2019-1-14 ~ Revisions to the Oblivion Mods forum
When Chorrol was new, it was ‘all about Oblivion’ - and our modding area of the forum reflected that. What you will soon see is changes to that area of the forum to become an all in one modding area. There will be different sections for different games but the intent will be to keep all things modding in one area of the forum in a more consistent format that is fairly simple.

Once rearranging and creating new subforums is done, then quite a few existing threads will be moved down into the revised modding area. The whole process should be complete within a day or so and I’ll update this thread when the revisions are complete. Thanks for your patience.

Update: Okay, pretty much done! smile.gif

Posted by Acadian on 2019-01-14 | Comments
2017-11-11 ~ New Moderator!
It is with great pleasure and appreciation that I congratulate SubRosa as our newest moderator! smile.gif

I know that I will value the judgment and wisdom that she brings to our mod/admin team, as well as appreciating having a little more depth of coverage here.

Posted by Acadian on 2017-11-12 | Comments
2013-01-12: New Server!
Chorrol.com has now moved to a new server. The new server is much more powerful, has higher bandwidth (not that that should matter) and also, the data center it's located in is powered with regenerative energy \o/

If you notice any problems with either the site or the forums or access to certain areas of the site, usernames not working anymore or whatever, please let us know and we'll fix it as soon a possible.


Posted by stargelman on 2013-01-12 | Comments
2008-06-27 ~ Fan Fiction @ Chorrol Revamped
Well, I guess it had to happen someday.

With our last update we had too much content to put on a single page. So we've had to expand the section into multiple pages.

To make the section more accessible, and to make sure we won't run into the same problem soon, we've decided to split the old Fiction page into 4 different pages.

Parodies and short stories now each have their own page.

And the long stories have been listed alphabetically and are divided between two pages.

We hope you'll be happy with the changes.


Posted by Alexander on 2008-06-27 | Comments
2008-06-25 ~ Story update
Today we've added a few new stories to the website.

First off, we've added the winners of the last two competitions, those are;
Reunion by Olen
Forward unto darkness by Adventurous Putty
Sugar, or Fear and Loathing in South Cyrodiil by Yorneim Heir

And we've added Morrowind, the fan fic written by Alexander (me ;-) )

hope you enjoy!

Posted by Alexander on 2008-06-25 | Comments
2008-05-25 ~ Competition results!
Ok, this is it, we've just had the final judgements in. And we now know the winners for each category.

Considering the amount of entries in most categories, I'll be posting the top five for each category;

In the short story category;
First place and winner; Forward unto darkness by Adventurous Putty
Second place; Tedrils Journal by Andraz Drcar
Third place; My heart by Shades
Fourth place; Escape, by MafuLeTrekkie
Fifth place;; The true hero, by Matteo Nobis Sandén

In the medium sized category;
First place and winner; Sugar, or Fear and Loathing in South Cyrodiil, by Yorneim Hier
Second place; The Fall of the West, by Hemitheon
Third place; [CUaRRr]-akhh-trrals - or: A Horror of Misperception, by Squelchy Xerotripsis Underfoot
Fourth place; The last dance, by Agent Griff
Fifth place;; Eyes of the heavens, by Kyle Cadena

And finally, in the long story category;
First place and winner; The story of Trey, Treydog
Second place; We are merely shadows, Erika Webb
Third place; The Tale of Matthias Etanne, Hadrian
Fourth place; Bloodlust, The Metal Mallet
Fifth place; Dance of the ja-Kha'jay, Lakyan

Now, prior to getting in the final results, we've had to think of a way to choose between the categories to see which category would win the Signed copies of Oblivion and which would win the signed copy of the Shivering Isles map.
In the end we decided on a random drawing, and the winner of that draw was the long story category. So Treydog wins a signed copy of the Shivering Isles map, and Yorneim Heir & Adventurous Putty each win a signed copy of Oblivion.

I'll be contacting each winner today for the details.

Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks again to all the participants.

And finally, many thanks to all the judges who sacrificed their spare time to read through all of this.

Posted by Alexander on 2008-05-25 | Comments
2008-05-14 ~ Story added to Chorrol.com
Today we've added The Tale of Sethyas Velas to our fiction page on Chorrol.com.

Long overdue if I do say so myself!

Posted by Alexander on 2008-05-14 | Comments
2008-05-01 ~ Competition closed
It's now a few minutes past midnight here, meaning the submission period is over.

If you haven't yet sent in your submission, then unfortunately you won't be able to any more.

Later today, after some quality sleep, I'm going to make all the entries available for you all to read. You'll be able to see your competition.

And now the judges will start their work. We're going to do our best to get you all the decisions as soon as possible, but at the latest before the last day of this month.

Until then, thank you all who participated and may the best man/woman win!

For those who're interested in it, and who can't wait to see all the stories, some stats;
62 stories were submitted.
8 Long
25 Medium
29 Short

As mentioned above, check back later today and you can check out the stories here;

Posted by Alexander on 2008-05-01 | Comments
2008-04-30 ~ Last day of the competition
In a little over 13 and a half hours, the competition will close. Any stories submitted after midnight tonight (GMT+1) will not be allowed to enter.

Last chance folks!

Posted by Alexander on 2008-04-30 | Comments
2008-04-23 ~ Competition enters final week
Just a heads up for everyone who's been meaning to enter but hasn't so far. We've entered the final week for submissions now.

A week from today, on April 30th at midnight (GMT+1) the competition will close. So any entries that arrive after that time won't be allowed to enter. Be sure to send your stories in before that time!

Good luck!

Posted by Alexander on 2008-04-23 | Comments
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