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Posted by: mALX Sep 24 2010, 06:12 AM


The Arena Gladiator

The roar of the crowds kept me on my feet,
but I swayed and darkness hedged my vision.
Blood streamed in my eyes, I could not see.
One more wound, one more minute...I might be done,
when the match ends there can only be one.

The hilt of my sword was slippery and wet,
Sweat mixed with blood dripped on my hand.
My opponent should be just as injured, and yet
another blow on me he was able to land;
and without much trouble managed to stand.

Weakness overwhelming, sapping strength;
The blade in my hand too heavy to lift.
He had moved in close, barely an arm's length.
My parry was sloppy, I thrust and missed.
His slid through my belly with an icy hiss.

His eyes apologized as he twisted the blade,
I was too numb by then to feel the pain.
He thrust upwards, waiting for the sound to be made
that would tell him my lung was beginning to drain.
When he didn't hear it he thrust up again.

I heard it then, my lung tore with a "pop."
The blood coming out was bubbling with air.
Inside me I wanted to beg him to stop.
It was too late now, and I just didn't dare.
I felt my eyes freezing into a glassy stare.

My knees hit the ground first with a thud,
my bowels spilling out in a nasty pile.
Then my face plowed straight into the mud
I think I still breathed for a little while.
Then I heard the voice of Clavicus Vile

When I joined the Arena I always knew
that this day would eventually come.
When you enter those gates what they say is true,
Only one will go home when the day is done...
Today was the day that I wasn't the one.


Posted by: Remko Sep 24 2010, 10:31 AM

ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

Loved it mALX!

Posted by: mALX Sep 24 2010, 12:13 PM

QUOTE(Remko @ Sep 24 2010, 05:31 AM) *

ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

Loved it mALX!

Thanks Remko !!!!

Posted by: ureniashtram Sep 24 2010, 12:17 PM

Are you sure you're our Resident Kitty? 'Cause that piece of work could very well be made by ...

Before I go on, let me say this.

You're a genius.

Posted by: mALX Sep 24 2010, 12:23 PM

QUOTE(ureniashtram @ Sep 24 2010, 07:17 AM) *

Are you sure you're our Resident Kitty? 'Cause that piece of work could very well be made by ...

Before I go on, let me say this.

You're a genius.

Where have you been lately? See? I had to write this to draw you back on here, you were missed !!!! I am so glad you liked it ureniashtram !!! Thanks !!!

Posted by: ureniashtram Sep 24 2010, 12:34 PM

( the prey's eyes glanced to and fro, its instincts telling it that its a trap. But this one was courageous. He dived)



And here I am, standing proud, caught by mALX's devious traps! Ha ha.

Posted by: mALX Sep 24 2010, 12:42 PM

QUOTE(ureniashtram @ Sep 24 2010, 07:34 AM) *

( the prey's eyes glanced to and fro, its instincts telling it that its a trap. But this one was courageous. He dived)



And here I am, standing proud, caught by mALX's devious traps! Ha ha.

Aw, now that was Awesome !!!

Posted by: Acadian Sep 24 2010, 04:20 PM

I'm not a fan of poetry . . . most of it causes my eyes to glaze over and quickly move on. But I'll make an exception here. It was easy to read, easy to understand and powerfully evoking.

You captured the feel and spirit of your gladiator perfectly.

This was really good, mALX! biggrin.gif

Posted by: mALX Sep 24 2010, 04:30 PM

QUOTE(Acadian @ Sep 24 2010, 11:20 AM) *

I'm not a fan of poetry . . . most of it causes my eyes to glaze over and quickly move on. But I'll make an exception here. It was easy to read, easy to understand and powerfully evoking.

You captured the feel and spirit of your gladiator perfectly.

This was really good, mALX! biggrin.gif

Thanks Acadian !!!!

Posted by: treydog Sep 24 2010, 06:07 PM

Not usually a fan of rhymed verse (except finding excruciatingly bad rhymes for "Athynae"), but this works.

There is plenty of grit and, oddly, an optimistic ending.

Very good.

Posted by: mALX Sep 24 2010, 06:11 PM

QUOTE(treydog @ Sep 24 2010, 01:07 PM) *

Not usually a fan of rhymed verse (except finding excruciatingly bad rhymes for "Athynae"), but this works.

There is plenty of grit and, oddly, an optimistic ending.

Very good.

You mean like:

Why'd you go away...Athynae?
Please don't ever stray...Athynae?
Your arm smells like Ben-Gay...Athynae?

ROFL !!!! Thank you so much Treydog !!! I got an inspiration to do that at 1:30 this morning by Woolymammoth on the BGSF.

Posted by: Destri Melarg Sep 24 2010, 08:58 PM

There is plenty of grit and, oddly, an optimistic ending.

OPTIMISTIC?! Which part? The part where the lungs go ‘pop’, or the part with Barbas eating the entrails?! blink.gif


*reads again . . . and again*

Ohhhh, this line:
His good humor showed in his face
His realm was really not such a bad place

Apologies trey embarrased.gif , I see it now. I was so afraid that we had lost our mALX to some deep, dark corner of Oblivion. But even from behind the veil her optimism is still the lamp we can use to find her.


Loved it, mALX.

Posted by: mALX Sep 24 2010, 09:03 PM

QUOTE(Destri Melarg @ Sep 24 2010, 03:58 PM) *

OPTIMISTIC?! Which part? The part where the lungs go ‘pop’, or the part with Barbas eating the entrails?! blink.gif


*reads again . . . and again*

Ohhhh, this line:

His good humor showed in his face
His realm was really not such a bad place

Apologies trey embarrased.gif , I see it now. I was so afraid that we had lost our mALX to some deep, dark corner of Oblivion. But even from behind the veil her optimism is still the lamp we can use to find her.


Loved it, mALX.

Thanks Destri !!!! I wrote that at 1:30 this morning - wanted to post it on the Scribe's Corner in the manner of a thank you to Woolymammoth for inviting me - When I drug Clavicus Vile into it I realized I was getting too tired and needed to pull it to an end.

The last stanza was the one that inspired the whole poem.


Posted by: mALX Sep 25 2010, 10:39 PM


The Chute

It's like being born, emerging from that dark chute.
Stepping into the hold the sunlight burns your eyes, blinds you.
The steel bars of the gate so cold to the touch; they block your view
of the man in the pen across from you.

You have a few minutes to wait for the call.
As a Pit Dog I used that to jump on the wall
stirring those crowds to scream and cheer,
and taunting my opponent with a sneer.

You can't wait in that hold without thinking though;
or size up your opponent's skills, because you know;
There will only be one of you go home that night,
and you'll never know which till the end of the fight.


The Arena came to life as Wes Johnson began
reading our titles, our status, and rank.
His voice booms, echoes off each mezzanine.
That's why he is called "The Voice of the Arena."

He announces the rank match, then hesitates,
then louder he booms out, "Lower the Gates!"
Hearing those words sends a chill down my spine,
no matter how many fights - it happens each time.


Posted by: Winter Wolf Sep 26 2010, 03:27 AM

Awesome poem mALX!!!!

You have captured the feelings of the people so very well. smile.gif

I cannot help but wonder how many combatants were killed not by a lack of skill, but by an unfortunate slip in the blood and gore beneath their feet....

Posted by: mALX Sep 26 2010, 03:38 AM

QUOTE(Winter Wolf @ Sep 25 2010, 10:27 PM) *

Awesome poem mALX!!!!

You have captured the feelings of the people so very well. smile.gif

I cannot help but wonder how many combatants were killed not by a lack of skill, but by an unfortunate slip in the blood and gore beneath their feet....

Thanks Winter Wolf !!!

You have been greatly missed, have you got all the DLC for FO3 yet? Will you be getting Fallout: New Vegas? I am still stuck in Mothership Zeta on FO3, but I am getting New Vegas. (and FO4 next year)

I want the thread to be an open place anyone can post an Arena themed poem, etc. in.

Posted by: Destri Melarg Sep 26 2010, 10:37 AM

QUOTE(mALX @ Sep 25 2010, 07:38 PM) *

I want the thread to be an open place anyone can post an Arena themed poem, etc. in.

This sounds like a great idea. Unfortunately my poetic skill ensures that I am best left an appreciative reader. But I look forward to what everyone else posts.

EDIT: Oops, sorry, I liked the second poem as well.

Posted by: D.Foxy Sep 26 2010, 02:49 PM

Well...before I go off TDY - here is something, off the top of my head...

Before is always the end.

Speak, my soul,
Contemplate the darkness
that is my foe's goal,
Stare into the abyss long, dark and deep -

Till the abyss stares back into you
Till the darkness calls you by name...

Before, there is always the time
to lose yourself in the stream of Lethe
and forget the self. You do not exist.

You do not exist.
You do not exist.

Your hand, a machine.
Your heart, a blank.
Your mind, a page already printed.

And your soul is the book
on which fate is written,
Know this, and lose all fear
Know this, and fear no pain

No loss of lover or tears of goodbye
No pain of parting or words of farewell
No regret for dying and none for killing
No frowns, no smiles, no eyes that cry

Silence is the birth
into which the warrior's born

Take strength from that silence
And rise into the Red Dawn.

Posted by: mALX Sep 26 2010, 04:01 PM


Posted by: mALX Sep 26 2010, 06:02 PM

(Edit) - Thanks Destri !!!

Posted by: Acadian Sep 26 2010, 07:49 PM

Here is the one poem I have written. I wrote it a long time ago for my friend mALX:

Bobo the Bloodletter

Bobo draw sword.
Bobo see foe in yellow dress.
Bobo see bars come down.
Bobo kill foe.
Bobo happy.
Bobo get paid.
Bobo more happy.
Bobo lick blood from sword.
Bobo cut tongue.
Bobo get teased by Blademaster.
Bobo sad.
Bobo draw sword.

I think you can see why I have written no more poems.
Oh, and you needn't worry about a coming Bobo fanfic thread either. tongue.gif

Posted by: mALX Sep 26 2010, 07:57 PM

QUOTE(Acadian @ Sep 26 2010, 02:49 PM) *

Here is the one poem I have written. I wrote it a long time ago for my friend mALX:

Bobo the Bloodletter

Bobo draw sword.
Bobo see foe in yellow dress.
Bobo see bars come down.
Bobo kill foe.
Bobo happy.
Bobo get paid.
Bobo more happy.
Bobo lick blood from sword.
Bobo cut tongue.
Bobo get teased by Blademaster.
Bobo sad.
Bobo draw sword.

I think you can see why I have written no more poems.
Oh, and you needn't worry about a coming Bobo fanfic thread either. tongue.gif

SPEW !!!! BOBO IS BACK !!!!! BWAAAHAAA !!!! ROFL !!! I loved your Bobo stories !!!!

Posted by: Winter Wolf Sep 28 2010, 08:11 AM

Wow, first the epic (as usual, of course) poem from our great Foxy and then a cool battle ballad from Acadian. Ha, ha !! Anything is possible at Chorrol.emot-ninja1.gif

mALX, half the reason I have been quiet later is that I am playing too much Beth. I have a new +5 build Dunmer that is doing the MG recommendation and I am also pushing my 21st level sniper character through the quests in FO3 that I never completed before. All DLC done except for MZ. Never did buy it. cool.gif

I cant wait for Fallout Vegas. It will be awesome.
I shall keep an eye out for Acadian. I am sure he will be in the background somewhere!!

My poem -


The lightning cuts a jagged edge
across the leaden sky
A lonely man stands atop a ramp
waiting for his chance to die.

The wind buffets him against a pylon
and whips up his hair
The crowd roars behind him
a reminder that no one cares.

The world slowly spins
within the circus of his mind
A glazed eye now looks
at the world he has left behind.

But the honest man's feelings
are soon swept beneath the page
A sad hopeless tale
to be told be another sage.

And so he steps to the edge
to kiss goodbye the day
And like a true warrior
he faces whatever may.

Posted by: mALX Sep 28 2010, 01:22 PM

WHEW !!! Winter Wolf, that was AWESOME !!!!!!

Oh, MZ is def worth it, it is one of my faves of the DLC - but the end battle is so hard I haven't been able to beat it yet. Some great new weaponry and armor in it too.

Posted by: Destri Melarg Sep 29 2010, 05:50 PM

Foxy: Do us all a favor and start writing from the bottom of your head so that the rest of us don't feel so woefully inadequate!

Acadian: Bobo DEFINITELY needs a fan-fic!

Winter Wolf: We should all write with such vivid imagery, but I need a prozac just reading that!

Posted by: mALX Oct 1 2010, 03:18 PM

QUOTE(Destri Melarg @ Sep 29 2010, 12:50 PM) *

Foxy: Do us all a favor and start writing from the bottom of your head so that the rest of us don't feel so woefully inadequate!

Acadian: Bobo DEFINITELY needs a fan-fic!

Winter Wolf: We should all write with such vivid imagery, but I need a prozac just reading that!

I almost had Acadian talked into a "Bobo" thread on the BGSF - For about a month he was doing little Bobo skits in comments and PM's - I don't think I've ever laughed so hard !!!

Posted by: ureniashtram Oct 15 2010, 05:07 PM

Hey, got room for one more? First things first, this . . . poem is actually a part of a story I'm writing. So you can consider it a teaser some sort. (laughs nervously) ugh.

The Mourning Stars

"Torn wings and broken faith,
the embodiment of rebellion.
Fallen sons of Paradise,
And the deceivers of millions.

We were goaded by the One,
to incite a War that could never be won.
Brothers fought brothers,
and we ultimately fell,
to a burning version of utopia
called Hell.

Pride we had, vanity in mind.
But regret came, and terror followed.
Now cast down to the Void for eternity,
Into the mouth of fire, our self-pity
And self-hatred we wallowed.

Can you wake us up,
From our mistake, this nightmare?
Nay, forever entangled are we,
Forever ensnared.

Outcasts from Heaven, and useless in Hell.
We forever seek our Creator for mercy,
But only silence replied us,
In our prison cell.

Our leader, the One who inspired us,
Became our greatest traitor.
He is to blame, but so are we.
For who believed His lie,
but my fellows and me?

Although we struggle with hope,
To free ourselves from this chains,
We realized that we were doomed,
our sins clings to us like a stain.

Are we to be shackled for eternity's end?
Can our Father ever forgive us for
Our transgressions and restore us back to Heaven?
Or in this burning wasteland must spend,
Endless days and endless nights,
Tormenting ourselves without end?

Torn wings and broken faith,
the embodiment of rebellion.
We are the fallen sons of Paradise,
Mourning for our coming eons."

Posted by: mALX Oct 15 2010, 05:15 PM

QUOTE(ureniashtram @ Oct 15 2010, 12:07 PM) *

Hey, got room for one more? First things first, this . . . poem is actually a part of a story I'm writing. So you can consider it a teaser some sort. (laughs nervously) ugh.

The Mourning Stars

"Torn wings and broken faith,
the embodiment of rebellion.
Fallen sons of Paradise,
And the deceivers of millions.

We were goaded by the One,
to incite a War that could never be won.
Brothers fought brothers,
and we ultimately fell,
to a burning version of utopia
called Hell.

Pride we had, vanity in mind.
But regret came, and terror followed.
Now cast down to the Void for eternity,
Into the mouth of fire, our self-pity
And self-hatred we wallowed.

Can you wake us up,
From our mistake, this nightmare?
Nay, forever entangled are we,
Forever ensnared.

Outcasts from Heaven, and useless in Hell.
We forever seek our Creator for mercy,
But only silence replied us,
In our prison cell.

Our leader, the One who inspired us,
Became our greatest traitor.
He is to blame, but so are we.
For who believed His lie,
but my fellows and me?

Although we struggle with hope,
To free ourselves from this chains,
We realized that we were doomed,
our sins clings to us like a stain.

Are we to be shackled for eternity's end?
Can our Father ever forgive us for
Our transgressions and restore us back to Heaven?
Or in this burning wasteland must spend,
Endless days and endless nights,
Tormenting ourselves without end?

Torn wings and broken faith,
the embodiment of rebellion.
We are the fallen sons of Paradise,
Mourning for our coming eons."

This is AWESOME Ureniashtram !!!!! You've got a huge talent with words !!!!!!

Posted by: ureniashtram Oct 15 2010, 05:31 PM

Thanks mALX! Having read 'Paradise Lost' I just felt that I should make a poem regarding the fallen ones. The way John Milton potrays the Morning Star as a charismatic being was just epic! 'Heaven out of Hell, and Hell out of Heaven' was the thing that hooked me to that guy. WOW!

Well, my poem itself isn't even close to 'good'. First time, actually. You can actually see mistakes on that. I won't edit it, though. So you can see my mistake! Learn from it! Laid bare before you! Naked in the eyes of criticism!

(groans) I really shouldn't take this poem thing so seriously. Next thing you know, I'll be mowing this entire forum down with a barrage of poems, coming from the minigun of my mind!

Ugh! lol

Posted by: mALX Oct 15 2010, 05:34 PM

QUOTE(ureniashtram @ Oct 15 2010, 12:31 PM) *

Thanks mALX! Having read 'Paradise Lost' I just felt that I should make a poem regarding the fallen ones. The way John Milton potrays the Morning Star as a charismatic being was just epic! 'Heaven out of Hell, and Hell out of Heaven' was the thing that hooked me to that guy. WOW!

Well, my poem itself isn't even close to 'good'. First time, actually. You can actually see mistakes on that. I won't edit it, though. So you can see my mistake! Learn from it! Laid bare before you! Naked in the eyes of criticism!

(groans) I really shouldn't take this poem thing so seriously. Next thing you know, I'll be mowing this entire forum down with a barrage of poems, coming from the minigun of my mind!

Ugh! lol

Well I (for one) would love to read them !!!

Posted by: ureniashtram Oct 15 2010, 05:43 PM

Oh, be careful what you wish for, dear Resident Kitty..

I could (with the help of coffee and sugar, not to mention some sneak peek at a certain poem) write down something dark.. something nasty... something violent... something pluffy.. oddly, something about socks...


Posted by: mALX Oct 15 2010, 10:22 PM

QUOTE(ureniashtram @ Oct 15 2010, 12:43 PM) *

Oh, be careful what you wish for, dear Resident Kitty..

I could (with the help of coffee and sugar, not to mention some sneak peek at a certain poem) write down something dark.. something nasty... something violent... something pluffy.. oddly, something about socks...


I'll read if you post!!!!

Posted by: ureniashtram Oct 15 2010, 11:23 PM

Can a poem be a poem when it doesn't rhymes?

The Complicated Meaning of Love

(to me atleast)

Pain is Love,
Love is Pain.

Sometimes sweet as candied grapes,
sometimes dripping with poison so,
that Nightshade pales.
Sometimes weaken Emperors,
Sometimes empowers knaves.

Love's touch is bittersweet,
Comparable to a forbidden fruit.
Curiousity touched your heart, and you cannot-
Will not tear away at its visage.
So intoxicatingly beautiful and noble,
You do not realize how many fell,
from its darker natures, including the greatest mage.

Love's touch is bittersweet,
comparable to an appearance of a God.
Astounded and mesmerized,
Shocked and teary-eyed.
You consider love as a blessing,
from Heavens above.
But it is also Hell's mirror,
for what is more agonizing than Love lost?

Wishes that emanated from the beating organ,
You obeyed with no question.
You never falter, you did everything
it asked.
Until you realize that Love marred the lines,
Of conscience and morals.

Love is the most deadliest weapon of all,
a tool used by the greatest tease of all;
the Heart.
By love, many wars were waged, many were won.
Many were scarred and many were lost.
And yet, human nature is innocent,
Forever ignorant, and forever oblivious.
Once stinged by Love's arrow, never can you step back.
It can be compared, to a whirlwind
Of emotions, and Love is the Eye
of the Storm.

Love is Pain,
Pain is Love.



Posted by: mALX Oct 15 2010, 11:30 PM

QUOTE(ureniashtram @ Oct 15 2010, 06:23 PM) *

Can a poem be a poem when it doesn't rhymes?

The Complicated Meaning of Love

(to me atleast)

Pain is Love,
Love is Pain.

Sometimes sweet as candied grapes,
sometimes dripping with poison so,
that Nightshade pales.
Sometimes weaken Emperors,
Sometimes empowers knaves.

Love's touch is bittersweet,
Comparable to a forbidden fruit.
Curiousity touched your heart, and you cannot-
Will not tear away at its visage.
So intoxicatingly beautiful and noble,
You do not realize how many fell,
from its darker natures, including the greatest mage.

Love's touch is bittersweet,
comparable to an appearance of a God.
Astounded and mesmerized,
Shocked and teary-eyed.
You consider love as a blessing,
from Heavens above.
But it is also Hell's mirror,
for what is more agonizing than Love lost?

Wishes that emanated from the beating organ,
You obeyed with no question.
You never falter, you did everything
it asked.
Until you realize that Love marred the lines,
Of conscience and morals.

Love is the most deadliest weapon of all,
a tool used by the greatest tease of all;
the Heart.
By love, many wars were waged, many were won.
Many were scarred and many were lost.
And yet, human nature is innocent,
Forever ignorant, and forever oblivious.
Once stinged by Love's arrow, never can you step back.
It can be compared, to a whirlwind
Of emotions, and Love is the Eye
of the Storm.

Love is Pain,
Pain is Love.



This is absolutely AWESOME !!! I love this poem, and I do think it is poetry whether it rhymes or not. Deep!

Posted by: ureniashtram Oct 15 2010, 11:35 PM

Thanks, yet again, mALX!

Posted by: mALX Oct 15 2010, 11:39 PM

QUOTE(ureniashtram @ Oct 15 2010, 06:35 PM) *

Thanks, yet again, mALX!

Thank you for posting !!!

That poem had so many moments of impact and truth, but this line stood out powerfully:

Love marred the lines,
Of conscience and morals.

Posted by: mALX Jun 26 2011, 01:29 AM


The Warrior's Friend

The sword cut deeply, ran me through.
My thoughts flickered back to the man I once knew...
or thought I did. For at one time he was a giant amongst men,
at least in my mind he was back then.

Just once more before I fall
I'll look back on times that I recall...
days we called each other friend,
words I believed in way back then.

But there he stands, blade in his hand
Me...I'm frozen, can't hurt my friend.
But his sword cut deeply, ran me through
my last thought before falling...I was there for you.


Posted by: King Coin Jun 26 2011, 02:08 AM

Holy crap mALX! These poems blew me away!

Posted by: Acadian Jun 26 2011, 02:14 AM

Stunning, mALX!

What a poignant tale of trust betrayed.

Bobo cry. He remember dragons live forever; not so little girls. sad.gif

Posted by: mALX Jul 1 2011, 12:35 AM

@ King Coin - Thank you so much King Coin !! That made my day !!!

@ Acadian - Thank you so much Acadian !!! And Bobo !!! Now Bobo will have to write another poem, lol.

You two are both so appreciated !!

Posted by: minque Jul 12 2011, 08:59 AM

Hah! Just found this thread! AWESOMEEEEEEE! Love your poems, just read this thread through.....

More please!

Posted by: mALX Jul 17 2011, 02:53 PM

Thank you so much Minque !! I just hope they're better than my "Athynae poems" on Treydoggies thread, lol !!!

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