aldaril picked up a few pieces of the scrap that Sel had created before finally speaking. "Well done, my boy." he said with a huge grin on his face. "You're hired."

Sel was too busy trying to breathe to even consider replying with any more than a small nod.

Posted by: minque Jan 28 2006, 02:18 PM

Now what a relief! Sel not being deprived of his life by a metal-thingy! Ehh actually I didnīt expect anything less from Sel than victory!

So now heīs hired......hmmm good job Iīd say....But what about Vysi? I am worried about her......still..

I expect a new update rather soon my friend! You might regard it as a firm request.... biggrin.gif

Anyway.....donīt take it literally......but please update as soon as you find it possible mīkay?

goodjob.gif cake.gif

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Jan 28 2006, 05:42 PM

Great update Dantrag, A close call.

Posted by: mplantinga Jan 30 2006, 09:25 PM

Definitely a close call, but it sounds like Sel and the mage make a good team. I'll be looking forward to following some more of their adventures.

Posted by: Dantrag Feb 8 2006, 03:01 AM


I realized a major inconsistency within my story, so I took the liberty of editing it out. Basically, Bolvyn Venim shouldn't have been alive at this point, having been slain by the Nerevarine two years before, so I put that fact in, and replaced the old councillor with his brother.

Check back through the story if you want, or just put this note into memory.

(you may be able to expect an update soon)


Posted by: Dantrag Feb 13 2006, 09:20 PM

Sel gathered up random dwemer items that Aldaril assured him were of the utmost importance. Cups, plates, knives, forks, cogs, and an occasional weapon. Anything that could be carried, they took.

Sel dragged a large back behind him, the sound of the metal items dragging against the floor was not a pleasant one, but Sel was too tired to even try to pick the bag all the way up.

When they were outside, they set up a small tent by the ruins and Aldaril told stories concerning the Nerevarine, and Sel figured that they were all legends and rumors, much like the puzzle box they were looking for.

"So, what's the next thing on your list?" Sel asked.

"I told you about this, right?" he said, pulling out a sketch of Chrysamere again. When Sel nodded, Alaril began telling of the sword's history and where it was last seen. "We are going to look for it once I get more information, we take a break, and put these things away." he said, motioning towards the enormous sack of dwemer junk.

"So I can go home and you'll come back for me?"

Aldaril nodded. "I have a small place near here. I'll drop these things off, and you can be on your way. I usually go to Ald'ruhn to get items for travel, and Edwinna i nthe Mages Guild always has useful information. I'll visit you again when it's time."

Sel looked up at the night sky, hoping that Vysi wasn't too lonely. He hated leaving her like this, but it had to be done, he supposed.

"Here." Aldaril said, putting a pouch of coins in Sel's hand. "I owe you more, but it's all I have until I sell a few of the things we aquired."

Sel counted, and it was little over a hundred gold pieces. Enough to buy food for a good while. "Thanks."

"No thanks needed; it's merely an equal exchange. Money for sesrvices." the altmer said before lying down to sleep.

Sel did likewise, and the next morning he and Aldaril parted ways. At least until the next adventure.

Posted by: Kiln Feb 13 2006, 09:46 PM

Finally you update, been waiting for some time now Dantrag. I just read this story for the first time a while back and I don't believe I've ever replied to your writing before...pity that I'd missed such an interesting story. I hope you find the time to update soon but as for this part... kvleft.gif kvright.gif goodjob.gif

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 13 2006, 10:05 PM

First time I read this one. And I have to admit one thing. I like it! Keep the updates coming!

Posted by: minque Feb 13 2006, 10:10 PM update! yay! As always a vivid description of Sel and his hard work. heh the poor boy is really working hard to get somewhere, and yet he never forgets his sister....I canīt wait for the next update!

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Feb 13 2006, 10:43 PM

yay took long enough, nice addition to the story and yes I wonder how his sis is doing

Posted by: Taillus Feb 13 2006, 10:54 PM

Very well written and well composed. Not to mention addictively interesting. I definately have my work cut out for me reading all of these fanfics. Yours definately takes a top spot in my opinion.

Posted by: Dantrag Feb 15 2006, 11:58 PM



"I'm home." he called in the classic sing-song voice as he walked through the door.

"Sel!" Vysi exclaimed, dropping the clothes she was carrying to run towards and embrace her brother. "I'm glad you're home." she said, but her tone quickly changed. "I'm still mad at you though." she said flatly. "Why do you need such a dangerous job? Look at those cuts on your neck! You almost died on your first day!"

"It wasn't that bad." Sel said, "And I love you too, Sis." he said with a wide grin. "Look at this." he said, convieniently changing the subject as he put his bag of gold in Vysi's hand.

"Wow, Sel, this is a lot." she said, staring wide-eyed into the pouch.

"And Aldaril said that he owes me more." he added.

"And when do you go back again?" Vysi asked, obviously worried about him leaving again.

"Not for another week or two." he answered. "So I can spend time with you, and still have some money." he said, messing her hair.

"Come on, let's go to the Rat in the Pot. You look hungry."

After their lunch, Sel went to the Venim Manor with his sister to speak with Arsyn about his absence the previous two days, and his future ones.

When he was caled into Arsyn's chambers, Vysi stayed in the main chambers while he walked in the door.

"Sel, here to explain yourself, I presume?" Arsyn said in his typical noble tone.

"Yes, Sir." Sel replied, seating himself in the customary seat in front of Arsyn.

"Well?" the dead Bolvyn's brother prompted.

"As you already know, Arsy- Councillor Venim, my mother died, and I have to take care of my family in her place."

"Get on with it."

Sel couldn't help but give Arsyn an angry look. He hated how these nobles could take hours of everyone's time, but if someone else took an ounce of theirs, they went crazy. Instead of voicing his thoughts, he said. "Yes Sir."

"I was forced to get a job, and will not be able to attend to all of my House duties, though I will try my hardest." Sel continued.

"Alright then, I hereby release you from your duties as a page." Arsyn said flatly.

"What? I'm not having these four years I spent here wased. Especially since my mother starrved because I wasn't paid, nor was I able to work for any extra money. I swear by the dead Almalexia, that if you go through with this, your House will have many problems to work out."

Arsyn stood angrily. "I have just heard heresy toward the gods and threats toward this House in the same sentence! One spoken by a brat too young to lift a sword!"

"The rumors of Almalexia's death have been circulating for over a year and a half now, and she still hasn't shown herself to prove the rumors wrong." Sel retorted. "Only House Redoran fools itself by insisting that she lives. You're all too cowardly to face the truth. The truth that the gods you spent years serving were all frauds! And if you-"

"Enough!" Arsyn interrupted with an explosive shout. "Even if I hadn't already banned you from our House, I would do so now, after that speech. Now get out of my home before I force you."

"You'll regret this." Sel promised, as he rose slowly to leave.

"And don't even think of going to your childhood friend Athyn. He cannot help you. Just as he was a coward when my brother was here, he's a coward now." Arsyn said just before Sel slammed the door.

He doesn't need to. I can help myself. And Athyn's no coward.

"Come on, Vysi, we're leaving." he said, not stopping to wait for her.

Vysi ran to catch up with her fiery brother. "What is going on, Sel?" she asked with concern.

"That bastarde in there just banished me from the house."

"Sel! Watch your mouth!" Vysi reprimanded.

"This is not the time, Vysi." he said, trying to calm himself. He needed to vent his anger, but not on someone undeserving like his sister.

Posted by: Taillus Feb 16 2006, 01:17 AM

The nerve! Banning Sel like that. What an outrage! God I am on the edge of my seat! keep up the great work. I will be waiting to read on.

Posted by: minque Feb 16 2006, 07:53 PM

Awww......those Venim-brothers....all alike, mean, greedy, disgusting! I bet Selīs gonna get that Arsyn-guy someday!

The plot tightens now, Iīm getting more and more concerned about Sel and Vysi.....hopefully Athyn Sarethi can do at least something!

So now Iīll sit here drinking coffe until the next update!.......So if you have the least pity on my stomach you donīt take too long huh? biggrin.gif

Posted by: Tellie Feb 16 2006, 08:22 PM

Yo're doing just as you always do.......AMAZING. please give us more, poor minkeys stomach....

Edit: Oh I'm just sooooo angry at that ****** up Venim guy. Let me giva a little advice to poor Sel.

1.Pick up the phone.

2.Call Telina.

3.Explain everything.

4.Find a good place to watch, while Telina swipes the floor with that Venim boy.

5.Become Arch Master, and get a good cooperation with Telina and House Telvanni. Together, the Redorans and Telvannies, shall make Morrowind a good place to stay.

He He, did you like the advice, I'm sure Telina would do that for Sel, just give her a call... biggrin.gif laugh.gif ,

Posted by: jack cloudy Feb 16 2006, 08:34 PM

Glad I don't drink coffee. But my nerves, please have mercy with them too. I like this story.

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Feb 16 2006, 11:02 PM

wow, Amazing! I had something thought up but I completely lost my point.... great story and please continue

Posted by: Kiln Feb 17 2006, 06:22 PM

Ooohhhh...I am just dying to find out how Sel makes his revenge on that guy and what Sel will do directly after this update...I just wonder. Update soon and perhaps you can still spare my sanity from the wait. wacko.gif

Posted by: mplantinga Mar 1 2006, 12:08 AM

While I understand the strength of Sel's reaction, it might be wise for him to learn more patience and self control. One does not make it far in life by threatening everyone who crosses you. I am curious to see how Sel's honor is affected by being ousted from House Redoran; I do hope he continues to be the upstanding citizen he seems to be becoming.

Posted by: Dantrag Mar 12 2006, 11:42 PM

welcome back.


"This is really good." Sel commented, as he took another spoonful of nix-hound stew. Vysi was becoming quite the cook, he noted, as he tasted the delicious mixture of meat, ash yam, marshmerrow, and even a hint of comberry. "You're getting as good as mom." he said with a laugh, but as soon as he said it, an expression of sorrow flashed on their faces for a moment.

After the pause, Vysi replied. "No, I'll never be that good."

"Don't be so hard on yourself." Sel said, sliding his bowl away from himself after finishing his portion, and leaning his chair back.

"So what are you going to do?" Vysi asked.

It was the question that had gone unasked and unanswered for days. House Redoran had been Sel's life for some time, and in the blink of an eye, it was gone.

Sel sighed. "I don't know." he said honestly. "I could talk to Athyn, and he could probably make me his own page, but then I would have to spend another four years learning things I already know and I would ruin his reputation somewhat. How will everyone look at him after he takes in a banished boy? I don't want to put him through that."

Vysi opened her mouth to say something, but whatever it was was lost forever as a knock was heard at the door.

"Come in." Sel shouted, not getting up from his seat. He looked up to see Retin walk in.

"What the hell were you thinking?" he asked, striding towards Sel. As he noticed that Sel was leaning back in his chair, he took the liberty of pushing it over. "You don't talk like that to a Councillor and expect to get away with it!"

"Shut up!" Sel shouted angrily as he scrambled disentangle himslef from the chair and stand up. "What do you think you're doing, coming into my house like this?"

"I think that I'm putting some sense into your head." Retin shouted back.

"Get the hell out." Sel said firmly, pointing towards the door.

"Sel, I-"

"Out." Sel said firmly, not moving his hand.

"Fine." Retin said, heading towards the door. "Bye, Sel."

Sel flinched as the door slammed, and turned around to pick up the fallen chair. "Sorry you had to see that, Sis."

"It's okay." she said softly, but it really wasn't. She worried about her brother more and more every second. It seemed that his entire world was crumlbing around him, and everyone and everything important to him was leaving.

I won't leave him. she promised herself.

Posted by: minque Mar 12 2006, 11:48 PM

Awwwww.....Iīm getting worried now, it seems as they are going towards a catastrophe...Sel really is a stubborn young man, and gets himself in trouble..frequently.But I do understand him, heīs righteous and

Hmmm but please let him go to Athyn.....he will naturally take some action, he wonīt let Sel down!

Great update Danny!!! woah....

Posted by: jack cloudy Mar 13 2006, 05:12 PM

Yay, update. smile.gif Sel is getting rather stressed. He should be carefull before he loses all of his friends. Please keep writing.

Posted by: treydog Mar 15 2006, 05:10 PM

It is to my sorrow that I have not kept up with one of my favorite writers. Fortunately, I have remedied that situation and caught up with this wonderful story. I stand in awe of your imagination, your ability to create believable characters, and your skill at telling an addictive story.

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Mar 16 2006, 03:50 AM

wow, great story Dantrag. I hope Sel gets through this well enough(sounded better in my head)

Posted by: MerGirl Mar 25 2006, 09:30 PM

Oh, dear! Poor little Sel and Vysi! sad.gif *wants to give them a big hug* Their problems just seem to get worse and worse.

Let's hope they can get through this together! *crosses fingers* smile.gif

Oh! And here's a cake.gif for continuing the story. happy.gif

Posted by: Dantrag Apr 15 2006, 07:44 AM

Well, I hope I wasn't gone so long that everyone lost interest. Expect an update sometime this weekend, as I have a long one away from school biggrin.gif .

I'll write some tonight, and maybe tomorrow before posting.

Posted by: Fuzzy Knight Apr 15 2006, 09:33 AM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Apr 15 2006, 07:44 AM)
Well, I hope I wasn't gone so long that everyone lost interest. Expect an update sometime this weekend, as I have a long one away from school  biggrin.gif .

I'll write some tonight, and maybe tomorrow before posting.

Cool Danny! winkgrin.gif

Posted by: Tellie Apr 15 2006, 01:29 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Apr 15 2006, 08:44 AM)
Well, I hope I wasn't gone so long that everyone lost interest. Expect an update sometime this weekend, as I have a long one away from school  biggrin.gif .

I'll write some tonight, and maybe tomorrow before posting.

Now danny...shame on would you even think about us loosing interest in a matter of fact, I have been missing him greatly, so please update soon.

I'm glad that you will start writing again, it's a really exellent story, so keep it up, ya'hear. goodjob.gif

Posted by: Red Apr 15 2006, 03:47 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Apr 15 2006, 06:44 AM)
Well, I hope I wasn't gone so long that everyone lost interest. Expect an update sometime this weekend, as I have a long one away from school  biggrin.gif .

I'll write some tonight, and maybe tomorrow before posting.

*Ends his lurking spree*

I've really been enjoying this story since the begining Danny, and I'm happy to hear you're updating soon. Sel's a very interesting, multi-level character that I love reading about and I hope you love enough to keep writing about him.

goodjob.gif Jiggady Jona Josas ya'll!

Posted by: minque Apr 15 2006, 09:31 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Apr 15 2006, 07:44 AM)
Well, I hope I wasn't gone so long that everyone lost interest. Expect an update sometime this weekend, as I have a long one away from school  biggrin.gif .

I'll write some tonight, and maybe tomorrow before posting.

Yay!!! An update is coming....this is excellent news, I will keep an eye on this..oh aye I will..

Posted by: Dantrag Apr 16 2006, 11:35 PM

I promised, so here it is. I'm a (young) man of my word.


"I can't believe we got it!" Aldaril shouted as he ran out of the dwemer ruin, clutching an enchanted halberd. He turned around to see that Sel wasn't behind him. "Damn." he spat in frustration as he started to run back in. That boy always seemed to lag behind when it came to leaving any sort of fight.

Aldaril began turning the crank to open the door and Sel ran through, along with a small army of constructs.

"Go!" Sel shouted as he sped past Aldaril, sword in hand.

Aldaril would have sighed if he had any breath left. Instead, he clutched the halberd tightly and followed after his younger counterpart.

The unlikely pair of adventurers ran on, the constructs not far behind.

"Split up!" Aldaril shouted, tossing a frost spell at the dwemer creations behind him.

Sel shook his head. "We just have to turn around and face them!"

Aldaril saw the logic in that; his and Sel's muscles would tire, but the gears inside the constructs would not. The pair turned around, Sel charging, and Aldaril chanting.

Aldaril made a point of freezing the lower parts of the constructs, be those parts legs or spheres, causing them to either fall or remain stationery. The ones that were successfuly frozen easily fell to Sel's rapidly swinging sword, and Aldaril finished a few off with a lighting bolt or two, causing the unfortunate constructs to turn into blackened scrap metal.

Sel ran his sword through the last hunk of metal, breathing heavily. A smile broke out on his face and he began laughing.

"It's not funny, Sel." Aldaril tried to say sternly, but it didn't work.

"Yes it is!" Sel was finally able to blurt out between gusts of laughter. "You dropped that thing five times on your way out!"

Aldaril rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. "Yes, well, we should get this to Divayth Fyr. He said we could exchange it for information on Chrysamere."

Sel stopped laughing and looked to Aldaril seriously. "Are we stopping in Sadrith Mora on the way?"

Aldaril nodded. "More than likely."

"Can my sister come?"

Aldaril hesitated for a second. "We don't really need the trou-"

"She won't be a problem. We just have to do something when we get there."

Aldaril sighed. "Alright, she can come. Be ready to leave tomorrow."

"Alright, see you then." he said in farewell as he began walking back home. It wasn't much of a home anymore though, with his mother gone, and especially since he and Retin weren't exactly on speaking terms anymore.

Posted by: minque Apr 16 2006, 11:46 PM had to didnīt you? Leave me wondering why the h*** they have to go to Sadrith Mora....(That dangerous place!)Ah well I guess thatīs the normal behaviour of a good writer to add a cliffie...but it is cruel!!!!

Anyway good writing Danny!! goodjob.gif

Posted by: MerGirl Apr 17 2006, 01:58 AM

Ooooh, yay! smile.gif An update and I've been too busy to notice! blink.gif So you glad you did, though! biggrin.gif

... Ack, totally forgot what place was Sadrith Mora! kvleft.gif Darn you, Oblivion, for making me forget the locations of Morrowind! wacko.gif

Anyway, please continue! I missed wittle silly Dunmer. *pinches Sel's cheeks*

Posted by: Dantrag Apr 17 2006, 04:24 AM

Well, it wasn't supposed to be a cliffhanger, I just had to go somewhere, and found a good stopping point.

I have more, I just don't feel like writing it quite yet.

Posted by: jack cloudy Apr 17 2006, 12:22 PM

yay, an update. I like it.

Posted by: minque Apr 17 2006, 02:39 PM

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Apr 17 2006, 04:24 AM)
Well, it wasn't supposed to be a cliffhanger, I just had to go somewhere, and found a good stopping point.

I have more, I just don't feel like writing it quite yet.

Hmmm.....ok, but Iīm so worried about Vysi....Sadrith Mora is by far no place for a young innocent girl.....Please take care of her.....!

Posted by: treydog Apr 19 2006, 05:17 PM

Excellent update, Dantrag! I love the personalities you give your characters- it has been a real treat to watch Sel grow. Hope to see more soon.

Posted by: Dantrag Apr 20 2006, 11:38 PM

forgot all about this...sorry.


Sel woke to the smell of fresh baked bread the next morning to find his sister already awake, packed and ready for the trip while he wasn't even out of the bed.

He hurried to get some clothes on and picked up a small piece of the bread Vysi had cooked.

"When are we leaving?" she asked, cutting herself a slice of the fresh, warm bread.

"We're meeting Aldaril in the mages guild in a few minutes." he answered.

"So what's the surprise, Sel?"

Sel wagged his finger. "Oh, no. You'll find out when we get there." he answered. In truth, he had arranged for Councillor Neloth to make something special for her; for them both.

After finishing his bread, Sel strapped on his sword and he and Vysi were out the door and walking towards the main city of Ald'ruhn. Sel opened the door to the Guild for his sister before walking through himself. He found Aldaril impatiently waiting by the door, still holding that halberd.

"Why are you so late? Hurry, hurry!" he exclaimed, almost running towards the guild guide.

"Wolverine hall for all of us." the altmer said hurriedly as he tossed a sack of somewhere around a hundred coins at the woman.

They were instantly transported to Wolverine Hall, where the three mer borrowed a fisherman's boat to row to Divayth's small island. Aldaril was excited about possibly finding Chrysamere, while Sel was waiting for the trip to be over so he could go visit Neloth.

Posted by: minque Apr 21 2006, 01:07 AM

Ha! yessss an update...but still we have to wonder whatīs gonna happen with Vysi...

Great work as usual Danny!

Posted by: Dantrag Apr 21 2006, 01:09 AM

QUOTE(minque @ Apr 20 2006, 08:07 PM)
Ha! yessss an update...but still we have to wonder whatīs gonna happen with Vysi...

Great work as usual Danny!

It wasn't really an update...merely what I didn't have time to include in the last one.

Posted by: minque Apr 21 2006, 04:28 PM took the story a tad forwards anyway! Keep it up!

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Apr 22 2006, 06:24 PM

great story Dantrag, please continue making updates.. no matter how short they are, it gives us something to read

Posted by: minque Apr 22 2006, 10:11 PM

QUOTE(Soulseeker3.0 @ Apr 22 2006, 06:24 PM)
great story Dantrag, please continue making updates.. no matter how short they are, it gives us something to read

OMG!!!!! Have you noticed how many stories there are in the fanfic-forum just now??? The problem is itīs too much to read! But donīt let it stop you dear writers....go on just you write and post, itīs awesome!

But then again......another "Sel" is always most welcome!.....Ok Danny when will it be?

Posted by: Kiln Apr 25 2006, 01:10 AM

*Kiln taps his foot*

We need an update here mate, please continue soon. I really want to know what happens next...or else...I mean please?

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Apr 25 2006, 04:25 AM

QUOTE(minque @ Apr 22 2006, 03:11 PM)
OMG!!!!! Have you noticed how many stories there are in the fanfic-forum just now??? The problem is itīs too much to read! But donīt let it stop you dear writers....go on just you write and post, itīs awesome!

But then again......another "Sel" is always most welcome!.....Ok Danny when will it be?

hmm random? biggrin.gif

but yeah I agree with Kiln... or el-please?

Posted by: Dantrag May 1 2006, 01:08 AM

Here you are


Sel, Vysi, and Aldaril arrived at Divayth's tower, and were escorted in by Fyr's strange creations. Sel shuddered a little when they carried on about being wives and daughters. Aldaril seemed somewhat disconnected from it all, the prospect of seeing the Paladin's Blade had him too excited to see anything else but the prize ahead. He clutched the cloth-covered staff as if it were life itself.

The daughter-wife gave each of them a levitation potion, and they flew up the chute and into Divayth's private quarters.

"Did you find the halberd?" Divayth asked Aldaril without a greeting.

Aldaril nodded as he removed the cloth, revealing the ancient dwemer halberd. Divayth took it from Aldaril and inspected it.

"I can't believe you actually found this." Divayth said in awe.

Aldaril tapped his foot impatiently while Sel and Vysi merely looked all around the tower and gaping at the artifacts the old wizard owned.

"What of the information?" Aldaril asked when he realized that his foot-tapping wasn't getting his point across.

"Oh, I know exactly where it is. Chrysamere I mean."

"Well?" Aldaril asked, barely able to hold in his excitement.

"You've heard of the Nerevarine, right?"

"Yes." Aldaril answered, a bit confused as to why the Nerevarine was relevant.

"He has it."

"Wha-? Wait a minute." Aldaril said angrily, pointing an accusing finger at Divayth. "You had me do all of that work to get a halberd in exchange for useless information?"

"I told you that I would tell you where you could find Chrysamere." Divayth replied smugly.

Aldaril clenched his fists, and Sel watched as smoke flitered out from inbetween his fingers, apparently, he cast small fireballs when angry. This couldn't be good....

Posted by: jack cloudy May 1 2006, 10:52 AM

Yay, update! A nice one. Now Aldaril probably wants to calm down. I've seen Divayth in the CS and he's tough.

Yes, the Nerevarine has it and he's not going to give it up. He loves Chrysamere. (Well, my Nerevarine does.)

Posted by: minque May 1 2006, 12:35 PM

Ohohohooo......Now they have a problem......I loved the description of Aldaril casting small firespells out of anger......I can just see him do it! biggrin.gif

Veery good me sorta urge for more! heard me..MOOORE!

(Still worried about Vysi.....hmmm no place for a young girl)


Posted by: DarkHunter May 1 2006, 07:13 PM

Fighting with Divanath? not a good idea... he doesn't have to use spells he has a Deadric, sortsword... or was it a Tanto?

Posted by: mplantinga May 1 2006, 07:13 PM

Imagine my surprise to find several great updates since I was last here. This is truly exciting. I do hope that Aldaril's anger doesn't get the better of him; I'm sure that angering Fyr is a really bad idea.

<random babble>I agree with Minque's statement about the proliferation of stories on the forums. RL has been too busy for me lately, and I haven't had as much time to spend here as I would like, but it is almost intimidating whenever I do make it here and I see the mountain of possible stories to read. But as Minque said, please don't let that stop any of the amazing writer from continuing their stories.</random babble>

Posted by: treydog May 2 2006, 12:45 AM

Short, but wonderfully described. I love the twist- just like Fyr to give an answer that is 100% correct and 100% useless- kind of like Microsoft...

Keep up the great writing.

Posted by: Dantrag May 19 2006, 04:11 PM

wow. It's been awhile. (I'm such a slacker with this thing)


Sel was getting more than a little scared because of the growing tension between Aldaril and Fyr. If the two decided to let their disagreement escalate into violence, then he and Vysi would be in a quite dangerous situation. With that in mind, he set out to put out the fires of strife.

"So is there anything else? Any word on where the Nerevarine is?" he blurted quickly.

"Why would I tell you?" Divayth retorted. "I don't respond well to threats." he finished, pointing to Aldaril's smoking fist.

If the old mage could play with words and get away with it, so could Sel.

"Well then you owe us; you haven't made good on your end of the bargain." Sel said, immediately regretting it, mainly because the Telvanni councillor was a very imposing elf. He looked fearsome in his strange black and red armor, and that look was intensified because of the anger etched across his face.

"Explain yourself." Fyr commanded.

Sel gulped loudly before continuing. " promised that you'd...uh...tell us where Chrysamere was...not...who...uh...has it." he stammered. He gulped again, hoping that Divayth didn't see it fit to burn him to a crisp then and there.

There was a long and awkward silence that only served to make Sel's fear grow and grow. After a few more seconds, Fyr burst out into laughter.

"You're a clever one, boy. Your master should take lessons. Anyway, I suppose you're right. I did say that I'd tell you where the sword was."

"And?" Aldaril cut in.

Divayth shot him an angry glare. "I wasn't speaking to you." he turned back to Sel with a smile. "What's your name, boy?"

"Sel." he answered tentatively. This sudden change of attitude was more than a little unnerving.

"Alright Sel, come this way, and we'll see how I can repay what I owe."

Sel followed Divayth down the chute after the mage had given them both levitation.

Fyr led Sel to his own bedroom where he motioned for Sel to sit down in a nearby chair. Once Sel sat down, Fyr sat down across from him.

"So what do you want in exchange? I don't know where Chrysamere is exactly, but I'm willing to give you something else in return."

Sel leaned back in his chair and thought hard. If he made the wrong decision here, Aldaril would not be pleased. Divayth was rich, so he could take gold, but he was also a collector, like Aldaril, so he could get some kind of artifact...

"It's said that you're a collector; can I look at what you have?"

Divayth smiled. "Of course."

Sel then realized from the expression on Fyr's face that he had passed some sort of test and asking for gold had been the wrong answer.

Posted by: treydog May 19 2006, 04:26 PM

More Sel! Hooray! Glad to see you back, Danny.

I enjoy your vision of Fyr and the almost inevitable tension between two powerful wizards forced into close proximity. Good to see that Sel was clever enough to recognize the flaw in Fyr's answer and to request a reward other than money.

Posted by: Tellie May 19 2006, 04:30 PM

Wohoo...finally we have some more of good'ol Sel.

So, Sel's a lil smartie huh, like we didn't know that from earlier on...tongue.gif

I loved to see more, so now all I have o do is to beat RL, and do some more writing myself....unsure.gif

Posted by: minque May 19 2006, 06:55 PM

Ha! Good old Sel! Clever as usual....some day he may be more clever than whatīs good for him..... ohmy.gif . So he managed to get some info outta Mr Divayth.....that is good..but!!! Where would it lead him? I bet weīll see about that....

I do have a question..or shall we say a wish.....I wonder what Vysi is up to while her brother runs around harassing old Telvanni wizards......

*waiting eagerly for the next update, where all questions would be answered...or?*

Posted by: Dantrag May 29 2006, 02:58 AM

I kinda missed Sel, so here you go.


Divayth laid out a large variety of items on a table in front of Sel.

"These are the ones that I'm willing to part with. Make a choice."

Sel looked at them all, but knew nothing of any of them. There was a cuirass, a hammer, a mace, many odd dwemer items, and even a few daedric ones.

"Can Aldaril come in here?" he asked, wanting some help to make the right decision.

"Most certainly not. Aldaril and I have never got along well, we just...tolerate each other."

Sel nodded, not really wanting to know the history between Fyr and his employer. He was about to point to a daedric dagger, but Divayth cut in.

"I need someone like you."

Sel raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"You have a good head on your shoulders. You're a bit young, but I can find plenty for you to do."

Sel suddenly understood. "You want me to work for you instead of Aldaril?"

Fyr nodded.

"No thank you." Sel said as if he were telling a waitress that he didn't want any biscuits.

Divayth's jaw tightened, and Sel guessed that he wasn't used to being turned down.

"I'll take that one." Sel said, not-so-tactfully as he pointed to the hammer, changing his mind from the dagger.

"Take it and go." was all Fyr said.

A bit flustered and even more scared, Sel grabbed the hammer and dragged it along behind him as he ran back to Aldaril.

Posted by: minque May 29 2006, 08:22 PM

O-o.....hmmm annoying Divayth Fyr are we huh? Was that very wise? Hopefully Sel will work it out...not that I donīt understand him but takes a lot of courage to stand up to an old Telvanni-wizard like that!

HMmmm so what about Vysi? Danny, thy name is "teaser"!

Guess Iīll sit around waiting again then......

goodjob.gif goodjob.gif

Posted by: treydog May 30 2006, 03:17 PM

Loved the comparison of Sel's "No thank you," to someone dismissing a waitress.... Wonder how Fyr will react to that...

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 May 30 2006, 05:09 PM

hmm, don't you just love mind games? wrong answer and you could find yourself in the Corprusanium(sp?). Very nice additions Dantrag, very nice.

Posted by: mplantinga May 30 2006, 05:41 PM

It was interesting that he dismissed Fyr's offer out of hand without even trying to learn a little more. Perhaps this was another example of the impulsiveness of youth?

Posted by: Dantrag Jun 3 2006, 04:15 AM

Fyr will get even later. wink.gif


Sel made his way back to the room in which Aldaril and Vysi were standing uncomfortably.

"Here. This is yours." he said to Aldaril as he handed the hammer over.

"By Azura, boy. Do you have any idea what you've just given me?"

Sel shrugged. "A hammer, I'm guessing."

Aldaril shook his head as if in disappointment. "Well, this isn't really the place to go into detail. I don't think the old wizard wants us around."

Sel nodded, and the three companions left the tower. While on the boat heading back towards Sadrith Mora, Aldaril took it upon himself to describe the importance of the hammer that Sel had chosen. It was no Chrysamere, but Aldaril was satisfied.

"So, since I got Volderug or whatever, do I get a bonus?" Sel asked hopefully; he needed a little extra gold to go pick up a couple things for himself and his sister.

Aldaril was in too good a mood to say no, so he dug in his purse for Sel's bonus. No sooner had Aldaril placed the coins in Sel's hand than they arrived in Sadrith Mora, just outside the Gateway Inn.

"Come on, Vysi. I have something to go get you." he said, running off into the city.

Aldaril was left far behind, shaking his head at youthful energy.

Posted by: minque Jun 5 2006, 01:15 AM

Ahhhh......more Sel! That hammer.....was it Volundrang or am I just far out ???

Anyway.....very good update...making me want mooooooooooooooooooooooore! For Azuraīs sake Danny.....Iīm so eager to hear about Vysi......and what will happen to her, I have the most dreadful feeling somethingīs bad is cominmg their way!

But what will Sel get her????? Arrrggg.......write more please!

Posted by: mplantinga Jun 5 2006, 08:29 PM

I also will be curious to see what Sel buys for Vysi. We haven't seen very much of her lately; I do hope she's come to terms with the danger of Sel's new occupation.

Posted by: Soulseeker3.0 Aug 26 2006, 02:40 AM

QUOTE(minque @ Jun 4 2006, 07:15 PM) *

Ahhhh......more Sel! That hammer.....was it Volundrang or am I just far out ???

QUOTE(Dantrag @ Jun 2 2006, 10:15 PM) *

"So, since I got Volderug or whatever, do I get a bonus?" Sel asked hopefully; he needed a little extra gold to go pick up a couple things for himself and his sister.

I'm taking that as a yes

Anywhoo, nice job Dantrag. can't wait to see what Sel get Vysi.

ps. sorry for resurecting this but i wanted to comment on it.

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