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> Lissa Cristenn: The Redguard Archress
post Apr 20 2011, 05:35 PM
Post #1

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Hello everyone!

Welcome to the tale of Lissa Cristenn! We shall start with Volume One of her fabulously, as Lissa would say 'awesome-sauce' tale!

But first, a quick introduction to my Redguard Archress.

* * *

For reference, a biography of Lissa is on my profile, but here is a quick intro for new readers smile.gif

Lissa is a 19 year old Redguard Archress born and raised in the city of Anvil, Cyrodiil.
She is a thrill seeking, tenacious girl with a heart of gold.
She loves her friends and family and adores travelling.

I hope you enjoy reading of her adventures as I have enjoyed writing about them smile.gif



NOTE: The prologue starts beneath the table of contents. Quick links to the chapters are provided in the contents.

Volume One - Family

Chapter One - Hammerfell
Chapter Two - Prison Break
Chapter Three - The Imperial City
Chapter Four - Road to Chorrol
Chapter Five - Reunions
Chapter Six - GOC: Origins
Chapter Seven - We're off to see Oleta!
Chapter Eight - Kvatch
Chapter Nine - Detour
Chapter Ten - Art Attack!
Chapter Eleven - The Tale of Sir Mazoga



1. Prologue ~ Part 1

Lissa. Get up.

Lissa, You need to get up now!


My eyes pried themselves open. The sun was shining through the window. Another sunny day in Anvil. Maelona was standing by my bed, her hands on her hips.

“Do you realise how long I’ve been calling you for?” Maelona moaned.

She hovered over me, grabbed my duvet and pulled it off the bed, leaving my body vulnerable to the cold air.

“You have to get up. Mother wants you to meet her at the Mages Guild before you go and help Dad with the horses.”

“But I had a lesson yesterday. Come on…” I complained, "one lesson a week is bad enough!"

Maelona looked at me, sincerity in her eyes. She sat on my bed, looking me straight in the eyes.

Ooh, she’s serious now…

“Look, Liss, You know what Mother’s like. You know what you want to do in life and that’s good. But Mother wants you to be safe.”

I groaned before making a suggestion to my stubborn older sister.

“Well, you go and I’ll just copy your notes.” I smiled at her, who, after a short space of time had passed, smiled back.

“Come on Sis, the sooner you get it done the sooner you can go and help dad,” she reminded me.

Hmm… suddenly my lessons look all shiny and new!

Even though tending to the horses was not the most thrilling activity, I got to spend some personal time with my dad, which hardly ever happens due to him being away a lot.

Lesson time, go go go!

I rose out of my bed and put on some clothes. All I could find was a blue shirt and a pair of breeches. Not very complimentary, but it was better than going in my pyjamas; even if my pyjamas were ridiculously cute!

“There’s a good girl,” praised Maelona, “now hurry to the Guild because I’ve got to meet Gogan.”

Ooooh, Gogan eh?

“Maelona has a boyfriend!” I teased, puckering my lips to mimic kissing.

She playfully shoved my shoulder to cease my teasing, laughing as she did so,

“Don’t be mean!” she said, “and he’s NOT my boyfriend!”

“Yet…” I replied under my breath, but purposefully loud enough for Maelona to hear it.

Maelona looked at me, hands on her hips, trying to think of a clever comeback.

“Well what about you and Rhano?” she said, “I’ve seen the way you look at him.”

“Ewww… Rhano?” I said, not disgusted; merely disgraced that she didn’t think of anyone better. “Not in a million years!”

“Oh, really? Shame, because I see sparks there!” Maelona joked, at least, I hoped she was joking.

“Seriously Mae, he’s, like, 16!”


“HE’S TWO YEARS OLDER THAN ME!” I informed her. “He’s practically ancient!”

“Lissa, I’m only teasing!” Maelona reassured me, “just relax.”

I kinda felt a bit angry at Maelona’s teasing; mainly because I actually did like Rhano. I just got defensive to hide my embarrassment.

“Sorry Mae, I didn’t meant to shout at you.” I apologized.

Maelona looked confused; probably because she didn’t understand why I was apologizing. To be honest, I didn’t either; she was only teasing.

“That’s okay honey,” she said, hugging me. I think she thought she genuinely upset me. “But jokes aside, you need to go.”

“I know,” I told her. We released ourselves from each other's embrace. I kissed Maelona on the cheek. “Meet up after I help Dad with the horses?”

Maelona nodded, whilst smiling.

“Sure thing.”

* * *

“Now, what do we know about draining health?”

I was sat at a desk in the Guild, tears of tiredness streaming down my face. Mother’s lessons were boring. That’s the only word to describe it. She was adamant that I become at least an apprentice in Restoration before I set out on my adventures, But I was only 14. I wasn’t going anywhere just yet.

“Mother, I know all this. To drain health you have to get up real close to the enemy then BAM, health draining goodness.”

“Well, no, you have to touch the enemy to drain its health. Have you even been listening Lissa?”

There was an awkward silence, but I spoke up.



“I’m sorry Mother, but I just don’t understand why I have to learn so much RIGHT now. I’m not leaving until I’m 21”

“But what about if you run into something before you leave? An ogre? A TROLL! What will you do then?”

“Run like M’aiq I guess…”

“This isn’t a laughing matter, Lissa! You need to know how to take care of yourself!”

I was shocked. I’d never seen mother this angry before.

“Sorry mother, I just…”

“You just what, Lissa? I’m not asking a lot from you, am I?”

“Mother, I-“

She interrupted me before I could finish.

“No more excuses Lissa.” She had tears forming in her delicate eyes. “Why can’t you understand how important this is?”

“I do, Mother, I really do. It’s just… You’re putting too much pressure on me. My little brain can’t handle it. I want to learn, I really, really do but, I just feel like my brains about to go all ka-blooey.”

Mothers eyes slowly turned from angry, to sympathetic. She walked over from the bookshelf and perched next to me. Her hand touched mine.

“I know honey, I’m sorry. It’s just that I worry. I just want you to be completely safe for when you venture out into the world. If I know that I’ve contributed to your safety, I won’t worry as much.”

I felt incredibly guilty after Mother told me this.

Dang, now I feel super bad…

“Oh… sorry Mother. I didn’t know you felt like that. Ok… I wanna keep going.”

“No, Lissa, You’re right. I’m pushing too much on you.” She stood up, walked over to the coat rack and grabbed my coat. “That’s enough for today. Go and see your Father.”

Mother smiled at me. I ran up to her and kissed her on the cheek, grabbed the coat from her hand and headed to the door. Before I had a chance to leave I was grounded to a halt at somebody saying my name.

“Lissa. Are you all done for today?”

It was Carahil, head of the Anvil mages guild; and the nicest Altmer you could ever meet.

“Yeah, mother let me go early!” I said, slightly exited.

“Ah, well it’s about time! To be honest she gets too passionate about her lessons sometimes. I’m glad Oleta has gone easy on you today.”

“Yeah.” I said, I tried to rush away, “see you later!”

“She only wants you to be safe Lissa, do you understand?”

I spoke up, getting more agitated.

I just wanna go!

“Yeah…” I replied. “BYE!”

I headed towards the door, but yet again Carahil had something to say.

“If you ever feel like you need a breather, just come and see me. I’m sure I’ll have something for you to do.” Said Carahil, smiling that kind smile she has.

“Thank you.” I said, sincerely. “I’ve got to go and meet dad now, so…”

A spark of realisation appeared on Carahil’s face.

“OH! I’m terribly sorry! I sometimes do not know when to be quiet. You go! Have fun!”

I nodded, smiled at Carahil and finally left the guild.

Carahil, sometimes I wish you were my… hmm, bad thought.

I tried not to think about what I just thought as I headed to the main gate to Anvil, which led straight to the stables. Dad owned the stables, and the horses we looked after were beautiful.

But I could never afford one of my own...


I turned to see Maelona running towards me. “You left this at home.”

She was holding the jade necklace she bought me for my sixth birthday. My most treasured possession.

“Oh, thanks, where’d you find it?”

“Under your pillow. You need to take care of it. It’s magic, you know.” She smiled and handed me the necklace.

“It sure is Mae. I gotta go see Dad. See you later.”

We exchanged hugs and Maelona ran back towards Gogan. They were sitting by the big oak tree opposite the Mages Guild. Maelona spent all her time there. It seemed a bit boring to me. I headed to the main gate to get to the stables when I was stopped yet again by somebody touching my shoulder. I turned to see Rhano behind me, that cute grin on his face.

“Lissa, are you busy?” he asked.

I stared at him. His gorgeous face, his beautiful eyes, his soothing voice, his slim, yet, muscular body…

“…No.” I replied.

“Good, because I need a favour.”

“Yes!” I agreed.

“You don’t even know what it is yet.” Rhano said, smiling.

“Oh… um n-no I don’t do I? Um… haha- what is it?” I asked, nervously.

Brilliant Lissa, made a fool of yourself!

“Well my dad wants me to go to that old abandoned manor by the chapel and pick up some… stuff. Wanna come with?”

Do I want to go to an old, freaky, smelly, scary, haunted, abandoned manor with you?

“…Okay!” I replied.

* * *

“Here it is!” said Rhano, holding a strange looking dagger.

We managed to climb into the manor through an old window. The manor was dark and dingy… and smelly. Cobwebs covered the dank walls of the shabby house. We walked through the sitting area, through the dining room (which reeked of rotten food), and into a small foyer where there was a door leading to, what I can only assume was, the basement, and a large staircase leading to the second floor. Laying on a table at the foot of the stairs was the dagger.

“What is that?” I asked.

“It’s my mother's enchanted dagger.” He answered.

“Oh. Why did she leave it here?”

His face turned solemn once I asked that question.

Did I say something wrong?

“Are you ok?” a asked, concerned.

Rhano sat down on the staircase and I perched next to him.

“My mother came into this house to rid it of the ‘ghosts’. She was on a contract for the guild and she… she came here and… she…”

I could see that he was getting upset, but being as macho as he was he didn’t allow himself to cry.

“Did she die here?”

Rhano turned to look at me. He slowly nodded his head with tear filled eyes.

"How?" I stupidly asked. I was met with no response from Rhano; much expected due to the inappropriate nature of the question.

Suddenly I had a realisation.

“Why would your dad send you in here knowing she was… killed, here?”

Rhano said nothing.

“He didn’t send you in here, did he?” I asked.

Rhano shook his head. He turned to look at me.

“I’m sorry for lying. I just wanted something to remember her by, you know? Dad told me that her dagger was lost and I just…. I’m so sorry.”

He began to cry. I respected him for crying, letting his feelings out like that. I hugged him, to comfort him.

“It’s okay…” I said to him.

* * *

“Sorry honey but the horses are all sorted.”

After Rhano let out his grief, we left the manor. He headed back to the fighters guild to see his father, Azzan, and I headed to the stables.

“Oh… That’s ok. I’ll go back and see Mother, then.”

“Actually, I had something else planned.”

My eyes lit up.

“Ooh, what is it?”

Dad laughed.

“Now if I told you that, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”

I was incredibly exited. Not only was I spending quality time with my Dad, but he had an amazing day planned. Things were looking perfect.

* * *

Dad and I went on a little journey along the Gold Coast. It was about as exciting as getting pinched by a mudcrab, but I loved it. I was with my dad. We were walking along the coast, the sun burning its gaze into our skin when Dad suddenly stopped in his tracks. My attention met with what caught his; a young Bosmer girl being chased by what I could only assume were bandits. Dad unsheathed his mighty war hammer.

"Honey, go back home. Daddy's gotta take care of somethin'." His tone was serious. Mine was not.

"But Daddy, I wanna go with you. I'm not scared."

He knelt down to my level. His eyes met mine.

"I know you're not, honey, but do this for me. Ok?"

After a pause I nodded, my eyes obviously showed my disappointment. Dad kissed my forehead, rose to his feet and chased the Bandits.

After Dad was out of sight I headed back to Anvil. But then I stopped. I needed to know that Dad was ok, so I turned back around and ran in the direction my Dad had gone. I was disobeying his orders, and I didn't care.

The fresh footprints in the sand led to a solitary cave, which I entered without fear. All I could see was black. All I could hear was the lonely sound of water dripping from above. All I could feel was suppressed fear.

I grabbed a torch that hung loosely from the cave wall. Luckily, I knew a minor flare spell, courtesy of my overprotective mother, so lighting the torch was no big deal. It was big, though. I looked like an idiot holding it. The moment the heavy torch was lit, horror filled my body and caused my skin to freeze.

Bodies. Lots of bodies.

The bodies of the bandits, bodies of villagers... and the body of the Bosmer girl. The fear on her face terrified me. She looked so scared. Her eyes were haunting. The smell was horrible. Some of the bodies could have been there for days, or weeks, or months! That was a horrible thought.

What kind of monster could have done this?

But then I noticed something. Dad was nowhere to be seen.

And the dead had large bruises planted on their bodies. The weapon Dad took into the cave with him could easily have made them.

Only one question filled my head.

Did Dad do this?


This post has been edited by Rihanae: Jan 17 2014, 04:08 PM
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King Coin
post Apr 20 2011, 05:55 PM
Post #2

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Joined: 6-January 11

Better than the original but a question just occurred to me: Why is spending time with her dad so special? Is he gone most of the time?

Great job! I like the new details!

Aravi: A Khajiit in Skyrim

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Lady Syl
post Apr 21 2011, 01:08 AM
Post #3

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From: The Shivering Isles, Wisconsin

I loved the new scene with Rhano, and the sisterly teasing between her and Maelona. Those were great additions. And I like her spunky personality, which seemed much more apparent this time around. Also, I like the details you added--it was good before, but I have to agree that this version is better than the original. biggrin.gif

Warning: I am totally insane. But I'll tell you a secret--all the best people are.

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post Apr 21 2011, 03:53 AM
Post #4

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Joined: 14-March 10
From: Las Vegas

A wonderful introduction. You avoided a data dump. What you revealed, you did so almost exclusively via action and dialogue. Well done!

Lissa's personality comes across beautifully, and you did much of it while introducing us to her and several of the important people in her life.

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post Apr 21 2011, 04:19 PM
Post #5

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From: Between The Worlds

I loved Lissa's horror at the thought of the suggestion of Rhano being her b/f. Because he's old! Then her reaction to meeting him was just priceless. Now that is a teenage girl with a crush alright!

“Run like M’aiq I guess…”
This was a wonderful reference to the Khajiit of blinding speed.

“Come on Sis, the sooner you get it done the sooner you can go and help dad.” she reminded me.
Rather than a period, that ought to be a comma at the end of the dialogue, as it is followed by a speech tag.

We released ourselves for each others embrace
You missed the possessive apostrophe in other's.

I was stopped yet again bye someone
That is by someone.

Led on a table at the foot of the stairs was the dagger.
I think you meant Left, or Laying?

It’s my mothers enchanted dagger

That is mother's.

Luckily, i knew a minor flare spell
That is I.

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Petra Arkanian
post Apr 22 2011, 04:47 AM
Post #6


Joined: 6-December 10
From: Stuck in The Planes Of Oblivion

Hmm, maybe I'm missing something, but it seems to me that she is a lot of different ages!

Before the prologue, it says she's 19. And then it says that Rhano is 16, but two years older than her. And then it says she's twelve... is she having flashbacks or some such?

Other than that, it's good! You did a nice job of showing what was happening, which is good, because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to suffer through this much biggrin.gif ( I can't even read stories if they are all words and no talk).

I also like how you ended the story, it was a cliffhanger, and now I want to read more ( smile.gif ). Keep it up!

Idiosyncrasy, my newest story

There is no better disguise for an assassin than riding into the Imperial City on a Unicorn.
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Count Lauriel
post Apr 22 2011, 07:56 PM
Post #7


Joined: 12-November 10
From: Cambridge, England

QUOTE(Rihanae @ Apr 20 2011, 05:35 PM) *

“Run like M’aiq I guess…”

This is my favourite line in the entire thing, Rihanae. Certainly made me chuckle. Not to mention earning a few weird looks from my friends when I accidentally said it in conversation earlier.

Keep it up Rihanae! I'm certainly reading, if a little behind everyone else.

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post Apr 26 2011, 02:31 PM
Post #8

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King Coin: Thank you for your compliment. In answer to your question, yes, Lissa's father is rarely around, as stated early in the chapter. smile.gif

Lady Syl: Hey! welcome to the journal! Thank you for your kind words, i'm glad that you enjoy Lissa's personality! Sometimes she can be seen to come across in a bad light, but hopefully she doesn't all the time smile.gif

Acadian: Thank you for the compliments! I think i have gotten the hang of avoiding the data dump! smile.gif
I'm glad that you also like Lissa's personality. She's my little diva tongue.gif

SubRosa: Haha yes, I agree, she is very girly when it comes to the thought of someone finding out who she fancies, so her defences went into overdrive! haha.
Lissa is very worldley, she knows everyone and everyone knows her, even the legendary M'aiq! haha.
Thank you for the nits. Edited.

Petra Arkanian: In answer to your question, Lissa is indeed 19, but the story starts from when she was 14 (I accidently made a typo by reffering to her as 12 at one point.) i apologize if this caused any confusion. Also, thank you for the kind words.

Count Lauriel: Why, hello! What a pleasure it is for you to join us!
I enjoy the fact that you enjoyed the M'aiq quote, and i also enjoyed that you used it in everyday life! Lissa does love to inspire tongue.gif

PREVIOUSLY: Lissa was just living a normal life in a normal town. arguing with her sister, being taught restoration spells by her overprotective mother and going to a haunted mansion with the object of her affection. However, when an afternoon with her father led to him following bandits into a cave after telling Lissa to go home, what could she do but follow. What she found in the cave was a mountain of bodies. and her dad was nowhere to be seen...


2. Prologue ~ Part 2

I walked slowly through the damp cave, the light from my torch bouncing off the grimy walls. The smell of death was overpowering me. But I wasn’t scared. I wouldn’t allow myself to be scared, because then I would be vulnerable, and I couldn’t let that happen.

As I journeyed I could feel something. Something strange and unsettling. I stopped to examine my surroundings more closely, but there was nothing. Zilch. But I couldn’t shake off the feeling that I was in danger. But if Dad did that he wouldn’t hurt me, would he?

I tried to drop that thought immediately. Just because Dad couldn’t be found, and he went in the cave, and there are dead bodies everywhere doesn’t mean he killed them. Did it?

I continued exploring, and before long I heard voices. Male voices, but they weren’t clear. I followed the sound of the voices, carefully sneaking to avoid detection, just in case. The voices began to increase in volume, and eventually I saw the source. Two figures stood in the darkness. I perched myself behind a large rock, listening carefully to the conversation between the two figures.

“You told me that you wouldn’t harm any humans! That was the deal!”

“But she wasn’t human, was she? She was a Bosmer. The lowest of the low. That’s my opinion anyway”

“You told me that if I brought you blood, any blood. Even animal blood, you would leave my family alone! That was the deal!”

The talk of blood sparked a thought.

A vampire? Oh my-

“Khajiit are animals now?”

“The criminals are, yes.”

“So it’s ok to lead the Khajitt into my home, but you just ‘forgot’ to rescue the Bosmer first?”

“You didn’t give me a chance to do anything about her! You beat them to death to make it look like i killed her!“

“It can’t be helped if you’re carelessness caused her to die like she did.”

“She wasn’t an offering! No humans! REMEMBER!”

“I’m so sorry, my dear Nathaniel, but blood is blood.”

“But it wasn’t part of the –“

“Wait! Something is here.” The vampire interrupted.

I froze.

The vampire began to smell the air, and his eyes pointed to the space I was hidden.

“Come out little Lissa!” Taunted the vampire. I remained in my space.

“Lissa? What are you doing here?” I stood up cautiously from behind the rock and saw the other figure as clear as day come towards me.


“Dad, did you kill those people? I can’t believe-“

“No... I didn’t. I just... go home. Now. We will talk when we get back.”

"Oh no my dear fellow, first you will-" said the Imperial vampire. I didn’t even let him finish. Anger overcame me.

“YOU! Stop talking! What have you got my dad involved in?”

My dad looked at me with a slight look of anger; perhaps talking back to a vampire wasn’t the best idea.

“Lissa, honey. Don’t worry.” Dad turned to the vampire. “Our deal is done. You broke the agreement.”

The vampire simply stood there. His grin made the skin on his pale face crease with delight. “It doesn’t work like that, I’m afraid.”

Suddenly the vampire pulled out a long, blood soaked blade and stuck it through my dad’s abdomen. It was so quick. I screamed, in fear and in anger. Adrenaline filled my body. I bolted towards the vampire. I attacked him with my torch. I used all my strength and beat him. He was engulfed in flames. He didn’t even try to fight back, and even if he did I wouldn’t have known. I was too enraged to care about his retaliations. I didn’t even notice that I had achieved victory over the vampire. I continued attacking him. I couldn’t stop. Even though he was dead I couldn’t stop.

“Liss- Lissa, s-s-stop.” The frail, dying voice of my dad. I dropped the torch and ran to him, kneeling by his side.

“Dad! You’re ok-“Blood spurted from his mouth. “Oh, Dad, we have to get you home. Come on.”

“Lissa, it’s too late. It’s too late for me. You need to go home. Forget what you saw. I don’t want Oleta and Maelona’s final memories of me as being a coward.”

"You are not a coward! Don't ever think that! You did what was good for our family."

“I fed living creatures to a vampire. I’m just as soulless as him…” Dad struggled to say.

“You stopped him from hurting us daddy! You’re a hero!” I assured him.

I began to feel tears softly well up behind my eyes.

Please daddy! PLEASE!

"Come on, we need to get home now, Dad!" I tried to lift Dad, to no avail. He spoke again. His voice began to fade. He didn’t have long.

“Promise me something. Never give up on y-your dreams. You discover the world. Promise me you will d-do that for me.”

I hesitated to answer, my tears wouldn’t let me. But I spoke.

“I promise, Daddy”

Dad smiled. His breath faded. Then he was gone. I looked into his eyes, blankly staring at the ceiling.

“Daddy?” I said. “Dad… come on, you can’t give up now!”

I tried gently shaking him to see if I could get a reaction.


“Daddy! Please daddy NO!” I cried. I grabbed dad, holding him tightly.

Our final embrace.

* * *

I walked up to the Anvil gate. My arms and chest were covered in dad’s blood. The guard standing at the gate noticed me stumbling towards him; immediately rushing to my aid.
“Lissa, what on earth happened?!” Asked the worried guard.

I collapsed; in shock more than exhaustion.

“Please… I need to get back home... can you help me?” I pleaded.

Without hesitation the guard lifted me into his arms, carrying my back to my house. As he walked I could see people looking at me with shock and even horror at the state I was in; it’s not everyday you see a young girl blood soaked. Quill-weave stood outside the mages guild with her hands covering her mouth, teary eyed. Pinarus and his wife stood outside their house gossiping with each other. Finally, away from the stares and the eyes looming on me we reached my house. The guard knocked on the door, which was answered my Maelona.

“LISSA!” She screamed. She looked at the guard, “what have you done to her?!”

The guard looked at her with arrest in his eyes.

“You better change your tone before speaking to me in that tone!” He warned. “now where should I put her?”

“Follow me.” Maelona beckoned, leading the guard to my bed, of which he gently placed me. “What on earth happened?”

The guard shook his head.

“I do not know. You are better off asking her. I need to head back to my post.” The guard said, heading out of the door.

Maelona sat on my bed, holding my hand, looking horrified at the state I was in.

“Lissa… what happened?” she asked. I couldn’t answer her. It was to horrible and painful to say. Before long, mother entered the room.

“I just saw a guard leave the house. What on Nirn is-“mother noticed the blood stains, “Lissa what happened!”

She ran towards me in a panicked state.

“I don’t know.” Maelona answered, even though the question was directed at me.

Mother stared at me with horror, before a look of realisation stuck on her face.

“Lissa… where is you’re father?” she asked.

I looked at her with tear filled eyes. I could see by the look in her eyes that she knew what I didn’t tell her. she knew something had happened to dad.

Her crying was one of the most painful things I had seen in my life.

* * *

I sat, alone, by the oak tree between the guilds. I had all these thought rushing through my head; how I could have stopped dad’s death, how I could have done more, how I could have told him how much I really loved him.

“Lissa?” It was Rhano. He sat next to me on the bench. “How are you doing?”

“I’m not exactly spinning and singing through the Heartlands but… I’m coping.”

“You sure?” he asked.

Again my eyes began to well up with tears.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I assured him. “It’s just, you know, hard.”

“I get that. When my mother was killed by… whatever it was, I pretended I was okay for, oh, weeks.” He said, smiling.

“Really? You? Pretending?” I asked.

“Yeah.” He laughed.

“But you’re a boy! Boy’s never lie!” I teased. Something about Rhano raised my spirits.

“Hey, don’t be rude now!” he said, smiling THAT smile.

“Sorry… humour is a form of defence I guess…”

“It’s ok, Lissa. You are allowed to be upset. You’re allowed to cry. You’re human, after all.”

His words moved me, to the point where I lust let the tears flow. I gave up trying to hold them back, so I let them loose. Rhano held me in his arms, comforting me.

“It’s okay Lissa. You don’t have to pretend you’re okay, not whe you’re with me.”

I looked up at him. Our eyes met. He slowly leaned in for a kiss. It felt like everything was in slow motion. It was beautiful. His lips were as soft as the inside of a perfect rose. I didn’t want that moment to end.

Oh my…

When the kissing finally did stop he looked at me, smiling.

“If you ever need anything. Whether it’s a shoulder or… anything, I’m you’re man.”

You most certainly are…

“Okay.” I said, smiling for the fist time in forever…

* * *

“Are you sure you’re ready, Liss?” Maelona’s voice was reeking of concern.

“Yes! I’m sure! Stop worrying. You’ll get wrinkles!” I laughed. Maelona continued her frantic rant.

“It’s just you said you’d go when you were 21 and you’ve only just turned 16!”

“I know, but when Dad died I decided not to waste any of my life, you know?”

Maelona frowned. She held my shoulders gently, almost comforting me.

“I understand that you’ve been going through some things since Dad died. We all have. But, Liss, that was 2 years ago. You need to have a serious think about what you’re doing.”

I put my hands on Maelona's, “I have thought about it. Don’t try and stop me. Please Sis.”

Maelona just looked at me. She had a sympathetic look in her eye. She soon smiled,

“Well, if it’s what you want to do all I can do is support you. Have you told mother?”

“Yeah... she’s ok with it.”

"Well have you said goodbye to everyone at the guild?"

"Yes Maelona, I have." I answered, exhausted of the questioning.

"Good. I'm certain that everyone wishes you well. What about Rhano?"

I glared. Maelona laughed.

“Sorry, Lissa. I’ll stop.”

After she laughed, silence engulfed us.

“So when are you leaving?” Maelona asked. She looked upset, it was heartbreaking.

“Now, I guess. No time like the present, eh?”

The revelation shocked Maelona, I could see it in her eyes, but she recovered from the state and hugged me. “Please promise me you will keep in touch. Promise me.”

I tried to get away. I hated long goodbyes.

“Yeah, I promise.” I assured her.

She let go of me, but we embraced in a hug one last time. When she let go I could see tears streaming down her face while I forced mine back. I began to walk towards the main gate. I tried not to look back. My adventure was about to begin. Maelona would be fine. I knew that. Maelona shouted after me.


I turned, flabbergasted. "Maelona! Don't tell everyone what I wear under my clothes! Or I'll tell Gogan what you wear under your clothes!"

I gave Maelona a cheeky gesture, suggesting what I meant, but Maelona turned all serious again.

"Just... just be safe, ok?"

"I will. Love you Sis." I could feel myself welling up, so I turned back towards the gate.

But I couldn’t get over the lie I told her.

It hurt too much to even think about it.

I didn’t tell Mother I was leaving...

This post has been edited by Rihanae: Mar 10 2013, 10:20 PM
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King Coin
post Apr 26 2011, 03:05 PM
Post #9

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embarrased.gif I must have missed that sentence...

I really like the changes you made to the chapter.

I was listening to music while reading and this song just so happened to come on when Lissa's dad died

Aravi: A Khajiit in Skyrim

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Lady Syl
post Apr 27 2011, 12:35 AM
Post #10

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:'( I almost cried when her dad died. I'm glad he wasn't a serial killer, though. And when Rhano came to talk to her afterward, it was sweet and uplifting. Aww, and the first kiss... wub.gif

Very good!

Warning: I am totally insane. But I'll tell you a secret--all the best people are.

Memoirs of a Madwoman
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post Apr 27 2011, 12:56 AM
Post #11

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From: Las Vegas

A very emotional episode for Lissa as she learns some of an unresolved mystery regarding her father, then loses him. You fully displayed the impact on Lissa, Maelona and their mother. Then some comforting words born of experience, and a first kiss from Rhano! Finally, unable to tell her mother, she leaves Anvil to seek her dreams at the young age of 16.

You continue to write Lissa with a young voice that suits her well.

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post Apr 27 2011, 04:03 PM
Post #12

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QUOTE(King Coin @ Apr 26 2011, 03:05 PM) *

I was listening to music while reading and this song just so happened to come on when Lissa's dad died

Sorry if my readers thought this reply was an update but i just couldnt wait to comment on the link to the song KC posted. It actually is beautiful and it suits the situation perfectly. It made me cry a tiny bit.

so if i could suggest that readers listen to the music posted on the link in the quote box whilst reading the segment from Lissa's dads demise onward, it truley adds to the scene smile.gif
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post Apr 27 2011, 07:09 PM
Post #13

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From: Between The Worlds

Once again, I loved the plotting you have done here. Lissa's father providing the vampire with fresh blood in return for the safety of his family is both original, and entirely logical.

Quill-weave stood outside the mages guild with her hands covering her mouth, teary eyed.
And not to mention her mind awhirl with how she might use that scene in her next book!

The new scene with Rhano adds more depth to their relationship. Not to mention the first kiss. Now I expect to see more of Rhano when Lissa returns from her adventures outside of Cyrodiil.

Finally, Maelona's admonition to wash her underwear was perfect!

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post Apr 28 2011, 03:04 PM
Post #14

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King Coin: Thank you for kind words AND introducing me to that beautiful piece of music! I re-read my piece whilst listening to it and it added so much to the atmosphere smile.gif

Lady Syl: I'm very glad that you are happy that Nathaniel isn't, or wasn't, a killer. I am also happy that the chapter had the effect it did with it's most royal reader wink.gif

Acadian: Hehe, i'm glad you enjoyed the chapter! It can be difficult trying to put the right amount of emotion across through words, but i hope it came across smile.gif

SubRosa: Haha, you never know! Quill-Weaves next book may be 'Lissa: WTF happened to her?'... though i highly doubt it tongue.gif i'm glad you enjoyed the little undergarment segment! smile.gif

PREVIOUSLY: Whilst travelling through the cave Lissa discovered that her father had been offering animals and criminal to a vampire to protect his family. After the vampire killed a Bosmer, Nathaniel cancelled the deal, resulting in the vampire killing him and Lissa killing the vampire.
Also, Lissa and Rhano share their first kiss whilst taling about their losses, and Lissa decideds to leave on her journey early and says a teary farewell to Maelona... but not her mother...


3. Chapter 1 ~ Hammerfell ~ Part 1

“Welcome to Dragonstar, fellow Redguard! Been in Hammerfell long?”

I was quite overwhelmingly greeted by a friendly man, quite old but still nice. He was also a Redguard and by his attire I could only assume he was a mage of some sort, which was strange… for a Redguard anyway. He wore a blue robe, which was very well made, and he carried a large staff. It was almost as big as me.

“Erm… No, not really. I’ve only just arrived.” I told him. I’d already been travelling for two years, receiving the same greeting everywhere I went. All I wanted was a nice hot bath, and maybe to visit a salon. My hair was awful; it was ratty and greasy, it was just awful.

“Well, I’m suspecting that you are in dire need of some relaxation. Please, come with me. I’ll get you sorted.” The old mage said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and guiding me through the town. I could see the faces of other members of the town had a hint of disgust towards the mage, which I could understand but didn’t agree with. Everyone is allowed to make their own choices in life and if he chooses to use magic, who cares.

“Thanks, I could use a sit down I guess, you know, treat myself.” I joked. I needed to keep him talking about anything, before he asked me about my travels. They always do. They always ask every little detail. They obviously didn’t realise the amount of effort it took trying to remember-

“So tell me about your travels, young... oh, I don’t know your name, do I? My name is Jakkel Smithin, but please, call me Jak. And yours?

“My name is Maelissa Cristenn, but just call me Lissa. I don’t suppose you have a spring heel or a candlestick, do you?” I said, slightly mocking him, a little joke to myself I hoped he wouldn’t understand.

“Unfortunatley, no.” Jak replied; whether he got the joke or not I didn’t know. “Well, Lissa, let's get you inside and you can tell me all about your travels!” Jak said with delight. He looked at me, smiling, so I forced a smile right back.


* * *

We sat in Jak’s cottage. It was very homey, I felt very safe. Apart from the stuffed bear head on the wall that stared directly at me, bearing its bloodstained teeth, I felt very at ease.

“So after I left Skyrim I made my way to High Rock, then here. But if I’m honest, Hammerfell has always been my main destination, I wanted to get in touch with my roots, you know?” I told Jak, I had been stuck telling the story of my travels for an hour at least. I was beginning to bore myself.

“Well, you certainly have been around haven’t you?” He said, he looked almost proud of me, for some strange reason. “So, how long are you planning of gracing Hammerfell with your presence?”

“I don’t know. Maybe a couple of months or so, I don’t know. I was hoping to find a mentor for using the bow, but I don’t know whether Hammerfell would have any. Valenwood would be the best bet, wouldn’t it?”

“Hmm… it would be a wise move. The Bosmers are the most skilled in that particular area.”

“Oh, but that means either going back through Cyrodiil…”

A look of confusion appeared on Jak’s face. “But surely that is a good thing? You will get to see your family?”

“True… but I kinda left with a small lie…” I confessed to the old man.

“May I ask what the lie was?” Asked Jak, intrigued.

I didn’t want to tell him; it was too horrible. I just looked at him, praying he would change the subject.

“Well do not panic, you needn’t travel so far to find a teacher,” Jak had a smile spread across his face. “It just so happens that I’m a master of marksman. I could be your mentor if you would like?”

The coincidental revelation stunned me. It has always been very unlikely for a Redguard to be such an expert in marksman, but who was I to turn down his offer? Assuming he was telling me the truth, that is.

“Yeah, that sound great, Jak, thanks. But do me a quick favour first, yeah?”

“Of course I can. What is it?”

“Prove it?” I said, as nicely as I possibly could. If he was telling the truth, I wouldn’t want to anger him. “Please.”

Jak rose up from his seat. He walked over to a cupboard and grabbed a golden bow and a quiver of arrows. He stood by the open window, readied his shot and fired. I jumped from my seat and ran to the window. A perfect hit of a very thin tree, almost 60 feet away. I turned to Jak, with a smile on my face.

“So… When can we start?”

* * *

Another day, another lesson, but I couldn’t complain. I was pretty handy with a bow, I usually managed to hit a tree after a dozen arrows from 50 feet away, and that was pretty good.

“The problem is, Lissa, you don’t seem to have a connection with your bow.” Jak told me

“How do you mean? The bow is in my hands and my hands are connected to my arms which are connected to me!” I joked.

“I like your enthusiasm, but what I mean is you should’t have to concentrate so hard. It should come naturally to you.”

“It’s hard you know, Jak! My brain can’t handle the pressure of ‘arrow, string, pull, release’.” I protested.

“It will get easier in time, I promise-“ Jak was interrupted as a rock flew past his face, a deliberate attack. I turned my head to see a man staring angrily at Jak.

“YOU’RE NOT WELCOME HERE!” shouted the angry guy.

I turned to Jak, confused as to why he just took the abuse.

“Arne’t you gonna say something?”

Jak tried to change the subject.

“Now, if you line up your-“

I didn’t let him finish. I dropped my bow and walked over to the angry guy, slightly enraged.

“That was big of you wasn’t it. Eh? Throwing rocks at an old man! I bet it makes you feel really big doesn’t it. Hm?”

Jak walked over to me, trying to get me to go back to the training ground by putting his hands on my shoulders. “Lissa, lets-“

“No, Jak, this is unacceptable!” I turned back to the angry guy. He was laughing, whether it was at me or Jak I didn’t know, or care. “Oh, go on, laugh it up! What you need to get into your thick, prejudiced head is that Jak isn’t going anywhere, and neither am I.”

I walked closer to the angry guy, even though I was shorter than him I was still pretty intimidating; at least I liked to think I was.

“The next time you decide to throw things at my friend there will be a LOT of trouble, and if you HIT him… you don’t wanna know!” I stared into his eyes. “Now I suggest you run along.”

He did so. If I’m completely honest I was terrified, but the fact that I actually scared him off? Priceless. I turned to Jak, who had a disappointed look on his face.

“There could have been a better way to deal with that situation, Lissa.”
I looked into his eyes. I actually felt some kind of remorse for my actions.



“Time for dinner Lissa!” Jak shouted to me from downstairs. He was having a fancy dinner party with his friends; he thought it would be the perfect opportunity for me to get to know some people.
I rushed downstairs and some people sat round the large dining table. On the table was, pretty much, a feast. Vegetables, sweetrolls, wine, meat; it’s a shame I was a vegetarian. Jak noticed me and beckoned me to sit down next to him. As I did so he began to speak.

“Everyone, this is my young protégée, Maelissa…”

“JUST Lissa…” I corrected him.

I’ve been here for months and you still can’t get it right! Haha

A friendly looking Breton woman looked at me, smiling. She began to speak to me, her voice quite soothing.

“My name is Aliss,” she aimed her eyes towards a Breton man sat on her left, “and this is my husband, Kollin.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both!” I told them, politely of course.

“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you to. Jak has told us a lot about you.” Kollin told me.

I turned to Jak, “Oh he has, has he.”

Jak winked at me and I laughed.

“You are very beautiful, dear.” said Aliss. “… So I hear you haven’t seen your family in a couple of years?”

Hold up, what is this?

It was a rather odd thing for her to say as it wasn’t any of her business, but before I had a chance to answer a middle age female Redguard spoke to me.

“Don’t worry about her. She is one of those types who is more interested in the lives of others than her own.”

I laughed; this woman seemed pretty cool; I liked people who were to the point.

“I’ll bear that in mind!” I said. The woman reached her hand for mine.

“I’m Tristen.”

“Hi Tristen, I’m humiliated! How do you do!”

Tristen laughed at me, or with me.

Time passed, food was eaten and wine was drunk; by Aliss, mainly.

Tristan turned her attention towards Jak.

“No Falvor today?”

“No,” Jak replied, “he is busy with… a client.”

Oooh, dramatic pause. Someone’s hiding something!

“Falvor always seems to be busy,” said a miserable looking Nord man sat between Kollin and Tristen.

“That’s because he always is, Gord.”

Haha- Gord the Nord.

“Well he should be here!” Gord protested.

“I’ve saved him a seat next to Aliss and me. If he arrives he arrives.”

Gord the Nord snubbed Jak’s comment. Aliss turned to speak to me again.

“So all the females of your family begin their names with ‘Mae’?”

“Only the girls on my dad’s side.” I answered politely.

Aliss didn’t say anything; she gave me a sarcastic looking smile and went back to her food. But, me being me, I couldn’t ignore it.

“What is you prob-” I didn’t finish what I was saying, as I was interrupted by Jak.

“Are you not eating anything Lissa?” he asked, aiming his attention towards the venison.

“Jak, I’m vegetarian, remember?”

Jak had a slight look of panic on his face, as if he made some grave mistake.

“I’m so sorry, Lissa! I completely forgot! I’m so used to you fending for yourself.”

“Jak its fine! There is still stuff I can eat, don’t go all crazy on me!” I joked.

“Jak’s always been like that, Lissa.” Tristen informed me, “It’s best to just reassure him of how useful he
actually is!”

I laughed, “I’ll keep that in mind!” But the laughter was soon gone due to, yet, another question from Aliss.

“So what do you think of Jak’s choice in occupation?”

“I really don’t care. Jak is Jak.” I told her; firmly, but nicely. As nice as I could be anyway.

“But, he is a disgrace to your people?” Aliss replied; strangely calm.

“Aliss, please. Do be quiet.” Tristan warned her.

Silence took over.


More time passed, though the peace was soon ruined by Aliss. Again.

“But what about you Lissa? You are an apprentice in Restoration, correct?”

I answered her, even though I knew where this was going.

Seriously, if she even starts on me…

“I am. Yes.”

“But that too is unacceptable within the Redguard community I would imagine? Did your parents raise you wrong?”

I looked at her, fire in my eyes.

Nobody talks about my family with that level of disrespect.

“Aliss, you are drunk.” Kollin told her; she had had a few glasses of wine, but that was no excuse.

“Hush down, Kollin, Let the woman have her say!” Bellowed Gord the Nord.

“I’m just trying to understand! Why are you around here when you’re parents have raised such an

“Aliss that is enough!” Jak warned her. Warnings weren’t enough.

“Aliss, please. Kollin take her home.” Begged Tristan. She could see the hate milled anger spewing in my
eyes; although I tried not to show it in my body language. Aliss was showing no sign of stopping.

“The fire is burning in you’re eyes, I can see it. Oleta and Nathaniel made a huge mistake giving you life!”

Before anybody had a chance to speak up I rose to my feet,

“You need to be quiet. Now. Or I WILL NOT be responsible for my actions!”

Aliss just smiled at me, the guest’s looked at her. She also rose to her feet.

“You are a very rude young girl. You shall not get away with talking to me that way.”

I noticed something; Aliss’s hand was glowing. A reddish glow engulfed her palm. She through her hand in my direction and before I could react a small fireball was heading straight for me. Tristan managed to push me out of the way in time, and as I crashed to the floor Kollin pushed Aliss to the floor.

“The fire! IT BURNS! SHE CANNOT LIVE!” Aliss screamed.

Jak cast what I can only assume was a paralyze spell on the insane Breton, silencing her; for now anyway.

“Lissa, are you okay?” Tristan asked. Jak turned to me with a shocked expression on his face. Gord the Nord looked entertained and-

Wait, how did she know my parents name? Not even Jak knew…

How did she?

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Lady Syl
post Apr 28 2011, 05:05 PM
Post #15

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From: The Shivering Isles, Wisconsin

I had been stuck telling the story of my travels for an hour at least. I was beginning to bore myself.
Lol, this was excellent! I know the feeling somewhat—when people ask me questions of a similar nature, I get pretty bored with myself, too, lol. wink.gif

even though I was shorter than him I was still pretty intimidating; at least I liked to think I was.

I LOVED that she stood up for Jak to that prejudiced man. That takes a lot of courage. Way to go, Lissa!

“You are very beautiful, dear.” said Aliss. “… So I hear you haven’t seen your family in a couple of years?”

Hold up, what is this?

Her reaction here is priceless!

Lissa’s commentary during the whole party scene was great! laugh.gif

Ooh, that Aliss woman was horrible! Reading that part, I could just feel Lissa’s anger welling with each comment Aliss made! That should be testament to your skill here—the ability to make the reader feel what the characters are feeling is a talent that only a truly skilled writer can boast! wink.gif

And that little mystery there—I wondered when Aliss used her parent’s names…and then you confirmed at the end that she hadn’t been told by Jak, so…hmm… food for thought. Excellent chapter!

Nit: I’ve been here for moths and you still can’t get it right! Haha

This post has been edited by Lady Syl: Apr 28 2011, 05:06 PM

Warning: I am totally insane. But I'll tell you a secret--all the best people are.

Memoirs of a Madwoman
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King Coin
post Apr 28 2011, 08:01 PM
Post #16

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I love the conflict towards the end. I literally said "Tha F***" when that Brenton started tossing fire around.

I really like how you expanded this instead of just skipping over the whole thing.

I gotta say, I don't like Jak's friends much.

Great chapter!

Aravi: A Khajiit in Skyrim

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post Apr 28 2011, 09:31 PM
Post #17

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From: Between The Worlds

The extra little bits you added to this second version really elevate it. The disdain that Lissa notes the crowd has for Jak, her question about his springheel, etc... All of the add up to give the entire thing more depth.

Well, that was a nice dinner, for about ten seconds. I am not sure what to make of Aliss. A hypocrite looking for a fight? Or someone in touch with powers that she would be better off without?

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post Apr 29 2011, 12:53 AM
Post #18

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From: Las Vegas

You did a good job here of creatively displaying the passage of two years since the previous episode. Wonderful hints of Lissa's past couple years to show that time has passed without feeling obliged to dump out a history. Well done!

So Jak is a mage with a bow! He seems both interesting and likable.

And Lissa is beginning to get her 'archress' on.

Well done with the dinner party. You painted a full course scene here. We knew what the menu was and got a nice feel for those in attendance.

“Hi Tristen, I’m humiliated! How do you do!” laugh.gif

And Alyss. A mysterious Breton that one can't help but dislike. You have certainly piqued curiosity about how Alyss knows what she seems to know.

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post May 10 2011, 02:05 PM
Post #19

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Acadian: I'm so glad that you find Jak likeable, everybody in dragonstar appears to detest the Redguard mage (Apart from his friends, of course)! Aliss is incredibly mysterious, but what are the lengths she will go to rid the 'abobination' from the world? wink.gif

SubRosa: I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed the re-write. I enjoyed writing about the new aspects of Lissa and Jak's relationship, as i hope you enjoyed reading it smile.gif

King Coin: I am glad that Aliss's fireball antics caused that reaction for you as, i'm sure, everyone at the party felt exactly the same smile.gif Lissa also doesn't like Jak's friends very much; apart from Tristen.

Lady Syl: I'm so glad that you enjoy Lissa's little comment's on the situation, although she rarely finds herself actually saying how she feels out loud. Her mouth may get her in trouble one day if she decideds to do so smile.gif thank you for the nit. edited

PREVIOUSLY: After travelling Tamriel for two years, Lissa finds herself in Hammerfell, where she is greeting by a Redguard mage called Jak; who she discovers is also a markman trainer. During her time living with him he organises a dinner party with a few of his friends. however, during the party Lissa is verbally and physically attacked by one of the guessed who shouted cryptic messages.
But nobody understood why...


4. Chapter 1 ~ Hammerfell ~ Part 2

I sat in the living room; shaken by the events that took place not ten minutes before.

What on Nirn was up with her?

I sat alone, just me and my thought contemplating how serious the situation could be. If Aliss woke up she could attack me again, maybe even kill me. What ever she was on, I didn’t want any.

I continued to sit in the darkened room in a daze; the candlelight which flickered the only source of light there was in the darkened room, which wasn’t very comforting at all.

“Lissa, are you okay?”

I turned to see Jak behind me; a concerned smile on his face.

“Yeah, I’m holding up I guess.” I told him. “It’s not everyday you get attacked by a crazy fireball throwing psycho.”

He looked at me then walked over to sit next to me on the less than comfortable sofa.

“This is new for us to, Lissa. Aliss has always had a tendency to… speak her mind. But I can assure you she has NEVER attacked anyone before. Never.”

“So I’m the first then, eh? Good golly you Hammerfell-ians know how to make a girl feel welcome.” I joked; Jak didn’t look impressed.

“Lissa there is absolutely no need for any attitude. We are all shaken up, maybe even more so that you.”

I looked at Jak, confused.

“How?” I asked.

“We’ve known Aliss for almost 30 years and not once has she gotten that aggressive. She’s never been aggressive at all.”

Then why now?

I looked at Jak; confusion in his eyes. Silence engulfed us for a mere moment. Eventually, Tristen came in.

“Jak, she’s awake.” She informed him.

“Okay well I’ll just-“

Before Jak had a chance to rise from his seat Tristen spoke again.

“She’s asked to see Lissa, too.”

Um… gulp…


We all sat in the dining room; everyone sat at the table, apart from Aliss who sat in the corner. She looked insane. Rocking back and forth whilst mumbling to herself. We all looked her with mostly pity, with a sprinkle of confusion. Something seriously messed up had happened to turn Aliss into this mumbling mess; albeit she wasn’t sweetcakes and flowers before, but it was still worrying.

“Aliss, what happened?” asked Jak.

No response; just more crazy rambling.

“She only seems to talk to herself.” Kollin informed him. Jal looked at me, and then Kollin.

“Did she not ask for Lissa?” He asked. Kollin nodded.

“Maybe you should let Lissa try talking to her?” Tristen proposed to Jak. Jak responded with a look of uncertainty.

“I’m not to sure about that…”

“Jak, she tried to kill me. The least she owes me is an explanation.” I told him. Jak continued to look at me with that reluctant look in his wise eyes, before nodding in agreement. I smiled at him as a thank you, then turned my attention towards Aliss.

“Hi there. Um… I’m not to sure what to ask… I don’t want another fireball almost connecting with my face!” I joked, nervously. Silence; followed by Aliss looking at me directly in the eyes.

“I’m… sorry.” She said. Everyone appeared shocked that she spoke actual words. They all looked at me as if to tell me to keep on talking to her.

“That’s… that’s ok Aliss. We know you weren’t you. But we need to understand why?” I asked. I didn’t get a reply, only a solid stare from Aliss before she spoke again.

“I do not know the cause for my actions…” she said. She sounded genine, but I wasn’t entirely sure.”

Gord the nord decided to speak; or rather, shout.

“Aliss, that was amazing! I didn’t know you had that amount of rage in you!”

Everyone apart from Aliss glared at him. It was highly inappropriate and, well, mean.

“Gord, please.” Jak said, obviously used to his outbursts.

“All I know is… something took over.” Aliss told us.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Aliss looked at me; tears in her delicate eyes.

“Leinahtan is the name. Don’t trust what you know, Lissa. It’ll kill you.”

“What does that mean?” I asked.

Who is Lay-nah-tan?

“She’s mentioned that name before.” Kollin informed us.

“But who is he?” asked Tristen.

“He is the one that is key to Your destiny.” Aliss said, pointing directly at me.

Tristen rose from her seat and walked cautiously over toward the crazy Breton, kneeling beside her.

“Aliss. We are all here for you, but you NEED to talk to us.” Tristen told her. She reached out her hand to touch Aliss’s shoulder in sympathy. Once her hand made contact with Aliss’s skin she pulled away in shock.

“Tristan, what’s wrong?” Jak asked, extremely worried.

We all saw it. Tristens hand slowly charring away like a burning piece of paper. The skin slowly peeling away revealing bone. The burning spreading up her arms and down her body in a precise fashion, until their was nothing left of Tristen but a pile of mulch on the floor. I screamed in horror.

“What have you done!” I screamed, running over to Tristen’s remains whilst everyone else sat in shock. Aliss slowly stood up. I could ony assume she was possessed by Leinahtan again, and this time I wasn’t going to live through it.

“You can’t be allowed to walk this planet. It’s an abononation to Nirn.” She said before throwing a fireball at me. I was pushed to the ground by Kollin, the fireball hitting him instead; engulfing him in flames before he suffered Tristen’s fate.

“ALISS! What are you doing?” Gord bellowed.

“Aliss… isn’t… home!” she said with an eerie smile. She walked over to Gord; her eyes white. I witnessed Aliss touching Gord, slowly turning him into ice before smashing him into a million pieces as if he were a fragile piece of glass.
Aliss turned her head to look at me; preparing herself for another fireball, before becoming engulfed in flames herself. She collapsed on the floor; a charred mess.
I turned to see Jak stood behind me offering me a hand, which I took. He lifted me up and held me in his arms. I could hear him crying, only slightly. Whatever just happened wasn’t just chance. Someone was out to get me.

But… why?

* * *

“I have a gift for you Lissa. Happy 19th birthday!”

Jak was standing by where I was sat, holding a small package wrapped in silver paper. It was so beautiful I almost didn’t want to open it. But hey, what was I supposed to do?

“Thank you, Jak. You shouldn’t have!” I said, taking the parcel from Jak and opening it carefully, yet hastily. A Sapphire. “Oh… you shouldn’t have.”

Jak laughed; a laugh I rarely heard since Aliss’s massacre. We never really spoke about it, and when we did the subject was always changed.

“No, Lissa this is a Guardian stone.”

“A what what?” I replied, confused.

“This is a stone which enables the holder to speak with their Guardian Spirit. In your case, a young archer named Rihanae.”

“Really?” My voice suddenly turned quite shrill. “THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!”

I jumped out of my seat and grabbed Jak for a hug.

“But that isn’t all.”

A smile covered my face as I wondered what more he could possibly have.

“You have been doing so well with the art of marksman that I have arranged for my friend, Falvor, to come over and give you a reading. He can tell you things about your future.”

My smile grew bigger.

Oh my gosh. Best. Birthday. EVER!

* * *

I sat in my room, waiting for Falvor to arrive, trying to pick out my best clothes.

Is that really important? He won’t care what you look like.”

I turned around rapidly, scanning the room for the speaker. Nobody was there.

You won’t find me. I don’t have physical form, well, not anymore.”

I remained on alert mode.

Are you really this air headed? It’s me, Rihanae, your Guardian.”

I suddenly relaxed, feeling kind of stupid that I didn’t work it out straight away.

“Oh, okay. I really should have guessed that, shouldn’t I?”

It was strange. It was like someone was speaking into my ear as clear as day, but no one was there.

Anyway like I said, he won’t care what you look like.”

“You don’t know that. He could be a young, handsome Breton for all you know.”

I doubt that… pick the blue dress.”

“Ooh, good choice!”

I couldn’t resist the urge to ask him about the massacre. If he had been with me my whole life, he must have known something about it.

“What happened with Aliss?”

I can’t answer that.”


“So… you don’t know anything?” I asked, disappointed.

“I didn’t say that; I’m just not obliged to say anything without true evidence.”

Great. An unhelpful sprit guide. Lucky me.

* * *

“So, are you ready for this?” said Falvor, yet another old Redguard mage. I love Hammerfell. So many young men.

“Yes. I most certainly am!”

Falvor took my hand. He pressed his thumbs gently across it. His face looked so serious. It was kind of funny. He seemed to have been mumbling something under his breath. I looked at Jak, who gave me a reassuring nod.

After 5 minutes Falvor’s grip of my hand began to tighten, to the point of causing me pain. He started to speak.

“You have to go back, you must go back. Things will get bad. Very bad. Only you can stop what is coming. Only you can. Go back. You must go back to Cyrodill. NOW! They need you. GO NOW!”

I released my hand from Falvor’s grip. I was slightly unnerved. Jak held onto Falvar and guided him outside.

What the-

“Rihanae, what happened now?”

He stayed silent. For a guardian he was pretty lame.

After a short while he came back in. I stood up and walked over to him, confronting him.

“What just happened, Jak? Is he insane?” I asked, slightly angry.

“He may be a bit intense, but he is never wrong.”

We stood in silence. If he was never wrong, that meant that I was to be some kind of hero or something. But also that meant that people were in danger and if that included mother and Maelona, I had no time for thinking, only doing.

“Right, I’m going back to Cyrodiil.” I informed Jak. He didn’t seem surprised, nor did he try to stop me.

“How will you get there? You can’t walk, not if you want to get there as soon as possible”

“Then I’ll take a carriage.”

“Do you realise how much money you would need for that journey?”

“Then I’ll stowaway. I don’t care; I need to get to Cyrodiil now!”

Jak just looked at me, and then he walked over to me and hugged me.

“You’ve been here a year and you’ve already grown up so much, Lissa.” He let go and held my arms. “You must do what you have to do. But you must know that I will always be here for you, okay? And if you ever need me… well, I’ll just know.”

I stood in silence. I felt emotional, but I hugged him and unintentionally spoke,

“Thanks Daddy.”

I didn’t even notice what I called him…

This post has been edited by Rihanae: Mar 10 2013, 10:24 PM
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King Coin
post May 10 2011, 03:10 PM
Post #20

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Joined: 6-January 11

What the hell just happened??? I was not expecting that at all.
And she receives her guardian stone and reading.

Holy crap that got exciting. Better than the original chapter. Good Job!

Aravi: A Khajiit in Skyrim

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