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> The Stormcrow, A Superhero's Tale
post May 25 2024, 06:04 AM
Post #1021

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Joined: 14-March 10
From: Between The Worlds

Acadian: That was a nice interlude for January to flex her wings and take the moment to sharpen her abilities to adapt to the upcoming challenge of descending into the deep. I liked writing it because it gave another opportunity to show how magic works, and how individual's interact with it.

Jan's Elements are the classic five: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, and Spirit. Though that is not to say those are the official ones for the world. There are as many or few as each individual magician believes there are. It all depends on how you look at it.

I suppose if January was a Transformer she would turn into a Chevy Bolt, or maybe a Lightning GT.

That would have been an excellent opportunity for Calypso to have a sidekick . Or even a pet like Viuda's tarantula Toby. Sadly I never had the opportunity to get that deep into her development. Silverlight OTOH does have someone whom we will eventually meet - her contact in the Pentagon.

Renee: I made a playlist of sailing songs to listen to while I wrote the underwater scenes in this story, to help get me in the mood. Things like Downeaster Alexa, Orinoco Flow, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, Sloop John B, that sort of thing. I am listening to it right now.

Silverlight's Mind Link is a pretty standard power for Telepaths. It is basically just a psychic radio that a team can all use to communicate with.

Autobots, Roll Out! is sort of the catch phrase for the Transformers. Their leader Optimus Prime says when they go into action.

Calypso needs to have a way to disguise her boat, otherwise anyone will be able to look up the name, flag of origin, serial numbers, etc... and find out her secret identity. Otherwise it would be the same as a super driving into action with the license plates visible on their car.

Calypso's Theme Music = Elton John - The Circle of Life

Hudson Canyon can be found on the Stormcrow Map

Continental Shelf/Slope Transition

Six-Gill Shark


Book 12.27 - Broken Arrow

While the ocean had seemed featureless from above, down here it was something different. On one hand, yes, the water disappeared into a blue haze in all directions. But that haze was not empty. She saw fish of various kinds suspended within this liquid world all around. She could not come close to identifying any of them. She just knew that there were big ones and small ones, fat ones and sleek ones. It was like a different planet from the one she lived upon.

Soon the soft blue all around faded to deep velvet, and they passed into a realm of eternal twilight. Here the normally bright rays of the sun were nothing but a pale glimmer overhead. The distance at which everything turned to an indistinguishable haze closed in sharply now, and narrowed the world to a small space around the heroes.

Yet if anything January noted there was more life around them than before, and in ever stranger shapes. There was a little squid that swam so that one big, bulbous yellow eye eternally pointed up, and another, far smaller black eye on the other side of its body faced ever down. There was a jellyfish that looked almost like a transparent traffic cone. There were fish of all sizes and shapes, and even more types of squid, and octopi, and others.

Twilight soon melted into total blackness. Well, it would have, were it not for Silverlight. The lunar stone of her staff Mene's headpiece gave off a continuous glow. Like the moon in a night sky, it was a literal light shining through the darkness. This created a zone of illumination around the heroes. After a moment Calypso waved one hand through the water around her, and a second glow of light sprang up around them. Beyond these twin beacons, the world simply vanished into inky darkness.

January stretched out into the astral with her senses, and immediately this seemingly empty void was filled with life. She did not bother to close her eyes, as she often did when astrally sensing. There was little her meat eyes could do to distract her magical senses here. Beyond her immediate group of allies, the marine world was lit by the warm glow of both magic and life. The latter came in all shapes and sizes. Some floated aimlessly in the water, others darted to and fro with seeming purpose.

Through it all January began to detect a faint rain of particles that slowly fell down alongside them. To her meat eyes it looked like snow. To her astral senses it was clearly something biological. In fact, it was a lot of something biological. But it was not alive. In the magical realm she could sense that it was tiny bits and pieces from many, many beings. It reminded January of some sort of detritus, like nail clippings, or flaked-off skin.

"Marine snow," Calypso's telepathically projected voice rang through her skull. "That is what it is called. It is tiny bits of organic material that falls down from the upper levels of the ocean. Scales, droppings, mucus, bits of flesh from dead fish, and so on. Everything above us eventually falls down here, and becomes one of the primary fuels for life in the deep."

January turned that over in her head. It was bits of dead fish and marine mammals that were falling down around her. But then again, it was not like fish had cemeteries. When something in the ocean died it was naturally going to end up one place: the bottom.

So far her water breathing spell was holding up fine. She was now thankful that she was not straining oxygen from the water with gills like a regular fish did. Then she would be breathing in all that second-hand fish snot. Instead the element of Air itself filled her lungs and bloodstream with life-giving oxygen.

Still, she was reminded of an old quote by Joseph Campbell. "Life lives on life. This is the sense of the symbol of the Ouroboros, the serpent biting its tail. Everything that lives lives on the death of something else."

Or as Elton John might say, it was the circle of life.

"What is that?" Mercury's voice came through the mental link loud and clear, with an unmistakable note of trepidation.

January snapped her awareness around, even as Calypso slowed their descent to a halt. That gave them all a chance to see what the Philadelphian meant. It was a gigantic fish, well over twenty feet long. It could only be a shark, given its distinctive shape. But it was odd. Its dorsal fin was practically non-existent, and pushed far back along its body. Its pectoral fins were likewise smaller than normal, and its head possessed a blunt shape.

It came near enough that January could see its face with her meat eyes now. She was immediately struck by its gaze. All of the sharks January had ever seen in pictures had black eyes. Like a doll's eyes some might say. But these looked all-too human, with slightly iridescent pupils that were set within a wider white sclera. It was like a person looked back at her, rather than an animal.

"Hexanchus griseus!" Calypso exclaimed. "A sixgill shark. We are lucky indeed, to meet this fellow. They are very rare. I wish we had more time. I would love to swim with him and film him. I have not seen one this far north in the Atlantic before."

"Yeah but is it going to try to eat us?" Mercury said what January was thinking. She had seen the movie Jaws. She knew that it was fiction, and that not all sharks acted like the one in that movie. Actually that no sharks acted like the one in that movie, given that it ate ships. But that cold, rational portion of her mind was fighting with the reptilian part that was screaming at her to start punching.

"Nah, trust me bro, we taste like old jock straps to sharks." Ranger assured the other man. "I've swum with them plenty of times. They don't want none of this..."

"Speak for yourself!" Mercury laughed. "I assure you, I am highly desired! Just usually not by fish..."

"It is probably just curious because of the light," Calypso noted. "As long as it does not think we are competition for food, we are fine. Besides, it will not be able to keep up with us."

With that, Calypso whirled her staff around, and the team once more swept down into the depths. As the aquanaut had said, they left the shark far, far behind them as they continued ever to the bottom. At least January imagined that was where they were headed. She had no real way to orient herself in the utter darkness. They could have been going up, and she would not have known it.

As she had expected, the pressure began to mount as they descended. It started as a gentle touch all around her. Then it slowly turned into a tighter and tighter squeeze. But the spell Calypso had taught her adjusted as they went deeper, and countered it all the while. January could feel the water pressing in, and felt the magic pressing back. That kept her mostly in equilibrium, mostly. But the reality of the crushing weight of the water above her was ever present in her mind.

The same was true of the cold. January was keenly aware of the chill that seeped into her bones from the water around her. But whether it was due to the spell Calypso had taught her, or her own natural invulnerabilities, it did not really bother January either. Rather it merely felt like a crisp spring morning.

This might have seemed like a simple sight-seeing trip so far. But there was no mistaking the fact that this was the most dangerous journey January had ever taken. In some ways it was even more deadly than the Abyss itself. That world—as alien and inimical to life as it had been—had not tried to crush her into a fine mist and choke the life from her lungs.

Then something did come into view. It was the bottom. January could sense it beneath them through the astral. In a way it reminded her of a grassy hillside. But in this case it was not plant life that she sensed embedded within and overlaying the crust of the earth below. Rather it was a plethora of that marine detritus that snowed down from above. Along with it were numerous small animals, such as sea cucumbers, urchins, lobsters, crabs, and the like.

From this blanket of life and organic matter, she was able to make out that they stood upon the edge of an underwater ridge or escarpment. Behind them the land was relatively flat. But before them it sloped down sharply to some lower depth, as of yet unplumbed and unseen. January hoped there were no shoggoths down there. Now she regretted reading all those Lovecraft stories when she was younger...

"We are at the edge of the continental shelf," Calypso explained. "It is the relatively shallow water that rings the continents. During the last Ice Age much of this would have been above sea level. Before us is the continental slope. It angles down to the true depths below."

The ridge went off as far as she could sense to her left. But when she looked to her right, January saw that the continual slope and shelf alike were rent open by a wide, jagged slash. It was like some giant had split it open with a massive, celestial axe. It was so wide that January could not sense the far wall of this deep crevasse. She could only sense the void it created in the slope around her. It was like they hung at the edge of the Grand Canyon.

"Welcome to Hudson Canyon," Calypso declared. She moved her staff about, and the team of heroes swept off to the side. For a moment they hung suspended over the black waters of the canyon. The then they plunged straight down into the ravine. "This is a deep notch cut by the flow of the Hudson River. We are near the lower end, meaning here it is over half a mile wide."

"It feels like a different planet down here." Hwarang gave voice to what January felt. She wondered if Janos Heisen had felt the same when he had descended into the atmosphere of Jupiter.

"Which way Silverlight," Calypso turned to their eldest sister present, who still clutched the old parachute to her breast.

"That way," Silverlight pointed one marble hand out, toward the deeper water beyond the open maw of the canyon. "Somewhere down there."

"Are we close?" Mercury wondered as they swept down the canyon walls, and plunged deeper into the abyss.

"I cannot tell," Silverlight shook her head. "It's confusing now... It wants to pull me in more than one direction."

"So you mean you aren't sure which way to go?" The exasperation was clear in Ranger's psychic voice. "Has that ever happened before?"

"I don't know," Silverlight said. "I've never done this before."

"You've never done this before!" Now it was Hwarang's turn to voice consternation. "You could be leading us on a wild goose chase down here!"

"She will lead us to the wreckage," January declared with certitude. "I know it. Just give her some time."

"It could be that the plane has broken up into multiple pieces," Calypso considered. "This often happens with ships. I sometimes find parts of them miles away from the main wreckage, and even that can often be broken in two or three separate sections."

"So Keep 19 might be spread all over the bottom here," Mercury managed to whistle in January's head. "Oy vey! This makes things... more interesting."

"We will have to go one at a time, until we rule them all out," Calypso insisted. "Just pick one bearing and follow it Silverlight. We shall see what we find, when we find it."

With that they continued on, until they finally hit the very bottom at the base of the canyon. It felt strange to feel land under her feet. Or at least underwater land, such as it was. Given that there was an entire ocean on top of her, January had the feeling that the world was somehow upside down. The land was supposed to be at the top of the water, not the bottom of it!

If not for the bits of marine snow suspended all around, January would have thought that she was standing in the desert. There was no plant life here at all. Instead it was a long sheet of what looked like dirt, mixed with tiny stones and a layer of silt. The muddy surface was not featureless however. It was an endless plain of tiny hills and pockmarks, ridges and troughs. It reminded January of the surface of the moon. Though unlike that heavenly body however, most of these features were only a few inches in height or depth either way down here.

They now trudged along the bottom, and their feet kicked up small clouds of silt in their wake. They came upon a cluster of long and slender life forms, and January could not help but to lower her astral senses for a moment and look at them with purely meat eyes. They were hagfish! She could not contain her delight at seeing the serpentine creatures, with their spiky-crowned heads. They writhed and swum about, and seemed to be picking away at the carcass of some long-dead sea animal.

"Look at them!" January exclaimed. "Aren't they beautiful?"

"They look kind of gross..." Ranger murmured.

"Yeah, what's so exciting about eels?" Mercury wondered.

"Those are hagfish, not eels," Calypso pointed out.

"My original armor was made from their snot!" January declared. "Gadget still uses it too, as the base layer for his powered armor."

She wanted to reach out to try to pet one. But even now the others were following Silverlight ever onward.

"Ewww!" Ranger's disgust was clear in his mental voice.

"That's just... nasty..." Mercury added.

"No, that is brilliant!" Calypso insisted. "Hagfish eject a cloud of mucus as a defense mechanism. It is filled with extremely strong and flexible fibers. I have read that the US Navy was experimenting with using it to coat the hulls of their ships in order to reduce drag."

"It is really, really good at fire defense too. It saved my life in the Flying Dutchman fire." January turned away from the hagfish, and hurried to catch up to the others. "It's handy for stopping bullets too."

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post May 25 2024, 08:34 PM
Post #1022

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Joined: 14-March 10
From: Las Vegas

What a fascinating journey to the ocean floor! You clearly did a bunch of research here and it seemed very real as the heroes made their way ever deeper. I hadn’t thought of the cold but I’m sure glad they had some provisions for that.

I also hadn’t considered that the B-52 likely came apart on impact and its pieces could indeed rest miles apart. This could be like looking for a pair of nuclear needles in a haystack. . . in the dark. Don't fail us now, Moon Witch!

Screenshot: Buffy in Artaeum
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post May 29 2024, 03:42 PM
Post #1023

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Joined: 19-March 13
From: Ellicott City, Maryland

Wow that shark's really aggressive. That'd be so scary. One little crack in their spyglass or if that shark dislodged some crucial equipment.... indifferent.gif

I can't believe they're all going down into the depths. And then there's no natural light.

Pressure builds as they go deeper, yeesh. 🐟 I think I've watched every OceanGate video on YouTube over these past 11 months, so I know what's happening. Can't believe they're doing this; so freaky. Good thing their spells aren't substituting whatever the magical equivalent of carbon fiber is. laugh.gif "You are remembered for the rules you break!" Oh yeah buddy, you got that right.

What's a shoggoth? Whoooooa. Gotta start reading that Lovecraft book again.

Yeesh, the plane's all broken up. Indeed, the impact upon the surface would've torn it up. Still. Wonder if the bomb is even here! 💣

The land was supposed to be at the top of the water, not the bottom of it!

What a world.

I'd be so afraid a hagfish would start trying to leech off their legs or something. That's another thing we heard as kids (me & friends) about the Great Lakes. Catfish as big as cars, and giant eels, too.

This post has been edited by Renee: May 29 2024, 03:43 PM

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post Jun 1 2024, 06:11 AM
Post #1024

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Joined: 14-March 10
From: Between The Worlds

Acadian: I spent a lot of time reading and watching ocean documentaries like the Blue Planet serieses. Blue Planet II has a good episode called The Deep that I watched about four times to pick out details from, and just to get the look and feel of the sea floor from.

I forgot about the cold at first too. But then I remembered that the bottom of the ocean is just a few degrees above the freezing point of water. In some places it is actually lower, but the salinity of the water is so high that it cannot freeze.

My original thought was that the B-52 would be in one piece on the ocean floor. Then I started doing research on shipwrecks, and found that many are found in pieces, and sometimes their debris field can spread out across miles. Like the Titanic, or Edmund Fitzgerald. So I decided to go that route, and have Keep-19 be in pieces. It also brings home how devastating the crash into the sea was. There was no surviving it.

Renee: Those sharks can go a year between eating, so they can get very territorial on the rare occasions they have to actually eat. However, once they realized that the submersible was not there to steal their dinner, they left it alone.

I watched a lot of Jacques Cousteau when I was a children in the 70s. I rewatched them all again a couple times over lockdown. They are all on YouTube now. I was amazed at how quickly the light disappears underwater. You do not have to go that far at all before you end up in total blackness. Almost all the ocean has never seen a ray of sunlight.

Shoggoths are a creature that Lovecraft introduced in one of his last stories - At the Mountains of Madness. They were a slave race of formless protoplasms created by the race of Elder Things, who came to Earth from another planet hundreds of millions of years ago. The Elder Things also created humans, either as an accident or a joke. In time the Shoggoths rose up and slaughtered the Elder Things. Some of them still haunt the old Elder Thing cities, deep beneath Antarctic Ocean. In some of the post Lovecraft mythos stories other authors have had them actually impersonate humans, essentially wearing human skin suits. Michael Shea has some good stories with them.

I don't think we have catfish that big here! We do have regular cats though, and fish! biggrin.gif Honestly though, the most dangerous thing in the Great Lakes is probably E Coli. We get outbreaks sometimes because of people dumping raw sewage in the lakes.

Silverlight's Theme Music = Lindsey Sterling - Lord of the Rings Medley

B-52 Bomber

B-52 Cockpit Layout

Mark 39 Nuclear Bomb

The Nereids

Klingon Guile

Book 12.28 - Broken Arrow

They came upon the first piece of wreckage soon after. January's heart raced as they neared it, but then crashed with anti-climax when it came into clear view. It was a wing, which had been sheared off at its base by some incredible force. January imagined hitting the surface of the ocean at jet speed might do such a thing.

It was gigantic, simply massive in size. It had to be at least seventy or eighty feet long. This clearly came from no little puddle jumper. A row of engines were suspended from the bottom of the wing. They were truly cyclopean in size, and appeared even larger because they were built in pods. Each of these consisted of two engines that had seemingly been melded together side by side. There were two of these pods, so a total of four engines hung from just this wing alone.

Most of the skin of the wing was covered in what looked to January like moss or fuzz. Here and there were larger animals, such as colorful anemones that radiated tentacles so slender that they reminded her of angel hair pasta. Spiky sea urchins rolled upon the surface of the decaying metal, while crabs and lobsters skittered around them. Shrimp floated about overhead, along with schools of fish that January could not hope to identify.

"Look at those double engines that hang from the bottom of the wing. That's from a B-52 alright." Ranger spoke with certainty."I hitched a ride in one once."

It was not what they were after. But it proved that Silverlight's homing spell was working. It was just not perfect. January made sure to get video of it on her helmet camera. She held up Sága with her GPS turned on, and made sure to get it in the same picture. That would clearly mark the site. Maybe someday, someone might want to come out and collect it. If they were not kind of busy looking for a bomb, she would have suggested they take the wreckage up to the surface with them.

Silverlight took several long moments to orient herself with the parachute once more. Finally she set off again, and the rest of the team followed dutifully. They trudged down the sloping ground, and descended farther into the deep. Soon enough they discovered a second piece of wreckage. This looked like two diminutive wings that protruded from a narrow fuselage. But it was much, much too small to be what they were looking for.

Again, the wreckage was covered in that marine fuzz. January imagined that it might be bacterial growths, or algae, or some sort of microbial colonies. She seemed to recall something about the Titanic wreck being covered in that sort of thing. Along with it came even more fish and other bottom life than she had seen before on the wing. This might have been the wreckage of humanity, but here on the bottom of the sea it was an oasis for life.

That made her change her mind about bringing the wreckage up. It was better off where it was. In its life the plane had been a weapon of war, created to kill entire cities. But down here in its watery grave it had ironically become a foundation for life. She could not think of a better place for it.

"It's the tail section," Mercury noted. "But it looks like the rudder is gone. Maybe it was sheared off in the crash?"

"Or maybe it being sheared off caused the crash?" Calypso wondered.

So they continued on, and plunged ever down the slope into the abyss. By now the canyon wall on their left had long since vanished from both January's physical and astral senses. Clearly they had gone beyond it, and were out in the open ocean. The world now became nothing but the muddy bottom, which seemed to slope ever downward into infinity.

"How deep are we?" Hwarang wondered.

"Now that we are beyond the continental slope, over three thousand feet," the aquanaut replied easily. "It still gets much deeper however, down in the abyssal plain ahead."

The term "abyssal plain" made January shudder in spite of herself. She did not like the sound of that.

"How deep is it there?" Silverlight asked.

"In this part of the Atlantic?" Calypso thought about it for a moment, "I would say well over ten thousand feet."

"So, two miles underwater," January mused, "damn."

"It gets much, much deeper in other places," Calypso noted. "I found the Indianapolis at nearly twice that depth, and even that is nothing compared to Challenger Deep. The ocean is deeper than Everest is tall."

"Is it all so barren?" asked Hwarang. "Aside from a few spots like that wreckage back there, it feels like the surface of the moon down here."

"Oh no, not at all," Calypso answered quickly. "There are numerous miniature biomes down here at the bottom of the sea. In places brine pools into lakes, five times saltier than the rest of the sea. Methane bubbles up from them, which bacteria feed upon. That in turn is fed upon by mussels and other sea life, and so on. In still more places there are volcanic vents that jet superheated water and minerals up into the ocean. Vast colonies of life forms grow up around them, some with literal iron shells. You should see a whale fall. When they die their bodies eventually settle down here. They form an oasis for different animals that can last for decades."

"It does not look like it to the naked eye, but even this spot right here is filled with life," January noted. "I can feel it in the astral. There's all sorts of critters around here, under the mud, and walking on its surface. Worms, crabs, octopi, you name it, they are out there. It's a desert that's filled with life."

"There is no part of the deep ocean that is not home to life," Calypso declared. "Even at the bottom of the Mariana Trench there is life, as complex as fish no less! In fact, life on the Earth may have begun here on the bottom of the ocean, from those geothermal vents. Whenever I come down here, I usually discover at least one new species."

"We are close to the next piece," Silverlight broke in. "I think it's something big."

"I'll say," January felt it now, on the edge of her astral awareness. It looked like a wide, metal tube. The end facing them had been sheared open, as if someone had cut it off from a longer body. The cylindrical fuselage stretched forward from there, and eventually tapered at what had clearly been the nose of the plane. Here January could see the wide slits where the windows had once been set, which now lay open to the sea. This part of the craft was crumpled into a mass of tortured metal however. It looked like it had smashed head-first into a mountain. January imagined crashing nose-first into the sea would have much the same effect.

This had to be the cockpit!

Hwarang lifted his arms, and his golden bow magically appeared in his hands. He pulled back its illuminated string, and one of his shining arrows likewise formed there. He loosed it a moment later, and the missile sped off through the water as easily as it would have done through air.

It was a flare of brilliant light that flashed through the water as it sped over the bottom. It flew into the open end of the wreckage, and stuck deep inside. It caused no damage to the plane. But it did remain glowing there, like a lantern shining in the darkness. Then the Korean-American shot another of these light arrows, and another, and soon the entire area was lit up as if by streetlights.

It was indeed the cockpit of the plane. It was so big that it had two levels. Given how the fuselage had been sheared in two, they could look inside each floor, and see down the length of the plane. Nearest to them on the upper level was a pair of ejection seats that were still bolted to the deck. They faced backwards down what would have been the stern of the plane. Now they looked right out into the open water where the heroes stood.

The compartment beyond stretched out to the nose of the plane. The ceiling here was crushed down, and the metal tangled into a mess. It looked like something large had either sat upon the roof, or crashed into it. Perhaps that had been caused by a second plane, which the hijackers who had attacked the B-52 had originated from? If so, there was no sign of where that craft had gone to.

In any case, electronic panels lined the right side of the upper level. What looked like a very simple bed was cut into the instrumentation on the left side of the fuselage. At the far end January could see two more seats that faced forward in the nose of the plane. The one on the left side had a hole burned straight through its back. Then the cockpit abruptly ended in a crumpled mass of flight controls.

The lower deck was smaller. There were two seats that faced forward at the far end of the chamber. In the center was a ladder and hatchway that led to the upper deck. The hatch that would have sealed it shut was missing. January saw it nearby, half-buried in the mud behind the plane. Another hatch was still in place in the floor of the lower fuselage, and January imagined it was how the crew normally got into and out of the plane. Nearest to January there was nothing but an open passage that must have normally led back into the bomb bay of the plane. That section of the craft was now missing of course.

Something about it all made goose bumps rise on January's flesh. She knew that was not because of the temperature of the water. That did not bother her in the slightest. There was something disturbing about that wreckage. It was a wrongness, and it instantly set her on edge.

That is when she noted that there was no microbial life growing in colonies upon the metal of the fuselage. No crabs or lobsters darted through its interior. No fish swarmed around its bulk. The metal here was pristine, and almost shiny. It looked cold, like it was frozen in time.

"There is something in there," Silverlight noted.

"You are right," Calypso agreed. "But it is no sea creature, it feels almost like..."

"A bird," January finished her sister's sentence. "That's a rook, or a raven, or is it a crow? That's weird, I can usually tell the difference. It's definitely some kind of corvid though."

"So there's a dead bird in there, big deal," Mercury shrugged.

"No, it's not dead, it's alive," January insisted. "It's the only living thing in there. I can feel it. It's in the upper deck. Look where the roof is caved in, like something big sat upon it. It's somewhere in all of that mess."

"How can a bird be down here, alive?" Hwarang asked.

"I don't know, but there's only one way to find out," January declared. She pulled her feet up from the sea floor, and pushed down gently with her wings. She flew through the water, but gently enough so as to not kick up a cloud of muddy particles within her wake.

But Cray's voice stopped her. It fact, it made her jump. He had been silent for so long, that she had forgotten he was still there.

"No, that's not what we are here for," he insisted. "You need to find those bombs. Everything else is secondary."

"This might have something to do with why the plane crashed," January argued with him, she but also unintentionally sent the same thought through the mind link.

"I know, I believe you," Silverlight replied back through the telepathic connection. "But we still have to find the bombs first, before the Atomkrieg gets here, if they have not done so already."

"She is right, we have to keep looking for the bombs," Calypso sighed. "Besides, that is a gravesite. It is illegal for us to enter. Only with the express permission of the flag state could we do so, even to recover the remains. Not that it is likely there are any left after all this time. The sea is a relentless mother. She takes back all that she births."

January pulled up to a halt at the edge of the cockpit, and peered into the wreckage within. She could definitely feel that bird somewhere in the tangle of metal at the top of the upper deck. She was certain that it was a corvid. Those were the birds she knew best! But she could not tell exactly what species, which was unusual for her. She knew a raven from a crow, or a rook, or a magpie with ease. It was just obvious after all.

But this, it almost seemed like it was all those species combined. But that was impossible.

Now she could also sense something woven through that strange bird's aura. It spoke to her of high mountain peaks, of whipping winds and thundering clouds, of fearsome tornadoes, and calm gentle breezes. It was the very magical essence of Air itself, somehow stitched into the aura of the bird. It was an enchantment of some kind, using that primordial power.

With that her mind went back to the Gaia Sisters at Belle Isle. They had seeded the devastated areas of the island with primordial earth. Then they had used that raw elemental power to breathe life back into the landscape. Someone had done likewise with this bird. But they had not used it to kick start the growth of plants. Exactly what the purpose of the enchantment upon the bird was, January could not tell. That would take more time and a closer look.

But that was still not all she felt in the wreckage. There was another entity down there as well, separate from the elementally-infused bird. It was dark and cold. Clearly it was what she had first sensed upon seeing the craft. It was near the bird's aura, almost as if it guarded it. Again, it sent a shiver down January's spine and turned her blood into ice. The freezing water around her had failed to do that. But this, this did so instantly. It was a familiar feeling by now.

"There's something dead in here too," January murmured.

"Yeah, the crew," Ranger remarked. He and the others were already moving on. January could see them across the black void of the deep, illuminated by Silverlight and Calypso's lights.

"No, Calypso's right, there's nothing even left of them," January noted. That was true. She did not see any corpses within the wreck. There was not a single bone in sight, or even their uniforms. All she saw were helmets and boots. They lay scattered around the floors of each level. The boots came in pairs, and each lay with a single helmet inches away, along with other bits and bobs of metal.

January shivered. That was what remained of the crew.

"This is the other kind of dead, the un kind." January finally went on after that moment of grim realization.

"You are right, I sense it too now," Silverlight agreed. "It might be the spirit of one of the crew. Or a faded memory of one, like a stone tape."

"Come on, we can return later if we must," Calypso urged January. "We have larger marine vertebrates to fry."

January scowled, and stared back into the open cockpit one last time. But it was silent and still as the grave it literally was. Whatever undead being lurked within, it appeared content to simply lie in wait. Part of her wished it would come out. Then she might get some answers, and maybe have the opportunity to displace some anger with her fists...

January took a moment to lift Sága to her eyes and once again record the GPS coordinates with her helmet camera. Then with an effort of will she finally tore herself away. She spread her wings again, and soared across the bottom to catch up with the others. She did not have to pour on the speed. The rest of the group moved at a walking pace, nothing compared to how fast she could fly underwater. So she rejoined them in no time at all.

Silverlight had veered off to one side and led them back up the slope, but at an angle away from the direction they had come from. They stepped around a giant landing gear a moment later. January marveled to see that the rubber of its twin tires still clung stubbornly to the metal wheels. It had survived for sixty years in the salt water. She wished that she knew the brand. She would buy a set of them the next time she needed tires for her motorcycle!

Then they found another section of fuselage. This was larger than the cockpit and tail sections they had already discovered, even if both had been put together. Once again, Hwarang lit it up with his flare arrows. That revealed the stubs of wings that protruded from its ceiling, their spans having been snapped off at some point. Certainly the wing that they had found earlier must have fit into one of those stubs. The display back at the museum had said that one wing had been found floating on the surface. So that accounted for the other one that was missing.

Unlike the cockpit, this piece of wreckage was an oasis for life. The metal shell of the fuselage was dotted in microbes and larger life forms. Fish swam through its interior, while more marine animals trundled upon the ocean floor around it. It filled astral space with the warmth and brightness of living things. That came as a stark relief to January after the cold emptiness of the previous section of wreckage.

Clearly, there was nothing undead in here.

January glanced back at the cockpit. It was not very far away, perhaps only a few hundred feet at most, and was still lit up by Hwarang's flare arrows. From its dimensions, January could see that the sheared off end of the cockpit would have fit into the leading end of this piece of fuselage. She imagined that the tail section they had found earlier would likewise fit into the far end of the wreckage as well.

"This must be the last piece!" Silverlight declared.

"I sense no others here," Calypso murmured, looking to and fro. "Let us be quick!"

They moved up to the wall of the fuselage, and began moving around toward one end of the hull. That is when Mercury simply laid a hand upon the skin of the plane. As if by his will alone, the metal flowed aside to reveal structural ribs and stringers underneath. Then those too bent out of the way, and created a wide doorway in the side of the fuselage.

Nearly this entire section of plane was taken up by the bomb bay. The leading end was sealed off by a bulkhead. The open door within it revealed a chamber beyond where a pair of giant tires from one of the plane's landing gear laid upon their side. The bay itself was a giant open space. January noticed that a large hole had been cut into the ceiling here. It looked like someone might have hacked their way through it with a saw. At the other end was another bulkhead that must have led to the tail of the plane, with a door that was still locked tight.

The bombs were right there in the middle of the bay! January could see them clearly in the glow from Silverlight's lunar staff. There were two of them, one in front of the other, still mounted on their cradles. They were gigantic, much larger than she would have imagined. They were bigger than she was! Each had that standard, tubular bomb shape. But she was surprised that the tail section was only slightly thicker than the rest, and the fins that radiated from it were just tiny stubs.

Once again, Mercury whistled over their mind link.

"These things must weigh a ton," he mused.

"Three tons each," Cray's voice came over January's earpiece. "These are Mark 39 nuclear bombs. Each has a 3.8 megaton warhead. That thicker band in the back holds a parachute."

"They look intact," January mused as the studied the two bombs. In fact, they looked practically pristine. The paint was long gone of course. But the actual casings of each device were still unscathed, even at this tremendous depth. January imagined that the fuselage of the aircraft might have protected them from impact damage from the crash. Or they may have simply been built tough.

"I am not reading any radiation through Sága's sensor," Cray's voice solemnly intoned in her ear.

While the rest of them stared at the bomb, Hwarang pulled away from the group. He half climbed, half swum up to the top of the fuselage. January could not see him through the hull of the plane. Not with her meat eyes at least. But she could feel the Korean-American up there in the astral, keeping lookout.

"I can separate them from the bomb cradles with no problem," Mercury observed. "But I can't make metal levitate, or fly, or get them to the surface."

"Give me a moment, and I will summon a water elemental," Silverlight insisted. "It can do all the heavy lifting."

With that the statuesque woman closed her silver eyes, and held her hands together as if in prayer. A magic circle sprang up around her feet. Ancient Greek characters flowed between its inner and outer rings of silver light, and slowly turned around her. Rather than her usual invocation to the moon goddess Selene however, names began to spill from the wizard's lips.

"Amphitrite, Asia, Beroe, Calypso, Ceto, Clio, Clymene, Dione, Eudore, Ianeira, Melite, Neaera..."

January's ears pricked at the name of the continent, and of course at that of Calypso. Then she realized that the cultural anthropologist was not simply reciting names at random. She was recounting the Nereids: female ocean spirits of Ancient Greece. They were a specific type of nymph, or whatever you wanted to call nature spirits in general. Rather than tied to rivers or lakes like others, these were associated specifically with the ocean.

At the same time, January felt the other woman's power reach out into astral space. It was part sonar ping, part siren call across the aether. It traveled out like the ring created by a stone tossed in a pond, and echoed and rebounded off all it came across. In time the signal vanished over the astral horizon, and all went silent within the otherworld once more.

But the call was answered. January felt the force that responded through the higher realm. It existed solely there, a creature of the astral. It raced to them with near blinding speed, and in just moments it stood right beside Silverlight.

Thanks to her recent improvements to her astral sensing, January could feel the newcomer's name. She had the impression that without her recent breakthrough in that ability, she would not have been able to do so. That had been the case with the elementals she had faced months ago at Jobbie Nooner and Montserrat. Now however, it was plain to January that this was Neaera, and that she was definitely feminine in nature.

January felt the spirit's energy sort of undulate. She had no real way of describing the change that traveled through the higher being's aura. With it Neaera shifted from the astral, and ground down to the physical world. It was just as Silverlight had explained in her recent lecture. The elemental could inhabit one world or the other, and step between them at will.

At first the Nereid was a slightly lighter, brighter patch of water amongst that which surrounded them. Then January was able to make out a pair of ocean blue eyes amidst the radiance. That light shrank down, and finally coalesced into the form of a curvy woman clad in white robes that flowed about her like the sea itself. Granted, January suspected that was literally the case.

She could feel the power that rolled off Neaera. Her energy whispered thoughts of gentle currents and the patter of rain. She was the glassy surface of a calm sea, the violent crash of waves against the shore, the rolls of high swells within a storm, and the greedy tug of an undertow. She was the sea itself, possessed of will and power and magic.

But the feeling of spellbound awe and wonder that the summoning had engendered within January—and she suspected the others as well—was broken when Hwarang's voice rang out across the mind link that joined the thoughts of the heroes as one.

"Whatever you are going to do, do it fast," his mental voice rang with a sense of urgency. "We've got company, lights coming from the west!"

"Damn, the Atomkrieg is here," Calypso cursed. Her frilled head turned from the spirit to the direction that the archer had indicated. "This is going to be a running battle as we try to get the bombs out of here."

"Maybe we just need a little Klingon guile," Cray's gruff, but soft voice was in January's ear. She smiled when he explained what he had in mind...

* * *

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post Jun 1 2024, 09:14 PM
Post #1025

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From: Las Vegas

Eerie indeed as Silverlight leads them to the various major pieces of the wreckage.

I love Hwarang’s summoned bow and his arrows of light! Hmm, I wonder what Jan is sensing in that cockpit area. I understand her reluctance to move on from this mystery, but Cray is right.

Finally they find the section with the bombs – with a hole cut in the roof. Clearly, this crash was not mechanical or pilot error in nature but the aircraft was attacked in flight.

A nereid should be most helpful in trying to deal with those bombs – still a monumental task I’m sure.

Uh-oh. The good news is that the heroes beat the baddies to the site. The bad news that they didn’t beat ‘em by much. Smells like a fight coming up. In the water. Over two miles deep. Yikes! Let’s hope Cray’s beguiling plan is a good one.

Nit: ‘Here January could see the wide slits where the windows had once been set, which now lay open {to?} the sea.’

Screenshot: Buffy in Artaeum
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post Jun 4 2024, 03:50 PM
Post #1026

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From: Ellicott City, Maryland

Jacques was great, though I didn't watch too many of those as a kid; not sure if we got that channel reliably. smile.gif David Attenborough was awesome, too. He could describe a bunny rabbit and make it sound just as interesting as a platypus or a koala bear.

Thanks for describing shoggoth. Yeah, I really gotta read some more Lovecraft this summer.


Oh yeah, that's good music for Silverlight. ⭐ Cool, there are anemones. And crustaceans and so on. So they're not super-deep. But still pretty far under.

The ocean is deeper than Everest is tall.

Way taller, very true. Oh crap. "There is something in there..." Holy [censored] that's goosebumps. Could it be Rook (somehow?) or maybe it's a remnant of Rook's magic. Ah, I see.

Yikes, they did find the bomb. More than one, sounds like. sad.gif

Silverlight's naming water spirits, nice.

Uh oh, someone else is here. The Atomkrieg. Yeah, they'd better hurry!

This post has been edited by Renee: Jun 5 2024, 03:20 PM

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post Jun 8 2024, 05:39 AM
Post #1027

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From: Between The Worlds

Acadian: The deep ocean is a spooky, alien place, so very different from the world we normally live in. I had two basic inspirations for this particular story. One was Broken Arrow incidents, and how often the US has lost nuclear weapons. The other were undersea documentaries, from the old Jacques Cousteau show to the more modern ones like Blue Planet. The bottom of the ocean is plain. Its just a desert of silt and mud and dirt that goes on forever. But it is also eerie, given how it is eternally blanketed in total darkness, and the home of weirder and weirder life. Then finally its absolute inhospitably to life forms such as ourselves. In some ways it is the ultimate exotic fantasy world.

I knew you would appreciate Hwarang's arcane archery in this book. He will not disappoint in the near future either.

Now we have finally wrapped things back around to the prologue of Rook attempting to hijack the B-52. Everything here is his handiwork. He unwittingly set this entire story in motion.

It is nice to have an elemental on January's side for once.

Yep, the final showdown is on now. Thousands of feet on the bottom of the ocean. January has really moved up from throwing hands against Lighthammer in a suburban hotel.

Cray does have a good plan. I think you will appreciate his application of Klingon guile. He has really shone in this Book.

Renee: I think Cousteau was on PBS, so one of the UHF channels with the high numbers. 56 for us in Detroit.

There is life even the very deepest parts of the ocean. Even coral reefs live on the bottom of the sea, where sunlight has never touched. (Coral is an animal, not a plant). And of course there are the shoggoths...

You had it with Rook. He's still down here, waiting. Or at least some remnant of him and his magic is.

I was thinking over how Silverlight's elemental summoning spell might look. I went through some ideas. Then when I was looking at the names of Nereids, I decided that she would call out all their names, in the hope that one would answer. Which it did. Neaera is one of those names she called out.

Hwarang's Fight Music = Belgrade – Battle Tapes

neo-Nazi skull masks

Are We The Baddies?

Book 12.29 - Broken Arrow

"Here they come!" Hwarang's voice rang out. The Korean-American archer sent a string of glowing arrows lancing out through the ink dark sea. Each briefly illuminated the area around it like a flare as it sliced through the water. But all came to an abrupt halt against a wall of complete darkness.

It was elemental darkness in fact. January could sense that in the astral. It was the epitome of darkness itself, given form and matter by magic. That could only mean Reinhard. He had manipulated the same magical darkness at the museum battle, and used it to negate all of Silverlight's own light-based magic.

It appeared to do the same here. While Hwarang's arrows did not appear to be primordial light as some of Silverlight's attacks were, they were still magical in nature. As Reinhard's defense was likewise magical at heart, it most likely countered the attack by virtue of that alone. January's gamer brain reminded her that while it had an extra bonus vs. light-based attacks, it clearly was quite potent against all other forms of magic as well.

January glanced briefly in the opposite direction. The water elemental that Silverlight had summoned quickly receded from her astral awareness as she made her way out of the area. January marveled at how fast the Nereid moved through the water. She made Calypso seem slow and ungainly in comparison, which was saying a lot. That was no surprise however, given that the spirit was the ultimate expression of water itself. There was no beating an elemental in its own domain after all.

With that done, now all she and the others had to do was play their parts in Cray's theater production. January spread her wings and flew up over the superstructure of the crashed B-52. Hwarang still stood upon its roof, and she gave the archer plenty of room. She did not want to get in the way of one of his arrows. She had played enough video games to know that the missiles from archers on her own side were not shy about finding a home in her back. There was no turning off friendly fire in real life after all.

The neo-Nazis replied with a beam of energy that disrupted the water itself, seeming to shake it apart at the molecular level. This left a wake of hissing bubbles and roiling waves in its wake. The lance of energy slammed into the roof of the B-52 where Hwarang stood. The flower knight leaped into the air—well the water—even as the roof of the fuselage disintegrated beneath him. Tiny shards of metal fragments flew in all directions. But thankfully their force was blunted by the density of the liquid around them.

That had to be Blitz. The vibration emitter had done the same at the Smithsonian, and had ripped the floor and exhibits apart with his power there.

"There are two nuclear bombs right here you morons!" Calypso shouted at the neo-Nazis. "Do you want to die as well!"

She did not say it across the mind link. She did so in the physical world. Somehow, her voice carried as clearly underwater as it would have through the air. It was something January had heard before of course, in the nature documentaries that the Caribbean heroine had starred in. But until that moment January had forgotten that the other woman could do that. Magic was a wonderful thing, and it was such a no-brainer for an aquanaut to develop the ability to speak intelligibly underwater.

Silverlight responded with arcane bolts. But once again that wall of darkness leaped up to protect the neo-Nazis. January fumed, but waited. She did not want to rush ahead and leave the group. But her fists ached to plant themselves in Nazi faces all the same. Sadly, her best means of striking at range was to draw down lightning from the sky. But given that they were thousands of feet under the ocean that was not on the table.

Mercury appeared to be in the same boat. January briefly smiled at the metaphor she had chosen in her head. Blackjack would have been so pleased at the pun!

The metal manipulator had shown himself to be capable of propelling both balls and bolts of metal at high speeds back at the museum. But that was in the air. He gave it a go here under the waves, and fired a slender dart of metal from one hand. It initially cut through the waves like a projectile shot from a speargun. But it soon lost its force under the crushing weight of the water above, and trundled impotently to the sea floor well short of the enemy.

That reminded her of something he had said just recently. He could not levitate metal or make it fly. So apparently he was simply flinging it away from itself, much as one would throw a ball. Once he no longer touched the metal, it appeared that he was no longer able to manipulate it. Or in the very least, he could not make it defy gravity once it was out of reach.

Calypso waved her staff Bagua in a flourish. Then she took it in both hands, and mimicked using it to hammer at the oncoming neo-Nazis with a horizontal blow. January felt magic leap from the magical artifact, and spread out through the water on one side of the approaching terrorists. At the staff's call, a tremendous flow of water sprang up and smashed at the Nazis. It swept up the mud from the bottom in its wake, which revealed its outline as a long tube or river of running water. Even more water rushed in behind the roaring waves, and sprouted even more eddies and currents in the ocean nearby.

But a gray white field of light sprang up between the neo-Nazis and the onrushing crush of water. The waves crashed upon its surface, and glanced off around it. This created a small bubble of clear, calm water behind the protective dome. All the while the waves raged all around and kicked up even more clouds of mud and underwater detritus.

January heard a loud crash, as if something really big, and really solid had struck the ground. Then a shockwave ran through the ocean floor. It threw up the silt and clay in an onrushing stream, and hammered the water above into a roiling mess. This miniature earthquake ripped across the sea floor in just moments, and homed in upon Calypso.

There was something January could do about this. Her wings propelled her across the water, and an instant later she stood directly in front of her raven sister. She had just enough time to plant her feet upon the ground to summon up the element of Earth. Even here on the bottom of the Atlantic, she was stone, she was the mountain, she was adamant.

The wave of seismic energy slammed into her like a semi truck. Well, stronger than that. January knew what having one of those fall on you felt like after all. But the massive burst of kinetic energy simply broke around January and Calypso. It tore up the ground all around them, but left the circle of it at their feet completely untouched.

At least it did until all the soil farther beneath disintegrated as well. Just as the salamander had done to her on the beach at Montserrat, this seismic attack removed January's connection to the earth by simply destroying the ground too far away for her to influence. In a moment she went floating away with a solid base of earth still attached to her feet, like one of those miniatures that Ryo so loved to paint.

Calypso went with her as well, but only for a moment. The aquanaut turned her staff's powers to the water close at hand. It suddenly came pressing straight down with extraordinary force, even for the depth they were at. She and January were both thrust down hard to the sea floor once more, along with all of the silt that had been kicked up. The ground steadied under the massive pressure of water above it, and went quiet once more.

"That was probably Tirpitz striking the ground to create a seismic wave," Cray's voice noted in her ear. "It's a classic brick move."

January considered replicating the maneuver, and sending a similar earthquake right back at their attackers. But now that Calypso's water assault had abated, the Nazis rushed into close range. They were near enough that she could see them not only in the astral, but with her meat eyes as well.

It was the same crew from the museum. The cyborg Bismarck led the bunch. His snow white hair and bushy mustache made him easy to recognize, even without the shiny metal that had replaced parts of his skull, arms, and a line down the back of his neck. His cybernetic eyes glowed bright white in the darkness, while a much softer gray-white light suffused his body.

"I am thinking that light around him is a force field," Cray noted in January's ear. "It might be how he absorbs energy. Or maybe it is a manifestation of his telekinesis."

With him was the big man Tirpitz, who towered somewhere near seven feet in height. His frame burst with so much muscle that he looked like a walking ad for steroids. The soft glow that surrounded him told January that he had found another force field generator to protect him. Or perhaps his previous one had been fixed. He wore a new stahlhelm over some form of high tech rebreather that covered his face. Its lower portion had been spray painted to look like the jaws of a grinning skull. As before, his hands were sheathed in a pair of massive metal gauntlets that shone with energy. Each knuckle was the size of a saucer, and was shaped like a skull.

There was Blitz as well. His willowy outline was a wavering blur from the sheath of vibratory energy that acted as his armor. Otherwise he was clad much the same as Tirpitz, in a black uniform and World War Two Nazi helmet. He too, covered his face in a rebreather that was partially painted over with a skull.

Nazis sure loved their skulls. January wondered how it never occurred to them that they were the bad guys, when they were walking around dressed like that? Then again, committing mass murder was their idea of being good.

She noted a new player in the raiding party this time. This could only be Skorzeny. Like Blitz, he was an ordinary-sized man. He too was clad in black battle dress, a German helmet, and white skull rebreather. But unlike him and the other neo-Nazis, this man had no depth. That was not January throwing shade, it was literally the case. With only two physical dimensions, he was as flat as a piece of paper, perhaps even flatter. It gave him a strange, almost blocky appearance as he cut through the water. He was like a cardboard cutout come to life.

Finally came Reinhard. He was a wraith cloaked in elemental darkness. He did not wear a breathing apparatus. Instead he wore the same white skull mask over his lower face that he had at the museum. That made it easy to see his piercing blue eyes. They practically shone in the darkness that otherwise seemed to flow from him. What might have been a black cloak and hood flowed down from his back. Or it might have been elemental darkness masquerading as such, January could not tell for certain. She did note the silver German eagle belt buckle at his waist, the SS runes at his shoulders, and his swastika band around his upper arm. Those were plain in the darkness, as if he wanted them to be seen.

"Long Live Death!" The cry came from Bismarck, and sounded clear as day through the water.

Things happened quickly now that they came into melee range. Tirpitz drove down at Mercury with a double handed blow, aimed at driving the Philadelphian's skull down through his boots. But one wave of Calypso's staff caused a torrent of water to slam into him from the side. That sent him hurtling away, and left Mercury free to strike at Bismarck.

"This Jew's got an early Hanukkah present for you paskudnyak!" Mercury shouted vehemently back at the fascist. A short stream of metal darts shot from the armored hero. He was near enough for the metal projectiles to still carry across the water. But they still only glanced off the cyborg's force field. Then a fist of gray-white energy enveloped the Philadelphian, and sent him careening back into Calypso. That caused both to crunch deeply into the fuselage of the B-52, but they did not pierce its hull.

A burst of vibratory energy did that a moment later. It was not the massive blast of power that had tried to obliterate Hwarang at the beginning of the battle. Instead this was measured, almost surgical. It was just enough to shatter a hole in the side of the plane, but not enough to continue beyond into the interior of the craft.

Bismarck dove through this, and vanished from normal sight. Ranger immediately went after him. But Skorzeny moved to intercept, and slashed at the soldier with one of his razor-thin forearms. But Ranger created a spear of glowing ionic force, which he now brought up to ward off the blow. The narrow cutting edge of the neo-Nazi's hand struck up sparks as it slashed along the side of the weapon. But the spear did not break, and a moment later Ranger riposted by bringing the butt of the weapon around at Skorzney's ankles, as if to trip him.

January did not see how the Nazi fared against the counter. She was too busy with Bismarck. She tracked him with her astral senses, and then followed in the physical world as well. She abandoned all the care she usually took when fighting in the city, where she did not want to destroy people's houses or cars. No one was going to miss this hunk of steel on the bottom of the ocean. And in spite of what Calypso had said earlier, she was not worried about accidentally setting off the nuclear weapons.

It was not like their warheads were actually inside them anymore...

But they had to put on a good show. Besides, there was no reason not to win this fight. There were no innocent civilians for the neo-Nazis to hide behind this time. So they had a golden opportunity to end the Atomkrieg for good. She did not want to let the opportunity slip by and allow them to escape once more.

So she crashed through the hull of the plane like a proverbial bull in a china shop. She found Bismarck moving to cut through the cradle that held one of the nuclear bombs aloft. He turned as she crashed through the fuselage, but he was too slow to do anything more. January was right up in his face an instant later. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pinned his arms to his torso in the process. Then she lifted him up, twisted around, and took him right through the opposite wall of the fuselage in a belly-to-belly suplex.

It was exactly as Riven had taught her. If only her sister could see her now!

They landed in the mud outside, which absorbed much of the impact from the maneuver. The rocks of Mount Shasta—where January had learned this maneuver—were much less forgiving. A cloud of silt rose up around them, as if a smoke bomb had gone off. But January did not need to see. She had her hands on the Atomkrieg's leader, and she was not about to let go.

Instead she squeezed, with enough force to pop a boulder like a zit. That soft glow around the neo-Nazi's leader fought back, and pushed against her vise-like grip. Then it swept out and engulfed her. As before at the museum, it felt like a giant hand had wrapped around her. Also like then, she felt it pick her up, and fling her across the sea floor.

But she still held on to Bismarck. Her grip never yielded. So he went flying with her. They skidded through the top soil, and threw up a river of cloudy silt behind them. He used his telekinesis to twist them around and shove January's back down into the earth. So now she was the one gouging out that trough. Not that it bothered her in the slightest. It was only mud. Even if it had been concrete, she doubted that she would have felt it.

"You are finished groomer!" the white-haired cyborg hissed in her ear. "The bombs will be ours, and then this sick woke world of yours will be burned away! First Washington, then New York, atomic fire will burn you and your Globalist masters to ash!"

"Dream on swastika boy," January murmured. "The fiction you hide in is about to meet reality head first."

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post Jun 8 2024, 08:42 PM
Post #1028

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From: Las Vegas

The battle is joined!

No calling down lightning for Stormcrow this time but they do have Calypso and that nereid.

Wow, this seems a standoff between the two groups at range. Once in melee range though, Stormcrow can do what she does best – which is sort of a cross between Rocky Balboa and a pit bull. A perk for sure is that she is unfettered from her normal concerns about innocents or collateral damage.

You, you. . . Paskudnyak! laugh.gif

Nit: ’Once he {no?} longer touched the metal, it appeared that he was no longer able to manipulate it.’

Screenshot: Buffy in Artaeum
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post Jun 10 2024, 03:51 PM
Post #1029

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Yes, PBS was channel 32, which we didn't get very well in the days of rabbit ears! --- So Cousteau was spotty. We did get a local channel better, which was WBFF, channel 45 (I think it was 45). Here we can see Captain Chesapeake. Mondy the Sea Monster is just behind the captain. huh.gif Which had something to do with Chessie, our version of Nessie.

Alright, so Nereid is the water elemental. Very nice. Would fish and other creatures be aware of Nereid?

Yikes, neo-Nazis are here too? blink.gif

Somehow, her voice carried as clearly underwater as it would have through the air.

Oh yeah. Supposedly, whale calls can be heard hundreds of miles away, so this would be no problem, hearing underwater. Maybe her voice would sound distorted, to those who don't have one of her magical sea shells. 🐚

Stone = adamant.

The Nazis have rebreathers, ah so that's how they get their oxygen. He's wearing a skull mask? laugh.gif Not really funny, but it's sort of so ridiculous. 💀 That Reinhard would go through all the trouble... going for form over function, even at this depth. "LONG LIVE DEATH" he says! laugh.gif Really, dude?

How're they gonna get out of this one??

This post has been edited by Renee: Jun 10 2024, 03:54 PM

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post Jun 15 2024, 06:06 AM
Post #1030

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From: Between The Worlds

Acadian: This will be the big final blowout of the book. So this fight will take a while, and go through several stages. This is just the opening moves. Eventually everything will come together in it.

The Nereid won't be appearing in the fight. But she has something more important to do, as we will eventually learn.

As ever, thanks for spotting that nit for me to fix.

Renee: Captain Chesapeake looks awesome! One of the episodes in the Lone Gunman TV show had a character like him, who was a nautically-themed host of a children's TV show.

I know Chessie, and Champ. Every body of water has its sea monster. We have the Underwater Panther - Mishipeshu - here in the Great Lakes. That is why it made an appearance in Battle of Belle Isle.

As long as the Nereid chooses to take a physical form, then other sea life will be aware of her, the same as they would anything else in the water.

neo-Nazis love their skull masks. Their fascination with skulls goes back to the original Nazis in WW2. I posted some links a few weeks back about how the RL Atomwaffen Division and Iron March used them. They were my inspiration for the Atomkrieg. Likewise, "Long Live Death" was the slogan of the Spanish fascism in the 1930s.

Two Steps From Hell – Riders of the Apocalypse

Book 12.30 - Broken Arrow

As if summoned by her words, they did run into something. Only it was January who went into it head first. It felt like a rock. But when pieces of metal and rubber shattered into a haze of debris around her, she realized that it was that giant landing gear they had passed by on their way from the cockpit to the bomb bay.

It did not really hurt, though it certainly got January's attention. The impact sent them bouncing up like a rock skipped across the surface of a lake. They tumbled for a moment, and January thought she saw the cockpit of the B-52 heading toward them. Or more accurately, she saw that they were about to plow into it.

Rather than try to avoid it, Bismarck did the opposite. He turned up the speed and took them straight at the wreckage. A moment later they slammed into the fuselage. More specifically, January did, right in the small of her back. She guessed that it was the roof, rather than the center of the plane, because she saw inky black water above.

She felt the fuselage crumple up like paper beneath her enchanted flesh. Steel and aircraft aluminum screamed in torment. It shattered into hundreds of pieces and surrounded them in a haze of fragments both large and small. Finally they came to a halt about halfway down the length of the cockpit. January's torso was deeply embedded within the hull of the craft, wrapped up by structural ribs, wiring, and distorted metal plates. But she could feel her legs hanging free above the upper floor of the cockpit below.

She felt that bird, that strange living bird, in the middle of all this. They had plowed right through its resting place in the metal roof of the plane. Now it bounced up and out of the wreckage, and went pinwheeling away into the abyss.

January also felt that other presence, that dark, cold chill that made the bottom of the ocean feel warm in comparison. It had been dormant before, perhaps sleeping. But now it was awake, and waves of not only anger, put panic rolled off it like the tide. January could taste its fear and desperation on her lips, like spoiled milk. It was so rank, it made her want to physically spit to get it out of her mind.

It rose up behind her like a cloud of misery, and moved in close. January let go of Bismarck, and tried to push him away instead. This was not the time to be locked up with him. But the neo-Nazi would not let up with his telekinetic grasp. He not only kept her pinned, he shoved her deeper into the metal of the aircraft's ceiling.

The spirit loomed up above them both, standing upon the roof of the fuselage. Thanks to his efforts to bury January in the metal, now Bismarck was closer to it than she was. Yet the neo-Nazi appeared completely unaware of its proximity, or even of its existence. Clearly he was no mage, otherwise he could not have failed to sense the creature.

January did see something with her meat eyes then. It was the shape of a man wearing a suit of black fabric and leather, fringed with rook's feathers around his neck. A cape shaped like a pair of wings floated through the water behind him. A helmet covered his head and lower face, but left the area around his eyes bare. Well, he had no eyes, or head. The helmet looked completely empty, at least physically.

That presence in the astral however, it filled the suit to overflowing with panic, desperation, and rage. No, it was outrage. It was the pure, vindictive anger of one who believed themselves to have been wronged, and was bent upon self-righteous vengeance. It spoke across the astral far more clearly than physical words ever could.

How could this have been done to him? It was not fair! It was supposed to be easy! Why were they fighting back? They weren't supposed to do that! Why didn't they just go along? Everyone would have been alright! Why did they make him do this? Why did they make him kill them all?

How had this all gone so wrong? It wasn't his fault! None of this was his fault!

Damn them. Damn them all. He would make them all pay for what they had done to him!

January was practically overwhelmed by the emotions that flowed into her across the astral. The creature screamed them out as if through a loudspeaker in the magical realm. Over and over again, it just repeated the same thing, like an old record that skipped over the same part of a song. It screeched on and on, until January actively pushed her awareness out of astral space so that she would not be subjected to its clamor.

That left her unable to move or react to what came next. She was too busy fighting against the monster's very presence in the higher realm.

So she stared on in horror as the creature—as Rook, his name was Rook—cocked back one arm. A single, long blade sprang out from his forearm. It was made of onyx-black metal, and its double-edges were serrated like teeth. Now Bismarck did seem to notice something. January felt his telekinetic grasp on her fade away, even as he turned to look up at the empty suit that now loomed over him.

The neo-Nazi was too slow. That terrible claw shot forward, and pierced his force field with ease. His telekinesis and cybernetic enhancements were just as ineffectual against the sudden strike. The blade thrust clean through his chest. His body arched sharply as the enchanted weapon went through his heart. He jerked there for a moment. Then a great cloud of air burst from his mouth, and bubbled away toward the surface far, far above.

After that the soft glow that had suffused him vanished, and the bright light in his metal eyes faded to black. His body went limp, and then slid off that terrible claw. He fell through the trench that had been gouged in the roof by January's impact. Finally he came to rest on the floor of the cockpit below.

Just like that, January was back in the Belle Isle Casino. She saw the Hierophant standing there, clad in his forbidding black and white friar's garb. A giant, invisible hand seemed to grab him, and pummel him down against the marble floor. Then it began to slowly drag him across the unyielding surface, toward the doom that waited in the summoning circle.

She heard him scream. It was a high-pitched shriek that turned her blood to ice and her insides into water. The first to go were his legs, stretched out beyond all possibility, as if they had been made of spaghetti. They cracked and ripped apart, and blood began to spray everywhere...

"Stormcrow, you've got to call for help now!" Cray's voice shouted in January's ear, and snapped her mind from the flashback. It had felt so real, that for a moment she thought that she had been there, reliving the moment all over again. But no, she was not on Belle isle. She was here, at the bottom of the ocean. She was fighting with her sisters—and a few new brothers or cousins—against a new threat.

"The others can't hear me, you've got to get help!" the hacker pleaded through her helmet's earpieces.

"I need backup, now!" January pushed the words across the mind-link. She felt numb, partly from watching a man die just inches from her, partly from relieving the death of another man that she had witnessed over a month before. Sure, he was an evil man. Both of them had been. But they were still men nonetheless. They were still people. She had never started this to kill people. Even in her super battles, she had always refrained from that. She had worked hard to avoid that.

But yet here she was, watching someone die all over again.

"That undead thing—Rook—it just killed Bismarck. It's here in the cockpit with me." She managed to force the thoughts across Silverlight's mind link.

It took an effort of will to focus. She knew that she needed to snap out of it. She had to concentrate on the here and now, or she was going to end up the same as Bismarck. That thought spurred her into action. Her heart pumped adrenaline through her blood like fuel through a jet engine. Finally it propelled her into motion once more.

Thankfully those flare arrows that Hwarang had fired earlier still shone in the darkness. They not only illuminated the bomb bay in the distance, but also the wreckage of the cockpit that January found herself falling down into. That was a good thing, because January now only had her meat eyes to work with. She did not dare try to sense into the astral around Rook. His pain would overwhelm her, as it had nearly done before.

She tore at the twisted metal around her, and tried to rip herself free of its clutches. That caused her to drop even more, as the roof of the fuselage disintegrated around her. Rook staggered before he could strike again, as the metal he stood upon shook and fell apart. He was forced back to avoid falling himself, even as January's feet came to rest upon the deck of the upper level of the cockpit below. A flight helmet lay on its side just inches away, and she saw a pair of dog tags just inches away on the metal deck. Grubb, Paul was the name stenciled upon it, along with more information on the lines below. Just beyond lay the corpse of Bismarck.

Rook leaped down under his own control a moment later however. January struggled against the bands of metal that still clutched greedily at her frame, and prevented her from raising her arms or wings to fight.

"Stormcrow, duck!" Hwarang's voice came through the mind link loud and clear.

She did not think. She just followed the arcane archer's command. Rook stepped closer as she did, and he lifted that terrible blade once more. Just as he was about to lash out with it, a series of golden lights came arcing out of the darkness. One, two, three, four, and five, they were all arrows made of brilliant golden energy. When she first saw them, they were spread out along a wide plane. Then they all arced inward, and each closed in at the monster from a different angle. An instant later they struck home, even as Rook's claw lanced down at January's head.

The five arrow finishing move slammed into the ghost like a freight train. It sent him spinning back through the water, down the length of the cockpit. He only came to a halt when he struck the crumpled in nose of the craft, his armor wedged between the pilot and co-pilot's chairs.

That reminded January that Hwarang was not just an archer, but an arcane archer. He did not fire actual arrows. Those were spells. They just looked like arrows. While January focused her magic through the classical elements, clearly Hwarang envisioned his magic through the lens of archery. January had no idea you could do such a thing. Yet as Blood Raven had been wont to point out, the world was a wider, and stranger place than anyone could ever imagine.

Best of all, it was just what the doctor ordered against a supernatural being.

January ripped out the last of the steel hull ribs that had been wrapped up around her. She flung the malformed hunk of metal back at Rook like a discus. It slammed into the ghost even as he rose to his feet between the pilot and co-pilot's seats. The force of the impact sent him back once more. He crunched through the tree of throttles that rose up in the center of the flight controls, and sank into the sea of instruments at the head of the plane.

Now that was interesting. Hwarang's attack had been magical, so of course it had harmed Rook. But there was nothing magical about the metal that January had struck him with. So even though Rook was some sort of ghost, he was tied to that suit of armor. The suit was solid, so physical actions could at least affect the armor, even if they could not directly harm the spirit within.

That was assuming there was even a real spirit in there at all of course. Silverlight had brought up the stone tape theory during her magic lesson a few days before. A magical impression could be made in a place or within an object. It would essentially play back certain events. It might be that such a magical impression had been made upon this super suit.

If that was the case, apparently this particular tape had been inadvertently created by a villain called Rook. It must have been his final thoughts and feelings that January felt playing back in the astral, over and over again in a loop. Had those charged emotions and his dying magic combined to create this ghost of a ghost within the already enchanted suit?

There would be time to speculate later. Right now January needed to act. She turned from Rook and sprang out of the open rear end of the cockpit. She cast her eyes across the bottom, to the illuminated bomb bay of the aircraft where her allies waited. Her wings snapped up and down, and she jetted away as quickly as she could to rejoin her friends there.

She did not want to fight within the cockpit. As Calypso had noted, it was a literal gravesite. As it was, there was no telling how badly she had disturbed the remains of those who had died there when the plane had crashed. Like those of Paul Grubb. The people who had perished here did not deserve to have their final resting place turned into a magical deathmatch arena.

So she soared across the deep toward the bomb bay. With luck, Rook would be chained to the cockpit, like the stories of ghosts who were trapped where they died. She could rejoin the fight against the Atomkrieg, and once they were finished they could all come back to deal with Rook. That would be nice and simple.

But of course it did not work out that way.

* * *

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post Jun 15 2024, 08:50 PM
Post #1031

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Joined: 14-March 10
From: Las Vegas

So Rook somehow lives on. Sort of. And, happily, takes out one of Strormcrow’s foes. Not so happily, the spirit turns its ire upon Stormcrow next. Good call from Cray to snap Stormcrow out of her thoughts and return her to action. And with some help from our Arcane Archer, Strormcrow is able to get out of that confined death trap and back to her group.

Her thoughts on the possibilities of what happened to Rook and exactly what she was fighting were really interesting.

Your ominous ending implies that the two separate fights against Rook and the Atomkrieg will not remain separate for long.

Nit: ’She felt numb, party {partly} from watching a man die just inches from her, partly from relieving the death of another man that she had witnessed over a month before.’

Screenshot: Buffy in Artaeum
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post Jun 18 2024, 03:37 PM
Post #1032

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Joined: 19-March 13
From: Ellicott City, Maryland

Never watched Lone Gunman, but glad you can relate to our Captain Chesapeake.

But what if Nereid doesn't take a physical form? Would a smarter creature like a dolphin be able to discern the spirit's presence? Assuming Nereid is one step outside of the material, perhaps?

QUOTE(Acadian @ Jun 15 2024, 03:50 PM) *

So Rook somehow lives on. Sort of.

Oh man, really? Let's find out.

Yeesah, she's been smashed into the debris, yikes. By the way, today is the 1-year anniversary of Titan's implosion. So it's quite apt they're all underwater lately. But yeah, that's gotta hurt. Except it doesn't. Bismarck's a douchebag. Not that I'm stating the obvious or anything.

Where are the others at this moment? Kinda silly these nazis think they're gonna get away with this. But lemme shush.

Alright, here comes Rook. What does he think of all this? Disturbing his 'peace' or whatever?

laugh.gif Rook's spirit does NOT rest, apparently! All these decades later he's still pissed he wasn't able to take the crew over like a proper antagonist. I understand it's not really "him", it is the remains of his will or whatever. Like his will has become stuck into the material.

If anything though, this is a really good example of a spirit who doesn't rest. goodjob.gif From a writer's standpoint that's immersive as heck.

Whoa, Rook is pwning Bismarck. Knew something like this was going to happen. But he's also coming after January. 🤬 Rook has no affiliation with taking sides, apparently.

This post has been edited by Renee: Jun 18 2024, 03:37 PM

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post Jun 19 2024, 04:19 AM
Post #1033

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Joined: 10-January 20

I’m thinking, the realization that physical actions can affect the armor could be an important thing to know.

Vampire Hunter,
Endure and through enduring grow strong.
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post Jun 22 2024, 05:36 AM
Post #1034

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Joined: 14-March 10
From: Between The Worlds

Acadian: Rook removed Bismarck, only to increase the difficulty by adding himself to the mix. Not a good trade for January. Rook is a lot more dangerous now that he is dead.

This is going to get a lot more complicated that just two separate battles. The final player in the game is about to enter the chat.

Hwarang has really managed to shine in this fight. An Arcane Archer is a really handy thing to have on your team. They can always reach out and touch someone at just the right time.

January's thoughts give us some exposition on what the nature of Undead Rook is. It also loops us back to Silverlight's earlier magic lesson.

Renee: If the Neried is not physical, then there would be nothing for any sea life to sense. Unless they were magicians able to sense into astral space. But I have never considered if that is even possible.

Rook gave me an opportunity to explore one of the less used forms of undead: the stone tape theory. It is a somewhat oldie in the modern paranormal world, going back to the 50s or 60s I think. So it was a nice deep cut to dust off and use.

Rook only has one side: "KILL! KILL,KILL!" laugh.gif Honestly, that is pretty much it.

macole: The note about the physicality of the suit vs. the magical nature of the spirit within was sort of an afterthought which came to me as I was doing the later edits. Often in the stone tape theory, the spirit is tied to a place. But I decided to throw in a wrinkle and have it tied to the suit. This allows it to move around to other locations. Theoretically, it could go anywhere it wanted to. But due to its nature it does not have the self-awareness to do so. It just kills whatever comes too close.

So the suit vs the spirit won't be directly important. Except in so much that the suit provides protection for the spirit, so it will have to be defeated before the spirit can be harmed. It is one of the things that makes Rook such an insanely powerful opponent however. That suit is a magical work of art. The living Rook was good at one thing, that was enchanting magic items. And he was a genius at that. He was an idiot at everything else.

January's Fight Music = Two Steps From Hell – Never Back Down

Nitokris armor


Go For The Eyes Boo!

Book 12.31 - Broken Arrow

Another glowing arrow seared through the inky black waters, only to vanish somewhere behind January. She followed the arcane missile back to its source, and saw that Hwarang was perched upon the ceiling of the B-52's fuselage. The Atomkrieg and Mid-Atlantic Coalition battled on the far side of the bomber. January could only catch snatches of the individual heroes and villains, but there was no mistaking the spectacle of the super battle they were involved in. Silverlight alone was radiant, a beacon that shone through the darkness where the sun's rays had never touched.

Then January looked down from where Hwarang stood. When they had first arrived Mercury had created a large opening on this side of the fuselage to let them all in. January had added another jagged hole when she had taken Bismarck out via her suplex. Now she had a pretty clear view inside the bomb bay, and she did not like what she saw.

A woman stood within. She was clad in what looked like ancient Egyptian armor. A breastplate of resplendent bronze sheathed her torso. Beneath it a long tunic of reddish brown leather scales fell down to her knees in a wide skirt. Her waist was wrapped with a bronze belt, and her neck by a scaled gorget. Shining plates of the same metal protected her shoulders, forearms, and the shins above her sandaled feet.

She held a bronze sickle-sword in one hand. As January watched, she swung the khopesh in a smooth motion, and sliced one of the massive nuclear bombs free of its harness. It slowly trundled down toward the closed bomb bay doors under her feet. The sword vanished from the lady pharaoh's hand, and she rushed in to wrap both of her arms around the bomb and hold it aloft.

"Spleckt!" January cursed over the mind-link. "Nitokris is here! She's stealing the bombs right now!"

Hwarang ceased fire and jumped off the roof of the bomber. Thanks to the water, he floated—rather than fell—to the sea floor below. He somersaulted as he descended, and brought up his bow to fire into the fuselage behind him. He was too slow however. Nitokris had plenty of time to plant one palm on the top of the bomb and use it as a springboard to leap over it. That launched her out of the fuselage, and a moment later she planted a flying kick straight into the Korean-American's chest.

That sent Hwarang rocketing away from the crashed bomber at a truly astounding speed. Clearly, the Egyptian could hit with the best of them. It also sent the arcane archer in January's general direction. She coaxed more speed from her wings, and sped across the ocean floor to meet him. January intercepted him just before he was about to plow into the mud, and caught his midsection with one shoulder. For a moment his body folded neatly around her, in something akin to a fireman's carry. Then the archer lifted his torso, and January heard him across the mind link.

"Must, go, faster," the Korean-American said. "That undead thing is right behind us."

January swore.

She laid on even more speed. She did not want to get into it with Rook, not when Nitokris was making off with the bombs. Well, with the bomb casings at least. Evidently the Egyptian had not figured that out yet. Hopefully she never would.

Hwarang straightened out even more, so that his torso now thrust up at a right angle to January's body. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw him create his bow once more, nock an arrow, and fire back the way they had come from. Again and again he continued to do so, and filled the black sea with glowing missiles. It was the same Parthian shot he had made while on his motorcycle in the Smithsonian. Only now the flower knight was making it from January's shoulder. She hoped those arrows found their mark within Rook. But she was not about to slow down enough to turn back to see.

"Ok, time to get off the ride," January pushed the thought across the mind link at Hwarang. She angled up, then flared her wings out flat against her direction of motion. That did the equivalent of putting on the brakes, and slowed her to nearly a halt. But Hwarang continued to float forward without her, and he arced up and out toward the roof of the B-52 fuselage dead ahead.

The arcane archer spun around in a somersault once more, and shot off an arrow at Nitokris. She saw it coming however, and a tall shield appeared in one of her hands. It had a long, rectangular shape with a rounded top. That made it look like a door to January's eyes. Hwarang's arrow splashed harmlessly against it. After that the flower knight pinwheeled away through the water overhead, and landed back atop the roof of the bomber.

January saw Nitokris drop the shield. It simply vanished when she no longer needed it. Now a bow of her own appeared in her hands, and she trained it upon January. The heroine beat down with her wings once more, and poured the speed back on. That took her straight at the Egyptian. Nitokris loosed a golden arrow a moment later, but January was ready. She ducked down and the arcane missile soared over her head, and into the darkness behind her. She hoped that it would hit Rook.

January slammed into Nitokris a moment later. But the lady pharaoh was quick enough to drop her bow, and form her shield once more. January crashed into its face. She was not going nearly as fast as she would have been in the air. But even still, she struck with enough force to send the two of them back against the far wall of the plane. They hit hard enough for the metal to dimple around their bodies, but not enough to break through the fuselage.

"Not you again!" the other woman hissed with an Arabic accent.

"So nice to see you too Nitokris," January murmured. She actually heard her own voice loud and clear through the water, even though she had spoken normally. She would have to thank Calypso for that later, as it must have been a side effect of the water breathing magic the aquanaut had taught her.

"By the way, I'd like you to meet a new enemy of mine: Rook," January pushed herself away from Nitokris to get some space, and turned back just in time to see the corvid-inspired villain enter the wreckage through the same wide opening that January had used. The light from Hwarang's illumination arrows was brighter here, and made it clear that the suit was empty. Though plainly, it was quite animate.

Apparently Rook was not picky about who he killed. He immediately struck out at Nitokris with that terrible claw. She only barely parried it with her shield. Like January, she had just pulled herself out of the hull. Now the force of the blow sent her right back into it a second time.

January pushed in and sliced with a wing, intending to take that helmet clean off at the ghost's shoulders. She had hacked through concrete and steel with her wings in the past. It was just a matter of applying enough force with their narrow leading edges. She hoped she would do as well against Rook. But the suit raised a forearm and stopped the attack cold. Clearly, it had been well made.

Rook pivoted and thrust out at January with the sword that was attached to his arm. January brought her other wing around. She did not so much block the attack, as push it off to the side. That caused the serrated claw to slice through the water over her shoulder. By then Nitokris had formed her own sickle-sword, and hacked away at the ghost from behind. But again, he twisted and blocked with his other forearm.

With that she and Nitokris settled into an unspoken alliance against the ghost. They each kept well clear of the other. On January's part it was just as much to not tempt that alliance, as it was to avoid crowding the other woman. Perhaps more importantly it forced Rook to split his focus between them. She imagined that the Egyptian felt much the same. It was not like they were going to take a selfie and share a smoothie afterward.

Cray was in her head a moment later, telling her that this was indeed a villain named Rook. He had been a small time supervillain back in the late 50s and early 60s. He had robbed some banks wearing the super suit she saw before him. Apparently he was a mage, with an obvious predilection for corvids. He had never killed anyone, but then again, no one had ever been able to pose a serious threat to him either. He had only faced security guards and beat cops before, never a meta-human or another mage.

"He fell off the proverbial—and literal—radar around January of 1961," Cray finished up. "That lines up with the disappearance of Keep 19. He must have been the one that hijacked the bomber and caused it to crash."

"And killed himself and everyone else on board in the process," January murmured. "Now I see why he is so frantic in astral space. Somehow, he really screwed the pooch on this one."

January tested her new opponent. She went low with her kicks, and aimed for the feet, shins, and knees. None of those probing attacks appeared to faze Rook. She used her wings to strike at his torso, and hacked and slashed from his waist to his shoulders. But again, it was to no effect.

At the same time Nitokris continued to work on him with her sword. But just as with January's wings and fists, his armor turned aside every blow aimed at it. The Egyptian leaped back and let her sword and shield vanish, to be replaced with her bow. She drove an arcane arrow into the ghost's chest with it. But again, to no avail.

Rook was not idle during all of this of course. Even as he fended off attacks from both directions, he still was able to strike again and again with either bare fists, feet, or that serrated sword blade of his. January paid special attention to the latter. She trusted her natural invulnerability to protect her from unarmed attacks, even from a ghost. But she had already seen what that claw could do up close. She was careful to never try to block it head on. Instead every time it came her way she used her wings to push it to one side or another. That deflected the attacks harmlessly away, rather than test her defenses against a full-on strike.

This went on for some time. It felt like ages to January, but she suspected that when she reviewed her suit camera video later, it would probably only amount to a few minutes, if even that long. Fighting seemed to work that way for her. Every second felt like a minute, every minute an hour. Through it all her mouth felt as dry as a desert, and her heart raced like one of those trains that Mercury appeared to be so fond of.

January moved in closer now and loosed her fists at his head. She peppered jabs, crosses, and uppercuts across his chin, ears, nose, and eyes. Finally she struck pay dirt. Well, she struck something at least. Rook ignored every strike except the last, the one that landed in the blank space where his eyes should have been. With that his head recoiled back like it was on a spring.

January noted that it was the only spot that his helmet and the mask across his lower face did not cover. It was quite literally the only bare place in his defenses. When she struck again at the same spot, he used hands and forearms to block the attacks. Out of curiosity January relented, and moved down to work over his body instead. But he did not even bother trying to deflect those blows. He simply shrugged them off, as if they meant nothing at all.

"Go for the eyes Boo!" January cried out to Nitokris. She could not resist the Baldur's Gate reference. She was a nerd after all. "That's his weak spot."

Now she struck at him with both wings, and brought them in at his head from either side. He blocked both with his forearms. That left him wide open for January's real strike. Pushing right up to his chest, she clapped her left hand upon his shoulder, and used it to vault herself up over his head. She came down a moment later with her right elbow, and aimed it at his empty eye sockets. It was Ragnarok, the end of all things.

But he ducked his head even as she brought down her finishing blow. Instead of striking Rook in the bare patch around his eyes, her elbow slammed down hard upon the top of his helmet. The force of the impact triggered a shockwave that rolled through the interior of the fuselage. It sent both Nitokris and January flying back in opposite directions, straight into the walls of the fuselage. The hull of the aircraft shuddered all around them, and the metal audibly groaned under the strain. But it held, barely.

Rook's helmet shattered under the impact, and its pieces pinwheeled away into the water. He fell to his knees. With his helmet gone, a blank space was revealed beneath. There was just nothing there, physically at least. January was tempted to look at it in the astral. But she did not want another taste of what the ghost felt like in the magical realm. Once in a lifetime was enough to experience the thoughts and emotions of a dying man. She was not a glutton for psychic punishment.

Nitokris recovered first. Before Rook could climb back to his feet she trained her bow upon him. She loosed another glowing golden arrow a moment later, and it drove home right between where his eyes would have been. The ghost's head snapped back, the arcane arrow visible within the emptiness of his skull. But still he did not fall.

Nitokris rushed forward. Her bow vanished, and once again her khopesh and shield formed in her hands. She leaped up a few feet from the ghost, and came down sword first. Its point thrust directly into the space where the arrow was lodged. It split the arcane missile in two, and wedged itself deeply into the head of the wraith.

January felt the explosion in the astral, even though she was deliberately suppressing her ability to sense there. It was an eruption of unbound mana that tore through space and rushed out in all directions. In the physical world it manifested in a wash of gray light that burst from the blank skull like a bomb going off. January knew that light should not be that color. But she suspected that it was not simply light. It was energy. Normal magical energy was a brilliant, vibrant gold in hue, such as both Hwarang and Nitokris' arcane arrows. But while still energy, this was drained of all life. It was dead, and cold, like the undead being that had so recently inhabited the suit of enchanted armor.

In the wake of the explosion the Rook armor fell to the floor beneath their feet. January did not want to risk sensing into the astral just yet. But she had the distinct impression that whatever force—spirit or stone tape—that had animated it was now gone. It had been destroyed for once and all.

* * *

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post Jun 22 2024, 02:41 PM
Post #1035

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Uh oh, who is this Egyptian woman. Wait a minute. Okay, she's appeared before in the story at least twice. She's probably the one who was surveilling Bismarck's hideout a few episodes back. Nitokris, that's her. So this is a 3-way rush to get to these bombs. 💣

Is it fair to say Rook is like some of the draugrs? Inanimate until all these others showed up?

That's a neat moment, when Nitokris and January automatically conjoin forces. If only to defeat Rooky-Rook.

It was not like they were going to take a selfie and share a smoothie afterward.

Dammit! laugh.gif Was hoping they'd become besties! 💏

Oh gosh, Rook's pretty tough. It's like everything they try to bring him down, nothing seems to work. Okay, there. His helmet's shattered. Hmm, there he goes. No more Rook. But there's still Nitokris.

Will our Michigan heroine deftly be able to take on the Best Egypt has to offer? Stay tuned.

This post has been edited by Renee: Jun 22 2024, 02:42 PM

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post Jun 23 2024, 12:08 AM
Post #1036

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Nitokris is back and clearly has plans of her own for those bombs. And clearly, she is no slouch in a fight! But Rook is an equal opportunity attacker and goes for both her and Stormcrow. The enemy of my enemy is my friend – at least for this fight. Smart of Stormcrow to pummel everywhere until she finally found Rook’s weak spot and shared it with Nitokris. So the Rook is no more and this four way battle is now a three way contest.

Stromcrow has 'reoriented' numerous potential foes to the path of light. I wonder if she can salvage Nitokris?

Go for the eyes, Boo! tongue.gif

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post Jun 29 2024, 08:03 AM
Post #1037

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Renee: Nitokris also appeared way back in Book 7: Hammer Down. She slugged it out with Blood Raven, and held her own. She was also the one spying on Bismarck and the Atomkrieg a few posts back. Everyone wants those bombs!

Draugrs are a good comparison in that regard. Rook just sits and waits until something alive comes too near. Then he kills it.

Rook became a lot tougher once he died! laugh.gif I suppose that is one advantage of having the singular focus of kill, kill, kill!

January will have her hands, feet, and wings more than full trying to take on the best Egypt has to offer.

Acadian: I have always been fond of the saying: "The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy." As January is about to see. Granted, she was no under no illusions. She was not expecting selfies and smoothies with Nitokris afterward. It was more like the United States teaming up with the Soviet Union during World War 2.

Turning Nitokris toward the light side is a task that I am not sure if even Luke Skywalker could manage. But January will of course try. Once she gets done throwing hands of course.

I could not resist the Boo line. Minsc and his dialogue are just a treasure. He is a very fun part of Baldur's Gate 3. Best of all it just came to instantly as I was writing. I did not have to think about it at all.

Two Steps From Hell – Myth

Book 12.32 - Broken Arrow

January pried herself out of the bent and cracked hull of the B-52. There wasn't much of the airframe left. It was a credit to the people who had built it that any of it was left standing at all. As far as she was concerned, they all deserved a raise.

She stared at Nitokris. The Egyptian had likewise been thrown back into one wall of the aircraft by the magical explosion of Rook's final death. She too had clawed herself free of the wreckage, and now stood across the bomb bay from the heroine.

January took a moment to crack her knuckles. Then she popped the vertebrae in her neck by twisting it to one side and then the other. Nitokris regarded her in return, and hefted her sword and shield.

"Time to finish this," the Egyptian murmured.

Nitokris moved in quickly. Even underwater, she was still fast, like as a striking cobra. January had to beat her wings to push herself back, otherwise she would have been sliced in two by that sickle-sword. That opened up the space between them, which prompted the other woman to drop her melee weapon and replace it with her bow.

January ached for the sky above. But the lightning was beyond her call right now. So she reached down into her belt and pulled out one of her favorite toys. It was her strobe. She held it up before her and screwed her eyes shut. A moment later it burst forth with brilliant light. Even with her eyes closed, incandescent afterimages flashed across January's eyelids.

She opened her eyes once they faded. It was just in time to see that her trick had failed to have any effect upon the other woman. Instead Nitokris loosed her arrow from her bow. January snapped her wings shut across her body out of reflex, and the arcane missile slammed home against their feathers an instant later. It was a hot, stinging sensation, but nothing more. If she had learned anything about herself, it was that her wings were the most durable part of her body. It would take a lot more than that to lay her low.

Unfortunately Nitokris followed with a lot more. Sword and shield in hand, she leaped forward with the same finishing move she had used on Rook. But January saw it coming, and was able to bring up one wing to push the other woman's khopesh off line. It was just enough to send the bronze sword blade whooshing past her ear through empty water, rather than skewering her face just as she had done to the ghost.

The Egyptian continued the attack however, and smashed forward with the edge of her shield. January met it with her other wing, and slammed the rectangular shield back. She followed with a push kick aimed at the other woman's stomach. But the Egyptian twisted aside, and hacked down with her sword, clearly intending to take January's leg off.

An upward swipe of January's left wing pushed the sickle-sword up and away. That gave her the time to pull her exposed leg back. Nitokris followed with a stamp at her instep. But the other woman was just a little too slow, and missed January's foot by an inch.

January now realized that the water had in fact slowed the other woman down. Thanks to the magic that Calypso had taught her, it was not inhibiting January's movements at all. She was at home here under the sea. But while Nitokris clearly had some magical means of surviving the depths, she was not quite as agile here as she was on land. January had fought her before in Cleveland, and the other woman had been just a little too fast for her to really match. But down here under a literal mountain of water, the Egyptian had been brought down to her own level.

In any case, the exchange had left the two women standing chest to chest. It was too close for either sword or wings. January moved for a suplex. Thanks to Riven's training, she could wrap the Egyptian up and drive her down through the deck below. But before she could do so, the lady pharaoh hammered home a head butt straight between January's eyes. It did not really hurt, but it did give her pause for a moment. That was enough time for the Egyptian to push off, and open the distance between them once more.

But that also told January something. The Egyptian did not want to fight up close. She wanted to keep the fight at range and rely on sword and shield, or even farther out with her bow.

With that January knew that she could win. She just needed to use her wings to hold Nitokris off at a distance. Then she would move in close and finish it breast to breast.

"So what are you doing here?" January asked. "Did the Atomkrieg hire you for extra muscle?"

"Those ya gazma?" The other fighter practically spat. "Not hardly. My accountant said I should invest in nuclear futures."

"What does a girl do with two slightly used atomic bombs?" January wondered as they closed in and traded blows once more. Again sword and shield rang out against her wings, and the pair danced around the two nuclear weapons in question. "Going to post some pics with them on the 'gram, get a real thirst trap going?"

"I am going to change the world with them!" the other woman snarled. "Where I come from, power flows from the barrel of a gun. I will show them who has the biggest one."

"You aren't going to make the world better with a nuclear bomb," January shook her head as the traded blows once more. "How many innocent people are you going to kill with your bigger gun?"

"That is the kind of thing my parents would say," Nitokris declared. She punctuated her words with a kick that sent January flying back down the length of the fuselage, and drove her into the metal bulkhead at the stern of the craft. "Then the secret police killed them."

"I'm sorry," January replied quite honestly as she pried herself from the metal at the back of the fuselage. Nitokris sent another arrow her way, having switched to her bow once more. But again January had time to bring her wings up, and absorb the blow on her feathers.

"That might explain some things," Cray's voice was back in her ear. "The first time this version of Nitokris was seen, it was when she killed the former president of Egypt. He had been deposed in the Arab Spring of 2011 and sent to prison. But he got transferred to house arrest in 2013. She broke in a year later and strangled him with her bare hands."

"I'm guessing he was not a nice man," January murmured, hopefully too low for Nitokris to hear.

"He was a monster," Cray said. "His secret police—the Mabahith Amn El Dawla—tortured and murdered a ton of people. Most Egyptians celebrated his death, especially since it looked like the courts were about to let him off the hook. Nitokris is still a folk hero in Egypt because of it, even though the current government has sentenced her to death in absentia."

Nitokris dropped her bow and took up her khopesh and shield once more. January dared to open herself up to astral space as she closed the distance with the other woman. The area around them was a stain in the magical realm, clouded with dark energy released by the destruction of Rook. But at least it no longer reverberated with his endless litany of pain.

If that was not enough to convince January that he was truly destroyed, then a quick glance at the Rook suit confirmed it. The black fabric and leather padding of the armor also included a fringe of rook's feathers that circled the neck. A weave of golden magic wound its way through the clothing. Even with a cursory glance, January could tell that the enchantment provided a physical and magical defense, as well as flight with its cape, and of course that terrible claw. What other powers it might confer, she could not tell without closer inspection.

But what was not there was Rook himself. Whatever undead force had animated the suit, it was now long gone. Only that cold, unforgiving fog that clogged astral space in the vicinity remained to tell of his passing. Thanks to Silverlight's magic lessons, January knew that would clear eventually. It would just take some time.

January could sense Nitokris through that dark fog of energy as well. She was a brilliant display of multi-colored light within the magical realm. As if she had not already known it, this was confirmation that she was indeed a magician. Likewise her armor, sword, shield, and bow were magical as well. In fact, she could sense that the weapons were not truly separate from the armor. There was one single enchantment that crossed the entire panoply. They were a set, in the most basic way possible.

All of them even bore that same name: Nitokris. It came to January unbidden across astral space. With it, the suit whispered to her tales of sand, and time, and millennia past. Of a great queen, if queen was even the word for a pharaoh's wife, who became a pharaoh herself. In a place where women could not do such a thing, where no queen could rule under that name, the original Nitokris had been obliged to transcend gender roles. January had been wrong. She was not a lady pharaoh, but simply a pharaoh.

She could feel that Nitokris somewhere deep within the enchantment. Not the suit, but the original woman, who had lived, and ruled, and died thousands of years ago. She had made the suit. Or maybe she was the suit? January could not tell. She would have loved to ponder the mystery further, but the suit's current wearer brought her sword around to take January's head off!

She ducked, and the bronze sickle-sword hacked a line through the aluminum of the fuselage behind January. She moved in closer. Normally January preferred to box as an out-fighter, like Ali. It gave one the opportunity to use strategy, such as footwork and feints and counters. One did not just out-fight, but out-think one's opponents that way.

But Nitokris had shown a predilection for this same style of fighting herself. January needed to take the Egyptian out of her comfort zone if she was to stand any chance of defeating her. So instead she pushed in close like a swarmer. Taking a page from the books of Roberto Duran and Rocky Marciano, she got right up into the Egyptian's face and unleashed a flurry of punches at her belly. She mixed it up with muay thai, and raked elbow after elbow across the other woman's face and neck, and drove her knees and shins into the other woman's legs and groin.

But her enemy's armor was strong. January's attacks were both physical and astral in nature. That was why she could harm magical creatures such as djieien, or intangible foes like Hungry Ghost. So even against enemies with total invulnerability, she could usually make at least some headway. But the Nitokris armor was clearly proofed against damage in both the physical world and the astral as well. January's magical attacks ran against a barrier that seemed inviolable. Again and again she smashed away, but all to no end. Nitokris stood tall through it all.

Now January knew how other people felt when they fought against her...

Nitokris put an end to the swarm with a push kick that drove January back, and opened up the range between them once more. She followed up with her sword, which January deflected with one wing. Then came a bash with the edge of her shield, which January blocked with the other wing. She was too far to reach with her hands and feet. January advanced to close the range, but Nitokris backpedaled in order to ever maintain her distance.

Damn, this woman was smart. She was not impetuous like Tirpitz had been. She would not be baited into losing her head, fighting with emotion, and abandoning skill for rage. She was one cool customer. In fact, she might have been the most dangerous opponent January had ever fought, save for Nátthrafn of course. Nitokris possessed raw power, skill, and experience. January began to suspect that she might need help with this one.

January was only vaguely aware of the fight going on outside of Keep 19's bomb bay. Occasionally she caught glimpses of it with her meat eyes, through the numerous holes that had been blasted and smashed through the fuselage by now. Her astral senses were still clouded by all that energy released from Rook's destruction. But here and there she caught snippets of the mages and their bright auras trading attacks with one another outside.

Most of her team were the latter. Calypso was a water witch par excellence. From what January could gather, she seemed to be the most potent of them all, at least here under the sea. The water was hers to command, allowing her to use the very ocean against the Atomkrieg at every turn. Her sea form—resistant to the pressures of depths far greater than this—shrugged off everything the neo-Nazis could throw at her. So without January present, she took upon the role of the tank and tied down the neo-Nazis in melee.

Silverlight was a classic wizard. That made her crowd control, among other things. She displayed that with a simple spell that January suspected was normally meant to freeze over a floor and create a slippery surface. But here under the water it created a solid block of ice that encased Tirpitz and Blitz from their feet to their knees.

This set them up for Hwarang's arcane arrows, which went singing over the ice to their exposed torsos. Reinhard tried to intervene by creating a wall of elemental darkness to block the arrows. But Mercury moved under the flying supervillain and pelted him with metal harpoons. That forced the Nazi to drop his defense of the others, and instead concentrate upon protecting himself.

Hwarang's arrows slipped harmlessly past Skorzeny however. The neo-Nazi simply twisted his two-dimensional body sideways whenever the missiles came near. That turned him practically invisible, and left nothing to hit. For he no longer presented any width, even for a magic arrow to strike.

The Nazi commando went after the archer, but was intercepted by Ranger once more. The ionic knight traded blows with both the pointed and butt ends of his energy spear, while the flat man hacked and sliced with the edges of his hands and forearms. Neither seemed able to get the better of the other in this deadly face off.

Finally Blitz emitted a wave of vibration that erupted from his body in all directions. That shattered the ice into a thousand tiny fragments. It freed both him and Tirpitz, who once again went on the offensive against the heroes. It was a reminder to January of how super fights were often a rock, paper, scissors affair. One person's abilities might counter another's, only to likewise be subverted by still a third combatant's.

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post Jul 3 2024, 04:52 PM
Post #1038

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Joined: 19-March 13
From: Ellicott City, Maryland

Damn. Nito's attacking Jan. No smoothie or selfie, seems like. Remind me, what happened to all the others who were underwater? Hwrang, Silverlight, and Mercury?

There it is: "I am going to change the world!!!" All these nefarious folks say something of the like, it seems.

That also seems risky, taking a glimpse into the astral even as the fight commences. But hey, what do I know? Jan knows what she's doing... Her story wouldn't have gotten this far, if not. But that is pretty wicked, the way she can glimpse way into the past, to discern who the original "Nitokris" was. Seems she (or he??) had nothing to do with the person she's dueling with now.

Okay that answers my earlier question. The others are still out there, conducting their own brawl. Dang. Jan's on her own against the Egyptian Evil.

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post Jul 5 2024, 08:41 PM
Post #1039

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From: Las Vegas

Well done to display Nito’s formidable battle prowess vs Rook before the Egyptian took on Stormcrow. The previous fight led me to gulp in worry as Nito turned to Stormcrow. My gulp turned out to be justified.

I love your clever phrasing here:
‘It would take a lot more than that to lay her low.
Unfortunately Nitokris followed with a lot more.’

Fascinating astral read of Nitokris.

Thank Kynareth that the deep venue slowed Nito down a bit while not impeding Wing Girl’s movement speed. Losing her ‘Storm’ under water is bad enough.

’In fact, she might have been the most dangerous opponent January had ever fought, save for Nátthrafn of course. Nitokris possessed raw power, skill, and experience. January began to suspect that she might need help with this one.’
- - Uh oh. Hey Cray, can you call in Blood Raven. Please?

- - ’January shook her head as the {they} traded blows once more.’
- - It seems Nitokris is her name but you call her Nitorkris several times in this episode. Is this intentional and I have missed something or an odd typo?

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post Jul 6 2024, 09:44 AM
Post #1040

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From: Between The Worlds

Renee: No smoothie, no selfie, not even a friendship bracelet. Notikris is not a gal pal. laugh.gif

Nitokris is mostly a mercenary who acts as muscle for money. But she has her own history, and her own drives, ambitions, and hang-up because of it. This was her chance to work out some long pent up recrimination at the people who have wronged her. Namely the fascist state that murdered her parents in front of her eyes and turned her into an orphan. But also people like her parents, who were liberals that advocated for equality and just general human decency. In Nitokris' mind, if they had not opened their big mouths, they would still be alive today.

January uses her astral sight in combat to learn more about her surroundings, and to better gauge the abilities of her enemies. It is just one of many tools she has to figure out how to defeat people and succeed.

Acadian: The Nitokris armor is one of the most interesting villains I have ever made. The suit was made by the last pharaoh of the Old Kingdom - from about 2200 BCE. January can still feel the creator's spirit there in the suit. But it has also been worn by several other people over the last century. The first was a Victorian archaeologist who discovered the pharaoh's tomb in 1911 and took the suit, and became a supervillain whom Blood Raven fought and eventually killed. Then another woman found it in 1956, and Blood Raven fought her several times, and eventually killed her too in the Sinai during the Suez Crisis. So the wearers of the suit were basically Blood Raven's arch enemies.

The current woman in the suit found it in 2014, and likewise became a supervillain (she was already a mercenary and terrorist for hire, so it was a natural evolution). I have ideas for another character who has already been introduced to wear the suit after her as well. Now the wearers of the suit are January's arch enemies. January has inherited a lot from Blood Raven, including her worst enemies.

Unfortunately, Blood Raven is not around to come to the rescue, and her other Raven Sisters have their hands full with the Atomkrieg. January is on her own. My intent with this fight is to cement Nitokris as January's arch-nemesis (at least currently), someone who can counter Jan's every move. As January noted, this is what other people feel like when they fight her.

As ever thanks for those nits. Nitorkis was indeed a typo.

Two Steps From Hell - Across the Blood Water

Nitokris' finishing move is based on the sword thrust over the shield in this video

Portable Hole

Book 12.33 - Broken Arrow

But January did not have time to gawk at the spectacle outside. She had her hands and wings more than full with Nitokris within the B-52. Again and again they traded blows. All the while January continued to try to push in close, while the Egyptian worked to keep her at bay.

None of January's blows were close to a knockout. But Nitokris did grunt and clench her teeth under the strikes, suggesting that she at least felt them. Likewise, the other woman's attacks failed to find a weak spot in January's own defenses. But her wings were feeling it every time they parried that khopesh. Now she understood why Blood Raven had forged her sword Samhain after her first encounter with one of the previous wearers of this very same Nitokris panoply. It was an incredibly dangerous suite of weapons and armor.

January wondered if this battle might just come down to pure endurance.

At least until January finally maneuvered Nitokris into a literal corner at the front of the bomb bay. So far the Egyptian had been shrewd enough to avoid that, always being aware of her surroundings. But this time a flurry of blows pushed the other woman back into the angle between the side wall of the fuselage and the forward bulkhead. When the Egyptian finally looked around herself and saw where she was, it was already too late.

January leaped in, ready to swarm with another burst of attacks. But once her feet left the floor, January recognized her mistake. Nitokris smiled, the only tell that it had been a trap. The Egyptian sprang forward off one foot to meet January far sooner than expected. Nitokris pushed her shield forward, nearly edge on. At the same time she held her sword horizontally, with the hilt beside her head and the point facing forward.

January brought a wing up to block. But Nitokris pushed down with her shield rim and shoved it off line. January lifted her other wing up across her chest at the same time. But Nitokris was too quick. She brought her khopesh forward in a cobra-like thrust. January would have thought the sickle-shaped weapon would have been awkward for such a strike. But the bronze blade darted forward like quicksilver, and lanced just over the top of January's second wing.

It struck her breastplate an instant later, and pierced the metal as if it was made of tissue paper. It sank deeper through Mr. Blackwood's base layer of meta-material beneath, and continued on into January's chest. She was tough. Bullets bounced off her. So did semi-trucks. But this sword shattered her natural invulnerability, slid right through her flesh, and only stopped at a rib.

January felt the khopesh catch against the bone, just inches from her heart. The rib snapped with a loud crack. It did not split cleanly in two. Instead the inner half pushed up, while the outer was shoved down. Rather than drive between them, the tip of the sickle-sword skittered sideways down the lower of the two halves. It ground along the length of her rib, and gouged out a trough through the bone in the direction of January's flank.

The pain was extraordinary. It felt like a supernova had gone off within her chest. January's eyes filled with both stars and tears. But she was still alive.

From pure reflex she swept up blindly with one wing. Nitokris was obliged to yank her sword free. Otherwise her arm would have been sheared off by the questing edge of January's feathers. As it was the wing hacked a great rent through the hull of the plane beside them. January staggered away, until it was her turn to feel the steel bulkhead at the front of the bomb bay at her back. The next thing she knew her legs gave out, and she slid down to a sitting position.

Blood began to seep from the wound and cloud the water around them. January hoped that would not get the attention of that shark they had seen earlier. She clapped one hand over the injury from reflex. But her breastplate was in the way, and prevented her fingers from actually touching her flesh. So it did nothing to staunch the flow of blood. Nor did it abate the pain of the broken rib, which rang out like a bell with every breath she took.

"No one has ever survived that before..." Nitokris murmured with eyes slightly widened. Still, she took a step forward, sword ready to finish things. January shoved her heels against the bomb bay doors beneath her, and tried to push her back up along the wall behind her. But her feet found no purchase, and she could not get back up into a standing position.

Then the Egyptian seemed to think better of it, and she turned away.

"I have no time to waste on you white hat. Just stay down and I will be about my business."

Nitokris reached into a pouch at her belt, and withdrew a curious object. It was a piece of cloth, night black in color. Nitokris snapped it out in the water for a moment, and it unfolded into a large round shape. She threw it to the steel bomb bay doors that created an ersatz deck under them. The dark circle seemed to stick to the twin metal panels like glue, perfectly conformed to their smooth surfaces.

January felt magic in the cloth. It reminded her of her own bag of holding, and the sanctum in the Witch House. It was bound up in the manipulation of physical dimensions. This was something that bent and broke the laws of up and down, right and left, and side to side. It was the magic of here and there, and possibly nowhere, and what governed which was which.

"A portable hole," January said as she finally understood what it was. "How many experience points did you have to spend to enchant that?"

Nitokris ignored her. She went to the first bomb, the one she had already cut from its cradle. She effortlessly pushed it to the hole, and it disappeared into the dark fabric. Clearly, whatever extra-dimensional space lay on the other side of the portal, it was quite roomy. Then the Egyptian moved to the second bomb, and hacked it free from its cradle as well. It settled to the bomb bay doors on the ground a moment later, and she moved around to push it as well.

"Little light isn't it?" January taunted her. She could not resist the smile that crept over her features.

"What did you do?" Nitokris' eyes narrowed. The Egyptian turned her face from the bomb, to January, and finally back again. Then she drew her sword once more, and with an effortless move she sliced the nuclear weapon in two. That revealed a gaping cavity within.

"Stormcrow, right belt pouch," Cray's voice was cool and calm in her ear.

January did not think. She simply did as the man said, and reached into the pocket in question. She withdrew a potion from within, and smiled once more. She popped the stopper, and before the precious liquid within could seep off into the ocean, she lifted it to her lips. She knocked back the drink a moment later. It was warm, and vaguely sweet. It reminded January of apple cider, but without the bite. Its heat spread down her throat and across her chest. Once there she could feel its magic burrow into that cracked rib, straighten out its severed pieces, and sew them back together. Just like that, the pain that had throbbed through her frame with every breath vanished. Beyond even that, it filled her body with a warm, cozy feeling. It was like curling up under a thick comforter on a winter's night and reading a good book.

"Thank you Kaelin," January murmured quietly. She was so glad that she had met the alchemist.

January rose to her feet now. A glance down at her chest showed that blood still seeped from the wound. So Kaelin's healing potion clearly had its limits. But even so, she was ready for round two.

"Did I mention that one of my new friends can control metal?" January smiled at Nitokris. "He cracked those bomb cases open with just a thought and pulled out the cores. Then he melded them right back to how they were to start with. There's not even a scratch on them."

"Did I also mention that one of my other friends has a knack for summoning spirits?" Now January nodded her head in the direction of where the Mid-Atlantic Coalition fought outside the bomber. "Think you can out swim the water elemental that carried those warheads away, before this fight even started?"

Nitokris swore in Arabic, and then switched to accented English. "This was a trap all along!"

"For the Nazis, yes," January nodded. "I have to admit, we did not expect you to walk into it too. But since you're here..."

January fell into a fighting crouch, raised her fists, and flexed her wings. Then she reached out with one hand, and beckoned Nitokris closer with her fingers.

"Valhalla waits for us."

But Nitokris did not take the bait. As January had noted before, she was a cunning fighter. Instead the supervillain looked around herself, and January felt her magic rise. She recognized the action. The other woman was sensing into the astral. That prompted January to do the same, and her suspicion was instantly confirmed when she saw the other woman's aura. Like her own, it was tuned in ardently to the magical realm.

Even as Nitokris must have been doing, January pushed beyond the dark cloud of negative energy that still created a fog within the bomb bay. Past it, she could sense the bright auras of her teammates moving in. Calypso, Silverlight, and Hwarang were easy to pick out, given the golden notes of power that sang through their magical auras. But January could feel Mercury and Ranger out there too, their meta-human auras threaded with violet cords rather than gold.

The Atomkrieg's auras were faint and motionless. Reinhard was clearly a magician, while the others were all meta-human. But all were now laid flat upon the sea floor. January could read enough of them through the fog to know that they were unconscious rather than dead. She doubted that they would rise anytime soon however.

She could feel the touch of Hwarang's stunning arrows about them. They smelled like a sleep spell. January envied the archer for that. Having a magical way to knock people out without the danger of concussions or other long-term harm would certainly be a nice tool to have in one's arsenal. Perhaps she could learn to do the same with her fists one day, and create a Sleep Punch?

"Damn you, this was my chance!" Nitokris snarled at January. But the Egyptian did not take up the offer to continue the fight. Instead she snatched up her portable hole and stuffed it into one of her belt pouches. Then she turned and darted through one of the gaping holes in the fuselage of the B-52. She vanished from sight just a moment before Mercury came in from the other side.

"Hey, did we miss anything?" the Philadelphian asked.

"Just a little girl talk," January murmured.

* * *

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