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> Summary of Chapters: Contains Spoilers!, For "A New Sun Rises"
post Apr 20 2013, 04:17 PM
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From: Cyrodiil, the Wastelands, and BFE TN



Chapter Summaries:
(Contains Spoilers)

Maxical Chapters

(Chapters 1-5) - Childhood years, orphanage, adoption, school years.

(Chapter 6) - Joining the Arena

(Chapter 16) - The Bloodworks Arrests

(Chapters 18-21) - The hearings and prison time

(Chapter 26) - Rumble in the Bloodworks

(Chapter 31) - Hiring male prostitutes for Andronicus in prison

(Chapters 32-33) - Destroying the Bloodworks and the madness of the Gray Prince

(Chapter 35) - Destroying the Arena

(Chapter 38) - The Gray Prince’s interview with the Black Horse Courier

(Chapter 40) - First kiss

(Chapter 41) - Marrying Gils

(Chapter 42) - Revenge on the Gray Prince

(Chapter 43) - Black Horse Courier issue.

(Chapter 48) - Crowhaven

(Chapter 53) - Gils learns the Gray Prince’s secrets before dying

(Chapter 54) - Enter Janus Hassildor, and Malan’s plots begins.

(Chapter 78) - Oops! Maxical accidently marries Fathis Aren when already married to Gils.

(Chapter 102) - Destroying the Imperial City

(Chapter 111) - Destroying All Things Alchemical

(Chapter 112) - Enter Alix the Mouse.

(Chapters 113-116) - Meeting Nisaba

(Chapter 118) - Destroying Uriel’s Chambers

(Chapter 122) - Nisaba reveals her destiny.

(Chapter 125) - Meeting Evangeline Beanique

(Chapter 128) - Nisaba meets Uriel Septim

(Chapter 129) - Hannibal’s head job

(Chapter 131-132) - Uriel’s nightmare and the “Dream-Catchers” - Nisaba & Uriel

Malan’s Plots

Amiela's soul has been inside Maxical since she was a very young child. (we are about to find out how she got there in a few chapters). That night at the orphanage, Malan implanted a post-hypnotic suggestion for Maxical to return to him when she turned 20 years old.

What no one knew at the time (including Malan) - the Legion guessed Maxical's age three years younger than she actually was. She turned 20 three years before Malan was ready to act on his plots - so his post hypnotic suggestion hadn't triggered yet.

Malan's original plan was to have Janus Hassildor following Amiela's soul (inside Maxical) when he left his lair seeking a chosen; make Maxical his chosen and bring her to Skingrad; make Maxical (share his immortal dark gift) so Amiela would never die again ; then being split-aparts, Malan would enter Janus's lair and take Maxical - raise Amiela's soul in her permananently. Maxical would technically be as good as dead, with Amiela running her body forever.

Malan's ultimate plan was to take over the Palace/throne with Amiela by his side as he had promised her before her death. That was all supposed to happen when Maxical turned 20.

(Chapter 54) - Just as Malan planned, Janus Hassildor left his lair following Maxical (unbeknownst to Janus, he was actually following Amiela's soul inside Maxical) as his chosen * BUT: It was 3 years earlier than Malan had planned, Malan was not ready. His timing was all off.

(Chapter 68) - Malan (impersonating Jakben, Earl of Imbel) tricks Janus into staying with him in that disguise.

(Chapter 71) - Janus tells Jak (Malan) that he is not excited by the idea of his chosen being Khajiit. He wanted a pretty blonde human girl with large breasts and pouting lips (or was it pouting breasts and large lips?). He goes to the Music Festival in his cowl and heavy cloak (on a sunny day) to pick up women and fails miserably.

Janus begins trusting and liking (who he thinks is) Jak (Malan). After Jak saves Janus from the prostitute and Dark Brotherhood assassin that tried to rob him, Jak begins teaching Janus how to use his vampire powers.

(Chapter 80) - Janus’s lack of interest in Maxical leaves her vulnerable to an attack by Vicente that almost kills her. Malan (as Jak) has to save her and is livid that (Amiela would have been lost if he hadn’t happened along at the right time to save Maxical).

(Chapter 85) - Malan immediately scraps his plan for letting Hassildor make Maxical an immortal vampire, since Janus isn‘t protecting Maxical (meaning Amiela‘s soul inside Maxical is in danger).

Malan immediately asks the nature for a chosen, and begins planning to go after Maxical himself, (meaning take Amiela inside Maxical for himself).

Malan plans to steal blood from Janus like he did so many centuries ago from Dagoth-Ur. Malan tricks Janus into giving him a sealed invitation to Castle Skingrad just in case.

Malan (as Jak) tries to get Janus to swear vows with him (to steal his soul). Janus is suspicious and refuses. Then Malan gets Janus’s help in erasing the memories of all the girls he has been farming in his basement, and releases them. (cleans house).

Janus gives his vow that Jak (Malan) can have Maxical if Janus meets her and still doesn’t want her.

Hassildor is bumbling it up, putting spells on Fathis Aren, trying to control him in town where people knew him - people started suspecting Fathis was under spell, so Hassildor removed the spell. His ego would not let Janus believe that Fathis could figure out spells were on him or by whom they were cast.

Fathis did figure it out, set the trap at the Arena for Hassildor and Malan (Knowing if Hassildor left his lair, Malan would not be far behind). Fathis also quickly enchants a ring for himself and his family ring with 100% magic resistance so Janus can’t put him under spells again.

(Chapter 90) - Hannibal Traven signs who he thinks is Jakben, Earl of Imbel (Malan) onto the Diplomatic Immunity Program, thereby protecting him from Uriel’s Law against anceient vampires.

Fathis has to pretend to be under Hassildor’s spells, but doesn’t want him meeting Maxical. Fathis tries to ignite Maxical’s temper by demanding her presence in the administrative box (knowing if he demanded it she would never come just to be contrary). But the runner carrying the message is afraid of Maxical and doesn’t deliver the note. Instead she just tells Maxical she is wanted there.

(Chapter 91-94) - Maxical goes to the administrative box and meets Janus, who (unbeknownst to her) accepts Maxical as his chosen. (although they argue like banshees)

(Chapter 94-96) - Immediately after Janus decides he wants Maxical for his chosen, Fathis springs the trap. Malan calls forth his army to protect Hassildor. The vampire war begins.

(Chapter 97) - Malan called on Greywyn Blenwyth to bring the Crimson Scar to the war, saying it was rebellion against Uriel's law. He really wanted the Crimson Scar to take the heat off his own army so it would minimize his own casualties in the war.

(Chapter 118) - Maxical ends up at the Palace.

(Chapter 123) - Sir Damien follows a transport to Malan’s lair that is meant for vampires (that can fly). It is a trap for anyone that can’t fly. Sir Damien ends up in the dungeon below Malan’s lair. He sees Fathis Aren alive (but a vampire) in there. Malan impersonates Sir Damien and goes straight to the Palace.

(Chapter 130) - While impersonating Sir Damien, Malan got close to Evangeline (Uriel's second in command behind Ocato). He adjusted his plot immediately. The new plot was that Maxical would be used as a diversion to draw all the attention and focus onto Maxical (so no one would notice what he was really up to).

(Chapter 140) - Maxical inadvertently saves Malan’s life.

(Chapter 154-155) - At the Arena, Malan learns from Maxical that Fathis Aren was Arbiter of Dunmer Law. He knows he holds Fathis in his dungeon, but tells Maxical Fathis is dead and that he (Malan) is the Arbiter of Vvardenfell, Jurisdictional Arbiter replacing Fathis Aren.

Malan tells Maxical she (and Gils) face death for breaking Dunmer tenets. Malan then impersonates Sir Damien and tells Uriel that Malan is holding his position as Arbiter over Maxical.

(Chapter 164) - Malan makes a very public display of going after Maxical so everyone would see. He kills Captain Renault, then puts Maxical under his power and activates Amiela‘s soul inside her. He erases her memory of Gils’ death and everyone’s memory (except Eyja‘s, unbeknownst to Malan) of Captain Renault’s death that night at the Bloodworks.

(Chapter 165, 167) - Uriel realizes Malan is impersonating Sir Damien

(Chapter 166) - Baurus reveals to Maxical that an ugly Elf had Captain Renault under mind control, and that Gils looked like a zombie after that same Elf swore a vow with him and kissed him on the mouth violently.

(Chapter 168) - Malan didn’t know that Eyja removed his mind control when she realized Malan had accessed Maxical’s mind.

Malan never meant anyone to find out about Amiela - but he was getting impatient for them to be together again, couldn't stand waiting to see her again. Malan woke Amiela's soul up inside Maxical, thinking to mate her and take Maxical’s virginity at the same time.

That was a big mistake. Since Eyja removed the mind control, Maxical was fully awake when Amiela took over her body. She jumped up screaming for Hannibal and told everyone what happened.

(Chapter 169) - Between Uriel, Hannibal, Eyja, and Maxical - they realize that Malan’s army is thralls, that Malan has been stealing their souls - that is why they all move in unison and are the most disciplined army in history. With all those souls inside him, Malan is all but immortal. It will take an army to bring him down.

They also realize Amiela is a major weakness of Malan’s, and that they hold her in their possession.

Now Uriel knows Malan is a necromancer of the caliber of Mannimarco.

(Chapter 170) - The next big mistake: Malan thought Amiela was powerful enough to take over Maxical's body, so he gave Maxical the key to his lair and directions to the secret entrance. He underestimated Maxical's willpower.

(Chapter 172-173) - That was the night he caught Maxical and Janus in the Temple of the One. Malan tried to bring Amiela out again, but Maxical fought against Amiela emerging and held her dagger to her own throat to kill Amiela if Malan kept trying to call her out.

(Chapter 176) - Instead of Amiela in power returning to the Palace as Malan planned, it was Maxical and Janus. They found Malan's troops filling the Palace and wiped out as many as possible up to Uriel's quarters.

(Chapter 177) - Malan staged a "Mythic Dawn" attack on the Palace as a diversionary tactic to get his crews into place in the Royal Quarters.

Uriel sent Maxical to her room with (who everyone thought was Janus Hassildor) to lose her virginity so the smell of her blood would stop drawing Malan to the Palace.

Malan impersonated Janus Hassildor and kidnapped Maxical to his lair. While he had Maxical at his lair, he had the Khajiit sisters implanted in Maxical's room making sounds of passionate lovemaking so everyone would think Janus Hassildor was doing the job right.

(Chapter 178) - Malan first used Maxical's virgin blood against Fathis Aren to get him to swear his soul away. The shame Fathis felt at drinking his own wife's blood was so great that he wanted to die, didn't care if his soul was taken so he didn't have to face what he had become. Malan told Maxical he had also taken Gils' soul.

Malan erased Maxical's memory of everything that happened in Fathis’s dungeon cell.

Malan healed Maxical, but it took three days for her blood to replenish enough that he could drink enough to satisfy his bloodlust without killing her.

Three days of smelling Maxical's virgin blood under his nose while she healed: Malan accidently let slip that they were at Theryon.

Still impersonating Hassildor, Malan took Maxical's virginity, then placed his nature inside Maxical (as if he was making her his chosen) - but then didn‘t make her his chosen. This poaching trick leaves his heart free from Maxical, and Amiela will always be Malan’s only chosen.

** The nature is supposed to turn Maxical’s heart toward Malan with the force of a bloodlust. Malan did this to make Maxical compliant to housing his dead wife’s soul for eternity.

(Chapter 179) - Malan left Maxical drained almost to death in her bed at the Palace and released the real Janus Hassildor nude into the room so he would be arrested for the vampire attack on Maxical.

Malan’s plan was for Janus to be incarcerated in the Palace so when Malan took the throne he would have easy access to Hassildor's immortal blood at any time.

Maxical thwarted Malan by getting Hassildor released and naming Malan as the one that did that to her. (Janus never called her “Lass,” only Malan did).

Maxical also revealed that the attack took place at Theryon. Maxical realized Malan had used the Khajiit women as decoy sound effects, since she smelled cat when she woke. She also suspected the Mythic Dawn attack was a diversionary tactic, which was subsequently proven to be correct.

(Chapter 184) - Janus suspects that Malan used Maxical’s blood against Fathis, and suggests it to Maxical (upsetting both Maxical and Uriel).

(Chapter 185-186) - Maxical confronts Malan, but he (smoothly) lies his way out of it and swears vows to that effect. He brings Maxical to Theryon. There his nature inside Maxical is jump-started into actively trying to turn her heart.

(Chapter 187) - Malan’s nature is set off balance by that poaching trick, and in its struggle to achieve the union it is supposed to be creating, the nature inundates Maxical with secret knowledge of Malan - some of which can be used against him later.

The nature also immediately realizes Malan’s love is not with Maxical, but with Amiela. It begins suffocating Amiela so she can’t take over Maxical’s body, but also begins plotting to eliminate Amiela. Maxical is trying to convince the nature that for her own protection she needs Amiela inside her - but neutralized.

(Chapter 189) - When they return to the Palace, Malan’s nature realizes Malan is plotting against Maxical. It causes Maxical to steal a vial of her own virgin blood from the cold storage to distract Malan’s concentration with.

Maxical notices Malan’s eyes gleaming as if he is watching a plot come to fruition. Maxical gets nervous, wondering what it could be.

(Chapter 190) - Malan plans to bring Amiela into control of Maxical so they can make a move on the Palace, but his own nature inside Maxical rises up in protection of Maxical. It takes control of Maxical’s actions and immediately pops the vial of her virgin blood open and tosses drops of it through the air.

Immediately Malan’s concentration on getting Amiela out is broken, he can’t think of anything else but the smell of virgin blood in the air. The nature aimed the blood to land on Maxical so whenever Malan gets close enough to her to try and harm her - the smell of her blood will drive anything else from his mind.

(Chapter 191) - That night Maxical realizes that the nature is defending her against Malan himself. Unbeknownst to Maxical, the nature is also fueling off Janus’s emotions since he is Malan’s split-apart (and Janus hates Malan, and Janus has accepted Maxical as his chosen).

Maxical realizes that the imbalance of that poaching trick (and Janus’s close proximity) has Malan’s nature confused as to who it is supposed to be defending. Even though there is no union, the nature is treating her like the “sacred chosen.”

Maxical realizes throughout the night that she (her own thoughts and emotions) is the catalyst causing his nature to rise up in her defense.

* Twice she got angry that Malan might be plotting against her and the nature got into a rage at Malan

* Twice Maxical had inner thoughts that she didn’t want what she had with Malan to end - and the nature literally threw her at Malan.

* Twice she feared Malan would raise Amiela permanently inside her, thereby killing her, and twice the nature rose up in defense.

The nature feels the threat Amiela is to Maxical has been too great. It tells Malan (through Maxical trying to stop it) that Amiela is a threat and will be eliminated.

Malan immediately makes plans to remove Amiela from Maxical the second she goes to sleep. He gets Maxical relaxed by vowing he will make her his chosen properly the next time they go to Theryon, but he is lying.

While Maxical sleeps, Malan uses Recall to take Maxical to Theryon and in a necromantic ritual remove Ameila from Maxical for good.

Malan uses Recall to return to the Palace, landing right next to Maxical’s bed. Eyja’s loud sex from the next room wakes Maxical before Malan can put her back in Prince Ebel’s playroom. He has to put her in bed quickly.

Maxical wakes up from Eyja’s racket, and is worried when she realizes she is in bed - had slept through Malan carrying her.

Malan is stuck waiting till Maxical goes to sleep now. He has to wait till morning before going to the woman he plans to put Amiela into next and taking her to Theryon for the necromancy ritual.

Malan is gone when Maxical wakes up, and after a few minutes she feels the difference inside her - Malan has removed Amiela. And he is gone. Where is he?


This post has been edited by mALX: Apr 20 2013, 05:08 PM

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post Apr 20 2013, 05:00 PM
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Joined: 14-March 10
From: Las Vegas

Wow! I can imagine how handy this is to quickly help anyone just starting to follow Maxical. The wonderful body of her story is truly amazing but is long enough that it could intimidate newer readers. This is just the ticket to catch up for new readers to her fabulous journey!

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