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> My first story (Finished)
post May 18 2005, 03:29 AM
Post #1


Joined: 18-May 05

Day 1 Last Seed

As I lay outside eating apples from my tree with Marvin we started telling jokes to one another. Marvin always laughed so easily he was 19 right now and his birthday was soon. He was 5'9 and weighed about 145 with golden brown hair cut short because thats the way his father liked it. As for me i was 5' 9 and wieghed only 130 my hair was brown and long down to my ears the way i liked it. Neither Marvin nor I where very strong but if weneeded it we could find some strength in us. Suddenly we heard Captain Penrus come up on his horse.

“Vetril! Vetril! Come quick! It’s your father he is in trouble down by the docks!” Said the Penrus

I looked at Marvin and said: “Stay here! Ill be back soon!” I took off running and saw my father lying by the docks with guards surrounding him. “Get out of the way that my father!” I shouted pushing my way through the guards. “Get back son! I’m sorry… but your father he has past away i am sorry Vetril.”

I just ran, I wouldn’t stop I just kept running “Vetril! Wait!” Screamed Marvin I stopped and I waited for Marvin he came up and we left together. He knew I didn’t want to talk about it. We kept walking and we where probably pretty close to Ebonheart by now. I just still couldn’t believe that my father was gone I had no clue how it happened or why but I knew I would never see him again. I wiped away the tears. “Hey Vetril said Marvin I know a guy in Vivic who we can stay with for the night.” I stopped for a moment and started crying so hard "Hey, Vetril.. its ok we'll be alright.." said Marvin in the softest voice i have ever heard.

We arrived at Vivic late at night I just followed Marvin because I was not sure where I was going he went strait to the Waste works of Vivic. “Hey! Vendal I haven’t seen you in a while how have you been?” Said Marvin “Fine how about you Marvin? What can I do for you?” Marvin looked at me and said “Well me and my friend here are having some problems is it all right if we stay here tonight?” Vendal looked over me and said “Sure, sure come right in” I knew we couldn’t stay too long because everyone from Sedya Neen would be coming here any moment.

Day 2 Last Seed

It was about 1 in the morning when I heard some sounds coming from downstairs I crept down into the kitchen I saw someone leaning over the cabinet eating some huckleberries

I saw an iron spear in the weapon rack next to me so I take the spear and I walk up to the figure “freeze!” I shouted at the man “Woah! Vetril! Calm down its me Marvin!” “Jesus Marvin you scared me to death” I said starting to relax “what are you doing down here?” I asked “I couldn’t sleep I kept thinking about the dreams I was having…” I looked at him curiously “Your having dreams?” “Yeah, and there not very pretty either I have been having this one dream about this figure… I see him and he seems to be leading me somewhere I don’t know where but every time I start to see his face I wake up.” I was amazed Marvin always seemed like the quiet guy he was just turning 20 next week and he never looked so scared in his life. “So… do these dreams scare you?” I was starting to get more and more curious about this whole thing. “ Well sort of I mean I never have had anything like this in my life.”

I went and sat down and eat a little piece of bread still holding the spear because I liked the feel of it. “ Well Marvin maybe you cant see this figures face because it is still the future I mean are minds will only let us see so far and when you see his face it means that your far enough in your future to be ready to see his face.” He looked at me like I was some crazy honoured user he had never met before. “Not to sure what you mean there Vetril but come on lets go back to bed we got a big day ahead of us.”

Day 3 Last Seed

I woke up this morning still sort of wondering about that night with Marvin I have known the guy for about 5 years and never really being able to talk to him like this before. I knew Marvin would already be awake he always is he likes to explore the cities a lot, I’m afraid he is going to get lost at his rate! I got up and slid my pants back on and headed down the stairs I started wondering if Vendal had been hearing any of this because it has been going on for quiet a while. Once I got down stairs I saw that Marvin was at the Huckleberries again he loved those little berries now I must admit there good but you eat too many and you’ll be sick for hours.

“Hey Marvin, where is Vendal at?” Marvin still a little dozy from waking up said “O hey there Vetril, Vendal just went over to the Foreign Quarter to get some more supplies.” I always wanted to see more of Vivic, besides tonight I had only been here when I was have 5 so it’s been 15 years since I have been here and I still remember a few things. “Hey Marvin I honestly don’t think we should stay too long it wont be long before the Captain and his guards come looking for us.” “(sigh) alright I guess so pack your things we’ll leave in an hour”

That hour felt like it went by fast we left a note on the door so Vendal would know we left. We got a gondola to the Foreign Quarter where we took the Silt Strider over to Balmora. The trip in the Silt Strider was quite long we arrived just after noon and had little money on us we decided to keep the money to rent a room for the night and in the morning we will try and find some jobs.

Day 4 Last Seed

Marvin and I saw a nice looking Corner Club known as the “South Wall Corner Club.” We headed inside and asked the owner if he had any rooms for rent “ Yes you boys are lucky I have one double bed room left” Marvin and I looked at each other “We’ll take it” “Alright it will be 40 Drakes” Me and Marvin whipped out that much money but the skin of are teeth. The room wasn’t to spacious but it would work for the night.

Right as we put are stuff down Marvin was ready to go sight seeing now neither of us had ever been to Balmora before so we where both excited about going to look around. Once we stepped out side in front of us was a bridge to the other side of Balmora by the silt Strider we came in on and to are right was more houses.

We decided to head over the bridge and headed up a few stairs we arrived at a trader’s house by the name of Ra’Virr. We went inside and strait to are left was a Kajitt who offered to sell us all sorts of stuff. We looked around at his inventory to see what he had, As you know of course we didn’t plan on buying anything due to the fact we had very little money which was to be saved for supplies.

We told him thanks and we might be back soon. We looked across the street to what seemed to be a Pawnbroker now I honestly was not as much interested by this as Marvin was but we went inside and had a look around. The owner was a Dark Elf she seemed very kind and offered us anything in the store. Now Pawnbrokers are not just directed into selling one type of thing this women sold a variety of things from armor and weapons to potions and books we where quite excited by the mass inventory she had for sale.

Day 6 Last Seed

After we left the shop we heard lots of people murmuring rumors I walked up to a citizen and said “Excuse me sir, but what is going on? “There has been an attack! An attack on Seyda Neen!” At first I was shocked I looked at Marvin and he just stood there frozen I knew he heard the guy. Marvin and I ran to the Corner Club and grabbed are stuff we took off running all the way home not saying a word.

Once we where about half way home we realized we could have talking the silt Strider. When we came up to the docks we saw smoke coming from the guards chambers we ran into each house looking for survivors. Everyone every single one was dead…. But strangely enough I couldn’t find my brothers body, only my mothers… Marvin heard a scream from the house just to the left of his he ran inside even though the house was on fire.

I couldn’t go in I knew we would die “Marvin get out of there your going to be killed!” I waited for what seemed like an hour when no one came I peaked inside and no one was there, no bodies no nothing. Something strange was going on and I was going to get to the bottom of it.

I slowly turned around and left I went to one of the guards and took his sword. Who ever did this I was going to get revenge on, I left up with my entire mother’s money and got onto the Silt Strider I arrived at Khuul where i planned to take a boat over to Solthiem. I left that night at about 6pm I ended up arriving in Fort Frostmoth at 9:30pm where i went to the armory to try and use some money to buy some armor and a weapon. I managed to get a fine suit of armor called Chitin i got the hole set and also got a Short sword to go with it.

Day 7 Last Seed

With all this new stuff i had just got i wanted to go train with my sword for i had rarly ever used one before. I headed over to the Generals Quarters where i was sure i could get some help with training. I talked to a man named Celus Drenfen "excuse me sir, but i was just wondering if you could train me to use a sword" i asked trying to like hopeful. "Sure young lad, I will help you right away come with me to the training room" Said Celus i was so excited I have always wanted to learn to use a sword because my father was quite skilled with a blade and he never had time to teach me how to use one.
"Well done boy your learning fast" said Celus with a hint of laughter in his voice. I felt as if i was learning some new ability of mine that had yet to be realesed.

"Well done! Yes thats it! you have done it my boy, you have learned all the basic techniques of using a sword I have taught you all i can" i started to getout my money when he said " No no do not worry i was happy to train you for free" He said smiling " Thanks!" i said of excited. That night i had a dream about my father sort of like the dreams i had when i was young I felt my father dieing inside i felt the burn of his heart burning away. I woke up and went to drink some Flin, the one thing i knew could clear my mind.

Day 8 Last Seed

The next morning i went off of Soltheim and headed back to Khuul people have being telling me of this place called Mournhold, I decided it sounded like a good place to lay low and live there for a while. I took a boat from Ebonheart and arrived a Mournhold late that night i headed into the area known as Godsreach, there i found a nice little house that i bought and i planned on living there for a while.

When I started to wake up that morning i saw these guars outside that looked a little odd with there helmets.Once i thought about it the masks remindedme of the ones i saw on Vivic, Actually they looked pretty much the same. I headed outside and it was a buetiful city. It was one of the coolest city's i had ever seen. i walked around Godsreach a little bit checkingout the diffrent stores and this cool museum of Artifiacts that was fairly close to where i was staying. I headed out into a place just outside of Godsreach, out there was a huge Temple. "Excuse me sir. but who lives inside that Temple?" i wondered "Well, Amelexia of course!" Amelexia? I thought i had heard that name somewhere before but i was not sure so i let it slip my mind for now.

I went to a place in the middle of Mournhold which is where the Royal Guards stay at. When i entered i saw one of the royal guards. It was amazing they had nice fine red armor one they where tall and appeard to mostly be Dark Elfs. I lef the area quickly i was rather scared of these guards. I went into a place known as the Great Bazaar. It was interesting this place seemed to be the place to shop! there where about 15 diffrent shops to go to and i couldent resist but to go to all of them. i managed to buy some nice cloths to wear wheni wasnt wearing my armor.

I suddenly heard i voice i knew comming from behind me as i turned around i realized it was Marvin..."Oh my god! Marvin your alive!" "Vetril! what are you doing out here?" i pushed the question away "Never mind that how did you survive?" i asked extremly curious"Well.. I climbed out the back window without the women she had died busomeone that disappeared as i entered but as i got outside you where gone" He game me a big smile "Im so happy to see you alive "Well lookey here you have quite a fine sword there buddy" I smiled back and said "Come on we have lots to talk about lets go to my place."

Day 9 Last Seed

We arrived at my house still talking abou things back in Sayda Neen,

Marvin: "So Vetril what have you done since we last met?"

Vetril: "I have done very little, what about you?"

Marvin: "I stayed at Sedya Neen for the first night and i just wanted to practice my skills with a sword. Then the second night i went to Mournhold where i met you"

Vetril: "Well we both have done pretty much the same thing"

After that night I had a dream about someone named Dagoth Ur all i saw was his name the whole dream and him killing everyone in Sedya Neen. I woke up and it was about 5:30am, of course Marvin was already up.I headed down the stairs, now that it was morning i noticed the walls where painted white. I went outside just to see the nice city and the sound of the birds made me forget all the problems we where having right here right now.

Vetril: "Hey Marvin, Get all the stuff your going to need for a 2 day trip"

He didnt even ask why he just packed and we left. We headed for Red Mountain I was still waiting for him to ask where we are going.

Marvin: "Where are we going?"

I smiled and said "Where heading ot Red Mountain im trying to find someone named Dagoth Ur"

Marvin looked confused "Ohh ok"

We arrived at Ghostgate and restocked on supplies. We headed through Ghostgate and ran into Skeletons we killed them.

Marvin: "That was easy"

Suddenly we heard a Thump! Thump! Thump! as we saw a huge army coming down the mountain we both hid behind a rock and stayed hidden untill the army past. We followed the army as they destroyed Ghostgate and some of the Warriors in Ghostgate stayed ot fight and killed houndereds of Skeltons before dieing. The army marched threw Ald Ruhn and i heard someone scream "Dagoth Ur! Dagoth Ur is here!" right as i heard that name i rushed out and attacked him. He seemed resonably strong and we had quiet a fight. Untill he got threw my defense and cot off both my legs lay there as Marvin comes up and deflects his hit.

Dagoth Ur did not expect this as Marvin stabbed him right in the chest. He fell as so did the rest of his armies... "Vetril! come on buddy im not losing you now!" Said Marvin in terror, I tried to speak "Cough Cough, Im sorry marvin good luck i hope you live well and please dont forget..." "Vetril?!" He looked terrified "O god.. Im sorry i wasnt there ot help you...im so sorry...."
As the rest of Ald Ruhn came up to greet the brave warrior who saved them he just sat there crying as he held Vetril in his arms...

Xbox is better...
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post May 18 2005, 06:05 AM
Post #2

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Joined: 17-April 05
From: The Land of Confusion

Moved this here into Fan Fiction where it belongs.
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post May 18 2005, 03:46 PM
Post #3


Joined: 9-May 05
From: The Netherlands

I like this story but on some points it not very logic, I do not see the reasons of some of his actions. I also want to know more about the main character, I was gessing what sex he was. I first thought he was a she untill the first sentece halfway somewhere stated that it was a he.

Live if you can, die if you must.
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