Dec 11 2016, 08:02 PM
Fallout 4 works a lot differently than FO3, so I created a new topic for using its Creation Kit.
In F4 all workbenches are also containers that you can store your crafting items in. All of the workbenches in a settlement share a single inventory. If you are creating your own home and have multiple workbenches, you can link all of their inventories by doing the following:
First you need a Workshop - by this I mean the crafting station/workbench that you use for settlement construction. You can create your own, or use an existing one if you want to tie your new workbenches to that particular settlement. Even if you are just building a player home and don't want to use it to create a full blown settlement, you still need the Workshop. In that case you can place the Workshop station under the ground, or someplace otherwise inaccessible if you want.
Next place your new Armor, Weapons, PA, etc... Workbenches.
Double click on each to open their Reference windows, and go to the "Linked Ref" tab.
Leave this open, and find your Workshop in the render window.
Return to your new workbench's Reference window, and in the blank field under Linked Ref right click, and in the box that pops up, click on New.
In here click on Select Ref In Render Window.
This gives you a red crosshair in the Render window. Use it to click on the Workshop.
That brings up a new window setting it as a Linked Ref. Look down in that window to the Keyword field. In it select
Click on Ok to close that window. That takes you back to your Workbench Reference window. Click on Ok to close that.
Do the same with the rest of your workbenches.
Done. Now all of the workbenches will share the same inventory.
Dec 11 2016, 10:38 PM
What a great idea to give tips on how all the new editors work! Thanks for the helpful tips here, and for thinking of making this thread!
Jan 2 2017, 06:41 PM
I made another interesting discovery today.
You can use the console command "ShowLooksMenu Player" to bring up the face generation any time. But it does not work well outside of the regular character creation points at the beginning of the game. The start of the game and the Vault Exit are the only points where you can zoom in close enough to really see your character's face very well. If you do it with the console at any other point in the game the camera is so far away from your character that you cannot see any subtle changes that you make.
There are ways around this. I think some vanilla locations have NPCs who can change your face, like the Doctor in the Broken Bow of Rivet City in FO3. I have been playing the game for weeks, and have yet to find one however. You can also use the workshop to build a face sculpting chair in your settlements. But then you have to assign a settler to the chair to use it (and of course have a settler to do that in the first place).
I just found a way around that. If you go into the CK, in World Objects -> Furniture, I found FaceGenSurgeryChair. It looks like an ordinary little wooden chair. When you sit in the chair it automatically brings up the face generation, close enough to see what you are doing. All without the need of an NPC. So you can make a mod and put that chair in any place you like in order to tweak your character's face whenever you want.
Feb 19 2017, 08:41 PM
I finally figured out how to mod the meshes of a weapon. The truly customizable weapons do not work the same as they did in FO3. If you go to the Weapon record -> Art & Sound tab, you will find a NullReceiver for the weapon's mesh. This is an invisible dummy that the game uses, which is replaced by the real meshes, depending on how you configure the weapon.
The real meshes are found by clicking on the Object Template button in the top middle of the Weapon record. That brings you to a new screen, where you will see multiple versions of the weapon, starting with a Default, and under that a Standard. There can be a Random version, often a Sniper version, a Semi-Auto version, an Automatic version, etc...
In the Object Modifiers field of this window are the actual pieces that make the weapon. These components are Object Mod records (you will find them right above Weapons in the Object Window. Each has a specific mesh, and a big field of Property Modifiers. These modifiers are all the game bonuses or penalties to things like damage, fire rate, zoom, recoil, etc...
Every gun is typically made up of a half a dozen OMODs -> A Barrel, a Receiver, a Grip, a Magazine, a Sight/Scope, and optionally a Muzzle. Typically there is a Null_Muzzle added to accommodate a weapon that lacks a muzzle brake or silencer (which is most of them). Each is one piece of the gun. The game takes the individual meshes for each piece and puts it all together to make the gun you see in the game.
Most guns have half a dozen individual OMODs to choose from for each type. For example under Barrels there is typically a Short Barrel, a Long Barrel, a Ported Barrel, etc... Magazines often have a Standard type, a Quick Change Mag, an Extended Mag, and a Quick Extended Mag. Every gun has an Iron Sight, an Eotech, and often scopes of various strengths.
To make things more confusing each OMOD record has a MiscItem record associated with it. Usually they start with the prefix miscmod_(name). There really is not much to them. They just have a game ID, a name you see in the game, and the ObjectTypeLooseMod keyword associated with it. Plus there is a transform image, that you see in the game when you are at the workbench and choose to build that mod for a gun. That is always the same for every miscmod though, just a little box.
Every weapon also has a specific keyword with Mod Association selected under Type. They typically start with the prefix ma_(weapon name). This keyword is entered in the Weapon record's Keywords field. You will also find it in every Object Mod, in the Target Object Mod Association Keyword field. That is how the game keeps track of which OMODs are for each gun.
Feb 20 2017, 08:09 PM
I envy your skill with the CK. I jumped into it with no knowledge on how it works a few weeks ago, and was quickly overwhelmed. I was looking to fix the roads in Sanctuary so that the blocky dirt piles weren't left behind after my settlement cleaning.
Ended up just getting a mod someone else made.
Feb 21 2017, 12:07 AM
I am really not that good with the CK. I just decided to be persistent on this issue, because of my dislike for most of the vanilla guns. I could not find any useful tutorials online. The only thing anyone is willing to share about modding weapons seems to be for the simplest things, like changing their damage or name.
So I took the M2216 mod and basically reverse-engineered it. I used the meshes and textures and tried recreating it in a new mod, following everything I saw in the original. A handy feature of all of Bethesda's CKs is that if you go to the File -> Open screen and select a plugin, there is a Details button down below you can click on. It will tell you every single record that plugin alters or creates.
So I started there to see what the original mod created. Then I opened those records and took screenshots. Then I opened the CK again with my new plugin, and recreated everything from scratch. Of course that did not work, at least not easily, because the Weapon entry does not show everything right out front. I had to click on every tab and every button before I figured out that the actual meshes the game uses are behind that Object Templates button. But sometimes that is what it takes. Try everything until something works.
Feb 25 2017, 05:50 PM
So far so good on the weapon replacer mods I have created. I ran into some issues with the M2216 and M9 Beretta mods. But it turns out those were not my fault, but rather the original creators!
The M2216 has a modcol entry for the barrels which mistakenly was filled with entries for the vanilla assault rifle, rather than the M2216. So whenever it would spawn a random gun it would use a vanilla assault rifle barrel in the otherwise modded M2216. That looked rally weird.
The issue with the M9 was that if you used the Long Barrel mod on the gun, it would stop looking like a Beretta and look like the vanilla Deliverer pistol. So I went the OMOD record for the Long Barrel and changed it to use the same mesh as the Short Barrel. Viola! All the M9 looks like proper Berettas.
I did come across one bug that is my own fault. Maybe. While I have gotten all the regular guns to appear as their modded versions. The Companion's weapons still seem to be stuck in the original forms. Companions all have their own unique Weapon entries for their guns. So they are essentially standalone from the regular versions of those guns. But even after going into the Object Templates for the Companion guns and replacing all the vanilla OMODs with modded ones, they still use their vanilla weapons.
But this might just be Fallout 4 being Fallout 4. I have noticed with my no smoking mod that even after deleting all the smoking animations and idle markers and ai packages from the game, some NPCs still smoked! But after starting a new game they never did. So once some things are in the game's memory, there is no getting them out without starting a completely new game. That might be the case with the weapons of these Companions. All I can do is test with a brand new character.
Mar 4 2017, 11:07 PM
I made a discovery today. If you put a weapon in a container, then place that container in the world, the game automatically spawns ammunition in the container as well. I am guessing it gets the ammo type from the NPC Add Ammo List drop down box in the Weapon record.
Mar 5 2017, 09:45 PM
I have been working on the property modifiers of Object Mods (the bonuses or penalties that come with gun mods like Long Barrel, Short Barrel, Full Stock, Marksman's Stock, etc..).
Here is what I gather from looking at the Property Modifiers and comparing them to the Description Text in the OMOD record.
fAimModelConeIronSightsMultiplier = This seems to control accuracy when using iron sights mode. I think it is the size of the cone over which bullets can spread out within. Negative values decrease the cone and thus the spread, and positive numbers increase it.
fAimModelMaxConeDegrees & fAimModelMinConeDegrees = These two seem to do the same, but for open sights mode. Again, negative values mean less spread and greater accuracy, positive numbers greater spread.
fAimModeRecoilMaxDegPerShot & fAimModeRecoilMaxDegPerShot = These two affect the recoil of gunshots and thusly accuracy. Again, negative numbers are good, and positive numbers worse.
fMaxRange & fMinRange = These modify the range of the weapon. Positive numbers mean longer range, negative means reduced range.
fweight = seems to increase the weight of the mod. Positive numbers being heavier.
ivalue = seems to modify the caps value of the mod.
fcriticaldamagemult = modifies the critical damage of the weapon. A rank 1 Better Criticals has a value of 1.000, and a rank 2 has a value of 2.000
fcriticalchargebonus = Not exactly sure what this does. I think it is the charging of your critical meter in VATS, and that a positive number is better.
iattackdamage = this increases the damage the gun does. I think a 0.5 is +50% more damage, 0.25 is +25% more, etc... A MoreDamage1 is typically 0.2500, and MoreDamage2 is 0.500, and MoreDamage3 is 0.7500.
fsecondarydamage = a positive value adds some kind of extra damage. It might be only for gun-bashing, but I am not sure. A Large Bayonet has a value of 1.000, and a Small Bayonet a value of 0.5.
peEnchantments = with an ADD of enchModArmorPenetration, this makes the gun armor-piercing.
vaActorValues = again with an ADD of ArmorPenetration & 40.0000. This clearly has something to do with armor-piercing.
iammocapacity = is used on magazines. A little bit goes a long way. Typically a Large Mag has a value of 1.000, and an Extra Large (Drum) a value of 3.000. A Standard Mag does not have this, as it uses whatever the base ammo is listed in the Weapon record itself.
Mar 6 2017, 12:56 AM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 5 2017, 02:45 PM)

I have been working on the property modifiers of Object Mods (the bonuses or penalties that come with gun mods like Long Barrel, Short Barrel, Full Stock, Marksman's Stock, etc..).
Here is what I gather from looking at the Property Modifiers and comparing them to the Description Text in the OMOD record.
fAimModelConeIronSightsMultiplier = This seems to control accuracy when using iron sights mode. I think it is the size of the cone over which bullets can spread out within. Negative values decrease the cone and thus the spread, and positive numbers increase it.
fAimModelMaxConeDegrees & fAimModelMinConeDegrees = These two seem to do the same, but for open sights mode. Again, negative values mean less spread and greater accuracy, positive numbers greater spread.
fAimModeRecoilMaxDegPerShot & fAimModeRecoilMaxDegPerShot = These two affect the recoil of gunshots and thusly accuracy. Again, negative numbers are good, and positive numbers worse.
fMaxRange & fMinRange = These modify the range of the weapon. Positive numbers mean longer range, negative means reduced range.
fweight = seems to increase the weight of the mod. Positive numbers being heavier.
ivalue = seems to modify the caps value of the mod.
Ooh, Khajiit is considering tweaking the R91 to be less powerful since it appears at extremely low levels. These values should come in handy should Khajiit decide to reduce accuracy instead of power!
Mar 6 2017, 03:27 AM
QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Mar 5 2017, 06:56 PM)

Ooh, Khajiit is considering tweaking the R91 to be less powerful since it appears at extremely low levels. These values should come in handy should Khajiit decide to reduce accuracy instead of power!
I added some more property modifies to the post above. Look in the R91's OMODs for iattackdamage and fsecondarydamage. They might be the reason the gun is doing so much damage. I just noticed that my AK-74s were doing insane amounts of damage, and those were the culprits. The values given for AKs Hardened and Powerful Receivers were insanely high. A MoreDamage1 is typically 0.2500, and MoreDamage2 is 0.500, and MoreDamage3 is 0.7500. The AK had a value of something like 8.000 for the MoreDamage1, and worse for the next up.
Mar 6 2017, 03:33 AM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 5 2017, 08:27 PM)

QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Mar 5 2017, 06:56 PM)

Ooh, Khajiit is considering tweaking the R91 to be less powerful since it appears at extremely low levels. These values should come in handy should Khajiit decide to reduce accuracy instead of power!
I added some more property modifies to the post above. Look in the R91's OMODs for iattackdamage and fsecondarydamage. They might be the reason the gun is doing so much damage. I just noticed that my AK-74s were doing insane amounts of damage, and those were the culprits. The values given for AKs Hardened and Powerful Receivers were insanely high.
Well the frickin R91 is doing like 31 base damage with the standard receiver. Kim-Ly is only lvl 4 and has found at least 3 of them! If we are going to find it on every other Raider then it needs to be nerfed.
Clarification: the 31 base damage is including rank 1 of Rifleman, which really doesn't change the fact that it's too powerful for a low level weapon.
Mar 6 2017, 03:46 AM
QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Mar 5 2017, 09:33 PM)

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 5 2017, 08:27 PM)

QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Mar 5 2017, 06:56 PM)

Ooh, Khajiit is considering tweaking the R91 to be less powerful since it appears at extremely low levels. These values should come in handy should Khajiit decide to reduce accuracy instead of power!
I added some more property modifies to the post above. Look in the R91's OMODs for iattackdamage and fsecondarydamage. They might be the reason the gun is doing so much damage. I just noticed that my AK-74s were doing insane amounts of damage, and those were the culprits. The values given for AKs Hardened and Powerful Receivers were insanely high.
Well the frickin R91 is doing like 31 base damage with the standard receiver. Kim-Ly is only lvl 4 and has found at least 3 of them! If we are going to find it on every other Raider then it needs to be nerfed.
Clarification: the 31 base damage is including rank 1 of Rifleman, which really doesn't change the fact that it's too powerful for a low level weapon.
Well the Assault Rifle's base damage is 30, and the Combat Rifle is 33. So that's about the same as vanilla.
I think your problem is not really the damage of the gun, but that it is so common at lower levels. My guess is that whatever script injects it into the leveled lists just throws it in with the same frequency no matter what your level is. I don't really know how to fix that. It makes me glad I went to the extra work of turning my modded guns into replacers for the vanilla weapons, and deleting the leveled list injector scripts and associated quests they had. That way they only appear at the same levels and rates as the vanilla guns they replaced.
Mar 6 2017, 04:10 AM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 5 2017, 08:46 PM)

QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Mar 5 2017, 09:33 PM)

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 5 2017, 08:27 PM)

QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Mar 5 2017, 06:56 PM)

Ooh, Khajiit is considering tweaking the R91 to be less powerful since it appears at extremely low levels. These values should come in handy should Khajiit decide to reduce accuracy instead of power!
I added some more property modifies to the post above. Look in the R91's OMODs for iattackdamage and fsecondarydamage. They might be the reason the gun is doing so much damage. I just noticed that my AK-74s were doing insane amounts of damage, and those were the culprits. The values given for AKs Hardened and Powerful Receivers were insanely high.
Well the frickin R91 is doing like 31 base damage with the standard receiver. Kim-Ly is only lvl 4 and has found at least 3 of them! If we are going to find it on every other Raider then it needs to be nerfed.
Clarification: the 31 base damage is including rank 1 of Rifleman, which really doesn't change the fact that it's too powerful for a low level weapon.
Well the Assault Rifle's base damage is 30, and the Combat Rifle is 33. So that's about the same as vanilla.
I think your problem is not really the damage of the gun, but that it is so common at lower levels. My guess is that whatever script injects it into the leveled lists just throws it in with the same frequency no matter what your level is. I don't really know how to fix that. It makes me glad I went to the extra work of turning my modded guns into replacers for the vanilla weapons, and deleting the leveled list injector scripts and associated quests they had. That way they only appear at the same levels and rates as the vanilla guns they replaced.
You're right, the availability of the weapon at absurdly low levels is the big problem. Really wish someone would make an alteration mod that makes it rarer, similar to the Chinese Assault Rifle mod (supposedly its only carried by elite raiders and gunners). Really thinking it might be better as a replacer like you did. If you wouldn't mind sometime, would you post a step by step guide of how to make the replacer mod for the assault rifle?
Mar 6 2017, 04:43 AM
QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Mar 5 2017, 10:10 PM)

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 5 2017, 08:46 PM)

QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Mar 5 2017, 09:33 PM)

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 5 2017, 08:27 PM)

QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Mar 5 2017, 06:56 PM)

Ooh, Khajiit is considering tweaking the R91 to be less powerful since it appears at extremely low levels. These values should come in handy should Khajiit decide to reduce accuracy instead of power!
I added some more property modifies to the post above. Look in the R91's OMODs for iattackdamage and fsecondarydamage. They might be the reason the gun is doing so much damage. I just noticed that my AK-74s were doing insane amounts of damage, and those were the culprits. The values given for AKs Hardened and Powerful Receivers were insanely high.
Well the frickin R91 is doing like 31 base damage with the standard receiver. Kim-Ly is only lvl 4 and has found at least 3 of them! If we are going to find it on every other Raider then it needs to be nerfed.
Clarification: the 31 base damage is including rank 1 of Rifleman, which really doesn't change the fact that it's too powerful for a low level weapon.
Well the Assault Rifle's base damage is 30, and the Combat Rifle is 33. So that's about the same as vanilla.
I think your problem is not really the damage of the gun, but that it is so common at lower levels. My guess is that whatever script injects it into the leveled lists just throws it in with the same frequency no matter what your level is. I don't really know how to fix that. It makes me glad I went to the extra work of turning my modded guns into replacers for the vanilla weapons, and deleting the leveled list injector scripts and associated quests they had. That way they only appear at the same levels and rates as the vanilla guns they replaced.
You're right, the availability of the weapon at absurdly low levels is the big problem. Really wish someone would make an alteration mod that makes it rarer, similar to the Chinese Assault Rifle mod (supposedly its only carried by elite raiders and gunners). Really thinking it might be better as a replacer like you did. If you wouldn't mind sometime, would you post a step by step guide of how to make the replacer mod for the assault rifle?
Making a replacer is really not too hard. Start with your gun mod open its Weapon Record, and then that of the gun you want to replace. Copy everything from the mod to the gun being replaced, so the two records are identical.
Then open the Object Mod for each, and do the same. Its very time consuming, but you just have to remove all the original OMODs for the gun you are replacing, and instead fill in those from the modded gun. What gets tricky is that the vanilla guns have a 7 or 8 different varieties, while modded guns typically only have one or two. So you have to use your own discretion on what OMODs to use for the extra varieties of the vanilla gun.
And finally delete the script that injects the modded gun into the leveled lists. Those scripts are started by a quest, so delete that as well. That way you keep the modded gun out of the game. You would probably have to start a new game in your case, because I think once one of those scripts is running, you cannot shut it off. Deleting the mod and the files in the Script folder will not stop it. It will persist in your save game. There was a tool someone created for Skyrim called Save Cleaner that allowed you to open saved games, see what scripts were running in them, and stop them. But I don't know if anyone ever did that for Fallout 4.
Come to think of it, if you could just stop that injector script, that would solve your problems. So you might want to try and research that first.
Or failing that, delete the script and its quest and start a new game. Give yourself the R91 with the console. Then when you are higher level reinstall the mod (with the script and quest).
That Save Cleaner does exist for Fallout 4. It is a command line interface, so it is not easy to use. But the description says it can detect scripts and stop them. Just be sure to make a copy of your save file before trying it. Just in case.
Mar 6 2017, 06:10 AM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 5 2017, 09:43 PM)

Very good advice! This one will ponder what he wants to do while looking at the CK tonight. Khajiit wonders if you couldn't just clear out the info on the original gun and replace it with the items from the mod with out actually installing the mod? Or is that unethical? It's not like Khajiit would be re-uploading it, as a different mod or otherwise.
This one believes he figured out how to get the R91 to spawn on fewer Raiders. He went into the Fallout4Edit program and deleted it from the "Raider Weapons" leveled list in the mod. He then created a new merged patch since the old one had the R91 added to the "Raider Weapons" list. Now if Khajiit is correct in his hypothesis, the R91 will now only spawn on Raider Bosses, and certain gunners and supermutants, and perhaps show up in stores (not sure about that). Khajiit will test it when he wakes up later in the morning on a brand new game.
Mar 6 2017, 06:27 PM
QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Mar 6 2017, 12:10 AM)

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 5 2017, 09:43 PM)

Very good advice! This one will ponder what he wants to do while looking at the CK tonight. Khajiit wonders if you couldn't just clear out the info on the original gun and replace it with the items from the mod with out actually installing the mod? Or is that unethical? It's not like Khajiit would be re-uploading it, as a different mod or otherwise.
This one believes he figured out how to get the R91 to spawn on fewer Raiders. He went into the Fallout4Edit program and deleted it from the "Raider Weapons" leveled list in the mod. He then created a new merged patch since the old one had the R91 added to the "Raider Weapons" list. Now if Khajiit is correct in his hypothesis, the R91 will now only spawn on Raider Bosses, and certain gunners and supermutants, and perhaps show up in stores (not sure about that). Khajiit will test it when he wakes up later in the morning on a brand new game.
You mean just take the meshes and textures from the gun mod and create your own mod with them? Sure, you can do that. You can do whatever you want in the privacy of your own computer. So long as you do not repost it without permission from the original author to try to take credit for it, you are fine. I have taken a ton of mods from Fallout New Vegas and recreated them that way in FO3 - by just taking the meshes and textures and creating a FO3 mod from them.
It is a lot more work though, so I don't suggest it. It is easier to keep the original mod, and just strip the gun out of the leveled lists if it is manually entered into them, or remove the script that causes it to spawn. And delete any places where it was physically placed in the world if you want. Then take the vanilla gun you want to replace and just copy all the info over to it from the mod. This way you can open the modded gun's record and the vanilla gun's and hold them side by side. Otherwise you have to take screenshots of every single record of the modded gun. Then refer to those when you are making your replacer. And you never get pics of everything. So you are constantly closing the CK, opening the mod up in it, closing the CK, opening your replacer mod, and back and forth.
It sounds like the R91 was added directly into the leveled lists then, and not injected via a script? I don't know why I just assumed it was scripted. I suppose because so many mods go that route in F4. That is a lot easier to edit out and down to make it rarer. You should not have to start a brand new game for that. Just give it a while for you to get into areas where NPCs have not spawned with weapons yet.
Mar 6 2017, 08:18 PM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 6 2017, 11:27 AM)

It sounds like the R91 was added directly into the leveled lists then, and not injected via a script? I don't know why I just assumed it was scripted. I suppose because so many mods go that route in F4. That is a lot easier to edit out and down to make it rarer. You should not have to start a brand new game for that. Just give it a while for you to get into areas where NPCs never have not spawned with weapons yet.
Ugh, too late, Khajiit already deleted the old saves. That's ok though, Kim-Ly wasn't that far along so it won't take us long to get back to where we were.
Apr 3 2017, 12:31 AM
Here is how to create your own settlement anywhere, working just like the vanilla ones. I got this from the article
here. But I found that half the steps listed in the article were unnecessary and sometimes only caused issues.
If it does not already have one, start by placing a Map Marker in your settlement and giving it a unique name. Then place a COCMarkerHeading next to it. Finally place an XMarkerHeading the center of the settlement, and name it something like (Settlement Name)LocationCenterMarker.
If your new settlement does not already have one, create a Location for it (under WorldData -> Location). Add an Encounter Zone. Then click the Select Reference button under World Location Marker Ref. Select your Map Marker. Then in the Keywords field add:
If it is an interior cell add LocTypeInteriorCell” as well.
Create your Workshop and place it somewhere in your settlement. You can find them under WorldObjects -> Container -> WorkshopWorkbench. A handy tip, you can make it unobtrusive by setting the Scale to make it very small, allowing you to put somewhere out of the way if you like.
Double click on the workbench and click on the Scripts tab edit "workshopscript" Under flags, set "OwnedByPlayer" to true and EnableAutomaticPlayerOwnership” to false. Next just to be safe, set the following to false:
Click Ok to close the script menu, then click ok to accept the changes to the Workshop.
Place an XMarkerHeading in front of your workshop. You do not need to name it. Go into the Workshop's properties to the Linked Ref tab. Add the XMarkerHeading, and give it the keyword WorkshopLinkSpawn.
Go to WorldObjects -> Activators, and select a DefaultEmptyTrigger. Drag and drop one around your Workshop. Rename it something like SettlementNameWorkshopSandboxArea (that is how the vanilla ones are named). Make it large enough to cover your entire settlement area. Go to its Linked Ref tab, double click and "Select in Render Window." Select your workshop and for the Keyword, choose "WorkshopLinkedPrimitive". Then click ok and close the Trigger window.
Double click on your Workshop, select the Linked Ref tab, click "Select in Render Window", and select the "Default Empty trigger" you’ve just been working with. Set its Keyword to "WorkshopLinkSandbox".
Go to Static -> Workshop. Pick a Workshop Border and put it around your settlement. Give it a unique name. Open its properties and go to the Linked Ref tab. Link it to your workshop, with the keyword of WorkshopLinkedBuildAreaEdge
Apr 3 2017, 12:46 AM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Apr 2 2017, 06:31 PM)

Thank you for posting this! This one thinks it would be cool to make a completely custom settlement location!
Apr 3 2017, 05:51 PM
I made a few updates. It appears that the DefaultEmptyTrigger box does indeed determine the area over which your workshop will work. I also found a few more keywords to put into your Location.
I am still trying to figure out how to make your custom settlement show up on the list for companions to be dismissed to. No luck so far.
The Automatron dlc adds a script that can be used to add new settlements to the list of those which companions can be dismissed to. It is activated by a quest. This is how they got the Mechanist's Lair to add to the list of vanilla settlements.
I duplicated the quest and added the script with the exact same parameters. Same with the Location. But still it does not work. *sigh*
Apr 6 2017, 02:18 AM
Here is how you can add Ballistic Weave to any armor:
First to enable using Ballistic Weave open the console and enter the following:
Set RailroadClothingArmorModAvailable to 1
Set RailroadClothingArmor_ChanceNone to 0
Then in the CK, do the following:
Go to the Armor record. In the first page go to the Keywords field and add ma_railroad_ClothingArmor
In the Attach Parent Slots field, add ap_Railroad_ClothingArmor
Click on the Object Template button. Create a new template by right clicking in the upper left field.
Add if_Railroad_ClothingArmor to the keywords field, and mod_armor_Railroad_ClothingArmor1 to the Object Modifiers field.
Apr 6 2017, 03:42 AM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Apr 5 2017, 08:18 PM)

Here is how you can add Ballistic Weave to any armor:
First to enable using Ballistic Weave open the console and enter the following:
Set RailroadClothingArmorModAvailable to 1
Set RailroadClothingArmor_ChanceNone to 0
Then in the CK, do the following:
Go to the Armor record. In the first page go to the Keywords field and add ma_railroad_ClothingArmor
In the Attach Parent Slots field, add ap_Railroad_ClothingArmor
Click on the Object Template button. Create a new template by right clicking in the upper left field.
Add if_Railroad_ClothingArmor to the keywords field, and mod_armor_Railroad_ClothingArmor1 to the Object Modifiers field.
Khajiit uses a couple of mods for that. He can't remember the name of the one that enables it for all clothes (thinks it's Unified Clothing Overhaul), but he uses
No Railroad Ballistic Weave (CPL version).
Mar 31 2018, 09:01 PM
Since Khajiit was asking, to create new colors to use for character skins, hair, etc... just go to Miscellaneous -> ColorForm. Every color has an entry there.
Many use a Remapping Index option, which I don't quite understand. But you can change it to Raw Color, and just manually put in Red, Green, and Blue values there.
Mar 31 2018, 10:41 PM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 31 2018, 03:01 PM)

Since Khajiit was asking, to create new colors to use for character skins, hair, etc... just go to Miscellaneous -> ColorForm. Every color has an entry there.
Many use a Remapping Index option, which I don't quite understand. But you can change it to Raw Color, and just manually put in Red, Green, and Blue values there.
Ah so this is in the Data folder?
Mar 31 2018, 11:17 PM
QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Mar 31 2018, 05:41 PM)

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 31 2018, 03:01 PM)

Since Khajiit was asking, to create new colors to use for character skins, hair, etc... just go to Miscellaneous -> ColorForm. Every color has an entry there.
Many use a Remapping Index option, which I don't quite understand. But you can change it to Raw Color, and just manually put in Red, Green, and Blue values there.
Ah so this is in the Data folder?
The Data Folder? It is not a standalone file like a script. Use the creation kit to open the Fallout.esm and create a new plugin.
Mar 31 2018, 11:20 PM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 31 2018, 05:17 PM)

QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Mar 31 2018, 05:41 PM)

QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 31 2018, 03:01 PM)

Since Khajiit was asking, to create new colors to use for character skins, hair, etc... just go to Miscellaneous -> ColorForm. Every color has an entry there.
Many use a Remapping Index option, which I don't quite understand. But you can change it to Raw Color, and just manually put in Red, Green, and Blue values there.
Ah so this is in the Data folder?
The Data Folder? It is not a standalone file like a script. Use the creation kit to open the Fallout.esm and create a new plugin.
Oh, der, this is the Creation Kit thread lol
Sorry Khajiit was not paying attention
Apr 1 2018, 10:38 PM
Khajiit did what you said and was able tweak the skin tones to be more to his liking. Thank you so much for the info!
Jan 5 2019, 02:19 AM
Edit: I merged this into the existing Creation Kit topic. - SubRosa
I'd just like to open the floor up to any discussions on modding Fallout 4 here so hopefully I can learn some tips!
For the last month I've been trying to make a mod for the Sanctuary Settlement in my spare time. I'm on my third attempt this week, lol.
1. The debris keeps respawning.
I haven't tried deleting it yet because I know FO4 uses those "Form Lists" like Skyrim did; and was told deleting the vanilla items would cause issues in game. So far I have just been sinking it down below the ground like I was instructed to do for Skyrim; (which worked in Skyrim = but in FO4 the stuff keeps popping back up the next time you load the cell).
Just this week I decided to try editing each reference form to remove the "Respawn" and set it at "Initially Disabled" before sinking it below the ground - don't know if that is going to work or not yet.
2. Next: Bethesda clumped statics together into "Static Collections" to optimize the game. So far I have found no way to discern what items are clumped and which aren't = but if you touch any one of the ones that is clumped, the game instantly breaks apart all the clumps and suddenly your frame rate in the Creation Kit is slo-mo with jerky frames.
That means those items can't even be moved below the surface/set to "Initially Disabled" = nothing; and there is absolutely no way (I've found) to know what items are clumped and what aren't (so I keep accidentally causing the problem)
I haven't touched an interior cell in the Creation Kit yet; but I've heard the interior cells are even worse if you break that "Static Collection."
3. I made a building; and wanted to make it a "Static Collection" to use less resources in Sanctuary. I never knew about the Static Collections in FO3/NV/or Skyrim; so not sure how they work. Can I make the whole building a collection (is it possible; and if so = should I?) Or should I make building "sections" for each side of the building and just piece them together to make the whole?
And if I can do the whole building in one; should I include the lights in that too?
4. In game they have non-respawning leveled monsters in some of the houses that you have to "Clear" to get the "Cleared" marker on your map = but then a month later those botfly and radroach bodies are still laying around in my game. Do I just disable them in game?
(Also; even though they are set NOT to respawn; I pushed them below the surface in the Construction Kit and they also popped back up).
Any help I can get will be greatly appreciated!
Jan 5 2019, 07:08 PM
1 - Getting rid of the garbage statics can be difficult. I have had no problem with just deleting them. But for the mod to work it usually has to be dead last in the load order, or almost dead last. I don't know why. Even then it does not always work.
2 & 3 - I did not even know about static collections!
4 - Some bodies never disappear. The two raiders who threaten Trudy at the Drumlin Diner are like that. You can just select them, and use the markfordelete command. Then save and reload. That will permanently remove them from the game. Just be careful to make a different save before hand, because you might end up deleting something other than the bodies, like the ground!
Jan 13 2019, 09:40 PM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Jan 5 2019, 01:08 PM)

1 - Getting rid of the garbage statics can be difficult. I have had no problem with just deleting them. But for the mod to work it usually has to be dead last in the load order, or almost dead last. I don't know why. Even then it does not always work.
2 & 3 - I did not even know about static collections!
4 - Some bodies never disappear. The two raiders who threaten Trudy at the Drumlin Diner are like that. You can just select them, and use the markfordelete command. Then save and reload. That will permanently remove them from the game. Just be careful to make a different save before hand, because you might end up deleting something other than the bodies, like the ground!

Okay, I had to search all over for my post; and I have a lot of trouble reading now, so finding the post was nearly impossible.
I don't understand why we have to search all over the site to find each different game's modding discussions; they should all be under the "Mods" section at the bottom of the main page so they can be found easily by anyone looking for modding information.
What I would like to suggest and hope you/Acadian/Starge take into account in a possible discussion for instituting:
The "Mods" section at the bottom of the main page is called "Oblivion Mods" - That is an entire section for just
one game's mods! On this site we do modding on numerous Bethesda/Obsidian games that all use variations of the same Creation Editors.
I would like to suggest that we change the "Oblivion Mods" to something general like "Mods" or "Modding - and under that make sub headings for the different games = then move all modding topics from up here into their proper sub-category under the "Mods" heading so anyone wanting to read or discuss about Mods doesn't have to search the entire site for that information. Please?
Rant Over.
Okay; now: In response to what you said above =
"Disable" did work to get rid of the dead bug bodies in Sanctuary (in game); but didn't work on the trash/leaf piles inside the houses; etc. I've tried to use the "markfordelete" command in game to get rid of the trash; it doesn't work on trash either.
And yes, using delete on a mod = you would absolutely have to place your mod at the very end of the load order. Skyrim was the same way; if you deleted anything that either the vanilla game had a Papyrus script on or another mod referenced = the game would become unstable searching for that item.
That may be what I end up having to do on mine; which would mean I could never upload it or it would end up conflicting with too many mods out there. I noticed that almost every mod out there says to put theirs at the end of the load order; which I'm guessing the only way to resolve would be to Wrye-Bash them together or something.
Sinking them into the ground saves that issue; but does waste a portion of the cell's item limits. I had to ride the line in Skyrim; but Fallout 4 is even worse. Sanctuary is large enough to make a really nice settlement; but when you keep all those items in there; you find yourself very quickly overloading the cells.
Using the in game Settlement Building system (using no mods) I was able to repair the bridge and roofs in Sanctuary using the console commands for X, Y, Z axis to move the items to the correct position; it really looks pretty good. I had to use foundation blocks for the roofs to cover up the jumbled messy roofs; but it didn't look bad when finished - but the interiors with all the unmovable trash and leaves on the floor = they can't even be covered up well, (or another example is the broken windows; and no way to repair or cover them up with new glass or windows). Everything is so limited by the collision; even trying to use the "rug glitches," etc.
Jan 13 2019, 10:28 PM
I will pass along the suggestion to create a single mods section. I was going to PM you that I moved your post, but got caught up in other things, and just forgot. I am sorry.
One problem with trying to remove things with the console in Fallout 4 is that the game is filled with triggers and fogs and special effects. They often prevent you from selecting objects, because you wind up selecting them instead without realizing it. Sometimes it can help to use the TCL command to become intangible. Then you can move right up onto (or even into) what you want to delete. Even then it still does not always work.
There used to be a mod called Better Console that would give you the name of everything you selected with the console. But sadly it used F4SE, and one of the game's updates made it stop working, and cause CTDs. I really miss that. Because with it you always knew what you were really clicking on.
Jan 13 2019, 10:34 PM
Oh, and I actually made a few of those "Static Collections" in game! A dinner table setting with food on it; a vase with a doily under it; and a lit cigarette in an ashtray. The meal came out fantastic! I'll try to take a screenshot of it.
The doily and vase needs editing; the doily is not exactly below the vase like it should be = haven't figured out how to edit it yet.
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Jan 13 2019, 04:28 PM)

I will pass along the suggestion to create a single mods section. I was going to PM you that I moved your post, but got caught up in other things, and just forgot. I am sorry.
One problem with trying to remove things with the console in Fallout 4 is that the game is filled with triggers and fogs and special effects. They often prevent you from selecting objects, because you wind up selecting them instead without realizing it. Sometimes it can help to use the TCL command to become intangible. Then you can move right up onto (or even into) what you want to delete. Even then it still does not always work.
There used to be a mod called Better Console that would give you the name of everything you selected with the console. But sadly it used F4SE, and one of the game's updates made it stop working, and cause CTDs. I really miss that. Because with it you always knew what you were really clicking on.
Thank you; I would appreciate that. It doesn't make sense to me that the whole section remains only for Oblivion mods over a decade later when all these other games we are modding use versions of the same creation engine and all are Bethesda games anyway.
I wondered why we didn't have a script extender anymore. Yes, I can have an item highlighted in game and double-click on it; and end up with "Distant Cloud" 93% of the time. I was considering right clicking on the items in the Cell View window to edit or remove them instead; but I heard a warning about doing that too.
Jan 13 2019, 10:45 PM
When you are in the Creation Kit there is a way to get around those annoying things like Distant Clouds or Default Triggers. Here is what I found:
Concealing Objects
If you zoom out so that you can see the whole area of AnisesCabin01 (a single room in this case), and click on the yellow marker you originally selected... you may find that you are unable to select it. Instead, you select a large pink box that surrounds the room, which in the Cell View window, appears to be called "defaultSetStageTRIG".
Stuff getting in the way is a common and basic problem, but one that has an easy and powerful solution. With defaultSetStageTRIG, press the number 1, twice. The defaultSetStageTRIG will disappear. Press 1 again, and it will reappear.
What is happening here is that the first time you press "1", the selected object (or objects) are made so they ignore the mouse, and you can click through them. If they aren't already transparent, they are also made transparent (doesn't make a noticeable difference to defaultSetStageTRIG, which is already transparent), and the name of the item in the Cell View is changed from black to light blue, to show that it has been hidden (probably also not visible to you, since the item's selected, so it's not black!)
The second time you press 1, the item is hidden completely, rather than just "ghosted".
The third time, it is returned to normal: fully visible, clickable, and with a black name in the Cell View once again.
So, press "1" again until defaultSetStageTRIG disappears, then try selecting, hiding and ghosting other items, such as walls and furniture, until you are happy with the process.
If you have unselected an item while it is ghosted or invisible, you can no longer select it in the Render Window. Instead, select it in the Cell View (it will be one of the blue-named objects), click the titlebar of the Render window, and press 1 until your object cycles back to full visibility.
Protip.jpg For many Render Window keys, the window must be active (its title bar is not greyed out). If another window, like Cell View, is selected instead, then the key will do nothing. So if you select an item in the cell view, you then have to click on the titlebar of the Render Window - clicking within the Render Window would change your selection! Then, your keypress should work.
If you feel you have completely messed up which items are ghosted and which are not, you can press "F5" to return all items to their normal visible, clickable state.
Jan 14 2019, 02:09 AM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Jan 13 2019, 04:45 PM)

When you are in the Creation Kit there is a way to get around those annoying things like Distant Clouds or Default Triggers. Here is what I found:
Concealing Objects
If you zoom out so that you can see the whole area of AnisesCabin01 (a single room in this case), and click on the yellow marker you originally selected... you may find that you are unable to select it. Instead, you select a large pink box that surrounds the room, which in the Cell View window, appears to be called "defaultSetStageTRIG".
Stuff getting in the way is a common and basic problem, but one that has an easy and powerful solution. With defaultSetStageTRIG, press the number 1, twice. The defaultSetStageTRIG will disappear. Press 1 again, and it will reappear.
What is happening here is that the first time you press "1", the selected object (or objects) are made so they ignore the mouse, and you can click through them. If they aren't already transparent, they are also made transparent (doesn't make a noticeable difference to defaultSetStageTRIG, which is already transparent), and the name of the item in the Cell View is changed from black to light blue, to show that it has been hidden (probably also not visible to you, since the item's selected, so it's not black!)
The second time you press 1, the item is hidden completely, rather than just "ghosted".
The third time, it is returned to normal: fully visible, clickable, and with a black name in the Cell View once again.
So, press "1" again until defaultSetStageTRIG disappears, then try selecting, hiding and ghosting other items, such as walls and furniture, until you are happy with the process.
If you have unselected an item while it is ghosted or invisible, you can no longer select it in the Render Window. Instead, select it in the Cell View (it will be one of the blue-named objects), click the titlebar of the Render window, and press 1 until your object cycles back to full visibility.
Protip.jpg For many Render Window keys, the window must be active (its title bar is not greyed out). If another window, like Cell View, is selected instead, then the key will do nothing. So if you select an item in the cell view, you then have to click on the titlebar of the Render Window - clicking within the Render Window would change your selection! Then, your keypress should work.
If you feel you have completely messed up which items are ghosted and which are not, you can press "F5" to return all items to their normal visible, clickable state.
Oh, this is a huge tip! Thank you so much! I am copying this down by hand so I can look at it while in game!
Jan 14 2019, 08:06 PM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 31 2018, 03:01 PM)

Since Khajiit was asking, to create new colors to use for character skins, hair, etc... just go to Miscellaneous -> ColorForm. Every color has an entry there.
Many use a Remapping Index option, which I don't quite understand. But you can change it to Raw Color, and just manually put in Red, Green, and Blue values there.
Ooh, I could have made Misa's hair a better red then?
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Apr 3 2017, 11:51 AM)

I made a few updates. It appears that the DefaultEmptyTrigger box does indeed determine the area over which your workshop will work. I also found a few more keywords to put into your Location.
I am still trying to figure out how to make your custom settlement show up on the list for companions to be dismissed to. No luck so far.
The Automatron dlc adds a script that can be used to add new settlements to the list of those which companions can be dismissed to. It is activated by a quest. This is how they got the Mechanist's Lair to add to the list of vanilla settlements.
I duplicated the quest and added the script with the exact same parameters. Same with the Location. But still it does not work. *sigh*
There might be a different script or reference on the location itself. Check all the scripts and globals for the Mechanist's Lair itself (not just the quest) and see if you find anything that was referenced even slightly in that Papyrus is the only thing I could think of.
(that and verifying the new location name is exact in script/quest/cell info/etc. I had an accidental space in one spot that messed up my entire Inn rental = I looked right at it repeatedly and didn't see it. Sent my whole mod to Ghastley and he found the issue in seconds).
Jan 14 2019, 08:13 PM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Jan 13 2019, 04:45 PM)

When you are in the Creation Kit there is a way to get around those annoying things like Distant Clouds or Default Triggers. Here is what I found:
Concealing Objects
If you zoom out so that you can see the whole area of AnisesCabin01 (a single room in this case), and click on the yellow marker you originally selected... you may find that you are unable to select it. Instead, you select a large pink box that surrounds the room, which in the Cell View window, appears to be called "defaultSetStageTRIG".
Stuff getting in the way is a common and basic problem, but one that has an easy and powerful solution. With defaultSetStageTRIG, press the number 1, twice. The defaultSetStageTRIG will disappear. Press 1 again, and it will reappear.
What is happening here is that the first time you press "1", the selected object (or objects) are made so they ignore the mouse, and you can click through them. If they aren't already transparent, they are also made transparent (doesn't make a noticeable difference to defaultSetStageTRIG, which is already transparent), and the name of the item in the Cell View is changed from black to light blue, to show that it has been hidden (probably also not visible to you, since the item's selected, so it's not black!)
The second time you press 1, the item is hidden completely, rather than just "ghosted".
The third time, it is returned to normal: fully visible, clickable, and with a black name in the Cell View once again.
So, press "1" again until defaultSetStageTRIG disappears, then try selecting, hiding and ghosting other items, such as walls and furniture, until you are happy with the process.
If you have unselected an item while it is ghosted or invisible, you can no longer select it in the Render Window. Instead, select it in the Cell View (it will be one of the blue-named objects), click the titlebar of the Render window, and press 1 until your object cycles back to full visibility.
Protip.jpg For many Render Window keys, the window must be active (its title bar is not greyed out). If another window, like Cell View, is selected instead, then the key will do nothing. So if you select an item in the cell view, you then have to click on the titlebar of the Render Window - clicking within the Render Window would change your selection! Then, your keypress should work.
If you feel you have completely messed up which items are ghosted and which are not, you can press "F5" to return all items to their normal visible, clickable state.
F5 resets everything. Alt+1 should reset all the use of the "1" key, and make everything visible, without undoing anything else.
The stages of visibility are hard to see with some items (like fog), so looking at the cell view to see the change there is very important. I'm paranoid and can't remember if a "ghosted" object is still clickable, so I work without having anything in that half-way state.
Jan 14 2019, 08:16 PM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Jan 2 2017, 12:41 PM)

I made another interesting discovery today.
You can use the console command "ShowLooksMenu Player" to bring up the face generation any time. But it does not work well outside of the regular character creation points at the beginning of the game. The start of the game and the Vault Exit are the only points where you can zoom in close enough to really see your character's face very well. If you do it with the console at any other point in the game the camera is so far away from your character that you cannot see any subtle changes that you make.
There are ways around this. I think some vanilla locations have NPCs who can change your face, like the Doctor in the Broken Bow of Rivet City in FO3. I have been playing the game for weeks, and have yet to find one however. You can also use the workshop to build a face sculpting chair in your settlements. But then you have to assign a settler to the chair to use it (and of course have a settler to do that in the first place).
I just found a way around that. If you go into the CK, in World Objects -> Furniture, I found FaceGenSurgeryChair. It looks like an ordinary little wooden chair. When you sit in the chair it automatically brings up the face generation, close enough to see what you are doing. All without the need of an NPC. So you can make a mod and put that chair in any place you like in order to tweak your character's face whenever you want.
Awesome tip, thanks !!!
Jan 14 2019, 09:02 PM
QUOTE(Cain @ Feb 20 2017, 02:09 PM)

I envy your skill with the CK. I jumped into it with no knowledge on how it works a few weeks ago, and was quickly overwhelmed. I was looking to fix the roads in Sanctuary so that the blocky dirt piles weren't left behind after my settlement cleaning.
Ended up just getting a mod someone else made.

Those dirt piles in the roads are just landscape raised up right there to come through the road. You need to use the Landscape tool to get them to disappear; but BE CAREFUL! It is an extremely powerful tool and can F your game up in seconds if you aren't careful. SO SAVE your mod before using it EVERY TIME! That way you can practice with it and undo any mistakes right away.
(and also = make sure you have your mod marked and set as "Active" before making any changes so you never touch your vanilla game with any changes you make = you never want to make changes to the vanilla game, only to your mod).
I always start a mod called "TEST" and use it to practice what I want to do till I get it right; and I leave it without saving so it is as if I never did any of the changes at all. That way I know I'm doing it right when I do it in the mod I want to use in game.
Okay, so the Landscape Editor:
Click on "H" in the CK to bring up the Landscape tool. You will see a place that says "Radius," and a box with a number in it (I think it is defaulted at 5; which is WAY too big. set it to 2 at the most; 1 if you are worried). I usually use 2; but if you've never used it before 1 is best.
Okay, now everything you do with your mouse counts now, so only move with deliberation as long as that Landscape window is open.
If you click on that mound of dirt, it will make it drop too fast, you want to ease it down by gently placing the mouse on it and slowly sliding the mouse toward you holding the left mouse button down (not a fast click). The mound will start disappearing underneath the road. STOP as soon as the dirt is gone, don't keep rolling that mouse!
If the mound of dirt doesn't move; then it is NOT part of the landscape = STOP IMMEDIATELY.
(like for example: clumps of dried grass, or piles of leaves = those are NOT part of the landscape; so if they don't move and you keep pulling that mouse over that mound you will be sinking the ground around you in a 1-2 meter radius. So if nothing happens when you move your mouse = always STOP immediately, because something happened that you didn't see.
What do you do:
*** (Click on "UNDO" to undo any changes you didn't see. "Control Z" might work, but it is buggy in Fallout 4).
Okay, so you stay in one cell at a time if possible when landscaping. (click on "B" to show you the blue borders of the cells. The thick yellow lines you see are the quadrants; unless you are changing the terrain to grass or something you can ignore the yellow lines).
When you finish with each cell, Save before you cross the borders. (I usually save frequently when landscaping, because it is so easy to make a mistake. You just click on "H" to close the landscape tool; save; then click on "H" again to open it back up).
*** Clicking the Right mouse button changes the terrain cover around you to whatever is showing highlighted in the box list of terrains = so don't right click unless you intend to change the terrain covering. (there are some additional things you need to know if you decide you want to change the terrain cover to keep from issues).
The biggest thing is to make sure you are showing "Active" in your named mod making changes (not making changes in the vanilla game).
* Look at the top of the Creation Kit's main window, and see if it has your mod's name is listed there. If not, you need to back out and make sure to name a mod, save it; then set it as the active file (and click "Okay") before doing anything else.
Jan 15 2019, 06:33 AM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 4 2017, 05:07 PM)

I made a discovery today. If you put a weapon in a container, then place that container in the world, the game automatically spawns ammunition in the container as well. I am guessing it gets the ammo type from the NPC Add Ammo List drop down box in the Weapon record.
Ooh, that is really cool that they add the ammo!
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Mar 5 2017, 09:27 PM)

QUOTE(TheCheshireKhajiit @ Mar 5 2017, 06:56 PM)

Ooh, Khajiit is considering tweaking the R91 to be less powerful since it appears at extremely low levels. These values should come in handy should Khajiit decide to reduce accuracy instead of power!
I added some more property modifies to the post above. Look in the R91's OMODs for iattackdamage and fsecondarydamage. They might be the reason the gun is doing so much damage. I just noticed that my AK-74s were doing insane amounts of damage, and those were the culprits. The values given for AKs Hardened and Powerful Receivers were insanely high. A MoreDamage1 is typically 0.2500, and MoreDamage2 is 0.500, and MoreDamage3 is 0.7500. The AK had a value of something like 8.000 for the MoreDamage1, and worse for the next up.
Holy Cow! I want one! I got eaten alive by two mosquitoes outside a hospital in that College town a few weeks ago; it was like the bullets weren't even affecting them!
Jan 15 2019, 06:52 AM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Apr 2 2017, 06:31 PM)

Here is how to create your own settlement anywhere, working just like the vanilla ones. I got this from the article
here. But I found that half the steps listed in the article were unnecessary and sometimes only caused issues.
If it does not already have one, start by placing a Map Marker in your settlement and giving it a unique name. Then place a COCMarkerHeading next to it. Finally place an XMarkerHeading the center of the settlement, and name it something like (Settlement Name)LocationCenterMarker.
If your new settlement does not already have one, create a Location for it (under WorldData -> Location). Add an Encounter Zone. Then click the Select Reference button under World Location Marker Ref. Select your Map Marker. Then in the Keywords field add:
If it is an interior cell add LocTypeInteriorCell” as well.
Create your Workshop and place it somewhere in your settlement. You can find them under WorldObjects -> Container -> WorkshopWorkbench. A handy tip, you can make it unobtrusive by setting the Scale to make it very small, allowing you to put somewhere out of the way if you like.
Double click on the workbench and click on the Scripts tab edit "workshopscript" Under flags, set "OwnedByPlayer" to true and EnableAutomaticPlayerOwnership” to false. Next just to be safe, set the following to false:
Click Ok to close the script menu, then click ok to accept the changes to the Workshop.
Place an XMarkerHeading in front of your workshop. You do not need to name it. Go into the Workshop's properties to the Linked Ref tab. Add the XMarkerHeading, and give it the keyword WorkshopLinkSpawn.
Go to WorldObjects -> Activators, and select a DefaultEmptyTrigger. Drag and drop one around your Workshop. Rename it something like SettlementNameWorkshopSandboxArea (that is how the vanilla ones are named). Make it large enough to cover your entire settlement area. Go to its Linked Ref tab, double click and "Select in Render Window." Select your workshop and for the Keyword, choose "WorkshopLinkedPrimitive". Then click ok and close the Trigger window.
Double click on your Workshop, select the Linked Ref tab, click "Select in Render Window", and select the "Default Empty trigger" you’ve just been working with. Set its Keyword to "WorkshopLinkSandbox".
Go to Static -> Workshop. Pick a Workshop Border and put it around your settlement. Give it a unique name. Open its properties and go to the Linked Ref tab. Link it to your workshop, with the keyword of WorkshopLinkedBuildAreaEdge
This is amazing! I will most def be trying this one day!!! Thank you !!!!
Jan 15 2019, 07:09 AM
QUOTE(SubRosa @ Apr 5 2017, 08:18 PM)

Here is how you can add Ballistic Weave to any armor:
First to enable using Ballistic Weave open the console and enter the following:
Set RailroadClothingArmorModAvailable to 1
Set RailroadClothingArmor_ChanceNone to 0
Then in the CK, do the following:
Go to the Armor record. In the first page go to the Keywords field and add ma_railroad_ClothingArmor
In the Attach Parent Slots field, add ap_Railroad_ClothingArmor
Click on the Object Template button. Create a new template by right clicking in the upper left field.
Add if_Railroad_ClothingArmor to the keywords field, and mod_armor_Railroad_ClothingArmor1 to the Object Modifiers field.
I may want to do this; because I may not get to the quest to get it in game for a long time since I've kind of been avoiding the main quest. Thank you for this tip!
Jan 15 2019, 07:41 AM
Ooh, SubRosa = thank you so much for your part in getting the mod section fully encompassing!!!! This is AWESOME having all the modding discussion under one roof!!!
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