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> All your characters
post Nov 30 2021, 08:58 PM
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Joined: 19-March 13
From: Ellicott City, Maryland

Hello. cake.gif Over in Beth's new forums (now closed, lol) I had a thread in which I asked folks to name all their Oblivion characters. I have had quite a few in that game, somewhere between 20 and 30. I remember tmar also had quite a few as well, but not hundreds. Usually, I have done some significant gaming with all of my creations. But for those with restartitis for instance, I understand you may not be able to list them all.

There are no criteria for this thread. Feel free to be creative in any direction you'd like. But I am going to list all the games I've played in order. smile.gif This is going to be a work-in-progress for me personally. I think I've have quite a few whom I have forgotten over the years.

This thread also does not have to be limited to Bethesda games. I might add my Sims characters as well. Have fun, folks. cake.gif

TES IV: Oblivion

Date first played: October 24, 2008

1). Lady Anne: created October 24, 2008. I only gamed with her for a total of three hours. Did the opening tutorial, yet was so blown away by it. When she delivered the Amulet, I completely scrapped her game. Wanted to start all over again with a new character. No pic of her, unfortunately. Lady Anne "retired" in Chorrol, which is my first bit of roleplaying / pretending I can remember in this game.

2). Character #2: I've completely forgotten this gal's name over the years. I do remember she became a vampire, after doing some random dungeoneering. Since I was new the game, and after learning how extensive finding a cure would be, I decided to start all over with someone new. Character #2 committed suicide-by-guard, attacking an Imperial Guard in the middle of the Temple District.

3. Renee Gade: No pic, no Alignment, and no Class in my notes. Rage-Quit her game one day, so it is concluded, and her saves are probably deleted. This was my first 'real' attempt at the game, with a name I loved, and represented the character I really wanted, a renegade. I've made a total of three RGs in this game over the years. This original RG was Lara Croft in Cyrodiil though, and I don't consider her a real roleplay. She tried to do it all, find every secret, follow every quest, etc. That's how I used to game back then, because my background was mostly Tomb Raider at that time. I became disenchanted with Oblivion though, once her game leveled into the teens. We all know why, of course, and I don't want to spoil for those who don't know. But I became so disenchanted with her game because of the way the gameworld changes as we level up.

I rage-quit the original Renee Gade's game one day, thinking I'd never look back! But oh how wrong I was. Several months later, I got the urge to return to TES IV: Oblivion, especially once I learned how Major skills can get manipulated, which slows leveling down. ✌

4). Renee Gade II: .... *PIC* ....... *PIC 2* ... Chaotic Neutral Nord Rogue, RG2 was my first true roleplay, starting in April of 2009. She is deceased. Imperial rogue-type of character. She was always sort of a gray character, more on the evil side. She focused mainly on Fighters Guild, and took up Knights of the Nine toward her latter days, for some reason she thought she could turn her life around. She was mostly a pure fighter who used just one spell: the default healing spell we get at the beginning. Her game was my first experience with the A-bomb. 😞 Since all my early characters were on PS3, there was no cure for me. One thing I did "right" though was I learned how to structure Major skills, not using all 7 of them, so from then on, no game would level out of control.

5). Igodah Go^Pei:........*PIC* .......High elf mage, Lawful Evil, created August of 2009. Deceased. She was about 90% pure mage, and definitely more evil. She was doing Mages Guild and also the Main Quest. Her game also got struck by the A-bomb. After this second time, I learned my lesson!

6). Wanda Bone ...*PIC*... Redgaurd Thief, created April 2010. 🌚Her game is extinct, since I accidentally erased all her saves one day! She could not read, and would learn what potions / poisons do only after using them. Wanda was my first questless character. Her primary goal was to break into every establishment in the Imperial City, shops and homes, and steal anything of value or curiosity. She quickly got contacted by the Thieves Guild, of course. She surprised me though, by choosing not to join them. Because she's the type who only would steal for her own amusement; she didn't want to have anyone telling her what to do. Wanda had a constant bounty, and would often escape into the Imperial Sewers when things got too tough. After awhile though, she'd give up and go to jail, and I would breathe some signs of relief.

7). Dyan phor a'Cauz: ... *PIC* .... Nord paladin, Lawful Good, created May 17 of 2010. Story concluded. After two evil characters in a row, it was my goal to roll somebody who was Lawful Good. 💆 Dyan did the same things RG2 did: Fighters Guild and Knights, except Dyan finished both questlines. Best thing about her: Dyan never stole horses, never made random assaults on innocent citizens, etc. Getting into Dyan's game was often a relief, because she never had to worry about guards chasing her like I did when in Wanda's game! ... As a paladin, Dyan had that blend of swordplay and healing-type magic (Alteration too, and Turn Undead from the Conjuration school) that made her game feel unique, compared to anybody I had rolled before.

8). Luci Pheria .... *PIC*....*PIC 2* ... Dark Elf Witch, Chaotic Evil, created August 5th, 2010. Deceased. Luci was my "storybook witch", the sort of evil witch we often see in stories like Wizard of Oz or childrens' stories. Luci was my second questless character. Other than the opening tutorial stuff, she did absolutely zero quests. She was from Morrowind and was a pro at alchemy. She had no problem eating such disgusting ingredients as rat's meat, wisp stalks, and so on. She lived in the middle of the Great Forest (Weatherleah, pre quest) like any storybook witch should. Got killed by an ordinary bandit.

9). The Grey Wizard ... *PIC* ... Breton Mage, Chaotic Good, created September 12, 2010. Story concluded. Real name was Beujawk. The Grey Wizard was based on my very first tabletop character from high school, whose name was The Blue Wizard (yeah, I wasn't as creative with names in my teenage years!). Since I hadn't done the Main Quest yet, TGW was going to be the guy who'd do so, and he did. When Skyrim was announced on 12?11/10, it became doubly important for TGW to get it done, because I knew once Skyrim was out I'd be totally obsessed with that game.

10). Lou Zehr ....no pic..... Redguard Thief, Chaotic Neutral, created April 12, 2011. Deceased (I think). I don't remember much about Lou. He got partially through the Thieves Guild, though. Not sure what happened with him, whether he got killed or I simply got bored. Either way, he lived up to his name.

11). Eradi~Kate ...*PIC*.... Breton Assassin, Chaotic Evil, created July 3rd, 2011. Inactive. Kate was my first attempt (and only attempt so far) at Dark Brotherhood. She was a troublemaker, often causing chaos for no real reason in public places. You can see it in her face ... that smirk she has. Kate also became a vampire. Despite all this, she could not "eradicate" her Dark Brotherhood guildmates, when Lucien gave her the order to do so. She'd grown too fond of them. Therefore, despite being totally evil, turns out she did have some heart.

12). Lady Saga ... *PS3 PIC* ... *Xbox PIC*.... Bosmer Ranger. Neutral Good, created October 19, 2011. Active. Saga is my longest-lasting active character, and I've made versions of her for PS3, Xbox, and PC, corresponding to the years 433, 435, and 4th Era Year 1. *PC PIC (imported from Xbox)* I originally created Saga just before Skyrim was released so I'd have somebody to plunder ALL the locations of Cyrodiil I hadn't gotten around to discovering yet. That's pretty much her primary purpose; she rarely does quests.

Saga uses Conjuration spells to back up her trusty archery skills, along with some other mild defensive magic. She is also adept at living off the land. Since I use realism mods, food and drink are required. All of my characters need to bring food & drink when they go off into the wild, but not Saga. She literally eats all those ingredients (mushrooms, leaves, flowers, etc.) and by doing so, can live in most wilderness places indefinitely if she has to, and not return to civilization for food for days or weeks.

13). Anne Thraxx ... *PIC* ... Imperial Peasant. No alignment stated, though she was probably CG. Created February 8, 2012. Inactive. Anne was my last character created on Playstation 3. She was also my first attempt at writing Fan Fiction. The idea I had with Anne was: she shows up on the Imperial City's Waterfront, and from there, I had no idea why she was there, or who she was. But I later learned she was once a citizen of Kvatch, and had managed to flee after witnessing the siege engine and all those daedra showing up. In her old life, Anne was a mere peasant. She picked flowers and mushrooms for a living. Now she had lost her mind, and could not adapt to living in the Imperial City after witnessing such a nightmarish scene. Anne was pretty much insane, poor, and sad. Not all characters are swashbuckling heroes. 🌷One of these days, I intent to finish her story.

14). Kahreem of Weet .... *PIC**PIC 2* *PIC 3* ... Reguard Thief. Chaotic Neutral. Created September 3, 2012. Story concluded. Kahreem is my second longest-lasting character, first character I created on Xbox, but his story concluded in January of 2018 when I finally finished up the Thieves Guild. Again, he had plenty of updates and stories written about him (which is why it took six years to finish TG).

15). Sir Tanley ...... *PIC*.... Breton no class. Lawful Good. Created October 2, 2012. Inactive. I rolled Sir Tanley primarily to compete in a contest back in 2012 in which gamers could vote whether characters were hot nor not. 🙇 I don't remember whether Tanley won or placed. My secondary intention with him was to do Knights of the Nine again, this time writing it all up fanfic-style. But I never did any gaming with him. He is one of my rare characters whom I never did any gaming with.

I am pretty sure Sir Tanley lives on as an NPC in one of my PC games.

16). Abwasserkanal Eidische (translates loosely as Sewer Terror)... No Pic .... Argonian (no class stated in my notes). Inactive. I have no idea when I created my only Argonian character. But I wanted to make a creature, not a person. This would be an actual lizard man (as is found in many traditional RPGs, such as DnD and Baldur's Gate). Sewer Terror lived in the Imperial Sewers, and would only surface in the IC's various districts to steal food. I was writing stories with him too. He's one of mine who had constant bounties, for stealing and random assaults, and the idea was I wanted to see how far I could go with him before the guards finally did him in!

17). Joan of Arkay ... *PIC* ... Breton Paladin. Active. Created May 29, 2013. Joan specializes in ridding undead, and is devoted totally to The Nine, of course. I originally rolled her so I could attempt the Main Quest for the third time, writing a story as she went. But over the years she's become more of a questless gal, who merely goes dungeoneering so she can afford to affix Battlehorn Castle with stuff. She is my only character who I game with on Xbox (Edit: transferred her game to PC in 2020). Lately she's taken up a bunch of mod-added quests which I wrote, and is also trying to do Umbacano's Ayleid Statue quests, since none of my others have finished these.

18). Clea Vigge ... *PIC soon*. Inactive. Clea was my first PC character for Oblivion. I created her in the tutorial dungeon, however never did any gaming with her. This is rare for a Renee character! My original goal with Clea was to install Better Cities, and then find some sort of "job" for her to do in town. However, I had a lot of problems back then since I was new to PC gaming, and Clea fell through the cracks. I was going to install some sort of boobie mod for her as well, maybe HGEC, hence her name.

19). Snaat Rayag .... [url=<img src="https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/ad208/xenaclone/.highres/DSCF0036_zpsfc4af41e.jpg?width=450&amp;height=278&amp;crop=fill" alt="DSCF0036_zpsfc4af41e"/>]*PIC*[/url] .... Dark Elf Merchant. Chaotic Neutral. Active. Created: early 2014. Snaat Rayag (Snaaty) was my second PC character. He is a skooma dealer, and literally goes around selling his wares from dungeon to dungeon, sometimes town to town. Snaaty never does quests, and is friendly with several outlaw factions, such as bandits and conjurers.

20). Renee Gade III ... *PIC*.... Imperial Warrior. Chaotic Good. Active. Created April 20, 2014. Renee Gade III is the daughter of Renee Gade II (number 3 or 4 up above) and the grand-daughter of Renee Gade I, who is my TES1 Arena champion. RG3's real name is Lucitia. All Renee Gades are loosely based on Xena, however with RG3 I was finally able to get Xena's hairstlye!

RG3's game is on PC. She doesn't don't do any vanilla quests at all (except the Arena) my goal with her was to make her gameworld filled with as many mod-added quests, shoppes, decorations, homes, and NPCs as possible.
RG3 lives firmly in the 4th Era, and her game started Year 20. Because of this, her gameworld is much different from the gameworld RG2 lived in, which was totally vanilla. So... Open Cities, CM Partners, Cropsford Revised, The Elder Council, and a long list of other mods are in her world which I don't add into, say, Lady Saga's world.

This post has been edited by Renee: Dec 6 2021, 04:03 PM

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Renee   All your characters   Nov 30 2021, 08:58 PM
TheCheshireKhajiit   Oh man, I wouldn’t know where to start. I only h...   Nov 30 2021, 09:10 PM
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Adella   glargg posts over at Haven, but I know he is a me...   Dec 2 2021, 03:55 PM
macole   RG3's game is on PC. She doesn't don...   Dec 1 2021, 10:50 PM
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Acadian   Adella, I'm seeing your avatar fine. I also...   Dec 2 2021, 04:29 PM
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Renee   Wow, your ghastley lore page looks like UESP! ...   Dec 3 2021, 01:46 AM
macole   Wow, your ghastley lore page looks like UESP...   Dec 3 2021, 06:26 AM
Kane   Hm. It'll be tough to remember all the Skyrim ...   Dec 3 2021, 08:10 PM
mirocu   Very nicely composed list there, Kaneyboi. In fact...   Dec 4 2021, 04:01 PM
Renee   Thank you Kane and mirocu. Wow, this is beautiful....   Dec 6 2021, 04:02 PM

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