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> Chorrol TES Fanfiction Competition Results
Gaius Maximus
post Mar 30 2008, 08:55 PM
Post #21


Joined: 25-July 07
From: Orkney Islands, drinking with the Bard

7th place... Well, I'll say, I wasn't expecting anything much better. Fairly satisfied with the results. Not to mention that this was a very good opportunity to recieve some excelent criticism...

There were a lot of excellent entries. Congratulations to all, especially to Olen, what with doing such a fine work. I'll be waiting for the next competition, if just for reading all the submissions.

It's very important to know what to say. For example, one time I was staying at a hotel, and a dog in the room next to mine started barking at 5 AM... I walked out, opened my mouth, and realized I didn't know what to say. So I just proclaimed 'I've killed before!'
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post Mar 30 2008, 08:57 PM
Post #22


Joined: 9-February 07
From: CA

Congratulations to Olen and everybody else! Even though I didn't get a chance to comment (mostly because I'm so very lazy), I did read through most of the stories. They were all of good quality, and I think that most were legitimate contenders. Again, a good job all round.
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Agent Griff
post Mar 30 2008, 09:07 PM
Post #23

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I would have posted my own piece, but it exceeded the word limit by a bit (about 3 000 words, not much tongue.gif) so I didn't post anything in the end. I just couldn't edit the story down to 2 000 words since that would have meant cutting...unthinkable amounts of text which could have served the story better, imo. As it was, I still shortened it more than I would have preferred. All in all, congratulations to all those who actually posted something for this competition. I can imagine how you all wrestled with the word limit. Congratulations to Olen for winning and congratulations to all the other seven contenders for writing great stories (considering the word limit). I especially liked Canis' story set in Hammerfell. It just oozed Redguard culture, but it felt a bit too edited.

But, for what it's worth, who was the guy posting the "dude does x, dude meets y" comments? He left me curious due to his...let's say blunt nature. Being blunt can sometimes convey a message better than being courteous, however. In this case, though, it felt too heavy-handed.

Burnt Sierra did tell me, however, when I told him about the word count of my story, that there would be another competition for longer stories. When will that be Burnt? You've made me curious.

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I approve of this mod.
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Burnt Sierra
post Mar 30 2008, 09:20 PM
Post #24

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QUOTE(Agent Griff @ Mar 30 2008, 09:07 PM) *

But, for what it's worth, who was the guy posting the "dude does x, dude meets y" comments? He left me curious due to his...let's say blunt nature. Being blunt can sometimes convey a message better than being courteous, however. In this case, though, it felt too heavy-handed.

Burnt Sierra did tell me, however, when I told him about the word count of my story, that there would be another competition for longer stories. When will that be Burnt? You've made me curious.

As for the first question, I don't want to publicly name him. I've spoken to him and it's in the past. Let's leave it there smile.gif

Secondly, all will be revealed in time. And it'll be revealed by Alex when that time comes. smile.gif

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post Mar 30 2008, 10:06 PM
Post #25


Joined: 14-February 05
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Congrats to Olen for writing a dark, brooding and tormenting piece which was, by my own and opinions of a large majority, one of the best stories in this competition. I am also thankful to people and judges for taking my humble contribution seriously, despite its obvious flaws, chaotic and confusing nature. I also apologize for the bold letters... next time, I'll use italic font, I promise. biggrin.gif

Although, I don't know if this is a reason for worry:
QUOTE(BSD-IES @ Mar 30 2008, 05:44 PM) *

...In fact I found myself impressed and annoyed all the way through reading this. Usually at the exact same instant. Sheogarath indeed...
unsure.gif I guess I got into the man's head too much, huh... wait until you see Zarrexaij's Sheo though, she can make your head turn 'round like you're in the damn "Exorcist" movie!

This post has been edited by milanius: Mar 30 2008, 10:08 PM

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