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> Romeo and Juliet: TES-Style
post Sep 17 2008, 02:24 AM
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Earlier today I was thinking to myself that I wanted to get back into some Elder Scrolls writing along with Teir, but I didn't know what to do. Then for some reason I started thinking about the two families in the Imperial City. The Sintav and Atius families are apparently quarreling with one another, yet there are no quests for them. I thought this odd, since the background of the story was there somewhat. So.....I have decided to write a play about them, using the storyline of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet as a track to run on. I don't know how succesful I will be since I've never attempted writing in the form of a play before, but I am going to have with this.

Below is a character list that I have come up with. Note that ALL characters in the play are characters in-game as well, EXCEPT for Rosela. I made her up, but since she doesn't appear in the play it won't be that bad. Another note, I had to tweak some things, and I know some things might not make sense, but just bare with me. I'm sort of limited since I wanted all of the characters to be living in the Imperial City. The only characters NOT living in the Imperial City are Brother Piner (Friar Lawrence in RaJ) and Eronor (Friar John in RaJ), who both live in Weynon Priory.

Along with the list, I'm also telling you which character they are in Romeo and Juliet, and their descriptions and a glimpse of what you can expect in my play. I'm going to try and stay with the RaJ storyline to the best of my ability.


Ruling house of Verona
Prince Escalus: Prince of Verona: Chancellor Ocato

Count Paris: Kinsman of Prince; wants to marry Juliet: Itius Hayn

Mercutio: kinsman of Prince; a friend of Romeo: Dorian

Lord Capulet: Patriarch of the house of Capulet: Iniel Sintav

Lady Capulet: Matriarch of the house of Capulet: Carmana Sintav

Juliet: Daughter of the Capulets: Jastia Sintav

Tybalt: Cousin of Juliet, nephew of Lady Capulet: Kastus Sintav

Capulet Servants
Nurse: Juliet's personal attendant and confidante: Elisa Pierrane

Peter: Capulet servant, assistant to the nurse: Ra’Jhan

Samson & Gregory: Capulet servants: Wumcheek & Winson

Lord Montague: Patriarch of the house of Montague: Severius Atius

Lady Montague: Matriarch of the house of Montague: Astinia Atius

Romeo: Son of the Montagues; the male protagonist: Helvo Atius

Benvolio: Cousin and friend of Romeo: Soris Arenim

Montague Servants
Abram and Balthasar: Montague servants: Ra’Jiradh & S’rathad

Friar Lawrence: a Franciscan friar and Romeo's confidant: Brother Piner weynon

Chorus: who gives the opening Prologue and one other speech: Chapel Singers

Friar John: delivers Friar Lawrence's letter to Romeo: Eronor weynon

Apothecary: Druggist who reluctantly sells Romeo poison: Calindil

Rosaline: Romeo is in love before meeting Juliet: Rosela

*EDIT* I know there may be other minor characters, and I'm working on that.

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post Sep 17 2008, 02:25 AM
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Scene One:

The Imperial City. A public place, the capitol of Cyrodiil.

Enter Wumcheek and Winson with blades and sheaths of the Sintav lineage.

Winson, I tell you, we will not be humiliated again,
Like carrying silver from the mines.

No, because then we would be silver miners.

What I am trying to say is that the next time we are angered,
We shall use our blades to do the talking.

No. While you’re alive the only thing you’ll unsheathe is
A great showing of fear, and nothing else.

I can fight quickly, if I am motivated. Remember that time
We were ambushed by bandits just outside the Tiber Brigde?

Yes I remember, you ran in fear while I took care of them.
That’s your problem, Wumcheek. If you were a Redguard
Like me then perhaps things would be different.
Unfortunately for you that is not the case.

A filthy scum of the Atius family angers me, and that alone is
Enough motivation. I’ll show you.

If you are truly motivated than you would have already acted,
Because to be valiant one has to face his or her challenge.
And as of now you have yet to do that. When you are motivated
You simply run away. That won’t get you anywhere.

The scum I speak of will motivate me well enough. Again I say,
You’ll see. I’ll tear down the Atius family’s doors and kill any
Maid or man that stands in my way.

That would only show that you really are just a poor slave,
For the doors of the houses are thin and you know this.
Besides, why would you slay a maid? That shows weakness
As well, and proves that my opinions about you are true.

True; and that is why women, being so weak, are protected by
The men. Why, I’ll cut through the men and then
Slay the women.

This quarrel is between our masters, and all of the Atius men
Will be involved, along with any servants they have.
Do you honestly think that you can hold your own against
A large group? I surely hope not, because then you would be
As stupid as you look. And believe me, that’s pretty damn stupid.

Numbers will not make a difference. I will be valiant in battle,
Striking down all the men with my blade. And when I am finished
With them I shall be as cruel to the woman as I’ve been cruel to
Anyone before. I will cut off their heads.

You mean to tell me that you’d cut off a woman’s head?

Yes I would, or perhaps their virginity. Whichever I like.
Take it anyway you want.

It is the maids that will feel what you mean,
If you know what I mean!

They shall feel me alright, if I can keep it up! And we all know
How talented I am in that particular…event!

It is a good thing that you are not a slaughterfish of the Rumare,
My friend. Because if you were you would be dried and salted!
And we know the women don’t like that.

Quick, draw your blade. Here come two Atius servants.

Enter two servants of the Atius family.

It’s already in my hand. Pick a fight with them and I’ll have your back.

How? By running away again?

Don’t worry about it, Winson. I shall stay at your side.
Just trust me on this.

And why should I not worry, when you’ve never stayed
True to your word before? You call yourself a friend of mine,
Yet I cannot trust you. Does that make any sense to you?

Hold on, I have a plan. Try and get the Atius servants to start
The conflict, that way the law is on our side. Self-defense
Is not a crime after all. Don’t worry about me I said, I’ll
Be right here by your side.

Fine. I’ll make an angry face at them. That will surely get
Their attention. What do you think about that?

No, that will not work. When they walk by I shall spit next
To their boots. If they do not respond to that then they are not
Worthy to begin with.

Did you just spit at us?

Yes, I did.

Dirty lizard, I ask again just incase I was dreaming.
Did you just spit at us?

Wumcheek (aside to Winson):
If I say yes, will the law still be on our side?

Winson (aside to Wumcheek):

No, smelly Khajiit, I did not spit at you. But I did spit.

Are you trying to start a fight?

A fight? Indeed not!
It is your friend here who is stirring the pot, not I.

If you do wish to fight than I shall return the favor.
For I am much better than you in every aspect.

No, you are less, lizard. Much less.

You are brave to say such words in front of me.
Then again, words are for the weak.

Enter Soris Arenim.

Winson (aside to Wumcheek):
Tell him that at least Argonians don’t lick themselves.
Here comes a friend of the Sintav family.

At least Argonians don’t lick themselves, stupid Khajiit.

You’ll pay dearly for those words, lizard. It is not wise
To speak in such a way to our kind. No, not wise at all.

Then draw your blade if you are so brave. Winson,
Ready yourself. I think the Khajiit wants a lesson in manners.

They Fight.

Stop, you fools!

He holds down their blades with his own sword.

Sheath your blades! Not one of you knows what you are doing,
With the exception of the Redguard.

Enter Kastus Sintav.

You stick your nose where it does not belong, Dunmer.
Pay no attention to these lowly slaves and instead point your
Blade towards me. I will teach you a fine lesson in the art of swordsmanship.

I am only trying to keep things civil, I do not wish to fight.
Put away your blade and help me.

Fool! You hold your blade at this very instant,
Yet you talk of “peace”? I hate the word just as much as I do you
And all of the other blue-skins. Fight me, coward!

They fight.

Enter a Imperial Legion Officer, neutral to both families, followed by several citizens armed with wooden clubs and sticks.

Daggers, blades, and more blades! Fight! Fight!
Down with the Sintav family! Down with the Atius family!

Enter Lord Iniel Sintav, dressed in his gown and accompanied by his wife, Lady Carmana Sintav.

Lord Sintav:
What is with all the noise?
Hand me my elven claymore, Carmana!

Lady Sintav:
What in the world can you do with a sword? Look at your limp!
A crutch is what you need!

Lord Sintav:
I said hand me my sword, Carmana! Lord Atius is out there somewhere,
Waving his blade in spite of me!

Enter Lord Severius Atius, accompanied by his wife, Astinia Atius.

Lord Atius:
You are a scoundrel, Sintav!

(to his wife) Don’t hold me back, let me go!

Lady Atius:
I will not let you move one foot, Severius!

Enter Chancellor Ocato, trailed by five Palace Guards.

Chancellor Ocato:
Unruly people, enemies of the peace I am trying to uphold
During this time of peril.
Using your swords to kill your neighbors!
Why won’t they listen to me? You men, you monsters,
That put out the fire of your anger with use less taunts!
Throw your weapons to the ground and hear my words!
Three public fights, started by a worthless remark, by you,
Lord Sintav, and you, Lord Atius have three times disturbed the
Tranquility of my streets and have driven the citizens of the
Imperial City to take out sober keepsakes of war and fighting,
To use them as weapons in their own hands, rusted from not
Having been used, as your families have rusted from pure hatred.
If the peace is disturbed once more I shall have you executed.
Now, -everyone leave this place-
You, Lord Sintav, shall come with me.
You, Lord Atius, I shall send a messenger to your home this
Afternoon, to escort you to the Imperial Palace. Then
We will discuss matters.
Once more, on pain of death, men depart.

Exit all but Lord Atius, Lady Atius, and Soris.

Lord Atius:
Who started the conflict this time?
Speak, Soris, were you present when it started?

The servants of Sintav and your own servants,
They were already fighting when I arrived.
I tried to subdue the violence with peace,
But the ardent Kastus arrived with his blade already
raised. We began to fight then, his sword hitting
Nothing but air, which in turn hissed at him, mocking his poor
Accuracy. The duel grew more fierce by the minute,
Until Chancellor Ocato arrived and broke up the fight.

Lady Atius:
Do you know where Helvo is? I am so happy he was not here.
Helvo is very passionate, and unfortunately that can
Sometimes can get the best of him.

Just before the sun rose I was taking a walk along the banks
Of the Rumare. There I saw Helvo doing the same thing,
But roughly fifty yards ahead of me. I called to him, but when
He saw me he took of running back into the city. I assumed
He was busy and that was why he fled the area, which was
The reason why I did not follow him in pursuit.

Lord Atius:
I’ve seen him there many mornings, crying and pouting.
But when the sun’s rays cast down upon the lake,
My own sun returns home, locks himself in his room, and stays
There for the entire day. Dark this mental state shall remain,
Unless someone well with words can break the spell.

Do you know the cause of his depressed mental state?

Lord Atius:
No, I do not. And he does not wish to tell me, so I’ve
Left it at that.

Have you even asked him yourself?

Lord Atius:
Yes, many times in fact, along with several others.
Yet he keeps it all to himself. Why I do not know,
But I hope it will soon surface to the top. I don’t like
Seeing him so sad. If I could figure out why he was so I
Would cure him myself. But alas, as I’ve already said,
I do not.

Enter Helvo

Look, here he comes now. Please leave and I will try my
Hand. Maybe I can solve the puzzle myself.

Lord Atius:
I wish you luck with the challenge, something I have not
Had the luxury of having. I pray that you will be successful.
Come, Astinia, let us leave the two alone.

Exit Lord Atius and Lady Atius.

Good morning, Helvo.

Is it morning still?

It is nine o’clock.

By Talos, sad hours do seem to last forever. Was that my father
And mother that walked away so fast?

Yes. What is troubling you, Helvo? What is causing these
Sad hours you speak of?

Not having something that would shorten their lengths.

In love? Is that what you’re getting at?

“Out” would be a more appropriate term.

Out? Out of love?

On the outs of the woman I most dearly love.

That love you speak of which sounds so tender,
In reality is tougher than the horns of a minotaur.

Alas, that love is blinded by who knows what,
Shunning away any possible hope.
Without eyes, you see, love cannot see the way,
Therefore I am without love, and love is without me.

Where should we eat today, Soris? Wait…there was a fight!
What happed? Wait…do not tell me, I’ve heard it all already.
There is a lot about this fight that deals with hate, but also
Why then? Why must my own love be rejected? Why must
Hate rule supreme? This love that I feel makes me feel no love
At all. Isn’t that ironic? And a bit mentally draining as well…
Why are you not laughing at this?

Because I would rather cry.

Cry at what?

At your heart’s oppression. This passion for love is going
To be the end of you if you do not fix it, Helvo.

But Soris, the oppression itself is love’s transgression.
My own anguish lies heavy in my heart, that much is true,
But you are bringing this grief to yourself by worrying so much.
The friendly passion you are giving to me is only strengthening
The heartache the burns so badly inside.
Love is like Skooma. It starts out sweet, but only
Wears you down in due time. What else is it? Nothing else.
I like to call it a “kind cruelty”; Something that starts out nice,
But always seems to crush your hopes and dreams in the end.
Farewell, my friend.

Wait, I’m coming with you. I don’t wish to stay here so depressed
At least let me keep you company.

I am no longer the man you think I am.
I am no longer Helvo, he is somewhere else.

Tell me who it is. Who is it that you love?

Why should I pain myself so?

Pain? No, there is no such thing.
Tell me, Helvo. Please.

I do love a woman, Soris. A dazzling girl whom I’ve dreamt
Of for some time now.

Then who is she? Out with it, please!

She is fair, my friend. As beautiful as Dibella herself!

Who!? It appears my guess was right in that a woman has
Caused your pain, but I must know who she is!

Your guess is true, but it is of no relevance. She cannot be
Swayed to my liking, oh no.
She will not put up with loving languages or looks;
She does not care if a man is rich, neither does she care
If she is either.
Her beauty is her, but when she dies the beauty shall die too.

What? Has she sworn herself to remain a virgin?

Yes, my friend. And with that she is wasting her looks and charm.
She is too fair, and too wise, to earn her own personal
Happiness by making me despair.
She has sworn not to love, and because of that I am already
Dead, even though I stand here talking to you at this moment.

Forget about her, Helvo. There are plenty of other woman,
and there will be plenty of woman. Pain yourself no
Longer and listen to me, please.

If you can teach me then I can learn. As of now I’ve had no
Luck teaching myself.

Give your eyes the freedom they deserve, and look for other
Beauties elsewhere.

That is a hopeless concept.
The beauty of my love is eternally existent, in which
Seeing other woman only remind me that they will never
Be as gorgeous as the woman I love now.
Farewell, my friend. I am sorry, but there is no forgetting
My love, no matter how hard I try.

I shall prove you wrong. If not, then I shall die trying.

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post Sep 17 2008, 02:25 AM
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Act One

Scene Two

Inside the gardens of Green Emperor Way.

Enter Lord Sintav, Captain Itius Hayn, and an unnamed Khajiit servant.

Lord Sintav:
But Severius is in the same situation, for his penalty is the same
As mine. Surely, being the old men that we are, it will be easy to heed the Chancellor’s
Words, especially when death is what follows if we do not.

It is true, the both of you come from rich backgrounds, and are
At this point the two most wealthiest families in all the city.
It is a shame that the two of you cannot come to some sort of
Agreement to end the pain that has plagued the streets; and
Mind you I am not taking any side in this conflict, because I
Do not wish to get involved. However, you still haven’t
Answered my original question.

Lord Sintav:
I’ll remind you since you’ve seemed to have forgotten, I
did answer the question when you asked me one week
Ago, and that answer remains the same this day as it did the first.
She’s barely seen sixteen years, Captain. Let her enjoy her
Childhood for a few more years before it is taken away from
Her for good. Please, at least give me that.

Captain Itius:
But, sir, there have been plenty of girls younger than her that
Have been made mothers. Would you consider reconsidering
Your answer?

Lord Sintav:
No, no I will not, Captain. Those younger girls you speak of,
What are their status now, hmm? Most of them are living in
The confinement of the Waterfront, for they realized they
Were not fit for marriage until it was too late. And those who
Aren’t living in the Waterfront have already died because of
Starvation and other plagues. You can decide which of the two
Fates is worse, but I am sticking to my answer no matter what.
But by all means, Captain, do whatever you want to get her to fall
For you, as long as you keep yourself under control of course.
My consent to the marriage is but only a part of the present.
Tonight I hold a feast with my closest friends, and I invite you
To the occasion. Come, Captain, and introduce yourself to my
Jastia, and just maybe she will see something in you that brings
A sparkle to her eyes.
This time of the year is the when the women tend to notice their
Male counterparts most, for Spring is upon us, Captain, and
There is no better time for you to meet here than now. At the party
You will find many a woman prowling around, looking for some
Lucky lad to talk with, but remember that none are finer than my
Jastia. Come, come with me, Captain and I shall make you my
Honorary guest.

(To servant, giving him a piece of paper.)

Leave here now, and find all of the people whose names are
Presented on the list that I have just handed to you. Tell them
Lord Sintav wishes for their presence at a wonderful feast
This very night, and those who are looking for a pleasurable
Time should not even think of missing out on this opportunity.

Exit Lord Sintav and Captain Hayn.

Find the names of the people of this list, he says! That would
Be a job for someone who can read, and unfortunately I do
Not fall under someone of that category. I should find someone
Who can read, and quick!

Enter Soris and Helvo.

Speak nothing of it, friend. The plague of one is cured by the
Remedy of another. Helvo, let me help you and I shall rid you
Of the pain that burns you inside. You just have to trust me.
One man’s hurt is another man’s decay. If you won’t let me
Help you, then I cannot help myself, and therefore both of us
Will live in grief. Surely you can see that the only way for
You to be free is to regard my aid.

Yes, Soris, you are good for that.

Good for what?

For that, and only that. You sit here, willing to cause yourself
Grief in exchange for my own release.

Are you insane?

Not insane exactly, but definitely crazier than a madman.
I am locked in my own prison, starved, beaten, tormented and-

(Spoken to Servant.)

Good morning, Khajiit.

Servant (To Helvo):
Good morning to you as well, sir. Please tell me, sir, can you
By any chance read?

Yes, but what I read is my own misery, something you know
Nothing about.

Maybe you’ve learned it not from a book, but from your mind.
But please, can you read what you can physically see?

I am able the read the letters and languages used by our great
Empire, yes. Why do you ask?

You speak with honesty, and for that I am grateful. Good
Day to you, sir, and goodbye.

Stay, Khajiit, I can read from that piece of parchment, if that is
What you so desire.

He reads.

Adrian Decanius and his wife and daughters;
Astav Wirich and his beauteous sisters; the lady widow Pista
Marillin; Irlav Joral and his lovely nieces; Dorian and his brother;
My uncle Sintav, his, and daughters; my gorgeous niece Rosela;
Caranya; Cyronin Sintav and his cousin Kastus; Roland Jenseric
And the vivacious Thamriel.

Gives back the piece of paper to the servant.

This is a fine group. Where are they supposed to go?

Nowhere but up, sir. That is unless they wish to go down.

Up where, Khajiit?

To dinner tonight; to our house.

And whose house do you speak of?

My Lord’s of course.

Indeed, I should have asked you that first.

Well, let me tell you this without you having to ask. My
Master is the great Lord Sintav, wealthiest and most admired
Lord in the Imperial City. If you are not of the Atius family, I
Invite you myself to come tonight for a cup of Surilie, or a glass
Of Tamika, whichever you prefer. Good day!


As you read with your own eyes, Rosela will be present at this
Get-together. Let us go, so that you can see the other beauties of
The Imperial City. I think this the cure you’ve been looking for,
For your eyes to feast upon the other woman that are available.
Come, and I will make your pretty doe look like a mangy dog.

The day my eyes believe such a sight will be the day my tears
Turn to fires. These eyes can never die, these “other woman”
You speak of will be seen as liars in due time. A woman more
Beautiful than my Rosela? I laugh at that enormously.
Not even Lorkhan himself has seen anyone more attractive since
The day he created our magnificent world we live in today.

And I laugh at you as well. You see Rosela as beautiful when
You have not seen anyone else. How can you pass judgment
Of others if you have not first met them? I will show you who is
More beautiful than Rosela, several times in fact.

I will go with you to this feast, not to show myself in front of
Rosela, but to relish in her presence, to once more gain eyesight
Of my love.


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post Sep 17 2008, 02:50 AM
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I get a little bit lost on who is who but over all it's a good story. Oh, sorry play smile.gif.

The arrow flies to kill
From the string it races
It’s only moments until,
It strikes.

Shadow in Darkness- My first ongoing FanFic!
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post Sep 17 2008, 04:48 PM
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Yeah, it's kinda awkward with the characters, but I guess it'll just take a while to get used to. smile.gif

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