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> Elder Scrolls Community competition
post May 25 2008, 06:57 AM
Post #61

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QUOTE(0rimus @ May 25 2008, 05:56 AM) *

It's been awhile, how are things going?

Almost ready to publish the results, I'm really hoping today (Sunday) we'll be able to.

Unfortunately we had a small setback, so it took a bit longer then expected.

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post May 25 2008, 10:16 AM
Post #62

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Ok, the results are in;

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post May 25 2008, 02:40 PM
Post #63

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Even one didn't win anything, will they still get a 'score' or something on how they did...?

*Hey everyone, TES Fiction is looking to revamp its very talented group of writers. So, if you love to write (TES or non-TES), come on over! Whether its stories, poems, song lyrics, etc, it doesn't matter!*
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post May 25 2008, 03:01 PM
Post #64

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QUOTE(redsrock @ May 25 2008, 03:40 PM) *

Even one didn't win anything, will they still get a 'score' or something on how they did...?

Well, I guess I could post the entire list of points per category, if you'd like to see that. smile.gif

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post May 25 2008, 03:33 PM
Post #65

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QUOTE(Alexander @ May 25 2008, 03:01 PM) *

QUOTE(redsrock @ May 25 2008, 03:40 PM) *

Even one didn't win anything, will they still get a 'score' or something on how they did...?

Well, I guess I could post the entire list of points per category, if you'd like to see that. smile.gif

Yes, I most definitely would. Thanks. smile.gif

*Hey everyone, TES Fiction is looking to revamp its very talented group of writers. So, if you love to write (TES or non-TES), come on over! Whether its stories, poems, song lyrics, etc, it doesn't matter!*
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post May 25 2008, 03:46 PM
Post #66

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QUOTE(redsrock @ May 25 2008, 04:33 PM) *

Yes, I most definitely would. Thanks. smile.gif

Medium sized stories;
Sugar, or Fear and Loathing in South Cyrodiil, by Yorneim Hier; 29
The Fall of the West, by Hemitheon; 24
[CUaRRr]-akhh-trrals - or: A Horror of Misperception, by Squelchy Xerotripsis Underfoot; 18
The last dance, by Agent Griff; 17
Eyes of the heavens, by Kyle Cadena; 15
Tale of a scaled knight, by Jack Cloudy; 14
The Companion of Tuskus and Ahldmeria, by Jamie White; 10
Travels in Tamriel, by Thinalphiel; 9
Barricade, by Adam Spaay; 6
The Witchhunter's tale by Spydre; 6
Lucien's Luck, by Jordy; 6
Musketeer, by GeraldDuval; 3
Brother’s keeper, by Ioan Alexandru; 3
Bound, by Kindlemoth; 2
The cursed sewers, by Alisa Pankova; 2
Collywobbles, by C. Lop; 1

Long stories;
The story of Trey, Treydog; 30
We are merely shadows, Erika Webb; 28
The Tale of Matthias Etanne, Hadrian; 26
Bloodlust, The Metal Mallet; 16
Dance of the ja-Kha'jay, Lakyan; 12
The Accounts of Rayden - Redsrock; 2

A small note about the long story category here, originally there was a three way tie between the top three there, in the end we asked a fourth outside judge to break the tie. He only judged those three stories tied, not the rest of them and his top three has been added to the points to make the list you see above.

Short stories;
Forward unto Darkness, by Adventurous Putty; 27
Tedril's Journal, by Andraz Drcar; 24
My Heart, by Shades; 17
Escape, by MafuLeTrekkie; 16
The true hero, by Matteo Nobis Sandén; 15
A note of charcoal and blood, Mikedzines; 9
Andre Labouche, by Adoring Freak; 9
The justice of Almsivi, by Eldersphinx; 8
According to Nature, by Raggidman; 8
With Great Power by Kiln; 6
Cyrodiil, by Anon; 5
An Abacean Heartache, by Brian S.; 5
The Beggar's Tale, by Thomas Stanley; 4
Edesil, by Erka; 3
Part One: The Curse of Freedom; 3
Deception Doubled by Anonymous; 2
From Out of a Cimmerian Nightmare, by Red Door; 2
Black Rain and Churning Earth, by Mortazo; 2

Each judge made a top ten, and gave the stories in their top ten between 1 and 10 points. One exception was the long story category where there was only a top 5. So technically a story could get a maximum of 30 points, that is with 3 judges all choosing it as their first pick.

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post May 25 2008, 03:53 PM
Post #67

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Wow. Um... I am actually kind of speechless. First, thanks to the Chorrol team for putting this together, and to Bethesda for participating. And thanks to the judges for taking a large chunk of their time to read and consider.

But, perhaps most of all, thanks to everyone who entered for sharing their fantastic work with all of us. The opportunity to read such outstanding stories makes us all winners.

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post May 25 2008, 04:17 PM
Post #68

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Can I see the scoring system on which you judges were judging on? What I am trying to say is that I wish to why I recieved the score that I did. I'm not going to lie, I don't think I should have gotten a two, and I'm just curious to see why I got such a low score.

This isn't to say that I think I should have won. Oh no, Trey more the deserves the award. I just can't see why I recieved such a low score. Don't think of me as an boatmaster, please. It's only natural for an author to defend his writing....

EDIT: Also, there are other scores which don't make sense to me. I'd just like to see what we were judged upon...

EDIT 2: And congratulations to Trey. Sorry, man, that should have been my first post.

This post has been edited by redsrock: May 25 2008, 04:39 PM

*Hey everyone, TES Fiction is looking to revamp its very talented group of writers. So, if you love to write (TES or non-TES), come on over! Whether its stories, poems, song lyrics, etc, it doesn't matter!*
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post May 25 2008, 04:40 PM
Post #69

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QUOTE(redsrock @ May 25 2008, 05:17 PM) *

Can I see the scoring system on which you judges were judging on? What I am trying to say is that I wish to why I recieved the score that I did. I'm not going to lie, I don't think I should have gotten a two, and I'm just curious to see why I got such a low score.

This isn't to say that I think I should have won. Oh no, Trey more the deserves the award. I just can't see why I recieved such a low score. Don't think of me as an boatmaster, please. It's only natural for an author to defend his writing....

Well, I can pm you my reasoning if you'd like, but I'll have to ask the other judges if they're ok with me mentioning what they said about specific stories.
Ah, and unfortunately only the judges of the long story section made comments other then just the points, so if someone from a different category would want to know something specific I'd have to ask if the judge can remember it. Sorry about that.

As to the actual judging, there was not an actual system as such, one thing I can tell you is that we never looked at spelling, grammar and such, at least not as in it's important for the final score. We did look at them simply as a fan, how much we enjoyed reading the story ourselves, how well we thought it was written, that is how good the plot was, how are the characters, how are descriptions of things done, how well does it fit in with The Elder Scrolls universe. I know I looked at those things, and I'm pretty sure most if not all of the other judges also looked at it like that.

But I'll pm you my review, and will ask the other judges if they mind if the views are known to the author.

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post May 25 2008, 04:45 PM
Post #70

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Yes, please PM me. We have a lot to discuss....

*Hey everyone, TES Fiction is looking to revamp its very talented group of writers. So, if you love to write (TES or non-TES), come on over! Whether its stories, poems, song lyrics, etc, it doesn't matter!*
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post May 25 2008, 04:59 PM
Post #71

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hm, a slight misunderstanding might have occurred, I probably was a tad unclear about the point distribution, each judge made a list of their top ten picks,
the top pick got 10 pts, second pick got 9 points, third pick got 8 points.

So kinda like this;
1. ......... 10pts
2. ......... 9 pts
3. ......... 8 pts

etc, except for the long stories where there was a 2 pts difference like so;
1. ......... 10pts
2. ......... 8 pts
3. ......... 6 pts

I just wanted that to be clear smile.gif

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post May 25 2008, 05:05 PM
Post #72

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I'm still not clear. For the long stories, how could one get a two? Were there three juges for Long stories? If so, than it is impossible for one to have gotten a 2.

EDIT: Actually, there is a way I could have gotten a two. Two of the judges (if there were indeed three) would have to have given me zeros.

This post has been edited by redsrock: May 25 2008, 05:10 PM

*Hey everyone, TES Fiction is looking to revamp its very talented group of writers. So, if you love to write (TES or non-TES), come on over! Whether its stories, poems, song lyrics, etc, it doesn't matter!*
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post May 25 2008, 05:09 PM
Post #73

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QUOTE(redsrock @ May 25 2008, 06:05 PM) *

I'm still not clear. For the long stories, how could one get a two? Were there three juges for Long stories? If so, than it is impossible for one to have gotten a 2.

It's an equation, 1 judge, picking a story as fifth place gives someone 2 pts, then if no other judges pick that story, then it stays at 2 pts. In the case of the long stories, there were 8 entries and each judge only got to pick 5 stories in their top five. So it is possible that some stories received no points, and some received points from each judge.

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post May 25 2008, 05:17 PM
Post #74

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Oh, I get it. So if one of the judges didn't pick mine in their top-ten, they I recieve no points? That makes sense, though I do not think it is fair...at all. I don't think the top five, or whatever, if fair. Writers worked very hard on their entries, just to see that they aren't even listed. I understand there is only one winner for each category, but each story should recieve sometihng.

Just to say, "oh I didn't pick them in my Tops I'm not going to give them any points at all". That's just not fair. It's like telling those writers that they wasted their time by not even listing their story and giving them a grade. I'm just really pissed right now. I don't agree at all with how things were dealt with. I guess it doesn't matter either way. I'll still be writing stories, even though apparently some of them are only as good as a "2 out of 30".

A 2 story is something along the lines of, "Teh player slayed the dragon and saved the world. Teh end". That's bull, my story was not a 2. Oh well...

*Hey everyone, TES Fiction is looking to revamp its very talented group of writers. So, if you love to write (TES or non-TES), come on over! Whether its stories, poems, song lyrics, etc, it doesn't matter!*
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post May 25 2008, 05:25 PM
Post #75

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QUOTE(redsrock @ May 25 2008, 06:17 PM) *

Oh, I get it. So if one of the judges didn't pick mine in their top-ten, they I recieve no points? That makes sense, though I do not think it is fair...at all. I don't think the top five, or whatever, if fair. Writers worked very hard on their entries, just to see that they aren't even listed. I understand there is only one winner for each category, but each story should recieve sometihng.

Just to say, "oh I didn't pick them in my Tops I'm not going to give them any points at all". That's just not fair. It's like telling those writers that they wasted their time by not even listing their story and giving them a grade. I'm just really pissed right now. I don't agree at all with how things were dealt with. I guess it doesn't matter either way. I'll still be writing stories, even though apparently some of them are only as good as a "2 out of 30".

Grading each story separately is a possibility yes, however looking at it objectively, it produces the exact same results only looking a tad different. Instead of a number of stories not listed, it would have given us a number of stories only receiving a 1 or 2 out of ten. So while I understand how you might see it as something different, in the end I don't think it's so different from this way. It is different, but not as different as you think.


A 2 story is something along the lines of, "Teh player slayed the dragon and saved the world. Teh end". That's bull, my story was not a 2. Oh well...

No, as I mentioned in private, you should not compare this type of point giving to a 2 out of ten grade like a teacher might give you, it's very different in nature.

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post May 25 2008, 05:30 PM
Post #76

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I understand (concerning the last part of your post) but surely to god you can understand where I'm coming from, Alex. Just because someone didn't put a story in their top five doesn't mean that story should not get points. That's just a slap in the face to me. At least that's my opinion. I don;t mean to get rude, but this is just unfair to me.

*Hey everyone, TES Fiction is looking to revamp its very talented group of writers. So, if you love to write (TES or non-TES), come on over! Whether its stories, poems, song lyrics, etc, it doesn't matter!*
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post May 25 2008, 05:37 PM
Post #77

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QUOTE(redsrock @ May 25 2008, 06:30 PM) *

I understand (concerning the last part of your post) but surely to god you can understand where I'm coming from, Alex. Just because someone didn't put a story in their top five doesn't mean that story should not get points. That's just a slap in the face to me. At least that's my opinion. I don;t mean to get rude, but this is just unfair to me.

Ok, well perhaps you can explain it to me then, situation A;
A story is given 1/10 by judge nr 1, 1/10 by judge nr 2 and 1/10 by judge nr 3, bringing it to an average of 1/10

Situation B;
A story is not selected by all three judges in their top ten, thus not receiving any points.

Now how would situation A make it easier for the author to accept his story was not selected as winner? Not to say of course that someone might have gotten such a scoring, but there might have been many stories with an average of 5 or 6.

I'm sorry, but like I said in my last post, there is a difference, but is the difference really as large as you perceive it to be? smile.gif

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post May 25 2008, 05:37 PM
Post #78

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QUOTE(redsrock @ May 25 2008, 04:30 PM) *

I understand (concerning the last part of your post) but surely to god you can understand where I'm coming from, Alex. Just because someone didn't put a story in their top five doesn't mean that story should not get points. That's just a slap in the face to me. At least that's my opinion. I don;t mean to get rude, but this is just unfair to me.
The votes are in mate, relax I'm sure that several people are disappointed with their scores but it doesn't change the fact that whats done is done. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but no matter how much you argue the points are not going to change.

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post May 25 2008, 05:41 PM
Post #79

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QUOTE(Kiln @ May 25 2008, 05:37 PM) *

but no matter how much you argue the points are not going to change.

Obviously. rolleyes.gif But I am still going to give my opinion. I'm sorry for sounding rude, but I am just someone who will voice their opinion no matter what. Again, I am sorry, I will stop now.

This post has been edited by redsrock: May 25 2008, 05:42 PM

*Hey everyone, TES Fiction is looking to revamp its very talented group of writers. So, if you love to write (TES or non-TES), come on over! Whether its stories, poems, song lyrics, etc, it doesn't matter!*
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post May 25 2008, 06:03 PM
Post #80


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bluewizardsmile.gif smile.gif Congrats to those who won! smile.gif bluewizardsmile.gif

@ redsrock - valid questions as I'm sure some who didn't place may want to know some of the details of why and how the stories were judged. Might be a help in improving their writing skills. Everyone should definitely keep writing though as all the stories I've read so far have been quite good (even the poetry was well written - maybe a poetry contest next?). And with so many entries, I'm sure the judges had a heck of a time deciding which ones they liked best.

@ Alexander - Much thanks for explaining the scoring system o the community. smile.gif

@ everyone else - Keep writing!!!

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