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> Sleeper in the Cave, a Morrowind fanfic
post Aug 18 2010, 06:37 PM
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From: Germany

Welcome, all and sundry, to Sleeper in the Cave - the tale of Adryn, a... you know, any capped biography I give you here won't do her justice. Instead, have the...
Summary: Adryn really doesn't know what she's doing on this land with oversized wildlife, natives who think giant fleas are good forms of transport, and Imperial spymasters so skooma-addled they think she's spy material, but she has every intention of surviving the rampant stupidity of everyone around her. However, she doesn't know that by setting foot on the island she's set into motion events that cannot be stopped...

I'm trying to make this easier to read in one go, so... chapter links follow, each chapter will have the different parts linked, and each section will have a link to the previous and next unless I forget. You can also read the whole thing on Fanfiction.net or the Archive of Our Own, but note that those will generally be lagging behind the Chorrol thread in terms of updates (I only post a chapter once it's been posted in total here, and sometimes I forget).

Chapter 1: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Interlude I

Now, with no further ado:


Chapter 1

I was dreaming.

Most people cannot tell when they are dreaming, and I admit I am usually inexcusably lax when it comes to this matter as well. Why, just a few weeks ago I had dreamt of being Archmage of the Mages' Guild and ordering all my underlings to pick cats from trees when they were ripe because we needed new apprentices... and not realised the impossible nature of it all until after I'd woken up. Shameful! However, this time there were several things that led me to cleverly deduce I was, in fact, asleep and my current situation a product of my subconscious mind.

First of all, I was in the middle of a mountain range, looking at a large volcano. The ground was grey and ashy, the only vegetation twisted trees, black branches grasping at the sky. Lava pools dotted the landscape, giving the whole scene an eerie glow.

Now, although it all looked rather fantastic I was perfectly happy to accept this place might exist somewhere, but my presence in it was another matter. I should not be seeing anything except my own personal cell in the Imperial City prison, and very occasionally my jailer - much though I'd rather forget that sight. Let me just say the sloppy gruel I was served twice a day, with its unidentifiable lumps and disturbing tendency to seem to move every time I looked away, was infinitely more attractive and charismatic. And although I'd told him I'd appreciate a change of decor, I'd more been thinking of wallpaper and maybe a potted plant.

Secondly, the sky was red. And by that I don't mean some poetic exaggeration of a sunset - the entire sky was a bright, vivid, uniform crimson. It looked as if someone had spilled a sea of blood among the stars. Wisps of grey clouds raced across it, forming strange patterns. For a moment, I thought I saw a face, screaming...

Apparently, I'd been so occupied keeping my track of my conscious thoughts that I'd sorely neglected my unconscious. If it was going to throw blood skies and clouds in agony at me, we were definitely going to have to have a talk.


I looked down. Several hundred feet below me, a tree looked as if it was about to rip itself out of the ground and hunt unwary passersby for dinner.

If I could fly, I really thought I would have noticed that earlier.

"You know," I said out loud, "If I'm going to dream, I would like to dream about something pleasant. Something like... Summerset Isle." I'd seen a drawing of it in a book once and been struck by the beauty. "Although I suppose it must be full of snooty Altmer. Or I could dream about managing a daring escape from prison underneath the guards' noses. Or... I know! A secret tunnel built into my cell and a bunch of... Blades, yes, Blades need to use it, and I escape behind them." That seemed the right sort of incredibly improbable fantasy for a dream.

I closed my eyes, focused on the image of the wall of my cell swinging back and a group of Blades and... why not, if you're going to fantasise you might as well do it properly... the Emperor dashing through it. Opened them again.


I shook my head at it sadly. "This really won't do, you know. You seem to be misunderstanding something here - I'm the one that makes the rules. I'm sure you're a very nice volcano, but I'd like to see daring escapes. This is my dream and I don't hold with rebellion."

"Your dream?"

I shrieked. The voice was just a sibilant whisper, but it seemed to be coming from everywhere and nowhere at once, seemed to be composed of thousands of voices all layered on top of each other, and even after it had finished speaking the echoes lingered in the air.

"This is not your dream, foolish child. I am the one that has brought you here and you. Will. Listen." The voice kept growing, filling the air like a gong. I clapped my hands over my ears, but to my horror it didn't do anything - it was as if the sound was coming from inside my head.

"I'm listening! I'm listening!" I screamed. My voice sounded tinny and hollow compared to the... other one.

"Good." The voice paused for a moment. My panting breath echoed loudly in the stillness.

"Wake up!" Another voice, this one, as hollow as mine - a pebble compared to an avalanche, impossible to focus on.

"The preparations are complete. You have been taken from the Imperial City, to the east, as it should be. Fear not, for I am watchful." I could barely think, but managed to dimly wonder how exactly that last sentence was supposed to make me feel less afraid. "Soon, you will arrive. Soon, you will fulfill your promise."

That was too much. "What promise?" I shouted, hands dropping from my head to ball into fists at my side. "I haven't promised you anything! I don't make promises as a matter of principle, it can't possibly have been me who, who did whatever you're talking about you have the wrong person-"

"It has already begun." Despite the sheer overpowering alien nature of the voice, I could tell there was a strange note of satisfaction in it.

A soft crackling noise made me glance down - then I stared in horror. My hands were changing. The very bones were shifting, cracking and then rehealing as they grew in ways nature had never meant them to. My skin was writhing, puffing outwards and its colour was slowly, ever-so-slowly growing lighter, yellowish, metallic-

"You're dreaming, wake-"

"Wake. Up."

I came awake with a start, still caught in the dreamworld. That changed when I jerked myself into a sitting position and-


I let myself fall back onto the floor with a groan and rubbed my head with one hand - although on the whole stars were preferable to volcanos, I'd prefer not to see either when I closed my eyes. Apparently, my cell had suddenly gained a very low ceiling.

"Typical. Sleeps through the entire voyage, including the storm last night where I thought the ship was about to go under, and then decides to get up the precise instant I'm leaning over her. Just typical." Or maybe it wasn't the ceiling I'd cracked my head against.

Or, for that matter, my cell I was in.

"Sorry about that," I croaked. My throat felt as though I had screamed myself hoarse.

"You almost broke my nose," the voice complained. Dimly, I recognised that it was the second voice from the... dream. "Do you know how long it took me to get it into this shape? Just crooked enough to be mysterious and give me the look of a proper, dashing rogue straight out of the romance novels without being disfiguring. You almost ruined it!"

"Are you saying," I asked weakly, "that you break your nose regularly? For the sake of... attracting ladies?"

"And now you're insinuating I'm crazy enough to break my nose on purpose!" A pause. "I got a friend to do it."

The stars were gone, so I felt quite justified in carefully opening an eye and gauging the appearance of my new, eccentric, roommate. Immediately after, I opened the other one to stare.

The man – no, the mer – was leaning against a wall. His head was bald and covered in tattoos, his nose slightly crooked without being offputting, giving him – I admit – a rather debonair look, even if the rough clothes detracted from it somewhat. His eyes-

And here came the reason I was staring. His eyes were as red and his skin as grey as my own.

Fragmented images from the nightmare swirled back into my mind and I stopped gawking in order to chance a quick glance down at myself. Yes, my skin was still grey, my hands the same shape they'd always been. Gawking could resume presently.

"Your judgement of the matter, m'lady?" the other dark elf said, and I realised he thought I'd been staring at his nose.

"It suits you," I told him quickly. Considering how fed up I'd always become when people stared at me, I didn't want to do the same to anyone else. Especially considering he was the same race I saw every time I looked in the mirror, even if I didn't often see it outside of one. How embarrassing! "Good look, although the clothes don't exactly scream 'storybook hero'. And if you really got someone to break your nose for it, you're mad."

"Unfortunately, prisoners have never been given the finest selection of clothing. It's always 'sack, sack with holes or sack with more holes – take your pick.' Terrible shame, that," he answered, his face falling mournfully. "And as for the nose, well... I did – in a way. A friend certainly did break my nose, and he informed me later that I had been asking for it. Namely, by saying what I said about his sister, and by being too drunk to dodge."

"What you said about his sister? If it was some slander, I may have to stop speaking to you," I said, raising an eyebrow.

"I was perfectly courteous!" he protested. "Well, perhaps a bit too courteous, if you understand what I mean. My friend has always been a bit... overprotective, and when I expressed interest..."

"Say no more." I could imagine the scene very clearly in my mind's eye, and suddenly had a difficult time suppressing laughter.

"Indeed, I shall stop dwelling on such past flames and give proper attention to the present one." He bowed, a gesture that looked particularly ridiculous given his clothes, my clothes (in no better condition than his) and our surroundings, which, although not my cell, were just as bare of any amenities - I sadly noted the lack of wallpaper and potted plant. I'd really wanted that potted plant. "My name is Jiub. What would yours be, oh fair lady Nosebreaker?"

"Adryn. And I didn't break your nose!" I protested.

"Came very close, if my chin hadn't been in the way... anyway," Jiub sighed, the comedic manner dropping away, making him look much older and more tired. "We should be reaching Morrowind soon. I'm sure they'll let us go."

It was my second big shock in as many minutes. "Excuse me, did you just say Morrowind?"

"Well, obviously, since that's where the ship's bound for – oh wait, you've been asleep since before you boarded, haven't you?"

"There may have been some magic involved," I said defensively.

"Oh, I was sure that there was magic involved. Or possibly that you were on the brink of death. We've been travelling for three days now, you see."

The news that I'd slept for three days – at least – wasn't nearly as disturbing as it should have been; I suppose three shocks in as many minutes were where my mind went on strike.

"Anyway, yes. This ship is headed for Morrowind."

Morrowind. I stared – past Jiub this time. It was a place I knew next to nothing about. I knew it was in the far north-east of the Empire, one of the remotest provinces. And, of course, I knew one other thing, one that had always fascinated me deeply – it was the home of the dark elves.

I hadn't the faintest idea why I was on a ship – and now that Jiub had told me, I realised the shape of the room we were in and the rocking motion should have told me immediately that was where I was; I blamed grogginess from the long sleep – heading to Morrowind of all places.

Heading east.

I shivered as the words from my dream floated to the top of my mind... you have been taken to the east. You will fulfill your promise. then shook my head, trying to drive them out of my thoughts. It wouldn't matter at all where we were heading, I told myself. One Imperial prison was much like another, after all, and as for the dream? I'd probably just reacted badly to the magic they'd used to induce sleep.

It has already begun...

Just my imagination, I told myself firmly.



This post has been edited by Kazaera: Apr 23 2017, 11:36 PM

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post Oct 14 2011, 01:13 PM
Post #2

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Joined: 13-December 09
From: Germany

Thanks for the links on land dreugh! And - I am sorry, Oblivion, that is a really, truly, ridiculous concept. So ridiculous I hit upon it by accident when I was trying to come up with supremely ridiculous ideas! (I find this kind of hilarious because I would definitely have made the reference if I'd known about these, this being the sort of fun I like to poke at the games, but I genuinely had no idea!)

Also, re: Intervention not going where you want it to... honestly I have had enough experiences casting Intervention in the Telvanni regions and accidentally landing myself in Ald'ruhn, or when I installed Tamriel Rebuilt for the first time having worked out the "Almsivi from near Vos and Tel Mora lands you in Ald'ruhn" trick and ended up sending myself to Ranyon-ruhn on the mainland (and, having not planned to go there so soon, ending up struggling to figure out how earth to get back) - anyway, there was no way Adryn was going to be spared. wink.gif

@Grits: Yes, that's a question for the ages as well... for me it has at least a real /component/ (because I've written lighting fires as a use for a Firebite spell, and there's some other uses to do with heating stuff), but whether it's 100% real... I do find it kind of biologically implausible that someone could be mostly immune to /fire/, you know? But I'll delay considering that until I write a scene where I have to figure it out!

@Thomas Kaira: Just because of this, I might need to see if I can introduce a stray land dreugh who somehow made it over the mountains and is very lost later on in the story... just for Adryn's expression. biggrin.gif And I'm glad you liked my description of the Intervention spell, I was wracking my brains as to how to make it more detailed than "and then I moved my hands and there were shiny lights and a cool sound effect".

Last installment, Adryn and Ervesa managed to accidentally teleport themselves to Suran. Oops. Now, they're off to find a place to stay for the night.

Chapter 4, part 4


Exhaustion or no, after I entered I stared in surprise at the inside of the temple. Where was the altar? The stained-glass windows with emblems of the Nine, or at least the Aedra worshipped in that particular Temple? What kind of temple was this, anyway?

Then my mind decided to catch up to my circumstances and helpfully point out that being as this was a native Dunmer temple, and native Dunmer worshipped some sort of living gods, it would be rather odd to see the Nine represented. Although I still couldn't quite imagine how the actual worshipping would work without an altar...

See, this is what comes of being brought up in the Cult - narrow-mindedness.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and tried to bury all my prejudices and ideas of what a proper temple should look like, then opened them again.

Although it was fully dark outside, the temple was lit with many blue candles. In the flickering light, I could see it had a low, domed ceiling and was decorated with carpets and tapestries. The carpets were simple patterns, whereas the tapestries showed rich, detailed scenes - the one closest to me depicted what looked like some sort of grand battle, centred on three figures clustered around one lying on the ground - but all were muted and earthen in colour, a far cry from the extravagant and eye-catching decorations I was used to. I could see a sort of carved mural in the corner, lit by yet more blue candles; apart from that the temple was bare stone.

In the centre of the room, surrounded by candles and kneeling-cushions, was a large, shallow pit. A woman wearing simple robes who I guessed was the priest was standing next to it, engaged in intense discussion with Ervesa. Given that from the few words that drifted my way they seemed to be talking about statuary of some sort and interior decoration has never exactly been an interest of mine, I found myself more interested in the pit. It was filled with what looked like ashes although I could see... I blinked. Were those bones in there? And wasn't that a skull? ...a rather mer-like skull, at that.

I swallowed hard as I realised I had no idea about Dunmer funeral customs whatsoever. True, so far they were preferable to the Bosmer ones (understatement!), but putting remains on display seemed rather... distasteful.

Of course, maybe I had it all wrong and this was actually the site for animal sacrifices. When I was a child the priests had told me the more primitive religions, especially those that did not worship any aspect of the Nine, often made such things a centre of their-

Bury your prejudices, Adryn.

And after all-

Some words from the priest caught my attention. In particular, the words "so you can't stay tonight."

Strangely enough, I found myself suddenly disinterested in the differences between Dunmer religion and worship of the Nine.

"I'm very sorry," the priest was saying. "I would at least offer to let you sleep on the floor, but-"

"I understand completely," Ervesa said. Her face was grim. "I apologise; I would help you now but it has been a long day and I still have duties to attend to." From her side-long glance, I gathered that 'duties' was me. "If you lock up tonight, I can help you cleanse it tomorrow."

Tension went out of the priest's body so quickly she actually stumbled. "Thank you. I was going to contact the main Temple in Vivec for help, but I really didn't want to leave it that long. I'll stay with a friend tonight, if you..."

"We'll find something." Ervesa heaved a sigh. "I'll meet you here at first light."

And then I was following her back outside.

"What was that all about?" I asked. I'd been too distracted by the temple to catch the pertinent parts of the conversation, but judging by Ervesa's and the priest's attitude something was very wrong - and what was this 'cleansing' business, anyway? It sounded as if something potentially dangerous was going on, and when it comes to things like that I like to know exactly what they are so I can stay as far away as possible.

Of course, it might just be some sort of heathen superstitio-

I silently cursed all priests of Kynareth. Perhaps 'all' was a bit much, perhaps I should restrict myself to the ones who look at little orphan children and see them as empty vessels to be filled with religious propaganda, but I was tired and not inclined to be generous.

"Hmm? Oh," Ervesa looked as if she'd just realised I'd been with her the whole time. "I'm really sorry, it's Temple business. I shouldn't have let you listen to as much as you did." Well, luckily for her, I'd been too distracted by cultural wall-hanging practises and theology to eavesdrop on the apparently confidential and important conversation. I fought the urge to slap my forehead in frustration. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't repeat what you heard to anyone." Well, that wouldn't be hard, given that the only thing I could repeat was something about sculpture, of all things.

I was tempted to pretend I was about to run around telling everyone about this mysterious thing the Temple apparently wanted kept quiet just to annoy Ervesa, but she looked genuinely apologetic and at the moment I had bigger worries. "Sure," I said, shrugging, "I didn't hear much anyway. Only," I had bigger worries such as... "where are we going to sleep tonight, then?"

Ervesa beamed at me when I told her I'd keep quiet. She was surprisingly pretty when she smiled, I noticed. "Oh, there's a tradehouse with beds available in town. I was planning to stay at the Temple because it'd be free, but it's a good place. I've stayed there before, during pilgrimage season."

I heaved a sigh of relief that we apparently weren't going to end up sleeping on the street and followed Ervesa into Suran.


"What do you mean, you're full?"

"Exactly what I said, girl," the proprietress of the tradehouse grinned at me. Ordinarily, I'd be more curious about the intricate tattoo decorating her forehead - I'm only used to Nords deciding to get themselves stabbed with inked needles for fun, but I dimly remembered hearing that some Dunmer have tribal markings of some sort - but at the moment my attention was firmly caught by two things. First, that this was yet another person who thought "girl" was a suitable thing to call someone (what ever happened to basic politeness, I ask you) and second, that it looked as if we were going to be sleeping outside after all.

None of this made me any more inclined to be polite, so it was probably a good thing for our chances of not starting a brawl, getting into a fight with the owner or otherwise getting arrested that Ervesa intervened at that point. (Although then again, jails have beds. Maybe if it was just a little brawl?)

"I'm sorry," she said. "We're just tired and- full, really? I didn't think you'd be very busy this time of year."

The Dunmer shrugged. "Wouldn't usually be, but there are rumours about some sort of mad Orc berserker up in the hills that's made a lot of travellers stop here until they know it's safe to continue. I've got an entire trading group- all the beds are full, in fact, all the <em>floors</em> are full. Yesterday I actually had people sleeping in the hallway- I'm sorry, but there's just no way."

"Orc berserker? I should probably look into that tomorrow..." Ervesa's voice, which had taken on a speculative tone, trailed off and her shoulders slumped. "But do you know anywhere else where we might stay?"

"Well..." the owner trailed off. "Mine's the only inn in Suran, but there's one other place you could try. Although I don't think you'll like it."



This post has been edited by Kazaera: Jun 22 2013, 03:33 PM

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Kazaera   Sleeper in the Cave   Aug 18 2010, 06:37 PM
hazmick   Hello, this a really good start to what I hope is ...   Aug 18 2010, 07:09 PM
haute ecole rider   Though I've never played MW, I've read eno...   Aug 18 2010, 07:56 PM
treydog   Already I am in love with this story. And it usua...   Aug 18 2010, 09:31 PM
Helena   Ah, another humorous Morrowind story! I have c...   Aug 18 2010, 09:39 PM
SubRosa   A fun start to what looks like a very enjoyable ro...   Aug 18 2010, 10:24 PM
Kazaera   @everyone - thank you for the feedback! :D I...   Aug 18 2010, 11:32 PM
haute ecole rider   To answer your question, I update mine every other...   Aug 19 2010, 12:59 AM
Acadian   Welcome to the Arena, Kaz. Nicely done. I enjoy ...   Aug 19 2010, 02:00 AM
hazmick   I posted my first 3 installments in quick successi...   Aug 19 2010, 02:01 AM
SubRosa   As h.e.o. said, I also update mine every other day...   Aug 19 2010, 02:04 AM
Olen   Excellent piece, another funny one which is nice t...   Aug 19 2010, 08:35 PM
Kazaera   Thanks for the info, everyone! I think I can m...   Aug 20 2010, 06:46 AM
Helena   The bureaucrat, an elderly Imperial, started talki...   Aug 20 2010, 08:36 PM
Olen   But Adryn is missing the point... beaurocracy is f...   Aug 20 2010, 11:03 AM
hazmick   A brilliant depiction of the guards. Olen is right...   Aug 20 2010, 01:33 PM
haute ecole rider   Your description of the whole arrival on the islan...   Aug 20 2010, 03:53 PM
treydog   Note to self- remember to NOT read this at work...   Aug 20 2010, 04:09 PM
SubRosa   Another fun episode. Ergalla and legionary really ...   Aug 20 2010, 04:37 PM
mALX   A fun read! I know very little about Morrowin...   Aug 20 2010, 07:38 PM
Acadian   Let me ask your forgiveness and thank you for you...   Aug 20 2010, 11:22 PM
Kazaera   @Olen - Adryn doesn't agree with you, I'm ...   Aug 22 2010, 10:27 PM
hazmick   brilliant, Adryn is left alone for a few minutes a...   Aug 22 2010, 10:55 PM
haute ecole rider   And I'm sure a lot of senior NCO's share ...   Aug 23 2010, 12:05 AM
treydog   You skewer yet another inconsistency perfectly- th...   Aug 23 2010, 12:47 AM
SubRosa   Clever plan by Adryn to rob the Census office blin...   Aug 23 2010, 01:40 AM
Acadian   So THAT's why she should be guarded and escort...   Aug 23 2010, 01:58 AM
Olen   :D I laughed numerous times. Adryn is a great ch...   Aug 24 2010, 11:41 AM
mALX   Really good character development !!!   Aug 25 2010, 01:36 AM
Kazaera   Am home! Home home home! (Am also jetlagge...   Aug 25 2010, 06:35 PM
hazmick   Brilliant, I think Adryn has made quite an impress...   Aug 25 2010, 06:47 PM
haute ecole rider   Welcome home! Now get better! The verb te...   Aug 25 2010, 07:00 PM
treydog   First- get well soon! 'Cause if you'r...   Aug 25 2010, 07:55 PM
Olen   I liked this, I even liked Fargoth, if that's ...   Aug 25 2010, 09:12 PM
Acadian   What better foundation for a story could there po...   Aug 26 2010, 02:34 AM
SubRosa   I couldn't very well grab the sack and walk st...   Aug 26 2010, 05:13 PM
Kazaera   All right, there might be something of a wait befo...   Aug 31 2010, 12:18 AM
SubRosa   Lots of fun, and a clever plot by Arille and Fargo...   Aug 31 2010, 01:32 AM
mALX   This gets better with each chapter! Your char...   Aug 31 2010, 01:34 AM
treydog   First- Adryn and Maxical- together? :blink: :...   Aug 31 2010, 01:36 AM
haute ecole rider   You had me at Then it only got better. I see tre...   Aug 31 2010, 03:01 AM
Acadian   Yes, still bubbly delightful. :P   Aug 31 2010, 03:24 AM
hazmick   Hilarious, my laptop is now covered in tea. :lol:   Aug 31 2010, 11:48 AM
Olen   Well all my favourite lines have been quoted so I ...   Aug 31 2010, 12:11 PM
Remko   I love your interpretation. Can't wait for her...   Sep 1 2010, 11:55 AM
treydog   It has come to this- I am reduced to rhyme. The o...   Sep 15 2010, 01:04 PM
Kazaera   Remember me? ...thought not. :-/ :-/o I am real...   Aug 7 2011, 08:07 PM
treydog   Remember? Did you say “remember”? I am thrilled...   Aug 7 2011, 10:03 PM
haute ecole rider   ninja'd by treydoggie again! Course I rem...   Aug 8 2011, 12:04 AM
Grits   Oh my gosh, hilarious. I love Adryn’s tone. I woul...   Aug 8 2011, 05:45 PM
Kazaera   @everyone - thanks for reviewing, and I am honoure...   Aug 8 2011, 06:25 PM
haute ecole rider   Hey! I wanna know why it took Adryn ten whole ...   Aug 8 2011, 08:45 PM
Kazaera   @Haute - you'll see in this post! She woul...   Aug 10 2011, 11:16 PM
haute ecole rider   Tell me about the backlog! I wrote the first 2...   Aug 11 2011, 12:48 AM
treydog   First- the greatest hits. Well- no. Actually, th...   Aug 11 2011, 01:37 AM
Kazaera   Hmm. This is tricky because I also don't want ...   Aug 12 2011, 11:42 PM
haute ecole rider   I see that Adryn is capable of finding beauty in t...   Aug 13 2011, 12:13 AM
Kazaera   @Haute - yep, Adryn was very lucky! Although p...   Aug 15 2011, 07:23 PM
Kazaera   ...so is anyone still reading this? :huh: Last ...   Aug 18 2011, 06:32 PM
haute ecole rider   Oh, don't worry! I'm still reading...   Aug 18 2011, 09:13 PM
Kazaera   Oh, no worries, especially as I can hardly throw s...   Aug 21 2011, 11:50 PM
Grits   You haven’t lost me! It’s just a particularly ...   Aug 22 2011, 12:04 AM
haute ecole rider   :blink: Well, that's certainly a very diffe...   Aug 22 2011, 12:22 AM
Kazaera   @Grits - glad to know you're still enjoying it...   Aug 25 2011, 12:02 AM
Grits   I'd been expecting an enchanted carpet at the ...   Aug 26 2011, 01:57 AM
Kazaera   @Grits - Well, Adryn has certain *expectations* of...   Aug 27 2011, 11:26 PM
Grits   Now, I admit I was judging on first sight so maybe...   Aug 29 2011, 02:08 PM
Kazaera   @Grits - yeah, I think Adryn is really starting to...   Aug 30 2011, 11:07 PM
haute ecole rider   I have soooo enjoyed Adryn's induction into th...   Aug 31 2011, 01:48 AM
Grits   I took a moment, then realised that 'the Dunme...   Aug 31 2011, 06:23 PM
Kazaera   @haute ecole rider Adryn is ecstatic that for once...   Sep 2 2011, 10:53 PM
haute ecole rider   You're entitled to some leeway! After all,...   Sep 3 2011, 12:03 AM
Kazaera   @haute: Adryn has this amazing ability to screw up...   Sep 5 2011, 08:17 PM
haute ecole rider   An all-too-familiar feeling after seven years of ...   Sep 5 2011, 10:11 PM
Grits   I surprised myself with how intensely I enjoyed th...   Sep 6 2011, 02:33 PM
Kazaera   @haute: Not something I can say from experience, b...   Sep 8 2011, 09:52 PM
Grits   "She says it is a secret recipe." ...   Sep 10 2011, 12:41 AM
Kazaera   @Grits: Two kindred spirits have found each other,...   Sep 11 2011, 09:13 PM
haute ecole rider   Hey! Never apologize for spending time on what...   Sep 11 2011, 09:54 PM
Grits   Most of my favorite episodes in peoples’ stories c...   Sep 12 2011, 04:14 PM
Kazaera   Glad to know everyone is enjoying this and I'm...   Sep 14 2011, 11:27 PM
haute ecole rider   That old Dunmer's about as adept at navigation...   Sep 15 2011, 02:07 PM
Grits   I'd really hoped to be able to stay in town fo...   Sep 17 2011, 02:41 PM
Kazaera   @Haute: Trust me, Adryn wishes she were that nice....   Sep 17 2011, 11:44 PM
Grits   Argh! Well at least Adryn didn't get an op...   Sep 19 2011, 11:52 PM
Kazaera   @Grits - ...I should probably point out here that ...   Sep 21 2011, 11:27 PM
Grits   And some rocks thrown into the lake, although I di...   Sep 24 2011, 01:46 PM
Kazaera   @Grits - yeeaaah, Adryn doesn't do outdoors ve...   Sep 25 2011, 06:53 PM
haute ecole rider   I truly hate these "Special" powers...   Sep 25 2011, 09:10 PM
Grits   "Do all the work for me while I take a nap s...   Sep 28 2011, 02:54 PM
Kazaera   @haute ecole rider - I know! I'm dreadful ...   Sep 30 2011, 08:39 PM
haute ecole rider   Hey! It's okay to hijack NPC's! If...   Sep 30 2011, 09:52 PM
Grits   I imagined a really big bumblebee the first time I...   Oct 1 2011, 12:10 PM
Kazaera   @haute ecole rider: Oh, I'm not apologising...   Oct 4 2011, 08:21 PM
Grits   I heartily endorse cooking any dead animal that lo...   Oct 5 2011, 10:52 PM
Thomas Kaira   Ah, I love me some humorous Morrowind storytelling...   Oct 9 2011, 03:45 PM
Kazaera   @Grits: I'm sort of undecided as to whether ma...   Oct 10 2011, 09:53 AM
Grits   I had the same thoughts about how to write element...   Oct 10 2011, 11:52 AM
Thomas Kaira   Yes, my stab at the dreugh who walks of land was a...   Oct 10 2011, 08:42 PM
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