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> The Saga of Laprima Donnaugh
post Jan 27 2023, 01:24 AM
Post #81

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From: Ellicott City, Maryland


Gainful Employment


"Be quick," Sybille Stentor said coolly, as Laprima emerged from her own room. "I have little patience for mundane concerns."

Morning was about half-past, yet Solitude's wizard was in the midst going to bed, arranging her sheets and blankets before she lay down. Laprima quietly took note of this. Other than night-workers and graveyard guards, who else gets ready to sleep while everyone else is just starting their day?

But Laprima said nothing. She walked softly through Sybille's room, and closed its main door. - Her secret is safe with me. - She had promised her vampiric neighbor this two nights ago, after revealing she knew what Sybille is.

That was the easy part of today's early morning excursion, now came the hard part.

She rounded the corner while the Blue Palace's music droned peacefully. Strode forward a couple paces, until she could glimpse the very edge of the palace's court. Her aunt was here, for sure. Laprima saw Elisif’s felt-fabric shoes placed firmly in front of the throne she sat upon. Laprima had hoped that perhaps somebody would already be here; somebody in need of the court's services, that is. If so, her aunt might already be engaged in conversation. But such was not the case!

The younger woman looked longingly to the top of the staircase, located roughly ten feet away. If only I could make myself invisible, thought she.

"Good morning, Laprima!" Elisif trilled, before Laprima fully walked into the room.

"Good morning, to you," Laprima answered sheepishly. Everyone was here, all of Elisif's courtroom staff, that is.

"And how did we sleep last night?" asked the queen. "How was your third night in Solitude?"

"Oh, I rested finely."

"Well," Elisif began in her sopranic voice, "looks like we're having a slow day here so far here in court, although later we've got a couple messengers coming in from out of town, who we're planning to meet with. Did you find my note?"

"I did," answered the niece. "And thank you for the reminder," she said, aiming to keep any hint of sarcasm out of her voice.

"As I said earlier while you were ... ehm, well, earlier," the high queen smiled awkwardly. "I have arranged some possibilities for employment for you, bestly of all at Castle Dour. One of the legates from the castle just happened to stop into court just a little while ago. Had some words with her. And it sounds as though they could use some help. How is that?" Elisif stood from her throne. "Does this sound fair, dear? In her words, you're as good as hired, pertaining to whichever sort of jobs they’ve got available."

"It does sound quite splendid," Laprima lied, trying her best to sound as though she were interested. "Very splendid. You have my many thanks."

"Oh, well don't sound so enthused, my young niece," the queen said casually, making the younger woman wince. "I've pulled quite a few strings to get you in, believe me. Not like any fool or lass can just walk into the castle and find themselves with offerings. Trust me, there are many others who've been pushed aside for such an opportunity."

Pleasant melodies of harps and strings played from unseen magical devices, reverberating softly throughout the court, while Laprima Anne Donnaugh stifled her anger. "I apologize," she said, looking at her boots. "Guess I have been a bit reluctant about all this. Forgive me, aunt. It is all so new to me, being in this strange new town.”

"Oh! No! Listen! ... I fully understand, dear!" The queen smiled, tilting her head upwards like some sort of bird. After a moment, she laughed. Brought her gaze back down so her eyes could pierce. "I can remember when I was your young age, living under even lesser conditions than you, because, well, I hadn't met Torygg yet. Hadn't become a member of the Grand Council yet, and so on. Have you ever mucked a stable, Laprima? ...That's where began, at your age. Anyway, back in those days..."

Laprima braced herself for what seemed to be the start of a woolgathering moment. As the high queen began sidetracking to reminisce, speaking of things which occurred two decades past, niece carefully broke eye contact with her aunt. Risked a quick glance toward Falk Firebeard, Elisif's personal steward. The steward made two nearly imperceptible movements with his head: first left, and then right. Laprima then gazed over toward Elisif's housecarl. She didn't know the man's name, but he quickly rolled his eyes. It was as though both of them were silently telling her they'd all been here before.

"...do make haste," Elisif continued, her voice tinkling like a bell. "Because there's little time for idle minds."

Laprima nodded. "I shall try my best," she promised grimly. "I promise."

Though all of this was somewhat embarrassing for her, the next set of words her aunt spoke did pique Laprima's enthusiasm.

"Oh, and later on if you'd like, you can come sit in during the court. I know you'd enjoy that, eh?"

Niece had been trying hard to maintain composure during the entire conversation so far, but on this subject aunt Elisif was right. "Yes, I would...I do look forward to witnessing a couple court hours," Laprima said, really meaning it.

IPB Image

There had always been something about the power and command of royal rulership which intrigued her. Every count and countess down in Cyrodiil handled their courts in different manners. Some were better than others. The current count of Bravil, for instance, was as much of a pushover as a child being swayed by candy, while the countess of Chorrol ruled her domain literally with an iron fist, which she frequently wore while on her throne. Those who needed to convene with her (those who weren't within her favor) sometimes walked away in tears, they'd been so dressed down.

So, as much as Laprima tried not to cringe while in the presence of her aunt, she had to admit Elisif the Fair commanded her court with grace and dignity, but also competency. Capability. And fairness. Hence her name: Elisif was quite fair as a ruler, from what niece had seen so far.

Could there be any chance that perhaps I could simply become an affiliate of the palace’s court?

The thought crossed Laprima's mind, but she immediately dismissed it. Not only would it be a nuisance, sitting beside her aunt all day, but wouldn't it be better for her to suss out her own choice of employment?

Elisif handed Laprima yet another note. "Here, you can try any of the locations on this list, my dear. Any of them are fine," the queen said, distractedly. “But like I said, wouldn’t it be exciting, becoming a member of Castle Dour’s staff? Wouldn’t it be–”

The queen looked a slight bit away from her niece, suddenly distracted. A man wearing regal-looking armor was clomping up the stairs by then, here to speak to his queen.

Splendid. Now I shall escape.

Laprima unfolded the note. She turned, and slowly descended one of the palace's entry staircases, reading while she walked. The note contained a list, hand-written in the queen’s delicate scrawl.
1. Castle Dour: Speak to any of the Legates about Administrative work.

2. Bards College: Headmaster Varmo shall welcome your gift for song!

3. Temple of the Divines: Freir the Priestess has been contacted, concerning your arrival.

Please utilize these connective facilities, Laprima


"Connective facilities." Lady Donnaugh ground her teeth softly as she exited the Blue Palace.


Light snow was falling from a sky the color of silver. The first destination on Elisif’s list was just up the street and to the right: the Bards College. Not that Lady Donnaugh had any hope of becoming a singer, a storyteller, a player of instruments or anything such, but it wouldn't hurt to at least go into the place. See what was in there. Maybe meet the headmaster, see what he had to offer. Perhaps he could point her to something worthwhile, which would not concern song or dance.

Laprima's thoughts turned once again to architecture as she neared the place.

The college, like many other buildings here in Solitude, was made of a variety of random rocks and stones, mostly large, heavy ones, which could yet be carried and manipulated by a strong person with both hands. These had been sealed together in a typical slapdash manner with mortar. Mostly the stones which composed the college's walls were igneous, probably dredged up from local rivers, or pulled out of mines. Some had been broken into specific, mostly rectangular shapes, while others were fitted and affixed just as they'd been formed by nature. Not a pretty design, by any means. But solid workmanship, able to withstand wind, magic, or any sort of inferno.

"Dean Inge says a bard can never have enough practice," said a lady with dull reddish hair, standing just outside the college's door. "Would you like to hear a song?"

Laprima smiled, surprised. "Well, yes. Sure. That'd be precious," she said, really meaning it.

"Thank you. I'm just beginning my lessons. But Inge, Dean Six Fingers himself, says I'm quite good with a flute."

The lady said these words, but for whatever reason did not play her flute. Laprima waited an awkward moment before starting to speak. But the lady spoke first. "Thanks for taking the time, she said. "People never want to talk to me." And with that, she began walking slowly away.

Laprima stood astonished, unsure what to say. The prospective flutist (whoever she was) walked into the college. Not quite sure what else to do, the noblewoman followed.

"Welcome to the Bards College," said a high elf with hair the color of wood as Laprima walked in. "I'm the headmaster here, how can I help you?"

Headmaster Viarmo had been standing just inside the college's doors. He'd walked upon her so fast, it was as though she'd just been ambushed.

Should I reveal myself to be the niece of High Queen Elisif?

Laprima had this thought, before coming to a split-second decision that she should not do this. Because it just seemed...wrong? Relying on connections in high places? Well, this did not seem the right thing to do. Because now was the time when she should be discovering how to do all of this on her own, she suddenly realized. She should be making her own choices.

"Yes, well, I am new here in Solitude, sir,” she started. “I just dropped within the college, as I’ve heard so many great things about it. This is a place of learning, after all. Back home in Cyrodiil, I had been taking some classes in the Imperial City's Aristocratic District before moving here."

"Always a pleasure to meet a prospective bard," Viarmo answered in his rich alto voice, not making the connection between 'back home in Cyrodiil' and 'Elisif's niece'. "You should be aware that many apply, but we accept very few people..."

From here, Viarmo informed her that to truly join the college she’d have to perform certain tasks, which Laprima immediately decided she was not wishing to pursue. She had no desire to really become a bard after all, and it seemed as though there weren't any other sorts of schooling offered here. Yes she had once been a singer, but that was way back, when she was still a child. Still in the Imperial City, her brother still roaming around in their little young lives.

Laprima was just about to make some sort of excuse so she could be on her way, when the headmaster continued.

"Elisif has forbidden the Burning of the King Olaf festival, a longtime Bards College tradition. We need somebody to change her mind."

"Do you now?" Laprima asked. Was this man already aware of who she is? Didn't seem so.

Viarmo explained how they needed somebody to convince the high queen to allow the festival to continue, somebody who was apparently new in town, and not yet known to be a Bards College member. At first, Laprima was interested. Because: what a coincidence! - How ironic would it be if she'd be the one who'd do this? - And such a task did seem quite doable. Elisif was not a pushover, but deep down, neither was Laprima. As the headmaster continued with details about his plan, the young noblewoman could already see herself getting into a debate with her aunt about this long-ago King Olaf. Found herself looking forward to it, in fact.

“This does fill my mind with intrigue.”

But when it was explained to her that first, she'd have to locate some sort of verse which'd been hidden in a cave called Dead Man's Respite, Laprima decided this sounded like it'd be too much for her to accomplish. Dead Man’s Respite, the place was called? – This sounded like something which should be assigned to an actual adventuring type: a mage, a warrior, a rogue. Not an emotionally-precarious member of nobility, whose main moments of adventure in her young life involved riding one of the horses of Chestnut Handy Stables from the Imperial City to the village of Weye, and back again.

She realized she'd come in here mostly because it's a college, a place where folks could potentially learn. Over the past few days Laprima realized, in fact, that she missed being in classrooms. If she had stayed back home instead of moving to Skyrim, she’d be deeply embroiled in the thick of learning right about now, instead of being pushed around by her immediate elder into things she wasn’t interested in.

"Be careful. You might just find more in Dead Man's Respite than King Olaf's verse!" Viarmo warned with a smirk.

No, definitely not, thought Laprima. No way this was going to occur.

On the other hand, her visit to the college wasn't entirely fruitless. After speaking to a few more bards, she met an Imperial named Girraud, who told her he did offer walk-in type classes at most any time. For two-hundred fifty gold, he could train her in the ways of speech and persuasion. Laprima had just over three-hundred on her person at that very moment, with plenty more to spend in one of her bedroom’s wardrobes.

“Surely, I would love to gather about a thing or two.”

Girraud pocketed her coin. For the next six hours he taught Laprima what seemed to be an entry-level discourse on the basics of language structure. Some of the things he spoke of, she already knew. But she didn’t care. Because it was nice to be doing something of her own decision. And maybe aunt Elisif would approve.


By the time she left the college it was getting to be late afternoon. Soon it'd be dark. Laprima had toured Solitude before: two days ago with her aunt, and yesterday on her own, so she already knew where to find Castle Dour. The castle was located at the top of a small hill, an avenue of stone leading through a tall stone arch, which wound up in a large plaza where soldiers often sparred and practiced.

But after walking the avenue toward the castle while snowflakes continued to fall, the sky above completely sunless, she found herself feeling more and more depressed. Despondent, even.

She arrived at the castle's main door, yet found herself unable to go inside. Tried to picture herself walking into the place. Greetings, I am Laprima Donnaugh, relative of High Queen Elisif, and I have arrived to discuss the possibility of gainful employment… For some reason, she felt as though going inside the place and then explaining who she was would be like experiencing some sort of small death.

Instead, she began to wander. Sadly. How alone she was, so far away from friends, from family. Her brother was supposedly somewhere here in Skyrim, if she were to believe the old blood-sucking crone she’d be living next to day to day. Her husband-to-be had proved himself to be lovingly doteful, but he’d also tricked her into smuggling a large shipment of illegals, which was not something she’d taken lightly.

So she wandered. She made a left, and walked across a short path which led to the town's smithy area, now closed for the day. Straight ahead was a ramp which led downwards, Laprima followed this ramp. Now she was in the town's merchant district: a trader on her left, an apothecary on her right. She continued forward. The clothing shop where she'd found those fabulous dresses two days ago was located to her left, but Laprima's feet weren't taking her there.

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By now, it was really getting dark, and the air was getting cold. She could feel this coldness too, even while wearing the bulky, quilted suit she'd put on that morning to avoid it.

She walked toward Solitude's tavern, the Winking Skeever. Inside, the promise of warmth and good times. Plenty of food and drink. An old man with a balding head was standing to the left of the tavern's door, tilting a mug to his lips and swaying on his feet, obviously drunk. He took a large gulp of whatever was inside his mug as Laprima passed by.

The Winking Skeever. It was the first place she'd visited, on the very first day she'd arrived. She’d been confused at how to get into town after wandering away from Solitude’s docks. Once inside, that strange man with the skulls and bones on his belt had given her a note from Chamany, directing her further into town so she could safely get to the Blue Palace. While leaving the Skeever she’d then witnessed an execution. For better or worse, her very first memories of Skyrim were here.

She walked inside. Walked straight to the bartender, whose name she already knew to be Corpulus. "If you need a good rumor or two," Corpulus said, "I think I can oblige."

"My name's Laprima, and I am new here in Skyrim. Might you, perchance, be desiring any help here in the Skeever?"


Auntie tries her best

Laprima gets a job

Quest Completed

Notes: When it says she gets cold, this is actually real. Frostfall! New characters being moved around while they’re new to Skyrim actually do suffer the cold.

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post Jan 27 2023, 06:48 AM
Post #82

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Viarmo, how did he ever get to such a position as headmaster. Why he couldn’t even sway a young girl with his words.

Perhaps Headmaster Viarmo should have introduced the quest by making it sound a little more intriguing by dangling the forbidden fruit hook to it?

“So you want to be a bard, eh? A singer of songs or a teller of tales? Both hold magic.” Leaning in closer Viarmo whispers, “Or do you want to feel the real power when the two merge?”

Ah yes, a barmaid; an alchemist bard with practical experience.

Vampire Hunter,
Endure and through enduring grow strong.
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post Jan 27 2023, 06:44 PM
Post #83

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Laprima is trying to avoid her aunt, without looking like she is avoiding her aunt.

I see Elisef is the sort to go on about the old days. And she is still young yet! It sort of reminds me of Lincoln, in the movie Lincoln. Except when he did not want to answer a question, he would go off on a long folksy story about someone he had once known. Except he was entertaining, because the actor playing him has charisma.

So Castle Dour it is then? I wonder if that means she will be working for the Imperial Legion? Or for the city guard?

Oohhh, Bard's College. That sounds fun. January joined that one. While she is not a performer, she loved the whole storytelling aspect to it all, as well as doing research that involved smiting draugr and the ghosts of dead kings.

Given how she notices these things, it sounds like Laprima might be suited to becoming an architect.

I guess she won't be joining Talsgar out on the roads, singing songs and living a life of adventure.

The Winking Skeever? Is she going to become a waitress? That would probably not be what her auntie was expecting!

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Lena Wolf
post Jan 27 2023, 08:02 PM
Post #84

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From: Bravil

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Jan 27 2023, 05:44 PM) *

The Winking Skeever? Is she going to become a waitress? That would probably not be what her auntie was expecting!

"As long as you have a great attitude towards our patrons," says the screenshot. Does that involve wearing a tavern outfit? laugh.gif Definitely not what auntie had expected!

"What is life's greatest illusion?"
"Innocence, my brother."

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post Jan 28 2023, 12:38 AM
Post #85

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From: Las Vegas

Well, the good news is that fair Elisef didn't accompany LPD's job hunting excursion. The bad news is that I can see an imminent Elisef diary entry along the lines of 'Don't let my niece out of the palace unaccompanied!' laugh.gif

I sympathize with LPD though and agree that the Winking Skeever trumps the other options on Elisef's list. I recall that Buffy learned as much or more about performing musically from Lysette as she did from the College of Bards.

Screenshot: Buffy in Artaeum
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post Feb 3 2023, 03:37 AM
Post #86

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Laprima's almost in an enviable position. Everything's being set up for her.

Except... she doesn't want this. And I get why. Independence must be a big draw, considering the life she's lived. Always playing to the beat of someone else's drum gets wearisome after a while.

Of course, it's not easy. Not only is the court happy to help (with all the attached strings that implies), they have so many different ways in which to help! All of which Laprima will have to dodge or avoid.

There is wisdom, I think, in finding her own path. Particularly regarding her husband's proclivities. If he gets caught, she'll likely face a lot of blame (or even be pinned as the scapegoat). As such, it makes sense for her to try and allies outside of the court so she at least has somewhere to run to if things go wrong. And improving speechcraft is never a bad idea.
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post Feb 4 2023, 02:55 AM
Post #87

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From: Ellicott City, Maryland

So I know this tale seems a little stale, it seems like quite the medieval soap opera, right? But just wait... it gets more potent. cake.gif

QUOTE(macole @ Jan 27 2023, 12:48 AM) *

Viarmo, how did he ever get to such a position as headmaster. Why he couldn’t even sway a young girl with his words.

Perhaps Headmaster Viarmo should have introduced the quest by making it sound a little more intriguing by dangling the forbidden fruit hook to it?

Nuh-uh, no way. Wouldn't matter how much fruit gets dangled, macole. 🍇🍒🍌 My gal's not an adventurer, at least not yet. Even if she turns into one, I doubt she'll want to go into that sort of dungeoneering. "Hey, why don't you head into this cave by yourself, a-ha-ha-ha!" ... No way she's going to do this.

I had the temptation to tear into Bethesda's quest and make it so all she has to do is speak to Elisif to finish the quest. But honestly, it's a bad idea to mess with Beth's quests. Bad things can happen, and once they do, you can never get rid of them! All my normal, non-story Skyrim games on PC so far have little stuff which doesn't work right, due to me screwing up in the Creation Kit. rolleyes.gif

So I'm going with Laprima's initial wish. The story won't need the visit to that silly cave visit, trust me.

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Jan 27 2023, 12:44 PM) *

I see Elisef is the sort to go on about the old days. And she is still young yet! It sort of reminds me of Lincoln, in the movie Lincoln. Except when he did not want to answer a question, he would go off on a long folksy story about someone he had once known. Except he was entertaining, because the actor playing him has charisma.

Yes, Lincoln. I never saw the movie, but I know the guy really had an excellent soul. Was why he was one of our best presidents.


Oohhh, Bard's College. That sounds fun. January joined that one. While she is not a performer, she loved the whole storytelling aspect to it all, as well as doing research that involved smiting draugr and the ghosts of dead kings.

Given how she notices these things, it sounds like Laprima might be suited to becoming an architect.

Problem is nobody in Solitude teaches architecture. And in a way this is good. The story might get realllll boring if all she does is go back to class. laugh.gif

She is going to continue training at Bards College though. smile.gif That's going to be fun. In fact, her Speech training is (so far) the only skill-up she's had.


The Winking Skeever? Is she going to become a waitress? That would probably not be what her auntie was expecting!

I love how you pick up on little clues and notions, 'Rosa. tongue.gif

QUOTE(Lena Wolf @ Jan 27 2023, 02:02 PM) *

"As long as you have a great attitude towards our patrons," says the screenshot. Does that involve wearing a tavern outfit? laugh.gif Definitely not what auntie had expected!

OH yeah, you'll see!

Well, probably not the actual Innkeeper outfit.... this is a Renee story, after all. So that means: Laprima's going to be stylin' when she goes to work, methinks.

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jan 27 2023, 06:38 PM) *

I sympathize with LPD though and agree that the Winking Skeever trumps the other options on Elisef's list. I recall that Buffy learned as much or more about performing musically from Lysette as she did from the College of Bards.

Wow, really? She was also at the Bards College? blink.gif I wonder how many of ours have been there.

Such a shame there aren't more quests. It's the least-developed guild in the (vanilla) game. sad.gif

QUOTE(WellTemperedClavier @ Feb 2 2023, 09:37 PM) *

Laprima's almost in an enviable position. Everything's being set up for her.

Except... she doesn't want this. And I get why. Independence must be a big draw, considering the life she's lived. Always playing to the beat of someone else's drum gets wearisome after a while.

Right. If we can go back to the Paris Hilton scenario again, it'd be like if Paris simply lived off her family money... and nothing else.

Laprima, Quinn, and Paris all have their own minds.


There is wisdom, I think, in finding her own path. Particularly regarding her husband's proclivities. If he gets caught, she'll likely face a lot of blame (or even be pinned as the scapegoat). As such, it makes sense for her to try and allies outside of the court so she at least has somewhere to run to if things go wrong. And improving speechcraft is never a bad idea.

Very nice. smile.gif

The story is at a weird sort of crossroads at the moment because of things to come, which none of you all can see, yet. But the neat thing is ALL of you have gleaned some of what will happen with Laprima herself. Call it intuition, call it foreshadowing. I love trying to figure out your all's stories, too.

Let's see what happens next.

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post Feb 4 2023, 04:56 AM
Post #88

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Joined: 19-March 13
From: Ellicott City, Maryland


Anonymous Woman


"Ah, so you're you looking for a job, eh?" Corpulus the innkeeper was sitting in front of his bar, as though he were a customer instead of the owner. He half-turned to get a better look at her, yet remained seated. "Lady, you are in luck. And so am I, ha! Have you ever worked in a tavern before?"

Here it was.

Thing is, Laprima had walked into the Skeever blindly. Hadn't prepared a resume, didn't have any references citing a list of past accomplishments, nor had she tried to think of anything witty to say in an attempt to impress. Not that it mattered much; so far in her twenty young years of existence she had never been employed anywhere. She had little idea how prospective citizens looking for work went about this sort of thing. Was it better to be truthful? Or was it better to bilk a standard of lies? - Laprima Donnaugh, a member of Cyrodiilic nobility since childhood, decided to be honest.

"Well, I am afraid I have never worked a day in my life. But I can learn quickly."

"Hey, that's not a problem, I could use a second barmaid around here. Had a gal who was working for me afternoons, but haven't seen her a few days..."

"I hope this shall not be a concern, ah, that I haven’t any knowledge. I am a student at the Bards College you see, and as you know, the loans for classes can rack upwards rather quickly."

"What say you start tomorrow?" asked Corpulus. "And don't worry, there ain't much to it! As long as you've got a great attitude toward our patrons, you'll be fine."

What a surprise. "Thank you, sire. So very much for your time." Was it always this easy to procure an occupation in the real world amongst commoners? An occupation which did not require long hours of schooling, that is?

"When you arrive, your immediate superior won't be me, by the way. It'll be that fellow over there."

He pointed toward a back room, where a man with dark hair and a yoke-like mustache was stocking supplies. The second bartender was standing several paces away in a darkened area. For a moment, Laprima did a double-take. The man looked a heck of a lot like Chamany.

"You can start tomorrow, as I said. Shift goes from late morning until the dawn. Any tips you earn, err, any extra money given to you by customers that is, you can keep for yourself. But you’ll be paid forty once your shift ends."

“Thank you.”

“And now that you work here, feel free to pick up any food or drink items lying about. You can keep those, too. Or throw ‘em away. You'd be surprised how often people leave their purchases behind, sometimes untouched, a-ha-ha-ha! … But, as you can see, normally I’d have another barmaid working these hours. Place is kind of a mess without her."

That was it. Now she would have something to do, and perhaps she wouldn't have to strut into that dreadful castle every day.

Regarding Castle Dour, Laprima realized she'd gone entirely on intuition, regarding her decision to avoid the place. She hadn't given the castle a try at all. And why not, young lady? she imagined her aunt asking. Lady Donnaugh wasn't sure. Something about the thought of walking in there with the full graces of the palace to prop her way. It'd just seemed sodden. Like sodden earth, tamped down and ready to be trampled. Why did I not even enter the place? She found she could not even give herself an honest, rational answer.

But, the question: Would aunt Elisif approve of her niece’s new vocation? Hard to say, but Laprima was thinking the immediate answer would be ‘no’.

For now, this potential problem did not matter. She would be doing something forthright with her time, and she’d be a member of ordinary society while doing it, working amongst Solitude's dock-workers, merchants, seafarers, and townsfolk. No more breaking into jewelry stores after hours, only to find herself in jail after getting caught. No more worries about being ousted from the Donnaugh heritage. No more unknowingly watching over gigantic shipments of illicit substances. So there it was. If her aunt had some concerns about the lowly status of her niece’s new position, that’d be a woe they’d both have to live with.

…And the best part? Nobody would know who Laprima is. Nobody here at the Skeever would know of her past troubles, or her current, lofty position as a member of Blue Palace royalty. She’d just be an anonymous young woman, trying to get by.

IPB Image

"So exciting when new folk come into town," said a dark-haired Imperial wearing cotton threads, with a ceramic stein in her hand. "I bet you've had plenty of adventures."

"Oh, well I'm afraid I've never had any adventures," Lady Donnaugh fumbled for words. "Well, except to come here," she finished lamely. Plenty of adventures. This was twice in one day she'd been mistaken for some sort of swashbuckling maven.

Laprima took in her surroundings. Warm lighting, candles all about. The heavenly smell of roasting food. Sour aromas of ale and mead. A bard with a lute was singing in a high, yet pleasant, soprano's voice, while several listeners clapped and hollered. Everyone was jubilant, everyone was in a good mood.

She had done the right thing, and felt as though she were in the right place. Laprima experienced a feeling she hadn't felt since leaving her classes a few weeks earlier: a feeling of accomplishment. Though she did not officially start working until the following morning, immediately she began busy-bodying about: clearing tables of empty bottles and flasks, and scoring a sweetroll for herself, which she began nibbling in a corner, while watching the bard play another song. She realized she was famished. Once again, she had gone through most of the day and the start of nightfall without eating.


She arrived back at the Blue Palace some time after midnight. Even at this late hour there were several palace workers milling about: mostly guards. Her aunt was not here; Jarl Elisif was probably asleep. As always, the palace’s music played pleasantly.

Laprima walked upstairs, and into Sybille's room. Sybille Stentor was awake and alert, sitting bolt upright upon one of her room’s benches, as though waiting. She turned to her neighbor. Laprima and the court wizard gazed frostily at each other a moment, yet had nothing to say. Eventually, Laprima slipped into her own quarters.

"Good to see you have returned," Chamany was here, still awake, in bed. "Ah, but you are coming late to home."

"Mm, yes. This is true." It had been a long day. Laprima by now was feeling very tired. "And how are things with you?"

"Have you seen Aunt Elisif this evening?" her man asked. "I believe she was for you, looking."

Laprima groaned. "What is it now? Does she wish for me to suss her latest assignments? Or perhaps change my ghastly appearance? You know, perhaps we should figure a way to change the lock upon our door."

Her husband-to-be laughed. "I know she does not always say the things you wish to hear. But ah, she has some ideas which can be of eh, benefit to you. We can use to her ideas, you know, to be for our gains."

Whatever that was supposed to mean, she was not sure. And she did not want to know. She was too tired.

"So, how was your day?" she asked. "I was quite busy myself, and I'll tell you all that occurred in a moment. But you first. Tell me your day?"

"Oh, there are many things I must, eh, keep eh, running about, you know?" he grinned. "Arrange-ments, dates, and so forth. These people of the Solitude, they keep me busy. You under-stand, no?"

Turns out, she did not under-stand. "What sort of things? Might you find fit to tell me? To give your lady some sort of clue, at the very least?"

"It is ... very, eh, how you say? Très compliqué," he said. "I must come. I must go. I must arrange, and meet with others. Is very hush-hush. No much talk. You under-stand, yes?"

Turns out, she did not. "So, this is to say, you will not answer my query with a full reply of your own?" She smirked. "Yes?"

"Oh come now, Laprima. Do not be like that. There are certain things, mmm, arrangements, one must keep to oneself. These need for me to arrange, you see. And when I have arrange these things, then I can move on. And I shall. Move on, that is."

Laprima shook her head. This was not going anywhere. And did it need to, at this very moment?

"Well. I have trekked the unimaginable," she said slowly. "And attained what was thought to be unattainable. I have also arranged something, Chamany, I arranged myself employment here in Solitude."

"Lovely, bravo! Bravo to my dearest!" Her man was clapping. "And where have you found yourself this job?"

"I am working at the Winking Skeever, amant," Laprima answered proudly. "Serving drinks, and cleaning up the place. Yes, that is right. You are looking straight at the Skeever's newest barmaid."

"Well, this is eh, wonderful? Yes. Very wonderful, indeed..."

Other than wondering why she'd need to be working when they'd just gained their huge windfall of coin, Chamany LaCroix had no questions. And Laprima didn't feel like telling him about the constant diatribe of Aunt Elisif, and how she hoped they could somehow compromise on the issue of occupations. She was too tired.

The pair of lovers spent the night doing things which this writer won't mention, other than to say she is proud her creation has become more content. After a bit of time, Laprima and her 'amant' fell fast asleep. Just before doing so, Laprima wondered how her aunt would take the news of her new job.


The next morning Laprima made sure to get up early, at first light, in fact. She'd be expected at her new job by late morning, and she was eager to make it there on time. Or better yet, make it there early.

Chamany was already gone, doing the things (arrangements) he needed to do, for whatever reasons he needed to (arrange) do them. A man of mystery. Laprima remembered some words said to her by Siouxsie Ballion, her best ladyfriend back in Cyrodiil, who'd by then already gone running with a couple boys. Keeping some mystery in a relationship was healthy, Siouxsie once told her, as though Siouxsie herself was herself a longtime master of relations. It keeps things interesting.

Ach. But now was not the time to wonder about her man. She had somewhere to be, clear on the other side of town.

Laprima got out of bed, bracing herself for those few moments of chill as she swapped her nightgown for a dress. She selected the black maiden's outfit she'd first bought at the clothing shop, before remembering her aunt would disapprove. So she chose the one of the other dresses she'd found, instead. The blue one. She put her boots on, and was ready to go. Walked into the room next door, in which Sybille Stentor was arranging her blankets and pillows for another long morning of rest.

Laprima nodded as she crossed through, before bracing herself for the wrath of aunt Elisif.



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post Feb 4 2023, 07:08 AM
Post #89

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I am sure Laprima has been in plenty of taverns before, does that count as work?

Ugh, student loans, I feel you Laprima.

Is her real boss going to be her Chamany? blink.gif Is he moonlighting from drug-dealing, I mean keeping up an honest front working at the Skeever? Is that where he sells the skooma?

Chamany sounds very, how you say, French, in the way he speaks, eh?

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post Feb 5 2023, 09:17 PM
Post #90

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Well good on LPD! She opted for getting a job with no stringpulling or external influence. A good chance to see a side of life it sounds like she is not that familiar with.

Gosh, every encounter with Chamany sets off red flags in my head. While LPD's new job may be a good one for her, I can’t help but feeling the opposite about her man of mystery. The same man who provided Sybille some potent extortion ammo.

Can’t wait to see how Elisef deals with her neice’s chosen employment. I like Elisef so I’m hoping she’ll be supportive. . . but we shall see.

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post Feb 6 2023, 09:06 PM
Post #91

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"You can start tomorrow, as I said. Shift goes from late morning until the dawn

Oops, meant for this to say "dusk", not dawn. Not that it matters much. Corpulus is the one who says this, his mistake, not mine. tongue.gif

Because what he's saying is that she's going to work seventeen hours in a row. huh.gif So yeah, that's incorrect.

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post Feb 6 2023, 10:46 PM
Post #92

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Ahh, thanks for the correction. I noticed that hers seemed like quite a long shift. smile.gif

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post Feb 11 2023, 02:20 AM
Post #93

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@SubRosa--She definitely has been in a few bars and taverns back home, that is true. I'd imagine she's been in at least some of the places in the Imperial City. They probably have different names now, of course, since it's been 200 years.

Student Loans. biggrin.gif Yep. And no, Cham is not her boss. Just a guy who looks pretty much like him. ... Oooh the urge to post spoilers.... whistling.gif

@Acadian-- Thanks much! You and Rosa really pay attention!

I love what you said there, the part about everything about her faux-French boyfriend setting off red flags. 🇮🇩 OooooOOOO the urge to post spoilers!!!!

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post Feb 11 2023, 04:49 AM
Post #94

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'Tis only a Barmaid


Turdas, mid-morning, 28th of Frostfall, 4E, Year 201

"No, the merchant stalls haven't got those, trust me," Elisif the Fair chirped to someone in the next room. "If you want the best threads in town, Radiant Raiments is the way to go. So take my advice, don't buy discounted clothing."

Splendid. Elisif was engaged. Someone is already here, speaking with her. Perhaps I might make myself as a rodent, and squeak right by.

But such was not the case. "Good morning to you, dear!"

Laprima stopped. Took a breath. This would only require a minute or two. First thing was to follow the same policy she'd taken with Corpulus the day before. Be honest. Be completely honest. She'd done this the night before in the Winking Skeever, which landed her her first job.

Laprima turned to address the court.

IPB Image

"Yes, I did manage to suss some local employment."

"Ooh, well why don't you grace me with a story, dear." Elisif sat back, as though she had all day.

Grace HER a story? ... But there are others present! - It'd be more like telling the entire court. And the Skeever's newest barmaid did not have time for that.

"Firstly, I did stop within the college. They've got classes, and I decided to pursue an introductory bard's course after speaking with Girrarud…"

"Classes!" Elisif, immediately ecstatic. "You enrolled yesterday? Why, that's wonderful, dear!" - Elisif was beaming for all the court to see: Falk Firebeard, Elisif’s steward, a couple of guards, and one of the palace’s servants, all of them were here to witness their leader’s elation. How proud was she of her niece. It was as though Skyrim's unelected high queen was ready to parade her young relative all over town.

“Aye, I did enroll, many thanks. Girraud is quite the tutor, I must also add.”

"Most magnificent, my dear. And how did we do at Castle Dour?"

Totally honest. "Well about Castle Dour. I spent so much time at the college, why, never did I trek inside the castle."

...And with that, now I must go...
...But such was not the case.

"Laprima, that is fine. I am just brimming with gaited elan, that we have discerned at least part of your calling here. The College of Bards! … Does this mean you are going to return to your singing?”

“Well, I’m afraid not. Haven’t got the pipes for that sort, as I did during my childhood days,” she said with a gesture.

“Oh, well that’s magnificent, dear. So many fortuitous chances to exceed here within the mighty high city of Solitude."

"I do concur, my dearest aunt. And with that, I must--"

"You can still head over to the castle today..."

"--turn about and..."

"Now, have you any need for ... financial assistance?” the queen asked, wringing her hands a bit. “Ehm, concerning you'll be taking classes?"

Well, it shan't hurt to explain... "I am fine money," Laprima answered. "But if I do have a need for any assistance, I shall present my cause to the court."

"Really? Your financials are fine, you say?"

Uh oh. Seems that last bit caught Jarl Elisif's attention. Now she had that look of puzzle upon her face.

Here it was.

"About the castle. I haven't anymore a need to appear there, my gracious. For I have procured myself employment somewheres other." The younger woman paused. Took a breath. "At the Winking Skeever. This is to say, I shall be starting there as a barmaid, beginning later this morn."


Voice raised. Reverbs and echoes bouncing throughout the palace’s many variegated surfaces. Elisif shuffled upon her throne, then quickly righted her body. Her eyes jumped about. Left, right, down. She rifled her hands through her hair a bit, opened her mouth. Began to say something in reply, but then stifled her words. Everyone could see this, plainly so. Jarl Elisif the Fair, at a loss for words. How rare a moment was this?

But then, she composed herself. Lowered her voice. "You drew employment at the tavern? But ... why? ... I do not understand.” Her upper body straightened, while her face lost its previous contorted demeanor; confusion now gone. “The Winking Skeever, it's a commendable establishment, surely. The comestibles and libations are superb..."

"Aye," spoke Elisif's housecarl. "Best boar’s head and cheddar this side of Haafingar…"

"...But I was thinking we had agreed you'd show much more proficiency at the castle," Elisif finished.

"Excellent service," Falk Firebeard commented. “The Skeever’s home-brewed mead, spectacular…”

"Aunt Elisif, there was never any mention of me going into Castle Dour,” Laprima spoke, her voice warbling a bit. “The castle was a notion upon your list. But I shall not be going there for any endeavors pertaining toward occupations."

Something shattered, somewhere deep in the palace. Other than this, the lull which followed Laprima's firmly-spoken words was palpable. Because suddenly, no one was speaking. Niece and aunt, smashing heads. Was this about to turn into a full-fledged argument?

"Well alright." Elisif mumbled, her posture sagging a bit. "I suppose there's nothing more I can do, dear." She was looking at the floor.

And that was all. Solitude’s jarl and possibly Skyrim’s next high queen, losing composure. It was as though a betty netch had just deflated right upon the palace's throne.

"Many thank-yous for all your concerns," Laprima pensively replied. "I must be going now. The time... I must be there by--"

"I understand," the queen said, putting her palm in the air, conceding. Honoring defeat. "You are dismissed."

And it was done, for better or worse. Would there be some sort of trouble about this new development between the two family members in the future? Not the time to wonder about that sort of thing. Now was the time for the younger lady to bustle on over to the Winking Skeever, before she’d be branded as tardy.

"You know... I've been thinking of trying the Skeever's newest dish: lemon-dipped scampi with red capers," mused Falk Firebeard. "I think that by--"

"Silence!" the queen said quietly, trying not to scream.


Outside, the weather was grim. It was snowing softly again, but Laprima barely noticed. She tried to make haste, half-walking/half-dashing her way to her destination.

"No lollygaggin'," a guard commented as she rushed by.

Not a problem. She was in too much of a hurry. - Despite this, she did not wish to get into a full-on sprint as she made her way past the citizens of Solitude; didn't want it to seem like she was being perhaps chased by some madman! - She forced herself to slow down a couple times, picking a flower here and there. For good luck? Possibly so.

"If you're heading to the Blue Palace, you might want to ... rethink that outfit."

It was one of the snobs who worked at the clothing shop. Laprima paid her no mind. Instead, she scooted aside. Dodged any Solitudians in her way.

"Hey! Wanna play tag?"

Not a time for the games of children. The Skeever's newest employee half-rushed into the merchant's area, passed the trading shop and the apothecary. Finally, here she was at the Skeever. Just before going inside she had a look up above, trying to discern the time of day.

The sun was nowhere to be seen. It was as though Nirn's fathering orb had vacated the sky. But if she had to make a guess, she was thinking the day was about half past.

Laprima strode into the Skeever, in which both bartenders were present, chatting before their serving area.

"Seems there's always more to be done," Corpulus said to his second bartender, the man who looked like Chamany.

"Greetings Laprima," said the look-alike. "Corpulus has already told me of your coming. My name's Barre Bakkh. Glad to see you are here." He had a Nord's native accent.

"Aye. I have arrived."

"I will be your immediate overseer," Barre told her, "as Corpulus no-doubt explained last night."


Enthusiasm surged within her, to what seemed to be almost an absurd degree. 'Tis only a barmaid's position, she reminded herself. Did it hurt to be absurdly enthused about this sort of thing?

Barre Bakkh handed her a sheet of parchment she could scrawl upon, as well as a quill. "Here you go, let's see if you can make some sales today."

Laprima was ready. She turned a half-pivot and gazed across the floor. A man was sitting roughly ten feet away, at one of the Skeever's tables. Laprima did a quick observation, making determinations. There was already a goblet in front of him. Perhaps his drink was already full. So perhaps she should try someone else. Weren't too many folks here yet, though.

So she strutted across the room, past the Skeever's bard. There was an older gentleman sitting at a remote table, half in darkness, wearing armor of iron. This same man had been seated at the very same table the night before, as though he hadn’t moved.

"Miss. Over here!" he called.

"Can I get you anything?" Laprima asked.

"By blade and by death," the man answered. "If you want it dead, I'll make it dead. All you need to do is pay my fee."

Hmm. "I see,” she replied. “Ehm, but can I get you anything? I shall be your serving maid for the afternoon."

"Nah, I'm good," he growled.

'Tis fine. She moved away from him, back toward the bard. A small group of potential customers had just walked in. Two of them sat at the table nearest the tavern's bar. "Good afternoon," said a lady wearing posh garb as Laprima neared.

"Can I get anything to fill thy belly this morn?"

"It's been my honor to perform at the Blue Palace on many occasions," said the poshly-dressed lady, as though she hadn't heard Laprima's question. "His late lordship was...quite the admirer."

Hmm. As soon as she'd gotten away from the palace, here she was being reminded of it. Did the poshly-dressed bard know who Laprima is? "Can I get you anything?" Laprima repeated.

The lady handed Laprima some coin. "Here you are. I shall have myself a coffee."

"Aye," said the barmaid in blue. "One coffee."

"Now you can say you've met the most talented bard in all of Skyrim," Miss Posh said, beaming with pride.

The barmaid ignored her. She rushed right over to Barre Bakkh. "The poshly-dressed lady over there would like a coffee," she said, trying to keep from sounding sarcastic.

Laprima's boss smirked. "Here you go," he said, taking Posh Lady's coin. "Heh, you've already got the knack."

Laprima moved semi-quickly back to the table, not too slow and not too fast. Though this was her first day on the job she’d seen plenty of serving-folk in the past, both men and women. They always had a sort of delicacy to their movements, as though they were partially dancing as they avoided chairs, tables, customers, and other obstacles. "Here you are," the barmaid handed Lady Posh her drink.

"Don't forget my name! Pretty soon everyone will be saying it, all over Tamriel!"

Laprima nodded. Sure. Right. Her gaze moved onto the man sitting next to Miss Posh...

.... who happened to be an elf with wood-colored hair: Viarmo, headmaster of the Bards College!

"I have faith, that you'll return after you've retrieved King Olaf's Verse," he intoned sternly.

Hmm. "Well I am, for now, under employ here at the Winking Skeever. Perhaps some other who is perhaps more capable at risking such an endeavor, might partake of retrieving the verse," she answered. "Can I get anything to sate thy palate?"

"Sure, I shall pay for a drink," Viarmo said, handing five coins over. "Oh, and here's a little something for yourself." He handed her a sixth, which Laprima knew she was free to pocket.

"Why thank ye!"

"I wish you luck in finding the verse," the headmaster said, as though she hadn’t just mentioned any reluctance to do so.

Laprima fetched the elf some mead, listened to his third attempt at persuading her into risking her life while heading off to some cave, and moved on.

For the rest of the afternoon her journeys across the floor became a pattern. A habit. Her new way of life. The hours passed by. One thing the Skeever's newest barmaid learned? Everyone has a story.

"I'll be sure to tack 'talk to random stranger' off my list," a rude woman named Gisli scolded, even after Laprima'd served her a drink.

"I have no business with you. Leave me," said the Argonian sitting in an alcove.

"Being old's not so bad," said a second older man. "Daughter keeps me fed, and my working days are done...."

"Ah, another new face. I'm from Hammerfell," said a young man with an Imperial accent. "I can hardly keep up with all the newcomers in town..."

The hours, they marched by. Before she knew it, Laprima Donnaugh was done with her shift.

"Underbart!" said her superior. "You are done with your day." Barre Bakkh counted out her pay: forty gold. "We knew you could do it, Laprima."

"I thank ye," she said shyly, thinking again, the resemblance to Chamany is uncanny.

Her first-ever day of work, with forty pieces of coin being the very first coin she’d earned completely on her own. The pay earned for the chores she’d done during childhood in her family home did not count, this was her first real job. Laprima celebrated by buying herself a drink imbued with fruit juices, which she savored while Lisette the bard played another song.

Later on that night as she walked happily from the tavern and back to the palace, a pair of eyes watched while a pair of feet followed.


"You procured employment at the Skeever?!"

Rushing to the Skeever -- (I'm almost positive that's Chamany behind her. He's got AI Packages which make him walk around town!)

Miss Posh will soon be famous all over Skyrim

Barre Bakkh (he was standing on a barstool, clapping to the music!)

1). The part when she was finally free from Elisif and began jogging to work really did have that feel like any of us have experienced in real-life. That part of the quest is real. She’s got a couple hours of leeway, the shift begins at 11:00 in Creation Kit time, but if she shows up to work after 13:00, she’ll be considered late. If she shows up late twice, she gets fired! blink.gif

2). I forgot to mention this last week, but I made a script which got added when she got hired, which causes her to be part of the SolitudeWinkingSkeever faction, meaning she can pick up any items in the bar, and not be considered stealing. Conversely, if she quits the job or gets fired, she’ll get removed from this faction.

This post has been edited by Renee: Feb 11 2023, 05:31 AM

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post Feb 11 2023, 05:56 PM
Post #95

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Well, that could have gone better. . . or worse for that matter. Perhaps Elisef will wrap her head around LPD’s ability to make her own choices.

Comestibles and libations! How wonderfully medieval! I chuckled over Falk Firebrand’s extolling of the Skeever to the point of earning a ‘Silence!’ from Elisef.

LPD’s first day on the job was fun. I love how you incorporated so much of the game’s existing banter into it.

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post Feb 11 2023, 08:22 PM
Post #96

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I buy discounted clothing all the time. And discount spells from Edgar Vautrine. I want cheap.

Maybe Laprima will bump into January at the Bard's College one day.

I love how as Elisef is deflating like a Betty Netch over how Laprima has lowered herself by working in a place like the Skeever, everyone else in the court is extolling the virtues of its food and drinks. They got wicked lobstah, amirite?

Barre Bakkh! laugh.gif

But it seems that trouble is lurking in Solitude's shadows. Is Chammy following her? Or an enemy smuggler?

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post Feb 14 2023, 01:45 AM
Post #97

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All right, let's see how Laprima's venture into normal-ish life goes...

I've always hated it when someone just asks me to start talking like that. I'd imagine it's only more difficult for Laprima because she can't safely talk about a lot of what's on her mind.

Ah, but at least her attendance at the Bards College makes for a good cover.

Oh wow! I wasn't expecting her to admit her barmaid gig. Might be a bit scandalous for the rarified court...

I'm enjoying Elisif's shock. Nice of Falk to provide some support. Or maybe he just likes the Winking Skeever that much and can't stop talking about it.

"By blade and by death," the man answered. "If you want it dead, I'll make it dead. All you need to do is pay my fee."

Oof, now that can't be fun to hear from a patron. Does the Winking Skeever have a bouncer? Hopefully a well-armed and well-trained one? This guy might be trouble.

Heh! I love how coolly Laprima brings him back down to reality.

Hm, I can't help wondering if coffee's pricey up in Skyrim. Figure they'd have to ship it in from the Gold Coast or from around Leyawiin or something. A posh lady is ordering it...

Looks like they still want her to do their work. Hopefully it's a bit humbling to Viarmo to be reminded that most folks have to actually work and can't go off being sketchy adventurer types.

There's usually a strong sense of satisfaction after the first paycheck. It fades in the future, but that first one is always nice. You incorporating that makes the story feel very grounded.

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post Feb 14 2023, 01:00 PM
Post #98

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I fell behind but I'm catching up!

Today I read Her Fourth Morn in Skyrim and afterwards almost all her stories from the previous season. I did read the "fourth Morn first" and I appreciate the short summary of events that occurred in the previous season. I chuckled at the fact that the story was in fact dedicated to a the nightstand. laugh.gif Lots of septims can sure make the life boring if there's nothing else to do. Let's see what's next for Laprima.

Not to clutter up the thread, I'll be editing this post and adding my comments, as I catch up with other stories.

"I saw a politician the other day."
"Horrible creatures - I avoid them whenever I can."
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Lena Wolf
post Feb 14 2023, 05:28 PM
Post #99

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QUOTE(WellTemperedClavier @ Feb 14 2023, 12:45 AM) *

"By blade and by death," the man answered. "If you want it dead, I'll make it dead. All you need to do is pay my fee."

Oof, now that can't be fun to hear from a patron. Does the Winking Skeever have a bouncer? Hopefully a well-armed and well-trained one? This guy might be trouble.

Ah, you haven't played Skyrim then? smile.gif This is Belrand, a war veteran and a mercenary. That line is meant for him to pick up customers. He's a darling really, was always my favourite companion there, to the point that I brought him over to my Skyrim for Oblivion, although admittedly I made him drop that line. laugh.gif (It went slightly differently in the original.)

Great story, Renee! goodjob.gif

This post has been edited by Lena Wolf: Feb 14 2023, 05:29 PM

"What is life's greatest illusion?"
"Innocence, my brother."

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post Feb 18 2023, 03:03 AM
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Phew, here we go. I apologize that these last few chapters were pretty long. Maybe I could've trimmed a bit of fat away. On the other hand, it's those little details (which seen inconsequential to the actual story) which (sometimes) flesh the story more. 📘

But I wanted to get the story to a certain point, and we're pretty much at the start of that point! Hee hee! NOW the fun stuff begins, folks.

And I had something else I've been meaning to say all week, but now I'm forgetting it. whistling.gif Ah, it'll come to me later.

I agree, Acadian, yes it could've gone better. With Laprima it's sort of like with Taneesha (Vicious). Both of them are young, both of them are in a phase of life in which they're trying to figure things out. Sometimes they make good choices, sometimes bad.

I will say this though: From now on, Elisif will play less of a role in the story than she has been. 👑 tongue.gif Bet you didn't see that coming, eh?

LPD’s first day on the job was fun. I love how you incorporated so much of the game’s existing banter into it.

I've probably known about this chapter for about a year, so yeah, I've been looking forward to actually writing it. The quest which guides all the Skeever dialog took me a LONG time to write. I spent all of December trying to get it to work. blink.gif It's a simple quest, yet working in the CK is not always so simple. sad.gif

That would be awesome if January and Laprima'd meet, SubRosa. I don't know enough about Jan's activities to make a real attempt at dialog or anything like that, but perhaps there will be a moment when they pass by. smile.gif Sort of like when one of my OB characters would pass by a "platinum-haired Dunmer" on their way to Bruma.

I love how as Elisef is deflating like a Betty Netch over how Laprima has lowered herself by working in a place like the Skeever, everyone else in the court is extolling the virtues of its food and drinks. They got wicked lobstah, amirite?

Ha ha you're probably right! 🦞 Funny thing is: in the game Elisif has actually stopped showing up for "work". Ever since the last chapter when they had that near-argument, Elisif hasn't been on the throne as Laprima's passed by. This has been going on for two days now. And it has nothing to do with any quests or scripts or AI.

Oh yeah Clavier, well Laprima's definitely a student at heart, for sure. School gave her focus during her younger years, it's the one thing which added structure into her life, while her childhood crumbled. So as you will see, she often jumps at the chance to engage in learning. Not for the sake of being smarter, but because she likes the "safety" that surrounds intellectual pursuits.

Oof, now that can't be fun to hear from a patron. Does the Winking Skeever have a bouncer? Hopefully a well-armed and well-trained one? This guy might be trouble.

That's one of the in-game followers who says this, as Lena Wolf points out. laugh.gif He always sits at this one table until someone hires him. When Laprima walked up, he was hoping she'd pay his fee so he could escort her somewhere, perhaps.

Good point. Prices in Skyrim do seem pretty pricey, even comparing to modern-day earth. Then again, maybe it's because of some mods I've got in my gameworld. I can't remember how vanilla prices compare. But for instance, in my game (with mods) a bowl of soup is about 14 gold. Which is pretty darn high compared to Earth.

Thanks so much!

Lopov, glad to have you back. Hug_emoticon.gif Good thing you showed up now, and not April. By April/May, there'll definitely be a LOT to catch up to.

Ah, the nightstand. I was actually experimenting with the Creation Kit's Enable() function, which I totally figured out how to work. Later on in this story when Chamany says a certain bit of dialog, it actually causes her nightstand to appear in her room (along with a bowl of moon sugar, but we won't mention that). And this is a feature I'm going to use several times in this story.

Thank you Lena, you're awesome. cake.gif Have some cake.

Dang. I still can't remember what I've been wanting to mention all week....

This post has been edited by Renee: Feb 18 2023, 03:11 AM

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