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Posted by: Acadian Dec 14 2010, 03:58 PM

Welcome to Thread 3, or the third season of Buffy's Book 1!

This book began with Buffy being briefly incarcerated in the Imperial Prison, and will end as she attempts to bring freedom to the city of Kvatch. It is a sprawling story that will require more than 150 episodes, spread over five threads. Appropriately, I have nicknamed Book 1, 'Do You Know the Way to Kvatch?' included episodes 1-26. began with a brief recap of thread one, then included episodes 27-56.


Please allow me to offer a small summary of Thread 2 that I hope might prove useful as a review, or for those who are joining us in progress:

Buffy discovered, from a black marketeer in Bravil, that sigil stones are what hold Oblivion Gates open.

In Chorrol, Buffy learned, after the fact, that the monk Jauffre had been murdered and the Amulet of Kings apparently stolen - almost immediately after Buffy had delivered it to him.

Her business in Chorrol also saw Buffy plot and carry out a deserved, but nonetheless calculated assassination of a rogue mage named Earana. Although tempted by the subsequent Dark Brotherhood's seductive lure of love and family, Buffy ultimately balked at her initiation contract and concluded that her killing and taste for vengeance were not for hire. Her 'dance with darkness' led to the forging and adopting of The Buffy Doctrine: If you are kind to me, I will love you dearly; if you are mean to me or my friends, I will likely kill you.

She began to display a fascination with the quests of Daedra Lords that, at first, made sense. Azura had given Buffy a wonderful artifact, and Meridia helped her avenge a murdered guild mate. Succumbing to the lure of Daedric trinkets, Buffy then undertook several more of these quests, netting disappointment and even shame over some of her choices.

Her fascination with Daedra Lords nevertheless remained and she eventually, with the help of Acadian, realized the cause: The Oblivion Gate at Kvatch was the work of a Daedra Lord, Mehrunes Dagon. Buffy had learned that without an Emperor, the Legion was too busy holding rebellious provinces together to send forces to close a gate that seemed under control. She realized that if she didn't help, no one would. Her curious logic yielded that perhaps one of Mehrunes Dagon's colleagues could help her learn more about fighting the Daedra within the gate, and ultimately closing it.

A second brief visit to Kvatch refined that her motivation did not necessarily stem from a desire to assist the Empire or Kvatch. It became clear that the focus of her efforts was Savlian Matius himself, even as she wrestled with trying to understand her growing feelings for him.


Now, for those newer readers who would like to catch up to us in one short sitting, you might find this helpful:


We now join Buffy as she embarks on a large storyline we call 'The Leyawiin Expedition,' that will sprawl over approximately sixteen episodes. Although the Daedra Lord Sanguine's quest is Buffy's excuse to visit to Leyawiin, I hope you will sit back and enjoy her rather multifaceted, expansive and sometimes circuitous approach to things.

* * *

57 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 1- Wet Reflections

The journey to Leyawiin was miserable. It never stopped raining. Despite wearing a hood, cape and robes, my skin was soaked and my boots full of water. The storm seemed to deter bandits and beasts though, and had allowed us to slosh along the puddle-laden road in relative peace. I had plenty of time to discuss my plans and concerns at length with Acadian and Superian.

My heart still ached from my decision to leave Kvatch. The excuses I had given Savlian Matius about trying to get more help for him and experience for me were true enough, although incomplete. I had nightmares of fireballs, burning rivers, and those terrifying clannfears. Amidst the brave defenders on top of that mountain, I was too ashamed to proclaim that much of my reason for leaving was fear.

That fear extended to my feelings for Savlian as well. Was a skittish wood elf really what that courageous man needed? Was a soldier, who subordinated his own needs and feelings to the defense of his city, what I needed? Was he even capable of caring about a woman more than his beloved Kvatch?

Yet. . . he had charged into that gate after me, jeopardizing his ability to command the effort at the barricade. Did that mean. . . oh, I didn't know what any of it meant. I thought about the beautiful Nord that now graced his defensive perimeter. I couldn't blame Savlian if he preferred her to me. After all, Sigrid was neither skittish nor would she run away. I knew I would return. . . just not yet. Not with those nightmares. What would I find when I did go back to Kvatch? We slowly plodded along in the downpour. A tear slid down my cheek, only to be lost in the rain.

The depressing weather also helped doubts to seep into my commitment to the current path that Acadian and I had agreed upon. Would any of these Daedra Lords help me learn more about how to survive the denizens of Mehrunes Dagon's realm so I could close that gate?

We carefully skirted the rising Lower Niben, where relentless rain had claimed parts of the Green Road near Water's Edge. Recalling the tragedy I had inflicted upon the poor Khajiit of nearby Borderwatch, it was easy to become discouraged with Daedra Lords. As I contemplated my shameful actions in support of Sheogorath, it was not lost on me that Sanguine seemed to be requesting another such 'harmless' practical joke. I vowed quietly into the rain, "I will not cast Sanguine's spell if I come to believe it will shatter hopes or lives. I did enough of that at Borderwatch."

It was thoughts of Vaermina and her tower of nightmares that provided a glimmer of hope into my soggy despair; at least she had acknowledged my fears, and provided Daedra to help improve my skill and confidence.

Ultimately though, as Acadian had pointed out, I realized that I wasn't yet ready to take on an Oblivion Gate.

Resigned then to our current path, I mused and pondered aloud about what might await us in Leyawiin. Acadian and Superian listened patiently in the rain as I tried to come up with ideas of how I might infiltrate my way into Castle Leyawiin and the Countess' dinner party.

Despite my trepidation regarding Sanguine's task, I confessed some excitement at the prospects for intrigue and learning a bit of what happens inside a castle. And of course, what girl would turn down the chance to dress up in a formal gown?

By the time the walls of Leyawiin began to emerge from the darkness, I had almost convinced myself that continuing to research Daedra Lords was a perfectly valid reason to delay getting myself killed at Kvatch.


During the brief moment that the heavy wooden door to the Leyawiin guild was open, rain swept across the elegant marble floor, and a crack of thunder caused the mage inside the lobby to flinch. I removed my soaked hood. "Good evening, Evoker," I said to the Nord as my cape and green robe dripped on the floor.

"Greetings, Apprentice. I see the weather outside is still fit only for Argonians." Agata was pleasant, but businesslike, with her hair severely pulled back and wearing standard guild-issue blue robes. "It's been quite some time since you helped us by recovering Dagail's amulet. I was pleased that our recommendation helped you enter the University. During my recent visit there, Boderi Farano told me you did quite well for yourself. What brings you to Leyawiin?"

"Mostly research, Agata." I had found the term 'research' to be well-accepted among mages, and covered a multitude of things I didn't want to share. "Do you think I could stow my things and use Kalthar's old bed in the basement while I'm here?" I extended both arms to emphasize my baggy dripping sleeves, and shrugged.

The Nord smiled. "Forgive me, Buffy. Of course. Use Kalthar's quarters. Head down there right now and get yourself into some dry things. My dear friend Kud-Ei would never forgive me if we let one of her girls catch cold. We'd be delighted to have you stay as long as you like. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with."

"Thank you for the welcome, Agata." I headed downstairs.

As I looked at the bed in the basement, I remembered Kalthar. Killing a whining traitor to help the kind and wise leader of this guild had been a fair trade. The Council of Mages had determined my actions to be self defense and absolved me for the death of my guild mate.

After tugging off and draining my boots, I removed the cape and robe. Squeezing out the excess water, I found a place to hang them, along with the hood. While unpacking, I allowed the air to dry my rain-soaked skin. My fingers and toes were quite pale and wrinkled.

I hoped Delphine knew what she was talking about, commending Agata to me. If the Nordic assistant guild leader knew much about fashion and hair, it surely didn't show. Of course, I was hardly one to talk at the moment. My ponytail was more like a wet rattail. Removing the soaked ribbon I shook my loose hair, spraying the walls.

Laying out my gowns to relax the travel wrinkles, I was grateful that Delmar at the Chironasium had helped me enchant my pack to protect the contents from water. By the time I finished unpacking, my skin was dry and I pulled on a blue and green dress - with matching slippers of course. I then combed out my wet hair and headed back upstairs.

As I climbed to the second floor of the guild, I suppressed a squeal at my good fortune and chirped, "Hail, Tsavi." A green hood, atop a matching robe, turned around to reveal the the Khajiit. She was a member of the guild, but more importantly was the Staff Mage for Castle Leyawiin.

"Good evening, Buffy. Nice to see you. The trip from Bravil was uneventful?" Tsavi looked perpetually sad, but she was nevertheless pleasant enough.

"Yes, but for that interminable storm." Careful now, Buffy; nice and subtle. "I had to wear my rain gear all the way. Tsavi, I notice your green robes from the University. I hate wearing mine. How do you get them to fit so well?"

She seemed pleased at the compliment as she looked down and smoothed the robes with her hands. Her tail flicked around from behind and swept down the front of her lower legs. "These have been altered - to fit better and allow for a tail. Otherwise this one would swim around tripping over the hem."

I laughed. "Oh, good idea. I called them 'green bags' at the University." Good. Tsavi was opening up just a bit. "I only wear mine against the rain. Fortunately, they've been soaked and dried enough that they've shrunk to fit somewhat."

Tsavi smiled. "Well the whole idea of wearing robes as the Court Mage is important. It helps remind those in the castle - well really, just the Countess - of the position's importance. Otherwise, she would likely throw Tsavi out."

"Throw you out?" I opened my eyes wide for her benefit. Yes! She was talking about the castle now. "Why on Nirn would the Countess do that?" Add just a pinch of flattery. "You're a skilled mage and healer."

"Countess Caro hates Khajiit." Tsavi shook her head slowly and her ears drooped. "The sad part is, she could perhaps be a fine Lady Leyawiin otherwise. At least she dislikes Khajiit and Argonians equally. The way many of our two races torment each other in this town, the last thing we need is for her to take sides. This one believes the Countess just dislikes anyone whose appearance varies from her own Imperialness. You should see how she lifts her nose when she passes that orc who's been hanging around the Great Hall."

"Orc?" I pounced on the opportunity and tried my best to gush encouragement. "Now, that sounds mysterious!"

"Oh, it is." Tsavi perked up. "That orc claims she's a knight, but just snarls that she won't talk to anyone but the Count. Of course, the guards won't let a snarling orc anywhere near Lord Leyawiin. She's done nothing that quite warrants arrest, so things are at a standstill. Since his guards can get nowhere with her, the Count has offered a reward to anyone who can determine the orc's business."

"Fascinating, Tsavi," I said. Ok Buffy, turn off the gush. Time to gently back out. "How's Dagail? I mean, now that she has her amulet back to channel her voices and visions."

"Dagail? As wise as she ever was," replied the Khajiit. "She still talks in questions and circles, but if you pay attention you can learn much from her. Agata continues to handle much of the daily business for the guild. That reminds Tsavi that her purpose this evening is to see Agata. Please excuse this one, Apprentice. Wonderful to see you again."

"You too, Tsavi. 'Bye." I gave myself a passing grade for this first step of my infiltration. My business remained my own. The less people involved in Sanguine's perversion, the better. I hoped to minimize Agata's role to that of providing assistance with clothing and hair, should the time come. The conversation with Tsavi had provided a reason to visit the castle - albeit, an apparently snarling one.

* From Buffy's scrapbook: *

Posted by: mALX Dec 14 2010, 04:51 PM

Congrats on Thread 3 !!!! Miss Buffy, infiltrating - I like this chapter because - although she usually runs headlong into things, she has learned to be leary of Daedric Lords - so is going about this like a mission, studying every aspect, planning - really huge change for Buffy, and therefore - hilarious !!!

I recognize much of this from thread one, but Buffy is always worth a second read !!! Congrats again !!!

Posted by: D.Foxy Dec 14 2010, 04:58 PM

All hail to the Great Acadian, creator of characters that cling to our imaginations!!!

I am glad to be the first to post in your new thread. *

Congratulations, and may your writing ability increase as steadily as in your last thread!

* BAH mALX beat me to the punch!!! she does it I don't know...unless..





Posted by: mALX Dec 14 2010, 05:05 PM

QUOTE(D.Foxy @ Dec 14 2010, 10:58 AM) *

* BAH mALX beat me to the punch!!! she does it I don't know...unless..





SPEW !!!! ROFL !!!! You owe me for a keyboard and monitor now, Foxy !!!!

Posted by: SubRosa Dec 14 2010, 05:33 PM

I had plenty of time to discuss my plans and concerns at length with Acadian and Superian.
Right out of the starting gate you give us this wonderful sentence. Why is it wonderful? Because this shows us very clearly how Buffy thinks of Superian. Not as a conveyance, but as a friend and companion.

Buffy also shows more wisdom that most women twice her age as she ruminates on whether or not Savlian is a good match for her. Here is a guy who seems married to his job. Is he really worth her time? Does she want to be second fiddle to his first love, his duty?

I had almost convinced myself that continuing to research Daedra Lords was a perfectly valid reason to delay getting myself killed at Kvatch.
This gave me a good chuckle! laugh.gif

A delightful conversation with Tsavi that both brings Buffy up to speed on several things: Mazoga, the Countess is a racist, and the Khajiit and Argonians do not get along in Leyawiin. Our Bosmer handled the castle mage like a pro, and has just what she needs to get her foot in the door now.

She still talks in questions and circles
Master Po! (I have been watching the first season of Kung Fu, so the coolest blind man in the world is not far from my mind these days!)

Posted by: hazmick Dec 14 2010, 06:08 PM

Tsavi!Tsavi!Tsavi! Tsavi is my favourite Khajiit (and she does look good in a green bag!)

Back to Buffy, I feel sorry for her having to wear a green bag (in the rain as well!) biggrin.gif . My Argonian friend does like his bag (although his is blue) because he feels very important when he wears it. tongue.gif

Buffy's memories of Kalthar were brilliant, it really brought her story around. Fabulous! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Posted by: Grizzly20 Dec 15 2010, 01:39 AM

Again, congratulations on thread three! Great use of descriptive words and sentence structure variety in your piece, it really helps the reader to envision the setting and characters! I wonder what Mazoga will be like to Buffy, a lot of Orcs tend to dislike Elves. Amazing writing Acadian, and amazing story Buffy!

Posted by: Winter Wolf Dec 15 2010, 03:16 AM

Awesome chapter, oh master of prose.

We slowly plodded along in the downpour. A tear slid down my cheek, only to be lost in the rain.
I loved the way you joined emotion to the rain. That is such a cool idea to symbolize the heavens above unleashing a torrent that wipes away Buffy's tear. It seems fitting that Leyawiin is raining all the time, it is probably doing that so that the atrocities that are committed there can be hidden.

Acadian and Superian listened patiently in the rain as I tried to come up with ideas of how I might infiltrate my way into Castle Leyawiin and the Countess' dinner party.
Another lovely line that is sooo Buffy. smile.gif

Posted by: Destri Melarg Dec 15 2010, 10:08 AM

Congratulations on Thread 3!

So even with Dagail’s faculties returned, Agata remains the heart and soul of the Leyawiin Guild. I wonder if Buffy’s estimation of Dagail as ‘kind and wise’ has more to do with her experience of the woman, or with the fact that they share the same race?

I am glad to see you include a little something about the Council of Mages judgment of the events surrounding Buffy’s Leyawiin recommendation. It always bothered me that the game lets that one slide, while expelling me from the Guild every other time I kill an imp!

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Dec 14 2010, 08:33 AM) *

A delightful conversation with Tsavi that both brings Buffy up to speed on several things: Mazoga, the Countess is a racist, and the Khajiit and Argonians do not get along in Leyawiin. Our Bosmer handled the castle mage like a pro, and has just what she needs to get her foot in the door now.

Can't say it any better than this!

Posted by: Casper1984 Dec 15 2010, 10:44 AM

The journey to Leyawiin was miserable. It never stopped raining.

No surprise there, I hate that. There has to be a mod out there that actually makes the weather sunny forever. Might have to give it a try myself then. kvright.gif

I knew I would return. . . just not yet. Not with those nightmares.

Would any of these Daedra Lords help me learn more about how to survive the denizens of Mehrunes Dagon's realm so I could close that gate?

So here I wonder when she'll be ready. When the nightmares stop? Why would they stop? Is she already leveled up completely? Will a new item help her? Minor skills such as the destruction (up to 90, what do you mean 'no Delphine Jend' wink.gif)?

I've never done the quest with the Orc knight, so if Buffy is going to have a go at her I'm looking forward to that.

And yes, imo Tsavi looks good with that hood on, my Khajiit's never really do.

Posted by: SubRosa Dec 15 2010, 06:15 PM

QUOTE(Casper1984 @ Dec 15 2010, 04:44 AM) *

No surprise there, I hate that. There has to be a mod out there that actually makes the weather sunny forever. Might have to give it a try myself then. kvright.gif

Just open the console and type "FW 38EEE"

Posted by: Grits Dec 15 2010, 07:12 PM

"We carefully skirted the rising Lower Niben, where relentless rain had claimed parts of the Green Road near Water's Edge." I love this detail. It says so much about the storm.

"If the Nordic assistant guild leader knew much about fashion and hair, it surely didn't show." I've been wondering about this since Delphine said it! I'm looking forward to learning if there is more to Agata than her appearance would suggest.

Thread 3 felicitations! cake.gif

Posted by: MyCat Dec 16 2010, 03:50 AM

A tear slid down my cheek, only to be lost in the rain.

Reminds me of Blade Runner, Roy Batty's dying speech. Not that that is a bad thing.

Posted by: Casper1984 Dec 16 2010, 07:30 AM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Dec 15 2010, 06:15 PM) *

QUOTE(Casper1984 @ Dec 15 2010, 04:44 AM) *

No surprise there, I hate that. There has to be a mod out there that actually makes the weather sunny forever. Might have to give it a try myself then. kvright.gif

Just open the console and type "FW 38EEE"

I bet I have to do that every time I go to a new cell and it does start to rain again? Thanks anyway. smile.gif

Posted by: Hierarch44 Dec 16 2010, 03:30 PM

Hi Acadian,

I just wanted to let you know how much of a help the how-to aspects of these threads have been. I played Oblivion for a few months last year, and started reading this thread when I picked the game back up about a month ago. There were so many things I didn't know or was not willing to try my first time around:
- last year, I tried to efficiently level and max my character out with the best stats and gear. Your thread showed me that stats aren't critical to success in this game. Now I have much more fun by limiting my character to light armor, no shield or bow, and just a longsword and magic.
- I had never tried the bedroll or bag of holding mods, but was inspired to use them after reading your thread. Now I spend much more time actually playing the game, instead of having to run to a town to sleep or sell loot.
- I had never tried the doomstone powers before, but after reading this thread I used the tower stone to open some important locks before I could get the skeleton key (i suck at lockpicking).
- I had never learned how to make black soul gems, so all of my weapons had charges of 800. Now I have a bandit-powered sword. : )
- I had never used command humanoid until after reading about Buffy taking down vampires and necromancers. Now large groups of enemies are a breeze.

Thank you for writing these threads; they have made the game much more enjoyable for me and inspired me to pay more attention to the RP aspects of the game.

- Hierarch44 biggrin.gif

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Dec 17 2010, 04:54 AM

First off, yet another congrats on Thread #3, and what a way to suck us back in, what with the antics of everyone's favorite bowgirl to the ongoing quest learning all things Daedric, here we see a story where every character drips with personality and inspiration is drawn from even the very best. I contend that many a professional writer could learn a thing or two about conveying depth of character simply by reading this backwoods slice of heaven.

Eagerly awaiting more. smile.gif

Posted by: Acadian Dec 17 2010, 02:22 PM

During episode 57, Buffy traveled to Leyawiin. Along the way, her musings ranged from her feelings about Savlian Matius to questioning the wisdom of chasing after Daedra Lords. As she neared her destination, she began to focus her thoughts toward possible ways of worming her way into the castle in order to facilitate Sanguine's task. Upon arrival, she prevailed upon the hospitality of the Leyawiin mages guildhall. She quickly picked up a tip from Tsavi, staff mage to the Court of Leyawiin, about an orc causing concern at the castle.

mALX- Thank you. Our objectives regarding Leyawiin are very ambitious, and will indeed require a cautious and planned approach.

Foxy- Thank you for your steady guidance and support, my friend.

SubRosa- You always nail so much! Superian - truly Buffy's friend and companion. Savlian - can Buffy ever compete with Savlian's love for Kvatch and dedication to duty? Is he wise enough to realize what is within his grasp?

hazmick- Thanks for the kind words regarding Buffy's return to Leyawiin!

Grizzly- Thank you! Yes, I suspect some sparks between Buffy and Mazoga. But first, an unexpected sidetrip.

Wolf- Thank you for enjoying the way we tried to blend the weather into Buffy's ruminations en route to Leyawiin. Also for noting how freely and intimately Buffy considers both Acadian and Superian to be within every aspect of her life.

Destri- Thank you! Buffy freely acknowledges that Agata is a leader, yet she remains intrigued by the kind wisdom of Dagail. Buffy recalls from her first visit to Leyawiin, that Dagail can detect the spirit of Acadian.

Casper- I'm sorry, if in replying a few episode's ago to Foxy's question about Buffy's spell I may have caused confusion. Currently, Buffy is my co-author, relaying the history of her adventures that occurred during Book 1. She has completed all the actions and adventures of Book 1 and is indeed quite leveled up.

At the time when the current events in her story took place however, she was level 12 -14 and had a great deal to learn. Very shortly after she leaves Leyawiin in her story, she will undergo a dramatic change regarding Daedra - she will learn to be the hunter instead of the prey, and her nightmares will end.

The Leyawiin Expedition weaves together several quests with more complexity than any of her storylines to date. In fact, in this very next episode, she will be sharply diverted from what we may have expected.

Grits- Thank you! We don't have big plans for Agata. She will help put Buffy together as Delphine suggested when the time comes. She also serves to somehow - in Buffy's mind - link Nords, fashion, envy, Sigrid, Kvatch and feelings of inadequacy all together in a green soup of jealousy and self-doubt. Lol.

MyCat- Thank you for drawing attention to the tear that slid down Buffy's cheek into the rain.

Hierarch44- I am delighted that the 'how to' tips we have tried to weave into Buffy's story have helped your game! Even though we take liberties with quests and NPCs, we try to keep her tactics, skills and weaponry close enough to the game as to be very recognizable. Although we freely use cosmetic mods for Buffy, her outfits and Superian, we try to limit other mods that change gameplay; I'm pleased that such mods as bag of holding and portable campsite have been clearly enough portrayed to indeed identify them as mods. I so appreciate the feedback of your perspective!

Thomas Kaira- A warm welcome to Buffy's world and much thanks for the kind words!

* * *

58 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 2- A Change of Plans

"Acadian, I thought we were trying to infiltrate Castle Leyawiin and find a way into the Countess' dinner party. How is traipsing over to the east side of The Lower Niben going to help get us into that castle? Shouldn't our next step be to investigate that orc in the Great Hall?" I stared at the blue mark on my map, perplexed. I knew I could ignore it, but should I?

My choices hadn't always been the best. I'm the one who decided to jump into an Oblivion Gate, forcing Savlian Matius to carry me back out. It wasn't Acadian that almost led us into the Dark Brotherhood.

Although mystified, and frankly a bit peeved, I heaved a sigh and rolled up the map. "Fine."

* *

Even from the road, trees couldn't fully hide the unmistakable shape of a towering gray statue. My heart quickened as I realized Superian and I were approaching a Daedric Shrine.

"Acadian, you're really confusing me now. Why did you lead me here when we haven't even figured out how to complete our current business? Shouldn't we be thinking about how to get into the Countess' dinner party? Are you simply showing me which Daedra Lord we should consult after completing Sanguine's task?"

I scratched my head. "No, if that were the case, you would have waited. This must somehow be related to the castle." I shrugged in resignation. "You know, it wouldn't hurt sometimes if you'd just talk to me a bit more."

As we drew closer, the Daedric Shrine became fully visible, just beyond a short bridge that crossed a quiet stream.

The statue depicted a slender, robed woman. Each of her outstretched arms supported the figure of a large night bird. As a student of Daedra Lords, I instantly recognized this one. I approached the shrine and, from astride Superian, reached up and touched the Night Mistress, Nocturnal.

"Night among strangers." The voice of a woman fell softly around me like a shroud of silk. "Secrets in the dark. Nocturnal is here. But my Eye is blind and drowned, stolen from its shrine and hid in dark waters. To steal from a god is most unwise. In Leyawiin, two Argonians think themselves secret, but the Eye has seen them. Find these thieves in the city that spans the waters. Learn where they hide my Eye. Retrieve the Eye of Nocturnal, Child of Dawn. Return it to me, and I shall look favorably upon you."

Well, at least she didn't jam a spell into my, um . . . repertoire like Namira and Sanguine had done. I checked the map to ensure there were no more blue surprises. Turning Superian, we headed back toward Leyawiin.

So, someone stole from the Mistress of Thieves? Imagine that. It seemed I wasn't the only one who would never be adjudged the brightest star in the night sky. I wasn't sure if that observation applied more to the thieves or the victimized Daedra Lord.

* * *

Sitting by a crackling campfire on the small rocky beach, I inspected my arrows as I reviewed the day and a half that had passed since my visit to Nocturnal. Next to Slayer, on the ground beside me was the Star of Azura. It contained the life energy of a troll. Flames gently licked the venison and crabmeat in front of me. I was tired and hungry.

The two Argonian thieves had been easy to find. Racial tensions and a few septims flashed in front of a Khajiit had quickly yielded the names and location of Weebam-Na and Bejeen.

Not far from the campfire, Superian stood by the water's edge. I glanced at her with a smile, then looked skyward. Although it was a beautiful night, the overhanging rocks behind me would provide shelter for my bedroll in the event of a sudden downpour - a common occurrence in the Black Marsh. I retrieved the meat from my fire and began wolfing it down.

The two thieves, even under a spell, had agreed to tell me nothing except some nonsense about what sounded to be rather unsavory recipes for rat meat. Later, slinking in the darkness, I had returned in my black cat suit. A spell from across the street had coaxed the tumblers protecting the Argonians' door open - so much more efficient than trying to break my fingernails with a lockpick. Quietly, I had entered like a shadow.

I hadn't waited long before Bejeen posed a question to Weebam-Na: "What if someone discovers we have hidden it in Tidewater Cave?" That was all I needed to hear, before I snuck out as quietly as I had entered.

The crab and venison were gone, and I was full. I poked at the fire and added another piece of dry wood from the small pile I had gathered.

Tidewater Cave was on my map from when I had visited the nearby Serpent Stone during my first visit to Leyawiin. It was there I had learned my Cobra's Dance power. Smiling with a familiar sheepishness, I recalled protesting Acadian's blue mark that had led me there so long ago. I was thankful for the magnificent swirling cobra that had leaped from my fingers many times to save my life.

This morning, we had set out for Tidewater Cave. Following the swampy coast south from Leyawiin had furnished some game for dinner. Ferns grew nearly to Superian's belly, while weeping trees trailed their leaf-laden branches almost to her back. The air was thick with moisture. Green stain cup and stinkhorn grew in abundance. By mid afternoon, we neared our destination.

My rings had alerted me to a pair of pink glows guarding the cave long before they were aware of our approach. Dismounting into the ferns and soft ground, I had crept close enough to cast a spell that convinced one troll to mortally engage his comrade. A single arrow had killed the survivor.

It was late now. The campfire caused flickering shadow and light to dance upon every muscled detail of my precious black mare. Azura's Star sang its quiet, mournful song as I transferred the troll's life force to Slayer. Entering Tidewater Cave could wait till morning.

Moonlight shimmered invitingly across the surface of Topal Bay. There were no pink glows nearby and it was a beautiful starry night. Small waves serenaded my campsite as they gently teased the rocky shore. Soon enough, the water made my clothes fall off, and I walked into its soothing coolness for a swim.

* From Buffy's scrapbook:

Posted by: mALX Dec 17 2010, 03:53 PM

I don't know why I thought you had already done the Mazoga quest on this site !!! Buffy the Bowgirl, Buffy the Vampire Buffy the Plumber? BWAAAAHAAA !!!


Great Chapter, Acadian !!!

(nit? Wouldn't Orc be capitalized?)

I love Buffy's internal dialogue over Nocturnal's issues with being robbed, lol. Very Miss Buffy !!!!

Posted by: SubRosa Dec 17 2010, 05:48 PM

I heaved a sigh and rolled up the map. "Fine."
There is that "F" word again!

at least she didn't jam a spell into my, um . . . repertoire
Nicely worded! laugh.gif

So to the shrine of Nocturnal then. Which may indeed lead Buffy to someone who may be able to help her with that orc situation... wink.gif

A spell from across the street had coaxed the tumblers protecting the Argonians' door open - so much more efficient than trying to break my fingernails with a lockpick.
This struck me as humorously ironic after Methredhel's own recent musings about unlocking spells! wink.gif

Love that last picture! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Destri Melarg Dec 17 2010, 07:12 PM

I love how Buffy acknowledges the fact that it was her decisions that led to some of their most painful misadventures, even while she questions Acadian’s logic in leading her where she wants to go.

Retrieve the Eye of Nocturnal, Child of Dawn. Return it to me, and I shall look favorably upon you."

It seems that all higher beings are able to recognize Buffy as a Child of Dawn. She wears the mantle of destiny so effortlessly that each reminder of it remains a surprise.

Well, at least she didn't jam a spell into my, um . . . repertoire like Namira and Sanguine had done.

Well put!

Wait, this happens so rarely that I need a moment to savor it . . . okay. A nit?
“Shouldn’t our next step would be to investigate that orc in the Great Hall?”

I don’t think you need ‘would’ here.

Posted by: Grits Dec 17 2010, 07:57 PM

The voice of a woman fell softly around me like a shroud of silk.
I love this line!

One and a half days' events recapped fireside followed by a swim. I have enjoyed this episode so much I have already read it twice! smile.gif

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Dec 17 2010, 10:02 PM

Oh, great. Now I'll never get that episode out of my head. So much atmosphere...

So, someone stole from the Mistress of Thieves? Imagine that. It seemed I wasn't the only one who would never be adjudged the brightest star in the night sky. I wasn't sure if that observation applied more to the thieves or the victimized Daedra Lord.

My rings had alerted me to a pair of pink glows guarding the cave long before they were aware of our approach. Dismounting into the ferns and soft ground, I had crept close enough to cast a spell that convinced one troll to mortally engage his comrade. A single arrow had killed the survivor.

You sell yourself short, young Bowgirl. I can't possibly read these two pieces together and make the argument you are lacking in brainpower.

The two Argonian thieves had been easy to find. Racial tensions and a few septims flashed in front of a Khajiit, had quickly yielded the names and location of Weebam-Na and Bejeen.

Seems a rogue comma has been slinking around with our bowgirl, too.

Posted by: hazmick Dec 18 2010, 11:16 AM

Right, that's it! Haa-Rei is going back to Leyawiin right now! tongue.gif Your descriptions of the water and the weeping trees made him more than a little bit 'home-away-from-homesick'. Nocturnal's quest is a good one, the reward is also one of the best (in my opinion). Buffy should never doubt her paladin's judgement and should always follow the blue marker!

I hope you can fit one or two more chapters in before christmas! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Winter Wolf Dec 18 2010, 11:36 AM

I agree with Hazmick- "Buffy, never ever question that blue marker again. Just go girl!!"

Later, slinking in the darkness, I had returned in my black cat suit. A spell from across the street had coaxed the tumblers protecting the Argonians' door open - so much more efficient than trying to break my fingernails with a lockpick. Quietly, I had entered like a shadow.

Please tell Buffy that Aradroth really approves of her style and approach here!
It seems that our little acolyte from the 'Cheydinhal chapel' has not forgotten her past.
And the black looks much better than the gaudy blue. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Grizzly20 Dec 19 2010, 07:54 PM

Wow, now that was awesome! That is one of my favorite quests in the game, and it rewards one of my favorite Daedric artifacts. smile.gif On a side note, I'm in the process of building a PC, so I will be able to play Oblivion on PC, finally! smile.gif Great job Acadian, I so love your writing. =)

Posted by: treydog Dec 21 2010, 05:36 AM

We slowly plodded along in the downpour. A tear slid down my cheek, only to be lost in the rain.

Simply brilliant and moving lyrical prose.

And of course, what girl would turn down the chance to dress up in a formal gown?

That is the perfect “Buffy” thought to break through her doubt and despair.

By the time the walls of Leyawiin began to emerge from the darkness, I had almost convinced myself that continuing to research Daedra Lords was a perfectly valid reason to delay getting myself killed at Kvatch.

And there is another.

The conversation with Tsavi was a showcase for Buffy’s improved social skills- and also plants a number of seeds for the future.

Most of the best lines are already quoted- I will simply add a “me, too!” in appreciation of those. But I quite liked this one:

It seemed I wasn't the only one who would never be adjudged the brightest star in the night sky.

And the last page is filled with wonderful, evocative descriptions- of the setting, of combat, of Buffy's thoughts.

Posted by: SubRosa Dec 22 2010, 04:28 AM

Posted by: D.Foxy Dec 22 2010, 01:49 PM

O my GAWD Rosa! O my GAWD!!!!


How? HOW did you manage to get that oh-so-deliciously-CUTE-that-it-hurts picture!!!



Posted by: Acadian Dec 22 2010, 02:42 PM

At the mysterious prompting of Acadian, Episode 58 found Buffy diverted from her business at Castle Leyawiin to the nearby Shrine of Nocturnal. The Daedra Lord requested our Child of Dawn recover an item stolen by a pair of Leyawiin thieves. Buffy discovered that the Argonian thieves - named Weebam-Na and Bejeen - had indeed stolen from Nocturnal and hidden the item within a cave along the coast of Topal Bay. Buffy and Superian made their way to Tidewater Cave.

mALX- Portable Campsite is the mod's name. The tough part of that screenie was using the construction set on Slof's horse mod to temporarily remove all of Superian's tack!

I've consistently left orc uncapitalized in BF 2.0. We capitalize the proper name of a race but we choose not to capitalize a race's nickname: Caucasian/white man; Dunmer/dark elf; Bosmer/wood elf; Orsimer/orc; etc. I believe it is a reasonable (albeit debatable) decision for dealing with a gray area; more importantly, it is a useful style sheet decision that helps us to be consistent.

Thank you so much for the kind words regarding Buffy's internal dialogue!

SubRosa- Yes, 'fine' is a simple but amazingly powerful word from the mouth of the right woman. I see you are way ahead of Acadian as to why he asked Buffy to visit Nocturnal. It will take a couple more chapters for Buffy to fully realize why. I too, got a big grin from reading Methie's take on lockpicks in your recent story, knowing Buffy's take was imminent! She has a little more to say about them in this next episode as well. Thank you for liking our screenie!

Oh, and so sorry to upset Miss Freya with our tardiness in updating - although I must admit her picture brought more than a faint smile to my face. Losing a couple days for a new computer is just not something a kitty should have to deal with or be expected to understand, after all. tongue.gif

Destri- Buffy and Acadian don't always agree, but it seems they really do trust, respect and depend on each other. Thank you so much for noting my change of Nocturnal's dialogue when she referred to Buffy as Child of Dawn. Heh, she really quite resents those spells being jammed into her spellbook. I so appreciate you pointing out that nit so I could fix it!

Grits- Giving Nocturnal a voice like a shroud of silk just seemed so fitting. Thank you for mentioning it, and for your wonderfully kind words!

Thomas Kaira- Thanks for complimenting the atmosphere we tried to provide here. I agree that Buffy is pretty smart and clever; she does have a challenge thinking quickly or under pressure though. panic.gif Thanks for your advice on the comma; I pulled it.

hazmick- I was thinking of you and Haa-Rei as we wrote the description of Superian moving through the soft ground between ferns and weeping tree branches. Acadian so appreciates your vote of confidence for diverting Buffy; despite still smarting from Buffy's use of the 'Fine' word, he is convinced that completing Nocturnal's task will pay dividends relating to that orc at the castle. tongue.gif

Wolf- Thank you also for the endorsement of Acadian's occasional blue marker. We figured that dear Aradroth might approve of Buffy's urban subterfuge, particularly in her black cat suit. wink.gif

Grizzly- Thank you so much for your enthusiastic encouragement! It'll take a couple more episodes for the benefits of doing Nocturnal's quest to become clear to Buffy. That is great news that you're getting an Oblvion PC! goodjob.gif

treydog- As is so often the case, your words soothe like a welcome potion. I admire your style so very much, and Buffy and I are grateful for your kind and supportive comments.

Foxy- Yes! Wasn't SubRosa's picture of Freya wonderful?

* * *

59 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 3- Tidewater Cave

The first streaks of morning sun reflected on the calm surface of Topal Bay as I raised my head from the bedroll. I smiled to see Superian enjoying a drink, but quickly arose before she could walk over to share it with me. After donning greaves and boots of buckskin, along with a gray blouse, I had a cold breakfast of bread and cheese outside Tidewater Cave.

I filled a pair of goatskin water bags, then sliced up and shared a couple apples with my mare. I hadn't noticed the nearby Saint John's wort plants the night prior, and gathered some nectar - useful to help make basic poisons.

With Slayer in hand, I smooched at Superian and entered the cave.

Letting my senses adjust to the cold, damp air, I wrinkled my nose at the smell of. . . troll dung. The darkness was moderated by naturally glowing rock outcroppings. Surveying the pink life signs, I could discern a variety of animals and the unmistakably hulking shoulders and long arms of several trolls.

Taking the first right turn, I snuck down a corridor.

Rasping breaths came from behind me. The trolls were moving quickly and I wasn't prepared for two of them. Flustered, I clung to the shadows and tried to melt into the gray rock wall. If they saw me this close, even disappearing might not protect me from a lucky swing. Perhaps I could survive one hit from a troll, but not two. The huge beasts lumbered past and continued deeper into the cave. Finally, I allowed my captive breath to quietly escape.

Creeping forward, I could make out both trolls in the cavern ahead.

The farther of the two jerked from the impact of my poisoned arrow. Still undetected, I counted the seconds for my poison to run its course. This troll required a second arrow to make Azura's Star sing. Again, distance, shadow and Slayer's enchantments prevented my detection.

Before attacking the second troll, I poisoned an arrow and slipped it into my boot sheath. After casting my spell that briefly immobilized foes and weakened them to poison, I chased it with the arrow. Due to the spell, this troll died from only a single poisoned arrow.

Quietly moving toward the dead trolls I sensed a warning from Acadian.

Behind you again.

Before I could react, I felt something hit the back of my right hamstring and tear into my flesh. With a cry of pain, I staggered forward and turned around. The rat's next lunge was for my throat. Slayer came up defensively as magic flashed into the bow to protect it. I was barely fast enough to deflect the rat. Instinctively, flames leaped from my fingertips. Again and again. Several more spells continued to bounce the dead rat down the corridor before I realized I could stop. My heart pounding, leg screaming and hands shaking, I leaned against the tunnel's stone wall.

The throbbing in my leg radiated up into my hip and I felt my head spinning. Tears welled and I was having trouble concentrating as I drank a healing potion. Fumbling in my pack I found a piece of mandrake root and ate it. The dizziness subsided, allowing the concentration necessary to bring forth healing energy and channel it into my wound. I limped into the cavern containing the dead trolls.

After casting another spell to further heal my wound, I pulled off my boots and greaves then sat on a large flat rock. As I repaired the tear in the leg of my buckskins, I shuddered to think if the rat had been a troll. What had happened? I had only been in this cave a short time and almost gotten myself killed twice. "Thank you Acadian, for watching our back. How could I have been so careless as to neglect sweeping the area behind us for enemies?" Shaking my head, I recharged Slayer, got dressed and tested my leg. I bathed myself in white magic once more - as much for nerves as my wound - then backtracked from this dead end cavern.

The next passage descended, explaining the cave's Tidewater name. I could see the distinctive glows of two slaughterfish ahead. After removing my boots and greaves (again), I waded up to my waist and started slapping the water. Sure enough, one of the fish charged. I quickly back peddled and reached for an arrow. By the time I retreated to ankle deep water, the slaughterfish was splashing and snapping harmlessly in front of me. One arrow killed the fish. Unfortunately, his companion remained in the murky depths.

I loved swimming, but not in the same water with these appropriately named life support systems for teeth. Oh well.

I didn't unstring Slayer, as I had no idea what might await beyond my swim; besides, silk bowstrings tolerated exposure to water quite well. I did remove my blouse however, and placed it along with my greaves and boots into the waterproof safety of my enchanted pack. In addition to the pair of detect life rings I wore, I slipped on two more that would allow me to breathe and see better under water. A blue glow pierced the shadows.

I waded forward up to my chest, drank a shield potion, then submerged and swam deeper. The remaining slaughterfish whirled and charged as I raised and spell-shielded my bow. Teeth slammed into Slayer. The painful jolt jarred me and almost buckled my arm. True to their hit and run style, the fish released the bow staff and began to turn away. Instantly, I grabbed its tail with a paralyzing touch. Without letting go, I channeled white energy that absorbed every bit of the slaughterfish's life.

This underwater corridor turned out to be another dead end.

After backtracking out of the water, I removed a couple rings and donned my greaves, blouse and boots. I then restrung Slayer with a dry bowstring, and proceeded into the next passage. The large glow ahead rivaled a troll in size, but was on all fours. My target identification spell divined that it was a black bear.

I had no qualm with bears or other natural forest predators as long as they didn't threaten Superian or I. By giving them a wide berth or remaining hidden, I was often able to avoid their attacks. Still undetected, I slipped on my ring that could cut through shadows with a blue clarity. I then entered the creature's cavern only with my eyes. After determining that it was yet a third dead end, I quietly withdrew.

A single troll was evident in what appeared to be the only remaining tunnel. I had to be getting close now to - what was the Daedra Lord missing? Oh yes, the Eye of Nocturnal. I crept closer to the troll. The glow was very large now, just beyond the approaching sharp turn.

Stop Buffy. I thought about some of the things that could go wrong with the upcoming close quarters fight. I was still a bit shaken from being nearly bested by a rat. I didn't want to end up in a puddle of blood, tears and pee on the floor of this cave screaming how much I hated Acadian for dragging me here. And I really didn't want to get myself killed.

Drinking two shield potions, I hoped they would allow me to survive a couple troll hits if it came to that. I reviewed the spells I might need. Finally, I poisoned and nocked an arrow.

With Slayer partially drawn, I eased myself sideways until I had a clear shot. Fully drawing the bowstring, I released my arrow. At this range, the massive troll was staggered away from me by the impact. I wasn't taking any chances though, and immediately chased my arrow with a green swirling illusion of fear. The poisoned creature retreated in terror as I nocked another arrow. After a few seconds, my spell wore off and the troll charged. Between the close range and Slayer's enchantments, my second arrow stopped the beast in its tracks amidst a swirl of sparks. Azura's Star sang its comforting note before the troll hit the ground.

I slowly turned, scanning all the way around me for pink glows. Seeing only the bear - who seemed content to remain in his cavern - I lit a torch and quickly found Nocturnal's Eye.

* *

Astride Superian, I drew up close and placed my hand upon Nocturnal.

"My Eye is returned, and I once again see into the darkness that is your world. We mock the thieves, for bitter is their loss. You, Child of Dawn, may take this. It shall open the secrets of dark places for you."

"That's it? Milady Nocturnal, I was hoping for some information about the plains of Oblivion, or at least some tips for fighting Daedra?" Touching the shrine again, I got no response.

I stared at the item that had appeared in my hand. What good was a skeleton key? I could open any lock in Cyrodiil with a spell. Well, almost. It seemed no one could explain why on Nirn I couldn't create an on-touch unlock spell; therefore, I forced Acadian to help me open things that were underwater where my ranged spells wouldn't work. At least Nocturnal's trinket was smaller and lighter than the war hammer or staves I had received from other Daedra Lords.

As Superian and I joined the Yellow Road, I could see smoke rising from the banks of the Lower Niben. We moved closer until a bonfire and several tents appeared. Locating the spot on my map, I saw it was called Fisherman's Rock.

We gave the camp a fair berth as we skirted our way down to the water's edge, where I slid to the ground. Spreading my arms, I placed one hand on Superian's withers and the other on her haunch. Using most of my magicka I infused her with a massive alteration spell. After I remounted, we trotted across the surface of the river. Upon reaching the east side, we turned south along the Green Road toward Leyawiin.

"Acadian, we still need to investigate that orc at Castle Leyawiin. I think that's the best bet to get ourselves into the Countess' dinner party."

The bonfire across the river at Fisherman's Rock was still visible. I wondered if the Argonian thief named Weebam-Na, and his accomplice Bejeen, would learn not to steal from Daedra Lords.

I was mystified but content. "I have no idea why you led us to Nocturnal's Shrine, my paladin." After a moment I added, "But we're still alive and I still trust you."

* From Buffy's scrapbook:

Posted by: MyCat Dec 22 2010, 03:55 PM

I smiled to see Superian enjoying a drink, but quickly arose before she could walk over to share it with me.

That brought a smile to my face.

The skeleton key IMHO ranks with Azura's Star as one of the most useful Daedric artifacts, perhaps because my characters never learn unlocking spells.

Posted by: Zalphon Dec 22 2010, 04:44 PM

You know Buffy... I think you're cheating. You've either cast charm spells on your journal or you're a daedric prince...or maybe you made a deal with Haermaeus Mora (a thousand souls for the ability to make anyone who read your work love it?)

Anyways, your description is great.

Posted by: SubRosa Dec 22 2010, 05:35 PM

Finally, I allowed my captive breath to quietly escape.
A wonderful line. goodjob.gif

Very exciting little part with the rat. It may be a nuisance enemy in the game, but you really made Buffy's panic at being surprised, up close, come to life. In fact, a good, action-packed episode chock full of mystic-archer goodness.

Finally, I see Buffy skirted around Fisherman's Rock. Hmmm, I wonder if she might find herself going back there someday soon? wink.gif

Posted by: hazmick Dec 22 2010, 07:12 PM

QUOTE(Acadian @ Dec 22 2010, 01:42 PM) *

hazmick- I was thinking of you and Haa-Rei as we wrote the description of Superian moving through the soft ground between ferns and weeping tree branches. Acadian so appreciates your vote of confidence for diverting Buffy; despite still smarting from Buffy's use of the 'Fine' word, he is convinced that completing Nocturnal's task will pay dividends relating to that orc at the castle. tongue.gif

Thankyou very much, it means a lot to both of us. After reading your last chapter Haa-Rei ran off to Leyawiin and emerged from the swamps covered in mud, he also had another spell in his book: Cobra's dance. biggrin.gif It has already saved his life three times so I must thank you and Buffy for leading him to it. laugh.gif

Back to this chapter though, I loved Buffy's description of the smells of the cave. That encounter with the rat had my heart in my mouth tongue.gif The girl needs to pay more attention in the future, even a proffesional can get things wrong. laugh.gif

Posted by: Grizzly20 Dec 22 2010, 09:26 PM

Definitely among my favorite Daedric artifacts and quests. I'm glad to see Buffy's Bosmer spirit of friendliness to forest creatures come out. Most would be inconsiderate and slay the bear, without it doing anything to them. Partly the reason why most animals are hostile today. tongue.gif Excellent work Acadian, and merry Christmas!

Posted by: mALX Dec 23 2010, 12:30 AM

I found it interesting that the bear didn't attack Miss Buffy - do you have a mod for that? The reason I ask, something is odd about the game I am on, no mod that I know of causing it - Wolf and bear do not attack Maxical, nor do bandits and highwaymen - (they talk to her and give rumors!). She has had wolf walk at her side through the wilderness (till their territory ends); bear just ignore her or sniff. What is causing that? Does Buffy have something doing that? Maxical is not wearing the Boots of the Crusader, I know they have that effect - and it was happening before even starting that questline. (oh, werewolfs don't attack her either, but attack any follower or companion)

She does get attacked: Minotaur, ogres, trolls, boars, mudcrabs, slaughterfish, any of the Daedrics or Mystic enemies.

I don't know if it is a glitch, or side effect of some mod I'm using.

Anyway, Great Chapter !!! Many Buffy moments, the rat was a biggie!

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Dec 23 2010, 12:49 AM

@ mALX, I believe Acadian has posted about a Forest Friend amulet mod, which was made for just that purpose.

Such stark contrast to the last chapter, in this one we have gritty, bloody battles and an excellent touch that even the best adventurers slip at times. I'm surprised her greaves were still dry after that rat dug in.

I loved swimming, but not in the same water with these appropriately named life support systems for teeth. Oh well.

Inspired Whedon-style quote there, classic Buffy. laugh.gif

*hurries off to watch some Buffy and get some characterization ideas.*

Posted by: SubRosa Dec 23 2010, 12:54 AM

QUOTE(Thomas Kaira @ Dec 22 2010, 06:49 PM) *

@ mALX, I believe Acadian has posted about a Forest Friend amulet mod, which he made for just that purpose.

Posted by: mALX Dec 23 2010, 01:05 AM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Dec 22 2010, 06:54 PM) *

QUOTE(Thomas Kaira @ Dec 22 2010, 06:49 PM) *

@ mALX, I believe Acadian has posted about a Forest Friend amulet mod, which he made for just that purpose.

Sage Rosa, what great mods !!! That is Awesome !!!

@ Thomas Kaira - Oh !! How did I miss that in the read? GAAAH! I'm going blind, lol. Thank you !!

Posted by: Acadian Dec 23 2010, 01:35 AM

I'm so sorry if we have introduced any confusion. ohmy.gif Let me pop in for a moment to help clarify:

The only reason the bear did not attack Buffy was because it didn't see her hidden in the shadows. She remained hidden, scanned the bear's cavern using her night eye ring, then slipped away. The bear remained oblivious to her presence.

Buffy is simply revealing her reluctance to attack fellow forest predators unless necessary. Bears, wolves, lions, etc, do and will attack Buffy, Superian or travelers in her story and she will respond with deadly force. She simply does not kill them unless necessary.

We haven't introduced any non-hostility mods or features into Buffy's story relating to forest creatures, nor do we plan to until well after Book 1 is complete. In her game, she is way beyond Book 1 and is indeed experimenting with befriending forest predators. SubRosa's mod is indeed a good one, but does not extend protection to one's horse. Buffy's future solution is as simple as putting her and Superian into the KOTN predator faction (an idea I owe to SubRosa). Once again though, we have no plans for any of that in Book 1, and forest predators will readily attack Buffy - if they see her. wink.gif

Posted by: mALX Dec 23 2010, 01:58 AM

QUOTE(Acadian @ Dec 22 2010, 07:35 PM) *

I'm so sorry if we have introduced any confusion. ohmy.gif Let me pop in for a moment to help clarify:

The only reason the bear did not attack Buffy was because it didn't see her hidden in the shadows. She remained hidden, scanned the bear's cavern using her night eye ring, then slipped away. The bear remained oblivious to her presence.

Buffy is simply revealing her reluctance to attack fellow forest predators unless necessary. Bears, wolves, lions, etc, do and will attack Buffy, Superian or travelers in her story and she will respond with deadly force. She simply does not kill them unless necessary.

We haven't introduced any non-hostility mods or features into Buffy's story relating to forest creatures, nor do we plan to until well after Book 1 is complete. In her game, she is way beyond Book 1 and is indeed experimenting with befriending forest predators. SubRosa's mod is indeed a good one, but does not extend protection to one's horse. Buffy's future solution is as simple as putting her and Superian into the KOTN predator faction (an idea I owe to SubRosa). Once again though, we have no plans for any of that in Book 1, and forest predators will readily attack Buffy - if they see her. wink.gif

OH! That would be great! Let me know how to do it, I may start her riding again !!! I have really enjoyed the closeness with the wolves a lot. They walk alongside like a dog, watching for enemies as if they are protecting Maxical - I love it! I am really not sure why the werewolves won't attack her, but I enjoy that too, and it makes for some great screenies. If I can get that little campsite mod, she can live up there among them!!!

Posted by: Acadian Dec 23 2010, 03:45 PM

I thought on this quite a bit. I thank you, mALX for drawing out the possibility of confusion. As the writer, any such possibility is squarely my fault. Our story needs to stand up to scrutiny on its merit without the need for amplifying explanation from this humble scribe. As such, I have taken the liberty of changing the paragraph in question.

The original, that seemed to draw the question was this:

I had no qualm with bears or other natural forest predators as long as they didn't threaten Superian or I. Slipping on my ring that could cut through shadows with a blue clarity, I entered the creature's cavern only with my eyes. After determining that it was yet a third dead end, I quietly withdrew.

The revision, that I hope adds clarity is this:

I had no qualm with bears or other natural forest predators as long as they didn't threaten Superian or I. By giving them a wide berth or remaining hidden, I was often able to avoid their attacks. Still undetected, I slipped on my ring that could cut through shadows with a blue clarity. I then entered the creature's cavern only with my eyes. After determining that it was yet a third dead end, I quietly withdrew.


Posted by: mALX Dec 23 2010, 04:02 PM

QUOTE(Acadian @ Dec 23 2010, 09:45 AM) *

I thought on this quite a bit. I thank you, mALX for drawing out the possibility of confusion. As the writer, any such possibility is squarely my fault. Our story needs to stand up to scrutiny on its merit without the need for amplifying explanation from this humble scribe. As such, I have taken the liberty of changing the paragraph in question.

The original, that seemed to draw the question was this:

I had no qualm with bears or other natural forest predators as long as they didn't threaten Superian or I. Slipping on my ring that could cut through shadows with a blue clarity, I entered the creature's cavern only with my eyes. After determining that it was yet a third dead end, I quietly withdrew.

The revision, that I hope adds clarity is this:

I had no qualm with bears or other natural forest predators as long as they didn't threaten Superian or I. By giving them a wide berth or remaining hidden, I was often able to avoid their attacks. Still undetected, I slipped on my ring that could cut through shadows with a blue clarity. I then entered the creature's cavern only with my eyes. After determining that it was yet a third dead end, I quietly withdrew.


GAAAAH!!! I didn't mean to cause a problem, I'm sorry Acadian! sad.gif

Posted by: Winter Wolf Dec 24 2010, 10:28 AM

That was a lovely chapter- so much going on. I had to take a breath at the end.

It is a shame Buffy does not use the old Drain health 100 points x 1 sec and Soul Trap 1 sec. It is the ultimate Troll killer. I guess with low endurance it does make you think about combat a bit more and not just spam the one spell, lol.

mALX- that is one crazy game that you have got there. I thought the bugs of last year were a thing of the past..... still, it does make for some interesting plot lines. smile.gif

SubRosa- wow, what a kitty!! Lucky that Buffy does not kill wildlife..... well, sometimes!!

Merry Xmas to all at Chorrol from Australia- I hope that rain east of LA is not causing any problems to Buffy's mentor. Fingers crossed.

Posted by: Acadian Dec 25 2010, 02:54 PM

During Episode 59, Buffy cleared Tidewater Cave and returned the Eye of Nocturnal to its owner. She wondered if the Argonian thieves - Weebam-Na and Bejeen would learn not to steal from Daedra Lords. As she returned to Lewawiin, she noted a large campsite called Fisherman's Rock, but did not stop to investigate.

MyCat- Thank you! Buffy getting up before Superian could wander over dribbling a mouthful of water was inspired by a morning habit of my late great dane. Oh yes, for lockpick users, that skellie key is wonderful!

Zalphon- Thank you for those kind words regarding Buffy the illusionist and her charms!

SubRosa- Oh my, if it was possible to top your previous shot of Freya threatening the printer, you surely did with this most recent one. She's adorable! wub.gif

Buffy can be lethally elegant when she's in control of a fight, but when surprised, she gets flustered and can be easily humbled - ohmy.gif - even by a sneaky rat! Or, as Boderi told her in episode 43:

"You are at your best when you control the situation. Your strengths are your cunning and planning - you are an archer first, a mage second and a skirmisher not at all." . . . "Very few of us can come up with an ideal solution in the span of a few heartbeats," she paused to chuckle softly, "and you, my butterfly dragon, are not one of those few."

For those familiar with the Leyawiin quests or BF 1.0, thanks for bearing with our glaring trail of bread crumbs loaves. For those as mystified as Buffy about why Acadian diverted them to Nocturnal's Shrine, thanks for being patient with us. It will be become clear to Buffy within the next couple episodes.

hazmick- I'm so glad Haa-Rei is enjoying Buffy's Leyawiin Expedition. How wonderful that he discovered Cobra's Dance! Thanks for your kind words. Yup, our Arcane University-trained mystic archer almost got bested by a rat! You can bet she won't be sharing that story with Daenlin or Boderi. embarrased.gif

Grizzly- I agree that Nocturnal is a fun quest. Although forest predators will attack Buffy, she does not go out of her way to provoke them, as she feels somewhat of a kinship with them. Thank you!

mALX- Thank you for feeling Buffy's pain, panic, then embarrassment regarding the rat. I also thank you for kindly pointing out the potential for confusion regarding why the bear and Buffy did not attack each other. Thanks to you, I was able to easily edit in the required clarification and improve our story! smile.gif

Thomas Kaira- Heh, the rat surprise was not one of Buffy's proudest moments. She really perked up as she read your comment though - you're right! She didn't pee herself and therefore has something to be proud of. tongue.gif Thanks for the nod to Joss Whedon (creator of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series).

Wolf- So glad you popped in! Buffy thinks of her dear Wolf as one of her several god fathers. Yes, I hear that drain health 100x1sec is deadly at lower/mid levels, and when prepped up first by stacked weakness to magic can be lethal at any level. Buffy will probably always think like a mystic archer: Magic exists to help her stay alive and kill better with her bow. Indeed, she will never compete with Delphine Jend when it comes to straight up death blasting spells. In fact, the strongest fire spell she knows is 'flare' - good for killing rats, lighting torches, heating bathwater and cooking. laugh.gif

* * *

60 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 4- Sir Mazoga

Standing in the lavish great hall of Castle Leyawiin feeling very small, I couldn't miss the orc that Tsavi had told me about. As she scowled up and down the hall in massive dark armor, she looked quite capable of snapping wood elves like twigs. I could see why the guards were intimidated. I hoped this investigation wouldn't involve a confrontation with her. My few encounters fighting orcs had shown them to be frighteningly quick and almost unstoppable - rather like being charged by a fast moving building.

Second thoughts crept into my head. Perhaps I should have had one of my Black Horse Courier sisters carry a note to Savlian requesting a letter of introduction to the Court of Leyawiin. Might that not have been a good way to get accepted in the castle and perhaps be invited to one of the Countess' dinner parties? After all, Savlian was a captain in the Imperial Legion and I was working for him - well, sort of.

I frowned as I imagined such a letter: 'This skinny elf is named Buffy. She doesn't follow directions very well, and abandons her post with some regularity.' Shaking my head, I thought, no. Perhaps I should stick to my orc plan.

Outside the brown cape I wore, Slayer and a full quiver adorned my back. My cuirass was the color of dark tree bark and its scales had been fashioned from hardened leather. Greaves and boots - both made of buckskin - completed the outfit. I looked as much like an adventurous scout as I could.

I tried to remember what I had read in Tar-Meena's books at the Mystic Archives about castles and courtly things. It was time to put that fancy education and extensive reading to good use. Besides, I had a secret weapon. Paladins knew about courtly things, didn't they? I closed my eyes for a moment. Then I smiled and whispered, "You're right, Acadian. We can do this." Taking a deep breath, I approached the throne area.

An ornate carpet of green and gold led toward a pair of elaborate wooden thrones that were flanked by flaming fire bowls. The massive seats of power themselves were trimmed with silk brocade in colors that matched the royal carpet. Before I could study the occupants of the two thrones, I was stopped by a guard who asked my business.

I introduced myself to the young soldier and requested an audience to offer my service regarding the mysterious orc. I was ushered forward and simply presented as an adventurer.

The balding Imperial in black and gold finery spoke from his throne, "Marius Caro. By the grace of the Nine, Count Leyawiin." His eyes met mine with none of the condescension I had experienced when I bought my small home from Count Bravil. "You are a stranger to me, but well met."

I bowed, then reminded myself to stand up straight. "Buffy from Bravil, Milord. I am an archer, trained in the ways of magic." I stopped there. The books said let nobles control the conversation.

The Count looked at me carefully with piercing blue eyes, as if reconciling my appearance and words, but his face held a smile. "Perhaps you would like to do a service for County Leyawiin?" The kindly voice reflected wisdom and confidence. His presence seemed to exude royalty to the extent he felt no need to impress.

"It would be my humble honor to serve Leyawiin if I am so able, Sire." I thought I said the line naturally enough to belie the fact that it came from Acadian.

The Count briefly looked at the woman seated to his left and touched her hand. The Imperial in green silks was obviously the Countess. She returned his look with a barely perceptible nod.

"Buffy," Lord Leyawiin interrupted my staring at his Countess, "this is Alessia Caro." When he looked at her this time, he smiled warmly. "For reasons beyond my ability to fathom, she graces me as Lady Leyawiin."

The Countess smiled slightly and gave me one of those tiny nods. I bowed again. "Milady." She seemed pleasant enough, but I could see what Sanguine meant about her being 'an especially somber soul'. Unlike the Count, she seemed to wear her position quite consciously. Recalling the spell Sanguine had given me, I imagined the Countess naked, and suppressed a smile.

"I need your help, Buffy," the Count continued. "An orc named Mazoga within this very castle claims to be a knight, but will not reveal her business. Find out why she is here, report to me and you will earn a reward suitable for those who serve Leyawiin."

"Yes, Milord." I backed up a few paces, dipped my head to the Count, turned and headed toward the entrance area of the great hall.

"Good luck." While staring at the ominous orc, I had almost forgotten that I was standing near one of the guards. Upon hearing his words, I turned to meet the eyes of the smiling Imperial.

"Thanks." I smiled back. "Does my nervousness show? Any tips?"

The guard allowed a small chuckle and looked down at my boots. "Well. . ." he slowly raised his eyes, evaluating me from foot to head, "she looks two, maybe three times your size. Clearly the tough approach hasn't been working for us, and I don't imagine it's gonna work for you - no offense. You know what I think? Oh, my name's Lucilious by the way. Sergeant Lucilious Marcus. Work with what you got. No one's tried being nice to her."

"Well met. I'm Buffy, and no offense taken." Standing next to Lucilious, I folded my arms across my chest. I then raised one hand to rub my chin as I stared at the orc. "That sounds like wise advice. Well, here goes."

"Are you the Count?" The orc's words, upon my approach, caused me to question her vision - or at least her ability to discern a Count from a Bosmeri bowgirl. Her tone was an odd mixture of hopefulness and irritation. Much more relevant at the moment however, was that she towered above me and was curling her upper lip to emphasize a pair of large yellow tusks.

"N-no. But he sent me?" I winced at my stammering performance. Nice, Buffy. Way to exude confidence.

"The Count sent you? I guess that'll have to do. I'm Sir Mazoga." She then took a deep breath and sighed. "Yes, I'm an orc. I was born under a rock and I have no parents, so I don't need a family name." Her rote recital made it clear this was not the first time she had explained her heritage.

"Well met, Mazoga. I'm Buffy." At least I didn't stammer. In fact, I managed a tentative smile as I added, "I'm an orphan without a family name too."

"I guess you don't know how to talk to a knight, so I'll teach you. Say: Yes, Sir Mazoga."

My smile evaporated. Her response to my attempt at kindness infuriated me. Bristling, I stared up at the orc. The fingers of my right hand twitched slightly as I thought about the Cobra's Dance power that could drop her to the floor and allow me time to back up and open fire with Slayer. My mouth opened to speak, then it closed again. Mind your temper, Buffy.

I looked at the long blade hanging from Mazoga's sword belt. The grip was well worn. Both the pommel and cross guard were of a translucent green material that likely infused the blade hidden within its scabbard. The orcish armor and elven shield were liberally decorated by dents and nicks - undoubtedly the result of many encounters with tooth, arrow and blade. I realized that if I started a fight, the guards would join this orc to quickly cut me down. If I antagonized Mazoga to attack first, I would not survive her opening strike. No, Buffy; don't let your dragon spirit draw your butterfly butt into a fight you can't win. Besides, you have a task here.

Swallowing my anger, I eased my clenched jaw enough to free the words, "Yes, Sir Mazoga."

"All right then, just don't forget." She seemed satisfied for the moment. "I'm a free knight. I don't have a lord. You got a problem with that?" Her lip was starting to curl again.

Despite the visions of armor-piercing arrows dripping with poison that danced in my head, I resigned myself to being a compliant little elf - at least for the moment. "No, Sir Mazoga,"

"I didn't think so," the orc replied. "There's an Argonian in town named Weebam-Na." She then snapped the command: "Get him for me."

If this orc's manner continued, she was well on her way to a date with the back half of the Buffy Doctrine. "Yes, Sir Mazoga." At least I knew where to find Weebam-Na.

* From Buffy's scrapbook:

Posted by: mALX Dec 25 2010, 04:06 PM

WOO HOO !!! And the two headstrong females finally meet !!! Both are devoted friends to whomever they care for, I see a lifelong friendship ahead - but oh what a rocky start to it !!! Buffy is about to get a lesson in just how stubborn an Orc can be, lol. I love this beginning for the two of them, it promises some banging heads and egos till they compromise. Great Write !!!!!

Posted by: SubRosa Dec 25 2010, 06:40 PM

rather like being charged by a fast moving building.
Something Buffy has had very personal experience with thanks to the Arena.

Buffy reflection about obtaining a letter of introduction before meeting the Count was good. But even better was her musings of what such a letter might contain! laugh.gif

Buffy's conversation with the Count was to the point, as one imagines an encounter between aristocracy and a peasant would be. Our bowgirl did not put a foot wrong, thanks to her ability to keep from smiling even faintly at the thought of the havoc Sanguine's spell might wreak upon the stuffy Countess. I very much enjoyed how much you conveyed without words. How the little mannerisms you portrayed in the Count and Countess told Buffy volumes about their natures, and relationship.

And I see the well-known Mazoga charm has not lost any of its efficacy in your tale! Buffy's anger over the orc's rudeness is quite understandable. Her ability to transcend that however shows wisdom. Not to mention an understanding of Pappy's Rule #10 - Never fight a battle you cannot win.

she was well on her way to a date with the back half of the Buffy Doctrine.
Very well put!

I saw you describe the hilt of Mazoga's sword as being volcanic glass. It might be better to use the term ebony instead. I know it is described as being volcanic glass in Morrowind, but it is commonly referenced in Oblivion as ebony, and it might confuse readers with IRL volcanic glass. I must admit that was the first thought I leaped to.

Posted by: hazmick Dec 26 2010, 10:45 AM

'This skinny elf is named Buffy. She doesn't follow directions very well, and abandons her post with some regularity.

You're hired! biggrin.gif

Very courtly, very stylish. The count is such a good guy, his wife is such a...vfr%jbvfu8!

I'm eager to see how Buffy handles 'Sir' Mazoga (and the black bow bandits?). laugh.gif

Posted by: treydog Dec 27 2010, 03:12 AM

Rasping breaths came from behind me. The trolls were moving quickly and I wasn't prepared for two of them. Flustered, I clung to the shadows and tried to melt into the gray rock wall. If they saw me this close, even disappearing might not protect me from a lucky swing. Perhaps I could survive one hit from a troll, but not two. The huge beasts lumbered past and continued deeper into the cave. Finally, I allowed my captive breath to quietly escape.

Yes, it is necessary to block quote that whole paragraph. With deceptive simplicity, you build tension, provide description, and tell us about Buffy’s limitations. And you do it with simple, beautiful language.

Several more spells continued to bounce the dead rat down the corridor before I realized I could stop.

I remember this moment from the BF 1.0. And I still see it as some of your most “real” description of “casting panic.” Much like soldiers who reportedly kept working the bolt and firing their rifles- without remembering to reload.

loved swimming, but not in the same water with these appropriately named life support systems for teeth.

I was mystified but content. "I have no idea why you led us to Nocturnal's Shrine, my paladin." After a moment I added, "But we're still alive and I still trust you."

And a satisfying ending to a wonderful chapter. Will savor (and comment upon) Buffy's encounter with Sir Mazoga soon.

Posted by: Grits Dec 27 2010, 08:05 PM

“she looked quite capable of snapping wood elves like twigs”
A nice reminder of the difference in scale that a wood elf faces when dealing with an orc!

”I stopped there. The books said let nobles control the conversation.”
A great thought that is so very Buffy.

”Work with what you got.”
Tremendous advice from Lucilious. I like him.

I too enjoyed Buffy’s imaginary letter from Savlian, very much. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Dec 27 2010, 10:19 PM


I looked at the long blade hanging from Mazoga's sword belt. The grip was well worn. Both the pommel and cross guard were of a translucent green material that likely infused the blade hidden within its scabbard. The orcish armor and elven shield were liberally decorated by dents and nicks - undoubtedly the result of many encounters with tooth, arrow and blade. I realized that if I started a fight, the guards would join this orc to quickly cut me down. If I antagonized Mazoga to attack first, I would not survive her opening strike. No, Buffy; don't let your dragon spirit draw your butterfly butt into a fight you can't win. Besides, you have a task here.

Swallowing my anger, I eased my clenched jaw enough to free the words, "Yes, Sir Mazoga."

I see that gray matter within your head continues to serve you well, Buffy. Don't listen to those naysayers and their "dumb blonde" jokes, they're just jealous. Especially after seeing you in your adventurers leathers, I'd wager. hubbahubba.gif

*Ready for more*

PS: Don't let Foxy read this comment.

EDIT: I must come out of the closet on this, I am a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer... I've seen every episode. embarrased.gif

It is very pleasing to me you were able to preserve that delightful innocence of SMG's Buffy (well, for the first five seasons, at least) in this one.

Posted by: The Vyper Dec 28 2010, 05:02 AM

QUOTE(Acadian @ Dec 25 2010, 07:54 AM) *

If this orc's manner continued, she was well on her way to a date with the back half of the Buffy Doctrine.

laugh.gif I love the way you describe the meeting of two confrontational people as well as Buffy's last thought on the matter (in this episode). We can only hope that some of Buffy's umm...painfully learned restraint will eventually wear off on Mazoga. *crouches in fear* I mean 'Sir Mazoga'. Really, I meant to say that! *the sound of an orc fist knocking teeth out of alignment* Glad I'm related to an Orthodontist.

QUOTE(Thomas Kaira @ Dec 27 2010, 03:19 PM) *

I am a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer... I've seen every episode. embarrased.gif

I'm a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer as well. And I own every episode. cool.gif

Posted by: Acadian Dec 28 2010, 01:44 PM

In Episode 60, Buffy met the Count and Countess of Leyawiin and accepted the task to investigate a mysterious orc claiming to be a knight. Although bristling at Sir Mazoga's rude manner, Buffy allowed herself to be intimidated into agreeing to the orc's demands.

And so, Buffy Fiction 2.0 passes the 100,000 word mark. I estimate we are very close to half way complete with her Book 1. I am so very thankful for our many friends and the encouragement you give us. smile.gif

mALX- Thank you so much for highlighting exactly what we are trying to portray! More head banging, tests of wills and sparks ahead. I would say Buffy clearly lost 'round one'. Let's hope she can do a little better in the coming episodes.

SubRosa- Yup, between Azura's quest and the Arena, Buffy's been scared by orcs aplenty! Thanks for the kind words on how we're portraying Marius and Alessia Caro. And Mazoga - what a delight to write. Our intent is to show the development of the relationship between Buffy and Mazoga by optimizing show vs tell.

Thank you for the observation regarding our description of Mazoga's sword. You and I exchanged a couple PMs that helped me to see that the term 'volcanic glass' can refer to either glass or ebony. Thanks to your help, I was able to easily edit in some clarification to better portray that it was a glass sword carried by Mazoga.

hazmick- Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed what Buffy imagined a letter of introduction from Savlian might look like. tongue.gif I'm relieved that our intent regarding the Count and Countess seems to be coming across. He is indeed quite kind to Buffy (and later to Mazoga as well). Unfortunately, he is also in love with a deeply flawed woman. I'm glad you are looking forward to Buffy + Mazoga, because we will indeed spend some time on that. Mazoga will become a significant and enduring figure in BF.

treydog- Thank you so much for the kind words! Your own amazing skill and generous support of Buffy is a wonderful encouragement to both of us.

Grits- Thank you for the very kind observations! Lucilious Marcos is a pure invention that is not in the game of course, but he is a good man and will be an enduring character in Buffy's story.

Thomas Kaira- Thank you. I too was pleased to see Buffy exercising some discretion. Although we have great respect for Buffy Summers, our bowgirl's name was chosen largely for alliteration: Buffy the blond Bosmeri Bravilian bowgirl. Oh, and it was better than Bambi or Barbie. laugh.gif

The Vyper- Welcome to Buffy's Journal! I know that you are well-familiar with her due to her constant chatter about mystic archers on the other forum. I'm glad you enjoyed the sparks between Buffy and Mazoga. Quite a bit more of that in this next episode as they begin to sort each other out.

* * *

61 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 5- Don’t Touch My Horse

"I have no interest in talking to that orc at the castle." Weebam-Na shook his head emphatically. "From what I've heard, this Mazoga sounds like nothing but trouble. Right Bejeen?"

His fellow Argonian thief and mate nodded as she stood quietly in the corner of their small home.

Tilting my head and raising one eyebrow, I shifted to my backup plan. "Have you seen the Eye of Nocturnal, Weebam-Na?"

I caught a glimpse of alarm as it fleetingly traced across the reptilian features of Bejeen's face. Her mate's countenance however, remained impassive and his eyes narrowed as he replied, "What? I think perhaps you should leave. I told you the last time you were here I've never heard of such a thing."

"Well I've seen it," I purred. "In fact," I stepped closer to Weebam-Na, "Nocturnal was quite grateful to have it back - from Tidewater Cave."

The Argonian's orange eyes shot open wide, clearly reflecting the full impact of my words. "She sent you? No!" He reached for his dagger.

I had planned for this reaction and was ready for it. My hand streaked out to touch Weebam-Na. His body went limp and collapsed. By the time he recovered, I was three paces away and looking at him over the tip of an arrow. Bejeen had not made a move, except to raise both hands to her mouth. I shifted my aim to her chest. "Weebam-Na, we're going to talk. Do I need to impale Bejeen to the wall first?"

The Argonian's previously inscrutable face now plainly showed his resignation. He turned and looked into the orange eyes of his mate. "You were right, Bejeen. I should have listened to you. I'm sorry." He then turned to me. "I know Nocturnal sent you to kill us. It was my decision to steal the Eye. Could you spare Bejeen at least?"

With great effort, I ignored Weebam-Na's gallant plea for the life of his lady. "Nocturnal did send me to kill you both," I lied icily. "It seems we find ourselves in a position to help each other, do we not? You accompany me to speak with Mazoga, and I ignore Nocturnal's request?"

"Y-you would do this for us?" Weebam-Na's relief was obvious. He then added quickly, "Yes, let's go speak to this Mazoga of yours."

I lowered my bow, relieved that my bluff had not been called. "Thank you, Weebam-Na. Rest assured I have no love for Nocturnal. Neither you nor Bejeen need fear her now." Having returned the Eye of Nocturnal to the Daedra Lord, I figured she owed me the small deceit I had just used.


"You are Weebam-Na?" Without waiting for an answer, Mazoga continued, "Do you know where Fisherman's Rock is?"

The Argonian nodded, apparently to both questions and inquired, "Why?"

"Take me there." Mazoga ignored the question. "Now!"

Having met the letter of my requirement and with no further need to suffer Mazoga, Weebam-Na quickly refused the demand. The orc stormed off to the other end of the great hall.

Weebam-Na turned to me and shrugged. "Good luck with Mazoga. She has terrible manners, but my sniffer tells me she might be worth it."

Mazoga's eyes angrily followed the Argonian as he wasted no time leaving the castle. I decided to let the orc stew a bit. Noticing that Sergeant Lucilious Marcus was on duty again in the great hall, I calmly strolled over to him and smiled. "Hail, Lucilious."

"Afternoon, Buffy." The Imperial nodded pleasantly. "Seems you're still alive. Any progress with our large green friend?"

"Actually, I think yes." Turning to look at the pacing orc, I added, "We'll know more in a few moments." I walked over to Mazoga.

"You there!" Mazoga's manner had not been improved by Weebam-Na's refusal. "Do you know where Fisherman's Rock is?"

"As I told you before, Sir Mazoga, the name is Buffy. Yes, I know the location of Fisherman's Rock."

"Take me there!" After a moment of what appeared to be reflection, she added, "Buffy."

"I will be happy to. Just as soon as you tell me why we're going," I replied trying to sound more confident than I felt.

Mazoga cocked her head and started to curl her lip as she looked down to meet my eyes. We remained locked in a test of wills. After a moment her lip relaxed slightly and she spoke, "We're going to see Mogens Wind-Shifter and his gang. They're holed up at Fisherman's Rock. Talk, do you hear me? No fighting. At least not until I talk to him."

I nodded my understanding. "It's late now, Sir Mazoga. Meet me outside the East Gate at dawn."

Once outside the castle I could see that long shadows, cast by a sun which had dipped below the city walls, had claimed the quiet streets of Leyawiin. Tired feet carried me toward my temporary base at the Mages Guild.

Nocturnal's Shrine had been Acadian's idea. The fact that performing her task had provided both the leverage to coerce Weebam-Na, and the location of Fisherman's Rock was not lost on me. "Thank you, my paladin."

* *

"Did you bring breakfast?" The orc hungrily eyed the mare beneath me. She wasn't joking.

I slid to the ground, and with equal seriousness stepped between Superian and Mazoga. My heart overruled my head as I narrowed my eyes and hissed, "Her name is Superian. If you make a move to harm her, I will kill you."

We were close enough that I could feel the warm fog of the orc's breath as it swirled into the cool morning air around my face. She glared down at me and no doubt saw the glow in my right hand and anger in my eyes. I'm sure I didn’t intimidate her one bit, but neither would I budge when it came to defending my precious mare. Another test of wills.

Mazoga's face softened just slightly and she broke the deadly silence. "Is she your friend?"

My expression also eased some, I'm sure. "Yes, Sir Mazoga. One of my best friends. And I meant what I said if you hurt her." Was that a bit of respect I saw in the orc's eyes?

"I know about friends, Buffy. I won't hurt your horse." As if to make up for her concession, she barked, "Now let's stop wasting time!"

I mounted Superian and evaluated the morning sun reflecting off the nearby stream outside Leyawiin's East Gate. "We should reach Fisherman's Rock by midday." If not for the surly orc, it would have been a beautiful cool morning. We started north along the Yellow Road.

With Mazoga walking closely behind, I felt safe. Complacently so. The nearby roar of a challenge changed that. As the tawny beast emerged from the woods on our right side, fear for Superian once again caused me to act without thinking. I jumped from the mare to position myself between her and the mountain lion. I didn't have time to hit the ground and call forth an illusion spell before the beast leaped.

The unstoppable charge of a lion was met by the unstoppable charge of an orc. The big cat, stunned by Mazoga's shield bash, barely hit the ground before the orc thrust once with her sword. It was over with a decisive quickness.

Mazoga and I stared at each other for a long time. Finally, she cocked her head and asked, "You love your horse that much?"

"I do. When it comes to protecting her, sometimes I. . . well, I just act before I think." Embarrassed, I looked down and stirred the dirt with the toe of my boot. "Had it been just Superian and I, we would have outrun the lion. I guess we're just not accustomed to traveling with someone else." I shrugged and looked up at the orc. "Thanks for your help."

"Lucky horse." Mazoga shook her head. "Let's go."

We continued along the Yellow Road without further words or incident until the sun was directly overhead.

Drawing Superian to a stop, I held up my hand. The hovering yellow ball of sparkles ahead had not seen us. I quietly slipped to the ground and pulled Slayer from my back. "Wait here, Sir Mazoga." I crept forward. As I slid an arrow from my quiver, I heard a sword being drawn and the sound of heavy armor clanking. Mazoga charged past me, blocking my shot.

Armed with Slayer at a distance, wills-o-the-wisp were no threat to me. I had, however, seen them cut down even Legion soldiers at close range. Mazoga could not hope to win with her unenchanted weapon. I ran behind her.

As I feared, the vicious slashes of Mazoga's emerald blade had no effect on the sparkling ball. Just as predictably, the wisp emitted a slender orange beam that was sucking the very life from the orc. Aiming through her upper back, I shouted, "Mazoga, duck!" I thanked Mara to see her instantly kneel, exposing my target. The enchantment that Slayer imparted to my arrow stunned the wisp. "Stay down!" I yelled as I loosed a second arrow. The sparkles collapsed into tiny puddles on the ground, and Azura's Star claimed the creature's energy.

Then it dawned how instinctively I had relied on my bow. I cursed myself for not thinking to use the command creature spell I had crafted for just such occasions. When the situation quickly changed, I had failed to nimbly shift to a better tactic.

I was equally angry at Mazoga for not following my instructions. She stood as I approached. Once again, we stared at each other for a long time. It was my turn to break the silence. "I guess you don't know how to follow instructions from a scout, so I'll teach you: Wait, when I tell you to wait." I lifted an eyebrow sharply. "You got a problem with that?"

Mazoga's flash of indignation faded after only a moment, as she undoubtedly recognized the similarity between my words and her 'Sir Mazoga' lesson of the previous day. She then said awkwardly, "I'm just not used to having someone who will help me, Buffy."

I was struck by the loneliness in her brown eyes. Even though I didn't have any real family, I had plenty of friends who cared about me. And I had Acadian. Who did Mazoga have? "You're welcome, Sir Mazoga, and we're even now." I glanced back along the Yellow Road at Superian, who stood patiently where I had dismounted. Sensing my thoughts, the mare bounced her head, then pranced our direction. Turning back to the orc, I said, "Here, let me heal your wounds. We're getting close to Fisherman's Rock."

Posted by: hazmick Dec 28 2010, 04:44 PM

Mazoga is learning to do as she's told, good. Now you just have to make sure she can control herself at Fisherman's rock! (Or anywhere that has horses...or mountain lions...or wisps. biggrin.gif )

Posted by: SubRosa Dec 28 2010, 05:40 PM

And now we see the full significance of the Nocturnal quest. Buffy's fairy godfather certainly does plan ahead! Buffy shows that she is made of stern stuff as she "convinces" Weebam-Na. You have so firmly established her repertoire, that I knew it would be the Cobra's Dance that Buffy went to. That is good writing on your part, as you have etched her character so firmly in my mind that I know how she will react.

If you make a move to harm her, I will kill you.
Now Mazoga is staring at the back end of the Buffy Doctrine™! An important exchange though, as not only does Mazoga gain some estimation of Buffy, we also see a glimpse into what makes the orc tick.

The unstoppable charge of a lion was met by the unstoppable charge of an orc.
Well put!

And finally an exchange of shared rescues for the women to bond over. We see a bit more of the woman under Mazoga's armor once more. We also see that while Buffy has all the tools she needs to be a first class mystic archer, she still needs the experience to think of the right thing, at the right time.

We continued along the Yellow Road without further words or incident until the sun was nearly overhead.
I know that you are meaning to show that it is noon, but perhaps saying something like "directly overhead", or "at its highest" might work better? Technically any time the sun is over the horizon, it could be said to be overhead.

Posted by: mALX Dec 29 2010, 01:55 AM

I had forgotten about Mazoga wanting to eat Superian, and just sprayed all over my monitor and keyboard when I saw it, ROFL !!! That is one of my fave Buffy moments - and a huge step toward the two of them becoming friends - they both revere good friends.

Posted by: The Vyper Dec 29 2010, 05:38 AM

QUOTE(Acadian @ Dec 28 2010, 06:44 AM) *

The Vyper- Welcome to Buffy's Journal! I know that you are well-familiar with her due to her constant chatter about mystic archers on the other forum. I'm glad you enjoyed the sparks between Buffy and Mazoga. Quite a bit more of that in this next episode as they begin to sort each other out.

Oh, I followed Buffy quite a bit over there. (just never commented-not really sure why) I remember reading about Mazoga's (AaaH! I mean Sir Mazoga's) encounter with target practice a Will-O-the-Wisp. I thought it was great then. I still do. I also look forward to

QUOTE(Acadian @ Dec 28 2010, 06:44 AM) *

"Weebam-Na, we're going to talk. Do I need to impale Bejeen to the wall first?"

One of my all time favorite Buffy lines.

QUOTE(Acadian @ Dec 28 2010, 06:44 AM) *

"Did you bring breakfast?" The orc hungrily eyed the mare beneath me. She wasn't joking.

Orcs and their appetites. They bring a whole new meaning to the phrase "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse", don't they? tongue.gif

QUOTE(Acadian @ Dec 28 2010, 06:44 AM) *

The unstoppable charge of a lion was met by the unstoppable charge of an orc.

Very well described. salute.gif

Posted by: Grits Dec 30 2010, 03:38 PM

I had planned for this reaction and was ready for it. My hand streaked out to touch Weebam-Na. His body went limp and collapsed. By the time he recovered, I was three paces away and looking at him over the tip of an arrow. Bejeen had not made a move, except to raise both hands to her mouth. I shifted my aim to her chest. "Weebam-Na, we're going to talk. Do I need to impale Bejeen to the wall first?"
Buffy at her scariest, when she’s executing a well thought-out plan. smile.gif

Once outside the castle I could see that long shadows, cast by a sun which had dipped below the city walls, had claimed the quiet streets of Leyawiin.
I love how you put this.

"Did you bring breakfast?" The orc hungrily eyed the mare beneath me. She wasn't joking.
Oh my goodness, the good coffee that was lost when I read that remark.

We were close enough that I could feel the warm fog of the orc's breath as it swirled into the cool morning air around my face.
So vivid, and a nice reminder that when Buffy stands up to Mazoga, she is standing up, and up, and up to her. And also, yuck. blink.gif

Mazoga charged past me, blocking my shot.
Don’t you hate that! I can’t wait to hear what transpires at Fisherman’s Rock.

Posted by: Acadian Dec 31 2010, 02:30 PM

In Episode 61, Buffy was able to extort Weebam-Na into talking to Mazoga. The Argonian however, refused to escort the surly orc to a local landmark. Buffy agreed to accept this scouting task. The next morning, Buffy and Mazoga traveled toward Fisherman's Rock - and began to gain some understanding of each other.

hazmick- Thank you. It seems Buffy has stumbled upon the fact that the brusque and socially unskilled Mazoga seems to understand and respect the term 'friend'. How fortuitous for both ladies that it is a term Buffy also well-understands.

SubRosa- I thank everyone's patience as the significance of doing Nocturnal's quest was finally and fully revealed. It was Buffy's love for her mare that gave her the 'stones' to really stand up to Mazoga and not back down this time. Fortunately, the little elf's backbone seemed to impress the mighty orc. As ever, I thank you for your wonderful insight into what we are trying to portray and your encouragement. I made a minor edit to account for your nit - thanks!

mALX- You nailed it again, my friend! Few things can bring out the unyielding deadliness in Buffy like a threat to her horse. Fortunately, she survived the standoff with Mazoga and, as you say, took a huge step on the rocky path toward an enduring friendship.

The Vyper- Buffy will get to the Tournament of Archers in about 20 more episodes - and we promise to finish it this time! wink.gif Thank you for citing some of the important passages from this last episode. I suppose opposites attract somewhat, for it is a joy to write Buffy + Mazoga!

Grits- Thank you for reinforcing some of what I see in Buffy. She can be scary and elegantly lethal when she can plan and control an encounter. Yet, when surprised or her expected plan changes, she fumbles and flusters to the point that even a rat can embarrass her. As Boderi pointed out, this flaw seems to be part of Buffy's nature, and she works hard to compensate for it. Thank you also for the kind words and encouragement regarding some of our descriptions - I have to really work hard through lots of edits to have any hope of getting all the words where I want them. tongue.gif

All- Over the next few episodes, Buffy is vividly reminded of why she has neither the stomach nor skills to be a melee fighter. Mazoga however, readily and brutally demonstrates her lethality at very close range. To effectively portray the stark contrast between their fighting styles requires a somewhat liberal use of graphic violence. Caution: Bloodwork ahead.

* * *

62 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 6- A Knight's Oath

"Remember me?" Mazoga said to the bare-chested Nord. He appeared to be the leader of the foursome gathered near the bonfire at Fisherman's Rock.

"No," he shot back suspiciously.

"I'm Mazoga. You killed my friend, Ra'vindra."

The Nord slowly moved one hand toward his hip. "No idea who yer talkin' about, orc." As his fingers came to rest on the grip of an elven daggar, the weapon responded with a faint glimmer of magic.

I began calmly moving toward a firing position, formulating plans, increasing my distance and offsetting myself from Mazoga. In addition to the Nord that I presumed to be Mogens Wind-Shifter, there was a Dunmeri archer and two Khajiit equipped with an axe and war hammer respectively. I was sure my precautions would not be necessary. After all, even Mazoga wouldn't lead us into a straight-up fight against twice our number.

Would she?

"You're a lying pile of troll dung." Mazoga snarled as the emerald blade of her long sword sang from its scabbard. "You killed Ra'vindra and now I'm going to kill you!"

So much for talking. My heart bounced up to my throat. The Nord drew his dagger.

Cobra's Dance flew from my fingertips quickly enough that it hit Mogens in the chest before Mazoga could get in the way. As the Nord fell helplessly to the ground, Mazoga was frighteningly efficient. She thrust her sword into his bare chest, twisted it viciously, then yanked it free to the sound of escaping air.

The Dunmer's arrow that struck Mazoga's hip caused her to wince with pain. It also condemned the orc's next target. She moved quickly to the nearby archer, forcing the dark elf to switch from her bow to a dagger.

The Khajiit with the war hammer started to circle around behind Mazoga.

My first arrow staggered the other Khajiit - the one with the axe running toward me. I immediately chased the arrow with a spell that caused him to flee in terror and give me a few seconds.

I loosed a second arrow into the other Khajiit, knocking her off balance and interrupting the raised war hammer intended for Mazoga. By chasing this arrow with a fear spell as well, I was able to provide my ally a moment alone with the Dunmer.

Mazoga shield-swept away the dagger of the lunging archer. She then stepped back and, with a quick slash, opened the Dunmer's throat with such ferocity it nearly severed her head. Bright crimson spurts arced from the elf's wound as she fell.

The Khajiit closest to me had recovered from my spell and charged again. My third arrow of the fight caused him to drop his axe and collapse.

Much less than one minute had passed, and three of the gang were now dead. I nocked an arrow, but quickly realized it would not be needed. The remaining Khajiit, with her war hammer raised high, swung downward. Mazoga deftly sidestepped, and the warhead of the hammer thudded harmlessly into the dirt. The momentum of the massive weapon carried the Khajiit to one knee. Hopelessly off balance, overextended and outmatched, the cat woman raised her head to look up at the orc.

Staring at the back of the Khajiit, I knew she did not have time to stand upright, much less raise her heavy weapon from the ground. Although I felt no pity for her, I was glad I couldn't see her face.

The waist-level swing of Mazoga's long sword was a green blur. The forward quarter of the blade hit the side of the Khajiit's head with a sickening crack. I couldn't tell if the noise was caused by cleaving her skull or from snapping her neck. Regardless, she was dead.

It was over.

Silence descended, punctuated only by heavy orcish breathing and crackling from the bonfire. Mazoga and I stared at each other, standing in the middle of this carnage. Her armor was covered by the blood of our foes, her blade dripping the stuff on the ground. Finally, she spoke. "I kept my oath. Mogens Wind-Shifter is dead."

"Sir Mazoga, I led us here and even fought alongside you." My voice had a softness that surprised me after this violent fight. "We've saved each other's lives more than once this day. Isn't it time you told me what this is all about? Who was Ra'vindra?"

"Mogens Wind-Shifter had a gang." Mazoga's voice seemed gentler now as well. "They robbed and killed travelers, but Ra'vindra saw them and told the guards. Mogens got away, but first he killed Ra'vindra. . . my best friend, Ra'vindra." Mazoga paused and looked down at the dead Nord. When she raised her head and met my eyes again, determination had pushed aside the sadness in her voice. "That day I became a knight and swore a knight's oath. I searched a long time, and asked everyone. Then finally I heard he was hiding at Fisherman's Rock. So now you know everything."

My perception of this green monster who dealt death with such skill and brutality was now confused. I didn't quite know how to respond to the passion or nobility of her cause, so I didn't. "Let me heal your wounds, Sir Mazoga." There was an arrow protruding from her hip that had made its way between the plates of her armor. With my hand on the arrow, I carefully allowed destruction magic to travel down its shaft. The arrow disintegrated, leaving a clean wound.

"Be still now," I said quietly. I then placed both hands on the orc and allowed white magic to flow between us. I could sense many old injuries and broken bones, long healed. The pain I felt from her arrow wound was mild, and overshadowed by the ache emanating from her heart. As I allowed the magic to fade, I asked, "Better?"

Mazoga nodded. "You're good at that, Buffy. I thought you were a scout."

"I'm an empathic healer also," I replied.

"Empa-what?" The orc looked confused.

"While at the Arcane University, I discovered that the way I heal is by laying on of hands. It is the same type of healing used by a priestess," I then added with a smile, "or a paladin. I can assess, diagnose and even feel the pain of my patients - things most mages cannot do. It comes with a price however, in that it requires the physical bond of touch."

"You can't just throw a healing spell from a distance?" she asked.

"No." I shook my head. "If you get hurt and I can't get to you, the best I can do is toss you a potion; that's why I carry them. Sir Mazoga, I'd like to stay here and think for a while." Smiling up at the orc, I asked, "Will you meet me in Castle Leyawiin tomorrow morning?"

"I'll be there." Mazoga curled her upper lip, but it was different this time. I believed she was returning my smile. "I won't forget what you did for me today, Buffy. Say, you oughta be a knight yourself."

Mazoga then turned and headed south, back toward Leyawiin. After she disappeared into the trees, I grasped the small pouch containing a lock of Superian's mane. My spirit sought that of my mare. Through her eyes, I could see she still up on the Yellow Road where Mazoga and I had left her - just beyond sight of Fisherman's Rock. Superian and I had learned that when the distance between us was short, the Call of Corsair didn’t require a map or teleportation. She could simply and safely walk to me. "I need you," I whispered.

A few moments later, I could see the mare approaching from the direction of the road. She stopped at the edge of the camp, nervously snorting her disapproval and pawing the dirt with one hoof. Considering the mutilated bodies and blood soaked ground around me, I couldn't blame her.

I began checking the corpses. I saved Mogens' enchanted dagger for Mazoga to use against wills-o-the-wisp.

"Acadian, Mazoga thinks I should become a knight. If I were not standing amidst four corpses, that would be a laughable thought. A knight who must hide behind others or strike from the shadows to survive - how very noble."

The Dunmeri archer that Mazoga had killed wore an unusual cuirass of forest green mail. It was trimmed with dark brown elven plating and leather. Wiping off some of the blood, I could see the quality was exquisite. Battling nausea, I removed it from her almost decapitated body. The cuirass was remarkably light, and I figured the smith in Leyawiin could size it down to fit me. I walked the few paces to the cleansing waters of the Lower Niben. So much blood.

* *

"Such vengeance is a noble deed," Count Marius Caro declared. "Buffy, you were brave and wise to assist Mazoga. I offer you one thousand Septims for your service to Leywiin, but I hope you will decline it."

He held up one hand to prevent my response as he continued, "Instead, I would prefer you consider the following offer: I have created a chivalric Order of the White Stallion. Find and kill the leader of the Black Bow Bandits, the orc named Black Brugo. If you succeed, I will bestow on both you and Mazoga, the title Knight Errant of the White Stallion for your service. Take some time to think on this, and perhaps consult your friend, Mazoga before letting me know your decision."

After I had properly withdrawn from the throne room, I slowly walked toward the main area of the great hall. Knight Errant would be a title accepted throughout Cyrodiil. My head spun from the possibilities. I would be a member of the Court of Leyawiin and even considered a minor noble. Perhaps as a knight, I would have better luck recruiting assistance for Savlian. Oh, and what better way to access one of the Countess' dinner parties? Dame Buffy? My giggle was cut short as I thought of Mazoga and how much it would mean to her to become recognized as a real knight.

I approached the waiting orc and told her of the Count's offer.

"Gods' ghoulies, Buffy! A Knight Errant? That's better than a free knight, right?" After I nodded, she continued, "Real knights! You and me. I know this Black Brugo. He and his henchmen swing by a nearby ruin called Telepe every night around midnight. Gives orcs a bad name. Let's take him out for the Count!"

Posted by: mALX Dec 31 2010, 04:30 PM


"Gods' ghoulies, Buffy! A Knight Errant?

I love that line !!! It says it all, and is SOOOO Mazoga !!! Another Great Chapter - and the friendship is warming up now! Great Write !!!

Posted by: SubRosa Dec 31 2010, 06:50 PM

Do I suspect that the fearful work of swords is coming next?

As his fingers came to rest on the grip of an elven daggar, the weapon responded with a faint glimmer of magic. This was an excellent description!

Buffy's use of destruction on the arrow to remove it by disintegrating it was especially creative. Much better than snapping it in half and pushing the head all the way through!

Buffy's healing was a good touch as well, with the way she could feel Mazoga's old wounds as well as new, physical and emotional. I see you have really worked on tweaking that since your first ideas back in the BF 1.0. This is a vast improvement. (I did something similar with a character from another fic who was a gifted healer. She could sense injuries in people simply by touching them).

My so much to like in his segment. Next we see Buffy summon Superian to her without actually summoning her. That was also quite good. The lock of Superian's mane makes this work. Likewise, the mare's disomfort at what she found at Fisherman's Rock was well-written. Once again, we see Superian is not a conveyance, but a character.

I think I see a new wardrobe option for Buffy too!

I always knew Buffy was a swell dame. Now it looks like that will soon be true in more ways than one!

Starring at the back of the Khajiit,
Looks like Mazoga put an extra "r" in staring.

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Dec 31 2010, 08:40 PM

Viscerally brutal fight here, I could almost see the brains and guts flying from the bodies. wacko.gif

Mazoga shield-swept away the dagger of the lunging archer. She then stepped back and, with a quick slash, opened the Dunmer's throat with such ferocity it nearly severed her head. Bright crimson spurts arced from the elf's wound as she fell.

She didn't quite cut her head off... she makes a Pez dispenser out of her.

I began calmly moving toward a firing position, formulating plans, increasing my distance and offsetting myself from Mazoga.

Ah ha! So that's how Buffy was able to react so quickly! No minor detail ever slips our watchful Paladin's eyes, indeed! biggrin.gif

The evolution of friendship between our fragile, roguish bowgirl and belligerent, bloodthirsty orc was very well played, too. Two unlikely buddies, of which a bond is born in the fire of conflict.

Great write!

Posted by: Acadian Jan 3 2011, 02:17 PM

In Episode 62, Mazoga and Buffy encountered and killed the gang of Mogens Wind-Shifter. Buffy then learned why Mazoga had pursued the gang. Impressed, Count Leyawiin offered both ladies a knighthood if they could succeed in killing the leader of the Black Bow Bandits.

mALX- Gods' ghoulies, you're right! Buffy and Mazoga do seem to be gaining a better understanding - even appreciation - of each other, forged under fire. Thank you!

SubRosa- Thank you! Buffy and Acadian may think of themselves as somewhat independent, but the fact that Buffy heals like a paladin is one manifestation that the two spirits are quite intertwined.

I'm so glad that Buffy calling Superian to her worked for you! She now has three different variations of asking her mare to join her:
1. Long range. This is the full Call of Corsair, as taught to Buffy by King Rislav. The lock of mane helps establish a link. Pointing at the map causes a teleport. In game, Buffy simply fast travels to her current location - she doesn'r move, but is joined by the mare.
2. Visual range. She can touch the mare's spirit without assist if she can see Superian. In game, we use a command creature spell for this.
3. Close, but out of sight - as in this previous episode. Using the lock of Superian's mane opens the spiritual link between the two. Buffy then simply asks her mare to walk to her. In game, we use the console command 'moveto player' for this.

Yes, her new forest green/brown elven mail will make an appearance as soon as she gets it cleaned and resized. I have given up trying to limit Buffy's massive wardrobe. The girl is voracious when it comes to clothes and bits of light armor - all with matching foot ware of course. tongue.gif

Thanks for the nit so I could fix it!

Thomas Kaira- Thanks! The last episode showcased the violence involved in Mazoga's style of fighting. This next episode displays a stark contrast by showing Buffy in elegant action from the shadows. In the episode that follows that, we will display both styles and make it clear that Buffy hasn't the stomach for melee combat.

Buffy moving to offset herself from Mazoga to ensure a clear line of fire is typical of what she can do if given a few moments to think and plan. It's when caught fully surprised or her plan goes awry that she really stumbles. embarrased.gif

* * *

63 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 7- Perfectly Elegant Kills

I slid Slayer from my back, nocked an arrow and aimed toward the two distant pink glows. By concentrating, I pulled the area around Telepe clearly into focus. "I see the life sign of one man or mer atop the ruin, hidden by a ledge. That's a good shooting position - it must be an archer up there." I slowly continued my sweep. "There's another bandit by the campsite near the entrance. Based on his robe, I bet he's a hedge wizard. That's it, just the two." I carefully eased tension off the bow.

Mazoga squinted toward the ruin. "You can see lots farther than I can."

"Your eyes are fine," I replied. "I'm using a couple of scouting tricks."

Watching as I poisoned an arrow, she said, "I still can't see them yet. How do you think we should attack?"

"Let's take out the bandit mage by the campfire before moving closer," I said as I fitted the poisoned arrow to Slayer's bowstring. This would be a very long shot. I was pleased to note a lack of both wind and intervening high branches as I applied some tension to the bow. I again pulled the hedge wizard clearly into view. After calculating my offset, I took in a normal breath. Exhaling half, I smoothly and fully drew the bowstring to my cheek as I adjusted my final aim point well above the target and loosed the arrow. The impact was a tiny bit lower on the Breton's chest than I had hoped for, but still knocked him off his stool. He struggled to his knees before succumbing to the poison.

"How'd we do, Buffy?"

"A good kill, Sir Mazoga. I can't get a shot at the archer though. We need to move closer and draw him out. Do you see that large tree ahead?"

Mazoga's eyes followed my extended finger, then she nodded. "Yup."

"I'd like you to move up behind it, please. That hidden archer will probably take notice - in fact I'm counting on it. Use the tree or your shield if necessary to protect yourself." I poisoned another arrow as I added, "Once the bandit stands up to shoot, I'll do the rest."

"Okay, let's go," Mazoga said as she clanked and rattled toward the tree.

Offsetting to her left, I snuck closer as well. I was touched by how much she trusted my judgment, even when it meant drawing fire for me. I hoped I knew what we were doing.

Sure enough, the bandit took note of Mazoga's approach and stood, brandishing a bow. Approaching the large tree that was her destination, the orc stepped deftly behind it right before an arrow darted past her. The archer remained standing, unaware of my presence and waiting for another opportunity to shoot at Mazoga. I loosed an arrow that knocked him from atop the Ayleid ruin to the unseen ground behind. His pink glow quickly extinguished, whether from arrow, poison or the fall.

These two perfectly elegant kills gave me a familiar sensation of exhilaration and control - something I had not felt during my recent white-knuckled bloody fighting alongside Mazoga.

The orc rejoined me, then looked up at the westering sun and said, "We have plenty of time before Black Brugo shows up."

"Why don't you continue on to the bandits' camp and see if that dead wizard has anything useful," I suggested. "I'll circle around behind the ruin and check the body of the other bandit."

After salvaging a few arrows from the dead archer, I joined Mazoga at the small camp in front of Telepe. She watched as I cut my broadhead arrow from the hedge wizard, wiped it down and inspected for any damage. As I slid the arrow into my quiver, I offered, "Perhaps we should rest by the campfire for a bit and prepare for fighting inside this ruin. Did you find anything of interest here?"

Mazoga nodded as she eyed what I assessed to be the hindquarter of a small deer roasting on a spit above the bandits' campfire. She then plopped down by on a nearby wooden stool that groaned its displeasure. "I hope your horse is enjoying her day off at the stables."

Impressed that the sturdy little seat hadn't collapsed under the orc, I smiled. "Superian and I spent some time on the Green Road early this morning getting some exercise, but I don't want her anywhere near this place when Black Brugo shows up tonight."

"Yeah, that makes sense. He'd probably eat her." Mazoga then helped herself to the bandits' roasted venison. After using her tusks to tear off a large bite, she gestured at me with what remained in her hand and added, "Want some?"

I shook my head, then stripped off my boots, blouse and greaves. Placing them inside my pack, I dug around until I found my cat suit. I saw Mazoga staring. "What?" I said, holding up the black cloth outfit with its utility belt. "I want to see if this will better hide me than my normal grays, greens and browns."

Mazoga wasn't looking at the cat suit. "Kinda scrawny, aren't you?"

"Thanks a lot. Just what I need to hear." I frowned as I self-consciously wriggled into the garment. "This suit offers no armor protection, but with you here to defend me, I figure this would be the perfect time to try it inside a dungeon."

"It's ok, Buffy. Not every woman can look like me. Besides, I hear some men like skinny girls."

I cocked my head and stared at Mazoga. Was she that comfortable with who she was? If so, I sure envied her. "I don't really know what men like," I replied as I claimed the other stool by the fire. "Let's talk tactics."

"Now, remember, Sir Mazoga," I began, "I'm your scout. I can move like a shadow, see in the dark and detect life forms. Once inside Telepe, you'll need to follow my signals and, for Mara's sake, wait when I ask you to wait." I added with a cringing smile, "Please?"

She nodded her agreement, and I continued, "You've seen what I can do with my bow, so let's keep the blood off that sword of yours as long as an arrow can safely do the job. I think our best tactic is to try and snipe anyone we find inside. Maybe we can set up an ambush for when Black Brugo shows up later."

"So, what do you want me to do?" she asked.

"I'll need you to protect me so I can shoot. I can dish out plenty of damage, but I can't take it. If things start to go wrong, that's when I'll be scrambling to you for protection."

Mazoga replied, "Don't worry, little elf. You can call the shots, and I won't let anyone near you."

The orc and I then worked out numerous hand signals and procedures to work effectively together. I knew she would protect me with muscle and blade inside the Ayleid ruin of Telepe; I hoped that mystic archery and planning would help me to protect her.

Posted by: SubRosa Jan 3 2011, 05:26 PM

As the title said, two elegant kills from the blond, bosmer, bravilian bowgirl. Buffy and Mazoga show excellent planning and teamwork.

She then plopped down by on a nearby wooden stool that groaned its displeasure.
That poor stool!

"It's ok, Buffy. Not every woman can look like me. Besides, I hear some men like skinny girls."
I have heard that too, except for in the chest...

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Jan 3 2011, 10:03 PM

These two perfectly elegant kills gave me a familiar sensation of exhilaration and control - something I had not felt during my recent white-knuckled bloody fighting alongside Mazoga.

Take care, young one. Finding enjoyment in the deaths of others is a step down a very dark path. You showed mercy to Rufio that one day, please don't give that black-hooded deceiver another reason to materialize at your bedside.

Mazoga wasn't looking at the cat suit. "Kinda scrawny, aren't you?"

"Thanks a lot. Just what I need to hear." I frowned as I self-consciously wriggled into the garment.

Well, you know what they say... the thinner they are the harder to hit them. If it makes you feel any better, Buffy, in the world we live in, being thin is a definite plus. Just think of the clothes you could wear! laugh.gif biggrin.gif coolgrin.gif

Posted by: mALX Jan 4 2011, 04:59 AM

My favorite lines in the whole chapter:


"I'll need you to protect me so I can shoot. I can dish out plenty of damage, but I can't take it. If things start to go wrong, that's when I'll be scrambling to you for protection."

Mazoga replied, "Don't worry, little elf. You can call the shots, and I won't let anyone near you."

Now we're talking !!! Great Chapter, I love the interactions between the two girls !!!!

Posted by: The Vyper Jan 4 2011, 05:03 AM

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jan 3 2011, 07:17 AM) *

Mazoga squinted toward the ruin. "You can see lots farther than I can."

"Your eyes are fine," I replied. "I'm using a couple of scouting tricks."

I like the way you describe the marksman zoom feature. It just sounds so natural.

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jan 3 2011, 07:17 AM) *

Watching as I poisoned an arrow, she said, "I still can't see them yet. How do you think we should attack?"

"Let's take out the bandit mage by the campfire before moving closer," I said as I fitted the poisoned arrow

I like the way Buffy verbally includes Sir Mazoga in this. It makes Mazoga seem to take part in the strike, even though Buffy took care of it herself.

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jan 3 2011, 07:17 AM) *

"I'd like you to move up behind it, please. That hidden archer will probably take notice - in fact I'm counting on it. Use the tree or your shield if necessary to protect yourself." I poisoned another arrow as I added, "Once the bandit stands up to shoot, I'll do the rest."

"Okay, let's go," Mazoga said as she clanked and rattled toward the tree.

Wonderful description of teamwork here. It describes a very high level of trust and/or recklessness on Mazoga's part while smoothly progressing through the scene.

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jan 3 2011, 07:17 AM) *

Mazoga wasn't looking at the cat suit. "Kinda scrawny, aren't you?"

"Thanks a lot. Just what I need to hear."

As TK said, that just makes her a harder target to hit. As a marksman herself, Buffy should appreciate that. laugh.gif

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jan 3 2011, 07:17 AM) *

"I'll need you to protect me so I can shoot. I can dish out plenty of damage, but I can't take it. If things start to go wrong, that's when I'll be scrambling to you for protection."

Mazoga replied, "Don't worry, little elf. You can call the shots, and I won't let anyone near you."

I think Buffy will be quite safe with Mazoga around.

Posted by: MyCat Jan 4 2011, 06:01 AM

I hoped I knew what we were doing.
The mix of first and second person here is very effective.

Posted by: Acadian Jan 6 2011, 02:16 PM

During Episode 63, Buffy and Mazoga cleared the campsite just outside the Ayleid ruin of Telepe. They then discussed their plans and tactics to enter the ruin, clear it of any foes and lay in wait for the leader of the Black Bow Bandits, Black Brugo.

SubRosa- Thank you! My hope was to contrast the gory frantic mess at Fisherman's Rock with Buffy's more planned and calculated style. Yes, she was astounded by (and of course envious of) how comfortable/confident Mazoga is in her own skin. I hope Buffy doesn't ask me to get her a mod that gives her a pair of big, um. . . tusks like Mazoga has. laugh.gif

Thomas Kaira- Thank you for your concern about the darkness of Buffy's path. She hopes that her doctrine will help keep one foot anchored in light. The exhilaration she experienced came more from her feeling of control and elegant use of her skills (so very lacking at Fisherman's Rock), than the death of these bandits.

Buffy does indeed wrestle with a dark side though; she has been called 'cuddly like a rattlesnake' and 'lethally blond'. When it comes to men or mer - who possess free will - she has painfully learned to expect no quarter from necromancers, bandits, marauders and the like - and she does not offer any. Even her mercy to Rufio was laced with significant cruelty. She has tortured highwaymen who threatened her mare, and necromancers who carved up their victims. She harbors no regrets over her preemptive assassination of the threatening mage, Earana. She has frequently admitted the feeling of exhilaration she gets from the elegant use of her skills. She simply does not kill those whom she considers innocent - that is why she rejected the Dark Brotherhood. Although I believe Buffy is overall a 'good' character, she would never lay claim to that title. embarrased.gif

Being scrawny makes her a smaller target! Oh Thomas, Buffy could just kiss you for pointing that out to her! cmok.gif Woohoo! You made her day!

mALX- Thank you! There is indeed a part of the little elf that wants someone to protect her. I'm so glad you are enjoying the growing relationship between Buffy and Mazoga. It seems that Buffy is having some success at exerting a degree of influence over her large friend. Mazoga is learning to listen to her scout, and Buffy is learning to trust in the power and steel of her mighty orc.

The Vyper- Thank you so much for picking up on the fact that even though Buffy did the heavy lifting here, she was very careful to respectfully try and make it seem like Mazoga was truly her partner. In Buffy's eyes, Mazoga is rapidly coming to deserve the great consideration that Buffy lavishes upon those she calls friend. happy.gif

MyCat- Thank you for quoting this variation of one of our trademark lines -'I hoped I knew what we were doing.' Buffy has used the same line to describe her misgivings to Acadian when she makes a questionable decision for them. Similarly, she has said 'I hope he knows what we're doing' on more than one occasion in response to a decision from Acadian that she questions. tongue.gif

* * *

64 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 8- Black Brugo

We entered Telepe. Within moments I held up two fingers - one for each of the pink glows I saw. My hand then curled into a fist, signaling Mazoga to wait. I pulled the dark shadows around my cat suit and, with a firm grip on Slayer, cautiously advanced alone.

I crept up the first corridor to my right, which led to a chamber containing the life signs. Allowing a small amount of magical energy to briefly tease its way out to the tips of my fingers, I circled my softly glowing hand as a signal for Mazoga to join me. I was pleasantly surprised how carefully and quietly she moved up, her deadly emerald blade held low in front of her.

Ayleid glow stones in the room ahead gently bathed my target in a blue-white light. She was a dark elf archer. The bare fingers of my right hand slipped into the quiver at my back and sought the slightly shorter length of an arrow that could pierce the elf's mithril cuirass. After applying poison to the arrowhead that was both specially hardened and enchanted, I set the nock to Slayer's bowstring. The archer jerked on impact, as a puff of orange magic helped the slender arrowhead penetrate her armor. As poison darkened her Dunmeri skin, she fell.

The erratic movement of the other glow signaled that my stealth was forfeit. I backed up until bumping into the unyielding comfort of orcish armor. Sliding to the wall, I simply said, "I need you".

As soon as Mazoga rushed past me I followed. The unarmored Dunmer lunged at the orc with his dagger. I knew what was coming, but I couldn't force myself to look away. Mazoga swept the small blade aside with her shield. She then stepped back to optimize her distance and opened the Dunmer's abdomen with a single slash of her long sword. I winced, involuntarily grabbing for my own midsection. As the bandit quickly bled out on the stone floor, an image flashed into my mind of Gladius Maro - a Bravil guard - killing my friend City Swimmer with the same lethal precision.

After confirming there were no more life signs within range, I stowed Slayer and sparked a torch to life.

Mazoga wiped down and sheathed her blade. "How'd we do?"

I looked up at the mighty orc. She was indeed my protector. Perhaps it was being in the middle of so much melee combat recently that disturbed me. I still vividly remembered the carnage at Fisherman's Rock. Mustering an appreciative smile I responded, "Sir Mazoga, you were magnificent. Shall we search these bandits, then check the rest of this place before our host, Black Brugo joins us?"

We discovered that Telepe was very small. After exploring the three chambers and becoming familiar with the Ayleid ruin's simple layout, we returned to the room where we had killed the pair of dark elves. We sat and discussed some of the possibilities for ambushing Black Brugo. Then we waited.

"Buffy, how'd you learn to talk so good? You know lots of fancy words and you string 'em together real nice. You sound like you belong in that castle."

"Why thank you, Sir Mazoga," I replied as I checked the condition and tension of Slayer's bowstring. "While at the Arcane University, I read almost every book in the Mystic Archives. I'm sure that must have helped. I have found use, on occasion, for the ability to control and optimize words to suit my purpose. That is," I added with small giggle, "when my emotions don't get the better of me."

I looked at the pair of nearby corpses and my smile faded. The archer simply had a small hole in her armor from which I had easily recovered my slender-headed arrow. Her companion however, lay in a pool of blood with parts of his intestines protruding from the gaping belly wound. "Sir Mazoga, do you ever get used to the blood? I mean the way you fight is so close and. . . personal. You see the terror in your foes' eyes before they die. If an enemy gets close enough for me to see their face, usually the terror's in my eyes. When things go well for me, my enemies are just faceless targets that fall to an unseen feathered missile from the shadows."

Mazoga scratched behind her ear with a thick finger. After a moment she replied, "It's the only way I know. I can't do what you do any more than you could wield my sword." She accepted the water bag I offered, took a long pull and said, "Thanks," as handed it back to me. She then shook her head and added, "And no, you don't get used to the blood when you live or die by the sword."

The sound of voices quickly brought us both to our feet and weapons to our hands. Scanning the pink glows that had entered Telepe, I silently signaling Mazoga what my magic rings were showing me. The three figures settled into the chamber directly across from us.

We quietly moved into the entrance corridor and headed toward the exit. Once we arrived at the base of the stone steps leading up to only door out of the ruin, I signaled Mazoga to wait.

As I turned to proceed alone back toward the glowing life signs, the orc stopped me by engulfing my upper arm in her hand. She then gently pivoted me around to face her. In the dim light cast by the pink halo surrounding Mazoga, I could see concern on her face and a question in her eyes.

She allowed me to pull her head and shoulders down until I could place my mouth near her ear. I whispered, "Let's try my way. If it doesn't work, I know who to run to."

Clinging to shadows, I crept silently to the threshold of the room containing the three figures. The dim light of a glow stone embedded in the ceiling was augmented by several candles. I could see a Breton woman with a dagger at her hip and cup in her hand. She was arguing loudly with a Redguard whose drink sloshed from a metal tankard. A mace hung from his sword belt. Black Brugo was easy to spot as he used his tusks to snap the glass top off a bottle of ale. The orc had a blade like Mazoga's at his waist and he looked just as deadly.

I didn't want Mazoga in the middle of this, and was thankful that I had a plan to minimize risk to. . . my friend.

Magic flowed into my right hand. I pointed toward Black Brugo and a swirling emerald illusion leaped from my fingertips. Even before the spell struck, I was backing out of the room.

By Mara! Shouts, weapons being drawn, more shouts, steel on steel, cries of pain. The command spell, which had convinced Black Brugo to wield his blade on my behalf, was causing havoc. I quietly continued backing into the entry corridor, then melted into the shadows. The trap was set, and Mazoga now guarded the only escape.

I watched the clashing dance of pink glows on the other side of the wall until there were two. Eventually, only one remained. Black Brugo limped from the room and headed for the exit - and Mazoga.

I selected an arrow as the heavily armored green titans charged each other. Blades crashed into shields. The narrow corridor greatly constrained both orcs' ability to manuever, but also provided me a steady target.

The impact of my armor-piercing arrow in the center of Brugo's back caused his arms and head to involuntarily jerk rearward. Mazoga wasted no time exploiting the opening as she ferociously thrust into his exposed neck. Before I could nock a second arrow, the leader of the Black Bow Bandits was dead.

* From Buffy's scrapbook:

Posted by: King Coin Jan 6 2011, 08:19 PM

I found this story a couple of weeks ago and I have to say that I enjoy reading it very much. Normally when I play Oblivion I don't bother much with making a story for myself because my goal is to make "king coin." After reading this though I decided to actually role play and it has made the game fun and challenging in new ways. Foremost is my character's lack of money because no matter how much I want her to raid every dungeon she goes past, she thinks I am insane and passes safely by.

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Jan 6 2011, 10:53 PM

What can we say, Buffy has a way of showing us exactly what we all are missing if we don't roleplay, and she was a significant factor in my switch to roleplaying, as well.

Being scrawny makes her a smaller target! Oh Thomas, Buffy could just kiss you for pointing that out to her! cmok.gif Woohoo! You made her day!

It seems my charm is not lost... embarrased.gif Thanks a lot for making me blush, Buffy. smile.gif

"Buffy, how'd you learn to talk so good? You know lots of fancy words and you string 'em together real nice. You sound like you belong in that castle."

Verily, these visitations of verbiage are most incomprehensible to our belligerent companion. The edification of our protagonist once again proves its verbosity. Most...

*dull thud*

Oh, dang. I dropped my Thesaurus. wacko.gif

Mazoga swept the small blade aside with her shield. She then stepped back to optimize her distance and opened the Dunmer's abdomen with a single slash of her long sword. I winced, involuntarily grabbing for my own midsection. As the bandit quickly bled out on the stone floor, an image flashed into my mind of Gladius Maro - a Bravil guard - killing my friend City Swimmer with the same lethal precision.

Once again, fantastic imagery, and way to go with such an event bringing back certain unpleasant memories. You have a way of making us believe we are right there, next to Buffy in her many violent tussles, and this helps the story stand out from all the rest. Don't ever change. wink.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Jan 7 2011, 12:37 AM

A good example of the smooth lethality of a well-working archer/swordswoman combination. It is funny I am reading this now, as yesterday I finished writing the first draft of a TF chapter that also features a very smoothly working missile/melee pair.

I like how you emphasized the emotional differences between Buffy's style of fighting and Mazoga's. Buffy is nice and neat and ladylike about her killing. Mazoga on the other hand, is quite the opposite!

and was thankful that I had a plan to minimize risk to. . . my friend.
And here we see not a shift in Buffy's thinking, but rather an admission of the relationship we have been slowly seeing created for several episodes.

My, Buffy's catsuit is quite, tight! wub.gif

Posted by: Winter Wolf Jan 7 2011, 01:01 AM

Delightful writing!!

I was pleasantly surprised how carefully and quietly she moved up, her deadly emerald blade held low in front of her.
Reading this story over at Beth those months ago I really loved the way the chalk and cheese worked together. Buffy & Mazoga are the most delicious pair- only surpassed by Buffy & Savlain Matius, but, of course, that is another story for another time!

Buffy's observations of the hack and slash play style were a pleasure to read. Oblivion really does make it seem very deadly when compared to block and slash. In real life I tend to think that it is very exaggerated, as arrows are a very brutal method of combat. I hate to consider how many horses were impaled by arrows over the history of war. The sounds of screaming horses must have been horrible....

By Mara! Shouts, weapons being drawn, more shouts, steel on steel, cries of pain. The command spell, which had convinced Black Brugo to wield his blade on my behalf, was causing havoc.
That is our Buffy!! salute.gif

Posted by: The Vyper Jan 7 2011, 03:12 PM

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jan 6 2011, 07:16 AM) *

The Vyper- Thank you so much for picking up on the fact that even though Buffy did the heavy lifting here, she was very careful to respectfully try and make it seem like Mazoga was truly her partner. In Buffy's eyes, Mazoga is rapidly coming to deserve the great consideration that Buffy lavishes upon those she calls friend. happy.gif

You're welcome! biggrin.gif It just stood out so well and shows Buffy's consideration for those she deems friends, or potential friends.

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jan 6 2011, 07:16 AM) *

We entered Telepe. Within moments I held up two fingers - one for each of the pink glows I saw. My hand then curled into a fist, signaling Mazoga to wait.

I love the use of hand signals here.

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jan 6 2011, 07:16 AM) *

Allowing a small amount of magical energy to briefly tease its way out to the tips of my fingers, I circled my softly glowing hand as a signal for Mazoga to join me.

Very creative, using the light of a minor spell to illuminate a hand signal in darkness. A little risky, if an enemy happens to glimpse it, especially if it's another marksman.

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jan 6 2011, 07:16 AM) *

As the bandit quickly bled out on the stone floor, an image flashed into my mind of Gladius Maro - a Bravil guard - killing my friend City Swimmer with the same lethal precision.

Flashbacks, the curse of experiencing unpleasant events. I hate it that she has to go through that. They aren't fun.

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jan 6 2011, 07:16 AM) *

"Sir Mazoga, do you ever get used to the blood? I mean the way you fight is so close and. . . personal. You see the terror in your foes' eyes before they die. If an enemy gets close enough for me to see their face, usually the terror's in my eyes. When things go well for me, my enemies are just faceless targets that fall to an unseen feathered missile from the shadows."

A very mature question and even more mature observation on their different styles of combat. Well said, Buffy. goodjob.gif

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jan 6 2011, 07:16 AM) *

"And no, you don't get used to the blood when you live or die by the sword."

A difficult admission for most warriors, but one worthy of a true knight. Whether Count Caro grant Mazoga Knighthood or not, she does deserve the title.

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jan 6 2011, 07:16 AM) *

I didn't want Mazoga in the middle of this, and was thankful that I had a plan to minimize risk to. . . my friend.

And there it is! Buffy's admission to herself that she does indeed consider Mazoga a friend.

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jan 6 2011, 07:16 AM) *

The impact of my armor-piercing arrow in the center of Brugo's back caused his arms and head to involuntarily jerk rearward. Mazoga wasted no time exploiting the opening as she ferociously thrust into his exposed neck. Before I could nock a second arrow, the leader of the Black Bow Bandits was dead.

This is something I always enjoy seeing: The coordination of partners. The coordination of this "odd couple" is exceptional.

Posted by: mALX Jan 7 2011, 08:03 PM

The dynamic duo continues to develop - great write, great chapter - but my fave is the screenie! Awesome Buffy in her cat suit !!! WOO HOO !!!

Posted by: D.Foxy Jan 8 2011, 08:00 AM

Puh leeze, friend, may we have more cat suited Buffy pics?? tongue.gif

Posted by: Acadian Jan 9 2011, 01:52 PM

In Episode 64, Mazoga and Buffy cleared Telepe of its pair of interior guards. When Black Brugo and two members of his gang later showed up, our heroines were ready. They ambushed, isolated, trapped and killed the leader of the Black Bow Bandits.

This past episode marked the midpoint of Buffy's current miniseries, 'The Leyawiin Expedition'. In fact, it is also quite close to the overall midpoint of her Book 1, 'Do You Know the Way to Kvatch?'

King Coin- I'm so glad you dropped in and I appreciate you leaving us a comment! It is gratifying that our humble effort has been able to influence and hopefully enhance your game play. Take care of that character of yours, don't let her get hurt!

Thomas Kaira- I got quite the chuckle from your Rugdumphian words and how you string 'em together so good! Despite the discomfort, I'm so glad you could 'feel' Buffy clutch her own midsection as Mazoga opened up her foe. Yes, visualizing and actually walking through the movements (don't laugh) seems to help us. Thanks!

SubRosa- Thank you! Fisherman's Rock was Mazoga on display, with Buffy just scrambling to survive. Clearing the outside of Telepe was pure 'Buffy', with Mazoga simply providing decoy service. It was inside Telepe that I wanted to show the two really working together and, as you so kindly pointed out, contrast the emotional differences in their styles. Mazoga has the stomach and skill to trade metal in the face, while the fragile Buffster excels at planning an ambush and keeping her distance. Although Buffy is no leader, survival dictated that she learn how to 'lead' Mazoga. Buffy is learning that her education and empathy can be quite helpful in tactfully coaxing what she wants from others - usually in a good way (although Weebam-Na and Bejeen might disagree).

Wolf- Thank you for the wonderfully supportive words. The destinies of Buffy and Mazoga will touch at several key points that span well beyond Book 1.

The Vyper- Thank you for those very thoughtful and kind comments! Yes, as SubRosa mentioned, Buffy voiced an admission: Mazoga has gone from flirting with the back half of the Buffy Doctrine to earning the title, friend - and hopefully knight!

mALX- Thank you! I chuckled over you calling our ladies the 'dynamic duo'. I'm so glad you liked Buffy's screenie! biggrin.gif

Foxy- Thanks! As requested, here's our other picture of Oh, also let me point out that Buffy now posts a 'screenie of the month' in our siggy.

Now, Foxy, let's talk uniforms for a moment. The more I travel with Buffy, the more she reveals herself to be a clothes horse with a constantly rotating wardrobe. You and I would think that the prudent adventuress would simply select an effective outfit for dungeon diving and be done with it, right? Nooo. Why? Well, Buffy explains that the life of a hard working bowgirl is challenging - some of her mornings (especially if it’s a Morndas) can be downright manic. I mean she has to get up (usually from a nice dream) so early for work. And then it takes her so long just to figure out what she's gonna wear. . . . She tells me if I listen to this perhaps I can better understand her. tongue.gif

* * *

65 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 9- Knights of the White Stallion

"Buffy, will you accept this knighthood?"

"I will, Milord," I replied.

The voice of Marius Caro echoed throughout the throne room, "Two days ago, Black Brugo was killed, and justice was served. Today, we designate our newest members to the Court of Leyawiin." Rising to his feet, he commanded, "Guards, bring my sword."

There was a soft jingle of mail and light plate as I knelt somewhat stiffly before the balding Imperial in his black and gold finery. I was still getting used to the armor. Despite Mazoga nearly decapitating its previous owner, the elven mail had cleaned up well. Tun-Zeeus, the smith at The Dividing Line, had done a wonderful job resizing the unusual forest green and dark brown cuirass. He had separated me from enough gold that a light set of simple mail greaves now embraced my hips and legs.

"As Lord of this County, and with full authority of the Elder Council, I hereby dub you Dame Buffy, Knight Errant of the White Stallion." The tip of his sword came briefly to rest on each of my shoulders. "Arise, and be welcome in my court. Here is your Leyawiin shield, and one for Mazoga."

Standing, I accepted the two green shields - each emblazoned with the image of a white stallion. "Thank you, Milord." I then added with an expectant smile, "And Mazoga's dubbing ceremony? She is waiting in the great hall. Shall I ask her to join us?"

Lord Leyawiin looked at Countess Alessia Caro, who wrinkled her nose almost imperceptibly. I was beginning to understand. The Count directed his words to me, "Ah. . . yes. I expect Mazoga might be. . . uncomfortable here in the throne room. Dame Buffy, would you do me the honor of dubbing your friend?"

Despite the Count's gracious attempt to mask the attitude of his Countess, awkwardness laced the air. The soft hiss and gentle crackle of fire from the pair of large metal bowls that flanked the thrones provided the only relief to a room now otherwise cloaked in silence.

So Bosmer were acceptable, but Orsimer were not. I felt betrayed as I struggled to keep tears and rage hidden within. It was Mazoga who killed Black Brugo, not I. She boldly faced her foes head on, and was more of a knight than I could ever hope to become. My anger wasn't fully directed at the Count. I didn't perceive that he really shared the attitude of his Countess, and I had trouble condemning him for likely loving Alessia Caro too much. What several local Khajiit and Argonians had told me about the Countess' dislike for certain races was true enough though. How could she not see the noble beauty of Mazoga? As I tried to compose my thoughts, I considered what Acadian might say.

I met the eyes of the Countess as I finally broke the near silence and responded to Lord Leyawiin, "The mighty and noble Mazoga is my friend." I shifted my gaze to the Count and continued, "I am honored that you would entrust the important task of dubbing her to this humble knight, Milord." I then withdrew from the throne room.

I was heartened to see Sergeant Lucilious Marcus at his post in the great hall. I forced myself to cheer up, with the promise that I would indulge my growing dislike for Alessia Caro later. "Hail, Lucilious."

"Buf- I mean Dame Buffy! Congratulations on your title, as well as solving the mystery of our large green friend. I hear she's also to be knighted." Lucilious lowered his voice and continued, "The Countess objected to Mazoga's knighthood when it was time to sign the papers this morning, but I'm glad the Count decided not to listen to her and sign them anyway. He's a good man. Did I overhear that you're to perform the ceremony?"

"Yes," I replied, "my first official act as a knight. Lucilious, I will need a sword for this. Would you assist me?"

"With pleasure, Milady."

As we approached Mazoga, Lucilious smiled at her. "Dame Buffy has been granted authority to knight you."

"Dame Buffy?" Mazoga looked at me. "Gods' ghoulies! And now you're gonna make me a real knight too?"

"Yes, my friend." As I carefully placed the pair of Leyawiin shields on one of several benches spaced along the walls of the great hall, I added, "What would you like your title to be?"

"Sir Mazoga," she shot back without hesitation.

Confident that few would argue gender considerations with her, I replied, "So be it." I mustered every bit of noble demeanor I could, and raised my voice. "Will you kneel and accept this appointment to the Court of Leyawiin?"

Mazoga obediently knelt before me, bringing her eyes to a level only slightly below my own.

Lucilious drew his long sword. With a fluid motion of his wrist, he caused the weapon to arc and pivot about the silver crossguard until the blade rested in the crook of his left arm. He then placed the hilt upon his open left hand and proffered it to me.

Dazzled by the display, I wrapped both hands around the grip and awkwardly lifted the weapon. Carefully, I touched the flat of the blade to each of Mazoga's broad shoulders as I declared, "With the authority granted by his Lordship, the Count of Leywiin, I designate you a Knight Errant in the Order of the White Stallion. Henceforth, you shall be known throughout Cyrodiil as Sir Mazoga." I returned the heavy sword to its owner, as the knight rose to her full height.

Lucilious stowed the weapon with elegant fanfare, again displaying the veteran's years of intimacy with blades. "Well, I better be getting back to work. Wouldn't do for the Sergeant of the Guard to be shirking his duty." Tipping two fingers to his right eyebrow, he smiled. "Miladies." He then turned and stepped off toward his post.

I had lost track, over the past few days, of how many times Mazoga and I found ourselves silently staring at each other - but here we were once again. Her previously intimidating big yellow tusks were quite endearing now as we both grinned. Without thinking, I hugged my friend. As her arms began to engulf me, I realized the danger and squeaked, "Don't crush me, Sir Mazoga." My fear was unfounded however, as she gently pulled me to her. I felt safe. And oh yes, very small.

After a time, we reluctantly broke our embrace. "Dame Buffy, we're pals, and both real knights now. You can call me Mazoga."

"Mazoga and Buffy it is!" I replied. "I shall still call you Sir Mazoga when others are around - you earned that title." I then issued her one of the Leyawiin shields and her key to the White Stallion Lodge. "There are some things you need to know about being a knight."

We discussed the Count's bounty on black bows and that the primary purpose of the Order was to keep the county free of bandits. I could think of no one better suited to the task than Mazoga.

"Buffy, I'm gonna settle in at our new digs. Maybe then go get me some black bows. Tag along if you like."

"I'll join you later, Mazoga. I have some things to take care of in town first."

After she left the castle, I strolled over to Lucilious at his post. "Thanks. I really wanted that ceremony to be special for Sir Mazoga, and you made it so."

The Imperial graciously nodded. "Something tells me that becoming knights was much more about her than you. Oh, and I think you'll be pleased to hear this. One of the guards told me that while we were dubbing Sir Mazoga, the Count was standing right here by the entrance to the throne room, watching with a smile on his face. No sign of the Countess though. What are you plans now, Milady?"

I wasn't used to the 'milady' or 'dame' stuff, but knew it would be futile to try and dissuade this professional soldier from his protocol. I fiddled with the unfamiliar buckles on my armor as I thought. Trying to clear naked images of Alessia Caro from my head, I wanted to choose my words to Lucilious carefully. His kindness would not prevent him from arresting me if he became aware of my plans. Conspiracy to 'assault' the Countess on behalf of Sanguine was a crime, but one that was becoming more appealing.

Eventually, I responded to Lucilious. "Well, I shall remain here in Leyawiin for a time, trying to understand courtly ways. I'm sure I will also help Sir Mazoga get settled at the Lodge. Eventually though, I must return to Kvatch. I-"

"Kvatch?" Lucilious' eyes ignited as he interrupted me. "That's my home! What news do you have of the Daedra invasion up there? Is Captain Matius holding things together?"

"Kvatch seems heavily damaged," I replied. "We can't really tell though because a fiery Oblivion Gate still blocks the entrance to the city. The survivors that made it out have set up a makeshift camp. We're trying to figure out how to close that gate and retake the city. Savlian is maintaining a barricade defense for now, but his small force grows weary."

I blinked several times and tried to keep my chin from quivering as I continued, "I-I'm trying to get more help, since the Empire seems reluctant to send additional soldiers. Savlian has made the request several times but, with no Emperor, I gather the Legion is overcommitted trying to hold the provinces together. At least that's what a Legion rider named Falcedon Laenius told me. He patrols between Skingrad and Anvil."

Lucilious nodded sadly. "Falcedon spoke the truth. There are skirmishes along the Skyrim border, and several of the provinces are openly threatening rebellion. The Legion is spread thinly all right."

"When I next return to the Arcane University," I said, "I intend to ask the Council of Mages for assistance. I'm also working hard to improve my own fighting skills so I may be of more help myself."

"Here, Milady." Lucilious handed me a small, soft cloth so I could dab the tears threatening to escape my eyes. He then continued passionately, "I came here from mounted patrol duty myself. Usually, assignment to a city guard force is a welcome break from the rigors of normal Legion life. Right now though, I'd give my left- well, I'd give anything for a set of orders to Kvatch." He sighed heavily. "I know I have to go where the Legion sends me. The Count of Leyawiin is a good boss and all, but still. . . I just wish I could help defend my home town."

"Thank you, Lucilious. I have some ideas I'm working on."

* From Buffy's scrapbook:

Posted by: mALX Jan 9 2011, 04:00 PM

GAAAAAH!!!! Buffy has a CAPE !!! I want details, and I want them NOW !!!! I love it !!!

Posted by: hazmick Jan 9 2011, 04:40 PM

Wowza! 'Sir' Mazoga and Dame Buffy, protecting the world from bandits. Buffy sure does look the part of a superhero with that fabulous cape! Some brilliant chapters building their friendship and discovering more about the countess. Why, just last week Haa-Rei was taking a stroll through castle Leyawiin and 'borrowed' some very nice books and jewellery from the countess--such a kind woman, especially to beast races. biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

I'm very eager to see the countess get her comeuppance from Sanguine and Lady Buffy. tongue.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Jan 9 2011, 09:05 PM

I have always thought that Buffy a swell dame, now I see it is official! biggrin.gif

I think you started this scene in just the right place. There was no sense in bogging things down with the mundane details of the trek back to the Leyawiin, or the time that obviously went by between the two dame's reports, and the actual ceremony. I bring it up because Grits recently mentioned the question of what to gloss over, and what to spend time writing on. So it is in the front of my mind, so to speak. You give an excellent example here of what matters, and what does not.

He had separated me from enough gold
This is a wonderful phrase! Buffy's new armor makes her look the part of a knight. One might even liken her to a Caped Crusader. wink.gif

I didn't perceive that he really shared the attitude of his Countess
I wonder how she would feel if she learned that the Count has the key to the secret torture room where Argonian prisoners are worked over? Compared to him, the Countess is a lightweight.

Mazoga obediently knelt before me, bringing her eyes to a level only slightly below my own.
This is such a delightful way to contrasting the comparative size differences between the two chicas.

Some good pieces of plotting with the mention of the fighting in other provinces, and threats of rebellion. Those are things I have to address in the TF, once a little more time has passed there.

Posted by: D.Foxy Jan 10 2011, 01:41 AM

Caped Crusader, eh? Google "Garfield Caped Avenger" and see what you get... biggrin.gif

Posted by: Linara Jan 10 2011, 01:55 AM

So wow! I missed a lot. Just caught up, in time to read about my favorite quest, and Linara's best friend Mazoga. You wrote it out very well, lending a warmth and full quality to the characters that we lose in simple voice acting. Out of the last ten or so chapters, a quote that really stood out

I had found the term 'research' to be well-accepted among mages, and covered a multitude of things I didn't want to share.

Isn't it the truth! Especially the Arcane University mages... Great writing, and hopefully I'll be a regular commenter again. Also, Buffy's knight armour looks pretty cool.

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Jan 10 2011, 03:34 AM

Hey, clothes are good. I mean, you never know when some handsome young knight might ask you to the ball, or when it might start raining and you need something to keep your skin dry and your hair pretty, or perhaps if a stiff Colovian countess might invite you to a dinner party where a certain Daedric Lord has asked her to get everyone... hey, suddenly clothes don't feel all that important anymore huh.gif. 'Scuse me, I need to take a cold shower, maybe roll in some snow drifts for a few hours. wacko.gif

Mazoga sure has developed fast, starting as an irate self-proclaimed knight with a chip in her shoulder to an honorable lady, with the appreciation of the Court of Leyawiin and a firm understanding of the simple truth that size doesn't always matter.

Do please try your best to remain unseen at that party, Buffy. It would be most embarassing to have to be dragged to the stockades in your birthday suit. ohmy.gif

Posted by: The Vyper Jan 11 2011, 11:34 PM

Buffy Knighted! And her first official act is to Knight her friend. I love the way that played out. It seems both natural and appropriate that Buffy would be the one to Knight Sir Mazoga.

I also liked the conversation with Lucilious. His anguish at not being able to defend his home town very touching. I also liked Buffy's assurance that she is working on a way to get help to Kvatch.

I like Buffy's new armor. Is that going to become a regularly used set, or is it just for ceremonial purposes?

Posted by: Grits Jan 12 2011, 02:37 AM

“I forced myself to cheer up, with the promise that I would indulge my growing dislike for Alessia Caro later.”
evillol.gif I will be standing up and cheering when you do.

“I'd give my left- well, I'd give anything for a set of orders to Kvatch."
How did I miss this on my first read? Too funny. I’m glad Lucilious remembered he was talking to Dame Buffy!

I love Buffy’s new armor! I’m sure it’s very protective and all, but more importantly it looks so good with her hair!! goodjob.gif

Posted by: Acadian Jan 12 2011, 02:12 PM

During Episode 65, Buffy and Mazoga were made Knights of the White Stallion, despite the biased misgivings of Countess Leyawiin regarding Mazoga. Buffy also found a sympathetic voice to the plight of Kvatch in Sergeant Lucilious Marcus.

mALX- The caped bowgirl! Thanks. The cape and cuirass both come from a . We use a version that has been modified to fit Buffy's 'body by BAB' that I can provide a link to if requested.

hazmick- Thank you for those kind words. Tell Haa-Rei to be careful in Castle Leyawiin!

SubRosa- Thanks for your endorsement of where we started this episode and what we include and do not. Like you, I confess to not only including 'drive the plot' stuff, but also indulging quite a bit of character-building. You have taught me to linger when it helps say something about either the character, her world or simply something that is important to her.

In BF, it is true that we are portraying the Count not as darkly as the game does (if you dig around deep in the castle). Buffy can only report what she sees, and the Count will actually be quite supportive of both her and Mazoga. He just needs to grow a pair and take that Countess over his knee!

Thank you also for your kindness regarding the phrases you mentioned and our pieces of plotting.

Foxy- Thanks! Caped Avenger. laugh.gif

Linara- Welcome back! It is wonderful to hear from you, and to see that you are continuing with Maya's story. Thanks for the kind words about our characters. Seeing them through Buffy's eyes really seems to help them come alive for us. Yes, 'research' - NPCs in the game freely throw that term around to justify asking you for all kinds of help.

Thomas Kaira-I got Buffy some clothes/armor mods for her to choose from. Silly me. The answer of course was, "I want all of them, you silly paladin." tongue.gif

Thanks also for your endorsement of how Mazoga is developing. As I've said, she will remain an important and valuable friend to Buffy.

Not getting caught casting that spell at the party will be critical. Buffy is a minor noble and member of the Court of Leyawiin. The sergeant of the guard is her friend, and Buffy's nature would not allow her to endanger the man by resisting his lawful arrest of her for 'assaulting' the Countess. Such an act from within his own court could reasonably be seen as treason by the Count. The stakes are very high indeed. Yet, given the time to work out a detailed plan, our bowgirl can be quite cunning. wink.gif

The Vyper- Thank you! Despite Buffy's disappointment that Mazoga was not dubbed in the throne room by the Count, she was certainly thrilled to knight Mazoga!

I'm so glad that you enjoyed Lucilious; he will be a permanent character in BF and play an important role.

As I was telling Thomas, Buffy is an insatiable clothes horse. I never know what she's going to wear and I'm afraid I've spoiled her with entirely too many choices. I think she will find that even lightweight plate/mail armor will not replace her preference for buckskin, cloth and leather; that is, her elven cuirass and mail greaves will probably be more for ceremonial purposes.

Grits- Thank you! I'm glad to see you won't mind if Buffy tries to strip the Countess of some of her pretensions. Thanks for mentioning Lucilious' left, well, you know; embarrased.gif I'm glad that didn't slip by you. And you think Buffy's armor looks good with her hair! She is delighted at such support from a fellow blonde - we have to stick together, else we get overrun by the redheads here! laugh.gif

* * *

66 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 10- The Black Mare Lodge

"Mazoga, it's beautiful!" The small leather-bound book had the word 'Buffy' emblazoned on the outside of its front cover. Inside, the pages were blank. "How'd you know?"

"I noticed you like to write in that little book of yours," the orc replied. "I figured someday you might need a new one, so I asked Bugag gro-Bol at Southern Books if he had any without words. It only took him an hour to put your name on the front."

I threw my arms around the orc. My journal was barely approaching half full, but I knew it would fill up someday and I would then be proud to use Mazoga's. I breathed up toward her ear, "It's perfect." Breaking away, I then ran outside the White Stallion Lodge. After a quick dip into Superian's saddlebags, I burst back through the wooden door with a grin. Offering the hilt of an elven dagger to Mazoga, I chirped, "For you."

As Mazoga took the small blade, a soft red glow rippled from pommel to tip. "It's magic!" she exclaimed.

"Yes. Mogens Wind-Shifter doesn't need it anymore, thanks to you." I continued explaining, "It does quite a bit of shock damage, and is very light to carry as a backup weapon. More importantly, it will hurt creatures immune to regular weapons, like wills-o-the-wisp. Remember how your sword couldn't hurt them? Oh, and look at the blade; I had Tun-Zeeus at The Dividing Line engrave it."

Mazoga studied the weapon and read aloud, "Sir Mazoga." She then looked at me. I thought, for a moment, she might cry. By Mara, I thought I might cry too. Finally, she said, "I used to have a silver dagger for that, but I broke it. This is beautiful, and just what I need. It's little, full of magic and dangerous - just like you."

After giggling at her observation, I continued explaining, "It's fully charged now, and I spoke with Agata at the Mages Guild. When the blade runs low on magical power, you can just take it to her and she'll fix it right up." I handed Mazoga several small gray stones. "Do you know how to use soul gems?"

"Nope," replied the orc. "I've seen 'em before though. Some kinda magic I guess?"

I nodded. "These are filled - you can tell from the slight glow. Carry some of them with you and you can buy more at the guild when you need them. Sometimes you can even find them in dungeons. They can be used to help recharge your dagger's magic in the field. Just place a filled soul gem against the blade if it needs charging, and magic will flow into the weapon, destroying the stone in the process."

As Mazoga placed the gems and dagger next to her sword belt on a nearby chest, she said, "Gods' ghoulies, every time I kill something with this, I'll think of you."

"Um, thanks." Suddenly, I felt hungry as I remembered the meat roasting on a spit above our outdoor cooking fire. "Let's go check our dinner."

Shortly, our table was adorned with a feast of roasted venison, potatoes, corn, leeks and carrots. Steam rose from a bowl of herb gravy laced with bits of mushroom and onion. Fresh sprigs of lavender filled the stone vase that served as our centerpiece, while a loaf of bread, wheel of cheese and bottle of Tamika's completed our table.

Mazoga and I had spent much of the day cleaning and arranging things. It felt nice to finally sit down. I loved the woodsy feel, and felt very much at home in this wonderful lodge that had obviously been made for hunters.

I quickly learned that when one's dining companion was equipped with tusks, sharing a meal was not a dainty affair. "What's our next quest, Buffy?" Mazoga asked between noisy mouthfuls.

"I'm afraid we must soon diverge paths," I said, refilling our cups with wine. "I have several tasks ahead, but they all lead me to Kvatch."

Mazoga stopped chewing, which quieted the room quite a bit. "Kvatch? The town cursed by an Oblvion Gate? The one they say is on fire and overrun by Daedra? That Kvatch?"

I nodded. "There's a small force of soldiers valiantly trying to defend against that Daedra portal." I pushed the fiery images from my mind and looked into the eyes of my fellow knight. "Oh Mazoga, if you could see the brave man in charge trying to hold it all together up there. I. . . I guess you could say I've taken an oath to help him; it seems no one else will."

"Buffy, we're pals. When you helped me avenge Ra'vindra, I told you I wouldn't forget. If your quest takes you to Kvatch, I'll come with you."

Based on her own words, Mazoga understood the dangers. I could only marvel at her willingness to accept those risks and literally follow me into the jaws of Oblivion. How did she do it and why was it so hard for me to overcome my fear of returning to Kvatch? I knew that my combat skills had improved. With more experience, I might be able to fight Daedra in their own terrifying environment and survive. I was beginning to realize it was not just having my body broken that I feared - it was also my heart. And I knew of no way to train for that. "Thank you, my friend. We'll see. I may ask the Count about it."

"Well you just say the word." Mazoga stabbed a large piece of venison with her fork, but paused before lifting it to her mouth. "Buffy, this 'brave man in charge' up there? Sounds to this orc like you're sweet on him." She wiggled her black bushy eyebrows suggestively. "Hmmm?"

"Mazoga, I just don't know." I lowered my fork. "I mean, of course I am, I think. But maybe he's. . . I can't tell. I'm not sure if anyone can penetrate his sense of duty, or what would happen if I could." Shrugging my shoulders, I sighed and added, "I don't really know what he would see in me anyway."

Mazoga shook her head and curled her lip into what I had come to recognize as a smile. "Girlfriend, you got it bad. And you think too much. Just tell me his name and I'll deliver him to your bed at the point of my sword."

"Mazoga!" How could her handful of words make the blood rush to my face so quickly? Even the tips of my ears burned. "Don't you dare! I'll certainly not tell you his name now." Indignantly, I took a drink of Tamika's as if to dismiss the subject.

"Okay, okay." Mazoga then grinned and disarmingly held up a dinner plate-sized hand. "I won't threaten your fellow." She then dragged an ear of corn across her tusks, nearly stripping it in a single motion as she noisily sucked down the kernels.

I adored Mazoga's humor and simple lust for life, but I couldn't help recalling the loneliness I sensed in her when I had opened the intimate bond of restoration to heal her wounds at Fisherman's Rock. "And what of you, Mazoga? Is there a man who tugs at that big green heart of yours?"

She quickly swallowed the half a potato that was in her mouth and replied, "Oh, I'm happy share my bed with men who are sturdy enough that I won't hurt them. But," she shook her head, "I could give my heart only to a knight who is stronger than I. One who can defeat me in combat with a blade. A powerful and noble Orsimer."

I smiled. "Finding a man who is stronger and more skilled with a blade than I would be easy if that were my criteria." My appetite waned, as I recalled all too clearly the gruesome efficiency of Mazoga's power and skill with a blade. "I can only imagine the challenge a woman of your ability faces in finding such a champion." I was struck by the similarity of Mazoga's words to those of the Grand Champion of the Arena, Agronak gro-Malog. He had spoken of nobility, strong Orsimer women and wanting to become a knight. . . .

"Perhaps someday," I heard Mazoga say.

Her words caused the wheels of matchmaking that were turning inside my head to stop - for the moment. "Yes, perhaps someday," I replied.

Mazoga not only did justice to her meal, she ate the rest of the food on the table. I raked what I had not eaten from my plate onto hers, and she finished that too. Finally, a loud belch echoed forth from the orc and she proclaimed, "That was delicious, and it filled me up plenty." She then grinned and added with a wink, "I won't have to eat your horse now."

My mouthful of wine sputtered across the room as I burst out laughing. I recalled the near deadly confrontation between Mazoga and I over Superian, that now seemed so humorous. Finally, my laughter subsided to a giggle. "Maybe we should ask the Count about changing the name from White Stallion to Black Mare. . . ."

. . . and so it continued. The deer head trophies mounted on the walls of the rustic 'Black Mare' Lodge witnessed a wonderful evening of wine and intimate conversation that lasted until the flickering candles burned low. Only then, did we begrudgingly yield to the need for sleep.

Posted by: mALX Jan 12 2011, 05:07 PM

I see some foreshadowing that wasn't in the original on this chapter !!! GAAAAAH !!!

Posted by: SubRosa Jan 12 2011, 06:14 PM

Ahh, so nice to have some girl-time, and especially when it comes with such a wonderful meal and a bottle of Tamika's. Here we see the fruits of Buffy and Mazoga's time spent together: a deep friendship between two very different women.

It's little, full of magic and dangerous - just like you.
Sir Mazoga can be very perceptive when she wants to be!

every time I kill something with this, I'll think of you.
Isn't that nice! biggrin.gif

I was beginning to realize it was not just having my body broken that I feared - it was also my heart. And I knew of no way to train for that
Because there is no way. As I am sure Buffy will learn, as we all do.

Posted by: The Vyper Jan 12 2011, 11:46 PM

Another wonderful chapter! The exchange of gifts was great.

"I could give my heart only to a knight who is stronger than I. One who can defeat me in combat with a blade. A powerful and noble Orsimer."
As Buffy noted, that is indeed a tall order. It kinda reminds me of the 1985 movie Red Sonja. tongue.gif

My mouthful of wine sputtered across the room as I burst out laughing.
That was my reaction, too (but in my case, it was tea).

I'd quote more, but my post would end up being quite a bit longer than the chapter. laugh.gif I'll just end by saying this is one of the chapters I've enjoyed the most. Good show! goodjob.gif

Posted by: MyCat Jan 13 2011, 04:53 AM

I was away for a week and Buffy has three adventures!

"It's little, full of magic and dangerous - just like you."
That's Buffy!

Are you going to rewrite the Grand Champion tragedy? Half of me wants Mazoga to get lucky, half says to leave the story alone. I'm curious to see what you make of this.

(I'd also like to see Buffy tackle Fallout 3 or New Vegas. With a paladin's (not a Brotherhood of Steel paladin but a real one) guidance she could have some interesting adventures!)

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Jan 13 2011, 05:06 AM

a wheel of cheese and bottle of Tamika's completed our table.

Skyrim Jarlsberg?
Hammerfellian Paneer?
Red Leicester?
Port Salut d'Anvil?

"I'm afraid we must soon diverge paths," I said, refilling our cups with wine. "I have several tasks ahead, but they all lead me to Kvatch."

Don'cha just love the call of destiny? Still very much the Slayer, but not of Vampires, of course. She even has a watcher. smile.gif
Sorry, I just can't stop paralleling this Buffy with that Buffy. Soon we're going to need to get Buffy together with Buffy to discuss what makes each Buffy Buffy. (Confused now?)

Don't forget to get a picture of a Dremora in a tutu for me, my fashion-conscious friend. tongue.gif rollinglaugh.gif

Posted by: Grits Jan 14 2011, 01:00 AM

"I don't really know what he would see in me anyway."
Hmm, maybe he will hold your face in his hands and take a look. whistling.gif

“Just tell me his name and I'll deliver him to your bed at the point of my sword."
Ah, that’s what friends are for.

That was some dinner! I especially enjoyed the entire bowl of mushroom gravy. The Black Mare Lodge sounds so much nicer than the White Stallion, I guess it just needed some cleaning, decorating, and good company. smile.gif

Posted by: Zalphon Jan 14 2011, 10:53 PM

I like how you've made 'Sir' Mazoga come to life smile.gif She He feels so real.

Posted by: Acadian Jan 15 2011, 02:40 PM

Episode 66 found Mazoga and Buffy at the White Stallion Black Mare Lodge, where they exchanged gifts, shared a meal and enjoyed an evening of girl talk.

mALX- Thanks! Yes, there is indeed some foreshadowing here that is new for BF 2.0.

SubRosa- Thank you for your wonderfully kind insights, as ever! We quite adore Mazoga.

The Vyper- I greatly admire orcs, and when thinking about them, I cannot help but be influenced by, of all things, Klingon culture from Star Trek. Particularly when Mazoga stated the qualifications for a champion to win her heart. Thank you for your kind words!

MyCat- Thank you! Little, full of magic and dangerous - tongue.gif . Regarding the Grand Champion, yes, his destiny will be different in Buffy's game. I suspect he will outgrow the Arena. Buffy in FO3/NV? Well, she was born in the lands of Diablo II as a bowgirl, and spent years in Baldurs Gate II as an elven archer, so I suppose stranger things could happen. She quite loves Tamriel though, and hopes to someday visit the other provinces.

Thomas Kaira- Although a light tongue in cheek humor and the simple alliteration of 'Buffy the Bowgirl' are the primary factors behind the elf's name, we quite respect the other Buffy. Buffy Summers is a strong young woman, also struggling with her emotions and destiny in a dangerous world. We certainly take your comparisons as compliments and thank you for them. The bowgirl quite assures me that she prefers the name Buffy to Barbie or Bambi. Part of my intent in naming her was to keep me from taking her too seriously - in that regard, I have failed miserably. embarrased.gif

Grits- Thank you! Buffy does indeed seem to be throwing up obstacles in front of her heart. 'What would he see in me?' 'Could a woman ever compete with his precious city?' As she admits, she doesn't know how to train to protect her heart, so she is flailing about, quite unsure of herself. I so hope that seeing some of Mazoga's self-assuredness will help Buffy overcome her lack of confidence in that area.

Zalphon- Thanks for the kind words regarding Mazoga. I've always liked her and am so glad she and Buffy figured out how to get along. She's great fun to write as well. I mean, she's got tusks!

* * *

67 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 11- The Invitation

It had been less than a tenday since the twin bloodbaths of Fisherman's Rock and Telepe. Yet here I was, with Slayer in hand and dressed in the garb of a huntress. Having carefully noted where my target had fallen, I moved toward it through the trees with the ease of a forest predator.

Soon enough, I found the small puddle that had begun its day as a sparkling ball of magical deadliness. Dropping to one knee, I carefully gathered the glow dust. When combined with rosemary oil, aloe vera and finely ground bergamot, it was a key ingredient for the recipe Ardaline and I used for our hair conditioner.

Scanning for life signs beyond the lush greenery and trees that embraced me, I saw only the distinctive pink glows of several horses. Shouldering Slayer, I made my way through the forest and down the steep hill toward Five Riders Stables.

Since being knighted, I had been playing court at Castle Leyawiin without so much as nocking a single arrow - until this morning. Between taking some of my meals at the castle, and the mudcrabs that followed Mazoga home to the lodge, I had not needed my bow to fill my belly. Admittedly, I could do without the carnage of fighting alongside the mighty orc, but I needed to hunt. My own way - a solitary archer releasing feathered death from the shadows.

Superian blew softly and swung her head toward me as I joined her in the barn. She was relaxed, as I had already ridden and groomed her this morning before my hunt. I dug into my pack, assisted by the mare's long nose. "Are you hungry?" As she crunched a carrot, I wolfed down a sweet roll then cut up a pair of apples for us. I savored the comforting smells of horse, hay and leather, but mostly I just wanted to be near her.

Sated in several ways for now, I gave Superian a hug and headed for the castle.

An invitation to one of the Countess' dinner parties seemed no closer than when I first arrived in Leyawiin. Perhaps it was a silly exercise that would bear no fruit. I owed nothing to Sanguine, the chubby Daedra Lord of debauchery. I had to admit with a smile though, that the thought of stripping the Countess of some of her pretensions and bigotry was quite appealing. Dressing to the Nines seemed an exciting prospect as well, until I remembered that Stark Reality would not spare its caster. Thankfully, Gaspar and I had revealed the spell's full nature during my last visit to the University so I could plan accordingly.

And plan I would - if I could ever get an invitation.

Wearing knightly armor while lingering about the throne room and great hall had gotten me nowhere. Today's plan was to see what I could learn from the staff.

After arriving at Castle Leyawiin, I proceeded to the armory and staged my bow, quiver and pack. I then changed into a blue and green dress. While there, I spent some time chatting with the castle smith. I then headed to the dining room for some lunch.


"Milady?" The Imperial woman that had kindly brought me wine, boar broth and warm bread stood politely at my elbow.

I lowered the silver spoon, looked up from my chair and smiled. "Yes, Janonia?" I had spoken with the pleasant chief maid on several occasions. Her family had served Castle Leyawiin for three generations. Januarius, the Count's footman, was her husband. They lived in the servant quarters behind the kitchen.

"Countess Alessia has instructed me to relay her hope that you might speak with her this day, Milady."

"Thank you, Janonia. I shall certainly report to our Ladyship straightaway." I quickly finished the light meal. As I stood, I started to pick up my bowl, then paused, set it down and glanced at Janonia.

The Imperial smiled and nodded as she said, "You're getting better, Dame Buffy." She then lowered her voice and added, "As I told you the first time you tried to help in the kitchen, you're a lady of the court. If the Countess discovered me allowing you to lift even a finger, my position at the castle would be forfeit."

I didn't exactly understand, but I wasn't about to risk the livelihood of this gentle Imperial. "I thank you, Janonia, for sharing the bounty of your kindness, patience and kitchen." I headed for the great hall.

Alessia Caro was seated at her throne. Noting the Count was absent, I smoothed my skirt and approached. "Good day, Milady." I flawlessly curtseyed. The practice sessions in front of Mazoga had been worth the orcish laughter. "How may this humble knight be of service?"

"Buffy, I seem to recall from your introduction to the Count, that you are not only an archer, but trained in the use of magic as well?" Her tone was pleasant enough.

"Yes, Milady. I was privileged to attend the Arcane University." I was quite unsure where this was going.

"And did you not perhaps study the magical art of healing?" she asked, lifting one eyebrow slightly.

Still mystified, I nodded and replied, "Although not my specialty, I have found need on many occasions for such magic."

The Imperial drew up the green silk of her left sleeve, revealing a festering and untreated cut on her forearm. "Can you heal me?"

"I believe I can, but I must say that I lack the skill of Tsavi, your own castle mage and healer, Milady." I sadly suspected that I knew what this was about now.

The Countess leaned closer to me and softly spat the words, "She's Khajiit!" The Imperial continued with a quiet venom in her voice, "They're as bad as Argonians. I can't get Marius to demand that the guild provide a more cultivated replacement. Nevertheless, I have no intention of being touched by one of those. . . furry beasts. For Stendarr's sake - she has a tail!" She straightened up and repeated, "Can you heal me?"

Although quite taken aback, I managed to stammer, "I-I shall do my best, Milady. It will take me a few moments to call forth the magical restorative energies necessary." That was a lie. What would take a few moments was for me to control myself. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, pretending to be mystical. I was thankful I had recently satisfied my need to use Slayer - it helped ease the urge to retrieve the bow and impale this human to her throne. My jaw was tight and my fists were clenched. The next temptation I overcame was the desire to use my restoration magic to absorb the very life from this woman.

As I thought of the nearby pair of guards, I realized my anger was all impetuous bluster. Were I to openly attack the Countess, these men would not hesitate to do their duty. Nor would I risk harm to them by resisting their legitimate efforts to arrest me.

In the midst of my silent turmoil, I sensed Acadian's calm feelings. Although he could not read my thoughts, he was able to sense my emotions and feel my physical reactions with clarity. He also relied on hearing my words and observing my actions, both past and present. The paladin and I both understood that the ability to heal carried with it responsibility. He knew my decision before I did. The calm feeling I sensed from him was his pride in me.

Finally, I opened my eyes. A soothing, pure mass of white energy filled my hands. I gently placed them over the Countess' wound and allowed the healing magic to flow through my fingertips between us. Sadly, I sensed a cold darkness from her spirit that was not encouraging. Nevertheless, I willingly surrendered myself to some of the pain that transferred from her injury to me. The festering cut soon closed and faded to a thin scar. After a few more moments, even that disappeared with no trace of the wound at all. Stepping back from the Countess, I was drained by the combination of pain, spellcasting and my battle for self-control.

Alessia Caro raised her forearm, inspecting carefully as she moved it about. "Buffy, this is perfect. Thank you, dear." She then evaluated me for a moment. "I had no idea the extent of your talents. Knight, archer, healer. . . you seem surprisingly articulate and rather well-educated. At any rate, I'm hosting a dinner party tomorrow night, and should think my guests would quite enjoy talking with you. They generally live rather sheltered lives, so perhaps you could regale them with some of your knightly adventures. At any rate, would you join us?"

"I would be honored to, Milady." I curtseyed again and withdrew from the throne room.

Once out of earshot, I whispered to Acadian, "Don't get carried away with the fact that I healed that harpy."

As if of its own accord, my mind instinctively began planning. I knew the Countess traveled periodically, visiting her mother in Chorrol. T'would be a simple matter during one of those trips, and no doubt attributed to bandits or assassins. An unseen feathered missile from deep within the forest would plant its broadhead deeply into the dark heart of my prey. She would bleed out into her green silk blouse - just like Earana did. Stop it, Buffy! I shook my head vigorously to assert control of my deadly thoughts. Alessia Caro was not a threat. Even in my anger, I had to admit that I felt more pity than hatred for her blindness, and longed for a spell that could open her eyes and soften her heart.

I would not kill Countess Leyawiin. Humiliating her however was an entirely different matter. I would attend this dinner party. If there was any doubt about my willingness to cast Sanguine's spell, it was gone.

* From Buffy's scrapbook:

Posted by: Zalphon Jan 15 2011, 04:31 PM

Buffy, you're a knight who's going to embarass the mistress of her lord? *Hugs Buffy* Sanguine, you're teaching her right!

Posted by: haute ecole rider Jan 15 2011, 05:17 PM

Yeeesss! Buffy, humiliate that bee-yotch! Julian is envious of you!

Excellent portrayal of the Hippocratic Oath (sometimes referred to - by us vets - as the Hypocrite Oath). I wonder what the Tamriel version of it would be? Hmmm -

Anyway, I recall reading this chapter before, and have enjoyed reading it again.

And don't worry, I have been keeping up. Loved seeing Mazoga again. I just have been all commented-out lately - forgive me for not speaking for so long on Buffy's story.

Posted by: King Coin Jan 15 2011, 05:26 PM

I'm already anticipating the next update! this is going to be fun!

Posted by: mALX Jan 15 2011, 10:56 PM

GAAAAH! Buffy the assassin? NOOOOO! I'm glad she pulled herself out of that thought!!! Like Haute said, I remembered this chapter too. Great Write!!!!

Posted by: SubRosa Jan 15 2011, 11:30 PM

I love the idea of hunting Will-O-The-Wisps for hair conditioner! It is just so incredibly girly! biggrin.gif

Dressing to the Nines
This has an entirely new connotation in ES, and works wonderfully in the setting! goodjob.gif

Buffy does indeed show her character quite well here. First in the time she spends with Superian, and then later her exchange with the Janonia. Of course Buffy would want to help clean up the dishes. And of course she would not understand why she should not! Those are the things that make her so lovable! smile.gif

For Stendarr's sake - she has a tail!
The Countess is indeed most perceptive! wink.gif However, she is not perceptive enough to tangle with the sharp end of the Buffy Doctrine™!

Posted by: The Vyper Jan 16 2011, 05:42 PM

Another great chapter. I definitely sympathize with Buffy's frustration towards the countess. Those of a racist mindset have always frustrated me as well. I just don't get the narrow mindedness of them.

I realized my anger was all impetuous bluster.
A hard admission to make to oneself, and one that shows Buffy's increasing maturity.

The paladin and I both understood that the ability to heal carried with it responsibility.
That particular responsibility can be a nuisance at times, but it can't be ignored.

Even in my anger, I had to admit that I felt more pity than hatred for her blindness, and longed for a spell that could open her eyes and soften her heart.
If only such a spell existed.

Humiliating her however was an entirely different matter.
And for the countess, a fate worse than death. This, I look forward to. hehe.gif

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Jan 17 2011, 12:45 AM

Woe to all who incur the wrath of Buffy!

Those who are kind to her friends have her eternal friendship, but those who would wish them harm shall have harm dealt upon themselves... or at the very least she'll steal their clothes. tongue.gif

And Buffy has finally gotten that invite to the dinner, and not only that, she is committed to the public humiliation of that bigoted badger!

Let the mayhem begin. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Acadian Jan 18 2011, 01:42 PM

In Episode 67, Buffy finally received an invitation to one of Countess Leyawiin's dinner parties. In the process, she was exposed to the full darkness within Alessia Caro's heart. The bowgirl was quite taken aback, but managed to overcome her potentially violent reaction.

Zalphon- Thanks for the hugs!

Rider- It is so wonderful to have you and Julian back! Thanks for your comment on the Hippocratic Oath. I actually thought of you as we tweaked that scene. smile.gif

King Coin- Oh, I sure hope you like the dinner party! It's coming right up!

mALX- Thank you! Buffy did pull herself back from thoughts of assassinating the Countess. It seems some of her essential goodness won out over her many dark flaws. happy.gif

SubRosa- Thank you. Buffy made my head spin in that episode! Between killing wispy wills, gathering hair conditioner supplies, hugging Superian, trying to help Janonia with the dishes, hating the Countess, gently healing the Countess, plotting to assassinate the Countess, then feeling sorry for the Countess. . . whew! Buffy so rapidly shifted from one aspect of her character to another here, that writing her was like trying to manage the gearbox of a Lambourghini - or perhaps bring an F-4 aboard the carrier. wink.gif

The Vyper- Thank you for such an insightful summary and endorsement of what we tried to display. I think one of the reasons Buffy moves quite easily through so many diverse aspects of culture and social strata in Cyrodiil is that her heart is so open and she is readily accepting of anyone - as long as they are kind to her of course. tongue.gif

Thomas Kaira- Thank you! I'm convinced Buffy could have rationalized continuing her plot to kill the Countess. For several reasons, I'm pleased that it seems she will content herself with simply trying to humiliate her. biggrin.gif

* * *

68 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 12- Stark Reality

After the giant doors closed behind me, I stood in the great hall of Castle Leyawiin and smoothed my gown with nervous hands one last time.

Yes, the red one was a good choice - burgundy with gold trim actually. It was cut to reveal accents from the rich green underlining at the sleeves, neckline and skirt. The black dress I had tried on fit rather well but seemed too somber. It had emphasized the sun-kissed tone of my skin; I told Agata I was a wood elf, and not about to give up sun-drying after playing in waterfalls. At any rate, we agreed that the slight color to my skin was not very 'milky noble'. The blue one I had borrowed from Delphine was a beautiful color, but the velvet had somehow been damaged during travel. Agata owned a very similar gown that she let me try on, but it was too long and cut for a woman of more Nordic proportions than I.

As I made my way through the great hall, I realized that I not only owed Delphine a new velvet gown, but also a thank you for commending Agata to me. The Nord had carefully gathered my hair up into a stick twist, assuring me that it looked elegant and showed off my neck. I had taken a bit of convincing to be comfortable since the arrangement so prominently displayed my big ears. When she told me that the upswept style gave the illusion of more height and maturity, I had agreed to it. I was a very nervous elf, but Agata told me as I left the guild that I was beautiful. Her words, plus the flattering reaction of the guards and castle visitors I had just passed, made me feel a bit more confident.

I was pleased to note a young Breton in common clothes hovering near the door to the dining room. His notepad and quill, along with numerous parchments protruding from his pockets clearly marked him as a reporter for the Black Horse Courier. My quiet suggestion to Weebam-Na, had obviously born fruit. The Argonian thief had connections, was discreet and quick to support anything that might embarrass Alessia Caro. I wanted the evening's events to be well-publicized.

I took a deep breath and approached the guarded entrance to the dining area.

"Good evening, Milady." The Imperial, in the uniform of a Leyawiin guard, recognized me of course and he quickly opened the door for me. After entering the room I paused while he formally announced, "Dame Buffy, Knight Errant of the White Stallion."

Lady Leyawiin was not yet present. Both women seated at the table smiled pleasantly my way. The two men rose to their feet and bowed. I curtseyed, then approached the table to meet the guests.

Britta and Jaras Invel were an Imperial couple from the big city. Vlarimil Orius (another Imperial) was visiting from Chorrol and somewhat vague about his background. Finally, Termanwe was a friendly Altmer in a black and gold dress. I was pleased now that I had not worn my black dress. We engaged in small talk, all charming enough.

The door from the great hall opened again and the same guard that announced me loudly proclaimed, "Her Ladyship Alessia Caro, Countess of Leyawiin."

Those not already on their feet rose, as the Countess breezed into the room. She claimed the chair at the head of the table and motioned for her guests to be seated. Janonia and Januarius quickly brought soup, followed by roasted boar, grilled slaughterfish garnished with herbs, and a table full of savory trimmings. As the evening progressed, it became clear that the nobles all knew each other and that I was something of an oddity.

The Countess informed her guests, "Buffy is our very own knight and, I am given to understand, quite the adventuress." She then looked at me. "Please, dear, do tell us about one of your adventures."

The other diners joined her in encouraging me as I relayed the story of Malcath's Shrine. ". . . well those huge ogres didn’t waste any time putting Lord Drad to work on his own farm! Because I had rescued them, they were perfectly friendly to me. I just assumed then, that all ogres were friendly. Well, you can imagine my surprise the next time I saw one in the forest and tried to say 'hi'!"

Everyone seemed to enjoy my story as wine, laughter and encouragement flowed freely. I, of course, was just pretending to drink from the silver goblet. ". . . so finally, I made my way back to Malacath to report my success. As a reward, he gave me a war hammer that was bigger than I. Well I couldn't lift it of course, so I left it at the shrine in the care of a kind and mighty orc."

Fortunately, Vlarimil rescued me from having to tell more stories by relaying some of the news from Chorrol. ". . . and do you know, the guards never did solve the mystery of who murdered that mage named Earana? Shot dead by a single arrow while standing near the Great Oak, she was. And with a guard not ten paces away. Simply disgraceful! But by Stendarr, can you imagine the archery skill required to pull off such a feat?"

Indeed I could. While the guests focused on the words of Vlarimil, I managed to unobtrusively slip one of the delicately polished support sticks from my hair. With a gentle shake of my head, an errant lock cascaded free. I managed to catch the Countess' eye as I questioningly held my wayward blond tress.

Alessia Caro gestured toward the kitchen. "Yes, dear. Go see Janonia. She'll fix you right up."

"Thank you, Milady." I left the table and stepped through the kitchen doorway. Once out of sight, I paused, as second thoughts about Sanguine's spell crept into my head.

I remembered how the Countess had spat the word 'Khajiit' when talking about Tsavi. I was torn between anger and pity. How could she not love the way Khajiit told you what they were thinking merely by the way they held or moved their ears? Did she not see that the most beautifully expressive eyes and voices in Cryodiil belonged to Argonians? How could she not be awestuck by the straightforward power and nobility of a mighty orc warrior?

My doubts dissipated.

I lifted my hand. Illusion magic traveled up my arm and escaped into a small emerald burst over my head as I opened my fist. A brief but total chameleon effect engulfed me and would preserve my secrecy, even while spellcasting. Stepping back into the open doorway, I pointed my unseen hand at Alessia Caro as I called forth and released Sanguine's Stark Reality.

The chameleon effect did indeed prevent my detection as the Countess and her guests were stripped of their clothes. Pandemonium broke out as they began to run around the room, confused. The door from the great hall flew open as several mail-clad guards poured into the dining room. I was thankful to see that Stark Reality's effect had not ranged beyond the dining and cooking areas. I quietly stepped away from the doorway and back into the kitchen.

Within a few moments, my hands reappeared, as did my arms, legs and everything else that had been previously covered by my gown.

As I went to rejoin the guests, one of the guards brushed past me, trying to avert his eyes from my nakedness and saying with a red face, "I'm so sorry, Dame Buffy. We have no idea how this happened. Don't worry though. We'll catch the perverted scoundrel!"

Returning to my place at the table, I sat down, smiled and took my first sip of wine for the evening. The seat of the chair was cold against my bare skin. Perhaps it was my Bosmeri nature, but I didn't mind the lack of clothing nearly as much as these nobles seemed to. I watched as the Countess made her way to leave the dining room. Too few hands seeking to hide too many parts.

I was pleased to see the Black Horse Courier reporter had slipped into the room behind the guards and had been feverishly taking notes. He now ran along after the Countess, asking her silly questions. Eventually, the other red-faced guests scurried off as well, leaving me alone in the dining room.

I savored another sip of wine. There were advantages that accrued from my habit of being courteous to soldiers, and I had gotten to know most of those assigned to the castle. Sure enough, one of them stopped as he passed through the dining room. While awkwardly trying not to stare, he removed and kindly donated his surcoat to what he no doubt perceived to be a damsel in need. I liked chivalry.

My bow, quiver and entire pack were safely waiting for me at the guild. After a quick stop there to don buckskins, I would gather Superian from the stables and we would return to the 'Black Mare' Lodge.

If I never saw my beautiful gown or costume jewelry again, it would be worth the price of this beautiful meal and fine entertainment. I would perhaps get back to Sanguine, but in my own time - if at all. I cared not for any trinket he might offer, and was not surprised that the Daedric Prince of debauchery had taught me nothing of slaying Daedra.

As I refilled my goblet, I reflected that I was quite unsure whether my efforts to strip Alessia Caro of her blindness would bear fruit. Nevertheless, I had to admit that I had quite enjoyed my first dinner party.

* From Buffy's scrapbook:

smile.gif And lastly, a wonderful piece of artwork created by one of Buffy's friends named AyumiFan:

Posted by: The Vyper Jan 18 2011, 02:35 PM

And the countess gets it! To quote a somewhat annoying Dunmer from Cheydinhal: "Huzzah!"

The red and green gown Buffy settled on was a good choice. Too bad the blue one was damaged. It would have been good too.

I was pleased to note a young Breton in common clothes hovering near the door to the dining room. His notepad and quill, along with numerous parchments protruding from his pockets clearly marked him as a reporter for the Black Horse Courier.
Yes! That event definitely needed to be recorded.

I just assumed then, that all ogres were friendly. Well, you can imagine my surprise the next time I saw one in the forest and tried to say 'hi'!
The perfect story to tell. It ends on a funny note while showcasing Buffy's open mindedness in perceiving other races. Hopefully, the other dinner guests noticed and appreciated the contrast between the racial views of a certain Knight Errant Bowgirl and the countess.

While the guests focused on the words of Vlarimil, I managed to unobtrusively slip one of the delicately polished support sticks from my hair. With a gentle shake of my head, an errant lock cascaded free. I managed to catch the Countess' eye as I questioningly held my wayward blond tress.
Buffy certainly found the perfect way to get the countess to excuse her.

How could she not love the way Khajiit told you what they were thinking merely by the way they held or moved their ears? Did she not see that the most beautifully expressive eyes and voices in Cryodiil belonged to Argonians? How could she not be awestuck by the straightforward power and nobility of a mighty orc warrior?
A wonderful description of what the countess is missing.

A brief but total chameleon effect engulfed me and would preserve my secrecy, even while spellcasting.
Haha, brief total chameleon spells are so handy sometimes.

I watched as the Countess made her way to leave the dining room. Too few hands seeking to hide too many parts.
What can I say but laugh.gif

I was pleased to see the Black Horse Courier reporter had slipped into the room behind the guards and had been feverishly taking notes. He now ran along after the Countess, asking her silly questions.
Oh, I can just imagine some of the questions:
Is this normal at milady's gatherings?
Did milady perhaps put a bit too much skooma in the wine?

As I refilled my goblet, I reflected that I was quite unsure whether my efforts to strip Alessia Caro of her blindness would bear fruit.
Unfortunately, she'll probably find some way to blame it on the Khajiit or Argonians (or both).

Posted by: haute ecole rider Jan 18 2011, 04:05 PM

Buffy so rapidly shifted from one aspect of her character to another here, that writing her was like trying to manage the gearbox of a Lambourghini - or perhaps bring an F-4 aboard the carrier.
Perhaps like trying to land an F-4 on the pitching deck of a carrier - at night - in the middle of an F5 squall? blink.gif cool.gif

I really really enjoyed this rewrite of Sanguine's quest. I've never played this so well as she does, or so cunningly. What I've done is buy the Leyawiin house from the Count, stash my favorite clothes there, arm myself with a chameleon spell, then cast Stark Reality, cast the chameleon spell, and waltz out of there to my new house!

I really enjoyed the screenie of Buffy at the table in her birthday suit! It made me laugh out loud because it reminded me of that scene from Beowulf where our hero, stark naked, is waiting for Grendel to show up, and he was never really fully exposed due to strategic placements of limbs, tableware, fat candles, etc. The movie I speak of is the recent CG version with Angelica Jolie as Grendel's mother and Anthony Hopkins as the old King Hrothgar.

I also enjoyed how Buffy chose her Malacath Shrine quest to regale the guests - it is one of her funnier quests! And yes, I believe it was a cunning, calculated choice on her part. She is constantly proving the rule by being the exception (dumb blonde - riiight). How ironic that one of the other guests would then relate one of Buffy's own adventures, the assassination of Earana!

Posted by: SubRosa Jan 18 2011, 07:40 PM

I was a wood elf, and not about to give up sun-drying after playing in waterfalls.
Now that is our Buffy!

and cut for a woman of more Nordic proportions than I

You captured a young woman's natural jitters at appearing for a formal occasion quite well. Especially one who is not used to gowns and keeping such upper class company. "Do I look ok? Do I look ok? Do I look ok?" smile.gif

as the Countess breezed into the room.
This is a wonderful description, and is exactly what one would expect from a Countess.

I see the Countess serves an excellent table. Pray tell, did the grilled slaughterfish come from Weye? I hear a Nord there caught a ton of them recently.

but I didn't mind the lack of clothing nearly as much as these nobles seemed to
Of course not! As well all know, Buffy has liked be 'in the buff' since childhood. And we all know what just one sight of a waterfall does to her!

The pictures are fantastic! Especially the second one from Buffy's scrapbook wub.gif That is certainly a well placed bottle and pitcher!

Buffy has learned something from Sanguine's quest though. Several somethings in fact. She has learned how to deal with nobility, in spite of how much the conceit of the nobles in question may grate upon her. She has also learned the fine art of infiltrating an enemy stronghold in order to perform a delicate commando mission, all without the slightest bit of violence (not counting Sanguine's spell of course). I suspect that the first lesson will come in handy in the future, if not the second.

Posted by: King Coin Jan 18 2011, 11:43 PM

So far Buffy seems to have gotten away with her little prank, but will the countess add wood elves to her list of hated races?

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Jan 19 2011, 12:42 AM

...and Mayhem was had. Boy was that a great chapter! It's always nice to see bigots get their deserved comeuppance. mALX, if you are reading this, you need to get Hasirri down here NOW, this is the story of a lifetime!

To that second screenshot: rollinglaugh.gif rollinglaugh.gif whistling.gif hubbahubba.gif

*giddily awaits the next edition of the Black Horse Courier*

I managed to unobtrusively slip one of the delicately polished support sticks from my hair. With a gentle shake of my head, an errant lock cascaded free. I managed to catch the Countess' eye as I questioningly held my wayward blond tress.

How very clever!

If I never saw my beautiful gown or costume jewelry again, it would be worth the price of this beautiful meal and fine entertainment.

Don't you worry, my now-very-fittingly-named Bosmer. After this stunt, I'm sure he'll be quite understanding if you want a little remembrance of your deeds. tongue.gif

Posted by: Zalphon Jan 19 2011, 03:27 AM

The color to my skin was not 'milky noble'


Posted by: Grits Jan 19 2011, 08:24 PM

“Well I couldn't lift it of course, so I left it at the shrine in the care of a kind and mighty orc."
I hope Buffy’s words will help her dinner companions see past the tusks, the way they have helped me.

Too few hands seeking to hide too many parts.
I was rolling! biggrin.gif

Nevertheless, I had to admit that I had quite enjoyed my first dinner party.
Beautiful!! I envy Buffy’s elegant execution of Sanguine’s task! Who else would sit down and start to sip her wine after she was in the buff, that is so Buffy. I love the gown! I wonder how Sanguine looks in it. blink.gif

Posted by: mALX Jan 19 2011, 11:31 PM

One of my absolute fave chapters, and I love the new screenie so much better than the original - you are a master of setting up for screenies !!! That has to be the most perfect example ever on camera angles and timing !!!

PS - thank you so much for the tips on how to do this quest without getting arrested !!! WOO HOO !!!

Posted by: Acadian Jan 21 2011, 02:37 PM

During Episode 68, Buffy attended one of Countess Leyawiins's dinner parties as a guest and managed to complete Sanguine's task. By employing a brief but powerful chameleon spell right before casting Stark Reality, and exploiting the fact that she knew the spell would render her as bare as the Countess, she managed to appear as much a victim as the other guests.

The Vyper- Buffy carefully chose the story she told to the nobles. I'm so delighted that what surely breezed right over the head of the Countess was so insightfully captured by your gracious comments. Thank you for that, and your other kind words!

Rider- As you know, Buffy can really fumble when caught by surprise or confronted with something unexpected. Given the time to craft a plan however, she can indeed sometimes achieve 'cunning'. Thank you for your kind words and for highlighting some of the undercurrents.

Heh, the first time I did that quest, it was with a big Redguard ranger. He was detected, resisted arrest, then ran all the way to the White Stallion Lodge, where his big beautiful green roomie quickly came to his aid and gave the poor guard a lethal dose of her gruesome swordsmanship. I'm so proud of Buffy that she figured out a . . . less violent method.

I was glad for the opportunity to mention the death of Earana. Buffy will hear of it again in another couple dozen episodes.

SubRosa- You set several concerns I had with this episode to rest with your soothing comments. happy.gif Thank you. Although Buffy will still stumble, all that education combined with some exposure to courtly ways is really helping her to wield some influence with her words. Not too bad for a forest creature.

King Coin- Thanks for the comment! Since whoever cast that spell remains a mystery, Buffy hopes to appear as merely another victimized dinner guest. She therefore hopes to stay off the Countess' list!

Thomas Kaira- A request for a Black Horse Courier Special Edition? WooHoo! Coming right up! Thank you. Although I doubt it will bear fruit, Buffy will (in this next episode) try to plant another seed that might influence the Countess' attitudes.

Zalphon- Thank you! To those milky-skinned nobles, I expect our suntanned blonde elf just looks like a dirt farmer who must toil under the sun. tongue.gif

Grits- Thank you for seeing the 'lessons' that helped Buffy select which story to tell. If only the Countess could see past the tusks, tails, scales and fur. To say the end of the story was 'so Buffy' is music to her big pointed ears! On the gown, I was delighted that Buffy chose the 'red velvet outfit' from vanilla Oblivion, rather than a dress from a mod or the Shivering Isles.

mALX- One of your faves! Thank you very much! I'm so tickled that you, and several others above, offered kind words about the screenshots for this episode. smile.gif Buffy's approach to remaining undetected worked well. As a knight of Leyawiin, she was scared to death about getting arrested for treason against her own court. ohmy.gif

* * *

69 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 13- My Condolences to Her Ladyship

~ ~ ~

Black Horse Courier


Leyawiin - - Countess Alessia Caro held another of her formal dinner parties recently. We have often reported these events as somewhat dull, somber affairs. This one however was revealingly different.

At some point well into the evening, an unknown assailant cast a spell that literally stripped the event of its dreary predictability. In fact, the mischievous magic quite removed every bit of clothing from the lovely Countess and her fellow diners. The guest list included the Invels, well known members of high society from The Imperial City. Other nobles traveled from as far away as the City of the Great Oak to attend. Even one of Leyawiin's own knights, who was a guest at the dinner, fell victim to the spell.

Speculation is rife regarding possible motivation for the assault. Leyawiin is a city well- known for tension between Argonians and Khajiit. Rumors even exist of the Countess' own dislike for the beast races. When asked about a possible connection, a spokesman for the castle flatly denied any such rumors as idle and malicious gossip.

The commander of the Leywiin Guard, Captain Caelia Draconis, has ordered increased patrols, and launched an investigation in the wake of this grave breach of castle security. Given the lack of any evidence to identify the perpetrator, no arrest has yet been made.

Hildara Mothril, the Countess' personal assistant and advisor, made a brief statement confirming that Lady Leyawiin has no dinner parties planned for the near future. The Countess herself was unavailable for comment.

~ ~ ~

"Captain, give me your report," demanded Marius Caro. "Have you caught the criminal?"

"Not yet, Your Lordship." The Imperial's mail was adorned by the white stallion-emblazened surcoat of a Leyawiin guard. Her dark blond hair was severely drawn back into a tidy bun affixed to the back of her head. A Legion blade, with silver crossguard and pommel hung from her sword belt. "My men have interviewed the entire staff and have yet to turn up any leads. The only unusual person in the castle last night was that reporter. His credentials and noninvolvement have been confirmed."

"Bah! Reporters." The Count snatched up a copy of the Black Horse Courier from the empty throne next to his own and angrily waved it. "No doubt responsible for this!" He then noticed my presence. "I wish I could say good afternoon, Buffy, but this is a dark day indeed. Forgive my manners. Dame Buffy, this is Caelia Draconis, Captain of the Leyawiin Guard."

Captain Draconis and I nodded to each other. The Count then addressed those assembled in his throne room, "I would have a word privately with Dame Buffy. Please excuse us for a moment." The small entourage moved into the great hall, leaving the Count and I alone with a sole bodyguard, who melted discretely just out of earshot.

Marius Caro's face softened somewhat as he gestured toward the vacant throne beside him. "Sit."

My eyes flew open wide. "Milord?"

"I'm not promoting you. Just sit."

With a soft jingle of mail, I did as ordered.

"Buffy, I'm sorry for the embarrassment this fiasco caused you last night. I might find naked nobles humorous, but such an assault to the dignity of one of my knights is another matter. As you can see, we are doing everything we can to identify and bring the perpetrator to justice. The Countess and I will, of course, compensate you for the loss of your gown. Alessia is humiliated and refuses to leave our bedchambers. Her guests all left Leyawiin in a huff."

"My condolences to Her Ladyship," I lied sympathetically. "Please do not worry yourself on my account, Milord. I'm a wood elf and quite used to wearing only my skin."

"You flatter me with your gracious response to such an outrage," the Count replied. "I have warned Alessia that her haughtiness would bite her on the bare rear end some day. She is convinced an Argonian or Khajiit is responsible for ruining her party. Although I can't say I would blame them, I do not jump to such conclusions." He lowered his voice and shook his head sadly. "I know full well of Alessia's foul attitudes regarding nearly half my subjects. I was so hoping that once I brought her here from Chorrol, she would grow to appreciate the wonderful residents of my county - all of them."

I gulped as I contemplated the audacity of what I was about to say. Could a knight be imprisoned for having a big mouth? "Milord, if I may be so bold with words for your ears only, are you not the lord of this county?" He raised one eyebrow, but I did not sense anger. Emboldened, I continued, "The Countess is a member of your court. You would not tolerate such attitudes from your other subjects. Teach her the wisdom that is in your own heart regarding these matters, Milord. Love her yes, but lead her as well." I squinted and cringed a little, fearing his response.

The Count rubbed his chin and stared at me but I could not read his face. I nervously wondered if I had overreached. After a moment, he replied, "Knights should be known for courage and wisdom. Your small size belies the large measure of these qualities I see in you. I shall think upon your words." He removed his hand from his chin, formed it into a fist and lowered it firmly to the ornately carved wooden arm of his throne, closing the subject. "Now, what brings you to my throne room today?"

I wrinkled my nose and asked sheepishly, "First, Milord, may I stand? I really do not belong seated at a throne." The Count nodded and I rose. "Your Lordship, I come before you to ask your support for a quest that I undertook long before joining your court. I feel bound to assist the small band of soldiers standing against the Oblivion Gate at Kvatch."

Marius Caro slowly sucked in his breath, clearly surprised. "I've heard of the desperate situation there." With pursed lips, he nodded his head. "Your quest is indeed noble, Buffy, and you have served Leyawiin well. How can I help?"

"I ask your permission to leave Leyawiin, Milord. I am trying to gather assistance from several sources, as well as improve my own ability to fight Daedra. I also ask that you assign Sir Mazoga to my quest. She is a ferocious warrior and willing to take up my cause."

The Count steepled his fingers and thought for a moment. He then separated his hands and clapped them together once. His patiently waiting entourage returned to the throne room. "Captain Draconis," he began, "Dame Buffy has undertaken the task of assisting the beleaguered force defending Kvatch. I have granted her leave to proceed, but would like to provide more direct support. She has suggested assigning Sir Mazoga to her quest. Your thoughts?"

"Milord, thank you for seeking my counsel regarding this worthy endeavor," the Imperial began, "however I do not recommend Sir Mazoga for two reasons. Firstly, County Leyawiin needs at least one of our knights to control remnants of the Black Bow Bandits outside the walls of the city. No one is better matched to that task than Sir Mazoga. Secondly, as effective as the mighty knight is for the independent duty of hunting down and killing bandits, she is not well-suited for assignment to Kvatch. She may be a formidable combatant, but she is not used to the discipline required to function as part of a military unit. The Kvatch commander - I believe his name is Matius - needs a soldier, not an independent fighter."

While still addressing the Count, Captain Draconis looked at me with a professionally measured, but earnest smile. "Dame Buffy's mission would be better served by detailing one of our own Leyawiin soldiers to Kvatch."

After listening carefully, the Count shifted his gaze to me. "Dame Buffy, what say you to the Captain's counsel?"

"I cannot dispute her wisdom, Milord." I winced as I recalled the 'I'm in charge here' lecture I had received at Kvatch, and could certainly envision head-butting between Savlian and Mazoga. I reluctantly continued, "Despite my affection for Sir Mazoga, I must agree. I know Captain Matius. It is indeed disciplined soldiers he needs most."

"So shall it be done," announced the Count. "Captain Draconis, please assign one of your finest to Dame Buffy. It is late now and I have business with the Countess." With that, he rose and departed the throne room.

Posted by: haute ecole rider Jan 21 2011, 03:47 PM

That was very tactful of Buffy to remind the Count that he's the boss of his own court and it's high time he started acting like it! Much more tactful than Julian's approach to the question of support for Bruma!

On the one hand, I'm a bit envious of Buffy (and you) for thinking up the brilliant idea to drum up support for Matius at Kvatch, but I have to keep reminding myself that the first Gate outside Kvatch is still open, and none of the others have opened yet, while in my fiction, events are proceeding at a somewhat faster pace.

The BHC article is well written and quite suggestive (yes, pun intended)! What a great way to open this segment. By beginning with the BHC, we understand (or we think we do) why the Count was so irritated with it. What a surprise that he was more angry about the imagined insult to his knight's dignity than he was of the same offense directed at his lovely wife. tongue.gif wink.gif

Oh, yes, Mazoga would surely drive Matius nuts! 'Tis better she stay home and hunt Black Bow Bandits. I quite agree with your version of Caelia Draconis. She's so much nicer than mine! laugh.gif

Oh and I keep forgetting to mention about your siggy screenshot for January. I keep smiling every time I see that tankard of ale in the legionary's fist. I've seen those guys drinking like fishes in the taverns, and wobbling on their feet. Oh, yes, seeing them makes me feel so much safer - not!

Posted by: Grits Jan 21 2011, 04:45 PM

"I'm not promoting you. Just sit."
Now I really like Count Caro! laugh.gif

He removed his hand from his chin, formed it into a fist and lowered it firmly to the ornately carved wooden arm of his throne, closing the subject.
I love this gesture! It’s as if the Count and Buffy are right in front of me.

"Dame Buffy's mission would be better served by detailing one of our own Leyawiin soldiers to Kvatch."
Yesssssssss!! And with no loss to anyone’s anatomy. We need a jumping up and down emoticon. bigsmile.gif

Posted by: mALX Jan 21 2011, 04:45 PM

Loved the Black Horse Courier article - and how you have portrayed Draconis in this is wonderful !!! Miss Buffy's heart is greater than her ability to foresee the difficulties Mazoga's personality may cause poor Matias, so glad she listened to the wise counsel instead of taking umbrage thinking it was a slight on her friend !!! Great Chapter !!!

Posted by: King Coin Jan 21 2011, 05:36 PM

hmmm. I actually feel bad about all those times I've killed the count of Leyawiin.

Posted by: SubRosa Jan 21 2011, 05:45 PM

A delightful edition of the BHC! Nicely done with the using a different font for the broadsheet. That makes it easily distinguishable from the rest of the story.

and could certainly envision head-butting between Savlian and Mazoga
Or worse, Mazoga might sweep Savlian off his feet with her beauty and charms! Where would Buffy be then! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Jan 22 2011, 01:24 AM

There is quite a difference in your portrayal of Leyawiin and HER's, here the count is actually a much more honorable man and doesn't need the dripping craniums of former bandits to see reason It's only his newfound wife and her secret torture rooms who is tearing the city apart with her bigotry. Let's hope that our diamond-in-the-buff managed to give the countess a resounding wake-up call that her racist ways are not appreciated in these parts.

Although, knowing they way these people's minds work, this whole thing might just have been a shot in the dark. Bigots will be bigots, and almost nothing can change that. kvright.gif

Best Buffy leaves now before people start wondering where she really went while everyone was under the impression of her going to get her hair fixed....

Posted by: SubRosa Jan 22 2011, 02:19 AM

QUOTE(Thomas Kaira @ Jan 21 2011, 07:24 PM) *

It's only his newfound wife and her secret torture rooms who is tearing the city apart with her bigotry.

Actually it is the Count with the secret torture room. He is the one with the key, not her. If you are in the Thieves Guild, the beggars will tell you that: "I've heard of a hidden torture chamber. They say that Count Marius interrogates Argonian immigrants from Black Marsh." So while she's your garden variety bigot, he is a butcher.

Posted by: The Vyper Jan 23 2011, 06:41 AM

leaving the Count and I alone with a sole bodyguard, who melted discretely just out of earshot.
I love the description of that.

"I'm not promoting you. Just sit."
laugh.gif Brilliant.

She is convinced an Argonian or Khajiit is responsible for ruining her party.
I'm disappointed in the countess, but not surprised. Bigots will be bigots. I wonder how the countess would react to having her life saved by those she detests so much.

Captain Draconis, please assign one of your finest to Dame Buffy.
Hopefully, Sergeant Lucilious Marcus will get those orders he so very much desires to see.

Posted by: Acadian Jan 24 2011, 02:50 PM

In Episode 69, Buffy requested and received permission from Count Leyawiin to proceed on her quest to help Kvatch. The Count further agreed to assign one of his soldiers to assist in the effort.

All- Clearly we are taking some license with Count Marius Caro. Please allow me share some of our thinking. Timing is everything. In Buffy Fiction, we have portrayed that he has simply not yet been corrupted by the dark attitudes of his powerful new bride.

This is necessary for certain aspects of our story to work. The Count, at this point is a reasonably just, but weak man. He deals honorably with his knights, and supports Buffy's noble cause. He even seems concerned about Alessia's attitudes. There is no reason to suspect racial torture under his castle at this point. If such was the practice, it would almost certainly include corrupt leadership within the castle guard force. Buffy correctly assesses that the captain (Caelia Draconis), and especially the sergeant of the guard (Lucilious Marcos) are honorable and professional soldiers of the Legion who would not support racial torture.

Unfortunately, Buffy's hope that Marius Caro will lead his new bride into the light will not come to pass. Rather, it is the much darker and stronger Alessia who will, over time, lead the Count to racial butchery. That of course would be helped if the two strong leaders of the castle's guard force were no longer present. This very next episode will directly address Lucilious Marcos' future and drop a dark hint about the future of Caelia Draconis. I suppose one could imagine Alessia viewing Caelia as an impediment, and praying to the Night Mother. . . . Regardless, the transformation of Count Leyawiin is not central to our bowgirl's tale.

Rider- Thanks for endorsing Buffy's rather forward effort to 'advise' the Count regarding his wife. Buffy will indeed be trying to garner support for Savlian, but she won't be making the rounds of every city like poor dear Julian. One castle of nobles is plenty for her at this point! I'm glad you liked the BHC article! I considered using the one in the game, but rejected it and started with a clean parchment. Buffy is quite torn by the decision to send a soldier instead of her friend Mazoga to Kvatch, and very much appreciates your vote of confidence. Oh, and thanks for noting the 'screenie of the month' we have incorporated into our signature. tongue.gif

Grits- As with Rider, I thank you so much for supporting Buffy's reluctant agreement that a soldier would be better than Mazoga. Thanks also for the wonderfully kind words about some of our phrasing.

mALX- High praise indeed from one who has elevated Black Horse Courier articles to a true art form! Thank you also for endorsing the choice to leave Mazoga behind.

King Coin- I fear the Count's decency may become corrupted by his new Countess. Thanks!

SubRosa- Thanks for the BHC endorsement! Mazoga sweeping Savlian off his feet? Oh no. Buffy is worried now. ohmy.gif After all as Mazoga says, "Not every woman can look like me." Or perhaps Mazoga would be inspired by a line from the movie 'Top Gun' and say, "Hey, you with the headband! Take that little wood elf to your tent now, or lose her forever!" biggrin.gif

Thomas Kaira- Yes, we are taking some license with Count Leyawiin. I fear you are correct in that 'Miss Fixit' will not have any lasting impact on the Count or his Countess. I agree, Buffy needs to leave Leyawiin before too long. Thank you!

The Vyper- Thanks for your kind words! Like you, I don't really hold hope for Alessia Caro. When Buffy healed Alessia, she recalls sensing the darkness of the woman's spirit. Your insight once again is spot on in predicting who Captain Draconis will detail to Kvatch. smile.gif

* * *

70 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 14- Assistance

"Would you walk with me, Milady?" Captain Caelia Draconis motioned toward the heavy doors at the end of the great hall. "This 'naked nobles' caper has occupied much of my time today. I'm anxious to get out of the castle and make my rounds. I have a city to protect."

I nodded and fell into step with her as we left the throne room. "Can we drop the milady stuff, Captain? I'm a little uncomfortable with it. To be honest, I only became a knight to help my friend Mazoga."

"Very well, Buffy." Tapping herself on the chest, the Imperial then added, "Caelia." She smiled as we walked. "Yes, you are new to this. Although these nobles would never notice, you clearly aren't used to wearing mail."

"You're right, Caelia. This metal armor is just for show. Usually I wear clothes or buckskins." I then took a deep breath and said, "Um, I don't mean to presume as to who you might choose to send to Kvatch, but -"

Caelia held up her hand to interrupt. "Then don't, please. The guard I'm assigning to your quest is Sergeant Lucilious Marcus. He's a twelve year veteran of the Legion and native of Kvatch. Fine man."

I suppressed a squeal of approval. Lucilious was a friend. He had assisted me in knighting Mazoga and I knew his passion for Kvatch. "I'm sure he will be an excellent choice, Caelia." The castle doors were opened for us and we stepped through them.

The Imperial seemed to relax once outdoors. "I didn't mean to sound curt," she said as both of us lit torches against the night, "but I expect Captain Matius could use a strong sergeant as second in command. Besides, Lucilious has been asking for orders to Kvatch ever since that gate appeared."

"I really appreciate the help," I said. "Caelia, do you know of any way to get more soldiers assigned there? Would it do any good if I tried to petition the Elder Council directly?"

The guard captain cocked her head and looked at me. "Are you from a rich, powerful family?" Without waiting for a response, she added, "Are you sleeping with a member of the Council?"

"Well, no on both counts. I just thought-"

"No." She shook her head. "It's unlikely the Council would see you. Even if you somehow managed to get an audience with them, they would likely view your request as meddling." Caelia's face softened as she continued, "Tell you what. I'll send a letter to each of the city guard commanders touting Count Leyawiin's example. Who knows? Some of the other cities may send a soldier or two." She then looked up to the star-filled sky as if putting the subject to rest. "It's nice to be outside that castle in the fresh air. Beautiful night. Reminds me of my home, Applewatch Farm. Are you a country girl like me?"

"I love the forest," I quickly said with a smile. "Oh, I'm from Bravil. I'm not sure if that qualifies as city or country but I like it. The town is full of trees and a small branch of the Niben runs right through it. I have no brothers or sisters, and I lost my parents by the time I was twelve. The people of Bravil became my family."

"I'm sorry about your loss, Buffy. My mother, Perennia, keeps the Draconis clan in touch, even though we're spread out. My siblings, Matthias, Andreas and Sibylla are scattered all over Cyrodiil. Mother is always making lists and trying to send gifts to us."

"I envy you," I said.

"Well, I'd best get to my rounds. I'll cut a set of orders for Lucilious and have him report to you at the White Stallion Lodge on his way to Kvatch. Good luck, Buffy."

The Imperial then turned and headed into the night. I called after her, "Thank you, Caelia."

I made my way along dark streets toward the guild for some goodbyes. I figured after that, Superian and I would then go to the 'Black Mare' Lodge for a day or so before leaving Leyawiin. I hoped Mazoga would understand the need for her to stay behind.


"Well?" Agata met me with both hands on her hips and a frown as I entered the lobby of the guild. "I hope you gave Count Marius a piece of your mind. I couldn't believe it when you returned to the guild last night in bare feet wearing only the surcoat of a castle guard! Did they catch the pervert yet?"

"No, and they don't seem to have any leads," I replied.

"I so hope it's not another rogue mage." Agata lifted one hand from her hip and waved a finger at me. "Now, did those nobles at least offer to pay for the loss of your beautiful gown? I still can't imagine how such a thing could happen - and right in the castle dining room!"

"The Count feels terrible," I said. "He apologized and his steward gave me some gold to replace the dress. Despite the scandal, I must admit that it was kind of funny to watch those nobles running around without their silk finery."

The Nord's face creased into a smile. "I'll bet. I'd like to have seen that. I suppose it serves the Countess right for the way she looks down upon the beast folk. Since Alessia arrived in Leyawiin, Dagail has refused to yield to the lady's requests for a replacement court mage. I must say I agree with the wisdom of our guild leader. Tsavi is unhappy there, but she earned the position and it would truly break her dear Khajiiti heart to be replaced. I wish the Count would just take that new bride over his knee and give her a good spanking!"

"Me too." I giggled at the image. "I came by to collect my things that aren't yet at the Lodge, and also to thank you for all your help putting me together for the dinner party - despite how it turned out. I'll be leaving Leyawiin soon."

"It was a pleasure to have you visit our chapter, and I hope you won't be a stranger." The Nord then added, "Oh, Dagail asked that you stop by and see her."

I climbed to the second floor of the guild and found the old Bosmer seated on a bench, reading. "You wanted to see me, Magister?" I said as I stood in front of her.

"Ah, the old one and the young one, still bound together I see. Acadian, are you taking good care of your elf?" She closed her eyes, and after a moment chuckled lightly. "If your quest is to understand her, paladin, you will surely fail. She is not obliged to make sense." Dagail then directed her words to me. "And what of you, child? Do you listen to the wisdom purchased by centuries of experience?"

I couldn't help but smile to be in the presence of someone who understood that I carried the spirit of another within. "I do listen, Dagail, but I wish he could actually speak to me with a real voice instead of just thoughts."

"Voice?" Dagail touched the amulet around her neck. I could see that it was much more delicate than the medallion of her father that I had recovered from Fort Blueblood while pursuing a recommendation for the University.

Mystified, I asked, "What happened to Manduin's medallion?"

Dagail reached into the gold-trimmed folds of her black skirt and produced a familiar and much heavier medallion. I recognized it as the one I had given the Bosmer that she might regain control of her voices. "Agata was going through Kalthar's belongings after his death and found my amulet. I now have both." She held out the medallion. "I would like you to have my father's. You don't need to wear it. Simply having it in your possession should, with time and patience, help Acadian find his voice."

Could it be that the spirit so intertwined with my own could learn to speak? I stared wide-eyed at the object in Dagail's hand. Realizing that my mouth was open, I closed it and tentatively reached toward the medallion.

Dagail nodded and, with a smile, pushed the heavy chain into my hand. I managed to stammer, "T-thank you, Magister." I carefully placed the treasure in my pack, and wondered how much time and patience it would take before I could finally hear the voice of my old paladin.

Posted by: haute ecole rider Jan 24 2011, 03:15 PM

Oh, there's a chance that our paladin could actually speak to dear Buffy? That would be soooo wonderful! I wonder what he would sound like? Hmmm, let me think . . .

Clint Eastwood?
Tommy Lee Jones (someone I'm particularly fond of)?
James Garner?
Mickey Rooney?
Rod Stewart?
Barry White?

Posted by: mALX Jan 24 2011, 03:25 PM

I was torn when I reached the end of this chapter, unsure if you have cut out a part that gave me chills on the original - or if it will come in the next chapter - and don't want to bring it up specifically and ruin the surprise if you've just divided a chapter and it is coming soon. The foreshadowing was a huge part of this segment for me, I hope you are keeping it in.

In spite of my anticipation, Great Write !!!!

Posted by: King Coin Jan 24 2011, 10:36 PM

Great chapter. I'd love to hear some of the banter between Buffy and her paladin guide.

Posted by: The Vyper Jan 25 2011, 12:32 AM

Yes! Sergeant Lucilious Marcus gets to go help defend his home (or what's left of it). I hope he's prepared for what he'll find when he gets there (although I have no idea how you can prepare yourself to see something like that).

"Are you from a rich, powerful family?" Without waiting for a response, she added, "Are you sleeping with a member of the Council?"
"Well, no on both counts. I just thought-"

Buffy has a lot to learn about politics. Too bad she didn't attend any political courses while she was studying at the AU.

"It's nice to be outside that castle in the fresh air."
I'm starting to think that Caelia might be a bit claustrophobic.

I hoped Mazoga would understand the need for her to stay behind.
At least she'll have plenty of Black Bow bandits with.

"I wish the Count would just take that new bride over his knee and give her a good spanking!"
That would be fun to watch. She definitely needs it.

"She is not obliged to make sense."
rollinglaugh.gif Indeed she isn't.

Could it be that the spirit so intertwined with my own could learn to speak?
Buffy, shame. nono.gif It is not Acadian who needs to learn how to speak but you who needs to learn how to listen.

I carefully placed the treasure in my pack, and wondered how much time and patience it would take before I could finally hear the voice of my old paladin.
Buffy reveals some impatience just by wondering how much time and patience it will take. laugh.gif

Yet another great chapter!

Posted by: SubRosa Jan 25 2011, 01:15 AM

I suppressed a squeal of approval.
This is our Buffy alright!

I wish the Count would just take that new bride over his knee and give her a good spanking!
Hubba hubba, maybe he does! biggrin.gif

A very creative use of Dagail's second medallion! It was always strange that you never find it in the game, since Kalthar does admit to stealing it. Will Acadian speak someday? Very neat!

On the subject of the Count's torture chamber, as I recall, it was to interrogate Argonians newly come from Black Marsh. They were believed to be spies, and so were being arrested and put to question to find out what they were plotting. Or at least what the Empire thought they were plotting. The Blackwood Company started out as mercenaries hired by the Empire to retake territory that was lost in Black Marsh. They failed and went rogue. I believe the Empire now fears retaliation, and that is why they suspect Argonian spies in Leyawiin. I wish I could find the book or article it was in. I saw it about a year ago, and just cannot find it now. Unless I am imagining it all.

The lore does not say much about Black Marsh, just that it joined the Empire by treaty, rather than being conquered. The Empire only has outposts on the fringes on the province. The interior is completely Argonian. So the Argonians might indeed be able and willing to launch covert and even overt operations into Leyawiin. We know from the novels that they secede from the Empire at the beginning of the Fourth Age. So it all does hang together, and also explains why Caelia Draconis has a key to the torture chamber as well. She and her Guard would be the ones arresting the Argonians after all. Given the IRL CIA's secret torture bases, I do not find it at all hard to believe the Empire would be doing the same thing, even if they officially have a policy against it (and they probably do, torture was illegal in European nations during the Middle Ages. So no reason to believe it would not also be illegal in the Empire. Of course that did not stop Europeans from torturing and executing untold numbers of so-called heretics and Witches either...)

Of course it is up to you how you want it all to work. I will be the first person to say ignore what's in the game and make up something on your own! The latter usually makes much better storytelling. smile.gif

QUOTE(haute ecole rider @ Jan 24 2011, 09:15 AM) *

Clint Eastwood?
Tommy Lee Jones (someone I'm particularly fond of)?
James Garner?
Mickey Rooney?
Rod Stewart?
Barry White?

James Earl Jones ("Buffy, I am your father!") laugh.gif

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Jan 25 2011, 01:57 AM


The guard captain cocked her head and looked at me. "Are you from a rich, powerful family?" Without waiting for a response, she added, "Are you sleeping with a member of the Council?"


"I'm sorry about your loss, Buffy. My mother, Perennia, keeps the Draconis clan in touch, even though we're spread out. My siblings, Matthias, Andreas and Sibylla are scattered all over Cyrodiil. Mother is always making lists and trying to send gifts to us."

I sure do hope no one... shady gets their hands on one of those, it might cause Buffy to break a certain questline, not to mention result in an unfortunate and painful death.

"I wish the Count would just take that new bride over his knee and give her a good spanking!"

Someone's been baaad, might need to give it to her hard and rough.

Erm... indifferent.gif


"If your quest is to understand her, paladin, you will surely fail. She is not obliged to make sense."


"I would like you to have my father's. You don't need to wear it. Simply having it in your possession should, with time and patience, help Acadian find his voice."

Interesting twist ending here. Leaves me ready for more.


Clint Eastwood?
Tommy Lee Jones (someone I'm particularly fond of)?
James Garner?
Mickey Rooney?
Rod Stewart?
Barry White?

Martin Sheen?

Posted by: Grits Jan 25 2011, 03:51 AM

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jan 24 2011, 08:50 AM) *

Caelia held up her hand to interrupt. "Then don't, please. The guard I'm assigning to your quest is Sergeant Lucilious Marcus. He's a twelve year veteran of the Legion and native of Kvatch. Fine man."

I suppressed a squeal of approval.

Yay!!!! Luckily I didn’t have to suppress my squeal of approval! smile.gif

QUOTE(haute ecole rider @ Jan 24 2011, 09:15 AM) *

Oh, there's a chance that our paladin could actually speak to dear Buffy? That would be soooo wonderful! I wonder what he would sound like? Hmmm, let me think . . .

Clint Eastwood?
Tommy Lee Jones (someone I'm particularly fond of)?
James Garner?
Mickey Rooney?
Rod Stewart?
Barry White?

Sam Elliott?? wub.gif

Posted by: Linara Jan 25 2011, 06:10 AM

I leave for a few weeks and then...! Anyway, great couple of posts there. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Mazoga remains my favorite character. Underneath her posturing is a good, strong-hearted Orisimer. It's nice to see her come up again, no matter whose story.

I flawlessly curtseyed. The practice sessions in front of Mazoga had been worth the orcish laughter.

Now how did Mazoga know what a proper curtsy was anyway?

I couldn't believe it when you returned to the guild last night in bare feet wearing only the surcoat of a castle guard!

biggrin.gif At least is was the Leyawiin guild...some of the others wouldn't have been so understanding. And can you imagine Buffy trying to borrow a surcoat from a guard in Cheydinhal?

Nice screenies, too.

Posted by: saqin Jan 25 2011, 04:34 PM

Love this story ^^. I've been following the adventures of Buffy for a while though I haven't commented previously whistling.gif though I know I should have. I like it how you take characters from the game into your story and gives them personalities that the game never did. I love the part about Buffy being a member of Leyawiins court and getting soldiers for Kvatch, it make all of it seem so real in a way. happy.gif And of course you've just gotta love Buffys' personality.

Posted by: SephtVultori Jan 25 2011, 10:59 PM

I Buffy! I'm starting a Fan Fiction and I can now monitor your fan fiction step by step, when I started reading the first part I was more motivated to do my own. so i can say you're a influence for me =)

Posted by: mALX Jan 26 2011, 12:46 AM

QUOTE(SephtVultori @ Jan 25 2011, 04:59 PM) *

I Buffy! I'm starting a Fan Fiction and I can now monitor your fan fiction step by step, when I started reading the first part I was more motivated to do my own. so i can say you're a influence for me =)

Veronica is adorably cute !!!

Posted by: Acadian Jan 27 2011, 01:54 PM

During Episode 70, Captain Draconis announced her intention to assign Sergeant Lucilious Marcos to Kvatch. She also said she would write letters to each of her city counterparts suggesting they follow Leyawiin's example. Buffy then made her way to the mages guildhall for some goodbyes. While there, Dagail presented her with Manduin's medallion - an amulet that might help bring the power of voice to Acadian. Buffy's plans were then to gather Superian from the stables and head to the 'Black Mare' Lodge for her last couple days in Leyawiin.

Rider- Yes! Just as Superian's role in 2.0 is bigger, so is Acadian's. Their cumbersome communication has been adequate, but speech will definitely better facilitate the paladin's larger role. We could think of no smoother path to it than via Dagail.

mALX- Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm sure I know the scene that your wonderful memory recalls - a chance encounter with Telaendril. Alas, it was a casualty of Buffy's choice to forego full induction into the Dark Brotherhood. Forgive me? I hope some of the other changes we have in 2.0 will help make up for it. happy.gif

King Coin- Thank you! And indeed, there will be some banter between Buffy and her paladin.

The Vyper- Thank you for those kind words! Lucilious is a strong sergeant and just the help our tired captain needs up there at Kvatch. It won't take long at all before Acadian utters his first words.

SubRosa- Thank you. Like you, I always wondered about Dagail's original amulet. I thought it was very appropriate that Dagail, as a sister Bosmer with voices in her own head, give the second one to Buffy. Thanks for the wonderful lore/history and info on Argonians coming into Leyawiin from the Black Marsh. I hope our depiction of the Leyawiin court makes sense from Buffy's perspective and story.

Thomas Kaira- Thanks for noting the reference to the Dark Brotherhood and one of their 'contracts'. I don't expect Acadian will ever fully understand Buffy. He does indeed have limitations, doubts and fears as we will see. He understands how to unconditionally accept his elf though, and that is what makes him her paladin.

Grits- I'm so glad you joined Buffy in her joy to learn that Caelia had chosen Lucilious to go to Kvatch! It was fun contrasting Caelia's brusque aloofness against the quite opposite personality of Buffy. Oh my - now that all the voice votes are in, I must confess that James Earl Jones or Sam Elliot would be most flattering; however, Buffy will discover that he sounds like. . . Acadian. tongue.gif

Linara- Thank you! In BF 1.0, Buffy had a simple dress pre-staged in the kitchen for after the party. As we crafted 2.0, she pointed out that such an act would likely lead to very awkward questions during the ensuing investigation. She figured she could just walk home recasting an invisibility spell as necessary. Fortunately, one of the guards came to her aid.

saqin- Thank you for your kind words, and welcome to Buffy's story! I returned the favor and read/commented on your own stories. What a delightful treat they both are! I so hope Buffy and I will continue to earn your readership. I also look forward to reading more of your stories.

Sepht- I'm so pleased that you joined us here and quite appreciate both your lovely comment as well as the fact that we may have had some influence on you to take up the quill. Realizing that Portuguese is your primary language, I am awed by your command of written English. I look forward to learning more of Veronica, her brother Sepht and her mentor, Sir Clyde. And I agree with dear mALX - Veronica is adorably cute!

* * *

71 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 15- Where To Now, My Paladin?

White magic flashed into Slayer as I raised it to block the slashing blade. Nevertheless, the painful impact jarred me to the core and my backside quickly met on the ground.

"No, Buff!" Mazoga lowered the wooden sword and shook her head as she towered over me outside the 'Black Mare' Lodge.

I glanced at Superian as she quietly grazed near the bank of the Niben. Getting no sympathy from the unconcerned mare, I shifted my gaze up to Mazoga.

The orc continued her lesson. "Maybe you can keep your arm stiff and try to absorb a dagger hit from one of your squishy mages, but if you try that with a real warrior, you'll get your arm broken. That's a neat spell you got for your bow and it works real good, but you need to sweep or deflect incoming blows. Here." The orc reached down with a massive hand, encircled my forearm and effortlessly pulled me to my feet. "Try again." She stepped back and commenced a level slash.

This time, I not only magically reinforced my bow, but I angled it somewhat and was able to deflect the blow up and away. I immediately followed with a weak charm spell into Mazoga's chest to simulate immobilizing her, and nocked an arrow as I backed up. "How's that, 'Zoga?"

"Much better. That's the way to keep your arm flexed. You'll never be able to trade steel with a fighter, but you might be able to survive a hit or two and buy yourself a few seconds to cast one o' them spells. Then you can step back, draw your bow and do what you're good at."

I returned the arrow to my quiver and quipped, "I think you're just beating me up because we're sending Lucilious instead of you to Kvatch." Smiling awkwardly to mask my guilt over the subject, I added, "Are you upset with me about that?"

"Nah," replied Mazoga shaking her head seriously. "I'm glad the Count recognizes that it would take several of his guards to keep down those Black Bow Bandits if he let me go to Kvatch. I'll miss you though. I'm glad you told those friends of yours that ride for the Black Horse Courier to stop by the lodge on their rounds and tell me the news of Kvatch. If they say you need my help, I'll be there. Besides, that Lucilious fellow looks like he can handle a sword pretty good. I'd drag him home with me some night if you weren't sending him to Kvatch."

Giggling at the image and relieved by my friend's words, I chirped back, "Yes, yes I know, at the point of your sword! Have you hurt me enough for the day?" I rubbed my sore rear end that had been bounced to the ground several times. My left arm and shoulder were also aching.

"I think so, Buff." Mazoga set the training blade down on the porch and grabbed her real sword and scabbard. "I've busted the bows of plenty of archers who tried to block with them. I'm glad someone taught you that spell to reinforce both you and your bow with some armor protection. She finished strapping on her sword belt. "Speaking of archers, I'm gonna go get me some black bows. Tag along if you like."

Glancing to the west, I noted the sun already teasing the treetops. I shook my head as I shouldered Slayer. "I need to pack and get ready to ride north early tomorrow. Be careful, 'Zoga." I watched as the orc headed out to patrol for bandits.

After she was out of sight, I went down to the river to wash my face and hands. As I felt a familiar nuzzle and warm breath behind my head, I said sarcastically, "Oh, fine. Where was your support when I was getting the imp chips knocked out of me by 'Zoga? I'm just going to laugh at you the next time some older horse puts you in your place. Let's get you inside the lodge's corral."


Seated at the wooden table inside the 'Black Mare' Lodge, I stared at the letter I had quilled.

My brave Savlian,

I hope this finds you and your band of defenders in good health and spirits. My friends who ride black horses and carry the news tell me what they can of Kvatch when I see them. They will also carry letters to me should your demanding duties permit you the time to write.

My trip to Leyawiin was longer than I anticipated, but it did yield some assistance. I'm sure you will find Lucilious to be of great help. I know that, like you, his heart is in Kvatch. Captain Caelia Draconis, the local guard commander here, promised to write letters to all her counterparts in the various cities asking for more support to Kvatch.

Caelia advised me against petitioning the Elder Council directly for aid. I'm sure she is right, and I would probably only bring embarrassment upon you if I attempted such a thing. Besides, I know you have already written several requests to the Legion yourself. I will however, be asking the Council of Mages for assistance and I'm working on some other ideas that might produce help for us.

Please be careful. I miss you and have not forgotten my promise to return.


I wanted to say so much, yet the words conveyed so little. If the feelings between us were imagined, this report from Savlian's scout would suffice. If they were real, I hoped he could read my heart between the lines. After folding the parchment, I drizzled some wax from a burning candle to seal it. Gathering the score of crumpled drafts strewn about the floor into a large stone bowl, I set them ablaze with the tip of my finger. As the flames diminished, the glowing, dancing embers reminded me of the burning city of Kvatch, that horrid gate and my brief glimpse of the Deadlands. Scamps and atronachs spewing fire. And even worse - clannfears.

"Acadian, I need your help. How many shrines to Daedric Princes have we visited? I know little more of fighting Daedra than when we started." I sighed. "Are we wasting our time?"

Suddenly, I remembered Manduin's medallion and fished it from my pack. Dagail had said it would help as long as it was near, but I figured grasping it tightly might make it work even better. Full of hope, I said, "Can you try and talk?"

"B. . . butt. . . ."

It was more of a croak than a voice I supposed, but it was a start. "Your first word is 'butt'?" I replied. "Are you trying to tell me something? Has Mazoga been feeding me too much? I assure you my greaves fit just as-"

"B-butterfly." The voice was stronger now. "My butterfly." The last words were clear, deep, faintly Nordic and. . . old.

"Yes!" I squealed. You sound just like I imagined you would. Can you still send me thoughts?"

Yes, Acadian replied silently. With his new voice, he then added, "That has not changed."

Although I wondered if the amulet could help me learn to send thoughts to Acadian, I decided not to worry about the wonders of that confusing possibility until another time. The fact that Acadian could speak to me was exciting enough for now. "Tell me, my paladin. You know my heart. Are we wasting our time with Daedra Lords? Where should we go next? Are you going to put a blue mark on my map?"

"I feel I am failing you, my bowgirl," Acadian said. "You ask for my help, yet I have led you no closer to your goal. I know not which Daedra Lord to visit next, or if our efforts are in vain."

"But you have helped me so very much," I countered. "This expedition to Leyawiin has resulted in the assignment of Lucilious to Kvatch and a promise from Caelia that may result in even more help." I added, "I couldn't have done any of this without you."

"Thank you," he replied. "But what help have we garnered from Daedra Lords?"

"Well, you're right." I heaved another sigh. "It was only Azura that seemed to-" The realization hit me in mid sentence. I could clearly feel that it dawned on the paladin at the same moment. I continued excitedly, "Should we return to Azura and ask for her help?"

"She did touch your fate once before, Child of Dawn," Acadian replied. "Perhaps that is indeed our best course now."

I nodded. "I'm glad we worked this out together. Back to Azura it is, then. I hope she doesn't ask me to slay any more vampires. I-"

"Buff, you should've tagged along." The door to the lodge had suddenly swung open to reveal a smiling Mazoga. "I found a new cave just full of Black Bow Bandits. Well, not exactly full anymore." She chuckled and held up several black bows. "I'll take these to the castle tomorrow. The Count's been real nice about paying me a bounty for each one I bring him. His Countess always seems to leave for 'other urgent matters' just as I show up though. I ain't buying that. I figure the poor thing is just shy and lacks self-confidence. Maybe she wears them green clothes 'cuz she's jealous of my attractive complexion and skin tone." Mazoga shook her head. "But like I told you, not every woman can look like me."

After closing the door behind her, she went on, "So anyway, the bounty money's real good. Even after buying repair hammers, healing potions and supplies, we're getting rich! Not to mention how much gold I can make by selling some of the loot them bandits carry."

"Good for you, 'Zoga." I smiled and watched my friend as sat down, drained a bottle of ale, then began repairing her equipment. She looked happy, and I felt a little better about the decision to leave her in Leyawiin.

As if to read my mind, Mazoga continued between hammer taps, "Yep, this is about the best gig I ever had. A never ending supply of bandits just waiting for a head bashing from a real knight. And getting paid for it by that swell Count!" She then paused her repairs and looked at me. "Besides, I talked to Lucilious and he had friends in Kvatch. I know about friends. Going there means a lot to him."

I got up and walked over to her. "It surely does," I said, placing a hand gently on her broad shoulder.

Posted by: TheOtherRick Jan 27 2011, 02:21 PM

I am still in the very beginnings of Thread 1 of your story, so I'll not be commenting in this most recent post because I haven't read it. That would be like putting in a DVD and starting to watch the movie at the halfway point. I like to start at the beginning. cool.gif But I did want to post in order to thank you for helping me get Talendor on track. I would have blundered blindly into disappointment (and poor writing skills) if it weren't for you and Buffy. Thanks again...a ton! biggrin.gif

Posted by: haute ecole rider Jan 27 2011, 03:32 PM

I absolutely enjoyed the training session between 'Zoga and Buffy the first time around. This time is even better!

Oh, writing love letters can be so awkward when you don't know how the other party feels about you! Ugh! You have captured that uncertainty so well.

As for Acadian's voice, I know! I know! Sure, he usually doesn't play the paladin type, but I loved him anyway!

Posted by: SubRosa Jan 27 2011, 05:30 PM

one of your squishy mages
I love this!

when I was getting the imp chips knocked out of me
Oh noes, not the imp chips! laugh.gif

You crafted Buffy's letter well. It has that unique "letter" sound to the sentences. Even before Buffy thought that she wanted to say so much more, that was extremely obvious. Our blond, bravilian, bosmer bowgirl has indeed learned restraint.

Your first word is 'butt'?
This is just perfect! biggrin.gif

I figure the poor thing is just shy and lacks self-confidence.
Without a doubt!

A very good episode that weaves Sir Mazoga in and out with (Sir?) Acadian, and shows us how both have grown to become parts of Buffy's life. The last two paragraphs about friends really sums up the entire episode.

And thankfully Acadian does not sound like Sam Jackson, otherwise ever other word would be an F-Bomb!

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Jan 27 2011, 11:05 PM

Nordic, eh? Max von Sydow, perhaps (not very original, but who cares)?

I was expecting something more tall, dark, and brooding, myself. You know what I mean. laugh.gif

It was more of a croak than a voice I supposed, but it was a start. "Your first word is 'butt'?" I replied.

What a charming line.

Well, I am glad you've finally found your voice, Acadian. I do hope you find it helpful over time, though I'm sure you will.

Loved the letter, too! And the effort B put into it. tongue.gif

Posted by: King Coin Jan 28 2011, 02:47 AM

QUOTE(Thomas Kaira @ Jan 27 2011, 04:05 PM) *
It was more of a croak than a voice I supposed, but it was a start. "Your first word is 'butt'?" I replied.

What a charming line.

Whole hearted agreement. I really enjoyed that line.

Posted by: ureniashtram Jan 28 2011, 12:08 PM

I would hazard a guess that Acadian's voice is like that of the Vocalist of Rammstein! Oh yeah!

Posted by: mALX Jan 29 2011, 03:24 AM

Yes, the chance encounter with Telaendril - what a powerful foreshadowing of future events that was - I am sad that it was lost from that scene, but understand entirely. (Gaaaah!).


They will also carry letters to me should your demanding duties permit you the time to write.



I assure you my greaves fit just as-"

ROFL !!! Female all the way!

I loved this chapter !!! The letter, Acadian speaking, and the girls blooming friendship !!! Awesome Write !!!!

Posted by: MyCat Jan 29 2011, 04:56 AM

I was in an inn in Skingrad and there was a commotion upstairs. I investigated and the corpse of Talaendrel was in the bedroom. I have no idea what happened, but the suit of light armor I looted was a bonus! I did NOT kill her! I had not even encountered the Dark Brotherhood at that point.

I'm of two minds over the Paladin Voice stuff. Sometimes I think that could spoil the mystery.

I'm glad that Ma.. I mean Sir 'Zoga is okay with the current assignment.

Posted by: King Coin Jan 29 2011, 06:22 AM

QUOTE(ureniashtram @ Jan 28 2011, 05:08 AM) *

I would hazard a guess that Acadian's voice is like that of the Vocalist of Rammstein! Oh yeah!


never imagined Acadian like this though lol

Perhaps he has a sinister side we don't know about?

Posted by: Grits Jan 30 2011, 12:09 AM

I love the friendship that has grown between Buffy and Sir Mazoga. Her approval of Lucilious speaks volumes, I get the feeling that it is not lightly given.

Gathering the score of crumpled drafts strewn about the floor into a large stone bowl, I set them ablaze with the tip of my finger.
Sigh. Why does it have to be so difficult??

"B. . . butt. . . ." rollinglaugh.gif
I am so thrilled that Buffy and her paladin can speak out loud! Though it might give Buffy a Dagail-type reputation if she’s not careful. Buffy the batty blonde Bravilian bowgirl? tongue.gif

Posted by: Zalphon Jan 30 2011, 03:45 AM

Buffy, at level 20 (when you hit it in Morrowind you get this message)...

You'll never be better than you are today. If you are lucky, by superhuman effort, you can avoid slipping backwards for a while. But sooner or later, you're going to lose a step, or drop a beat, or miss a detail -- and you'll be gone forever.

I think you just hit level 20 writer.

Posted by: Acadian Jan 30 2011, 01:39 PM

In Episode 71, Buffy sparred with Mazoga, wrote a letter to Savlian Matius summarizing some of her progress, and helped Acadian learn to speak to her with a real voice. The bowgirl and her paladin lamented the lack of progress at learning to fight Daedra and pondered the way ahead. Together, they decided their next destination after Leyawiin would be Azura's Shrine to ask for advice.

Rick- Thank you for the comment! I'm delighted you are bringing Talendor to our forum and look forward to his adventures! I hope Buffy and I continue to earn your readership. smile.gif

Rider- Thank you (and SubRosa and TK) for the kind words on Buffy's letter. You're right. Buffy relies so much on reading facial reactions to her words that it was indeed hard and kind of scary for her to write it. I'm so glad Acadian doesn't sound like Alvin of the Chipmunks! laugh.gif

SubRosa- I love using your term 'imp chips'. wink.gif Yes, letters are hard! That is why I was so envious at the magnificent job you did when Teresa wrote her letter to Simplicia. Thanks for picking up on Mazoga's full understanding of friendship as she wisely took steps to put Buffy at ease over the decision to leave her in Leyawiin. Just as Buffy tried to put Acadian at ease when he questioned his own ability to help her.

Buffy is now rather well-educated and traveled; as such, we will be transitioning Acadian's role from a deus ex machina guide to a more three dimensional character. That will involve a past and, as you can already see, speech, faults and weaknesses on his part. The fact that the two of them together worked out their next destination instead of Acadian just plopping a blue mark on her map is a step in that direction.

Thomas Kaira- Thanks for your kind words about Buffy's letter. I'm glad her nervousness and effort came through.

King Coin- I'm so glad you enjoyed Acadian's first foray into speech. His intentions were good; it just took him a couple tries and a little misunderstanding on Buffy's part. tongue.gif

ureniashtram- Thanks for the comment about Acadian's voice! Hmm, I must say that Till Lindeman (lead singer for the German band, Rammstein) is not exactly what I had in mind. ohmy.gif biggrin.gif

mALX- Thanks for understanding about Telaendril. Without Buffy in the DB, it would have run the scene a little off track I fear. I'm glad you caught Buffy's hint (and hope) that Savlian would write back. Yup, leave it to our self-conscious elf to react that way to Acadian's first word - do these greaves make me look fat? tongue.gif

MyCat- Yes, with previous characters, I have sometimes found poor Telaendril dead along the road somewhere. Buffy joins you in being very relieved that Mazoga seems to understand and accept remaining in Leyawiin. We are expanding Acadian's role in 2.0 to the point where his inability to actually speak would have become cumbersome. Dagail was the perfect vessel to help here. I hope that Acadian's expanded role will introduce even more mystery.

Grits- Thank you! I'm glad we took the time to rather carefully develop both Mazoga and Lucilious. They both have lasting roles in Buffy's story. Hee! Batty Buffy does indeed need to be careful who is around when she speaks to Acadian! Hopefully the paladin will exercise the same discretion.

Zalphon- Thank you for your kind confidence in our humble abilities!

All- We now present the final episode of 'The Leyawiin Expedition'.

* * *

72 The Leyawiin Expedition, Part 16- Farewell

A heavy mist hung over the Lower Niben, spreading its gray tendrils far inland beyond the banks of the river. Although unseen, the sun was up and I hoped it would soon burn through the morning fog. I was almost done loading Superian for our departure from the 'Black Mare' Lodge, and took a short break to slice up and share a couple apples with her.

Mazoga and I had agreed that a short goodbye was best. I had made no attempt to hide my tears as we hugged earlier that morning. The mighty knight was then off to the castle to collect the bounty for her most recently captured black bows.

After the mare and I finished our snack, I wiped the apple juice from my hunting knife. As I slid it into the sheath strapped to the thigh of my buckskin greaves, I said, "Acadian, can you speak to Superian?"

His response was telepathic rather than verbal. Don't you think you should warn her first, and perhaps give the mare some room? Do you remember the first time you summoned a ghost in front of her?

The paladin was right. Although he was a part of me, and the three of us had traveled together a long time, Superian might not exactly understand. She and I had built up a lot of trust when it came to magic though. I pressed my forehead against her long nose and quietly focused until our spirits touched. Like I did before introducing her to a new spell effect, I alerted her that something was coming. I then backed several paces away. "Acadian, say hello to the fastest horse in Cyrodiil."

"Good morning, Superian." At the sound of the disembodied deep voice, Superian's ears pinned back against her head. She reared, hooves flashing the thick gray air.

"It's okay, girl," I said. As her front legs returned to ground, I continued to speak calmly to the mare while keeping a prudent distance. Once the whites of her eyes were no longer displayed, I said to the paladin, "Try it again, please."

"Your mistress is just full of things that test your trust, is she not?" said Acadian.

Superian snorted and bounced her head as she looked around for the source of the voice.

After a few more such exchanges, she was merely flicking her ears at the words of my paladin. Finally, I stepped closer and hugged her.

After cinching closed Superian's saddlebags, I strapped my bedroll behind the cantle of her saddle and adjusted the mare's girth. "Acadian, I'm so used to your presence that it didn't really occur that your voice would scare Superian. You're very insightful and have always understood my love for her. Did you ride horses when you were. . . well, not traveling inside a wood elf?"

"Something much larger, but the bond between rider and mount was similar."

Before I could ponder Acadian's response, the sound of plodding hooves traveled through the quiet dawn air and drew my attention to the south. Peering into the gray dimness, I could see the light of a torch slowly approaching along the road from Leyawiin. The unmistakable form of an Imperial Legion rider emerged from the mist.

I heard a familiar voice as the soldier reined his bay to a stop next to Superian. "Hail, Milady, are you ready to go?"

"Lucilious! I- I didn't recognize you. I should have known you would not travel as a Leyawiin guard." Superian swung her head toward the gelding, which seemed to tolerate the young mare's nosiness.

Lucilious smiled at my mare as he leaned forward and patted the neck of his calm bay. "All guards are Legion soldiers on loan to the local county lords. As soon as Captain Draconis gave me those orders to Kvatch, I dug up my old Legion armor and requisitioned a horse. This old veteran's name is Raxle."

"Well met, Raxle," I said to the gelding. "This is Superian. She's neither old nor a veteran, and I thank you for patiently enduring her curiosity." I turned one of Superian's stirrups and inserted the toe of my left boot. With a good bounce, I cleared the bedroll and cantle with my right leg and settled into the saddle. We all then set off together, north along the Green Road.

I shared some bread and cheese with Lucilious, and we passed a water bag back and forth as we rode. It felt very safe traveling beside the heavily armored soldier.

After a short stop at Water's Edge where we bought some strawberries, he said, "Dame Buffy, I figure we should make Bravil by nightfall."

"I'm afraid we'll part ways before then," I replied. "I'll be crossing the Niben and heading northeast soon." I didn't add that my destination was Azura's Shrine.

The Imperial looked at me with a question in his eyes. "But, I thought I was to accompany you to Kvatch?"

"Indeed, you'll see me there, but not yet. I have much to do before I can join you." I smiled gently. "Your orders from Captain Draconis, if I'm not mistaken, are to report to Kvatch - not escort a wood elf." I produced a letter from inside my blouse and held it out to Lucilious. "Since you will arrive well before I, would you deliver this to Captain Savlian Matius, please?"

"Aye, Milady. I'll put it with my orders." Lucilious took the wax-sealed piece of folded parchment and carefully placed it into a leather pouch attached to his sword belt.

We continued north for a time, without further words. The hidden sun began to win its battle against the fog, as the latter became thinner and retreated toward the river. Before long, the mist was completely burned away, leaving a beautiful bright morning in its stead.

Shading my eyes against the sun, I looked eastward and could see the Niben starting to widen. "I must leave you now."

Lucilious gazed across the river. "Can Milady's mare swim well?"

We both reined our horses to a stop as I replied, "I know a powerful spell that will allow her to safely cross the river atop its surface."

My words brought the crease of a smile to the Imperial's rugged face. "Well, you said you were a mage - even though you don't look like one. I should have known."

For some reason, the 'you don't look like a mage' comment didn't bother me as it normally would. "Will you remove your helmet for a moment?" He did as I asked. I sidled Superian closer and stood in her stirrups. Pulling the soldier to me, I kissed him on the cheek. "Safe journey to you and Raxle."

"And to you and Superian." Lucilious pulled his helmet on and added, "You wear your title well, Milady." He then clicked twice to the old warhorse and slowly continued north toward Bravil.

I watched until he was out of sight before turning Superian toward the river.

When and how had I gained such power? I began to realize how Savlian must feel being in a position of deciding who lives and dies. It was a responsibility I didn't want. I knew if I had asked Mazoga, she would have ignored the Count and come with me. I asked her to stay in Leyawiin though, and she would probably live. I knew the dangers, yet here I was sending Lucilious to Kvatch, and very possibly his death. What made it worse was that I wasn't even brave enough to go back there myself. . . yet.

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Jan 30 2011, 06:37 PM

So, now Superian has been formally introduced to Acadian. That was a very pleasant exchange. smile.gif

"Something much larger, but the bond between rider and mount was similar."

Because my mind is just full of cliches right now, I'm thinking dragon. biggrin.gif

Superian swung her head toward the gelding, which seemed to tolerate the young mare's nosiness.

Most likely because female is the dominant gender in the Genus Equus. Geldings in particular are much more complacent than mares, and my own Beauty is constantly pushed around by Princess. Especially when I go for my Sunday trail ride, Princess does not like it at all when Beauty is in front, it messes with her dominance, see? wink.gif

Beauty always takes it in stride, but not Princess. She is a lot moodier than him, and when she isn't having her way on a ride, she has a tendency to try to buck. Mares are not sunshine and bunnies, and many people make the mistake of underestimating them 'because they're girls'. It's because they're girls you need to be extra watchful of them. The Legion rides geldings for a very good reason.

Hope you find what you're looking for from Azura, B. smile.gif

Posted by: haute ecole rider Jan 30 2011, 06:38 PM

Loved Acadian speaking to Superian for the first time! It's like it is for me at times - what am I hearing? Where is it coming from? Being deaf, echolocation just isn't my strong suit!

But the most powerful part for me is this:

When and how had I gained such power? I began to realize how Savlian must feel being in a position of deciding who lives and dies. It was a responsibility I didn't want. I knew if I had asked Mazoga, she would have ignored the Count and come with me. I asked her to stay in Leyawiin though, and she would probably live. I knew the dangers, yet here I was sending Lucilious to Kvatch, and very possibly his death. What made it worse was that I wasn't even brave enough to go back there myself. . . yet.
Buffy's realization that her choices has effects and consequences even she can not foresee - that's mighty sobering.

Posted by: SubRosa Jan 30 2011, 06:50 PM

I still love the Black Mare Lodge!

I will admit that with Skyrim's announcement, dragon was the mount that first popped into my head too. Rather than one of

When and how had I gained such power?
A good question for our bowgirl to ask herself. She has come a long way from that insecure teen batting her eyes at an Imperial City shopkeeper while City-Swimmer robbed him.

Posted by: mALX Jan 30 2011, 06:56 PM

An almost totally new chapter! I am inclined to agree with Thomas Kaira - I thought "Dragon" instantly when I read that line. A wonderful gem in the Buffy Fic - Awesome Write !!

Posted by: King Coin Jan 30 2011, 11:51 PM

Good chapter! Buffy realizes she has some power now!

I think if Acadian had Till's voice he'd have scared Buffy too, not just Superian!

Posted by: MyCat Jan 31 2011, 04:58 AM

"Something much larger, but the bond between rider and mount was similar."

Something 19.2 meters long and almost 19 tonnes? biggrin.gif

Buffy seems to have grown up so much in the last few chapters. She's become a leader.

Posted by: The Vyper Feb 1 2011, 07:57 PM

Two more wonderful chapters. And now the Leyawiin expedition is over. At least Buffy has a few more friends.

"Good morning, Superian."

That's a bit better than "B..Butt.." laugh.gif

"Your mistress is just full of things that test your trust, is she not?"

Indeed she is. The fact that she didn't bolt is a good show of Superian's trust in Buffy.

"Something much larger, but the bond between rider and mount was similar."

I'm curious as to what Acadian named his "mount", what his..erm.."mounted regiment" was called and what Acadian was called while "mounted".

Superian swung her head toward the gelding, which seemed to tolerate the young mare's nosiness.

I don't think that's going to go too far, Superian. happy.gif

The hidden sun began to win its battle against the fog, as the latter became thinner and retreated toward the river.

Nicely put.

It was a responsibility I didn't want.

It's been my experience that those who feel that way are often the best suited for it.

Posted by: Grits Feb 1 2011, 08:33 PM

A heavy mist hung over the Lower Niben, spreading its gray tendrils far inland beyond the banks of the river. Although unseen, the sun was up and I hoped it would soon burn through the morning fog.
I love how you describe this part of Cyrodiil. I usually find it quite menacing, but through Buffy’s eyes it’s captivating.

Parting from her new friends to take another step closer to Savlian made a bittersweet end to a most satisfying Leyawiin expedition. I found the last paragraph quite affective. That kind of understanding makes the rainbows and waterfalls even more appreciated.

Posted by: Acadian Feb 2 2011, 01:49 PM

Episode 72 was the conclusion of Buffy's miniseries, 'The Leyawiin Expedition'. The bowgirl departed Blackwood in the company of Sergeant Lucilious Marcus. Well prior to Bravil however, the two parted ways. Lucilious continued on toward Kvatch, while Buffy made ready to cross the Niben and continue north to Azura's Shrine.

Thomas Kaira- Thank you. I guess we've gotten to know Superian well enough that her reaction to hearing a voice with no apparent source could not be ignored. Buffy has learned that despite the love between her and the mare, Superian's sheer mass and power can at times be dangerous - hence the prudent distance while she introduced Acadian. Superian is high spirited, but still young enough that she often finds herself near the bottom of the pecking order with other horses. And stallions can befuddle her as much as men can sometimes befuddle Buffy. Lol. What you say about the Legion riding geldings makes sense, and Buffy has noticed the same thing. They always seem to tolerate her prancy inquisitive mare. I saw the pictures of Beauty and Princess - they are perfectly named! smile.gif

Rider- Thank you for validating our choice to actually 'show' Superian's reaction to Acadian's disembodied voice instead of just glossing over it. And thank you also for noting the serious question pondered by Buffy regarding the influence she is learning to wield. She is quite stunned by the facts that Mazoga would follow her into Oblivion, and that a sergeant of the Legion calls her 'Milady' and willingly takes direction from her. She is only now beginning to realize the implications of responsibility that accompany authority.

SubRosa- Yay for the Black Mare Lodge! We're so glad that Mazoga endorses the name based on Buffy's dear equine friend, not a menu item. tongue.gif More on Acadian's past coming soon. Thanks for noting how far young Buffy has come since she began her journey!

mALX- Thank you! I'm so terrible with secrets that I must force myself to keep quiet at this point regarding Acadian's past. The next couple episodes will reveal quite a bit though. wink.gif

King Coin- Yes, Buffy seems to wield some power or influence now. It quite scares her. Thanks!

MyCat- Thank you for noting Buffy's growth. The next few episodes will build to a dramatic 'growth spurt' as Buffy finds what she has been seeking. Please bear with our vagueness on Acadian's past for a little bit.

The Vyper- Thank you so much for your kind words and insight on all those quotes! I didn't think about the implications of Superian not bolting, but you are very right that it surely indicates a high level of trust. If leadership means serving those who follow you, then Buffy is beginning to appreciate the responsibility of those who wear that mantle. She has certainly seen some fine examples including Carahil, Kud-Ei, Savlian Matius, Boderi Farano, and in his own gentle way, Daenlin.

Grits- Thank you for enjoying Blackwood. Buffy finds she is quite comfortable there - even captivated by the lush ferns, soft ground, weeping trees and dark waters of the marshy land. Not to mention Topal Bay under the shimmering light of twin moons. The words bittersweet and satisfying that you used to describe this episode are most appreciated!

* * *

73 The Star Bearer Returns

After carefully noting where my prey had fallen, I shouldered Slayer. Grasping the small pouch containing a lock of my mare's mane, I stared at Superian's pink glow located behind a group of large boulders. "I need you." It took her only a few moments to make her way to my side. Once I was in the saddle, we threaded our way between snow-covered pines until drawing to a stop next to the deer.

"Buffy," instructed Daenlin, "always honor a deer's spirit. For without their sacrifice, we would perish. Wish them a safe journey that they may return to nourish us again." As was often his habit, he then tapped a gentle finger to the tip of my nose. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master," I said looking up into the eyes of the elf who taught me to hunt. "Even though it was you who killed this doe, can I still thank her?"

Daenlin lowered his hand to my small shoulder and said gently, "Of course, my Apprentice."

As the memory of Daenlin's words faded, I slipped to the ground and knelt by the warm carcass. "Thank you, young buck. I will wisely use the bounty of your flesh and magic. May your spirit have a safe journey."

I could see my breath in the cold air as I cut the arrow free and wiped it down. Satisfied that it was undamaged, I returned it to my quiver. I then transferred the animal's magic energy from Azura's Star to Slayer. After field dressing the deer, I raised one fist above my head and released a burst of white magic which quickly settled over me. Assisted by the brief enhancement to my strength, I was able to lift the buck up behind Superian's saddle and lash it down. After checking my map, I remounted the mare. We continued north to the sound of hooves crunching snow.

Superian and I had lived off the land since bidding farewell to Lucilious Marcus south of Bravil, some three days ago. The massive range of my detect life rings continued to help keep us safe, or at least let me pick and choose most of our fights. We had outrun a bear, and given wide berth to several wolves. I tried to avoid confrontations with fellow predators of the forest, but the fresh lion pelt in my pack was testimony that we couldn't always do that.

The several bandits I had detected during our journey were a different matter entirely. Having encountered the gruesome results of their profession in my travels too many times, I had no hesitation about dismounting, then stalking and killing two legged varmints. Besides, they often carried arrows to help stock my quiver.

The dead bandits I had left behind were in stark contrast to the fact that Countess Alessia Caro still lived. After all, she too had violated my doctrine. I had thought long and hard on the subject, and decided that just being mean to me or my friends was not enough to bring Slayer to bear. No, I would kill only those who posed an actual threat like that rogue mage Earana did. Or bandits. Or necromancers. While sitting by my campfire the previous night, I had revised my doctrine. It now read:

'The Buffy Doctrine: If you are kind to me, I will love you dearly; if you are a threat to me or my friends, I will likely kill you.'

After sating our thirst and filling my water bags at Lake Arrius shortly after sunrise, we had begun the climb into the cold Jeralls.

Watching Superian's swirling breath as it rose into the air, I was glad for the advice of Thernd, the guild's stable master at Equestria. I had taken the mare's saddle pad into the University and enchanted it with resist frost magic. I figured it helped her as much as the similarly enchanted ring I was wearing eased the cold for me.

As I glanced eastward at the brilliant sun, it seemed somehow false - there was certainly not much warmth from it. "We should reach Azura in another hour or so," I said to my mare and paladin. "I really hope she will help us sort out where to go next."

Sure enough, it wasn't long before the graceful stone form of Azura, with her uplifted star and moon, emerged from among the snow-covered rocks and trees. Atop the giant boulder behind her I could see the forever-burning candles of Ghola gro-Muzgol and his four comrades. They had slain the ancient vampire Dratik inside Gutted Mine. I knew their spirits were now at ease in the bosom of Azura.

Followers of the Daedra Lord noted my approach. "The Star Bearer returns." The Dunmer's words served as both greeting and announcement.

"Hail, Mels. It's good to see you again," I replied. Smiling at his companions, I added, "You too, Bur-Meema and Ralsa." I dismounted and began unlashing the buck behind Superian's saddle. "I figure you three could use some fresh venison?"

Soon, most of the deer was packed with snow to help it keep for several meals. One hindquarter however, was spitted and roasting above a crackling fire. Bur-Meema produced some flatbread, and several bottles of ale. I managed to convince her that what I really needed was a hot cup of tea to wrap my hands around.

Mels said, "Sit, and warm yourself. Tell us the news from the lowlands. Is it true that the Uriel Septim's death threatens the very unity of the Empire?"

I spent the next hour or so eating, chatting and relaying what rumors I had heard regarding the affairs of state. Such matters as the future of the Empire were well above my head. All I really knew for sure was that there was a brave man at Kvatch standing against an Oblivion Gate.

With a full belly and camp pleasantries behind me, I left the warmth of the fire and approached the towering shrine. Azura's hand of fate had touched me before - I was a Vampire Slayer. Could she now help me gain the skills and courage to become a Daedra Slayer? I looked up hopefully, and placed my hand upon the base of her pedestal.

"You are welcome here, Child of Dawn."

"Milady Azura, I come before you to beseech-"

"I know both your heart and purpose, Slayer," Azura interrupted. "You carry two spirits within you." Suddenly a butterfly fluttered over my shoulder and gently alighted on my forearm, seemingly oblivious to the cold. After a moment, it retook to the air and flew southward. Azura continued, "Follow this small winged spirit. Seek my brother who takes the form of your other spirit. He waits with uplifted wings, and can provide that which you seek. Go now, Child of Dawn."

I wandered away from the shrine, grateful that she had spoken to me, but mystified by her words. Glancing upward, the sun had completed barely half its journey across the sky. After saying farewell to Azura's followers, I mounted Superian and turned her toward the path taken by the butterfly.

"Acadian, do you have any idea what Azura meant?"

"Indeed I do," he replied with a calm confidence. "Continue south, my bowgirl."

Posted by: haute ecole rider Feb 2 2011, 04:58 PM

Uplifted wings? Like

I loved that the folks at the Azura shrine welcomed Buffy as friend. That was the one thing I hated about a lot of the NPC's in the game - that most of them greeted you as as stranger no matter how many times you've already spoken to them. Here we see the consequences of Buffy's previous actions at the shrine.

And it's good that Buffy is flexible enough to revise the Buffy Doctrine to reflect her growing knowledge and experience with the ways of the world.

Another wonderful chapter about the blond Bosmer bowgirl from Bravil.

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Feb 2 2011, 05:22 PM

"Buffy," instructed Daenlin, "always honor a deer's spirit. For without their sacrifice, we would perish. Wish them a safe journey that they may return to nourish us again." As was often his habit, he then tapped a gentle finger to the tip of my nose. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master," I said looking up into the eyes of the elf who taught me to hunt. "Even though it was you who killed this doe, can I still thank her?"

Daenlin lowered his hand to my small shoulder and said gently, "Of course, my Apprentice."

Character building as only Acadian knows how. smile.gif

'The Buffy Doctrine: If you are kind to me, I will love you dearly; if you are a threat to me or my friends, I will likely kill you.'

I like it. Your wisdom of the world has sure grown since we first met you in that dingy hole in the wall in the Imperial City Prison, Buffy.

So it seems giving Acadian a voice was not enough, now we need to give him form, so allow me to begin the speculation...

Schwarzenegger? laugh.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Feb 2 2011, 07:41 PM

Time for a few stand-alone episodes before the beginning of Buffy's next mini-series? wink.gif I was half-expecting a side-trip east to a certain shrine with a certain dragon statue. Perhaps that is still coming?

And I see you have incorporated a little thanksgiving by Buffy for her kill. Joseph Campbell could not have written it better!

And I see the Monroe Buffy Doctrine continues to evolve. A very mature decision on the part of our blond, bosmer, bowgirl, from bravil.

All I really knew for sure was that there was a brave man at Kvatch standing against an Oblivion Gate.
This single sentence speaks so much (alliteration anyone?) of Buffy's feelings for Savlian. An excellent example of how saying less can have a much more powerful effect than the opposite.

The butterfly was a nice touch. How brilliant of you to combine it with the other half of Buffy's nature (in more ways that one!). Now I see that she is indeed headed where I expected.

Posted by: mALX Feb 2 2011, 08:22 PM

Before I lose my internet connection again I wanted to post this - I love Buffy's new "Screenie of the month!" So fitting for this season !!! Anyone living in Chicago may not want to look at it right now, lol. Awesome shot, Acadian!

PS - I will be back to comment on the chapter. Hopefully my connection will stabilize eventually, I think it is the wind causing the problems.

** Acadian: "Butt ... butt ..."

"No, not that! I meant butterfly!!!"

WOO HOO!!! Acadian was prophetic !!!! Here is the butterfly leading her south to ... (another Daedric Shrine?) Great Chapter, Acadian !!!

Posted by: haute ecole rider Feb 2 2011, 09:10 PM

QUOTE(mALX @ Feb 2 2011, 02:22 PM) *

Before I lose my internet connection again I wanted to post this - I love Buffy's new "Screenie of the month!" So fitting for this season !!! Anyone living in Chicago may not want to look at it right now, lol. Awesome shot, Acadian!

Aww, that's nuttink! What I've got outside my window is so much more dramatic. My front stairs (half a story high) is half-buried in snow!

Posted by: mALX Feb 2 2011, 09:14 PM

QUOTE(haute ecole rider @ Feb 2 2011, 03:10 PM) *

QUOTE(mALX @ Feb 2 2011, 02:22 PM) *

Before I lose my internet connection again I wanted to post this - I love Buffy's new "Screenie of the month!" So fitting for this season !!! Anyone living in Chicago may not want to look at it right now, lol. Awesome shot, Acadian!

Aww, that's nuttink! What I've got outside my window is so much more dramatic. My front stairs (half a story high) is half-buried in snow!

Bless your heart, Haute. I def feel for your situation, been watching your neck of the woods on the Weather Channel all morning !!! Hope you stay inside, warm and safe (and hope the electricity stays on) !!

Posted by: The Vyper Feb 2 2011, 11:55 PM

QUOTE(haute ecole rider @ Feb 2 2011, 09:58 AM) *

Uplifted wings? Like

Probably more like Specifically, the uplifted wingtips. laugh.gif

Yet another fun read. I especially liked the ritual of thanks to the deer. Nicely done.

Besides, they often carried arrows to help stock my quiver.

That's what I love about bandits: They're so accommodating to archers.

'The Buffy Doctrine: If you are kind to me, I will love you dearly; if you are a threat to me or my friends, I will likely kill you.'

And again we see that Buffy continues to mature. Nice change to her Doctrine.

"Hail, Mels. It's good to see you again," I replied. Smiling at his companions, I added, "You too, Bur-Meema and Ralsa." I dismounted and began unlashing the buck behind Superian's saddle. "I figure you three could use some fresh venison?"

And here we once again see the thoughtfulness that those lucky enough to be called 'Friend' by Buffy can expect from her.

I managed to convince her that what I really needed was a hot cup of tea to wrap my hands around.

Elberond tends to pick up a rock and heat it with a low level fire (on touch) spell to keep his hands warm (if he doesn't have gloves). Buffy might want to try that out some time if there isn't a warm cup of tea handy.

Such matters as the future of the Empire were well above my head.

And not the most pressing of interests anyway. laugh.gif

Posted by: Linara Feb 3 2011, 01:21 AM

Wow. The last part of the 'Leyawiin Expedition' was excellent. Buff and Zoga, hunting Black Bandits. Sounds like a good deal. It's too bad Buffy has a mission...And Acadian now has an audible voice! This will get interesting.

Posted by: King Coin Feb 3 2011, 03:48 PM

I wonder where they are off to now? perhaps another shrine? I see a couple that are south of Azura's.

Posted by: Acadian Feb 5 2011, 01:58 PM

Buffy made her way to Azura's Shrine in Episode 73. The bowgirl hoped the Daedra Lord could offer some guidance on how to lessen her fear and improve her skill when it came to fighting the creatures of Oblivion. Azura could read Buffy's heart and gave her cryptic instructions to proceed south. Acadian apparently understood Azura's guidance better than Buffy, for he seemed prepared to assist with navigation.

Rider- Thank you. Yes, it can be frustrating that NPCs in the game don't become friends like they do in our stories. Despite the fact that Buffy adores Daenlin for example, when she goes to replace the flowers in the ceramic vase she gave to him, he simply talks about perfect arrows and mudcrabs. sad.gif

Thomas Kaira- Thanks for appreciating the flashback to one of Daenlin's hunting lessons.

SubRosa- Yes, ten or so 'bridge' episodes on her way to what will be a massive mini-series (maxi-series?). Thanks for appreciating the touch of how Buffy was trained to hunt. Thank you also for the nod to Savlian; I try to keep reinforcing that Buffy is motivated by people she cares for, not guilds, causes or governments. Her motivation regarding Kvatch will again be simply expressed in the next episode. I appreciate you seeing the butterfly dragon in Buffy - you always have.

mALX- How delightful of you to post our screenie of Buffy with her naked mare! I must admit that the shot of Buffy's butt was not exactly an intentional foreshadow of Acadian's first word. laugh.gif Yes, another Daedric Shrine coming up. Thank you!

The Vyper- Thanks for your insight on several quotes. We so appreciate it. Elberond has a wonderful idea of heating a rock by spell and holding it to warm his hands! Buffy loves it, and you already have her thinking about heating a rock to pre-warm her bedroll when camping in the cold!

Linara- Thank you for the kind words! I think you'll find the next episode very revealing about Acadian, and the one after that downright transformational for Buffy.

King Coin- Thanks! You're exactly right that they're on their way to a Daedric Shrine. It will prove to be the one Buffy has been searching for all along, and her last one for Book 1.

All- Thanks to everyone that mentioned Buffy's doctrine. I was hesitant to change it, but Buffy hates hypocrisy. That she allowed Fathis Aren and Alessia Caro to live after being mean to her or her friends troubled her by being inconsistent with her doctrine. She feels much better now that her doctrine better reflects her nature.

Minque and Alexander have graciously bestowed our own subforum here at chorrol upon Buffy and I, that we may archive her older threads in a central location. I have also opened what I hope will be a fun new thread there that we call 'Buffy's Basket of Potpourri'. I bring it up because the second post therein talks about Phabulous Phantoms.

* * *

74 There Be Dragons Here!

"A dragon!" I breathed in amazement. The massive gray statue was undoubtedly a Daedric Shrine. I was mesmerized. A jagged dorsal fin began at the base of the skull and continued for a third the length of its graceful neck which swept up, then down into the serpentine body. And wings! Beautifully graceful wings that arced upward, longing to fly. Two powerful rear legs were poised to spring their owner skyward, while a pair of small forearms ended in prey-grasping claws. A long slender tail was coiled around the base of the statue balancing the neck's forward heft.

My mind was searching countless texts from my research about Daedric Princes. Dimly remembered pages flashed before of my eyes until one came sharply into focus:

'Peryite, also known as the Taskmaster, is the Daedric Prince whose sphere is the ordering of the lowest orders of Oblivion. Some accounts also claim his sphere is pestilence. Peryite's statue depicts a dragon, and is ostensibly concerned with ensuring all things are accounted for, neat, tidy and in their right order.'

I didn't understand what any of that meant except one word - dragon. He was beautiful! They had fascinated me since about the time I turned eighteen. While at the University, I recalled eagerly reading about them in several books, including 'Mysterious Akavir' and the 'King Edward' series. They were an Akaviri race that could fly, and closely linked to the various natural elements of destruction magic.

I continued to stare at the majestic gray dragon. Although I had read that most were red or black, Akatosh himself chose a gold dragon as his physical form. Perhaps there were other colors and varieties as well. Supposedly they were extinct, but I had my doubts about that. According to legend, they could shape-shift so how would one ever know? As I looked at Peryite, I doubted anything on Nirn could force such a beautiful and powerful race of beings out of existence.

Reluctantly, I coaxed my eyes from the dragon. Five followers stood motionless in the clearing around the statue. At first I thought they were simply mesmerized as was I, but after a time I noted they still had not moved.

Superian and I continued across the wooden bridge suspended high above the Silverfish River. The followers remained in some sort of trance or frozen state and didn't respond to my hails. With the sun fading behind me and stars beginning to appear overhead, I approached the shrine. Even astride Superian, I felt tiny beneath the gaze of the statue. As I touched the cold stone, Peryite's deep voice perfectly matched the powerful dragon it resonated from.

"This one moves! But wait. There are three. What has Azura sent me? A wood elf archer, small and underfed? A dark horse built for speed? No, it is this third presence that intrigues me. Speak, Dragonrider."

I was completely confused but, at my paladin's silent urging, kept my mouth shut. He responded for us aloud. "My name is Acadian, Milord. I am - or rather was - a humble knight in the Order of the Ice Dragons. We served the Graybeards."

"You date yourself, knight," Peryite replied. "It has been a very long time since an ice dragon flew above Nirn." I was feeling smaller every moment, as the Daedra Lord continued, "Your dragon must have been powerful indeed, for the presence is still strong. A name?"

"Phantom, Milord," said Acadian. "She and I perished together centuries ago, far to the north."

"The spirit of a dragon is immortal," Peryite mused. "I see she has sustained you. It must be true what they say about the bond between a dragonrider and my kin. I have never had the fortune. Nevertheless, I accept and honor the spirit of this sister called Phantom. What can I do for you, knight?"

I continued to be quite sure that keeping my mouth shut was the best course of action as my fingers nervously tangled into the familiar comfort of Superian's mane. Why didn't I know all this about my paladin?

Acadian replied to Peryite, "The elf, who now sustains what remains of Phantom and I, seeks your wisdom, Milord. Her quest is to help free Kvatch from the siege imposed by one of your fellow Princes. She requires the courage and skill to confront the denizens of the Deadlands."

"What say you, elf?" My heart quickened to realize the dragon was addressing me. "Why do you embark on such a quest? Fortune? Fame?"

"I-I do it for a man, Milord. His name is Savlian Matius."

"I sense truth in your words, elf. I will not openly confront Dagon; however, it would not displease me to see order restored to your plane. I would ask a service of you. If you survive, I expect you will gain that which you seek."

I took a deep breath. "How may I serve you, Milord?"

"You have seen my followers," the dragon's deep voice began. "They are an embarrassment to me. The fools cast a spell in the hopes of summoning me to them. It was prideful and foolish, and it has had its consequences. They are now trapped between worlds; their bodies here on this plane, their souls in Oblivion. I would have you reunite the bodies and the souls. I will transport you to the plane of Oblivion in which they are trapped. Find their souls. When all are collected, I will return you here. Prepare yourself to battle Daedra, and return only if you are ready to enter my plane."

I felt overwhelmed, almost numb, as I turned Superian into the clearing in front of the shrine and slid to the ground. I would make camp near Peryite's silent sentries.

After filling several water bags from the nearby Silverfish River, I dragged a slaughterfish that had interrupted my bath back to the campfire. While eating and checking my equipment, I finally dared think about the day's revelations.

I now began to realize why dragons had fascinated me since shortly after I met Acadian. The perceptive Boderi Farano had nicknamed me her 'butterfly dragon'. Before we had left the Black Mare Lodge, Acadian said that he had ridden mounts much larger than Superian. Dagail, Azura and Peryite all seemed to know more about my paladin than I.

Finally I blurted out, "Would it hurt to have told me more about you? Did you somehow forget to mention that you used to fly dragons and now you partially are one? You've always accepted me unconditionally, yet it seems you doubt my ability to return the favor and feel obliged to keep secrets from me." I blinked back my stupid tears. Why did I feel like crying when I was so angry? "You're a part of my very being, yet others know more about you than I. Can you understand how that hurts me?"

"Forgive me, my bowgirl, for I see I have failed you again. I feared that the more you knew of me, the more influence I would exert. I am ancient, and my story is history - best left to gather dust. You are young and the story of your life is still to unfold. I confess that I have helped you in minor ways, but I've always wanted the path you traveled to be your own."

"What do you mean about influencing me?" I said, beginning to calm down. "You've never forced your will upon me."

"How do you heal, Buffy?"

"By laying on of hands. . . like a paladin." My eyes opened wide. "Because of you?"

"Yes," he said. "It was never my intent, nor something I willingly caused. Nevertheless, it is my fault."

"You speak as if it is a curse, my paladin. Being an empathic healer is a blessing. If the ability comes from you, I welcome it and thank you for it."

"After centuries with Phantom, she and I are indistinguishable and I fear inflicting that upon you. Yet as Boderi clearly senses, you are already affected by the dragon spirit."

"Again, you speak of these things as a curse," I said. "Don't you know that I welcome your presence? The fact that it is bound to that of a dragon matters not. I accept you unconditionally - I learned that from you." I managed a smile. "For Mara's sake, I take you with me even when I go to pee. You're a part of me, like the blood that flows within my veins. I will not withdraw from you, my paladin, nor will I keep secrets - and I expect the same from you."


"Fine." I sat quietly looking into the campfire in front of me. Eventually, my thoughts returned to the fearful task ahead.

Acadian apparently sensed that my anger and hurt was now turning to apprehension. He broke the silence. "Are you willing to accept Peryite's task then?"

I figured I had beaten Acadian up enough for one evening and had to smile at his obvious desire to let his history 'gather dust'. "Will you come with me?"

"Of course," he replied.

"Then, yes. After all, it's what I asked for, right?" I gulped. "In the morning, we'll enter Peryite's plane of Oblivion. I'm going to need our dragon spirit as we go into the very den of my nightmares."

Posted by: mALX Feb 5 2011, 02:37 PM

Another almost new chapter !!! I love the changes you made to the original chapter ... and the promise of more changes the dialogue foreshadows - GAAAAAH !!! I can't wait to see the new line unfold !!!

Believe it or not, I have a nit, lol. In this paragraph you have Buffy's thoughts wedged into the middle of Peryite's dialogue - just a bit confusing, brought the flow of immersion up abruptly till I sorted it out.

"You date yourself, knight," Peryite replied. "It has been a very long time since an ice dragon flew above Nirn." I was feeling smaller every moment. "Your dragon must have been powerful indeed, for the presence is still strong. A name?"

AWESOME CHAPTER !!! I will be on the edge of my seat with all these changes !!!

Posted by: haute ecole rider Feb 5 2011, 05:48 PM

Ahhh, we learn more of Acadian our paladin! How rewarding!

A Dragonrider, indeed. Did he disappear between with Phantom? I can't help but thinking of a certain series featuring noble dragonriders and their even more noble dragons.

Buffy's hurt over being the last to learn of Acadian's history is very palpable here. Makes me feel you got the butt end of that at least once IRL. Again you capture the swirling emotions of a young woman very well.

Posted by: SubRosa Feb 6 2011, 12:54 AM

What a very intriguing background you have given us for Acadian and Phantom (plus a lovely choice of terms!). It all works extremely well. Even better was Buffy's reaction to being the last to know about it all! That was so very realistic on her part. All in all a good, quiet episode that is yet filled with revelatory action!

Posted by: The Vyper Feb 6 2011, 03:01 PM

Yet another fun read. Peryite is one of my favorite Daedric Princes. Ironically, his quest is one of my least favorite.

Reluctantly, I coaxed my eyes from the dragon.

Indeed, it's hard to look away. The statue almost seems alive.

I was feeling smaller every moment.

Quite understandable. Being the conduit in a conversation between a Daedric Prince and a dragon riding Paladin of the ancient world must make one feel like an ant in a valley between two mountain ranges.

"It must be true what they say about the bond between a Dragonrider and my kin. I have never had the fortune."

Well, the Elder Scrolls tell of the return of dragons after Oblivion opens and the sons of Skyrim spill their own blood. Maybe Peryite will be able to manifest on Nirn and finally know the bond between rider and mount?

She requires the courage and skill to confront the denizens of the Deadlands.

I think Buffy already has the courage and the skill she needs. Now, she just needs the confidence to go with it.

I now began to realize why dragons had fascinated me since shortly after I met Acadian. The perceptive Boderi Farano had nicknamed me her 'butterfly dragon'.

So now the question arises: Is it Acadian's influence brought out the dragon spirit in Buffy, or the dragon spirit that drew Acadian to Buffy? I wonder...

"How do you heal, Buffy?"

"By laying on of hands. . . like a paladin." My eyes opened wide. "Because of you?"

"Yes," he said. "It was never my intent, nor something I willingly caused. Nevertheless, it is my fault."

Nice explanation on the origin of her healing abilities.

"You speak as if it is a curse, my paladin. Being an empathic healer is a blessing. If the ability comes from you, I welcome it and thank you for it."

Well said, Buffy! Well said.

I figured I had beaten Acadian up enough for one evening and had to smile at his obvious desire to let his history 'gather dust'.

Lol, who else but our beloved bowgirl could so chastise an ancient Paladin?

"Then, yes. After all, it's what I asked for, right?" I gulped. "In the morning, we'll enter Peryite's plane of Oblivion. I'm going to need our dragon spirit as we go into the very den of my nightmares."

The next chapter should be quite interesting indeed.

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Feb 6 2011, 08:40 PM

I am ancient, and my story is history - best left to gather dust.

What's this? Don't be going soft on us now, paladin! Buffy may have let this rest for now, but don't think for one second I will. nono.gif

The discussion between Peryite and Acadian was quite enlightening... and mysterious. Makes me want to know more about the now immortal dragonrider, and about his companion Phantom. Mephala is spinning her threads now! Perhaps you should pay her a visit next? (though you probably won't do her quest, since it entails cold-blooded murder.)

"Fine." I sat quietly looking into the campfire in front of me.

ARGH! It's... the F word! ohmy.gif Thankfully, you managed to salvage the situation by the time it was dropped, so at least you can rest easy knowing Buffy will still be speaking to you over the week. tongue.gif

Posted by: Acadian Feb 8 2011, 03:21 PM

In Episode 74, Buffy arrived at Peryite's Shrine, where she learned more about dragons - including the one whose spirit is bound to Acadian. Quite hurt by how much she did not know about her paladin, she angrily admonished him not to keep secrets. Peryite offered Buffy the opportunity to improve her skill at fighting Daedra. She now seems ready to enter his plane and face her fears.

mALX- Thank you so much! Acadian's background will not be center stage again for a long time, but it will come up occasionally and is just more depth on who and what he is. Thanks for pointing out that paragraph that caused you some concern. I made a minor adjustment that I hope helps preserve the flow.

Rider- Although I have seen the term dragonrider used in the titles of books and games, I have done no research on them. The only major fictional works that I have intentionally used to influence our story that I am aware of are Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Clan of the Cave Bear series. I know our reference to Phantom is obvious. Thank you so much for your kind words on our efforts to capture Buffy's confusion, hurt and even anger.

SubRosa- Acadian's background was conceived quite some time ago, and we've dropped a few dragon hints along the way. We have a distant storyline (well beyond Book 1) planned in the province of Skyrim. I have mixed emotions about the announcement that TES V will take place in Skyrim. On one hand, I look forward to the possibilities it now offers; on the other hand, I am apprehensive about how much TES V lore will cause my plans to change and adjust - specifically how they will portray the Graybeards, dragons and Kyne. I'll just have to wait and see. I have tentatively moved Buffy's distant Valenwood storyline to precede visiting Skyrim to give us more time to sort it out. Part of me sure wishes TES V was in Hammerfell or Blackwood! tongue.gif Thank you for the kind words!

The Vyper- I appreciate your style of offering insight on specific passages and find it very helpful. Thank you. Let me address only a couple of your wonderful comments-

Buffy chastising Acadian. Although Acadian has rebuked the bowgirl on more than one occasion, he has certainly learned that Buffy requires the last word; even more so when that last word is 'Fine'. He admits that this is the natural birthright prerogative of a woman, just like changing her mind or owning fifty pairs of shoes.

Was Acadian drawn to the dragon in Buffy, or was it the dragon bound to Acadian that gradually imbued her spirit into Buffy? 'Tis the latter. When the energy of he and his dragon entered that magical Imperial Prison cell window in search of a new 'host', Acadian was quite chagrined to find that he had joined into the swirling mess of confusion that was the adolescent mind of Buffy. As Dagail surmised so long ago, he would likely have preferred his normal fare of a young knight or perhaps a sturdy ranger to mentor. As a paladin however, he has a firm grip on the word 'commitment', and has learned to accept the bowgirl without condition, just as she accepts him. What he wasn't fully prepared for however, was the magic that is Buffy and how it would cause such a profound blending of dragon, paladin and bowgirl.

Thomas Kaira- Thank you! I appreciate you cuing on Buffy's use of 'Fine'. Acadian regrets ever letting her talk to dear treydog's fiery Athynae. Buffy stands under the shadow of the last Daedric Shrine she will need to visit in Book 1. This next episode is the culmination of her evolving fascination with these Shrines. What she learns in Peryite's realm will be transformational for Buffy and represents a giant step closer to Kvatch.

* * *

75 The Daedra Slayer

Waves of dry heat welcomed me to Peryite's realm. Within seconds, I was reaching for an arrow as a clannfear - straight from my nightmares - charged. My Slayer-propelled arrow jerked the Daedra to a stop momentarily as a pair of his brethren quickly caught up to him. An emerald burst of illusion magic swirled from my fingertips into the massive shield-like head of clannfear number two. Almost instantly I tossed a sphere of magic into the air which erupted above my head. As the glow descended over me, I disappeared from sight and the bones of a skeleton appeared to take my place.

The clannfear under my command, along with the skeleton I had summoned, occupied the other two Daedra for the moment. I poisoned an arrow and nocked it. As I drew tension, my bow and hands reappeared in front of me. One clannfear had survived the melee and immediately turned his attention toward me.

Slayer stunned the Daedra as my hand shot over my shoulder for the tail of another arrow. The badly wounded and poisoned clannfear shook off the sparks that arced around his armored head and resumed the charge. With a calmness that surprised me, I stood my ground, pulled silk to cheek and loosed again. Before I could chase the arrow with a spell that would briefly immobilize my foe, the song of Azura's Star announced the fight was over.

While waiting for my pounding heart to subside, I slowly scanned my surroundings. Within the considerable range of my magic rings, I could see several pink glows, but none close by. Streaks of lightning bolted across a red and black sky that was filled with ominously shifting clouds. Nonstop rolling thunder provided noisy camouflage for prey and predator alike. Flames erupted irregularly from angry rivers and lakes of molten liquid that bubbled and hissed. These lava flows were the source of the unrelenting heat that seemed to bake even the rocks.

I was reminded of the image Acadian had shown me, as well as my brief venture inside the flaming gate at Kvatch. Part of me wished that Savlian Matius would burst through the portal behind me and, once again, snatch me back to the safety of Cyrodiil. "Welcome, Buffy, to Oblivion," I whispered in awe.

Yes, I was scared - but filled with exhilaration as well. This is what I wanted, after all. My nightmares of clannfears had always ended with their vicious beaks looming large while I tried to emit a scream that never came. I would awaken at that point, thrashing and shuddering at the thought of my flesh being torn from me and eaten. I tried to remind myself that my own skills were now considerable, and of how hard I had worked to improve them. I figured there was a fine line between confidence and terror; as I looked at the three dead nightmares before me, I hoped I would find that line here.

Pondering my course, I realized that this land was vast and confusing. There were no moons, stars, nor sun to guide me. It didn't matter. I carried plenty of full water bags, potions, poisons, a very full quiver and even a small supply of food. I had no map of this plane, but wasn't worried about precise navigation. I knew Acadian could help me locate the missing souls of Peryite's followers, but finding them wasn't my primary purpose here. I intended to hunt down every Daedra in this realm.


And hunt I did. Scamps, fire atronachs, clannfears, even Dremora.

Before the end of the first day, my sweat-soaked buckskin greaves and long-sleeved blouse came off. I allowed them to quickly dry in the baking heat as I donned my Arena raiment - at least my skin could breathe a bit better. I made a note to craft a powerful resist fire ring if I ever made it back to the University.

In what I estimated to be the several days that followed, I learned the strengths and weaknesses of Daedra. Scamps and atronachs threw spells that were easy to dodge. My arrows were much faster than their fireballs. Atronachs were immune to poison, but I had a spell that could strip that ability from them. Clannfears were frighteningly fast, but not when I drained their speed or controlled their minds.

Most Daedra were dispatched by Slayer from a stealthy distance. My specialty as a mage, of course, was illusion. When I encountered groups, I would trick and confuse them into turning upon their own. During the few close encounters I had, I used magic to calm, command, frighten or immobilize my enemies; that gave me the several seconds of safety I needed to bring Slayer to bear.

Despite the ever-threatening sky, there was no wind here - nor were there any trees or overhanging branches. Exploiting these facts, I experimented with a new archery tactic. I would fire a high angle arrow. As it arced gracefully overhead, I would carefully time the release of a second arrow using a flat trajectory. With practice I could cause both to strike the same or different targets simultaneously.

I learned to survive in this hostile land that had no day or night. When exhaustion demanded it, I even managed short periods of sleep. The plants were either dead or dangerous, but I discovered how to safely harvest some of them for poisons. The flesh of Daedra, while as foul tasting as rat meat, could be carefully cooked over the abundant flows of lava and sustain me. I realized that the limitation to my time here would be my water bags.

Huge pyres, billowing clouds of black smoke, marked the scattered locations of Peryite's followers. I was relieved to learn that freeing their souls did not require me to kill them; simply touching their ethereal presence in this plane would send their spirits back to the gray dragon of the Daedra Lord. As I located and freed each of them, I added a notch to a piece of spiddal stick in order to help me keep track.

At one point, I had to travel through an underground cave system, but it was no cooler under this realm than on its surface.

Atop a small tower, I found the only source of refreshment - a pair of small fountains. One bubbled forth blood, causing a brief wave of fear to grip me. Were there Daedric vampires? Based on my reading, I didn't think so and I had certainly not sensed the presence of any. Regardless, I ignored that fountain. The other however, offered a magical blue liquid that was reasonably pleasant to the taste. I drained that one.

Even after freeing all five souls of Peryite's followers, I continued hunting until the beasts of this realm became scarce and my water ran low. I was no longer paralyzed with fear at the thought of Daedra. Even the clannfears of my nightmares now fell to my newly honed skills and confidence.

Finally, I realized that the once timid prey was now the predator. My work here was done.


With my back to the magic portal that would return me to Cyrodiil, I raised Slayer to the lightning-filled sky in both victory and challenge. I then turned and passed through the archway of shimmering blue light.

Breathing deeply of the deliciously cool air, and basking in welcome sunshine, I barely noticed that Peryite's followers were now actively worshipping the gray dragon.

I went straight to Superian and gave her a hug. She welcomed me, but snorted with flaring nostrils as she bounced her head. I could see why - days of dried sweat, Daedra innards and singed reminders of fireballs passing too closely. "Oh my, I guess you're probably right. I'm sure I don't smell very good."

I then made my way down the short distance to the Silverfish River, pausing only long enough to drop my bow, quiver, and pack before wading into the cool water up to my neck. After drinking my fill, I removed my raiment and tossed it up to the shore. After a long, luxurious swim, I retrieved a pair of vials containing soap and shampoo, then scrubbed the last few days from my body and hair. Finally, I climbed out of the river and sat on its bank to dry in the sun while I combed some conditioner through my hair.

Whatever trinket that Peryite had in mind for returning the souls of his followers would pale in comparison to the lessons this realm had wrought upon me. "Acadian, thanks for believing in me and helping to navigate inside that confusing place. After we finish here, let's go right back across this river to the Imperial Bridge Inn. I need to sleep in a bed, with real sheets, pillows and everystuff."

"Everything," corrected Acadian with a light humor.

I jumped to my feet and planted both hands on my hips. With feigned indignation, I quipped, "And just exactly who appointed you as keeper of my speech? I said everystuff and that's what I meant. You know, maybe a savory meal seated at a real table with some wine, hopefully a nice room that has a thick carpet to curl my toes into. And some clean, soft sheets." I started to stick my tongue out but stopped, realizing that I was still quite naked. I quickly started gathering my things and dressing.

Acadian's response was equally playful. "Was it not just recently you asked for more communication from me, Buffy? Would you now deign to select my subjects?"

I opened my mouth to speak, then closed it. Not one to give Acadian the last word however, I then said, "Fair enough. Yes, I always want you to talk to me. You're a part of me; if someone were to put on one of my rings and look at us, they would only see one pink glow."

The old voice replied, "Let me say then, I'm quite pleased we're still alive. You've become quite the Daedra Slayer, no?"

"Thank you, my paladin. Maybe those nightmares will stop now."

As I climbed the hill to report to Peryite, I added with a dreamy smile, "We're getting a real bed tonight Acadian, did you hear me?"

Posted by: haute ecole rider Feb 8 2011, 04:32 PM

The entire time in the land of Peryite was wonderfully described and well written. I felt as if I was there, and I was rooting for Buffy to eliminate every last daedra from that place.

It was quite the trial by fire, but Buffy emerged stronger and more confident. And that's a good thing. Usually.

But it was this that made the entire chapter for me:

I jumped to my feet and planted both hands on my hips. With feigned indignation, I quipped, "And just exactly who appointed you as keeper of my speech? I said everystuff and that's what I meant. You know, maybe a savory meal seated at a real table with some wine, hopefully a nice room that has a thick carpet to curl my toes into. And some clean, soft sheets." I started to stick my tongue out but stopped, realizing that I was still quite naked. I quickly started gathering my things and dressing.

Acadian's response was equally playful. "Was it not just recently you asked for more communication from me, Buffy? Would you now deign to select my subjects?"
The growing relationship between Acadian and Buffy is delightfully summed up in these two paragraphs.

Posted by: mALX Feb 8 2011, 04:45 PM

This chapter feels exactly as I remember it, and Buffy facing her nightmares and emerging stronger for it - Awesome, just as I remember it !!

Posted by: King Coin Feb 8 2011, 06:48 PM

QUOTE(Acadian @ Feb 8 2011, 08:21 AM) *

Despite the ever-threatening sky, there was no wind here - nor were there any trees or overhanging branches. Exploiting these facts, I experimented with a new archery tactic. I would fire a high angle arrow. As it arced gracefully overhead, I would carefully time the release of a second arrow using a flat trajectory. With practice I could cause both to strike the same or different targets simultaneously.

Now I need to see if I can pull that off.

Posted by: Grits Feb 8 2011, 07:52 PM

Finally, I realized that the once timid prey was now the predator. My work here was done.
Buffy is so impressive!

“You know, maybe a savory meal seated at a real table with some wine, hopefully a nice room that has a thick carpet to curl my toes into. And some clean, soft sheets.”
And she’s still Buffy! smile.gif

Lots of tactical information to digest here. ‘How to Rule the Deadlands,’ by Buffy. Savlian will not believe that this is the same bowgirl he once bodily hauled back through a Gate!

Nit, if you can believe I saw one:
The flesh of Daedra, while as foul tasting as rat meat, could be carefully cooked over the abundant flows of lave and sustain me.
I suspect it should say lava.

And by the way, calmly cooking and eating Daedra meat? Go Buffy!!! viking.gif

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Feb 8 2011, 08:22 PM

Here endeth Act 2.

Buffy has now found the skills and strength needed to survive in the hellish world of the Deadlands, as well as teaching herself techniques and strategies for Daedra slaying. I would most definitely say that she is ready for whatever lurks behind the Gate in Kvatch.

"Was it not just recently you asked for more communication from me, Buffy? Would you now deign to select my subjects?"

Now now, Acadian, don't be encouraging her to F-bomb you again! nono.gif

As for Peryites reward, Spellbreaker seemed like a pretty heavy shield, so I'm not sure if Buffy will find much use for it. By the same token I doubt she'll care. She got what she wanted wandering Peryite's hunting grounds, and her skills have now been honed to deadly precision.

Hircine would be proud of you, B. wink.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Feb 8 2011, 08:50 PM

Such a wonderful, action-packed opening! Here we see Buffy showing off not only all the tricks that she has learned to effortlessly defeat three clannfears, but also demonstrating the poise she has gained after much hard-earned experience. And nary a drop of pee in her anywhere! And I see she has also added a new trick (the High-Low Shot?) to her arsenal.

pulled silk to cheek and loosed again
This is a wonderful phrase!

The flesh of Daedra, while as foul tasting as rat meat, could be carefully cooked over the abundant flows of lave and sustain me.
Ewwww! One more reason Teresa is happily a vegetarian! biggrin.gif

Finally, I realized that the once timid prey was now the predator. My work here was done.
Yes indeed. Buffy has finally reached the end of her need to visit daedric shrines as well, I should think.

And last, but certainly not least, a bath in the river. How did I know that was coming? biggrin.gif

There were no moons, stars{,} nor sun to guide me.
I am thinking that you lost a comma during edits where I inserted it.

Posted by: Destri Melarg Feb 8 2011, 10:30 PM

Catching up on Buffy’s adventures is a brutal reminder of how much time I have missed. I can’t get fully caught up in one sitting, but I wanted to comment on what I have read so far. Hope you don’t mind wading through large blocks of text:

Chapter 59:

I loved the way that Buffy continued to pour spells into the rat, bouncing it along the cavern floor. That mirrors another occasion when fear and surprise kept her pouring spells into a zombie (or was it a skeleton?) long after it was dead. It seems that old habits really do die hard (sorry hautee). I also got a nice chuckle out of her description of slaughterfish as ‘life support systems for teeth.’ And the fact that she refuses to engage the bear is just another of those small details that make Buffy so endearing.

Chapter 60:

Ah Mazoga *insert contented sigh*, I loved this chapter way back when I first read it and time has done nothing to blunt the impact. Buffy exhibits an admirable and uncharacteristic self-control during her conversation with the orc. Nothing says ‘everlasting friendship’ like the desire to throttle someone upon that first meeting.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that so many of us here see Count Leyawiin as a decent (albeit ineffectual) man married to the biggest harpy in Tamriel. I look forward to the moment when Countess Alessia’s actions make Buffy savor the chance to cast stark reality upon her.

Chapter 61:

Buffy’s excursion to the Shrine of Nocturnal bears unexpected fruit. There appears to be madness to Acadian’s method. The location of Fisherman’s Rock gave Buffy the leverage to sway Mazoga, and her retrieval of the Eye gave her the leverage to sway Weebum-Na. I’m not sure that I (or Acadian for that matter) approve of her threats against Bejeen, but we both accept that Buffy is no saint. Isn’t it funny how an encounter with a mountain lion is all that is needed to redeem her in our eyes?

I was equally mad at Mazoga for not following my instructions. . .

The irony in this statement is simply staggering! I wonder what Savlian would have to say about that! Excuse me Miss Pot (er Buffy), you are officially black! laugh.gif

Posted by: MyCat Feb 9 2011, 03:17 AM

"As I climbed the hill to report to Peryite, I added with a dreamy smile, "We're getting a real bed tonight Acadian, did you hear me?"
Are you guys sleeping together? smile.gif

This is maybe my favorite chapter. Buffy grows up, at least as a predator.

Posted by: The Vyper Feb 10 2011, 01:24 AM

The Vyper- I appreciate your style of offering insight on specific passages and find it very helpful. Thank you.

You're welcome! biggrin.gif And thank you for taking the time to clarify things a bit for me and for brining us all such a wonderful story to follow.

With a calmness that surprised me, I stood my ground, pulled silk to cheek and loosed again.
Isn't it amazing how you can be as jittery as a frightened squirrel before a battle, but as calm as a gentle breeze in the middle of one?

Nonstop rolling thunder provided noisy camouflage for prey and predator alike.
Don't start thinking like that, Buffy! Remember, Daedra live in the Deadlands and are used to the constant thunder. To them, it's just "background noise" that won't even register unless they're actually paying attention to it. If you're not careful, they'll be able to hear your footsteps through that racket as easily as a bandit would in a silent cave. Stay stealthy!

Part of me wished that Savlian Matius would burst through the portal behind me and, once again, snatch me back to the safety of Cyrodiil.
I can't blame Buffy for feeling that way. The first time one of my characters entered an Oblivion gate, I thought we'd wandered into Dante's Inferno.

Yes, I was scared - but filled with exhilaration as well.
Ah, the mix of fear and exhilaration that comes from being on the edge of disaster. Who can count the many warriors that have felt the same?

I figured there was a fine line between confidence and terror; as I looked at the three dead nightmares before me, I hoped I would find that line here.
I have a feeling that those nightmares will be far less frequent now.

I intended to hunt down every Daedra in this realm.
Very good, Buffy! The best way to fight your fears is to confront them directly. I used to be afraid of heights. Then I went skydiving and got over it.

I made a note to craft a powerful resist fire ring if I ever made it back to the University.
Very handy in the Deadlands, but it won't protect you from lava. So don't go swimming! tongue.gif

In what I estimated to be the several days that followed, I learned the strengths and weaknesses of Daedra.
Now Buffy is truly a student of war! Learning to overcome your enemies' strengths and exploit their weaknesses is a bit of an art. Putting that knowledge into practice can be a very heady felling indeed.

Despite the ever-threatening sky, there was no wind here - nor were there any trees or overhanging branches. Exploiting these facts, I experimented with a new archery tactic.
Buffy is truly thinking like a warrior here: Her normal strategy is to strike from cover, but that's sometimes very lacking in the Deadlands. So what does she do? She comes up with a tactic that turns the lack of cover into an advantage! Well Done, Buffy!

Finally, I realized that the once timid prey was now the predator. My work here was done.
Indeed. And quite an effective predator at that.

"Let me say then, I'm quite pleased we're still alive. You've become quite the Daedra Slayer, no?"
Lol, I can see the playwrights of Cyrodiil penning a new dramatic play: Buffy, the Daedra Slayer.

Edit- Odd. For some reason, the 'Quote' tags aren't working right. (at least, they don't appear to be on my screen)

Posted by: Captain Hammer Feb 10 2011, 10:29 PM

Okay, caught up on another fanfic. Busy week of reading, let me tell ya'! But enough about that, on to Buffy!

I must first congratulate you on crafting such a wonderful story, with unbelievably believable characters and a magnificent narrative. The Whedon-inspired portions are icing on the proverbial cake for myself (doubt it? just look at my handle smile.gif), but you truly make it come alive as your own.

Your dealings with the various Daedra lords are truly inspired. I always hated the "Find Daedra Lord, give offering, do quest, collect useful thing" nature of their quests. Buffy's deeper motives are tune of my own heart, something I truly enjoy.

Posted by: Acadian Feb 11 2011, 01:34 PM

In Episode 75, Buffy entered Peryite's plane of Oblvion and faced her nightmares. A frightened bowgirl entered the burning realm, but a confident Daedra Slayer emerged.

Rider- Thank you for rooting for Buffy! And thanks also for appreciating the unique and growing relationship between she and her paladin. happy.gif

mALX- Thank you! I swear Buffy has a masochistic streak! When something terrifies her, she seems to seek it out. laugh.gif

King Coin- You and I have tested the high/low trajectory simultaneous impact trick, and the game mechanics don't really support it. Historically however, it has successfully been used by both archers and artillery.

Grits- Thank you. Buffy the Daedra Slayer - but she still likes to sip Tamika's and curl up in clean sheets! tongue.gif Thanks for pointing out that nit so I could fix it.

Thomas Kaira- Thank you so much for the vote of confidence that Buffy is getting ready for that Oblivion Gate! Spellbreaker will likely end up on display with several other Daedric artifacts at the Mystic Archives.

SubRosa- Thank you for the kind words as we unabashedly tried to show how far the mystic archer bowgirl has come. On the Daedra flesh, ewww is right, but Buffy figured out that chewing on the Oblivion plant life was even worse! Yes! Finally she can stop traipsing around after Daedric Shrines, at least for the rest of Book 1. wink.gif Thanks for your help with that nit.

Destri- A hearty welcome back to you, my friend! Thank you for the kind words. I loved that you picked up on Buffy being peeved that Mazoga did not follow her instruction against the backdrop of her own irresponsibly impetuous inability to follow Savlian's orders.

MyCat- Thank you for the joke about Buffy and Acadian sleeping together! It was indeed our intent for the reader to ponder that very question and conclude that they are a single pink glow sharing one frail elven body, and that their bound spirits transcend the considerations of flesh. They both wish the same thing for Buffy's heart: that she discover more than Daedra at Kvatch. Thank you also for your fabulously kind words on Buffy's growth.

The Vyper- Thank you for the wonderful comments! I'm so glad you appreciate the bowgirl's ability to (when given time to think about it) come up with creative and innovative plans and tactics. She was so proud that her own pee was not among the disgusting things all over her Arena raiment coming out of Peryite's realm. tongue.gif

Captain Hammer- A warm welcome to Buffy's world! I deeply appreciate you taking the time to catch up and grace us with such a comforting comment. Yes, once one gets beyond the tongue-in-cheek name, Buffy sees her world and those who inhabit it in rich and complex colors. Thank you again and I hope we can continue to earn your readership.

* * *

76 The Heart of the Matter

I waited nervously with both hands folded in my lap. As I looked across the desk at Headmaster Raminus Polus, I had no idea what his response would be to my plea for assistance.

The Imperial had listened intently as I spoke of the flaming Oblivion Gate. I described the Daedra that poured forth to be intercepted by the brave efforts of Kvatch's small force of defenders. I had been careful not to leave out the plight of our own mage, Sigrid, and the fate of her guildhall. Raminus now leaned back, his elbows resting on the arms of his large chair. Above steepled fingers, his hazel eyes gazed thoughtfully at the intricate designs crafted into the ceiling of his office. The simple guild-issue blue robe draping his shoulders attested to his humility, while belying the considerable authority he wielded.

Raminus broke the silence. "Buffy, have you asked the Elder Council for help?"

"No, Master Wizard. They have ignored the requests of Captain Matius. Do you think they would listen, or even grant audience, to a young wood elf from Bravil?"

I'm sure Raminus saw the pleading exasperation in my eyes, because his emotionless face creased into a gentle smile. "Well, I prefer to think of you as a promising young Apprentice of the Mages Guild, but your point is taken." He placed his palms on the desk. "It's true that Imperial battlemages answer to the Council of Mages, much the same way that city guards report to local county lords." The middle aged Imperial ran a hand through his black hair that was laced with streaks of gray - no doubt caused by the requests and antics of Apprentices such as myself. "However," he continued, "I won't have battlemages used as fodder. Could this Captain Matius put any assistance we provide to effective use? Does he know what he's doing up there?"

"Know what he's doing?" Bristling as I repeated the Headmaster's words, I started to aggressively come forward in my chair. I then stopped and took a deep breath. Compose yourself, Buffy. You can better defend Savlian without anger. I forced myself to settle back in the chair and unclench my jaw. Weeks of playing court games in Leyawiin had improved my discretion when it came to choosing words and controlling impulses. "How many Daedra from that gate have made it past Captain Matius to threaten the rest of Cyrodiil? I think the answer to that is proof he knows what he's doing. Consider how long he's been holding that line. Does that not speak sufficiently to his leadership and ability to effectively use limited resources? Savlian Matius has the heart of a lion and the soul of a hero; he simply needs more help, Master Wizard."

Raminus slowly nodded his head, seemingly satisfied by my words. "And what is your role in this?"

"I'm going to close that gate." The words just fell out of my mouth before I could stop them. They were true enough, but I had never dared utter them before. "Savlian needs assistance to maintain a defensive perimeter until that portal from Oblivion can be destroyed. He will then need that same help to retake Kvatch from the Daedra that siege it from within."

"Buffy, do you know anything about closing an Oblivion Gate?" His smile was one an indulgent parent might offer an ignorant child. "I know you've had some dealings running errands for Daedra Lords before, but do you have any idea the power they wield?"

I could see I would have to work for this. Thankful for having read most of the books that filled the shelves in Raminus' office, I also recalled the words of the Bravilian black marketeer, Ungarion. I took a deep breath and began my lecture. "A portal to an Oblivion Plane is maintained by the power of a sigil stone - a purified morpholith that has been inscribed by a Daedra Lord. Removing the stone closes the portal." I reached down into my pack nestled on the floor beside me.

The words 'sigil stone' had their intended effect. Raminus had dropped the indulgent smile and his eyes were open wide. "You have clearly done more research than I gave you credit f-"

The Imperial stopped in mid sentence as my hand emerged from my pack displaying Azura's Star. I placed the artifact on the desk in front of him. Fishing into the pack two more times, I added Meridia's Ring of Khajiiti, and Nocturnal's Skeleton Key to the top of his desk. "I have earned the favor of numerous Daedra Lords. In fact Tar-Meena has several more of their artifacts on display at the Mystic Archives. If you ask her, I'm sure she will verify who provided them. In answer to your question, Master Wizard, I know quite a bit about Daedra Lords and their power. As you can see, my research goes a bit beyond academic study."

Raminus' mouth had opened when he saw Azura's Star, his jaw dropping lower with each object I had placed before him. Finally he closed his mouth and turned in his chair. Retrieving a book from the shelf behind him, he began leafing through it, alternatively glancing at its pages and the items on his desk. I could see the familiar title of the text, 'Tamrielic Lore'. After emitting a scholarly 'hmm' and 'ahah' several times he gestured at the items and looked at me questioningly. "May I?"

"Of course." I nodded with a smile. I had certainly struck some sort of chord, and hoped that was a good sign.

After carefully examining each item and consulting the book several more times, Raminus announced, "Yes, the texts are correct. These are just as described. From what I know of these Daedric Princes, I see Boderi Farano has not overstated the talents of her young Apprentice. Now, if you intend to close an Oblivion Gate, you realize you will have to fight Daedra?"

Again reaching into my pack, I produced several more items and added them to the growing collection on Raminus' desk: a portion of scamp skin, the claws of a clannfear and a small vial of fire salts. "I have used and discarded more of these than I can recall, Master Wizard." Finally, I added a package wrapped in oilcloth that was slightly larger than a man's fist.

Raminus chuckled, "That pack of yours is just full of surprises. So are you, it seems." Focusing on the package, he pulled it closer and began unwrapping the oilcloth. His eyes opened wide as he involuntarily leaned back and released his breath in a quiet whistle. "A heart?"

"Dremora," I said quietly.

Raminus picked up a quill and poked at the object, carefully examining without allowing his fingers to touch it. His interest in the bloody organ seemed so academic. He still didn't get how serious I was, or the life and death nature of the struggle at Kvatch. I bit my lower lip and contemplated my next move. I was out of helpful things in my pack to plop on his desk to further convince him, but. . . I did have one more arrow in my quiver of tools to persuade Raminus. This 'arrow' was a verbal one. I nocked the shock-enchanted words to my tongue and loosed them.

"The Daedra I encountered inside Peryite's plane included two Dremora. I cut their hearts out." Pointing at the dark red object on the desk, I continued, "This is one of them; I ate the other."

My verbal arrow found its mark. The impact caused Raminus to drop his quill and stare at me in disbelief. "Wha- why? By the Nine!"

"Master Wizard, your knowledge of magic is unmatched, but do you understand what it takes to provide the meat that graces your table? Have you ever stalked a deer or faced down the charge of a boar?"

"No. No I haven't," said Raminus. His eyes remained fixed on the Dremora heart sitting before him.

"I learned to hunt as a child. My archery master taught me the old Bosmeri ways. By eating the heart of your prey you honor their death, gain insight into their nature and absorb some of their power. I don't ask that you understand the mindset of a predator; simply that you take me seriously. I know there will be Daedra blocking my path. They will not stop me."

Raminus silently rewrapped the heart and pushed it toward me. After a moment, he spoke solemnly, "As Akatosh is my witness, I believe you may indeed be the one to close that gate, Buffy. I will support your effort. My voice as Steward however, is but one on the Council of Mages. Can you help me convince Arch Mage Traven and the rest of the Council?"

My pulse quickened. "Of course, Master Wizard. What can I do to improve the outcome?"

"Buffy, there is a matter that preoccupies the Council of Mages and must be addressed first. I fear it may involve danger, but," he made a sweeping gesture at the items on his desk, "likely far less than that involved in garnering this. . . ah, collection."

Was this a trick? Did the Headmaster mean what he said, or was he simply using my desperation as a means to get some task accomplished? I studied the face across the desk. Raminus had always been kind, wise and supportive of my ways. I saw those same things in his eyes now. I liked and wanted to trust this man. Besides, I didn't really have many options other than to cooperate. "I will proudly serve my guild in any manner you wish, Master Wizard."

A warm smile rewarded my compliant trust. "Buffy, we never asked you to complete the traditional pilgrimage that students go through to retrieve wood for their mage's staff." Raminus glanced at Slayer, now leaning against the wall of his office. "Boderi and I felt the staff of a bow was all you needed in this regard. The wood for a mage's staff comes from a hidden grove tended by two of our mages, Zahrasha and Eletta." Raminus' eyes narrowed. "Several days ago, I sent our newest student to retrieve the wood for his staff. He has not returned. Of equal concern, neither Zahrasha nor Eletta have reported to the University for their scheduled resupply of provisions."

Master Wizard Raminus Polus leaned forward, locked his eyes onto mine and continued, "Wellspring Cave, east of the city, is the entrance to the grove." With that, he stood, ending our meeting. "I have a new class of young mages to welcome." He gathered some texts and turned to leave. "Be careful, Buffy."

After retrieving my things from Raminus' desk, I grabbed my pack, quiver and Slayer. I then made my way from the University's central tower across campus to the Mystic Archives. Upstairs, I met Boderi Farano waiting for me with a pot of tea.

"Well, how did it go?" inquired the Dunmeri battlemage. She motioned to a nearby bench and we both sat.

As we sipped tea, I told my University advisor and friend all about the meeting with Raminus.

Boderi listened intently until I finished, then smiled thoughtfully. "The Imperial City wasn't built in a day. Stone by stone you are building your path. I'm delighted to see you mastering patience and carefully using words to achieve your purpose." A playful sparkle illuminated her beautiful red eyes. "Now, my butterfly dragon, did you really eat the heart of a Dremora, or was that just a masterful stroke of calculating your words for a desired effect?"

I lowered my teacup, cocked my head at Boderi and smiled sweetly. "Would I do that?"

Posted by: mALX Feb 11 2011, 01:46 PM

Between Buffy's bag of tricks with everything but the kitchen sink in it - and Polus with a dumbfounded look on his face - this chapter was and remains among my faves! Great Write - AWESOME Chapter !!!

Posted by: haute ecole rider Feb 11 2011, 02:54 PM

Yes, I remember Buffy's never-ending bag of tricks here. And that verbal arrow of hers was the most effective of all!

It looks like you tightened and polished this chapter up a bit, which only makes a great chapter even better.

Buffy spoke true when she spoke to Matius's abilities. Julian was nodding heartfelt agreement through that entire bit! You go, girl (and paladin)!

Posted by: SubRosa Feb 11 2011, 06:17 PM

"I'm going to close that gate." The words just fell out of my mouth before I could stop them.
Yep, that is our Buffy!

I know there will be Daedra blocking my path. They will not stop me.
I wanted to cheer when I read this. Buffy throws down on the Master Wizard! What a journey she has taken to have come this far!

I loved this episode back in the BF 1.0, and still do. It is the reaping of so much work that Buffy has done before. Like the previous episode in Peryite's realm, it again demonstrates the steel that has now been tempered within our blond, bosmer, bravilian, bowgirl.

Also as before, I once again like the presentation of Raminus Polus. Much like in the TF, we see him as a humble man, who clearly takes his duties very seriously.

The Imperial City wasn't built in a day.
An excellent ES-ized version of the old saying!

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Feb 11 2011, 06:43 PM

I did have one more arrow in my quiver of tools to persuade Raminus. This 'arrow' was a verbal one. I nocked the shock-enchanted words to my tongue and loosed them.

laugh.gif biggrin.gif

"The Daedra I encountered inside Peryite's plane included two Dremora. I cut their hearts out." Pointing at the dark red object on the desk, I continued, "This is one of them; I ate the other."

My verbal arrow found its mark. The impact caused Raminus to drop his quill and stare at me in disbelief. "Wha- why? By the Nine!"

Priceless reaction! rollinglaugh.gif

The Green Pact also decrees that all Bosmer be strictly carnivorous. Since Buffy is truly serious about closing that gate, it actually does seem that offering faith to Y'ffre may be quite helpful for her in there.

That was an excellent start to Act 3, Acadian. You've put everything into perspective and recapped everything important that Buffy has learned, every obstacle she has overcome, and left the reader hungering for more. I know I am. goodjob.gif

Posted by: ghastley Feb 12 2011, 01:17 AM

Finally managed to register here (I started the process on December 13th. That was obviously an inauspicious day) so now I can say hello to Buffy (and everyone else).

One thing I liked about the last chapter/episode was that Raminus is amazed by what things Buffy has collected, but the fact that it all fits in the same small bag is just unremarkable to him. Bags of Holding are an everyday item that need no comment - if you're a Mage.

My compliments on a masterful omission. And don't tell us you didn't do anything! tongue.gif

Posted by: King Coin Feb 12 2011, 04:35 PM

I agree with Thomas, PRICELESS!

Posted by: Acadian Feb 14 2011, 01:47 PM

Episode 76 found our bowgirl meeting with Raminus Polus at the Arcane University. Buffy requested her guild provide assistance to Kvatch. The Master Wizard promised he would supportively bring the matter before the Council of Mages. He suggested that if Buffy could deal with a concern at Wellspring Grove that was distracting the Council, they would likely be more amenable to the request for aid.

mALX- Thank you so much! Buffy looks up to Raminus, but he is rather. . . academic. I'm glad Buffy's 'training aids' helped convince him how serious she was. smile.gif

Rider- With Julian being the braveheart warrior she is, it feels good to know that she agreed with Buffy's assessment of the hero in a headband. salute.gif Thank you!

SubRosa- Eliciting a cheer from the lady of the faint smile is a high honor indeed! biggrin.gif Thank you. The opinion you offered on Raminus Polus nails Buffy's view of him exactly.

Thomas Kaira- Thank you. Buffy does have control over her fear of being eaten by Daedra now. tongue.gif There will be delays placed in her path, but she has taken a dramatic step closer to Kvatch. Although it will only take her several dozen of her days to get there from this point, the details involved will require as many episodes.

ghastley- Thank you for extending your support of Buffy the chatterbox from the Bethesda game forum to her fanfic over here at chorrol! I'm glad you appreciate the wonders of her pack and magic bag. Superian's saddlebags are of great help as well, since the mare can carry as much as, well, a horse. laugh.gif

King Coin- Thank you! Take good care of little Aravi and her companion Vilja. wink.gif

* * *

77 Wellspring Cave

With Slayer in hand, I entered Wellspring Cave. Not sure what to expect, I immediately melted into the nearest shadowy wall. I was in a dark tunnel, but there was an open cavern straight ahead displaying the encouraging flicker of firelight. One life force, that I assessed as man or mer, moved unhurriedly about the rocky chamber. I crept closer and could now see robes adorning the glowing pink figure that was now partially hidden in shadow.

Relaxing at the sight of what appeared to be a mage, I emerged from hiding and cheerfully approached. "Hail! Raminus Polus sent me. Are you alright?"

The figure turned to face me and hissed, "Your presence here will not be tolerated!" His arm spiked the air, releasing a glowing lavender orb in front of him. As the magical light descended, it both produced a zombie and revealed that the man's robe was black.

My right hand shot upward in a well-practiced panic response. As my own cloud of magic blossomed and settled over me, I disappeared from head to toe and a skeleton emerged in my stead. The spellcaster's mace and zombie made short work of my bony distraction while I invisibly crept up and circled very close behind the robed man.

He apparently did not accept the illusion that I had turned into a skeleton. As his own summon expired, he said, "So the guild has sent an errand girl, hmm? And quite the looker, it seems." His tone oozed hatred. "Where are you now, little mage? After crushing your skull, I'll have my pleasure with your corpse. Once sated, I may even send pieces of it back to this Raminus Polus of yours."

I had heard enough. As his hand lifted to cast another spell, I reached out and discharged illusion magic into the back of his robe, forfeiting my invisibility. He lost control of his limbs and collapsed to the stone floor of the cave while my hand slipped into my quiver. Within seconds he began to recover from the paralysis, but it was too late. At this range, there was no delay at all between the twang and thud that lethally propelled him right back to the ground.

Scanning beyond the rocky walls, I could detect several distant glows, but none were nearby.

After letting out a long breath through puckered lips, I whispered, "Yikes! What have I gotten into?" I poked at the body with the toe of my boot. "I guess you're not from the guild."

Sparking flame from my fingertips to a torch, I wedged it into a crevice in the cave wall. The front of the dead man's robe revealed red skull and bone markings that I recognized. Why would necromancers invade this cave?

I shuddered involuntarily and my skin crawled as I thought about the black robe's words. I offered some of my own. "I won't exactly pleasure myself with your corpse, but I do need it for a moment." Drawing my hunting knife, I dropped to one knee by the necromancer and began the task of cutting my arrow free. "Don't worry, I'm not going to eat your heart." I carefully examined the broadhead tip of the arrow. The shaft remained straight, and the black and white feathered fletching was undamaged. Satisfied, I wiped down the arrow and returned it to my quiver. Shaking my head, I added, "You know, I've learned that losers talk while fighting; survivors talk after. Advice that's too late for you, I guess."

Grabbing my torch, I continued fully into the first cavern. A small figure lay on the ground ahead, but emitted no life force. As I got closer, my fears were confirmed. It was Zahrasha. Kneeling by her side, I noted that her limbs were stiff to my touch. I knew this Khajiit well enough from my University days to call her friend. . .

A small Khajiit raised her hand. In response to Delmar's nod, she timidly asked, "Isn't it wrong to use the souls of other beings to create magic items or recharge our weapons?"

"Excellent question, Zahrasha," began the Redguard thoughtfully. "You see, the term 'soul gem' is horribly inaccurate, no doubt coined by those who fear what they do not understand. We are capturing magical energy, not souls. Hence, the summoned skeleton who possessed no soul, spirit or life, was able to fill our gem just fine."

Zahrasha was not trained to fight, nor even skilled in destruction. She was simply a mage-scholar, seeking to live peacefully, study and tend her beloved grove.

Death traveled with necromancers. They were, no doubt, responsible for this. It was true that Arch Mage Traven did not allow the practice of necromancy within our guild, but that had no force of Imperial law. Was attacking this University facility some sort of retribution for the guild's policy? I had no idea, but I did know that Zahrasha didn't deserve this.

Rage and tears welled up within me. I gently stroked the soft fur of the mage's cold face. "You have my oath, sister; no black robe who remains here defiling your precious grove will live to see tomorrow. Forgive me now, for I must see what help you can offer." A careful search of Zahrasha's russet felt dress yielded a key that I slipped into a pouch at my belt.

As I thought of the necromancers, I recalled another oath that had been promised and fulfilled by my fellow Knight of the White Stallion. With a grim determination, I repeated the words of Sir Mazoga, "You killed my friend, and now I'm going to kill you."

Lingering, I tried to sort through my emotions. Anger and revenge were not strangers to me. I had learned the hard way however, that it was the methodical and stealthy approach of the hunter that would keep me alive to exact my vengeance.

My tears were gone now. I extinguished the torch, but the words of my doctrine burned brightly. Wrapping the shadows of dark stony walls around me, I silently glided deeper into Wellspring Cave.

The short tunnel led to another cavern that was quite large, the front portion dimly lit by braziers and torches. A green flag of the Mages Guild hung from one wall, while alchemical supplies and a number of texts were scattered upon a large table. Moving about the far dark corners of this underground rocky chamber were three well-dispersed glowing men or mer that I feared were foes.

Briefly changing rings, I eliminated the distraction of pink glows and illuminated the entire grotto in a soft blue light that pierced every corner. Satisfied that the three figures were necromancers, I further assessed that given the size, darkness and layout of the cavern they couldn't really see each other. I removed the ring of night eye and re-donned my detect life rings.

Selecting several hidden firing positions, I set about my task. A single arrow killed the most distant target, but the twang of Slayer's bowstring raised the suspicions of the closest necromancer. As I silently repositioned, I was relieved to hear him attribute what he had heard to nonexistent rodents. The two remaining foes each similarly fell.

Relighting my torch, I searched the black robes in vain for any clue as to why they would attack this place.

My eye caught what appeared to be a bundle of green cloth. As I raised the torch, my heart sank. Crumpled in one corner of this cavern was a body wearing the robes of a University student. It had to be the missing mage that Raminus had sent to retrieve wood for a staff. I approached and, after kneeling by the body, rolled the mage onto his back. The Breton was younger than I. A search of the boy's robes revealed a letter addressed to one Corrick Northwode at Harm's Folly:

Dear Father,

You would be so proud of me! I completed all the various guildhall recommendations and was finally accepted into the Arcane University. Headmaster Raminus Polus has sent me to a nearby grove tended by mages where they will give me the special wood for my staff. Within a few days, I will have my very own mage's staff! I know it took every septim you had to get me here, but I will study hard and not disappoint you. I so wish mother was alive to hear this wonderful news. Someday, when I learn the magic skills to kill goblins I will return to our farm and avenge her death. I miss you.

Your loving son, Arnaud

After slipping the letter into my pack, I spoke to the young Breton whose future had been snuffed out. "Rest at ease now, Apprentice. As I told Zahrasha, the black robes will pay for this. Four of them already have." I leaned closer and touched his cheek, my tears falling upon his face. "Arnaud, I will finish the task of getting your mage's staff made. I will deliver it, along with this letter, to your father."

I resumed my search, hoping Eletta - the other mage that tended the grove - had somehow managed to escape the black robes.

In another corner of the same cavern, I found a tunnel leading to a locked door. I wished I had asked Raminus for a map of Wellspring Cave. Did this wooden door lead to the grove itself or simply more tunnels? Unsure of what to expect ahead, I whispered, "Thank you Zahrasha," as I reached for her key.

Posted by: mALX Feb 14 2011, 02:25 PM

I remember the first time I did this quest, walking in totally blind to what was ahead. The shock of finding necromancers in place of the mages, then finding the bodies of the mages; Buffy may have tricks at her disposal to gain the upper hand (that my player did not have), but the emotions were the same - shock, horror, fear, sadness - (once I verified several times that I had entered the correct cave).

You did a great job of revisiting how this quest strikes the player the first time they enter Wellspring Cave, and that is hard to do - BRAVO !!!! Awesome Write and Chapter !!

Posted by: haute ecole rider Feb 14 2011, 02:51 PM

Ah, yes, I remember the first time in Wellspring Cave. I was WTF??

Good thing I had the official game guide handy. A quick peek in there and I was 'oh sh--'

I remember this from 1.0 and I loved your twist on this quest. It makes it even more poignant, especially when Buffy carried out her promise.

Posted by: King Coin Feb 14 2011, 04:14 PM

QUOTE(mALX @ Feb 14 2011, 07:25 AM) *
(once I verified several times that I had entered the correct cave)

I did that too. I killed the first necromancer and checked my map to be sure I had the right cave, then exited it and compared the the name of the cave with the one in my journal. I couldn't believe that there were necromancers in the mage's guild cave.

Great chapter!

Posted by: Captain Hammer Feb 14 2011, 06:35 PM

The others have already commented on the surprise of finding the Necromancers, but you also capture the second of thoughts that ran through my head when I played this quest: Vengeance.

Arnaud was a well done, if saddening, touch. I assume that this will somehow tie-in the quest at Harm's Folly to kill some more of them pesky goblins. They truly are annoying twerps.

Posted by: ghastley Feb 14 2011, 08:32 PM

Unfortunately you've now got me thinking "It wouldn't be hard to create a mod that puts an extra dead NPC in the cave, and updates the other quest". I've got to finish my own new stuff first!

Posted by: SubRosa Feb 15 2011, 12:28 AM

Oh noes, don't say hello! ohmy.gif Poor Buffy! It is a good thing that her experience has now taught her to react to surprises. I especially liked the comparison between Buffy and the necrodude. Where he simply summons a critter, she summons one and turns invisible at the same time. Talk about having the last word!

I've learned that losers talk while fighting; survivors talk after.

The brief flashback with Zahrasha was both excellent, and economical. By the latter I mean that you not only made the present circumstances very personal to Buffy, but at the same time you performed an excellent bit of world-building in your description of how soul gems really work. Two for the price of one!

Finally Arnaud's death brings extra poignancy to this tale. I really do love how you have framed this, not as an impersonal war between rival mage factions, but rather as a very personal experience of tragedy and vengeance.

Posted by: Grits Feb 15 2011, 02:47 AM

After letting out a long breath through puckered lips, I whispered, "Yikes! What have I gotten into?" I poked at the body with the toe of my boot. "I guess you're not from the guild."

Priceless! laugh.gif

My tears were gone now. I extinguished the torch, but the words of my doctrine burned brightly. Wrapping the shadows of dark stony walls around me, I silently glided deeper into Wellspring Cave.

Beautifully put. Buffy’s skills and her composure are so impressive here.

Arnaud’s letter home really touched my heart. So much love, pride, and sacrifice contained in so few lines. I feel so badly for his poor father.

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Feb 15 2011, 03:11 AM

A somber trek indeed. It is immensely satisfying to see Buffy dispatch those who violated her doctrine with such ease and grace. She has become quite the cunning hunter, one perhaps to rival Orintur Honditar (I always mix their names up for some reason indifferent.gif ). Then again, if you were to pit them in one-on-one competition, it would appear to be rather one-sided to me. After all, can Honditar brag that he hunted Daedra for three days straight? Nope, didn't think so. wink.gif

He apparently did not accept the illusion that I had turned into a skeleton. As his own summon expired, he said, "So the guild has sent an errand girl, hmm? And quite the looker, it seems." His tone oozed hatred. "Where are you now, little mage? After crushing your skull, I'll have my pleasure with your corpse. Once sated, I may even send pieces of it back to this Raminus Polus of yours."
Perhaps tricking a necromancer with a skeleton was probably not the greatest idea in the world, huntress. Maybe you should try a Clannfear next time... or perhaps a Daedroth? Remember what you were taught, always plan ahead. Expect the best, plan for the worst.

My tears were gone now. I extinguished the torch, but the words of my doctrine burned brightly. Wrapping the shadows of dark stony walls around me, I silently glided deeper into Wellspring Cave.
Loved the sentence styling here.

Posted by: Zalphon Feb 17 2011, 05:38 AM

I silently glided deeper into Wellspring Cave.

This sentence is beautiful in its simplicity, yet how elegant it is. The picture is so vivid and real...

Posted by: Acadian Feb 17 2011, 02:06 PM

In Episode 77, Buffy entered Wellspring Cave seeking to check on the mages who tended the grove beyond. She was dismayed to find one of the grove's mages and a University student dead inside the cave. After killing the necromancers responsible, Buffy found a wooden door that she figures leads deeper into the cave or perhaps to the grove itself.

mALX- Thank you for endorsing that we managed to capture the surprise and confusion of finding those black robes in the guild's own facility. I'm so glad that we were able to display Buffy's surprise, confusion, then anger.

Rider- Thank you. I'm glad you liked the addition and tragedy of Arnaud as a means to enhance the importance of a mage's staff. Raminus was quite right that sending Buffy to get wood for a staff for herself would not make sense unless it could be turned into a bow. laugh.gif

King Coin- I'm really glad you are enjoying our version of this in-game quest. This will be the only Mages Guild quest Buffy completes during Book 1. Thank you.

Captain Hammer- Thank you for highlighting Buffy's vengeance. It is a definitive term as, like Buffy, it has both positive and negative connotations. She makes no claim to goodness, and is willing to accept the roll of judge, jury and executioner when her doctrine is triggered.

ghastley- A mod that mirrors our version of this quest! How cool would that be?!? It would still support mages who want to use a staff, but better support mages who prefer a dagger (or even a bow). Thank you.

SubRosa- Heh, I see you note Buffy repeating her mistake of declaring herself to strangers in dark places. tongue.gif I'm glad that repeating the soul gem flashback from one of Buffy's University episodes worked on both the levels you mentioned. Thank you for picking up on the critical lesson that Buffy has learned - focus on killing your foe, not talking to or taunting them. The addition of Arnaud helps reinforce that when Buffy goes into danger she does so either to improve her ability to survive, or to help those she holds dear. This ties of course to the fact that her motivation to help Kvatch is all about one special individual, not an empire or city.

Grits- Thank you for those mighty nice words on a couple of passages. I'm so glad we were able to touch your heart with Arnaud's letter. Buffy will fulfill her promise and try to bring comfort to the poor boy's father. She is easily distracted and drawn from her main path, and this will be one of those times.

Thomas Kaira- Thank you for the kind words about her fighting style. Buffy's going to quickly discover that not all necromancers are as uncreative as those she has met so far. Buffy would indeed summon a more potent helper, but at this level in her story she did not know how. Given her passion for bow, illusion and restoration, she is somewhat of a slow learner with conjuration. She'll address it in this next episode. Thanks also for highlighting the sentence referencing her doctrine; the previous and next episodes are good examples of her doctrine in action.

Zalphon- Thanks for liking that imagery. Great to see you!

* * *

78 Wellspring Grove

The tumblers, protecting whatever awaited beyond the heavy wooden door, yielded to the key I had found on Zahrasha's corpse.

Emerging from the cold stony darkness of Wellspring Cave, I found myself suddenly outdoors. My senses were overwhelmed and I was slightly disoriented. Bright sunlight hurt my eyes and I could smell flowers and forest. A woman's cry of fear assaulted my ears. By squinting and raising a hand to shield my eyes, I could make out the blurry image of a hooded necromancer taunting a woman.

I blinked rapidly, forcing my eyes to more quickly adjust. As punishment for my effort, I watched as the insults culminated with a silver dagger being plunged into the chest of another guild mate that I recognized as Eletta. Blood immediately darkened the Redguard's burgundy blouse. As she fell limply to the ground, I silently cursed myself for being too slow to prevent her death.

Hoping I had not been noticed, I raised my hand and released a shroud of invisibility that cloaked me as it settled.

The hooded black robe turned toward the door I had emerged from, scanning suspiciously. I could see now she was a Dunmer. "So, intruder, you would seek to hide rather than join your friends in death?" The voice oozed vileness.

Ok, so she had noticed me, but at least she couldn't see me now. I stood, barely breathing as I considered how best to proceed.

A spell formed in the dark elf's hand. She began to smile, releasing a pinkish glow above her head. "Be revealed now, guild worm, and yield your corpse to me."

I gulped, hoping she had not cast what I feared. As the glow of her spell dissipated, the sinister smile broadened and her red eyes snapped straight toward me. They were filled with hatred.

My blood ran cold with the terrifying realization that she could see my life force. I used magic to detect the presence of my foes routinely, but had rarely faced an enemy who did the same. I cursed myself for overestimating the safety of my precious invisibility spell - especially around spellcasters. My reliable panic response of disappearing had been shattered. Flustered, and feeling very vulnerable, my mind raced.

The necromancer hissed, "I see the glow of your life, plaything. That won't last for long." She raised her silver dagger, the blade still dripping crimson from Eletta's wound. "When your blood mingles with the dead Redguard's, will you remain invisible? I think not. I'm going to kill, then reanimate you. You'll dance for me, little one. Yes, you will. I'll make your corpse tear itself apart!"

Talking, instead of immediately attacking, was an arrogant mistake on her part. I wasn't the best at thinking quickly, and the precious delay provided by her threats had given me just the time I needed to devise a plan.

The Dunmer approached menacingly. A burst of green magic swirled from my fingertips. My hands instantly reappeared in front of me, but I was already reaching for an arrow. As my illusion engulfed her, the necromancer sheathed her bloody dagger and stood calmly. I couldn't miss her chest at this range, and my arrow propelled her to the ground next to Eletta. Her body now emitted no more life force than that of my guild mate.

I immediately crouched, melting into the bushes surrounding the cave's door. Scanning for life signs, I could see there were two more distant glows to extinguish. I was hidden and safe - for the moment. I let my pounding heart begin to slow as I surveyed my surroundings.

Were it not for the grim circumstances, Wellspring Grove was actually a beautiful forest on a small island punctuating the eastern portion of Lake Rumare. Birds cheerfully sang as they winged among the branches overhead, oblivious to the mortal events below.

A pink flame danced atop each of two stone pedestals in the middle of the grove. The structures were similar to those found inside the gates that welcomed visitors to the University itself. Nestled between the magical flaming markers was a stone chest that I suspected contained the special wood I needed.

I remembered my promise to complete Arnaud's staff and deliver it to the dead boy's father at Harm's Folly. Right now though, I needed to deliver on a more immediate debt.

My heart sank further as I looked at Eletta. The Redguard had been another scholarly mage simply trying to study arcane texts and tend to her grove. Again, I struggled to suppress my anger. Finally, I quietly said, "Like Zahrasha and Arnaud, I will avenge you too, sister."

Shifting my now hardened gaze to the nearby body of the Dunmer in black, I whispered venomously, "By yielding to your overconfidence, you attempted to toy with your prey. As a result, I yet live and you do not. Thank you, hooded one, for reminding me not to make your mistake. I hate you with a raging fury, and would love to toy with those of you who yet live. But I have learned the difference between trusting in my abilities and the risks of overconfidence. I will not jeopardize myself or my task; there will be no taunting from me. Your remaining companions, in fact, will never see their death approaching."

I was near the cave entrance, at the southern end of the island. One necromancer stood guard to my northeast; the other was posted to the northwest. Apparently, their duty was to prevent any assault from the lake. There was good distance between the necromancers, but given the bright light of day, I suspected if one fell the other might notice. How to kill one without alerting the other?

I could use illusion magic that would cause one necromancer to attack his companion. . . no, I had promised to kill each of them myself.

What about a high trajectory arrow to one, followed by a carefully timed direct shot to the other for simultaneous impacts? Glancing up at the trees and overhead branches, I rejected that idea.

Just shoot one, then deal with the likely attack from the other? I shook my head. Too messy and dangerous. Necromancers had that frustrating habit of summoning help that could suddenly complicate things. Besides, they outclassed me when it came to summoning. As an archer, illusionist and healer, my skills with conjuration had only progressed enough to summon the simplest forms of assistance. With practice, I hoped to someday conjure more powerful spirits.

Nocking an arrow and drawing some tension on Slayer's bowstring, I enhanced my focus to get a better look. As the necromancers snapped clearly into view, another idea came to mind. The black robe to the northwest was facing me, his back leaning against a tree. . . .

I returned the arrow to my quiver and looked at the bow that nestled so naturally in my left hand, like an extension of my arm. Slayer was indeed powerful, but could it do what I was contemplating?

Reaching back into my quiver, my fingers sought and found the tail of an armor-piercing arrow. The hardened, slender tip was made to pierce and penetrate. I coated it with a poison that would both paralyze and kill - just in case. I also planned for the possible spells I might need if this didn't work as intended.

After tossing a small pinch of dirt into the air and watching a slight breeze affect the particles' descent, I nocked the arrow. Pulling silk with calloused fingers, I applied some tension to Slayer. By concentrating on the tree-leaning necromancer, I was able to again draw him sharply into focus. The red skull emblazoned on the front of his black robe was now clearly visible. I intended the arrow to pierce the left side of his chest along with any necessary ribs, miss the bones of his spine and continue into the tree.

Factoring in range and wind considerations, I breathed normally. Years of practice helped generate my offset aim point. Halfway through an exhalation, I stopped breathing. In a single smooth motion, I drew full tension on the bowstring, adjusted to my final aim point and loosed.

After a breathless eternity of a couple seconds, the necromancer jerked slightly. The glow of his life however, immediately faded. His head slumped forward, but his body remained upright. At this range, the arrow that had impaled him was not visible. He simply appeared to be resting against the tree.

I quickly looked at the dead necromancer's companion for any reaction, hoping that the distances involved had prevented him from hearing the twang of Slayer's bowstring or my arrow's impact. He glanced at his upright cult mate. Apparently unconcerned, the black robe returned his gaze out to Lake Rumare.

"Yes!" I whispered, repressing a squeal. "It worked!"

The next arrow I selected was a broadhead - the more traditional choice for unarmored targets. I carefully aimed at my final enemy, and permitted a faint smile.

The necromancer never saw the arrow that fatally tore a path deeply into the center of his chest.

Posted by: haute ecole rider Feb 17 2011, 02:53 PM

Yes! My favorite archery lesson!

I loved the in-depth 'discussion' of archery tactics and shooting one without alerting the other (something I take advantage of all the time in-game). The selection of arrow points was also inspired.

Julian's only tactical nit (as opposed to a writing/style nit), and one I share, is that Buffy took her time coming up with a retort to a dead necromancer who can't hear her while there were still two live enemies within bowshot (and definitely ranged spell) distance. If one or the other had noticed her while she was communing with the Dunmer, they would have been the ones communing with her! There's plenty of time for that after the fat lady sings. I only bring it up because while Julian is a seasoned soldier with years of combat experience under her belt, Buffy is rather naïve in that regard, and that only highlights her character even more. She's not perfect, and there is a lot she still doesn't know about combat. Still, she has come a long way - so long that such lapses are few and far between and only serve to further highlight her hard-earned competency. She now has to guard against over-confidence.

As for me, I did notice something.

I remembered my promise to complete Arnaud's staff and deliver it to the dead boy's father at Harm's Folly. Right now though, I needed to put pay to a more immediate debt.
The phrasing here is awkward. 'Put paid' is the typical term here, and as I understand it, 'put' is the active verb, while 'paid' is more the object. That means the word 'put' reflects the rules of verb usage, while 'paid' remains the same. So either you meant put paid, or you intended something more like - I needed to pay a more immediate debt.

I continue to enjoy Buffy's story and how she is growing into such a competent young woman.

Posted by: Grits Feb 17 2011, 04:04 PM

I remember stepping out of the cave onto that island exactly as you describe, you capture that moment so vividly! I have been dreading the day someone used a detect life spell to spot Buffy. And it had to be the first necromancer, oh no! My heart was in my throat, but she prevailed! The nearly silent battle on the island illustrates why Jerric gets a churning stomach when he thinks of archers. blink.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Feb 17 2011, 05:33 PM

The tumblers, protecting whatever awaited beyond the heavy wooden door, yielded to the key
I love the metaphors you use here of protecting and yielding.

"Be revealed now, guild worm, and yield your corpse to me."
This was nicely worded!

and permitted a faint smile
A certain stringy bosmer would be proud! wink.gif Not only of Buffy's cuddly as a rattlesnake choice of smiles, but also of her inspired decision to try to pin the one necromancer to the tree.

Posted by: King Coin Feb 17 2011, 10:52 PM

I'd love to be able to pin enemies to various objects in game. While they are still alive!

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Feb 18 2011, 12:57 AM

Much fun was had with this installment. Tense and exciting, especially with a necromancer using her brain (well, a very tiny smidgen of it, at least) with that Detect Life spell.

I could use illusion magic that would cause one necromancer to attack his companion. . . no, I had promised to kill each of them myself.
Ice cold vengeance... As if I needed any more reminders not to make you mad, B. blink.gif

"Yes!" I whispered, repressing a squeal. "It worked!"
And such stark contrast to the above! There's Buffy for you, she's just as likely to hug you as she is to eviscerate you. Thankfully, she made it quite easy to figure out where each side of the line is located.

What about a high trajectory arrow to one, followed by a carefully timed direct shot to the other for simultaneous impacts? Glancing up at the trees and overhead branches, I rejected that idea.
And Buffy's archery knowledge remains as omnipresent as ever. I propose a challenge: Buffy the Blond Bravilian Bowgirl (of Brazil... I mean, Bravil) vs. Robin Wood, AKA Robin Hood (of Loxley).

I don't know about anyone else, but my money's on the gal! biggrin.gif

And don't look at me like that for mixing up your origins, Buff, you're quite amazonian enough to warrant it! tongue.gif

Posted by: mALX Feb 18 2011, 03:06 AM

This was one of the scariest moments for me in game the first time I played it - even on later playthroughs I felt tense opening that door, knowing she was coming for me.

Buffy's inner workings of her mind as she plots is one of the things I found most interesting about this chapter - Should I do this ... no, I promised myself I would ... VERY Buffy !!! Great Chapter, Awesome Write !!!

Posted by: Captain Hammer Feb 19 2011, 02:36 AM

Well done with delivering swift justice (har!) to the Necros. The way to stuck it to them, by sticking one to a tree (sorry, sorry) was a nice tactical touch. My only question is: what type of arrows is Buffy using? I'd imagine the shaft would have to be either very thick, and thus heavy (unlikely considering the distance), or possessive of a high strength-to-weight ratio. Would common steel be functional in this regard?

Haute's remarks on Buffy's decision to deliver the post-mortem monologue are echoes of my own thoughts, so just imagine I said the same thing but used Awtwyr instead of Julian for a reference.

Posted by: Zalphon Feb 19 2011, 03:13 AM

You're so brutal to necromancers... Buffy, I'm a necromancer are you going to brutally attack me?!

Posted by: MyCat Feb 19 2011, 06:18 AM

Great. Buffy no longer summons skeletons for necromancers!

I too had an "oh carp" moment when I entered the glade and faced numerous necromancers. Almost an early Buffy moment, much to my greaves dismay. tongue.gif

I'll also add another vote for rider's "put paid" rather than "put pay".

Posted by: mALX Feb 19 2011, 03:39 PM

The "put paid to" vs "put pay to" is a regional thing, both are used equally in different areas of the country. Writing for Buffy, Acadian has to use whichever one Buffy would IMHO. Her thoughts/speech are subjective to her personality. I thought this whole chapter reflected what I have come to know of Buffy in reading her story for so long.

When Buffy stepped out that door - that necromancer came up talking in a normal tone of voice if not shouting - the two companions did not come running to see what it was all about. If they couldn't hear that, I doubt they could hear Buffy whispering. The story points out that they were probably assigned to guard access from the lake, which is why I always thought they didn't run to the cave entrance when the first necromancer was shouting at the player in game.

Buffy also hid in the bushes and scouted for others first using detect life - (finding them at quite a distance away) - before she whispered her hate message.

I think what is bringing up the whispering issue is that the story doesn't detail Buffy moving from the first necromancer and setting up closer to the others - which may be why it seems they would be close enough to hear her. When I played this quest the others were way back in the wooded fringes of the island.

I assumed she had crept closer, but Buffy uses that Long Bow (a modded bow) instead of the standard bows the game provides - she could hit a target further away and with more force than someone with the regular issued bow.

This chapter so reflected Buffy to me. She is no soldier, just a young girl with a big heart who just saw her friend killed right in front of her...she is understandably angry at the killer. Her reaction was very "human," it would be hard in such a circumstance for any of us not to want to spit on or curse at the one who just stabbed our friend in front of us - unless we were trained in the Rangers or Seals we probably all would, and even they may falter at a time like that.

I think Haute said it best, Buffy is not perfect - one of the things that makes her story such a joy to read for me. To me Buffy is more comparable to SubRosa's Teresa (Not a Hero) - perfectly adorable, perfectly Awesome - but other than that - not perfect. Real.

Posted by: Acadian Feb 20 2011, 01:35 PM

In Episode 78, Buffy found Wellspring Grove. Too late to prevent the death of another mage, she delivered on her promise to slay the remaining necromancers. She also reiterated her intent to complete a mage's staff for the dead student she had found and deliver it to his father at Harm's Folly.

Rider- Thank you for contrasting Buffy's skills with her emotions. She certainly runs on passion instead of discipline and would never make it as a Legion soldier! Her many flaws do indeed include wearing her emotions on her sleeve.

It seems also that I may not have done an adequate job of portraying the distances involved to be as great as I intended. For example, Buffy had to 'zoom in' on her targets to see more than pink glows, and her impaling arrow took fully a 'couple seconds' in flight. I wonder also if I have been remiss in emphasizing the prodigious range of detect life that she uses. Given the distances we tried to portray, and her expertise in stealth, she actually felt quite confident in her ability to remain hidden during that scene where she planned her next move and, yes, dribbled out some of her emotions. embarrased.gif

I'll try to bear these things in mind going forward and appreciate you highlighting them. Oh, I also wanted to end strongly, with the fat lady singing skinny elf shooting, so I tried to engineer all her ruminations in during the middle of the episode. You are very right that she should guard against overconfidence. Somehow though I'm pretty sure she hasn't peed her last set of greaves. tongue.gif

Grits- Thank you for those kind words on how we tried to capture the disorientation and confusion of entering the grove. It was SubRosa that suggested during our first version of this story that Buffy occasionally run into mages who use detect life to counter her ability to hide. It makes perfect sense of course - much to Buffy's chagrin.

SubRosa- Thank you! We try to limit use of Teresa's trademarked faint smile®, but sometimes it is just the right thing at the right time. happy.gif I'm so glad that you took our use of it here as a tribute to the stringy Bosmer. We could almost hear Teresa whispering, "Meet my friend nightshade."

King Coin- Thanks! Buffy bluffed about pinning Bejeen to the wall down in Leyawiin, but this was her first attempt to actually try the feat.

Thomas Kaira- Thank you so much for highlighting the often conflicting and always swirling contradictions of our lethally blond bowgirl. panic.gif

Captain Hammer- Thank you! Buffy's armor-piercing arrows have a magically hardened slender tip and are enchanted with a disintegrate armor effect. We add a little fantasy license of course, and marauders are not safe from her. We have not put any thought into the type of arrow shaft, but would prefer that it be a type of wood characterized by low weight, resistance to warpage and high strength.

We're hoping that the following factors made pinning the necromancer to the tree plausible: He wore no armor to increase his weight. He was leaning directly against the tree, reducing shearing leverage on the arrow shaft. He had no established falling momentum to arrest - the arrow merely had to prevent him from falling. And most importantly, it's a magical fantasy world! wink.gif

Zalphon- Thanks! Every necromancer Buffy has encountered has shown their eagerness to attack her on sight. If Zalphon could detect her before she struck, and declare himself, she would welcome him. Her doctrine applies. smile.gif

MyCat- Thank you! Buffy's conjuration skill lags at this point in her story. For Book 1, she is stuck with scamps, skellies and ghosts. Thanks for being proud of our bowgirl for not wetting her greaves.

'Put paid' conjured the image to me of a clerk stamping 'paid' on an invoice, and I was trying to focus more on the act of applying payment toward a debt. Therefore I chose what I felt to be the creative phrase 'put pay'. I so appreciate your comment, as well as the comments from Rider and mALX on this. Given that my intent was not clear to everyone, I changed the phrase to drop reference to either term.

mALX- Thank you so much for your kind comments. You know Buffy better than anyone, and over a timeframe that spans even beyond her fanfic career. I'm so glad her passionate nature - flaws and all - came through clearly in this episode.

* * *

79 A Mage's Staff

Golden wings, delicately laced with black, fluttered as they floated above the lavender petals of an elegantly lethal nightshade. Lightly dancing through the air, the tiny creature eventually selected the brilliant yellow of a dragon's tongue, and settled gently. After a few lazy flickers, the wings stopped and splayed open, like beautifully painted pages basking in the early rays of the sun. I wondered if butterflies were so beautiful because they spent their days visiting flowers?

"You're up early this morning, my butterfly." The words quite startled me, so mesmerized had I been by the little flower dancer. My head snapped toward the voice to see a beaming Boderi Farano.

I smiled at my University advisor. "Boderi! I was so hoping you would come to the alchemy garden this morning. I know it is a favorite place for both of us." I patted the spot next to me on the wooden bench. "Sit with me?"

"Of course." The Dunmer gracefully seated herself beside me. "I just breakfasted with Raminus Polus. Your news of the necromancer attack at Wellspring is quite the talk within the Council of Mages." She placed her hand over mine and narrowed her red eyes. "Tell me the rest of the story."

Not one to keep secrets from Boderi, I willingly provided the details of my poignantly dangerous trek through the cave and grove at Wellspring.

"Buffy, I'm proud of you. I feel badly that we did not talk about countermeasures for being discovered while invisible. It seems my illusionist discovered at least one solution on her own however. You are quite the planner - I doubt you will be surprised by that again. I'm also delighted that you're learning how to objectively evaluate your own skills and weaknesses." The Dunmer cocked her head, raised an eyebrow and added, "Now, out with it. You may have some skill with verbal dueling and masking your emotions, but you forget how well I know you, my Apprentice. What's troubling you?"

"Am I that transparent?" I replied.

Boderi smiled affectionately. "Only to me, Buffy."

I lowered my voice. "Boderi, can I trust Raminus? I mean, after I investigated Wellspring for him, he said he would take my case to the Council of Mages and try his best to get me some help for Kvatch." I frowned and continued, "He said he would get word to me in Bravil, but that it would likely take more than a fortnight! Sometimes it seems that by the time I get everything together it will be too late. Now another delay. I know I must sound like a pouting child, but I can't help it."

"Patience," Boderi said gently as she gazed toward the flowers. "This delay is a lifetime to your delicate winged friend over there, but merely the flutter of an eye to us. You have seen but a score of summers, Buffy. Raminus, on the other hand is more than twice your age. I suspect I look twice your age as well; but in truth, I am several times that. If you do not get killed, you will learn to see humans age before your eyes. Time is bittersweetly different for us, as elves."

Boderi looked into my eyes and continued, "My point? I've seen Raminus grow from Apprentice to Master Wizard, and I know well his strengths and weaknesses." She squeezed my hand. "The Council of Mages is in turmoil over this organized necromancer attack against our own facilities. In the midst of this, getting assistance for your hero in Kvatch will require skill and, yes, some time. You could have no better advocate on the Council though, than Raminus Polus."

Boderi stood, as did I, and we hugged. The beautiful dark elf said, "I'm off to teach my class," then she turned and glided away. My eyes wandered back to the flowers in the alchemy garden. The butterfly was gone.

A score of paces later, I entered the Chironasium. "Good morning Delmar," I said cheerfully to the old enchanter.

"Well hello Apprentice, I haven't seen you in here for quite some time." He had two amulets in one hand and a pair of small soul gems in the other. Laying them upon a nearby table, he continued, "What can I help you with this morning? Another bow to enchant? Perhaps some more magic rings?"

"I don't mean to disrupt if you're working on a project," I said, looking at the items he had just set down. "I mean, I can come back if you're too busy."

"Nonsense." His grin flashed teeth rivaling the color of his white robes. Glancing at the amulets and soul gems, he added, "These are just going be lake striders to help the new grove attendants get to Wellspring a little more easily. No hurry, what's on your mind?"

"Delmar, can you make me a mage's staff?"

The Redguard's chin dropped to his chest as he stared down at me. "Buffy, did I hear you right? I've never known you to use any weapon except a bow."

"Oh, it's not for me." I then told him about finding the body of young Apprentice Arnaud Northwode in Wellspring Cave, and of the promise I had made. Slipping Arnaud's letter from a pocket within the folds of my skirt, I showed it to Delmar.

The Enchanter had listened intently. Now, he studied the letter. "Hmm, let's see. . . and you're going to give this staff to his father, eh?" After I nodded, the Redguard continued, "Farm, goblins, probably wild animals. . . ahah! We'll make a staff that casts fireballs - something a farmer can use. How's that sound?"

"I think that's an excellent choice," I said. "It seems that Arnaud hoped to specialize in destruction. In fact, according to his University records, he even wanted his body burned to ashes should he perish. The Headmaster has said the guild will honor that request and even provide an urn for his remains. I intend to deliver that to his father as well. I guess Arnaud liked fire."

"Good. It's settled then. Now, where's the wood for this staff?" An expectant eyebrow climbed his forehead.

Dropping my pack to the floor, I pointed. "It's in there. Um, it'll take me a minute or two to find it." I knelt by my pack and started rummaging.

After a few moments, Delmar scratched his balding head and said impatiently, "By the Nine, Buffy! How hard can it be to find a staff that's taller than you are?"

I could feel a warm flush as it rose above the top of the white peasant blouse I wore. Having no doubt that my neck, face and even the pointed tips of my ears displayed my discomfort, I said sheepishly, "Well, I have lots in there. You know, stuff."

Placing one hand on his hip and pointing a finger from the other at me, Delmar admonished, "Look, young lady, when you talked me into placing a feather enchantment on your pack long ago, I told you it was to make it lighter for you to carry - not so you could just jam more things into it." He then chuckled and shook his head. "Tell you what, I'll just go work on this other project. You let me know when you find the staff." He scooped up the amulets and soul gems then wandered over toward one of the enchanting altars, shaking his head. "Women," he said softly to the wall in front of him.

By Mara, Buffy! How hard can this be indeed? There was only one place in the pack a staff could fit; all I had to do was find my magic bag.

I figured it was a good thing that my rings, poisons and potions were in quick access pouches I had added to the outside of my pack. Finding anything else though was, well, a little bit of a problem.

I started pulling things out and tossing them on the floor. Azura's Star was always on top. Then out came blue shoes, black and gold shoes, a repair hammer, my buckskin halter top, russet felt shoes. . . .

Ahah! No, that's my alchemy bag. Still kneeling over the pack, I blew at the loose strands of hair that had fallen in front of my face. I then continued adding to the growing pile of items on the floor.

. . . burgundy blouse, Arena raiment, skirts, buckskin boots and greaves, sandals, more blouses, several dresses, two bottles of Tamika's. . . .

I glanced over toward Delmar to make sure he couldn't hear me, then muttered under my breath, "All right Acadian, you can just stop that silent laughing. I know we have to get lots better at organizing this pack. Maybe we can work on it later, but teasing me about it right now isn't helping things one bit!"

"There you are!" I squealed. "Oh, isn't that always the way - right at the very bottom." I pulled the magic bag from my pack and began adding its contents to the floor as well.

"Hmm, Peryite's Spell Breaker shield - I really need to drop that off with Tar-Meena at the Archives. Journal, ink pot, quiver, quills, Slayer. Oh, enchanted arrows - I almost forgot about those. Spare bowstrings and more arrows. . . . Finally!" I slid the staff out of the bag, still amazed how things like a staff or Slayer could fit in there to begin with. I shrugged, guessing that's why it was called a magic bag.

Proudly, I held up the gnarled length of special wood. "See, Delmar? I told you it was in there."

The Redguard approached with a grin, shook his head again and took the staff. Looking at the floor, he added, "Now, clean up this mess and come back tomorrow. I'll have the staff ready then."

"Thanks," I said, still slightly embarrassed. I spent the next hour or so trying to get things back into my pack in a little more organized fashion.

* From Buffy's scrapbook:

Posted by: D.Foxy Feb 20 2011, 02:22 PM

"...By Mara, Buffy! How hard can this be indeed? There was only one place in the pack a staff could fit; all I had to do was find my magic bag. .."

Hmmm...HARD...staFF...only ONE PLACE to fit...

(forgive me old friend - tension at work brings out Mr. Dhertee Innu Endo)


Posted by: mALX Feb 20 2011, 02:26 PM

I love the changes you made to this chapter, the perfect solution to my gripes on the earlier version !!! This is wonderful, I am so glad you took my (rare) displeasure into account on this chapter, this is so much better !!! WOO HOO !!! And my fave screenshot is Buffy sitting on the bench in the garden - Beautiful !!!

I love what you have done to this chapter !!! Awesome Write !!!

Posted by: Grits Feb 20 2011, 02:55 PM

I wondered if butterflies were so beautiful because they spent their days visiting flowers?
What a charming notion! happy.gif The screenshots from Buffy’s scrapbook bring me so much enjoyment.

”If you do not get killed, you will learn to see humans age before your eyes. Time is bittersweetly different for us, as elves."
I’m glad Boderi pointed this out, as it’s also been on my mind. I think it probably colors all human/elf relationships, more for the mer than for the man.

Unloading the entire pack onto Delmar’s floor had me in stitches. Especially the two bottles of Tamikas, for some reason that struck me as especially hilarious. I guess when you carry a magic bag inside an enchanted pack, stuff really can accumulate. I should probably stop wishing for a handbag-of-holding! Wait a minute, officer, my license is in here somewhere…

Posted by: haute ecole rider Feb 20 2011, 03:13 PM

First let me counter some of the things that were said earlier.

I knew those two necromancers were a very long way off from the cave exit. I've played the game often enough to have a good sense of the distance involved (thanks to leveled detect life spells and a consistent AI).

But I've had animals and people move from where I expect them to be to stand right next to me while I was preoccupied with something else. And if Buffy is busy spilling her hatred out onto a dead body, those two guys could move from their initial positions and discover her. Julian's fought enough goblins that she's nodding heartily at my words. Buffy may have tons of woodscraft skills (no, not may, but does) but her emotions are still very powerful, and they were running at high volume during that conversation. It's just prudent to take care of business first, and save the chit chat for afterwards. After all, the dead necromancer isn't going to move from where Buffy put her down. Those live ones can.

I'm not saying your writing is suffering because of it. No, just the opposite. That scene got me and Julian sitting tensely on the edges of our seats, muttering under our collective breaths about clearing the area (in this context, the entire island) first. That's how effective your writing is. biggrin.gif And that's not the first time I've read it!

Now on to new business: Grits already said all the things I wanted to say about this wonderful segment. I loved how it moved from Boderi to Delmar, and how nonchalant Delmar was about all the things lurking in Buffy's bag o'holding. He strikes me as the sort of man who's very familiar with chicks and their propensities for carrying their entire lives' worth of possessions in a handbag 'just in case.' tongue.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Feb 20 2011, 09:51 PM

As with haute, I loved the opening paragraph that you spent on the butterfly. One part of Buffy's nature.

I love the name Lake Strider for the water-walking amulets that Delmar is making.

I see you also addressed the issue of Arnaud's remains in BF 2.0. It looks like Buffy will be taking more than just a staff north with her.

Poor Delmar, faced with the horror of the contents of a woman's purse! Again, I just love the pic of all her stuff splayed out across the floor!

still amazed how things like a staff or Slayer could fit in there to begin with. I shrugged, guessing that's why it was called a magic bag.
Indeed! I see I am not the only one who could resist the urge at taking a poke at the game, where you can put a six foot staff in a clamshell!

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Feb 20 2011, 10:05 PM

. . . burgundy blouse, Arena raiment, skirts, buckskin boots and greaves, sandals, more blouses, several dresses, two bottles of Tamika's. . . .
blink.gif wacko.gif rollinglaugh.gif

I echo above about the butterfly scene, wonderfully evocative!

I see Buffy's endless bag of tricks certainly knows no bounds. Me? I'm slightly more mundane than to use the Bag of Holding. Besides, Rusty makes a fine companion in my travels.

Who is Rusty? Well, that's a spoiler for another time. cool.gif

"Hmm, Peryite's Spell Breaker shield - I really need to drop that off with Tar-Meena at the Archives. Journal, ink pot, quiver, quills, Slayer. Oh, enchanted arrows - I almost forgot about those. Spare bowstrings and more arrows. . . . Finally!"

I'm sensing that this one might be getting about as full as your travel sack, too! Might want to start looking into a new volume soon. smile.gif

Oh, by the way, B, you really should consider getting at least your clothing organized. I know that may be asking way too much at this point, but it would be such a shame if those delicate wine bottles smashed... and I'm not even talking about everyone thinking you're a drunk if that happens! I hear wine stains are REALLY hard to remove, especially from white. wink.gif

Posted by: ghastley Feb 20 2011, 11:49 PM

I recall someone (probably centuries ago when I was at University) explaining how the reason that the item you needed to find was always at the bottom of the bag was the second law of thermodynamics. I imagine the addition of magic only makes it apply more.

What was never quite explained was how you wouldn't find it there, if that was the first place you looked. Things are always in the last place you look for them, after all.

@TK: I've dropped bottles of wine a number of times in the game and never broken one yet. Apparently they're not fragile in Tamriel, so Buufy needn't worry about stains.

Posted by: King Coin Feb 20 2011, 11:52 PM

I really liked how Buffy had to dump everything on the floor to find a gigantic section of wood! If my character had to do that there would be a lot more weapons on the floor.

Posted by: Captain Hammer Feb 23 2011, 03:40 AM

Ah, the "contains my entire life" scenario of many a woman's purse. That also applies to some guys I know with their various briefcases or appropriate substitutes.

When I play D&D, we change the name from "Bag of Holding" to "Your Girlfriend's Purse" for any use of such item. When two girls joined, we changed the name to "Purse of Either Player 4 or Player 5" to be more inclusive. I've been admonished for this.

Posted by: Acadian Feb 23 2011, 02:29 PM

Episode 79 found Buffy back at the Arcane University. Raminus Polus had agreed to represent her request for Kvatch assistance before the Council of Mages. Buffy was frustrated however that it would take at least two weeks before Raminus would get word to her in Bravil once the Council had met on the matter. She also delivered the unenchanted wood to have a mage's staff crafted with the intent of delivering it to the father of a young mage that perished in the Wellspring attack. She now has a day to spend in the Imperial City before the enchanted staff is complete.

Foxy- I figured Buffy's search for a magical piece of wood would bring you 'round. Thanks!

mALX- I'm so pleased you liked the screenshot of Buffy looking at the alchemy garden. It is one of my faves also. Thank you for liking this episode and the changes! For readers not familiar with BF 1.0, the concern mALX refers to is an improvement for 2.0 in how we deal with young Arnaud's remains.

Grits- I'm so glad our butterfly scene danced effectively, and thank you for your kind words about our screenshots. I think your handbag analogy is spot on! Thank you also for highlighting Boderi's observations regarding life spans that are so relevant to an elf smitten by a human.

Rider- Thank you for appreciating the large amount of baggage Buffy carries. I toyed at simply breaking with a * symbol to change scenes between the alchemy garden and Chironasium so I appreciate you affirming our scene transitions. Having enchanted Superian's saddle pad with resist frost, Savlian Matius' shield with resist fire, and Buffy's pack with feather, I expect poor old delightful Delmar is no longer surprised by some of the things Buffy pulls out of her pack. She has to carry lots of, you know, stuff!

SubRosa- Considering Buffy's nature and the beauty of the garden, the butterfly was too wonderful to not share. Given your own superb creativity with aspects of TES life, I am honored that the term Lake Strider worked well. Arnaud's remains - yes, cremation is the answer and by tying it to his interest in destruction I wanted to portray it as not a particularly prevalent custom. I loved your response to Buffy's 'stuff' being strewn about.

Thomas Kaira- Given your own potent command of description, I am humbled that you were impressed by our attempt to 'paint' a butterfly. When I add up the weight that Buffy carries, it is actually not much (clothes are light) and easily distributed between her pack and Superian's twin saddlebags. The primary benefit of her magic bag of holding for our story, is that it can accomodate objects too large fit into her pack (Slayer, quiver, staff). Thank you! Yes, Buffy will need that beautiful new journal that Mazoga gave her in just a few more episodes.

ghastley- Thank you! Who can fathom the mysteries of feminine physics and how it relates to carrying the so many required items of daily life? tongue.gif

King Coin- I'm glad you liked sharing the scary secrets of Buffy's pack! Yes, I understand Aravi is quite the weapons mistress. Short blades and bows if I recall. Thank you.

Captain Hammer- Thanks! I got a chuckle from your D&D antics. Given all the teasing - even from Acadian - Buffy's glad she didn’t open up her alchemy bag where her shampoo, conditioner, soap, perfume and all that other important stuff lives among the mushrooms and flowers.

* * *

80 Buffy the Busybody

"And he thought he could beat you!" The Redguard boomed out a laugh. "Ha! We'll scoop what's left of him into a barrel and ship it back to Skyrim. Well, as long as those Nordic knuckleheads are willing to keep trying the Gray Prince, we'll keep raking in the gold. Good job. Here's your take."

Agronak gro-Malog's sword dripped blood on the stone floor of the Bloodworks. The Grand Champion of the Arena made no move to take the proffered bag of gold from the Blademaster. "Give it to his family, Owyn."

"Suit yourself, Champ. I hope you're not going soft on me." Owyn then noticed me standing quietly near the entrance to his office. "Well, if it isn't Buffy the miniature gladiator. What? Are you here for a tea party? If you're looking for a match, you'd better get outta that dress."

Owyn had one eyebrow raised waiting for an answer, but Agronak curled a lip above one tusk in what I had learned from Mazoga was an orcish smile.

"Not today, Owyn," I said. "I won't be fighting in the Arena anymore. I came to see if you want my raiment back."

Owyn frowned, then rubbed his chin for a moment. "Well, to tell you the truth, I always figured you were too small to make it in this business. You did okay for yourself while you were here though, kid. Keep the raiment. We don't get much call for them in your size and besides, you earned it. In fact, you're welcome in the Bloodworks anytime. Now, both of you - out of my office."

Once Agronak and I were in the main area of the Bloodworks, he engulfed my shoulder with a massive hand and looked down at me. "So, I gather you found what you were looking for here?"

"I did, Agronak. The Arena taught me much about facing down my fears, but fighting for sport is just not for me. Besides, there are so many two legged varmints out in the real world that I'm sure my fighting skills won't atrophy." I then craned my neck to look up into his eyes. How about you? Have you thought any more about what I said when I was here for my last match? Turning your mighty blade from entertainment to noble purpose and becoming a knight?"

Agronak steered me to a bench and we both sat. He stared at the training dummy reserved for his use. "I must confess I do find this life more and more pointless. I nurture and watch fighters grow, only to find my efforts rewarded by having to kill them in the sands of the Arena. But at least here, people respect me. Besides, like I asked you before, who would make an orc a knight?"

"The Count of Leyawiin," I replied. I took one of his hands in both of mine, causing him to look at me. "One of my best friends is a knight in the Order of the White Stallion. She is a powerful and noble Orismer named Sir Mazoga. The Order is short handed and would welcome your help."

"Leave the Arena? Travel to Leyawiin?" The Grand Champion's eyes almost seemed to harbor fear. "Oh. . . I don't know, Buffy. I've been here for almost a decade."

"And how long will you stay here entertaining timid souls who are not fit to carry your shield?" I said. "Will it be another decade, perhaps two before some young buck kills you? Or if you survive, do you hope to become Blademaster so you can send countless young warriors to their deaths for sport? What will that accomplish? Agronak, there's a whole world beyond the Arena, and it's waiting for a true champion like you to make a difference."

The orc's eyes searched mine for a long time, and I could see the conflict waging within. Eventually he responded, "I'll do it. How do I get there?"

"I would travel with you, but I must leave tomorrow for Harm's Folly to deliver some bad news." I reached into my pack, pulled out two scrolls and unrolled one. "I did buy you a map at the Copious Coinpurse today however." With a finger, I traced a route south along the Green Road almost to Leyawiin. "Right here is the Lodge for the Order of the White Stallion."

He took the map and studied it as I dug into my pack again to produce my quill and inkpot. After scribing a short letter onto the other parchment and blowing the ink dry, I handed it to Agronak.

He read the letter aloud:

Dearest Sir Mazoga,

Please extend consideration and hospitality to Agronak gro-Malog, Grand Champion of the Arena. The powerful Orsimer is highly skilled with a blade and wishes to become a knight. I ask that you offer your wisdom to him regarding this matter. Should you find his spirit worthy, by whatever trials you deem prudent, I hope you will present him to Count Leyawiin for dubbing into the Order of the White Stallion.

My warmest regards to you, dear friend.


"So this Mazoga is a real knight?" Agronak asked as he rolled up the letter.

I nodded. "You will find no one in all Cyrodiil more worthy of the title. Deliver that letter to her, and I would suggest you call her Sir Mazoga."

"Buffy, I feel awkward asking your advice. It's just that I've been here in the Arena for so long. I don't know much about the outside. I know how to fight of course but, when there is no gate or announcer, how do I know when? Who is friend and who is foe?"

I was surprised to realize that this mighty orc was quite out of his element beyond the Arena. I believed I could understand his apprehension of the unfamiliar. I smiled gently and took his hand again. "It is your wisdom about controlling my fears that helped me survive during my matches here. I'm honored that you would ask my advice now. If you get attacked of course, you fight back. Beyond that, I use what I call the Buffy Doctrine to help me know when to fight. I think you might find it useful. Would you like to hear it?"

"Indeed I would," he said, lifting a dark eyebrow.

I recited my doctrine: "If you are kind to me, I will love you dearly; if you are a threat to me or my friends, I will likely kill you." I then added, "You don't need an announcer, Agronak."

The orc rubbed a thick finger over one tusk for a moment, then nodded his understanding. "Any other advice?"

Studying Agronak's face, I tried to read his character. I remembered his words from the last time I had seen him: "I need a sturdy woman who can hold her own with a blade. A powerful sparring partner. An Orsimer woman."

The eerily similar words of my friend Mazoga also came clearly to mind: "I could give my heart only to a knight who is stronger than I. One who can defeat me in combat with a blade. A powerful and noble Orsimer."

Oh dear Mara. I hoped I was doing the right thing for Mazoga. I knew perfectly well that I was meddling in affairs of the heart - something I knew so little about.

Finally, I issued a gentle warning in response to the Grand Champion's request for advice. "Only this," I said quietly, "remember my doctrine well. Know also that Sir Mazoga has been kind to me and I love her dearly."

Posted by: ghastley Feb 23 2011, 03:44 PM

Buffy's warning Agronak? I guess she has found her confidence! And she bought the map at Thoronir's shop before talking to him,which means she was pretty sure how it would go.

I believe this is an all-new chapter, so now I'm hoping for an encounter between Agronak and Alessia Caro in the future. Maybe Buffy is, too. ohmy.gif

Posted by: mALX Feb 23 2011, 04:23 PM

An all-new chapter!! AWESOME !!!

affairs of the heart - something I knew so little about.

Buffy knows a lot about heart, just not affairs !!! GAAAAH, I just don't want to have the image of Orc kissing ... or worse ... stuck in my head, lol. I love this new path Buffy is on, matchmaker!! Oh Terentius and Indarys - watch out !!! Awesome Chapter !!!

QUOTE(ghastley @ Feb 23 2011, 09:44 AM) *

I'm hoping for an encounter between Agronak and Alessia Caro in the future. Maybe Buffy is, too. ohmy.gif

WOOOOOT !!! I never thought of that !!!!

Posted by: King Coin Feb 23 2011, 04:50 PM

I never thought of the Grand Champion having trouble knowing when to kill! Good chapter! Aravi would approve!

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Feb 23 2011, 04:52 PM

Given your own potent command of description, I am humbled that you were impressed by our attempt to 'paint' a butterfly.


Never forget, I learned from the best. wink.gif

Very creative, having Agronak go to Mazoga's side and leave the arena. That surprised me a bit.

Oh dear Mara. I hoped I was doing the right thing for Mazoga. I knew perfectly well that I was meddling in affairs of the heart - something I knew so little about.
Just so long as Buffy doesn't walk in on them "sparring." Wait... bad images! Argh! wacko.gif

Harm's Folly, eh? No strangers to misery, are they. That must be one horribly unlucky family...

Oh, and Ghastley, I work in foodservice, so I know just how fragile mundane wine bottles can be. The main reason the game's bottles are made out of magical super-glass is because of physics limitations. However, I can envision Tamika placing spells on her bottles so they would not break if dropped, so I do see your point.

Posted by: haute ecole rider Feb 23 2011, 05:33 PM

Buffy the Matchmaker! wink.gif

I see both Buffy and Agronak touch on just the exact issues I have with the Arena, which is why I've only done the storyline twice, and only with those PC's that also did Thieves' Guild, Dark Brotherhood and SI. All of my others have not been interested in killing for sport, especially since that could be your friend out there on the sand, damn it!

I have a good feeling about Sir Mazoga and Agronak the Grand Champion. But I am resolutely keeping any images of the two of them together out of my mind for the moment. Too early in the day for me!

Posted by: Grits Feb 23 2011, 05:51 PM

I’m pleased that Buffy is through with the Arena. Especially since she gets to keep her raiment with the matching boots. smile.gif Sir Mazoga and the Grey Prince, oh my goodness. Yay Buffy!!

Posted by: mALX Feb 23 2011, 05:56 PM

QUOTE(King Coin @ Feb 23 2011, 10:50 AM) *

I never thought of the Grand Champion having trouble knowing when to kill! Good chapter! Aravi would approve!

Agronak: "How do I know when to kill?"

Buffy : "I have a doctrine to follow. 'If you are mean to me or my friends, I will kill you'."

Later, Mazoga: "Countess Leyawiin, this is my friend Agronak. I would like you to make him a Knight of the White Stallion..."

GAAAAAH !!! Agronak's first mistake in the outside world !!! GAAAAAH !!!

Just kidding, Acadian - I blame the dogs for driving me stir crazy, lol.

Posted by: SubRosa Feb 23 2011, 11:00 PM

This was a nice surprise, and more than a bit of a relief seeing Agronak guided from the Arena to a new life (and one hopes a new chance on life, given what we know happens to him in the game.) So it looks like Buffy may be changing her name to Emma? It is very sweet of her to meddle in the lives of Agronak and Mazoga, with the hopes of bringing them together.

I did buy you a map at the Copious Coinpurse today
And it probably came from some poor sod's grave! biggrin.gif

I would suggest you call her Sir Mazoga
A good suggestion! laugh.gif

Posted by: MyCat Feb 24 2011, 04:10 AM

Agronak is not Mr. Elton. smile.gif

Loving this. I didn't know that Buffy could be so diplomatic.

Posted by: TheOtherRick Feb 24 2011, 05:27 AM

Well I am finally through the first ten chapters of Thread 1. All I can say is WOW! You have an amazing talent for weaving a very enjoyable tale. The items I would recount have already been commented on and complimented, so I won't reiterate what has already been said. But I will reiterate...WOW!

Posted by: Zalphon Feb 25 2011, 02:35 AM

Well, Buffy, I'm going to call her Madam Magoza... *Picks up liver* I see why you advise that.

Posted by: Captain Hammer Feb 25 2011, 05:10 AM

Interesting installment. Only one thing stood out for me, though:

The possible children of Agronak gro-Malog and Mazoga.

Imagine them, running around in Leyawin. And as Knights-Errant of the White Stallion, our proud Orsimer parents will have to present them to the court for formal events. Great therapy for the Countess of Leyawin, I'd imagine. smile.gif

Posted by: Cardboard Box Feb 25 2011, 06:48 AM

And Captain Hammer wins +9,000 Oblivions.


Posted by: Acadian Feb 26 2011, 02:15 PM

Episode 80 found Buffy in the Imperial City awaiting completion of the mage's staff she intends to deliver to Harm's Folly. She resigned from the Arena and, surprisingly, convinced the Grand Champion to leave the Arena and pursue a knighthood with the Order of the White Stallion in Leyawiin.

ghastley- Thanks for noting the implication of Buffy buying a map for Agronak even before talking with him. Her little wheels have been turning ever since Mazoga stated what she wanted in a man. Issuing a warning to Agronak shows Buffy's deep concern for Mazoga, and that her dragon mouth is still trying to write checks her butterfly butt can't cash. laugh.gif

mALX- Thank you! We'll try to keep romantic scenes involving the orcish sport of tusk locking to a minimum. ohmy.gif

King Coin- It just seemed natural to me to incorporate a little naivete in Agronak as a price of being cooped up in the Bloodworks for so long. Also, to help balance his magnificent power and skill. Thanks!

Thomas Kaira- Thank you. Buffy so hopes that her meddling doesn't stuff everything up. She'll be nervously waiting to hear from her friend Mazoga.

Rider- I'm so glad that Buffy's maturing views on the Arena struck a chord with you. Although she has outgrown it for the reasons you mention, Buffy is grateful to the Arena for three things: It helped her earn gold to get home from prison so long ago. It taught her to better manage her fears. She got a beautiful blue outfit! tongue.gif

Grits- Aww, thank you! Yes, Buffy likes that little blue outfit. Gosh she sure hopes she's helping Mazoga and not just mucking things up!

SubRosa- Thank you. Buffy chose the Copius Coinpurse because she still feels badly about killing the previous owner. Besides, Thoronir is short enough she can look him in the eye! I'm afraid her nose for business is not quite keen enough to really wonder about why his prices are so low. wink.gif

MyCat- Thanks for picking up on Buffy's growing diplomatic skills. She tried to learn some of those things as she hung around the Court of Leyawiin.

Rick- Thank you for the kind words! I'm delighted that you are catching up with us!

Zalphon- *shudder* Yes, fighting alongside Mazoga is scary enough. Buffy can't imagine the terror of being on the receiving end of Mazoga's mighty blade. Thank you!

Captain Hammer- Thank you. Oh my goodness yes! Little green knights running around the Court of Leyawiin! Seriously, I hope the Grand Champion passes muster with Mazoga and perhaps the knights can do some 'erranting'.

Cardboard Box- Thanks for popping in! Sadly, I don't think anything can really fix that Countess, but I don't think she'll cause too much trouble in Buffy's story.

* * *

81 Harm's Folly, Part 1

Careful to control the flames of my torch, I knocked on the wooden door and took a pace back. Although the house was built of stone, the roof was straw.

"Hello? Who are you? What do you want?" The old Breton who appeared in the doorway was understandably surprised by a caller to his isolated farm, particularly at night.

"My name is Buffy and I'm from the Mage's Guild. Are you Corrick Northwode?"

"Why yes, I'm Corrick." The weathered face turned from suspicious to anxious. "What's happened to Arnaud? For the Guild to pay a call out here must be bad news. Is he hurt? Did he get himself into trouble?"

I took a deep breath and said as gently as I could, "Corrick, I'm afraid Arnaud was killed while on an important assignment for the University. I-I'm sorry."

The farmer winced, but did not break as he closed his eyes. After a few moments, he opened them again. "How?" he asked quietly.

"Arnaud died bravely, during an attack on one of the University's facilities." I then added, "None of his assailants survived."

"I. . . forgive my manners, young elf. You must be exhausted and hungry after your trip. Welcome to Harm's Folly." He motioned toward a reflection of moonlight on the surface of water in a nearby trough. "Please, tend to your horse then come in. I'll warm some stew."


"Thank you for the meal, Corrick. The stew was delicious," I said truthfully to the Breton seated across the table.

"Kayleen's recipe," he said sadly. "My late wife." Rubbing his hand over the ceramic urn that bore the symbol of the guild and contained the remains of his son, he continued, "It means a great deal that you were able to return Arnaud home to me. Thank you."

"You're welcome," I replied. "Arnaud's records at the University said that if he perished, he wanted to be turned to ash and brought to you."

"Aye, he was fascinated by fire," said Corrick. "It'll be nice to have him home with me tonight. I'll place him in the ground next to Kayleen's grave tomorrow. She'll be happy to have him near." He looked again at the gnarled length of enchanted wood I had placed on the table next to Arnaud's last letter. "My son always dreamed of being a mage. I'm sure that staff would have meant much to him. Thank you for ensuring it was completed." He then managed a flat smile. "Could you show me how to use it?"

The question caught me off guard. "Well, I think I understand how they're supposed to work. I've never actually used a staff, and I'm afraid I didn't pay much attention during those classes. I'll see if I can figure it out and teach you without setting your roof ablaze." My smile faded. "Corrick, it's horrible what happened to Arnaud, especially after losing your wife. How did Kayleen die, if I may ask?"

The Breton's face turned hard. "Goblins. Damn things have a clan or tribe or whatever they call themselves. They showed up and moved into nearby Exhausted Mine a few years ago. We've always been able to fight them off when they would send a scout or two snooping around. One day about a year ago, Arnaud and I returned from selling our crops to find a war party had attacked the farm and. . . killed my Kayleen." The Breton finally allowed a tear to slide down his leathery cheek.

"Corrick," I got up and stepped around the table until I stood next to the seated man, "I don't know if I can help with your kind of wounds, but would you like me try?"

He looked up at me. I could see pain, confusion and hope warring within his eyes. After a moment, he nodded slightly.

Focusing on what I imagined Corrick's pain felt like, white energy began to surge deeply within me. I felt it travel up through my shoulders and out along my arms. When it reached my hands, they began to glow with a white aura. I placed one on each side of Corrick's face. I could sense a broken leg that had healed long ago, a gentle spirit and a heart full of pain. As the healing magic passed from me to him, I could feel some of that pain being transferred to me. Overwhelming sadness and loss swept over me for several moments. Finally I could take no more and let go, breaking the bond between us. Exhausted, and in tears myself, I looked at him hopefully.

"Buffy, I do feel a little better, somehow." Corrick tentatively touched a cheek with his hand. "Whatever you did, I thank you."

Suddenly, I heard the neighing cry of Superian and my blood ran cold.

Corrick shouted, "Goblins!" and jumped to his feet. Plucking a mace from above the mantel of his fireplace, he quickly covered the distance to the door.

Grabbing Slayer and my quiver, I was on Corrick's heels as we burst out of the farm house.

Under the light of both moons, I could see Superian rearing and flashing her powerful front hooves at a single goblin.

As Corrick charged and swung his mace, the goblin easily turned the weapon aside with a leather shield. He then answered with a swing of his own mace that knocked Corrick to the ground.

Before the goblin could raise his weapon again, I launched an emerald sphere of magic into the dirt in front of me. Upon impact, the spell burst into a cloud that engulfed the entire area in a brief flash of greenish light.

Corrick, now struggling to regain his feet was not affected by the illusion. Superian and the goblin however, both stopped their hostilities and stood, passively awaiting my command.

Sidestepping quickly, to offset myself from both Corrick and my mare, I nocked an arrow and loosed it. From a range of less than three paces, the impact to the goblin's chest drove him to the ground where he gurgled in pain. I watched the blue arcs of Slayer's shock magic briefly dance over the green skin of Superian's attacker. Before the sparks could fully dissipate, Corrick finished the job with his mace.

* From Buffy's scrapbook:

Posted by: haute ecole rider Feb 26 2011, 07:38 PM

And now we begin what is quite possibly my favorite chapter from BF 1.0 - Buffy's encounter with Corrick. For me, this chapter highlights the wonderfully warm-hearted kind person Buffy is, and juxtaposes that with the lethal blonde she has become. It also showed me creative ways (creative to me, melee fighter that I am anyway) to use magic in combat. This is the chapter that encouraged me to look for new ways to incorporate magic in my combat style in the game. For those reasons, it was my favorite chapter, and to date, it is still my favorite in BF 2.0, though the entire storyline thus far has been a wonderful, wonderful journey.

Posted by: SubRosa Feb 26 2011, 10:26 PM

I liked how Buffy gave the news to Corrick, sparing him the ugly details of his son's death, and instead conveying that he fell bravely. It is bad enough news as it is, not to make things worse.

I'm afraid I didn't pay much attention during those classes.
Too busy staring out the window at the university garden and daydreaming no doubt!'

I could see Superian rearing and flashing her powerful front hooves at a single goblin.
That goblin just found himself on the wrong end of the Buffy Doctrine™!

And we see an example of the experienced Buffy in action. A Command Creature spell settles down the chaos, and gives her the clear opportunity to finish the goblin for once and all, without further harm coming to either Corrick or Superian.

At the same time this little dust-up shows us several things. That the goblins who killed Corrick's wife are still a real threat. It also shows us that Corrick is out of depth in dealing with them. He is a farmer, not a trained fighter.

Posted by: Grits Feb 26 2011, 10:38 PM

Corrick’s words about Arnaud and Kayleen are just heartbreaking. I can see how Buffy would be moved to help ease his pain. Then seeing her empathetic way of healing was quite special.

Followed by battle, rawr! Buffy used a spell to quiet both Superian and the goblin, so she could use her bow safely! I still remember the Legion Rider and the mountain lion. It seems this bowgirl doesn’t need to learn lessons twice. smile.gif

Posted by: ghastley Feb 26 2011, 10:38 PM

I particularly liked the idea of the command spell keeping Superian from getting in the way of an arrow. Oblivion's AI turns all non-ranged allies into liabilities when a fight breaks out. And the ranged ones shoot you in the back if you don't time your attacks right.

As SubRosa pointe out, you've got all the setup for the next part nicely decided in advance, looking froward to that!

Posted by: Zalphon Feb 27 2011, 12:20 AM

QUOTE(ghastley @ Feb 26 2011, 01:38 PM) *

I particularly liked the idea of the command spell keeping Superian from getting in the way of an arrow. Oblivion's AI turns all non-ranged allies into liabilities when a fight breaks out. And the ranged ones shoot you in the back if you don't time your attacks right.

As SubRosa pointe out, you've got all the setup for the next part nicely decided in advance, looking froward to that!

I also liked that, Ghastly smile.gif

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Feb 27 2011, 06:02 AM

Emotion runs deep here.

"Well, I think I understand how they're supposed to work. I've never actually used a staff, and I'm afraid I didn't pay much attention during those classes. I'll see if I can figure it out and teach you without setting your roof ablaze."
Where's a redhead named Willow when you need her the most? It would seem a delightful flicker of Ms. Summers has appeared within your words. laugh.gif

Buffy's continued reliance on magic remains ever-present, as well (as she is a mystic archer, after all). She has a play for everything, as well. If command doesn't work, paralyze em, and if that doesn't work, drain their speed. Finally, if all else fails, disappear and leave behind a Clannfear to busy your opponent while you're busy severing their spine.

Posted by: mALX Feb 27 2011, 06:14 AM

This chapter displays Buffy's personality so perfectly !!! Buffy at her Buffiest !!! AWESOME CHAPTER !!!!!!

Posted by: King Coin Feb 27 2011, 11:54 PM

I'm predicting some goblin hunting in the near future

Posted by: Acadian Mar 1 2011, 01:41 PM

81 was the first episode of Buffy's four part miniseries, 'Harm's Folly'. She delivered the mage's staff and remains of Arnaud Northwode to his father's farm. Their after dinner conversation was interrupted by a goblin attack against Buffy's mare, just outside the farmhouse.

Rider- Aww. happy.gif It was music to my ears to hear that you really like the Harm's Folly story because I have expanded it from three to four episodes in 2.0. Thank you so much!

Subrosa- Wow. As is so often the case, your insight provides confirmation that what I was trying to do here came through. Buffy surely was trying to give Corrick the impression that his son died bravely, perhaps smiting foes as fire blazed from his fingertips. Thank you.

Grits- I'm so glad you like Corrick's compelling story. We'll linger a bit more with it in this next episode. Thank you so much for recalling Buffy's sense of failure when that Legion rider fell to the mountain lion and her determination to learn how to do better.

ghastley- Thank you. Buffy is so glad she majored in illusion at the University! purplewizardsmile.gif She tends to get flustered when surprised of course and illusion is often just the ticket that can bring her some time and control. Boderi taught her that if she can imagine a fight, she can plan for it and win it before it ever begins. Thanks to a lion slaying a Legion rider long ago, this goblin attack was such a fight.

Zalphon- Thank you very much! I'm delighted to see your new story 'Devotion' on the boards!

Thomas Kaira- Who'd have thought she'd ever have to use a staff? I'm sure her mind was off with Superian running in the tall grass during those classes. tongue.gif With her focus on bow, illusion and restoration, Buffy's conjuration still lags at this point in her story. I'm afraid she is relegated to the most basic summons during Book 1.

mALX- Thank you! When you say Buffy is at her Buffiest, it makes my heart sing! biggrin.gif

King Coin- Goblin hunting? Oh my goodness, yes! She does have some more business with Corrick first though. Thank you!

* * *

82 Harm's Folly, Part 2

I shouldered Slayer and turned to the farmer. "Corrick, are you all right?"

"I-I think so," he replied unsteadily as he slid the mace's handle under his belt.

My hand slipped into one of the quick access pouches on the outside of my pack and grabbed a potion. "Here, drink this - all of it." I then sparked my torch to life and offered it to Corrick as well. "Hold this with your free hand, please."

White magic filled my hands as they gently wandered over Superian's neck, shoulders and front legs to assess for any wounds. Sure enough one of her front shoulders was injured, no doubt by the goblin's mace. Nothing was broken however. I channeled healing magic through my fingers, slowly enough to control the rate and amount of pain that I received in return.

Physically and emotionally drained, and low on mystical power, I turned my attention back to the Breton. I had absorbed a fair amount of pain for one evening and hoped the healing potion was all he needed to recover. "Are you feeling better?"

"I am. Thank you Buffy, that potion was amazing. I can still feel it working." Staring at me, he added, "I couldn't help notice the pain on your face as you eased some of my grief after dinner with your magic. I saw it again just now as you worked on your horse. Does it hurt when you heal us?"

"Well, some. At the University, they told me I was an empathic healer; the Priestesses of Mara in my home town of Bravil have said the same. A very close friend, who is a paladin, calls it 'laying on of hands'." I shrugged and continued, "I'm just different I guess. I can heal a lot more pain than I receive, but sometimes I have to be careful. If my patient can drink a potion, it makes things easier for me." A little self-conscious about my healing, I unsheathed my knife and changed the subject. "I need to try and recover my arrow from this goblin. Then maybe we can drag his body away from both my mare and your homestead?"

Upon accomplishing those tasks and returning to the farmhouse together, Corrick said, "Let's get you back inside where it's warm."

I conjured a tiny cloud of icy fog in one hand and extinguished my torch. The farmer opened the door for us.

We sat quietly in front of the fireplace, dispelling the night chill that had crept into us while outside. I pointed to a large painting above the stone mantel. "Is that the Great Oak of Chorrol?"

"Aye." Corrick rose to his feet slowly and somewhat stiffly. As he snuffed out several burning candles inside his one-room home, he remarked apologetically, "I've got plenty of wood to burn for the fireplace, but these candles don't grow on trees." The Breton returned to his chair and continued, "It was many years ago that Kayleen and I came here from Chorrol to start this farm. We cleared a small plot of the rich land and built this house stone by stone. It was our dream. Arnaud was conceived and born here."

The Breton retrieved a dried tobacco leaf from atop the nearby chest of drawers and tore it into two pieces. Wadding up a portion, he stuffed it into one side of his mouth, offering me the other half.

I wrinkled my nose and shook my head. "Um, no thanks."

"I figured as much." Corrick managed a smile. "Kayleen hated the stuff too."

The flickering fireplace now provided the only light as the two of us sat comfortably together. Orange reflections danced softly upon the walls around us, making the small home feel warm and alive. "Thank you for trying to defend my mare," I remarked before taking a sip of cheap wine from the cup Corrick had filled for me.

"Horses are important out here, Buffy. Besides I probably owe you my own life. Listen, it's entirely too late for you to try and return to the big city tonight. I'd be pleased if you waited till morning to leave." Corrick added quickly, "As you can see, I have two beds. You're welcome to use Arnaud's. Please don't think-"

"Thank you," I interrupted, trying to ease the Breton's awkwardness. "I will stay the night. Perhaps tomorrow we can try and figure out how to use that staff. I don't question your intentions, Corrick. Besides," I teased, "I know some magic, and if you couldn't impose your will on that one goblin, I think I'll be safe."

The Breton replied sheepishly, "I guess you can see now why I haven't been able to get rid of those damn things. I've never been much of a fighter, and now with a few years on me, well," he sighed, "they're just too much for this old farmer." He leaned over and spat some tobacco juice into a metal urn on the floor by his feet.

I looked at Corrick. "What will you do? About the goblins, I mean."

"Probably die here." He shook his head sadly. "With Kayleen and Arnaud gone, I don't have much to live for. Besides, I guess I've had a good life. Not every man can claim to have been loved by a fine woman, tilled his own land, and raised a good son. I can't live here with those goblins, yet I can't leave either. Not with Kayleen, soon to be joined by Arnaud, buried next to the home we built together."

Corrick added a piece of wood to the fire, causing the small blaze to spark and flare a little brighter. I got up, refilled our stone cups and returned to my seat next to him.

"Farmers don't make a lot of gold, Buffy. For a long time I scrimped and saved, hoping I could hire the Fighter's Guild to clear Exhausted Mine." The Breton's eyes were moist as he continued, "Life has choices though. I don't regret it, but all my savings went toward getting my boy into the University. I'm sure some day those goblins will kill me; I'll then join Kayleen and Arnaud. Perhaps that is for the best."

We sat, silently watching the flames slowly dance before us for several minutes.

Finally, I said quietly, "I will clear this Exhausted Mine that threatens your farm, Corrick."

Posted by: SubRosa Mar 1 2011, 06:28 PM

"I will clear this Exhausted Mine that threatens your farm, Corrick."
I had more than a faint smile on my face as I read this. The entire episode hurtles us to this conclusion. By the end, Buffy's decision was inevitable. Given who she is, there is simply nothing else she could do.

Posted by: mALX Mar 1 2011, 07:04 PM

Yeah Buffy !!!! This was always one of my fave chapters in the original Buffy stories, love this chapter !!! Awesome Write !!! WOO HOO !!!

Posted by: ghastley Mar 1 2011, 07:18 PM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 1 2011, 12:28 PM) *

Buffy's decision was inevitable. Given who she is, there is simply nothing else she could do.

Well, the other Buffy-compatible options were:

"I've already cleared that mine" which would deprive us of another great chapter, and

"I'll wipe out every Goblin in Cyrodiil" which would deprive us of everything else.

Buffy's even taking us readers into consideration! (I suspect help from someone else in that decision).

Posted by: Grits Mar 1 2011, 07:19 PM

I love the description of Buffy’s empathic healing. I hope Corrick can find his spark again, his situation is so sad. Sounds like it’s time for some goblin hunting!

Posted by: King Coin Mar 1 2011, 07:22 PM

QUOTE(Acadian @ Mar 1 2011, 06:41 AM) *
"Thank you," I interrupted, trying to ease the Breton's awkwardness. "I will stay the night. Perhaps tomorrow we can try and figure out how to use that staff. I don't question your intentions, Corrick. Besides," I teased, "I know some magic, and if you couldn't impose your will on that one goblin, I think I'll be safe."

LOL I'm glad Corrick didn't take offense.

Good chapter! I liked the description of Buffy's healing powers!

Posted by: haute ecole rider Mar 1 2011, 07:24 PM

There isn't much for me to say that hasn't already been said. It's a beautiful place, but I can understand the luster has gone from it for Corrick now that he is all alone in the world. He's been deprived of all his reasons for living, and is adrift at the moment.

But death by Goblins certainly isn't the way to go. Just ask Julian. I'm glad Buffy is planning to handle things on that end. This is how one makes friends, especially the best kind. And there is no doubt Corrick Northwode will be one of the best friends Buffy will have.

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Mar 2 2011, 02:22 AM

(In the tune of Follow the Yellow Brick Road)

We're off to slay some goblins! Some wonderful goblins to kill! Their blood shall decorate the walls and we will all cheer you on still!

Go get em' Buffy! Vengeance will be had for this lonely farmer's grief. I suggest you restrict yourself to frost damage, as well (if possible). As you know, revenge is a dish best served cold. biggrin.gif

Posted by: mALX Mar 2 2011, 03:12 AM

QUOTE(Thomas Kaira @ Mar 1 2011, 08:22 PM) *

(In the tune of Follow the Yellow Brick Road)

We're off to slay some goblins! Some wonderful goblins to kill! Their blood shall decorate the walls and we will all cheer you on still!

ROFL !!! OOPS !!! In my head I am hearing this:

(Goodbye Yellow Brick Road)

Posted by: Acadian Mar 4 2011, 01:58 PM

82 was the second episode of Buffy's four part miniseries, 'Harm's Folly'. She decided to stay at the farm for the night with plans to try and teach Corrick to use his new staff the following day. Upon learning more about Corrick's woes however, she decided she would also clear nearby Exhausted Mine of the goblins that had been plaguing his farm.

SubRosa- Thank you! Buffy is intrigued by goblins and doesn't hate them any more than wolves. It was therefore important to build quite a compelling reason for her to go hunt them, and I'm so pleased it produced a smile of agreement from you!

mALX- Thank you for those kind words! How clever that your 'Goodby Yellow Brick Road' sings about a farm!

ghastley- Heh. I'm hoping to present a little depth to goblins in the next couple episodes. Thanks!

Grits- Thank you! Buffy's empathic healing is both a curse and a blessing. The physical constraints of having to touch her patients and receive some of their pain is the curse. Her ability to diagnose and even glimpse into the character of her patients is the blessing. Regardless, she has her paladin to both thank and blame.

King Coin- Buffy felt pretty safe agreeing to stay the night. Thank you for liking the powers and limitations of her healing.

Rider- Your kind words regarding poor dear Corrick let me know that my intent came through loud and clear. smile.gif Thank you!

Thomas Kaira- Thank you! Buffy's mantle of vengeance and dark feelings of revenge are generally reserved for humanoids possessing the free will to choose the path of evil. She likens goblins to clever packs of wolves acting more on instinct than free will. Since she considers Corrick's claim on Harm's Folly to be greater than that of the goblins, clearing them will be a task that is necessary, but not one that will give her pleasure. Heh, on the frost damage recommendation, Buffy only really knows enough about frost to extinguish torches or perhaps chill a bottle of ale. She's gonna have to rely on what she does best: bow and illusion. tongue.gif

* * *

83 Harm's Folly, Part 3

I stood in amazement, my mouth open. Displayed before me, in the first streaks of morning light, was all of Cyrodiil itself. I could clearly see the Imperial City, with its White Gold Tower reaching almost to the clouds. There was that horrible prison, where I had watched Emperor Uriel Septim die. Behind the city, I could see my Arcane University. Looking even farther to the south, I sighed as I wistfully imagined that I could even see Bravil.

"Now you understand why Kayleen and I chose this spot." Corrick Northwode pulled open the gate to his split rail fence around Harm's Folly. "Not a day goes by that I don't work this land and marvel at that view."

Closing my mouth and nodding silently, I removed the enchanted staff from my back. I looked to see that Superian was safely behind the farm house. "Okay, whatever we do Corrick, let's not point this thing at the straw roof of your home." Extending a finger, I added, "In fact, let's aim for that large stone down the hill there."

Directing the end of the staff toward my target, I thought about a fireball and began to feel destructive magic growing within me. No, Buffy, it's not supposed to take magicka; the staff should have its own power. Oh, I wished I had paid more attention at school. I concentrated on the staff and imagined fire flying from it. An orange spark or two popped out but simply fizzled to the ground. Trying again, with better focus this time, I was rewarded when each of the gnarled tips at the end of the staff began to flicker in unison. A fireball quickly formed and flew down the hill. I missed the intended boulder of course, but almost squealed with excitement nonetheless.

Within a few more tries, I could successfully shoot magical fire from the enchanted length of wood. By adjusting position of the staff's tail for alignment, I could even hit the target sometimes. Handing the weapon to Corrick, I tried to explain what I had learned.

The farmer progressed rather quickly. I guessed part of that was his Bretonic natural affinity for magic. Before the sun had climbed but a small way, he too was displaying some accuracy.

"Well done, Corrick!" I giggled then added, "especially given the poor credentials of your teacher. Okay, now I'll have you try it on a target that's alive - well, sort of."

Forming a sphere of magicka in my hand I tossed it in front of us. As a skeleton materialized, I said, "Get ready, but don't fire yet." I cast another spell to infuse the bones of the summon with a lavender glow that would help Azura's Star capture its energy. "Now Corrick, blast away!"

The Breton obediently launched a fireball from the staff. As the skeleton evaporated in flame, I heard the soft reassuring 'whoosh'. Removing the Star of Azura from my pack, I partially charged the weapon. We repeated this exercise several more times, resulting in a fully charged staff and a farmer proficient in its use. I handed Corrick several soul gems, each softly glowing with energy, and explained their usage. I then pointed toward the Imperial City, "Can you see the Arcane University?"

"Yes, just behind the city," Corrick replied. "Why?"

"The University can recharge your staff also, as well as sell you more filled soul gems." I continued gently, "Just to the left of the Imperial City, is a small island rising from Lake Rumare. It is the site of a beautiful grove called Wellspring. That is where the wood for this staff was grown. It is also where Arnaud died bravely."

Corrick looked toward the island, then at me. "Buffy, you've done much for me - and Arnaud." He shouldered the long weapon. "I seem to be a little better with this staff than my mace. I will come with you to Exhausted Mine. You have given me hope and confidence. Between the two of us, I believe we can eliminate those goblins once and for all."

"No, Corrick." I shook my head. "I believe you have a son to reunite with his mother. Don't worry though, I'm at my best when fighting alone, and I'll stay safely in the shadows. Besides," I smiled, "I need you to ensure no harm comes to Superian while I'm gone."


Two life forces began to glow at the edge of my twin rings' ability to detect them. Taking out my map, I figured I was halfway down the slope from Harm's Folly toward Exhausted Mine. The glows were likely goblin sentries. I crouched and quietly moved among the bushes and boulders until I had an unobstructed long-range view. The pinkish signs of life were near a rocky outcropping that could be the mine entrance.

After poisoning an arrow, I fitted its tail to Slayer's silk bowstring. As I concentrated on the distant glows, they snapped sharply into focus. Two goblins all right. One had a short sword and shield, the other a bow. After carefully aiming, I loosed my arrow at the archer. The missile struck the left side of the goblin's chest. His mouth flew open, but at this range it was a silent cry. The off-center impact staggered and spun him around, thereby confusing the direction my arrow had come from. I could see his body turning a deeper shade of green as he struggled to remain on his feet. Within a few seconds, he collapsed.

His companion launched into a frenzy of activity, searching for me. Confident in my stealthy perch and distance, I calmly watched and waited for him to give up. I used the time to review what I knew of goblins.

Not surprisingly, the Mystic Archives at the University had little information on them. I had fought them before, but not in large numbers. Under the supervision of Boderi Farano, I had even isolated and sparred with individual goblins to improve my ability to block and more effectively use my armor. What I knew about them was from limited first-hand experience and a conversation I now recalled with a goblin hunter named Parwen.

I first noticed the archer at the West Weald Inn in Skingrad. We were both Bosmeri women with bows, but there the similarity ended. The mail-clad Parwen had brown hair and eyes, a dagger riding on her hip and she quite filled the top of her cuirass. I consoled myself, speculating that perhaps her large breasts interfered with shooting a bow. At any rate, we struck up a conversation. While breaking bread and sharing a bottle of Tamika's, I learned that Parwen was a member of the Fighters Guild. She seemed quite familiar with hunting local goblins.

Based on what she had told me and my own experience, I found goblins rather fascinating. They had a tribal system, apparently centered around spellcasters called shamans. Territorial disputes were common, and their raiding parties were often led by warlords. Known for coordinating their efforts and a cooperative social structure, they even raised rats for food.

Unfortunately for Corrick, they were also known to raid farms for vegetables and attack anyone who was not a member of their tribe.

By now the distant pink glow, whose search efforts I was monitoring, had given up and returned to his sentry duties.

I had wondered, with their sophisticated culture, if goblins were some form of primitive cave mer. I knew however, that the Star of Azura considered their magical energy to be that of creatures. Likening them to extremely clever packs of wolves, I believed they lacked the degree of free will found in men and mer.

I might confess some satisfaction in killing evil beings that possessed a free will to choose their own path, such as necromancers or bandits; however I took no more pleasure in dispatching goblins than I did wolves or lions. Sometimes killing them was simply necessary. I had determined that, on behalf of Corrick Northwode, this was one of those times.

First though, I would ask the remaining sentry in front of the mine to provide me some training. After a few moments spent rummaging in my pack, I stripped off my buckskins and blouse. I then tugged on a set of light mail greaves, pulled my boots back on and donned a hardened leather scale cuirass.

I snuck down the hill undetected, stopping about thirty paces from the pink glow. As I rose from my crouch in the tall grass, I launched a spell at the goblin.

My new ally promptly sprinted to a position just in front of me and waited for my command. Making a small incision along his forearm with my hunting knife, I drizzled the contents of a green vial over the wound. The poison would permanently damage the goblin's strength, thereby reducing his ability to hurt me. After sheathing my blade, I gulped down two shield potions and unshouldered Slayer. I quickly reviewed the procedures I would use if more goblins emerged from the mine: Command my sparring partner to fight on my behalf, then summon a skeleton and disappear to seek a safe shooting perch.

As my illusionary control faded, the goblin raised his arms and shrieked a challenge.

Shielding magic flashed into my bow as I raised it to block the goblin's crude short sword. I practiced keeping my elbow flexed and tried to deflect his blows - as Mazoga had taught me. I maneuvered as I needed, careful to keep the entrance to the mine in sight. Once satisfied, I cast a spell on the goblin that caused him to fall limply to the ground.

Before he could recover from the paralysis enough to sense pain, I killed him with a single arrow. I did not hate goblins; rather, I respected them as creatures of nature, and worthy opponents. Besides, they had big pointed ears just like me.

The training session helped my blocking and even improved my ability to maneuver wearing light armor. I lamented the fact that I could not cast spells with even so much as an arrow or potion in my right hand. The only exception Boderi had ever been able to drill into me was a left-handed spell to reinforce my bow for blocking. I knew battlemages could loose devastating magic with a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other, but I could not.

There was so much more for me to master. That's why I sparred with goblins and lived with the bruises. It was the same reason I practiced with my bow and cleared chapel undercrofts until the calluses on my bow fingers bled. Almost every night before bed I practiced spells, stopping only when my hands were magicka-burned. Enough idle thinking, Buffy.

The arrow that I cut free from the body at my feet, once wiped down and inspected, made its way back into my quiver. Although the other goblin had broken the shaft of my arrow when he fell, I was able to salvage five serviceable ones from his quiver.

The entrance to the mine in front of me was marked by the skulls of men and mer on stakes; I had learned this was a common totem used by goblins. Nearby, grew green stain cup which was useful for poisons that could damage speed or even kill. I also found summer bolete - a key ingredient for my shield potions. I made a note to gather some of each once my task at the mine was complete.

After checking the tension and condition of my bowstring, I recharged Slayer, healed my bruises and took a long pull from my water bag. I then approached the old wooden door to Exhausted Mine.

* * *
* From Buffy's scrapbook:

Posted by: haute ecole rider Mar 4 2011, 03:52 PM

Once again I find Buffy's musings on Goblins very interesting.

Sometimes I wonder if they are a form of corrupted mer from the Dawn Era that have devolved into beasts. IRL, as the difference between human and animal becomes more and more blurred, it's a fascinating subject that has me thinking at the oddest times.

I really do think Goblins have some type of intelligence. After all, they use magicka. And while Azura's Star may consider them creatures rather than humanoid, my work with animals makes me consider that distinction rather arbitrary. But a line has to be drawn somewhere, and unfortunately Goblins end up on the far side of that line.

Her lesson on how to use the staff was also interesting and quite fun. And the view! Yes, I was right, it is a beautiful place!

Posted by: Grits Mar 4 2011, 06:05 PM

I found Buffy’s training sessions quite fascinating. She made her plan covering all possible outcomes, then she exercised the patience it took to execute them. Even practicing with the staff on her own summoned skeleton so she could harvest their energy and recharge the staff. I share her curiosity about goblins. It started in the dungeon under the prison. I mean, they use alchemy? Hmm.

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Mar 4 2011, 08:06 PM

First off, I must say this:

I did not hate goblins; rather, I respected them as creatures of nature, and worthy opponents. Besides, they had big pointed ears just like me.
Considering Buffy had just used one as a training guinea pig, this seems awfully the double standard to me. The training session, to me, I interpreted as the goblins being not much more than arrow fodder. If you consider goblins to be on the same level as wolves, wolves are living creatures, too. Seems a bit morally reprehensible to submit one to your will and then do what Buffy did. That struck me as her not having respect for Goblins, else she would have let this one die quickly and without the humiliation of being used as nothing more than a training dummy. I'm sorry, Buffy, but I really cannot see continuous assertions of dominance as being a mark of respect. nono.gif

As for doing this in-game, sure I might do it from time to time, but only on the lowly creatures I no longer have any respect for (because they no longer threaten me). Those opponents I do respect tend to be given a proper (if one-sided in my favor) battle, usually in the form of an unseen arrow in the back. My mark of respect for an opponent in game is found by asking a simple question: do I or do I not wish to kill you quickly? If I do, then you are respected. Buffy did NOT kill this goblin quickly. As far as I am concerned, the battle started the moment she commanded the goblin to her side. His death was then like an old doll being cast aside because it was no longer fun to play with (at least, my interpretation of the words was like that). Perhaps I'm letting my own opinion color my thoughts, but that's interpretation. Nevertheless, it is simply my opinion, and you are at perfect liberty to do with it what you will smile.gif

But I digress, it was a clever way to handle a little power-leveling for her Block and Light Armor skills. wink.gif

Seems I'm standing on a box of soap here, too, so let me get off of it real quick....

I enjoyed your little lesson with Farmer John Corrick over how to use a staff, as well as Buffy's having trouble figuring out how it worked. Again, quite clever having Corrick practice on summoned skeletons and using their souls to keep the staff charged.

Posted by: ghastley Mar 4 2011, 09:09 PM

I think a lot of Buffy's treatment of that second Goblin is her working off the anger from Superian being attacked. Don't confuse her feelings against this particular nest of Goblins with those she may have for Goblins in general, because these just stepped over the line! And we don't yet know how she'll feel about them when the mine's empty and she gets to reflect on the whole episode. (OK we get some idea from the first edition of this, but it may be refined in the editing).

Acadian also notes that the spells Buffy cast have effectively rendered the Goblin oblivious of what's happening to him.

Before he could recover from the paralysis enough to sense pain, I killed him with a single arrow.

...but it's not clear if the earlier sessions with Bo Derek Farano were done this way.

Posted by: King Coin Mar 4 2011, 09:21 PM

Another leisurely chapter. I can't wait to find out what happens inside of the cave!

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Mar 4 2011, 09:52 PM

QUOTE(ghastley @ Mar 4 2011, 01:09 PM) *

I think a lot of Buffy's treatment of that second Goblin is her working off the anger from Superian being attacked. Don't confuse her feelings against this particular nest of Goblins with those she may have for Goblins in general, because these just stepped over the line! And we don't yet know how she'll feel about them when the mine's empty and she gets to reflect on the whole episode. (OK we get some idea from the first edition of this, but it may be refined in the editing).

Acadian also notes that the spells Buffy cast have effectively rendered the Goblin oblivious of what's happening to him.
Before he could recover from the paralysis enough to sense pain, I killed him with a single arrow.

My comment was centered on using the goblin as a training dummy, not on humane treatment (edited my above post a bit so it makes a bit more sense). I can understand a bit of suffering for the sake of her horse, I simply think that Buffy is not setting a good example for her respect of the forest creatures at this time.

Hypocrisy is a pet peeve of mine, if you wish to know.

Posted by: mALX Mar 5 2011, 12:57 AM

Something was missing in this chapter - didn't notice it in the last one, but on this one the absence was poignant - Acadian !!! I am so used to her communication with the Paladin in her head that it felt odd without him in this chapter.

Has he gone AWOL ??? GAAAAAH !!!!

Posted by: SubRosa Mar 5 2011, 02:33 AM

Oh, I wished I had paid more attention at school.
This had me smiling! smile.gif

I cast another spell to infuse the bones of the summon with a lavender glow that would help Azura's Star capture its energy.
And this time around the passage is idiot-proofed! wink.gif

The off-center impact staggered and spun him around, thereby confusing the direction my arrow had come from.
Once more, Buffy shows her mastery of the bow.

I see Parwen makes an appearance as well, as do her two attributes! Just like young women to not be satisfied with what Mara gave them! laugh.gif

I knew battlemages could loose devastating magic with a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other, but I could not.
This was a clever bit of world-building that helps Buffy from becoming too buffed.

Posted by: mALX Mar 5 2011, 02:41 AM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 4 2011, 08:33 PM) *

I cast another spell to infuse the bones of the summon with a lavender glow that would help Azura's Star capture its energy.
And this time around the passage is idiot-proofed! wink.gif

Hey, I was one of those idiots on the original trying to guess !!!! ROFL !!!


This helps Buffy from becoming too buffed.

ROFL !!! Awesome phraseology, SubRosa !!! I love that line !!

Posted by: SubRosa Mar 5 2011, 03:13 AM

QUOTE(mALX @ Mar 4 2011, 08:41 PM) *

Hey, I was one of those idiots on the original trying to guess !!!! ROFL !!!

So was I! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Winter Wolf Mar 6 2011, 03:53 AM

Ahh, the old staff training session with Buffy & Corrick. Yes, I remember this! Beautifully written, especially the musings on the White Gold Tower & distant Bravil.

I then approached the old wooden door to Exhausted Mine.
Buffy the Goblin Slayer! Go girl. smile.gif

Posted by: Ceidwad Mar 6 2011, 03:54 AM

Acadian, good chapter again. I really enjoy your descriptions of how Buffy feels when she encounters different opponents - how she has neutral feelings towards animals and goblins, but detests necromancers. You work well with in-game examples too.

One question, your description of the scene with Corrick using the staff on the skeleton intrigued me: did this actually take place in your game? I've never used the PC version, but from what I've read it would be possible to use the console to equip Corrick with the staff, summon a skeleton, provoke it, and have Corrick use the staff to kill it. That's one of the reasons I want to get Oblivion for PC someday (that plus mods obviously), to do cool things like that. Too bad my laptop (sans mouse) is impractical for playing Oblivion at the moment.

Posted by: Acadian Mar 7 2011, 02:30 PM

83 was the third episode of Buffy's four part miniseries, 'Harm's Folly'. After managing to teach both herself and Corrick how to use a fire staff, Buffy made her way toward Exhausted Mine. While clearing the area surrounding the mine's entrance, she shared her thoughts on goblins and even did some sparring with one to improve her skills.

Rider- I was delighted to realize that we see goblins exactly the same way! Buffy of course is still trying to figure them out and her assessment of them may very well evolve as she learns more about their sophistication. I envision a very distant storyline (not in Book 1) where she actually gains membership to a tribe (Clan of the Cave Mer wink.gif ). I know that they have factored heavily into the darker side of poor Julian's memories.

Grits- I'm so glad you enjoyed Buffy's 'training sessions'. smile.gif We had several purposes for the 'goblin sparring':
1. To contrast the 'sweet girl helps farmer' with what it takes for her to earn and maintain that very ability to help.
2. To present yet another glimpse into how Buffy employs the game mechanics that she finds in her world to improve her survival.
3. To display a questionable thought process that is driven by her very powerful need to survive. That is, does her objective justify the means she uses? Intentionally, a reasonable and open question. Nope, nothing simple about her convoluted thought process! wacko.gif

Thomas Kaira- Buffy readily pleads guilty to controversial choices as she goes about doing what she feels is necessary. I do indeed intend for her views to often have gray edges, and her choice to train with a goblin certainly fits that category.

Hypocrisy is indeed among her long list of imperfections. This is an elf who greatly admires and respects those who can wield steel and stand toe-to-toe against their foes; yet her own primary tactic is to preemptively strike while hidden in the shadows like a coward. She touts the nobility of her cause to help free Kvatch, yet her true motivation is purely selfish attraction to her hero in a headband. She will murder for spite, yet refuses to do so for hire.

She will eat a deer to ensure her survival, and sacrifice a goblin to her training for the same purpose; yet she respects them both. The fact that she considers goblins to be worthy opponents is exactly why she tasked one to provide her some training. She does not equate using the bounty of nature for eating, wearing or training as a lack of respect for the creatures that provide it. Her logic here will not meet everyone's standards, but it meets hers and keeps her alive.

She has never laid claim to moral high ground and makes no apology for the actions she deems appropriate to survive. I don't expect her to appeal to the peeves or sensibilities of all readers.

ghastley- Thank you! Buffy does indeed respect goblins. She saves the hard core torture for necrodudes, bandits and highwaymen. tongue.gif

King Coin- WooHoo! The very next episode opens inside that cave!

mALX- So many things to do and so little words! Yes, poor Acadian is sometimes relegated to the role of 'silent partner'. Buffy had a lot to ruminate on in this past episode and the paladin couldn't get a word in. laugh.gif

SubRosa- Thank you! For those not familiar with 1.0, I overreached in trying to creatively say 'cast a soul trap spell'. I'm so glad this version was clearer. I'm also glad you noted our efforts to show some of Buffy's limitations when it comes to magic. In fact, let me hijack your comment into an excuse to review them for all readers:
1. She can't cast ranged healing spells.
2. She casts spells only from an empty right hand with a couple exceptions. She can use both hands to heal. The 'reinforce her bow to block' spell that Boderi drilled into her is the only real left handed spell she can cast. Perhaps it is because Slayer is almost an extension of her arm that allows her to cast this spell into her bow-filled left hand.
3. Her ability with the elemental destruction effects of fire, frost and shock do not extend much beyond the 'flare' spell, heating bathwater, or chilling an ale for Daenlin. The fact that Buffy's destruction skill is almost exclusively focused on drain speed and weakness to poison is of course, quite the source of chagrin to her friend Delphine Jend.
4. Her conjuration skill has not yet progressed beyond the most basic of summons.
5. She needs to be standing to cast. Although she's an accomplished illusionist and healer, simply holding her down so she can't get off her barstool can render her magically helpless. biggrin.gif

Wolf- Buffy has so missed your beautiful support! Particularly after this somewhat controversial story, your words were like a soothing potion to us. Hug_emoticon.gif

Ceidwad- I so appreciate that you enjoy riding along with Buffy as she ruminates regarding differing foes. We enjoy weaving her thoughts into her actions and even brushing against the occasional in-game quest.

As to your question, although the goblin training session was an extremely accurate description of the event in her game, we did not equip Corrick with the staff for his training up at the farm. What you suggest regarding equipping NPCs is possible via the command console. For our screenshot showing Corrick for example, we replaced his dwarven mace with a steel one that we thought better suited a farmer. I understand there are mods that include the ability to more easily equip NPCs as desired. Although we do not have it, one such mod is Companion Share and Recruit. Do not be discouraged by the lack of a PC or mods for your game. Honestly, we find passion and imagination to be the magic ingredients. In fact, of Buffy's relatively short list of mods, it is the very simplest ones (portable campsite and saddlebags) that we find the most immersive to our play.

All- Whew! Sorry for the long windedness, dear friends. smile.gif I so hope you will now enjoy the conclusion of Buffy's 'Harm's Folly' storyline.

* * *

84 Harm's Folly, Part 4

My tactics clearing the first two levels of this mine had been safe, simple and effective. Upon locating groups of goblins, I used the power of illusion to induce fights among them. Remaining hidden in shadow, I allowed them to reduce their own numbers. I would repeat this as necessary, not hesitating to disappear or summon a distraction when needed. Survivors were then sniped off. No less than eighteen goblins were now dead.

Poison, illusion spells and salvaging arrows had helped control the depletion of my quiver. Digging into my magic bag for spare arrows, I couldn't help but smile as my hand touched upon the beautiful leather-bound book with blank pages that Mazoga had given me. I realized it would soon come into service, since my current journal was now full.

Adding the last seven spare arrows from my magic bag brought the count in my quiver up to twenty three. Superian's saddlebags were magical enough that they could hold arrows, but I had already taken the last of her supply before leaving Harm's Folly. I had just under a full quiver to not only kill any remaining goblins, but to safely see me home to Bravil. Home. . . .

It was the pervasive odor really, more than the cold or damp, that returned me from homesickness back to my task at hand. The lack of fresh or circulating air emphasized just how badly goblins smelled. Clearly, neither bathing nor housecleaning was part of their culture.

I stood now in front of another door. After I wiped off several layers of dirt, my torch revealed the words: 'Exhausted Mine Bottom Section'. Relieved at the implication that this would be the final level, I extinguished the light.

As soon as I slipped through the door a screeching challenge pierced the air, leaving no doubt that I was detected. All I could see was a large glow with arms and legs looming before me. The pink aura itself served as an eerie light source that revealed the silhouette of an axe being raised. Protective magic burst instinctively into my bow as I raised it to block. Despite my panic, I managed to fling off a spell. My emerald illusion magic swirled into the pink enemy to fill the tunnel in front of me with disorienting color.

Thankfully, the axe stopped in mid-swing. The goblin wielding it was convinced to turn and engage the two other bright glimmers of life rapidly approaching us.

I pressed my back against the door, as the three goblins met in a clash of steel and howls right in front of me. A lavender globe of magicka escaped from my fist. As the conjured bones of my summon appeared, I hoped he would help even the odds.

One goblin fell, then my skeleton. Nocking an arrow, I aimed at the two glowing combatants now locked in a mortal dance. I felt the splatter of what must have been a spray of goblin blood as it traced across my breasts. I cursed the door behind, that forced me into this close range.

As one goblin fell, I loosed my arrow into the other from less than two paces away. Three bodies now lay at my feet. Slowly, I scanned and counted six more life signs; none were close however. I decided to pause here a few moments and let my racing heart slow a bit.

"Acadian, are you proud of me?" I lit a torch and knelt to cut my arrow from the goblin. "There was a time when this 'door trap' would have left me badly wounded, dead or at least in a puddle on the floor, crying. That can still easily happen of course, but with training and hard work I think I'm getting better." I sheathed my knife and inspected the arrow.

The paladin quietly replied. "You're doing a fine job keeping this frail body we share alive. I rather appreciate that. As to your question, I am always proud of you, my bowgirl."

The very short tunnel opened into a large cavern. A search of the chamber revealed nothing of interest except another passage leading deeper into the mine.

With my darkened torch now stowed, I silently crept into the shadowy corridor. After completing a sharp turn to the left, another cavern appeared ahead of me. This one was well-lit by a campfire and hosted three life signs.

I could see one goblin quite clearly. He was seated, skinning dead rats and placing the meat into a stewpot that hung above a cooking fire. Next to his feet, onions and carrots surrounded several heads of cabbage that appeared destined to join the rat meat. He paused briefly to sip a beer, then poured the rest of the bottle into the pot. His two flanking comrades were hidden from view by the stone walls of the tunnel.

After applying poison to my arrowhead, I fit the nock to Slayer's silk bowstring. The arrow propelled the chef from his stool. I was confident he would not get up. The glows of his two comrades instantly reacted however.

As soon as the first goblin charged into the tunnel toward me, magic flew from my fingertips. My hand then shot over my shoulder for the tail of an arrow. The illusion convinced him to immediately wheel and intercept the goblin on his heels. As I hoped, the two joined in combat and ignored me - for the moment.

I waited, watching along the shaft of my nocked arrow. The yowling and screeching sounds of goblins, while now well-familiar, remained eerily chilling. As one of them fell, my arrow fatally congratulated the victor. I then entered the cavern.

Relatively safe for the moment, I sat by the fire, trying to ignore the bubbling pot of rat stew. Parwen, the busty Bosmer I met in Skingrad, had told me to beware of spellcasters. Apparently they were often found in the deepest parts of goblin lairs. I figured that pretty much summed up where I was now. After repairing and recharging Slayer, I searched the chamber. Again, I found only a tunnel leading deeper.

Hugging the cold stone walls, I crept into the narrow corridor. I could make out that the cavern ahead contained a single life sign. I readied a spell. Other mages called the effect telekinesis, but I used it to help identify long-range targets. I focused on the pink form ahead and was able to divine that it was a goblin berserker. A single arrow, dressed with poison, extinguished him.

I sneaked up to the end of the tunnel. The grotto containing the dead berserker was of medium size and bathed in a subtle glow from above. I could see several large rock outcroppings rising from the stone floor. On the far side, was an opening - to yet another tunnel. Two distant life signs were well beyond the rock walls ahead.

In addition to the corpse of the berserker, I found no less than a dozen skeletons of men and mer. Were these the remains of intruders who had neglected training their skills? Or perhaps trophies? Thankfully, the same open shaft to the surface that admitted soft traces of natural light, also helped reduce the stench of decay. I had glimpsed into the nature of goblins enough be amazed at their clever complexity.

Wisp stalk grew abundantly on the floor of the cavern. I gathered several portions of the slender mushrooms that could easily be made into lethal poisons.

As I looked beyond the next tunnel and surrounding stone walls, I could see the living aura of only two remaining goblins. I crept into the tunnel. Up ahead, the narrow corridor took a sharp turn to the right. The glows beyond were now quite large.

With my empty right hand twitching to either cast a spell or grab an arrow, I crept around the corner toward the life signs. Barely breathing, I stopped as I faced what appeared to be a small cavern. Both goblins within, were obscured by the stone walls of the tunnel.

In order to clearly see my enemies, I would have to enter the small grotto and stand between them. I backed away some. Raising my hand, I watched my arm disappear as the illusion I cast settled over me. Unseen, and silently gliding like a ghost, I entered the chamber.

The small space had a right and left wing, each containing a goblin. I readied my target identification spell. I didn't need to cast it, which would sacrifice my invisibility; I merely needed to concentrate on my targets with the spell in mind. I quickly divined one to be a skirmisher. The other had an unfamiliar name - 'Netherboss'. Just as silently, I retreated from the cavern toward relative safety.

I hated the panic and fear that I felt when I had to react quickly in a crisis. If I was scared or pressed, I just couldn't think very nimbly. I was at my best when I could take the time to devise and think through a plan, so that's what I did.

As my cloak of invisibility expired, I selected a very powerful and complex poison. It prevented spell casting while delivering three types of damage. After applying it to the tip of a broadhead arrow, I nocked the vile missile. I then crept forward until I stood undetected and just far enough into the small cavern to strike. The shot, at this range, would be easy but I would need to be quick with my magic.

While aiming Slayer at the Netherboss, I could see the skirmisher off to my right side. I was actually concentrating on an illusion spell.

The bowstring was still snapping forward when my now empty right hand spiked out to one side and fired a spell toward the skirmisher at the other end of the cavern.

Dark with poison, the Netherboss spiked the air with a hand, but no magicka blossomed. The skirmisher, now under my command, launched a vicious attack against the spellcaster. I nocked a second arrow and waited.

The Netherboss wielded his mace to defend himself, but it was too late. Poisoned, pummeled and unable to cast spells, he fell. My arrow hit the skirmisher in the center of his back, driving him against the stone wall. As his glow faded and he slid to the ground, Azura's Star sang the final haunting note of this battle to clear Exhausted Mine.

After shouldering Slayer, I allowed a tiny flame to leap from one fingertip to the head of my torch.

Searching this final small grotto revealed an unusual amulet around the neck of the Netherboss. It was beautifully ornate, with a large jade stone set in gold. There was an inscription on the back, clearly identifying the rightful owner.

As I tucked the amulet into one of the pouches on the outside of my pack, I said quietly, "Be at ease, Kayleen. Corrick will get this back. He can now live out his days in the home you made together."

* From Buffy's scrapbook:

Posted by: mALX Mar 7 2011, 02:44 PM

WOO HOO !!! I hated this cave! Buffy made short work of it, but goblins give me the creeps !!! GAAAAAH !!! GO BUFFY !!!!

Posted by: haute ecole rider Mar 7 2011, 04:05 PM

And vengeance has been wrought. Good job Buffy - it shows how caution and planning wins the day, even when confronted by unexpected events. The door trap is a perfect demonstration of the value of drill, drill, drill. Her responses to the situation were appropriate and more importantly, fast. Fast enough to save her life? You betcha!

I did catch one nit:

That can still easily happen of course, but with training and hard work I think I'm getting better.{"} I sheathed my knife and inspected the arrow.
It looks like the goblins scared off the closing quote here.

And our paladin finally gets a word in!

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Mar 7 2011, 05:47 PM

I don't expect her to appeal to the peeves or sensibilities of all readers.
Your own ideas come first. The interpretations of your readers can help you along, but when it comes to such concepts as morals and motivations, only you know what is best for your character. Quite frankly, I must applaud you for sharing such a controversial selection with us. It allows us to understand that not only is Buffy flawed, but she recognizes it and has no wish to change who she is. Some might disapprove of this, but not me. Selfishness (to an extent) is a virtue in my eyes, and Buffy is a perfect example of why. She is guilty of no folly, and I think none the less of her for her misgivings.

OK, to the story...

Only Buffy could deliver combat in this way. It never gets old, as it is most creative. There is no lost honor in sniping in the shadows, in fact "honorable battle" is an oxymoron. When one man wishes to kill you, I really could care less what others think of me in my attempts to preserve my life. Wait... that sounds like a familiar argument. biggrin.gif

Azura's Star sang the final haunting note of this battle to clear Exhausted Mine.
Most excellent finale!

EDIT: In more than one sense, as well, I'd wager. I feel a 4th thread coming, and coming very soon....

Posted by: King Coin Mar 7 2011, 06:00 PM

I really enjoyed this chapter! I'm glad Buffy's better at handling close-in action now than before!

Posted by: SubRosa Mar 7 2011, 06:10 PM

The lack of fresh or circulating air emphasized just how badly goblins smelled.

Phew, that was a close call at the door. Every archer's worst nightmare is being cornered like that. Yet Buffy showed her stuff with her cunning use of magic and archery.

my arrow fatally congratulated the victor.
Elegantly put!

Finally, an excellent picture of Buffy standing amongst the goblin's victims. Linking the light shaft to the surface with a premeditated decision to put the corpses there was an excellent bit of goblin building.

So now then, I take it Buffy will be off to Bravil for a well-deserved break?

Posted by: Grits Mar 8 2011, 01:27 AM

I’m not so sure about the rat meat, but I have to admire a culture that puts beer in their stew! Whew, that was a long day’s work in the mines. Buffy’s narration had me captivated every step of the way. I hope there is a waterfall on the way home. smile.gif Buffy’s training has really paid off. Now I can see her working her way through a sigil tower.

Posted by: Thomas Kaira Mar 8 2011, 03:18 AM biggrin.gif

Posted by: Ceidwad Mar 8 2011, 12:47 PM

Popcorn, cheese and beer? No thanks.

Posted by: Rihanae Mar 9 2011, 07:52 PM

I love reading about Buffy's adventures. This chapter was equally thrilling.
Keep up the good work smile.gif

Posted by: Winter Wolf Mar 9 2011, 10:40 PM

Wolf- Buffy has so missed your beautiful support! Particularly after this somewhat controversial story, your words were like a soothing potion to us.
Ha Ha! I remember the two schools of thought that roared like fire around this story at Beth. You have certainly cleared up any misconception on Buffy 2.0. At the time it might have been a panic for you, but the great sign was that your readers were passionate about a little Buffy to analyze your writing from every which way. And really, that is all a writer can ask for....

I stood now in front of another door. After I wiped off several layers of dirt, my torch revealed the words: 'Exhausted Mine Bottom Section'. Relieved at the implication that this would be the final level, I extinguished the light.
One of the hardest things in writing is to know when to 'linger' and when to push the story forward- here you allow us to enter the lower chambers instead of labor through the 18 earlier goblin deaths. Readers will always skim when the story becomes repetitive, so kudos to you for keeping the focus very tight!

I pressed my back against the door, as the three goblins met in a clash of steel and howls right in front of me.
I really loved this. smile.gif

Posted by: Zalphon Mar 10 2011, 01:23 AM

My apologies for being gone so long, I really did like this chapter smile.gif

Posted by: MyCat Mar 10 2011, 03:59 AM

I loved this one too, but speedier people have already pointed out my favorite bits.

(Is "snuck" really a word? smile.gif )

Posted by: Acadian Mar 10 2011, 02:02 PM

In Episode 84, Buffy concluded her 'Harm's Folly' miniseries by clearing Exhausted Mine of the goblins that had been plaguing the farm and family of Corrick Northwode.

mALX- Thank you! She finds goblins scary, but fascinating.

Rider- As you know, Buffy is easily flustered when quick or nimble thinking is required. That is why you are so very right about her need to pre-think and drill possible scenarios. Again, Boderi Farano's influence is seen here. Thank you for pointing out the nit so I could fix it!

Thomas Kaira- I'm so glad Buffy's quirky and flawed thinking didn't drive you off! Thank you for the kind words. Thanks also for the beer recipe. Perhaps that rat chef who was driven out of Leyawiin should consult some goblins for additional recipes, or perhaps seek work with one of their tribes. tongue.gif

King Coin- Thanks! She has had to imagine loads of panic type scenarios, fight them in her mind and train quick reaction drills for them. As a result, her ability to compensate for her tendency to fluster under pressure is getting better.

SubRosa- Buffy learned a great deal about goblins here, and she is amazed by them. More and more, she finds herself pondering her 'primitive cave mer' theory as having some merit. Thank you. You are very right that she needs a good break in Bravil!

Grits- Buffy's admiration (and awe) of goblins grew here. I'm so glad you enjoyed her narration. Thank you for your confidence in her readiness to engage a sigil tower. The next time she returns to Kvatch, I bet she will not butterfly away.

Ceidwad- How about some of SubRosa's patented imp chips and beer? Thank you for staying with us!

Rihanae- Welcome to both you and Lissa. I'm delighted that you have joined us and even started your own promising fanfic! Thank you for those kind words.

Wolf- Thanks for your strong encouragement. I'm glad you agreed with our 'summary' of the first two levels of that large and well-populated dungeon. I predict Buffy will soon meet a mysterious elf in black. Very soon indeed.

Zalphon- I so appreciate hearing that you enjoyed this episode. Thank you!

MyCat- Thank you for those kind words! Is snuck a word? I did some digging. It seems the answer is yes, snuck is a word, but sneaked is an older and slightly more preferred word. I suspect you knew that and are just being delightfully tactful to this humble scribe. I took the liberty of sneaking back into the episode and changing snuck to sneaked. I thank you for cuing me to look into it!

All- Allow me to quote Buffy from this most recent episode:

'Digging into my magic bag for spare arrows, I couldn't help but smile as my hand touched upon the beautiful leather-bound book with blank pages that Mazoga had given me. I realized it would soon come into service, since my current journal was now full.'

She is indeed correct that we have arrived at the end of this thread. We shall immediately open thread four and continue her journey. Thank you so much, dear friends! smile.gif

Thread four and Buffy's other threads may be found on

Posted by: mALX Mar 10 2011, 05:45 PM

QUOTE(Thomas Kaira @ Mar 7 2011, 09:18 PM) * biggrin.gif

You can also marinate chicken in two parts beer, one part French dressing overnight - doesn't matter if you grill, bake, or fry it the next day, the wonderful flavor comes through. (I just don't let my husband know I have stolen one of his Budweisers to make his dinner).

Posted by: Acadian Mar 14 2011, 01:40 AM

Thank you, mALX! Buffy will have to get some goblin beer, High Rock dressing and try that recipe!

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