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Posted by: Lopov Apr 10 2016, 09:28 AM

Since TES has its own thread, Fallout should have one too!

Feel free to introduce any characters, new or old, dead or alive, smooth-skins or ghouls, from any Fallout game.

I copied the basic sheet from the TES thread but you can change it as you see fit.

I'll begin with Blondie, which I consider to be my most prominent Fallout character.


Nickname: Blondie

Real name: Alexandra Wright

Status: alive and kicking

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Female

Age: 34

Starting SPECIAL: S6-P8-E6-C5-I5-A6-L4

Tagged skills: Energy weapons, Lockpick, Melee

Level: 50

Traits: none

Place of birth: New Reno, Nevada

Home: house by the railroad in Novac. Apart from her home, Blondie "owns" some places across the Mojave that belonged to her former enemies, namely the Abandoned BoS bunker by the Colorado river, Hamilton's shack in the Guardian Valley and Trapper's dwelling by Jacobstown

What they do for a living: bounty hunter

Factions: Randall & Associates (formerly), NCR bounty hunting office (presently)

Companions: Guts the German shepherd (always)

Love interests: Blondie is bisexual and has been involved with several men and women from all over the wasteland, some were one-night stands, some were long-lasting affairs and some still last. People I remember that she's been with, are: Ringo, 10 of Spades, Ranger Andy, Bradley (mod-added), Hastings (mod-added), Derrick (mod-added), Beatrix Russell, Sweetie, Red Lucy and I'm probably forgetting someone

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: blue

Build: slim

Habits: chain smoking

Weapons of preference: MF-Hyperbreeder Alpha, Bowie Knife

Clothing: Courier's Duster

Magic abilities or powers: none bigsmile.gif

Miscellaneous - dealing with Benny: she killed Benny with his own gun Maria, put a cigarette in his mouth, then threw his cut-off head in a toilet

Theme song:

Biography/Life History: Blondie is one of the most notorious and fearsome bounty hunters in the Mojave. She made the name for herself by eliminating several legendary outlaws in the desert and beyond, like in Valle del Hierro and Utah. Though Blondie doesn't swear allegiance to any faction, she's been occasionally working with the NCR as a mercenary. Most people are afraid of Blondie because of her grisly profession and cold personality and as such prefer to avoid her. However, residents of Novac are happy to have her, because she had helped the town many times in the past.

Before becoming a bounty hunter, Blondie was a courier who preferred to spend her hard-earned caps on whiskey and more whiskey. Getting shot in the head sobered her up in a way, and opened up a new path ahead, even though a harsh one.

Posted by: mirocu Apr 10 2016, 10:44 AM

Oh dear god, I don't think I can come up with all that stuff tongue.gif

My character is just my character. He runs around killing baddies, like Santa Christ, for fun. And caps. No real history behind him, truth be told. He's named after me (mirocu) and that's basically it. But I will try to make an effort and fill in the form. I'll see it as "job training" or sumth'n... biggrin.gif

Fallout 3

Name: mirocu
Status: explorer and bad guy eradicator
Race: white (no fancy words here biggrin.gif )
Gender: male
Age: *shrugs* maybe around 25?
SPECIAL: [have to look this up later]
Tagged skills: [have to look this up later]
Traits: [unsure of what this means]
Place of birth: Vault 101
Home: Megaton
What he does for a living: collecting loot to sell
Factions: none
Companions: Gunny (I would post a link to his mod but I can't find it!)
Love interests: none

Habits: getting the attention of baddies and have Gunny finish them off whilst enjoying his humorous comments
Weapons of preference: Varies, but he does like his Vulcan minigun with a RoF increase mod. Yes, a mod that changes a mod! Fancy that wink.gif
Clothes: as seen in pic; Reilly's Rangers plus combat helmet
Miscellanaeous: collector of all things Nuka, teddybears, red and blue pass cards, pre-War books etc etc
Backstory: hated the Vault and thus escaped when chance appeared

And there you have it biggrin.gif

Posted by: Lopov Apr 10 2016, 02:48 PM

Thanks for adding yourself to the thread, mirocu. laugh.gif

Regarding they've been present in every game except in Fallout 3. My characters usually choose some but I forgot to add them to Blondie, that's why she's without any. I could add them with the console but after so many hours together I don't care about them anymore. tongue.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Apr 10 2016, 05:33 PM

So are the Special stats supposed to be what you started with, or what you have in your most recent save?

Blondie always makes me think of a female Man With No Name, since in one of those movies (I think The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly) he was called Blondie as a nickname.

Mirocu, maybe you should change your FO3 guy's name to Raven? Or if that sounds too Goth, Blackhawk?

Traits are neat. In all the other games you can choose to take up to two of them at character generation. They give you a bonus in one thing, but at the cost of a penalty in something else. For example there is a Four Eyes perk that gives you a bonus to Per when wearing glasses, but a penalty to it if not. I use a mod that adds them to Fallout 3.

Name: Hecate

Status: Thinking of traveling out West

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Female


Starting S4 P7+ E5 C4 I7 A8 L7
Ending: S6 P10+ E5 C5 I8 A9 L10+

Level: 21

Tagged skills: Small Guns, Sneak, Medicine

Traits: Four Eyes

Place of birth: Vault 101

Home: Megaton house

What they do for a living: Savior of the Wasteland

Factions: Brotherhood of Steel

Companions: None

Love interests: Sarah Lyons

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: Blue (wears glasses)

Hair: Plenty and black

Build: Slender

Habits: Watching people and sunsets

Weapons of preference: M110 Semi Automatic Sniper System

Clothing: Black Recon Armor, Tortoiseshell glasses, later black Power Armor

Magic abilities or powers: None

Theme Music: &

Biography/Life History: Born in the Vault, she was a typical rebellious kid who loved teddy bears and the BB gun her father gave her when she turned ten. Daddy James' dramatic exit from the Vault was her own call to adventure, which led her in her father's footsteps to Project Purity. The arrival of the Enclave changed her life forever. She saw her father die before her eyes, and swore eternal revenge. A Vengeance she made good by destroying not only Raven Rock, but also the Enclave Mobile Base Crawler.

Posted by: SubRosa Apr 10 2016, 06:27 PM

Name: Loviatar

Status: Eating the Wasteland

Race: Mutant

Gender: Female

Age: 204

Ending FO3 = S7+ P10+ E7 C5 I10 A6 L6
Current FONV = S6+ P10+ E7 C4 I9 A8 L5

FO3 = 14
FONV = 31

Tagged skills: Energy Weapons, Science, Medicine

FO3 = Bloody Mess
FONV = Kamikaze, Wild Wasteland

Place of birth: Los Angeles

FO3: Mad Scientist Lair outside the Megaton Ruins
FONV: Novac Motel Bungalow

What they do for a living: Goddess of Corruption

Factions: None

Companions: ED-E, MkII Stealth Suit

Love interests: Love is for weaklings

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: Red

Hair: Red

Build: Slim

Habits: Eating people

Weapons of preference: Magneto-Laser Pistol, Laser Rifle, Wattz 2000 Laser Rifle

Clothing: Black Robes, Black & Red Power Armor, Black & Red Mk.II Stealth Suit

Magic abilities or powers: Regeneration, Immunity to Poison and Radiation. Inability to breathe clean air, pure water, or normal food/stimpacks (they are toxic to her).

Theme Music:

Biography/Life History: Born in 2042 to a good family in Los Angeles. She was a biochemist working for WesTek at Mariposa (where FEV was developed).

It was Loviatar's experiments that led the army to mutiny and start killing scientists. She was dying of cancer. While officially on the FEV project, she was in reality following her own agenda to cure herself. She developed her Prometheus Serum in secret, but after the animal testing stage, she naturally needed some humans to try it on. Her compatriots were already secretly using military prisoners as test subjects, so she appropriated a few for herself.

Naturally the results of her early work were horrific (but I think was actually useful for the FEV work, and probably would become the groundwork for the creation of the first Super Mutants by The Master). The Army found out, and the Colonel in charge committed suicide. Captain Roger Maxson took over, determined to get even, and started killing scientists.

With the Army on its way with torches and pitchforks, Loviatar injected herself with her unfinished serum. It reacted with the cancer cells in her system, and they took over. But she did not die. Her serum worked, even if in some unexpected ways. She shot her way out of Mariposa, and escaped into the desert. The nukes were in the air less than a week later. She was buried by the bombs, and by the time she had dug herself out, she found that Maxson and the others had left Mariposa.

She pursued, and picked them off one by one during the nights through ambushes. Killing opportune targets and then escaping into the darkness before the others could come. But when Maxson and the others reached the Lost Hills bunker, she knew her opportunity for vengeance had gone. She could never kill them all in there. So she was forced to withdraw, before their own patrols could find and kill her. Perhaps permanently.

By then she had discovered that her body now fed off corruption. She could only breathe or drink toxic or irradiated air and water. She could only eat other humans. But she was also immune to radiation, diseases, and toxins. In fact, they made her stronger. Finally, the mutated cancer has resulted in her regenerating from any wound, including age, making her immortal. Her new body seemed perfectly adapted to the newly created wasteland.

Posted by: Lopov Apr 10 2016, 08:51 PM

When I was creating Blondie, she got her name because of her hair and because I heard Maria performed by Blondie on the same day, but these days I think of Clint Eastwood - Blondie many times as well.

I already forgot how pretty Hecate is. And she has a good love interest, I'd say.

Wow, Loviatar is one really intelligent mutie! Love her backstory, you put a lot of effort into it. Habits: eating people = laugh.gif.

Oh, and post whichever SPECIAL you like (or both like you do).


Nickname: Hobo (a.k.a the Hobo)

Real name: the Hobo thinks he knows but doesn't want to tell

Status: alive and tramping

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Male

Age: dangerously close to 60

SPECIAL: S8-P5-E10-C1-I5-A8-L5; some stats were increased with Intense Training

Tagged skills: Explosives, Repair, Small Guns

Traits: none

Place of birth: some vault

Home: "Home is where my mattress is" By the Hobo

What they do for a living: eating and breathing

Factions: Donald Tramp & Sons biggrin.gif

Companions: Dogmeat (called Boo / Mutt / Hound by the Hobo)

Love interests: there used to be one what? 40 years ago?

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: brown

Build: way taller than average wastelander, quite strong as well

Habits: talking to himself, listening to CONEL-RAD radio, collecting metro tickets, stocking up on pre-war money, creating custom weapons, climbing on high places and watching wastes from above, collecting pre-war garden gnomes and bobbleheads, smoking, drinking beer and nuka-cola, listening to legends about Loviatar and seeing remains of her work in person

Weapons of preference: Hunting Rifle, Railway Rifle, Dart Gun, Shishkebab, Frag grenades, Frag mines, Pulse grenades

Clothing: roving trader outfit, Chinese General's Hat, huge backpack

Magic abilities or powers: the Hobo can perceive certain visions from the past and he's partly psychic - if he dreams of his own death, he knows that it's better to avoid that place.

Explanation: the Hobo isn't DiD and his psychic abilities are the roleplay explanation behind it. However, so far, he was never close to dying.

Miscellaneous: he never carries more than one bottle cap because two or more bring bad luck

Theme song:

Biography/Life History: the Hobo vaguely remembers his past - he was born in some vault, of that he's sure. He was special in some way, that's why other children didn't like to play with him and even his own parents seemed to be afraid of him. Probably because he could sometimes foretell the future and some people didn't want to know what's going to happen with them.

Whether he left the vault willingly or was he exiled, he doesn't want to remember. There was some explosion, of that he's sure and the Hobo thinks it's because of this explosion that his memory isn't what it used to be. Ever since he's been out in the wastes, he's been a wanderer without any true purpose except for wandering around. He's been all over the post-war USA and wherever he comes, animals like him and the Hobo likes them too. The Hobo doesn't like people and generally avoids any and all settlements. He exchanges a few words with random wastelanders but that's about it.

But if you see him slowly walking down some road, don't underestimate him just because of his looks. The Hobo can be very deadly if you piss him off and he can attack with an assortment of weapons, from simple hunting rifle which you should consider as your lucky death, or the painful railway rifle whose deadly spikes will cripple your limbs, or the similar weapon called the dart gun which not only cripples but poisons you too, or if you're on the Hobo's black list, he'll turn on the shishkebab, called the flaming sword by the Hobo, and burn you down.

Posted by: mirocu Apr 10 2016, 09:08 PM

We should have a rule, guys.

Only one character per poster..! biggrin.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Apr 11 2016, 01:33 AM

I think one character per post is good enough... wink.gif

I added a field - Theme Music,

Posted by: mirocu Apr 11 2016, 08:40 AM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Apr 10 2016, 06:33 PM) *

Mirocu, maybe you should change your FO3 guy's name to Raven? Or if that sounds too Goth, Blackhawk?

Raven would suit him quite nice actually but I can´t change his name now. Can´t as in won´t, it´s too well established biggrin.gif

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Apr 11 2016, 02:33 AM) *

I think one character per post is good enough... wink.gif


Posted by: SubRosa Apr 11 2016, 04:40 PM

Name: Warrant Officer Holland Smith

Status: Kicking Ass

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Female

Age: 227 (27)

Starting S4 P6 E7 C4 I7 A7 L5
Ending: S6 P6 E8 C5 I8 A10 L6+

Level: 16

Tagged skills: Small Guns, Explosives, Science

Traits: Bloody Mess

Place of birth: Denver, Colorado

Home: Megaton house

What they do for a living: Minister of Death Praying for War

Factions: USMC

Companions: None

Love interests: Karen Schenzny

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: brown

Hair: Blond in a short ponytail/bun

Build: athletic

Habits: Drinking beer, listening to music

Weapons of preference: M16A4 Assault Rifle, Frag Grenades

Clothing: Winterized Marine Combat Armor and Helmet

Magic abilities or powers: None

Theme Music:

Biography/Life History: She was born in 2050 in Denver, Colorado. When she was two years old the occurred and killed her parents. She was sent to an orphanage, and grew up bad. When she was a teen she was committing cyber-crimes and blackmail. Finally she was arrested by the FBI when she was 21 (in 2071) and given the choice of prison or the military. China had invaded Alaska when she was 16 (in 2066), so they needed every one they could get.

It was an easy decision for Holland - steel bars or shooting people. Since they gave her a choice, she went into the Marine Corps, because she wanted to be the best. She soon learned that prison would have been a lot easier. But hard as the Corps was, it gave her a sense of purpose and belonging that she had never felt before. Given her skill with computers, she was put into Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare.

Her first deployment was just a year later, in 2072. She was sent to annex Canada. In 2074 Holland and the Corps hit the beaches of the and took Shanghai. A year later her first term of enlistment was up. She could not imagine going back to life as a civilian, so she reenlisted for another six years, and was promoted to Warrant Officer. It was during a major Chinese counterattack on the Marine positions in the winter of 2076/77 that she was taken by the aliens. One moment she was in her battalion HQ working on cracking Chinese encrypted communications, then the next the room turned bright white. She woke up in Mothership Zeta.

Posted by: Lopov Apr 11 2016, 06:11 PM

Another character from before the war joins the club! Her SPECIAL improved significantly over 200 years. wink.gif

Theme songs are a great idea, I'll add them to my characters as well.

Name: Joseph "Joe" Burg

Status: happily retired

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Male

Age: 37

SPECIAL: S9-P3-E8-C3-I3-A8-L6

Tagged skills: Medicine, Melee, Unarmed

Traits: Good Natured, Heavy Handed

Place of birth:, Nevada

Home: Julie Farkas' tower at the Old Mormon Fort

What they do for a living: guard of the Followers of the Apocalypse

Factions: Followers of the Apocalypse

Companions: Rex

Love interests: Julie Farkas

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: brown

Hair: hairy

Build: muscular

Habits: not thinking too much

Weapons of preference: rebar club

Clothing: Memphis Kid outfit

Magic abilities or powers: none

Theme Music: thanks to SubRosa -

Biography/Life History: Joe Burg is an extremely strong courier with a heart of gold. He only kills when he really doesn't have any other choice but because of his strength and the matching weapon - the rebar club - his enemies end up looking like a pre-war tank drove over them. But Joe can't help it, he swears he just touched them.

Joe is happily in love with Julie Farkas, the leader of the Followers of the Apocalypse and they live together in her tower in the Old Mormon Fort. These days Joe rarely leaves the fort because he watches over the followers and his girlfriend, protecting them from Freeside Thugs. He occasionally accompanies some followers out in the Mojave on a mission.

When it comes to mental agility, Joe is quite slow so Julie is used to explaining him some things over and over again, like that plants aren't the same as implants, and that bunny hunter isn't the same as bounty hunter or that some consoles are meant to be pressed on instead of being mashed on.

Posted by: SubRosa Apr 11 2016, 06:47 PM

Good 'ole Joe! I love his habits!

Ahh, Julie Farkas. I always fall in love with

I always think of him when I hear

Posted by: Lopov Apr 11 2016, 08:04 PM

Thanks for the suggestion, I added it.

I also changed the Hobo's theme song for John Prine - The Hobo Song.

Posted by: Lopov Apr 12 2016, 07:02 PM

Name: Ally Gator (Allison Gates)

Status: alive, mostly active in Point Lookout

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Female

Age: 24

SPECIAL: S5-P5-E5-C7-I5-A7-L6

Tagged skills: Small Guns, Sneak, Speech

Traits: none

Place of birth: some town in Louisiana

Home: Duchess Gambit

What they do for a living: guard of Duchess Gambit

Factions: none

Companions: Mysterious Stranger, Sergeant RL-3

Love interests: Nadine

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: brown

Build: slim

Habits: singing to herself

Weapons of preference: Double-Barreled Shotgun

Clothing: Ally's Nuka-Boob armor (improved raider ordinance armor)

Magic abilities or powers: none

Theme song: (thanks SubRosa)

Biography/Life History: Ally Gator is a merry drifter from Louisiana who didn't stay long in the Capital Wasteland, because she stumbled upon Duchess Gambit that took her to Point Lookout. She spent a lot of time in the swamps, solved the years-lasting war between Calvert and Desmond, and met Nadine, who’d later on become her girlfriend. After she had convinced Nadine to return to her worried mother in the Capital Wasteland to tell her that she's alive, the couple decided to run the Duchess Gambit together, with Nadine being the ferryman and Ally being the guard. They make a living by transporting occasional passengers back and forth between the Capital Wasteland and Point Lookout, and they made a deal with Jimmy Morgan, the merchant, of selling him delicious Punga fruits, that grow only in Point Lookout. Among others, Ally likes to learn of Point Lookout's past from various pre-war recordings and sources and of course she likes to roam through the swamp to ensure that swampfolk don't get too numerous.

Posted by: SubRosa Apr 12 2016, 08:17 PM

I remember Officer Gator! I always loved her green hair, and the alligator angle you took with her.

Perhaps would be a good song for Ally? Although it is specifically about Mississippi. Or, but that is Florida. I know,!

Posted by: SubRosa Apr 12 2016, 09:07 PM

Name: Annie Ley Oak

Status: Walking Off Into The Sunset

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Female

Age: 30 something

Starting S5 P5 E6 C5 I6 A7 L6
Ending: S10+ P10+ E10+ C5 I9 A8 L9

Level: 50

Tagged skills: Guns, Repair, Survival

Traits: Small Frame, Wild Wasteland

Place of birth: The Hub, California

Home: Novac Bungalow

What they do for a living: NCR Intelligence Agent

Factions: NCR

Companions: None

Love interests: None

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Long and Blond

Build: Stringy

Habits: Collecting hats

Weapons of preference: Colt M4A1 Carbine

Clothing: Reinforced Leather Armor, later NCR Powered Armor. Every hat or helmet in the Mojave..

Magic abilities or powers: None

Theme Music:

Biography/Life History: Annie was an orphan from The Hub, California. She grew up on the streets, and at a young age went to work on the caravans. First as a simple gopher, and over time learning a thing or two about working on machinery and tech, using guns to fend of Raiders like the Khans, and of course how to survive in the wilds.

When she was old enough, she joined the NCR, craving more excitement than that of a simple trader. She got it, participating in the NCRs massacre of and later the NCRs war with the Brotherhood of Steel (in which they took Helios One). Her ability to act independently and take the initiative was noted by her superior officer, then General Aaron Kimball. Kimball recommended her for Ranger training, and afterward she became his hand-picked 'mechanic', being sent wherever something dirty and quiet needed to be done, be it spying, espionage, or assassination.

She was in California during the First Battle of Hoover Dam. But when Caesar's Legion began to renew its strength a few years later, and New Vegas began showing itself be a morass that the NCR might never pull itself out of, the President tapped her shoulder. She was sent back to the Mojave in the guise of a package courier. Her mission - to assassinate Mr. House and bring the families of The Strip to heel. And if the opportunity presented itself, to also assassinate Caesar and his Legate Lanius.

In time, she would succeed at killing all of her targets, participate in the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, and hand the Mojave to President Kimball with a bow tie wrapped around it. But she felt no pride in her work any more. Her second visit to The Divide had forced her to take a long, hard look at her handiwork, and Annie didn't like what she saw. After her mission was over, she felt her last duty was done. She sent President Kimball a package - her military ID and resignation.

Afterward she (or sunrise to be more precise), looking to do something more worthwhile with her life than being an assassin.

Posted by: Lopov Apr 13 2016, 07:09 PM

Another pretty girl and another interesting backstory behind her. Annie is IMO the most good-looking of your characters which I've seen so far.

Does she live in some mod-added Novac Bungalow?


Name: Deeno

Status: Dead

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Male

Age: 27

SPECIAL: S5-P6-E6-C6-I5-A7-L5

Tagged skills: Barter, Repair, Small Guns

Traits: none

Place of birth: unknown

Home: Tenpenny Suite

What they do for a living: mercenary

Factions: none

Companions: None

Love interests: not sure if Deeno knew what love was but he had special feelings towards RIley

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Short and brown

Build: Athletic

Habits: Making havoc

Weapons of preference: Deeno's sniper rifle, Deeno's weathered 10mm pistol, Scoped 44 Magnum

Clothing: Road Rascal Leather Armor

Magic abilities or powers: None

Theme Music:

Biography/Life History: Deeno was a young ruthless merc from some place south of the Capital Wasteland but most of his past life is shrouded in mystery. Deeno enjoyed being a bad guy and never hesitated to accept any dirty job - the dirtier, the better. He was the man responsible for the destruction of Megaton and several other mischiefs around the Capital Wasteland. He was sought by the Regulators but successfully dealt with every team sent to kill him. However, he wasn't that lucky when he was attacked by three mirelurk hunters close to the Anchorage Memorial. Crippled and without stimpaks, he managed to kill two 'lurks but the third one killed him.

Posted by: Renee Apr 17 2016, 02:38 PM

I thought I'd make a template here, for easier copy/pastes.

Real name:

Creation Date:







Tagged skills:



Place of birth:


What they do for a living:



Love interests:

Physical Appearance:




Weapons of preference:


Magic abilities or powers:


Theme song:

Biography/Life History:

Posted by: Renee Apr 17 2016, 03:01 PM

Real name: Cho Zen Wan

Nickname: None

Status: alive (and Essential, his game is not DiD, thank goodness).

Race: Asian

Gender: Dude

Age: 19, though he looks 29 in some pics.

Religion: none nono.gif

SPECIAL: Cho is currently addicted to beer, so this may be messing up some stuff.
S: 6
P: 7
E: 6
C: 4
I: 7
A: 6
L: 5

Tagged skills: Sneak, Small Guns, Science, Melee Weapons, Medicine, Lockpicking, Energy Weapons


Perks: Daddy's Boy (2), Educated, Finesse, Gun Nut (2), Iron Fist, Lady Killer, Little Leauger (2), Rad Regeneration, Scoundrel, Silent Running, Survival Expert, Thief (3)

Place of birth: Vault 101

Home: He rents a home in Megaton, and also a suite in Tenpenny Towers. Both of these are added by me.

What they do for a living: He used to do some scavenging, but nowadays he's too busy with actual quests. Main Quest, then Broken Steel. Nowadays he does random missions for the Regulators and Brotherhood of Steel.

Factions: Brotherhood / Citadel.

Companions: He's got three Citadel followers, again, these are added by me. Star Paladin Cross was with him for a while but she got got pretty quickly. sad.gif

Love interests: None. He had a crush on Amata. Cho recently got locked out of 101 though, after killing her father. sad.gif

Physical Appearance: Sure.

Eyes: yes, he has two of them.

Build: slender yet muscular. In other words, he's got the generic vanilla build. indifferent.gif

Habits: meditation, daydreaming about baseball.

Weapons of preference: He started with "Winchester" rifles. Small guns in general. Laser weapons are secondary to him. Nowadays with Broken Steel active, he's got the Citadel Assault Rifle, which is a modified assault rifle I added. I RP'd that the Citadel scholars and soldiers, (who constantly pursue the feat of making longer-lasting, more accurate weapons for him, right?) were able to make a better, more accurate, deadlier version of the usual assault rifles. wink.gif

Clothing: Most often he can be found wearing light armor while in the field, mostly added by a military mod. Prewar clothes are for those days when he's hanging around Megaton or some other civilized society.

Magic abilities or powers: Ha!

Miscellaneous: Cho's game originally started on Xbox. I did the entire MQ on Xbox, but then switched over to PC for Broken Steel. and man I am GLAD I did it this way, because BS is freekin' hard without mods. That being said, I don't use that many mods in his game which affect gameplay.

Theme song:

Biography/Life History: Cho Zen Wan is my Lone Wanderer, the one whose game is associated with the Main Quest, and having a father who abandoned him. Other than tutorial stuff, he grew up in Vault 101, in which a stash of prewar memorabilia was looted by Cho and his two main 101 friends: Marge N. Overra and Joe King. In this stash were all sorts of media: computer files, compact discs, records, etc. Cho managed to find some old baseball games in this stash and became a fan of a baseball player who originally came to Seattle from Japan. Being Asian in a world of black and white American baseball players fascinated Cho, and so Ichiro is the guy Cho daydreams about most of all.

Upon being forced out of 101, Cho also became obsessed with finding his farther, I mean father, as per the Main Quest. The main twist is his Pipboy App, with programming written by him and Marge, but mostly Marge (who was more of a computer specialist during her Vault days). This app allows him to speak into his arm, which automatically records anything he says for further download to computer.

Cho tends to be helpful, mildly snarky, and more Good than Evil, though he occasionally does some grey-area things. He sees the Wasteland like a big game, almost like a huge game of "army men". He has a sense of humor and does not take life too seriously.

Posted by: SubRosa Apr 17 2016, 08:25 PM

Lopov: It's old Snake Eyes! laugh.gif

Loviatar's is a mod I made. It takes a boarded up bungalow in the Novac motel's lot and turns it into a player house. These days I use it for all of my NV characters once they get far enough east to discover Novac, since it is a nice, central location. I also created a, using a boarded up house near Chet's and the Saloon. I suppose I should put both up on the Nexus.

Renee: Neat to see Cho make the Show Off topic! I love how you worked Ichiro into his story as a childhood hero.

Thanks for the template. That is a lot easier than copying and pasting one of the previous entries and deleting all the info.

Posted by: Lopov Apr 19 2016, 12:27 PM

Name: SX4-Volodymyr, mostly known only as SX4

Pre-war name: Nick Volodymyr

Status: no longer active

Race: caucasian half-android

Gender: male

Age: died at age 29 in the battle of Anchorage in 2077, "reborn" in 2267 - figure it for yourself tongue.gif

SPECIAL: S9-P9-E10-C5-I7-A9-L6

Tagged skills: Energy Weapons, Science, Unarmed

Perks: Cyborg

Place of birth: Los Angeles

Home: none

What they do for a living: whatever he's ordered to do, mostly high-profile merc work

Factions: the Institute

Companions: none

Love interests: none

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: silvery blue

Build: athletic

Weapons of preference: Atomic Pulverizer

Clothing: black trenchoat

Magic abilities or powers: nothing magical, but he's enhanced with several implants (damage, poison, fire & rad resist), a bionic eye which enables night vision, and a cyber arm, which not only grants him strength but improves his weapon handling (higher critical chance)

Miscellaneous: I'll add things here as I game with him but for now I noticed that he can go for a long time without "sleeping" but occasionally he has to fill his energy cells - one of the most convenient places to achieve this are protectron chambers.

Theme song:

Biography/Life History:

Years ago the Overseer of Vault 101 made an unofficial pact with some infamous Doctor from Commonwealth � in exchange for sharing secrets of the vault technology the Doctor would provide robots to act as workers and vault peacekeepers.

But in September 2277 scientist James rebelled against the Overseer�s tyranny and escaped from Vault 101. Since the Overseer couldn�t afford to send anyone after him, because that would violate the rules, he yet again contacted the shady Commonwealth Doctor, hoping that the old friend can provide him some means to stop James, preventing him to reveal the vault location and its strict regime. The Doctor didn�t disappoint � without hesitation he sent to the Capital Wasteland one of the most capable androids, the fourth generation of the SX model. Designed specifically for several complex purposes, SX androids are created from fallen soldiers, kept in cryogenic containers, but only a minority of them was capable to act as obedient androids upon "waking up" - the most problematic being the fact that androids couldn't cope with their rebirth which eventually caused brain overloading and death, that's why the Doctor improved his technique and inserted microchips inside their heads, responsible for suppressing memories from their previous lives. The high point of the SX generation and the greatest pride of the Doctor is called SX4-Volodymyr - an intelligent half-android, enhanced with a cyber arm and a bionic eye, it�s not just unnaturally strong, perceptive and durable, it also excels in usage of energy weapons and scientific knowledge. Like others, SX4 is created from the corpse of soldier Nick Volodymyr who died in the battle of Anchorage in 2077.

His mission is simple � track down the rogue scientist and execute him. But what neither the Commonwealth Doctor nor the Overseer know, is that SX4�s been lately feeling odd � but do androids actually feel? He�s also caught himself occasionally thinking about things which he never thought about before � but is he supposed to think too much? And why the second part of his name � Volodymyr � lately sounds more familiar than SX4? Maybe it�s just some �minor problem� which will be fixed once he returns to Commonwealth, but maybe it�s something major�

Posted by: SubRosa Apr 19 2016, 06:19 PM

Very cool! I am looking forward to seeing more of SX4. I see he is showing off some beefcake for the ladies of the Wasteland... wink.gif He looks kind of like Deeno though, which makes him scary (Deeno being the cause of all evil in the world and all...).

I love the idea of recharging in Protectron chambers.

Now the question is, do androids dream of electric sheep? It sounds like Volodymyr might...

Posted by: Lopov Apr 20 2016, 07:09 PM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Apr 19 2016, 07:19 PM) *
Very cool! I am looking forward to seeing more of SX4. I see he is showing off some beefcake for the ladies of the Wasteland... wink.gif He looks kind of like Deeno though, which makes him scary (Deeno being the cause of all evil in the world and all...).
I agree, they're somewhat similar appearance-wise, they have the same haircut and similar eyes. What sets them apart, is their personality - Deeno was evil because he wanted to be, while SX4's true personality is suppressed by microchips in his head, making him ruthless. However, as SX4 is exploring Capital Wasteland, seeing places which he vaguely remembers from before the war, his true personality is interfering at times. I guess he wasn't evil when he was still human - determined and hot-tempered but not evil.

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Apr 19 2016, 07:19 PM) *
I love the idea of recharging in Protectron chambers.
Since they aren't so common, I decided that he can recharge himself at some other places too, like generators in metros, for instance. I also set a few rules - if he's crippled and has been fighting a lot, he has to "sleep" longer and vice versa. Also, if he's running out of ammunition, he has to "sleep" longer for the ammo to create itself.

Posted by: mirocu Apr 20 2016, 08:01 PM

Shouldn´t SX4 feel more at home in Fallout 4, being all android/synthetic and Institute and all? Just a thought biggrin.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Apr 20 2016, 08:20 PM

QUOTE(mirocu @ Apr 20 2016, 03:01 PM) *

Shouldn´t SX4 feel more at home in Fallout 4, being all android/synthetic and Institute and all? Just a thought biggrin.gif

Yeah, but who wants to play Fallout 4 when we already have Fallout 3? wink.gif

Posted by: mirocu Apr 20 2016, 08:24 PM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Apr 20 2016, 09:20 PM) *

QUOTE(mirocu @ Apr 20 2016, 03:01 PM) *

Shouldn´t SX4 feel more at home in Fallout 4, being all android/synthetic and Institute and all? Just a thought biggrin.gif

Yeah, but who wants to play Fallout 4 when we already have Fallout 3? wink.gif

Good point laugh.gif

Posted by: Lopov Apr 20 2016, 09:04 PM

QUOTE(mirocu @ Apr 20 2016, 09:01 PM) *
Shouldn´t SX4 feel more at home in Fallout 4, being all android/synthetic and Institute and all? Just a thought biggrin.gif
Nope, at least not until my PC can handle Fallout 4. But it doesn't really sound like I'd like it too much, so there's no rush.

Posted by: Lopov Jul 3 2016, 02:05 PM

Name: Ben Stevens

Nicknames: Ben the Oak, One-eyed Ben, Six

Status: deceased

Cause of death: killed by Legion assassins

Race: Caucasian

Gender: male

Age: 74

SPECIAL: S7-P3-E8-C3-I5-A4-L7
(Luck later increased to 8 with Intense Training)

Tagged skills: Guns, Repair, Survival

Traits: Old Ghoul Eye (blind eye which reduces Perception and Charisma, above SPECIAL stats already have OGE penalties included

Place of birth: somewhere in California

Home: a trailer in California

What they do for a living: courier, mechanic

Factions: post-war pensioners

Companions: Niner

Love interests: plenty when he was younger

Family: has several children and grand-children, most of them scattered over the wastes

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: the right one is brown, the left one is half-blind

Build: despite 74 years of age, Ben is still quite strong and "thanks" to dangerous life he had lived, he's built solid as an oak

Habits: going to nap in afternoon, winking with his half-blind eye, listening to pre-war country songs on the radio, reminiscing younger days, smoking.

Weapons of preference: classic rifles, most notably Cowboy repeater

Clothing: began with a yellow Red Racer jumpsuit, later wore dirty pre-war relaxed wear, currently it's the black duster with the matching hat

Theme song:

Biography/Life History:

‘t was supposed to be easy.

One final delivery and then retire for good in his trailer in sunny California.

But the final job went wrong. Horribly wrong.

Shot in the head because of the poker chip he was supposed to deliver to the Strip, 74-year old courier Ben Stevens survived just barely.

At first he was thinking to return home and forget about the mess. But… in his long service as a courier Ben Stevens never failed to fulfill a contract. Never. And despite being half-blind, bearing with arthritis and chest pain on exertion Ben Stevens decided to get the poker chip back and bring it to where it was supposed to be brought… no matter what.

Because of his "conditions", Ben can only run for a very, very short time before his chest pain kicks in, he can't crouch for too long either because his knees hurt too much, when walking long distances, he has to stop to rest, and his half-blind eye doesn't greatly contribute to his shooting skills. On the other hand, Ben Stevens has been quite lucky for his entire life - he escaped many close meetings with the Grim Reaper and as such, his luck is quite high (Luck=7).

Posted by: Acadian Jul 3 2016, 05:53 PM

Nice job, Lopov; Old Ben looks just as you describe him! goodjob.gif

Posted by: Lopov Jul 23 2016, 06:32 PM

Name: Rattler

Behind the name: Rattler is actually his real name. He was born in a Quopet tribe north of the Capital Wasteland, where boys at the age of 14 had to perform a courageous act and based on their acts they were given names. One of the boys descended down a nearby pit, where not even tribe's most brave warriors dared to set foot, because deep below lived a giant mutated rattlesnake that claimed lives of many. Cunning and agile, the boy managed to kill the giant rattlesnake with a knife, then poisoned this very knife with snake's venom. He returned to the tribe and challenged the tribe's greatest warrior to a duel with knives. The boy easily won, not just thanks to his reflexes but thanks to the snake's poison which made even the greatest warrior feel weak. After the bloody duel was over and news of the giant snake's death spread, the boy was given his name - Rattler.

Status: dead

How did he die: he performed suicide by killing himself and Eulogy Jones with Fat Man

Race: Caucasian

Gender: male

Age: 29

SPECIAL: S8-P6-E8-C3-I3-A7-L5

Tagged skills: Melee Weapons, Small Guns, Unarmed

Place of birth: the Quopet tribe in the NE of North America.

More about place of birth: At some point, the tribe was visited by friendly Followers of the Apocalypse who tried to educate tribesmen and supply them with food and medicines when necessary. Most importantly, they tried to dissuade the tribe from their cannibalistic habits. Thanks to the Followers, young Rattler learned how to read and write and as he kept hearing stories about the world outside the canyon he was born in, he decided to head out on his own. The chieftain who never liked Rattler because of his rebellious and bloodthirsty nature, forbade him to leave because according to the tribe's laws nobody was allowed to set out on his own. With his bare hands Rattler killed the chieftain, then mutilated his dead body in front of the entire tribe and as a final act - he ate his heart. Tribesmen didn't dare to go against him, but they permanently exiled him from the tribe, thus opening his way into the wasteland.

Home: nowhere, he's a drifter. But currently he's in the Capital Wasteland.

What they do for a living: enslaving, pillaging, robbing, murdering

Factions: slavers

Companions: none and there'll never be, he's a loner

Love interests: oh please!

Eyes: dark brown

Build: tall, semi-muscular

Physical Appearance: (human) (ghoul)

Weapons of preference:
1 - a unique combat knife, called Pretty Woman, permanently "enchanted" with the rattlesnake's poison
2 - a standard combat shotgun
3 - frag grenades

1 - a unique set of raider commando armor called simply Rattler's Armor
2 - a unique red bandana called Red Luck

Perks: cannibal

About PipBoy: he knew how to use it because one of the Followers in his tribe owned one, and occasionally allowed Rattler to fiddle with it. But he acquired his own from some friendly fellow in the wasteland who claimed to escape from Vault 101 and was celebrating his freedom. After emptying a few bottles of beer together, Rattler cut the unsuspecting man's arm off and then took PipBoy from it. He left the vault dweller to bleed to death.

Theme song: (warning: decreasing sound volume in advance is advised because the default loudness on the linked page is very high) he doesn't have a theme song but there's a which he keeps whistling. The melody is a part of some pre-war song which he found on a holotape and while he didn't understand much of the song because it wasn't in English, he liked the instrumental part and can be heard whistling it, especially when walking through wastes.

Biography/Life History: after killing a bunch of bounty hunters that were after his dirty head, Rattler realized that he should head south, as he always did, when things up north got too rough for his bloody taste. He heard rumors about slavers operating in the Capital Wasteland, so why not take a chance…

While Rattler can be considered a raider, he’s actually more than a mere raider. He’s a filthy scumbag that revels in pillaging and murdering. He’s the best example of the worst that humanity has to offer. If you see a lone traveler with a red bandana, run! Else you’re about to run out of your luck…

Posted by: SubRosa Jul 23 2016, 07:35 PM

Rattler looks a little like 3 Dog gone evil! He is definitely not fighting the good fight.

Posted by: Acadian Jul 24 2016, 12:16 AM

As you normally do, Lopov, you have put a good deal of careful thought into creating this guy. It seems like he will be a character that everyone loves to hate. tongue.gif

Posted by: hazmick Jul 24 2016, 01:47 AM

Occurred to me that I haven't properly introduced Alice to everyone, despite exploring FO4 with her from day 1:

Name: Alice

Status: Alive

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Female

Age: 26

SPECIAL: S4 P7 E4 C10 I10 A7 L4

Place of birth: Vault 81

Home: Red Rocket Truck Stop

What they do for a living: Mercenary, hunter, robot tinkerer

Factions: None

Companions: Heavily modified Protectron named Tiberius

Love interests: Cait

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: Blue

Build: Slim

Habits: Collecting Deathclaw claws, singing without realizing

Weapons of preference: When in power armour: Custom minigun with explosive rounds, super sledge
When out of power armour: Kar98k sniper rifle

Clothing: Leather armour on top of Gunner harness, custom power armour

Life history: Not much to say here. Alice grew up in the safety of Vault 81, but left once the Overseer allowed it. Her natural talent for fixing robots and shooting things in the head has allowed her to do quite well for herself out in the Commonwealth.
After finding a deactivated Protectron in an old warehouse, Alice fixed him up and gave him some modifications. The two have been nigh-inseparable ever since.
Alice was once hired to deal with a group of raiders at the Combat Zone, where she met Cait - the two bonded over a mutual love of pretty girls and shooting things and after helping with Cait's...situation...Alice asked her to move in with her.

Posted by: SubRosa Jul 24 2016, 02:06 AM

Alice is a long way from Wonderland. I love her hair. It looks like it is vanilla too, which is really cool.

Posted by: hazmick Jul 24 2016, 02:52 AM

It's technically vanilla hair. I have a mod which 'adds' new hairstyles, but it primarily mashes existing styles together to make 'new' ones. Alice's style is called 'Waste Anchor Unladylike', and combines the Waste Maiden shaved side ponytail, Unladylike sidesweep, and the Anchorage stripes.

I'm really happy with her look, probably one of my favourite characters that I've ever made. Bethesda doesn't always make the character creation process an easy one either.

Posted by: Acadian Jul 24 2016, 03:15 AM

Alice looks very neat! Good job with her. smile.gif

Posted by: Winter Wolf Jul 24 2016, 08:18 AM

I want to see Rattler and Alice battle it out in a cage fight! Lol.

Great work, Lopov and Hazmick. smile.gif Rattler does look like an evil 3 dog while Alice has a wild wasteland look about her. If the battle takes place Rattler might have to change the loner attitude as Alice has a Protectron. Do you have a pic of the robot companion?

I hope Rattler has some tricks up his sleeve, or some extra rattlesnake poison. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Lopov Jul 25 2016, 08:32 PM

@SubRosa - Rattler's definitely miles away from the Good Fight!

@Acadian - indeed, I don't expect for Rattler to be liked. Love to hate is a good way to put it.

@hazmick - Alice looks very good but most of all I like her freckles, they fit her. The scar looks good too.

@Winter Wolf - Rattler's combat knife Pretty Woman is permanently enchanted with the poison. In fact I "borrowed" this enchantment from the Ant Sting which is a knife in the vanilla game. I think that he and Alice are too far away to meet. wink.gif

Posted by: Renee Aug 1 2016, 11:13 PM

Nickname: Major A. Holl

Real name: Andrew Holl

Status: Pwned!

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Sarge

Age: 19 or 20, I guess

SPECIAL: S6 P5 E7 C4 I 6 A7 L5

Tagged skills: Melee Weapons, Small Guns, Sneak



Place of birth: Vault 101


What they do for a living:



Love interests:

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: brown and alert

Build: wiry.


Weapons of preference:

Clothing: military issue

Magic abilities or powers:


Theme song:

Biography/Life History: Major A. Holl is my first PC character for Fallout 3. Yah. He will be a guy who grew up alongside of my other t00ns in Vault 101. All of these folks have grown up yearning for something they've seen from the past, in this case, he'll yearn to be part of an army.

In my RPing, there is a stash of pre-war memorabilia which includes video recordings, music, all sorts of stuff in Vault 101. Cho Zenwahn grew up yearning for baseball. Joe King grew up yearning for action movies, karate, partying. Marge N. Overra grew up yearning for a simple life: 9 to 5, suburban home with 2.2 kids and a sheep dog, white picket fences, etc. She yearned to be a computer programmer.

Major A. Holl grew up yearning for the army life. Moving constantly, yelling and getting yelled at, schedules, discipline, all of that. Because of this, he'll be most likely to explore all the DLC Cho and my others have ignored so far. Hee hee.

Update: Major A. Holl got inducted into Mothership Zeta and though he put up a brave, valiant effort to survive, was not prepared at all for the aliens who dwell within. He wound up pwned within a couple hours.

Posted by: SubRosa Aug 1 2016, 11:43 PM

He certainly has the right hair! laugh.gif

Posted by: Acadian Aug 2 2016, 12:45 AM

Sounds like his career aspirations are perfect for FO3 where I hear that war never changes. smile.gif

Posted by: Lopov Aug 2 2016, 01:17 PM

I have a feeling that Major A. Holl will be pain the ass. bigsmile.gif

He has that kind of "I'm easily pissed off" look on his face.

Gender: Sarge


Posted by: mirocu Aug 2 2016, 01:21 PM

Major A. Holl?

Renee strikes again! rollinglaugh.gif

Posted by: Renee Aug 2 2016, 10:15 PM

Gaah. I really wanna make him look more ANGRY, you know? He's supposed to be one of those guys who looks constantly pissed off. Like Jericho. Since Jericho is vanilla, I know it's possible.

Acadian: yes, Fallout really is the perfect game to play "army man" in. hehe.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Aug 2 2016, 11:00 PM

It's too bad no one ever made an face mod for Fallout 3. That would be perfect!

Posted by: Lopov Aug 3 2016, 06:08 AM

If you want to make him look angrier, lower his inner eyebrows, darken his eyesockets and use some eyeliner - it does wonders. Also, decrease his sellion height, from what I see, it's quite high, by doing this he'll immediately give you an angry glance.

Posted by: Winter Wolf Aug 3 2016, 07:48 AM

I concur. Gender- Sarge is an absolute classic!

I couldn't stop laughing at that one. laugh.gif

That pic looked so cool! That hair and beard combination is the best! What happened between him and the Tunnel Snakes? He looks like he was either part of their set up or ran over them with a cement mixer because they did not live up to his military dreams. laugh.gif

What sort of weapons will he use. Automatic rifles or a bit of Heavy Incinerator perhaps?

Posted by: Lopov Sep 25 2016, 09:33 PM

Here's my latest contribution to the Mojave Wasteland, created on the 20th of September.

Name and surname: Mit Tsubishi

Behind the name: well I guess it's too obvious but

Status: retired after securing the Mojave for the NCR

Race: Asian (my second Asian character so far, the first one was Huang Lee in 2009)

Gender: male

Age: 25

SPECIAL: S6-P5-E6-C7-I5-A6-L5

Tagged skills: Barter, Melee, Guns

Traits: Good Natured, Skilled

Place of birth: San Francisco

More about the place of birth:

Home: Presidential Suite at the Tops (when on the Strip which isn't often)

What they do for a living: various jobs (caravan guard, courier, scout, bounty hunter, ...)

Factions: liked by the NCR

Companions: various (Thanks to the SCC mod Mit often adventures with NPCs from the vanilla game)

Love interests: Sunny Smiles, Angela Williams, Joana, Sarah Weintraub

Eyes: dark brown

Build: tall, athletic

Physical Appearance:

Weapons of preference: guns & melee. Mit's assortment at the moment:
1 - All-American
2 - Gehenna

Previous prominent weapons: 5.56 gun, 12.7 gun, Trail Carbine, Nephi's Golf Driver

Apparel: his entire completely custom
1 - the white shirt and black jeans are from the
2 - the arrow-shaped earring in his left ear is from the
3 - the pendant with a brahmin's skull is from another
4 - the black aviator sunglasses are from

EDIT: current outfit -

Perks: Lady Killer, Rapid Reload, Run 'n gun, Stonewall, Super Slam, Toughness

Favorite song:

Biography/Life History: an adventurous soul since he was a kid, Mit didn't feel like helping his family run the Chop-Rad-Suey restaurant in San Francisco, so he left his hometown at a young age, determined that his fate lies in the prosperous wasteland. To make a living, he's prepared to take on almost any job as long as it doesn't involve doing something where innocents would suffer. Lately he was tasked with delivering a platinum chip to the New Vegas Strip. But on the way there Mit was ambushed, shot in the head and left for dead... except that he didn’t die.

Posted by: Acadian Sep 25 2016, 09:58 PM

Welcome to Mit! He's a good looking fellow. goodjob.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Sep 25 2016, 11:10 PM

I suppose Mit's nickname is wink.gif

Good Natured? In the Wasteland?

He does look good natured! Is that a bonehawk amulet from Dawnguard? wink.gif

Drag's Neckseam Concealers looks like a really handy mod. I just downloaded that. I hope I remember to actually use it the next time I play NV! laugh.gif

Posted by: mirocu Sep 26 2016, 08:53 AM

Good looking character, Lopov. And I´m glad to see you roll a t00n who is, well, not Rattler at all laugh.gif

Posted by: Lopov Sep 26 2016, 04:24 PM

@Acadian - thank you!

@SubRosa - I think that the nickname be more appropriate, since he's a newcomer to the Mojave. But as long as he won't be, I'll be satisfied. hehe.gif

@mirocu - thank you! I think we all heard enough rattling for a while.

Posted by: Lopov Nov 1 2016, 09:15 PM

Can't get enough of Fallout!

Name and surname: Alan Webb

Date of creation: 30th of October 2016

Status: dead

Cause of death: killed together with Boone during an attack on the Fort

Race: Caucasian

Gender: male

Age: 34

Personality in a few words: determined, merciless, reliable, self-infatuated

SPECIAL: S6-P7-E6-C5-I5-A6-L5

Tagged skills: Barter, Explosives, Guns

Traits: Loose Cannon, Trigger Discipline, Wild Wasteland

Place of birth: Vault City

Family: parents (deceased), brother (a medic in Vault City)

What they do for a living: courier, scout, merc

Companions: none

Love interests: None

Eyes: bright blue

Hair: long, brown-blonde

Build: tall, semi-muscular

Physical appearance: (the scar above the left brow is a souvenir of getting shot in the head -thanks to the mod)

Preferred weapons: rifles, revolvers & explosives

Preferred apparel: dusters & leather jackets

Favorite wasteland radio station: CONEL-RAD

Biography/Life History:

In the wastes justice could sometimes be a little slow and Alan Webb speeded it up one too many times. However, the first problem was that not all of his targets deserved to be shot. And the second problem was that Webb wasn’t any kind of a lawman, but a mere courier whose hobby included picking off ‘baddies’. So it wasn’t long before real lawmen were on Webb’s tail. He was given a fair choice – to peacefully serve a few years in prison or act as a courier and scout for the New California Republic. Unsurprisingly, Webb chose the latter.

His scouting jobs, alas, quickly turned into sniping jobs. When the NCR asked him to spy on someone shady or corrupt, these particular words - “shady or corrupt†were good enough for Webb to shoot those guys. Sniped from a distance so they never knew what hit ‘em. While some influential people of the Republic saw potential in his off the record actions, a lot of others couldn’t allow for the NCR to be represented by guys like Alan Webb.

After some more unfortunate incidents, as Webb called them, the NCR let him out of their unofficial contract but forbade him to operate close to their most important cities. To keep his mouth shut, they gave him a handful of caps and promptly escorted him out of California. Caps didn’t last long, especially if one harbors love for whiskey so after his pockets were getting empty, Webb joined the Mojave Express, a local courier-employing office of Nevada and California. His first assignment was to deliver a small platinum chip to the New Vegas Strip…a delivery which would dramatically change the life of Alan Webb.

Posted by: SubRosa Nov 1 2016, 09:49 PM

You have me thinking of going back to Fallout 3 with all this Wastelanding!

Alan sounds like quite the Wasteland Vigilante! I think he and Molly Hatchet have a lot in common. She has a habit of playing judge, jury, and executioner as well. Though in the Capital Wasteland there is no one to argue! Annie Ley Oak had a similar background as well. Except she was recruited by her old General Kimball specifically to be an assassin and "fixer" for him. So he did not mind people turned up dead. That is what he called on her for in the first place! laugh.gif

Annie was really disillusioned with the things she had done when she finished New Vegas. I have been meaning to bring her over to the Capital Wasteland. Maybe I will do that soon?

Posted by: Acadian Nov 2 2016, 02:03 AM

Wow, Al's a looker! tongue.gif

Posted by: Lopov Nov 2 2016, 05:22 PM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Nov 1 2016, 09:49 PM) *
Annie was really disillusioned with the things she had done when she finished New Vegas. I have been meaning to bring her over to the Capital Wasteland. Maybe I will do that soon?

To quote one of the NCR billboards in the Mojave - Don't wait another Dam minute!

I remember Annie and her long hair that she was somehow able to hide under the 1st recon beret.

I think Webb will also turn out as a strict judge, harsh jury and cold-blooded executioner. His favorite weapon will definitely be a sniper rifle (fully modded ASAP).

QUOTE(Acadian @ Nov 2 2016, 02:03 AM) *
Wow, Al's a looker! tongue.gif

Thank you! My characters need to have a face that reflects their personality - once I achieve that, I can launch them. They don't have to necessarily be lookers but if they turn out that way, even better.

Posted by: mirocu Nov 18 2016, 08:39 AM

Al kinda reminds me of Arkansas. Don´t know if he looked like that though tongue.gif

Posted by: mALX Nov 18 2016, 01:49 PM

QUOTE(Lopov @ Nov 1 2016, 03:15 PM) *

Can't get enough of Fallout!

Name and surname: Alan Webb

Date of creation: 30th of October 2016

Status: alive

Race: Caucasian

Gender: male

Age: 34

Personality in a few words: determined, merciless, reliable, self-infatuated

SPECIAL: S6-P7-E6-C5-I5-A6-L5

Tagged skills: Barter, Explosives, Guns

Traits: Loose Cannon, Trigger Discipline, Wild Wasteland

Place of birth: Vault City

Family: parents (deceased), brother (a medic in Vault City)

What they do for a living: courier, scout, merc

Companions: none

Love interests: None

Eyes: bright blue

Hair: long, brown-blonde

Build: tall, semi-muscular

Physical appearance: (the scar above the left brow is a souvenir of getting shot in the head -thanks to the mod)

Preferred weapons: rifles, revolvers & explosives

Preferred apparel: dusters & leather jackets

Favorite wasteland radio station: CONEL-RAD

Biography/Life History:

In the wastes justice could sometimes be a little slow and Alan Webb speeded it up one too many times. However, the first problem was that not all of his targets deserved to be shot. And the second problem was that Webb wasn’t any kind of a lawman, but a mere courier whose hobby included picking off ‘baddies’. So it wasn’t long before real lawmen were on Webb’s tail. He was given a fair choice – to peacefully serve a few years in prison or act as a courier and scout for the New California Republic. Unsurprisingly, Webb chose the latter.

His scouting jobs, alas, quickly turned into sniping jobs. When the NCR asked him to spy on someone shady or corrupt, these particular words - “shady or corrupt†were good enough for Webb to shoot those guys. Sniped from a distance so they never knew what hit ‘em. While some influential people of the Republic saw potential in his off the record actions, a lot of others couldn’t allow for the NCR to be represented by guys like Alan Webb.

After some more unfortunate incidents, as Webb called them, the NCR let him out of their unofficial contract but forbade him to operate close to their most important cities. To keep his mouth shut, they gave him a handful of caps and promptly escorted him out of California. Caps didn’t last long, especially if one harbors love for whiskey so after his pockets were getting empty, Webb joined the Mojave Express, a local courier-employing office of Nevada and California. His first assignment was to deliver a small platinum chip to the New Vegas Strip…a delivery which would dramatically change the life of Alan Webb.

Hey, I think he shot me once! laugh.gif Good looking character, Lopov!

Posted by: Lopov Nov 18 2016, 07:18 PM

QUOTE(mirocu @ Nov 18 2016, 08:39 AM) *
Al kinda reminds me of Arkansas. Don´t know if he looked like that though tongue.gif

I hope you don't mean that Webb reminds you of Arkansas laugh.gif

Posted by: mirocu Nov 18 2016, 07:43 PM

QUOTE(Lopov @ Nov 18 2016, 07:18 PM) *

QUOTE(mirocu @ Nov 18 2016, 08:39 AM) *
Al kinda reminds me of Arkansas. Don´t know if he looked like that though tongue.gif

I hope you don't mean that Webb reminds you of Arkansas laugh.gif

Blimey! I guess I don´t rollinglaugh.gif

I wonder who I was thinking about then? Maybe Moriarty?

Posted by: mALX Nov 19 2016, 01:26 AM

QUOTE(Lopov @ Nov 18 2016, 01:18 PM) *

QUOTE(mirocu @ Nov 18 2016, 08:39 AM) *
Al kinda reminds me of Arkansas. Don´t know if he looked like that though tongue.gif

I hope you don't mean that Webb reminds you of Arkansas laugh.gif

BWAAHAA!!!! Not hardly !!!!

Posted by: Lopov Nov 19 2016, 10:06 PM

QUOTE(mirocu @ Nov 18 2016, 07:43 PM) *
I wonder who I was thinking about then? Maybe Moriarty?

Yes, that sounds possible. side by side.

Posted by: SubRosa Nov 19 2016, 10:15 PM

I told you they looked alike!

Posted by: mirocu Nov 19 2016, 10:29 PM

They´re two peas in the same game! ohmy.gif

Posted by: mALX Nov 20 2016, 01:04 AM

QUOTE(Lopov @ Nov 19 2016, 04:06 PM) *

QUOTE(mirocu @ Nov 18 2016, 07:43 PM) *
I wonder who I was thinking about then? Maybe Moriarty?

Yes, that sounds possible. side by side.

Looks like Moriarty was the monkey in Webb's mother's woodpile!

Posted by: Renee Nov 20 2016, 01:49 AM

Wow, even the shape of their cheeks and chin are about the same.

Posted by: Lopov Nov 20 2016, 07:42 PM

A coincidence more or less, when I was creating Webb, I didn't use Moriarty at all as an inspiration. Then again, a lot of characters in FO and TES world are similar to each other, especially if using same hair and facial hair.

Appearance-wise, Alan Webb is inspired by his namesake from an Italian comic book from late '60s. Alan Webb is a minor character in (Guerra = war on Italian), and he's a ruthless merc just like my Webb. But Webb from the comic book is more evil, he kidnaps a child of an influential general as an excuse to cause a war between Indians and a radical paramilitary organization. Though Zagor, the hero of the comic book series, quickly exposes Webb's plan and saves the kid, the war is already at full scale.

Posted by: SubRosa Nov 20 2016, 08:05 PM

Another Zagor alumni!

Posted by: Lopov Nov 20 2016, 08:17 PM

A lot of characters and personalities in my games are inspired by comic book characters which were an important part of my childhood. I still collect Zagor comics today, they're being still released, but old stories were better than present ones. Both main creators (the writer & the painter) already passed away so younger generations took over.

Posted by: mALX Nov 21 2016, 03:41 PM

QUOTE(Lopov @ Nov 20 2016, 01:42 PM) *

A coincidence more or less, when I was creating Webb, I didn't use Moriarty at all as an inspiration. Then again, a lot of characters in FO and TES world are similar to each other, especially if using same hair and facial hair.

Appearance-wise, Alan Webb is inspired by his namesake from an Italian comic book from late '60s. Alan Webb is a minor character in (Guerra = war on Italian), and he's a ruthless merc just like my Webb. But Webb from the comic book is more evil, he kidnaps a child of an influential general as an excuse to cause a war between Indians and a radical paramilitary organization. Though Zagor, the hero of the comic book series, quickly exposes Webb's plan and saves the kid, the war is already at full scale.

He reminds me of Kiefer Sutherland in "The Lost Boys," lol.

Posted by: Lopov Nov 24 2016, 06:20 PM

It happens rarely but it does - I just created a female character in New Vegas. I think I did a good job with her looks but I'll let you be the judge of that.


Name: Red Orchid

Race: Hispanic

Gender: female

Age: 29

SPECIAL: S4-P7-E4-C6-I6-A7-L6

Tagged skills: Guns, Lockpick, Sneak, Speech

Traits: Small Frame, Trigger Discipline

Perks: Black Widow

Place of birth: New Reno

Home: The Lucky 38 Presidential suite

What they do for a living: casino robber, gambler, thief, CEO of the Lucky 38

Factions: none

Companions: Benny (occasionally)

Love interests: Benny

Eyes: sparkling green

Build: slim

Physical Appearance:

Weapons of preference: and nothing else

Apparel: stylish

Theme song:


A seductress, a thief, a gambler, a casino robber - all of this and more can be said about Red Orchid. She called herself Red Lily, Red Tulip or Red Ivy, but Red Orchid has been her favorite nickname.

The girl known as Maria was born on streets of New Reno, the town where drugs and prostitution walk hand in hand. Already at a young Maria realized that she can put her cunning intellect, sparkling green eyes, nice legs and what's between them to good use. Some girls were meant to be common street whores but not Maria - she was meant for greater things. While her fellow girls were getting high on drugs and lived from day to day, Maria stayed clear off drugs, instead weaving a web that would make her rich.

It wasn't long and she made Gerry Bishop, the head of the Bishop crime family, lose his head, so at only twenty-two years of age Maria made her way into the lap of one of the most influential men of New Reno. But that was just the beginning of her plan that would come to full realization two years later. With Gerry Bishop blindly trusting her, Maria had insight into several valuable information of the Bishop crime family, which she shared with other families of New Reno for a good price, of course.

Scheming, plotting, sharing false rumors and silently making crime families at odds among themselves, Maria was responsible for the full-scale war among the families. While mobsters were busy shooting at each other, she sneaked into each of their casinos, robbed their vaults, and before they realized her ploy, Maria was already miles away from New Reno. To cover up her tracks she began calling herself Red Orchid and for a while joined the NCR as a courier.

When enough time had passed, it was time to spend some of her hard-earned money from New Reno. For the following years she traveled across the Western Wasteland, never staying in one place for too long. To stay in shape she'd rob an occasional bank, a brahmin baron's ranch or a casino. On one of her escapades she met Benny, the influential mobster from New Vegas, the Sin City of the Mojave Wasteland. They became part-time lovers and though Red Orchid wasn't easy to deceive, Benny succeeded doing just that.

He convinced her that she should help him take over New Vegas from Mr. House. There was a courier, about to carry a platinum chip to the New Vegas Strip, and this particular chip was of immense importance to Mr. House because, according to Benny, it controlled Mr. House's army of robots that were patrolling streets of New Vegas. Red Orchid got rid of the courier and took the chip, pretending to be the courier herself so by delivering the chip she would eventually get on the Strip.

But Benny double-crossed her close to a sleepy settlement called Goodsprings. He ambushed her, took the platinum chip and shot her in the head. But while Benny was a good lover, he was obviously a lousy shooter and his bullet merely glanced Red Orchid. For safety reasons Benny had her buried on the town's cemetery but as soon as he departed, Red Orchid was saved by one of Mr. House's robots, who activated itself as soon as it sensed that the fateful courier was endangered.

After being in coma for six days, efforts of local doctor Mitchell bore fruits, and Red Orchid opened her green eyes once again. Benny had a lot to answer for and Red Orchid's revenge would be in style, flavored with some extra spice.


One year after the above-mentioned events Red Orchid runs the Lucky 38 Casino. Mr. House is no longer in charge, and the casino's AI is controlled by Yes Man, as his name suggests, a very obedient robot that fulfills every Red Orchid's whim though it's capable of some advising on it own as well.

Though guests have been frequenting the casino regularly, Red Orchid has greater plans - she intends to restore the Lucky 38 to its former glory, running several establishments that were active before the bombs fell like the VIP studio, hotel and brothel for the affluent.

When it comes to Benny...though Red Orchid at first wanted to return the favor by shooting him in his head, she rather spared his life yet in return made him an obedient lapdog and lover. Benny would never dare to double-cross her again.

Red Orchid lives in her luxurious presidential suite of the Lucky 38, from where she has a great view of entire New Vegas and beyond.

Posted by: SubRosa Nov 24 2016, 07:30 PM

Red is looking good!

My first thought of music was, but that song sounds too nice for her. Her robbing career makes me think But sounds like it might be more appropriate. I think she is going to shuffle Benny's deck clean... biggrin.gif

Posted by: Lopov Nov 24 2016, 09:34 PM

Thanks! The one from RHCP is catchy but lyrics and theme of the last one are the most appropriate. The Gambler is my personal favorite but like you said, it doesn't really represent Red Orchid.

I changed the pic in her physical appearance, instead I added one with the guitar pendant.

Posted by: Acadian Nov 24 2016, 09:42 PM

Welcome to Red! Her appearance fits her description and nature perfectly. Nice job! goodjob.gif

Posted by: Lopov Nov 24 2016, 09:53 PM

Thanks Acadian! First I was going for a more 'femme fatale' look with her but then I settled for something pretty to look at but more ordinary. I blushed her cheeks and lips in the G.E.C.K. - she's using some fine irradiated makeup.

Posted by: mALX Nov 25 2016, 12:37 AM

QUOTE(Lopov @ Nov 24 2016, 12:20 PM) *

It happens rarely but it does - I just created a female character in New Vegas. I think I did a good job with her looks but I'll let you be the judge of that.


Name: Red Orchid

Race: Hispanic

Gender: female

Age: 29

SPECIAL: S4-P7-E4-C6-I6-A7-L6

Tagged skills: Guns, Lockpick, Sneak, Speech

Traits: Small Frame, Trigger Discipline

Perks: Black Widow

Place of birth: New Reno

Home: none yet

What they do for a living: casino robber, gambler, thief

Factions: none

Companions: none

Love interests: Benny (formerly)

Eyes: sparkling green

Build: slim

Physical Appearance:

Weapons of preference: guns only

Apparel: stylish

Theme song:


A seductress, a thief, a gambler, a casino robber – all of this and more can be said about Red Orchid. She called herself Red Lily, Red Tulip or Red Ivy, but Red Orchid has been her favorite nickname.

The girl known as Maria was born on streets of New Reno, the town where drugs and prostitution walk hand in hand. Already at a young Maria realized that she can put her cunning intellect, sparkling green eyes and nice legs to good use. Some girls were meant to be common street whores but not Maria – she was meant for greater things. While her fellow girls were getting high on drugs and lived from day to day, Maria stayed clear off drugs, instead weaving a web that would make her rich.

It wasn’t long and she made Gerry Bishop, the head of the Bishop crime family, lose his head, so at only twenty-two years of age Maria made her way into the lap of one of the most influential men of New Reno. But that was just the beginning of her plan that would come to full realization two years later. With Gerry Bishop blindly trusting her, Maria had insight into several valuable information of the Bishop crime family, which she shared with other families of New Reno – for a good price, of course.

Scheming, plotting, sharing false rumors and silently making crime families at odds among themselves, Maria was responsible for the full-scale war among the families. While mobsters were busy shooting at each other, she sneaked into each of their casinos, robbed their vaults, and before they realized her ploy, Maria was already miles away from New Reno. To cover up her tracks she began calling herself Red Orchid and for a while joined the NCR as a courier.

When enough time had passed, it was time to spend some of her hard-earned money from New Reno. For the following years she travelled across the Western Wasteland, never staying in one place for too long. To stay in shape she’d rob an occasional bank, a brahmin baron’s ranch or a casino. On one of her escapades she met Benny, the influential mobster from New Vegas, the Sin City. They became part-time lovers and though Red Orchid wasn’t easy to deceive, Benny succeeded doing just that.

He convinced her that she should help him take over New Vegas from Mr. House. There was a courier, about to carry a platinum chip to the New Vegas Strip, and this particular chip was of immense importance to Mr. House because, according to Benny, it controlled Mr. House’s army of robots that were patrolling streets of New Vegas. Red Orchid got rid of the courier and took the chip, pretending to be the courier herself – by delivering the chip she would eventually get on the Strip.

But Benny double-crossed her – close to a sleepy settlement called Goodsprings, he ambushed her, took the platinum chip and shot her in the head. But while Benny was a good lover, he was obviously a lousy shooter and his bullet merely glanced Red Orchid. For safety reasons Benny had her buried on the town’s cemetery but as soon as he departed, Red Orchid was saved by one of Mr. House’s robots, who activated itself as soon as it sensed that the fateful courier was endangered.

After being in coma for six days, efforts of local doctor Mitchell bore fruits, and Red Orchid opened her green eyes once again. Now Benny has a lot to answer for and Red Orchid’s revenge will be in style, flavored with some extra spice.

Wow, she really looks like Benny's type! Good job, Lopov!

Posted by: Winter Wolf Nov 25 2016, 01:29 AM

Yes, I concur! She looks awesome!

I love the small earrings with the styled hair- it suits her strong and forceful eyes and mouth.

Posted by: Lopov Nov 25 2016, 07:36 AM

@mALX - thanks! I figured that Benny should be interested in someone like her, albeit only to reach his own goals.

@Winter Wolf - thanks! I'm glad you noticed the earrings. Despite harsh conditions of the wasteland Red Orchid does her best to look like girls from pre-war magazines and calendars. wink.gif

Just like all of my characters, Red Orchid is dead-is-dead. But I have a positive feeling that she will repay Benny in full at least. I use a mod that adds vaults to each of the casinos, and she'll probably rob them once she's done with Benny. So either she'll do that either she'll try to take New Vegas over for herself though ATM I don't see her doing the Independent path of the MQ. But we'll see.

Posted by: Renee Jun 14 2017, 01:29 AM

Real name: Janet Telia

Nickname: Floozy

Creation Date: June 2017

Status: alive, but her story concluded in 2017. Been gaming with her again lately (2023) because she's just too much fun & capable at what she does..

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Female

Age: 21

SPECIAL: ST: 3, Per: 6, End: 6, Chr: 9, Int: 7, Ag: 6, Lck: 5

Tagged skills: Energy Weapons, Sneak, Speech


Place of birth: somewhere in West Virginia, or what's left of it. Edit: Now that Fallout 76 makes this canon, I can safely say she's from Vault 76.

Home: Fort Bannister.

What they do for a living: err... she's an 'escort.' Edit: and also does jobs for Talon Company.

Factions: Talon Company !!!

Companions: She occasionally travels with Talon Company mercs. These guys never seem to last long out in the open though. sad.gif One of her companions was named Ben D. Banana, and another one is Captain Crank. laugh.gif In the new iteration of her game she never uses companions anymore, but she's also not adverse to travel with someone else.

Love interests: None so far. Janet has a lot of one-night stands though. She also has a girlfriend in her underground bunker in Bannister.

Physical Appearance: Sure,

Eyes: green

Build: Janet has the build of a pole-dancer, lol. One of these gals who can abuse her body yet somehow she's always in shape.

Habits: She enjoys chems and alcohol when she's got downtime. In this way, she is rather self-destructive, because she tends to obsess over these. The "Better Living Through Chems" mod totally fits her game.

She loves eating anything sweet and/or trashy. So ... Mutfruit, Sugar Bombs, Junk Food, etc.

Weapons of preference: Laser weapons. During earlier days she had a customized plasa rifle, and an ordinary energy pistol for close-range. Nowadays she's got lazer rifles which gets rebuilt by some Talon Company gun tech. She uses a for backup.

She's got a weird but welcome glitch: her Talon Company Lazer Rifles have a habit of knocking over anyone she shoots.

Clothing: the sluttier the better. wub.gif For armor she sometimes wears Talon Company gear, but more often lately can be found wearing bandit armor, because she finds it easier to just blend in with raiders, which means she's not constantly needing to attack them.

Magic abilities or powers: um.

Miscellaneous - Janet is a total "schemer," often up to something sneaky. She tends to steal a lot around certain people. She tends to be sly and talkative. She enjoys being center of attention sometimes, but other times she can be rather self-destructive (see below).

Theme song:

Biography/Life History: Janet Telia was born and raised in West Virginia, or what is left of it. She comes to Tenpenny Towers (via an alternate start mod) because she's heard it's a good place to live, free of enemies. But in reality Tenpenny is overcrowded, and offers no cheaper rooms. Her contact in Tenpenny, Susan Lancaster, becomes an early 'friend' in the Animated Prostitution mod, but even she doesn't offer Janet a proper place to sleep. For 100 caps though, and a bit of "fun", Susan does allow poor Janet Telia her couch to sleep upon (Blanket mod).

And from here, Janet's story begins. She's like a friend of mine I used to have, always needing a place to crash, or needing money, etc. But in this case, Janet has her own way to make money. In her early days she offered 'services' to men, or women, in exchange for money. Janet also stole whatever she could use.

Eventually, she left Tenpenny. She has a brother in the Wasteland named Jonny Telia. Jonny, however, is part of Talon Company. Eventually, Janet must find her brother, and becomes part of TC as well (this is quest stuff I am writing). After finding him, he's been keeping her busy for sure. Janet has been doing quests faster than I can write them, sometimes.

Posted by: SubRosa Jun 15 2017, 03:07 AM

Wow, Janet is very charismatic. She ought to be able to talk her way out of most anything. She has the build of a dancer from Poland? wink.gif

Posted by: Renee Jun 17 2017, 07:09 PM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Jun 14 2017, 10:07 PM) *

Wow, Janet is very charismatic. She ought to be able to talk her way out of most anything. She has the build of a dancer from Poland? wink.gif

Totally, that's the idea... not really a great fighter, but she'll be good at talking her way out of stuff. smile.gif Or into stuff, as the case may be. I think her extremely high Charisma is due to a perk which adds +2 to this stat, and this perk gets added automatically via one of the prostitute mods I added. Even without the perk though, CH is pretty high for her.

And in addition to being a prostitute / dancer, I have been getting the feeling that she's also has a cousin or brother who is part of one of the shadier Wasteland organizations. Maybe her brother is in Talon Company. Ha ha that'll be hilarious! smile.gif It'll also be convenient; it really sucks getting attacked by those guys, be nice to not have to worry about them. Once I figure out how to write quests for her game, I'm going to make up some story in which she goes to a TC hideout, and maybe even joins them. smile.gif

Posted by: Lopov Jul 13 2017, 06:32 PM

Weapons of preference: Small Guns, preferably one-handed.

So she likes "them" small and controllable with one hand? biggrin.gif

Posted by: Renee Jul 14 2017, 01:11 AM

QUOTE(Lopov @ Jul 13 2017, 01:32 PM) *

So she likes "them" small and controllable with one hand? biggrin.gif

Har har!

Actually, she's turning out like Cho and all my other characters. They all wind up using the 2-handed hunting rifle, at least during early parts of the game. Can't seem to break this habit. I think over time, Janet will gravitate toward energy weapons most of all, though.

I updated her info up above, btw. Things are changing fast with her game; I've already written like 4 quests for her.

Posted by: Lopov Jul 17 2017, 02:50 PM

It's time to introduce my latest contribution to the Capital Wasteland.

Name: Peter Paul Barlow

Nickname / Game name: PP Barlow

Race: Ghoul (formerly Caucasian)

Status: alive

Gender: male

Age: 241

SPECIAL: S8-P5-E9-C2-I3-A8-L5

Tagged skills: Medicine, Melee Weapons, Small Guns

Home: nowhere

Profession: police officer

Factions: US Police Department

Companions: none

Love interests: none

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: ghoulish blue

Build: taller than average

Habits: smoking

Weapons of preference: and Barlow's Peacemaker (an enhanced police baton), in his early days he used the modified .32 pistol

Clothing: police officer uniform, hat & sunglasses

Theme song:

Life History:

On the 23rd of October 2077, on that faithful day when the Great War started and ended, when those ‘lucky’ were safely sheltered in vaults and those unlucky were left outside, there was a police officer who obediently performed his duties despite the approaching apocalypse. His name was Peter Paul Barlow, called PP (Pee Pee) by his colleagues. PP Barlow was a very strict officer, unpopular not just among offenders but among his colleagues as well.

PP Barlow knew what was supposed to happen on that day but he would never allow a nuclear holocaust to prevent him from doing his job. Like every other morning, he came to the HQ at seven o’clock, put on his fine police uniform, had a coffee and a cigarette in the common room, all alone, and then sat in his car and drove from the parking lot, always on a lookout for potential criminals. Because none of his colleagues came to work this day, and PP Barlow assumed that the same applies to all neighboring police stations, he felt even more responsible for peace and order. Perhaps he was the only officer on duty in the entire region, or maybe even in the entire country.

After driving for about ten minutes PP Barlow abruptly stopped the car, brakes screeching. His ever-watchful eyes spotted the cat on a nearby tree that couldn’t come down on its own. As he always did, PP Barlow informed the HQ of his task ahead –“a cat in distressâ€, waited for response, not really expecting to get any this morning, and then stepped out of the car.

“Meow!†the cat greeted him, recognizing a potential savior. It moved slightly closer and PP Barlow gently grabbed it. He was far from a gentle police officer what several offenders experienced on their own skin, but PP Barlow liked animals very much, liked them more than people. As he was caressing the cat in his hands, blinding light engulfed the entire sky and not even PP’s fine sunglasses, extra-tinted and ordered from Switzerland, weren’t of much help – everything around him got blinding white.

“This is it then,†he told the cat which responded with a frightened meow.

That was when the Great War started and already two hours later it ended, but what was left behind, was only a shadow of the former world.




For PP Barlow, however, not much changed. He survived the atomic war and defied even high radiation levels yet not entirely without consequences. He became a ghoul, but in the long run it didn’t matter – he wasn’t particularly good-looking when he was human either. But as long as his police pistol was working and the badge was firmly clasped on his uniform, PP Barlow still represented - represented the Law. What he didn’t know or at least wasn’t fully aware of, is that radiation fried his brain. Not completely, but still. He hadn’t gone feral like many other ghouls, but he adapted to his new surroundings from a simple perspective of a police officer whose job was to purge the land of evil-doers. There were other types of offenders in this new world – Super-Mutants, raiders, dangerous beasts - and PP Barlow’s mission was to stop them and prevent innocents from being endangered. There were also lots of cars left at inappropriate places and PP Barlow’s job was to clear the roads – usually by blowing up the cars of course. Lately he heard stories of a police station in the Capital Wasteland, and that is where PP Barlow headed, hoping to get in contact with more police officers and find a functional jail. But the road ahead isn't easy and PP Barlow will meet all kinds of offenders to deal with...

Posted by: Renee Jul 17 2017, 04:04 PM

Nice job! I like his age....241 years old! He is also very strong and agile, but his Charisma is quite low. I wonder if this will make him even more hated than if he weren't also a ghoul.

Posted by: SubRosa Jul 17 2017, 09:33 PM

Cool! A pre-war ghoul. What ghoul race mod are you using?

Posted by: Lopov Jul 18 2017, 09:27 AM

QUOTE(Renee @ Jul 17 2017, 05:04 PM) *
Nice job! I like his age....241 years old! He is also very strong and agile, but his Charisma is quite low. I wonder if this will make him even more hated than if he weren't also a ghoul.

Yes, he's quite old, even some Dark Elves would be envious of that age. Low charisma only means that his speech checks will be more difficult, as far as I know, there aren't any other effects.

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Jul 17 2017, 10:33 PM) *
Cool! A pre-war ghoul. What ghoul race mod are you using?

I use, which allows radiation to heal you and has lots of other benefits, the higher your rad levels get. There's also a perk which makes feral ghouls friendly but I used a console command to make them friedly since Lvl 1, otherwise I'd need to wait until Lvl 4, I think. There are some other effects too, listed on the mod page.

Posted by: Lopov Oct 8 2017, 06:35 PM

Name: Lee Cyeng

Status: lives a peaceful life with Willow in Novac

Race: Asian

Gender: male

Age: 30

SPECIAL: S8-P5-E7-C2-I6-A7-L5 (endurance was later boosted to 8 with a perk)

Tagged skills: Melee, Survival, Unarmed

Traits: Heavy Handed, Hot Blooded

Place of birth: San Francisco

Home in the Mojave: (formerly), (currently)

What they do for a living: officially - courier--- unofficially: mercenary, assassin, spy, ...

Factions: officially - none--- unofficially: NCR

Companions: Willow

Love interests: Willow

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: brown

Build: muscular

Bad habits: no, Lee Cyeng doesn't smoke neither he drinks alcohol or takes drugs. Except cave fungus occasionally which he considers a natural drug.

Weapons of preference: various assortment of melee and unarmed weapons

Clothing: various

Magic abilities or powers: none

Biography/Life History:

It was a few years ago when Lee Cyeng joined the Mojave Express, the leading courier service of the western wasteland. Taciturn, mistrustful, even rude, he would rarely talk to other couriers and would never talk about himself, so where he had hailed from and what had he done before becoming a courier, wasn’t known to anyone. Yet the deep scars on his face and body told a story of their own and perhaps it was better for this story to remain untold.

Lee Cyeng, in secret called “the mute chink†by some couriers, was never seen drinking alcohol, smoking or taking any other kind of drugs, and most of the time he preferred sleeping on rough terrain instead of on a proper bed. He would go to sleep early and wake up before dawn to exercise or meditate. Unbeknownst to other couriers, he knew very well that he was called the mute chink by some of them.

Very rarely they saw him using firearms, instead he relied on his bare fists, sharp knives, makeshift axes and he wasn’t a stranger to sledgehammers either. Even those that weren’t fond of him, had to admit that the mute chink was a very skilled knife thrower, which made them even more curious, why would someone like him become a courier in the first place. Sometimes he’d make his own throwing weapons from scrap metal.

When rumors spread that Lee Cyeng was killed in an ambush close to Goodsprings, those that knew the mute chink, didn’t feel very sorry for him. Though he had never done anything bad, at least not to them, his unpleasant attitude didn’t make him popular either.

While it was a habit among couriers to inform relatives of dead ones about the passing of their loved ones, nobody knew whether Lee Cyeng had any family at all and it seemed that with his death all the possible questions about his past would remain unanswered.

But shortly afterward new rumors spread over the Mojave. The courier who supposedly died close to Goodsprings, made his way out of the grave. “Not even a bullet in the head could stop the chink,†said one of the couriers. “Woe to the guys who tried to kill him. I wouldn’t like to be in their shoes.â€

And he was right. A few years ago Lee Cyeng used to be a bloodthirsty rebel from San Francisco, fighting against the New California Republic. After they caught him, he was on death row for his crimes against the NCR when two influential senators from Shady Sands pulled their strings to free Lee Cyeng and offer him pardon in exchange for becoming their hired gun, or in Lee Cyeng’s case – their hatchet man. Under a pretense of a courier he would roam the wastes, carrying out executions, sabotages or espionage on behalf of his shady bosses. His latest assignment that took him to the Mojave, was to assassinate the man called Zombie, a leader of War Trash, the terror cell that lately began targeting the NCR. But before that Lee Cyeng has another mission to complete, and of much more personal nature – to hunt down and kill the men who tried to kill him.

Posted by: SubRosa Oct 8 2017, 08:12 PM

The Bando looks pretty cool. I take it you are using the Goodsprings location, at least to start?

That mute chink rose from the grave!

She has a similar backstory to Annie Ley Oak's. Except she wasn't hostile to the NCR, and served in its military willingly. But otherwise both are assassin's for the NCR.

Posted by: Lopov Oct 8 2017, 08:47 PM

I'm using the location in Freeside. He was given a key to the bando from Ralph on behalf of the King who figured out that it's better and useful to be in good relations with Lee Cyeng. At least that's how I roleplayed it.

The story about Zombie is from mod, which Lee will do after dealing with Benny.

Posted by: SubRosa Oct 8 2017, 10:29 PM

Name: Oda Hidetaka

Status: Seeking Vengeance

Race: Human (Japanese)

Gender: Female

Age: 19 in Fallout 3, 23 in Fallout NV (740/744 - born 1537)

SPECIAL: S7 P5 E7 C4 I5 A6 L6

Tagged skills: Melee Weapons, Sneak, Guns

Traits: Kamikaze, Wild Wasteland

Place of birth: Owari Province, Japan

Home: None

What they do for a living: Ronin

Factions: Clan Oda

Companions: None

Love interests: None

Physical Appearance: Hidetaka is a Japanese woman with long black hair that she keeps tied back in a ponytail above her head. She wears samurai armor emblazoned with the mon of her clan: Oda.

Eyes: Brown

Build: Athletic

Habits: Meditation, martial arts, flower arrangement

Weapons of preference: Takizakura "Waterfalls of Cherry Blossoms" (katana)

Clothing: Samurai Armor

Theme song:

Biography/Life History: Hidetaka was born in 1537, the daughter of daimyo Oda Nobuhide and his wife, Tsuchida Gozen. The legendary Oda Nobunaga was one of her old brothers. While female, Hidetaka pretended to be male, in order to become a samurai. After the death of her father a war of succession followed within clan Oda, with several contenders vying for leadership. Hidetaka supported Nobunaga, and history records that 'he' was killed by Oda Nobutsugu along the ShÅnai River near Moriyama Castle in 1555, when 'he' was 18 years old.

But in reality Hidetaka was taken for study by the aliens in Mothership Zeta. Most of the time Hidetaka was kept cryogenically frozen. But the aliens made a mistake when they revived her and placed her in the same room as another captive. They teamed up, and pretended to fight in order to draw in the aliens. That was all the opportunity they needed to escape and arm themselves. In the end all of the aliens were killed, and Hidetaka escaped to the surface of the Earth.

Hidetaka found herself in the Capital Wasteland, in the year 2277. The world was a nuclear wasteland, and she was on the other side of the planet from her home and surrounded by gaijin. But she did not find herself to be unhappy. For she quickly discovered that gender roles were non-existent in the new world. She cast off her male disguise, and finally lived her life as herself. While learning to speak English has been a slow and difficult process, Hidetaka has little difficulty in speaking the most important language of the Wasteland - violence. Trained from childhood as a samurai, she was a master of armed and unarmed combat. The strong ties Clan Oda possessed with Portuguese traders also stood her in good stead. For like many Oda warriors, she had learned to use an arquebus as well. Modern firearms were like children's toys compared to those old matchlocks.

Hidetaka has wandered the Wasteland ever since, selling her services as a Ronin. She will not serve any Master however. Her sense of ethics forbids her from banditry or assassination. She only fights the good fight. However, she never forgets a slight or an enemy. To her vengeance is as real as breathing.

She is a Zen Buddhist, and seeks perfection in her Art as a swordswoman, and following the Noble Eightfold Path. Hidetaka does drink, but only rarely, and never to excess. Of course she does not use chems. Physical vices are for the weak. She does not gamble for the same reason. Her idea of excitement is doing her katas. Her way of relaxing is meditating.

A few years after landing in the Capital Wasteland, Hidetaka began to make her way west. By 2281 she found herself in Nevada. Near the town of Goodsprings she discovered a courier who had been killed by a radscorpion. Hidetaka buried the man and took his belongings. But a day later she was attacked in her sleep by Benny and his Khan mercenaries, and taken prisoner. Benny seemed to think that she was the courier, and with her continual difficulty in speaking English, she could not explain otherwise. He shot her in the head and buried her in a grave. But Hidetaka was rescued by Victor, and nursed back to health by the local doctor.

Now that she is well again, Hidetaka has sworn a blood oath to kill Benny, his retainers, his family, and all associated with them.

Posted by: Lopov Oct 9 2017, 09:44 AM

I remember your samurai girl from the Capital Wasteland.

Good backstory on how she met the courier and was then mistaken for one.

Half of Asia is after Benny these days. tongue.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Jul 19 2018, 12:03 AM

Name: Victoria

Status: Defrosting

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Female

Age: 28 + 210 (born 2049 - frozen 210 years)

Starting S7 P6 E7 C4 I5 A7 L5

Level: 16 (currently)

Main Perks: Aquagirl, Commando, Explosives

Traits: Kamikaze

Place of birth: Buffalo, New York

Home: Sanctuary Hills, Boston

What they do for a living: Navy S.E.A.L.

Factions: US Navy

Companions: None

Love interests: None

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blond

Build: Solid

Habits: Swimming

Weapons of preference: FN SCAR-L (The Last Full Measure)

Clothing: Vault Suit, Heavy SF Combat Armor

Magic abilities or powers: The ability to breathe underwater (Aquagirl Perk)

Theme Music: and

Biography/Life History: Born Vance Beck in Buffalo, New York, Victoria is a transwoman who transitioned later in life. As a youth 'he' was always felt like an outsider, and learned to put on a tough exterior to prevent anyone from guessing the truth of her true gender identity. An avid swimmer, Vance was a member of 'his' school's swim team, and led them to a state championship. Some of 'his' instructors declared that 'he' was part fish. But it was really just a way to escape from thinking about her gender.

In 2067 Vance joined the Navy at 18 in an effort to cure 'himself' of 'his' female gender identity. This was one year after China invaded Alaska, and the military was eager for recruits. A year later Vance graduated from BUD/S and became a S.E.A.L. Vance was immediately deployed behind enemy lines in Chinese-occupied Vietnam and Laos, where 'his' team trained and led Viet Minh guerillas against the Chinese occupiers. Later Vance would be deployed on similar missions in Tibet, the Gobi Desert, and finally Alaska. Vance earned a reputation for being aggressive and reckless, thinking nothing of charging directly into enemy gunfire. This won 'him' a Navy Cross for single-handedly taking a Chinese bunker that had pinned down his team. It also won 'him' two purple hearts for wounds in action.

It was on Vance's first leave that 'he' married 'his' high school sweetheart Cait. Vance was genuinly in love with her, and kept 'his' gender identity a secret from her, fearing rejection if Cait knew the truth. After taking part in the operation that retook Anchorage in January 2077, Vance's team stood down for some much-needed leave.

Vance returned home to Sanctuary Hills, Boston to learn that Cait was pregnant and due in a few months. This is in spite of 'his' being away for over a year. Vance forgave her the infidelity, and determined to be the best parent he could. But at the same time, Vance could no longer take living as a man. Vance came out to Cait and his team, and began transitioning to Victoria. Cait immediately began divorce proceedings. Victoria's team's reaction was varied. Most felt shock and betrayal for not having known the truth. Some accepted her as she was, some could not, and some just muddled through it as best they could, loyal to their old friend, even if they could not grasp any of it.

However the Navy itself was less sympathetic. They gave her an undesirable discharge. Her S.E.A.L. partners gave her a going away bash though, which included presents - her old armor and assault rifle - The Last Full Measure. They even gave the armor a brand new paint job, something flashier than before (the SF Armor mod's Black Ops paint).

Afterward Victoria didn't know what to do with life, beyond having sex reassignment surgery, which she did in September of the same year. At the prompting of her shrink, she wrote a book during that time about her experiences. It was published on October 19th. She was scheduled to give a speech at the Veteran's Hall in Concord on the 24th. She stopped by Sanctuary the day beforehand to sign the final divorce papers, and move the last of her things out.

But the Great War happened, and everything changed. Victoria went to Vault 111 with Cait and her son Shaun. There they were put in cryo-freeze, and Victoria woke up 210 years later with everyone else dead, and Shaun missing. She had a strange memory or dream of seeing a man and woman enter the Vault, open Cait's cryo-chamber, and take the child. They shot her. Victoria wished she could have done that herself. The bullet hole she found in Cait's head proved that it had really happened.

Now Victoria has emerged into a world that is entirely upside down. For once she knows who and what she is, and is living her life on her terms. But nothing else makes much sense. She found her armor and rifle buried under the rubble of her ruined car, and went back to doing what she knew best - fighting.

Posted by: Acadian Jul 19 2018, 12:51 AM

Cool! Nice to have more info on the woman behind those blue eyes! smile.gif

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Jul 19 2018, 01:24 AM

Awesome. One appealing thing about “The Wasteland†is that it provides opportunity for a new beginning. Victoria appears ready to meet that opportunity head on!

Posted by: Lopov Jul 20 2018, 10:47 AM

Great background for Victoria. I imagine that living in a whole new world will be easier for her because people will no longer judge her because of her decision to change gender.

You use a mod to have more SPECIAL stats at the start, right?

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Jul 20 2018, 05:55 PM

QUOTE(Lopov @ Jul 20 2018, 04:47 AM) *

Great background for Victoria. I imagine that living in a whole new world will be easier for her because people will no longer judge her because of her decision to change gender.

You use a mod to have more SPECIAL stats at the start, right?

Yeah either a mod or console commands. You only start the vanilla game with 21 points to put into SPECIAL.

Posted by: SubRosa Jul 20 2018, 09:45 PM

Victoria is inspired by a real person - Kristin Beck. I read her story, and thought she would be perfect for Fallout.

When I was younger I used to think of the end of the world as a sad thing. But these days I see the upside. No job, no taxes, no president, no congress. There are no people, so there is no bigotry. You can stay up late, and eat all the ice cream victims you want. What's not to like? I say bring on the comet/nuclear war/alien invasion/zombie apocalypse/breakdown of society. biggrin.gif

Lopov: you are right, I use a mod that starts you with 40 Special points, the same as the other games. The default is too few. There should be a link to it in the F4 Mods topic.

Posted by: Renee Jul 20 2018, 11:10 PM

Lol funny, SR.

Okay, my turn. I just rolled my first toon character in New Vegas, on Xbox.

Real name: Marc Mywards
Nickname: ?

Status: Pwned!

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Dude

Age: about 40

SPECIAL: S 7, P 3, E 6, C 3, I 4, A 8, Luck 9

Tagged skills: Guns, Melee Weapons, Unarmed

Traits: Heavy Handed, Kamikaze

Place of birth: Texas


What they do for a living:



Love interests:

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: dark brown

Build: BiG


Weapons of preference:


Magic abilities or powers:

Miscellaneous: Marc Mywards is my first New Vegas character! I know nothing about him as I write this but he seems like some sort of tough guy. And I like tough guys.

Theme song:

Biography/Life History: Poor Marc. He moved to Goodsprings on some sort of caravan, which got broken up somehow, all its members scattered. After moving, he began to explore Goodsprings, unsure of what he wanted to do.

He finally decided: all he wanted to do (now that his friends were all gone) was make it into the main area of Vegas, where all the action is. He looked at his map, found an area to the north which had a lot of streets and avenues. Figured that must be it, so he'd head there.

Literally minutes after starting his journey, Marc got pwned by a pair of giant radscorps. sad.gif

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Jul 21 2018, 12:50 AM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Jul 20 2018, 03:45 PM) *

Lopov: you are right, I use a mod that starts you with 40 Special points, the same as the other games. The default is too few. There should be a link to it in the F4 Mods topic.

Khajiit wants that! Does it play nice with Start Me Up?

@ Renee
Welcome to the Mojave! A tough guy should do well in the desert!

Posted by: SubRosa Jul 21 2018, 01:21 AM

Mark My Words has some serious facial hair! Maybe you should have gone with = starts you out wit 40 Special points. It does work fine with Start Me Up.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Jul 21 2018, 02:29 AM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Jul 20 2018, 07:21 PM) * = starts you out wit 40 Special points. It does work fine with Start Me Up.

Thanks for the recommendation!

Posted by: Lopov Jul 21 2018, 08:43 PM

What a muttonstache Marc has! laugh.gif

Welcome to the Mojave, Renee!

Posted by: Renee Jul 22 2018, 02:41 PM

Marc already got pwned. blink.gif Which is okay, I didn't feel much connection to him. So here, meet my second NV character. Her name is Karen Aboucha.

"Karen Aboucha" was one of my characters from Sims: Castaway, which is a game in which the player makes a bunch of sims that wind up getting shipwrecked on an island. In that game, She was supposed to be a nurse, and this'll be true in New Vegas, as well.


Real name: Karen Aboucha


Status: out & about

Race: Hispanic (Native American, mostly)

Gender: F

Age: about 25

Reputation: Neutral

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

SPECIAL: S 4, P 6, E 5, C 7, I 7, A 6, L 5

Tagged skills: Energy Weapons, Science, Medicine

Traits: Four Eyes, Good Natured

Place of birth: California

Home: closest thing right now is Victor's Shack, since the robot never goes inside!

What they do for a living: scavenges and gathers ingredients



Love interests: Trudy. wub.gif

Physical Appearance: ... and ...

Eyes: green

Build: slender


Weapons of preference: cleaver, energy pistol

Clothing: Wasteland Settler Outfit is her fave so far. She has a set of leather armor too, but hasn't worn it yet.

Miscellaneous: Karen is my second New Vegas character. She is psychic, and can foresee many things, including any possible demises in her future. Therefore, her game is not DiD. She will not do the MQ. She started her game as a teetotaler, but now that she's more relaxed and settled into Goodsprings she's become more of an avid drinker.

Theme song:

Biography/Life History: Karen moves to the Mojave for some reason, to be some sort of nurse. She cared about many people in her past, and looks to further her assistances here in New Vegas.

So far, her lifestyle is pretty simple. She's not really interested in joining anybody. She's a simple gatherer, pretty much. She loves moseying along the desert, looking for useful things.

Posted by: Lopov Jul 22 2018, 03:52 PM

Hello to castaway Karen! Her ability to predict future will be really helpful in the Mojave.

Roleplaying a "desert nurse" in the Mojave is a very viable option thanks to some factions that strive to help people, it might take a while to meet these people, though.

What happened to Marc?

Posted by: SubRosa Jul 22 2018, 04:38 PM

Looks like Marc did just as well as General Burnsides then... sad.gif

A good-natured person in a Fallout game? I am not sure that they go together! laugh.gif

Karen will fit in well with one of the factions. I think she will have to get to New Vegas before you can join them. Look around Freeside...

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Jul 22 2018, 04:58 PM

Karen sounds like a fun character to play. Khajiit concurs with what the others are saying, there is a faction made for her called .

Posted by: Renee Jul 22 2018, 08:52 PM

Oh nice, so there is a faction which supports her roleplay? That's great!

I didn't spoil myself, Khajiit! biggrin.gif I wanna try to discover what this faction could be.

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Jul 22 2018, 09:32 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Jul 22 2018, 02:52 PM) *

Oh nice, so there is a faction which supports her roleplay? That's great!

I didn't spoil myself, Khajiit! biggrin.gif I wanna try to discover what this faction could be.

Lol, well Khajiit provided the spoiler tag just in case! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Renee Jul 23 2018, 07:45 PM

Lopov: Didn't answer your Q yesterday, sorry. Marc basically looked at the in-game map, and noticed a bunch of streets crisscrossing in a grid-pattern up to the north. He assumed this was Vegas.

He spent the night in the Abandoned Shack, and left the next morning. Literally minutes after he left, he got chopped by a huge radscorp. I think Marc faltered a bit, lost his step, and before he could even move *CHOP* the scorp got him again. And again. Fourth time, and that was it. indifferent.gif

Rolling Karen was pretty easy though. I already had her name (which for me is the toughest part, along with some sort of half-baked idea about what she's supposed to be). Only thing I forgot is to record what time I made her, so I can possibly do her horoscope in the future. smile.gif That shouldn't be a problem though, I still have her very first save, so I can just use the time on that save.

Posted by: SubRosa Jul 23 2018, 08:45 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Jul 23 2018, 02:45 PM) *

Lopov: Didn't answer your Q yesterday, sorry. Marc basically looked at the in-game map, and noticed a bunch of streets crisscrossing in a grid-pattern up to the north. He assumed this was Vegas.

He spent the night in the Abandoned Shack, and left the next morning. Literally minutes after he left, he got chopped by a huge radscorp. I think Marc faltered a bit, lost his step, and before he could even move *CHOP* the scorp got him again. And again. Fourth time, and that was it. indifferent.gif

Rolling Karen was pretty easy though. I already had her name (which for me is the toughest part, along with some sort of half-baked idea about what she's supposed to be). Only thing I forgot is to record what time I made her, so I can possibly do her horoscope in the future. smile.gif That shouldn't be a problem though, I still have her very first save, so I can just use the time on that save.

You discovered one of my pet peeves about New Vegas. It is not an open-world game like the other Fallout games. If you go north from Goodsprings you die. If you go east, you die. To the west are cliffs you cannot pass. So guess which direction everyone has to go?

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Jul 23 2018, 08:55 PM

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Jul 23 2018, 02:45 PM) *

You discovered one of my pet peeves about New Vegas. It is not an open-world game like the other Fallout games. If you go north from Goodsprings you die. If you go east, you die. To the west are cliffs you cannot pass. So guess which direction everyone has to go?

Yep, this is Khajiit’s biggest problem with the game. It forces you to go a certain way. Now, Khajiit is all for having areas that are too tough for characters below a certain level, but to force people to play the game a certain way is just bad design.

Posted by: Renee Jul 24 2018, 01:44 AM

Oh yeah. Lopov already warned me of this several times over the years, but yeah, I totally forgot how NV works. Thanks y'all.

Posted by: Lopov Jul 24 2018, 08:59 AM

Name: Lewis Logan

Nickname: "Snake"

Factions: Railroad

Codename: Agent Whisper (by Railroad)

Status: alive

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Male

Age: 37 (+210)

SPECIAL: Starting S4 P4 E4 C3 I4 A6 L4

Main Perks: stealth-based perks, pistol & rifle-based perks, Lady Killer, Lead Belly, Rad-Resistant, AP-regenerating perks, ...

Place of birth: Los Angeles

Home before the war: Sanctuary Hills, Boston

Home after the war: Diamond City Home Plate

What they did for a living before the war: scout in the army

Companions: Dogmeat (all the time), Valentine (occasionally), Deacon (occasionally), Ada (occasionally)

Love interests: None yet

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: amber

Hair: greying black

Build: quite muscular

Weapons of preference: modified 10mm pistol, modified .44 pistol, modified laser rifle, Furious Fist

Clothing: various

Life History: Lewis Logan was an ordinary scout in the US Army but he gained a recognition when he was caught by rebel soldiers on a mission in Bolivia. He was brought to the underground bunker and tortured but Logan didn't reveal any vital information to hostile forces. On the second day of his captivity he managed to free himself and enacted revenge on his captors - not only did he single-handedly execute all of twenty nine hostile soldiers with just a combat knife, Logan also stole important holotapes about reports of enemy movements and established a radio connection with his HQ in Bolivia. With coordinates of hostile forces now exposed, the US Army attacked the enemy territory, and Logan joined the attack by sneaking through the jungle and repeating the procedure from the bunker - sneaking behind his enemies and stabbing them to death.

Upon returning back home, Logan was proclaimed a war veteran and because of his sneak & kill approach, he gained a nickname "Snake" which he was never very fond of. Not long after his wife Nora gave a birth to their first son - Shaun - and the family moved to Sanctuary Hills to enjoy some peaceful family life. But it didn't last for long and 210 years later "Snake" Logan is now on a hunt for his wife's killer and on a search for his missing son.

As it has become obvious that to accomplish his goal, Logan will need some friends in the Commonwealth, he joined the synth-helping organization - the Railroad. His codename in the organization is Agent Whisper. After successfully infiltrating inside the Institute, Logan finally met his son, only to find out that he's the leader of the sworn enemies of the Railroad. Despite Logan was hurt by ruining his son's dreams, he destroyed the Institute with help of the Railroad and ended its threat over the Commonwealth.

Posted by: Renee Jul 24 2018, 01:34 PM

I love how he managed to escape, got rid of all his captors, and then decides he wants to have a 'peaceful' family life. wink.gif That's what I call a flip-flop.

If he doesn't like the name Snake, is this what people are still calling him?

Posted by: Lopov Jul 24 2018, 01:38 PM

So far the only person which called him by his name is his personal Mr Handy but he called him as Logan because his game name is "Snake" Logan and looks like the robot calls your PC by the second name (he called Dennis Barry as Barry). Apart from that, he hasn't been asked about his name so he hasn't introduced to anyone yet. biggrin.gif He'd probably say just Logan, though.

Posted by: Lopov Aug 15 2018, 04:47 PM

Having completed the MQ, I slightly updated Logan's sheet.

Posted by: SubRosa Aug 15 2018, 09:26 PM

When is he going to become Solid Snake? wink.gif

Posted by: Lopov Aug 15 2018, 10:15 PM

He was frozen solid for 200 years. laugh.gif

Posted by: TheCheshireKhajiit Aug 15 2018, 10:38 PM

QUOTE(Lopov @ Aug 15 2018, 04:15 PM) *

He was frozen solid for 200 years. laugh.gif


Posted by: Kane Sep 1 2018, 12:34 PM

After and extended break from Fallout 4, I return with

Not sure where her story will take us yet, but I'm feeling like she may join the Institute.

Posted by: Lopov Sep 1 2018, 01:34 PM

Cora is very pretty.

But she also looks sad...

Posted by: Kane Sep 1 2018, 02:25 PM


I think it fit at the time. Fresh out of the vault after 210 years to a wasteland, and she witnessed a kidnapping and murder.

(I use an Alternate Start mod, so while she was a vault dweller, she is neither Nate or Nora.

Posted by: SubRosa Sep 1 2018, 03:21 PM

Cora does look really nice, and sad. Do I detect freckles? You should make a face preset of her and put it on The Nexus.

Posted by: Renee Sep 1 2018, 08:07 PM

I think it's just the lighting, and her pose. She doesn't look like a sad person overall. I can picture her happier. Maybe it's just a moment she's having.

Posted by: Kane Sep 2 2018, 09:17 PM

Here is a different shot of her, in new duds.

SubRosa, I've never made a preset before. Is it easy to do?

Posted by: SubRosa Sep 2 2018, 09:21 PM

You need LooksMenu and F4SE. It is really easy to do. Just open to the console and type in SLM Player. Click on the presets option at the bottom, and then on Save. Give it a name and you are done.

You can find it in your Fallout 4 -> Data -> F4SE -> Plugins -> F4EE -> presets folder

If you use Mod Organizer, it will save the preset in your MO Overwrite folder.

Posted by: Kane Sep 3 2018, 12:18 AM

Ooh, that was easy - thanks!

Posted by: Lopov Sep 3 2018, 07:04 PM

Cora's looking good but retains her melancholic look in the eyes which is normal after what had happened to her. Is her outfit vanilla?

Posted by: Kane Sep 3 2018, 08:59 PM

QUOTE(Lopov @ Sep 3 2018, 02:04 PM) *
Cora's looking good but retains her melancholic look in the eyes which is normal after what had happened to her. Is her outfit vanilla?

The outfit comes from

Posted by: Renee Jun 12 2019, 02:14 PM

I updated And realized I never added Linda Hand.


Real name: Linda Hand

Game / Platform: New Vegas / Xbox 360

Nickname: none nono.gif

Status: Alive

Race: Caucasian

Gender: F

Age: 19

Religion: Jewish

Reputation: Good (so far)

Alignment: Chaotic Good with Lawful tendencies

SPECIAL: S3 P5 E6 C7 I7 A7 L5

Tagged skills:

Traits: Educated, Good Natured, Lead Belly,, Retention, Scribe Assistant, Trigger Discipline

Place of birth: Oregon

Home: Novac, Motel del Rey

What they do for a living: light scavenging


Companions: Veronica

Love interests: Veronica wub.gif

Physical Appearance: I don't think I have one yet, but Linda is the default Caucasian female, with no changes. That helpful-looking face, for some reason, says "Linda Hand" to me.


Build: slender

Habits: Speaking to as many people as possible.

Weapons of preference: small guns. She has no real favorite. Her favorite is whatever she's got on her person.

Clothing: Leather Armor. She likes wearing Prewar Dresses when in peaceful areas.

Miscellaneous: Linda is my second New Vegas character. She is not dead-is-dead, since she's got a story which I want to carry out, possibly for several years!

Theme song:

Biography/Life History: Linda comes to Nevada from whatever vault there might be in Oregon. Before getting ambushed, she had been traveling with Karen Aboucha (my first NV toon) and her brother Les Havva Hand. Les wanted to move to Vegas, because he's supposed to be an entertainer, and Vegas is theoretically the perfect place to sing & dance. Problem is, they got ambushed, and Les initially cannot be found.

Small spoiler, Les's game will be on PC someday. wink.gif It'll require mods.

Being unsure of what to do, where to go (nobody knows what happened to her brother) Linda eventually gets suckered into some initial Goodsprings-area quests.

Posted by: Lopov Jul 18 2019, 06:50 PM

I created Lewis "Snake" Logan on the 24th of July 2018 and it's been my personal record to not create a new character in the same game for as long. But now it's time for someone new in the Commonwealth, someone not as kind as Logan.

Name: Vinnie "Slugger" Sinistra

Status: alive

Race: Caucasian-Hispanic

Gender: male

Age: 59 (+210)

SPECIAL: Starting S9 P4 E8 C8 I4 A2 L5

Place of birth: Havana, Cuba

What they did for a living before the war: crime lord

Companions: none yet

Family: died during the Great War

Love interests: none yet

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: hazel

Hair: slick'n'sleazy

Build: fatty but muscular

Weapons of preference: the baseball bat, the baseball bat and the baseball bat. And guns.

Clothing: various

Habits: smoking

Start: custom start - Vinnie spent 210 years in Vault 111, but he's not the canon Sole Survivor and won't do the main quest.

Special abilities: very high damage resistance thanks to the Sub-Dermal Armor - NEMEAN Generation VIII

Life History:
Vinnie Sinistra was born in the year 2028 in Havana, Cuba, and already since his childhood, his life revolved around blood money, drugs and violence. In the beginning he would perform small-time jobs for various crime bosses, but unlike many 'gorillas' that were strong and dumb, having their Intelligence capped at 2, Vinnie wasn't dumb, having his Intelligence capped at 4, and as such, he aimed for more than being just somebody's 'hired goon'. Due to his brutality with his favorite weapon - the baseball bat - he earned himself a nickname Slugger.

Small-time jobs gave place to big-time jobs, and eventually Slugger became a right-hand man of one of the most influential crime bosses in Havana. But that wasn't enough for the ambitious Cuban. Secretly plotting against his boss, Slugger would eventually overthrow him and beat him to death with his infamous baseball bat, not that his friends & foes expected him to finish off his boss in any other way. Establishing himself as the new crime lord, Vinnie Sinistra took over the criminal underground of Havana.

Dealing with cocaine, he would expand his illegal operations to the USA, and eventually relocated there. Within years, he became one of America's most wanted criminals, causing one of American presidents to start a prosecution against South Americans - Vinnie and this long-forgotten president would occasionally flame each other via Twitter. When after years of ruling the Cocaine Empire with the iron fist, or in Vinnie's case, with the baseball bat, things have become to go askew, Vinnie would turn himself in to the FBI, and ironically went into a witness protection program, after snitching out his former accomplices.

To keep him alive and useful for possible future actions, the FBI moved Vinnie to Sanctuary Hills, the settlement on Boston's outskirts, where several other protected witnesses were being kept. Only two days after his arrival to Sanctuary Hills, the Great War began, and all residents were taken to Vault 111, to be kept safe during the war. Neither of them knew, not even FBI, that they're going to be put in a cryo-stasis as a part of an experiment.

210 years have passed and the cryo-system in the vault malfunctioned, releasing Vinnie Sinistra in the same good shape, as he was when he entered the pod in the vault. After realizing that the world he used to live in, doesn't exist anymore, a satisfied grin played on his face. New world, new opportunities.

Inspired by: the character with the same name from the Hitman series

Posted by: SubRosa Jul 18 2019, 10:08 PM

Look at the muscles on you...

Sinestro looks like a murderous viper. And he has the history to go with the look. Sanctuary Hills being used in the Witness Protection Program was a brilliant idea!

Posted by: Acadian Jul 18 2019, 10:53 PM

Vinnie looks like one tough hombre!

Posted by: Renee Jul 20 2019, 11:56 AM

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jul 18 2019, 05:53 PM) *

Vinnie looks like one tough hombre!

Yeah.... he looks scary. Especially with that reddish light being cast upon his face.

So the president who was in office at the time of Vinnie's reign used Twitter a lot. biggrin.gif It can't be Trump though; not if Vinnie was born in 2028. Interesting that he wound up turning on his accomplices. I wonder what he'll do in Fallout-era Boston? I know there are some evil-type quests in FO4. ph34r.gif We shall see.

Posted by: Renee Jul 21 2019, 01:25 AM

Cho Zen Wan just finished Broken Steel. smile.gif Maybe I'll do some more gaming with him in the future, but right now I feel it is time for some changes.


Real name: Dee Leetius

Game / Platform: Fallout 3 / PC

Nickname: Vicious

Status: Alive

Race: Black

Gender: F

Age: 19

Religion: Christian, Church of Atom

Reputation: Heh huh...

Alignment: Not sure yet.

SPECIAL: S4, P5, E5, C7, I7, A7, L5

Tagged skills: Small Guns and Repair


Place of birth: Baltimore (or what's left of it).


What they do for a living:

Factions: Raider


Love interests:

Physical Appearance:

(Note: she hates those clothes but they were the only thing available in the Starter Shack. The mod I used automatically gives her some raider armor and also an assault rifle, but I kinda want her to find all this stuff in the gameworld itself.


Build: slender and twenty-something

Habits: smoking,

Weapons of preference:


Miscellaneous: Dee Licious begins her game through Alternate Start - Roleplayers, which conveniently allows one to officially start the game as a raider.

- She is my first to go without a Pip Boy on her arm (though I can still pull up menus). And I dim the HUD all the way down to just one slot, meaning the HUD is pretty much useless most of the time.

Theme song:

Biography/Life History: I have no idea yet.

Posted by: SubRosa Jul 21 2019, 03:07 AM

Vicious Delicious! With a name like that I was expecting a mohawk!

Posted by: Lopov Jul 21 2019, 07:32 AM

@SubRosa - Vinnie's muscular, but he's also fat, and has slow reflexes, hence his slow agility. He hits hard but doesn't hit as often. I've never had a character with as low agility as he has. But he won't sneak around anyway, and for now he hasn't yet found the VATS button on the PipBoy.

@Acadian - he is indeed!

@Renee - the reddish light is a result of the cigarette light and from the lantern not visible in the pic.

I don't know yet what will he do, but he definitely won't contribute to the greater good of the Commonwealth. There actually aren't so many evil-type quests, AFAIK. In the beginning he'll definitely wander around and get used to the new world. He hasn't yet met anyone friendly, so he doesn't know that bottle caps act as a currency now, so he keeps packing the pre-war money in his pockets, thinking it'll be helpful. Well it will be, but not as much as he expects it to be.

There she is - Vicious Delicious. Another evil-doer in the world of Fallout. She looks good, did you put a lot of effort in her face? It doesn't look generic, that's what I mean. You definitely tweaked her nose, it can't be that the face generator provided a such shaped nose on its own.

Posted by: Renee Jul 21 2019, 10:34 AM

Rosa: She could indeed some day have a Mohawk. Surely.

Lopov: Yes, I spent a lot o time in the creator with her, tweaking everything. I wanted her to look sly, wily, and clever.

That really is funny that he doesn't know the significance of caps. laugh.gif Has he been throwing them away, or not even picking them up?

Posted by: Lopov Jul 21 2019, 06:16 PM

He throws caps away without a second thought. I'm going to RP that someone he's going to come across, will tell him of the importance of bottle caps. Probably some trader.

You really did a good job with Dee's appearance. She definitely looks more clever than an ordinary raider, and sly too.

Posted by: Lopov Sep 16 2019, 12:25 PM

The Hobo is already introduced in this thread, but now he's come to the Commonwealth and another introduction is in order.

Nickname: the Hobo

Real name: only the Hobo knows

Status: alive

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Male

Age: dangerously close to 70

SPECIAL: S8-P5-E10-C1-I6-A8-L5

Most skilled in: Explosives, Guns, Repairing / modding stuff

Traits: none

Place of birth: some vault

Home: "Home is where my pillow is" By the Hobo

What they do for a living: eating and breathing

Factions: none

Companions: Mutt, the glowing dog

Love interests: there used to be one what? 50 years ago?

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: brown

Build: way taller and stronger than average wastelander

Habits: talking to himself, listening to Enclave and CONEL-RAD radio stations, collecting various junk, stocking up on pre-war money, creating custom weapons, climbing on high places and watching wastes from above, collecting bobbleheads and pre-war magazines, smoking, drinking beer, wine and nuka-cola, listening to legends about Loviatar and seeing remains of her work in person

Weapons of preference: Hunting Rifle, Railway Rifle, Shishkebab, grenades & mines

Clothing: scavenger outfit, Chinese General Hat, huge backpack

Magic abilities or powers: the Hobo can perceive certain visions from the past and he's partly psychic - if he dreams of his own death, he knows that it's better to avoid that place.

Miscellaneous: he never carries more than one bottle cap because two or more bring bad luck and might attract unwanted attention of swans

Theme song:

Biography/Life History: the Hobo vaguely remembers his past - he was born in some vault, of that he's sure. He was special in some way, that's why other children didn't like to play with him and his own parents seemed to be afraid of him at times. Probably because he could sometimes foretell the future and some people didn't want to know what's going to happen to them.

Whether he left the vault willingly or was he exiled, he doesn't want to remember. There was some explosion, of that he's sure, and the Hobo thinks it's because of this explosion that his memory isn't what it used to be. Ever since he's been out in the wastes, he's been a wanderer without any true purpose except for wandering around. He's been all over the post-war USA and wherever he comes, animals like him and the Hobo likes them too. The Hobo doesn't like people and generally avoids settlements, though very rarely he can be seen in some settlements, exchanging junk for junk. Despite avoiding contacts, the Hobo might help wastelanders in need but he can't stand it afterwards, when they thank him.

But if you see him slowly walking down some road, don't underestimate him just because of his looks. The Hobo can be very deadly if you piss him off and he can attack with an assortment of weapons, from the simple hunting rifle which you should consider as your lucky death, or the painful railway rifle whose deadly spikes will cripple your limbs, he can toss various grenades at you, but if you're on the Hobo's black list, he'll turn on the shishkebab, called the flaming sword, and burn you down.

The Hobo is very good at doing nothing. He can spend a lot of time in a same place, and he often walks back and forth between locations he's already been to. He covers very short distances in a very long time. He doesn't like sleeping indoors, because then he can't hear birds in the morning. He doesn't like exploring at nighttime, because he wants to watch the Moon.

Posted by: Acadian Sep 16 2019, 12:35 PM

Good to see the Hobo back. You really did a great job in bringing him to FO4. smile.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Sep 16 2019, 01:32 PM

Great to see the Haw Baw coming together for FO4.

Posted by: Renee Sep 22 2019, 04:20 PM

Habits: "talking to himself..." "... climbing on high places and watching from above...." rollinglaugh.gif That must be a laid-back roleplay, being with him sometimes, because the guy really does seem random. It's probably like when I play Sims 3, I often am doing two things at once.

Yeah, his theme song is definitely appropriate.

So is all of this...

The Hobo is very good at doing nothing. He can spend a lot of time in a same place, and he often walks back and forth between locations he's already been to. He covers very short distances in a very long time. He doesn't like sleeping indoors, because then he can't hear birds in the morning. He doesn't like exploring at nighttime, because he wants to watch the Moon.


Posted by: Lopov Sep 22 2019, 05:57 PM

@Acadian & SubRosa - thanks!

@Renee - it's a laid-back roleplay most of the time indeed. But if attacked, the Hobo can be dangerous, something that many raiders realize when it's already too late. Then again, he never attacks as the first, he always defends himself. I forgot to mention that when the Hobo talks to himself, most of the time he grumbles about something - about anything, he grumbles 90% of the time. bigsmile.gif

Posted by: Renee Dec 5 2021, 03:57 PM

I was not sure if I'd added Vicious to this thread yet, However, there are several things which have changed as we've gotten to know her better.

I decided to leave the original post from 2019 in this thread, just for perspective. For instance, I called her Dee Licious back then. laugh.gif Which makes me think of of the '80s band Twisted Sister. Perhaps my original goal with "Dee" was to make her some sort of rock star-looking chick, and I do remember installing a porno mod (which I never used) in which we can join some sort of X-rated faction. My how things have changed.


Real name: Taneesha Jones

Game / Platform: Fallout 3 / PC

Nickname: Miss Vicious Delicious

Status: Alive

Race: Black

Gender: F

Age: 19

Religion: Christian, Church of Atom

Reputation: This is complicated since Vicious has a double life. She lives by her own code-of-honor which is partially influenced by her religious background, and partially influenced by her current morality, which is mostly good. However, she is also a raider, and addicted to certain chems. She sometimes doesn't do the right thing. With this mixture of background, personal morals, and raider membership, she usually stays quiet. Flies under the radar, trying to stay out of trouble. But she has no problem taunting or fighting those whom she feels are hurtful to others.

So, hypothetically, her reputation could be an average, quiet, do-gooding Wastelander, a troublemaker, or a vicious, shotgun-toting outlaw.

Alignment: Fallout-type games don't use these but I suppose Chaotic Neutral

SPECIAL: S4, P5, E5, C7, I7, A7, L5

Tagged skills: Small Guns and Repair.


Place of birth: Baltimore (or what's left of it).

Home: Springvale Elementary. She also lives occasionally with Lucy West in Megaton.

What they do for a living: Raider missions / looting.

Factions: Raider

Companions: (on right) is her best friend, and Q Tip is her boyfriend. She travels with either or both of them, though she cannot take them into 'civilized' areas such as Megaton or Big Town.

Love interests:

Physical Appearance:,,

Eyes: Yes, two of them.

Build: slender and twenty-something

Habits: (BAD) Smoking, occasional drinking. Vicious prefers sedatives when it comes to chems. (GOOD) strolling about town, adventuring when not on missions.

Weapons of preference: shotguns and her lead pipe. She's been carrying a as well.

Clothing: When going into towns she can appear stylish. At night (if looting) she switches to common-looking clothes (such as Brahmin outfit) so she can blend, and sneak about comfortably. When going on raider missions, she wears a particular raider armor set, but I forget which one.

Miscellaneous: Vicious begins her game through Alternate Start - Roleplayers, which conveniently allows one to start the game as a raider.

- She is my first to go without a Pip Boy on her arm. Instead, she carries one in her pocket, a which has been converted to Pipgirl images.

Theme songs:, ... Vicious and Delicious, see? :biggrin:

Biography/Life History: Vicious Delicious was born in mysterious circumstances somewhere in Baltimore. I believe her mother got killed and the child abandoned. She was adopted by Jehovah's Witnesses living in a temple in Ellicott City, Maryland, and named Taneesha Jones by them. She was raised throughout her teenage years by them. Witnesses are strict and religious, believing that someday, the world is coming to an end. This is the background for her early life.

When Taneesha turned 14, the Witnesses began spreading The Word in the area surrounding their temple, handing out pamphlets made from their printing press, and annoying non-believers just like modern Witnesses do. Taneesha heard about their forays, and by the age of 17 began traveling with them, mostly to see the world, which she'd been sheltered from. They eventually branched south, taking young Taneesha with them. They wound up in the Capitol Wasteland, where they heard civilized populations were greater.

At some point though, their party got attacked. All of them either dispersed or got killed. Taneesha by this point had plenty of weapons training, and at a young age she had taught herself how to pick locks. Young and fearing for her life, she was taken in by the first group (gang, really) she came across, which happened to be raiders. And the raiders appreciated Taneesha's talents for lockpicking and gunplay.

Taneesha earned the nickname Vicious Delicious at some point as she turned 18. She quickly rose in rank within the raiders for awhile, attracting the attention of Dogmaster, the Potomac raiders' top boss. But things went wrong somewhere along the way, and Vicious temporarily was ousted from their organization. She was drugged, kidnapped, and moved to a faraway location.

After fighting her way back to Megaton (including killing most of the raiders of Fairfax Ruins) Vicious again attracted the attention of Dogmaster, who adopted her back in during the summer of 2277. Now a raider once again, she's been performing missions for them.

Posted by: Lopov Feb 10 2022, 10:00 PM


Posted by: SubRosa Feb 10 2022, 10:16 PM

I am green with envy...

Posted by: Acadian Feb 10 2022, 11:08 PM

Nice job of bringing Ally to the Commonwealth!

Posted by: Lopov Feb 20 2022, 08:25 PM

Name: Faye

Status: alive and kicking

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Female

Age: unknown, presumably late 20s

Starting SPECIAL: S4-P5-E4-C1-I2-A9-L3

Skilled in: Picking locks, Melee, Sneak

Place of birth: unknown

Home: nowhere

What they do for a living: nothing, she merely tries to survive

Factions: none

Companions: none

Love interests: none

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: hazy blue

Build: slim

Habits: using all kinds of drugs

Mental status: deranged, antisocial

Weapons of preference: meat hook, simple pistols

Clothing: torn tank & shorts

Miscellaneous: Faye is one of those characters, that I know very little about. The only two facts beside her name, that were revealed to me as I spend time with her, are that she spent a lot of time in some sort of a captivity in the past and that she loathes men. The origin behind her cannibalism is unknown but she never devours women, so it has something to do with her hatred against men. Faye spends her time in the Downtown Boston, trying to survive from today to tomorrow, she doesn't have any goals. She attacks only if she thinks that she has a chance of winning, so her targets are mostly lone wanderers / scavengers / raiders - she never attacks a group of enemies or someone wearing a powerful weapon or armor. Her preferred method of attacking is sneaking up from behind and stabbing enemies with her meat hook, though she's proficient in using guns as well, if a need arises.

Posted by: Renee Feb 20 2022, 08:53 PM

Welcome Faye, here, have some squirrel on a stick. Looks like you could use a meal. Hey whoa WHOA.... what are you doing! Don't bite that man!

She's got no Charisma but a lot of Agility. goodjob.gif Neat.

Posted by: Acadian Feb 20 2022, 09:40 PM

Welcome to Faye. I wonder if she'll let you learn more about her as you travel together.

Posted by: SubRosa Feb 21 2022, 12:13 AM

Faye continues to be creepy AF.

Posted by: Renee Jul 31 2022, 04:15 PM

Real name: Justin Case

Game / Platform: Fallout New Vegas / Xbox 360


Status: New Toon!

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Prettyboy

Age: 19-ish




SPECIAL: S5, P4, E6, C8, I6, A6, L5 ---- (Notice the high Charisma!)

Tagged skills: Guns, Melee Weapons, Speech

Traits: Loose Cannon, Small Frame (+Agility)

Place of birth:


What they do for a living:



Love interests:

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: green



Weapons of preference:


Miscellaneous: Justin Case will not be doing the Main Quest, but otherwise, I'm not sure what he'll get into. He is sort of a like a test character, to get me back into the game!

-- Yes, to make Justin Case. embarrased.gif I also made an effort to choose Attributes and Traits which mirror the pop star. So, Small Frame (Beiber is agile for sure), lots of Charisma. Only difference is my Justin will be good at Melee Weapons.

Oh yeah, the real Justin is a prankster and also kind of annoying so I chose Loose Cannon for his other trait.

Theme songs:

Biography/Life History:

Posted by: Lopov Jul 31 2022, 06:06 PM

Guns, Melee Weapons, Speech

That's a good combo for New Vegas. goodjob.gif

I wondered if he was inspired by Justin Bieber. laugh.gif You know, just in case.

Nice haircut! laugh.gif

Posted by: SubRosa Jul 31 2022, 10:19 PM

OMG, its the Biebs! I was originally thinking maybe Leo DeCaprio. But he's kind of an old fogey nowadays.

Posted by: Renee Jul 31 2022, 10:58 PM

Ha it's going to be fun getting sunglasses / outfits for the Biebs.

Hey Lopov, isn't there a "soft save" point while we're in Goodsprings, still doing the tutorial? There is a point during which we can save our stats, character looks, race, and so on, but this option happens later, right?

I'm just wondering if I save this soft save, I can maybe use it to make other characters in the future. So I don't have to start all over with the doctor and all that.

Posted by: SubRosa Aug 1 2022, 12:06 AM

There is a point at the end of the tutorial that is just like in the Fallout 3 and 4, and Oblivion, where you can completely rebuild your character. Face, attributes, skills, etc... It is at the end of the little quest you go on with Sunny to clear out the geckos from the water faucets.

Oh, and does Justin have a cousin named... Justin Thyme?

Posted by: Renee Aug 1 2022, 12:57 PM

HUh, so Fallout 4 also has that convenient save point, for those who don't want to do the entire tutorial over again? That's good. So Skyrim is the only odd game. - I mean, I enjoyed it yesterday, but I plan on making other characters.

Ha ha yeah, I have considered Justin Time as a name as well. I only chose Justin Case because it comes first, alphabetically. But there are a lot of silly names which can be used in Fallout because it's more modern, yet which would be out of place in ES games.

Posted by: Renee May 26 2023, 03:57 AM

Game Fallout

Real name: Stu Pitt

Creation Date: May 25, 2023, 10:20 PM

Nickname: Stuey!

Status: Pwned


Gender: Male

Age: 25

SPECIAL: He's a dumb oaf. Strong... but stupitt. tongue.gif I specifically made him so that he doesn't have to use guns, because I don't entirely understand the concept of using guns in an isometric game yet.

S = 10
P = 4
E = 9
C = 4
I = 2
A = 6
L = 5

Tagged skills: Gambling, Melee Weapons, Unarmed


Traits: Fast Metabolism, Heavy Handed

Place of birth:


What they do for a living:



Love interests:

Physical Appearance:




Weapons of preference:


Magic abilities or powers:

Miscellaneous: I picked up Fallout, the very first game, and Stu Pitt is my very first character!

Not sure if I'm liking this game; the controls are really weird. It was only $2.49 on GoG though.

Theme song:

Biography/Life History: Stu got killed by a pack of mole rats! The end.

Posted by: SubRosa May 26 2023, 07:59 AM

Wow, Fallout 1. Now that is a blast from the past. I have it laying around, but have not played it in years and years.

There really is nothing special to using ranged weapons though. It is just equip the weapon in your hand, then in combat just click on who you want to shoot. If I remember correctly.

Ok, I just tried it. You have the gun selected in your hud. When combat starts, you click on the gun. A red crosshair will come up in place of your mouse cursor. Move it over what you want to shoot, and a number will show up with your percentage chance to hit. Click, and you fire.

Shooting takes action points, so you will see your AP meter decrease. But that is the same with using any weapons.

Posted by: Renee May 26 2023, 10:16 AM

Yeah, I've been curious for a while about the earliest FO games, mostly because I want to experience their stories. Watched a let's play video months ago, etc.

Anyway. Coool, great.... I am glad you responded. Someone who's played this game before, since Lopov's not around. Okay, so we click on the weapon first, in the HUD? Kay I'll try that whenever I'm gaming next. Do we have to click on the weapon for every new enemy, though?

Last night I was physically clicking the knife which Stu has in his inventory, and dragging it right over the paper doll of Stu, Morrowind style. This doesn't work! ... Which is partially why I made sure he's got Unarmed as a skill. I actually chose that skill because I anticipated I'd get stuck on this. EDIT: I get it now. Watching a LP video as I'm gaming. We don't drag items over the doll, we drag them into boxes (ITEM 1, for instance) below the paper doll.

Yeah, the AP thing is annoying. It keeps slowing down the action with "You need to get more Action Points" messages or some such. I don't really get how that works, yet.

Posted by: Acadian May 26 2023, 12:36 PM

Is Stu Pitt related to Brad? To quote the brilliant philosopher Forest Gump, "Stu Pitt is as Stu Pitt does."

Posted by: Renee May 26 2023, 05:36 PM

Ha ha ha nice!!! laugh.gif I hadn't thought of Brad, actually!

There is a DLC for Fallout 3 called The Pitt which takes place in Pittsburgh, so that's where part of the idea came from. Also, if you've ever watched The Simpsons, Bart would sometimes make prank calls using funny names, and I'm pretty sure Stu Pitt was one of them.

Posted by: SubRosa May 26 2023, 10:44 PM

Renee, Action Points are part of pretty much every turn based game, which the early Fallout games are. There is only so much you can do in a turn. Everything costs action points, shooting, reloading, moving, etc... Once you are out of points your turn ends. Then the next character or monster takes their turn. Etc...

Posted by: Renee May 27 2023, 12:08 AM

MM hmm I get it now. Basically, every time the PC runs out of AP there's a box we have to click (called Turn, I think) which moves the fight to whoever's turn is next.

Posted by: mirocu May 27 2023, 02:09 PM

A Fallout 1 character? Now there's a game I haven't tried.

Posted by: Renee Jun 4 2023, 11:01 PM

Game Fallout

Real name: Greg Arius

Creation Date: June 4, 2023, 6:05 PM


Status: Deceased


Gender: Male

Age: 21

SPECIAL: Greg Arius is obviously talkative, intelligent, but not so worldly for combat situations.

S = 4
P = 5
E = 4
C = 9
I = 7
A = 6
L = 5

Tagged skills: Barter, Small Guns, Speech


Traits: Fast Metabolism, Skilled

Place of birth: Vault 13


What they do for a living:



Love interests:

Physical Appearance:




Weapons of preference:


Magic abilities or powers:


Theme song:

Biography/Life History: Greg Arius grew up well-schooled, trained in the arts, but just generally has been able to talk his way out of anything.

He died while trying to help the village of Shady Sands (I think) figure out their brahmin problem. Greg got pwned by a giant radscorp, basically. 🦂

Posted by: WellTemperedClavier Jun 15 2023, 01:56 AM

QUOTE(Renee @ Jun 4 2023, 11:01 PM) *

Game Fallout

Real name: Greg Arius

Creation Date: June 4, 2023, 6:05 PM


Status: Talkin'


Gender: Male

Age: 21

SPECIAL: Greg Arius is obviously talkative, intelligent, but not so worldly for combat situations.

S = 4
P = 5
E = 4
C = 9
I = 7
A = 6
L = 5

Tagged skills: Barter, Small Guns, Speech


Traits: Fast Metabolism, Skilled

Place of birth: Vault 13


What they do for a living:



Love interests:

Physical Appearance:




Weapons of preference:


Magic abilities or powers:


Theme song:

Biography/Life History: Greg Arius grew up well-schooled, trained in the arts, but just generally has been able to talk his way out of anything.

When I first played Fallout 1 (back when I was in high school), I used the "Albert Cole" premade character who was also a charisma-based build. I was fairly new to games with dialogue, so it blew my mind that I could talk (or outright lie) my way out of bad situations.

Posted by: macole Jun 15 2023, 05:06 AM

Albert Cole, now there's a name I can learn to like.

It's been a long time since I played the original Fallout. Other than its 3rd person having an overhead perspective looking really small on a 12 inch monitor I've forgotten most of how it works.

Oh, and the intro is bizarre. Keeping the peace in Canada! evillol.gif

Posted by: WellTemperedClavier Jun 15 2023, 05:47 AM

QUOTE(macole @ Jun 15 2023, 05:06 AM) *

Albert Cole, now there's a name I can learn to like.

It's been a long time since I played the original Fallout. Other than its 3rd person having an overhead perspective looking really small on a 12 inch monitor I've forgotten most of how it works.

Oh, and the intro is bizarre. Keeping the peace in Canada! evillol.gif

It still holds up, IMO. Playing it after the more recent games, it's a bit of a shock at how desolate it all feels. Everything's hardscrabble and desperate. Even if you win, humanity's future feels far from assured.

Fallout 2's more of a mixed bag. The game's almost too sprawling for its own good, and some of the endgame areas (particularly San Francisco) feel pretty half-baked. I'm not a big fan of how many pop culture references there are, either.

Posted by: Renee Jun 16 2023, 01:44 AM

There are premade characters? biggrin.gif Thinking about it, there certainly are. I skipped right past that option. whistling.gif

Posted by: Renee Aug 16 2023, 06:14 PM

Game Fallout

Real name: Wyatt Hertz

Creation Date: August 16, 2023, 1:30 PM


Status: Operating

Race: The original FO does not give us a choice, but I envision Wyatt to be a white cowboy type of dude.

Gender: Male

Age: 30


S = 4
P = 6
E = 7
C = 4
I = 7
A = 6
L = 6

Tagged skills: Doctor, First Aid, Small Guns


Traits: Drug Resistant, Fast Metabolism

Place of birth: Vault 13


What they do for a living:



Love interests:

Physical Appearance:




Weapons of preference:

Clothing: Vault13 jumpsuit

Miscellaneous: Greg Arius got pwned and so the next interesting name in my folder is Wyatt Hertz. As his name implies, he's got some sort of training in medical fields.

Theme song:

Biography/Life History:

Posted by: macole Aug 16 2023, 09:28 PM

Medic : Hello, my name is Wyatt Hertz.

Patient : recites a list ailments ending with, "Sorry I didn't catch your name".

Posted by: SubRosa Aug 16 2023, 10:50 PM

Once again, awesome name. I hope he gets farther than Greg did.

Posted by: Acadian Aug 17 2023, 12:11 AM

All he needs is a sidekick named Doc Holly Daze.

Posted by: Renee Aug 18 2023, 03:56 AM

laugh.gif Me and my silly names, right?

Doc Holly Daze! Maybe I'll give an NPC that name.

Posted by: Renee Mar 3 2024, 08:19 PM

Real name: Justin Tyme

Game / Platform: Fallout New Vegas / PC


Status: New Toon!

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Dude

Age: 20something




SPECIAL: S6, P4, E6, C5, I6, A7, L7

Tagged skills: Guns, Melee Weapons, Speech

Traits: Early Bird, Good Natured

Place of birth:


What they do for a living:



Love interests:

Physical Appearance: He is just the white guy at the start of the game. I did the same thing in Skyrim on 11/11/11, rolled with the default guy.

Eyes: green

Hair Style: Smooth Wave



Weapons of preference:


Miscellaneous: Justin Case was a guy I rolled on Xbox a while back. He's the guy who looks sort of like Justin Beiber. Well, I couldn't much for him to do, lost interest in NV altogether, actually. Gonna try again though, on PC.

Justin Tyme is gonna be Justin Case's cousin. He's not a Beiber clone. I'm not even sure what he is, actually. whistling.gif I'll probably play him dead-is-dead, see how far he gets. Although I do roleplay all my guys & gals, Justin won't have much of a story.

Theme songs:

Biography/Life History:

Posted by: Acadian Mar 4 2024, 05:09 PM

Does Justin have a brother named Nikov?

Posted by: Renee Mar 4 2024, 05:17 PM

QUOTE(Acadian @ Mar 4 2024, 11:09 AM) *

Does Justin have a brother named Nikov?

WHOA... nice job!!! cake.gif I like Nikov Tyme better than Justin Tyme!

See, now that I'm playing on PC I can make Nikov as an NPC. Maybe he'll be Justin's brother or something.

Posted by: SubRosa Mar 4 2024, 05:24 PM

My neighbors have a friend named Justin, and I use the Justin Time on him all the... well... time.

Posted by: Renee Sep 2 2024, 05:49 PM

QUOTE(Renee @ Mar 3 2024, 03:19 PM) *

Real name: Justin Tyme

Was hoping there might be some different now that I've got a new hard drive installed. Tried starting New Vegas using Justin's character save but the game just crashes! To remind: Just after speaking to Doc Mitchell the game does a nosedive. Only difference is now it CTDs instead of freezes. mad.gif

But maybe that's because that game has already been started, and for some reason it's corrupt. Will try making a brand hew character at some point but right now the spirit for gaming is kaput. sad.gif

Posted by: Lopov Sep 2 2024, 08:35 PM

You're not using any mods at all, right? Pure vanilla game? Also, try disabling all vanilla DLCs.

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