QUOTE(0rimus @ May 26 2008, 09:16 PM)

Well gee I'm sorry. Sorry that no one's taken into consideration that I was UNABLE to have enough time to repair my story. I'm not illiterate, I've had above a college reading level since the fourth grade. I wasn't able to fix some of those problems for one big reason: I had to use my sisters computer. Right now, I'm on a Mac, which has Textedit (which sucks) but it won't let me save anything for some reason, it crashes my crappy Macintosh. So in order to type I had to get my sister to enter the password on her PC, and had to get off if she wanted to use her computer, which was all the time. I also couldn't type when she wasn't here, and since she's a college student, that's most of the time. I have a mild form of OCD, I caught all those mistakes and then some, but was unable to do anything. As with earlier on, with the judges, it seems like some of you haven't read my story, and are making MONSTEROUSLY PRETENCIOUS ASSUMPTIONS based solely on what has transpired in this thread. I wasn't lyinjg when I said I put more than 90+ hours of work in, but as far as acctually typing the story, I did that in about 3 hours. Most of you I'm sure, have your own PC, but alas, I have a Mac. And as for the whole, "You're lucky to have gotten feedback...", perhaps, but I wouldn't have gotten any if I hadn't made the previous posts

No no, I believe I'm detecting three flaws in your post there.
First off, no one forced you to rush through a story in order for you to participate, you were welcome not to enter, or to enter in for instance the short story category where you only had to type 2500 or fewer words. No one forced you into the long story category. If the reviews you got there were less positive then you had hoped for, well that's unfortunate, but you choose to enter yourself. You say it took you 3 hours to type out the story and 90+ to think of it, well comparing that to some of the other stories which were likely typed out over weeks and thought out over many months or years even. Again, that did give the others a lot more time to type it out, and to create it, but again that was all your choice.
Two, if you're trying to imply that some of the judges who judged your category haven't read our story and were just guessing, then I'd like to ask you to stop with that reasoning while you're ahead. All of the judges are people who have been active in the Elder Scrolls community for a very long time in one form or another, some of them I've known for years, some I've known about for years. To even imply even one of them did not do this to the best of their ability, went in biased, or judges stories with any way of prejudice in any way shape or form, is as I see it questioning their integrity, and that is going too far.
If you disagree with the results, that's fine, not everyone has to like it, not everyone can like it, but to even imply your story was not read through, and thus questioning the integrity of the judges is a step over the line. And if you did imply that, then I believe you should apologize for that.
Number three, if you had asked for feedback, even without the whole disagreeing bit and the rest, you still would have gotten it. Like we've mentioned before in this thread, long story judges already posted bits and comments in the judges section, easy step from there to giving it to the author, so there would not have been any logic to not giving it.
QUOTE(paragenic @ May 26 2008, 10:12 PM)

Yeah, I've been travelling the past two days, and I've just returned and seen a lot has happened...
I'll be honest with all of you - my first reaction was total surprise and a bit of disappointment too since I wasn't expecting the results to be published till the 1st of June. Should this contest ever be organised again in the future I would strongly recommend picking a date and time that the results would be announced and sticking with it. Why? BECAUSE I'M READING THE STORIES STILL AND YOU'VE GONE AND SPOILED PART OF MY FUN!

If it had been stated from the beginning "winners will be announced on the 25th of May" then I would have made it a point of reading more quickly, and I would have made sure that I had read all of the stories myself by that time. Now I'm too late.
Actually, I did post this in the guidelines page of the competition;
"6. The final results of the competition will be published before June 1st, but if possible, sooner."
I'd actually wanted to give the results even earlier, but as mentioned, due to a judge dropping out and a tie in a category, it took a while longer.
My second reaction was even more surprise when I read the actual results of the category in which I had read the most stories (medium length). Before I go any further, please allow me to congratulate the winner. Now that's over, I regret I must share with you all that I SERIOUSLY disagree with the results. There were stories in this category that did not receive any points (not even in the post by Alexander that contained the extended rankings) that deserve at the very least some feedback. I am bewildered that "The Cursed
Sewers" received actual points and that the story with the gunpowder was not disqualified for its glaring anachronisms and many resemblance to the television series "Sharpe". It does not do justice to stories such as "Ripples in the Stream", "The Unsung", and "Dagothlivion" where an enormous effort obviously went in to creating an imaginative storyline (plusses to Dagothlivion), lore, and even creating stories around details in the game that would appeal to a true fan (plusses to The Unsung and to Ripples in the Stream).
Instead I see that "Tales of a Scaled Knight" with its imbalanced antagonists and zipping-into-space plot comes in sixth? The plot is so out there, even the protangonist forgets it by the end of the story. "Fall of the West" with its tiresome parade of unfamiliar proper nouns comes in second? "The Last Dance" which has no plot at all and hardly transcends the description of a duel comes in fourth? "Eyes of the Heavens" which has unbelievably incompetent assassins characters comes in fifth? And there is not even mention of "Ripples in the Stream", "Dagothlivion", "The Unsung" or "The King of Daenia"? Not even a single point? BOO I say. Again, I say BOOO!
I feel too strongly that things are not right to be polite at this point. I challenge the results and it is obvious to me one of the two following must be true: Either #1 there was no objective scoring process that was applied consistently for everyone or #2 there are criteria that have not been communicated (and should have been communicated) from the beginning in the form of guidelines to submitters.
"Dagothlivion" is a damn good story that succeeds in painting a human side to Ascended Sleepers and Ash Zombies. And has people using Cliff Racers for transportation! And barrels of water on the planes of Oblivion! For chrissake, how ingenious is that? To not award it even a single point is simply incorrect. One hundred times BOOOO to the judges.
You know, I find it hard not to become sarcastic here, but I think I'll indulge myself for a single sentence here; "Wow, imagine that, two people read something and they have a different opinion of it, who would have guessed."
Even with a clear and objective scoring process, you'll likely never get the same results in any competition from all of the judges. Why? Because when it comes to judging something on "how much did you like the story" there's a very large window there for difference.
If a famous book is read by book critics, why do you think some would praise it into heaven and others might not like it too much, or might even give it a bad review? I mean they're all doing the same job aren't they? All supposed to look for exactly the same things shouldn't they? It's the same here. 3 judges per category, who read all the stories and then made a list of their top ten, taking into account things that were mentioned in several posts in this thread, and of course how much they personally liked the story. All of that combined led to the scores you've seen. I'm sure if I'd read the short or medium sized stories, I might have come up with a list very different from the lists of the judges who did it now. And I'm sure had you or Redsrock or Orimus been a judge, you might have chosen lists also very different from ours. That is to be expected.
On a general note, a few of you have already expressed issues you have with the system used for judging, or have expressed feelings that you think your story or other stories should have been ranked higher. I have no problem with such expressions, if you'd care to voice something, please do so, be it good or bad.
However, as you can read earlier in this thread, I will not allow personal attacks on either specific judges or judges in general. Questioning their integrity is NOT an option in this thread. I can honestly say, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that I know for certain each judge has judged to the best of their ability, in complete fairness and without any prejudice in any form whatsoever. Posts expressing views otherwise will not be tolerated. Voice protests all you want to, but do not claim someone was biased against you as it's both improper and completely incorrect.
Now, carry on.