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Posted by: Renee Jul 28 2020, 11:53 PM

Got a problem in your Fallout game? Post it right here, in this thread. cake.gif First post is a problem which I solved. I can't tell you all how ecstatic this makes me.


So this is a bit of troubleshooting for those who might also have this same problem. It's about a very specific CTD I I kept having: crashes at Megaton's gate. Urgh. Maybe the solution below will also take care of all the random CTDs I keep having... usually they'll occur anywhere form a half-hour or later into playtime.

Go into the main Fallout 3 folder and right-click on FalloutLauncher. Maybe you'll need to left-click and then right-click. There should be a large panel which pops up. Select Properties, and then the Compatibility tab.

Select "Run This Compatibility Mode For" and then choose whichever operating system in the scroll-bar. I've got Windows 8. Click Apply, Click OK.

That is all. smile.gif I've walked my character in and out of Megaton like seven times now.

Posted by: SubRosa Jul 29 2020, 01:35 AM

Your random CTDs might be the multi core bug in Fallout 3. When the game was being made, multi core cpus were still being invented. So it was made for the old-fashioned single-core cpus. But by the time the game was released, multi core cpus were a thing, and the game often crashed on them. This might fix it.

Open up the fallout.ini file in: My Documents\My Games\Fallout3

Find the following lines, and change the values to these. If they don't exist, paste them in:

This will limit the game to 2 cores and prevent the engine bug from causing the game to freeze.

If it still crashes, try setting it to iNumHWThreads=1

Posted by: mirocu Jul 29 2020, 08:50 AM

I had the multicore bug too and got it fixed, as well as the Windows LIVE thing. Thankfully, when I installed Fallout 3 on my backup computer I got it to work without hickups happy.gif

Good you got it sorted, Renee. I've never had anything work by doing what you did so I'm glad to see it work for once biggrin.gif

Posted by: Lopov Jul 29 2020, 10:03 AM

The only fix which helped me, when I was having lots of CTDs in FO3, was to place the New Vegas (yes, New Vegas!) anti crash file in the FO3 folder. CTDs ever since have become extremely rare. I've tried all other possible fixes, even some of those mentioned above, but none of them worked. kvleft.gif It's good that we post different solutions / fixes here, because what may work for someone, may not work for someone else.

Posted by: Renee Jul 29 2020, 01:15 PM

Rosa: Thank you. I also did check out the multi-core processor .ini fix, but my FALLOUT.ini file already has the appropriate lines added in. I think because I have that Unofficial patch (I forget its full name) this already made those changes.

mirocu: Yes the Games For Windows Live nonsense is what plagued me back in 2016 when I was trying to get Fallout 3 on my PC. mad.gif That was extremely aggravating, and I don't think Steam (which is where I got F03) even mentioned having to deal with GFWL. mad.gif In my opinion Steam should put a warning in BIG BOLD LETTERS right up front about this. It's only because I've become somewhat of a pro at PC crises that I did not immediately try to get my money back. wink.gif Right Lopov?

Polov: Wow, that's very unusual. I already do have an anti-crash dll file installed, but not from New Vegas. Maybe now I will try removing this .dll file, because maybe my game is fine with the Compatibility fix stated in the OP.

It is very true that everyone's game seems to be different. Even with consoles, you'll have one group of people claiming their game is broken to unplayability, and an entirely different experience from another group.

Posted by: SubRosa Sep 2 2020, 07:43 AM

Something else you can add to the list that causes unexplained CTDs is using Gysnc. I did not realize I had my Gsync turned on, and was having CTDs at random. Then once I realized it, I set the game to run on a fixed refresh rate, and that fixed it. It is the standard problem of Bethesda's games being made to only run at 60 fps. Going over that breaks the games.

Posted by: Renee Sep 2 2020, 01:21 PM

Ha I don't know what Gsync is. I wonder if I have that activated. I don't think I do. I would remember that term since it's an obvious play in Vsync. My game is capped at 60, but I don't think I use Gsync.... I've got something else influencing framerates.

Posted by: SubRosa Sep 2 2020, 10:45 PM

G-sync is a relatively new monitor technology. I wrote about it in the Gaming Technomancy topic somewhere around here. It basically replaces V-Sync, by automatically changing your monitor's refresh rate to match whatever your video card is putting out at that very instant. So it goes up and down dynamically, and that dramatically reduces stuttering, which is typically caused by the video card being unable to keep up with the 60 fps that V-sync demands it run at.

But it also means that the video card can run as fast as it wants to as well, which can mean frame rates of up to 144. On most games that just means they look really good. But Bethesda's games have their internal timing locked into 60 fps. If you go over that, it breaks the games. I forgot that.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Sep 4 2020, 05:42 PM

I just cannot seem to get this game to run with mods anymore. I played through the intro without mods just fine, but when I added the unofficial patch and Fallout3 redesigned, it crashes like every 15-20 minutes! I checked all of the things in this thread and added the New Vegas anti crash file Lopov mentioned, but it just will not cooperate! I’m at a loss as it’s never given me this much trouble before.

Posted by: Renee Sep 4 2020, 05:49 PM

Is Fallout 3 Redesigned a mod? If so, I know you might not want to hear this, but maybe try disabling that and see how it goes.

I must say, Fallout 3 is my most unstable game, so you're definitely not alone. Skyrim is most stable.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Sep 4 2020, 05:58 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Sep 4 2020, 11:49 AM) *

Is Fallout 3 Redesigned a mod? If so, I know you might not want to hear this, but maybe try disabling that and see how it goes.

I must say, Fallout 3 is my most unstable game, so you're definitely not alone. Skyrim is most stable.

Yeah it’s a mod that makes the faces in the game a bit prettier (imo).

Fallout4 is probably my most stable BGS game. It runs really well on my machine.

Posted by: Renee Sep 4 2020, 06:18 PM

Hmm, well if it only affects faces, that can't be the culprit, but I'd still try disabling it. I could live without prettier faces for a short duration, I look at myself in the mirror every day after all. Yeah, I'd turn that off. Go in and out of Megaton's cells, back into the Wasteland, travel on foot for awhile, and so on. Go for a half hour, then an hour. If CTDs still occur, then it's something else, which is Ooouf, definitely not fun.

Is that the only mod you've got? Like I said in my story thread, I recently had a CTD every time my character walked from Fort Independence to the Wasteland (inside to outside, in other words). I tracked the culprit down to Mart's Mutant Mod. Bummer, but I'll live.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Sep 4 2020, 07:00 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Sep 4 2020, 12:18 PM) *

Hmm, well if it only affects faces, that can't be the culprit, but I'd still try disabling it. I could live without prettier faces for a short duration, I look at myself in the mirror every day after all. Yeah, I'd turn that off. Go in and out of Megaton's cells, back into the Wasteland, travel on foot for awhile, and so on. Go for a half hour, then an hour. If CTDs still occur, then it's something else, which is Ooouf, definitely not fun.

Is that the only mod you've got? Like I said in my story thread, I recently had a CTD every time my character walked from Fort Independence to the Wasteland (inside to outside, in other words). I tracked the culprit down to Mart's Mutant Mod. Bummer, but I'll live.

I’m also running the unofficial patch and a slower item degradation mod.

Posted by: Lopov Sep 4 2020, 07:04 PM

I don't think that the UOP is the issue, so I'd try disabling that Redesigned Mod. I've never used the Slower Item Degradation Mod either, so I can't be of much help here. Are you running the GOTY version?

QUOTE(Renee @ Sep 4 2020, 07:18 PM) *

Hmm, well if it only affects faces, that can't be the culprit, but I'd still try disabling it.

From my experience in New Vegas, even a tiniest mod, that doesn't seem to affect anything major, can be a cause of CTDs. There was some bag/pouch mod that I was using and because the mod author didn't remove some unused scripts or whatever, it was causing crashes, whenever you came near Novac.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Sep 4 2020, 07:06 PM

QUOTE(Lopov @ Sep 4 2020, 01:04 PM) *

Are you running the GOTY version?

Yes. From GOG.

Posted by: Lopov Sep 4 2020, 07:11 PM

I had the GOG version as well and I've been using UOP since forever and didn't notice that it'd cause CTDs. In my case problems were other mods and some unsolved conflicts between them, I guess. But as I said, the NV Anti-crash file made the game work like a charm again.

Posted by: Renee Sep 4 2020, 07:30 PM

I agree... it can't be UOP. I use that as well.

Posted by: SubRosa Sep 4 2020, 07:42 PM

I dunno. I do not use the Unofficial Patches because in my experience they caused as many bugs as the removed. But everyone's mileage varies on that.

Posted by: Renee Sep 4 2020, 08:46 PM

^ See, that was my experience with Skryim. There were three main unofficial patches for awhile, then all the sudden the new patch came out, and it was an all-in-one patch, rather than 3 parts. I forget its name. But everyone started using it, so I did too. And it really crushed my game for awhile! mad.gif Going in and out of cells in Windhelm was absolutely brutal, whereas before the patch, my Skyrim was mostly flawless. Even after I removed the patch, I had to go back to an earlier save, because that patch got baked into my save and it was still messing stuff up. Grr...

I hate to ask this one, but what about hardware? What sort of video card have you got Khajiit? Dedicated, or integrated? Sorry, that's rather intrusive. Weaker cards / hardware can be a source of crashes, though.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Sep 4 2020, 09:52 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Sep 4 2020, 02:46 PM) *

^ See, that was my experience with Skryim. There were three main unofficial patches for awhile, then all the sudden the new patch came out, and it was an all-in-one patch, rather than 3 parts. I forget its name. But everyone started using it, so I did too. And it really crushed my game for awhile! mad.gif Going in and out of cells in Windhelm was absolutely brutal, whereas before the patch, my Skyrim was mostly flawless. Even after I removed the patch, I had to go back to an earlier save, because that patch got baked into my save and it was still messing stuff up. Grr...

I hate to ask this one, but what about hardware? What sort of video card have you got Khajiit? Dedicated, or integrated? Sorry, that's rather intrusive. Weaker cards / hardware can be a source of crashes, though.

Lol, I don’t think it’s my hardware, as my machine runs way more modern games with only an occasional hiccup.

But just in case:
GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4gb
CPU: Intel i7 4790k
Memory: 16gb
OS: Win10

Posted by: SubRosa Sep 5 2020, 12:01 AM

It might be Windows 10. It does not always play nice with older applications.

I have seen suggestions that you play it in Compatability mode for Windows XP, run it in Windowed mode, and run it as an administrator.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Sep 5 2020, 05:25 AM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Sep 4 2020, 06:01 PM) *

It might be Windows 10. It does not always play nice with older applications.

I have seen suggestions that you play it in Compatability mode for Windows XP, run it in Windowed mode, and run it as an administrator.

That’s what I’m thinking. I “upgraded” to that back in January because Win7 stopped being supported, so the last time I played F3 was when I was still running Win7.

Posted by: SubRosa Sep 6 2020, 07:11 AM

QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Sep 5 2020, 12:25 AM) *

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Sep 4 2020, 06:01 PM) *

It might be Windows 10. It does not always play nice with older applications.

I have seen suggestions that you play it in Compatability mode for Windows XP, run it in Windowed mode, and run it as an administrator.

That’s what I’m thinking. I “upgraded” to that back in January because Win7 stopped being supported, so the last time I played F3 was when I was still running Win7.

Khajiit, the, maybe it will help.

Edit: It probably won't. It seems to fix a problem in the Steam version of the game. But from the comments, it looks like the Gog version does not have the issue at all. And I think you said you had the Gog version.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Sep 6 2020, 01:43 PM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Sep 6 2020, 01:11 AM) *

Edit: It probably won't. It seems to fix a problem in the Steam version of the game. But from the comments, it looks like the Gog version does not have the issue at all. And I think you said you had the Gog version.

Yep I’m on GOG. I’ll try running it in compatibility mode for winXP and see if that helps.

Posted by: Renee Sep 6 2020, 03:57 PM

Good luck. cake.gif

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Sep 8 2020, 02:30 AM

Ok so did a clean reinstall of F3 and it’s doing fine. Played through the intro and got outside to the first series of blasted buildings in Springvale and saved. Later tonight I’ll add back some mods and see how it goes.

Posted by: Lopov Sep 8 2020, 10:20 AM

You haven't truly experienced Fallout, until you've installed and reinstalled it a few times prior to playing. bigsmile.gif

Posted by: Renee Sep 8 2020, 02:20 PM


... You haven't experienced Fallout yet, until you've had to figure out what Games For Windows Live is, and you'll need to disable it just to start your game. laugh.gif Maybe GOG disables this automatically when you buy Fallout 3. Steam does not. nono.gif

OH! Khajiit, have you installed Archive Invalidation yet? Without that utility funny things can happen to some mod-added textures.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Sep 8 2020, 06:23 PM

Ok well I guess I was doing something wrong before. I added back all of the mods I had earlier and a couple more and was able to play for a good couple hours today before having to stop to get ready for work. No crashes at all.

Posted by: Renee Sep 9 2020, 01:32 PM

Awesome, good to hear. cake.gif Now post some pictures!

Posted by: mirocu Sep 9 2020, 02:31 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Sep 8 2020, 03:20 PM) *

You haven't experienced Fallout yet, until you've had to figure out what Games For Windows Live is, and you'll need to disable it just to start your game.

That's me. Stuff like that that hinders me to even start the game just irks me. Thankfully, there was indeed a fix.

Posted by: Renee Sep 10 2020, 01:19 PM

QUOTE(mirocu @ Sep 9 2020, 09:31 AM) *

That's me. Stuff like that that hinders me to even start the game just irks me. Thankfully, there was indeed a fix.

You can probably get New Vegas on GoG these days though? No Steam?

Posted by: mirocu Sep 10 2020, 01:20 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Sep 10 2020, 02:19 PM) *

You can probably get New Vegas on GoG these days though? No Steam?

No. At this point in my life I am not interested in playing other games. I stick to some casual Fallout 3 (since this is a Fallout thread).


Posted by: Renee Sep 10 2020, 02:17 PM


Hey, I tried. laugh.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Sep 29 2020, 02:05 AM

I just ran into a brick wall with the Gog version of Fallout 3. I am in the basement of Smith Casey's Garage. When I click on the door to Vault 112 the game crashes. I have spent the last few hours trying to find a workaround. I already tried removing all my mods, no luck. I tried going back to my save from the tutorial exit, and going straight to the garage and trying the door, no luck.

I tried using the console to simply skip the quests tied up with the vault. I can use the console to get into Tranquility Lane. But when I finish that, the game crashes again. Because when you complete it you go back to Vault 112.

So I tried skipping Tranquility Lane as well, and using the console to advance the quests. That works ok. Until Dad.

I think I have narrowed it down to Dad who is causing the CTD. Dad is in Vault 112 and the game crashes. He is also in Tranquility Lane, but as a Dog, so different actor. Game works. When I use the player.placeatme to spawn him, the game crashes.

I am not sure what about Dad crashes the game. There are multiple versions of him, which makes things confusing. Most of them are for different stages of the Tutorial. Only one seems to be for when you are an adult and finally discover him outside the Vault. That is the version I (and the game) are trying to spawn.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Sep 29 2020, 03:00 AM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Sep 28 2020, 08:05 PM) *

I just ran into a brick wall with the Gog version of Fallout 3. I am in the basement of Smith Casey's Garage. When I click on the door to Vault 112 the game crashes. I have spent the last few hours trying to find a workaround. I already tried removing all my mods, no luck. I tried going back to my save from the tutorial exit, and going straight to the garage and trying the door, no luck.

I tried using the console to simply skip the quests tied up with the vault. I can use the console to get into Tranquility Lane. But when I finish that, the game crashes again. Because when you complete it you go back to Vault 112.

So I tried skipping Tranquility Lane as well, and using the console to advance the quests. That works ok. Until Dad.

I think I have narrowed it down to Dad who is causing the CTD. Dad is in Vault 112 and the game crashes. He is also in Tranquility Lane, but as a Dog, so different actor. Game works. When I use the player.placeatme to spawn him, the game crashes.

I am not sure what about Dad crashes the game. There are multiple versions of him, which makes things confusing. Most of them are for different stages of the Tutorial. Only one seems to be for when you are an adult and finally discover him outside the Vault. That is the version I (and the game) are trying to spawn.

Classic James. Always causing trouble! tongue.gif

Seriously though, that’s really frickin’ weird! I wonder if my copy has that issue? I might have to go there and see sometime.

Posted by: Renee Sep 29 2020, 03:02 AM

You did the right thing and turned all those mods off. So next thing I would try is going on UESP. See if others have encountered this horrible glitch.

Another option is to see if GoG has its own Fallout forums, and if others have seen this as well.

Posted by: SubRosa Sep 29 2020, 03:17 AM

Other people have had this over the years. No one has offered up a solution.

I tried an experiment just now. I started a new game from scratch, COC'ed to Smith Casey's Garage, and I was able to enter Vault 112 with no CTD.

When I tried going back before to an earlier save, it was to one at the tutorial exit. I think that save was made on my original version of Fallout 3 (the one I bought on cd back in the day). I am now playing on the Gog version with the same saves. So maybe there is an incompatibility between saves from the original version and the Gog version? I have had no problem opening other saves from the original version and playing them. But I never tried doing the Main Quest with them either. I don't think so however, as some of the other people who wrote about this same issue online had it years before the Gog version of the game came out.

So now I have to decide if I really want to do the MQ, or start completely over with these new saves.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Sep 29 2020, 03:25 AM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Sep 28 2020, 09:17 PM) *

Other people have had this over the years. No one has offered up a solution.

I tried an experiment just now. I started a new game from scratch, COC'ed to Smith Casey's Garage, and I was able to enter Vault 112 with no CTD.

When I tried going back before to an earlier save, it was to one at the tutorial exit. I think that save was made on my original version of Fallout 3 (the one I bought on cd back in the day). I am now playing on the Gog version with the same saves. So maybe there is an incompatibility between saves from the original version and the Gog version? I have had no problem opening other saves from the original version and playing them. But I never tried doing the Main Quest with them either. I don't think so however, as some of the other people who wrote about this same issue online had it years before the Gog version of the game came out.

So now I have to decide if I really want to do the MQ, or start completely over with these new saves.

Ugggh that’s really annoying. That’s the kind of thing that would probably lead to me abandoning the game altogether, lol. Hope you figure it out though!

Posted by: SubRosa Sep 29 2020, 06:12 AM

I dug up one of Hecate's old saves from about 5 years ago, and she was able to get into Vault 112 with no trouble. So I don't think this is an original vs. Gog version issue. It must be just some glitch in January's original game. I was also able to spawn Dad in her game with no trouble as well.

Having Daddy Issues really is annoying...

Posted by: Renee Sep 29 2020, 01:00 PM

That's so weird. Why would the GrandOldGames version be any different from the disc or even Steam? I can see maybe there's some differences in the way the game loads from desktop, or the way it installs. But this is something which Beth wrote and it should be the same in all versions?

See, now I am glad I got my disc drive swapped instead of trying the GOG version of Oblivion. Anyway at this point I would also be asking that same question: do I want to start over from scratch? For me, this leads to a second question. "How much do I love this game?"

Back when I was newer to PC gaming (2015 or so) I had some problems in Oblivion which required me to go to a much earlier save. Like, hundreds of saves in the past. I thought it over for awhile and then decided to just go for it. Because that's how much I love OB. And I think others with ginormous games (Decrepit, Acadian, etc.) have had to go back to earlier game saves.

Posted by: Kane Sep 29 2020, 02:44 PM

I appreciate this thread. Renee helped me with modding my FO3 game on my first go, and it made it pretty dang easy. wub.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Sep 29 2020, 08:38 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Sep 29 2020, 08:00 AM) *

That's so weird. Why would the GrandOldGames version be any different from the disc or even Steam? I can see maybe there's some differences in the way the game loads from desktop, or the way it installs. But this is something which Beth wrote and it should be the same in all versions?

See, now I am glad I got my disc drive swapped instead of trying the GOG version of Oblivion. Anyway at this point I would also be asking that same question: do I want to start over from scratch? For me, this leads to a second question. "How much do I love this game?"

Back when I was newer to PC gaming (2015 or so) I had some problems in Oblivion which required me to go to a much earlier save. Like, hundreds of saves in the past. I thought it over for awhile and then decided to just go for it. Because that's how much I love OB. And I think others with ginormous games (Decrepit, Acadian, etc.) have had to go back to earlier game saves.

I don't think there is any issue with the Gog version of the game after all. As I said, I went back to one of Hecate's saves from years before I bought the Gog version, and she could get into Vault 112 and spawn Daddy just fine. It is just something in my original saves for January.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Aug 26 2021, 02:58 PM

So as many of you know, I was having issues with the GOG version of Fallout3. This morning while having my morning coffee, I reinstalled it, took Subbies advice and ran it in compatibility mode. It still gave me an error message, but then it launched just fine (with some noticeable awkwardness with the controller, but not unplayable). I’ll try adding a few mods later.

Posted by: Renee Aug 26 2021, 06:59 PM

What did the error message say?

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Aug 26 2021, 10:30 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Aug 26 2021, 12:59 PM) *

What did the error message say?

Something about not being able to run Fallout3 on that version of windows and to check if there is another version of Fallout3 available from the distributor that would work (my version was/is up to date). Running it in compatibility mode seems to work though.

Posted by: Renee Aug 26 2021, 11:16 PM

QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Aug 26 2021, 05:30 PM) *

Something about not being able to run Fallout3 on that version of windows and to check if there is another version of Fallout3 available from the distributor that would work (my version was/is up to date). Running it in compatibility mode seems to work though.

Shoot, I've never seen that message, not that I remember anyway. I remember getting Fallout 3 on PC 5 years ago, and the entire game wouldn't even start (something like this) until I did a bunch of research, and then I learned about the Games for Windows Live nonsense. rolleyes.gif I think I had to disable GFWL somehow. It was a big, frustrating mess which made no sense at the time. mad.gif I got my game on Steam though, not GoG.

It sounds like you did not have this problem though, this GFWL stuff. And compatibility mode seems to work for you. Hopefully this is a non-issue, then.

What controller issues do you have?

Only issue I've ever had is I cannot use my keyboard while also using the controller. So in other words, the tilde key does nothing, and neither does PrintScreen. Which means I can't use the console, nor can I take screenshots.

My fix: I made an Xpadder layout just to take screenshots and use the console. Every time I need to take pictures, I go into the Settings menu > Controls (I think) and then I disable the controller, meaning, the Xpadder layout is now in effect. The game thinks I'm using pure mouse + keys, in other words. I can actually play the game through Xpadder, but the main prob is I lose that variable walking / running movement.

So I basically switch back and forth, mostly for screenshots. It's annoying, but hey.

Posted by: SubRosa Aug 26 2021, 11:27 PM It looks like an old .ini file was to blame with this person's issue, and deleting it solved the issue. Other people are chiming in that the NV No Crash Fix solved it for them, and another that it was save files from a previous version of the game.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Aug 27 2021, 01:21 AM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Aug 26 2021, 05:27 PM) * It looks like an old .ini file was to blame with this person's issue, and deleting it solved the issue. Other people are chiming in that the NV No Crash Fix solved it for them, and another that it was save files from a previous version of the game.

Hmmm, I’ll look into that. Much appreciated!

QUOTE(Renee @ Aug 26 2021, 05:16 PM) *

What controller issues do you have?

The issue was that when using the third person vanity mode by holding down the change POV button, the camera rotation was slow and janky. Very minor, but still, I’d rather it worked right.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Aug 27 2021, 12:01 PM

I ought to just leave well enough alone, but deleting the .ini files in the my games folder didn’t stop the error message, but the game seems to launch ok.

For your information, the error message reads as follows:


This app can’t run because it causes security or performance issues on Windows. A new version may be available. Check with your software provider for an updated version that runs on this version of Windows.

But it does run. I played through the entire intro just yesterday morning.

Posted by: Renee Aug 27 2021, 12:40 PM

Cool, well if the game runs, I guess don't worry about it for now. I understand about error messages though. They make me nervous, too. indifferent.gif

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Aug 27 2021, 02:24 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Aug 27 2021, 06:40 AM) *

Cool, well if the game runs, I guess don't worry about it for now. I understand about error messages though. They make me nervous, too. indifferent.gif

Yeah I checked the box to not show the message again. It does bother me a little, but I’m not going to worry about it. Fallout3 needs a remaster just to make it play nice on modern systems! laugh.gif

Added in mods and they seem to be running fine, so I guess that’s all for now! Thanks for the suggestions y’all!

Posted by: RaderOfTheLostArk Aug 28 2021, 03:37 AM

QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Aug 27 2021, 07:01 AM) *

For your information, the error message reads as follows:

Lmao, for a moment I read only this and thought that was what it said or that you were making a joke. As if the message was saying "It's a Bethesda game. Of course there's an error. What did you expect?"

Posted by: Lopov Aug 28 2021, 03:43 AM

QUOTE(RaderOfTheLostArk @ Aug 28 2021, 04:37 AM) *
Lmao, for a moment I read only this and thought that was what it said...

Same here. rollinglaugh.gif

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Aug 28 2021, 05:07 PM

QUOTE(RaderOfTheLostArk @ Aug 27 2021, 09:37 PM) *

QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Aug 27 2021, 07:01 AM) *

For your information, the error message reads as follows:

Lmao, for a moment I read only this and thought that was what it said or that you were making a joke. As if the message was saying "It's a Bethesda game. Of course there's an error. What did you expect?"


Posted by: SubRosa Aug 13 2022, 09:12 AM

It is my turn to have Fallout 3 issues again. I started up a new playthrough as Blood Raven today. But I have been getting CTDs like crazy. Sometimes it is when I try to load a save. Sometimes it is just at random points in the game. I never seems get more than 5-10 minutes without a CTD.

I have gone through a ton of fix attempts. I tried that Windows 10 fix I linked to last page. That did nothing. I think because it is for the Steam version of the game, and I have the Gog version. I made sure I was using a fixed refresh, had v-sync on. I put in compatability mode for Windows XP, ran it as administrator, etc... No joy.

My last gasp has been to install New Vegas Anti Crash, and run it in borderless windowed mode thanks to the mod

So far this seems to be working. I started it up and let it sit running for about 40 minutes without a crash. So fingers crossed that one of those two things fixed it.

Edit: And it just did it again. Sigh.

Posted by: Renee Aug 13 2022, 11:37 AM

I was about to ask Windows 10? But you've already thought of that.

Last time you played (as Jan, as I recall) were you using the Steam version but now it's Grand Old Games version. Have you ever used GoG before (not that it should matter, but maybe it does)?

Also, is this a Brand new game, as in, starting over from scratch with everything? Hmm, I guess a better question: Are you using the same mod-set from last season? Is there anything new?

Actually, 40 minutes of play might be about what you can expect. Vicious and Cho's game... with both of their games I'll save & reload (assuming I remember to) after a half-hour or so, due to Fallout 3's memory issues, and solely to avoid the dreaded crash which I know is going to come. That's as good as it gets.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Aug 13 2022, 04:32 PM

I feel it’s past time for Fallout3 to receive the remaster treatment. BGS has paid so much attention to Skyrim, but meanwhile the games that saved and elevated their company (Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout3) barely run on modern machines. I’m not even advocating for graphics improvements or any extra stuff. Just fixes that will let them run more smoothly on current PCs. I really don’t understand why this hasn’t happened yet.

Posted by: SubRosa Aug 13 2022, 10:16 PM

I reinstalled Fallout 3 (using the Gog version), I think I had the Gog version the last time I played. But I am not sure if I installed it before I went to Windows 10 or after. So maybe that had something to do with it.

In any case, I just did a test while I took a bath. I started a new character, ran through the opening childhood bits up until Amata tells you that your father left and Jonas is dead. I left her standing there in the bedroom while I took a bath and puttered around. I came back over an hour later, and it was still running. So it looks like that did the trick.

Now I will just have to start adding back mods, and see if one of them is what is causing the crash.

Posted by: SubRosa Aug 14 2022, 09:17 AM

I have spent all day fighting with Fallout 3. As soon as I started adding mods, it started crashing again. I went through all the 'standard' tweaks: updated my video drivers, reinstalled the game, set it to run as administrator and in compatability mode for Windows XP, ran it in a window, used New Vegas Anti Crash, etc... I even tried a couple of the Windows 10 fix mods, that have you put a d3d.dll file in your base Fallout folder.

What finally seems to have worked is the mod. It does a lot of things, the main one being downgrading the game to the previous version (which worked better with mods). It also removes the Games for Windows Lives stuff, makes the executable large address aware, fixes a mod limit bug, and more. It works with both the Gog and Steam versions of the game.

If you are using FOSE, don't start the game with the fose launcher file after installing this (It won't let you if you try). Instead start it with Fallout3.exe, and it will automatically use FOSE if you have it.

So far so good with this. I hope I am not jinxing it by talking about it.

Posted by: Acadian Aug 14 2022, 12:12 PM

Wow, that took full 'SubRosaTech' mode to fix! I sure hope it works.

Posted by: Renee Aug 14 2022, 11:36 PM

I hope it works for you. There are so many Fallout 3 CTD fixes on Nexus, none of them really work 100%, from what I've found some of them don't work at all.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Sep 30 2022, 01:18 PM

Ugh, ok, so I’m testing mods and playing a bit while I’m doing so (which I guess is my first mistake). The character I’m currently running has finished the first chapter of Moira’s quest and I noticed that the Unofficial Patch wasn’t activated, so I activated it. Now certain NPCs are running around in their underwear! It was definitely the UP that caused this, so I loaded a new character from the auto save point just before stepping out into the wasteland and it seems to work just fine. I’m so confused.

Posted by: Lena Wolf Sep 30 2022, 02:53 PM

Too much skooma will do it to you. biggrin.gif

Sorry, not constructive but couldn't resist! So funny!! laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Sep 30 2022, 06:19 PM

QUOTE(Lena Wolf @ Sep 30 2022, 08:53 AM) *

Too much skooma will do it to you. biggrin.gif

Sorry, not constructive but couldn't resist! So funny!! laugh.gif laugh.gif

I’ll smack you tongue.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Sep 30 2022, 10:38 PM

This is one of the reasons I do not use the Unofficial Patches in any Bethesda game. I have found they always cause new bugs, even if they fix old ones.

Posted by: Renee Sep 30 2022, 10:55 PM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Sep 30 2022, 05:38 PM) *

This is one of the reasons I do not use the Unofficial Patches in any Bethesda game. I have found they always cause new bugs, even if they fix old ones.

Wow really? Can you cite some examples? (I honestly don't know.)

Posted by: Lena Wolf Sep 30 2022, 11:11 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Sep 30 2022, 10:55 PM) *

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Sep 30 2022, 05:38 PM) *

This is one of the reasons I do not use the Unofficial Patches in any Bethesda game. I have found they always cause new bugs, even if they fix old ones.

Wow really? Can you cite some examples? (I honestly don't know.)

In Oblivion, some items do not get cleared when a cell is offloaded. Items that would normally get cleared from memory. I'll let you figure out what impact that might have... wink.gif

Also in Oblivion - and this is my pet complaint! - the Honorblade of Chorrol is downgraded from a bloody good sword to a plain silver longsword! mad.gif

At that point I stopped looking. tongue.gif

Posted by: Renee Sep 30 2022, 11:47 PM

All these years (especially when the official forums were opened) whenver a n00b player would ask "which mods should I get?" the answer usually started with UOP. So this is my first time hearing anybody say avoid them.

Come and think of it though, I never installed any unofficial patches for Fallout 3. whistling.gif

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Sep 30 2022, 11:51 PM

Supposedly this can be fixed by simply loading your save game with all of the mods turned off, then saving the game, then turning all of the mods back on and reloading the save. Will try and report back tomorrow.

Posted by: SubRosa Oct 1 2022, 12:37 AM

I don't remember the bugs the UOPs caused anymore. It was a long time since I used any of them. Now when I come across a specific bug, I just fix it, simple as that. I don't need more headaches.

Posted by: Renee Oct 1 2022, 01:32 AM

That's so crazy though, Khajiit. All those people suddenly lost their clothes due to just that one change! WTF.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Oct 1 2022, 07:56 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Sep 30 2022, 07:32 PM) *

That's so crazy though, Khajiit. All those people suddenly lost their clothes due to just that one change! WTF.

Yeah, specifically the caravan merchant guards (including Crow himself), and the water parasite sitting outside of Megaton. I haven’t been that far afield with this character so I’m not really sure how widespread the issue is.

Posted by: Renee Feb 25 2024, 06:34 PM

Just downloaded New Vegas from GoG. smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif Finally, got this game on PC. So where should I start?

Whoa, Ultra High Quality, that's what NV puts my computer at, sweet. GoG gave me all the DLC too: Caravan Pack, Dead Money, Honest Hearts, heck yes. I cannot wait to mod this fricking game. And roll my first toon. Maybe I'll transfer Linda Hand's game over from Xbox!

Anyway, where do I start? Like is there any unofficial (or even official) patches I should get? Oooh, script extender?

Posted by: SubRosa Feb 25 2024, 07:26 PM

There is an NVSE script extender.

You probably need to do the old multi core CPU fix for Fallout 3 with NV as well, where you edit the .ini files.

There is also a NV Stutter Remover. If you need the latter for Fallout 3, you probably need it for New Vegas as well. There is also a New Vegas Anti-Crash mod. But it is not compatible with the New Vegas Stutter Remover. So use one or the other.

There is a Fallout Mod Manger that works on both FO3 and NV as well.

The Gog version comes with the game's .exe already patched to be able to use 4gb. But there is a 4GB patch you should get from the Nexus anyway, as it has compatibility fixes for the script extender and other things.

There is a version of MCM for New Vegas - the Mod Configuration Menu. Its not necessary. But you might have mods that make use of it.

Same with UIO - User Interface Organizer. A few mods need it to work.

Posted by: Renee Feb 26 2024, 02:24 AM

Great, that's awesome, especially the .ini stuff and 4GB info. That didn't occur to me.

How often does NV crash? Fallout 3 crashes (for me) more often than Oblivion, and waaay more often than Skyrim or Morrowind. My FO3 CTDs about every half hour, like clockwork. Literally, if I get roughly half hour into the game (especially exteriors) and I remember to, I'll just go ahead and save/exit/reload, because I know it's gonna crash anyway. And I'm okay with that. As long as it's not crashing every 2 or 3 mins, I'm okay.

Could be because of a weather mod I've got, and I believe this is so because weather mods do affect the outdoors, of course. Everything else in my FO3 is rather light. I don't use a stutter remover, haven't got any extensive texture mods, and frames are capped at 60. Anti-crash stuff doesn't help; I've tried a few fixes over the years. So I believe the half-hour CTD phenomenon has something to do with optimization? Something like that.

I don't plan on modding New Vegas too extensively (no really...), maybe a few little touches like a Blanket mod for sleeping, so what's a mostly-vanilla game like?

Posted by: SubRosa Feb 26 2024, 02:53 PM

I think how often a game crashes often just comes down to a matter of luck, or what might seem like luck because the reasons for the crashes are often so complex that we just can never understand them. We all have different computers, with different hardware in them, sometimes different operating systems, and we run the games with different settings, and with different mods. So I think one's mileage varys a lot game by game.

For me New Vegas is usually more stable than Fallout 3, but less than Oblivion or Skyrim. OTOH, Morroblivion has often given me endless nightmares. But I also have fewer mods for New Vegas, and spend less time playing it than FO3.

I recently reinstalled Fallout 3 from scratch with the Gog version and had endless troubles with random CTDs. Look back through this thread about a page and you will find it. I eventually fixed it with the Fallout Anniversary Patcher, which rolls the game back by a version. You might try that with your Fallout 3.

Posted by: Renee Feb 26 2024, 10:32 PM

True, all PCs are a bit different, especially gaming PCs.

Morroblivion sounds like just getting it to run is an adventure in itself. panic.gif Well in any event, sounds like New Vegas could be more solid than FO3. I won't be installing weather mods into the Mojave. For Maryland/Virginia/DC, it's just wrong not to see some rain, but inclement weather is not as frequent in the desert.

I went back and read your troubles. That's crazy your FO3 crashed so much in the beginning, and that's even before modifications.

Posted by: Kane Feb 28 2024, 05:38 PM

I followed this framework when I installed NV and it made crashing almost non-existent. I personally didn't follow it to a T, and stopped short of anything that affected gameplay balance. But the utilities and tweaks alone are 100% worth it.

Posted by: Renee Feb 29 2024, 10:17 PM

Very noice, thanks Kane. cake.gif

Game is installed but I haven't messed with anything yet. I will, though.

Posted by: Kane Mar 1 2024, 01:19 PM

It's a fun game! I enjoyed it way more than Fallout 3.

Posted by: Renee Mar 1 2024, 04:41 PM

QUOTE(Kane @ Mar 1 2024, 07:19 AM) *

It's a fun game! I enjoyed it way more than Fallout 3.

I enjoy FO3 more, but New Vegas is great, too. I love the juxtaposition between both games.

I really wanted to b34t NV on Xbox, honestly, really tried and tried. But there are a few things which I've been really wanting to change, and it got to the point that I wasn't enjoying some aspects of the base game. Hence getting it on GoG the other day. smile.gif

Posted by: Renee Mar 24 2024, 08:28 PM

Right after speaking to Doc Mitchell (NV) the game freezes. This is literally right after he sends us off, and the door's right there. Game just freezes.

It did this on the very first day I started the game, good thing I save often! And this was before I did anything at all. No mods. No script extender, nothing.

I followed that guide you linked, Kane. Did maybe half of the things on that list before I stopped because I don't fully understand everything I'm doing. Anyway, that made no differnece! ohmy.gif Still crashes just after speaking to Doc. Installed script extender. Still crashes after sspeaking to Doc Mitchell.

I press Alt + tab so I can see the desktop and there's a weird window which popped up. It's black & white text. Full of a bunch of info, but nothing to do with errors. No idea what to do!

Posted by: SubRosa Mar 24 2024, 09:34 PM

I never ran across this one, so I am not sure what the culprit is. The most famous bug involving Doc Mitchell is of his head starting to spin in a circle when you are creating your character.

I just did a quick search, and see a lot of posts about people having crashes as soon as they leave Doc Mitchell's house. It seems that turning down the graphics options might fix it. Once you get past that area, save the game, turn things back up, and it often seems to work.

Posted by: Renee Mar 25 2024, 12:11 AM

GOOD! Phew, thanks! If there's a lot of others who've had this prob that's a good thing because it's well-documented. I didn't even bother to google this time, because we've got several here who've seen a lot in Fallout 3 and New Vegs, so thanks.

Posted by: mirocu Mar 25 2024, 06:28 PM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 24 2024, 09:34 PM) *

I just did a quick search, and see a lot of posts about people having crashes as soon as they leave Doc Mitchell's house. It seems that turning down the graphics options might fix it. Once you get past that area, save the game, turn things back up, and it often seems to work.

How interesting. Exactly the same issue and fix regarding the lab area in Bioshock 2.

Posted by: Renee Mar 25 2024, 10:16 PM

Still freezing.

I just tried LOOTing the game, and I did notice the DLC does need to be cleaned. But I went ahead and tried the game after LOOT was done. Game still froze, but I got an error message this time.

Runtime Error!

The application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way. Please contact application's suppport..
bla bla bla. rolleyes.gif

I don't know if any of that makes sense to anyone here. Gonna get FNVEdit and see if cleaning DLC 1). is possible and 2). makes any difference.

Posted by: Renee Apr 7 2024, 06:21 PM

I made a video of what I'm talking about.

What it not seen is the mouse cursor, which abruptly POPS onscreen as the game freezes. Probably nobody knows what can be done about this, so I'll post this at other sites as well. But that is what's happening.

One idea I have is to get a manager and turn off all the DLC. Maybe that'll make a diff. But for now I'm done with Fallout today!

Posted by: mirocu Apr 7 2024, 08:03 PM

I take it you tried lowering the graphics setting Subrosa talked about? I know it sounds weird that would be the issue but it was regarding Bioshock 2.

Posted by: SubRosa Apr 7 2024, 09:20 PM

So you don't even get to the door or go outside. The crashes I was always seeing reported were if people did that.

I suppose you could try running the game in Windowed mode, and see if that changes the crash. I think you can set that in the launcher. The mouse cursor popping up makes me feel like the computer is switching away from the game to give your desktop the focus, but not making it there? I am admittedly grasping at straws. Maybe using Alt+Tab to cycle between windows might bring it back when this happens. I don't know.

Posted by: Renee Apr 8 2024, 03:08 AM

mirocu: I didn't change graphics settings because other folks who've had issues are talking about happens after we get outside the door, and as we can see, I never get outside!

SubRosa: Sure I'll try windowed mode. In fact that's exactly what I do: Alt + Tabtabtabtab. That's not shown in the video. But Yeah, I can alt+tab until I get back to desktop.

But yes, that's the feeling I get too. The game's trying to slip out to desktop for some reason. Blea. I have no idea what to do.

This was supposed to be easy! I'm doing everything right!!! So I'll try windowed mode and like I said, I also want to get a manager so I can turn off DLC. See if that makes any difference.

Posted by: Renee Jul 19 2024, 08:30 PM

More issues! This time with Fallout 3. All kinds of problems. Black screen on launch is the latest one. Youtube video after patch after "HOW TO FIX" .... I'm getting nowhere.

Screw it, folks. Screw Steam, that is. All of this seems to be Steam's BS. I'm starting over with Grand Old Games. Granted, my copy of New Vegas from GoG is still broken (see video link above). But maybe the GoG version of FO3 will be just fine.

Let you know if I'm successful later. Ciao.

Posted by: SubRosa Jul 19 2024, 09:28 PM

You are just having the worst luck with computers lately. You had better check for gremlins.

Posted by: Renee Jul 19 2024, 09:54 PM

Hee hee yah, right? Gremlins.

Thing is, all my other games are fine now: Skyrim, OB, Morrowind, etc. Only FO3 got messed up.

The GOG version initially worked. smile.gif That is, the basic install from GOG (without mods) worked. Then I began copy/pasting folders and files over from the Steam folder into the folder I just made. Kept starting the game occasionally, making sure it still started. FOSE in the new folder? Everything still starts fine.

Copied all my mods over (Data folder that is) and Hit a snag. The game immediately CTD'd, but that's expected because I haven't finished moving other files & folders over. So I did that. Copied the DirectX9c folder, Edit Scripts, GeMM, ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated! and other folders and files from the Steam folder into the new one. Now the game starts. Menu screen shows up. I try clicking Continue and the game CTDs at that point. mad.gif

Tried clicking New, as in new game, still CTDs on launch.

Disabled all mods, only the base game + DLC is left. Still CTDs on launch. But at least I made some progress. Something's missing. Just gotta figure what the heck.

Posted by: SubRosa Jul 19 2024, 11:13 PM

I suggest downloading the latest version of I think I had to when I installed the Gog version of Fallout 3, because it did not like the older versions.

You probably need to redo the old multi core CPU fix for Fallout 3, where you edit the .ini files.

Ok, I remembered having some issues with the Gog version of FO3.I went back and found where I talked about it, two years ago. Here is the main post:

I have spent all day fighting with Fallout 3. As soon as I started adding mods, it started crashing again. I went through all the 'standard' tweaks: updated my video drivers, reinstalled the game, set it to run as administrator and in compatability mode for Windows XP, ran it in a window, used New Vegas Anti Crash, etc... I even tried a couple of the Windows 10 fix mods, that have you put a d3d.dll file in your base Fallout folder.

What finally seems to have worked is the mod. It does a lot of things, the main one being downgrading the game to the previous version (which worked better with mods). It also removes the Games for Windows Live stuff, makes the executable large address aware, fixes a mod limit bug, and more. It works with both the Gog and Steam versions of the game.

If you are using FOSE, don't start the game with the fose launcher file after installing this (It won't let you if you try). Instead start it with Fallout3.exe, and it will automatically use FOSE if you have it.

So far so good with this. I hope I am not jinxing it by talking about it.

Posted by: Renee Jul 20 2024, 02:13 AM

The main thing is I'm really jonesing to get my story going again!!!!!!!!! Really trying my patience, to be going thru all this right when some chapters are getting written.

Anyway, nice, look at this!

I did try the Anniversary Patcher, but I tried it with the Steam version, not the new GoG. So that'll be something I'll try tomorrow.

And if that don't work, my next idea will be to install everything backwards. Instead of copy-pasting the Data folder first I'll try copying the main folder first, piece by piece, until I find whatever's causing the prob. THEN I'll do the Data folder.

I might just install everything from archives this time, though. That's what I did when I had to rebuild Skyrim back in 2018; I installed everything from the Downloads > Skyrim folder. It's good to go thru everything piece by piece. Getting rid of stuff which has become dead weight, ya know?

Posted by: mirocu Jul 20 2024, 02:38 PM

Just go GotY from a DISC already, Renee. Forget all the online business wink.gif

Posted by: Renee Jul 20 2024, 05:13 PM

Yeah, but where though? Where can I find a Fallout 3 actual disc??? unsure.gif Which is new, and for PC? -- Anyway, I already rebuilt my game. smile.gif Took about 4 hours, but it's back. Woo hoo! cake.gif

I did not need the FO3 Anniversary Patcher. What I did was started all over with the reinstall from GoG.

And then instead of copy/pasting stuff from the old Steam folder into the new GoG-based folder (really bad idea; what was I thinking?) I went to my Downloads folder. I've been in the habit of saving archives from the very beginning; a really good habit. Everything's organized. Went into the Downloads > Utilities folder. Started with FOSE.

My version of FOSE is really old; it's from 2016, and the newest version was released in 2022. However, I read somewhere that if I use the newer version then I'll have to make a bunch of upgrades, because my gamesaves are already extant. They are already based on older software. I would need the Anniversary Patcher if I went that route.

So that's gotta be why my game would instantly black-screen-on-launch. huh.gif Because that happened after I threw the Patcher in.

Anyway, I installed all the rest of the utilities: FO3 Edit, FOMM, and so on. Next, the Unofficial Patch. Finally, I moved to the mods, starting with Alternate Start folder. Everything was installed from scratch this time, straight from the archives themselves.

Enough talk. Time for some gaming. Miss Vicious, here I come.

Posted by: mirocu Jul 21 2024, 04:27 PM

Awesome you got it running again! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Renee Jul 27 2024, 12:33 AM

Don't worry, I already fixed my (latest) prob. I'm just posting my fix for anyone else out there.

Was reinstalling Fallout 3 from GoG and was going crazy, because the black-screen-on-launch happened. mad.gif Tried a .dll fix. Tried to set FO3 executable as Administrator. Tried setting Compatibility Mode.

Each of these 'fixes', I had to get up from my comfy chair over and over because the game would blackscreen, and then I'd have to get up from my chair to turn off/restart my computer. rolleyes.gif No mods or utilities installed at all, yet! -- However, at some point I discovered I could run the game in Windowed mode. HMm.

Was about to install the Anniversary Patcher when I just happened to notice that the Full Screen setting in the launcher was set at some resolution I don't use. Ah-ha! It should be 1360 x 768. Bang!! Now the game starts & runs. Phew.

It's just a reminder to myself and others: always check the small, easily-overlooked stuff too. smile.gif

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Jul 27 2024, 03:42 AM

QUOTE(Renee @ Jul 26 2024, 06:33 PM) *

Don't worry, I already fixed my (latest) prob. I'm just posting my fix for anyone else out there.

Was reinstalling Fallout 3 from GoG and was going crazy, because the black-screen-on-launch happened. mad.gif Tried a .dll fix. Tried to set FO3 executable as Administrator. Tried setting Compatibility Mode.

Each of these 'fixes', I had to get up from my comfy chair over and over because the game would blackscreen, and then I'd have to get up from my chair to turn off/restart my computer. rolleyes.gif No mods or utilities installed at all, yet! -- However, at some point I discovered I could run the game in Windowed mode. HMm.

Was about to install the Anniversary Patcher when I just happened to notice that the Full Screen setting in the launcher was set at some resolution I don't use. Ah-ha! It should be 1360 x 768. Bang!! Now the game starts & runs. Phew.

It's just a reminder to myself and others: always check the small, easily-overlooked stuff too. smile.gif

Glad you were able to fix it and return to your adventures in the Capital Wasteland!

Posted by: Renee Aug 23 2024, 12:11 PM

This is supposed to be a troubleshooting thread but I'm posting another fix. Been playing FO3 for a couple weeks now, three different games/characters. Other day, I realized it's been a while since the game CTD'd, and this includes over an hour of play in some cases.

It's because (and I know this sounds really obvious) I took the time to clean the DLC: Broken Steel, The Pitt.esm, and so on. All these years, all five of Fallout 3's DLC had undeleted references and identical to masters, whatever they're called. When rebuilding FO3 a few weeks back, I made sure to get all of these .esms clean.

I've tried getting this done in the past, unsuccessfully. kvleft.gif I think the difference this time is I used an older version of FO3Edit to clean: Version 3.1.2 this time. I'd been using 4_0 in the past, which for whatever reason wasn't getting the job done, so I've been playing dirty all these years. Anyway, in the past my habit while gaming has been to save/exit/reload the game every 20 minutes or so, which was my way of avoiding the sure-to-come CTD. Now my habit's going to change to gaming as long as I can, just to see if a CTD occurs.

Hope this helps.

Posted by: mirocu Aug 23 2024, 03:24 PM

Sounds great and thanks for reminding us that a little spring cleaning is never out of season biggrin.gif

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